#while dean truly TRULY is driven by love and keeping others safe
robertsbarbie · 1 month
you ever think about the fact that dean winchester is an inherently good person and he’s written as a character who has every right in the world to turn bitter and jaded but he doesn’t and he only wants to protect people and make the world a safer place
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bradycore · 1 year
okay here’s the thing about bloody mary. it’s one of the most essential episodes of one of the best seasons of the show. it’s literally the kickoff for the beloved psychic sam arc, and the way it’s done is BRILLIANT. the rambling is under the cut, but first i’ll say that of course the born-again identity is a fantastic episode. it has sam 1) making a friend and 2) suffering immensely, plus the plot-driven sam elements too, so i’m here for it, i am! but it’s NOT bloody mary.
so you’ve got all the nostalgic classics of this era of the show (which i'm having to cut down on for length oops): familiar lore but a good mystery; the lighting & desaturation, the clothes & hair, the shots that are eerily similar to ones seasons down the line (the ahbl and levee parallels alone, oh my god!!!); salmondean lying out of their asses and failing miserably; the bantering; “it might not be our thing” “when is it ever not our thing”; more lying and snooping; the side character of the week experiencing some genuinely scary shit, like, actual horror-movie horror; lines that are funny when you watch them but horribly ironic in hindsight (“600 years of bad luck”); committing b&e and property damage...you get the gist. and sam comes from all this. you can take s7 era away from sam and still have him, but you can't take away this. the roots of the show are the roots of him.
anyway, throughout it all, sam has nightmares. horrible nightmares that we experience with him, but we think they’re normal, and dean thinks they’re normal, and then sam says he has a secret. and we realize that it’s been building up to something. the pinnacle: sam, eyes bleeding, black veins crawling up his face, trying desperately to kill his own reflection as it tells him he’s inhuman. how many times did we see this happen metaphorically over the next five seasons? how huge is this theme for his character? and right here, right now, late at night in an old antique store in midwestern ohio, this is when it starts, when it’s raw, when he’s face to face not with a random character parallel but with himself and the literal mirrors all around him are the inescapable threat and we the audience have our stomachs drop as we realize for the first time that he’s not the Normal One. he’s the Other. there is something Wrong. you had those nightmares for days before she died.
and his reflection told him it was his fault jess died. and he tells the motw victim’s daughter that it’s okay, you couldn’t have stopped your loved one’s death, you should forgive yourself; but when he gets in the car with dean, he keeps his secret. to be normal, to be safe.
and then that last fucking shot, oh my god, those five incredible seconds of cinema: jess standing on a street corner as they drive away with the classic rock music in the background. continuing to raise the question of his psychicness, and ephemeral as ever in her white nightgown, wind in her hair, staring right at him and then she’s gone. and 15 seasons later he will still be thinking about her, and this moment is the last time he ever truly sees her.
this episode is so fundamental. it captures the essence of old-school-spn sam while having narrative and cinematic elements that set the stage for his character throughout the entire rest of the show. born-again identity is sam with a crisis in a hospital; bloody mary is sam with a crowbar and a secret. born-again identity is one of those episodes that’s about him; bloody mary is one of those episodes that’s the heart of him. and bloody mary deserved to win.
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls-Season 2, Episode 12, Part 2 ("Richard In Stars Hollow")
Part 1 and all other episodes here
"You built me a car?" "I built you a car." Version 2.0:
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Yes it has already been established that a car has been built.
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Sorry Lorelai, he's not gonna build you a plane for you to fuck him in. #SexPlane
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Let's see how Lorelai takes this completely factual observation.
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If your grandfather had pulled out your father wouldn't exist and I wouldn't be here listening to "you built me a car" again and having to hear about Lorelai's Sex With Dean Plane. What does your father and grandfather being good with cars have to do with anything? How does that make you a mechanic? Where's that motorcycle you supposedly had in season 1? Why is your scarf so ugly? I bet that coat you're wearing smells. That haircut is so stupid. It's that time again! Time for "Dean proceeds to get a very snippy attitude with an adult and Lorelai doesn't care because he's not Jess and she wants to fuck him on their Sex Plane."
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You're a certified Butthead, that's all you are.
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Gotta love Lorelai jeopardizing her daughter's life by letting her drive some death trap built by a 17 year old butthead with zero automotive experience because "it's a nice thing he did." It's not a fucking ceramic mug he made for her in a pottery class, it's a car. He built her a car (did you catch that yet?) Lorelai just gets more and more insufferable and we're only at the halfway mark of season 2. It will continue to go downhill from here. *straps in* Isn't this the car that Jess totals in Teach Me Tonight? That's the only good thing to come out of that wretched episode.
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Rory, you gotta stop with that sad puppy face, you're breaking my heart. If he's so fucking good at bulding cars why didn't he do that for a living after high school instead of just being a career butthead? Why didn't he go to automotive school or something and keep himself busy and do something to contribute to society instead of trapping poor Lindsay into making his meatloaf? (#JusticeForLindsay) Why is his face so god damn punchable? I hate everything about you, sir. I wish you would perish. Truly. He claims Gypsy inspected the car (I think this is the first time she's mentioned on the show?) but literally 30 seconds ago Richard asked him "have you even driven it past a mechanic?" and he said no, but now all of a sudden all of these people have inspected the car. Butthead continues to snip at, make sarcastic comments to, and raise his voice at Richard. Rory and Lorelai just stand there. I'm not convinced Butthead can even read no less build a complicated piece of machinery. Richard and Dean mosey on over to Gypsy's in their respective cawrs so Butthead can prove to Richard that his Death Trap is safe. Gypsy inspects Dean's Metal Box of Death and declares there is absolutely nothing wrong with Dean's handiwork. He did a perfect job. We are to believe this 17 year old butthead who had to fake knowing how to read to impress Rory and is not in the automotive trade made aboslutely zero mistakes building a car from a scratch. Mmmkay.
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Really? Great! That was the plan all along.
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...should have pulled out. We learn a little more about Butthead's family history besides the fact that his father's pullout game is weak. His father has a shop where he sells and installs stereos. His mother transcribes medical records. And that was your peek into the exciting World of Butthead.
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While it feels like every breath and eye blink exchanged between R&J has had a PHd thesis written about it at some point, there are some scenes that nobody seems to care about, like this one? It got to a point that I never saw it on Twitter and Instagram and between viewings of the show I would start to think I must have imagined it. Why, I don't know. Because it's cute as heck and it's one his more clever pranks. Certainly better than the chalk outline.
You gotta love Jess putting dirty movies into G-rated movie boxes. Unlike the chalk outline prank, he did it purely to get back at the people who had screwed Rory over. My sweet baby.
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How utterly depressing that this is not even a joke anymore and a completely true statement in the year 2023.
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No. No bye. You stay right here. *holds him hostage* Let's enjoy a few screen shots of pure unadulterated joy.
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wayward-dreamer · 4 years
Life’s Lessons - Epilogue
Title: Life’s Lessons - Epilogue: A Lesson in Making a Life
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Female!Teacher!Reader
Word Count: 4,160 (song lyrics in italics)
Warnings: SO MUCH FLUFF, YOU GUYS. Some swearing, Lots of kissing, Happy Tears, Dean being the cutest and sweetest he’s ever been in this series. Implied sex. Just a whole bunch of happiness. I don’t want to say anything and ruin the surprise, but there’s absolutely nothing but fluff here!
Music: Thank You by Led Zeppelin (Lyrics spaced out throughout, listen to it during the whole epilogue. Loop it if you can lol!)
Life’s Lessons Spotify Playlist
A/N: I made myself cry with this epilogue. There’s just so much fluff, you guys! So, happy reading and enjoy! Thank you so much to everyone for coming along on this journey, I have loved every minute of it and I hope you have too! Who knows, though... it might not be completely over! ;)
Life’s Lessons Masterlist
Dividers by the wonderful @firefly-graphics​! Check her out for all your AU needs!!!
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6 Months Later
If the sun refuses to shine
I would still be loving you
“So, you don’t know what he has planned for tonight?”
Y/N stood in front of her mirror, applying her make-up. Charlie, who sat on the bed behind her, had just asked her that question, to which Y/N shook her head.
“No idea” she said, before picking up her eyeliner and bringing it to her right eye first.
Meg walked into the room, handing Charlie one of the glasses of water she had in her hands. “If he told you to dress up, it’s something important.”
Y/N smiled, shrugging her shoulders. “Maybe. I just want to have a good time tonight. He’s been so busy with the house; we can finally relax tonight.”
“You still want it to be a surprise, huh?” Charlie asked, smiling.
“Yeah” Y/N replied, quietly, smiling to herself.
A lot had happened in Dean and Y/N’s life.
They had spent nearly every waking moment together, when they weren’t at work or with their friends or Dean’s family. To say that they fell more in love with each other every day was an understatement. They both couldn’t believe how much more they were able to give with each passing moment. Since Dean had told her about the house, they had begun planning everything for it together. She would give him her ideas from her home magazines, telling him different ways to go about doing the internal re-model. However, Dean being Dean, didn’t tell her which of her ideas he was taking on board. He had taken her saying she wanted to be surprised very seriously.
Y/N couldn’t believe how far they had come; from just being neighbors and liking each other, to a proper couple in the span of several months. She had met his family, and everyone loved her instantly. They had their first Valentine’s Day and Dean had pulled out all the stops, taking her to a fancy restaurant and then a hotel in the city for the night, taking work off the next day which she did too, enjoying spending time together before their late check-out.
Then, the time came for Dean to meet her parents. She had been nervous, but she knew her family would give him the same treatment that his gave her. They had come down from New York to visit her just as summer break started. Her parents along with her sister and brother-in-law and the kids all hauled themselves down to Kansas to see her and meet Dean. When she had told him, he had been incredibly nervous to meet them, but had agreed, nonetheless.
They spent an entire afternoon together, Dean played with Y/N’s nieces who were obsessed with him now, took her dad and Brian out for a spin in the Impala, and charmed her mom and Jill all day until her sister and brother-in-law returned to the hotel with the kids, as Y/N’s parents were staying with her. Dean had passed with flying colors, which they were both so relieved about. The family’s trip there pretty much cemented that things were serious, and they were moving onto a bright future together.
Once the family had left after visiting for a week, Dean took Y/N on a trip to California, on a two-week getaway that he cited they needed to take after working so hard for the last several months. It was their first trip together, and Dean had driven them down there. The beach house they got to stay in belonged to a friend of Sam’s from college, which they had all to themselves as the friend and his wife had gone to Europe for the summer. Sam and Eileen weren’t able to go, as she didn’t want to endure a long drive while pregnant, and she also couldn’t fly now. So, Dean took the opportunity to be alone with Y/N, spending a romantic trip away together. They spent their days on the beach, exploring the town and soaking up the sun, with their nights spent at bars, restaurants and night walks along the shore, before exploring each other once they got back to the house.
It had been exactly what they needed, both of them falling even more in love with each other if that was even possible.
Sam and Eileen’s son was born a week after the trip, both parents exhausted but over the moon with their bundle of joy. Dean and Y/N had taken on babysitting duties a couple of months later, knowing the parents definitely needed a break. As if seeing Dean with her nieces hadn’t been enough, Dean with his baby nephew was a sight to behold and had given Y/N plenty of thoughts she shouldn’t have had. Not for a while, at least.
She knew they were heading in that direction, and she also knew that Dean felt the same way, but it was better to not get carried away with thoughts of marriage and children until those things were properly on the cards for them.
When mountains crumble to the sea
There will still be you and me
Six months later, nearly a year to the day she had met him, and she had fallen harder with each day that passed. He made her feel loved, protected and safe. He cared about her and her job, her passions and her wants and needs. He was completely satisfying in every department, especially the bedroom, getting her to admit to fantasies she had hidden and even playing out a very particular one. She had given him his teacher fantasy, so it was only right he gave her one of hers.
Through it all, there was only one thought she had. That she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Dean Winchester. She wanted to make a life with him and only him. He was her person.
As Y/N reflected on everything that had happened, she quickly changed into her wine-red dress and nude heels, put on her thin, diamond, drop earrings and made sure her Y/H/C hair was still perfectly styled and her make-up was flawless, having gone for a lighter look with a light pink lip.
“So… how do I look?” she asked, turning to her friends.
“Beautiful” they both sighed, smiling at her.
“He’s not going to know what hit him” Meg said with a wink.
Just then, the doorbell rang a couple of times, signalling Dean had walked over to her house to come and get her. She still only used it to keep her clothes and do her work in her office, spending most of the days and all her nights over at Dean’s.
“Alright, I better go” she said, doing one last check in the mirror. “You girls stay as long as you want, just-”
“Lock up when we leave, we know” Charlie smiled. “Go.”
Y/N smiled as she walked out of the bedroom, Charlie and Meg hanging around in the hallway as they watched her greet Dean with a kiss.
“She really has no idea what’s going to happen soon” Charlie quietly squealed.
“I know” Meg said, excitedly as they both waved at Dean, giving him a thumbs up as he winked at them when Y/N’s back was turned. She smiled back at them one last time before shutting the door, leaving the girls in the house.
“I always knew they’d get to this point” Charlie said, beaming. “Gosh, I’m so happy she came into his life.”
“Amen to that” Meg said, as she clinked her glass of water against Charlie’s. They both took a few sips, before rinsing the glasses and picking up their bags.
“Alright, what time did Dean say they’ll be done?” Meg asked, as they stepped out the door and locked up Y/N’s house.
“Around 9” Charlie replied, as they got into her car.
“Good. That means we have enough time” Meg said, as she buckled her seatbelt.
They both couldn’t wait to help Dean make this a night Y/N would remember forever.
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Kind woman, I give you my all
Kind woman, nothing more
Dean smiled at the look on Y/N’s face as the waitress popped the champagne he had ordered, pouring them each some in the champagne flutes before putting the bottle in the ice bucket, and walking away. He loved the look of surprise and giddiness on her face, but she really had no idea what was in store for her tonight.
“This is all too much, Dean” she said, shaking her head even though she was smiling. “Champagne, the restaurant to ourselves…”
He waved her off, smirking. “I’ve been coming here for years, so Tony owed me at this point.”
He had taken her to the restaurant he took her to on their first date, just six months ago. He had known the owner for years, coming in here often enough plus Dean fixing Tony’s car several times in the past few years, plus the place practically being an institution of Lawrence, all added up to Dean being able to have the place for themselves that night.
“Well, I’m glad it didn’t cost you much” she smiled, as she picked up her glass and held it up for a toast. “To six, amazing, official months, but to one whole year of knowing you.”
“To knowing you, too” he smirked as he clinked his glass with hers, secretly touched that she had said that.
Dean knew that he was truly blessed to have the amazing woman sitting in front of him, in his life. She had saved him from a life of misery, something he never would’ve realized or gotten out of if she hadn’t shown up and completely turned his life around, for the better. She made him feel appreciated, valued, cared for and loved. She was genuinely excited about his achievements when it came to work, and even gave him ideas on how to do things when he voiced that he was lost sometimes. She supported him and his passion, being equally passionate and driven, just in her own profession.
She was absolutely stunning, knocking him down a few pegs every time he looked at her, and god damn it, if she wasn’t the sexiest woman he had ever been with. She had fulfilled a fantasy of his, and he had returned the favor recently, finding out while he enjoyed her being dominant towards him, he absolutely loved seeing her being submissive for him.
He knew from the moment they met that she was going to be sticking around for a while. Then, a while turned into him wanting her around forever, once things became more serious between them.
Meeting her family sealed the deal for him, however. He wanted Y/N in his life for as long as they lived.
Little drops of rain whisper of the pain
Tears of love lost in the days gone by
They ate and drank, chatting about everything they could, enjoying each other’s company. They never ran out of things to talk about, and they both hoped they never would. Once Dean paid for dinner and dessert which had consisted of an incredibly rich chocolate cake, they took a stroll through the park to get to the car. It was a pleasant night, not blazing hot like it had been during the day, with a light, cool breeze. Y/N kept looking over at Dean, dressed in his best dark jeans, a light blue shirt and his good boots, proving that he always looked incredible.
Their hands were intertwined as they walked, stealing kisses and touches from each other as they made their way to the car. They could barely ever keep their hands off each other, but Dean was being extra lovey and Y/N had begun to wonder what he was up to.
“Ready for the next thing?” he asked, as he sat in the car, turning the ignition on.
“Absolutely” she replied, smiling brightly.
“Good” he said, before he reached over and opened the glove compartment, taking out a tie he had stashed in there. “Turn around, sweetheart.”
“Oh my god, Dean, what kind of thing do you planned?” she asked, her eyes widening as she saw the tie.
“It’s nothing like that, Y/N” he replied, as he nudged her to turn. “Unless you want it to be” he smirked, even though she had turned and couldn’t see him.
He wrapped the tie around her head, covering her eyes before tying it at the back.
“Is this really necessary?” she asked, pouting her lips.
He chuckled, leaning in and kissing them. “Yes.”
He pulled out his phone and sent a quick message before he started the Impala. The engine roared to life, before he put it in drive and made his way down the road.
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They hadn’t been driving long, but Dean had taken several turns in the last few minutes. Y/N was confused as to where they were going but didn’t say anything. She knew he had a knack for surprising her, and she didn’t want to spoil that for him.
Dean quickly pulled up outside his newly renovated, two-storey house. He shut off the engine, just as he saw two figures walk out of the house. He got out of the car and smiled at Charlie and Meg who waved at him, before quietly making their way down the driveway and towards Charlie’s car. He waited until they had completely driven away before walking around the front of the car and opening the passenger door.
“Can I take this off now? What took you so long to get here from the other side?” she asked, starting to get a little suspicious now.
“Y/N, you gotta relax” he laughed, as he turned her around and held onto her shoulders, guiding her up the sidewalk, after he had locked the car.
He walked her up the path in the still-to-be-finished garden, which she wouldn’t be seeing at that moment. He carefully led her up the porch stairs, making sure she didn’t trip with her heels on. He opened the door and led her in, her heels echoing on the hardwood floors.
“Dean, what’s going on?” she asked, impatiently as she heard her shoes on the floors.
“Just one more second” he replied, as he moved in front of her and guided her through the hallway, past the living area and into the middle room. When he stopped, he felt his heart beating wildly in his chest.
“Okay… ready?” he asked, holding onto the tie being used to blindfold her.
“Yes” she replied, somewhere between exasperated and excited.
Dean laughed to himself, as he moved in front of her. “Okay. 1… 2… 3…”
He counted down and opened the knot, dropping the blindfold. He watched her eyes flutter open, smirking as they immediately widened when she realized where she was. She let out a loud gasp, her eyes flitting to every part of the room, lit up with candles everywhere.
Y/N couldn’t believe her eyes as she looked around the room, turning in circles to see every part of it. The hardwood floors, the beautiful dining table that she loved from one of her magazines, a large archway leading to the living area, still to be furnished. However, the thing that got her immediately was the huge kitchen. It was her dream kitchen, with a big island bench in the middle, a beautiful stove and oven, the cabinets painted a dark shade of green with gold handles, and marble countertops. There was a picture window in the kitchen with a ledge, with an empty glass box for her herbs.
Y/N looked back at Dean, his smirk wide as he bit his lip, gaging her reaction. She laughed as she launched herself into him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt tears prick her eyes as she shook her head.
“You like?” he asked, rubbing his hand down her back.
She pulled away slightly to look up at him. “Like?” She shook her head, as she looked around again. “Dean… I’m speechless. I-I… I absolutely love it.”
“Okay, good, because it’s still not quite done. I left a few things like the living area and painting unfinished, so they we can decide that stuff together.”
“It’s all perfect, and it’s going to be even more perfect once it’s completely done. Dean… it’s beautiful. It’s… it’s my dream house” she choked up, not being able to talk.
There were large windows in the living area, and large French doors that led out to the covered porch, and then the backyard.
“Everything’s done, just needs furnishing and your touch. Master suite is done but not furnished. Guest room’s done and we can put your bed in there for now, but I left the other two rooms unfurnished too… for… well, you know” he muttered, his cheeks turning red. He was already thinking about how their future kids.
She smiled through tears, leaning in and kissing him, feverishly. “I love you. I love that you put everything into this for yourself, for me… for our future family.”
My love is strong
With you there is no wrong
Together we shall go until we die, my, my, my
He leaned in and kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her deeper into the kiss.
“That’s a lot of candles” she laughed when she pulled away.
“Thank Charlie and Meg for that. They wanted to help make tonight special for you” he told her, smiling as he kissed her softly again.
“For us” she playfully corrected him.
He chuckled, nodding. “Yeah. Us.”
He looked down at her and Y/N smiled at him, squinting slightly as she noticed something different in his eyes. She couldn’t quite place it but it didn’t seem like it was a bad thing.
An inspiration is what you are to me
Inspiration, look, see
Y/N slowly pulled away from him and smiled as she walked away, going into the kitchen. She ran her hand over the countertops, opening cabinets and drawers, smiling the entire time. Dean was glad she had taken a moment to do that, as he took a deep breath, nervously touching his back pocket to his jeans. He smiled as he watched her; the dream he had so many times over the years was finally taking shape. She looked up at him and frowned, seeing his nervous stance as he stood there in the room. She walked over to him, placing her hands on his chest. He gulped as he looked down at her, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Dean… are you okay?” she asked, her voice slightly scared.
“I’m okay” he nodded, as he took her left hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing it. “In fact, I’m better than okay. I’ve been better than okay since you came into my life.”
She smiled at him, feeling the same way for him.
And so today, my world, it smiles
Your hand in mine, we walk the miles
“You came here and changed everything; you turned everything upside down in the best way possible, sweetheart. You made me realize what I was missing. You’ve been everything I’ve ever needed in my life. You’ve supported me and actually cared about what I do. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m so glad I have you. You saved me” he told her, pulling her in close as he looked into her eyes.
“Dean” she sighed, looking up at him with all the love she had for him.
“I want us to make a life here. I want us to be a family. I promise you, right here, right now – I’ll always take care of you. I’ll never hurt you, or make you feel you’re less than what you are. You’re beautiful, strong, smart, kind and caring. You love everyone around you, and they know that you’ve got their back. I know you’ve been hurt in the past, but I promise… I’ll never do that to you. I never thought I’d get to have this; a beautiful woman to make a life with, but I know I don’t want it with anyone else but you” he said, as he moved back slightly.
Y/N’s eyes widened as Dean crouched down, getting down on one knee, her hand still in his.
And thanks to you it will be done
For you to me are the only one
“Dean” she gasped, as fresh tears welled in her eyes.
“I want you for the rest of my life, sweetheart. I love you, more than I ever thought possible to love someone. I promise I’ll love you for the rest of our lives” he smiled, his voice shaking with emotion. He reached into his back pocket and took out the little black box, opening it to reveal a beautiful, sparkling modest diamond ring in a platinum setting.
Y/N sobbed as she cupped her other hand over her mouth, the tears running down her face. She looked Dean in the eyes as he spoke, seeing everything he promised her, right there in his beautiful green orbs.
“Y/N Y/L/N… will you marry me?” he asked, his heart feeling like it would explode any minute.
Y/N pulled her hand away from her mouth, laughing through tears. “Yes! Yes, Dean, yes!”
Dean beamed, his smile brighter than ever before, as he took out the ring from the box and slowly slipped it onto her ring finger. He stood up, slightly off balance as she jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck. His automatically went around her waist, lifting her up, her heeled feet dangling above the ground. She pressed her lips to his, kissing him hard and passionately.
“I love you” she said, between kisses. “I love you, so much.”
“I love you too, sweetheart” he whispered, unable to stop kissing her. “Fuck, I love you so damn much.”
Happiness, no more be sad
Happiness – I’m glad
Y/N pulled away to look into Dean’s eyes, her face level with his. She leaned her forehead against his, tears still running down her face. Dean leaned in and kissed them away, smiling at her. She looked down at her ring, her smile beaming as bright as the diamond.
“It’s so beautiful” she said, wiggling her finger against the light of the candles in the room.
“It’s was my mom’s” he told her, smirking. “When I told her that I was planning on proposing, she gave it to me.”
Y/N was shocked as she shook her head. “She wanted you to give this to me?”
“Yeah, Y/N. She loves you; we all do. You’re a part of our family. She wanted you to have it… I want you to have it” he explained, looking into her eyes with all the sincerity of the situation.
“But, Eileen…” Y/N shook her head, not understanding.
“Sam bought his own ring back then, because he told mom when she offered hers that I should be the one to give it to someone. Who knew it would take this long to find the one woman worthy of it, but here we are” he said, smiling down at her.
Y/N choked out a sob, as fresh tears started. “I love it. I love you, Dean. I’m so happy.”
“Me too” he said, feeling his eyes getting misty.
They stood there in each other’s embrace, in the middle of the room, unable to stop kissing and touching each other. They weren’t sure how much time had passed. All they cared about in that moment was each other. However, Dean slowly put her down on her feet and took her hand, leading her across the room and up the wood staircase. He walked her slowly down the hallway once she admired the space near the landing, knowing that it would make a nice space for their future children. He led her past the rooms and into what would be their bedroom, smirking as he saw a few candles there too, blankets on the carpeted floor and a few throw pillows.
Dean turned to Y/N and pulled her close to him, leaning down and kissing her, feverishly. They slowly undressed each other as Dean laid her down on the blankets, her head on one of the pillows. Dean moved within her, wrapped tightly in her embrace, as they made love in their new home for the first time.
As they laid back against the pillows and basked in the afterglow, Dean leaned in and kissed her again, smiling against her lips as they continued their passionate exchange.
It wasn’t the first, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
There would be many more for years to come, as it held the promise of a lifetime together.
If the sun refused to shine
I would still be loving you
When mountains crumble to the sea
There will still be you and me
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writerloading · 4 years
Here’s my brief analysis on why I think Klaus is the best written character in the TVDTO universe - why he brings such an impact. If you’d like to add anything else, please do! 
First thing I want to say about The Originals is that it answers a big question that all screenwriters focus on when first beginning a story. The question is “What is your story about?” And when I ask that, I don’t mean, tell me the plot of your story. I mean, what is the theme, the meaning - what are you trying to say. For TO it’s: Family is power, Redemption, and The ability to change. Each story should have an A and B plot. A plot is the story and B plot carries the arc. The show builds a structure for itself. I also feel unlike other shows, TO doesn’t drag its story. It ended right at the best time and finished its story. A lot of fans were angry that Klaus died, but I think after the path that his character went through, it was time for him to die. After being the inevitable, the one who was the most indestructible hybrid that ever lived, the one who couldn’t die, the one who couldn’t love, he became the man who finally was able to die and love. And he died for the love of his daughter. 
For what your story is about, most people are wrapped up about the plot, they don’t think about the person going through the plot. They don’t see the change. In order to be successful in your A story, you have to be successful in what your story goes through in general. What is your main character going through, what is their goal?  For Klaus his goal was to be the most powerful by gaining his daughter. Even though he already was. From an outside perspective, everyone already saw him as one who can’t be defeated. He, however, didn't see that. By the end of the story, his goal was to make sure his daughter was saved. The goal began from his daughter and ended with that, but from a different ideology. When writing a story, your story should begin and end the same way - but the goal should be different. If I start my story with a shot of a cross and end the story with that same cross being burned, the story ends in the same way but with different intentions. Within that space, you should be able to figure out what happened in the story that caused that outcome. 
Elijah’s goal was to gain Klaus redemption, and that is what he received. I think their relationship is one of the most important in the show, especially the way they develop as brothers. The way they develop tells us a lot in the cinematography. 
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Here, as you can see, they begin very far apart from each other, but as the seasons go by, they become closer until they are finally able to hold each other to show their love. 
The Originals is a very character driven story. Klaus’ actions initiate another problem, which initiate another problem and so on. Without him, the story doesn’t go on. Everything revolves around who he is and what he does. Klaus’ inner conflict has a good way of being external. What Klaus feels about himself gets addressed through his anger and his actions. One thing about Klaus’ character is that he never used his abuse or his neglect of his father as the reason to justify his evil to other people. It was always because “He’s a hybrid. I can’t be killed.” or “I am Klaus Mikaelson!” People saw his high power because of his status, not because of what he went through. 
When Cami admitted to him that it’s because of his past or because of his siblings, he always denied it and even though we all know that it’s because of that from what we see on screen, Klaus doesn’t see that. He is in heavy denial. I think that’s an important factor to his character because a lot of villains are like “Oh yeah, I’m like this because of you.” They use exposition to justify who they are, while Klaus is trying to run away from his problems and make himself a ruler because if he daggers everyone, then he doesn’t have to face why he’s lonely or why he’s angry.  Klaus’ emotions weren’t just there to just show his character and who he was, but his emotions moved the story forward. His anger or his grief added a scene or created a different plot, which added consequences, and these consequences pushed change in his character or someone else around him.
One detail about Klaus redemption I’ve recognized is him showing affection. I don’t mean having sex with different women, I mean the kind of affection that shows your vulnerability. I’ve never seen Klaus sleep the entire show unless he was daggered or spelled or hurt. There’s one scene where Klaus sleeps for the first time and it’s next to Cami. Cami is the character he really exposes his vulnerability to. I think that is a really well written quality in his character. I truly believe Cami is the character in Klaus’ life that he really loves, really fell in love with and accepted. Now, I’m not saying he didn’t love Caroline. I think he does love Caroline, but his love for Caroline is completely different than his love for Cami. I think Caroline allows Klaus to love her and Cami - being the psychologist that she is - opens up Klaus to his feelings. Cami instigates Klaus to love. She tells Klaus to not be afraid of taking in love - that he’s deserving of it, and I think that’s one of the big things that draw him towards her. She was brave enough to push him - to make him see that he’s worthy of people. Cami is also one of the only people that Klaus has held hands with, besides Hope. Which is another vulnerable affection moment besides sleeping.
Klaus is one of the villains that knows his limits and even with his actions, he somehow cares for others more than he thinks. He portrays himself as someone with no capability for redemption, but the thing is, he’s been trying to redeem himself since the beginning of his time. And that’s another well written factor about his character. To reach your end goal, you need to be able to introduce that goal from the start.  One example is Klaus saving Marcel from slavery. Or when Hayley was hitting him and said fight me and he didn’t want to hit his baby’s mom. Or saving Detective Will Kinney from suicide.
It’s really well written how The Originals “showed but never told” that the reason Klaus constantly made sure Rebekah never fell in love with anyone was because he wanted her for himself. Because if she fell in love and left then he would be alone and he wanted his siblings with him all the time. Which is why he also always kept them in coffins next to him. So they’re always with him even when they’re not. He also daggered them because when he saw a flaw in them that didn’t match his perception of how he saw him, it was just easier to just stab them than face his problems. Which is also why Klaus made hybrids for himself. He said he was making a hybrid army to keep himself safe, which didn’t make sense because he’s stronger than all of them, but it was also because he didn’t want to be alone. I think the writers did a great job in showing that in his character. 
The story’s parallels display really well in Klaus’ redemption. When Klaus first became a hybrid and began turning, his father always saw him as an abomination. As someone who wasn’t worthy of being comforted during his transformations. When Hope had her first transformation, Klaus made sure that Hope wasn’t alone. He made sure that she was worthy of being a hybrid and that he was proud of her for it.
Tagging the people in the previous post that were interested :) @true-unicorn-queen @g531 @saltybisexual @barnes-107th @adrianadmirer @nevermoreraven1 @i-lady-ink @imburtmaklinfbi @angelwingsnaya @wilt23 @lina-neena @anotherporpoisetofind​ @quirkymarvelstan​ @mrs-potato-head-stuff​ @sweetcakes-n-milkshakes​ @sztodo​ @caprica99​ @senatorblitz​ @hargreves​ @gloster​ @aurea-corde​ @giraffe-sickle​ @salazar-slytherins-lavalamp​ @gracemyface​ @elijahs-wife​ @sherlockednerd​ @spn-obsessed-dean​ @darklights11​ @thedorkphoenix​ @mrshaleyjames​ @ashinouterspace​ @theircrookedheart​ @fangirlonaroll​ @overwhelmingly-hufflepuff​ @bravura-cameos​ @eleanorgeorgia123​
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castielsbeeslippers · 4 years
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Part I
Summary: Dean regrets it instantly. The way he snapped , the words that tumbled from his mouth. The small argument between him and his little brother had escalated into a full blown screaming match , and now Sam was gone. Dean takes off to clear his head and ends up in an erie cemetery where he believes he is alone.
On ao3
Thank you to @wantstoflyafraidtofall for being beta 🖤you’ve helped me immensely! 🥺
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The rumble of the classic car’s engine shook the stillness of the cemetery grounds rustling the leaves and still the air hung heavy.
With a soft screech of it’s black tires the car came to a stop. Dean must have driven over thirty odd miles to get away from that old motel that his younger brother had already abandoned. Dean just had to get away to anywhere but there.
He closed his tired eyes , feeling them sting.
He killed the engine and let himself go.
His guilt escaped from his gut-wrenching sobs. He was truly alone.
(The dead would never tell.)
Dean ran his callused hands over his soft eyes and sighed into them. He drug himself out of his classic car and did his best to pull himself together with each step.
He looked over his shoulder... nothing but the empty road.
