#which would've broke by itself
vega-d · 1 year
in paklet voice "I want to be SMART"
So, you know how sometimes (or more than sometimes) someone in the development process is feeling smart and they try to make a smart piece of software? Well such a case fucked my day over today. And I bet you wanna read about it >:)
It started a couple days ago when I managed to accidentally wipe the passphrase keyslot of my encrypted ssd. No big deal! I said. I can just restore from a backup! I said. So I did. I even restored my /etc/ folder! Which also happened to restore the /etc/defaults/grub.cfg file. That detail will become important later.
note: To be so clear I am transparent, if I wasn't poking around the keyslots without knowing what I am doing, nothing would've break. This entire situation is of my own doing.
After the restore, the bootloader was kind of shotty. Some options worked, others didn't, some didn't even have a valid initrd image. Funky stuff. But I didn't mind it because I happen to have a life and can't delve into every little computer problem I have.
Unfortunately, today after a routine system update, things got FUCKED.
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Like FUCKED, kind of fucked. I was almost scared that my system got wiped. So I booted from a live usb, chrooted into it and to my relief everything was still there. Well except, uh, the kernels. Sure, the packages are still there, but I think in my attempts to figure out what is wrong I have completely wiped my /boot partition. and /boot/efi too.
So I went into debugging why the flying fuck did this happen. First I thought dnf wasn't installing something properly, but it was. Then I thought dracut was malforming it's init script. And then I thought some more. And more. Because dracut just so happens to be a piece of software written fully in bash and it's just one huge monolithic... i don't have a good noun for this. Rest assured I was swearing a lot while digging through it.
I got to a point of being able to put the kernels in the /boot partition again (easier done than said, just had to wait for a bit so it reinstalls them). It was still not working though. Even though initrd was not able to start and I was getting into a minimal linux booting environment. For whatever reason it was missing cryptsetup utility, but that's an easy-ish fix.
The real head scratcher came when I was able to unlock the partition manually and boot into it, but the dracut automation was still failing. Wow I was clueless. I almost ended up ditching systemd out of initrd just to neuter a bunch of said automation and define shit myself.
In the end it turned out that LACK of automation was actually preventing my laptop from booting properly. The fedora installer was smart and put the UUID of the partition into the kernel cmdline arguments. So like, when you boot up your system you only have to unlock the partition which actually matters for the booting process, not every possible encrypted partition/drive you may have connected to the computer. And yes, it was the old UUID from before, which was different from the new UUID. This entire time, dracut was trying to decrypt a partition that just plain doesn't fucking exist anymore.
the fix, the entire time, was just to let the automation unlock all encrypted drives (which I have one anyways so?).
So that's how my day went babez, how bout you?
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heavencasteel420 · 8 months
Does anyone have floating ideas that just kind of attach (and sometimes detach/reattach) to different WIPs?
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rockrosethistle · 10 months
If there's one thing TGWDLM fans are gonna do, it's think about the implications. And the implications of the opening number are crazy.
So. We know that the show isn't completely chronological since the opening number takes place before the meteor hits. So that song is a sort of "flash forward" moment. But when you think about it, we don't really know how far in the future it takes place.
What we do know is that by the time it's happening, Emma is infected. She has a little solo in it singing about how Paul is pining over a barista
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And we know that this is meant to be an infected Emma specifically. Lauren had other characters in the show, if they wanted to avoid the Emma implication they would've just dressed her as one of those.
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So we know this is meant to be Emma.
And Emma isn't infected until the very end of the show. She's dragged off stage during the credits. So since she's infected in the opening number, we know the number takes place after the events of the show.
Another important detail is that Paul is infected before Emma. He's the one that passes it on to her.
So back to the opening number, Emma is infected. Which means by just following a simple timeline, Paul must also be infected. He should be singing and dancing, right?
But that's not what happens. Paul misses his entrance.
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If Paul is infected, then there's no reason he should be missing his entrance. Furthermore, if he's a part of a hive mind, there's no reason other members of the same hive mind shouldn't know where he is. They are literally all connected by one brain, and yet both Mr. Davidson and Bill express they have no clue where he went.
What I'm saying is that Paul is not infected. He was infected (again, we know that because Emma is infected and he was infected before her) but now he's not anymore.
I'm saying there's a way out of the hive, and Paul found it. That's the only explanation that makes sense given the facts of the situation. Sometime after the events of tgwdlm, Paul is able not only to break out the hive mind, but to hide from it.
And if he broke out, others could do the same. Maybe even Emma.
Edit because a countertheory has emerged: Yes it's possible that everyone is infected the entire time and the show itself is just Pokey replaying the events for the fun of it. But it seems unlikely to me. First of all, each of the Lords in Black has a distinct personality. They all are evil, but within that they seems to fall somewhere on a spectrum of "silly billy" to "prick." For example, Tinky is more of a silly billy. He toys with humans without much of a motive and more for just shits and giggles. But in every instance, Pokey's more on the extreme side of prick.
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He's one of the few with an actual motive behind what he does. In Yellowjacket, it's confirmed that Pokotho hates the sound of anyone's voice except for his own. The events of TGWDLM don't happen because Pokey is bored, they happen because he is executing a plan. So I don't think that he would just have them play out their little scenario just to entertain him, especially just one small island? I just feel like he'd be more focused on world domination.
If the theory is that all this is happening after Pokey's already taken over the whole world, no one was successful in stopping him, then yes it's plausible, but still weird. There are a strange amount of things in that show you just think an eldritch god wouldn't include.
Edit 2: New evidence has emerged???
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals is loosely based off of Invasion of The Body Snatchers. Paul's last name is even a nod to the main character, Matthew. At the end of the film, Matthew survives, and continues living among the infected, pretending to be one of them. And wouldn't that be just such a fun little parallel...
Obviously it doesn't prove anything but the source material doesn't lie folks.
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natailiatulls07 · 7 months
Could you please do the drivers reaction to driver reader bringing a boy to the race?
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Formula one grid x female!driver!reader Male!OC x female!driver!reader
Summary - Being youngest on the grid meant that Y/n was heavily protected by many other drivers so when she gets a partner it's mixed emotions all around
Warning - Small anxiety
Reader drives for Mercedes
Part two
"Are you sure? I know that some of the fans can be a little crazy about my private life..." In the past few months, Y/n had started a relationship with a guy she matched with on tinder. Not many people knew of the relationship, only her family and her management team.
Although that would change today, it was the first race of the season and they had wanted to hard launch their relationship. Adam, her new partner, was a lawyer and had his own wealth behind him but he was really proud of Y/n and loved to support her.
He could tell how nervous she was, seeing how she kept fidgeting with her hair and teamwear. "Hey, it's okay. Plus if any thing happens and you have to take legal action, you have a great lawyer on your side" He would often use humour to calm down his f1 driver girlfriend, loved to bring even the smallest of smiles to her face.
Adam took hold her hand, stopping her from fidgeting so much and started to drag her to the paddock entrance where fans stood behind barriers waiting to catch a glimpse of a driver.
As they began to walk past the barriers, fans were shouting her name and some were asking questions about the man who held her hand. They both had proud and confident smiles painted on their faces, any anxiety seemingly disappeared.
"Y/n! Y/n! Is that your new partner?"
Nodding her head, Y/n stopped to sign some merch and greet some fans. "Yes, yeah he is. Meet Adam" Looking over her shoulder, she felt how Adam had his hands gently resting on her waist. They were both very big on pda.
Thankfully the fans had reacted well to the new face. Some softly threatening Adam not to hurt their favourite driver, which got a laugh out of Y/n and some fear out of Adam.
Soon they started toward the main entrance of the paddock, waving goodbye to the fans and individually scanning their passes. Yet as soon as Y/n set foot into the paddock, dread and anxiety plagued her mind once again.
Only now remembering that she'd have to introduce Adam to her fellow drivers, her adopted big brothers. If today weren't such an important day, she would've turned around and made her way home. Procrastinating the eventual doom.
As usual, the man still held her hand in his could sense her fear. And he knew exactly why. "Look I know I have never meet them and I know that they very protective of you but I'll try my best to earn their approval, I promise..." He coached her to take a deep breath but pulling her forward to continue the walk.
