#while i am having the time of my liiife
mostlyfate · 1 year
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#this is in fact a very serious sports drama #🍩🍩🍩
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hail-ey-m · 1 year
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мιηα αѕнι∂σ—ℓσω ѕєℓƒ єѕтєєм/ιηѕє¢υяιтιєѕ
Relationship: platonic
!!TW: Self hatred, insecurities!!
Hey, Y/n!
Sorry I didn't respond right away, we have had a really busy week at UA 😅
Like, you should've been there- Midoriya and Bakugou had this hUGE fight and- well I'll tell you the next time I see you, it's a lot to explain XD
Anyways, how have you been? Well, I guess your last letter was enough to answer that. Do you want to know my reaction to what you said? I was like; 🙂🤔😧🤯😤🥺
Yes, in that order. I just- I have never wanted to hug someone so bad in my liiife 🤗
I am so sorry to hear that you think so low of yourself. If anyone made you think this way, you tell me who they are ok? I. Just. Wanna. Talk. 😃
I would trade ANYTHING for you to see yourself the same way that I, and most people, do. You are so beautiful! Everything about you. Our flaws are what makes us so beautiful! Like freckles for example, or stretch marks, or cellulite, or hip dips, or love handles, or- I honestly could go on for a while. 
Aside from looks, you are so smart! And kind, and you have a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts ;) I mean this, I'm not one to mislead. 
So, I want you to love yourself like your someone you care about. Because you are already enough! You deserve it, no matter what you've said or done or think! You deserve it.
Think of it this way; you may genuinely think your not good looking. But all that means is that your not your own type! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so just appreciate yourself for you! 
I hope this letter helps you some, I'll ttyl!
Your friend,
~Mina ♡
© 2023 Shiggy | All Rights Reserved | No portion of this work may be used or adapted in any way without the author's explicit consent.
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batfamscreaming · 4 years
Wonder Woman 1984 spoilers.
I feel like WW1984 suffered from a lot of the same editing issues that WW 2017 did, but with only enough content for a 90 minute movie. It's only 10 mins longer than the first movie, but it feels like it goes on for much longer, and part of that is a lot of superfluous scenes that could've been cut or done differently to tighten it up, and made themes a lot more apparent and maybe have fewer confusing messages. (Again, not 'complex' messages, just confusing.)
For example: the opening scene is beautifully shot and whoever is doing the 'from below as Diana runs over rooftops/poles/etc' shots? Amazing, change nothing. But also the opening scene is pointless and doesn't really tie into anything. They try to shove in something about 'the truth' when they really should be like 'this is a competition, don't cheat.'
But also a competition is not what Max is trying to 'win.' He just wants it to be 'his turn' to 'win' at... Liiife? They make a couple attempts at "we people who have been beaten down deserve to have something for ourselves finally, and you've never had to want for anything diana so you don't get it." And like, they're right ish? Diana's left her homeland behind and lost a lot of people, but as far as we know she's only really ever been surrounded by kind people out to help her, and didn't really have to worry about money or survival as she either existed outside of society's rules or she kinda slid her way in over time.
That's not saying she hasn't struggled and that she doesn't care, but she doesn't have the same experience as Max or Barbara of being abused and physically powerless. They are right about that. They also are starting a nuclear war and I feel like Diana can say "correct but also literally you do need to stop" and still come out pretty spotless morally. "First of all yes you're right but also if you just replace the oppressor with yourself then you are the oppressor now; yes that man needed to go but also you beat him near death and left him in the road, that's not cool"
I think maybe her time without powers might’ve been more effective too if it was clearer that the tradeoff wasn't "my powers are what's most important to me" as much as "my powers are what give me the power to protect and being able to PROTECT people I love is what is most important to me." Like, she has Steve back, but he almost dies like 3 times immediately because she doesn't have powers.
(Also, Diana, goddess of truth and shit, please face the fact that if Steve stays alive you are committing a homicide on his body's previous inhabitant. At least MENTION that he's body snatching and that definitely is something they should try to fix somehow. Maybe have it weigh in during the conversation about renouncing her wish-- Steve is dead, and also his bodyhost is alive and they have no right to kill him like this. What if he had a family? They're lucky no one recognized him or called him in to ask why he wasn't at work. Unsolved mysteries: the disappearance of This Dude Who Doesn't Even Get A Name At The End To Remind Us Of His Personhood. Imbd lists him as "handsome man." Talk about a slab of meat my guys.)