He didn’t want to face the world or the reality of it all....His brother was god knows where because of him and that absurd fight. Dean had really crossed the line this time. A knot formed in his stomach as he recalled his harsh words.
The emotions bubbling inside him didn’t have a name. Frustration and fear didn’t seem to even scratch the surface.
His boots crushed the moist earth beneath them with unforgiving force.
A distant snap jolted Dean from his thoughts.
Dean without hesitation ripped his gun from his pocket aiming directly ahead into the stillness.
“Show yourself.” He spit into the air.
Whatever ghoul or spector was about to rue the fucking day. Dean was ready to whiplash himself from numbness to rage.
The wind only whistled in reply. It was probably just some wild animal. He let the mind drift for a moment keeping his defensive stance , still unwavering not letting himself be convinced.
Something far off rustled like a scared flock of birds, a whooshing sound rushing all at once into Dean’s ears.
Dean spun himself around only to see again the empty road that was now laden with a thick white fog... that Dean knew had to have just crept in.
It sent a chill down his spine.
‘Haunted cemetery, no shit’
He tensed his shoulders, mentally cursing himself. He already felt like roadkill and this was just adding to the fun.
Dean whipped his head back leering into the cemetery, his eyes catching on a shadowed figure.
Dean held his breath and crept forward his gun leading the charge.
The figure moved from darkness laying steady steps.
“Stay right there.” Dean warned through his clenched jaw.
The figure did not. His looming shadow turned to a man in a soft dirt colored trench coat, his hair a black tussled mess.. and his eyes pure electric.
Dean’s breath hitched , his eyes searching the man frantically.
His gun, unamused and unmoving.
“Hello.” The man spoke with a gentle monotone.
“You can lower your weapon , I bear no ill intent towards you or any other human.” The man's voice boomed again.
Not human. Dean figured as much. He tore his eyes away from the man's eyes and steadied himself again.
“What the hell are you?” Dean growled. The figure's calm demeanor only pushed his buttons more.
“I’m Castiel, Angel of the Lord , Thursday’s Angel if you prefer a shorter title.” The self-proclaimed Angel said with a shrug.
“Yeah okay , and I’m Queen Elizabeth.” He chuckled darkly.
The Angel’s blue eyes gleamed as he tilted his head at the man's comment.
“You’re looking much younger.” He told the hunter flatly.
“Tryin’ to mess with me?” Dean snapped back.
“He’s not dead, Dean.”
“Excuse me?” Dean’s stomach lurched.
“I’m not supposed to be here, Dean.” The angel shook his head softly with a frown.
“I’m not even sure where “here” is.” He admitted.
Or when. He didn’t add.
Dean grit his teeth , the way he said his name with a familiarity on his tongue made Dean’s whole body tense up.
“Start talking , you’re acting like you know me.” Dean demanded no question in his tone.
Castiel smiled. A wide smile.
“I’ll tell you everything Dean, assuming you can do the same ”
Dean’s jaw clenched.
Castiel tilted his head to the right , careful to keep his lips in a line leaving his eyes wide, unblinking.
This Dean stood before him, turmoil swirling beneath his skin. Castiel felt Dean’s mind rapid fire, laden with guilt, which was so familiar, lost and searching.
How desperately the angel wanted to part the dark clouds and bring comfort to the man before him.
‘Gently , slowly. ’ He thought to himself , he didn’t want to approach this the wrong way.
“Would you sit with me?” Castiel asked cautiously.
His trench coat flowing softly after him as he turned on the ball is his dress-shoes.
Dean's eyes ever glued to the angel before him.
Dean held right to his pearl gripped pistol, still heavy in his right hand, he nodded and swallowed his protest.
“Sure.” Was the only thing he could muster.
They sat in silence for a while before Cas broke it with a soft boom of his voice.
Dean's body thrummed again. The way his name was said made something deep inside flutter.
Dean only looked at Cas in wait for a reply.
The prominent sensation was still buzzing , the tickle of electricity on Dean’s skin that grew stronger with each step he took towards the angel-shaped man.
The metal bench was cold and damp beneath them. Castiel gave no reaction to this and Dean chose to ignore the damp spots forming on his jeans.
Dean carefully tucked his gun back away against his better judgement in an attempt to be polite, but something deep in his mind felt this “Castiel” could be trusted. He felt like he was losing it.
“I haven’t met you yet. This you….in the time I’ve come from we’re, and I quote “best friends… if you can believe it.” Cas started off slow with caution in his low tone.
Dean so far wasn’t buying it.
And Cas knew it just by the look in his eyes.
“I’m afraid I don’t know how much more I can say ,without upsetting the cosmic balance Dean...but I hope you can at least trust I care for you a great deal.”
A beat.
“You and your brother.”
That woke Dean up.
“Sam,” Dean grit out.“You mentioned him before, what do you know about my brother you holy tax account stalker.”
“I know he’s safe, I’m afraid I-“
Before Castiel got the rest of his sentence out Dean had jumped from the bench and was now standing in front of his eyes.
“Tell me.” he demanded.
“Dean please, you need not worry let me continue.”
“Please” he huffed softly.
And with that Dean did. He sat back down, still tense as he had been.
“He’s simply ‘blowing off some steam as you would put it.” Cas said softly.
“Yeah real awesome intel. Where ?”
“Not far, but please Dean give him some space lets-“
“Space?” Dean snapped.
“I can personally assure his safety… after we converse we can even go to him.” Cas said calmly.
“You want to just talk?” He raised his brow.
“I do.” Cas replied.
Dean swore he could see the gears turning in the dark haired angel’s (man’s?) head.
Reluctantly Dean gave in he really wasn’t sure what was coming over him. No matter how sincere those baby blue eyes were, he shouldn’t trust him. Not this quickly.
“Alright then start talkin’” Dean gave a huge sigh, his shoulders still stiff and unflinching.
“Please allow me a moment of just being… we’ve been through much...” the familiar words he’d spoken, and yet to speak forming on the tip of his tongue.
“Yeah… sure” Dean’s tone softened without permission.
He felt those damn eyes again all over him.
Castiel drank in this younger Dean. Still tough as nails, still loved his brother more than his own hide, but still, while familiar, Castiel couldn’t get enough. Not that he kept his eyes to himself at any point but this was something else. A Dean before perdition, before he’d rebuild his soul… his every fiber and cell.
“Listen .” A hard swallow. “I don’t know what we’ve been through in the future, but I’m not really getting this whole “Angel of the Lord shtick.”
Cas laughed lightly. Not at Dean, it was too gentle.
“You never really had faith in them.” Cas found himself putting emphasis on them…
It was them not him… Dean has faith in him. He was sure of that, even if he hasn’t always been.
“But you’re... Different?” It came out innocent.
A nod. “It’s the cracked chassis.” He said plainly.
Dean didn’t fully understand but he got a pretty good idea.
“You called them dicks with wings.”
“The other angels.” Cas added after a moment of silence.
Dean huffed. That did sound like him.
There was a lull in the conversation, the fog still thick around them.
“So... you really don’t know how you got here?” Dean finally settled on what to say.
“I have a working theory.”
“Which is?”
“I’m simply supposed to be.”
“That’s not what you said earlier.” Dean reminded him , not the slightest convinced.
Cas let himself smile again, his crows feet visible and crinkled.
“Changed my mind.”
“Alright.” Dean said standing up from the bench.
“Let's get a change of scenery, this place isn’t exactly what I’d call a hang out spot.”
Cas’ chest got tighter with a small rush of nerves.
“We can head towards wherever my dick brother is hiding out.”
“Alright, Dean.” Cas conceded , he really wasn’t in any position to argue with him.
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This is part one ✨I might be posting this on ao3 but I’ll be and part two to tumblr soon ~ this should only be two or three parts in total ✨🖤
Tag list : @my-favourite-hellatus , @nguyenxtrang , @i-dont-even-wanna-know , @withclawsandsympathy , @sideofangels , @hazel-eyed-bi @lilac-void ,
🖤Feel free to ask to be added or removed ✨
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mandalou29 · 4 years
Strawberry Wine
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Word count: 3,022
Warnings: Underage drinking, cursing, alcohol abuse, addiction, child abuse (most of these are very mild and not overly graphic)
 Ya’ll this is not perfect. Hopefully I didn’t make too many mistakes.  Any feed back is appreciated.
Chapter 2  
“I was thirsting for knowledge and he had a car. I was caught somewhere between a woman and a child.” ~Deanna Carter _
This was a dumbass idea.  Why did you let Sam talk you into this party?  You were currently looking in the mirror trying to decide if you should change for the fourth time.  As you have finally decided to change shirts again you hear a honk from outside.  You peek out the window to see Dean’s 67 Impala that his dad had gifted him on his 16th birthday.  Well, looks like you are wearing this.  You take one last look at your jeans, Joan Jett t-shirt, and light sweater deciding it would have to do.  You run downstairs and grab your purse.
“You on your way out”, your mom asked.
“Yes ma'am.  I should be back by 11ish”, you said smiling at her.
“Just be careful.  You keep those boys in line and have fun.  Happy birthday baby”, she said hugging you. “If you want to be later tonight you can.  You are 18 now.”
“Thanks, but I don't imagine we will want to be out that late”, you told her pulling back.  “Love you”, you tell her as you open the door and rush down the steps to get in the car.  You slide in the back seat.
“Hey guys.  Sorry it took so long”, you said as Dean turned to look at you.
“No problem sweetheart.  Happy birthday (Y/N/N) I got you a little something”, he said and handed you a perfectly wrapped package.
“Thank you!  Did your mom wrap this”, you asked suspiciously?
“I am insulted that you would think that”, he said with a smirk.
“So... yes”, you laugh as you open it.  Inside was a CD that had the words “COLLEGE PLAYLIST” on it.  “What’s this”, you asked looking up at him.
“It is all the music you should play on your way to college.  I think you will love it.  And if not, you have no taste”, he winked as he turned around and put the car in reverse.
“Here’s my gift.  Happy birthday (Y/N/N)”, Sam said handing you another wrapped gift.  You opened it to find a book on musicians.
“Thanks guys!  I love them”, you said smiling at Sam.  “So, this party... should be fun”, you said nervously.
“Yeah.  Sammy said you both wanted to cut loose.  I figure we will probably leave about 11.  So, don’t go wandering too far out into Bobby’s woods tonight.  And please don’t get so far gone I have to carry you out”, Dean said.
“Right!  Because me and (Y/N) have never had to carry you in and deal with you being so out of it you started hitting on the car”, Sam scoffed.
“In all fairness and in his defense, I've seen him come on to the car sober”, you said with a straight face.  Sam snickered while Dean gave you his best bitch face.
“Ha-ha!  You are both hilarious”, he deadpanned.  “But I’m serious.  I don’t want to have to explain to the parents that I let ya’ll get plastered underage.  So, keep it cool and we will be fine”, he said.  He turned up AC/DC while Sam just rolled his eyes.
You sat back and just listened as you watched the familiar scenery out to Bobby Singers place.  Bobby owned a junkyard with about 50 acres out of town.  Bobby and John were best friends so you all saw a lot of him.  He was an old crank but had a heart of gold.  He was like a second dad to the boys and you.  He had a soft spot for you.  He had lost his first wife years ago.  She had died trying to deliver their daughter.  Neither one had made it.  So, he had drank and turned into a bitter old man.  That was until he was around all you kids.  Bobby would have made an amazing dad.  
Whenever Sam and John fought and Sam needed to cool off, he would go to Bobby’s for a few days.  Bobby, rough around the edges Bobby, always had an extra bed and a wealth of knowledge on why you were being an idgit.  But not once did he send someone home before they were ready.  He would let whomever it was parents know they were safe and he had them until they were ready to come home.  You had all spent your fair share of nights at Bobby’s.  He was always so patient.  You had only seen him truly angry once.
You had been about 12 and you and Sam had hitched a ride out to his place because Dean was there.  John had been a drinker back then and normally harmless.  This time however he had got drunk and when Dean had got between him and Sam (because Sam hadn’t finished cleaning out the garage) John took a swing at 16-year-old Dean and broke his nose.  Dean just told Sammy to go to your house and stay there until their mom got home from work.  Dean then packed a bag and went to Bobby’s.  
Your parents had been out when Sam had come over shaking and crying.  He brokenly told you what happened as you hugged him.  John had always had a temper but that was the first time he had ever laid a hand on either of them.  You and Sam had both heard the Impala start up and watched Dean drive away.  You both figured he was going to Bobby’s. So ya’ll made sure John wasn’t outside before you ran down the road towards Bobby’s.  When you both had gotten far enough down you had started walking.  You had been at it about 30 minutes when Crazy Ash pulled over to give you a ride.  He was a friend of Dean’s and a good guy so you knew you were both safe.  
Once you had gotten to Bobby’s and saw Dean you wished you hadn’t.  Dean sat at Bobby’s table holding a rag up to his nose and he was crying.  You had never seen Dean cry.  He was so tough, so strong, and fearless.  But there he sat in tears while Bobby sat listening to what happened.  Dean had looked up and seen you and Sam and immediately wiped his eyes.  
“What are you doing here”, he asked still holding his nose.  Sam had flown across the room to hug him.  Dean caught him and held on both of them with tears streaming down their face.  You didn’t know what to do so you went to sit on Bobby’s front porch steps.  You had just sat when John pulled up in his truck.  He got out looking pissed.  You got up and started backing up when the door opened behind you and Bobby stepped out.  
“Go inside sweetheart”, he said never taking his eyes off of John.  You ran in and went to the living room window where Sam was watching his dad walk up to Bobby.
“WHERE IS HE BOBBY?!  I WANT DEAN OUT HERE AND HOME NOW!  SAM TOO”, he screamed in Bobby’s face.  You had never seen that look on either of their faces before.  John full of drunken rage and Bobby so full of anger that his face was red.  The blow to Johns face was still surprising.  
“Those boys aren’t going anywhere unless it is with Mary and ONLY if she kicks your sorry ass out first!  How dare you lay a hand on either one of them?  I’m gonna give you 10 seconds to get the Hell off my land before I shoot you for trespassing!  You need to get your shit together John and now!  Before you don’t have anyone left”, Bobby yelled hauling John up and shoving him into his truck.  Bobby had come back in and called Mary who showed up about 2 hours later.  Having first called Sheriff Mills to file a report and then gone home and thrown John out.
You had never seen her like that.  To you, that night, she was Wonder Woman.  She was fierce.  She took charge and stormed in ready to defend her cubs from the world.  You and the boys had been piled up on Bobby’s couch after he called your parents to let them know where you were and he would drive you home later.  The boys had picked some action movie to watch and Bobby made dinner.  She came in spotted you all.  Sam ran straight to her for a hug.  Dean stood up and she never looked away from his face.
“Dean, honey”, she said softly after she let go of Sam.  Tears filled her eyes as she walked over to her oldest son and gently touched his face.  Then her eyes hardened.
“He won’t touch you again.  He has moved out.  I’m so sorry baby.  But I promise this will never happen again”, she said looking him in the eye before hugging him tightly.  She had driven you all home that night.  John had, had a long hard road ahead of him.  Mary hadn’t let him near any of them until he started anger management classes and going to AA.  It was a year before he was allowed to come home.  But he was different.  You could tell he was a man who loved his family.  He was still a hard ass and had a temper but he walked away far more than he engaged.  You hadn’t seen him have more than two beers in years and you knew he would rather die than ever lay a hand on any of them again.  You learned a lot that day all those years ago.  You learned how fierce sweet Mary could be and how protective Bobby cold be when it came to their kids.
You finally saw Singers Salvage come into view.  Dean turned down the dirt path driving toward Bobby’s huge pond in the middle of the property.  Dean parked by a few other cars towards the woods.  The party was already in full swing.  Music was playing, a big bonfire was going, people were dancing, and everyone seemed to be having a good time.  You already felt out of place.
“Alright, you kids don’t do anything I wouldn’t do”, Dean said waving to a couple of his buddies and heading in their direction.
“Hey!  There is Tim and Mike.  Would you care if I go say hi?  I’ll be right back”, Sam said eagerly.
“Yeah it’s fine.  I’m gonna go find a seat by the pond”, you replied with a smile.
“Cool!  Meet you over there”, he said taking off.  You were left alone.  Completely out of your element.  You slowly started walking over towards the pond, nodding to a few people you knew as you went.  You were almost to the water when you tripped and bumped into someone.
“I’m so sorry!  Are you okay”, you asked as you grabbed a hold of them to steady you both?  You looked up to see Alex, Sheriff Mills adopted daughter.
“I’m fine.  Are you okay”, she asked also having grabbed onto you?
“Yeah, just clumsy”, you replied letting her go and straightening.  “I really am sorry”, you said again.
“You’re good.  How have you been?  I heard you got a full ride to Julliard.  Congratulations”, she said smiling.
“Thank you.  I did and I’ve been good.  Excited and nervous, but good.  What about you?  I heard you are going into nursing?  That’s pretty awesome.  Jody must be ecstatic”, you babbled.
“Yeah she is.  Anything that keeps me out of trouble makes her happy”, she grinned.  “Well, I’ll see you around (Y/N).  Good luck in New York”, she said with a smile.
“Thanks!  Good luck saving people”, you said with a small smile and a wave.  She walked away just as Sam walked up and handed you a whole bottle of wine.
“What’s this”, you asked raising an eyebrow?
“I don’t know some kind of wine.  I figured you would like it more than beer”, he said with a grin.  His eyes a little too bright.
“Have you already been drinking?  Dude, it’s been like ten minutes”, you said with a laugh.
“Mike handed me something and told me to chug.  Twice.  So, maybe a little”, he laughed.  “Are you okay or do you need me to stick around”, he asked glancing over at Time and Mike.
“Go, have fun.  I’m fine”, you said gesturing to your bottle.  “You have me all set”.
“Thanks (Y/N/N)!  Happy birthday!  If you need me, I won’t be far”, and with that he was gone again.  You smiled.  He deserved to have fun.  And he deserved whatever hangover he got for leaving you alone.  You chuckled and made your way to a quiet, dark spot by the pond.  You looked at the bottle.  Some cheap strawberry wine.  You sighed.  You wished you had just stayed home.
“Hey (Y/N/N).  Having fun”, you turned to see Dean sitting beside you.  
“Sure.  I’ve got my wine.  Your brother ditched me.  What more could a girl ask for”, you said with a laugh.  
“He ditched you?  You want me to kick his ass for you”, he asked looking around.
“Nah.  He’s having fun.  I’ve never seen him really cut loose.  I want him to enjoy himself”, you said.
“Not having a great birthday huh”, he asked grabbing your bottle looking at it.  
“You know this really isn’t my thing.  I came for Sam”, you said.  He looked over at you and smiled.
“You are his best friend.  He loves you.  I’m not sure what next year will be like with you apart.  I kinda wonder if this isn’t him preparing himself for that.  And maybe preparing you a little too”, he said opening the wine and taking a drink.  You laughed as he made a face.  
“I’m going to miss him.  And you.  I won’t have anyone to boss me around.  Or scare off guys for me.  I’ll be all alone.”
“If you need us you know you can call and we will come running”, he said passing you the bottle.  You looked at it before tipping it up.  It was sweet and tangy and went down easy.  It wasn’t very strong.  But for someone who didn’t drink it was plenty strong.
“I know you would.  I hope you know the same goes for you both”, you said passing the bottle back.  You and he sat by the pond for hours talking about the future.  He had given you the bottle at one point and you had drunk almost all of it and were feeling pretty good.
“Hey sweetheart, lets round up Sammy and head home”, he said standing and walking over to you. He reached down to pull you up and you grabbed his hand.  That’s when things went wrong.  He tugged on your arm and somehow slipped in the mud pulling you with him.  You landed on top of him and he had landed in the mud.  You were laughing, he as cursing, and you couldn't even get off of him, because you were laughing so hard. You looked down and Dean smiled up at you.  You finally calmed down enough to ask,
“Would you like me to get off of you?”
“I don’t know.  I could think of worse things than having a pretty girl laying on me”, he said. You looked into his eyes.  He put his hand o ur cheek ad leaned up and captured your lips in the sweetest kiss.  He tasted like the wine you had shared.  Everything about him overwhelmed your senses.  He smelled like the cologne you would always associate with him, like the outdoors, and always a little like oil from working on cars all day.  The earth moved, fireworks went off, and the stars aligned.  It was everything you had imagined kissing Dean Winchester would be and it was over too soon.  Dean leaned back and smiled softly.
“I really do need to get you and Sammy home”, he whispered. You blinked.  Was that it?  Was that all he could think about?  Your whole world just changed and he acted like it was no big deal.
“Oh, right!  Sorry”, you said quickly getting off of him and helping him up.  You tried not to let your feelings show on your face.  Which was made a little easier by the fact that he was covered in mud and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Go ahead!  Laugh it up!  My jacket is ruined”, he grumbled but smiled.  You both started walking to find Sam.  You found him a few minutes later.  Close to the fire and way past tipsy.
“Come on Sammy.  We gotta get you home”, Dean said helping Sam stand and then having to support his weight.  “I told you to go easy tonight.”
“You’re bossy.  Ain’t he bossy (Y/N/N)?  Tell ‘im he’s bossy”, Sam slurred with a pout.  Dean rolled his eyes as you giggled.  You all got back to the car and Dean put Sam in the backseat since he was already out cold.  You got in the front and tried not to think about Dean kissing you.  The drive home was quiet.  Dean had the windows down and you felt the effects of the wine ease of a little.  Dean pulled into your driveway.  As you reached for the door handle Dean laid a hand on your arm.
“Make sure you drink a bottle of water and take two ibuprofen.  You won’t have a headache.  Happy birthday sweetheart.  I’ll see you tomorrow”, he said with a smile.  You nodded and thanked him.  You made your way inside; grateful your parents were already in bed.  You followed Dean’s instructions and made your way to your room and got ready for bed.  You wished you could get that kiss out of your mind.  But as you laid there and dozed off you knew you wouldn’t.  It was a dream come true.  You had kissed Dean Winchester.  You smiled softly as you fell asleep.  It was worth saving your first kiss for him.
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justjessame · 4 years
The Love of Two Hunters Chapter 6
I kept busy while the four men in Dad’s house worked out their plan of attack for whatever big bad they were dealing with on this particular hunt. I wasn’t expecting anyone to seek me out, but Dad did, not long after John left my room.
“Sweetheart,” he started, taking a seat in the chair by my desk. “How did you know about hunting?”
Ah, shit, I hadn’t thought about that. I tried to think of a way to explain that wouldn’t get John ran off or shot. “I met a hunter at school.” I offered, seeing his eyebrows raised, I realized I just admitted that school wasn’t as safe as I’d made it out to be. “One night, I got pretty consumed by my research. The night I actually chose the slant I would take with it, actually. And I didn’t realize that it had gotten dark, and I hadn’t driven to the campus.” I could see the lecture building, but I kept going. “I was walking across the quad, when I heard it, him, the hunter. He’d been hurt.” I could still see John’s slumping figure, the blade in his hand, the blood on his face. Blinking it away, I continued. “I offered him help. He reminded me a bit of you, I guess, gruff and grumpy.” He had, especially in the bathroom standoff for his shirt. “He told me, elaborated on your vague warnings I guess. And then, when they showed up, it clicked.” I shrugged, hoping he didn’t ask more leading questions. Like who was the hunter?
Dad was turning over my words in his head. And I was trying to stay still on my bed, where I had gone back to reading after John’s visit. He nodded, and I thought I was free and clear. “Just the one time?” Of course, Dad wanted to know how often me and the mysterious hunter had connected. Or maybe he wanted to know just how fucking dangerous my college was.
“Yeah, just the one time.” I agreed, feeling like a lying turd, but also not wanting Dad to worry. On either count. “Although it did make me take some first aid courses.” I smiled, and he beamed back at me. “If this Master’s thing doesn’t pan out, I am totally qualified to work as an EMT.”
Dad chuckled, knowing that there was absolutely no way I wouldn’t finish what I’d started. “That’s good to know, sweetie.” He stood up and moved to kiss me on my forehead. “I’ll let you get back to reading.” He glanced at the cover of my book and shook his head. “Even if it is trash.”
I bit my lip to keep from laughing at that. It was true, the toss away novels I kept for downtime weren’t exactly the classics. Dad left, and I was alone to consider how I was going to make it up to him when my relationship with John was made clear. I’d lied, pure and simple. And I don’t remember ever lying to my daddy. Jesus, what a mess.
That night, after hours of reading for me and unknown preparation for the guys, we sat around the kitchen table eating an actual cooked dinner. After Dad and the others had conceded that food was a necessary evil, and that perhaps the kitchen table wasn’t the best place to clean their weapons. I had a feeling this edict would go out the window when I wasn’t around to make it reasonable, but for now I was pacified. I’d cooked a meal of chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, rolls, gravy, and Italian green beans. No one spoke during the meal. John even kept his wandering hands to himself.   And for a few minutes I grew wary. They ate, and ate, and ate, until it was all gone. Well everything but what was on my plate. Nerves I supposed kept my appetite low. Waiting to see what they’d thought of this meal I’d made.
When the last bite was swallowed, I took a careful sip from my glass and sat back to see if anyone would say a word. Dad was the first to open his mouth, but John beat him to the punch with actual words.
“My God, Parisa, that was delicious.” His eyes locked on mine, and I knew it wasn’t just a compliment for compliment’s sake. I hadn’t gotten to cook for him, not yet, because I rarely knew when he’d show up. We ate leftovers, we ate carryout or delivery, or we ate out when he showed up. This was the first meal he’d eaten as soon as I’d made it.
Dad’s eyes squinted, looking from John to me, and I felt it. “It most definitely was, sweetheart.” His hand touched mine on the table, drawing my attention back to him. “But then again, you ALWAYS make the best meals.” For fuck’s sake, was Dad jealous that John appreciated my food and gave the first damn compliment to me? Shit.
“Thank you, both of you.” I smiled at John and kissed Dad’s cheek. “I’m guessing you two don’t have any complaints?” I looked up at Dean and Sam, who were watching the interaction between my dad, their dad, and me with uncomfortable focus.
Dean’s smirk was blooming bright. “Not at all, sunshine.” He winked and I swear I almost heard the two men flanking me growl in sync. Shaking my head I waited for Sam to weigh in, he was far quieter than his brother, a little less in your face.
“Yeah, Parisa, it was amazing. Thank you.” Sam, ever the gentle giant, I thought. Even though I’d only met him yesterday. He was still watching Dad and John like a tennis match, which almost made me wonder what the two of them were doing, or expressing without words. Almost.
I smiled and stood up from the table. I was about to collect the empty plates, but Dad’s hand on my wrist stopped me. “Nope,” he shook his head. “You cooked, me and these three will clean up.”
That was new. Dad was usually completely at ease letting me take care of him and the house while I visited. Not that he expected it, but he did appreciate it. “OK, thank you.” I walked out of the kitchen, hearing them begin the same clucking tongues that they’d started when I’d left the room to order the pizza.
Dad came back to my room before bed that night. He wanted to let me know that they were going early in the morning to start the hunt.
“It may take a few days, honey, so I don’t want you to worry.” I nodded, even though the worry was taking root. “If the phones ring-”
“Are you actually leaving the door unlocked to the library?” I asked, shocked that he’d even consider it.
He chuckled. “Well, sweetheart, you know now.” He thought about what he’d been saying. “You don’t need to answer the phones. Just keep your cell handy, I’ll check in.” I nodded again. “Is that one of the reasons it started to ‘click’ with you, about me hunting?”
“Yeah, one of the reasons.” I smiled and sat up. “Multiple phones, landlines and cell. The fact that you answered each one SLIGHTLY differently. And the locked rooms.” I shrugged. “Before I met-” I nearly said ‘John’, but caught myself just in time. “The hunter, I just thought you were used to having your own space. And since I only visited here and there, it made sense.”
Dad looked a little uncomfortable. “I’m sorry about that, sweetie.”
“Dad?” I had a burning question, something that I’d never dared asked, but since we were sharing now, why not? He motioned for me to go on. “Why don’t you ever talk about Mom?”
His eyes, usually careful about making eye contact, fell to my blanket. As though he hoped to find answers in the paisley pattern. “What do you mean?”
I sighed. “You never tell me about her. Or the two of you. You don’t even acknowledge her existence.” He glanced up at me. “Grams and Pop-Pop tell me things, but they didn’t love her like you did, or like I think you did.”
He groaned, and rose to pace. “I’m sure your grandparents have a lot to say about your mama and me. Especially me.”
“Daddy, Grams and Pop-Pop don’t talk down about you. Not even close.” I smiled as he stopped in his tracks. “When I was too little to visit you, they told me all about how you swept Mom off her feet and how the two of you reminded them of themselves. They made you seem like a king who found his queen. And that I was your princess. You were my hero, even before my first night in this house.”
He wasn’t expecting that. Not even close. “They said that?” I nodded. He ran a hand over his face and almost fell into the chair again. “I was sure-” He was almost talking to himself. “They had every right to-”
I waited, clearly sharing was new for both of us. At least about this. It took him a few minutes to come to terms with the fact that my grandparents didn’t think he was a monster, though I had no idea why they would.
He sighed, and moved to sit beside me on my bed. It squeaked, and I glared at the noise. “Your mama, Parisa, was the only woman that had ever made me consider having kids. She fought to show me that I wasn’t like my own dad.” He closed his eyes, remembering something about a grandfather I’d never heard about. “He wasn’t a good man. Hell, he was barely a human. And I was so scared, darlin’, so terrified that I’d be like him.” I took his hand and held it. “Karen, your mama, she went circles around with me, reminding me of all the ways I wasn’t him. She finally convinced me, and we found out you were on the way.” His smile was sad, and suddenly I wondered if Dad became a hunter in the same way John had. “In the beginning of her pregnancy it was amazing. She really did glow. But the closer the time came for you to come into this world, the more she changed. I thought it was hormones. I shrugged off the intuition that I felt that something was truly wrong.” His eyes closed and I saw a tear escape. “One day, her eyes went totally black. She growled at me and told me that she’d consume you as soon as you were born. That was the only reason she existed.” He gulped, his eyes opening and locking on mine. “I didn’t understand, Parisa, I’d never seen evil that wasn’t truly human, like my dad. I didn’t know how to stop it, what was inside of her, and she died at my hand to save you.”
I felt my eyes go wide. My mom died because of me? I tried to take my hand from his, but he held fast. My heart pounded, and I felt like screaming or throwing up.
“I didn’t know, honey.” Dad was whispering. “I didn’t know that it wasn’t HER. That something had taken hold of her, something that wanted you.” He was trying to force me to look at him, but a survivor's guilt started to gnaw at me. “I had you in my arms, somehow you’d survived, they said because she was almost at the end of her pregnancy anyway. The official story was an accident, but I knew, even if everyone else didn’t that I’d killed her. I murdered my own wife. And I couldn’t possibly be able to keep you safe. Not if I couldn’t keep her safe. That’s why I asked your grandparents to raise you.” He smiled at me, sad, but serene almost. “They raised the woman I loved, made her the sweetest and kindest woman I knew, so I knew they’d repeat it with you.”
“It was my fault.” I whispered. Feeling the pain of not knowing my mother crush down over me. All because something evil wanted to devour me.
“Aw, no, Parisa.” Dad pulled me to his chest, kissing my head. “Sweetheart, it wasn’t your fault. If hunting has taught me anything, it’s that evil doesn’t need a reason. They make one up or they taunt you into thinking it’s your fault or you haven’t got another choice.” He pulled back and wiped away tears I hadn’t felt fall from my cheeks. “Wasn’t your fault. Wasn’t her fault. Hell, there are times that I can convince myself it wasn’t even my fault. Your mama wouldn’t want you to feel guilt for being alive, sweetheart. She wanted you to live. That’s why she fought so damn hard to make me realize that I could be a daddy.” He smiled and kissed my forehead. “You, Parisa Singer-Allison, were meant to be alive.”
Dad left not long after. We cried, we bonded. We gave one another things to think over. I picked up my cell phone and texted John.
“I hear you’re leaving in the morning.” Mine read.
A ding and I looked at his reply. “Yeah, I’d love to spend tonight with you, but that damn bed and your dad’s tendency to come do bed check-”
I grinned. “Which room did you get assigned to?”
A few beats and another ding. “Four doors down from yours.”
Feeling wicked, I replied. “Does your damn bed squeak too?”
This ding came faster. “Not that I’ve noticed.”
“Maybe I should do an inspection?”
I’d barely pressed send when the ding chimed. “Maybe you should.”
“Let me know the best time to perform my duty, Mr. Winchester.”
I swear the ding nearly made me jump out of my skin with want. “Will do, princess.”
I practically jumped out of bed. Grabbing my nightgown, a safer bet, not John’s shirt, just in case Dad chose to visit me again, and rushed to the bathroom for a shower, shave, and preparation for what I hoped would be a good send off for my hunter. Unlike last night, I took my time and had a warm and luxurious bath. I made sure the hair that shouldn’t exist was gone, the hair that should be groomed and sweet smelling, and that my skin was soft and clean. And I prayed, like I had never prayed, that John’s fucking bed didn’t make a fucking sound.
