#which. still hurts lmao. i miss him a lot. i hope he’s okay.
lightspren · 1 year
it is… quite painful seeing happy pictures and memories with someone you don’t speak to anymore.
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famwhy · 1 year
/bɪˈriːv.mənt/ The state one is in when losing someone important to them
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
42! Miles X F!Reader, 1610! Miles X F!Reader
Synopsis: Miles is missing, and all you can think about is getting him back. Upon finally finding him, however, you're taken aback by the copy that stands beside him—the same copy that was staring at you with wide, shaking eyes full of... disbelief?
Note: this one's for my cousin. The idea actually came to me while I was rewatching the first spiderverse lmao. Who knew Kingpin was such a source of ideas?
part two.
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You saw it—on the control panel—42. Miles had been transported to Earth 42.
You belonged to 1610; which meant that Miles also belonged to 1610.
He was in the wrong universe.
Your best friend was stranded in the wrong universe.
Now, if you were a rational person, you would've called for back-up—maybe even gotten Hobie's help like Gwen had. But you weren't a rational person—and could anyone blame you?—your best friend was probably in danger, of course you would act without thinking.
The watch wasn't hard to swipe, everyone was too caught up in what had just happened with Miles to care for guarding their little 'goober' dimension devices. Tracking him down wasn't terribly difficult either, not after you knew which world he went to.
All you really needed to think about was where exactly you had to open the portal—but luckily for you, Margo was willing to help.
"You owe me for this, by the way." Her head tilted your way, lids narrowed in a sassy look you dismissed with a wave of your hand.
"Yeah, okay, what're his coordinates?"
With a roll of her eyes—that you very much thought was quite rude—she gave you just what you needed; his exact coordinates.
The assortment of colours and geometric shapes appeared before you with a few taps of your finger against the cold device, flitting across the room in a bright blur of pure chaos that hurt your eyes to look at—
—but you would endure it; if only for Miles' sake.
"This is stupid, by the way—" you turned, facing the girl who insisted on making a snide comment every five seconds, "—you're not even a spiderperson."
"Says the girl who's speaking to me through a VR headset and isn't actually here right now," you growled.
"Careful, I can shut this whole thing down right now and tell Miguel what you're planning," she returned your apprehension with crossed arms, brows furrowing even further.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you sighed, "it's just— I'm worried about him. Please don't tell Miguel. Miles has saved me so many times, it's time I save him for once."
You assumed you must've looked rather pitiful for her features to have softened up, arms falling limp by her side as she, too, gave a sigh; though hers sounded like it stemmed from a different type of exasperation to yours.
"Just... go. Before I change my mind—preferably."
You gave her the brightest smile you could muster, hoping to god she could see all the appreciation in it—and there was a lot—before turning back around to take a step into the portal.
"Miles! I'm here to—"
As soon as you walked through, you were met with a dark room—though, that wasn't what caught your attention. Instead, your wide eyes landed on that familiar hanging bag, beat down and bits of its material flaked off.
Chained up to it, was your very own, Miles Morales. And stood directly opposite to him was... also Miles Morales?
Alright, you were aware of this whole 'spiderverse' thing but you didn't think it would be this trippy.
"...save you?"
They were both staring directly at you, however, the expressions situated on their faces were vastly different.
Miles—your Miles—had his eyes blown wide, shaky pupils not leaving your form for a second, even as he started frantically shaking his head from left to right, he still remained in eye-contact with you.
The other Miles also had his eyes blown wide. This time, however, it wasn't in warning—no—his pupils were dilated and his form stood rigid; still as a statue.
"Cariño..." he whispered; so much breath in his voice, it barely sounded like words were coming out.
"Y/N! You have to get out of here!" Your Miles yelled, pulling at his chains as though it would get him any closer to you.
You scoffed. "And leave you? I don't think so."
"Don't worry about me! You have to—"
You blinked, casting your gaze back over to the other Miles—who now stood much closer to you than before. He was just an arm's length away, in fact, how did you not notice him approach you?
"Mi vida, oh Y/N..." his voice was soft as he spoke—quiet and coated in an emotion you were unfamiliar with—hand moving up to your cheek to gently trace a cold, steel claw over it.
"Hey!" The sound of metal chains clicking grew more frantic from behind him. "Stay away from her! Don't you dare hurt her!"
Either the Miles in front of you was ignoring your friend on purpose, or he genuinely didn't hear him, because he continued to do as he was doing—continued to give you shivers from the icy material against your cheek.
Then, all too suddenly, he flew into your torso, engulfing you in a hug so tight—so inextricably emotional—you stumbled back a little from the sheer intensity of it all.
"You're alive..." he breathed out—and it was then that you finally understood what the tone of his voice was. "You're really, truly alive. Oh mi cariño, I've missed you so much."
"Lo siento... lo siento." He buried his face into the crook of your neck and the surface of your skin slowly grew wet, your collar soaking up. "I didn't get there in time, I couldn't save you."
You and your Miles shared a glance.
You saw your reflection in his eyes; the look of shock on his face; the scenes that flashed through his pupils. You saw a fear in him, one unlike anything you had ever seen before.
You saw your near-death experience replay right before him.
"Te quiero—" the other Miles—the one holding you—grounded you once more with his words as he pulled away just enough to look you in the eyes and continue, "—you know that, right? I'm so sorry for not saying it before. If you hadn't— if you never— I'm so sorry."
The phrase shocked you, sending an electric pulse down your spine and rendering you utterly immobile.
"I always have. For the longest time. It's always been you. It's always—only—ever been you."
If what he was saying was true... then—?
Suddenly, the metal against your hips was replaced by the familiar silky material you were used to; the one worn by your Miles.
"Miles," you breathed out, looking all around you to see the shattered glass that flew in the wind—scattering in all different directions as the warmth of the inside abandoned you.
"I'm gonna need you to hold on, okay?"
You nodded.
Then, you glanced behind him, catching sight of the familiar geometric mask of the Prowler—sharp claws out—coming in hot and fast and furious.
"I know, mami, I know. I need you to trust me for a minute, alright? You know I'll never let you get hurt."
You nodded once more, nails digging into his dark suit as you buried your face directly into his chest. You felt yourself flow through the air, swiftly moving as the wind worked against you, pushing back on your hair as though you were its worst enemy.
It was nice. It was fun. It was... bound to go wrong.
One moment, you were safe, all coddled up in Miles' arms as he swung through the sky—the next?—
—you were falling.
(Note: I feel like I need to address this because some people seem to be misunderstanding what I'm doing with Margo.
First of all, Margo is not AT ALL being mean in Bereavement. The whole of that fic is written in the Reader's perspective (and I'll prolly end up writing something in both Miles' perspective too) - this makes her an unreliable narrator so you can't trust the way the story is being told to you is 100% accurate to the true events.
At the start, the Reader is frustrated because she knows her best friend is stranded on another universe - this makes her unfairly take out her frustration on Margo when she thinks lines like 'who always seemed to have to say something every five seconds' (paraphrased).
Margo thus responds accordingly (as she should) and although she threatens to tell Miguel, she never actually would because she is legit one of the only real ones in the movie. So no, to those commenters that were accusing me of making her 'aggressive' cuz she was black - that is not what I'm doing at all. I am writing the Reader's perspective after just having lost her best friend.
Margo is the only one helping. She is literally being kind to the Reader. If anything, the Reader is the one being rude to her but again, that's because her best friend is missing which isn't an excuse but definitely an explanation.)
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 2 months
Hiii I saw ur recent post and idk if this is any help but what about an Ethan Landry x Carpenter! Reader smut? So basically reader is Sam and Tara’s little sister, she’s like one year younger anyways it can be something where they all go to the same college and are in the same friend group. And the reader has always had a crush on Ethan since she got accepted in Blackmore with her sisters and her and Ethan are really close like best friends so she doesn’t wanna ruin the friendship, but at the frat party they all decided to play spin the bottle and reader gets ethan and yk they make out but then after the party Ethan starts avoiding reader cuz he’s always liked her to he js got in his feelings and thought it was awkward. But after like reader cries to Tara and Sam and stuff Tara knocks sense into Ethan and they makeup and confess and well yk what they do next lmao but this js popped in my head and ur my favorite Ethan writer so pleaseeee consider writing this tyyy🩷
Hiiiii💕 This is the first thing I've fully written in a while, so I hope you like it!!
All I Want - Ethan Landry x Fem!Carpenter!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: See ask box lmao. I probably ruined the suspense but that's okay💀
Contains: Underage drinking, Oral - f receiving, p in v (My brain is done for the day so if I'm missing anything, let me know.)
W/C: 7.7k
A/N: I'm still a little rusty, but this was the first thing I've written in forever that wasn't absolute fucking clown shoes lmaoooo. Also, if you see any spelling/grammatical errors, no you didn't 💀
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When you moved in with your sisters right before you started your freshman year at Blackmore, the last person everyone expected you to get the closest to was Ethan. He wasn’t the most social, but that’s what drew you to him. He was really quiet the night you first met him, which only made you want to talk to him even more. You talked for hours, learning so much about each other as he came out of his shell, and you’ve been inseparable ever since.
Sam was just as protective over you as she was with Tara, and once she noticed you and Ethan were spending a lot of time together, she cornered him in the kitchen one night when he came out of your room to get a drink during one of your many study sessions.
“What’s going on with you and my sister?” Sam questioned, as Ethan’s cheeks turned bright red. He felt so awkward and uncomfortable as she stared him down. “Are you going to answer me?”
“Sorry,” he mumbled, as he leaned against the kitchen counter. “Nothing’s going on. We’re just friends.”
“There better not be anything going on,” Sam warned, “And I know you stayed over in her room the other night. I’m not okay with that.”
“Nothing happened,” he said, as he glanced at the floor. “It won’t happen again.”
“I swear, Ethan, if you try anything with her,” Sam got out, before Ethan got really frustrated with the situation.
“I can’t be her friend without wanting to get in her pants?” Ethan questioned, as Sam was taken aback at his tone change. “You’ve known me for a year now, and I know you worry about her just like Tara, but do you really think I’d do that?”
“I’m sorry,” Sam said, as she relaxed a little, realizing she was in the wrong for questioning him like that. “She’s been hurt before, and I don’t want her to go through that again.”
“I understand where you’re coming from, but I just want to be her friend. Guys and girls are allowed to be friends without there being something else going on,” Ethan said, as she sighed and nodded. “Do you care if I study in her room with her? Or would you rather have us in the living room so you can keep an eye on us?”
“You can study in her room,” she said, as Ethan walked away from her with his drink in his hand.
Ethan wasn’t lying when he said that nothing had happened between the two of you, but he was lying when he said he just wanted to be your friend. The only person he’d mentioned his crush on you to was Chad, who immediately shut it down, knowing that Sam would have no problem killing Ethan and disposing of his body if he ever did try anything with you. Chad knew Ethan was a good guy, but with how skeptical Sam was over his relationship with Tara at first, even though they’d been friends since childhood, she knew it would take a lot longer for her to even begin to warm up to the idea of you and Ethan being together. If that wasn’t enough of a reason to keep him from saying anything to you about the way he felt, the possibility of him making things awkward and fucking up the friendship if you didn’t feel the same definitely was.
When Ethan walked back in your room, he saw you laying on your stomach, stretched out across your bed as you looked at your phone.
“I thought you got lost,” you said, looking at him before you glanced back at your screen. “What took you so long?”
“I was busy getting grilled,” he said, as he was about to sit down beside you, before he sat in your desk chair instead, just in case Sam walked in.
“Getting grilled?” you asked, as you adjusted yourself so you were sitting up. “Why?”
“Wellll,” he said, shifting awkwardly in the chair. “Pretty sure your sister thinks I’m close to you because I’m trying to sleep with you.”
“Oh my god,” you said, as you hopped off the side of your bed, ready to confront her.
“Wait,” he said, as you hesitantly came to a stop and looked at him. “I kind of got pissed and raised my voice a little. That was terrifying enough. I don’t need you snapping on her and I end up on her shit list because she scares me.”
You laughed at Ethan’s words and the nervous look on his face before you went back over to your bed and sat down.
“Why did she have to make things weird?” you questioned, as you laid back and looked at the ceiling.
“It’s okay. I told her I’m only interested in being your friend,” he said, his words like a punch to your stomach as you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. You’d always had a little crush on him, but now you felt stupid for feeling things he didn’t. “Oh, and I don’t think I should stay over ever again. She mentioned that, too.”
“We literally fell asleep with the lights on and our laptops in front of us,” you sighed, “The only reason she’s being weird is because she saw a box of condoms when I was unpacking after I got here.”
“Oh,” Ethan mumbled, his leg bouncing as he sat in silence for a few seconds. “Should I expect a boyfriend to come visit and want to kick my ass?”
You giggled at his words as you sat back up, “No, I just didn’t want to leave them at home and have my mom go through my stuff while I’m gone. I didn’t want to have that awkward conversation with her, but I ended up having it with Sam.”
Ethan cracked a smile as you cringed the more you thought about it. “Well, at least she knows you’re being safe.”
After that day, you decided to hang out with Ethan at his apartment instead. It was a lot less awkward than dealing with Sam wanting to play the role of a helicopter parent, and because Tara was always there, you got to hang out with her more than you did before.
“What do you guys want to do tonight?” Chad asked, as the four of you sat around the living room. “There’s a party at Kappa Sigma.”
“Oooh, my first college party,” you said, getting a little excited as Tara stared you down. “What?”
“I don’t think you should go to a frat party,” she said, before Ethan spoke up.
“I’ll make sure she’s safe.”
“College guys can be really convincing,” she said, ignoring Ethan’s comment. “I just don’t want some asshole to take advantage of you.”
“I’ll just stay with Ethan all night,” you said, before you turned your head to look at him. “If that’s okay.”
“Of course,” he said, as Tara sighed in frustration.
“I don’t think you should go,” she said, as you started to get really annoyed.
“I remember you calling me to vent when Sam was doing this same shit to you, and now you’re doing it to me,” you said, as you stood up from your spot on the couch. “I just want to have fun.”
Tara knew you were right, because she vividly remembered how pissed she got when Sam was a little extra-overbearing and wouldn’t let her do anything.
“Fine,” Tara said, taking a deep breath before she continued, “But you stay with Ethan all night, okay? And if you tell Sam, she’ll lose her shit on both of us.”
“Okay, wanna go home with me and get ready before Sam gets home from work, then?” you asked, as Tara nodded and kissed Chad before she stood up.
“We’ll met you guys there in an hour.”
You and Tara hurried to get back to the apartment and get ready before Sam got home, because even though she’d loosened the reigns on Tara, she hadn’t done the same for you. Once you were ready to go and you and Tara were about to leave, you heard the door unlock.
“Fuck,” you sighed, a defeated look on your face as Tara grabbed your hand and opened the linen closet door, before she pushed you inside. “What the fuck?”
“Shhh,” she said, as she closed the door.
You heard Sam greet Tara when she walked in, before she asked her what her plans were for the night. When she mentioned the party, she said it wasn’t set in stone that she was going, just that her and Chad had been talking about it. You rolled your eyes when Sam said you better come back home if they did go, because she didn’t want you left alone with Ethan. It was taking everything in you to not pop out of the closet and ask her what her problem was, but you decided to stay silent and listen instead.
“You know Ethan’s not a bad guy, right?” Tara questioned, “He’s not some creep.”
“I know he’s not,” Sam sighed, “I think she likes him, but after she got her heart broken last year, I don’t want her to go through that again.”
“If she does, she hasn’t said anything to me, and she tells me everything,” Tara said, as you heard the sound of Sam’s keys getting sat on the kitchen counter.
“That’s true,” Sam said, “I’m going to go shower. If you do go to that party, be safe.”
“I will,” Tara said, as you heard footsteps getting closer to the closet.
You jumped when the door was flung open, a nervous expression on your face until you realized it was Tara.
“Let’s get out of here,” she said, as you giggled and made your way to the front door.
As you and Tara walked the few blocks to get to the frat house, weaving around the people that were on the sidewalk, she got a little curious as she thought about the conversation she had with Sam.
“Do you like Ethan?” she asked, once you stopped at a crosswalk.
“Of course I like him. He’s my best friend,” you said, as the two of you rushed across the street.
“You know what I mean,” she said, as you sighed.
“Not like that,” you lied, “I’m not interested in having a relationship right now.”
“That’s too bad,” she said, “Because someone told me that he likes you.”
“Really?” you asked, as Tara came to a stop once she noticed the excitement in your voice. “I mean…who told you that?”
“It doesn’t matter,” she said, a smirk playing on her lips as your cheeks began to heat up. “You sure you aren’t interested in him?”
“I’m not interested in anyone right now.”
When you walked into the party, you were a little nervous when you saw the sea of people. Tara asked if you wanted to get a drink, and on the way to the kitchen, you bumped into Mindy and Anika.
“Hey!” Anika said, hugging you once she saw you, before she moved over to Tara. You noticed Mindy behind her, her eyebrow cocked as she stared at you.
“Something tells me Sam has no idea you’re here,” she said, as she took a quick sip of her drink. “I didn’t believe Ethan when he said you were coming.”
The mention of his name had the butterflies in your tummy going crazy. You thought about what Tara said, you were sure that Chad was the one that told her Ethan liked you, and he never lied. Mindy noticed you glancing around the party for him before she spoke up.
“He’s in the living room,” she said, the knowing look on her face making you roll your eyes.
“I need a drink. If he’s my babysitter tonight, I want to give him a reason to keep his eye on me,” you said, before you heard Anika mumble, “Yeah, like he needs a reason.”
Once you got your drink, you and Tara found Chad and Ethan leaning against the wall, talking about a new movie they wanted to see. Ethan smiled when he saw you, giving Chad a look before he whisked your sister away, leaving you and Ethan alone.
“Hey,” he said, as he snatched your drink out of your hand. “Sam would kill me if I let you drink.”
“Ethannnn,” you whined, as you tried to take it from him, but he held it out of your reach. “Can I please have my drink?”
“Only if you promise not to drink too much. I’d be worried about you all night after you go home,” he said, as he hesitantly lowered the cup so you could grab it.
“I promise,” you said, a soft smile playing on your lips as you took a sip of it. “So…what do you want to do?”
“Well, I can’t dance,” he said, as he looked at all the people grinding on each other in the middle of the living room floor. “You might not have that much fun with me.”
“I always have fun with you,” you said, your tone flirty as Ethan smirked at you. “We could always go somewhere and talk.”
“Okay,” he said, as he pushed off the wall. He grabbed your hand as he weaved between the crowd and through the house. You eventually ended up in a random bedroom, the sounds of the music thumping very faint as you took a seat on the bed.
You were nervous as you sat with Ethan, because you were trying to find a way to bring up what you were told. You liked Ethan and you loved hanging out with him, and the more you thought about it, you thought about how perfect you could be together.
“So, someone mentioned something to me today,” you said, as Ethan curiously looked at you.
“Oh? What was it?” he asked, and just as you were about to respond, the bedroom door was flung open.
You and Ethan both had wide eyes as a few frat guys and a handful of girls walked into the room, their expressions matching yours.
“If you guys are going to fuck, you need to go to another room,” one of the guys said, as you glanced over at Ethan and giggled once you saw the pink tint to his cheeks.
“We weren’t. We were just talking,” you said, as you stood up.
“Wait, are you guys together?” the same guy asked, as he looked you up and down.
“No,” you said, as he smiled at you.
“You guys want to play a game with us?”
You looked over at Ethan, silently asking him if that’s something he’d want to do before he shrugged.
“Sure,” you said, as you took another sip of your drink.
“Okay, come sit on the floor,” he said, as Ethan stood up and walked over.
You were a little confused once you noticed everyone was sitting in a circle. You and Ethan sat beside each other, waiting to hear what the plan was.
“Is this some kind of weird satanic ritual,” you joked, before the guy chuckled and grabbed an empty vodka bottle off the dresser.
“We’re going to play Spin the Bottle,” he said, as he sat down and put the bottle in the middle of the circle.
Ethan immediately got uncomfortable as he sat beside you, because he felt sick at the idea of watching someone else kiss you. You felt the same way when you noticed one of the girls looking at him, and even contemplated getting up and leaving the room.
“Is that really what we’re playing?” you asked, as a different guy spoke up.
“You don’t want to kiss a stranger?” he asked, “Because I was hoping when it was my turn, it’d land on you.”
“We’re just having fun,” the girl that was checking out Ethan said. “There are some rules, though. If a guy spins it and it lands on another guy, they get to spin again. If a girl lands on another girl, they can kiss if they want or spin again. But these losers like the girl-on-girl action a little too much.”
“Oh,” you said, “I don’t know if I want to play this.”
“Come on,” a different guy said, as you glanced over to Ethan. “You’re a freshman, right? Have a little fun.”
If you didn’t deal with enough peer pressure in high school, you realized it was just as bad in college. You took a huge gulp of your drink as the first person spun the bottle.
As the game progressed, you were a little surprised that no one had gotten you or Ethan. You were getting more and more buzzed as you sipped your drink, and once it was your turn to spin the bottle, Ethan got really nervous. He looked around the room at all the guys that were hoping it’d land on them, and he was a little irritated they were eyeing you like that.
As the glass bottle moved against the hardwood floor, you were relieved when it landed on Ethan. Relieved until you realized you actually had to kiss him. One of the guys groaned in the background as you looked at Ethan, his eyes huge as you leaned in.
“You’ve been drinking. You don’t have to kiss me if you don’t want to,” he said, soft enough for only you to hear him.
“I want to,” you whispered, before your lips touched his.
You couldn’t put into words what it felt like to kiss Ethan, but after he kissed you back and your mouths were moving together, you didn’t want it to stop. You weren’t sure if the feeling of your head spinning was from the alcohol or kissing the guy you’ve been crushing on since you first got to New York.
Just as Ethan’s tongue brushed against your bottom lip to deepen the kiss, the bedroom door flung open. You pulled away to see your sister and Chad’s panicked faces, the fear on Tara’s face turning to annoyance as she walked over and grabbed your hand to pull you up. You glanced around to see everyone staring at you, the awkwardness of the moment setting in before she yanked you out of the room, with Ethan following closely behind you.
“I asked you to keep an eye on her and you make out with her?” Tara asked Ethan as she shut the door. “What were you guys doing with those losers?”