So Diana, even though she still has a comfortable enough life, loses her powers for about a day and it woild be very funny for her to be like "ugh I hate not being able to DO THINGS SO EASILY and my shoulder hurts I was shot" and chris like "lol yeah sorry I also miss feeling that extra safety layer around you" and it's not exactly "humbling"(???) as mentioned in the opening scene, but it is a reminder of what it feels like to nit be the strongest person in the room. Maybe that's where a flashback to Themyscira would have worked well, where she's eager to prove herself and outclass everyone but she has to be reminded that even though she's special even among amazons there's still like.. I don't want to say great power comes great responsibility, but maybe ‘we would love you even if all you did all day was stare at the sand and even then you would be precious and protected,’ but also that is a gift the amazons are giving her, because when they were enslaved in the world of man, they saw no love or protection given to those who needed it most. Maybe just, sometimes you don’t lose because you ‘deserved’ to lose. Maybe you just slipped and lost it all.
Maybe the film ends with Diana being Othered again, like how in the first movie she is clearly a goddess and showing magical stuff for the first time but she has her posse. In this one she's alone at the end but a little more able to connect with the little things. It's already sort of there with that very saccharine ending, but again, more explicit might be better.
For scenes that would just tighten things up and get us moving along though:
cut Maxwell absorbing the crystal. Diana figures out what happens later and in the meantime is confused what's happening. We can join in on that mystery.
Cut every kissy thing by at least half
No unnecessary park scene. The homeless man is a nice hint into Barbara's like personal life I guess, but ultimately it doesn't really do anything, and the rapist dude just takes up space honestly. Like, she could kick the ass of any of the catcallers and just roundhouse kick them into a pole and go "huh." Creepy smile. End scene.
Mall scene useless. Vigilante diana confusing and useless. Open us up immediately with Barbara being bullied and Diana appears as a savior first thing in the movie. FBI raid still happened and they just have rocks and shit. Diana still hesitant about contact with people but Barbara is so obviously in need of a friend she kinda saviors herself in again. Gets a clingy friend but also someone who maybe is able to appreciate Diana's archeology feelings.
I don't remember anything that happened in the museums but agree Steve should see the air and space museum, but maybe it would've worked better if one scene he just shows up decked out head to tow in NASA merch
That is NOT how flying works but I'm gonna be honest I think they didn't need to go to Byalia/Egypt(??) much at all. At the very least the car could’ve swerved into the town as a crisis instead of having the kids in the road to be saved. Diana feeling bad after being hit by a humvee would indeed show more clearly than the bullet-- we don’t know if she is or isn’t bulletproof because she’s deflected all of them before. She doesn’t do any extra superstrength before. She doesn’t seem any less powerful than earlier in the movie. It ends up trying to ‘show’ but instead it ends up NEEDING to be told later on.
I can go either way on this I guess, but the plane section can be... At the very least shortened. Coffee cup joke was good tho.
Acceptable answers to "how do fly?"
"Flying is easy, it's landing you have to worry about."
"Aim for the ground and miss"
Ultimately WW 2017 was a war movie that happened to have a superhero in it, amd WW1984 was a superhero movie that had trouble finding where it's plot had to go I think. With World War One, like, there's stuff to say and talk about automatically, but in 1984 it feels a bit like they knew mutually assured destruction and how it was ultimately real bad as a strategy and if we all just agreed itd be... Fine? I guess? Again, unless you go to a specific incident there's not much to say about the cold war except 😬
Patty Jenkins and Geoff Johns both got into their teenage years in the 80s so it's totally possible they were going off personal memories instead, but it definitely had some trouble translating onto the screen I think.
There is some good stuff as well, it's just getting to them while buried under all the other stuff mostly. Pedro Pascal did extremely good at making me hate Max Lord Immediately. Steve Fashion Show was fun. "Topaz is such a lame rock lol". Kristen Wiig is holding this movie together more than anyone else and it's great. I like how her becoming an Alpha Bitch doesn't mean she immediately hates Diana but still wants to be her friend and be seen by her. The entire "You seem like you'd be out all the time and like never go on ever" sounds a LOT like a closetedness conversation.