When I finished, and wiped the steam build up off the mirror, I took stock. My hair was hanging in wet ringlets, my skin looked fresh and glowing, and my eyes, well if they dilated any further, they’d be black. I pulled on my nightgown, having forgotten my panties in my rush, I realized that I could probably get away with going without. The gown was to my knees, and it covered all my pertinent bits, just in case Dad decided to pop in to say goodnight, which he would. Of course he would.
I’d barely covered myself up and propped my back against my pillows, when a knock came to my door. Calling out for Dad to come in, he did. Smiling at his sweet, sort of innocent daughter laying so pristine and perfect in her bed. I could almost read these thoughts running through Dad’s mind. He came over, assured me once again that everything would go well on their hunt, that I shouldn’t worry, and that I should keep my cell phone close so he could check in. As if speaking the phone’s name, it dinged, causing him to look at me.
“Sorry, Grams likes to say goodnight and I just taught her texting.” I smiled, ignoring the face down phone sitting on my side furthest from Dad.
He gave me an indulgent smile and kissed me goodnight, and goodbye, since he was sure I wouldn’t be awake to see them off. “We’re leaving before dawn, sweetheart.” He told me, and gave me a hug, hearing that I’d be fine (what 25 year old who lived alone all year long wouldn’t be, I wondered), and another kiss on my forehead and he left. My door closed behind him, and since he knew it wasn’t locked when he came in, and that I was already in bed, I wouldn’t need to when I went to inspect John’s bed for squeaks.
Turning my cell over, I read John’s text. “I’ll be up in about an hour. That should give Bobby time to settle in for the night.”
“Tell me when you’re actually in bed, babe.” I rolled my eyes, and turned off my lamp, just in case Dad decided to do a bed check before John came up.
I ended up waiting an hour and a half. Just to be sure that Dad didn’t come sniffing around, although I had bets that he’d rush into Dean’s room before even considering John now. The hallway was dark. Even without visiting all that much, I’d memorized the squeaky boards along the hall years earlier, knowing that Dad would get all up in arms if I was snooping where he didn’t want me to. I saw a hint of light under the door that John told me was his, and with a soft knock, I entered.
I was utterly thankful that he hadn’t miscounted. That our luck of false starts, of unsatisfying endings, and comedy of errors had apparently run out. He was laying back on his own bed, jeans on the chair nearby, shirt tossed on top, and I hoped, God I hoped that he’d gone Commando, because honestly my body was practically humming from the mere thought of finally having him.
“Get over here, princess.” That voice, there were days that I could swear he could order me to stab a hole in the person next to me in that voice and I’d do it. I didn’t rush, not knowing this room’s noisy boards. I took my time, pulling my nightgown over my head as I neared his bed and tossing it to join his clothes on the chair. I heard him sigh, his eyes taking in my bare body, and then he reached for me. I have never been so fucking excited over a quiet bed frame. The headboard made not a single noise as my weight joined his. And then, he rolled until he was over me. His lips finding mine, his hand reaching for the lamp, just in case Dad came peeking or wondering why he was still up, turning it off and allowing only the light from the moon and stars to guide us.
He was completely bare under his blanket, and I was thankful. We didn’t wait, we couldn’t. His hardness found my center like we’d been made for one another and then joined, we tested the bed’s shock system. Neither needed to be told that silence, or near silence was of the essence, and because we needed one another so fucking much it was easy to comply. We rode the waves, pushing one another, pulling, thrusting and rolling, and it was exactly how I wanted to send him off.
I was barely awake when he kissed me and got up to dress. The time had come, clearly for them to go. I couldn’t open my eyes, or even speak to tell him to be safe. To come back to me. To keep my dad safe. Sleep took me as I heard the door click shut and by the time I woke up, happy and content at first because I’d made love to the man I loved, they had been gone for hours.
I’d worry, because what person wouldn’t worry when they knew that two people they loved were out in the world battling something most people didn’t believe in much less know existed? But, as I promised Dad, I kept my phone close, waiting for their update.
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agreateryesterday · 4 years
Wincest - Mpreg fics
Things from the past by Winmance
*Finished* 2 chapters
She remembers how Dean looked at Sam, like the sun never shined before Sam was here, like the colors, the air, the love, everything around him was non-existent before Sam. And Sam, little baby Sammy, would look at Dean with the exact same look, as if he already could tell that his brother would do everything for him. Now, 35 years later, they still look at each other the same, but while she should be happy to see how her boys still love each other, how close they still are, she can’t shut the weird feeling in her belly.
Our Happily Ever After
Thing 1 and Thing 2 by marvelous_spn
*Finished* 24 chapters, One Shot
All Sam and Dean have known their entire lives was hunting. It made them no strangers to pain and tragedy. But what if something happens to them that changes their lives? What will they do as they are lead down a path they thought would never be possible? Will they finally be able to get their happily ever after?m
Its the girls first Halloween and Sam surprises Dean with the girls costumes! This is a timestamp to Our Happily Ever After. Its just a cute little oneshot; so you do not need to read Our Happily Ever After.
Self Sufficient by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Dean and Cas are four hours out when Sam goes into labour. With no help close by, he has no choice but to deliver his baby, alone.
Not Alone by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Sam is on bed rest as he’s having Dean’s triplets. And he’s bored. And Dean...is slowly being driven out of his mind.
steady beat by thebrotherswholoved
*Finished* One Shot
A car accident and one of the boys end up getting a CAT scan or blood test that shows there’s a uterus/hormones found in pregnancy are high
Christmas Come Early by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Sam’s due date is a few weeks away, which means this will be their last Christmas before their lives change for ever. Their baby, however, has other plans.
Giving Up the Ghost by brokenlittleboy
*Finished* One Shot
One night of unprotected passion and Sam is pregnant. He sees it as the start of something new.
Lullabies by TammyRenH
*Finished* One Shot
Sam can’t sleep, the baby won’t settle, he feels big and unbeautiful. Dean takes care of him.
Secondhand by compo67
*Finished* One Shot
On his seventeenth birthday, Sam receives a used music book from John. It seems like the most useless thing on the day their lives change with the arrival of something new.
Sam Winchester Is Not Okay by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Sam doesn’t know he’s pregnant until after Dean takes on the Mark of Cain, and he decides to keep it to himself until things are a little more under control. But then Dean finds out, and makes it perfectly clear to Sam that he wants nothing to do with it. Oh, and he better not go running to Cas either. Sam is left facing a frightening, difficult few months, but will he be alone when the time comes?
Possessed by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
The demon is teasing Dean saying he will kill the baby.
Don't Worry Sammy, I Got You by professor_hartwin
*Finished* One Shot
Dean and Sam began their less-then-brotherly relationship a little over a year ago, but lately Sam's been acting weird. AU where men can get pregnant just like women.
Sickness and Health by brokenlittleboy
*Finished* One Shot
Sam's sick. Really sick. And after a lot of distancing that Dean doesn't know the cause of, he's more than happy to baby his baby brother. Except delirious Sam has a secret for him that he's not prepared for.
Right Before My Eyes by gothpandaotaku
*Finished* One Shot
Going on a hunt is never really a good idea. Going on a hunt while pregnant is definitely a bad idea. Going on a hunt while eight months pregnant is possibly the worst idea anyone's ever had. Going on a hunt while eight months pregnant and Sam Winchester is downright suicidal.
Worth It by ObsidianRomance
*Finished* One Shot
Sam and Dean go off the grid to ensure their son is delivered safely. That doesn't mean it's not still quite a struggle for Sam or that Dean's going to get through it in one piece.
The Life Inside by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shots
demon dean gets Sammy pregnant (he doesn't want to have Deans kid) and when he does he tries to sneak out but Dean catches him
Part 2 of Sam pregnant with demon Dean's kid
Threshold by ObsidianRomance
*Finished* One Shot
After hell, labor is a walk in the park for Sam. The hard part comes when he has to push and Dean needs to couch him through it.
The Time Sam Winchester Mistakenly Thought he was Harboring the Antichrist by ObsidianRomance
*Finished* One Shot
Sam is pregnant. He’s convinced he is growing the antichrist in his womb because there is no other explanation for the crazy things going on with his body.
Hello; Imagine Us; Too Good To Be True; Here, Kitty Kitty; I Think I Wanna Marry You; Marriages Are Made In Heaven; Take Me To Church; The Gift That Keeps On Giving; Lullaby; The Mysterious Room of Magical Mysteriousness; I'm The Colorless Sunrise; Life in Color; First Kiss; Thanks For Nothing; Like A Virgin; Heads or Tails; Gender Neutral; Cherry Blossoms by gothpandaotaku (very loosely a series; mpregs are slanted)
*Finished* One Shots
Sam is alone at Stanford. Sam doesn't do alone well.
Desperate for his big brother's attention, Sam follows Dean on a hunt and winds up right in the middle of it.
Sam had always known life with Dean was too good to be true.
Maybe witches weren't so bad after all.
Dean has the realization that he and Sam could get married now. If they wanted. He wants.
Sam and Dean have something they want to tell Cas.
Sam and Dean get married, and cliche's be damned, it may just be the happiest day of their lives.
Sam has a surprise for Dean this Valentine's Day. Dean is very, very surprised.
Sam's not dealing so well with the aftermath of his time Lucifer in Cas' body. It takes a sleepless night for Dean to notice.
Sam and Dean discover a magical room in the bunker and it may be the answer to their problems.
They settled into a routine of sorts. Dean picked up hots chicks in bars most nights, fucked his brother when he felt like it on others, and they never, ever talked about it. Sam felt like he was drowning.
When someone finds their soulmate, their world bursts into vibrant color. For the first time in their lives, they can see the reds and oranges and golds of a sunset; the blues and greens of a cloudless sky. Until then, they’re stuck seeing in dull shades of gray.
Sam and Dean don't remember their first kiss.
Dean's thankful for many things.
Tag to 12x09 "First Blood" Sam and Dean have a little fun after laying their traps.
"In the corner of the aisle there was a small display of Plan B pills. Ignoring the way his hand was shaking, he shoved them into the basket as well. He walked out of the aisle—and turned around, grabbing a second bottle of pills with a smiling, glowing pregnant woman on the front"
Dean gets a gender neutral surprise for their baby.
Sam Winchester's 36th Birthday.
Moves We Take
Choices We Make by ObsidianRomance
*Finished* One Shots
After finding a place for himself hunting with Dean again and sharing the same bed, Sam finds himself pregnant. Lying is an old protective instinct Sam falls back on and he knows Dean isn't going to be happy about anything when he finds out. Dean finds out.
Sam and Dean deal with trying to make sure Sam is able to carry their baby to term and the complications that result from Sam's actions in "Moves We Take."
Protective by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
sam is pregnant. they're walking and suddenly some guy that used to bully sam in highschool runs into them and insults him; and dean gets pissed and knocks him out
free as the birds that fly. by orphan_account
(Last updated July 2, 2015) 5 chapters
When Sam discovers that he's pregnant with Dean's child, things rapidly need to change. Because in a world full of hunters and demons, there's no place for a pregnant teenager. Fortunately, Sam isn't the only one who intends on keeping the child after dropping out of their cruel, violent lifestyle and together Dean and Sam start something new. Something real.
I love you enough to let you go (even though it's going to hurt)
You must've heard me crying by IsabellaStarsAreEverywhere
*Finished* (Last updated Oct 4, 2016) 29 chapters, 11 chapters
Sixteen-year-old Sam Singer is gay and he's living in a small town, not exactly the best combination. Since he doesn't have any friends, he spends most of his free time in the school library. One evening his father, Bobby, invites two hunters over for dinner. John Winchester and his son Dean are passing through town, and they make a stop at the Singers' That was the best day of Sam's life. Dean sees Sam for what he truly is, which is a fascinating person. They decide to meet again, and again. Then Sam gets pregnant. Sam knows how much Dean loves being a hunter, but he also knows that Dean would give up the hunting lifestyle if he knew about Sam's pregnancy. Sam does what he thinks is best, he breaks up with Dean, and has the baby. The baby is a spitting image of Dean, and when Dean shows up there is really no denying who the father is. But can Dean really forgive Sam for what he has done?
Sam and Dean are enjoying married life, and their son, Noah, is now fourteen months old. Both Sam and Dean want to have another baby. Dean has promised Sam that there will be no more hunts, but then Cody shows up at the Winchesters' doorstep with news about a hunt. A hunt that Dean has been waiting for since he was six years old.
How To Handle a Rope by DownInTheGutter
(Last updated Jan 4, 2016) 11 chapters
Sam doesn’t want to have a kid, but Dean won’t let him get rid of it.
Camper by Vexed_Wench
*Finished* One Shot
Dean had spent the last few years searching down any lead that might explain what had happened to Sam. Dean had turned over every rock looking for the smallest clue about what had happened. He wasn't prepared to find out why Sam had run and who helped him stay hidden.
A Night Out by cwgirlup75
*Finished* One Shot
Dean goes out after a fight with Sam.
By Your Side
Birth by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shots
Sam is 2-3 months pregnant, and demon Dean is possessive as hell. Sam has had a rough pregnancy is constantly getting morning sickness. Sam wakes up after passing out from dehydration from being sick in a unfamiliar place, freaks out and nearly hurts himself trying to escape. Turns out, Dean has made a room where he can monitor him 24/7 to make sure he's healthy and the baby is fine because Sam never tells him when he's sick.
part to two the last demon!dean mpreg!sam.
Sam goes into labor during sex
Maybe This Time by TammyRenH
*Finished* One Shot
After Sam miscarried twice in the past (after Dean died in season three then again after he and Cas got sent to Purgatory), he's afraid to tell his brother when he gets pregnant later down the road in case it happens again because he doesn't want to get Dean's hopes up. When Sam makes it past the first trimester, that's when he finally decides to tell Dean they're going to be parents - but he already figured it out and understands why Sam didn't say anything.
Believe In Me by BleuBengal
*Finished* One Shot
Dean looks at Sam with such a sadly hopeful and heartbreaking expression that he feels sick about what he now has to tell him. That he's pregnant at age 16. That they're going to be parents. That their lives are over.
Better Than a Bunny; Be a Brave Little Duckie; What a Month; No Good Deed...; New Traditions; Not a Grape; All I Want For Christmas; Never Again; Thumpy Leena; Peanut Makes Three; Every Boy Wants a Giant; I'm the Gingerbread Boy; A.J. the Baker; There's a Sammy in the Hen House; Holiday Cheer by Vexed_Wench
*Finished* One Shots
Sam gives Dean life changing news while they are window shopping with their son.
A bit of fluff about A.J. and his fear of thunder.
Dean looks forward to the new month.
Halloween with A.J.
Christmas Eve fluff.
A.J. surprises Dean with a sandwich.
Dean has a plan for the holidays.
Dean braves the scariest shopping day of the year.
Dean will always save a lady, even if he can't see her.
A.J. and Sam have a chat and a nap.
Sam and Dean wonder about A.J.'s reading habits.
Dean buys new holiday pajamas for A.J. and Sam's not the only one amused.
Dean should learn to ask what's in the food A.J. makes for him.
Sam loves Dean's cooking.
Dean remembers what it was like when they were kids.
If You're Warm, Then You Can't Relate To Me by gothpandaotaku
*Finished* 4 chapters
"You know what I think? I think it should be you up there." The words keep running through Sam's head, like a song on repeat. The worst part is, he agrees with Dean. It should be him up there. How the hell is he supposed to tell Dean he's pregnant now?
You Are My Freak by CC_Sestra
*Finished* One Shot
Starts out a bit dark but ends up oh so happy. Sam doesn't think Dean should have to deal with him carrying the mystical child he can't get rid of. Of course, Dean disagrees. In spades.
Baby by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
Sam in his final months maybe some cuddles and sweet talk.
Forbidden Love by rockondean
*Finished* 31 chapters
Sam and Dean both secretly love each other more than two brothers should. A drunken night together changes everything. But will they both admit their true feelings for each other, or continue to hide from then? Based sometime after Dean comes back from hell.
More parts for more happiness by CC_Sestra
*Finished* One Shot
Sam gets emotional when preggers.
Safe Place to Land by yellowcloud
(Last updated June 27, 2016) 1 chapter
After retiring from hunting 22 years ago, Sam and Dean have to deal with their nest finally being empty. There is literally no plot -- just happy times and fluff.
A Family Affair by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Sam never expected to end up King of Hell. He also never expected to end up carrying Dean’s child. Hell, it seems, is just full of surprises.
Destination by gothpandaotaku
*Finished* 8 chapters
Mary's back from the dead, Sam's missing (and apparently pregnant), and Dean's head is spinning.
Moving on by random_firework
*Finished* One Shot
The one where Dean is anxious.
Date Night by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Sam is pregnant, everybody´s staring and Dean´s never claimed to be a strong man.
Protective by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
Sam is suffering from depression (a normal thing that happens to 1 out of 10 pregnant people) and ends up hurting himself (not the baby). Dean becomes really overprotective and doesn't let Sam out of his sight afterwards.
Dance in the Graveyards by yellowcloud
(Last updated June 10, 2016) 10 chapters
"So what was it, hmm? What could possibly make you stop just like that? A girl? Was there a girl?" "The girl had nothing to do with it." Sam doesn't look for Dean, and ya, Dean's pissed, but he never imagined that this was the reason why.
Nick Of Time by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
With Chuck’s peevishness slowly ruining the world, TFW are busy trying to find a way to ensure their family survives it. That means Sam is left behind to look after Elliot and to ensure his safety since it won’t be long until he’s due to give birth. Unfortunately that comes sooner than expected, and Sam is faced with having to deliver his baby by himself.
Forever Faithful by marvelous_spn
*Finished* 3 chapters
Sam finally has everything he's ever wanted. He got his brother back from Hell, they quit hunting, and settled down in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. However, Dean's unexpected reaction to some news may undo everything they worked so hard for.
Sports Peppers on Hot Dogs by compo67
*Finished* One Shot
Without much warning from Sam, Dean can already tell he’s going to be prodded for another hotdog. This place used to only accept cash, which would actually be good for Dean right now, because he’s out. Six months ago, some hipsters complained and the stand accepts credit cards...
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lilulo-12 · 5 years
In My Time of Dying-1
Because I totally need to start another story right???
This is another Supernatural story because I’m obsessed and we know how I love my OC’s. I use OC’s because I hate using “Y/N” and I need to be able to use details. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I suck at summaries! This is an original character story- Alianna Winchester, twin sister of Sam. It starts off right around when Dean comes back from hell. Ali and Sam’s relationship has been fractured since he left for Stanford. She struggles to repair their relationship has they navigate the Apocalypse, her close relationship with Dean and beyond. Like Sam- She is special in a very different way. Truly the Ying to his Yang that causes a deep connection between Ali and Castiel.
Let me know if you want to be tagged!!
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“Ali, come on. Come with me to Stanford. Don’t stay here with him, on the road. You deserve so much better than this life.” Sam pleaded with his sister. She was the spitting image of their mother. Sam only knew by the pictures he had seen. Her wavy blonde hair spilled down her back. She had striking grey eyes. When she was upset, the flecks of gold stood out, like they were now. 
“Sam, it’s not about him. It’s about Dean. I’m not leaving him.” Sam’s stomach felt hollow from the pit in it. He always teased her about being the baby of the family, she was only about 2 minutes younger than him. They had been together every day, before their lives even started. He didn’t want to be without her now. Alianna had her bottom lip under her teeth as she stared at her brother. She was the rose between the two Winchester thorns. 
Sam tried to squash his jealousy. They had been a pair, they were close. They had their own language when they were kids, but to his sister, Dean hung the moon. She adored him and Dean doted on her more than he did Sam, if it was possible. She wouldn’t leave him. Sam knew that deep down. Sam also knew that Dean needed her now more than Sam would. 
Ali clasped her hand over her mouth to choke back her sob as she watch Sam get further and further away. Once he was out of her sight she squatted and buried her face in her hands and sobbed, getting it out of her system before she went back into the motel. She didn’t want John to see her break. She knew how upset her father was. If he thought Sam had made her cry, it would have been worse.
She was a Daddy’s girl. John and Mary had been surprised by Ali. They hadn’t expected twins. They struggled naming her as Sam and Dean had been named for Mary’s parents. John had always loved the name Ali, so they incorporated part of Deanna’s name to continue the tradition. John had loved his sons, but he had been a goner the moment he held his daughter. Even now, she could soften the harsh hunter. 
She heard the door to the motel room slam. She whipped around and saw her father jump into the Impala, undoubtedly headed to the bar. He didn’t notice her standing there. Her broken heart fell to a few more pieces. He and Sam had a difficult relationship. She hated it. Sam was half of her soul, but she adored her father, faults and all. She had to find a way to make John understand. A moment after John left, Dean stepped outside.
“Ali?” He called out to her. She didn’t try to hide her tears from him. He came rushing outside and wrapped her in his arms and let her cry. And she cried until it felt like she didn’t have any tears left. Sam was gone. Her other half was gone. She felt alone for the first time in her life.
“You didn’t go with him?” Dean finally asked. “I was sure that you would have packed a bag and gone too.”
“Not without you. Sam...he’ll be fine. On his own he’ll be just fine. But you and me? We’re more alike than Sam and I. We need to stick together. I just have to hope that someday he’ll come back.” Dean pressed a kiss to her forehead and then ushered her into the room.
Ali rubbed her forehead in confusion. Dean was alive. He was back from the dead. Back from hell. How was he back from hell? She watched as Bobby ran him through the gamut of tests to prove that he was, in fact, Dean. She covered her mouth and choked back a sob of relief. Once Bobby was satisfied, he stepped out of the way so Dean could pull Ali into his arms and hug her. She had never felt relief like this. She had never been as devastated as she had been when she watched Dean be ripped to shreds.
”Where’s Sammy?” it finally registered in his mind that his two siblings weren't together.
”I don't know.” Ali finally admitted after struggling to find the words.
”What do you mean you don't know?” She took a deep breath as Dean watched a variety of emotions cross her face.
“I was here, researching ways to get you back while he was out there searching. Then he vanished. I couldn’t find him. He didn’t want me or need me. I didn’t know what to do, so I stayed here, hoping he’d come back. I didn’t know what else to do.” 
“You should have stayed together!” Ali stepped away from her brother and his harsh tone. Bobby watched her visibly flinch. 
“He’s the one that ran off without me.” Dean’s eyes were burning into hers. “You should have gone with him in the first place.” 
“Dean! He didn’t want me with him! He asked me to stay here. I thought he needed space. He blames himself and he wanted to be effective in trying to get you back. I didn’t want to argue with him. So I lost you and then I lost him. I’ve been alone while Sam has been doing God knows what. I’m sorry. I should have done better. I’m sorry.” She was crying again. All she did for 4 months was cry. She wrapped her arms around herself and left the room and headed outside to get some air. 
She heard Bobby yelling at Dean, but she was a failure. She couldn’t save her father and she couldn’t save Dean. Sam didn’t want her because she was useless. She had a feeling Ruby had slithered her way back to Sam. She was far more valuable to Sam. Ruby could do things. Even the crossroads demons knew how useless she was. She sunk to her knees trying to figure out the precise moment their lives went to shit. There were too many to choose from. She held her face in her hands in the middle of the lot and cried. Her heart physically ached. It was overwhelming. The last time she felt this bad was when Sam had left for Stanford. Loosing John had been devastating, but it meant she kept Dean. Her father begged her not to be sad and to protect Dean. She couldn’t even do that. She felt her brother kneeling in front of her.
“Al...Ali...c’mon look at me.”  He Was begging, but she couldn’t look him in the eyes. She let him down too. She was supposed to take care of Sam and she couldn’t do that either. She finally pulled her hands away and wiped her eyes and looked at Dean. The fury and disappointment had melted into something softer. She held her hand up to him when he tried to speak.
“I wanted to keep him close. Keep him safe. He didn’t want me. I failed him and I failed Dad. I was supposed to keep you safe. I tried to get you back. I begged every last crossroad demon to take me and bring you back. Sam needs you more than me. The world needs you more than me. They didn’t want me. They said it wasn’t even a fair trade. I’m weak.” She watches the anger return to his face.
“Dammit Alianna! You tried to take my place? I couldn’t, I wouldn’t...You’re too good to be in hell. You hear me? You’re too pure. That’s why they didn’t want you. You are the best of all of us. They wouldn’t have been able to break you. They knew that. So they hurt you by making you think you were unworthy. It’s not true. I couldn’t have lived knowing you were down there for me. And Sam left because he’s undoubtedly doing some fucked up shit trying to get to me and he doesn’t want you to know. You being disappointed in him is worse than anything Dad ever threw at him.” Dean put his hand on the side of her face and made her look him in the eye. “It’s not your job to protect me. Dad was afraid of what would happen with Sam. He knew you would be the only one that could pull him back. We may still need to do that. It’s MY job to protect YOU. I’m sorry I got angry.” Ali nodded her head and Dean pulled her into a bone crushing hug. “Let’s go find our idiot brother.”
Then: Sam ran down the stairs as the pounding on his door got louder.
“Jesus...I’m coming, calm down.” He whipped the door open l, his irritation melting as he saw the tears pouring down his sister’s face. “Ali...what the hell happened, are you okay?” 
“Dad....he found out.” Sam pulled her into his house shutting the door behind her. He sat her down on the couch and grabbed her a glass of water. It took about a half hour to calm her down before she could speak.
“How did he find out?”
“He and Dean finished the hunt early and walked in on us kissing. He doesn’t understand. I think if it was one or the other maybe he wouldn’t have freaked.” Sam clenched his jaw.
“Ali, don’t make excuses for him. We’re in the 21st century. There isn’t anything wrong with being bisexual. Nothing. Do you hear me? All it means is that you love without bounds. You love someone for who they are, not what they are.” Ali rested her head on Sam’s shoulder.
“I wish you had never left. But I know you had to. I didn’t think I could leave. But now I don’t know if I can go back.” 
“What did Dean say?” 
“He tried to stop Dad from freaking out. But you know how he is with Dad. But he made sure I could get here safe. I should actually call him and let him know I’m okay.” 
“He should have driven you here himself.”
“Sam, don’t. He’s doing the best he can. I won’t put him in the middle.”
“You gonna stay?” Sam was afraid to ask.
“For a while anyway. I miss you.” He smiled at her and led her upstairs to the spare bedroom. Jess was standing at the top of the stairs and hugged Ali when she got to the top. 
She stayed for a few weeks until John convinced her to come back. Sam followed her out to the car trying to convince her to stay.
“Sammy, he apologized. It took him by surprise and it was a rough hunt. I’m not made for the life you have here. I need to be on the road. I need to keep moving.”
“What are you running from Ali?” Sam watched her eyes fill with tears and she looked away for a moment to compose herself.
“Nothing, everything? Myself? I don’t know Sam. But I can’t stay here. I love you, more than anything. I miss you so much it physically hurts. But me staying here? I can’t. Be happy Sam. Be happy with Jess. You deserve to be happy.”
“So do you.”
“Will you settle for Happyish?”
“For now. Call me when you meet up with them. Call me before. Just...call me more often than you have been. Just because I left hunting doesn’t mean I left you. I know Dad is dad, but come see me more.” Ali wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed him tightly and he rested his chin on top of her head. “I promise Sammy.” And then she was gone.
The girl that had been in Sam’s hotel room was bugging Ali. She wasn’t quite who Sam was leading them to believe. She could feel it deep down, but she didn’t want to ask Sam in front of Dean and Bobby. Regardless of how pissed she was at him, she wouldn’t throw him under the bus. He had given up on saving Dean and was hunting Lilith, he didn’t even tell her. Ali felt a fire in her belly that hadn’t been there in a while. The anger pushed away the melancholy and it felt good. 
The anger was mixed with guilt over what happened with Pamela. Pam had found out the name of whatever it was that had rescued Dean. Castiel. It didn’t sound like the name of a demon. And why would a demon rescue Dean? The lot of them had been thrilled to hold another Winchester, especially after John’s escape. 
Ali listened quietly as Bobby and Dean went back and forth on whether or not they should tell Sam they were going to try and summon Castiel.
  “You’re awfully quiet back there, in fact you have been all day.” Bobby met her eyes in the rear view mirror.
“She’s stewing Bobby. She’s pissed at Sam and she’s heating it up. She’ll blow her top soon.” Ali gave him a dirty look.
“I’m with Dean. Leave Sam out of it.” Bobby shook his head and continued down the road.
Ali looked around the warehouse at all of the symbols Bobby had put up. She was ignoring Dean and Bobby’s banter when she felt the warehouse start to shake. She grabbed Dean’s arm to steady herself.
“Wishful thinking, but maybe it’s just the wind?” Dean’s comment made her crack a smile, which quickly faded when she saw what appeared to be a man in a suit and trench coat enter the warehouse. She saw Dean grab the demon knife out of the corner of her eye as he approached.
“Who are you?” Dean demanded.
“I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.”  Ali raised her eyebrows. His voice had grit and was intimidating. Dean was standing half in front of Ali to protect her. While he came across as intimidating, she felt nothing but peace. Ali places her hand on Dean’s shoulder.
“Dean, it’s okay...” he either didn’t hear her or ignored her because he plunged the knife into his chest. Ali covered her mouth in shock as he pulled it out and dropped it to the floor and then stumbled back as Bobby attacked and before she knew what happened Castiel touched his fingers to Bobby’s forehead and he dropped to the ground. Castiel approached Ali and cocked his head to the side studying her.
“You are unexpected. I’m sorry but I need to speak with your brother alone.” He gently slid his hand onto her cheek and guided her to the ground as she slipped out of consciousness. Dean watched in confusion at how different he was towards his sister versus Bobby.
....“Dean...I think he’s telling the truth. I always get this feeling around demons. Intuition that they’re evil, I don’t know. But when he walked in, I just felt like we were going to be okay. I felt peace. And I mean...if he’ll exists, wouldn’t that mean heaven does too?” Dean scoffed.
“Don’t you think that if angels were real, that some hunter somewhere would have seen one...at some point...ever?”
“Yeah. You just did Dean.” Sam quipped back. 
Ali sat deep in thought as Bobby, Dean and Sam continued to go back and forth. She believe Castiel. Dean was stubborn but she knew he would accept it eventually. The fact that an Angel was walking among them meant something big was coming their way.
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celtics534 · 5 years
Castle on the Hill
Presenting Castle on the Hill! This is my @tropewizardtournament fic and let me tell you it’s a doozy! It’s a Muggle AU that uses the tropes of:  damsel in distress(lightly), friends to lovers, eloping, and accidental pregnancy. @gryffindormischief and @thedistantdusk were amazing and helped me so much with this fic. Thanks, guys!!!
Also read on: FF.net or AO3
September 1st, 2010. Lydford Primary School. Ages 11 and 10
 Harry stared at Dudley as rage filled his veins. His cousin had been on a vendetta all week, encouraging a new level of vigor into Dudley’s favorite game: Harry Hunting.
 Because of this, Harry chose an isolated portion of the schoolyard to eat his lunch, hoping that his cousin wouldn’t think about him while food was an option. But of course, things weren’t going plan. Dudley had just come right up to him (his newfound goonies right behind) and smashed Harry’s pitiful lunch to the ground.
  It’s always been like this , Harry thought bitterly. His entire educational career hadn’t really been focused on learning maths or English. It had been escaping Dudley and his cronies. Now, here he was, in a brand new school (his uncle had just made the move to Lydford for a promotion) and he was still the “weird skinny kid” that Dudley enjoyed beat up. Apparently, the first day at a new school hadn’t changed anything.
 “Just leave me alone,” Harry yelled, fists clenched. The dream of an asteroid falling from the sky and crushing his cousin became more appealing by the second.  
 “Or what?” Dudley laughed cruelly as he moved in closer. Harry got ready for the punch, ready to dodge and aim a good kick at Dudley’s balls. That was until a small red-headed girl moved between Harry and his cousin.
 “Leave him alone, you tosser.” The girl’s voice was deadly serious. From his view, Harry could see her shoulders were tense: She was prepared for a fight.
 Dudley took a moment to recover from the shock of a new contender in the ring. But he clearly decided that it didn’t matter that it was a girl or she was a good few inches shorter than him. A evil grin crossed his face as he closed the gap between himself and the red-head until.
Harry couldn’t believe his eyes when the girl's hand wound back, ready to strike again. Dudley staggered back into his first mate, Piers, knocking them both off tilt.
 “There’s more where that came from!” She sounded tough, Harry noted, but the girl’s body shook ever so slightly, the only outer sign of trepidation. Given the enraged expression on her face, though, Harry reckoned that the trembling could just as easily be from the effort of keeping her anger pent up. This was a feeling Harry knew well.
 Dudley regained himself and Harry could see the real fury in his cousin’s  eyes… and that finally sprung Harry from his stupor. He stepped beside the girl, ready to take whatever blow Dudley aimed, but then Dudley’s gaze fixed on something over their shoulders. His anger changed to fear as he took a half step backward. He quickly glanced at Harry, giving him a nasty snarl, before turning and running with his friends on his heels.
 Harry turned to see two older boys watching the scene, their arms crossed over their chests. They had identical grins and faces.