“Wait, they were making out?” Mindy questioned, making her presence known as she and Anika leaned against the wall. “That’s the most action he’s gotten since he’s been here.”
If kissing you didn’t already have Ethan’s mind racing, the tension between him and Tara and the embarrassment of Mindy basically calling him an inexperienced loser was a little too much for him. He walked away and went straight to the door, leaving you to stand there, very confused. You thought Ethan was just as into it as you were, but once he walked away without saying anything, you wondered if Tara was wrong when she said he liked you.
Later that night when you got home, the party you secretly went to wasn’t a secret anymore when Sam walked into the bathroom to see you leaning over the toilet as Tara rubbed your back. She was livid, because she couldn’t forget the creep that tried to take advantage of Tara at the first college party she went to.
The next day, Sam wanted to talk to you about it, but you had no interest in having that conversation. The only thing you could think about was kissing Ethan, and how every text you’d sent to him got no response. The hangover made you feel awful, but what made you feel worse was the realization that you fucked up your friendship with the guy you’ve been spending time with almost every single day.
After a few days of you only leaving your room to go to class, Sam and Tara both came in your room to talk to you. Their faces showed how concerned they were while yours was blank, because as sad as you were, you’d already cried more tears than you thought was possible.
“What’s going on with you?” Sam asked, as you just sat there. “Can you talk to us? We’re worried about you.”
“I don’t want to talk,” you said, your voice showing how tired you were as Tara sighed.
“Did something happen at that party? Because Ethan’s acting the same way you are right now,” she said, the mention of his name making your eyes water. “What did he do?”
“He didn’t do anything wrong,” you said, your words cracking as you spoke. “I think you were wrong about him liking me.”
“This is what I was worried about,” Sam said, as she took a seat on your bed. Her words pissed you off, because her cornering Ethan to question him and talking to Tara about it instead of just coming to you had been bothering you for days. “I’ll kill him.”
“No, you won’t,” you snapped, “Maybe if you weren’t so fucking overbearing, he’d still be talking to me.”
“You’re blaming this on me?” Sam asked, the shocked expression on her face making you angrier.
“Okay, let’s calm down,” Tara said, trying to mediate the situation before it got worse. “So, you do like him?”
“Yes, I fucking like him,” you said, the tears streaming down your cheeks as she pulled you into a hug. “I don’t know what I did wrong.”
You talked to Sam and Tara for a while before you cried to the point of having a headache. Once you said you were going to take a nap, Tara left the apartment to go to Chad and Ethan’s.
“Hey, babe,” Chad said, the smile on his face as he opened the door for her dropping when he realized she was mad. “What’s up?”
“Where’s Ethan?” she questioned, as Chad stepped to the side for her to walk in.
“He’s in his room.”
She stormed down the hallway and gave his door a few loud knocks before she walked in, glaring at Ethan once she saw him in front of his computer playing games.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she snapped, as Ethan’s face showed how nervous he was. “My sister just cried on my shoulder for an hour because of you!”
“She was crying?” Ethan asked, the guilt weighing heavy on him as her nostrils flared. “I didn’t mean to upset her.”
“Then why did you?!” Tara questioned, as Ethan shifted uncomfortably in his desk chair. “I thought you liked her!”
“I do!” Ethan yelled back, before he took a deep breath and ran a hand through his curls. “I just needed some space to think. You know how bad I feel about making out with her like that when she’d been drinking? And Mindy saying that’s the most action I’ve gotten all year? I should’ve gotten her out of that stupid room that night.”
“Ethan,” Tara sighed, as she took a seat on his bed. “She really likes you; she wouldn’t be as upset as she’s been for the last few days if she didn’t.”
“She doesn’t think I’m just some creepy loser virgin?” he asked, as Tara shook her head. “Should I call her?”
“She’s asleep right now, but I think you need to talk to her in person,” she said, as Ethan stood up. “If you hurt her again, Ethan, Sam will be the least of your worries.”
Tara stayed at the apartment with Chad while Ethan walked to your apartment. He hated that you were so upset, and he was just hoping that him ghosting you for a few days wouldn’t be enough for you to not want to give him a chance to explain himself.
When he got there and knocked on the door, he was nervous about who was going to answer, but he had to make things right. Sam opened the door, but she didn’t have her usual cold expression painted on her face, a soft smile playing on her lips as she saw how frantic Ethan looked.
“She’s still sleeping,” Sam said, as she stepped to the side. “But I need to talk to you about something before you talk to her.”
“If you’re going to yell at me, I promise Tara laid into me pretty hard just now,” he said, as Sam smiled and took a seat at the kitchen table.
“I’ve taught her well,” she said, before she continued, “I’m sorry that I was a bitch a few weeks ago. I just worry about her, you know?” Ethan nodded in understanding, as Sam sighed. “She really cares about you, and I think you’d be great for her. I’m still mad that you upset her, but if you want to be with her, I’m okay with it. I won’t give you shit, I promise.”
“Seriously?” Ethan asked, smiling to himself as he heard your bedroom door creak open.
He snapped his head in the direction of the hallway, and once he saw how sad you looked, he started to tear up himself.
“I need to go to work,” Sam said, as she stood up from the table. “I’ll let you two talk.”
You stood at the hallway entrance as Ethan sat at the table, the two of you not looking away from each other. It wasn’t until Ethan wiped a stray tear off his cheek that you finally walked over to him.
“Hey,” you said softly, as he stood up from his chair.
“Hey,” he said, as he grabbed your hands and pulled you towards him, your head resting against his chest as he held you. “I missed you so fucking much.”
“I missed you, too,” you mumbled against him, before you pulled away. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable the other night.”
“You didn’t,” he said, as his hand cupped your cheek.
You smiled for the first time in days as he leaned down and placed his plus lips against yours. You felt that same head spinning feeling you’d felt before, but as the kiss was getting more heated, he pulled away.
“Can we talk?” he asked, as you nodded and laced your fingers with his, before you led him to your room.
“If I didn’t make you uncomfortable the other night, why’d you stop talking to me?” you asked, as you got comfortable on your bed and Ethan sat across from you.
“I kissed you when I’ve liked you for months and never thought anything would come from it, your sister yelled at me after she saw it, then Mindy had her little comment,” he said, taking a deep breath as he looked at you. “I feel bad that I was letting that kiss go that far when you were drinking, and I know you’d probably want a guy that has experience in the bedroom. Maybe I’m just overthinking it.”
“I don’t care about stuff like that, Ethan,” you said, as you reached over and grabbed his hands that were rubbing against his thighs. “And I kissed you because I wanted to. Me being buzzed just took the edge off so I wasn’t as nervous.”
“How long have you wanted to kiss me?” he teased, making you laugh a little.
“A while,” you said, as he smirked at you. “I didn’t know you liked me until right before that party.”
“Wait, how’d you find out?” Ethan questioned, as you looked down at his fingers playing with yours.
“Tara said someone told her; I think it was Chad,” you said, as Ethan rolled his eyes.
“I’m annoyed that he told my secret, but I’m happy he did,” he said, as you leaned closer towards him.
“Me, too.”
When Ethan closed the gap between the two of you and your lips moved with his, things felt different, but not in a bad way. You knew you both wanted to be with each other, and you could feel how happy he was to be kissing you.
As the kiss escalated to him on top of you, his tongue moving with yours as your hands tangled in his hair, his hips started to involuntarily squirm. He was about to pull away because he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but once your legs wrapped around him and your own hips began to move, he groaned into the kiss.
When he pulled away to catch his breath, you started to kiss his neck all over, searching for his sweet spot. He gasped the second you found it, his eyes fluttering shut as he enjoyed how good it felt.
“I’m so fucking hard right now,” he whispered, a whimper building in your throat once you felt it rub against your pussy over the leggings you were wearing. “Does that feel good?” he asked, noticing the sounds you were making as he grinded himself against you.
“Yes,” you moaned as you pulled away.
You both just looked at each other, waiting for someone to make the next move. You didn’t want Ethan to feel like it was something he had to do, while he was worried that he was pressuring you. He was about to lean down to kiss you again, but you stopped him before he could.
“No pressure, but if you want this to go further, I’m okay with it,” you said, as he smiled at you.
“I want to,” he said, before he kissed you again.
He wasn’t sure what he was doing, but once you gasped into the kiss as his hand rubbed your exposed side from your shirt lifting a little, he inched it further up until it landed on one of your breasts, and he felt like he could cum in his pants from the feeling once he realized you weren’t wearing a bra. You moaned into the kiss as he squeezed, his hips rutting against you to give you both a little friction.
“Okay,” you said once you pushed him away a little to catch your breath. “I’m going to go crazy.”
“Why?” he asked, smirking at you as you sighed.
“We need to lose some clothes,” you mumbled, as you loosened the grip your legs had around his waist.
You reached over and grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it, your bottom lip going in between your teeth as you checked out his toned stomach. After his shirt was over his head, he reached over and did the same to you. The second your chest was exposed to him, he pushed you back on the bed and immediately took one of your nipples in his mouth.
You moaned at the feeling as he licked, sucked, and swirled his tongue against you, your pussy throbbing as his mouth moved. As he went to the other side, you felt his hand on your thigh, slowly inching up it.
“You can touch me,” you said, your tone sounding like you were trying to convince him. He sighed against you before his hand was in between your legs, rubbing your pussy over the soft material of your leggings.
He pulled his hand away from you as he kissed down your body, the loss of contact making you want to whine, but you held it in. You giggled as you felt his curls tickling you, but once he made it to your leggings and hooked his fingers in them to pull them down, your breathing got a lot heavier.
“You’re sure this is okay?” he asked, as he lifted his head and his eyes connected with yours.
“More than okay,” you said, as he smiled and slid them down your legs.
When Ethan first met you, he never expected to experience anything like this with you. He might’ve let his mind wander there every now and then, because there were a few instances where you’d accidentally made him hard, but this was already better than anything he could’ve ever imagined.
His eyes stayed on your face as he rubbed you over your panties, a groan slipping past his lips once he felt how wet they were. Your eyes were pleading with him, and even though his nerves were kicking in again from the lack of experience, he knew he didn’t have to be nervous to do this with you.
He moved those off your hips and down your legs before he tossed them on the floor, but just as he was leaning down to get settled between your legs, he stopped to look at you.
“If something doesn’t feel good, tell me. Okay?” he asked, as you quickly nodded your head. “Or if you need me to do something different, let me know.”
“I will,” you said, as he smiled at you.
Once his head was in between your legs, he began to slowly lick your clit with the tip of his tongue. One of your hands went to his hair, tangling in the soft brown locks as you let out the softest moans. He knew the sound meant that he wasn’t doing a horrible job, so he really started to get into it. He noticed when he used more pressure, your moans got louder, and you were struggling to keep your hips still.
“Fuck, that feels so good,” you said, your breathing getting heavier as the grip on his hair got a little tighter. “You want to use your fingers, too?”
“How many should I use?” he asked after he pulled away to look at you.
“Start with one,” you said, as he nodded and looked down to see what he was doing.
You were so wet, his long middle finger sliding into you with ease. He slid it in and out of you as he looked back to your face to make sure it felt good.
“Okay…do this,” you said, demonstrating how he needed to move his finger, “There’s this spot that feels really,” you got out, but before you could finish getting your sentence out, he found it. “Fuck, right there. Keep hitting that.”
He did as you said before he leaned back down and gave your clit the attention it needed with his tongue, your moans getting whinier as your legs were tingling from the pleasure you were feeling. He took your clit in his mouth to roll over it with his tongue, and as you shakily praised him, telling him how good of a job he was doing, his cock was throbbing. You felt amazing around that single finger, the thoughts of how it would feel for him to be inside of you only making him even more hard.
“Use-fuck,” you got out, your thoughts getting cloudy as you tried to tell him what you needed. “Two fingers.”
He did as you asked, his ring finger sliding into your pussy. He kept hitting that spongy spot inside of you, and as his tongue moved against you, you felt that special feeling building deep in the pit of your stomach.
“Don’t stop,” you begged, your words making Ethan chuckle because there was no way in hell he was going to.
He softly sucked on your clit, and once he did, your whines got louder and closer together, your toes curling against the sheets as he worked you towards your orgasm.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, as your hips lifted off the bed, your eyebrows furrowing as you felt the white-hot feeling spread across your body.
Your pussy kept tightening around Ethan’s fingers, and he didn’t know when he was supposed to stop, so he didn’t. It only made your orgasm more intense as you tugged on his hair, the feeling making him moan against you.
Once your walls stopped fluttering and your body relaxed, he hesitantly pulled away and slid his fingers out, already missing all the sounds he was pulling from you moments before.
“Was that okay?” he asked, as you hazily looked at him.
“You’ve never done that before?” you asked, your disbelieving stare making him laugh as he shook his head.
“I think you’re lying because there’s no way you just gave me the best orgasm I’ve ever had your first time doing that,” you said, a huge smile appearing on his face at your words.
“The best?” he asked, “I thought I was going to be awful at it.”
“You definitely aren’t,” you said, as you sat up to face him. “What do you want to do next?”
“You said you have condoms, right?” he asked, remembering the conversation he had with you a few weeks before.
“Yeah,” you said, as you slid off the side of the bed. You stood there for a second to get your bearings, because your legs still felt like Jell-O.
You walked over to your dresser and looked through the second drawer, searching for the box that you hid with your socks. You heard Ethan rustling around behind you, the sound of the metal on his belt clanking against the floor letting you know that he was taking his jeans off.
Just as you’d found the box, you felt his arms wrap around you. You smiled as you leaned back against him, enjoying his warmth. That’s when you felt how hard he was, and even though you hadn’t actually seen what he was hiding in the confines of his boxers, you could already tell it certainly wasn’t small.
“Fuck,” he whispered, as you ass brushed against him. “I can’t wait to do this with you.”
“Then let’s do it,” you said, the excitement in your voice making him smile as he pulled away from you. “You wanna be on top?”
“Uh…is that okay?” he asked, as you nodded and laid back on your bed and got comfortable. He slid his boxers down his legs, your eyes growing wide as you looked at him. You could tell he was a little self-conscious when his cheeks turned pink and his hand moved to cover himself.
“Why are you doing that?” you questioned, “You just saw my pussy up close.”
“You were staring at it,” he said, his voice a little shy as you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, because it’s about to be inside of me,” you said, as you sat up and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards you. You grabbed a condom out of the box and handed it to him as he crawled up on the bed. “Just…be gentle.”
“Okay,” he said, as he opened it and slowly rolled it on.
The expression on his face said he was fully confident in what he was about to do, but his shaky hands said otherwise. You knew it probably wasn’t going to last long, and that was okay. You didn’t want him to feel bad for it, so you were trying to figure out the best way to bring it up.
“Hey,” you said, as his nervous eyes met yours. “I want you to enjoy this, okay? Don’t think you have to last forever. Don’t worry about making me cum again.”
“But…isn’t that bad if I don’t make you cum?” he asked, his nerves fading a little as you smiled at him.
“You just did. I already told you that’s the best orgasm I’ve ever had,” you said, as he lined up with your entrance. “Just take it slow at first.”
“Okay,” he said, as he slowly pushed himself inside of you.
He was already dizzy at the feeling of your tight, wet pussy around his cock, and he felt relieved that he didn’t feel the pressure of making you cum again, because he was sure he wouldn’t be able to. He knew he’d be lucky if he didn’t bust within the first thirty seconds.
Some guys in bed were more vocal than others, and you were wondering what Ethan was going to be. Your question was soon answered when he started to move, and you heard him choking back the whimpers that were so close to pouring from his mouth.
“Don’t be quiet,” you said between your own sounds as he tried to find his rhythm, “I wanna hear you.”
He smiled at your words before his mouth fell open, finally letting you know exactly how good he was feeling. You wrapped your legs around his waist so he could go deeper, and the new angle, plus him hearing all your sounds and seeing all the faces you were making, had his orgasm quickly sneaking up on him.
“Oh fuck,” he whimpered, his breathing shaky as his hips began to falter. “I’m gonna cum.”
You were watching him as that feeling washed over his body, his eyes fluttering as he whined your name. You thought it was the hottest thing ever to see him fall apart so quick, all because of how good your pussy felt for him.
“I swear to god, I’m gonna make this up to you,” he said, as he slid out and laid on the bed beside you as he caught his breath.
“Make it up to me?” you asked, as you moved so your head was resting on his chest. His arm wrapped around you as he held you close. “Don’t feel bad about not making me cum just now.”
“I wanted to, though,” he sighed, “Next time I will.”
“I think after you get used to sex, you’ll have no problem making me cum,” you said, as your fingers traced pattern on his chest. “Especially if you bend me over. Like, all fours, on the bed.”
“You want me to bend you over?” Ethan asked, as you sat up to look at him.
“Mhm,” you hummed, your bottom lip between your teeth at the idea.
Ethan felt the blood rushing straight to his cock again from you mentioning him having you in a position like that, and when you glanced down to see him already half-hard again, you giggled to yourself.
“You forgot to take the condom off,” you said, his eyes growing wide as the blush spread to his cheeks.
“Sorry,” he said, as he slid off the side of your bed. “I couldn’t think straight after that.”
He took the condom off and tossed in in the wastebasket in your room before he walked back over towards you and sat on the bed.
“Uh, it’s totally okay if you don’t want to…but do you want to do it again?” he asked, as he glanced down to see that he was fully hard again. You looked at where his attention was, before his eyes connected with yours.
“Right now?” you asked, your tone playful as he smiled.
“If you want to,” he said, “I wanna know what it feels like to do it in every position.”
“How many days do you have?” you teased, as his eyes grew wide.
“Jesus Christ, how many are there?” he asked, “You know what? Let’s just focus on the basic ones for now.”
You wasted no time to toss another condom to Ethan, because even though you said it was okay for you to not cum the first time, you were craving that release. Well, that, and you loved the feeling of him inside of you.
Your pussy was still soaked as you got into the position on the bed, as he stood on his knees behind you.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, as he slowly pushed himself inside of you.
Ethan started off slow, wanting to pace himself so he wouldn’t cum as quickly as he did before. He had his hand on your hips as he got more into it, pulling them back to meet his thrusts. The position made it easy for him to hit that spot every single time, and you were letting out the softest moans.
When he sped up a little, you relaxed the upper half of your body onto the bed as your ass was stuck up in the air for him, a low groan leaving his mouth at the sight. Even though he was moving your hips, you started to throw them back, your actions giving him the motivation to go faster.
“Oh my god,” you whimpered, your hands clinging to your comforter as you felt that feeling start to build. Your skin was tingling, and you felt tiny little jolts of electricity running through your legs as he brought you closer to the edge.
Ethan knew he was close, but he was trying so hard to fight it off. He was thinking of some of the most depressing things to distract himself from the sounds you were making, and he knew as soon as he looked down at your back, he’d lose it.
You were trying to tell him how good everything felt, but that got a lot harder once it became difficult for you to even think of what you wanted to say. You were so close, right on the edge when you felt one of his hands that was on your hips move in between your legs, his fingers rubbing quick circles on your swollen bundle of nerves.
“Cumming,” you whimpered against your bed. Your pussy kept clenching and releasing Ethan’s cock, a low moan flying out of his mouth at the feeling.
“Fuck, baby. Me too.”
As you and Ethan laid in your bed talking about all the dates he wanted to take you on, places he wanted to take you to see, he had a realization.
“Ya know, I never asked you to be my girlfriend,” he said, as his hands ran over your back.
“You don’t have to. I’m already yours,” you said, as you sat up to kiss him.
“I never thought this would happen,” he sighed, a smile on his face as he lazily closed his eyes.
“What?” you questioned, as he opened his eyes and sat up, too.
“All of this. I never thought we’d be anything more than friends. I never thought Sam would be okay with it. I never thought I’d lose my virginity,” he said, the last part making you laugh as you rolled your eyes.
“Maybe you didn’t lose it before because you were supposed to do it with me,” you teased, as he mimicked your eyeroll.
“I also never expected it to happen twice in one night,” he said, as he bit his bottom lip, his eyes getting darker the longer he stared at you.
“Don’t look at me like that unless you want to go for round three,” you said, before he pushed you back on the bed.
“Okay, but you’re on top this time.”
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ariseur · 6 months
hi, can i request how dante and vergil would act after having an argument with reader? thanks!
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sparda twins after an argument 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
dante x reader, vergil x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
i hope you guys remember that i’m a ffvii AND a devil may cry acc, don’t be afraid to request for dmc 😭😭
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
intended lowercase, one spoiler for vergils lore (?), arguments ofc, lmk if i missed anything!!
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓓ANTE — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ i can’t see you and dante getting into arguments often. the only things that would lead to a fight is dante being concerned about getting you involved in his work (if you’re a devil hunter), or you worrying about how he’s too nonchalant when he eventually does get injured.
❥ even then though, he makes sure to not say things he doesn’t mean. but even after an argument, it’s like he replays it back in his head when he’s alone, thinking of every word and if it actually did offend you or not.
❥ in the case that it’s a lower to moderate argument— dante’s so fuckin goofy, he’s the type to still kiss your cheek to wake you up and make you terribly cooked breakfast to see if you’ll forgive him. up to you whether or not you do but he’d try to spoil you with whatever money he has. i’d suggest coaxing him to use that money to pay the bills instead 😭
❥ but if it was a big argument, i think it’d be pretty silent for a while. i can see dante apologizing first depending on how old he is (what game it’s set in). the younger he is, the more emotionally inept he’ll be.
❥ in the case that it’s older dante, he’ll give you an apology although he doesn’t expect you to forgive him, he just wants you to know he’s sorry.
❥ regardless of his age though, dante will leave you be until you come to him saying that you feel better. there’s no point in chasing after someone who needs space. if you cup a wild bird in your hands, the only thing it wants to do is escape.
❥ i see dante as pretty decent when talking it out though, he just wants nothing more than for the silent treatment to just simmer down so that when you’re both feeling calm and okay, you can talk it out reasonably. and the make-up sex is even more awesome.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓥ERGIL — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ as stated before in my previous hcs for vergil, he is a silent lover!! no difference whether he’s calm or angry, he silently brews. i cant see vergil getting into arguments much either, but the only difference between him and dante is that vergil brushes the topics off unless it comes to you.
❥ for instance, you get hurt? he doesn’t play lmao
❥ he might be a little harsh but considering he spent a lot of his time in hell, his social cues are kinda off. he never yells at you, but it lowkey hurts when he’s like a mom who can’t show she’s mad in public as he’s whisper yelling about how you’re not supposed to be so careless.