They were passing by the Ferrari hospitality area when we heard a loud shout before some softly running of feet. "Disculpe! Y/n!" A strong spanish accent mde itself known behind the new couple.
Whilst Y/n tensed, Adam turned around fully with a confident smile. "Hi you must be Carlos right? It's lovely to meet you" He started a positive conversation, only to be met with a glare and scowl from Carlos.
"Yes, that's me. And who are you?" The spanish driver snapped back, snatching Y/n's arm and pulling her away from her partner. "What do you want from Y/n?"
Taking her arm back out of his grasp, Y/n moved back to Adams side with a sign.
She knew that the other drivers would be just as protective and some even more than Carlos. "Carlos..." Her voiced broke through the awkward silence that he created. "This is my new partner, Adam. You can chill out..."
All shoulders relaxed as she explained, a small guilty smile replaced the scowl on Carlos' face. Reaching out his hand towards Adam as both an apologie and a better introduction.
After a small conversation between the three, Y/n realised that the couple had to continue down the paddock. Saying goodbye to Carlos, the two were walking down to her team garage once again but were quick stopped once again.
This time by her old teammate and the reigning champion the grid. "Y/n, um who's this?" Unlike Carlos, Max was more shy and cautious rather than forward and hostile. Something Adam was thankful of.
"Hi I'm Adam, I'm Y/ns partner. It's nice to meet you, also I promise to take good care of Y/n..." After his last interaction with Carlos, Adam tried even harder to prove himself. "Please, I promise I love her a lot and-"
Max raised his hand to stop the ramble from the younger man. He had a small smile on his face, slightly amused by his fear. "It's okay, I don't doubt it. I'm sure you'll prove yourself over the next couple of weeks..."
Giving Y/n a quick hug and Adam a pat on the shoulder, Max told them that he had an important meeting to attend and he'll see them around.
Finally they arrived at the Mercedes hospitality and when they first entered, Adam eyes turned to the other driver in the room. Lewis, he was sat at one the table along with some of his management team.
Much like Adam, Lewis immediately noticed their presence in the room and beckoned them over to him.
"Hi Lulu!" Y/n quicking moving to give her beloved teammate a hug before moving back to her partners side. "Lulu meet Adam, he's my partner and Adam meet Lulu, my teammate."
Unlike the other two drivers, Lewis had a reassuring smile on his face whilst getting up from his seat to give Adam strong handshake. "Well it's nice to meet you Adam, I assume you'll take good care of that crazy women right there. I wish you the best"
It was short and simple but it meant a lot to Adam. Immediately he felt approved by a legend in the sport and by someone who Y/n considered a father figure.
"Thank you, I'll take good care of her"
>Seb! -Seb!!! -SEB OMG I HAVE NEWS!!! >What?! >It's about Y/n!! >Well go on tell me!!!!! >She has a partner! -His name is Adam and tbh I can see them getting married!!! >THATS BOLD >IKR But it's true! -They're perfect for eachother!!! >I need to meet him first and approve him first before they can even think about engagements >Ofc ofc
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alwaysshallow · 8 months
ex!boyfriend soap, who makes your life absolutely fucking miserable after the breakup.
no matter if it would've been just because he's too caught up in his work, or maybe you felt like he didn't love you enough (which is completely untrue because he loves you always).
you want to change locks in your apartment so he won't come in? not a chance. he already has a key from your landlord. boo-hoo, go cry about it.
every policeman around is either his best friend, or his superior's, so there's no chance to actually report him for stalking.
your friends see him as a golden boy too, always asking why you broke up with him when he was sooo good. and he brought a nice amount of money too!! the small problems in a relationship aren't an excuse for a breakup.
he scares your dates; before or after the moment you'll meet with them.
if he manages to do it before the date, boys call you crazy; johnny usually tells them a made-up story how you broke his heart and stalked every girl he had in his contacts. if this doesn't work, he usually beats the shit out of them:/
after the date... oooh. he's under your apartment, looking all smug and asking if you two had fun; but right now, he has to go home. you're trying to tell him to suck it, but when he snatches you into the deepths of your apartament, he slams the door against the guy's nose.
"tired of playin' games, lassie," he murmurs right into your ear, biting the earlobe. "you like this back and forth? makin' me alllll jealous?"
"i am not making you―"
he pulls you by your hair, your back to his front, feeling his hardening cock. if you can remember anything from your relationship, you can feel by that gesture itself that he's mad. "―fine. if ye want to play games, let's play," he growls, his other hand travelling under your skirt.
you feel embarrassed when he laughs how wet you are from the gesture itself. when you technically hate him.
"that didn't change, at least."
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imaginita-est-omnibus · 3 months
Okay, given everything we learned about Sutekh in Empire of Death, and how much 73 Yards simultaneously did and didn't matter to the plot, I have formulated what I think is a pretty good theory as to the identity of the figure in 73 Yards:
I believe it is the TARDIS.
What I think was happening in that episode was that the fairy circle the Doctor stepped on was somehow a fixed point, and by breaking it, he broke that fixed point, breaking the universe and creating a branching, doomed timeline, a la Turn Left. In Turn Left, of course, the Doctor doesn't just disappear, but the TARDIS does go wonky because of the temporal weirdness of breaking a fixed point. In this case, the TARDIS broke down, the box becoming an unopenable husk, and the soul of the TARDIS was shunted out of it and into a temporally/spatially weird form. Whether this was a conscious decision on the TARDIS' part or just a result of the timeline breaking, I don't know, and it doesn't matter to this theory. What does matter is what happened to Sutekh.
With the TARDIS broken down, Sutekh couldn't stay attached to it, so it instead attached itself to Ruby, most likely hoping to use her as he had originally planned to use Susan T. as his anchor to the world. The TARDIS would want to prevent this, and so would reveal Sutekh clinging to Ruby, thus causing people to run away from Ruby and preventing her from making the connections Sutekh needed (and Susan T and the other creations were able to achieve) to spread his death. Both Sutekh and the TARDIS were able to cling on to remnants of the perception filter, which is why the TARDIS stayed 73 yards away, so that people standing by it would be outside that range and able to see Sutekh.
(Why didn't people further than 73 yards see Sutekh? Why don't people further than 73 yards take note of the Tardis? The perception filter works past that distance, but it's not actively affecting peoples' perception -- within that range, if the producer of that perception field doesn't want you to see it, you can't take note of it, but outside that range, someone can point it out to you and the filter will be broken for you)
Once Ruby reached the end of her life and died, the TARDIS was finally able to approach her safely, and they essentially merged somehow. The TARDIS in that temporally broken form most likely existed across all of time at once, which is why when Ruby merged with it, she was able to return back down her personal timeline and stop the paradox. However, in merging with the TARDIS, Ruby would bring along Sutekh as well, and if Sutekh was able to exist across all of time at once, well life would be done for, wouldn't it? It was only once Ruby was dead, and therefore Sutekh lost his connection to the living world, that the TARDIS could safely take her back down her own timeline. I think that, if Sutekh hadn't been there, the TARDIS would've somehow gotten Ruby to fix the timeline much sooner, likely with help from UNIT, similar to what happened in Turn Left.
So as one story: Doctor stepped on fixed-point fairy circle, causing the Doctor to disappear, the timeline to shatter, and the TARDIS to break. The TARDIS and Sutekh were both shunted out of the now inoperable box, the TARDIS taking up a form that exists across all of time (or at least all up and down Ruby's timeline) and Sutekh attaching itself to Ruby as his connection to the living world. Both the TARDIS and Sutekh are clinging on to remnants of the perception filter. Sutekh wants to enter into the world through Ruby, and the TARDIS prevents this by revealing to people Sutekh's presence and driving them away from Ruby so that she cannot gain enough influence for Sutekh to enact his plans. Once Ruby dies of old age, the TARDIS absorbs her consciousness (and Sutekh) and brings her back down her timeline to prevent the Doctor from breaking the fairy circle, thus fixing time.
Now, you may ask, where did the Doctor go in all of this? Barbieland, of course.
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liaarxse · 1 year
tr boys when y/n has issues accepting that they actually do love her
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
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Characters: Nahoya Kawata, Manjiro Sano, Kazutora Hanemiya
Warnings: Fluff, a bit of angst in Kazutoras part
A/n: Literally pulled out the biggest smile when I saw this request. Also, yes, Nahoya again. I just love writing for him. idk why (cuz he a crackhead)
P.s: Remember, it was said multiple times that Toman doesn't hurt women, sunshines. Don't think they'd break your precious hearts. They'd be just a bit hard to deal with <3
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Okay, we've all seen that one best/worst boyfriend chart our friend Ken Wakui made.