 “Good one, Gin-Gin.” One of the twins slapped the girl’s shoulder. “That git never saw it coming.”
 “Good thing you were here to save this damsel in distress,” the other joked. He held out his hand to Harry. “I’m George and this is my twin, Fred. And your savior over there is our little sister, Ginny.”  
 Harry took the offering and nodded at the other twin before turning towards Ginny. “Why did you do it?”
 Ginny gave him a smile that showed off a missing tooth. “I can’t stand a bully.” She tilted her chin in defiance. “He just moved here and he’s already pushed my best friend Luna into the mud, and that was just at the park. I was more than happy to have a go at him.”
 “Yeah, she ran right over here the minute we entered the yard,” Fred chuckled. “And here we promised we’d get you to school safe and sound.”
 “Technically, she was on the premises,” George offered, his head tilted to the side. “We did get her from the doctor’s to here with no issue, and that’s all we promised Mum.”
 Fred gave his bother an approving nod. “Right you are, George. Right you are. Which means this never needs to be mentioned to Mum. All in agreement, say ‘aye.’”
 The three siblings claimed solidarity at once. When Harry didn’t say anything, all eyes turned on him.
 Ginny nudged him while George said, “Well?”
 Harry beamed at the group before muttering his own concurrence.
  August 21st, 2016. Lydford Castle. Ages 16 and 15.
 Ginny took another swig from the contraband booze. “Come on, Potter!” she crooned, tipping the bottle of Irish whiskey in his direction. “I need you to get on my level because I’m not talking to you until you’re pissed.”
 Harry snorted and grabbed the bottle. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to take advantage of me in my intoxicated state.”
 “Only in your dreams.”
 It had been like this since they were kids. Ginny and him. Harry and Ginny. Thick as thieves.  The best duo since Sherlock and Watson. Since the day Ginny stood up to Dudley, Harry hadn’t gone more than a week without seeing her. She was his best friend, despite being a year younger.
 Living in a small village, they had plenty of country to explore. Over the course of their friendship, they had done a lot-- fort building, countless football games in the back gardens, swimming in the Weasley’s pond and, Harry’s personal favorite, relaxing on the grounds by the ruined Lydford Castle.  
 As they aged, their activities became more extreme, and by extreme that just meant adding drinks into the mix. Now, they lay on the grass in their spot--well, Harry called the ruined castle on the hill “their spot.” It was where they went whenever they needed to talk. Truly talk. Whoever called the conference was in charge of getting the spirits, so Ginny had knicked a bottle from her older brother’s hidden stock.
 Harry grabbed the bottle and let the burning liquid slide down his throat. He handed it back at her prompting. “Alright spill, Weasley.”
 Ginny didn’t speak right away, opting for another swig. Finally, she took a deep breath and said, “Dean made a move on me.”
 Harry’s eyebrows rose. Dean, Ginny’s boyfriend, had pissed him off since day one. It was clear Dean didn’t like the fact that one of Ginny’s best friends was a bloke, so he had tried to intimidate Harry into backing off. Of course, Harry had told his classmate to fuck off; he wouldn’t stop talking to his best friend.
 “Okay,” Harry said slowly as he sat up to looked at her. In the limited light of the night sky, her complexion had darkened with a blush. “Was he a gentleman about it?”
 It was meant to be a joke, but when Ginny wouldn’t meet his eyes, Harry’s blood turned to ice in his veins. His hands fisted into the grass.
 “What did he do?” Harry wasn’t quite sure why his voice sounded so calm when he could see red.
 “He... he just moved a little too fast.” Ginny stuttered, but when she took a breath, her voice came back strong. “I told him off, but it made him pissy.” She let out a huff. “Why he was pissy, I’ll never understand.”
 “He listened to you, right?” Still, Harry sounded calm and collected, but on the inside, he was anything but.
 “Yeah, but …” Ginny bit her lower lip. “I don’t know how to describe it.”
 Harry shifted so his arm rested over her shoulder and they were side by side. As his skin pressed against hers, Ginny’s body slackened, her head falling to the crook of his neck. They stayed like that for a while, both finding comfort in each other.
 “Thanks, Harry,” Ginny said softly once she drew her head back.
 “Any time, Gin. I’ll always be there for you.” Harry pressed a kiss to the top of her head. He cleared his throat. “So, does Dean have a broken nose?”
 Harry turned in time to see a smile spread across Ginny’s face.. “And a sore pair of balls.”
 “Good, saves me the trouble.”
  May 5th, 2017. Lydford Castle. Ages 16 and 15
 Harry was going crazy, Ginny was sure of it. His usual disheveled hair had lost any form of organization. His already thin lips were pressed in an almost indistinguishable line.
 “Harry, if you sigh one more time,” Seamus muttered, smacking Harry’s arm, “I’ll aim for your nose next.”  
 Ginny snorted at their fellow study buddy. They had driven straight from school to the castle grounds in an attempt to find a peaceful study spot. The group consisted of Ginny, Harry, Seamus (who had recently moved from Ireland to England) and Hannah (a girl Ginny had become friends with).
 “I can’t, mate,” Harry moaned, flopping backward into the grass. “I need to pick up my science grade or I won’t be able to pass Ms. Sprout’s class, and if I don’t pass her class, I’ll never be able to join the academy.”
 “Harry, I love you, but you’re being overdramatic again.” Ginny moved to lie beside him.
 He turned to look at her. “Am I, Gin?” He sounded hysterical. It was Harry’s dream to join the Army Air Corps after completing his A levels. He wanted to do something bigger with his life than live in a small village. “Am I?”
 Harry’s companions spoke as one: “Yes!”
 Harry huffed in annoyance, and Ginny smiled. He is such a drama queen. She reached between them and flicked Harry’s nose. “Harry, you’re fine. You just need to relax. What are you struggling with?”
 Harry’s nose wrinkled at the abuse, but his eyes told Ginny that he didn’t truly mind her touch. “Alpha decay.”
 “Alright, hand me your book. We’re gonna read about it together.”
 “Really?” Harry blinked at her in surprise. stared in shock. “What about your paper?”
 Ginny waved a dismissive hand. “Please, I can complete that in my sleep.”
 “Sounds like your dreams are nightmares to me,” Seamus muttered. Hannah smacked his arm.
 Harry ignored them both, his eyes focused solely on Ginny. Something started to flutter in Ginny’s stomach under his intense scrutiny.
 “You’re the best, Gin.” Harry rolled sideways to peck her cheek before sitting up. The fluttering she’d felt before expanded to a throbbing pulse up into Ginny’s chest, but she ignored it. She knew what it meant, but she would not--could not-- let her mind drift there.
 So she pushed that damn feeling away, just as she had countless times before. “Anything for you, luv.”
  August 15th, 2017. Lydford. Ages 17 and 16
 Ginny reached across the console and violently turned the volume knob. “This song is still amazing!” she shouted over the crooning on the radio.
 Harry tapped his hand on the steering wheel to the beat. Ginny was right, of course. Ed Sheeran had become a well-known name over the past few years and Thinking Out Loud was honestly still one of Harry’s favorite songs by the ginger.
 They were driving to nowhere in particular. Just him and Ginny. When Ginny had texted with:, Drive. 5 minutes , Harry had grabbed his keys and walked out the front door without hesitation.
 Ginny sang along with the radio, her voice overpowering the original artist. Her performance became more dramatic as the song came to its end. Ginny held up her hands as she if we're reenacting a Shakespearean play.  
  So baby now Take me into your loving arms Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars Oh darling, place your head on my beating heart I'm thinking out loud That maybe we found love right where we are
 “Sometimes I forget about that song.” Ginny laughed as the final note played.
 “But that never stops you from giving the performance of a lifetime,” Harry said, turning down the radio.
 “Of course not!” Ginny acted affronted, her hand over her heart. “I always give one-hundred and ten percent.”
 “That's true.” He let the music take over the car again. They drove with no real destination. Harry had bought his vehicle with money from his summer jobs. His uncle would never buy him a shiny car as he had done for Dudley. It wasn’t great, but it got from point A to point B without too many issues.
 “This time next year, you’re gonna be at Basic.” Ginny finally spoke, her voice barely detectable over the radio. Harry chanced a glance off the road to look at her. She was watching out the side window, watching the sights pass them in a blur.
 “Gin.” Harry’s throat seemed to close on itself. He wanted to tell her everything would be fine. That nothing could come between them, but the words seemed too little…
 He reached across the console and squeezed her hand. When she returned his pressure, Harry knew Ginny understood.  
 “You and me, Harry.”
  December 31st, 2017. Weasley’s Cottage. Ages 17 and 16
 Ginny twisted her cup in her hands, making the dark Ribena spin clockwise. She couldn’t take her eyes off them… Him , if she was being honest. Hate was a strong word in Ginny’s book, but God if there was anyone she hated, it was Chang.
 Cho Chang was not who Harry Potter belonged with! Though, Ginny refused to be honest with herself and admit who she thought was Harry’s perfect match, because that was its own can of worms. But it wasn’t Chang and her snooty, girly, moody, demanding attitude. Of course, Harry was blind to her numerous faults, due to a thing called snogging. A girl lets you shove your tongue down her throat, and everything wrong with her takes a backseat.
 Ginny had been watching this disease that Harry called a relationship for the past two months and fuck, Ginny was near her wit's end. Chang had never said it out loud, but Ginny knew the dark-haired woman hated her right back.
 From her corner of the room, Ginny watched Chang try to flatten Harry’s hair. A feral growl started to rise from Ginny’s throat, and she just managed to hold it back. Fuck ! She really did have it bad. There was no doubt she fancied her best friend… and there he was, lip-locked with Miss Fussy.
 “You could just tell him.” George plopped down beside her, a bowl of crisps in his hand.
 Playing dumb seemed like the safest option. “Tell who what?”
 George rolled his eyes. “Please, girl , do I look blind to you?”
 “No, but clearly you’re hard of hearing.”
 “Eh?” George gave her a puzzled look before laughing and raising his hand up to where his left ear used to be. “Touche.”
 That had been an odd day… like who loses an ear? But Ginny could remember two years ago when they waited in a hospital waiting room praying for news. Harry had sat with her, his grip on her hand holding her to Earth.  
 “Your cheek won’t get you out of this, though.” George elbowed her. “Come on, Ginny, you’ve been in love with him for years.”
 She wanted to deny it. There was an overwhelming desire to say, “No. You,” and stick her tongue out at her brother, but she couldn’t straight out lie anymore. Tonight had solidified it for her. Watching Harry with… her (she didn’t even deserve a name anymore) was brutal.
 So instead of providing a false claim, Ginny tilted her neck so her head rested on her brother’s shoulder. He wrapped one arm around her and gave her a little squeeze.
 “I promise you, Ginny,” George spoke quietly as the others counted along with the television screen, “you won’t regret telling him. This is your year.”
 Ginny made sure not to look at Harry as the countdown reached zero. “I hope so.”
  April 10th, 2018, Lydford Castle. Ages 17 and 16
 He really tried not to stare, but his eyes refused to follow his brain’s orders. Harry couldn’t seem to stop staring at his best friend. She was just… beautiful wasn’t a strong enough word. Fuck ! This wasn't supposed to happen! A bloke should be able to be best friends with a girl without falling madly in love with her!
 Of course, that assumption wasn’t made with the likes of Ginny Weasley in mind.
 It had changed everything… the moment he realized… everything . Ironically it was his ex, Cho, who helped him to understand how deep he was in. From the very beginning, Cho had complained about Harry wanting to spend more time with Ginny than her, but it wasn’t until she’d yelled at him for caring more about another woman that Harry had finally realized it himself. Harry wasn’t able to deny it: He did care about Ginny more than Cho. And once he’d made that conclusion, his brain had started connecting dots.
 Right then and there, he’d broken up with Cho. Harry had hated the tears, the accusing glare, the claim he must have been cheating on her. He hadn’t physically cheated, but he couldn’t truly defend himself when mentally he had never really been with Cho.
 It had always been Ginny.
 The girl in question lay with her back resting on the cold wall of Lydford Castle, her focus on the setting sun. Ever since he’d broken up with Cho three months ago, Harry had tried to gather the courage to tell Ginny how he felt-- but the fear of losing his best friend had choked him up every time he tried.
 “You know.” Ginny broke Harry from his daydream, their arms wrapped around each other. He mentally shook himself to focus on her words. “Sometimes I wonder why more people don’t seem to come here.”
 “What do you mean?” Harry’s question made Ginny turn her head away from the sky.  
 She shrugged. “I don’t know, this spot just seems perfect. So why don’t more people relax up here?”
 Harry didn’t honestly know, but she was right. They rarely ran into anyone on the far side of the ruins. It really was their spot. “Maybe everyone knows we rule this castle.”
 Ginny laughed. “Does that make me your queen?”
  In every meaning of the word , Harry thought, but instead said, “Or maybe my court jester.”
 “Even better.” Ginny scooted sideways along the wall, placing their bodies closer. “Queens have too many rules to follow.”
 She rested her head on his shoulder, allowing an intoxicating scent of what Harry thought was jasmine fill his lungs. He had to assume it was her shampoo, or maybe it was just Ginny...
 He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and turned to watch the sun disappear.  
  May 23rd, 2018. Okehampton College/Allie Kallon’s house. Ages 17 and 16
 Ginny passed to Allie with a hard kick. The season had been long and hard, but reaching the finals had been worth it. The team had been fighting tooth and nail for this moment, and with only a minute of regular play remaining, Ginny was determined to prevent a tie.
 Allie dodged a tackle and passed back to Ginny. There was only the goalkeeper between Ginny and the goal. With a fake glance at the left pocket, Ginny shot the ball towards the right.
 The keeper fell for the tactic and dove left as the ball flew right. Ginny’s teammates swarmed her as she cheered. The ref’s whistle called off the celebration. They had two minutes of penalty time to play and as long as their defense held off an onslaught…
 The two minutes passed by in a blur. And then, somehow, Ginny had found herself at a victory party, drink in hand. She had danced with her teammates, cheered with the crowd anytime someone mentioned the victory and held the cup that showed all their hard work.
 But something had been nagging at Ginny the entire time. Harry hadn’t been there to see her score the winning goal. He had been stuck at work and promised to come to Allie’s as soon as he was out.
 It was annoying that she always looked for him. No matter what the situation was, she always wanted him there-- which would present a problem in a few months when he was gone for months on end.
  Fuck, the last few months had driven her almost insane. There was a tension between them, and Ginny was nearly certain it was the kind of tension that opened up a big can of worms.
 Worms she was more than willing to deal with.
 The music paused as the song changed from one to another, and in the temporary silence, the front door opened. Harry walked into the living room, still in his uniform and looking slightly disheveled… but in her eyes, he was incredible.
 Ginny watched his gaze go over the entire room until it landed on her, and it was like the room tunneled. Her focus sought the quickest way to him and it Harry did the same. They moved towards one another, and when Ginny wrapped her arms around his neck for a hug, she was surprised to feel his lips descend on hers.
 Ginny’s eyes closed of their own accord as she tightened her hold, pulling Harry closer to her. Time lost all meaning as she let the feeling of him absorb her.
 Finally, Harry pulled his mouth away. He pressed his forehead to hers and met her eyes. “I hope that was okay.”
 Ginny couldn’t stop the smile from breaking out on her recently kissed lips. “More than.” And without another word, she kissed him again.  
  July 15th, 2017. Lydford Castle. Ages 17 and 16.
 Harry moved his lips down Ginny’s neck, focusing on the racing pulse point. Her fingernails grazed along his bare back, egging him on. It had been like this for the past two months. They just couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. Just went swimming? A snog session by the pond seemed in order. Just parked the car after a long drive? The backseat sure looked empty. In other words, Harry was so randy he thought he might die.
 He didn’t want to pressure Ginny. No, he refused to be one to initiate the next step in their relationship… but fuck !  
 “Harry?” Ginny’s voice pulled his lips from a little scar she had on her collarbone.
 “Hmm?” He kissed her again.
 Her hand moved to his chin and tilted his eyes to hers. “You're leaving in two weeks.”
 Well, that was one way to cool him off. Harry rolled off her, onto the grass. “Yeah… I am.”
 “I just.” Ginny cut herself off, and though the only light source was the quarter moon, Harry could see her biting her lower lip. “Everything has changed, don’t you think?”
 “In what way?” Harry sat up and she followed his example. He watched her chest rise and fall as she sucked in a large breath.
 “You and me… I guess what I’m saying is I know you're gonna be away for a while, but I've got no plans at all to leave. Leave you, that is.” The way she looked in that moment… Harry wanted it ingrained into his memory so he could call upon it whenever he was homesick. Because that’s what Ginny was: his home.
 He leaned forward and kissed her softly, letting his lips linger. Then he stood, his bare toes weaving between the grass blades. “Come on.” He offered her a hand up, which she accepted with a confused look.
 Using his free hand, Harry reached into his pocket and drew out his phone. With a couple of quick button pushes, he opened up his music app and made a song play.
 A gentle guitar riff started while Harry placed the phone onto the ground. It was a song they had both fallen in love with. Now it was on all their collaborative playlists.
 He took her into his arms as the singer started to speak.
  Settle down with me
Cover me up, cuddle me in
Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms
 He swayed them to the slow beat. Ginny pressed her lips to his neck before letting her head rest over his heart. No words were spoken between them, but Harry knew they had an understanding.
  July 29th, 2018. Weasley’s Cottage. Ages 17 and 16.
 Ginny listened to the steady beat of Harry’s heart as they lay atop her covers. They had been like this for a while. Sitting side by side. Harry’s arm holding her close and Ginny enjoying the feel of him being there, with her… at least for another thirteen days. Then he was gone for ten months, only Skype calls and phone conversations to satisfy their desires to talk.
 It was gonna fucking suck. Ginny had no doubt it was gonna be some of the hardest months of her life, thoughten months was better than the eighteen required to be a certified pilot. Fuck. She wasn’t gonna think about that right now.   
 “Ginny?” Harry kissed the top of her head.
 “Do you think there's any of that cake left?”
 Ginny laughed. That was all it took to pull her from her own mind, and he always seemed to know when she needed him to do that. She moved so she straddled him. His hands slowly ran down her sides to squeeze her waist. “Do you still want to talk about cake?” She nipped at his lower lip.
 “I think I can be persuaded to switch topics.” Harry let his hands start to wander over her back, making light circles as he progressed up her spine. His lips moved to her neck making Ginny want it all , everything he had to offer-- and she knew it was time.
 It had been plaguing her mind over the last few days. Was she ready to sleep with Harry? A lot of the girls in her class had talked about it, but she hadn’t thought herself ready… that was until she and Harry had been snogging heavily and she had felt his arousal on her leg. When that had happened with Dean, she had backed off immediately, but with Harry… she hadn’t wanted him to stop. She trusted Harry with everything, including this.      
 “Hmm?” He didn’t take his mouth from her skin.
 “I think my parents left to go shopping.”
  Okay, so the obvious subtle hints she had seen on television wouldn’t do. She tore back from him, and Harry sat up, trying to follow her. He gave her a quizzical look that changed to delight as she grabbed at the hem of his shirt. She took off the offending garment and quickly made hers follow.
 They had gone this far before, both exposed from the waist up, but Ginny was determined for more. When she reached for his belt, his hands grabbed hers. Their eyes met, Harry’s asking all the right questions.
 Ginny kissed him softly. “Just follow my lead.”
  August 11th, 2018. Harry’s Temporary Flat. Ages 18 and 17.
 Harry held her as close as he could. He never wanted to let go. In less than twelve hours, he would be gone and wouldn’t be able to hold her, talk to her whenever he wanted, kiss her whenever he craved, or make love with her like they just had.
 Over the last two weeks, they had spent every possible moment together. Between random summer drives, meeting at his temporary residence (an old teacher was allowing Harry to let out his garage flat until he left for Basic), and stargazing at the castle, Harry had only been apart from Ginny for a maximum of eight hours a day. Even then, that time apart was simply because  Ginny didn’t want to test her parents’ sixth sense of knowing if their children were asleep in their own beds.
 But now after they had spent the entire day at Ginny’s house celebrating her birthday with her family, they were finally alone at his place. Harry had made her a special cake. It really hadn’t tasted that good, but Ginny loved it all the same. Then they’d sat in his bed, sharing bites of the pitiful (yet considerate) desert while ignoring the ticking clock.
 “You know.” Harry moved now empty plate to the floor. “I never gave you my gift.”
 “I thought that… lovely cake was my gift.” Ginny smirked as he shook his head.
 “Of course not.” He scoffed. “I would be a rather pathetic boyfriend if that cake, if you can call it that, was the only thing I got you.” He leaned off the mattress and reached into the little stand that sat beside the bed. He pulled out a long silver chain with a circle that dangled at the bottom.
 Harry rolled back so his torso was aligned with hers. He put the necklace into the palm of his hand. Upon further inspection, Ginny was able to see the circle had a simple yet intricate design all along the outside. Harry used his thumb to press a tiny button on the bottom of the circle; the locket opened wide, revealing a picture of them.
 It was one of his favorite pictures. He was fourteen and Ginny had just turned thirteen. Their backs were to the camera as they watched the sunset over Lydford Castle. It had been the first time they’d gone there with a few friends (who had taken the photo).
 The young duo had sat on the grass side by side, Ginny’s head rested on Harry’s shoulder, not a care in the world. It was one of Harry’s fondest memories.
 Ginny tore her eyes from the picture. Using her hand to turn his face to hers. “Thank you.” She kissed him hard, and just like that moment caught on the photo, nothing mattered but them.
 “I love you, Gin.” He had said it a million times over the years, but this was a different sort of love, and he was sure she knew it and felt it too; when she reconnected their lips and pushed him back into the pillows, everything felt so right.
 October 31st, 2018. Sandhurst Dorm. Ages 18 and 17.  
 “Hey!” Harry beamed at Ginny through the computer screen. It had been a long two (nearly three) months without much contact. Between her school assignments and his training, conversations had been short, but vital for both of them.
 They made sure to have at least one Skype session per month and to text during the week. Of course, that wasn’t enough --nothing would ever be enough-- but it worked.
 “Hello, luv.” Ginny rested her chin on her hand. “How are you doing this week?”
 “Broke my record on the course.” Harry glowed with pride, and what Ginny assumed was a little sweat. His hair was crazed and his cheeks had a healthy flush to them.
 Ginny had never seen a sexier man. “Nicely done! I’m sure Theo is pushing to beat you again.”
 Theo Nott had become Harry’s closest friend at Sandhurst. At first, Harry had thought he was a dick, but once you got past the haughty attitude, Theo was a decent bloke.
 “Yeah, he thinks he’s gonna beat my record by no less than two minutes. I told him magic wasn’t real and he should get used to eating my dust.”
 Ginny snorted. “Cheeky Harry strikes again.”   
 Harry shrugged. “He never really left.”
 Their easy chatter lulled into a comfortable silence. Harry was more than content to just look at Ginny. He had started memorizing the freckles on her nose. One, two, a cluster of four by the bridge…
 “I was thinking -” Harry’s attention dropped to Ginny’s mouth as she spoke. Oh, how I miss those lips .
 “Sorry.” He shook himself from a vivid yet incredible daydream of what those lips could be doing to him if he were there.
 The smirk that curled on her mouth told him she knew where his mind had been. “I was saying how I was planning on bringing flowers to your parents’ grave tomorrow because you won’t be able to go to the churchyard.”
 Harry had no words. He had already accepted that he wouldn’t be able to place flowers on his parents’ grave on the anniversary of their murder.
 When he was sixteen, Harry had found out the reason his parents had died when he was barely one. Their friend Peter (if you could call him a “friend”) had been inducted into a cult where a mad man told his followers that they needed to kill someone they truly loved to reach their true potential. Peter had been naive enough to believe this -- and he had killed his first friend and his wife. Peter likely would have killed Harry, too, but Sirius Black (Harry’s godfather and James’ best friend) had arrived in the nick of time, and killed Peter himself. Unfortunately, Sirius had also been wrongly accused of the deaths of Lily and James, and he’d spent the next twelve years in prison until he’d been killed in a fight two weeks before his re-trial had been scheduled to begin.
 Harry had found all that out through another one of his father’s friends, Remus. And then he had shared it all with Ginny. From that moment on, they had gone to the little village of Godric's Hollow every Hallow’s Eve. He hadn’t even considered Ginny going alone. If he wasn’t already madly in love with her…
 “Thank you, Gin.” His voice sounded as if he had swallowed a cup of sand.
 She gave him that smile that he connected to love… that he related to her.
 December 31st, 2018.Weasley Cottage. Ages 18 and 17.  
 “So, have you talked with Harry lately?” George asked, taking the empty cushion beside Ginny.
 Ginny grinned remembering the conversation she had with her boyfriend earlier that day. “Yeah, he’s doing well.”
 “I’m sure you can’t wait for him to come home.”
 “To say the least.” She thought about how he had looked during their Skype chat. That short hair, day-old stubble, and the way his chest filled out that green t-shirt… beyond fit!
 “Okay I may support your relationship, but I never wanna see that fucking look on your face again.” George’s lip curled in disgust.
 “ Fucking is right,” Ginny muttered, hoping to rile her brother just a little more.
 George blinked once, twice, and third time before snorting. “ Jesus Christ! ”
 “Now, don’t be taking the Lord's name in vain.”
 “Nothing you say matters anymore, sinner!”
 Ginny smirked. “Because you’re a saint.”
 “That right.” George nodded his approval, though his eyes told another story. “I’m a good little holy, pun intended, boy.”
 “I don’t need to know anything about the size, George.”
 That finally did it. His jaw dropped. “ Ginny !”
 Ginny was laughing uncontrollably as all heads turned towards them. She waved them off.
 “I’m glad you’re proud of yourself,” George muttered, his hand clutched over his heart. “I think you may have taken five years off my life.”
 “Oh, please.” Ginny gave him a dismissive look. “You’ve already lost an ear, like the fact that your sister shagged her boyfriend is worse.”
 “Emotionally it is.” George took a large gulp from drink. “I was right, you know.”
 George smirked at her. “I told you this time last year that it was gonna be your year, and I was right.”
 Ginny smiled at her brother. “You should go into the fortune-telling business.”
 “Nah, the joke shop is keeping me busy enough. That’s just a hobby.” He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’m so happy for you two, Ginny.”
 She loved all her brothers equally, but at that moment George was pulling ahead. “Thanks, George.”
 “Now for all my support over the years, I’ll accept nothing less than your first son named after me.” George winked at her.
 She shook her head but laughed. “Can we discuss this stipulation? What about the middle name?”
  May 23rd, 2019. Okehampton College/Lydford Castle. Ages 18 and 17.
 “Focus, Ginny.” Allie slapped her shoulder. “We have another ten problems to solve.”
 Ginny shook out her shoulders. She had been out of it all day, her mind afloat in her own thoughts.
 “Sorry, Allie.” Ginny twisted her pencil between her fingers before setting the tip over the page.
 “Alright, spill.” Allie threw her book aside and leaned her chin in her hand. “You’ve been distracted all week.”
 Ginny sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “I don’t know… It’s just I haven’t heard from Harry in -”
 “Ah!” Allie nodded understandingly. “I should have known. It’s your anniversary.”  
 “Yeah… that too.” She hadn’t wanted to think about it, but that exact thought had invaded her mind many times that day. Also, she wasn’t one of those people who put stock in anniversaries or gift giving. She would love to just be able to video chat with him for thirty minutes. But their schedules clashed too much.
 “Ginny. Earth to Ginny.” Allie waved a hand in front of her face. “Girl, come back to me.”
 “Sorry.” Ginny rubbed her fingers over her eyes. Allie reached across the table and patted her hand. Right as Allie opened her mouth to start a perfect pep-talk, Ginny’s phone buzzed. She looked at the caller ID. Harry . She quickly slid her finger over the green bar. “Harry?”
 “Hello, luv.” Harry’s sounded tired but excited. “I need you to do me a favor.”
 “What kind of favor?” Ginny asked slowly.”If you’re gonna ask for any more of those photos -”
 “Okay, first of all, I was kidding with the whole ‘send nudes’ thing.” Harry’s tone took on a husky quality. “Though you’ve got to admit the idea of seeing me in nothing but a - Hello, sir!”
 Ginny snorted as she listened to Harry give his second lieutenant a quick briefing. Deciding to mess with him, Ginny made her voice go sultry. “You know what, instead of photos I think you’d love an oral description of this sexy, little black lingerie I bought last week…”
 Allie looked at her like she had gone insane. “What the hell are you talking about? We watched cheesy romcoms last weekend.”
 “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” There was a moment of silence before Harry spoke again. “That was just mean!”
 Laughing, Ginny said. “What was the favor, Harry?”
 “A photo with you and that -”
 “Try again.”
 “Okay, fine. I need you to head to our spot.”
 “Just trust me. Call me when you get there. I love you.” And with that, he hung up.
 Ginny stared at the darkened screen for a moment before collecting her books into her knapsack. “I’ve got to go.”
 “I figure that out.” Allie grinned. “So, your man has pulled through, didn’t he?”
 “We’ll see.”
 Ginny hurried to the castle ruins. It was only four o'clock in the afternoon so the sun was still high in the sky as she drove. The twenty-minute drive felt like an eternity, with so many unanswered questions.
 She pulled into a little parking lot that was used for the inn visitors and tourists alike. As she walked up the overgrown embankment, Ginny found Harry’s name in her contacts.
 Harry forewent any greeting. “Go into the field where I was super romantic and had us dancing.”
 “My modest man,” Ginny said sarcastically, but she followed his instructions. The field was thankful plowed so she wasn’t stuck struggling through tall grass. “Alright, now what?”
 “You know that tree I ran into when we were playing football when we were kids?”
 “And you broke your arm? How could I forget it?”
 Harry didn’t say anything, and Ginny obeyed her cue to the edge of the wood. Leaning against the base of the tree lay at least a dozen roses and a what had to be one of the largest bars of her favorite chocolates.
 “Harry, this is amazing!” Ginny picked up the flowers and admired the different color choices. Reds, lavenders, and (what she would call) peach.     
 “I wish I could be there to give them to you.”
 “Only a few weeks.”
 “Only a few weeks.” Harry let out a relieved sigh. “It can’t come fast enough.”   
  August 13th, 2019. Harry’s Temporary Flat. Ages 19 and 18.
 Harry slowly guided his lips back up Ginny’s body, giving the spot just above her navel special attention. “Morning sex is the best.” His breath warmed her skin.
 “You said that about welcome back sex.” Ginny tried to keep her mind as Harry’s did his best to make her lose it. “ And you said the same thing about make-up sex. Come to thi-think about it you’ve said something after every time we’ve sh-shagged.” Those beautiful, cursed lips were starting to break her.   
 Harry hummed his agreement onto her neck. “That’s because every time with you is the best.”
 And that cheesy line was what brought Ginny’s mind back. She snorted and used her finger to drag his lips to hers. They had been like this for the past two months, ever since Harry had arrived at the Okehampton train station. Ginny had picked him up and they’d instantly fallen  back into their old routines. Going to the castle ruins, driving toward the coast with no destination, and rolling around in Harry’s bed.
 It had been the been Ginny’s ideal summer. Everything revolved around them being together, but as the end of the month approached, Ginny’s mind kept reminding her that Harry’s leave was almost over. He would be leaving for Middle Wallop Army Aviation Center in less than thirty days.
 “Gin?” Harry pulled away from her, his eyes locking onto hers. “What’s wrong?”
 Ginny wanted to deny it, say everything was perfect, but she never lied to Harry about things like this. “I - I’m gonna miss you.”
 Harry’s mouth fell into a sad smile. “I’ll miss you too, you know that.”
 “I know, it just…” Ginny didn’t know how to express her hatred of their situation without sounding like a child.
 “Sucks?” Harry supplied.
 “More than opening up a pack of Opal Fruits and only having the lemon flavor.” Ginny's words had the intended effect. Harry started laughing, which made Ginny follow his lead.
 Once he’d regained his composure, Harry rolled off her and sat up with his back against the headboard. “Ginny.” He held open his arms and Ginny took the hint. She moved into his embrace, her back against his chest. They remained like that for a while, content for the moment.
  August 31th, 2019. Lydford Castle. Ages 19 and 18.
 “Gin?” Harry’s voice broke the contented silence between them. They had been watching the sunset with two bottles of Stella. Harry’s arm wrapped around Ginny’s shoulders as they leaned against the cold wall of the ruins.
 “Yeah?” She turned to look at him and was surprised to see him nervously biting his lip. “What’s wrong?”
 “Nothing’s wrong.” Ginny wasn’t quite sure if she believed him, seeing as he looked ready to vomit. “I just - I - er.”
 “Harry?” She placed a hand on his cheek. “You brought the beer, you get to talk.” She made sure to look him in eyes, hoping he would understand that he could tell her anything.
 He audibly gulped, then took a deep breath before saying. “Gin, I want to marry you.”
 Ginny felt her jaw drop. That wasn’t at all what she’d been expecting. “What?”
 “I want to marry you.”
  So I did hear him right, Ginny’s mind worked overtime. Marriage? Holy fuck! Now it was her turn to gulp overly loud. “Seriously?”