❥ vergil never yells, always talking lowly in that precise tone of his. however, he’s just so calculated with his words, making it more difficult when you try your attempts at a rebuttal. his sharp tongue would probably get him into trouble if you piss him off enough / if he super worried, though. might say something he’ll regret later.
❥ if it’s a small argument, he either acts like nothing happened or he overanalyzes it and overcompensates with his ‘apology’— which is sitting you down on the couch as he makes you feel like you’re in an intervention while you guys talk it out 😭
❥ if it’s a bigger argument, he’ll probably give you the silent treatment. he won’t talk about it and he won’t talk to you for a while, preferring his space over anything while he calms down.
❥ his pride stands in the way of him actually apologizing to you, especially if he recognizes the argument was his fault after a while. so you might have to be the one to confront him first.
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ravencoloredroses · 1 year
Left Alone
Nyx x Reader
Summary: While the Inner Circle goes for a night out at Rita’s, Nyx and Y/N stay back home. 
Warnings: none :) (let me know if I missed anything)
Word Count: 990
A/N: I hope you like my first ever post! I don’t really see a lot of Nyx x reader fics on here so I figured this would be a good first for me! It's kinda short because I'm just testing the waters lmao. Please let me know what you think! <3 
“How many times do you want me to say I’m sorry?” I cry out in between giggles as Nyx climbs on top of me.
“Hhm, probably at least three more.” Nyx laughs as he continues tickling me. “Maybe after that I’ll think about accepting your apology.” He tries his best to hide that beautiful smile.
I squeeze my eyes shut causing a few tears to drip down my cheeks. “Okay, okay! I promise it won’t happen again-” 
Nyx kisses away my tears. “You’re damn right it won’t, or else.”
“Or else what?” Nyx and I both whip our heads to the stairs to see his dad and the rest of the Inner Circle staring fondly at us. 
“Uh oh Rhys, looks like we walked in on something.” Cassian sends me a wink while Nyx sits us up on the couch. 
“Why aren’t you guys ready to leave yet?” Mor asks with hurt in her eyes. They are going out to Rita’s for the night and the plan was for us to join them, but-
“Because they’re not going,” Nesta says, strolling past everyone towards the front door. 
“I’m sorry Aunt Mor, but Y/N isn’t feeling well and I need to stay back with them” Nyx looks over at me pleading for me to back him up.
“*cough* *cough* Yeah, I don’t feel so good. Sorry guys.” 
“I don’t know what you guys are up to, but I know I don’t like it.” Rhys says with a smirk. He walks over and puts an arm around Feyre. “We’ll only be gone for a couple of hours. Please for the love of the mother, stay here and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do-” 
“Woah, don’t give them any ideas” Cassian cuts him off. “Just be sure to use protection. Oh and Y/N, I don’t know if Nyx showed you, but if you scratch right about here on his wing it-”
“OKAY, thank you for that Cas” Azriel butts in before Cassian can finish his demonstration. “But seriously, if you want me to leave a shadow here, I’ll be more than happy to”
“That’s okay uncle Az.” Nyx says as he scoops me up into his lap. “I think we’ll be okay.” After a nod from Rhys and one more wink from Cassian, they finally walk out the door.
“Do I still have to pretend to be sick?” I laugh, looking over at Nyx as soon as the door closes. He shakes his head and smiles at me for a few seconds before he's pushing me off to the side so he can get up. I watch him go up the stairs and disappear down the hallway into his bedroom. A minute later he reappears with a book in his hand.
“How about we read together? I was just about to start this one. Do you want me to read or do you?” He grabs my favorite pillow as he walks back over to the couch.
“Can you? All this talk of me being sick has me feeling sick.” 
Nyx throws his head back laughing. “Aw baby, let me take care of you.” He gestures for me to stand and then lays us down. I snuggle myself between his legs with my head on his chest. His heartbeat is a steady drum in my ears as he wraps his wings around me.Nyx clears his throat and flips to the first chapter. “Once upon a time, a very handsome and charming heir of the Night Court-”
“That is not how it starts!” I try to look up to see his face which I can tell is smiling ear to ear.
“How would you know? Have you read this one already?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact I have. Twice! Now start over.” Nyx laughs and rubs a soothing hand up my back as he actually begins to read the story. His baritone voice is lulling me to sleep no matter how hard I try to stay awake. It’s not often Nyx and I get time completely to ourselves, so I try to savor every moment that we do. 
About an hour into the book, I’m just drifting off as Nyx leans down to drop the book on the floor. He shuffles down lower onto the couch and threads his fingers in my hair. “I love you so much, goodnight my love.” He places a kiss on my cheek and I snuggle more into his chest. 
“That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire existence.” A loud whisper fills my ears.
“Shhhh Cas! Don’t wake them up” 
“But Az, look! Tell me that’s not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your entire existence. Rhys! Come look at your son and tell me that’s not-”
Nyx places his hand over my ear to muffle the sounds. “Uncle Cas. Please be quiet. I don’t want them to wake up.”
“It’s a little too late for that” I mumble as I peek my eyes open. Cassian is sitting on the couch across from us with his hands on his chin, staring with a now shocked face.
Feyre comes over and pulls Cassian to his feet. “We’re sorry dear. We’ll leave you two alone now.” With that the rest of the crew file up the stairs. Feyre looks back one more time, probably visualizing this scene as a painting. Rhys stops on the bottom stair and a look of fondness flashes in his eyes. 
“Alright, goodnight you two.” 
Nyx continues playing with my hair and places a kiss into my hairline. “I’m sorry they woke you up honey.” I hum and kiss the back of his hand in response. Nyx chuckles. “If you want, I can tell you that story about the handsome and charming heir of th-”
“You know what? That’s okay baby, maybe some other time.” I feel Nyx’s chest shaking with laughter. 
“I love you.”
“And I love you.”
492 notes · View notes
chosos-lesbo · 2 years
locked out of heaven (university au)
fratboy!mingyu x fem!reader
synopsis: you never thought you’d call him for anything other than sex, but after locking your keys in your car at 2 am, he’s the only one who answers.
word count: 2.9k words
warnings: cursing, (badly written) smut, oral (fem. receiving)
a/n: kinda inspired by me locking myself out of my car the other day (thankfully not in the middle of the night). also, i am obsessed with the idea of mingyu being a frat boy lol. also, this maybe kinda shitty because this is the first thing i’ve written in like a year lmao
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“fuck, why is nobody answering?!” you exasperated, looking at the list of calls you attempted to make, but to no avail.
you’d think that someone would answer after 6 missed calls, but it couldn’t be soonyoung. you called almost all of your friends in your contacts; hell, you even called wonwoo. but those bitches wouldn’t answer the phone.
being stuck at a kind of creepy gas station at 2:30 on the morning was most certainly not ideal. when you had gotten out of your car to get gas, you’d thought that you left your door unlocked. however, after pumping the gas and trying to get back in the car, the door didn’t budge when you pulled the handle. the thought of how careless and stupid you could be caused tears to start building up in your eyes.
you scanned your phone, trying desperately to think of who to call. your eyes landed on someone that was probably going to be your last option; someone you would prefer not to call in your current situation: kim mingyu. you and mingyu have been fuck buddies since the start of the semester. you just so happened to meet at a frat party on rush night; how you didn’t ever notice this hot man until junior year was bewildering.
that night the two of you hooked up, exchanging numbers afterwards, and it ended up lasting till around halloween. one thing about your relationship though, you almost never called first, making this even more awkward. however, this gorgeous man was your last resort and hopefully your knight in shining armor.
you pressed the call button, holding it up to your ear. after four rings, the tears started to burn in your eyes, losing all hope, but the universe was on your side this time as mingyu answered.
“hey, love. i would never expect-“ he began, but was cut off.
“oh, thank fuck!” you cheered, with a sigh of relief. you choked back at the now tears of happiness.
“what, were you really that horny?” he chuckled, and you could hear the smirk in his voice.
“not exactly.”
“oh then, what is it?”
“so um, i locked myself out of my car at a gas station, and nobody was answering my calls,” you sniffled, wiping the stray tear that fell on your cheek. “i was wondering if you could pick me up.”
you could hear mingyu clamber out of bed, sounding like he hit the floor. “jesus, mingyu, don’t hurt yourself,” you scolded with a light chuckle.
“oh my god, y/n, i will be there as soon as i can. text me which one you’re at, but don’t hang up, okay?” mingyu rambled, sounding like he was shuffling around and then a jingle of some keys.
“okay.” you followed his orders, putting him on speaker and sending your location.
the sound of his car turning on brought yet another sigh of relief, and you finally felt comfortable enough to sit on the hood of your car.
“you still okay, love?” mingyu asked after a few moments. the simple pet name made your heart swell and cheeks heat up, but you’d never admit anything to yourself or others the possible feelings you had.
“yeah, thank you again,” you replied, a small smile forming on your lips. “even for a frat boy, you’re really sweet.”
“hey now, watch the stereotypes,” he scoffed in a joking manner. it was silent for a couple minutes before he piped up again. “okay, i’m turning onto the street.”
you hopped off the car, fixing your hair, and adjusting your clothes before his arrival. sure enough, 30 seconds later, a black jeep with a Lambda Chi Alpha license plate on the grill turned into the parking lot. mingyu pulled up to the gas pump directly in front of yours, putting the car in park.
you ended the call before you jogging to his car, climbing into the passenger’s seat. you sat there for a couple minutes, twiddling with your thumbs before anyone said anything.
“okay, so what do you plan on doing now? am i taking you to your apartment, or something?”
“we can’t exactly do that when i don’t have my keys, and my roommate is asleep. i called them countless times, but they never picked up,” you whined. the panic started to set in again; even though you finally had someone here, you had no fucking clue what you were going to do now. “god, i’m so fucking stupid. how the fuck does this happen?!”
“woah, it’s okay, y/n. this happens to everyone at least once,” he cooed, rubbing your back. “how about this: you can spend the night with me, and i can take you home in the morning. then, we can figure out the situation with your car.”
“okay,” you croaked out, your breathing starting to even back out. you smoothed your hands over your pants, leaning back into the seat. mingyu suddenly grabbed your hand, slightly startling you. he mumbled an apology with a shy smile, squeezing your hand.
you’d assumed he would’ve let go, but he didn’t. well, he did let go for a moment as he shifted gears to start the journey home, but his hand quickly intertwined itself with yours almost immediately.
you couldn’t help the blush forming on your cheeks at the sweet gesture. if you were being honest with yourself, you had began to develop feelings for him following the long conversations shared after sex.
you stole a couple glances on the short ride to his place, admiring how the streetlights would illuminate his features. he may have caught you once, causing your cheeks to heat up as a grin formed on his lips.
he parked and climbed out the car, and you only had a chance to open your door before he was there, offering you a hand. you accepted, stepping down from the jeep; he shut the door once you got out, locking the car.
you followed him the short walk down the sidewalk and to the front of the chapter house. even though this was definitely not your first time here, being under vastly different circumstances, you found yourself just sort of standing there after slipping your shoes off. thankfully it seemed all the others were asleep in their rooms, or at least just hanging out in there.
you looked around as if you were discovering what it looked like for the first time. you took a long exhale as you shoved your hands in your jacket pockets and began rocking back and forth on your feet. mingyu had began walking down the hall, but he must’ve felt you not following him. he stopped and turned around, giggling slightly at you standing there so cutely.
“make yourself at home, love. i’m gonna go grab you some clothes to change into,” he called as he continued along to his room.
he came back in less than two minutes with clothes in hand, which you accepted and went to the restroom to change. he may have seen you naked before, but something felt different right now.
once you got in the bathroom, you wanted to keel over after seeing your reflection. you looked an absolute wreck with hair going every direction, mascara that ran down your cheeks, and eyeliner smeared practically to your ears.
you washed your face and ran fingers through your hair to get the fly aways under control. after finishing washing up, you changed into the set of clothes that smelled of his detergent and cologne.
you stepped out of the bathroom, hugging your old clothes to your chest. you saw mingyu on the couch in the living room, scrolling on his phone. you coughed, gaining his attention as he set his phone down on the arm rest beside him.
“thank you for picking me up,” you say, getting flustered as his gaze was completely focused on you. “and for not saying anything about how much of wreck i looked.”
“i mean, sometimes you look like that after i fuck the shit out of you,” he replied, a shit eating grin. you gasp, throwing the clothes you had in your hands at his head. “i’m kidding. well, kind of.”
“whatever,” you muttered, biting back a smile. you went into his kitchen to grab a plastic sack to throw your clothes in. you return to the living room to find him standing up, arms stretched over his head as he yawned. the way his shirt slightly rose to expose some of his tummy and the muscles in his biceps had you biting your lip again, but for another reason.
he peaked an eye open, looking right at you. “i could feel you staring at me.”
“i can’t help it when you’re that pretty,” you shrugged, happy that it was his cheeks heat up this time.
“okay, well, i’m tired and ready for bed so,” he paused, walking towards you slightly. he crouched down slightly, wrapping his arms around your thighs as he lifted you. “let’s go to bed.”
“oh my god, mingyu!” you exclaimed, giggling at his antics, holding onto his waist for dear life as you hung upside down.
he jogged upstairs and into his room, kicking the door shut. he threw you down on the bed, climbing over top of you. his strong arms on either side of your head, and his eyes just boarded into yours. you expected him to kiss you harshly, but he crouched down to peck your forehead before falling beside you.
he rolled onto his side, wrapping an arm over top of you and pulling you to do the same. when you did, your eyes met his; this eye contact was different from how it was times before, at least if your memory serves you right. it would’ve made you insecure if it wasn’t for the gentle smile on his lips.
you took advantage of this moment to admire his features as well. the way his hair that had grown quite a bit since the beginning of the year, or the way the apple of his cheek became a bit more prominent because of his grin. you went back to look in his eyes, and as expected, he was still staring directly at you.
“not gonna lie, with you looking at me like that, i’d think you were gonna confess your feelings for me,” you mumbled, laughing lightly. you don’t even know why you said that, but honestly, that’s what you were hoping he would do.
he just laid there for a moment, slightly taken aback. he didn’t say anything as he shifted to lay on his back, now staring up at the ceiling.
“i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have said-“
“i do like you, y/n. a lot, actually.”
now it was your turn to lay there flabbergasted, which the surprise only lasted for a moment before the joy overwhelmed it. “good. me too,” you replied, sitting up. you swung one of your legs around, straddling his waist before falling onto him.
one of his hands landed on your hip, the other behind your head, as you kissed him. when he began to kiss back, it started out innocent, but his grip on your hip became tighter as his tongue slipped in your mouth. the other hand started tugging at your hair, causing you to moan into his mouth.
as the make out session continued, it slowly became more heated as you began to grind on his crotch. it seemed to flip a switch in his head, and he flipped you over, quickly moving on top of you. he quickly took his shirt off as you did the same, followed by your pants.
you laid there in your panties that most definitely did not match your bra, but it didn’t matter as the look in his eyes did not falter for a moment.
“you’re so fucking perfect,” he groaned, pulling you up slightly to meet your lips again.
it didn’t last long before he started kissing down your jaw and onto your neck. he found the sweet spot like he did every time and sucked on it, causing a moan to leave your lips. he continued to leave his mark as he worked his way down your chest. he reached underneath you, unclamping your bra, and threw it on the floor beside the bed.
he got lower and lower until he met your clothed pussy. his hand began sliding up and down your thigh before he paused for a moment, looking up into your eyes.
“do you want to do this?” he asked, waiting for your consent.
“fuck yes,” you answered quickly, raising your hips off the bed, so he’d be able to get them off easier.
he pulled them off with two fingers on each side, throwing them onto the floor. he kissed and licked his way up your legs, slowing down once he reached the most tender part of your inner thighs. he sucked on the sensitive skin, licking over your stretch marks and the fresh marks left there. he pulled your legs over his shoulders as he got closer to your cunt. his eyes looked up at you as his tongue met your folds, watching your eyelids flutter and you hands grip the bedsheets.
he found your clit, slightly sucking on it before teasing your hole with the rough pad of his finger. he licked over your cunt again before inserting two digits into your greedy hole, eliciting a moan of pleasure from you.
he continued pumping in and out of you with his fingers, slowly adding another, playing with your clit with his tongue. it wasn’t long before the coil in your stomach started to become tighter, and your moans becoming more sporadic. in this moment, you hope his frat brothers are asleep because if not, there’s no way they couldn’t hear what was going on.
mingyu’s mouth left your clit, but his thumb quickly replaced it, not allowing for your climax to slip away. he knew you were close.
“come on, baby. be a good girl, and come on fingers,” he commanded, which seconds after, you released onto his fingers with one last loud moan.
you panted for a moment as he pulled his fingers out, sucking your juices. he shifted, allowing your legs to fall on either side of him as he reached up to kiss you again. the way you could taste yourself on his tongue made you moan again, and you could feel his clothed length rubbing on the inside of your thigh.
“i want you inside of me,” you whined, breaking the kiss.
“i thought you’d never ask, baby.”
he quickly took off his boxers, freeing his member that dripped of precum down the angry head. he reached onto his bedside table, grabbing a condom. he quickly rolled it on and aligned his cock with your entrance. he sank in slowly, bottoming out in you, filling you so nicely like he did every time before he slowly started pumping in and out. the curve of his dick hit at just the right angle every time, causing a long series of moans to fall from your lips.
“you always take me so well, baby. your pretty little pussy is so fucking perfect,” he groaned.
the lustful sounds coming from him and you felt like heaven, and god, he never wanted to forget this feeling. the way your nails dug into his back, leaving bright red scratches over his toned back, and the way he knew his grip on your thigh would most likely leave a bruise that he’d probably feel guilty for later.
his pace became faster and sloppier as he began to reach his climax, but his thumb met your tender clit, rubbing quick circles over it. the way he knew your body like the back of his hand never ceased to amaze you. your walls began to clench around his cock, causing almost a growl to fall from his lips. he knew you were close behind him, so he didn’t hold back and released into the condom. he continued through his high, and you were seeing stars as the orgasm finally hit you.
a long sigh left your lips as your eyes rolled back into your head. thankfully, you didn’t pass out this time like you have in the past; that sure as hell gave mingyu a scare, thinking he went too far.
he slowly pulled out, your cum slipping out onto the bed as he did so. he quickly disposed of the condom as he got up to get a rag to clean you up. he threw it in a hamper on the side of the room before falling in bed beside you.
he laid on his back, and he pulled you to his side, allowing you to lay your head on his chest. you could hear his steadying heartbeat as you traced small shapes on his tummy. he gently ran his fingers over your back as you both laid there in silence for a moment.
“would you want to be my girlfriend?” mingyu asked quietly, his hand stopping. the thought of you rejecting him still crossed his mind, causing a lump to feel like it was building in his chest.
“yeah,” you answered, cheeks heating up slightly. you were glad he couldn’t see you right now because he probably would take the opportunity to tease you.
he raised up for a moment to turn the lamp off, but he settled back into his original position. it wasn’t long before he could tell you’d fallen asleep with your even, slow breaths and the cute way your feet would slightly twitch in your sleep. he kissed the top of your head, pulling you in tighter if possible before drifting off to sleep too. he’d deal with his brothers’ noise complaints in the morning.
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hongtiddiez · 14 days
4 minutes ep 1 raw reactions
idk if i'm gonna delve too deep into this and do my normal analysis so for now i'll just type up my raw reactions as i'm watching lmao.
the title sequence is fucking stunning, obsessed.
ooh he has a maine coon. rich boy maybe? expensive cat and nice apartment.
i really enjoy that the heartbeat sounds in the elevator scene sound like a heartbeat heard through an ultrasound. very interesting.
but umm. if you're having severe chest pain and trouble breathing please see yourself to the hospital my friend???
oh ok definitely a rich boy, hello fancy car.
the music in this show is fucking gorgeous but like... also why so dramatic
ok so korn: transport -> investments (secret operation??? tf?) and they want great: university -> transport. got it.
ooh 12:39 okay i see you.
ooh 12:43 ok, 4 minutes, i'm listening.
also like why was there a pedestrian in there???
i also hate that great initially ran bc now it's gonna take so much for me to like his char, which i'm sure is the point but still (;′⌒`)
aah. okay. i understand. it seems like she didn't want to do it tho. like yeah maybe suicide but... kinda seemed like suicide under coercion? or some form of intense external pressure.
HE'S SO THIN??? BBY ARE YOU EATING OKAY? i mean good for him if it was healthy and what he wanted tho.
this other doctor is so fucking hot tho who the fuck are you sir god DAMN. jaw for days.
ooh those dark spots on the ultrasound look like internal bleeding.
sexy doctor why shifty eyed??? i have a weird feeling about him. ok his name is tyme. as of rn we do not trust tyme.
more gorgeous music tho.
oh don't twirl your scissors like a douche.
he's got dead eyes and not much for facial expressions, he's freaking me out.
ew you don't even know your patient's name??? I DO NOT LIKE HIM SAM I AM, I DO NOT LIKE TYME EGGS AND HAM.
ok i dont like tyme but i WOULD like to see him and job's character fuck nasty. i am not immune to yaoi propaganda.
GOD BAS IS SO HOT I CAN'T GET OVER IT. I'VE MISSED HIM SO FUCKING MUCH. i love bible a lot but bas is everything to me. i used to reblog the same picture of him everyday. that's my sweet cheese, my good time boy, my rotten soldier.
oh i don't like this set up tho. this feels human trafficky. or like a no way in no way out. mmmm baby what do y smell is it death? OH LMAO IT'S GAMBLING. same thing kinda.
korn seems sensitive to smells, or maybe just smoke. he's just like me fr.
oooh curly hair girl isn't here to gamble, she's here for info of some kind.
the fact that he opens up to his boyfriend and talks about his troubles as much as he reasonably can o(T ▽ To)
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oh my god get OFF HIM there's no way your refractory period is that short.
not a huge fan of how korn came over, dumped his issues, had sex, and left tho. not great.
obsessed with this asymmetrical collar of great's shirt tho.
yeah i do love that no one fucking asks if great is ok, how he's doing, etc. he just went through something horribly traumatic and he could've been hurt, like. yuck. and his mom seems sweet but the fake sweet, like saccharine.
ooh why does his watch say 11:00??? something's gonna happen, huh.
fuck bas has an fantastic ass. i know we saw it but it somehow looks even better in those pants, my god.
ugh i love brothers that can only be (mostly) themselves around each other. i really hope that's the direction this is going. two gorgeous gorgeous men on my screen, just an absolute feast for my eyes.
omg wait. wait. korn doesn't like the smell of cigarettes and he doesn't want great smoking. is there cigarette trauma? or does his dislike of cigarettes come from his concern for his brother's health?