Personally, I threw a fit when I saw who were the worst.
Then I thought about Nahoya. He seemed a bit like a fuck boy, you get what I mean? Yeah, no.
Then I thought about it again
I examined the post a bit more after I found it in English and read what Takemichi said. If Mikey and Kazutora would be the top worst because they're reckless, Nahoya would obviously be even tamer
So personally, I believe Nahoya is in the top three just because he has a carefree type of living way. Like, he isn't scared of fighting, killing, and all. I mean, he probably IS scared to kill but doesn't show it.
How's he a red flag again? I don't believe them.
But for one, he'd never cheat on you. He'll be loyal as hell. Maybe if he wasn't in a relationship in one of the time skips where it showed the top members he'd fuck around with chicks (straight hair grown up Nahoya gives me fuckboy energy), but since the change and he's now working with his brother In their ramen shop? Get that thing out of your head.
Because for him to get in a relationship, he must dearly love and respect you.
Keep in mind that he also has to trust you since, in one way, if you're not to be trusted and/or are somewhat dangerous, he's putting his brother in danger as well.
But that's besides the point.
He loves you.
It's painfully obvious
He protects you, he trusts you, he spoils you in his own ways
He loves you
Maybe it's past relationship trauma that causes you to think it's all a facade
Which brings us to today's scenario
You're in Nahoya's room since his brother is out all day and you didn't bother to fix yours
You were looking around his room while he was testing the new straightener you got him since his broke
Examining the objects around you, your eyes land on a frame right above his toman uniform. It was of you two
You wondered why he would frame such a picture on the wall over his gang uniform. You mostly didn't like it because you hated the way you came out in the picture
Getting off his bed, you walked over to the opposite wall and stared at the picture for a good minute
Nahoya noticed that from the reflection on the mirror in front of him, but his smile just grew a tad bit more and returned to straightening his hair
You pursed your lips together in thought and reached to grab it
"Oi!" He exclaimed with a giggle. "Hands off."
You flinched when he suddenly spoke and turned to him with a raised brow
"What? Why?"
"Because," He turned around to face you. "I know you'll throw the pic away."
You weren't going to lie. If you stared at it for a bit more, you would've made the paper rip itself. You hated how you came out!
"But I look horrible!"
"I know." He laughed, but it quickly died down to a chuckle when he saw you glaring at him. "I'm kidding, babe. You look hella cute!"
You quickly turned around to hide the blush that appeared on your face. Crossing your arms, you were still staring at the picture
Being too caught in the act, you didn't realize when Nahoya finally finished straightening his hair and came up to you. He loosely wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder, mockingly copying your slightly frustrated face
You noticed that and rolled your eyes with a soft groan, which earned you some snickering from him. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before nuzzling his own to yours
"Why did you frame this?"
"Because it's special."
"How is it special?" Your voice grew confused. It's just a picture, nothing much
"Reminds me of the main reason I never give up."
Your blood went cold. What?
"What do you mean by that?"
"You're my main priority, babe. You, your safety, your smile." He chuckled at how cheesy he sounded. "That's why I framed us right over my gang uniform. Every time I have to change for a brawl or even just a meeting, I'm reminded of the smile that will greet me in the end and will always be there."
That didn't sound like Nahoya. For a moment, you even thought if that wasn't just some doppelganger
Until he smacked your ass
Yeah that's him
He loves you, and without realizing it, he just made all your problems fade away
Looking at the picture now, maybe, just maybe, it isn't as bad as you thought it was.
+ Your little twin girls found the picture in some box while playing and made fun of how you both looked. It was never to be seen again. It was under your mattress
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So. Second worst boyfriend on the list.
Let's be honest, if your love language is quality time this won't work
Not that he won't want to spend time with you, but Juvenile? Sorry baby, they stole him from you
Kazutora loves you so much. He'd kill for you, and he'll die for you. No questions asked. He once even tried to break out from Juvenile because he couldn't take being far away from you anymore.
You visit him every day for as long as you can, bringing him gifts, telling stories, saying how much you miss him
But sometimes you wondered, does he love you?
"Baby!" A happy Kazutora exclaimed when you finally entered the meeting room and waited for you with a happy smile to sit down, on the opposite side of him, thick glass keeping you both separate.
"Hey, baby." You chuckled, adjusting in your seat.
It wasn't a lie how excited he was every day to see you. Sometimes, like today, he'd make you small diy gifts and show them off to you, explaining every minor detail from the inspiration, materials, hidden message, time taken, everything
And you kept them all on a special separate shelf in your room
"So that's my gift for you today! Do you like it?"
"I love it, 'Tora."
It was a small origami rose, which was actually very well made, considering he had to use his imagination
You both talk for a few moments before the chattering died down. You knew what that meant and quickly wiped the already falling tears
You hated this
You hated how close yet how far he was from you
You just wanted to break the damn glass and embrace him, never letting go
And he damn well knows he wants it too
But he can't, and neither can you
He was recently taken in, 3 years ago
Which means he'll be out in 7 years
Which felt like a lifetime for both of you
His biggest fear was you'd find someone new and leave him
Which he wouldn't even be mad about, considering he just ruined both your lives
But you stay consistent, you visit every single day, and even if you don't manage to, you always send him gifts and make up for it when you see each other.
But people's patience runs out at some point, and that point is today
You never meant to say this
You never meant to question his love for you because you both knew it was there and growing every passing day
So why did you ask? Was it the loneliness you felt every time you stepped out of the room and he wasn't there by your side? Was it the thrust to just be able to hold his hand? Was it the pain you felt every night where, instead of saying goodnight to him, you turned to a frame with a photo of him and said it to it?
You didn't know. He didn't know
The only thing you remember after that was the sound of glass shattering, alarms going off, and Kazutora hugging onto you as if it was your last minute on Earth.
You just cling to him, never wanting to let go again
You felt the tears fall when he kissed you, feeling all his love attack you in that one moment before the guards arrived and took him away
Your little moment lasted around 10 seconds, probably even less, but it felt like eternity to both of you
Visits were banned for a week until they changed the glass into an even more thick and unbreakable one
You dashed to the building the second they opened visiting hours again
And to be fair, even if that cost him 4 more months in juvenile, it was worth it when you finally managed to continue with your lives after his sentence
+ Your younger son thought it was funny while your older daughter cried her eyes out. I think you have 3 kids instead of two.
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Ah, yes. Our favorite dark impulse.
Listen, Mikey has to have FULL trust in you to even think about dating you. We're talking about Draken type of trust, if possible even more.
If Mikey falls for you, he will hit like fucking bedrock
If you don't reciprocate his feelings, he'd be hurt, but if you do, you're stuck for life
Mikey loves hard, and it's been proven so many times
It's the same as Kazutora. He'd kill for you.
Don't make him prove it. Just don't. You know, he knows, and everybody knows Mikey will do anything for you
So why ever question it?
You loved Manjiro, and he loved you. It was way too obvious to the point Emma already planned your whole future together
You knew that, but you always had this 'what it' thought in the back of your head, messing with you and you hated it
It was a normal afternoon. You were out with Mikey, just roaming around the city, eating at restaurants where they don't have flags so you brought your home-made ones, and spending way too much money on things you don't need
It was fun and all, just spending time together until he got a message from Draken which quickly brought him to his senses
He didn't want to leave you, but he had, so with a quick kiss on the lips he was off
You waved him goodbye with a smile and called up Emma and the girl just magically teleported to you in 10 minutes
She just loves you too much
Probably fought with Mikey for your hand at some point
You were having a blast with her until you both finally settled down at a café and talked about, just, anything and everything
You decided to share your thought with Emma and she quickly jumped, reassuring you that Mikey loved you with all his hesrt
She started showing you messages he's sent her about how he felt, what to get you and all sorts of things
But our beautiful Emma had her own 'what if' thought and when Mikey got home she instantly jumped on him
It was like, 1am when you heard his bike's engine roaring from outside your window. You got up and were met with a smiling Mikey and no more sleep for tonight
"Wake up, sleepy head. We need to talk."