There is a lot of good stuff in it but it's just... Not what the first one was. I think probably the constant delays on release didn't help the hype at all. They went powerful sappy at the end (gooshy feelings? In my wonder woman movie?) which I understand theyre trying to make Diana a hero who doesn't murder the tiny earthlings over stuff... But I am also left just kind of wondering if everyone's memories were erased with the nukes or if the cold war ended VERY differently in the DCEU, and I am far too distracted by that to think about how people are good at their core and stuff. It just feels like it brings up lots of things, and decides that if they have enough emotions, it's fine to brush them aside.
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imhurtinginside · 6 years
I had to make a twist to it. 😩
We were on tour. He just finished one of his shows, we got back to the tour bus we got In his bunk, we started making out. We just start getting more and more turned on. “SHAWN” he’s manager calls. We ignore him, he comes and pulls the curtain,he sees us half naked, shawn tries to hide my naked chest. He hugs me tightly, I put my head in the crook of his neck. His manager is just so embarrassed he just leaves without closing the curtains. “I hope he didn’t see my boobs” I say “I think he did hon. And that just turned me off.” He says while closing the curtain. “This is so embarrassing, shawn. Your manager walked in on us half naked.” I say while putting my bra back on. “I know.” He says while helping me clip my bra. “Did he see my ass??” I ask “honestly I think he saw everything.” He says. We put on our clothes.
We decide to go to the front of the bus. Because we can’t hide forever, we go out there embarrassed as fuck. It’s just an awkward situation, everyone is silent. So I make a conversation with Shawn about what I saw on instagram. “Shawn. I wanted to tell you that you have a interview tomorrow. So you have to get up earlier.” His manager says “yeah, okay I will.” He Says back, we just all sit there on the couch. Watching greys anatomy on the tv. “So, I heard andrew walked in on you guys, is that true??” Geoff asks. “It wasn’t hard to find that out, it’s not a big bus.” I say We just sit there silent and embarrassed “yeah, and sorry andrew. Next time any of you want something, wait for me to actually respond. “ Shawn says “yeah it wasn’t a pleasant experience to see your naked bodies” Andrew said “you guys were naked??” Brian asks because he’s actually listening now. “Yes. Shawn had his shirt off. I was completely naked I only had my thong on. Now can we move on? From this awkward situation and questions?!” I snap at them. They all agree on that. We just continued watching the tv. The night goes surprisingly fast. Me and Shawn went to bed early because he has an interview tomorrow.
It’s the morning, I woke up alone. Shawn was at his interview, I get out of the bunk, and go to the front of the bus. I walk to the kitchen area, to get some coffee and “we’re out. I had the last cup.” Brian says. “Great. Now what am I suppose to drink.” He just grabs me a energy drink, I start drinking it. We go sit down on the couch, I go on my phone,Open social media. “Yo! Can someone please go to the store, and get some coffe. And some food.” Geoff says, they all look at me “I’m not going to the storE.” I say “fine. How about if I go with you. We could drop by Starbucks and get a cup of REAL coffee.” Geoff says while looking at my energy drink. We both loved coffee, and honestly if we didn’t have a cup of coffee we would turn into bitches.
I go dress up, I have my pink fishnets on with my blue ripped jeans, with a pink cropped sweater, with slides. I do my hair, I brush it out and do half messy top bun. I put makeup on, looking like a queen. 🤷‍♀️
I walk out looking like a goddess. “Ready?” I ask. He just nods so we go to Starbucks get coffee, and breakfast We start walking because the store was close, like 2 blocks down. We start talking, we get to the store buy all of the things that we need. We walk out a girl comes and says “oh my god. I’m such a big fan. Can I get a picture with you too?” She asks someone to take a picture with us. She asked us to hold hands and look “in love” while she looks shocked in the background. So we do what she says because she’s a fan, we’re not about to hurt her feelings we take the picture. She thanks us and we leave we go back to the bus.
Like an hour passes.