OH facial expressions from tyme!! what a little grandma's boy.
11 am....
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exploring the psychological depths of near-death experiences. the '4-minutes' phenomenon.
INCHRESTING. was manee coerced into suicide by someone trying to obtain a real time test subject for this phenomenon???
ooh he took the stairs today.
4th floor... 1:10 (13:10)... room 4... 1:11 (13:11)... ran into tyme outside room 1... at 1:14 (13:14)...
so in theory is each cardiac event he's suffering technically a near-death moment which is triggering the 4 minutes phenomenon where he has an out of body moment where he can see future events???
oooh he ran into him again. perhaps to show some things are simply inevitable?
damn the end sequence is gorgeous too.
fuck. i might be obsessed. uh oh.
god damn it sammon, you got me again.
wait so back to when it was 7:13pm... 19:13... 9+1=10, 3+1=4 so more 1s and 4s ₍ ˶•̀⤙•˶ ₎ hmmm
idk if i'm cooking or burning the kitchen down but i'm excited to find out
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changbinsboiledegg · 11 months
hello~🩷 can i request a skz reaction where reader is taller than hyunjin and gets nervous when they try to pick them up? please and thank you🙏🏽
Hellooo 💜 I got you! Thank you for your request :))) I hope these are what you hoped for, alas, ily. 🫶 Also thank you for your patience! Also, did you mean like reactions for each skz member or just for Hyunjin? cause I did all 😅 Hope you don't mind either way!
Tall GN! Reader X SKZ
Warnings: height insecurities, petname usage, injury mentions (sorry, lmao, I wanted to have a variety in why they were trying to lift you.)
Note: Before y’all read this, I’m pretty sure you can tell, but I’m short so if anything is wrong or offensive/ sounds offensive, I’M SORRY! I promise, I did NOT intend to sound offensive so PLEASE let me know!!! As always, if no one told you today, ily. 🫶
It had been months since he'd last seen you and when he saw you, he couldn't contain his excitement.
He ran to you and wrapped his arms around you, lifting you to a height that you weren't comfortable with.
“Hey, please put me down!” You were already taller than Hyunjin— standing, but being lifted in the air? That brought on an onslaught of insecurities that you were trying to keep at bay.
Chan quickly set you down, “I'm sorry! I just missed you, are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
He was worried he overstepped a boundary. You looked around, seeing it was just the two of you. “No, I just don't want to be in the air when I'm already tall.”
You weren't sure how to voice your feelings, but Chan always knew how to piece the missing parts in.
“Love, your height is perfect. No need to feel bad about it.” He tried to cheer you up, not wanting you to be insecure.
Lee Know
“Woah! No!” You nervously shouted as your feet left the ground once Minho’s arms had strongly wrapped around your waist.
He was quick to stop trying to lift you in the air. He didn't mean anything by it, only wanting to have his arms around you in some way.
“Sorry.” He quickly apologized, his arms still around you, but loosening.
You took a deep breath to calm your nerves, “it's okay.”
Minho was quiet for a moment, trying to think of a way to make the situation less awkward. He removed his arms from your waist and suggested the first thing that came to his mind; a movie night.
You accepted, also seeking a way to ease the awkwardness of what just happened. “Sure.”
Minho even let you pick the movie, no arguments or judgement, he was just happy that you weren't upset by how he lifted you in the air moments ago.
“Can I lift you?” Changbin asked. It was very out of the blue and unprovoked as you were both coexisting in each other’s company.
“Why?” You sounded more nervous than you intended to show. You were taller than him— by a lot.
You were even taller than Hyunjin. The last thing you wanted to do was be taller than you were now.
“Just for fun.” Changbin answered. Judging by his expression and tone, you didn't think he had any malicious intent.
You were still nervous, though. And it didn't make you feel any less nervous knowing it would be your boyfriend that would being lifting you.
But thankfully, no one was around. Because of that, you gave in. “Sure.”
“If you want me to stop or if you change your mind, tell me.” Changbin sweetly reminded you that it was okay to say no or change your mind.
You felt safer and more sure about letting him lift you, even just this once.
You were lifted in the air for about five seconds before you tapped out, which Changbin stood true to his word and put you down immediately.
Hyunjin loved your height. You understood what it was like to be as tall— or taller than him.
“How tall would both of us be if I lifted you?” Hyunjin asked out of curiosity.
“Can you lift me?” You asked, challenging him almost. Deep down, you were nervous he would try to actually lift you.
Hyunjin thought for a moment as if contemplating whether he should try.
“Want to find out?” He asked, moving closer to you. The nerves inside of you bubbled up and you stopped him before he could attempt to put his arms around you.
“How about we just look up a height calculator?” You suggested. Hyunjin sensed your nervousness and left it as that, understanding why and not wanting to force you into letting him lift you.
“Alright. Yeah, if Google has one.” Hyunjin pulled out his phone, and searched one up for you both.
You sprained your ankle after missing a step down a set of stairs when you were on a date with Jisung.
“Are you okay? Can you move it?” Jisung asked, panicking on your behalf. He acted as if he was the one with a sprained ankle.
“I can… Agh!” You were holding your ankle, wincing from the pain. Jisung looked down the road and checked his phone, looking something up.
“On my back! There's a hospital nearby!” Jisung bent down for you to piggy back off of him. You were hesitant, nervous that your height would be too much for him.
“No, I—”
“No time to argue! You're in pain! On my back!” He pat his back, leaving no room for arguments.
You reluctantly got on his back as he slowly and carefully lifted you.
“I can walk, you know.” You mumbled, but Jisung wasn't listening. He had one goal and one goal only; getting you to the hospital.
It was one of those times you and the guys were hanging out. You and Felix were inseparable, as per usual.
You were all playing a game together and so far, you were winning. Felix was proud to be your partner, knowing you were bound to get the win.
And you did, causing Felix to triumph over the win. You grinned happily at the others, who accepted their losses.
“I knew you could do it!” Felix gloated, wrapped his arms around you. As you felt your feet lift off of the ground, you quickly pulled yourself away from him and planted your feet back on the ground.
Felix’ expression turned into that of concern, wondering why you seemed uncomfortable.
“Are you okay, darling?” He asked. You noticed the others were watching and you felt even more nervous.
“I'm fine, just,” you lowered your voice, not wanting the others to hear, “please don't lift me.”
It was a few days after you broke your leg, confined to your bed or crutches until you could get the cast off.
Seungmin was there for you when you broke your leg, he was there for you in the hospital, and he was there for you everyday to check on you.
“Don't try to stand! If you need anything, I will get it for you.” Seungmin said sternly, rushing to your side and gently pushing you back onto your bed, careful not to hurt you.
“Nope, what do you need? Water? Are you hungry? Bored?” Seungmin asked, prepared to get anything you asked for.
“Bathroom.” You sheepishly answered, knowing you shouldn't feel embarrassed but did anyway.
Seungmin nodded, “okay. I'll carry you.”
He put one are under your knees and the other securely around your back. You immediately got nervous and shook your head.
“No, no, stop! Don't,” you paused, seeing the confusion and concern on his face. “Please, don't lift me…”
Seungmin removed his arms and nodded, not wanting to make you uncomfortable in anyway.
“Okay.” He reached for your crutches and held them steady for you until you managed to stand up from the bed yourself, still towering over him even slightly hunched over.
“Let me spot you on the way there?”
This, you were fine with.
“What if I picked you up?” Jeongin suggested, see as neither of you could reach the back of the highest shelf for the snacks that had gotten pushed back.
“What if you don't?” You gave him a quick grin before trying to reach them again, attempting to use your height to your advantage.
“Maybe I can help you reach them if—”
“Jeongin, no.” You cut him off, grunting as you still struggled. You even started to consider letting him lift you, even if it would only help your fingers graze the package.
“Fine.” You sighed, growing more nervous now that you've granted him permission to lift you.
“seriously?” Jeongin hesitated, waiting for a confirmation that you're allowing him.
You didn't speak for a second, thinking it over.
“… Seriously. Go ahead.” You muttered, sticking your arm to the top shelf. Jeongin came behind you and wrapped his arms around you, lifting you slightly— just enough for you to grasp the package of snacks you two were craving, and pulled them down with you as Jeongin let go of you.
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cxtori · 2 years
Natsuo Todoroki ✭ Afraid of Losing you
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Tori’s Note: I lowkey think this might be kinda crappy, but it's honestly one of my favorite little things I've written 🤭 Plus I actually finished it which is rare lmao. the love for my mans Nastuo is LACKING
WC: 5.2K
Genre: One-shot, fluff, hurt and comfort, friends to lovers
Warnings: N/A
Fic Playlist: 
Fear ~ Gnash
You ~ Benny Blanco
Sanctuary ~ Joji
Summary: Natsuo is your childhood best friend and long-time crush. But you've never taken the chance to tell him how you feel. What happens when the chance is almost taken from you entirely?
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“Hey, Y/n! Are you free tonight?” Fuyumi’s voice chirps through the static of the phone.
“Uhh, yeah. I don’t have any plans,” You reply. “What’s up?”
“Weeell,” Fuyumi drags, and you can tell she’s excited about whatever is going on. “I invited Shoto and his friends over for dinner as well as dad. Natsuo is coming over too! I thought I’d invite you since, y’know, you’re basically family. It felt wrong not to!” You chuckle at Fuyumi’s enthusiasm.
“Haha, yeah sure, I’d love to. But…” You hesitate. “Is it really a good idea to try and have dinner with Natsu and your dad? You said it didn’t go well last time…” You wilt off, the image of a teary-eyed Fuyumi as she described the disastrous dinner to you entering your mind.
“Ahh, yeah,” she mutters. “But, I’m hoping that having you and some other guests might make it less tense?” She says, though it sounds more like a question that a statement.
“I think you underestimate how much it’ll take to make things ‘less tense’.” You chuckle, shaking your head.
“Oh, come on! Natsu’s always a lot calmer when you’re around, maybe it’ll help!” You sigh softly at the sound of desperation in Fuyumi’s voice. Ever since you were kids, all Fuyumi wanted was a “normal” family. She would talk to you about it all the time. So would Natsuo, especially after Toya’s death. All they wanted was a loving family, but instead, they were left with a broken home. And Fuyumi was doing all she could to try and fix it.
“I’ll be there,” you affirm. Fuyumi squeals on the other end and you can picture the bright smile spread across her face.
“Awesome! Be here around 6, ‘kay?” She says. You both say your goodbyes and hang up. You grunt as you throw yourself back onto your bed, face buried in your pillows. Although you know it’ll be an awkward night, you’re still looking forward to seeing your childhood friends, especially Natsuo. With your busy school schedules, you hardly see each other anymore, despite being on the same college campus. You smile giddily, butterflies fluttering around in your stomach and chest at the thought of getting to sit down and eat with him.
Having Enji and Natsuo in the same room will be hard, but maybe dinner won’t be so bad.
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“Y/nnn!” Fuyumi exclaims as she throws her arms around you, squeezing tightly.
“Haha, hey Fuyumi!” You laugh, hugging her back. “Ugh, I’ve missed you so much!”
“I’ve missed you too!” Fuyumi grins, eyes scrunching from her bright smile. You pull apart and Fuyumi steps aside to let you in. You place a hand on her shoulder, using her for balance as you remove your shoes. “I’m so glad you could make it! Natsu’s already in the dining room if you want to join him. I’m almost done with food and the others should be here soon.”
“Okay!” You reply, placing your pair of shoes next to the others. You part ways, Fuyumi heading back to the kitchen and you to the dining room. You grip the handle to the shoji door and slide it open gently. Natsuo looks up from his phone at the sound of soft wood scraping wood, eye’s lighting up when he sees you in the doorway.
“Y/n!” He says, happy to see you. You slide the door closed before skittering over to him, falling to your knees and wrapping your arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around your torso, face digging into the side of your neck. You both breathe in deeply and melt into each other, tense muscles relaxing at each other’s touch.
“I haven’t seen you in forever,” You say, words muffled by your arms.
“You saw me last week,” Natsuo chuckles.
“I know. But it feels like forever!” You unwrap yourself from him to look him in the eyes only to look away immediately, blushing at the proximity. You push off him lightly, scooting yourself back to sit in your own seat. “I’ve just really missed you,” you say delicately, a slight blush still dusted across your cheeks. Natsuo looks at you with a sheepish smile.
“I’ve really missed you too.” A silence falls between you for a moment and you squeeze the hem of your shirt nervously.
“So, I was a little surprised when Fuyumi told me you agreed to coming over,” you faltered. Natsuo tenses and looks away from you, gaze focusing on the wooden grain of the table. “I know it’s hard for you, but it really does mean a lot to her.” you place your hand on his, grasping it gently. “Just- please… try to be civil. For her?” There’s a long pause, and you can tell he’s battling to find the words.
“I told Fuyumi I’d come for dinner… I’m not making promises to stay any longer than I have to,” he muttered, still avoiding your eyes. You sigh softly.
“Okay,” you conceded, not wanting to press the matter any further. “Thank you for still making the effort to come though.” The grimace on Natsuo’s face softens, and he nods. You turn at the sound of the door sliding open and are met with five faces, two of which were unfamiliar. You feel Natsu’s hand stiffen beneath yours and you give him an encouraging squeeze before letting go.
“They’re here!” Fuyumi walks in, the others following closely behind. Everyone shuffles around the table to take a seat, the awkward tension in the air already thick. With everyone placed, Fuyumi sits up on her knees.
“Let’s do introductions again,” she began. “I’m Shoto’s older sister, Fuyumi. I teach at an elementary school nearby.” She turns to you and Natsuo sitting beside her. “This is Natsuo, Shoto’s older brother. He’s currently in college.” Natsuo scratches the back of his neck and gives a short greeting. “And this is Y/n,” Fuyumi continues. “She’s just a family friend, but she’s so close we might as well be related. She goes to the same college as Natsu.” You give a shy little wave to the two strangers.
“Shoto, this is where you introduce your friends,” Fuyumi prompts, looking over to her youngest brother.
“Oh, right,” Shoto says. He introduces his two classmates, Midoriya and Bakugo.
“It’s nice to meet you!” Midoriya says enthusiastically, though a little nervously. Bakugo scowls at him. He clearly doesn’t want to be here. You catch the way Midoriya’s smile drops slightly and you know he’s noticed the tension between Natsuo and Enji. Fuyumi clears her throat.
“Let’s eat before the food gets cold! If there’s anything you don’t want, don’t feel obligated to eat it! I won’t feel bad,” she says. Everyone gives her their thanks before filling their bowls. As you all eat, Midoriya gives his praise to Fuyumi’s food, impressed by how good it is.
“I’m not surprised,” Natsu says. “Fuyumi’s been cooking for a long while since our housekeeper had a back injury.”
“You would cook too, Natsu,” Fuyumi injected. “We would take turns.” Shoto seems surprised by this and turns to his brother.
“Does that mean I ate your food growing up?” Shoto asks. Natsuo’s face twists.
“It’s possible, I can go overboard with seasoning though,” he answers. “Endeavor might have kept you from having it. He always did keep an eye on your diet.” He states, giving the man at the end of the table a glare. You hear Midoriya and Bakugo choke on their food.
“I supposed there is truth to that,” Enji acknowledged. Natsuo looks away with a frown. You drop a hand under the table and place it on Natsu’s knee, silently reminding him of your earlier conversation. Try to be civil. For her. Natsuo inhales deeply, returning to his food to finish the little bit left in his bowl.
“SO!” Fuyumi jumps, trying to recover from the passive aggressive interruption. “Shoto, what kind of food do they serve at the school?” She inquires. Fuyumi’s topic change only lasts long enough for Shoto to answer before Enji speaks again.
“Natsuo,” he says, turning to the white-haired man. “I’d like to try your cooking next time.” You look to Enji with slight surprise. You feel Natsuo take your hand, removing it from his leg before placing his bowl on the table with a clank. He stands up.
“Thanks for the meal sis,” he says, ignoring his father’s words. “I came like I said I would, but now I’m done.” He walks towards the door to leave.
“Wait, Natsuo!” Fuyumi pleads. Midoriya and Bakugo grunt in shock again.
“Wait a second!” You say, standing up yourself.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t do this,” he mutters before sliding the door closed behind him. An uncomfortable silence fills the room. You look down to Fuyumi whose eyes are welling with tears. You sit back down next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder as she quickly wipes at her face.
“Uhh, I’ll go ahead and start cleaning up now. Please, finish eating,” Fuyumi says, her happy tone covering up the pain twisting at her heart. She stands and starts picking up empty plates and dishes. You follow her lead, picking up whatever was unneeded. You follow Fuyumi to the kitchen, placing the dirty dining ware in the sink. You hear a sniffle and turn to see Fuyumi crying softly into her hands.
“I- I just want… I just want us to get along,” she cries. You walk over to her and wrap your arms around her, hugging her tightly.
“I know…” You whisper. Shoto walks in with more dishes, stopping short when he sees his sister crying.
“Is everything okay?” He asks concerned. Fuyumi quickly pulls away from you, sniffling more intensely and rubbing her eyes. She turns to her little brother with a smile on her face.
“Yeah!” She exclaims in her usual cheerful voice. Shoto walks to the sink, placing his dishes down.
“Everyone is done eating,” he says quietly.
“Thanks, Shoto,” you say kindly. The boy nods and walks back out of the room. Once Fuyumi has composed herself, the two of you walk back to the dining room to help finish cleaning up. Fuyumi insists that Midoriya and Bakugo not help, but they’re also adamant to lend a hand. When there’s only a little bit of clean up left to do, you catch Fuyumi, telling her you’re going to head out and try to catch Natsuo. She nods in understanding before giving you another tight hug.
“Thank you for coming,” Fuyumi wavers. You squeeze her even tighter.
“Of course,” You smile. “You’re my family too, you know.” Fuyumi chuckles at this.
“The sister I never had,” she says. You both laugh light heartedly before saying your goodbyes. You walk back to the dining room to give Shoto a hug and say goodbye to his friends as well. You walk quickly to the front of the home and throw on your shoes and jacket, hoping to be able to catch up to Natsuo. But you’re surprised when you open the front door and see the man standing in front of the home, looking up at the sky.
“Natsu?” You call. The man shifts his gaze over to you and gives you a faint smile.
“Hey. I thought I’d wait so we could walk back to campus together.” He breaks eye contact and scratches the back of his neck nervously.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you laugh gently.
“I know, but I wanted to,” he practically whispers. You smile at him and start walking.
“Thank you.”
There’s an odd silence resting between you as walk, both of you thinking about dinner but neither wanting to address it. Natsuo finally speaks up.
“I’m sorry for leaving, Y/n. I just… I can’t stand to be around him,” he seethed. You glance at him before looking back to the concrete pathway.
“You don’t have to apologize. I’m not upset,” You sigh. “Fuyumi was a little hurt though…” Natsu winced.
“I know,” he mutters. Another pause.
“Hey, Nat-” you cut yourself off when you see the paint lines on the street start to move, lifting from the pavement. Before you or Natsuo can process what’s happening, multiple strips of street paint are flying towards you.
“Watch out!” Natsuo shouts and pushes you to the ground. You grunt at the impact and push yourself onto your knees. You look up to see Natsuo hanging above you, wrapped and bound in dried, cracking paint.
“Natsu!” You cry. You hear a deranged chuckle come from the street and you look to find the source. Your eyes widen when you see a man dressed in striped clothing walking towards you, the same strips of paint tied to Natsuo wrapped around him.
“Hahaha, got you!” He says giddily. “Too easy.” Before you can say anything, the villain is bolting off, taking Natsuo with him.
“No! Let him go!” You yell. Without thinking, you chase after them, shoes pounding at the sidewalk. But it’s only a moment before you lose sight of them. No. What do I do? What do I do! You quickly pull your phone out of your pocket and search for the right number. The phone rings for only a second before a deep voice answers.
“Mr. Todoroki! It’s Natsu!” You panic.
“What happened?” Enji questions. You place a hand over your eyes, trying to calm yourself down enough to explain.
“We were walking back to school and a villain attacked us. He took Natsu!” You hear the man inhale sharply on the other end.
“Do you know where they went?”
“I-I don’t. I tried to follow them bu-but I couldn’t keep up,” you stutter. There’s a sudden noise of tires squealing followed by muffled grunts and shouts.
“He’s here!” Enji says. “Y/n, go back to the house and wait there! I’ll handle this.” And with that, he hangs up. You stand there frozen in shock. You feel your eyes sting and your vision begins to blur. There’s a loud boom in the distance and you whip around to see thick, dark clouds of smoke. That must be them. You turn on your heels and sprint back to the Todoroki household, ignoring the burning in your lungs from both exhaustion and panic.
“Fuyumi!” You call as soon as you step through the front door. You run into the kitchen to find Fuyumi finishing up the dishes, putting away dry plates and bowls. The woman turns around, her face twisted in confusion.
“Y/n? What are you doing back here?” She asks with a giggle. Her expression drops when she notices the hot tears rolling down your face. She puts down the ceramic plates and walks over to you. “What’s wrong?” You press your cold hands to your face, trying to stop your tears.
“Na-Natsu… He-”
“Natsu? Did he do something?” Fuyumi asks, thinking her brother was the reason for your tears. She takes your hands away from your face, squeezing them comfortingly. You shake your head and take a deep, shaky breath.
“A villain took Natsu,” you whimper. Fuyumi freezes.
“What?” She whispers.
“We were almost to campus and a villain came at us. He took Natsuo and ran.” Fuyumi doesn’t say anything, she just stands in shock, gripping your hands in hers. “Enji said he saw them; he told me to come back here.”
“So, dad’s there… It’s okay! He’ll save Natsu and bring him back safely. It’ll be fine!” Fuyumi says, trying to suppress her panic. She forces herself to move, guiding you over the table by your hands. “Shoto and his friends are there too, they’ll help him!” She makes you sit down before walking to a cabinet and pulling out a box of tea leaves.