The moment you got down to him, you were already zooming through the streets of Tokyo, but not in a racer-fast manner, just enought so you aren't like slugs on the roads
"Emma told me that—"
"I'm sorry, Mikey... I didn't mean to—"
"Please let me finish."
He talked for like, a whole ass hour. About everything that includes you both.
He brought you to tears ngl
His words just hit so deep that the thought immediately disappeared
Maybe it was he words of affirmation he used, the quality time he spend riding all night with you to ease your worries, the gift he gave you when you watched the sunrise and the fact you woke up in your bed later on with a small letter from him and a chibi drawing of both of you at the corner that kept a smile on your face till the end of you days
And you damn well know you lived one long ass life with Manjiro
And I'm kinda surprised to be honest
Not because you could've died while he was in Toman or anything, but because your kid is 3 times worse than Mikey.
+ Your son found his old gang uniform and wore it to school. The next teacher-parent conference was one hell of a trip.
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sualne · 14 days
carnis au accidental [???] but i was thinking about mimic luffy wanting to get closer and closer to law, and i'd been thinking since i've made the au about how he'd want to see law's scars (already various scenes on how it could happen, written notes and all, don't know which to pick), and then the fact that he knows there's something carnis still in him.
so i was thinking of another scene where he's inspecting the scars on his face and they both very close but it's not the scars he's really looking at, he's searching for that carnis leftover and says maybe mostly to himself "It's still inside you. That's just so unfair. Why, just why couldn't it have been me?"
And jokingly is thought: This is it folks, I broke the code, this is about bottom dysphoria!
But then! I thought again, the au is about feeling otherized, isolated and monstrous and wrong. i've already strongly considered the idea of luffy's death as a suicide metaphor. the mimic has been thinking about socially detransitioning because it keeps getting accosted by creeps and assholes and knows that luffy would've fought back most of the time but also knows it's much stronger now and doesn't want to get caught, he needs to lays low, it doesn't want to cause a scene, it has to go stealth.
law hates the idea because it's not enough that it killed luffy now it has to just go and erase that important part of him of as well but the mimic insist, he's still a man, he'll just fake being a girl to make it easier. but law doesn't understand because to him the mimic is faking being a man, it's faking being a person, it's faking being luffy.
the reason the mimic wants to lay low is because it doesn't want to get caught so it can stay with law and study him, understand him. law doesn't knows that, he's too freaked out by the fact that's it's a mimic! that it killed luffy and might possibly want to kill him too! but the mimic feels a kind of kinship with law because of that remaining carnis in him.
remains he got from nearly dying, from losing his family, from an attack to another carnis. and i thought, law is meant to be reminiscent of mimics. he had to regrow his face, he's (as always) autistic and doesn't always act as expected, he's also paranoid even when he happens to be right, he's traumatized to the point of psychosis, the encounter changed him. it was meant as a parallel to how ppl like to think murderers&co are all mentally ill because they can't possibly be Normal Like Them, they must be different, they must not be human, they're obviously monsters. but those victims, those who get to survive, the trauma change them, they can acquire all sort of neurodivergences, and when those same Normal People learn that a person has some kind of The Scary Disorder they think "Oh, you're a monster too! You'll (inevitably) hurt someone!" which lead back to being otherized ect.
there's also something about how law didn't just get scars from his near death experience but also what's essentially a disease.
and then back to the mimic, who recognize itself in him, in that disease, but it isn't quite right, it's not enough and it's also nothing alike at all and also he's kind of jealous? it makes no sense to the mimic itself but he can't stop thinking about law either.
it's also how a monster that's linked to what is theorized to be something close to a hivemind accidentally developing a sense of identity and facing some sort of existential crisis over the fact that it can't ever escape it's monstrous nature and doesn't want to either. and that sound like, very much like being trans and cracking your egg and realizing you're fucked cause that sure is knowledge to have about oneself and also it's in the fictional 90s of a op carnis au so good luck with that.
anyway that's a lot of words and im not sure how to phrase the rest it's just, this was supposed to be a casual au where i went "OHOHO look at the Tragedy" but i thought about it too long and now i feel like i've ended up with a millefeuilles of overlaying themes and im, i means sure. can't draw All that tho so what now.
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rustys-lodge · 1 year
His ward.
Summary : Sherlock notices a few changes in you. It's sleep, nutrition and....Other things. You're just simply not okay. What's he going to do about that ?
warnings : Talk about lack of nutrition, a bit of angst, as well as poor behavior caused by lack of sleep. And one mention of physical assault.
A/N : First sherlock fic ! yaaay ! I'm so excited to add a new fandom to the Masterlist . So, as some of you might notice, the scene's the same. Just a few changes of my own to fit the story better. And a much better ending that I'm sure a lot of us wanted !! 😂 For those that don't know the scene. Here it is.
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"Did i ask you for advice ? I found you on the street. Drunk."
The man froze, turning to face you in a defeating manner.
"Now what may I observe about you ?"
You shook your head. "We're not playing this game."
Let's rewind a few hours back...Where Sherlock was...standing like a crab, balancing himself to not fall drunken face down on the ground. If you hadn't found him and brought him home....You'd say he would've ended up dead, somewhere in a garbage can.
Now Sherlock, thinks otherwise. Mister great detective says it is he, who helped you. How ? God knows how....
He is also saying you should leave....Which...You don't agree with. He needs the help. His place is a mess. he needs cleaning. He needs someone to help him organize the chaos that he's living in...He needs-
"Your eyes are redder than redder than wine." Sherlock started and you take a step back. "You're much slower than you usually are."
"Like you know what i usually am like, Sherlock." Accusations spilled out of your lips, but Sherlock ignores them, simultaneously talking ober you and analyzing you.
"Your face has lost it's color and your wounds are healing very slow."
"You're one to talk, look at you, your hair's more messed up than a-
"And then there's the irritability, you are less-"
"Stop !" Your index found itself inches away from Sherlock's face. And he stops.
"And then there's your nails." Sherlock's voice decreased into a soft tone, yet the sternness was still there. And before you could move your finger away, his hand reached for it. "Your nails are brittle."
You yanked your hand away at his response. "They are n-"
"I wasn't in such a state as to not see that, Y/N." Sherlock leaned closer to your face, the glare in his eyes freezing you in place. And then he kept on blabbering as he walked away from you. And you couldn't help but insult him back concurrently . "You're neither sleeping nor eating. Why is that ?"
Your throat dried up as his words emerged louder and louder. "Sherlock, you- You-How did you-"
"And." Your brother lifted up his arm. God damn it.... "Your neck is red. Someone has gripped it or held a knife against.." a shaky breath replaced that last little word as realization hit Sherlock, his features emulsifying into a state of shock...
Or was it anger ?
Your hand instantly flew up to cover your neck as your gaze darted to the ground. You couldn't help but think about the product of the aftermath. And as the silence grew louder, the images started-
"Are you involved in something dangerous ?" Sherlock broke the silence. Finally. And you glanced away. "Because you are still my ward." Steps grew closer and a second after that, you found yourself towered over by him.
Your foot staggered back. You...You don't n-need him.
"If you need my help, my offer remains on the table." A soft command is what it was...And you couldn't help but thi- "Don't be so desperate to prove yourself, Y/n."
You faltered, scoffing. Is that was he thought it was ? It was that....But did he have to say it ?
"I am not desperate." A fake spark of triumph electrified you. And you found yourself turning on your heels. "And i don't need your- or anyone's hel-"
"Not so fast."
You turned around, somewhat thrilled. "What ?" You spa out.
You might've gotten thrilled. But that doesn't mean you were going to show that to him ?
Your brother threw a glance at you before his gaze fell down. His giant slumped shoulders gave away the desperation and the deceit he was feeling.
Your heart stung at the sight of it.
"What ?" You repeated yourself, a bit louder. Impatience was growing thicker in you. You....Yo-
"If you insist my help is not needed, than i will serve you a plate and i shall observe you e-"
What ? "No!" He can't do that to you !! you're not a pet !
Sherlock raised his hand, motioning for you to stop. "To make sure you are well nurt-"
"No. No." But his attempt to defend himself failed, as you cut him off again, shaking your head violently. How could you not ?? What kind of suggestion is that-
"And you'll sleep here tonight. And then tomorrow you're free to...Not ever come back."