“WOAH!” Brian yells. “What wrong??!” I ask worried “you guys. What did you guys do.???” “What are you talking about Brian??” Geoff asks confused. “How could you guys do this to Shawn???!” Brian says angry. “What the fuck are you talking about?!” I ask getting angry, he shows a Instagram picture of me and geoff kissing. I take the phone and look at it closely. “That’s. ..not..what??!” I say “we never kissed!” Geoff yells “THATS FUCKING PHOTOSHOP” I Yell. “This girl came up to us. Told us to pose like that, she probably photoshopped it. So it would look like we kissed.” I explained to Brian he looks like he understood that.
My phone starts blowing up. With Instagram and Twitter. “Wow. Now people say I’m a whore.” I say. While geoff is pissed. My phone starts blowing up with shawns messages:
(Picture of us kissing)
“Fuuuuuck” I say loud “fuuuck my liiife” I say “what’s wrong now??” Brian asks I show him the picture. “You’re fucked” I just roll my eyes. “You better not be the 1st person he see’s Geoff. He’s going to beat your ass” Brian says to Geoff “he would not.” Geoff responds “yeah? Wanna bet?” “How much?” Geoff asks “$500” brian says “it’s on.” Geoff said. “Are you guys serious? What if he’s really going to beat geoff up?” I ask in concern “ they just say he’s not going to do that. He’s kind. And other soothing things.
Shawn comes in the tour bus. Me and geoff were sitting on the same couch, brian was across from us. “You son of a bitch! I knew you had an eye on my girl!!” Shawn yells going towards geoff. I stand up in between them, trying to calm shawn down. “Baby calm down!! It was photoshopped the picture was photoshopped!!!” I Yell he backs up and goes to the room where the bunks are, there’s another room, where theres a room with a couch and a tv. He goes in there I go after him. “Just listen to me.” I say while closing the door. He’s sitting on the couch I sit next to him. I explained the situation about the fan we met. “It’s photoshopped. I never kissed geoff and I never will. I love you shawn.” He just takes me in for a hug “I love you.” We kiss “can we just go to bed? Until I go to sound check?” He says
We get into bed he cuddles me, we go to sleep...
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This is a Bias List. Because I am Biased, and also a Follow Forever. For reasons. Mostly that April hit a milestone and that’s friggin’ amazing in my book.
So I have to start with @darcywho who has been my main and exclusive Darcy since... well actually since I took April from the private rpc into the independent rpc something like four or five years ago. I know Mariah IRL (and will soon be living within easy driving distance of her)-- and basically. Mariah is bombtastic. She’s hella smart and funny, and when I’m having a crappy day (or given how the beginning of this year went, a crappy year) -- she texts me incessantly to talk about what Darcy is doing, and what April and Darcy should be doing, and I have so much character history, and Important Events, and developmental experiences just from talking and writing with Mariah, that I honestly don’t think April would be the character she is, without having had Darcy’s mitigating influence. We’ve just done so much that we’ve reached a point in our friendship and writing relationship where I literally feel as if Mariah could write April, and do her justice and vice versa. If y’all don’t follow her already, you should get on that because seriously, she is the absolute best take on Darcy Lewis that I have ever encountered in the Marvel RPC, and I know the PC rp com is going to jump down my throat for ‘making comparisons’-- but again. THis boo is my main and exclusive Darcy Lewis, also I do whut I want. @scarsearned MANGOOOOO. Okay so funfact; this brat used to have a diff url and we chat on dis/cord and it STILL took me like three days to realize on tumblr they were the same person. I FOLLOW YOU ON FOUR BLOGS MANGO. THis is what you signed up for all those years ago. I’m sorry. SO TO THE POINT! Mango has a bevy of blogs she runs, I met her when she wrote almost exclusively on Rummers here, and what I say ‘met her’ I mean I started sending her asks talking about Brock Rumlow, reread her rules and realized she had a password, at which point we were already talking over Skype, and then I sent in her password and she teased me relentlessly for it. (I deserved it, I’m a total goob)-- Mango is right up there with Mariah in terms of IMPORTANT character development shit. Mango writes a CANON DIVERGENT Brock Rumlow, and has put so much time into developing him, I think Marvel