“I’ll put on some tea, okay? We can have some girl-talk. Just don’t freak out, dads got it.” Fuyumi says encouragingly, though it sounds like she’s speaking more to herself than to you.
The two of you sit at the table, teacups in hand. Fuyumi tries to distract you by telling stories from school, recalling all of the ridiculous and hilarious things her young students have done. And it works, for a while at least, soft giggles leaving your mouths every now and then. But, despite the laughter, both of your minds are still whirling with anxiety, every worst-case scenario being pictured in graphic detail.
Fuyumi glances at you, staring mindlessly into your cup, eyes focused on the swirling tea leaves left behind in the translucent green liquid. Almost an hour has passed and you’ve yet to take even a sip. Fuyumi studies your face, noticing that, under the expression of fear, there’s something else.
Fuyumi smiles and laughs softly, breaking you out of your trance.
“What?” You ask, puzzled. Fuyumi shakes her head gently.
“You really like him, don’t you?” Fuyumi asks, though her tone makes it sound more like a statement than a question. You blink, trying to push away your distracting thoughts for long enough to understand.
“What?” You ask again, even more confused now. The older girl laughs again, this time much more lighthearted.
“I’m talking about Natsu. You like him.” She states bluntly. You stare at her, completely caught off guard.
“I… I don’t know,” You mutter. But you do know. You have for a while. Ever since you were kids, you’d felt differently towards him. The silly childhood crush you had on him never really went away, but instead, continued to grow and mature as the two of you aged. You felt pride in being the person he could go to, and you hoped he felt the same about you. Whether it was sadness, anger, or even just needing to vent after a long day, you were each other’s first go-to.
You’re so grateful for the friendship you have with him. So grateful that you don’t know where you’d be without him. So grateful that you’re willing to do anything if it means he’ll always be in your life. Even if it means bottling your feelings for him and living with the painful, dull ache that tugs at your heart.
And yes, you were frustrated. Annoyed because you’d spent your whole life avoiding the feelings you had for Natsu. Discouraged because you’d naively told yourself you had all the time in the world to one day take the chance and tell him how you feel.
And now, that chance may be taken from you entirely. And you can’t stand it. Your gaze falls back to your now cold tea, hands gripping the fragile glass tightly.
“I think-” You begin to speak but are cut off by the sound of the front door creaking. You and Fuyumi stiffen, eyes locking. Was that the front door?
“Hello?” a familiar deep voice bellows through the halls, a tinge of concern evident. You both simultaneously let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding, the warming sense of relief flowing over you. You jump from the table and dash to the door to see Enji standing in the foyer, Natsu behind him. Fuyumi lets out a sob and runs to her brother, holding onto him like he’s about to disappear.
“You’re okay!” She cries. Natsuo wraps his arms around her, a muttered “yeah” falling from his lips quietly. His eyes widen when he looks past his sister to see you standing in the doorway, heavy tears streaming down your face and your shoulders jerking in silent sobs. Fuyumi breaks away from him, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I’m so relieved.”
You walk over to him, unable to see the expression on his face for the blurry tears filling your eyes. You throw your arms around his torso, face pressing into his chest.
“I was so scared,” you whisper.
“I’m okay.” He hugs you back tightly. As you part, you subconsciously reach for his hand, taking his larger one in both of yours. Enji lets out a heavy sigh before turning to Fuyumi.
“Listen,” he starts with a solemn tone. “I already told Shoto and Natsuo. I know you’re trying to get things ready for your mother to be able to return home peacefully. We’ve placed that burden on you, but it’s too much for you to handle alone… Don’t worry about it anymore.” Fuyumi looks at her father with faint concern.
“I’m going to build a new house. It’ll be in a better location for everyone. Your mother will be discharged soon, you can welcome her home there.” He removes his shoes and makes his way into the house. “I apologize for the late notice, but you should start preparing to move.” Natsuo turns away and you catch the saddened, almost pained look on his face, and you squeeze his hand.
“Wait, Dad!” Fuyumi calls, her voice cracking. “What about you? Won’t you come with us?” She drifts off, almost hesitant to ask. There’s a pause before he answers.
“I’ll be staying here,” He replies bluntly. Fuyumi gasps softly and you wince, feeling as though you heard her heart break yourself. There’s another long pause of silence, the air slowly becoming thick with tension. Enji continues to walk down the hall. “Natsuo, Y/n, Kurumada is waiting outside. He’ll escort you back to school.” And with that, he leaves. The three of you stand there in silence for what feels like forever.
“You two should probably go,” Fuyumi whispers. She turns and gives you a smile, but you can see the small tears forming in her eyes. She walks over to you and wraps her arms around your and Natsuo’s neck, dragging him down to your level. “I love you guys.”
You and Natsuo hug her back, whispering “I love you too” in return. You all let go of each other and it’s only then that you notice you’re still holding Natsu’s hand, and you realize a part of you is almost afraid to let go. You say goodbye to Fuyumi and step outside into the cold, making your way to the car sitting outside of the wooden gate.
Natsu opens the car door and you shuffle inside, finally dropping his hand. The drive to the school is quiet aside from Kurumada’s occasional grumbled comment about “idiots on the road”. You have your head leaned against the window, lost in thought as you watch the street lights whiz by. You finally make it to the school and step out of the car, bowing to Kurumada in thanks before he flies off.
You and Natsu walk in silence to the dormitory. You flinch ever so slightly when you feel Natsu’s hand take yours but soon relax at the comforting warmth of it. You enter the dorm building, still hand-in-hand, coming to Natsuo’s dorm first. You both stop in front of the door, each waiting for the other to speak. A light gasp escapes your lungs when Natsu pulls you gently by your hand into his chest, large arms embracing you desperately. You feel tears slowly return to your eyes as you wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer.
“I was so worried,” you whisper, trying your best to hold back the sobs caught in your throat. “I was so afraid I might lose you.” Natsuo pulls you impossibly closer, placing a hand on the back of your head. The heavy cries you were trying so hard to keep back break through, tears soaking into his jacket.
“It’s okay. I’m okay,” He comforts. He holds you there for a while before pulling away just far enough to see your face. His wipes at your tears, thumbs tenderly stroking the soft skin of your cheeks, and he does so until they come to a stop. He smiles at you softly and runs a hand over your hair. “Try to get some sleep tonight, okay?” You pause for a moment before rolling you eyes with a small giggle.
“You’re crazy if you think I’ll be able to sleep after all of that,” you joke. Natsu laughs quietly. Another silence falls over you but this time it feels less tense.
“Why don’t you stay here tonight?” Natsu offers. You look at him, eyes slightly widened in surprise.
Sure, you’d shared a room, even a bed with him in the past. Being childhood friends, it was something that happened occasionally. But tonight? Something about staying with him tonight felt different. And yet, a part of you was still almost afraid to leave his side, as if he’ll vanish as soon as you do. You nod your head, wordlessly accepting his offer.
“Okay,” he says, taking your hand once more. He walks closer to the door and unlocks it, guiding you inside. You both take off your shoes and jackets, placing them by the door. Natsuo walks over to his dresser, digging through it for a moment before turning back to you with t-shirt and sweatpants in hand. “Here, it’ll probably fit pretty big, but its better than jeans, right?” He jokes, a genuine smile on his face. You giggle and take the clothing from him, muttering a thank you. You walk into the small bathroom to change.
When you come out you see Natsu, who is now in his own pajamas, sitting on the bed, surfing through movies on his tv. “I thought we could watch a movie or something. Your pick!” He says, and you notice that his usual calm-but-happy tone is returning. He lifts up the edge of the throw blanket he has hastily tossed over his legs and pats the empty spot next to him.
“Why does it feel like you’re comforting me more than I’m comforting you? You’re the one who got kidnapped after all,” You chuckle. You make your way over to the bed and sit down beside him, shoulders brushing, and you miss the brief look of nervousness splashed across the man’s face.
“Nah,” he waves his hand dismissively. “You being here is comfort enough for me!” You feel your face warm and you pull the blanket up to your cheeks in hopes of hiding your blushing.
The two of you scroll through the massive selection of movies, silently agreeing to avoid action and thriller type films. You’d both had enough action for one night. You eventually decide on a comedy drama, something lighthearted. You lean against Natsuo, your head just barely resting on his shoulder, and you feel him relax, a soft sigh leaving his lungs. About 20 minutes into the film, you begin to feel like things are normal again, the anxiety in your system finally dissipating. It’s just you and your childhood best friend, watching a movie like you used to do every weekend before your schedules got busy. Childhood best friend. Friend.
Fuyumi’s words come back to you suddenly. “You really like him, don’t you?” You glance at him, his eyes and mind completely focused on the film in front of him, entirely oblivious to the thoughts occurring in your head. Your eyes trace the outline of his profile and you drink in his every detail. His strong jawline, the swell of his lips, his sharp and angular yet soft and kind eyes. It’s at that moment that you know, it’s no longer some silly childhood crush. It hasn’t been for a while now. It’s something more serious, more mature than that. something that, no matter how much he frustrated you or made you sad, would never change.
And the thought that you could have lost him? It made you nauseous. You almost lost your chance to ever tell him what’s on your heart. And you won’t run the risk of losing it again. You turn your eyes back to the tv, yet your attention is no where near the events happening on the screen. You feel your heart start to pound and you ball your hands together in hopes of calming it.
“Natsuo,” you say, and you’re almost surprised he hears you considering how quietly you spoke. He turns to you with a soft hum in acknowledgment.
“Everything okay?” He asks when you don’t say anything, despite having called for his attention. You want to look at him, but the thought of saying what you’re about to say while looking him in the eyes is too much. So you keep your eyes trained on your hands. You squeeze your hands tighter and take a deep breath.
“I love you, Natsuo… I have for a long time, I was just too scared to admit it,” you confess. You feel the man’s gaze harden on you, but he doesn’t say anything, so you continue. “When that villain ran off with you, I was terrified that might be the last time I ever saw you, and I was so mad with myself for having never said anything.”
He still doesn’t say anything and you finally muster the courage to look over at him. But you rip your eyes away as soon as they meet his, a look you can’t quite decipher on his face. Embarrassment and anxiety take over as you begin to ramble, trying to make your confession not sound so serious.
“I know we’ve been friends for a long time and that’s probably all you view me as. I understand if-” Before you can get another word in, a hand is placed gently on the side of your head, guiding your face back to his. Next thing you know, there’s a pair of soft, warm lips on yours. You freeze for a moment, your mind being slow in processing what’s happening. And before you can, the warm sensation is gone and he’s pulling away. You look into his eyes with shock and only see love in his.
“I love you too,” he whispers. He grins brightly before it drops into a smaller, caring smile. You feel your body relax, any worry leaving immediately and instead replaced by those familiar butterflies.
“To tell you the truth, I’m not sure I realized just how much I do until tonight. A lot was going through my head, but one of the main things was realizing how much I love you and how I might never get the chance to tell you that.” He says all of this while looking you directly in the eyes with an expression he’d always kept hidden from you in the past. One full of deep love and care. “I’m so glad I didn’t lose the chance.”
“I love you, so much,” you say, feeling oncoming tears for what feels like the millionth time that night. But this time, they aren’t of pain. Natsuo looks at you, eyes soft and a blush across his face. He pulls you close, lips barely brushing as he speaks against them, cool breath fanning you face.
“I love you too. More than you know.” He presses his lips fervently against yours, his hand snaking behind your neck and your arms wrapping around his. You feel him smile onto your lips before laughing quietly, breaking your kiss. You pull away and place your forehead tenderly against his.
“What?” You ask.
“Your pulse, it’s really fast,” he states. You roll your eyes jokingly.
“I think that’s what happens when you kiss someone you like,” you quip. He chuckles and gives you a mischievous smirk.
“Why don’t we make it a little faster?”
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©Cxtori 2023 please do not copy, plagiarize, repost or translate. reblogs are appreciated
181 notes · View notes
spicysix · 1 year
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「eddie munson X gn!reader • roadtrip!AU」
3.5k words | prev | next | masterlist | ao3
warnings: whoops, i blacked out for a couple of hours and ended up writing smut! LMAO. gender unspecified reader, i tried my best not to describe any body parts with details and keep it as neutral as i could! oral sex, penetrative sex. +18 content, minors are not welcome
songs of the chapter: the delerict - fleetwood mac • polar nights - scorpions
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Thursday, July 31
Eddie headed northwest again the next day.
After kissing a lot to the rest of Janis Joplin’s “Pearl” the day before, you and he went to a drive-through of a random fast food chain and ate your meals at the back of the van, parked where you could see the river that crossed Missoula. After that you headed back to the motel, took your showers and went to sleep to the sound of Golden Girls once more. It felt like your bodies were crashing after a week on the run, per se, and you were catching up on missed sleep. You figured it made sense, since none of the travels between the stops you’d made so far were shorter than five hours. Eddie was probably even more tired than you since he was the main driver, but sitting down for six, sometimes seven hours — plus all the hiking and trailing you did in Yellowstone — wasn’t easy on your bones and muscles.
You woke up early again the next day, yet Eddie wasn’t even driving for three hours when he looked at you from his seat, ready for another break.
“Beach day?” He nodded at the view from his window, and you could see the lake not too far under. You looked around and saw a sign saying there was a city not too far away, and then turned to look at Eddie once again.
“Hit the exit, babe,” you answered and his smile was wider than you’ve ever seen. You wondered if it was from your positive response to his question, or from the pet name you called him without even thinking.
He took the exit and after a few more turns he was parking on the side of the road. You took turns changing into appropriate swimming clothes in the back of the van before heading down the small drop to the shore through the vegetation, and you and Eddie almost slipped a few times, but you made it alive.
There was no one else around, and the strip of land was small and covered in little rocks that hurt your feet, but the sun made your skin glow and Eddie’s eyes on you made your skin warm.
You carefully stepped into the water and didn’t walk long before it was past your waist and you knew you wouldn’t be able to touch the ground with a few more steps. You looked back and Eddie had ditched his shirt, only his feet inside the water as he looked at it with doubt in his eyes. You didn’t pressure him, just looked until he felt brave enough to walk the steps to reach you, and then he held your hand and you walked the final steps together until you were submerged from shoulders-down, feet not touching the ground anymore as you predicted.
“Scary,” you said, not willing to let go of his hand just yet.
“The daylight and the clear water make it easier,” he answered and you nodded.
You could still see the rocks at the bottom of the lake, which eased your nerves. You knew neither you nor Eddie would be willing to go further and dive as you could see other people doing on the deeper parts of the lake. But it was okay, you were proud that not even a week ago neither of you could go past the water reaching your knees but now you could feel it soaking the hair at the nape of your neck. Eddie’s hand on yours was comforting enough, and he made you feel safe and brave, and you hoped he felt the same with you by his side.
It wasn’t too long before you went back to the shore as Eddie followed you, and you ate snacks that you had bought sometime between the record store and the way back to the motel the day before, sitting on your clothes so the rocks wouldn’t hurt your asses, watching the people swimming and diving and kayaking and fishing.
You left and went back to the van mid-afternoon, headed to the city (Coeur d'Alene) and found your way to another beach, a bigger one this time with actual sand on the shore and a lot more people. You sat on the margins and played like little kids, enjoying the heat of the sun and the cold of the water, the noise of the conversations around you making you feel agitated in that good way, surrounded by people again and feeling alive.
Eddie talked to other tourists and some locals and found an RV Park that you could use for the night, said he was tired of motels. The place had cabins and a shower facility, so you both cleaned up before leaving the van there and exploring the city on foot as the moon was already shining bright above you.
You decided to eat at a twenty four hour diner not too far from the Park, Eddie was craving pancakes. He sat in front of you in the booth and it felt like a date with all the crossed looks over the table, playing footsie under it, the coin he gave you so you could choose a song from the jukebox and the milkshake you shared, two straws on a single cup.
There’s been something growing, maybe ever since you threw your bag in the back of his van and crashed his runaway plan, and the way his eyes were piercing through your soul all night long told you that whatever has been building up was about to explode.
The area the van was at was a fairly secluded one, a random last minute spot the owners placed you at, probably happy at the prospect of making more money and not caring enough about being overbooked and not properly prepared for it. Eddie’s shoulders brushed yours with every step you took, and he was humming all the way to the van and you were thrown back to the nights before you kissed at Yellowstone. The familiarity of it and the expectations you were creating with the routine were making your stomach swirl happily.
Eddie opened the back doors for you in a chivalrous gesture, and let you inside so you could change first. You let him go next and once he knocked at the door to let you know you could go inside, he was already without his shirt on, draped over the sheets on the mattress and not even trying to disguise his intentions. His portable tape player was set at a low volume with one of your tapes as the soundtrack. You chuckled at the smirk on his face, but you closed the doors and crawled to lay down on top of him anyway.
“Night, my liege,” he said, cupping your cheek and bringing you forward. His breath tickled your mouth and even though it was a hot evening, you could still feel the chills running down your back.
You wasted no time before surging forward, closing the small distance between the two of you and finally feeling his lips on yours. You’ve been craving that the whole day. The warmth of his mouth, the wetness of his tongue, the way kissing him felt like puzzle pieces fitting together perfectly. You ran your hands over his chest, feeling the bumps and textures of his scars, the way your caress made his breath hitch, the way he gripped your waist tight to pull you impossibly closer. You were in his lap as he was sitting up, your roles reversed from the last time your kisses were as heated. He ran his hands over your skin, grinning against your lips when he felt your goosebumps.
“Can I take this off?” he asked, tugging at your shirt. “Can we complicate this?”
You nodded enthusiastically and he threw your shirt over his head to the front benches and leaned forward to kiss from your stomach up to your collarbone. Your hands went to his hair and you couldn’t help but tug at it.
“Not complicated at all,” you whispered, eyes closed, mind foggy, and he chuckled.
His lips found one of your nipples and you couldn’t help but moan and grind down on him, feeling every inch of the bulge restrained in his pants dragging against you. He spent a good amount of time with his mouth on your chest, sucking, licking, gently biting, as his thumb worked the other nipple. He groaned around you every time you pulled his hair and it made you grind down on him even harder.
Your next pull was more firm and he let go of your nipple and kissed his way up your neck to reach your lips again. He kissed you slowly, leisurely, as if you had all the time in the world, and maybe you did, but you were so worked up that you felt like you were about to burst already, and you wanted more of him — so you took it.
You angled yourself to the side and let gravity do its work as you fell sideways, hands still holding Eddie tight so he would fall with you and over you when you landed on your back. You giggled at the feel of the fall and he smiled against your lips again. His hands were already trailing down to your pants and you sighed into his mouth as he started taking them off.
“Can I?” he asked again and you nodded enthusiastically again.
“Complicate it further,” you begged and he laughed with you.
He dragged both your pants and your underwear down in one single motion and immediately started kissing his way up your left leg. He took his time placing delicate pecks on your burning skin, his fingers following the trail his mouth was leaving with tender touches that could almost tickle you if the meaning behind them wasn’t so heavy with lust.
Eddie reached the middle of your thighs and went down again, going through the same routine on your right leg. It made you writhe under him and he chuckled against the side of your knee, refusing to pick up his pace. And even though you wanted him to go faster, you also wanted him to keep the exact tempo he was at, because you knew that the build up would take you higher when it finally exploded.
When he was centered again, he took one look at you and swooned.
“So beautiful,” he whispered to himself and you squirmed again.
“Eddie, please,” you begged and his smile was equally sweet and perverse as his face came closer to where you were needing him the most.
“I’ll give you what you want, don’t worry,” he said and you whimpered. “Can’t come back from this, though.”
You didn’t think you could come back ever since he first kissed you in that tent under the stars of Wyoming, but you didn’t want to. You just wanted to go further. He was giving you an out because he was a good person, because you rambled about simplistics and complications and maybe it made him worry, but you had never been more sure of something before in your life.
“Wreck me,” you said, and the look he gave you could’ve frozen you in place.
He wasted no time before diving in, tongue out, a long stripe through your arousal and you threw your head back into the pillow under you and let out a loud moan. One of his hands stayed in your tight, keeping your legs spread for him, while the other reached up to play with your nipple again. You held his wrist tightly, arching your back as he kept sucking and licking and doing holy work with his mouth.
“Tell me what to do,” he asked, and you could feel yourself pulsing from his words.
You pulled the wrist you were gripping and sucked his fingers into your mouth, licked between them before pulling them out with a ‘pop’ and shoving them to the heat between your legs again.
“Need your fingers inside me.”
“Jesus H. Christ, you’re a menace,” he mumbled against the skin of your lower belly, but followed your request.
The wetness of your saliva helped him push the tip of his finger inside you, but you could feel how tight you still were around him.
“Think I’ll need… I’ll need more,” you whined and he went up to his knees without taking the tip of his finger from inside you, understanding what you were talking about.
“More, more… I think-” he cut himself off and started going through his bags with only one hand, and it looked funny so you giggled. He sent you a weird look, slightly annoyed and embarrassed but it only made you laugh harder. “AHA!” He found a bottle of lube and a condom in a random pocket and exhibited them like they were a trophy.
“Were you planning for this?” you asked, still smiling so he’d know it was light-hearted, as he went back to settle between your thighs, dropping the condom beside your hip.
“Couldn’t come up with this scenario even in my best dreams, baby,” the pet name made you throb and he smirked knowingly. He squeezed some lube to his finger and pushed, sliding easily inside you now, and you panted in relief. “Hm, need you real wet for me.”
“More,” you asked, and he kept thrusting his finger in and out of you, the dirty wet sound of it making your face heat up, until he felt you were ready for another one.
You reached for his hair again, pulled him closer so he’d put his mouth back on you at the same time he worked you open with his fingers, and he went willingly, moaning against you, the mix of saliva and lube was running down his chin and you were breathing faster, the van felt like a sauna and you were just getting started. You wanted more, you kept wanting more of him, and he kept giving you, you kept guiding him and he followed your directions, doing exactly what you asked of him and making your muscles tighten, your hips jerking against his face. He kept smiling through it, enjoying it just as much as you did.
“Eddie, let me,” you asked, pulling his face away from where you were dripping and pulsating, but you wanted him in your mouth too.
“Not gonna say no to that.” He gave the inside of your left thigh a final kiss before retreating carefully, and you were feeling empty without his fingers already.
You switched your positions, and he was laying down as you took off his pants and underwear and settled between his legs. His tip was leaking and glistening, and your mouth watered immediately at the sight, he was so hard and it was because of you.