His words pierced through your heart.
"Okay." Sherlock condensed. And you squinted your eyes at his mischievous s- "Then you're not going anywhere."
There is it ! You...You knew it. Rolling your eyes at him, you tilted your head back as frustration swept over you. "No."
"I'm sorry. But"
"No" You shrugged, turning on your heels. You were not having any of it. Not the accusations, not the suggestion...Nothing. And Sherlock was quite different from Mycroft...He was gentler, sweeter. More loving. That meant : His opinion doesn't matter. After all, who's h-
"Hey !"
You flinched at the sudden yell that echoed through the room. Sherlock's voice was consumed by anger. Hoarse and low, the yell only made whimper unconsciously...And you thanked god your brother was far enough not to hear it. He better not have heard it...
"But Sherlock i-You can't withhold me h-"
"I am not withholding you, sister, I am only seeking your safety and your well-being." The detective's voice simmered down again, almost mirroring yours. The only difference is that you sounded almost weak. He sounded...collected.
"If." Sherlock's voice filled the room again. "you do step out of that door, the consequences of that will be solely your responsibility to bear." The softness in his voice sent chills down your spine, as behind it hid a dark pitch that...You weren't sure you wanted to hear again.
With two fingers slightly curved around the door handle, your eyes dart from handle to Sherlock....You reconsidered....Stay and risk him finding out ?(Choice 1) Or Leave and risk...Whatever he has in mind for you ?(Choice 2)
Tell me which choice would you choose ? if anobody wants to be tagged for part 2 tell me. ❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹
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midknightwritings · 1 year
Anddd another request..I’m not sure if you’ve already done it but here you go..!
Again, if I broke any rules please ignore or delete this
How will these characters(Mika,Leo, and Izumi)react to you/reader crying for the first time?
Reader is a very “strong” levelheaded/serious person and no one has seen them cry before. Not even their own family(except the mom) or close friends
But of course, everyone has their limits and Reader has been so stressed out that they cried for the first time in years
What they didn’t know though was that their s/o was planning a surprise visit that very same day
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I’m Here For You
Synopsis : After dealing with constant stress for the past few months, today you finally reached a breaking point. Letting out your emotions in the comfort of your home, the last thing you would've expected was a surprise visit from your lovely partner.
Era : N / A
Warning/s : Stress / Overworking / Breakdown / Hurt & Comfort
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader / Leo / Izumi / Mika
Word Count : 1,579
A/N : Shimeji anon this actually hits so close to home for me cuz I’m literally like that too LMAO I keep it in for ages until I flat out explode AHAHAHA Anyways~ Once again I'm really sorry this took forever but I hope you enjoy regardless 🥺 💕
Today was just awful, you could even argue that it was the worst day you've ever experienced in literal years. Various tasks and projects alike seemed to pile up due to the busy season that's currently happening but the problem was that none of your peers were pulling their weights… At all… Originally, you were tasked with handling a do-able job, which would’ve been simple to complete in itself. Yet, the problem was the fact that your part was heavily reliant on your peers' parts but, since your peers were doing absolutely nothing, you ended up having to do their work in order to meet the actual deadlines… So it’s safe to say that you were overwhelmed, stressed and overall just not having a great time.
You thanked every star in the sky and whatever higher being up there that you were able to hold yourself together throughout the day but, as you were packing away your things once you got back home, the emotional bottle within you finally bursted. Soft, quiet sobs escaped your lips as you tried to stop yourself by wiping the tears away but they kept on coming with no end in sight. So… after years of staying cool and keeping yourself together, you finally allowed yourself to shatter under the pressure and let everything out.
Leo Tsukinaga :
Leo wanted to surprise you with a new song that he composed so he climbed up the tree beside your bedroom window and was about to swing it open, [ usually he would throw rocks to get your attention but at some point you gave him a small key so he can unlock it from the outside before he ends up actually breaking the glass ], when he suddenly stopped as he felt his heart shatter at the sight that laid before him. You were curled up in your bed as your shoulders shook from how hard you were crying, your sobs emanated throughout the room as Leo looked at you worryingly. So he opened the window carefully before he hopped onto your bedroom floor.
This caused you to perk up but you didn’t even have the emotional capacity to hide your emotions as you desperately tried to wipe away your tears instead. Leo could tell that you were trying to calm yourself down and he had his own idea to help you with that! With a big smile and his signature laugh, he tackled you into a bear hug and smoldered you with kisses, no part of your face was spared. He even kissed the tears away before he snuggled into the crook of your neck.
Leo isn’t good with words and he knows that so, instead of fumbling to say the right thing, he started to hum a gentle melody instead.
At this point, he has you in an embrace where you’re both cuddling each other, your head's resting against his chest as you could hear the rhythmic beating of his heart while he hummed his ballad dedicated to you. His hums caused small rumbles in his chest that could be felt through the embrace. You both stayed like this for a while as you let everything out before finally calming down. Through it all, Leo was even playing with your hair as he comforted you.
Once you were ok, he would pepper you with kisses once again as he proudly proclaims how much “I love you!” His kisses are light, causing you to giggle from how ticklish they were.
“Wahaha~☆ You’re laughing again! Ah~ Your laugh is a wonderful melody, my muse! I can feel inspiration gushing forth once more!”
For the rest of the night, Leo would distract you from your thoughts by playing games, singing songs or just generally doing anything to make sure that your project doesn’t even cross your mind. After all, to Leo…
Your smile is the most beautiful thing in the entire galaxy.
Izumi Sena :
Izumi came to visit you because he was worried. Your last text seemed a bit off. There was no logical reason behind this feeling. To anyone else, it seemed like a regular message from you but Izumi’s gut feeling told him otherwise… And he was right. Izumi had a spare key since he would often come over to cook for you and just take care of you in general, and he would even proclaim how much he hated waiting outside, so when he entered your house to see you curled into yourself on the couch, his eyes widened with worry as he walked up towards you.
This was the first time Izumi has ever seen you cry, so it was a bit jarring for him as he didn’t know how to comfort you. He knew he shouldn’t say anything sarcastic or harsh, since that would most likely make you cry even more, so he just sat beside you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders before pulling you close.
The two of you stayed like that as you gripped onto his shirt and cried into it, your tears made his outfit wet but that’s not important right now… What’s more important is the fact that you’re releasing all the pent up emotions within you, and Izumi will be that shoulder you can cry on in order to achieve that. No words were exchanged as a comforting silence surrounded the two of you, the sensation of him gently rubbing your back helped you greatly.
Izumi’s quick to figure out what must’ve happened. After all, the timing of everything lined up perfectly; One moment you were venting to him about your peers and your project, the next you’re crying by yourself at home. It doesn’t take a detective to figure out that the problem stemmed from your project and peers alike.
Once you finally calmed down and your sobs turned into small sniffles, Izumi would take some tissues and wipe away your tears, all the while mumbling about how you look “absolutely awful” but his tone clearly implies that he just hated seeing you in such a state of anguish.
“Come here... Go wash your face and freshen up. I better not see any more tears or snot when you get back, am I clear?!” [ Translation : Go and wash your face, it’ll help make you feel better. I’ll still be here waiting for you when you’re done. ]
This is when Mama Sena kicks in as he immediately starts to take care of you in order to make you feel better. Just relax as he cooks a hearty dinner that will surely take your breath away! What’s that? You still need to work on your project even when you’re at home? There’s no way in hell Izumi would let you do that all alone! So c’mon, don’t be annoying and explain the details already! Let him help while he’s here because…
He’ll do everything in his power to make sure you’re not carrying this type of burden alone ever again.
Mika Kagehira :
Mika stood outside your door anxiously as he fidgeted on the spot. Usually you would answer the moment he rang the doorbell or, at least, yell through the door that you were coming to open it. So the fact that he didn’t hear anything for a while caused him to immediately assume the worst, and seeing your puffy eyes when you did open the door freaked him out.
You thought you hid your breakdown well but the moment Mika asked you what was wrong, as his heterochromatic eyes were filled to the brim with worry, you couldn’t help but fall apart once again. Small confused noises and squeaks left his lips as he guided you back inside your house, closing your front door with his foot, before pulling you into a comforting hug.