 Harry nodded. “You were right. Missing you would suck more than I want to think it. So I started thinking about ways we could be together and then I started thinking about how I never wanted to be apart from you and that made me realize what I want more than anything is to be yours in every way.” His eyes never flickered away from hers, a sure sign he wasn’t questioning his conclusion.
 Ginny knew she must be losing it. She must in some sort of dream state. Maybe in a coma? Harry James Potter wouldn’t be proposing to her unless it was some sort of over-romanticized delusion, right?
 It was that moment Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out a single diamond ring. It was simple in the best kind of way, a small gem set in the center of the silver circlet.
 If Ginny thought she’d been in a state of shock before….
 “I found out that my parents had a safe with their local bank full of heirlooms, remember?” Harry asked. Ginny nodded. She had gone with him on his eighteenth birthday, held his hand when things seemed to become overwhelming. “Well, when you were looking at that painting of my grandmother and grandfather I found her ring in a box.”
 Harry brought the ring up to eye level. “I didn’t show you then, because I knew you’d be the girl I’d give it to.” He took her left hand in his right. “Marry me tomorrow, Gin.”
 He was being completely serious, Ginny knew that, but fuck this was a lot for her to wrap her mind around. So many different questions rattling around her mind, but for some odd reason, she decided to ask. “Tomorrow?”
 “Yes! I’ve thought about it a lot.” Harry’s smile became whimsical. “We can have it here.” He gestured around the castle field. “Your family and a few of our friends as witnesses and didn’t Luna get a license as an ordained minister?”
 “She did.”
 “So, she can perform the service.” he kissed her quickly.
 “Harry this is - this is a lot .”
 “I know, but Gin, it feels so right, doesn’t it?”
 It did. She was confused about why it sounded sane. It should be crazy, like looney bin mad, but instead, it seemed just like them. She looked at him, really looked at him and saw no fear. Only hope and love.
 “I’m gonna call, Luna.”
  September 1st, 2019. Lydford Castle/Weasley Cottage. Ages 19 and 18.
 “I pronounce you joined, and you can express your love in whatever way you feel fit.”
 Harry kissed Ginny on Luna’s unusual take on ‘you may kiss the bride,’ letting his hands cup her jaw. Ginny didn’t seem to have any objections as her fingers twisted through his hair. The noise from their company didn’t penetrate Harry’s senses. All he cared about was kissing his wife, his wife!
 When he finally forced himself to pull away from her, the noise of Ginny’s mother blowing her nose stood out. He looked out at the seven most important people in his life (who could show up in less than twenty-four hours).
 “I have selected the first song for the new Mr. and Mrs. Potter.” Luna pulled out her phone and opened to her music app. She guided them to the flat field behind the castle’s structure.
 “Did you know about this?” Harry whispered into Ginny’s ear as they were herded across the green.
 “No.” Ginny smiled at him. “But I, for one, can’t wait to see what she picked.”
 Luna waited for Harry to place his hands on Ginny’s waist before starting the music.
 A gentle guitar was plucked before the started lyrics started.
  I found a love for me
Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
 “Luna picked this song?” Harry asked he slowly swayed in time with the strings.
 “Oh, she couldn’t have picked better!” Ginny was practically gushing. “This is literally the song I would have picked.”
 “It is rather - dare I say - perfect .”
 Ginny groaned and pressed her face into his chest, a move which allowed Harry to pull her closer to him.
  Sei la mia donna
La forza delle onde del mare
 Harry couldn’t help but start a little when the lyrics changed to Italian. “And there's the Luna touch we know and love.”
 Ginny’s shoulders started to shake as she laughed into his chest. She waited a moment before tilting her head back and kissing him. “Didn’t you take Italian?”
 “For a bit.” Harry focused intently on the lyrics, “I have always believed in us. Because you are an angel and I have waited for you.”
 “Is that what that chorus said?”
 “How do you know I didn’t just come up with that.” Ginny raised one brow at Harry’s question. “Fair enough. Yeah, it was.”
 Ginny laughed and kissed him again as the last strains of music faded out.
 Over the course of the next few hours, time went by in a blur. They headed back to Ginny’s parents’ cottage and were gifted a lovely dinner that was filled with laughter and more than a few inquiries about their plans.
 “We’re letting a house in Abbott’s Ann. It’s near the base, so I can travel to and from every day.” Harry smiled at Seamus who was flirting shamelessly with Ginny’s friend Allie.
 “What about university, Ginny?” Arthur asked. Harry was happy to see the older man was smiling. One of his biggest concerns was how Ginny’s parents were going to react to their impromptu marriage, but they had been fine with it. More than fine, really. Molly had cried happy tears when they’d arrived  the previous night with the news of their engagement.
 “Winchester has a great sports psychology program, and I’m hoping to find a place with one of the local teams after that.”
 Harry placed an arm around Ginny’s waist and kissed her temple. “Any place will be lucky to have you, love.”
 “And I didn’t even pay him to say that.” Ginny patted Harry’s cheek lovingly.  
 George walked over with a beer in one hand and a smile on his lips. “I’ve got to say, I love the fact that you’ve gotten married on your anniversary.”
 Harry quirked an eyebrow at his new brother-in-law, but Ginny let out a little gasp. “Oh!” She turned to Harry. “The first time we met was nine years ago today.”
 “I know.” Harry kissed her lightly. “I thought you knew.”
 “Wait, did… did you plan this?”
 “It was something I thought of.” His smile made her knees want to buckle. “September first is now the best day of my life for multiple reasons, but it's always because of you.”
 “Damn, Gin.” Fred started fanning himself with his hand. “If you hadn't just married him, I'd be trying to snatch Harry up.”
 “Sorry Freddy, but I plan on keeping him for a long time.” Ginny took Harry by the hand and lead him towards where Luna had started a makeshift dance floor by the old pond. “Time to show everyone that you’re more than a smooth talker.”
  February 12th, 2022. Potter Cottage. Ages 22 and 21.
 Harry gently lowered his bag behind the sofa. It had been a long six months since he’d been home. His first tour of duty had been a success with only a few hiccups. After completing the required eighteen months of flight training at the Army Aviation Center, he’d had two weeks to prepare for his six-month deployment. Now he was back and ready to see his wife for the first time in half a year.
 Speaking of hiccups, Harry tried not to wince as he stood straight. One of the buttons on his shirt rubbed against the still healing wound just below his rib cage.
 He looked around the sitting room of his and Ginny’s house. They had rented for the first years of their marriage but eventually decided to just outright buy it. It was a simple English cottage with five rooms, and it was completely perfect for them. They loved everything about it, from the small town of its location to its thatched roof.
 Moving slowly, he checked each room, looking for Ginny. She wasn’t in the kitchen, loo, or spare room they’d turned into her study. His socked feet made no noise as he picked his way across the hardwood floor. Finally, in the bedroom, he spotted his wife. She lay with a mound of textbooks littered around her. Her laptop perched precariously near the edge of the mattress.
 Harry allowed himself a moment to just stare at her. Sometimes he still couldn’t believe she was with him. He had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. As he watched, her reading glasses (the ones she fought tooth and nail about) slid down her nose. Fuck ! She was just perfect.
 Carefully, as to not to disturb her, he moved into the room and onto the little bit of free mattress. She didn’t seem to notice his presence, even though the bed sank under his weight. He had asked one of his squad mates to bring him home from the base because he’d planned to surprise Ginny, and so far he’d say it was working. “That doesn’t look like fun.”
 Ginny jumped a kilometer in the air, forcing her notebook out of her hand. She turned, and Harry was more than amused to watch her eyes grow twice their size. “Harry!” She leaned across the heap of homework and took his face in her hands. “You’re here!”
 “In the flesh.” Harry took the opportunity to push her books aside and positioned himself in her personal bubble. She fell back, taking him with her as they lay perpendicular to the headboard. “Miss me?”
 “More than you know.” Ginny attacked his mouth with hers, then letting her attention drift down to his neck.
“Oh, I think I can guess how much.” Harry bit back a moan as she found his pulse point. Ginny’s hands moved to the hem of his shirt and slithered underneath. The feeling of overwhelming joy and excitement was temporarily halted as Ginny’s nails brushed over his wound. He couldn’t prevent the intake of breath as pain shot through his abdomen.
 Ginny stopped her hands and lips. “Harry?” She leaned away so she could look at his face. “What happened?”
 “No -” Harry swallowed the discomfort. “Nothing. Just a little sore, that’s all.”
 Ginny’s eyes flashed. “What do you mean sore ?”
 Before Harry could make an inaccurate description, Ginny’s hands when back to the hem of his shirt and lifted it (in a much more clinical way that he’d wanted). Her eyes instantly locked with the healing bullet wound.
 In a deadly calm voice, Ginny asked, “What happened?”
 “It wasn’t -”
 “If you say the words ‘that’ and ‘bad’ next, I may kill you.”
 Harry swallowed hard before starting again. “It was a bullet that missed anything important.”
 “And why wasn’t I told of this, ‘not important’ bullet wound?”
 Harry knew he was in trouble. He may have escaped death by gunshot, but Ginny’s eyes spelled his demise. “Er…”
 Ginny pushed him off her, making him fall atop the books he had so happily pushed aside just moments ago. She sprang off the bed and started pacing. “I can’t think of a single reason why I wasn’t informed of this ‘ not important ’ injury. That wound doesn’t look fresh and aggravated. When did you get it?”
 “Three weeks ago.” Harry knew if he wanted to get out of this with some of his hearing intact he needed to answer all her questions truthfully and directly.
 That stopped her pacing. She curled her hands around the baseboard at the end of the bed. Her eyes locked on his. “Three weeks.”
 “Yes, ma’am.”
 If someone asked Harry what type of animal his wife was at that moment, he’d have to say a dragon due to the steam coming from her nostrils. “And why didn’t you tell me about this during our Skype call two weeks ago?” She paused for a moment. “Were you in the infirmary when we were talking?”
 “Yes, and I didn’t tell you because the doctors told me I was fine. It was through and through.”
 Ginny’s mouth became such a thin line Harry knew he’d now royally fucked up. “I don’t care if a butterfly bites you!” She seethed, gritting her teeth. “ I want to know everything, Harry! Do you understand?”
 “Yes, but - where are you going?” Harry watched Ginny stalk towards the little corridor that connected the bedrooms to the sitting room.
 “I’m going to my office to study because right now I’m too mad to look at you.” And then she was gone, the sound of a door slamming reverberating in his ears.  Harry fell back onto the bed, his hands coming to scrub his face.
 “Well. Fuck.”
  February 13th, 2022. Potter’s Cottage. Ages 22 and 21.
 Harry closed the front door to his cottage quietly behind him. He was drenched from the rain and tired (seeing as it was just past midnight and he’d been up for almost twenty-four hours), but he needed to sort this out. In his left hand were roses from one of his street neighbor’s garden. Phil had been confused by his still smartly dressed, miliary neighbor showing up at his door at half past midnight, but once Harry had explained he needed flowers for Ginny, Phil had let Harry cut a few off his bushes.
 After taking off his boots, Harry walked to the still closed door of Ginny’s study. Taking a deep breath, he knocked. “Ginny, may I please come in?”
 Silence, then a quiet, “Fine,” came from behind the wood. He opened the door slowly and saw Ginny sitting in her desk chair, watching his every move. Her attention was drawn to the flowers clutched in his hand. “Flowers… really, Harry?”
 “You deserve flowers, that’s the only reason I got them.” He held them out to her. Slowly, she took them from his hands. “And I want to apologize.”
 Her eyes narrowed slightly. “Okay.”
 “I should have told you about the bullet wound. It’s just -” Harry took in a deep breath. “This may sound crazy, but in my mind, I was preventing you from being hurt.”
 Ginny quirked her eyebrows at him. “What?”
 Harry rolled his stiff shoulders. “I knew if I told you it would freak you out.”
 “Of course it would!”
 “Right. So, my thought was, you wouldn’t worry as much if you didn’t know about the injury. And you being worried is a form of hurt in my eyes, and I can’t stand you in pain.”
 Ginny sat motionless for a moment, just staring at him, then she placed the flowers on her desk and stood. She moved deliberately across the room and wrapped her arms around his neck.
 “I worry about you no matter what, Harry.” Her eyes were overly bright. “Every time you go out that front door, I worry I’ll never see you again.”
 “Hush. I know it’s foolish to worry about you heading out for a pint of milk but I can’t help it.” A tear slid down her cheek. “I’ll never ask you to stop doing what you love, but Harry -” She let out a shaky breath. “I don’t want to live without you.”
 Harry wiped gently underneath her eyes to brush any more tears away. “Ginny -”  Harry choked on his own words. He wanted to say nothing would ever happen, that he would always come home to her, but the reality was that he couldn’t promise that.  No one could, but Harry, in particular, seemed to attract trouble. “Gin, your love, it means so much to me. You mean everything to me.”
 When she kissed him he could taste the salt from her tears, her smile was soft. “Ditto, love. Ditto.”
February 25th, 2022. Lydford Castle. Ages 22 and 21.
 “You ready?” Harry muttered into her ear, making her shudder. They were positioned at the top of the hill, the castle ruins to their backs. Ginny sat at the front of the sled, with Harry keeping his body close for warmth reasons.
 “Bring it on, Potter.”
 Harry used his gloved hands to propel them forward. They had already carved out a course and now they were targeting speed. Ginny loved the way the wind made her frozen cheeks feel alive again. The sled slowed and they stopped right in front of the tree line.
 Ginny hopped off, ready for the next round. Harry collected their ride and Ginny led the way back towards the top. They had forged their walking path through multiple strenuous trips.
 “Come on, old man.” Ginny turned to see Harry at least twenty steps behind her. She started picking up her pace, hoping to encourage Harry to move his feet. And it worked. Before she knew it, his warm body was pressed against her back, arms banded around her waist.
 “Old man?” Harry’s breath heated Ginny’s ear.
 “You heard me right.” Ginny turned in his arms, pressing her face into the collar of his jacket. She loved moments like this. Only him and her.  
 “I’m literally only a year older than you.”
 “And twelve days.”
 “Because those twelve days make all the difference.”
 Ginny pulled away and started moving back up towards the top of the hill. “That’s right.” When she reached the halfway point, a shiver ran down her spine right before the cold of snow slithered down the collar of her jacket. She spun to see Harry aiming his next missile at her.
 Raising her hands up slowly in a sign of surrender, Ginny said, “Now let's not be hasty, love.”
 “Now it’s ‘love’, huh?” Harry rolled his frozen projectile around his gloved hands. “I thought I was an old man.”
 “Just a loving nickname.”
 “Uh huh.” Harry reeled his arm back.
 Ginny ducked as the snowball flew over her head. “I gave you the chance to back down.” She reached down and bundled her own collection of snow, never taking her eyes off Harry. They straightened at the same time, eyes locked in an intense battle.
 “We seem to be at a stalemate,” Harry said, his free hand twitching in anticipation like he was a cowboy in one of those old Western movies.
 “I have to agree.” Ginny licked her lower lip, which had chapped in the cold.
 “On the count of three, we both drop our weapons?” Harry proposed.
 “Alright.” Ginny smiled indulgently at him. “One. Two. Three.” No snow fell to the ground.
 She sighed, shaking her head in false exasperation. “Well, now I’m disappointed in the both of us.”
 “So, this is happening?”
 “I don’t think we have a choice, darling.”
 “The matter is completely out of our hands.”
 Ginny moved with light speed as she took  aim at Harry’s chest, reeled back, and fired with a hard throw.  Unfortunately for her, Harry had the same idea; Ginny felt the snow hit her shoulder and Harry’s missile collided with her jacket.  
 She bent down, collecting as much snow as she could into her hands when a heavy weight knocked her into her ammo. Ugh! Harry had used his body as a wrecking ball and pushed her into the snow. Heat radiated off his body as he pressed kisses to the bit of uncovered skin between her ear and neck.
 “Do you yield?” Harry murmured into her ear.
 “Never.” Ginny started squirming, trying to find a route of escape, but Harry had her entire body covered.
 “Well, then I’m just going to have to torture you to surrender.” He started kissing every exposed part of her body. Her cheeks, nose, lips. Ginny moved her arms to wrap around his neck, drawing him closer.
 “Harry, what would you say if we rented a room at the inn?”
 “I’d say, I’ll grab the sled and you go check us in.”
  June 30th, 2022. Coffee#1 - Andover. Ages 22 and 21.
 “How are you, Ginny?” Allie asked as she stirred way to much sugar into her tea. It had been a while since they two old teammates had chatted. Allie was busy trying to start her own beauty salon, and Ginny had just been -- well -- preoccupied .
 “Okay.” Ginny rested her head in her hand, her tone removed of all livelihood.
 Allie set her spoon down and glared. “Don’t lie to me. I know you, and that isn’t a ‘everything is fine’ voice.”
 Ginny rolled her eyes but sighed. Allie was right. She wasn’t okay and wouldn't be until she could speak to Harry. “I - I. Allie, you can’t tell anyone what we talk about right here, got it?”
 The glower shifted to concern. Allie reached for Ginny’s free hand. “What happened, girl? Is it Harry?”
 “No. Harry is... fine.” Ginny sucked in a painful breath. “Allie, I - I had a miscarriage a few weeks back.”
 Allie’s eyes became the size of the moon. As fast as light, Allie had her friend in her arms. For what felt like the millionth time in the last fortnight, the tears began to slide down Ginny’s cheeks.  She tucked her face into Allie’s soft cotton shirt. It took a few moments for Ginny to remove herself from her friend’s embrace.
 “Ginny.” Allie was clearly lost for words. “I - were you trying?”
 Ginny shook her head. They definitely had not been trying, but they definitely hadn’t been not trying. “No, but…” She didn’t know how to explain it, but the moment she had taken that test, Ginny had wanted a baby. Her and Harry’s baby. Chubby cheeks with bright green eyes. Ginny had started to imagine of a freckle covered, black-haired boy lying in Harry’s arms as he was softly rocked to sleep. Then that dream had turned into a nightmare when she had started to bleed heavily. She had rushed to the nearest A&E to discover her baby -- their baby -- was gone.
 Allie didn’t need an explanation. “Have you told Harry?”
 Again, Ginny shook her head. “No, I haven’t been able to speak with him for the last month and a half.” This deployment had been much more intense than the last. Harry hadn’t had the free time or even the service to call often. He had been gone since the beginning of March, but this time he was only gone for four months.
 “Oh, Ginny.” Allie squeezed her again.   
  August 3rd, 2022. Potter Cottage. Ages 23 and 21.
 Ginny stood by the stove, waiting for the kettle to boil. Harry was home and unpacking his bag. After waiting four months to see him, to tell him everything , she was lost for words. When she had picked him up at the train station she couldn’t take her eyes off him. Now, two hours after arriving home, she couldn’t look at him. All she could think about was the incident . That’s what she called the miscarriage because thinking of that word was more than she could handle.
 She jumped as hands curved around her to rest on her stomach. Harry moved in close, so her back leaned against him. “So quiet, luv. Is everything okay?” Harry’s breath tickled her neck as he whispered into her ear.
 “I -” Ginny keep her eyes on the kettle, wishing for it to scream it’s discomfort so her mind wasn’t alone. “I - Harry .”
 “Gin?” He spun her so she faced him. His eyes lasered on hers, darkened with concern.
 “Harry, I had a miscarriage.” She hadn’t planned to just blurt that. She had wanted to tell him gently, maybe with a mug of tea to bring him comfort, but of course, her big mouth had its own intentions.
 His mouth fell open for only a second before his jaw snapped shut. Then he held her so tightly she couldn’t move even if she wanted to. No… she wanted to be in his arms. She had wanted nothing more for the last two months.
 “Ginny.” Harry’s voice was hoarse with emotion. He kissed her cheek, nose, forehead, his lips covered her entire face. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here.” He whispered into her ear as he pressed his nose into her neck.
 “You’re here now.” Ginny closed her eyes, accepting her own words. “You’re here now.”
  December 25th, 2022. Potter Cottage. Ages 23 and 22.
 “I can’t believe you got Christmas off, mate!” George slapped Harry’s back as he claimed the recently vacated seat beside him.
 “I know, but I do leave on the first.” He was leaving again, but this time as captain. His last tour hadn’t been easy and presented Harry with a real opportunity to show his capabilities. They had promoted him to captain, and this time, he was leading his own sub-unit.
 “Yeah, but you get to be here to see the kiddies open your gifts!”
 Harry’s heart dropped into his stomach. He looked over at Ginny who was talking with her mother. They still were struggling with the loss of their baby. Harry had requested to stay within England for his next assignment so he could be close to his wife. They had talked about it and decided that it wasn’t the time for them to have a baby, yet… Harry wished things were different. He took a swig from his drink before answering. “Yeah. Victoire loves that princess dress we got her.”
 “Well, she does see herself as a future queen, don’t cha know?”
 “No doubt.” Harry couldn’t stop himself from smiling as Victoire took charge over little Molly, showing Percy’s daughter how to serve ‘tea’ to their fathers.
 He looked Ginny over and saw her eyes on the two girls as well. Then, their eyes locked, like a magnetic connection were forcing them together. Ginny smiled at him, that smile that she reserved only for him, and that feeling of sadness for what  could have been faded away. He had her, and they had the rest of their lives to experience things-- to have babies. And that’s all that mattered… that she was his, and he was hers.
 “Uncle Hawwy?” Molly spoke from Harry’s elbow, her issue with R’s more adorable than ever “Would you like some tea?”
 Harry looked at his niece and smiled. “As long as you made it with your secret ingredient.”
 That threw Molly for a loop. Her little red eyebrows scrunched together. “Secwet ingwedient?”
 Leaning in close, Harry nodded and said in a stage whisper. “You made it with love, right?”
 Molly giggled, her face lighting up like the tree behind her. “Yea!”
 “Then pour me your largest mug.” He pressed a kiss to the little girl’s cheek as she hurried off with his order.
 “What did you get me?” Harry looked away from the two excited cousins making his tea to see his beaming wife.
 “Oh, I didn’t know you wanted anything.” Harry stood and kissed her cheek.
 Ginny made a tisking noise. “Potter. Potter. Potter. You claim to know me! I always a sucker for a strong cuppa.”
 “Of course, Potter. Silly me.” Harry looked over his shoulder. “Oh, Molly?” Molly’s red head shot up from her extremely precise pouring job. “Could you please pour a cup for my lovely wife too, please?”
 Molly showed off her baby teeth before nodding.
 Harry turned back to Ginny. “Incredible service. I think I’ll leave a generous tip.”
 Ginny wrapped her arms around Harry’s back, pulling him close, before kissing him. “‘Tis the season, isn’t it.”
  Yeah , Harry thought, all I need is her. He pressed one final kiss to her lips before Molly walked over with two plastic tea cups clutched in her tiny fingers.
  May 6th, 2023. Weasley Cottage. Ages 23 and 22
 “So, how was the interview?” Molly asked as she poured tea for herself and Ginny. She knew her daughter had applied for a position as health coach at the local football club.
 Ginny smiled at her mother while stirring in the milk she added to her drink. “I was offered the job on the spot.”
 Molly clapped her hands together. “That's great, dear! What will you be doing exactly?” She knew it was something to do with making sure the players were healthy during the season, but there was so much to Ginny’s chosen profession, that Molly had a hard time keeping it all straight.
 “I'm going to create individual diets for the players and help the physical therapist.”
 “Sounds wonderful!” Molly smiled at the excitement in Ginny's voice. “Have you heard from Harry lately?”
 A whimsical look came onto Ginny's face. It made Molly's heart soar. Her daughter was still madly in love with her husband, and that's all she'd ever wanted for Ginny.
 “I actually spoke with him yesterday. He's thinking he should be back by July and get to be home for at least a month.”
 “It will be great to have him around, won’t it?” Molly took a sip from her mug. “I know little Victoire loves her Uncle Harry.”
 Ginny didn’t miss her sly implication. She narrowed her eyes. “ Mum .”
 “Yes, I know. I know. You’ve decided to wait a few more years, but you never know. You got together spontaneously, married spur of the moment, so why not get pregnant impromptu?”
 The look on Ginny’s face was priceless and Molly couldn’t help but smile as Ginny let out an indignant, “Mum!”
  September 5th, 2023. Lydford Castle. Ages 23 and 22.
“You’d think I’d have adjusted to you leaving,” Ginny murmured into Harry’s neck as she snuggled closer to his warmth. They were laying on the grass behind Lydford castle. They had decided that before Harry was to leave for an extended tour, they’d take the three-hour drive and spend their final day together at their old spot. The spot where they’d truly fallen in love.
 “I know I haven’t.” Harry kissed the top of her head.
 The picnic lunch Ginny lay littered around them, abandoned for the opportunity to hold one another. They fell into a content silence. Noise from the nearby inn could just barely be heard over the sounds of chatting birds.
 “Promise me you’ll be safe.” Ginny was the one to burst the picture-perfect bubble. She leaned away from his neck to look him in the eyes. “Please, Harry.”
 “I promise I’ll do my best, Gin. I’ll always do my best to come back to you.”   
  November 1st, 2023. Potter Cottage. Ages 23 and 22.
 Ginny leaned forward, letting her head fall into her hands. God , was she tired. No matter how much sleep she got, Ginny was constantly drained.
 At first she assumed it was from the loss of her sleeping partner. Over the past year, Harry had been tasked to home soil. He had been helping to train new recruits, plot maps, and some things he couldn't tell her, but all of that meant he was home with her every night. But then she couldn’t help but think that she’d dealt with Harry leaving before, so why would this time be so hard on her? No...it was something else, but she didn't know what . Maybe it was work? One of the players had been proving difficult, not allowing his hamstring sprain to heal properly. Fuck, maybe it was a combo of the two.
 Then again, maybe she was catching that cold Allie had exposed her to the last time they’d met for coffee. Allie had told Ginny she was on the tail end of a bout of flu, but maybe she’d still been contagious?
 No matter the reason, Ginny needed to get up and finish making that cup of tea. She slowly lifted her head out of her hands and blinked at her cozy kitchen.
 “Fuck,” Ginny groaned as she rose out of her seat and put the kettle on the burner. What the fuck was this? What flu lasted three weeks? Because thinking back on it, she’d seen Allie three weeks ago from last Thursday, and Ginny distinctly remembered feeling extremely lethargic a few days later.
 So she’d been dealing with three weeks of tiredness, a slight fever, random rolling stomach spells, and headache that could have stopped a charging rhino in his tracks. Ginny thought about the medical books and articles she’d read over the course of her uni days, and all the diseases that she could have. Meningitis, mononucleosis, pneumonia. Fuck ! Her symptoms were so common that it could practically anything. It wasn’t like she was coughing up blood or -
 Ginny moved quickly out of the kitchen to the toilet. Opening the drawer she used for “monthly demon” (Ron’s words) supplies. Fully stocked. She should have been at least a quarter depleted. Bile rose up into her throat as she hurried back into the kitchen where the yearly calendar hung.
 She rifled through the months. Her last monthly had been…
 “Oh, fuck! ”
  November 12th, 2023. Potter Cottage. Ages 23 and 22.
 Ginny sat on her sofa, abandoned carton of ice cream melting on the table beside her. Her mind kept replaying everything her doctor had told her. Nine weeks. Nine motherfucking weeks pregnant! No, it didn’t feel real. It didn’t matter how many times she said the word ‘pregnant’ out loud, thought the phrase ‘I’m pregnant,’ or even wrote out the expression ‘I am going to have a baby,’ Ginny just could believe it.
 So instead of facing reality, Ginny went out and bought a carton of her favorite ice cream flavor and sat in her living room watching meaningless daytime television. It wasn’t the healthiest coping method, but it was a distraction from her own mind. Her traitorous mind that kept going back to the last time… the excitement, then the crushing grief… No .
 Her focus went back to the detective on the screen.
 “What do we know about our victim?” The lead investigator asked, standing over a body that had been covered with a sheet from the shoulders down.
 “Twenty-three year old female. Bruising around the neck suggests strangulation.” The camera focused on the black a blue coloring of the victim's neck. “She was also pregnant -”
 “Oh for fuck's sake!” Ginny turned off the offending program with a sharp button press.
  Fuck Harry and his fit ‘just out of the shower’ body! Fuck herself for forgetting to put on a new patch!
 She leaned back and let her eyes fall closed. Pregnant. Ginny was having a baby… Harry’s baby. Like the floor fell out from under her, Ginny’s gut rushed into her throat. She couldn’t go through the pain of telling Harry she’d lost another baby. All he’d ever wanted was a family. He deserved a family.  
 Unbidden tears started to leak under her lashes. She was his family and now she was having his baby… his chubby-cheeked, button nose baby. Though Ginny logically knew there was no outward sign, her fingers still moved to her stomach.
 “I’m pregnant,” Ginny muttered into the silence of her home, and finally she truly believed her own words.
  December 15th, 2023. Potter Cottage. Ages 23 and 22.
 Ginny threw the tea towel onto the counter with thoughtlessness as the sound of knuckles on wood rang throughout the cottage. As she moved to the front door, her hand subconsciously rested on her slightly protruding stomach.
 It was something Ginny had taken to: rubbing her hand over her baby bump, talking to her unborn child. She loved feeling the evidence of what she and Harry had created. Once she’d gotten over her shock, Ginny had become a full-fledged nester. She had already started filling her Amazon wishlist with baby clothing for either gender.
 The only thing she hadn’t been able to do was to tell the father. Harry had warned her before he’d left that contact would be minimal, maybe once every few months at best. Even letters were limited, but that was better than nothing. Fortunately, in his last letter, Harry said he should be able to have a Skype conversation on Christmas. It was the best gift he could give her, and in turn, she thought he would love her gift to him.
 Before opening the door, she looked through the small peephole. A man in a tan, military uniform stood on her stoop. Her heart started to beat against her ribcage, threatening to break free. As quickly as she could, Ginny opened the door to a man she knew only from Harry’s descriptions.
 Major “Mad-Eye” Moody offered out a hand. “Mrs Potter, I’m -”
 “What’s happened to Harry?” Ginny didn't need an introduction or small talk. She needed direct answers.  
 “May I come in, Mrs Potter?” Moody gestured towards the sofa with a hand that only had three fingers.
 “Call me Ginny.” She moved aside to allow the bulk man entry. They moved as one to the sofa and chair set. Ginny took the loveseat as Moody settled awkwardly in the chair.
 “Ginny.” Moody’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “I have come to inform you that your husband was apart of a raid team that has been reported missing in action since o-eight hundred hours this morning.”
 Four hours! Harry had been MIA for four hours. She wanted to scream at the gnarled man, demanding she find her husband -- her Harry! -- but logically she knew that wouldn't do anything. And she needed to be logical right now.
 “What can you tell me?” Ginny was surprised her voice sounded so calm.
 “Mrs - Ginny , there isn’t much I actually can tell you.” Moody shifted in his seat. “You know his whereabouts were highly classified.”
 “Yes, but I would think due to the circumstances I could be informed of his last known location.” Ginny recognized the tone she was using. It was her mother's ‘I’m too upset to yell’ tone.
 “Mrs Potter, unfortunately, I still am unable to tell you that. What I can tell you is that we’ve assigned a highly trained unit to find your husband and the nine other missing men.”
 “Who’s in charge of the unit?”
 “Nymphadora Tonks. She is truly one of our best.” Moody laced his fingers. “Ginny, I just want to tell you how fond I am of Harry.” He grunted. “And I swear I’ll be doing everything in my power to bring him back to you and your baby.”
 Ginny’s hands came to rub her stomach. Tears welled in her eyes.
 Moody cleared his throat. “Does Harry kno -”
 “ No .” Ginny felt a shiver go down her spine. “I didn’t know before he left and I haven’t been allowed contact.”
 In a surprising gesture, Moody offered her his hand. When she took it, he squeezed gently. “When he comes home he will be so happy. He really loves you and will be so happy about the baby.”
 Ginny had to shut her eyes, hoping to close herself off from everything, but it didn’t work. Her mind kept imagining Harry. The way he looked the first time she’d seen him as a child. That intense look he’d had before they’d kissed for the first time. Those flushed cheeks as he moved inside her.
 She held Moody’s hand tightly. “Find him, please.”
  December 16th, 2023. Unknown Location. Ages 23 and 22.
 Harry’s mind was ready to explode. The pressure was becoming unbearable. He had no idea how long he’d been hanging upside down, and fuck, he didn’t even know where he was. The last thing Harry remembered before waking up with his feet tied to ceiling rafter was loading his team back onto the chopper. Then there had been gunfire before the world went black.
 At the very least, he knew he hadn’t been shot. Someone had snuck up behind him (using the noise of the propeller to cover his footsteps) and knocked him out. There was no way for Harry to know what happened to his team, but he had to assume they had been taken in the ambush as well.
 “Ah, you are awake Captain Potter.” A snide voice came from somewhere to Harry’s left. He twisted his body to look and saw a greasy haired man, dressed in all black. “I’m glad. We can have a nice little chat now.”
  December 25th, 2023. Ages 23 and 22.
 “Keep that in mind for next time, Potter.” Harry heard the door slam shut but kept his eyes closed. It was easier to control his body if he focused on one thing at a time, and right now it was time to prevent himself from vomiting. His chest seared from the fire that had been burning his skin.