“So beautiful,” you said his words back at him and he smiled, his face permanently red from arousal, all the way from the top of his ears to his collarbones, and it made you feel dizzy.
You grabbed his base with one hand and used the other to stroke him a couple of times before kissing his tip. He hissed and you giggled, and his hands tightened around the sheets immediately.
“Sensitive?” you teased, licking your lips.
“You little-,” he tried to curse you but you giggled again before licking around his head, interrupting him. “Jesus!”
“Nope, still me,” you said, and he snorted.
You could see he was coming up with an answer, but you didn’t give him the chance to externalize it before you took his head inside your mouth and he moaned. It was a beautiful sound, and you wanted more of it so you gently sucked before sliding down and getting the rest of him inside your mouth. He was cursing and babbling nonsense as you worked him up, licking and sucking and getting him wet all over. He tasted deliciously salty, and you dipped your tongue into his slit searching for more, your hand still firmly holding his base as the other played with his balls. You looked up through your eyelashes and he had his head thrown back, his neck exposed with a throbbing vain, flushed crimson, and you wanted to get your hands on it.
He whined when you pull off, but his hands found your face and pulled up up so you could straddle him again, and the lube was still making you slick so when you sat on him you ground easily against him and his entire body trembled. He kissed you and didn’t stop to look for the condom, patting the mattress beside him until he found the package, tearing it blindly before sliding it down his cock.
You helped him cover his length with more lube before you positioned yourself and sank into him slowly. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were glued to the vision of you gradually swallowing him, making you feel so fucking full.
“So good,” you murmured as he bottomed out, his hands on your hips holding you in place.
“Wait a second or I’ll cum too fast,” he said, and you leaned forward to kiss him again while you waited.
You were still getting used to the girth of him, but his kisses were once again languid and passionate as he traced your back with the tip of his fingers. Your chest was pressed against his, you could feel him everywhere, it was overwhelming and it wasn’t enough, and sooner rather than later you were ready to move again, wanting more.
You started riding him as slowly as he kissed you and it was comforting and it was sensual and if you really had all the time in the world you wished you could do this forever. It was more than just about the sex though, it was about the trust it takes, it was about the connection and the fact that you barely knew him before this week and now you knew so much about him and you knew there was more and you wanted more. You wanted everything he was willing to give you.
There was a fire in your abdomen, your skin was prickling and he was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and you licked it from the left side of his neck while your hand cupped the right side. You pulled him against you, and he went willingly, and suddenly you were both sitting up, his chest still pressed against yours and you kept rolling your hips against him and he kept thrusting up to you in the same rhythm.
“Baby, baby, baby-” he cried and you could feel yourself fluttering around him and he almost shouted from the feeling. “C’mon, slow it down,” he asked.
“Don’t want to,” you answered, actually picking up the pace and grinding against him with more drive and he laughed around a moan, or moaned around a laugh.
“M’not gonna last.”
“Don’t want you to,” you answered finally before kissing him again.
It was more of a mutual panting into each other’s mouths, and you kept grinding and rolling your hips as you both reached for your highs. He cupped your ass and helped you move, his lips were swollen and his tip was hitting the most sensitive place inside you and you couldn’t help but be loud, fuck if anyone was listening, you couldn’t care. Not when that knot inside your stomach was finally snapping and you saw stars, and you hugged Eddie’s shoulders and pulled him impossibly closer. The way you trembled around him sent him over the edge with you, and he bit the space between your neck and your shoulder, muffling his strangling noises.
He rested his forehead against your collarbone, and you rested your chin on the top of his head as you both caught your breaths after your orgasms. You were overwhelmed with feelings all of a sudden, and you almost wanted to cry but you just kept stroking his back as his fingers traced your hips delicately, and it was pure bliss. It was always pure bliss with him around.
“I can hear your heartbeat,” he whispered before kissing your chest, the skin right above where your heart was, and it might’ve sped up with the gesture.
Eddie helped you up off of him and laid you down gently before disposing of the condom on a little trash bag at the front of the van, and everything smelled of skin and sweat and sex, but you were tired and still slightly quivering so, again, you couldn’t care.
He lied down beside you and his fingers found your cheek as they always did, and you smiled up at him and he mirrored it back down at you. Your chest was tight, and you want to say something but you weren’t sure what it was, so you just pull him in so he could encase you with his limbs, and you had the vague awareness that your breaths slowed down to the same rhythm at some point, and you fell asleep together once more.
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end notes: was that good? 👀 first time writing smut in english so please let me know if anything's weird, or if there's anything that gendercodes the reader ♡ just one more chapter to go :(
taglist (is open!): @amira0303 @rupsmorge @wyverntatty
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enid-rhees · 1 year
yesss bae, pls do a part 2, i literally cried, but i also loved it. 💜😭
on it :)) hope this heals your (and mine) broken heart LMAO
warnings: angst, reader has bad mental health (trouble eating, major depression) but there’s a happy ending i PROMISE . also a bit of suggestiveness
a/n: hope you all enjoy! this is a part 2 to my recent Enid fic !
it had been a month since Enid broke up with you. and if you had to be honest, you weren’t doing well, at all. this is the worst you’ve felt throughout the years of being in this apocalypse - which says more than you think.
you hadn’t seen her since that day, either. she disappeared from everything. but you hoped that whatever she was doing, she was okay. you still cared for her, even if she didn’t feel the same.
“Y/N, come eat.” Michonne called out. she cracked your door open, peeking in carefully. “i’m not hungry.” you responded, not looking up from your torn book.
Michonne sighed, “you said that yesterday. and the day before.” you shrugged, “i’m just not hungry, okay? i don’t know what to tell you.” you snapped.
“you can’t… let her ruin you like this, Y/N.” Michonne said, moving to sit down on your bed. you looked at her, already feeling your eyes tear up just from the mention of her, and Michonne didn’t even say her name.
“we’re worried about you, Y/N.” she said quietly. “you’re not eating, or sleeping. we’ve never seen you like this and it’s scaring us.”
the tears finally slipped down your cheeks, “i’m sorry.” you cried quietly. “i just- i miss her.”
Michonne pulled you into her arms, letting you cry into her shoulder. “i loved her a lot.” you cried.
“i know, honey. love hurts.”
“it shouldn’t.” you said, shaking your head. “you’re right. it shouldn’t. but it does. and you can’t change that.”
Michonne ran her hand up and down your back, soothing you. “please, just this once, come eat with us. even Judith is worried.”
you loved your baby sister with everything you had, and knowing that even she was worried hit you hard. you nodded, “okay.” Michonne gave you a soft smile and took your hand, leading you down the stairs.
Rick was sitting at the kitchen table with Carl and Judith already, and looked up at you with surprise. you sat down at the table quietly, not looking up from your hands.
“hey,” Rick spoke quietly. you finally looked up at him, “hi.”
Michonne put a plate in front of you, and a water bottle. you sighed and picked up your fork, taking a small bite of the food. as you continued to quietly eat, Michonne looked over at Rick with a small smile. he gave her a thumbs up back.
Judith jumped out of her seat and jumped on your lap, taking you by surprise. “hey, Judith.” you giggled. you leaned down and pressed a kiss into her messy blond hair.
“i missed you.” she spoke. your heart dropped a bit. after Enid broke up with you, you barely left your room.
“missed you too, Judith.” you smiled bittersweetly. she continued to sit on your lap as you ate the rest of your food slowly. when you finished, Rick stood up and took your plate.
Carl moved his seat closer to yours, “i got these on a run today.” he said, pulling out two comics. they were both Spider-Man, he knew Spider-Man was your favorite hero.
“that’s so cool.” you told him, giving him a small smile. he smiled back. “and.. i found this for you. i figured you could clip it to your jeans.” he pulled out a keychain of Spider-Man as well, hanging it off his finger.
“oh, Carl… that’s really-“ knocking landed on the front door. whoever it was knocked a few times, and softly at that. “i’ll get it.” Michonne told everyone.
“it’s really great, Carl. thank you.” you finished, reaching over to hug him. he laid his head on your shoulder, rubbing his arm on your back softly.
“…Y/N.” Michonne spoke, almost hesitantly. you pulled away from Carl to face her, and your entire body froze. Enid stood there next to Michonne.
“Enid?” you exhaled shakily. the entire house went quiet. “hey… Y/N.” Enid spoke. your head was spinning. you missed her voice so bad, and it didn’t seem real at first. “can we talk?”
Michonne looked at you with concern, silently asking you if this was a good idea. “yeah… my room.” you responded.
as you made your way to the stairs, Michonne pulled you back. “if she does anything to hurt you again, you tell me.” she whispered in your ear. you nodded, breaking out of her grip to walk upstairs with Enid.
you let her walk in first and closed the door when you stepped in afterwards. Enid took a look around your room, her heart breaking at the sight of it.
you always tried your best to keep your room neat, but it was far from that. clothes were on the floor, along with books and other items you would find on runs. she looked over at your bedside table, the first picture you took together was still there.
“speak.” you told her, crossing your arms over your chest. “i’m… really sorry, Y/N.” she said. you looked at her, unamused. “is that it?”
“no, just…” she sighed, trying to figure out how to say what she wanted to say. “i regret everything, Y/N. breaking up with you, saying what i said, i regret all of it.”
“then why did you do it?”
“because i thought it would be better for both of us. i’m terrified of losing you, and… the thought was haunting me. i reacted out of fear and thought the best thing to do was to break up with you to save me from that fear. but… it just made everything worse, Y/N. i can’t… i can’t live without you. and i don’t think i’ll ever be able to.”
you stared at her, not knowing what to think or what to say. tears filled your eyes once more. “i love you, Y/N. and i mean it. i’m so in love with you it’s driving me insane… and it’s driving Maggie and Glenn insane.” you cracked a smile at that, and she giggled. you missed that sound so much.
“it was really shitty of me to break up with you like that, and barely giving you time to… process it. but i never stopped loving you, Y/N. never. i thought about you everyday and regretted what i did everyday.”
you looked up at her with glossy eyes, “i forgive you, Enid.” her face lit up, “you do?”
you chuckled, walking closer to her. “of course i do. you think i could live without you?” you held her face in both hands and connected your lips. she kissed back instantly, grabbing onto your waist to pull you closer.
“oh, and i love you too.” you mumbled against her lips. she laughed breathily, pulling you back into her.
you pushed her towards the bed until the back of her knees hit the bed and she fell onto it. you fell on her lap, your thighs on either side of hers.
“i missed your lips so much,” Enid whispered. “and your smile, your eyes, this bed.” you laughed, pushing her down so her back hit the mattress.
she grabbed your waist under your shirt, squeezing it with her cold hands. you released a shaky breath against her lips, kissing her harder.
then your door swung open, “hey, i just wanted to make sure- oh my god.” you broke your lips away from Enid, looking back at Michonne with wide eyes.
“looks like everything went well!” she exclaimed, clearly trying to ignore the obvious tension in the room. “cool… cool i’ll just- leave you guys alone then.” she chuckled nonchalantly, quickly pulling your door shut.
you looked back down at Enid, who was looking at you with complete horror. she broke out in laughter first, causing you to break as well. “that’ll never not be embarrassing.” you said in between laughs.
“learn to lock your door, then.” she hummed, grabbing your jaw and pulling you into another kiss.
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the-cult-of-russo · 2 years
Just Beneath The Flames (Part 11)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
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Warnings: cursing, smut at some point probably lmao, zombie shit, typical canon violence. You know the drill.
A/N: I giveth and I taketh away lmaoooo Honestly, no fucking clue where this is going, I’m along for the ride just like you guys are. Settle in for some angst and shit.
You almost didn’t get this chapter today, I’ve literally only just finished writing it. I wound up with writer's block like a quarter of a way through and started to think the story was doomed. I got there in the end though looool I’m not sure if chap 12 will be up tomorrow though as I haven’t even started writing it yet and I have an appointment to have my bloods done tomorrow and I still feel like shit so… lmao
You strolled around the perimeter, knife in hand as your eyes swept around diligently. It had been almost three weeks since you all moved into the oversized cabin and you’d all settled in nicely. The place was huge, the lower floor comprising of a massive living area, complete with large plush sofas and a big fireplace. The large kitchen was on the other side, the whole floor being open plan except for a couple of closets. The top two floors were bedrooms, each floor having a large bathroom. The Liebermans, Matt and Foggy had the rooms on the second floor while you were on the top floor along with Frank and Karen, Curtis and Billy. You hadn’t expected to share a room with Billy, especially after the disaster of the kiss you’d shared, but it still took some getting used to having your own room. You missed sharing a tent with him, the comfort it would bring you. But you knew even if you had to share a room here, there would be no comfort to be found. Not anymore. In the three weeks that passed, Billy had become more and more distant with you to the point he barely even spoke to you anymore. You’d accepted the fact he hadn’t actually wanted to kiss you, accepted the fact he’d used your feelings to get you to do what he wanted. None of that mattered in the grand scheme of things because the friendship you’d had with him, the bond you’d formed, it meant far more than any feelings you may have developed for him. But that bond seemed to not exist anymore and that hurt you more than anything. You’d hoped that once you all settled in, maybe he’d warm back up. Even if he hadn’t wanted to acknowledge the kiss, you thought you’d eventually be able to speak to him again in a way that had you two back on good terms, but it hadn’t happened. You’d come back with the others and you’d all set up and with each passing day, he spoke to you less and less and you really couldn't figure out just what you’d done to deserve it.
It hadn’t escaped the others how he was behaving either. You’d seen the frown on Frank’s face when Billy would purposely brush you off if you tried to initiate some conversation with him, seen how he’d glare at Billy. You saw the curious looks from the others and the sad look on Karen’s face and you weren’t sure what to do with it. It made you feel isolated and lonely, just like the odd one out all over again. The others cared and they made an effort, especially Karen. She’d taken up your time with Billy’s absence, keeping you company and you loved her for it. Frank was also never too far away and always making sure you were okay and you’d even made a habit out of hunting with Matt and you enjoyed his company. But none of that compared to what you’d shared with Billy. He was their family first and you knew if he turned around tomorrow and said he wanted you gone because he was sick of looking at you, they’d have to let it happen. You hated feeling this alienated all over again. A week after being here, Karen and you had been in the kitchen cooking dinner with actual electricity which had been a trip and she’d told you not to let him get to you. That he was just dealing with a lot after the whole Rawlins thing. You’d allowed her words to comfort you, naive and stupid that was all it was. You’d let it because you’d seen him sometimes when he didn’t know you were looking, that lost faraway gaze he held like he didn’t know what to do with himself. You knew it wasn’t easy, even if he had finally gotten what he wanted. That was part of the problem. Because once it was done, there was an air of finality to it all, a feeling of being adrift at sea once the long-term goal had been reached. So you’d waited patiently, stupidly hoping that one day he’d flash you that smile of his and say something playful just like he used to, but he just pulled away further. You’d given up hope now, it was pointless. You didn’t think you were a coward. You’d faced a lot of shit head-on with this new way of life, but the idea of confronting him outright wasn’t something you could bring yourself to do. The only conclusion you could draw from his behavior was that he knew how you felt about him, used it to his advantage and then regretted it, worrying he’d given you false hope or something. And now he just felt awkward being around someone he knew liked him as more than a friend. You couldn't blame him entirely. You knew you’d feel just as awkward if it turned out Matt or Foggy liked you that way although you wouldn't be such a rude dick about it. This past week he’d gone from being distant to occasionally being rude and you’d gotten sick of it. You missed him, missed your friendship and the comfort it had brought you. 
You rubbed your eyes tiredly, watching as the sun came up. You’d been taking watch more and more lately, your nights plagued with nightmares and bad thoughts. People hadn’t caught on at first, not noticing you offering to switch your shift with others and they’d been so grateful for the rest they hadn’t questioned it. But now, a few weeks in, you saw their concerned gazes when they realized you’d been on watch all night and barely had any sleep after. Once the sun was fully up, you sheathed your knife and trudged your way back to the house. The place itself was pretty perfect and you and Frank had even been talking about hitting up a garden center soon to get some fences put up and see if they had any crops to plant. It would be your dream to get that all set up, be more self-reliant. You guys could really make this place a home, you just wished you didn’t feel so empty inside. As you got around to the front of the house, you saw Frank and Billy through a couple of trees as they stood by the truck parked on the side of the road. Billy glanced up, his eyes locked onto yours and it made you bristle and you looked away quickly. Part of you wanted to be petty because of his behavior recently, to not look away until you made him feel awkward, but you couldn't. Your embarrassment over knowing that he knew how you felt about him and about the kiss outweighed the pettiness you felt. Annoyance prickled at you though at the idea of him trying to steal your garden center run off you. You’d barely been going on runs since you got here. Frank had given you excuses at first, saying things like there wasn’t enough room in the truck or he needed you here to keep an eye out. You’d bought it the first few times but started to get suspicious when it happened every single fucking time. Your suspicions were founded though as you overheard Billy telling Frank one day that he wouldn't be going on a run if you were there. You realized then that Billy had been the reason you were now excluded from runs. You tried not to let it bother you as you busied yourself here with all there was to do setting the place up and you still had your hunting, but it stung. This run though was yours, it was your idea to go and look for crops, to be able to grow your own food. You’d brought the idea to Frank and like fuck you were letting Billy kick you out of it. 
“Y/N!” you heard Frank call out as you walked to the front porch. You turned around and he gestured with his head for you to come over. You felt your body tense tightly, much the same way Billy seemed to as he gave Frank an unimpressed look. You trudged over as you prepared yourself for what he was going to say. If he told you that you’d be staying back from the run, you’d end up resorting to violence. 
“What’s up?” you asked as you got to them, making a point to not even glance Billy’s way. Frank's eyes flit over your face in a way that made you stuff your hands into your pockets and shrink a little. 
“Karen said you took watch again last night,” he murmured, a concerned almost fatherly tone to his voice.
“Yeah?” you asked, looking confused as you shrugged at him. 
“I think it’s great you wanna help out and all but… but I think you need to take a break,” he frowned. 
“I can handle it, Frank,” you sighed.
“Of course you can,” Billy scoffed and your eyes snapped to him with such fire behind them he actually recoiled for a second. 
“Something you wanna say, Russo?” you asked scathingly and he once again looked taken aback by the harshness of your tone for less than a moment before his face hardened. 
“You’re gonna wind up getting us all killed,” he growled.
“Seriously?” you asked with an eye roll.
“You’ve been on watch every night for almost a week straight and you have an hour sleep at most after. What happens when your body gives out from exhaustion? What happens if you fall asleep when you’re supposed to be keepin’ us safe?” he asked roughly.
“Do you think I’m that stupid? Do you really think I’d do it if I didn’t think I could handle it, that I’d put everyone at risk?” you asked, offense coloring your face. Even if you wanted to escape your treacherous thoughts, you wouldn’t do it at the expense of your group's safety. 
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” despite his shitty attitude lately, you really hadn’t expected such malicious words to leave his lips and you felt white hot rage flow through you, your ears ringing. Before you knew what you were even doing, your knife was unsheathed, gripped in your hand as you took a menacing step towards him. Frank quickly got between you two, shaking his head.
“That’s enough, guys!” he chided with a deep frown. Your eyes hadn’t left Billy though and a slow and dark smirk spread across his face, he looked almost amused at you with your knife, something sinister shining behind his dark eyes. 
“You really think you can stand there and judge me for the shit I’ve done? For failing the people I cared about? Maybe you should take a long look in the mirror, Billy, ‘cause I’m not the only one that’s failed people,” you hissed viciously. His smirk melted right off his face, his eyes flashing dangerously as he stood up taller, but Frank put a hand on his chest, shoving him back roughly as he still stood between you. At the back of your mind, you felt a pang of guilt knowing the people you were referring to were the family of the very man who was currently trying to break up the fight between you. Frank either didn’t connect the dots or he didn’t bother to look into it. 
“I said enough!” he bellowed. He gave you a very unimpressed look before he turned and looked at Billy. You smirked inwardly, noticing the look he directed at his best friend was scathing, much worse than the one he’d given you. Billy’s eyes hardened, the two men glaring at each other for a moment and you had a feeling they were doing that thing again where they spoke without words. Either way, Billy scoffed and shook his head, giving you one last glower before he moved away, stomping to the trees. You noticed then he had his bow and arrows with him and in spite, you hoped he wouldn't find a damn thing when he went out there. 
Frank sighed deeply, his body relaxing once Billy was gone and you sheathed your knife roughly, still feeling anger at how Billy had treated you. You didn’t want to stick around and get a lecture from Frank about your attitude or about how you’d been taking watch too much so you turned on your heel and started walking to the house.
“What the hell happened with you two?” Frank asked, stopping you in your tracks.
“I don’t know, Frank. He’s your best friend, why don’t you ask him?” you asked sourly, turning to face him once more. He was frowning as he looked at you.
“I tried askin’ him. Tried ‘til I was blue in the goddamn face but he just says he don’t wanna talk about it, so I’m askin’ you,” he said pointedly, raising a brow and you clenched your jaw. You were a little surprised he hadn’t told Frank about the kiss or anything, figuring as his best friend, he probably would have. The only reason you hadn’t told Karen was because it was weird considering Billy had been her family way before you’d been in the picture, but you’d wanted to tell her just to get it off your chest.
“Before you guys hit Rawlins, he kissed me. He kissed me and then when you guys came back out, he was different,” you muttered. Frank blinked rapidly, confusion and shock all over his face as he glanced to where Billy had disappeared through the trees before back at you. It seemed like you rendered him speechless for a moment and you didn’t want to stand here and talk about the fact you’d been kissed by someone you cared about, only to end up treated like this.
“I don’t know what the fuck is going on with him or why he’s being such an asshole, but keep him the hell away from me. If he tries to use my past against me like that again, you won't be around to stop my knife being buried in his neck,” you hissed, turning around and stomping over to the porch and up the steps. You knew it wasn’t true though. No matter how much he would hurt you, you knew you could never hurt him like that, not physically at least. And you’d feel bad for how you spoke to Frank later, knowing he was only trying to help. You were over it all. 
It was only as you got to the top of the porch stairs that you noticed Zach was sitting on the porch with a comic and he gave you a sad smile. You felt a bit shitty then behaving that way in front of him and you gave him a weak smile in return, feeling yourself deflate before you slipped inside. You ended up hiding out in your room for a while, not wanting to bump into Billy when he came back from hunting. After a few hours of you laying on your bed feeling sorry for yourself, your door knocked before Karen slipped inside, giving you a tentative smile. You smiled back, sitting up and leaning against the headboard as she moved inside and sat on your bed. 