You both just stood there as he slightly swayed you from side to side, all the while he would rub your back, caress your hair, and pretty much do everything he could to try and get you to calm down as you continued to cry into his chest.
He didn’t know what happened, and the fact that you were seriously so distraught that even you of all people started to cry, caused millions of thoughts to run through his head. You’re known to be so calm and level-headed, even through the most challenging moments Mika could ever imagine, so he knew that whatever happened seriously affected you to the core.
The moment your tears dried up and you slowly stopped crying, Mika would pull you into a more tighter, but still gentle, embrace. Small hushes would leave his lips as he would comfort you to the best of his abilities and, once you were ok, you would both pull away from the hug. Mika would wipe any remaining tears off your cheeks as he would give you a soft smile. It had a hint of worry within it, but that’s just because he wanted to make sure that you’re genuinely ok again.
“No buts! I ain’t hearin’ them from ya! Imma stay here till yer feelin’ better n’ that’s final!”
Mika would be there by your side for the rest of the night, listening intently to your vents and rambles about the entire situation as he would even make some comments here and there about your whole ordeal. Overall, he would be there for you to let it all out because, at the end of the day…
He doesn’t want to see you crumble again in the future…
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writerfae · 5 months
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A gift for Callan
This is both a gift for Callan's birthday and a story in which Callan gets a gift, thus the title. Fun, isn't it? I hope you enjoy!
Callan stood on one of the ballroom's balconies, hands clasped around the railing as he looked out into the night.
From here he had the perfect view over the palace garden. Bathed in moonlight, it was truly a sight to behold.
Someone else entered the balcony. That someone closed the door, blocking out the sounds of the festivities taking place inside the palace, then they came to stand right behind Callan.
He knew who it was even before a pair of warm arms wrapped around him.
"Beautiful," Henry whispered, his voice close to Callan's ear. It made him shiver despite the warmth of spring.
"Yes, the garden at night is really something."
His fiancé- husband, his mind corrected itself - chuckled. He kissed Callan's neck. "I wasn't talking about the garden."
A bright blush erupted on Callan's face at the words.
Henry never failed to coax this sort of reaction out of him and sometimes it seemed to Callan like he did it on purpose,  taking pleasure in Callan's flustered reactions.
His suspicion was confirmed when Henry kissed him again, this time right behind his ear, a grin clearly evident on his lips against Callan's skin.
The prince couldn't help but to smile, too. "Charmer," he accused Henry fondly.
"I'm just being honest."
Callan let go of the railing in order to lean more into his husband's - Callan very much liked that word - embrace, holding on to the arms encircling his waist.
"It was getting lonely in there without you," Henry broke the silence after a while.
"I'm sorry," Callan said. "But after Rhys' speech I needed some fresh air."
Of course his best friend, in true Rhys fashion, didn't miss the opportunity of lovingly embarrassing Callan in front of everyone by sharing stories about Callan’s "insufferable and painfully obvious pining".
Callan wanted to die of embarrassment right then and there.
Henry laughed quietly. "I found it quite interesting. I didn't know that you liked me that much when we were younger."
Callan glared at him, cheeks burning, but it only made Henry laugh even more.
He buried his head in the crook of Callan's neck. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
He shook his head, his hair tickling the side of Callan's neck. "I probably wasn't much better, I just didn't have anyone to ramble about you to," he admitted.
Lifting his head, he kissed his husband's cheek apologetically.
Callan, who had already forgiven him (he couldn’t be mad with Henry for long even if he tried to, especially not for such a minor thing), smiled.
"What a shame, I really would've liked to hear what you thought of me back then."
Henry hummed. "I can tell you, if you really want to know. Later."
Callan turned his face to look at him, amused. "Why not now?"
"Because," Henry leaned in to place a quick kiss on Callan's mouth, before pulling away just as quickly. "Right now there's something I want to give to you. Close your eyes."
Callan smiled and did what he was told. The arms wrapped around him disappeared and he could hear the rustling of Henry searching for whatever it was he wanted to give Callan.
The prince wondered what it could possibly be. But he didn't need to wonder long, because Henry soon leaned back in and whispered close to his ear.
"You can open them now."
He didn't need to tell Callan twice. The young man opened his eyes. What he saw made him gasp.
It was a necklace, simple, but beautifully made. The plaited brown leather band already looked a bit worn out at the edges, but the leather was still shining.
The pendant was made out of apple tree wood with runes carved along the frame that surrounded a gemstone that almost seemed to glow in the reflection of the moonlight.
The gem had the exact same color as Henry's eyes. An Amber.
Callan recognized it immediately. He turned to look at Henry in awe. "Isn't this…?"
He didn't need to finish the sentence. Henry nodded, a smile on his face. "My mother's. A wedding gift to her from my... from Milan."
He moved to gently put the necklace on Callan. It fitted perfectly, like it was meant to be around his neck and his neck alone.
"And my wedding gift to you," Henry finished, voice soft with fondness. Callan touched the pendant around his neck in awe.
"Are you... are you certain? It's all you have of her."
He knew about the meaning of this necklace, one of the last remains Henry had of his mother. It was of immeasurable value for him.
And he decided to give it to Callan.
"I am." Even though he couldn’t see him, Callan could tell that Henry was smiling.
"This necklace was always a sign of love. So what better way could there be to honor my mother’s memory than to give it to the person I love more than anything? I want you to have it.
And I know she would've wanted it too. She always wished for me to be happy. And I am, with you."
Callan turned around immediately, tears gleaming in his eyes.
He put his arms around Henry's neck, who in turn wrapped his arms around Callan's waist again, and pulled him into a kiss, one of many yet to come that night.
"Thank you," he whispered as they pulled away, still holding each other close. "I love you."
Henry laughed quietly, kissing Callan's temple. "And I love you. Now do you want to go back inside? Or should we dissappear from here altogether?"
Callan laughed, raising his eyebrow at Henry. "You mean leaving our own party?"
Henry grinned. "Why not? It's our wedding, isn't it? So we can do whatever we want."
"And what do you want to do exactly?"
Henry's grin only grew. He leaned close to whisper something into Callan's ear and that something made the blush on Callan's face flare up all over again.
Henry only laughed, before taking Callan's hand in his and dragging him along into the moonlit garden.
tag list: @andifthestarsweretodie @bloodlessheirbyjacques @bluehourskyeli @deadlycupid @dustylovelyrun @justafrogandherumbrella @ladywithalamp @magic-is-something-we-create @myhusbandsasemni @my-cursed-prince @phantasticdomains @rhikasa @saltysupercomputer @sleepy-night-child @soupopoireau @theguywithnonickname @thewalkingnerd @vampywriter @vsnotresponding @writing-is-a-martial-art (if you want to be added or removed from the tag list let me know!)
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Here, take a lil ficlet of Kas flirting with Steve while sharing Eddie's body.
"You're not Eddie", Steve breathed out as they stalked towards him.
"Oh I'm him alright. I am all that he tried to hide away. His shame, his fear...his desires."
"You're not real."
Steve swung his bat, sure that this was another one of Vecna's illusions. Sure that this vision of Eddie would either disappear in a mist or reveal itself to actually be Vecna. Anything other than one of his greatest regrets. Instead, not-Eddie caught the nailed end in his hand no problem.
"I'm as real as anything."
When Steve pulled away, not-Eddie let him.
"But if it makes things...easier, you don't have to call me Eddie." He stalked towards Steve. "You could call me...hmm, Kas." Then he grinned like he had just said a joke.
"Kas?", Dustin repeated.
"That's what he said", Steve relayed, still reeling from the experience. "That mean anything?"
Dustin looked to Will. "Holy shit."
"Holy shit", Will echoed.
Then they both started to scream and jump and Steve felt like he was losing his mind.
Meanwhile, Eddie was sure he had lost his mind. There was no other explanation for being trapped in his own body while some demonic entity walked around in it and allowed him to get lectured by Mike and Lucas while tied to a chair.
"Do we have a deal?", Mike asked.
The deal was, 24 hour supervision, controlling what he ate, and absolutely no killing. Oh and no conferring with Vecna or the Mind Flayer unless explicitly asked to. Eddie would've agreed in seconds if it meant he could be free. But Kas thought he had more leverage than that.