should give her a fuckin’ job. She’s also like... insanely smart. I say this as someone who likes to play at being really intelligent. Mango talks and I feel like I’m back in grade school and I want to hide myself away in shame. So obviously it’s no wonder we ended up shipping. (Actually no, I still have literally no idea how or why THAT happened tbqh I’m a fuckin’ potato) -- but Mango and Mariah go hand in hand because I introduced them and now their Brock and Darcy are inextricably linked forevermore as siblings and it’s fuckin’ A Plus. @russkiyuragan YET ANOTHER PERSON I MET BECAUSE OF MANGO. But also hella quality child of canon OC. Like, legit we started talking because Mango dragged us into a group rp and it turned into us mutuall talking about character development and now basically Seamus is one of April’s smols. Even though he really ISN’T one of hers. She’s basically claimed him as a child who needs mothering and dammit she is going to give him all the mothering ever. Even if he doesn’t need or want it. AND BASICALLY THEY ARE A FUCKING SWEETHEART WHO NEEDS ALL THE FUCKING LOVE because they’re really insanely smart and super sweet and friendly and I heart them. @phxtxn PHIL!!! OKAY SO I MET PHIL IN A CLOSED RPC FOR-FUCKING-EVER AGO. And immediately Genis and April butted heads. (He destroyed like half her office, ruined a couple PRICELESS books and then offered to buy her lunch in apology. Suffice to say April was less than impressed) -- except over the years, they’ve gotten really close. Occasionally Phil and I delve into the divergent canon where April and Genis actually end up romantically involved but it always ends in heartache because April is bad at being happy and Genis is bad at... well.. mitigating April’s more extreme bouts of self-loathing. BUT they are exceptional friends and Phil has a fantastic knack for finding the fun and funny in every situation and driving April absolutely UP A WALL. Phil’s also another rp partner I dragged into the collective with Mariah, because I like it when my writing partners all write together because I’m a spoiled princess. Phil’s a total sweetheart though and his Genis Vell is motherfucking spot on. He’s spent a lot of time with the character and it shows, but he also understands pragmatic, human interactions from a writing sense so it’s always a joy when we write together or chat. @askprofessorx NAAAAYYAA -- Naya’s another of those rpers I sort of. Grew on. Like a fungus. I wooed her with poetry first and then introduced her Charl to April and what I consider to be one of my more beautifully painful plot ideas. It involved time travel and the overhanging possibility of April dying. And because April was from the modern era trying desperately to get back, it was that much more painful when she started developing connections. And basically Naya and I plotted everything out over IMs and asks and now we have the most ridiculous tiny person ship in the history of ridiculous ships and Naya’s Charles is like... the cornerstone of my favorite Charles’s. She’s got this beautiful grasp of our fave telepath’s charming flirtatiousness and paired with the very Serious way he views morality and the world, which combined with April’s general cynicism (and it should be noted, our mutant verse involves April being a touch-telepath who can’t actually touch people without destroying their brains because control? what is that)-- and you have an April experiencing her worst fear. Which is not being in-control of herself. It’s beautiful and Naya is beautiful bean. @iremembereveryonethatleaves AHAHAHA Lilo was the first  ‘child’ April ever like. Accidentally adopted. And it happened entirely because of my age of aquarius verse, wherein instead of April seeking out Charles Xavier, she looked for Magneto instead. She found him. And his kid. And I literally have no idea WHY OR HOW April ended up becoming surrogate mom to Lilo since there’s no rational reason for Magneto getting along with April who is a cynical, borderline nihilist with Serious Rage Issues. But-- April and Lilo. Mommy and daughter and just. LITERALLY ALL MY HEART AND LOVE FOR THIS PERSON WHO MADE WRITING MUTANT APRIL FUN AND NOT PAINFUL. Until you (you asshole) made it painful. I still go through our tags to read all th angst, and I didn’t do it half so well as you and Tori did so.. @actually-i-prefer-magneto frick me so apparently I did my mutant crew in a triumvirate.  