“You should have told me that Billy kissed you,” she frowned, being blunt like she always was. You hadn’t expected her to come in here and talk about that, you’d figured she was just checking on you.
“Frank told you then,” you murmured, feeling the heat creeping into your cheeks.
“Of course he did. I feel awful, Y/N. All this time I’ve been making excuses for him and it turns out he kissed you, which just makes it even worse what he’s doing now,” she huffed, shaking her head. While it was slightly embarrassing she knew, you were partly grateful because now you could vent to her about it all. You’d been keeping it all locked inside and it had been killing you. 
“I just… I don’t get it. At first after he… and how he acted after… I just thought that he didn’t like me that way, that he kissed me just so I wouldn’t go near Rawlins. We both know what he’s like, he’s not above lying or manipulation to get what he wants. If he thinks he’s doing the right thing then it’s worth it to him. And the idea of him using my own feelings against me sucked but I got it, I wasn’t mad. When he started pulling away I figured I made him awkward. Like he saw me as a little sister or something and he knew how I felt now so he was uncomfortable. But now he’s just acting like an asshole and honestly, it doesn't matter how I feel about him, I don’t think I deserve that,” you frowned, hurt lacing your voice. She scooted closer to you, taking your hand that had been anxiously picking at a thread on your jeans.
“You don’t deserve that. I really don’t know what’s gotten into him. I didn’t know him before… before the Castles, but Frank told me he hadn’t been the same since what happened to them. And before the world fell, he didn’t really do relationships, he was a bit of a player. He finds it hard to let people in, to trust them. It took him a while to even accept Matt and Foggy. But with you… he just clicked with you and sometimes, it was like he trusted you just as much as he trusted Frank. It surprised all of us. I don’t… I don’t understand why he’s doing this now,” she muttered sadly. 
“I really thought we could try to get our friendship back on track. I thought that maybe if he warmed up a bit, I could show him I could hide my feelings and we could move past it all. But now… he knows I care about him yet he’s hurting me and I’m not gonna sit there and let him,” you sighed and Karen squeezed your hand.
“Maybe I could talk to him-” she started softly and you shook your head quickly.
“No. No, it’s too awkward. I’ll just stay out of his way and hopefully he’ll stay out of mine. Maybe he’ll stop being an asshole and we can go back to being strangers,” you muttered tensely. The idea made your chest ache but it would be better than whatever the fuck this was now. You hated him being so cruel to you like this and you knew it would only make things bad for everyone else in the group. You weren’t the type to sit there and let someone be rude to you, no matter who it was. You knew if he kept up with his bullshit, the pair of you were going to have some very bad fights and you didn’t want the others to have to put up with that, especially not the kids. You changed the subject after that, asking Karen what she was planning for dinner and luckily, she’d let you steer the talk away from Billy. After a while, she left but not before informing you that you wouldn’t be on watch tonight so you knew you were in for a rough night. Deciding not to dwell on it, you got off your ass and left your room since you had laundry duty. Karen had offered to do it for you so you could get some rest but you had politely declined. If you slept now there would be no way you’d sleep tonight. 
You went downstairs and grabbed the large basket that held all the dirty laundry in it, hauling it up before you left out of the back door in the kitchen. The creek that had been near your old camp ran through here too and wasn’t too far from the back of the cabin. You’d all decided it was best to clean the clothes there instead of using the water in the cabin as you didn’t want to push your luck with it. You had no idea if it would crap out on you eventually. When you got to the creek, you tried to let the sounds of nature soothe you as you got to work. You emptied the clothes from the basket, a bar of soap in the bottom of it. The air was cold but the water was colder and you tried to ignore how it bit into your hands as you started to wash the clothes, wetting them before getting them soapy and rinsing them again. It took what felt like forever and your hands were numb when you were done. You tossed the wet clothes back into the basket haphazardly before making your way to the side of the cabin where a makeshift clothesline hung between the trees. You got the clothes off it that had been drying since the last laundry shift, them taking longer to dry in the cold. You chucked them in a pile on a rock before you started to hang up the newly wet clothes and then you started to fold all the other dry clothes up neatly, sorting them into piles before putting them into the basket. You picked up the basket and started making your way around the front of the house, but as you got to the corner, you noticed Billy sitting on the porch steps. You quickly ducked back behind the corner before he saw you, rolling your eyes at your own cowardice to even face him. You felt too raw and you didn’t want to have to deal with him being cruel to you again. You heard the front door open and close and you hoped Billy had gone inside, but you were wrong.
“Hey, uncle Billy,” Zach murmured and it sounded like he sat beside Billy.
“Hey, little man,” Billy replied softly. You glanced to the other end of the house, deciding on just going around the back and through the kitchen. You had no desire to stay here and listen in. Well, you hadn’t until Zach said something that made your feet take root to the floor.
“Why are you so mean to Y/N?” he asked bluntly. Your hands tightened around the basket and you could just imagine the curious look on the boy's face. You hated that it had been something he’d noticed, hated the tension the group could see. Billy was silent for a long moment and you started to wonder if he would even answer him. You wouldn't lie and say you weren’t curious about his answer, wanting one yourself.
“It’s just… grown up stuff,” Billy replied tensely and you had to clamp your mouth closed as you almost scoffed at the cop out answer. 
“Grown up stuff?” Zach asked, he himself sounding like he knew it was a pile of shit.
“It’s complicated, alright?” Billy sighed.
“How is it complicated? You used to be close friends and now you’re just mean to her. She never smiles anymore and she's always just sad. Sometimes… sometimes she cries when she takes watch at night,” Zach murmured sadly and your head whipped to the side as if you’d be able to see through the building right to him. You felt shame burrow deep inside of you that he somehow knew about that and you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. 
“What?” Billy asked slowly.
“Sometimes… I can’t sleep at night. So I sit by my window to look at the stars and… I’ve seen her sometimes… crying by the trees,” Zach answered quietly. You swallowed thickly, cursing yourself for being so stupid. Although in your defense, you’d hardly expected anyone to be able to see you. It hadn’t happened too often but sometimes the whole thing got too much for you. It hadn’t just been Billy to make you cry but it hadn’t really helped with all your already existing issues. Billy didn’t reply to that and you wondered what was going through his head. You hated the idea of him having more ammunition to throw at you at some point, the idea of him throwing this in your face would be humiliating. 
“I might not be a grown up and maybe I don’t get it ‘cause I’m a kid but… mom always tells me and Leo to be kind to people, that they have their own struggles. I don’t know why you and Y/N aren’t friends anymore but you might wanna be kinder to her. This new world is scary… you don’t know how long she’ll be around,” with those ominous parting words you didn't think a kid would be capable of, it sounded like he got up and went inside. You heard Billy blow out a breath and you frowned to yourself, forcing yourself to walk to the other end of the house to go through the back, not wanting Billy to catch you there. You’d thought the kids were doing okay but the way Zach spoke made you think he was becoming a little jaded and you hated it. 
You walked through the back door and surprisingly, Zach was already in the kitchen with Sarah and Karen who were getting started on dinner. You felt your cheeks flush at remembering his words and he came over to you, giving you a smile.
“Can I help?” he asked, glancing to the basket in your hands.
“It’s okay, I got it,” you said, a grateful smile on your face. He frowned a little though and you felt bad.
“Actually… you could take these up. These are for everyone on your floor,” you murmured as you got out the clothes that belonged to everyone on the second floor. He grinned then, looking happy to be useful and you wondered if he was starting to feel a little like a spare part here. If he was getting to the age where he wanted to start to feel useful and to be doing stuff to help out. He took the pile of clothes at the same time the front door opened. Your eyes flit over to see Billy come in but you looked away before he saw you, not wanting him to start anything. You could feel his eyes burning into you as Zach took the clothes before he trotted off up the stairs. 
“Dinner won’t be too long,” Sarah murmured, squeezing your arm as she smiled at you and you nodded.
“I’ll just finish up with these,” you replied. As you made your way to the stairs, Billy was now nowhere to be found so you mused he’d gone to his room. You went to the third floor, going into the rooms and placing people's clothes on their bed. The rule was that if they were in the room, you didn’t just walk in, but you knew everyone else was downstairs so it was fine. You went in and out of the rooms before all that was left was yours and Billy’s clothes. You decided to go and put yours away first, getting it out of the way. You walked into your room, setting the basket on the bed before you put your clothes away. You stared at the clothes in the basket left, a dull ache starting in your chest. One hand came up to the necklace still around your neck that you hadn’t been able to bring yourself to take off. It was comforting and painful all at the same time with it still on and your fingers toyed with the moon pendant for a second before you sighed and slipped it back under your top. You grabbed the basket with one hand, Billy’s clothes in the other. You knew he was in his room so you’d just leave them outside. You would have done anyway, not wanting to just walk into his room even if he wasn’t in there. Just as you got to his door, it opened and you blinked up at him as he looked mildly shocked to see you. Your jaw set then, your eyes averting his. A petty part of you wanted to toss his neatly folded clothes to his feet but you pushed it down, holding his clothes out to him without looking at him or saying a word.
“Thanks…” he murmured, his voice soft and quiet as he took them from you. Not wanting to stick around in case he decided to start being a dick again, you turned away and started walking down the hall. 
“Y/N,” his voice stopped you and you tensed, knuckles turning white with how hard you were clutching the basket. You turned around apprehensively and he was standing outside of his door. His eyes didn’t land on you, looking everywhere else instead as he stood there rigidly and rolled his shoulder.
“I uh…” his mouth floundered for a moment and stupid hopeful part of you wondered if he might apologize for how he’d been behaving after Zach’s words. That maybe it had shown him just how shitty he was being. 
“It… it doesn’t matter,” he muttered, his brows creasing a little. You shook your head, a bitter smile painting your lips before you turned away once more and made your way down the stairs. You should know better than to be hopeful about anything. You tried to ignore the stinging disappointment as you went and put the basket where it belongs in the kitchen before walking into the living area where everyone usually had dinner. There were three big sofas and two armchairs but it still wasn't room for everyone. The kids were in their usual spot on the plush fur rug by the fireplace as they ate, their parents on one of the sofas. Matt and Foggy were on another sofa and Curtis was sitting in an armchair. Karen was handing out food, Frank on the last sofa with a spot for her and for Billy and you took residence on the other armchair that you’d practically claimed as yours. You gave Karen a smile as she handed you a bowl of soup and you dug into it. You all ate together but you didn’t sit around waiting for everyone to be seated to eat. Billy came down a few minutes later and you felt your appetite wane as he glanced over at you. He moved over to sit with Frank who gave him a look before Karen gave him his soup. 
The next day, you were standing by the truck as you made sure you had all of your stuff ready. Dinner the night before had been as awkward as it usually was when someone was purposely not talking to you but you had decided to just ignore it. You were excited for the run today, your run, and you and Frank were by the truck as you waited for Micro to come out as he’d be joining you both. You had no idea if you’d find what you were looking for there but it was worth a try and you were excited to just get out for once. You were sick of Billy stopping you going on runs. Micro came out, a lopsided grin on his face directed at you and Frank as he came over, shuffling the backpack on his shoulder. 
“We ready to go?” he asked. He also looked excited to go out. He hadn’t been in a while as he'd been with Sarah but you were pretty sure she was feeling a little smothered since she’d been adamant he came along. 
“Yep,” you grinned as Micro hopped into the bed of the truck, excitement thrumming through you as you glanced to Frank. He had a weird look on his face like he was deep in thought and you are about to ask him what was wrong. That was before the front door opened and you looked over, seeing Billy walking right towards the truck, his knife and gun on him. You narrowed your eyes, head whipping to Frank who shifted on his feet.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you muttered to him and he gave you a sheepish look, unable to meet your eyes.
“He really wanted to come,” he shrugged and you scoffed.
“And I’ve really wanted to go on a bunch of runs since being here and I’ve not been able to go ‘cause his Highness didn’t want me there,” you hissed. His eyes snapped to you then, shocked and slightly guilty. You’d never told Frank you’d overheard his conversation with Billy that day, you’d just allowed him to feed you his bullshit excuses until you stopped bothering to ask to go along.
“Y/N,” Frank started, guilt coating his voice but he was cut off as Billy finally got to the truck.
“Ready?” he asked, looking at Frank and not at you. 
“You’re not coming,” you bit out, giving him a sour look. He dragged his dark eyes to you then, an amused and patronizing smirk on his lips.
“Is that right?” he asked teasingly and your eyes narrowed to slits.
“We could use another set of hands here, Y/N,” Frank tried to soothe, giving you a look that asked you to drop it.
“Then ask Matt to come,” you muttered blandly.
“Sorry, sweetheart, but your little blind boyfriend’s busy,” Billy smirked coldly and your brows almost flew off your head as you looked at him.
“Jesus Christ, that's enough! Stop with the jealous, petty bullshit, Bill. And Y/N, I know this is your run but I could use his help. You’ll go off with Micro to get your shit, I’ll take Bill to help with mine. Stop actin’ like a pair of fuckin’ kids,” Frank snapped, giving you both a firm look before he hopped into the driver’s side and slammed the door. You pursed your lips feeling like a scolded child but through the embarrassment, your brain wondered why Frank told Billy to stop being jealous. You didn’t even spare Billy a look as you moved around to the other side of the truck, opening the door and climbing in. You figured Billy would hop into the truck bed and sit with Micro and you were looking forward to the distance. It didn’t happen that way though as he grabbed the door as you tried to pull it shut and you squinted at him.
“Move up,” he smirked. You were sure your right eye twitched but not wanting to annoy Frank any more than you had, you shot him a glower before sliding up next to Frank in the middle of the seat. Billy climbed in after you and you found yourself smushed against Frank’s side just so you didn’t touch Billy. You didn’t miss the shake of Frank’s head as he sighed, giving Billy a look over your head before he put the truck in drive and pulled out. 
The ride was too uncomfortable. You knew if it had just been you and Frank it would have been full of talk and banter, it would have been a good time. But this run you’d been looking forward to was now tarnished by the long-legged asshole sitting next to you and you knew he’d sat next to you just to piss you off as he sat there with his legs spread, taking up as much room as possible. You wanted to kill Frank for agreeing to let him come. The trip seemed to last forever and you decided that on the way back, you’d be sitting with Micro in the truck bed. It was less comfortable in the physical sense but there was no way in hell you were doing this again. Halfway there and Frank and Billy started talking among themselves about nothing in particular and you tried to tune it out as you wished for the truck to speed up. But then Billy shifted, his leg knocking into yours and your head snapped to him, eyes narrowed to slits as annoyance prickled you all over. He looked at you, his face impassive as his cold eyes pinned you in place. You refused to look away though, glaring at him and at your unwavering gaze, he raised a brow before an amused smile curled on his lips that had you almost throttling him.
“I swear to god, Bill. You wanna act like a damn child, I’ll treat you like one. You need me to turn this truck around and take you home?” Frank asked annoyed, a stern face as he glanced over to Billy who blinked at his friend, mild shock on his face. It didn’t last too long then as defiance crossed his face, his eyes hardening as he glared at Frank who was simultaneously glowering at him and trying to keep his eye on the road. When Billy didn’t move an inch, Frank slammed on the brakes so hard you yelped, hands reaching to the dashboard so you didn’t hit it and you heard Micro shout something from the back.
“Get in the back with Micro,” Frank demanded and you blinked at him before looking at Billy who snorted.
“That’s a joke, right?” he asked, sounding far too amused. Frank didn't laugh, didn’t even crack a smile.
“Does it look like I’m fuckin’ around to you?” he asked and you were surprised by the severity of his tone, the harsh look directed at his friend. Billy also looked shocked before he scoffed, shaking his head before he got out and slammed the door hard before he climbed into the back. You finally felt like you could breathe and you slid over, able to now sit comfortably without squashing Frank. You weren’t sure why you were the one feeling embarrassed, after all, it was Billy who had been acting like a child. But the whole thing made you feel a little awkward and uncomfortable. Frank looked in the rearview and once he saw Billy was situated he started driving again.
“You can punch him if you want, I wouldn’t blame you,” he muttered after a while. You smiled to yourself, leaning your head on the cold glass of the window. 
“I doubt it would help,” you shrugged, although with the way you were currently feeling, you knew it would probably make you feel a bit better.
“Want me to do it?” Frank asked, a sly grin on his face. You had no idea if he was serious or not but you snorted and shook your head.
“I’ll get back to you on that one,” you smiled and he chuckled. You relaxed in your seat now and felt much better. You hoped once you got there, Frank would keep him the hell away from you. 
“I know… I know you’re probably mad at me for lettin’ him come. In my defense, I told him no a million times but we know what he’s like. Woulda fuckin’ turned up anyway, figured it’d be easier this way. Asked him to behave himself but I’m not sure why the fuck I thought he’d listen,” he frowned with a shake of his head. 
“It’s fine, as long as he sticks with you, I’ll be okay,” you murmured. While you weren’t exactly happy with Frank letting him come, you knew he was right. And you knew you were putting Frank in a tough spot here since Billy was his best friend. You were surprised he’d been sticking up for you as much as he had been but then again, Frank was a good man and even though Billy was his best friend, he wouldn’t stand there and let him be a dick for no reason.
When Frank finally got to your destination you leaned closer to the glass to see it. The building was huge, looking almost like a large greenhouse, the whole place made of glass and metal beams. It was surrounded by a high chain link fence and Frank pulled right into the car park. You hopped out of the truck as the others all got ready and you noticed a few large trucks on the far end of the car park, Micro saying something about how they might have shit in them from the last delivery. Frank was telling everyone the plans but movement through the glass at the front of the store caught your eye. You couldn't see through the glass as it was covered in grime, dirt and what looked like blood. You stepped closer, trying to see if you could gauge how many of the dead might be in there but then your eyes widened as you got a little closer and you took a quick step back. 
“I uh… we might have a problem,” you muttered, eyes not leaving the building as the guys all turned to you.
“What is it?” Frank asked, the three men moving to stand next to you. 
“Holy shit,” Billy breathed at the same time as Frank’s “What the fuck?” The dirt from the windows was being smeared away, revealing a sea of the dead inside that were pawing at the glass. There were so many and you felt yourself deflate a little. You knew someone had to put them here, just like the ones that had been locked in the carpark at the baby store. With how dirty the glass seemed though, this seemed to have happened a while ago. You really wished people would stop locking herds away like this because you seemed to end up having to deal with it.
“Guess we ain’t goin’ in there,” Billy mused darkly and you tried not to let the disappointment eat at you too much. You should have known something would go wrong, you’d been far too hopeful that you’d be able to get some crops out of this.
“Well… we could still look in the trucks, right? I mean, there might be some stuff there?” Micro asked hopefully. You nodded numbly, letting Frank put his hand on your back as he guided you away from the dead that seemed to be mocking you from behind the glass. Frank tossed Billy the truck keys so he could drive it up closer to the delivery trucks with them being so far away and you walked with Micro and Frank to them. Your annoyance of Billy’s presence had all but dissipated with how despondent you felt over this. When you got to the trucks, Frank used his knife to jimmy open the back door, pushing the rolling door upwards to reveal piles of bags. He hopped inside and you moved over to the door, noticing it was full of compost as Frank climbed over the bags and rummaged around.
“Nothin’ else in here,” he muttered, just as Billy parked up and came over. 
“The compost is good though. Even if we don’t get any crops today, it’d be handy to have for when we find some,” you mused, trying your hardest to look on the bright side. Frank gave you a smile, grabbing a bag and handing it to you and you moved to put it on the bed of the truck. Billy went and opened the second truck as Frank handed you another bag and you continued to load a few into the truck bed. You were curious about what he’d found but didn’t want to ask him. You didn’t have to wait for long though.
“Buncha seeds, but they all look like flowers,” he frowned, hopping out of the truck. You climbed inside to check yourself and he looked almost offended. It wasn’t that you didn’t believe him but you wanted to check he hadn’t missed anything. He hadn’t been the one to arrange this run, the one to be so hopeful about finding things to be able to be self sustainable. You grabbed the packets, looking them over quickly and discarding them as you went. Roses, tulips, forget-me-nots. You huffed a sigh as you tossed them, getting frustrated when you found nothing useful. A loud shrill sound made you drop a packet as you jumped and you quickly jumped out of the truck.
“David! What the fuck?!” Billy yelled and you soon realized that Micro had opened the last truck, only to set the alarm off. It was loud and made your brain hurt and you covered your ears as a frantic looking Frank moved over to the front door of the truck. The door wouldn't open and he ripped his jacket off, balling it around his hand before he punched the window to break it. He quickly unlocked the door, hopping in as he tried to kill the very loud noise that would be drawing in dead ones from a five mile radius. Another noise hit your ears then as you watched the men clamber to try and shut the truck off and you stepped away from the truck, the noise itching the back of your brain as it was familiar to you. You couldn't place it. But then you heard it again even louder and your eyes drifted to the front of the store, horror sweeping right though you when you saw a large crack that seemed to spread from the bottom where the roamers were hungrily hitting the glass at the noise, all the way up, getting bigger and branching off. For a moment, you froze completely, eyes wide as if waiting for a tidal wave to sweep you up and carry you out to sea. 
“Guys?” you called out, your chest feeling tight. They didn’t hear you over the alarm and they were already yelling at each other as they tried to turn the alarm off. 
“Guys?!” you bellowed more forcefully, just as the alarm stopped going off and your ears felt weird at the sensation.
“What?” they all called back simultaneously. 
“We’ve got a bigger problem,” you swallowed thickly, your voice wobbling a little. The grave nature of your voice had them all rushing from the front of the truck and as if waiting for them to arrive, the glass at the front of the store shattered into a million tiny little fragments. There was a beat of silence, everyone stood in shock, before a wave of the dead poured out. This was the most you’d seen in a very long time. Blind fear rushed through you, making you feel cold and your feet took root to the floor as Frank started yelling to get in the truck. Billy suddenly grabbed you, hauling you up like a sack of potatoes before he hopped into the bed of the truck with you, Frank driving and Micro in the front. The tires screamed as he put his foot down and the truck spun around since it had been facing the wrong way and you almost flew right out of the truck until Billy grabbed you, forcing you to sit on the floor. 