"Do I get to choose my bodyguard?", he asked, just as Steve and the others came up from the basement. "Because I'd like Hawkins' number 1 babysitter."
Steve stared like a deer in headlights and then looked around as if making sure he meant him. With very little effort, Kas broke through his restraints and walked up to Steve, ignoring the shouts and how the others backed away from him. But Steve stood his ground.
"I know Eddie would prefer it this way."
What he would prefer was if a hole could swallow him up. Which was sort of his situation anyway. He was stuck in a dark hole. Problem was he was still witnessing everything first hand, right down to Kas twirling a lock of Steve's hair around his finger.
So if someone could just actually end him now, that would be great.
Hey I went and made a part 2
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iaure · 1 year
𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁; 𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗱
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚the dearest collection - part one/beloved 𓆩♡𓆪 part two/prized 𓆩♡𓆪 part three/devoted 𓆩♡𓆪 part four/desperate 𓆩♡𓆪 part five/blind 𓆩♡𓆪 part six/watcher 𓆩♡𓆪 part seven/ardor 𓆩♡𓆪 part eight/fervor this is very heavily inspired by @//clusterfuck-yandere's yandere leon headcanons; please check out their works. this is something of a love letter to their puppy obsession series.
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yandere leon s. kennedy headcanons; reader is a survivor of raccoon city. tw: general yandere behaviour, stalking, harassment, ptsd, mentions of panic attacks, entrapment
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ wait a week, muerte...a week off...but i am apparently incapable of that. i'm certainly not complaining. these next two chapters are going to be much shorter, as there's more plot as well as giving your coworker a name, but leon's perspective is coming next!! i've also been getting into welcome home arg; it looks very fun!!
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things had been dying down.
♡ your life had been smoothing itself out after that night with Leon, and he'd been taking it upon himself to walk you home when you close.
♡ you've been more relaxed, especially if he stays the night. he doesn't sleep in your bed, sure, but it's nice just having him around.
♡ the eyes on you seemed to have gone away, and things in your house stopped moving.
♡ or, at least, you wanted to tell yourself that.
♡ but some pieces are clicking, forming one horrible, ugly puzzle.
♡ you figured Leon had always been a bit focus on you. that much was obvious.
♡ but you began actually seeing how he treats you.
♡ he's clingy, dedicated; it's almost like worship.
♡ his eyes are always on you, no matter what.
♡ if you weren't in his line of sight, he'd evidently freak, or at least be upset-the bed incident was a great example.
♡ he knew everything about you, but you knew next to nothing about him.
♡ his birthday? his favourite colour? family? nothing.
♡ all you knew was his name, and that he survived raccoon city, which you weren't even sure of at this point.
♡ how much of what he said was a lie to get close to you?
♡ and his name! it took you far, far longer than you would've liked to put together what K meant - K for Kennedy.
and it broke your heart.
♡ because Leon was just so sweet.
♡ he was so caring to you, carrying groceries and hanging out with you and at one point even attempting to cook you dinner, which ended up burnt beyond belief.
♡ you didn't want to accept the idea that it was him doing all of this.
♡ but everything only made sense if it was him.
♡ maybe he used to sneak into your house, but your superintendent changed your locks and you'd been inviting him into your apartment.
♡ maybe he'd been satisfied from that.
♡ either way, you weren't sure how to handle it.
♡ lately, you've been trying to avoid him.
♡ you haven't been able to make him not walk you home, not yet, but for different shifts you've had some peace.
♡ he hasn't been watching you the way he did before-not lately.
♡ but he has been mopey.
♡ about half of the time, if he tries coming into your work, you hide in the back.
♡ your coworker, bless her, always covered for you.
♡ if Leon asked where you were, she'd respond that you were were working in the back, smooth as butter.
♡ Leon would mope, and ask to see you, but your coworker would make up a smooth lie. your favourite had been that your boss had gotten upset with how distracted Leon had been making you, so you'd been placed in the back to be more 'efficient'.
♡ Leon would leave with his tail between his legs.
♡ speaking of your coworker, you'd be confiding in her more!
♡ her name was Selia, and she was a sorely needed ally.
♡ she was much taller than you, and younger by about a year; but she acted mature, and had a sharp tongue and quick wit, so working with her was always pleasant.
♡ she was the only other employee at the bakery aside from the owner, and she often was in charge of the baking itself.
♡ you confessed to her about your suspicions with Leon, and she took it upon herself to try and help you.
♡ she acted as though he'd committed something far more vicious, accusing him of capital crimes.
♡ and as much as the situation sucked, it made you laugh.
♡ you knew Leon was picking up on it, too.
♡ he'd been more irritable to Selia and other people that hung around you, and far more clingy to you specifically.
♡ he never got mad, but you hated to think just what his version of mad would look like.
slowly, you began replacing Leon with Selia.
♡ it was Selia walking you home, Selia was your pizza buddy, Selia stayed up with you on the phone when you were having a panic attack; Selia was your friend.
♡ there were a handful of times where Leon would go out of his way to catch you.
♡ he'd show up during another (surprisingly frequent) power outage, geared with his wonder bag and board games, only to discover that you had invited Selia instead.
♡ he'd come literally running down the block, trying to catch up to you during a closing shift
♡ but he'd stop dead in his tracks - literally skidding to a stop - a yard away from the door when he'd see Selia holding the lock for you so you could get your things together.
♡ and you knew it hurt him.
♡ but how else were you going to cut him and his creepy antics off unless it was cold turkey?
♡ but sometimes, through the backdoor, during those power outages, during those moments after closing, you'd catch his eye.
♡ and the look he gave was haunting.
♡ it's as though the soul was sucked out of him, every time.
the guilt was going to eat you whole.
♡ there was the off chance that it wasn't Leon - that it was some other creep doing this. that little chance that you were just putting him through emotional torture, for no reason.
♡ but who else could it possibly be?
♡ who else would fit the profile so well?
♡ and were you willing to take that chance? were you willing to bet that it wasn't Leon, only for him to do something drastic? like kidnap you?
♡ no, you thought not.
♡ after a week of your forcible separation, you thought Leon got the message.
♡ you didn't feel him on you anymore; he didn't show up to your shifts. he was...gone.
♡ you walked home alone for the first time in forever, and all was well.
♡ you eventually got to the point, after three or four days, that you assumed he simply gave up.
♡ he'd find some other person who was pretty and smart and just the fit for him, you were sure.
♡ you began walking home more and more, against Selia's advice. But you didn't listen.
♡ it was a warm spring evening that you got home, and off-beat, everything was fine.
♡ you set your bag down, hoping to simply change out of your work clothes and then melt into your couch.
♡ in the middle of you changing, though, you heard a weird noise.
♡ it was by your door; a weird sort of 'thunk'. you wondered if some dipshit kids outside had thrown something against it.
♡ you huffed.
♡ once you finished changing, you stepped out of your room, ready to call some parents.
♡ but your heart stopped cold.
♡ Leon was in your living room.
♡ immediately, you looked to your front door, but he'd apparently already thought of that.
♡ he had put his wonder bag in front of it, and you could see inside several, at least dozens, of weights-the fabric of the bag was fraying the seams, several weights spilling over onto the floor. it was something that Leon would have trouble with, let alone you.
♡ it took a second for you to look back at Leon.
♡ and he looked...good.
♡ he'd done his hair, dressed in nice clothes, and had a set of flowers on the coffee table. if the situation was so nauseating, then it'd be almost cute how nervous he looked.
♡ he rose, playing with his hands
"we need to talk."
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the-way-astray · 2 days
What's your favorite cannon thing you truly like about Keefe Sencen
I DARE you 😈
i've been dared . . .
definitely my favorite thing is the fact that in flashback/legacy he was 100% not only supportive of sophie and fitz's relationship despite having a crush on sophie, but also actively tries to keep sophie from doing something that could even be interpreted as implicative. there was a poll a while ago about whether people thought sophie and keefe were (even unintentionally) emotionally cheating on fitz, and i answered a hard no. and the main reason for that was because of keefe. he does so much to try to keep sophitz together during that time, including telling sophie to confide in fitz, telling her to tell him about the matchmaking thing, shutting ro down (or at least doing his best to), and generally speaking, he did not have to do all that. like, yeah, any decent person would be supportive and not actively try to break their two friends in a relationship up, but keefe goes way beyond that and actively tells sophie exactly what to do in order to keep her relationship with fitz intact. every time fitz "catches" him with sophie it's lowkey painful to think about what keefe must be feeling because he spends so much time trying to prevent that exact thing from happening. there's even a line in legacy where sophie admits this herself. one of the only times he uses his empathy not dubiously is at the end of legacy, where sophie "tells" him (i use the term loosely) that she and fitz broke up. and he immediately says "i'm sorry", expressing out loud his sympathy for their relationship's end.