The flipside of the age of aquarius verse, where April found Magneto instead and became part of his Brotherhood. Because who wouldn’t have a need for a hyperpolyglot, with genius level intelligence and touch-telepathy? Magneto knew what he was getting out of the bargain, I just don’t think he expected April Miller. TBQH. Nobody ever expects her which is great, and this basically started as an incredibly painful, probably tragic plot that I had (sort of) intended to result in April’s death and it didn’t go that route. Like. At all. probably because these two babes understand that good angst is hard to come by and with the persistent low-hanging threat of April’s head getting blown off, or even worse, her returning to her own time, it meant that every interaction was always charged with a lowkey kind of desperation and tension.  Even when Erik and April got that ‘happy’ ending. It took an actual fucking lifetime to get there. And the best thing about Kristy is that she’s smart as fuck, I seem to surround myself with people who make writing look easy, and whose ability to thread together a long arching plot is so absolutely bafflingly amazing I am often struck stupid. @captain-outoftime AaBbbbYyyyYyy. So like- I met Abby through Mariah. Abby is the Steeb to Mariah’s Darcy. They’re hitched. It’s great. April helped Steve propose to Darcy even though April seems to have a PERPETUAL ISSUE with Steve Rogers that defies all explanation. IDK-- it’s probably something to do with the fact that April is a giant pain the ass and a tiny, fight-y blonde? WTF knows. Steve tolerates April. Abby tolerates me. Abby is a goddess. Beautiful, smart, funny as fuck, and like. Constantly busy. How she manages to balance RL shit with rp is beyond the scope of my ability to grasp yo but she’s the bomb-diggity. @americanasitgets MOTHERFUCKIN’ GABBY! My DC babe. Light of my liiife, fire in my loins, (not really but I was on a roll yo) -- I also met Gabby because of Mariah. And Gabby’s Clark. Gabby’s Clark is made of fucking sunshine okay, and the best part is, is that we’ve had like a sustained rp universe where April harasses Clark and doesnt know he’s superman, WHILE TASH-TRALKING SUPERMAN TO CLARK’S FACE. It’s comedy gold. Poor April. But I love Gabby, because she’s smart as shit and fuckin’ hysterical, and will literally snowball crack scenarios over IM into the wee hours of the morning. Even better, I’ve found someone whose as bad at keeping track of threads as me. (I say, as I eyeball our New Krypton thread that’s been in my drafts folder for like. Six months. Oops). @talonscourt D I KNOW THROUGH MY TIM BLOG-- but who I first met on April and then promptly FORGOT ABOUT because I’m a total dipshit. D writes Jason Todd, April surrogate son. This is a recent development. Tim loves Jason, April loves Jason. D is amazing as Jason. D is like... my platonic lover from Narnia. They’re smart as hell, and incredibly sweet even when I’m shit at keeping in contact because my real life is a hot-fuckin-mess and I’m always sick and on the verge of nuclear collapse. I would be TOTALLY LOST WITHOUT YOU. @galaeus Echo. As written by the ever talented Amy who I’ve known since April’s very first incarnation. Which... is a long ass time, Amy’s seen April through several character developments and rewrites, and has legit known April as a character since like. Legit. Post Tim. When April was a baby.  Echo is April’s other southern, raised by a pageant queen biffle. They shoot the shit together, Echo is also legit the only person in existence whose allowed to give April nicknames, or turn April into a diminutive. Amy’s basically like... hands down the reason why i never gave up on writing an Indie female OC, and that’s because Amy’s a boss and she also happens to be a spectacular writer, both in the RPC and in real life. @agentharrisonofshield and last but not least, this girl. Right here. April has like... a bevy of Awesome Girl Squad frands. All of whom are infinitely more talented and bad ass than she is, like. Legit. April’s smart. but in a fight? She’s basically cannon fodder by comparison. She just isn’t built for the field. April and Viv became friends because they got locked in a closet together. I’m not sure HOW that happened, but now they get together and chat in other languages and April feeds her, and basically this s the woman April goes to when she wants someone shot. I literally love all the headcanons we’ve put together and that Agent Harrison is invariably the first ‘shield agent’ April casually mentions outside of Echo, in threads of mine. That’s how you know you’ve found an awesome rp partner and friend. When their own characters start casually infiltrating your threads in the form of namedrops.
