#while rewatching TROP S2
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itwillbeourswansong · 2 months ago
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Because I'm going deeper and deeper
Harder and harder
Getting darker and darker
Looking for love
In all the wrong places
Oh my god...
"The Blackest Day " by Lana Del Rey
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silencefromafar · 5 months ago
So, yeah, this is another resurrection to ramble about some new obssession
The Rings of Power Season 2!
So, first season didn't leave a lasting impression but I was still curious enough to come back for S2, which led me to rewatching S1 and getting more into some aspects of it, like... any Saurondriels in the crowd tonight?
Anyway... I just finished the season finale. And first of all let me say that I enjoyed this season much more than the previous one.
Yet (oh boy, here we go) I feel this show suffers from a chronic problem of pacing and dealing with condensing epic stories in a shorter timeframe (sometimes I had GoT last two seasons feels while watching TROP S2), which are really apparent in this last episode. More than once it felt like there were missing scenes, and I don't think it was merely a problem of editing. Also the dialogue, in more contemporary and direct speech, often feels out of place. Not to mention some that are just bad, altought I will hand it to them that they improved since last season (probs gave someone in that writing room that's a tad more competent a chance to come up with something more inspired here and there). As a result, many moments that were supposed to be poignant just fell flat. It's a shame, because you can say those are mostly good actors that could make memorable scenes with a better text to work with.
But overall I really liked it. Truly. I just wish it could be better, because you can see the gigantic potential in every underdeveloped storyline or sidelined character. Like my girl Galadriel (she reminds me so much of another non conforming blonde *cough*Karen Page*cough*)...
On the other hand, I mostly loved Sauron's arc! His contradictions, his twistedness, the glimpses that there's something that's not wholly evil buried deep down, perhaps the memory of who he once was and the grief of not being able to achieve what he was supposed to be *chef's kiss*. It's a shame that they didn't use more of the mind connection trope. I mean, that moment were he turned into Celebrimbor seemed to confirm that he sent that chilling vision to Galadriel!? So he probably wanted her to come to Eregion? For what? Just to ask for the ring back? Also, why did he want HER ring back? Since he didn't seen to send visions to Gil-Galad and Círdan, at least not with the same intention. Wouldn't him WANT her to use the ring, since that's the whole point of all these rings, having high ups of each race to use them so he can influence/control them when he finally has the One Ring?
Okay, there are many other things I want to talk about, but I will stop here, I have a job to go to.
P.S.: please if you are a lore-evangelist that hates TROP or thinks that I should feel ashamed for enjoying Saurondriel, don't even bother. You'll be blocked and ignored.
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itwillbeourswansong · 27 days ago
I humbly invite myself to join this train😇 cause I would love a chance to speak about S1 Adar🖤🖤🖤
My "awakening" happened late, while later episodes of S2. But hands down, I do remember my thoughts about Adar two years ago, like okay, I am a bit skeptical about the show, but wtf who is mysterious guy in wicked outfit and very deep meaningful lines?! Falling hard for Adar S2 made me carefully rewatch S1 with close look to Joseph's Adar. Damn, he is so good🤌🤌The way he conveys how unimaginably traumatized physically and emotionally his character is. How he is yet mysteriously and superficially capable and dangerous. How he is deeply connected to lore (to me, it is cannon he was among those first elves to wake and to be drawn to dark side, Moriondor). So I don't think Joseph Mawle gets nearly enough credit for setting the pitch for Adar and presenting his captivating interpretation. Although I am Sam's Adar girlie, it would be so interesting for me to see theoretically how would both actors proceed with Adar in the seasons they were not in!
Sooo, with questions 🧐
-Your most wail-worthy Adar moment of TROP Season 1 - Adar's first appearance got me like wow! And his tears over his uruk-son - it was really something so new, so intriguing! How he charged at Waldreg and "only blood can bind" part🤤😈 Horseback chase with Gal - damn Joseph looked so hot there!
-The detail/headcanon about Adar that keeps you up wailing at night - him being literally him despite ALL that he survived. The way he cared about a whole nation of ruthless, traumatized beings. He was the first person to actually seek peace and promising alliance in Middle-Earth while others were drowning in their ambitions, revenge, vanity or whatever. Both tasks seem unimaginably hard, almost impossible to attain. But he was so determined, he just needed a bit of help, trust and understanding. He deserved so much more *wailing hard*
-At what point did you realize that you had become a hopeless Baddydaddy Devotee and lost control of your entire life? Like I mentioned, it's S2 for me🥰❤️‍🔥🖤 But mysteriously, both Adars live peacefully and rent-free in my head. They are both unanimous parts of this wholesome character.
No pressure tags for @varda-star-queen @greenleaf4stuff @gauntletgirlie @valar-did-me-wrong @dobriy-nunciy @whenimaunicorn and everyone wanting to ramble about Adar😊🖤🫶✨️
anybody in the mood to wail about Adar??
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