 Harry went to his happy place: with Ginny. It was near Christmas, he was almost certain, though it was hard to keep track of holidays in a prison cell. He hoped that his wife had gone to see her parents, brother, their significant others, and kids. It always brought her joy to see little Molly and Victoire.
 “Happy Christmas, Gin.”  
  January 2nd, 2024. Bones Medical Office. Ages 23 and 22.
 “Mrs Potter, your file here is… incorrect.” Susan spoke gently as she could.
 “I’m sorry?” Ginny sat up, wiping the cold gel from her stomach, and pulled her shirt back down. Ginny had made an appointment with her normal physician to check on her baby. She knew stress wasn’t good for a baby, and fuck, had she ever been stressed… between the holidays, her mother trying to basically move into her home, and the fact that her husband could either be dead or alive, Ginny was at a breaking point. So she wanted a check up. “What do you mean incorrect?”
 Susan sighed. “Your first examination was… poorly done. Mrs Potter, did anyone ever discuss the fact that you were having twins with you?”
  Snap. There went the last of her cool.
 “No!” Her voice became high pitched. “How could they not have known?”
 “I can’t speak for your first doctor, but, Ginny, you have two babies.” Bones turned the monitor towards her and that clearly showed two outlines. “One.” Susan pointed to the left shadow. “And two.” Her finger moved across the screen to the right.
 Ginny wished she could disagree. She wanted to say it was just one weirdly shaped blob, but she couldn’t. “How - why - How did they miss this?”
 “During your first ultrasound one could have been hiding. Or even we have a set of monoamniotic or monochorionic twins.” Susan’s voice was clearly meant to soothe, but Ginny’s heart continued to race. “But with some more tests, we will get everything figured out and make sure your babies are okay. I’d like to start with some blood tests. Is that okay with you, Ginny?”
 Ginny could only nod, her mouth unable to operate.
  January 2nd, 2024.Unknown Location. Ages 23 and 22.
 Harry tried to open his eyes, but the left one refused. It was still swollen from his beating a day ago. No matter what, Harry wouldn’t give up. He had too much to lose. His men, his country, and most of all Ginny. She was never far from his mind. When his eyes closed it, was her freckled face that he saw, not the pockmarked man who enjoyed beating him with whatever was handy.
 No, him and Ginny we’re on a beach far away. Her lithe form in a tight black bikini. That was where he was. With his best friend and lover.
 Harry felt himself drift off, and he welcomed the hours of pain relief.  
  January 5th, 2024. Potter Cottage. Ages 23 and 22.
 “Ginny?” Molly’s voice came from the other side of her closed bedroom door. “I have a cup of tea for you.”
 Ginny pulled one of Harry’s old base shirts over her stomach. Her sons were healthy and happy, according to Bones. Her identical sons. Holy fuck . Ginny had sworn to every deity she could  think of that if her sons were anything like her twin brothers…
 She took a deep breath before leaving the quiet of her room. Ever since Ginny had called her mother in tears (discovering a second baby growing inside you is a good reason to be emotional), Molly had officially moved into the Potter cottage. Though she hated the fact that she felt like a child again, Ginny needed her mother more than she wanted to admit.
 “There you are, dear.” Molly beamed at her when she entered the kitchen, stomach first. “Your cup is right on the table and there is a freshly made scone beside it.”
 Ginny took her place, lowering herself slowly into the chair. “Thanks, Mum.”
 Molly came over tea towel still in hand, and kissed her head. “Of course.”
 A knock on the front door broke the silence. Ginny made to stand, but Molly pushed her back down lightly. “I’ve got it.” She bustled out of the room.
 Ginny listened to the small creak and the sound of pleasant voices, then footsteps. Molly re-entered the kitchen with a blond haired woman. The stranger wore her army dress jacket and beret.
 “Mrs Potter.” She held out her hand to Ginny. “I’m Captain Tonks.”
 Ginny’s heart flew into her throat. If she hadn’t already been sitting, Ginny’s knees would have buckled. “Do -” Ginny couldn’t get out any words.
 “We have a location on Captain Potter.” Tonks took the seat Molly gestured towards, right across from Ginny. “After surveillance, we believe that your husband and the rest of his captured squad have been held captive.”
  Captive . Ginny let the word float around in her mind. Captive. He had been held against his will in some (more than likely) grungy dungeon. But captive means alive. He was alive . Ginny’s head fell into her hands. Tears falling freely. She could feel her mother’s hand start to rub wide circles on her back.
 “Do you have a plan to get my son-in-law?” Molly’s tone was soft and soothing, but Ginny knew her mother would be staring at Tonks with a hawk-like glare.
 “Yes, ma’am.” Tonks sounded as calm as ever. “I have a team of twelve readying for deployment as we speak. This is a stealth operation, Mrs Potter.”
 Ginny lifted her head to look at the woman. Tonks smiled at her. “I’m going to do everything in my power to bring Harry home.”
 And Ginny believed her. She truly did. Reaching across the table, Ginny gripped Tonk’s hand. “Thank you.”
 “Of course.” Tonks took a deep breath. “Because we don’t the know the extent of everything Captain Potter has gone through, I would like to talk to you about some phrases, important memories, and items that can help Harry understand my men are friendly. Is there anything you can think of that make Harry trust my men, once they find him?”
 Ginny thought about it. They didn’t really have a motto or anything. Then a thought came to her. She reached up to her neck, and she unclasped the necklace Harry had given her for her seventeenth birthday. After five years, she’d never gone more than a few hours without the silver chain around her neck.
 “Show him this.” She handed it to Tonks. “And you can tell him I’ll be bringing the drinks to our spot when he gets home.”
 Tonks nodded, her hand closing around one of Ginny’s most treasured items. “I’ll do just that.”
  January 6th, 2024. Unknown Location. Ages 23 and 22.
 Harry spit the blood out of his mouth when the door closed behind the now bloody-knuckled, man. His cell was the same as before, dark and smelling of urine. Harry tried to keep out of his designated piss corner, but the man (who Harry called The Brute) had thrown him straight towards the relief nook.  
 Sitting up, Harry tried to forget what he had just seen. Malcolm. That was the third man Harry had lost over their imprisonment, (Harry had to look at his wall etching to know it had been twenty-one days).
 Every seven days they killed another one of his men. First had been Liam Strong, who had only just gotten married to his childhood sweetheart. Then Kole Grossman, a strong man who had come out to his parents right before their deployment. Kole would never get to see his parents accept any of his boyfriends. And now Malcolm Fuller, Harry’s second in command and father to a three-year-old daughter.
 Harry’s captors wanted information that Harry didn’t have (nor would have given them if he’d know), and these monsters thought the killings would loosen his tongue. Of course, he would do anything to save his men, but he truly didn’t have anything to give them. So he had been forced into a chair and made to watch as they slowly tortured his men to the point where they were begging for death. And then Harry would see their pleas be granted.
 The only thing keeping Harry sane was the thought of Ginny. He promised to do his best to come back to her, and fuck, he would do just that!
 He could hear screaming from another room. Painful screaming. Harry closed his eyes, wishing he could block out the noise, too.
 It was time to take stock of his injuries. Harry felt around his face, feeling the knicks from slowly healing wounds. The marks where scars were sure to form on his arms. Not to mention the puckered skin on his torso from burns. The spot where his eyebrow wouldn’t seem to regrow. He rolled his ankle, which had been badly sprained, and only just really started to support his weight after improper treatment. None of that mattered though. He was alive.
 The scream was suddenly cut off, replaced by gunfire and grunts. Harry rose on his shaky legs, getting close to the metal bars what had contained him for twenty-one days. The solid wooden door clashed open to reveal two soldiers. Two British soldiers.
 “Captain Potter.” They moved in sync to the cage. “We’ve been sent to retrieve you and the rest of your unit. Do you know where the rest are?”
 Harry wanted to believe them. Oh, how he wanted to believe them, but how could he with so much on the line? He needed to protect his squad and telling strangers, who could have obtained their uniforms by killing some other unit, wouldn’t do.
 “Who are you?”
 The one who spoke before said, “I’m Captain Tonks and this is second lieutenant Boot. I’ve talked to your wife, Ginny. She told me to tell you that she will be bringing the drinks to your spot when you get home’. Also, she wanted me to show you this.”
 Tonks threw a small object at Harry, which he almost missed because of the dim lighting in his cell. But even without full sight, Harry could recognize the simple design. With trembling fingers, he pressed the bottom button. Moving the locket right up to the tip of his nose Harry could see the two figures watching the sunset.
 He looked up at his comrades. “They should be down the hall and to the left. I heard Holmes’ voice a few days back as they beat him. Now get me out of here so we can get them!”
 Boot jingled a key and unlocked the cell. Tonks came over and patted Harry’s shoulder. “Let’s get you all out of here.”  
  January 7th, 2024. Potter Cottage. Ages 23 and 22.
 “Ginny, sit down!” Molly gritted her teeth as Ginny paced around the sitting room for the hundredth time. “They will contact you as soon as they have any news.”
 She knew that. Logically , she knew that. But that didn’t make her feet stop moving.
 “Dear, I’m sure you’re hungry. Why not go into the kitchen and make something. Keep your hands busy at least.”
 Ginny didn’t want to admit it, but popcorn and pickle juice sounded really good at that moment. So she shuffled off into the kitchen. It didn’t take long for her to have the kernels popping in the microwave and pickle juice poured into a cup ready to be drizzled onto her snack.
 She stood looking out of the kitchen window, not really focused on the anything in particular. This was the first time her mind had gone blank in the last forty-eight hours and it was just shy of a miracle.
 It was then Ginny sensed it… him. She was about to turn, but a body pressed against her back. A hand came up and moved her hair away from her next before kisses peppered the exposed skin.
 “Hello, love.” It was his voice. It was his lips. Harry. Her Harry . “This is yours.” She felt his fingers skimming the back of her neck. The metal of her locket fell in between her breasts as he clipped the clasp into place.
 “I think I nearly gave your mother a heart attack.” Harry kept his tone low and sultry, as his hands traveled across her body. First to her shoulders, down her arms as if cataloging everything, confirming she was real. Ginny could barely breathe. Her eyes closed of their own accord. If this was a dream she never wanted to wake up.
 It was when his hands reached to cup her breasts that he paused. The labored breathing on her neck hitched in surprise. “That’s… different.” Slowly, Harry continued the downward journey of his hands. Ginny opened her eyes and looked down at Harry’s fingers as they grazed across her swollen stomach.
 “Gin?” Harry’s voice lost any hint of seduction as his tone turned to astonishment. “ Ginny ?”
 She turned in what felt like slow motion to see her husband’s vivid green eyes, the ones she had admired from the moment she’d seen them. His cheeks were hollow from a lack of nutrition, cuts and bruises covered his face, but it was Harry.
 His attention was further south. Slowly he moved his fingers to the hem of her shirt, where he lifted it just enough to see her stomach in its full glory.
 “So, you’ve discovered my surprise.” At Ginny’s words Harry’s eyes jumped to hers and she could see wetness behind them. He went down onto his knees and kissed her exposed stomach.
 “Oh my God.” He seemed unable to say more as he rested his cheek on her skin. Ginny moved her fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp.
 “Trust me, God had nothing to do with it.” Ginny had no idea why she couldn’t stop making stupid jokes, but she was happy to see the quirk of Harry’s lips before he gave their babies one more kiss.
 He rose and guided her to sit on his lap in one of the kitchen chairs. “How far along?”
 “Almost seventeen weeks, but Harry -”
 “Oh my God.” Harry pressed his face into her neck. “After the Andover game?”
 “Or the next morning, but Harry -”
 “That really was an amazing wake-up call.”
 “Harry -”
 Harry lifted his head, eyes filled with panic.”Everything is okay? Have you visited the doctors? Is the baby -”
 Ginny slapped a hand over his mouth. “Harry, if you’d shut up for a moment I could answer your questions.”Her eyes narrowed as she stared him down. “If I take my hand away, you’ll be good?”
 When he nodded she let her hand fall to rest on his shoulder. “Now, as I was trying to say, the babies and I are fine, Harry.”
 She waited for his eyes to widen before nodding. “That’s right. When you knock someone up, you give it your all. We’re having identical boys, Harry.”
 Harry’s face contorted as he pressed it back into her neck. Ginny felt his lips tremble as he pressed light kisses on her skin. Ginny rested her cheek on the side of his head. After weeks of feeling tense, she finally relaxed in his arms.
 Ginny could have sworn a forty pound weight had been lifted off her chest. The fear of never getting to see her husband again, never getting to tell him about what they had created, had been crushing her. Here he was, though…, worse for wear with cuts, bruises, and God knew what else… but he was in their kitchen, alive .
  June 8th, 2024. Andover War Memorial Hospital. Ages 23 and 22.
 “Look at them,” Harry whispered into the silent hospital room. His sons with their black hair, freckle covered cheeks, and bright blue eyes (that Ginny was sure were going to match their father’s one day). One was wrapped in a green blanket, and one was wrapped in blue; Molly had knitted both. Harry couldn’t stop watching them...the way James George’s face scrunched before he let out a big yawn… and little Sirius Arthur with his nose wriggled like a rabbit! Harry was hopelessly in love.
 “I can’t stop.” Ginny sounded as if she needed to sleep for twenty-four hours, but she, like Harry, couldn’t take her eyes off their sons. Her fingers grazed James’ cheek. “We make good babies.”
 Harry leaned to kiss Ginny’s cheek. “We make the best babies. Let's aim for triplet girls next time.”  
 Ginny didn’t look away from James, but cooed, “Daddy’s crazy, isn’t he Jamie? What do you think Siri?” Sirius let out a little chirp noise. Ginny turned to Harry with a raised brow and a cocky smirk. “See, he agrees with me.”
 “Excuse me for dreaming of three perfect daughters that look just like their mother.” Harry pressed a kiss to Ginny’s lips. “Thank you.”
 “For what?” Ginny’s smirk changed to a confused smile.
 “You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted. Love. A family of my own. Without you, Gin.” He choked up. Clearing his throat Harry tried again. “I love you.”
 Ginny shifted, wincing in pain, but she gave Harry room to crawl into her bed, which he gladly accepted. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him, as both of them focused on their boys. “It was my pleasure, Harry. I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.”
 Harry rubbed his nose into her neck, letting his lungs fill with her scent (even through the sweat and hospital antiseptic, it was still Ginny).
 They both watched as their sons fell asleep before following their lead.
  August 20th, 2030. Potter House. Ages 30 and 29.
 “James, stop right there, mister!” Ginny’s voice sounded shrill across the lawn, stopping both her sons in their tracks.
 They turned as one, presenting her with their father’s green eyes which bore the look of the innocent.
  They had to be like Fred and George, Ginny thought as she waddled over to them. Being seven months pregnant and keeping up with two hellions was no easy feat. “Care to tell me why I found a frog in Lily’s nappy bag?”
 Sirius shrugged. “Maybe he was cold?”
 Ginny’s brow rose. “And you don’t think he was guided into his new home ?”
 James frowned. “No, maybe it’s like the houses that Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione had been looking at.”
 “You mean the ones in the paper and online?”
 Beaming, James nodded. “Yeah!”
 Ginny sighed. Her six-year-old sons were too much for her sometimes, and she only had herself to blame. Clearly, they’d gotten their mother’s cheek. “Well can you please make sure any ads for this real estate opportunities are removed?”
 “Of course, Mummy!” Sirius grinned to his brother. Then they took off, back towards the thicket of trees.
 “And here I thought you were going to threaten them with prison for twins again.” Ginny turned at Harry’s voice. He was standing only a few meters back, holding their two-year-old daughter Lily in his arms. Lily was squirming, wanting to get down and explore. Harry set her on her tottering feet with a kiss to the top of her head. “Go get them, love.”
 Lily giggled before heading in the direction of the little fort Harry had built the year they’d moved into the large estate in Little Ann. The two bedroom cottage had been perfect for their early years of marriage, but once the twins started becoming mobile Harry and Ginny had decided they needed more space --and with the two stories four bedroom house that was just down the street from their preferred neighborhood, that was what they got. After the twins were born Harry had been recruited to train new recruits. It was a job he loved, and it allowed him to come home to his family every night.    
 Harry wrapped his arms around Ginny’s enlarged stomach, his breath hot on her neck. Ginny turned to look at her husband of ten years. “I figured it may be time to change tactics. Not to mention they always break out of my cells.” She shrugged her shoulders, thinking of the old playpen she had tried to use for timeouts.
 “We’re going to have to come up something or they will be unstoppable.” Harry smiled at her. “And imagine if Lily joins the band of marauders. We’re already out numbered and this one,” He rubbed the pads of his thumbs across her stomach, “Makes our odds even worse.”
 “I blame you entirely for that, by the way.” Ginny gave him her best glare. “Ambushing me in the shower, honestly! ”
 “I saw an opportunity and I went for it. I’m an opportunist.” Harry gave her that grin that made her knees weak (and always had). “Besides, I didn’t hear you complaining at the time. I distinctly remember you saying, ‘Took your bloody time, didn’t cha?’”
 “Well, you did. I told you I was hopping in the shower five minutes before you arrived.”
 “What matters was the fact that we both arrived in the end.”
 Ginny snorted, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss. “Do you want to take kids to Lydford this weekend?”
 Harry smiled at her. “Sounds like a great idea. Sirius would love to hear the story about how you rolled down the hill straight into a puddle of mud.”
 “I’m sure James will love the tale of his daddy running into a tree and breaking his arm.”
 “Oh well, Lily -” Ginny cut him off with a kiss.
 “How about we tell them about how we fell in love watching sunsets over that hill?”
 Harry smiled at her before kissing her one final time. “Sounds perfect.”
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foreverwayward · 6 years
“Wayward Hearts”: Season 2 Chapter 6: Hunted
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Summary: After the sudden death of John, Sam and Dean, along with Riley, continue their quest for vengeance. As Sam and Riley’s powers continue to grow, the three young hunters find themselves closer to the Yellow-Eyed demon than ever before. The strength within themselves and their loyalty to each other will be tested as they are left to fight their families’ lifelong war alone, unaware that unimaginable evil will lead them to face darkness itself as they carry the weight of their fathers’ legacies. 
Word Count: 9,544
Content Warning: language and violence
DISCLAIMER: any words or phrases in bold in the story are not my own and are credited to the writers of Supernatural.
Oregon was brisk, yet still without snow on that late-November day. Beautiful trees ran alongside the Tualatin River with their lost leaves scattered on the ground. The sweet sounds of nature flooded the cool air as Riley and the Winchesters stood in a silence that rivaled that of the still water. 
Sipping at the bottles of beer in their hands, they rested against a wooden fence on the path. The scenery was a momentary relief from their harsh reality.
Their most recent case had brought them to Rivergrove, Oregon. A demonic virus was spreading through the community and causing the infected to become aggressive and violent. They rabid and sick citizens had killed everyone they could while trying to share their lethal blood with others to infect them as well.  
In the chaos of it all, a woman who had been taken by the illness had mixed her blood into Sam’s. They all had prepared themselves for the worst when he too would need to be put down, though hours passed with no side effects. For some unknown reason, Sam was immune to the disease.  
While Riley wondered to herself if she too would be immune, Dean struggled to accept the strange things that continued to plague the three of them. More questions were constantly being raised and little to no answers were anywhere in sight. The hunter feared the worst for Riley and his little brother. Maybe the darkness that he had always feared lived inside them truly was there, just lying in wait.  
“We should all go to the Grand Canyon,” Dean said breaking the uncomfortable silence.
The others looked over at him with confusion. “What?” Riley chuckled.
“Yeah, you know--all this driving back and forth across the country. You know I've never been to the Grand Canyon? Or we could go to T.J. or Hollywood.”
“Dean, you’re not making any sense,” Sam replied with an awkward sigh.  
“I just think we should take a break from all this. Why do we gotta get stuck with all the responsibility, you know? Why can't we live life a little bit?”
With a half-smile and a tilt of her head, Riley turned to lean her back against the railing. “Can’t say I hate the idea. But why are you suddenly so gung-ho about this now?”
Dean shook his head. “Never mind.”
“Dean, what is it?” Riley put her hand on his arm and rubbed it, lovingly. “You can tell us.”
“...I can’t. I promised.”
“Who?” Sam asked.
“...Dad.” The oldest Winchester’s eyes were cast down as if he was afraid to look at the others. “Right before he died, Dad told me something...about you guys.”
Sam’s anxiety grew right along with Riley’s as their eyes met, searching for comfort in each other. With trepidation, Sam cleared his throat before speaking. “What did he say, Dean?”
“He said that he wanted me to watch out for you, to take care of you. That I had to save you.”
Riley’s brow furrowed, still perplexed. “Save us? From what?”
“He just said that I had to save you, that nothing else mattered and that if I couldn't, I'd...”
“You’d what, Dean?” Sam asked in exasperation.
As Dean’s walls fell, his emotions and thoughts whisked through the air as they landed on Riley like lost whispers. A tear almost immediately fell from her eye as she looked at the man she loved. “He told you...” she sighed through a stifled cry. “He told you that if you couldn’t...you’d have to kill us?”
Silence found them once again before Dean nodded his head in shame. He felt so guilty and so burdened by the secret that had ate at him over the last few months. Dean swore to obey his father in his final words and the weight was too much to carry.  
Sam’s fear made him sick to his stomach. His expression was one of shock and complete betrayal. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Dean?”
“I don’t know,” Dean whispered almost inaudibly.  
Riley shook her head in denial. “No. John wouldn’t--he would never...” Her words seemed trapped in her throat as her mind raced. “Why would he say that?” A realization hit her like a brick and her eyes shot up to look at Dean. “Did he know about the demon’s plans for us? Did he say we were supposed to go Darkside or something?” she asked in irritation and disbelief.  
“That’s all he said. I swear.”
“How could you keep this from us?” Riley’s voice nearly cracked as she gulped through her pain.  
“Because, it was Dad and he begged me not to.”
“Who cares?!” Sam shouted. “Take some responsibility for yourself, Dean! You had no right to keep this from us!”
“You think I wanted this? Huh?” Dean stepped closer to his brother and his jaw clenched before he yelled back. “I wish to God he'd never opened his mouth. Then I wouldn't have to walk around with this screaming in my head every fucking day!”
Sam was fuming as he turned away to catch his breath. 
Riley covered her eyes and sniffled trying to control her emotions. Running a hand through her hair, she exhaled, heavily. “We’ve gotta figure out what this all means. We need to know what the hell is going on.”
Turning to look at her, Dean answered more gently, “We do? I mean, I've been thinking about this, I think we should just lay low. You know? At least for a while. It'd be safer. And that way I can make sure--”
“What?” Sam spun around to look at his brother. “That we don't turn evil? That we don't turn into some kind of killer?” The frustrated hunter smiled through his anger. It was clear Sam was barely keeping himself together as he seethed, “you know, if you're not careful you will have to waste me one day, Dean.”
“I never said that! Dammit, Sam, this whole thing is spinning out of control!” Even with his voice raised, Dean’s face pleaded with Sam to understand. “Alright? You're immune to some weirdo demon virus and I don't even know what the hell anymore. And you're pissed at me, I get it. That's fine, I deserve it. But we lay low until we figure out our next move, okay?”
“Fuck that, Dean,” Sam growled softly before sipping at his beer once again.
“Sam, please, man. Hey, please.” The older Winchester reached out for Sam’s arm to pull him in his direction as he fought not to cry. “Just give me some time. Give me some time to think, okay? I'm begging you here, please. Please.”
Reluctantly, Sam nodded in agreeance. 
Dean turned to Riley who had pulled her bottom lip into her teeth as her leg shook in worry. When their eyes met, she too acknowledged his plea.
The Velvet Inn Motel. The rain fell around the poorly lit building as Sam silently left the room with his things in hand.  
Riley knew what was going to happen that night. She wasn’t always able to pick up on Sam’s thoughts, though when he was upset, it was like there was nothing to keep her out. 
Sam was going to leave while Dean slept to get away and get answers. Their conversation earlier made him realize how desperate he was to know what his father did.
It killed her, but Riley had secretly packed her things before bed and had only pretended to fall asleep. She knew that Sam could be reckless and put himself in danger. If something happened to her brother and she did nothing, she would never forgive herself. 
The second Sam was out the door, Riley hurried out of bed and threw on her jacket. Grabbing a small note from her pocket that she had already prepared, Riley placed it on her pillow next to Dean.  
I knew Sam was leaving and there would be no convincing him otherwise. He won’t make it on his own, so I’m going with him. Please don’t panic and don’t tell him I told you all this. I need you to trust me, Dean. This wasn’t about what you said by the lake, this is about making sure our brother is safe. I’ll call soon, I promise. I love you, always.
xo Riley
The guilt she felt as she watched him sleep for that brief moment made her heart ache. She promised never to leave him again. 
“Please...” she thought to herself. “Please understand.” Riley leaned down to plant a feather-like kiss on his warm head before she headed in Sam’s direction.
Rain fell on the hoodie underneath her jacket as Riley scurried across the parking lot to find Sam. He was already working on unlocking a car for him to take. 
When the puddles beneath her splashed a little, Sam turned to the noise. In frustration and mild horror, he shook his head. “I’m not going back. I have to do this, Riley.”
“I know,” she said as Sam finally unlocked the car. Riley opened the opposite door and threw her things inside. “I’m coming with you.”
Riley and Sam had driven across country in the dark blue Ford they lifted from the motel. The plates were switched of course, but it gotten them to where they needed to go. It had been a good week or so since they left the motel that night. 
The Roadhouse was beginning to become an oasis for the hunters; somewhere to go when there was nowhere left and the only place that seemed to hold any answers. 
The familiar smell of spilled liquor, old wood, and gunpowder became a comfort they happily welcomed.  
“Dean called you, didn’t he?” Riley asked Ellen as she played with the beer bottle in her hand. “I mean, you weren’t even remotely surprised to see us.”
She smirked with a nod. “Oh, yeah. Nonstop since you two headed out of town.” Ellen rubbed a glass clean as she looked up at Riley. “You gonna tell me what’s going on with you three?”
Without meeting her gaze, Riley blew over the question. “So, how’s Jo?”
“Honestly? I really don’t know. She and I got into a fight about her wanting to hunt. Decided to up and leave instead of argue about it anymore. I get postcards from time to time, but that’s it really.”
“I’m sorry, Ellen. I’m sure that can’t be easy on you.”
Ash and Sam emerged from the back of the bar. The awkward genius waved the paper in a flourish.  
“That was fast,” Riley said turning in their direction.  
Leaning against the bar, Ash put the table on the counter top. “Well, apparently, that's my job. Make the monkey dance at the keyboard.”
Sam released a breathy laugh as he sat on the other side of Riley. While she skimmed over it, he went into more detail. “I had Ash run a search for all other possible psychics out there like us. Started looking for other nursery fires in 1983.”
“But I thought the fires weren’t enough to go on--no real pattern.” Riley’s confusion was written all over her face as she continued to peruse what they had found.  
“It’s not. But it’s a place to start. Turns out there were five, nationwide.”
“Five? That’s it?”
“I know. I said the same thing.”
Riley read out loud. “Sam Winchester from Lawrence, Kansas, Riley Munroe from Lawrence, Kansas, Max Miller from Saginaw, Michigan, Andrew Gallagher from Guthrie, Oklahoma, and Scott Carey.” She looked up at Sam. “Well, unfortunately, we know all of those except one. You got an address on Scott?”
“Kind of. The Arbor Hill Cemetery in Lafayette, Indiana. Plot four-eighty-six,” Ash answered.
“Wait...he’s dead? How?”
“Stabbed in a parking lot about a month ago. Fuzz don’t have much, no suspects.”
With a deep exhale, Riley stood up from the bar stool. “Alright, well...thank you, Ash.”
Ash gave her a pat on the back and took her beer to finish it himself before he turned to leave; his own small reward for a good day’s work. With one peek over his shoulder, he looked at Riley. 
She turned around to catch his gaze. “You know I’m a psychic. Quit staring at my ass,” she scoffed with a laugh. 
Ash chuckled to himself and put his hands up in surrender as he disappeared behind the bar once again.  
“Rye,” Sam started. “I’m gonna go get the car ready. Meet you in five?” As she nodded, he shot Ellen one last look. “Thanks, again. Take care, Ellen.”
Once he was out of earshot, the bartender cleared her throat. “So, where you two headed?”
“Uh--Indiana from the looks of it.”
Ellen leaned in to whisper to the hunter, “Riley, I gotta call Dean.”
“Look--Sam doesn’t know, but I’ve been messaging Dean when I can. It’s not much--just enough to let him know we’re okay. I know...he’s worried sick. Trust me, I’m getting a shit ton of calls and texts all the time. This is how it has to be right now. Sam is hellbent on finding more kids like us and finally getting some answers. I gotta be with him and make sure he’s safe. Sam and Dean both need me right now and I’m doing my best to be that for them.”
“You’re a good woman, Riley,” Ellen added with a sigh. “Those boys are lucky to have you.”
“Don’t gotta tell me.” Riley grabbed her jacket from a stool nearby and threw it on. Pulling her hair out from under it, she smiled at Ellen one more time. “I hope Jo comes home soon.”  
Replying with an obviously forced smile, Ellen went back to work as Riley headed out to meet Sam at the car. When she had reached the door, her pocket buzzed with a text. It was Dean.
“Where r u? Please, Rye.”
Riley tucked her hair behind her ear as she was consumed more guilt than she could handle before writing back.
“We’re safe. Promise.” She sighed before sending one more text. “I love u. Talk soon.”
Flipping her phone closed, she hurried towards the already started Ford. She hopped in the front seat as Sam shot her a worried look. 
“You know, you haven’t really slept in days. Maybe you should try to get some rest on the drive,” he told her.
“Uh--yeah. Maybe.” Riley turned on her side to face the passenger door as they pulled out of the dirt lot. There was no way she was going to sleep. Her nightmares were getting worse and she feared sleep just as much as the things that were hunting her when she was awake. 
The demon had been calling for her in the middle of her flashing and vivid dreams. It almost seemed like he was beckoning her to come to him. 
Riley never felt safe. The demon was coming for her, and she knew it.  
The stolen Ford pulled to a stop in front of yet another cheap motel. Sam and Riley had spent the day in Lafayette looking for more information on Scott. Their only lead so far was after visiting his father.  
“So, we know he was definitely one of us,” Riley said as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail. “Headaches, nightmares--the whole shebang.”
Sam pulled a bottle of pills out of his pocket and handed them to his partner. “Antidepressants. Scott was in a bad way for a while. This was only one of many others I found when I snuck up to his room. All of them written out by a Dr. Wexler.”
“Alright, so we know our next stop.” Tucking the pills in her own pocket, the two got out of the car and went for their shared room. 
As they got to the door, Sam and Riley shared a look knowing that they were being followed. 
Turning on her heel, Riley grabbed the jacket of the person behind her and drove them into the building wall. “Who the fuck are you?”
A scared young woman around Riley’s height stared back at her. Her hair was a soft brown that was cut off at her shoulders and her bangs touched her eyebrows. The girl’s wide and innocent brown eyes pleaded with the hunter. “Please...” she gasped out as she trembled. “You’re in danger.”
Before Riley could utter another word, she could hear static coming from the stranger. The hunter’s eyes grew and she looked over at Sam. “She’s one of us.”
“One of us?” the girl asked.
Riley released the young woman and Sam opened the motel room door. The two ushered the woman inside, hoping they hadn’t already been followed. 
Once inside, Sam and Riley’s faces had softened, though the girl was still panicked and began to pace.
Sam spoke softly, hoping to comfort her. “What’s your name?”
“...Ava. Ava Wilson.”
“Ava, I’m Sam Winchester. This is my sister, Riley Munroe. I promise you’re safe.” Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Sam went on. “You said we were in danger?”
“Okay,” Ava started as her words dripped with anxiety. “I know this is going to sound crazy, but I swear to God, I’m not insane and I’m not on drugs. But-- about a year ago I started having these, like--headaches, and just--nightmares, I guess. And I really didn't think much of it until I had this one dream where I saw this guy get stabbed in a parking lot.” She handed the Sam a newspaper clipping, and Riley went over to look at it herself. “The dream happened a month ago and a couple days later, I found that.”  
The article title read: ‘LOCAL MAN STABBED TO DEATH IN PARKING LOT’. Next to it, was a picture of Scott Carey. 
Sam and Riley exchanged a look knowing for certain that they were all tied together.  
“I saw this guy die, days before it happened. I don't know why, I don't know--it's just for some reason, my dreams are coming true. And last night,” Ava paused. “I had another one...about you. Both of you. I--I saw you die.”
Still confused, Riley questioned, “how did you find us?”
“Oh, uh--you had motel stationery and I Googled the motel and it was real. So, I just thought that I should warn you.”
Sam scoffed in disbelief and shock. “Holy shit. I don’t believe this.”
“Oh, of course, you don't. You think I'm a total nutjob,” Ava replied as she began to pace again in defeat.
“No, no, no,” Riley hurried to her side and took her hands in hers. “That’s not what he meant. He meant you must be one of us.”
“I’m sorry--one of who?”