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Its time for a talk - Ace Jetzon
Ace Jetzon
“One thing I live by is to do things with a passion or not at all. This statement also plays a major factor in the way I compose my art. Music is so much more than organized rhythmic tunes, to me it is an essential part of "LiiiFE." For as long as I can remember music has always been there for me, through the ups and downs, I've always found some sort of peace playing my favorite melodies at extensive volumes. Like some say "life is like a movie," well I'm the guy that takes that phrase in the most literal aspect, and the music I listen to is my daily soundtrack. In other words, my love for the combination of melodic instrumentation has molded me into the artist and man I am today.
​A Leader Of Life Infinitely Forever Evolving.
-Ace Jetzon.”
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Ace Jetzon reached out to me on tumblr, as an artist trying to get some more promo and fans, i’m always up for hearing new music and writing new posts, keeping my blog open for all genres and music-themed posts, so I thought, yeah, let’s give him a chance, also feeling low-key honoured someone had wanted me to help them.
Firstly, this genre of music isn’t really for me, the hip/hop rap vibe, I enjoy it on occasions, but not often. Although I’m not into it, I can tell talent from a mile away, and boy this is talent!!!! I honestly think Ace needs more recognition. I enjoyed listening to his soundcloud, and probably will do soon, his songs have a really cool “chilled out” type of vibe to them, and somehow helped me focus on my work??? I hate the fact his talent is being hidden, it NEEDS to be bought out and shown to the world. If you’re reading this now, no matter what music you like / dislike, go check him out, get your friends to check him out, and get their friends to check him out too.
I enjoyed this so much, I can see myself adding it to some playlists and continue on listening to him after today. Please, always keep open-minded to music genres you aren’t keen on, because you never know what amazing talent you’ll discover. Ace seems like a great guy, and hopefully if you're in the Atlanta (USA) area, you’ll be seeing more of him soon, and maybe even across america after a while, and soon into other territories. Baby steps with big progress. Now I want to keep this short and sweets so I think it’s time I leave. As much as I’m lowkey in love with his songs, I’m also kind of speechless and don't have much to write about, so go find out for yourself why i’m so shocked, enjoy his music and support him. I want to be seeing more of him in the future.
Social media link N all that snazz:
SoundCloud; www.soundcloud.com/acejetzon
Facebook; www.facebook.com/acejetzon
Twitter; www.twitter.com
Tumblr; www.tumblr.com/acejetzon
Instagram; www.instagram.com/acejetzon
Website; www.loliiife.com
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Week 4 - Come to Jesus Meeting on The Bachelor
My thoughts while watching week 4 of Nick Viall’s “journey” to find “love”.
- They do have a good point. Her disrespect and lack of maturity should be an issue for him. -HA! Nick is surprised that the girls (specifically Vanessa) would judge him based on his actions? Idiot. - Oh my gosh. She just said that she would give him back the rose. - Her pink eyeshadow gives me hope for my own pink eyeshadow journey. - “Be patient with Corinne”. Wtf? - Corinne literally showed up to dry hump Nick and then go take a nap. Hahahaha - sarah and Taylor grew balls!!!! - “We, who live with you, think it is you being entitled.” - “I am in no way privileged”. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha - Taylor couldn’t even keep a straight face, talking about her nanny! She is all of us. - “You do you, Imma do me.” Is she a secret gangster? Also her hair is huge. - Will he? Won’t he? Spoiler alert! He won’t. - Crazy nurse is leaving. ByE! - Yes! My girl Raven! Then Taylor! - PLEEEEAAASSEE save her for last! - “I’m just insulted FOR Nick” Vanessa, girl, if HE isn’t insulted, that should give you some insight into his mind and relationship with Corinne! - Seriously? You kept Josephine?! You are insane. - Poor Christen. :( - We are ALL confused, Vanessa. - He is destroying these girls’s self confidence by keeping Corinne. - He is so oblivious. He thinks the girls are upset because their friends ars leaving. Idiot. - Hahahaha. Corinne, making that speech. Hahahahahahahahahahaha - Corinne always looks messy. Like she just woke up. Ironic. - They look like