The truck stopped and Billy started shooting some of them as they advanced, getting them in the head as they fell to the floor.
“There’s too many,” you muttered to yourself, shaking your head as your eyes flit around. They were blocking the entrance and you knew even if you used your bow and the others all used their guns, it wouldn’t be enough and would only leave you with no ammo.
“Hold on!” Frank called out and you knew he had his window open since you heard him clear enough. You didn’t have time to process his words before he accelerated again and you gripped the side of the truck to steady yourself as he took off. Your heart was hammering away, hoping he wasn’t choosing to mow through the dead. There were so many of them, you knew the truck would get stuck. Instead, Billy suddenly shoved you to lay on the floor, his body over yours and before you had a chance to understand why he'd done it, you felt the impact as Frank rammed right through the fence, plowing it right down. The truck slowed for a mere moment before he tore out of there and the deafening chorus of the dead started to fade away as you lay there. Billy rolled off you, the pair of you lay side by side as you panted and you felt dizzy from the adrenaline of it all.
“Fuck,” he muttered breathlessly and you nodded at the sentiment. After about five minutes of Frank speeding down the road, he eventually slowed before he pulled over. You knew the dead wouldn't catch up and you could only hope they wouldn't all stay in a clump and come your way at some point, but you thought the cabin would be far enough away that you’d avoid it.
“Everyone alright?” Frank asked as he climbed out of the truck, Micro following suit. None of you had been close enough to the dead to have been hurt but you appreciated Frank asking anyway.
“Other than the heart attack I’m currently having? Peachy,” you snorted as you sat up. Billy sat up to, running a hand through his disheveled hair. With that drama out of the way and the threat in the distance, the disappointment clung to you desperately once again.
“I’m sorry, Frank,” you sighed with a deep frown. Not only had you been the one to convince him to come here and it turned out to be a bust, but you all could have died over this. 
“Nah, none of that bullshit, alright? It was worth a try. And besides, we got… we got the compost so, it wasn’t a complete waste,” he smiled at you but his words were firm. 
“That wasn’t all we got,” Micro grinned and you all turned to him then as he grabbed something from his pocket. He held out a packet and you took it, a beaming smile splitting your face when you saw it was potato seeds. 
“Where did you-? How?” you asked, turning your happy face to him. He looked so proud of himself.
“They were in the last truck, managed to grab ‘em before all hell broke loose,” he snorted. You hopped over the side of the truck, grabbing him in a hug that made him laugh.
“Thank you,” you grinned, squeezing him for a moment before you let him go. Frank clapped you on the back as Micro climbed into the truck bed once more.
“It’s a start, right?” Frank asked, a genuine smile on his face at your happiness. You nodded, clutching the packet tightly in your hands. It was a start. It might not have been all you’d hoped for but it was more than you left with. You really couldn't wait to get started with planting. You hoped one day, you’d have a bunch of crops and you wouldn't have to worry about food so much. As you got into the truck next to Frank, you smiled down at the packet in your hand, thinking about the future and that maybe, you might all have a chance at a real life after all.
Taglist: (if you’ve been asked to be tagged and aren’t here, it wouldn’t let me tag some people.)
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I have a request! Pennsylvania getting trapped when a cave collapses (maybe even injured for extra angst) and Illinois has to get him out. There’s only a small hole they can talk to each other through, and Illinois talks to Penn to calm him down and keep him calm while he digs him out/waits for help (it’s up to you). If possible, can we get at least a few parts (if not the whole story) from Penn’s POV?
If this request isn’t to your liking, you totally don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. If you do want to do it, you have my greatest thanks!
"pRaCtIcInG wItH sHoRtEr FiCs" lmao who was I kidding?
Ah, I've been meaning to try and give Penn a story of his own! Sorry this took so long, but then again, this might be the very first story that I've managed to finish in a single day! I hope you enjoy it!!!
(Trigger Warnings: descriptions of dark and slightly claustrophobic areas, descriptions of puncture wounds, blood, panic/fear, pain and suffering, exhaustion, bruises/scars/scrapes/cuts, strong language. Please let me know if I missed anything.) 
Pennsylvania James was many things. A dinosaur tomb-raider was definitely one of them, but he was pretty sure claustrophobic wasn’t. 
Then again, perhaps it would be at the end of the day. . .
He generally preferred to work out in the open. Sure, sometimes you had to wear a few pounds of sunscreen. And sure, no matter how long you thought excavation was going to take, it would always find a way to take much, much longer. 
You got to have plenty of light with outdoor projects.
You got to have actual space with outdoor projects. 
Penn sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth. His eyes burned as fat tears streamed down his face.
Blistering pain wracked his entire body, racing up and down his tendons. He tried to move as carefully as possible, but even when his muscles merely twitched, that pain took it as an invitation to grow worse. 
You typically didn’t find yourself in predicaments like this with outdoor projects.
Should’ve followed Illinois, a voice in Penn’s head chided. Should’ve read the writing on the damn wall!
“Penn. . ?” Illinois’ voice bounced along the craggy walls, but Penn could tell his companion was somewhere nearby. It was accompanied by the telltale sound of footsteps, which grew louder and faster and closer, then skidded to a stop.
And now Illinois had to be right outside the chamber—the entrance of which was now filled with rocks that came in various shapes and sizes—because he screamed, “PENN, OH MY GOD!”
“Illinois!” Penn finally responded. He hated how labored his voice sounded, but he knew he couldn’t exactly be blamed for that.
“I can tell you’re hurt!” Illinois declared. “Is anything broken? Did any rocks fall in there, too?” 
“I-I’m not sure. I only know that I’m bleeding!” Penn stammered. Despite his pain, he felt grateful that Illinois hadn’t bothered asking if he was okay when he obviously wasn’t. “I haven’t been buried, but I still can’t afford to move too much!”
“O-okay, okay! Stay calm!” Illinois’ statement was punctuated by the cacophony of stone scraping against stone. “This pile isn’t too big—the rocks are loose! I can get you out of there! Just hold on!”
“Not much else I can do,” Penn snarked. His voice was dripping with reasonable anxiety rather than sarcasm, so his words didn’t really come off the way he wanted them to. 
Illinois Jenkins (treasure-hunter extraordinaire) called this place Stamina Cavity. For one thing, Penn couldn’t deny how cool a title that was. For another thing, the Cavity consisted of multiple levels, with chambers that seemed to be connected by tunnels that stretched from almost the very top of the rock spire to the darkest depths of its underground bowels. Exploring the Cavity to its fullest would take a helluva lot of energy, even if the explorer in question was going at a casual pace.
Though their journeys together had been sporadic, Penn had gotten to know Illinois pretty well. He knew that Illinois preferred temples and the like, but apparently there had been some miscommunication in his recent adventuring plans. Apparently, it would take much more time and preparation than usual before Illinois could be flown out to the decaying shrine currently on his radar.
 And there just so happened to be a forest on the outskirts of the town he’d been staying at. So, with not much else to do, he’d driven out there a couple days earlier, seeking to clear his head with a simple nature walk. 
And in the middle of his hike, he’d come across the base of a mountain. One that just so happened to boast the yawning mouth of a cave.
Like a moth to a flame, he’d immediately taken the obvious invitation and, sooner or later, discovered that what this cave system lacked in stuff like hieroglyphics and golden trinkets, it made up for in different kinds of fossils. 
One thing led to another, and Penn (who’d also been bored out of his skull due to not being able to dig up the skull of something that had died an odd million years ago) had met up with Illinois for some good ol’ fashioned spelunking. Those who made up the excavation team he usually worked with were all busy with their own errands at the moment. Besides, he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t wanted to catch up with Illinois. 
There were a decent amount of trace fossils adorning most of the chambers here. And while trace fossils were better than nothing, they were still. . .small. Basic. Just not quite enough to sate a curious appetite. 
So, of course, he and Illinois had ventured deeper and deeper. It’d taken some time, but their tenacity had been rewarded.
Not only had they discovered a definite Big Boy (or Girl)—Penn couldn’t tell what it had been right now, but he knew it was some kind of carnivorous theropod—but said Big Boy (or Girl)’s skull was partially exposed! Like the creature had been standing; scratch that, had been practically posing at the time of its death! 
Oh sure, digging the fossil out would still be extraordinarily difficult, but that was very much overshadowed by the fact that tHIS WAS THE FIRST EXPOSED SPECIMEN PENN HAD EVER FOUND! This type of circumstance was so. Damn. Rare!
He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d heard about another paleontology team finding something like this!
But then. . .just as Penn had been pacing around the fossil, listening to Illinois jokingly ask where his “thank you” was, jotting down notes, trying to decide the best way to eventually start excavation. . .an odd, distant rumbling manifested from elsewhere in the Cavity. 
It’d made both of the archaeology buffs give pause, but Illinois had been quick to stroll out of the chamber, promising to investigate. 
The rumbling failed to let up after that. In fact, it seemed to have grown louder and stronger with every second that Illinois was gone.
Things had happened so insanely fast from there. . .Penn wasn’t sure when the fossil had started shaking. . .
But that didn’t matter right now.
What mattered was that part of a huge skull was now on top of him, pinning him to the ground.
What mattered was that a number of large, jagged teeth had sunk into one of his legs, as though the dinosaur’s ghost wanted to bite him and had almost succeeded in an attempt to reanimate itself.
What mattered was that, even with a (admittedly high-powered) torch as his only source of light, Penn could very easily see blood saturating his clothes as it oozed out of his skin.
The stench of iron was heavy, apparently having filled the chamber at breakneck speed. Penn was sure that it’d wafted out through the rock pile blocking the entrance, as Illinois seemed to be gagging between his panicked reassurances. 
The canvas rucksack Penn always brought on trips like this lay just a few feet away from him. The muscles in one of Penn’s arms shrieked as he reached out to claw at the bag. He managed to drag it closer, shakily propping himself up on his elbows in order to open it up and dig through it. 
He was quick to find Old Reliable: a large, sturdy rock hammer that he’d received on his very first expedition. 
Even with Illinois actively working to dig him out of the chamber, Penn wouldn’t be going anywhere. Not unless he managed to get out from underneath the skull—to get the skull’s teeth out of his leg. 
Penn wrapped his free hand around the fossil’s premaxilla; there was just barely any space between it and his thigh. He dug Old Reliable’s claw into the dirt beneath him, then forced the hammer’s face up against the maxilla’s edge. 
The tool reverberated in his grasp, but the skull indeed budged a millimeter or two. Unfortunately, ancient, almost dagger-like teeth shifting while still partially inside his flesh didn’t make for the most pleasant feeling. 
A short scream escaped Penn’s lips before he could even try to bite it down. 
“What was that?” Illinois blurted. From the sound of things, he didn’t pause his movements. “Penn, what’s going on?!”
“I’m trying to pull my damn weight, that’s what’s going on!” Penn replied. “I-I’m fine, just keep going!”
Old Reliable had to offer up several more strikes. Which were accentuated by more agonized wails on Penn’s part.
The progress was slow, but it was still progress. 
Yet another howl tore itself from Penn’s throat as the fossil’s ivories were finally dislodged. Thankfully, he was quick to leverage Old Reliable between the fossil and the ground, which allowed him to crawl a couple feet away before the skull could fall back onto him. 
His skin stung and seemed to throb as the Cavity’s cold air met the fresh, deep cuts. The way his blood seeped almost felt like newly-hatched snakes crawling out of his skin. 
Penn floundered in place, his fingertips turning slick and red as he gingerly prodded at his injured leg. After determining which of the lacerations was the worst, he rushed to take off his hiking vest.
He’d just finished tying the makeshift tourniquet when the ground near his head ever-so-slightly shook. He startled badly at what sounded like grinding gravel on steroids, barely able to process the sensation of hands grabbing onto his shirt.
Instinctual panic was just about to start welling up, but was quickly overpowered by relief as Penn heard Illinois’ familiar voice, as he remembered what had been happening on his friend’s end of this.
Penn was quickly dragged into an upright position, and while he gave no resistance, a sharp, hitching gasp still slithered through his teeth. Illinois flinched, quickly bowing his head to allow Penn to grab onto one of his shoulders for extra support.
Way back when the two of them had first met, Penn had been willing to put money on Illinois being unable to make any facial expression that wasn’t at least somewhat suave or suggestive.
Right here, right now, however. . .
Illinois’ naturally tan skin had turned an almost sickly pale shade. His dark brown eyes were full of fear, concern, guilt. 
Of course, that transitioned to partial disbelief when he glanced at the fossil's bloodstained teeth. "Holy shit. . !"
“I. . .I don’t think a major artery was hit,” Penn coughed. “If that was the case, I definitely would’ve bled out by now.”
“Y-yeah, well, there’s still a chance for infection,” Illinois replied, his normally silky voice shuddering. “We’ve got to get you to a hospital!”
Penn raised an eyebrow, possibly more incredulous than he’d ever been before. “What, does it sound like I’m denying that?!”
And with that, the duo began half-sprinting half-limping up the tunnel they’d wandered through no more than fifteen minutes ago. . .
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tadpolesonalgae · 9 months
AHHH i love TDOT. love love it. It's beautiful and I want to swim in a colorful underwater cave made by azriel.
also I wanted to return to a CBMTHY topic that 🧶 touched on that it gets me everytime. About the IC and noticing that she's gone. You said that it'll be soon-ish because of the magic and prophecy thing and it really makes my heart hurt because it makes me think that if those things weren't happening, they simply would be too wrapped up in their lives to notice she left... and to miss her. At least for a while.
Which gives me some hope that Az will? Like he'll start missing her annoying-bothersome-sometimes soothing-but-also-this is just a job-dammit presence lmao! Be like "gardenias???" and gets his hopes up but then it's just the actual flowers hahaha. And then with her mindset of "it wasn't as bad for me" I understand her not asking for or wanting help. You have to admit something is wrong first, and since she already had 2/3 sisters struggling I get that she shoved it all deep inside and tried to pretend everything is fine. It just seems to me that despite this effort on her end, she still transpired to be struggling regardless? And these characters, who are usually so attuned to others emotions and mental issues overlooked her specifically. And I need to see them take accountability for that. It just hits home, being the observant one who knows everything about everyone but no one knows about you. I guess that's why I keep bringing this topic of up, of how the IC deals with her. I hope it's not too annoying idfdhbf okay that was a lot of thoughts I'll shut up for now! lots of love - 🥐
‘AHHH i love TDOT. love love it. It's beautiful and I want to swim in a colorful underwater cave made by azriel.’
Honestly it’s such a relief getting to write open affection with Az (mostly open affection) so I’m glad you liked it!! 🧡💛
‘You said that it'll be soon-ish because of the magic and prophecy thing and it really makes my heart hurt because it makes me think that if those things weren't happening, they simply would be too wrapped up in their lives to notice she left...’
Okay this is a good point because I don’t want to write the IC too OOC because yes they are very caring and attentive to one another so it’s really bizarre they haven’t realised the extent of what happening with her, (just like it took Rhys actually kind of going into Nesta’s mind in that one scene from acosf to understand how overwhelming being thrown into the cauldron was for her). It’s just that because of the prophecy and her magic there’s a for-sure reason she’ll be noticed as missing :)
Naturally with her habits of isolation it’s only really Elain, Azriel and sometimes Feyre who would be the most likely ones to realise, but just with those other things on the table it’s going to be a pretty sudden “where is she” moment :)
‘Which gives me some hope that Az will? Like he'll start missing her annoying-bothersome-sometimes soothing-but-also-this is just a job-dammit presence lmao! Be like "gardenias???" and gets his hopes up but then it's just the actual flowers hahaha.’
Unfortunately it’s not something as sweet/happy as that, but I’m surprised you guessed about gardenias being used as a kind of ‘trigger object’! (i guess that’s what it would be called since he’s associated that scent with her?)
Because of how Az is in this story I doubt it’ll be anything as obvious as him overtly missing her, however he might do a few things out of habit that he hasn’t realised had become habits :)
‘And these characters, who are usually so attuned to others emotions and mental issues overlooked her specifically. And I need to see them take accountability for that.’
Yeah, it is weird that they haven’t spotted anything yet.
I guess with Nesta she kind of tried to cut herself off entirely, which is a pretty massive red flag that something’s wrong, so it would be hard to miss, but even then they didn’t really understand the depth of what was happening? Which to be fair, I think is a difficult job for anyone if someone doesn’t talk about it? Since reader’s problems are much quieter and she’s aware (to an extent) there are issues to be resolved it’s made it more difficult to notice since she’s trying to cover it up by not saying what she thinks and trying to be polite?
‘It just hits home, being the observant one who knows everything about everyone but no one knows about you. I guess that's why I keep bringing this topic of up, of how the IC deals with her. I hope it's not too annoying idfdhbf’
It’s not annoying at all!!
The IC in acotar are canonically (how do you spell that help) good at understanding what others are going through and caring about them, so it’s upsetting to see that for some reason reader isn’t getting that level of care and attention when we know how she could really benefit from it :)
‘okay that was a lot of thoughts I'll shut up for now! lots of love - 🥐’
Don’t shut up! Keep telling me all these things!! They’re so exciting and interesting to get to read!! 🧡💛
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measuringbliss · 2 years
Reading through His Dark Materials (Book 2) 2/2 (Chapters 10 to 15)
Check the first part if you haven't.
On one hand I'm still not really interested in Lee Scoresby, but if it means we also get to see Ruta's confrontation with Lord Asriel...
I wonder if Pullman had planned for this whole Grumman plot thingie when he wrote the first book. Is it wise of Lee to tell Grumman everything, though? I thought Asriel was protecting Grumman by faking the latter's death, which would imply they're allies.
So Grumman comes from another world right? He was probably part of John's expedition. I guess we can assume he *is* John. ...Oh, the next line literally says that. Okay. WAIT A SECOND. JOPARI? JOHN PARRY? OH MY GOD HOW COULD I MISS THAT?! Gosh I hope Will gets to reunite with him but I have a feeling he won't. So Lord Asriel was *not* part of the expedition. Huh. SO PARRY *IS* AN ALLY OF ASRIEL. OH MY GOD. PARRY REJECTING THE WITCH MAKES SENSE NOW.
Dear Mr. Pullman I do not need to see another description about Will's hurt hand.
I appreciate how real Lyra feels; she talks a lot about killing so-and-so and yeah, that's something a child would say. Talking about real, the scene of the children attacking Will and Lyra reminds me a lot of those happy times I was bullied. Masterful.
OMG SERAFINA ;-; Separating the children from the adults vertically is an interesting idea...
Are the Spectres the manifestation of repressed Dust from our world?
*Of course* he'd want to make military use of their research. Of course. Fuck. I hate this conundrum.
OH MY GOD. THE DUST IS ANGELS?!?!?!?!?!?! OH. SO. THIS MEANS A LOT OF THINGS. WHAT THE HELL. So I was right to think about the alethiometer's goal! It must be on Asriel's side. Wow. WOW. OH WOW. OH MY GOD. THIS IS SO COOL. I'M SO HYPED.
I'm not sure we (the readers) needed that much recap, it's happened a few times in the book by now and I guess it's also to keep the reader aware of what transpired, but still.
I'm disappointed we didn't get to see Ruta's meeting with Asriel! A summary doesn't satisfy my thirst. So did they fuck? I think it's a central question. An essential question. It's implied but it's weird, isn't it? Why would Ruta do that? We know she had a relationship with him, but she had *business*. With that said, it would explain why Pullman didn't show us the meeting proper...
Will and Lord Asriel are of the same race? Huh. Hmm.
So Mrs Coulter was Asriel's mistress? That's why their union was shameful, then.
I have ADHD, the Specters would never attack me lmao
See, THIS is a chapter I would have been satisfied seeing summarized. Lee Scoresby and his adventures continually fail to interest me, in part I think because they seem like your typical adventure story. Also, we're almost at the end of the book!!!! Is this really the time? I didn't need an action climax.
Well at least he's dead, so this issue shouldn't be present in the next book. Also, Serafina did fuck all. I thought she was going to help Lee but nope.
(Mrs. Coulter is protected by The Plot. Lena can't harm her because The Plot dictates that Mrs. Coulter survives. IT'S THE PLOT!!!!!! I'm beginning to think she has a divine protection.)
Seeing ~Marisa~ seduce ~Carlo~ might be the most disgusting thing I've ever read.
Oh. So Æsahættr is just the subtle knife. I was expecting more but alright. I guess it's the only weapon that can harm God.
It's the second time a member of the Church tries to poison someone, I'm beginning to think it's a commentary, but surely the author wouldn't do that...
EVE? LYRA IS GONNA BECOME EVE? WHAT? THE SNAKE??? DIDN'T SOMEONE ASK SOMEONE ELSE TO BE THE SNAKE???? Wait. I thought Lyra would kill God but she's not supposed to?
...IS THIS JOHN? Wait, but Mrs Coulter and the dude both want a different outcome for the war. Is Mrs. Coulter on Asriel's side or not? YES. IT'S JOHN. TELL HIM, JOHN. FUCKING TELL HIM.
aaaaaaaah fuckkkkk
OH MY GOD *THIS* IS HOW IT ENDS?! ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I have to let things simmer a bit, but overall I really enjoyed the book. Can't see myself waiting for long before reading the third. What a sudden ending. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!
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stregoniconiconii · 2 years
kinda want an almost r/nance fic where robin has a crush on nancy (and it seems like maybe nancy has one on Robin, or like just there seems to be a Possibility that the feelings are requited) and Steve's like "go for it! it's fine i just want u both to be happy!" bc he wants robin to be happy so bad, but actually it's not fine, more bc of how much she hurt him than bc of any lingering feelings, and Robin notices and is like "no way I'm not gonna go after her if it's not 100% truly okay!" and like "I'll choose you a million times over"
idk but just like robin choosing steve, and steve choosing robin, before anyone else ever!! im obsessed! also im really tired, idk if this makes sense, and I'm sure i missed something, but maybe that's okay. hope u are well :)
honestly I find fake out ships hilarious so this would be amusing to me but it would definitely get ppl mad (which is at least 30% of the fun but still a lot to deal with)
I think ive said this before? but ive always thought that Steve would not trust Nancy with robin's heart...like he wants whatever makes robin happy but I think part of him would always be waiting for the other shoe to drop in their relationship lol because of the heartbreak...
anyway I do appreciate the sentiment of robin choosing Steve over potential romance <3 idk what the hell Nancy thinks of all this lmao
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