“One of the psychics. Ava, Sam and me? We’re like you. Sam--he has death visions too, just like yours. And I’m--well...mine’s a little more complicated, but I’m an empath and a telepath. We’re all connected.”
Ava laughed. “Oh, good. So, you both are nuts. That’s great.”
It was dark as the Impala’s headlights lit up the quiet highway. Dean looked exhausted. It was clear he hadn’t slept much since Sam and Riley had disappeared. The hunter had constantly been on the road looking for them and despite Riley’s wishes, he wasn’t going to just leave them out there alone.
His phone rang and he flipped it open to answer. “Hello?”
“Dean, it’s Ellen.”
“Hey, have you heard from them?”
“I have, but Riley made me promise to let her handle it.”
“Come on, Ellen, please. Something bad could be going on here and I swore I'd look after Sam and the woman I love is with him. I’m starting to freak out.”
“Now Dean, they say you can't protect your loved ones forever.” Ellen paused. “Well, I say fuck that. What else is family for? They're in Lafayette, Indiana.”
With a sigh of relief, Dean replied. “Thanks.” His phone closed and he threw it into the passenger’s seat. 
His eyes quickly went over to the empty spot where one of his partners always sat. It was too quiet without them. The sooner they were all back together, the better. 
Dean’s boot pushed harder into the gas as he hurried to find them.  
Ava was exasperated as she tried to convince Riley and Sam to leave town. “I don’t understand. Why won’t you both just go before you get blown up?”
As her eyes grew, Riley cleared her throat. “I’m sorry--blown up?”
“Oh, God, did I forget to mention that?” Ava asked in guilt.  
“Oh, awesome.” Riley nodded her head with her eyes still large as she stood from the bed. “I always said I’d wanna go out in a blaze of glory. Why not a boom of glory?” She pinched the bridge of her nose as she added, “where’s a minibar when you need one?” Riley grabbed her two bags and began to dig.
Sam laughed through a scoff as he always did. “We can’t leave, Ava. There’s something going on her,; with all of us. I mean, there are others like us out there. And we're all a part of something and I've got to figure out what.”
“Found it!” Riley exclaimed with a smile as she held up a small bottle of Jack Daniels. Quickly, she unscrewed it and began to chug.
“Okay, you know what? Screw you, buddy. Okay? Because I'm a secretary from Peoria and I'm not part of anything! Okay? Do you see this?” Ava pointed to her diamond engagement ring and she spoke with more determination, though Riley and Sam weren’t buying it. “I am getting married in eight weeks. I am supposed to be at home addressing invitations, which I am way behind on, by the way. But instead, I drove out here to save your weirdo ass. But if you just want to stay here and die, fine. Me? I'm due back on Planet Earth.” She grabbed her purse and turned to leave.
“Ava,” Riley called gently as she threw the tiny bottle in the trash. “Aren’t you scared as hell over these visions? Don’t you want to know why this is happening to you? Honey, if you walk out that door, there’s a chance you’ll never know the truth.” When the scared woman looked back, Riley went on. “I'm scared shitless, Ava--so is Sam. But if we do this together, we might finally get some answers.”
The next day, Sam and Ava spent the morning talking about their visions. It was such a relief to them both to have someone who would understand and who they could be so honest with. 
Ava had spent the night hoping the next day would bring about some results with her newfound companions.  
Riley came through the motel room door with a file and small bag in hand. “Well, took some finagling, but I was able to get the doc’s records on Scott. Good news is, he kept recordings of all their sessions.”
“So, you guys just go and steal someone’s confidential psych files whenever you want?” Ava asked hesitantly.
With a nod and a pop of her lips, Riley answered. “Pretty much, yeah. Hey, Sammy, grab my recorder out of my green duffel.” She nodded in its direction as it sat in the corner of the room.
Sam came back with the recorder and handed it over with a look. “You’re lucky I love you. You know I hate that name.”
“Oh, honey. That’s cute that you think that matters,” she joked as she put one of the tapes from the bag into the device. She clicked play and the three huddled around to listen.  
Scott was the first to speak. “It started a little over a year ago. Migraines, at first. Then I found I could do...stuff.”
“What do you mean, do stuff?” the doctor questioned.
“I have this ability. When I touch something, I can electrocute it if I want.”
While they listened, Dean pulled Baby into the motel parking lot. The curtains of the room the three were staying in had been drawn back to let the morning light in. Dean was able to see inside with no obstructions. He sighed heavily when he saw Riley and Sam.
“Oh, thank god you’re both okay,” he said to himself. Ava moved into view and Dean’s head tilted. “And...who are you?”
Back inside, the doctor’s tapes continued to play. Riley and Sam both looked more concerned with every passing moment of the recording.
“The man. The man with the yellow eyes. He came to me in my dreams. He talks to me--tells me that I’m special,” Scott told him.
“What else does the yellow-eyed man say?”
“He has plans for me. He says there's a war coming. That people like me--we're going to be the soldiers. Everything's about to change.”
Riley wasn’t the only one dreaming about the demon, she wasn’t the only one hearing his call. A part of her wondered if she shouldn’t fight the dreams anymore. Maybe it was time to stay and hear what he had to say.
As the three stood unsure of what to do from there, the window near them crashed and shattered into the room. 
Realizing what was happening, Sam grabbed Ava as he threw them both to the ground. Riley’s instincts had her do the same. 
A bullet had just missed Sam’s head and hit the partition of the room. Another followed shortly after and more glass showered onto Ava and the hunters.  
“Oh my god, what’s happening?!” Ava cried.
“Stay down!” Sam ordered as he continued to cover her. “Rye! Rye, you good?”
Peeking her head up from under her hands that sheltered her head, she yelled, “I’m fine! Who the fuck is shooting at us?”
Meanwhile, since the moment he smelled trouble, Dean had gone up to the roof of the building next door. To his horror and surprise, there was Gordon. Lying on his stomach, he had been armed with a sniper rifle that was aimed into the motel room.  
“Gordon!” As soon as Dean was close enough, his boot met his old rival’s face. Dean got on top of him and began to deliver blows over and over. Finally, he grabbed Gordon’s collar and pulled him closer to him as he seethed through his teeth and yelled, “you do that to to my family, I’ll fucking kill you!”
“Dean...wait,” a weak and beaten Gordon begged.
Continuing to punch, Dean wouldn’t relent. 
Gordon grabbed him by the collar and flipped him onto his back. That brief moment of Dean being to the side, gave Gordon time to grab his sniper and jam the butt of it into his opponent’s face. 
With a grunt, Dean collapsed as the deranged hunter went to stand. 
Gordon wiped the blood from his mouth and stared down at the unconscious man on the ground.  
Several quiet moments had passed before Riley, Sam, and Ava made their way to the roof of the building that the shots had come from. There was no sign of anyone. Whoever had been there, had already gone.  
Ava’s nerves were still running out of control. “Wait, I don't understand. Shouldn't we be talking to the cops?”
“Trust me, that wouldn't do us much good,” Sam replied as they investigated.
Crouching to the ground, Riley picked up a bullet shell. “Subsonic rounds from a .223 caliber. Looks like they probably had a suppressor on the rifle.”
With wide eyes, Ava grew more unsure. “Dude, who the fuck are you guys?”
“She uh--” Sam struggled for a lie. “She just watches a lot of TJ Hooker.” The young Winchester pulled out his cellphone and got ready to dial.
“Who are you calling?”
“My brother. I think we definitely need help.”
A sigh of relief came from Riley as she stood. “Fucking finally.”
“Hello?” Dean answered.
“Sam, I've been looking for you both.”  
“Yeah. Look, we're in Indiana, uh--Lafayette.”
“I know.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, I talked to Ellen. Just got here myself. It's a real funky town. You guys ditched me, Sammy.”
Sam looked worried as his eyes met Riley’s. She mouthed, “what?” as the conversation went on.
“Yeah, I'm sorry. Look, right now there's someone after me,” he replied hesitantly.
“What? Who?”
“I don't know, that's what we need to find out. Where are you?”
“I'm staying at, uh--5637 Monroe St. Why don't you meet me here?”
“Yeah. Sure.” Hanging up the phone, Sam’s concern continued before he finally answered Riley’s question. “Dean’s in trouble.”
A sick feeling ran through Riley’s stomach. “What? What did he say?”  
“Funkytown. It’s a code word.”
With a slight look of shock, Riley began to run down the stairs to leave.  
Ava shook her head, perplexed. “Code word? What the hell does that mean?”
“Mean’s someone’s got a gun on him. We gotta go.”
Dean sat tied to an old, beat up chair. Gordon had taken him to an abandoned house that had been trashed and left to rot for quite some time. Random debris and leftover pieces of a life once lived in that home, scattered the cement floor around them. 
Across the room, Gordon shuffled through his bag pulling out an array of weapons.
“So, Gordy,” Dean started. “I know me and my brother and Riley aren't exactly your favorite people, but don’t you think this is a little extreme?”
“What, you think this is revenge?”
“Well, we did leave you tied up in your own mess for three days.” Dean laughed to himself, “which was friggin’ awesome.” He cleared his throat. “Oh--sorry, I shouldn’t laugh.”
“True. I was definitely planning on whupping your ass for that. But that’s not what this is, Dean. This isn’t personal.” Gordon truly believed the words he said as he loaded his gun. “I’m not a killer. I’m a hunter. And your brother--and Riley? They’re fair game.”
Ava, Sam, and Riley had driven in Ava’s vintage VW Bug to a few blocks away from the address Dean had given them. When they got out of the car, the wind blew almost audibly and flew through their hair. 
They knew they were walking into a trap. And even though they weren’t sure what kind, knowing about Ava’s vision, was going to give them an edge.
“I don’t think I should leave you guys,” Ava admitted.
Riley cocked her gun and put it in her waistband under her jacket. “We want you safe, Ava. Us not being safe? It’s kinda in the job description.”
“Yeah, I still don’t even know what that job is.” Shaking her head, she changed her mind, “nope. I don’t wanna know. But still, you two are walking right into my vision. This is where you die!”
“Doesn’t matter. My boyfriend’s in there. It’s not up for debate.”
Ava looked perplexed and whispered to Sam. “I thought she was your sister. She’s dating your brother?”
With a chuckle, Sam answered, “oh, yeah. She’s family--she's not blood.”
“Alright, then,” she said with sarcasm. “Well, maybe I can still help.”
“You’ve done everything you can. We’ll take it from here. You should go back to your fiancé.”
Riley could feel the guilt and worry bursting from Ava as she asked, “are you sure?” She reluctantly walked slowly back to her car.  
“Yes, we’re sure. Go home. You’ll be safe there.”
Sam closed her door for her as she settled into her car. “Well, just--promise you’ll call, then.” Ava looked up at the tall hunter. “I mean, when you get your brother--just to let me know that everything's alright.”
“I promise,” he smiled.  
Leaning into her open window, Riley touched Ava’s shoulder. “We’ll talk soon. Pick up the phone when your new friends call you.”
Ava forced a smile as she started up her car. As she finally drove away down the street, Riley and Sam stayed in place, side by side.  
“So...” Riley said swaying on her feet. “You got a plan to keep us from blowing up?”
Back inside, Gordon leaned against a wooden pillar as he cradled his rifle. Casually, and with no real emotion, he monologued to Dean. “See, I was doing an exorcism down in Louisiana. Teenage girl, seemed routine, some low-level demon. But between all the jabbering and the head-spinning, the damn thing muttered something--about a coming war. And I don't think it meant to, it just kind of slipped out. But it was too late--piqued my interest. And you can really make a demon talk, you got the right tools.”
“And what happened to the girl it was possessing?”
“She didn’t make it.”
Dean shook his head softly as he told him, “well, you’re a son of a bitch.”
Gordon marched over to his captive and slapped him hard across the face. Dean grunted out at the strike. “That’s my mama you’re talking about. Watch your mouth,” Gordon added calmly. “Anyway. This demon tells me there are soldiers to fight in this coming war--humans, fighting on hell's side. You believe that? I mean, they're psychics, so they're not exactly pure humans, but still. What kind of worthless piece of shit have you got to be to turn against your own race?” Dean glared at him as he went on. “But you know the biggest kick in the ass? This demon said I knew two of them. Our very own Sammy Winchester and Riley Munroe.”
“Wow, you really are dumber than you look, Gordy,” Dean snarked.
“Yeah? Come on, Dean. I know...about Sam's visions. I know everything. I did my homework--made damn sure it was true. Look, you've got your Roadhouse connections, I got mine. It's how I found Sammy and Rye in the first place.” Gordon crossed the room to sit in a chair he had carelessly tossed his jacket over. “About a month ago I found another one of these freaks here in town. He could deep-fry a person just by touching them.”
“Yeah? He kill anyone?”
“Well, besides Mr. Tinkles the cat? No. But he was working up to it. They're all gonna be killers, Dean. We've got to take them all out. And that means Sammy and little Riley too.” Cocking his gun, the mad hunter relaxed into his seat.  
“You really think they’re both stupid enough to walk through the front door?”
“No, I don't. Especially since I'm sure you found a way to warn them. Ha!” he feigned. “You really think I'm that stupid?” Dean raised his eyebrows meaningfully in response. Standing up, Gordon began to pace. “No. they're going to scope the place first, see me covering the front door. So, they're going to take the back. And when they do, they’ll hit the tripwire. Then--” He took a grenade out from his bag and looked down at it. “Boom.”
“Neither of them would ever fall for a fucking trip wire.”
“Maybe you're right. That's why I'll have a second one.” Gordon revealed another grenade and slowly walked towards Dean. 
The trapped hunter’s face fell as he grew more and more concerned that Gordon’s plan might work. 
“Hey, look. I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to do this, I really do. But, for what it's worth, it'll be quick.”
As night had finally fallen over the city of Lafayette, Gordon had finally finished his preparations. He gingerly attached the wire to the pin of a grenade before pulling it taught and setting the trap. The glow from the outside street lights mixed with the glow of the moon seeped through the boarded-up windows.
Dean had to try to stop him. Sitting stuck in that chair made him feel that he was going to lose his mind. “Come on, man. I know Sam, okay? --b etter than anyone. He's got more of a conscience than I do, I mean, the guy feels guilty surfing the Internet for porn. And Riley? That woman made me stop the car because she saw a lost kitten that she just had to help.”  
“Maybe you're right. But one day they’re both going to be monsters.” Gordon pulled a chair over by Dean and straddled it backward.
“How do two people like that become monsters?”
“Beats me. But they will--especially Riley. You know, that demon told me she was different from the others--special. That she was the one that would change the game for them.”   
“You believe everything a demon tells you?”
“Again, I did my homework, Dean. That woman will be the death of you and you don’t even see it. She’s more powerful than the rest of them--more dangerous even. It’s just a fact.”
“No, you don’t fucking know that!” Dean barked.
“I'm surprised at you, Dean--getting all emotional. I'd heard you were more of a professional than this. Look, let's say you were cruising around in that car of yours and, uh--you had little Hitler riding shotgun, right? Back when he was just some goofy, crappy artist. But you knew what he was going to turn into someday. You'd take him out, no questions, am I right?”
“That’s not Sam and Riley.”
Gordon reached out a hand to lay on Dean’s shoulder. “Yes, it is. You just can't see it yet. Dean, it's their destiny. Look, I'm sympathetic. They’re your brother and your girlfriend, you love them--I get it. This has got to hurt like hell for you.” He reached into his bag and pulled out a scarf before he gagged Dean with it. “But here's the thing. It would wreck him, but your dad? If it really came right down to it, he would have had the stones to do the right thing here. But you're telling me you're not the man he is?”
Dean turned his head and glared at Gordon, furiously. Everything inside him itched to finish the job he should have before they left him in that farmhouse.
On the skirts of the property, Riley and Sam finally made their way up towards the house. It looked like a junkyard where lost and abandoned items went to die. 
Sam held out a piece of paper that had the address written down on it. The two hunters nodded at each other acknowledging they were in the right place. It was time to go in.
As the two snuck onto the old front porch they peeked through the boarded-up windows. Inside, Dean sat tied to chair, bound and gagged. Not far away from him, sat Gordon.
Riley’s blood boiled over as she shook with rage. With her emotions strengthening her, she forced a thought into Sam. “We should have killed the bastard when we had the chance.” 
He looked at her as he drowned in his worry. Gordon was a madman and Sam knew it. There’s no telling what he would do.
Riley was overwhelmed everything he was feeling and tried to calm herself before sending him one more thought. “It’s okay. We’re gonna get Dean...together.” She reached down to take his large hand and squeeze it. 
As she did, Sam felt a warmth spread from her hand and into him; it was peaceful and loving. Her feelings for him rolled through him like a gentle wave that crashed over his terrified mind. Sam had never felt anything like that before. Riley had projected her feelings into him with a single touch. It was beautiful and reminded him how much he loved her.  
“I’m so glad I have you by my side,” he thought.  
She smiled at him as her dimples showed before hand-signaling for them to go around back. “Let’s go, partner.”
Around the house was even more debris. Random odds and ends that made it almost look like a small landfill. 
Riley walked sideways with her gun aimed as she watched Sam’s back. He led them on around the small building and through the shadows.  
At the back door, the locked knob squeaked as Sam tried to open it. When he realized it was locked, he bent down to pick it while Riley kept watch. He made quick work of the lock before opening it and letting them both in as his partner followed.  
“You hear them?” Gordon asked Dean under his breath. “Here they come.”
The grenade in the back room suddenly exploded and sent broken junk and chunks of wood through the air with the powerful blow. 
Dean shut his eyes and flinched at the explosion. Smoke filled the air as the he screamed through his gag in agony and fury thinking Sam and Riley were gone.
“Hold on, not yet. Let’s wait and see,” his captor told him in a hushed tone.
There was a moment of silence before the second grenade blew, causing another heart-stopping explosion. 
Dean struggled violently to get out as he choke-sobbed into his gag.
Gordon moved over to the broken hunter and looked into his tear-filled eyes. “Sorry, Dean.”
As Gordon left towards the back room with his rifle aimed, Dean tipped at his chair and fought against his restraints; trying everything possible release himself. He had to see them. He had to know for sure.  
Walking through the smoke, Gordon scanned around him as he saw a large man’s shoe on the ground. It was Sam’s. When he walked further inside, the sound of a gun cocking came from directly behind his head and Gordon froze.
“Drop the gun,” Sam growled.
With that command, Riley came out from behind the shadows with a look of hate on her face, her gun ready to fire.
Still calm and holding his weapon, Gordon teased, “you really shouldn’t take your shoes off around here, Sam. You might get tetanus.”
“Put it down, now!” the young Winchester shouted. “Rye, go get Dean.” 
She went slowly in the direction of the door, never taking her eyes off the deranged man staring back at her.  
Gordon’s rifle clattered on the ground as he obeyed Sam’s orders. “You wouldn’t shoot me, would you, Sammy? ‘Cause your brother--he thinks you’re both some kind of saints.”
Riley’s looked at him in a challenge as she was dangerously close to squeeze by him. “Yeah, don’t be so sure, Gordon.”
“See?” he started. “That’s what I said.” Gordon may have been a wild card, but he was good at his job. In one swift motion, his leg swept under Riley and he whipped behind him to take Sam’s gun before hitting him hard in the face. The hunter’s every move was planned and methodical as he continued his attack on Sam. 
Riley had been knocked on to her back, completely disoriented.
After a long tussle, Gordon kicked the Sam with all his might, sending him through a thin wall. 
Bloody and beaten, Sam laid on the ground, unconscious. 
Gordon stalked over to Riley as she groaned in an attempt to get up. His boot went into her chest to keep her down as he pulled out his knife.  
Riley reached up to grab at his ankle, desperate to get him off as his weight pressed heavier into her rib cage.
“You’re no better than the filthy fucking things you hunt.”
Riley could hear the madman’s thoughts racing faster than she could catch them. As he kept his foot in place on her chest, she grunted faintly against the weight as he crouched over her. 
A single passing thought stood out among the rest as Gordon planned his exact movements to plunge the knife into Riley’s heart.
“Your boyfriend is too blinded by his love for you to see what you really are. Well, Rye--” he said, using her nickname in sarcasm. “I know exactly what you are. You’re a monster. You’re even worse than the rest of them. If I finish you, this war will be over before it even starts. Dean will thank me later.”  
Knowing his precise motions, Riley grabbed the wrist of the hand that wielded the knife as it came towards her chest. With her free hand, she held tight to Gordon's other arm that held him steady and used the leverage to flip him over on to his back. 
Riley didn’t hesitate as she used a firm right hook to clock his face twice with all her strength. She quickly stood to grab his rifle and aimed it at his face.
“Do it.” Gordon commanded. “Do it! Show Dean the killer you really are, Rye.”
Her jaw clenched in anger before she turned the gun and rammed the handle into the defeated hunter’s face. Gordon laid passed out on the cold floor.
“You don’t get to fucking call me that,” she seethed through her ragged breathing.
“Riley...” Sam’s loving voice called from behind her. He was bleeding from his mouth and cheek as he stood, somewhat off balance. 
Riley got up and ran to him, hugging his waist tightly with her free hand. She breathed heavily and closed her eyes trying to come back mentally from the fight. 
Sam kissed her head. “Let’s go.”
Leading themselves into the front room, the two helped each other onward through their fatigue and pain. 
Dean could barely turn his head, but tried to look towards the sound of them coming. His eyes were wide and in shock seeing them both alive and mostly well. 
Sam and Riley bent down to free Dean from his restraints as he groaned at the release.
The instant he was able to, Dean ripped the gag from his face and stood to grab both of their shoulders and pull them closer. He looked up at Sam’s beaten face and into his eyes as he tried to ground himself again. Knowing he was okay helped Dean take a long needed breath.
Turning to Riley, Dean’s hands found the sides of her face and pushed her hair away exposing the cut from where she hit her head. He forced her to look directly at him. It was like he needed to assure himself that they both were actually there and alive.  
“Goddamn son of a bitch...” Dean muttered as he went to find Gordon.
“Dean--” Riley started.
“No! I let him live once, I’m not making that same mistake twice.”
“Trust us,” Sam said softly. “Gordon’s taken care of.” He grabbed his brother’s jacket and tugged him in their direction. “Come on.”
Dean immediately grabbed for Riley’s hand and held on tight. 
She could feel the tension in his arm like he was afraid to let her go. Feeling her abilities staying strong, Riley reached for Dean’s thoughts. 
“Stay cool, man. Don’t let them see how fucking scared you were,” he thought.
“Dean...” she spoke into him. Dean’s head snapped in her direction, almost feeling ashamed that she had heard him. “Everything’s okay. I’m just glad I’m with you again.” 
Dean couldn’t help as the corner of his mouth crept up. Riley was right. All that mattered was that they were all together.
The cold air soothed the bruises on the hunters as they stepped onto the front porch. Crickets chirped around them and the rotting wood creaked under their weight. 
Only several feet from the front, they turned quickly to the sound of a gunshot before sprinting away. Gordon had come out to finish the job. 
Multiple rounds went off as he pursued them and Riley and the Winchesters hurried to take cover.
“You call this ‘taken care of’?” Dean snarked as he pulled Riley along by her hand. 
As they all sprinted to safety, Sam dove into a nearby ditch, knowing they would follow. 
Dean threw his body over Riley’s trying to shield her as shot after shot flew in their direction. “What are we doing? Why did we stop?”
Sam tried to catch his breath as the fired bullets hit the dirt around them. “Just trust me on this one, alright?”  
Tires screeched and sirens wailed as police cars skid across the dirt and surrounded Gordon.  
“Drop your weapons! Get down on your knees!” an officer yelled.
The hunters grinned and chuckled at the sight of Gordon’s angry face as he was forced to comply with the demands.
“Put your hands on your head!” The cop cuffed Gordon and pat him down. When they were given the clear, the officer pulled him to his feet and drug him to one of the squad cars. 
Other officers on the scene went to search the hunter’s car only to find his arsenal behind his seats. 
Gordon was going to have a hard time explaining his way out of that mess.  
“Anonymous tip,” Sam smiled.
Dean tapped his little brother’s back in approval. “You're a fine upstanding citizen, Sam.”
After a moment of silence, Riley’s broke it abruptly. “Can we get food now? I’m friggin’ starving.”
Sam sat in the Impala with Riley as he fiddled with his phone. 
Riley had pulled down the visor mirror, trying to fix her smudged mascara from the brawl. 
Only a small distance from the car, Dean was on a call with Ellen.
“Gordon Walker was hunting Sam and Riley?” she asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, he almost killed all three of us because somebody over there can't keep their fucking mouth shut.”
Ellen scoffed, surprised with Dean’s tone and accusation. “And you honestly think that it was me? Or Ash? Or Jo? No way.”
“Well, who else knows about Sam and Riley, huh?" Dean’s voice was stern as he nearly yelled at her. He turned to look at the others waiting for him in the car and Riley met his gaze with a soft smile. “I mean, you must have been talking to somebody.”
“Hey, you can say a lot of things about us. But we are not disloyal and we're not stupid. We haven't breathed a word of this.”
“Gordon said he had Roadhouse connections, Ellen.”
“And this roadhouse is full of other hunters. They're all smart--they're good trackers. Each of them with their own patterns and connections. Look, hell, I could name twelve of them right now that are capable of putting this together.” Ellen sighed. “I am sorry about what happened, Dean. But I can't control these people or what they choose to believe.”
In the front seat, as they drove down the highway, Riley bit into her cheeseburger with a moan. “God, this is delicious. What is it about food after a hunt?”
Dean smirked. “You know, sometimes it worries me how much we’re alike.”
“Hey, Ava. It’s Sam, again.” Sam was on the phone leaving messages for Ava for the eighth time. “Uh--call me when you get this. Just wanna make sure you got home okay. Alright, bye.”
“Everything alright?” the oldest brother asked looking into his rear view mirror.
Pulling his lips into a tight line, Sam replied, “I hope so.”
“Mm--” Riley started with a mouthful of food. “At least Gordon’s out of the picture for probably a few years. I may hate the dude, but for his sake, I hope he doesn’t drop the soap.” 
Dean chuckled at her choice of words.
“Yeah, if they can pin Scott Carey’s murder on him,” Sam added, sounding almost defeated. “And of course, if he doesn’t bust out.”  
Taking a deep breath, Dean glared at him through the mirror and then over to Riley as he spoke. “You two ever take off like that again...”
“What? You’d kill us?” Sam teased.
“That’s so not funny.”
Riley and Sam laughed before she changed the subject. “Okay, so where are we headed now?”
“One word--Amsterdam.”
“Oh my god...” she said brushing off her boyfriend’s ridiculous notion with a grin.  
Dean found his idea both appealing and amusing. “What? I hear they got good coffee shops--that don’t even serve coffee,” he added with a wiggle of his brows.
Sam scoffed. “Dean, we’re not about to ditch the job.”
“Fuck the job. I mean it. Fuck it, man. I'm sick of the job anyway. I mean, we don't get paid, we don't get thanked. The only thing we get's bad luck.”
“C’mon, dude. We’re hunters. It‘s what we were meant to do.”  
“Ah, I wasn't meant to do anything. I don't believe in that destiny crap.”
“You mean you don’t believe in our destiny,” Sam rebutted pointing between him and Riley. “Look, Dean, I've tried running before. I mean, I ran all the way to California and look what happened. You can't run from this...and you can't protect me. You can’t protect either of us.”
Dean glanced back at his brother again and then over at Riley. His face softened. “Well, I can try.”
“Look, Dean, I'm gonna keep hunting. And I’m pretty damn sure that Rye is too. I mean, whatever is coming, we're taking it head-on. So, if you really want to watch our backs, then I guess you're gonna have to stick around.”
Riley shook her head and sighed. “I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again. I work...with children.”
The brothers laughed as Sam went back to his phone to make another phone call.  
“You calling that Ava girl again? You sweet on her or something?” the older brother teased.
“She’s engaged, Dean.”
“So? What's the point in saving the world if you can't get a little nookie once in a while, huh?” He shot a playful look over to Riley. “Speaking of which, you’ve been away too damn long. We’re getting our own room tonight.” 
Riley bit her lip and winked at him in response and Dean felt his hunger for her grow with that one simple gesture.
As Sam hung up the phone, he scowled. “I got a weird feeling, guys. How far is it to Peoria?”
And there it was again. That familiar nightmare that became an expectation whenever Riley fell asleep. Jackson’s death as if she was there to witness it, Riley’s own brutal murder, Deb burning on the ceiling screaming for her niece, and those haunting yellow eyes as a sinister voice whispered her name. 
At this point, the hunter would have already forced herself awake. But she had to know what she had been avoiding all this time.  
Suddenly, Riley was standing in darkness; a vast emptiness that seemed to have no beginning and no end. 
“Hello?” she called as her voice echoed.  
“Not running away this time, I see.” 
The demon sounded as if it was speaking directly into her ear and she turned in its direction. Nothing was there. She spun around trying to keep a watchful eye.
“What the hell do you want from me?”
It laughed. “Oh, so much. You have to know by now, that you aren’t like the rest, Riley. You’re special. You were my diamond in the rough.”
“What does that mean? Why am I different?”
“You’re getting stronger every day. Finding new abilities--new gifts.”
She could feel her heart pounding so hard in her chest that she could hear it in her ears. “You didn’t answer my question.”
In that instant, a hot breath ran up her neck that made her more afraid than she ever had been in her life. Riley could feel the evil surging around her and it made her shake in terror. 
“You’re not ready for those answers quite yet, my dear. I’ll come for you when you are.”
Riley jolted awake in the front seat of the Impala as Dean’s hand found her arm. “We’re here.” She looked around with her eyes still wide and alert and swallowed hard. “You okay?” Dean asked.
“Yeah. I, uh--just a bad dream.” Trying to compose herself, Riley still felt sick to her stomach after her nightmare. But that didn’t feel like a dream. It felt like she had actually encountered the demon, like she was in its presence as it had found a way to slither into her mind. 
Riley cleared her throat and tried to shake it off as she wiped a secret tear away from her eye.  
Still in the dead of the night, the three got out of the car and stared up at a small, pale blue house. 
Sam, Riley, and Dean walked to the front door and knocked. When there was no answer, Sam tried the handle. It was unlocked. With a look of worry, he opened the door and shined his flashlight inside.  
“Hello?” Sam called out. “Is anybody home?”
Once they had found their way into the master bedroom, they saw the butchered body of a man, lying on his bed. It was Ava’s fiancé. Blood had soaked the sheets around him and dripped onto the carpet, forming a thick pool. He had been slaughtered.
“Oh my god,” Riley uttered.
Dean went to the open window and found a yellow dust across the sill. He ran his fingers over it and felt the texture. “You guys...” Sam and Riley turned to face him. “...sulfer. The demon’s been here.”
Sam tried to control his emotions as he was flooded with worry and guilt for leaving her. 
As he took another step, something metal clinked under his shoe on the hardwood floor. He bent down to pick it up. It was Ava’s engagement ring, covered in blood.  
Joining him low to the floor, Riley put a hand on his shoulder. 
They knew what it all meant. The demon had taken Ava. 
Riley tried to keep herself together as she remembered what the demon said to her, that he would come for her. It was then that she realized...she might be next.
S2 Chapter 7: Night Shifter
SIDE BAR: I LIVE for the love and reblogs, but since big things are happening, maybe don’t put spoilers in the reblog comment section and leave them just in the regular comments lol Love you ALL!
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56 notes · View notes
amwritingmeta · 6 years
13x16: Sometimes It’s About the Journey...
…not the destination. So says Dean Winchester. In an episode that sees him more or less move into the peak of his arc in a spectacular way. I cannot believe how gorgeous it is. Or I can. I really fucking can believe it. And I’m not saying he’s reached the peak, climbed across it and is looking out on the view that is his future and balance and happiness, but hot damn if he’s not almost there.
((Enter: Michael. Dun-dun-DUN))
I wanted to outline how I’ve followed Dean’s journey of self-actualisation since that pivotal moment in 12x22 and the firing of the grenade launcher = self-liberation, to this episode and all the remarkable lack of walls he’s showing.
Throughout this season, Dean’s come face to face with the lesson he’s needed to learn the most: time to drop the mask.
Time to face himself and admit that this toxic masculinity spiel isn’t who he is and it isn’t who he wants to be. If he hadn’t been wearing a mask, he would’ve told the man he loves how he feels a long time ago. 
The mask isn’t armour to keep him safe, it’s armour to hide behind. 
And it’s bullshit armour that is linked to personality traits he’s never actually believed in or stood behind, he’s only made them part of himself out of a sense of duty that has been warped and twisted out of shape. 
In 13x01 Dean is called out on this by Miriam, who says he’s Becky. Becky who takes things and breaks things, and doesn’t care about anyone but herself. 
And –>
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Following this, throughout S13, Dean has faced a whole string of Bad Guys who look like one thing but is really something else:
Asmodeus; wraith whose reflection give them away; shifter wearing Dean’s face; ghost wearing a mask; ghoul wearing the face of a gunslinger hero; two-faced killer pretending to be the good brother; a crossroads demon who comes in peace but does what crossroads demons do; Jack who is innocent of what Dean is suspecting him of; a vampire and a human being in a literal pig mask.