they have a lot of fun together, these girls. - “Hello, Mom and Dad! I’m gonna be the wife!” Hahahaha. Oh, Dolphinshark. - Nick’s mom is either really cool, or trying too hard to look really cool. Haha - Rachel is an angel. - I can’t really get a read on Danielle L. Her nervous laugh is killing me. - Ewww. Which girls made out with Nick at the Library? Who are the girls? - This cookie making out thing is DISGUSTING. The flirting AND the icing. - This is so terrible. They seriously ran into one of his ex’s. AND HE INVITED HER ONTO THEIR ONE ON ONE! - You look great? Seriously Nick? You compliment her RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR DATE! - She does have a ring on…but still! WHAT? - All he has done this entire date is talk about his “firsts” with her. I feel so so bad. - Why does she feel so lucky? Her date has been crap! - Her parents’ divorce story ia really sad! - Hearing Danielle M. read that date card is the cutest thing. - Nick - NEWS FLASH. Almost all of the girla here have so many qualities you are looking for. Pretty much every girl but Corinne. - A surprise concert. Shocking. - Chris Lane. Never heard of him. - This makes the second time that they have danced on stage in front of a huge crowd at a concert. - “I want to be in a spa, being fed a nice taco. Preferably chicken.” Hahaha. This girl. - Corinne trying to keep the smile on her face while swatting away bugs. Hahahaha - This was really misleading. The promo made it sound like Nick grew up on a farm. - “I don’t know how to do chores, let alone farm chores! I don’t even make Raquel do farm chores. She’s better than that.” - “Watching Nick, handle those teats, I’m not going to lie. He wasn’t good at it.” - Scooping poop is next. Apparently they are slinging it everywhere. This is disgusting. - “ I’m so happy I mixed backstreet boys for this!” - Corinne is the biggest baby I have ever seen. - “I don’t know if it’s the cow shit or the bull shit but I smell shit”. BEST. LINE. EVER. - Nick is looking gooooooood in that sweater. - Kristina is so beautiful…but her accent is so awful. - LOL. Corinne is seriously listening to them all. LOLOLOL. - Corinne, physical development does not equal mental maturity. - Corinne describing herslef as corn. I want to call her Cornrinne. - Vanessa and the book. God bless this lady. - Ooohhh! Another Corinne speech! - Sarah’s face is hilarious. And she is being so straightforward! - “I had a very stressful week that week…” Oh Lord. - She almost had to go to the hospital because of her circulation in her hands. Survey says THAT IS A LIE! - Sweet Rachel. - Kristina telling Corinne that she does care, but then Corinne got SO DEFENSIVE. - She had a serious medical condition. Hahaha - All of a sudden, she had a panic attack instead of just taking a nap. - Kristina has BALLS! - She is getting validation from Nick. “That’s very mature of you.” - HA! Kristina gets the rose! Score one for the good guys!!! - Raven and her little accent! - “Bella, this is my…friend…Raven.” Lol - Raven gets along really great with his family! So cute! - “It is a red flag that a girl isn’t friends with other girls” No truer words have ever been spoken. - Hahahahaha. Nick skating by, hoping yo catch their attention and they are ignoring him. Hahahaha - She wasn’t allowed to watch BIP. Thank goodness. - Why is he so good at roller skating? Who is that good at roller skating? - “I’m more than a roller skating partner, I’m a really good partner in liiife.” - Raven’s mom sounds awesome. - She freaking kicked open a door. - And she was VERY graphic! - She went crazy! Beat him with a stilleto. Hahahahahahahaha - Love her. L.O.V.E. H.E.R. - She kind of has an unfair advantage as far as her wardrobe goes. She owns a boutique! She probably had her pick of ANYTHING! - “She is very attitudy” - Corinne looks directly at the camera, even on dates! She is obviously here for the right reasons. - Them showing Corinne eating that bread is just like Chad with the cold cuts. - Awkward. Taylor is literally standing there hoovering. So painfully awkward. - Josephine thinking that Taylor is worse than Corinne. Josephine is the classic side kick. She wants to be Corinne’s best friend. - Taylor sitting there nodding her head to Corinne. Hahaha - Taylor having to explain emotional intelligence to Corinne who obviously doesn’t believe that that is a real thing. - “Stop playing Miss Proper.” - Corinne is the exact person who needs counseling for her mental health - She literally can’t even.
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