#while I was just eating Oreo’s on the couch like 🫥
simplysummers · 1 year
I love explaining to my mom how the world works nowadays because she’s become so open minded as of the last three years, especially when it comes to trans people. (She had a trans patient once, and she came rushing home to me and she was like “Summer how do I address them cause it still says Mr on their form?” And I was like “….just ask them, and they’ll tell you what they want you to say” And then when she saw this patient again, she asked and the person told her to call them Mx, and that they were super happy she asked, and then my mom was happy cause she’d made someone’s day)
But this isn’t about that.
Yesterday we found out my sister’s boyfriend (and her baby daddy, I’m gonna be an aunt y’all-), has ADHD, just in passing, and my mom asked me afterwards if I knew and I said no. I then explained to her like how big the neurotypical to neurodivergent scale is, and how even if you aren’t diagnosed some people can still present symptoms of ADHD because we’re all on different spots on a very long line, and she was like
Really? Oh I didn’t know that, yes that makes sense, so that’s why you forget things?
And I was like 😑
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