If we see each of these Bad Guys as representatives of Dean’s toxic masculinity - which is the reason he’s wearing his own mask - and each of them pushing him one step further on his journey to opening up to this fact, and letting the mask go, then there’s an immediate pattern here. 
Because Dean may end up killing the wraith in 13x03, but only after we get the visual of the wraith stabbing him repeatedly in the stomach, killing him first. For Dean, this kill is made in absolute fury and self-defence. He’s nowhere near ready to recognise the mask for what it is, he’s much too deep into his grief for that to be possible. He rejects the lesson of recognising this toxic masculinity for what it truly is, and does away with the threat to his perceived identity, because the anger is all he has to hold onto.
By 13x04 this attitude has changed, thanks to Sam intervening. Sam manipulates the entire episode, getting Dean into that therapy session (only for Sam himself to reveal how much he is truly in need of speaking his mind to his brother), but it also pushes Dean’s self-reflection. The thought of catharsis has hooks and they sink in deep, no matter how Dean may reject the idea of it. By the end of the episode he’s admitted the truth to Sam: right now, Dean can’t believe in a damn thing. 
Then we move forward with the Bad Guys, right? Doctor with a drill in 13x05 almost drills a hole in Dean’s head because Dean can’t believe in a damn thing. I don’t think Dean’s suicidal here, I think he simply cannot see the point, so if he dies, he dies. He’s ambivalent. He’s not going to go looking for death, but he’s not going to fight to live either. Ironic, then, that it’s Death herself who tells him to live.
He faces his old idol in 13x06 without hesitation, though Dean, still, is not the one to kill him: native american sheriff with the white hat does that. (and I’d say the White Hat represents the balanced Dean we’re all wishing and hoping for) (and he’s almost in a position to don it) (betcha by golly) 
And in 13x07 he’s finally the one to inflict some pain on the toxic masculinity representative when he shoots Ketch in the shoulder. (I screamed) (Ketch is such a manifestation of a dark mirror for Dean so I kind of love that they brought him back)
By 13x08 we have a Dean interacting with a Charlie-replica. Charlie, who is a highlighter for Dean’s true nature more than any other character has ever been. And we have Dean telling this other highlighter for his true self that she should stay weird, essentially showing how he’s sincerely beginning to open up to this side to himself. (because of Cas coming back) (of course)
In 13x09 we have a huge setback when he realises that he was wrong about Mary being dead, and that old reliable self-doubt and self-hatred comes pouring back in, in copious amounts. It’s strong enough to make him pull a gun and shout in Kaia’s face for her to GET IN THE CAR. Yeah. (I screamed again) (oh the humanity!)
When 13x11 rolls around we get a whole set of our favourite beasties and Sam’s heart (SAM’S heart) is on the line. So it’s poetic that this is the man (and as Ketch, whom he wounded, this is a human man) in a mask that Dean finally kills himself, with a shot through the heart. And the fact is that Dean wearing the toxic masculinity mask does threaten Sam, because it is what informs the codependency, it’s what keeps it so firmly in place. But oh man does it begin to slip now.
In 13x12 we have our first Bad Girl… why does that actually sound dirty rather than menacing? We have our first Dark Female of the season, when we get the twins and Rowena in one episode. They tick the box for yet one more supernatural creature to add to the list: witches. And, of course, we get the epic scene of our leading Dark Female - who is a very strong Dean mirror btw - finding her release and self-liberation. Mind blown. 
In 13x13 Dean is shocked to learn that Cas has been held captive and he had no fucking clue. He sticks close to Cas as they face down Lucifer, who doesn’t faze Dean for a moment, take out Ketch, who will never be trusted again, and find some semblance of a team spirit amidst all of it.
By 13x14 Dean isn’t really displaying any toxic masculine behaviour, right? I mean, he isn’t. If he was happily in love in 13x12, then you almost expect him to burst into song in this episode because he’s so relaxed, working with Cas, spending quality time with Cas (referencing rock and rolling………) and staring down two uber-masculine specimens and getting the giggles over their loincloths. Like… the very image of the male strong rough warrior is actually turned into a joke by how Dean now views masculinity. Honestly. Kill me. It’s gorgeous.
In 13x15 the coping mechanisms are sent on their way for good. I mean, I’m so sure of it. I shouldn’t say I am, but I feel very very convinced that this is the case. Dean has moved far beyond needing them, or even wanting to engage with them. He enjoys food and beer and flirtation and sex, of course, but because he enjoys these things for what they are, not because he needs to take the edge off or find an emotional bandaid. He also looks the toxic masculinity representative dead in the eye and questions his motives for behaving like an asshole. The Boss has his reasons, and Dean can recognise them, but The Boss is a strong Dean mirror when it comes to taking things and breaking things and not caring who gets hurt, because The Boss believes he’s right. Dean is fed up with this attitude from everyone. 
And now then. 
Now we reach 13x16.
more below the cut
12x22 allowed Dean to experience his moment of self-liberation, a necessary step toward self-actualisation (which I wrote about here in how these steps are informing Cas’ arc) (and these steps are also absolutely informing Sam’s arc as well), the brief definitions of which are:
Self-liberation: Recognising irrational thinking patterns caused by unrealistic demands placed on the self and defusing these harmful irrational beliefs in order to lead a happy, healthy life. Self-actualisation: Living creatively and fully using your potentials, driven by a desire for self-fulfilment, feeling finally yourself, safe, free from anxiety, accepted and loved.
So, if Dean experienced self-liberation when firing that grenade launcher in 12x22, then he’s been moving through these above outlined necessary steps of recognising and letting go of the toxic masculinity armour in S13, because to reach the place where you’re ready for self-actualisation, you have to recognise and let go of all that baggage you’ve been carrying around with you.
By 13x11 he’s done believing in the toxic masculinity. It lingers moving forward, because it’s ingrained, but he’s not allowing it to govern him anymore.
By 13x15 we have it underlined to us that Dean taking charge and acting like he always has, doling out orders, is not a good thing. Dean shouldn’t be sole decision maker. That time is over. The reason for the toxic masculinity armour to be worn doesn’t exist: it’s time he stripped the armour off and began to trust.
So, in 13x16 - does he display trust?
Well, yes, he does. One significant moment is when he succumbs to the rules of the world they’re in and allows Fred to play his part, setting a trap that Dean knows won’t work, just for the hell of it, while Dean has his plan B (Operation Bookworm) (FFS) ready to go. This isn’t him displaying control freak behaviour, this is him showing he can be a team player and fucking chill. 
But there’s also a thread throughout the entire episode where he is just… himself. Right? Where he displays honest faith in himself, in his point of view, in his likes being his and he’ll be damned if anyone else’s opinions on these views will make him question them. Jesus, when he quoted Frozen and referenced Elsa without blinking at it, not retracting it or in any way trying to distract Sam from it, I was about ready to hand in the towel.
Especially when he made this face at Sam’s frown –>
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(the heart sings with the joy of witnessing this expression)
And we get so much more, like later on in the episode, when he happily shows off the “sleeping robe” and he puts that Ascot on. The final scene and Dean’s reaction to the non-subtle judgment made me think of this one in 4x06:
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This bristling at the questioning of his manhood leading to this display of insecure defensiveness (because he’s just been put through the emotional ringer coming face to face with his deep fear of judgment, due to his even deeper fear of rejection, because Good Things Don’t Last, and all of is tied in with a lacking sense of true identity) we get these dimples of discontent:
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So, then, what a difference in attitude we get in 13x16. What a remarkable wonderful growth. I mean –>
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But that’s not all that we got from this episode in terms of Dean’s furthered progression, because not only has he faced down a toxic masculinity that has kept him from being himself, out of a sense of duty, believing the only way he could be strong enough to act the shield was to become only the weapon, but in 13x16 he’s also confronted with his inner child.
I was hoping for this so badly. 
(I screamed when the ghost turned into a child) (no I actually didn’t) (I went OH MY GOD!!) (yeah that I did) 
I was hoping for it because it’s the final few steps towards Dean being able to fully let go of the past and look to the future. (it makes me want to weep) (for real it makes me seriously emotional) And look how absolutely magically it’s handled in this episode –>
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This moment underlines what Dean’s inner longing is: he just wants his dad. His dad. Not the soldier dude who was a mean drunk and raised him to survive and to protect Sammy at all costs, not that dude, but his dad. The guy who loved Mary more than anything, and who tried his best in impossible circumstances to keep his head above the waterline, the trekkie, the dad who walked into CBGB’s and had grown men go apologetic and self-conscious.
Dean lost the love of his life. He’s in a position now to understand what that does to you. How it breaks down everything you thought you were and turns you inside out. Just as he got to see Mary as an individual, as a person, in S12, Dean is now in a place where he can distance himself from his dad as well, where he can see John as a person who made choices and who made mistakes but who, ultimately, made them out of love, not only for Mary - but for his boys, too. He did what he believed he had to in order to keep them alive. He did what he thought was right. And the deep suffering and his sense of failure crippled him into becoming someone different to the man Mary fell in love with.
And this is the foremost baggage Dean needs to let go of, at least to my mind, because he needs to forgive his father, just as he forgave his mother.
Now this might be as subtly done as his progression has been through the season, we might not get this verbalised at all, and personally I’m just curious to see how and if they’ll give it to us, whether I’m right in this reading or not.
Either way, I think they’re setting up for Michael to be an absolutely smashing piece of exposition!
We also get a pretty significant callback from Dean coming face to face with this inner child of his because remember this moment? –>
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This is an underlining, in dialogue, of Dean’s self-view, and it’s one that Dean must put to rest. Because we all know he’s not poison, he doesn’t hurt everyone he loves, he doesn’t cause death and destruction, he is worth saving and he deserves all the love the world has to offer. 
He’s getting there. This tie-back moment in 13x16 underlines it.
Because Becky is dead. Long live Elsa.
In fact, this entire episode underlines this as we watch him freely engage with something he enjoys and he doesn’t for one moment stop simply because Sam is frowning and judging him. He tells Sam off and goes to enjoy himself. This while Sam is absolutely putting his foot down continually, questioning Dean’s decisions and behaviour and calling him out on it. Yeah. 
13x15 set all of this up gorgeously and they are totally building on the moving out of toxic codependency and it makes my insides want to do the jig!! 
The fact that there are traces of old Dean here is more a highlighter to me than anything else.
He doesn’t go for the blonde waitress –>
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Barely even looks at her.
Daphne is a trophy he’s set on winning, because, of course, his rivalry is entirely with Fred, which is set up immediately. And that Daphne is a trophy is given to us in dialogue when he says:
Dean: Should’ve known Velma was good to go. It’s always the quiet ones.
But I actually don’t think Dean is engaging in toxic masculine behaviour, not as it’s been displayed this season. He’s a douche. He’s a teenage jock with a big ego who thinks he’s god’s gift. 
I mean, come on, Dean. You’re fucking better than this. Don’t grab women by the arm like that, for example. She will run the fuck away from you to the guy she wants to be with. Learn your lessons, Dean!
Because how he chooses to relate to Daphne, and how she continuously keeps markedly blowing him off, tells us that he needs to grow the hell up already. And, to me, that’s the whole point. I could dig into the symbology and representation that I can see in the setup of the character interaction, but my dudes, I’ll throw it into a separate post.
The point is, this episode tells us that Dean doesn’t want casual, he doesn’t want a trophy.
He wants someone to sit next to him, share a beer and watch movies with him.
That’s what he wants, and the fact that he’s overcompensating for this fact by chasing a pretty woman is entirely in line with how him lusting after a man has pretty much always been handled on the show. 
He wants Cas. And how we close the Scooby portion with Dean stating he should’ve known “it’s always the quiet ones” is a rather formidable plant. 
Well, fingers crossed, of course. I know nothing. I predict nothing. But if they can take the time to draw Dean helping Cas up and Cas reaching out and taking Dean’s hand once he’s done so, and if they can take the time to draw them in synchronisation, then, you know… Cave of Deanitude it is? Joint shares? *mh mh good*
And whoa boy did I love this episode! 
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astralgabriel · 6 years
obligatory 13x20 sabriel coda fic !!! this one got a bit angst-ier than expected
also posted here on ao3
“Last time I checked, humans weren’t nocturnal.”
Sam half-jumped at the voice, jolting upright in his seat as he caught sight of the figure stood in the doorway. Gabriel looked back at him, head tilted slightly to the side.
Sam’s shirt swamped Gabriel, hanging baggy off his small frame and covering the majority of his boxer shorts. The archangel hadn’t thought to invest in something to sleep in, and didn’t have the grace to spare on something so simple, so Sam had offered up a few of his old shirts.
Something protective and warm twisted in Sam’s chest as he looked over Gabriel, fresh from sleep, hair mussed and eyes heavy.
“Yeah, well, neither are archangels,” Sam replied, closing his book. His attention had drifted a chapter ago, tiredness creeping on the edge of his mind.
An uneasy silence hung between them - Sam watched as Gabriel glanced around the room, his gaze vacant. The archangel looked lost, like he wasn’t entirely certain why he was there, or what he was doing.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Sam asked eventually. Gabriel blinked his eyes, shifting from distant to alert, focusing his attention on Sam. His lips pulled into thin line, uncertain and guarded.
“Not really. Do you?”
Sam shook his head. “No,” he said.
There was a distinct difference between the Gabriel Sam thought he knew, and the Gabriel in front of him now. This Gabriel was subdued and less animated, tired to the bone from endless years of life. It was as though the Gabriel they’d known till now was a caricature of himself, an exaggeration of every trait till he seemed larger than life.
This Gabriel was jarringly human.
It struck Sam just how little he actually knew about Gabriel. How, every time he thought he had the archangel unravelled, another layer pulled back to reveal a more intricate puzzle.
“Don’t just stand there, Gabe,” Sam said. Something flashed over Gabriel’s face at the nickname, but it was gone before Sam could place it. “Come sit down.”
Gabriel complied, crossing the room in almost perfect silence. Sam raised an eyebrow as the chair beside him began to pull out of its own accord - it wasn’t quite the reality bending Sam knew the archangel capable of, but it was the first he’d seen Gabriel exercise his grace since the encounter with Asmodeus.
Sam shifted uncomfortably as Gabriel studied him, the gold of his eyes seeming more intense and inhuman up close. “You called me Gabe,” he said after a moment, his tone guarded and steady.
“Oh, uh, yeah. If you don’t like it, I c-”
“No,” Gabriel cut him off, shaking his head. “It’s fine. It’s nice. Casual. I like it.”
Sam let out a short laugh in relief as the archangel slouched back in his seat, the edges of his lips curving up into a smile. “Well, you seem to have plenty of names for all of us. Figured if you were joining the team, we’d need one for you.”
“I think Dean-o already has plenty for me,” Gabriel replied, his mouth spreading into a smirk.
“I don’t think son of a bitch, feathered asshole, winged jackass or dumbass archangel quite have the same ring.”
That got a genuine bark of laughter out of Gabriel, the corners of his eyes crinkling as his head tilted back. Something in Sam wanted to make Gabriel laugh like that till the end of time - he wasn’t sure what to make of that.
Sam saw as the switch flipped in Gabriel’s mind, as he cut off his laughter and caught himself.
“Y’know, you, Sam, are truly something else,” Gabriel said. Sam recognised the caricature mask going up - Gabriel grinned like he had no cares, but there was something darker threaded through his words, something primal just behind his eyes. “I’m a cruel, bitter, ancient thing. You know better than most. I’ve done awful things to you and Dean, unforgivable things, and yet here you sit, trying to make me smile. I’m almost as old as time itself, with power you could never comprehend, and you gave me a nickname.”
Sam knew this particular tactic well.
Build up the mental fortress walls, push everyone away in any way possible, even if it means hurting them, because long term, it’s better for them.
Sam folded his arms across his chest and sighed. “That’s not going to work on me, you know,” he replied. Gabriel tilted his head, eyes narrowing. “I know exactly what you’re doing, and it’s not going to work.”
“I have no id-”
Gabriel cut himself off, brows knitting together in disbelief when Sam rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Sure you don’t,” Sam retorted, and Gabriel shut his mouth, confused. “Look, I won’t deny that you did some shitty things. I hated you for a while, but the more we found out about you, the more I understood. I doubt I’ll ever forget, but I forgave you a long time ago.”
“I don’t need your forgiveness,” Gabriel snapped back. The mask was still there, but it was cracked, true colours shining through. Sam saw the thinly-veiled self-loathing hidden underneath the retort.
“I know you don’t, Gabe,” Sam said softly, his voice dropping in volume. The moment the nickname fell from his lips, Sam saw Gabriel’s facade shatter into pieces, exposing the raw emotion underneath. “But you have it anyways.”
“Why do you care?”
“Because I know how powerless and vulnerable and afraid you feel, and I want to help.”
Gabriel froze, his expression empty and neutral, and for a moment, Sam worried that maybe he’d pushed too far too soon.
“Every night, Sam. Every time I close my eyes, I’m back in that place. Everything hurts and I can’t speak, and I get so scared that it’s real, that I never got out, and I- I just-”
Gabriel closed his eyes, jaw clenching as he tried to swallow down his emotions. Sam noticed the finger tracing back and forth across the curve of his bottom lip, a small habit to keep himself grounded in reality, and sighed.
Sam laid his hand atop Gabriel’s still one, wincing sympathetically as he felt the involuntary twitch of muscles at the unexpected touch. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to, y’know,” Sam said, not entirely certain how to word his thoughts. “Gabriel, look at me?”
Despite the gentleness in Sam’s voice, it still sounded like a command. Gabriel drew a shuddered breath as he opened his eyes, looking up at the hunter, pushing down the flight response that was edging into his thoughts.
“It won’t ever go away fully, I’d be lying if I said it did. But it will get easier to deal with, and you’re not alone in this.”
“I’m just so tired, Sam,” Gabriel said, his voice cracking on Sam’s name. Sam felt his heart tear a little at that, and shuffled around on his seat to face Gabriel, opening his arms.
The archangel hesitated at first, aware of how vulnerable he already felt, before letting himself fall against Sam’s chest, his arms curling tight around Sam’s back. One of Sam’s hands splayed out across his upper back, whilst the other cradled the back of his head - Gabriel hated how safe the human could make him feel, how weak he truly was, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull away.
Kind touch hadn’t exactly been in bountiful supply for the past few years, and even before that, everything was driven by lust or need. Never care or love. “I’m just so tired,” Gabriel mumbled into Sam’s chest, muffled by the plaid shirt.
“I know. It’ll get easier, Gabe, I promise.”
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atc74 · 7 years
Since I’ve Been Loving You - Part 6
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Summary: Our reader has now been captured by Crowley and offers to do anything to spare Dean’s life. Now with both of their lives on the line, will John, Sam and the others find them in time, or is she on her own?
Pairing: Cop!Dean x Cop!reader
Word Count: 1600
Warnings: Kidnapping, bodily harm, sick!Dean...
A/N: This could have been a really intimidating project, but as soon as I read part 5 I started writing. This was a ton of fun, Michelle. Thank you for hosting!! Look for part 7 by @deanie-beanie next month!
Beta’d by @luci-in-trenchcoats
Catch up On parts 1 - 5 HERE
Previously on Since I’ve Been Loving You (pt 5)
He points the knife at Dean. “Do YOU want to die?” He walks toward Dean and puts the blade to his neck.“I could do it you know?” He nicks Dean’s skin and blood flows.
Dean just glares at his oppressor, while biting his tongue.
Crowley’s hot breath on Dean’s face. He growls, “I could slit your throat and it would feel so good. Watch that light fade from your arrogant, smug, cop eyes and get off doing it.”
Your gag came loose with Crowley’s slap. You plead, “Please don’t! I’ll do anything! Don’t kill him! I’m begging you.”
Crowley lowers the knife and backs away from Dean. He looks at you with an evil grin and a quirked eyebrow. He walks toward you, “Anything?”
Dean croaks out in a desperate plea, “Y/N no!” Dean knows all too well what Crowley’s “anything” involves.
Sam continued driving along the country road. There was really nothing this far out of the city. Just a few abandoned farms and out buildings. With John riding shotgun, the two Winchesters, along with their friends Castiel and Chuck in the back, were keeping a diligent eye out for anything out of the ordinary for this part of the county.
John had lost Y/N’s signal and now they were right in the spot where it had dropped. Sam knew she had left her charger and her personal cell on the counter at home. He smacked the steering wheel hard with the heel of his hand. How could she be so stupid? Thinking she could take on Crowley all alone. Didn’t she know he meant to end her, after Dean took everything from him. And now Crowley would take everything from Dean.  He thought. Sam knew they would all be lucky if any of them made it out alive. The shrill ringtone tone of Warrant’s Cherry Pie filled the small space of his brothers car.
“Brother?” Castiel answered his phone. “I will tell the others. Yes, thank you Gabe...No, don’t bother, hopefully this will be over before you could land.”
Sam’s blackberry dinged as Cas disconnected from his brother. He handed Cas the device and could see the look of concentration on his friend’s face in the rearview mirror. “Cas, what is it?”
“Gabe sent the files. So between Dean’s case files and the rest from Gabe we should be able to find something that will help us find them. Sam, pullover,” Cas demanded. His hope was that with four sets of fresh eyes, they would find something Dean had missed.
Once safely to the edge of the road, all four men step out of the car. John walks around to the back and pops the trunk open to grab the case files. He closes it up and lays out the files on the glossy black surface. He’s taken good care of this beast, John thinks to himself. He has always been proud of his sons, he just wishes he would have shown them more often. There is no time for regret now, his eldest sons life depends on him, but he vows that once Dean is returned to them, he will do better.
Sam stands next to his father, going through the electronic scans of the New York cases and curses himself for not bringing his laptop to be able to search on a larger screen. Gabriel had sent a copy to his brother and father and they split them amongst themselves while John perused Dean’s files. He is halfway through the first five when Chuck speaks.
“Sam, John, I think I’m onto something,” Chuck looks up at the group. “All of Crowley’s victims had a black substance on their skin.”
“That is in all the files, Chuck, but I don’t get where you’re going with it,” John interrupts.
“It’s motor oil. Used motor oil. Sam, check the map. Are there any service stations in this area?” Chuck directs.
Sam switches over to the map on his device and searches. There are two service stations on this road. Checking the time, he realizes how late it is and they would be closed. Then something catches his eye. “This one!” Sam points to a spot on the map about fifteen miles from their current location. It closed down about two years ago and is still vacant.
“That’s it! Let’s roll!” John throws the files in the backseat and gets back in the car. Sam takes his spot behind the wheel once again and pushes the car to her limits. Please let them be alive.
“Yes! Anything,” you breathed out. “But you need to do something for me first.” She stares Crowley down, just like she had a moment ago.
“Look at yourself, Y/N; you’re not exactly in the position to be making deals, now are you Darling?” Crowley gestures to your cuffed hands.
“Just let me say goodbye to Dean. Please?” you pleaded with him. Being a cop teaches you a lot of things, but this is a skill you learned from being with an abusive ex-boyfriend. You learned to lie and hide your true feelings, giving your captor exactly what he wanted: fear. “You’re going to kill him anyway, at least let me be the last person he sees; I’ll do it.”
“Y/N! What’re you doing?” Dean’s voice is still raspy, the cold having taken hold and the infection burning through his entire body. He probably had pneumonia by now and if they didn’t get out here, he was going to die anyway.
“I’m ending it Dean. You’re going to die anyway, from whatever is ravishing your body. I don’t want you to suffer because of it,” you reasoned with Dean and he resigned, his shoulders slumping even further.
“Crowley, please? You have the upper hand here, all the power. I am just asking for a little time with my boyfriend before he dies and you do whatever it is you’re going to do. I know you’ll kill me eventually, just let me have this time with him, before you make me yours,” you begged him, letting pain and regret seep into your voice, tears slipping down your face.
“Fine, but when I return, he better be dead, or you’ll both end up like my former ally, Gordon here,” Crowley barked. He kicked Dean in the ribs before storming up the stairs and slamming a door. Dean groaned in protest, his body curling in on itself in an attempt to quell the pain.
You threw yourself down next to Dean once the coast was clear. He was burning up and in so much pain. The tears you shed were real and they shed for him. You believed Dean was the love of your life and you would never to get to live that out with him. “Shhh, it’s okay, Baby. I got you. We’re going to get out of here, I promise.”
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(image not mine - credit to it’s creator)
You wiggled around on the floor, easily slipping your lower body between the gap in your arms. Gordon was truly a dumbass, yes, but it worked to your advantage, using subpar cuffs with links instead of hinges, like all the new cuffs. Once your hands were in front of your body, you were able to pull a pin from your hair and get to work on the lock. It only took seconds and you were free. You shrugged out of your jacket and covered Dean with it the best you could, given his larger frame.
You crouched behind him and got to work on the lock on his chains. The room was poorly lit, but you managed to do it by feel, the lock giving way under the pin in your fingers. You pulled Dean to you, hugging him tightly. He whimpered in pain, but you didn’t care, he was there with you, and he was alive.
Police training had taught you how to incapacitate your opponent, but leave them alive. You kissed Dean softly on the lips, apologizing before you wrapped your arms around his head in a sleeper hold. It would knock him out, but he would still be breathing. You just hoped that you would return to him before it was too late.
You realized you were in some sort of underground room. You walked over to Gordon’s body that still lay on the floor. You searched his clothes, and concealed your delight when you found his phone in the utility pocket of his pants. Further searching also revealed a hunting knife and the sawed off shotgun he had subdued you with.
You closed your eyes and remembered leaving the derelict service station. Although you couldn’t see, you were able to determine which direction you were headed. Gordon had driven west for approximately ten minutes, he turned south, then it seemed like he turned once again and drove back to your original location. If what you recalled was true, that meant that you were still in the service station, underground in the pit used to change oil and work in the undercarriage of vehicles. That was actually the best news you had heard since Dean went missing. With fingers trembling from the cold, you tapped out a message to Sam, telling him where you think the two of you were being held.
The flashlight app on Gordon’s phone lit up the room and you were right. You checked the drain, but your arms were not long enough to retrieve the firing mechanisms from your weapons. You would have to make do with what you had scavenged from the former prison guard. The shotgun was bulky, but you were able to slip it down the back leg of your jeans. You hid the blade inside your bra and were glad you had more than just a metal nail file to defend Dean and yourself.
The phone buzzed in your pocket; a message from Sam. You sighed in relief when you read his three simple words; 5 minutes out.
You checked on Dean to make sure he was still breathing. It was shallow, as was his pulse, but to the untrained hand, it would be undetectable. You whispered your thoughts in his ear. Even though he couldn’t hear you, you needed to speak the words in case one, or both of you didn’t survive.
You rose to your feet, fear replaced by rage and determination and you stalked to the bottom of the grimy stairs.
“Crowley!” you howled from the pit. “Let’s finish this!”
SIBLY tag list: @kathaswings
Angelina’s Tags: @iwantthedean @d-s-winchester @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms​ @just-another-busy-fangirl @mamaredd123 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @tankcupcakes @katymacsupernatural @winchesterprincessbride @chelsea072498 @meeshw777  @tmccarney @ruprecht0420 @theoriginalvicki @nanie5 @docharleythegeekqueen @megansescape @notnaturalanahi @impalaimagining @mrswhozeewhatsis @blacktithe7 @emoryhemsworth @bringmesomepie56 @devilgirlsarah @spnbaby-67 @myoutletforfanfiction @deansangelgirl @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @kayteonline @rockhoochie @percussiongirl2017 @fanfreak07 @tattooedmomster13 @sandlee44 @moonstar86 @uttertrash--butlikecutetrash  @squirrel-moose-winchester @growningupgeek @charliebradbury1104 @evansrogerskitten @feelmyroarrrr @itseverythingilike @smoothdogsgirl @supernatural-jackles @ryantherandomhero @love-kittykat21 @kathaswings @crispychrissy @paintrider13-blog  @bethbabybaby @ravenangel33 @shaelyn102
Dean’s Den of Iniquity: @akshi8278  @iamabeautifulperson18 @suzannebeaketa @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @deandoesthingstome @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @boxywrites  @sparklesuperwholock88  @ericaprice2008    @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels 
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awed-frog · 7 years
Out of curiosity, do you see Cas as a moral character? Because I've always seen him as someone who is more driven by purpose than an innate sense of morals. I don't remember a time when Cas would shy away from a morally ambiguous act if it helped the cause he was currently serving. He never seeks to cause pain, and he will switch causes if he thinks what is trying to be achieved is wrong. But take for instance Lily Sunder. The issue wasn't that he killed her child, it was that her kid wasn't 1/2
actually a nephelim. That was why he was upset that it had happened. Even almost a decade out from being under heaven’s command, he still saw killing a child as morally acceptable. I just don’t see at one point exactly this is supposed to have changed in his character? Not that he hasn’t developed, but that the part of him that believes the ends justify the means has clung on pretty tightly throughout the years, and I’d argue it was there in season 5 and 6, as well as 8 onwards. 2/2
Well, it’s actually very difficult to answer this question because it’s hard to pin down, exactly, what morality is and where it comes from. If you want my opinion, I think morality has to do with a shared experience. You can’t know right from wrong in a void. You need to belong to a community and see what goes on in it and how other individuals respond to those events. And that’s part of the reason why we’re having so much trouble negotiating our new, interconnected world: because for centuries, we could pretend the human experience and human morals were some universal, God-given instinct, when in fact, it’s something that’s strongly influenced by our cultural traditions. 
(Man, think of all the trouble we’re having coming up with shared moral values in our multicultural societies: is circumcision right or wrong? What about ritual slaughter of animals? And veiling small girls? Sex ed in schools? Arranged marriages? Faith schools? As Western people, we were so used to having all the answers that we sort of got blindsided when we learned our ideas were not universal values but just, well - opinions.) 
In this sense, I don’t see Cas - or any of the angels - as inherently capable of morality or immorality. To me, they are amoral creatures, because they exist in a different space. Traditionally, and for primal religious reasons, we like to represent these beings as bargain-makers, and that tends to showcase their different set of morals. The story normally goes, ‘stupid and/or desperate person makes unfair bargain, creature delivers but then heartlessly asks for their dues’. We’ve got hundreds of variations on this theme, from gods asking not to be watched to witches and fairies demanding babies in exchange for basil and gold, and it speaks volumes, of course, that we can add an illustrious human exception to his list - Shakespeare’s Shylock, who asked for human flesh in exchange for a financial loan. 
(Supernatural, by the way, also makes liberal use of this bargaining trope, but they could have done more, in my opinion, to show just how much angels, and not only demons, function according to those rules.)
In this sense, Cas can’t be truly moral until he’s fully human - or, at least, willingly embracing some kind of human life. We’re very far from that, and, so it seems, losing what little progress we’d made with every passing minute. What Cas has developed, I think, is empathy, which is the foundation for a moral compass but also something that’s very distinct from it. While I agree with you that Cas still functions a lot according to his own internal rules (in that, for instance, killing Lily’s child would have been acceptable if she’d been a Nephilim), recently he’s also chosen to trust his own tentative empathy much more than anything else. The problem being, of course, that the vague onset of empathy he’d been feeling on and off for millennia and had caused him so much trouble seems to have shifted and solidified as full-on love not for humanity as a whole, but for ‘humanity’, his brother and his other friends and relatives. This is what worries me, and this is why the entire situaton is fucked up. These days, we’re talking a lot about self-driving cars, and everybody’s concerned about the fact the software inside them might be designed to make logical - and amoral - decisions - for instance, if a collision is inevitable, crash the car with the lowest number of passengers so as to minimize loss of life - because those logical decisions are not the ones we would make for ourselves (any driver would choose to save himself and his family, no matter who’s in the other car). What Cas has basically turned into, however, is a different kind of AI: a software that will do its best to keep every car safe, but will also systematically protect two or three specific drivers, no matter the cost. This is a problem we don’t have to face at the moment because AIs don’t have feelings (yet), but in the show, it’s turning into a real issue, because no matter how much Sam or Dean want to shield each other form harm, they’re human, and there’s a limit to the havoc they can wreak on the universe while doing so. Cas, however - that’s a different matter. He’s got enough power and knowledge to do some very serious damage, and that’s emerged quite clearly over the last few seasons. It was him, ultimately, who allowed the pro-Amara spell to go forward, and it was him who unthinkingly decided to kill Billie despite the consequences that was likely to have (and didn’t, but that’s a different rant). For Cas, his newly developed empathy seems to imply - depending on who’s writing him - that there is simply no line anymore. Empathy in an amoral character - that, perhaps, is the most dangerous thing of all, because love is changeable and unpredictable.
(I’m not saying any of this is Cas’ fault, of course, or that it can’t be corrected. I’m just annoyed by how it’s so rarely acknowledged by the show - that Cas is not human, that his perspective is different, that his decision-making process is fundamentally other - but apparently there’s no way out here. Embracing Cas’ alienness with more attention to detail would mean devoting more time to him, which the show doesn’t want to do; and negating that alienness by allowing Cas to complete his journey and become human - either literally or metaphorically - is also a no-go, because that would place him in the Bunker 24/7 and thus make him a true main character - and a main character who’s got years’ worth of romantic subtext and UST with Dean.)
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