(one thing i've heard people misinterpret a lot in anti keefe things is the "blond hottie" line, which they say is an inappropriate thing to say about someone in a relationship. that was not said by keefe. that was said by ro. she says that when she's trying to convince sophie that bronte can't be her bio dad, to which keefe then says "unless she gets that from her mom". that's all he says. sophie then wonders whether that meant he agreed with the blond hottie assessment, but that doesn't come from anything he actually says.)
it surprises me that i haven't seen keefe lovers talk more about the fact that fitz literally commissioned him to draw him and sophie in a very romantic pose in a very romantic spot and keefe did it. so i'm going to talk about it. once again, this is not just baseline "my crush is in a relationship, oh well, guess i won't interfere" stuff. this is going above and beyond to keep sophie and fitz together. again, keefe has a crush on sophie. i'm not an artist, but obviously art doesn't just pop up out of thin air. he spent some time making that drawing. and all that time is yet another reminder that his crush is in a relationship. he could've told fitz no, made up some excuse as to why he couldn't do it, and that would've been well within his right. but he didn't. so that's a thing worth mentioning. (i'm going to just say i don't like the argument that fitz knew what he was doing when he asked keefe for the drawing, though. i think fitz just thought "sophie likes keefe's drawings! let me get her one of those" which is sweet in and of itself.)
in unlocked, keefe thinks something like "he definitely should not be happy that two people close to him were going through a rough patch. but, if he was being honest, he wasn't really sad" or something to that effect. and i like that. he has a crush on sophie, so of course part of him will be happy she's now single again. it's realistic. i've definitely talked about this before, but jealousy isn't a character flaw to me. it's only the actions that a character does because of their jealousy that defines whether or not it's a bad thing. but the thing with keefe is that he never allows the fact that he likes sophie to outwardly affect sophie and fitz's relationship in any negative way when they're tentatively dating. sophie and fitz fell apart for a lot of reasons, but the reasons were entirely on sophie and fitz, and had nothing to do with keefe himself. in fact, you could argue they only lasted as long as they did because of keefe.
i complained a lot about how much he doesn't shut up about his hair in my rant. but that was mostly at his humor style and the fact that he literally talks about it at the weirdest times (in his registry file . . . ) more so than the fact itself. and truthfully, he doesn't even talk about it that much. but i think it makes a lot of sense that he takes pride in it. it's the physical manifestation of rebellion against his parents who have controlled every other aspect of his life. he's also an artist, and i think it's a pretty neat thing that that extends to the way he styles his hair. also it looks good. i will die on this hill. just don't look at the laura art. jason chan is my king and keefe's hair is very cool and- *gunshot*
there's also a handful of moments where keefe uses his humor appropriately, to ease tension. best example i can think of is the one katie brought up in this post which is the moment in flashback right before the celestial festival (climax). magnate leto gives them all these sparkler things to light if they're in danger, and keefe sets off a couple prematurely "just to make sure they work" *wink wink nudge nudge* and sophie specifically says the "bit of levity" helped tame the "monster" she's been battling the whole book. when he's able to use his humor appropriately, and not at weird times about weird things, he can be a valuable source of comfort. these moments are unfortunately few and far between, but they do exist.
keefe is also good at calming sophie down when she's panicking, when he's not using his empathy to force her to tell him her feelings. i personally like it more when he's comforting her using his words than his emotional breezes, because that speaks more to his personality than it does to his ability to use his emotional breezes to calm her down. another example katie discusses in the post above is when he's talking to her about the bronte-is-her-bio-dad theory. sophie was panicking because she was thinking about the implications of it (prentice, him acting horrible to her, etc.) and keefe brings her back down to earth with his reassurances that this doesn't change anything about her. when she says bronte can't know she knows, he immediately gets her to reconsider in a gentle way, because like. that's the entire point of her search for her bio parents. he does all this using his words (actually i just checked and he does use his emotional breezes a couple of times but his words do have an impact on their own so we're disregarding that), which does prove that he's very good at knowing what to say to keep her calm.
(also the fact that he was even helping her search for her bio parents is another example of him going above and beyond to keep her relationship to fitz intact. he didn't have to do that at all.)
and lastly, i think i mentioned this in my rant and maybe a couple other places, but i think keefe's jealousy when it comes to family is written very realistically. in neverseen, he's jealous of fitz, biana, sophie, and dex when they hug their parents, and there's a line where he specifically says "i hate watching it. them and della" (them referring to fitz and biana). in unlocked, he's again jealous of dex's family and wishes he'd been born into a family like his. and i think that's written really well. it's pretty subtle and not really shoved in your face, too. i'm pretty sure there's a total of three times it gets brought up: the "them and della" line, one line at the end of neverseen where sophie and dex are hugging edaline and kesler, and then the line in unlocked. very blink and you miss it but i like that. it's one of the few things the narrative doesn't dump a truckload of pity on keefe for, and it makes the few times it is brought up even sadder.
oh, and also i think he's handsome. sue me.
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litnerdwrites · 6 months
It's interesting how Nesta had to apologise for something she wasn't even in the wrong of doing while Rhys, who overreacted by threatening to kill her (for a mistake he made) and chasing her out of the city, did not have to. Especially, after it was canonically established by Feyre herself that he did not have the right to do that..
And for someone who claims to write about badass female mcs who crush patriarchy and choose the course of their own lives, shouldn't an apology scene for something in which a female's right to information on her own body was undermined be a fundamental part of the book?
I mean, she could add a bonus chapter about the characters in question fucking to make babies but had to keep the apology off-page? Weird.
The only somewhat sufferable part of the book was the scenes with the Valkyries and the smut (if you ignore the poor timing).
I don't know if it's my eldest daughter syndrome acting up but I feel strongly about this.
I agree completely. I won't deny that Nesta has some things to apologies for, but so does Rhysand, and Feyre and Mor. I'd even argue that the things the IC put her through negate the need for her to apologies, or at least makes it a little less urgent/important than the apologies she's owed. This is mostly due to the fact that Nesta's so-called crimes amount to a bad attitude (most on page examples of which are pretty understandable to me), and issues she had with Feyre in childhood. Meanwhile, the IC's actions are immature and ignorant at best, and extremely abusive at worst.
Honestly, I don't think any of them, much less Rhysand, see what they did as a mistake. If any of them did, they wouldn't have made her walk through those woods. Feyre would've demanded Nesta be brought back otherwise, but she didn't.
As for Rhysand, honestly the part where he hugged Nesta gave me ick. Especially when Nesta said he'd been acting like a brother the whole time because he hadn't. He abused her. He broke her down. He only showed any semblance of decency (even then it wasn't much) when she did something to benefit him.
Offering pity jobs for somebody else's sake without taking into account Nesta's strengths or passions into account isn't what a brother, or anybody who cares for her, would do. Staring at her like a circus attraction when she enters the room isn't something a brother would do. Forcing her to social events just to ignore her isn't something a brother would do. Financially abusing her, refusing to give her a salary for her work during the war, along with her inheritance, is not something a brother would do. Not caring for her wellbeing beyond how her sister feel's is not something a brother could do. I could go on.
I think, at the end of the day, this amounts to a simple fact. SJM clearly doesn't see anything wrong with the things she writes and narrative she creates. No matter how you argue that ACOSF is a healing story, not a redemption story, it doesn't matter. Through analysing the sext, the author clearly shows how she feels about Nesta. Looking at what she says about the book, the author clearly has little understanding of mental health, and hasn't done enough research on it to be able to write a healing arc that isn't straight up abuse/torture (seriously, the bar is in the crust of the earth).
ACOSF could've been the best book in the series. All of the material, the concepts, the potential was there. Nesta's story was set up in ACOFS, and perhaps I wouldn't have minded the actions of the IC as much (from a literary perspective anyway) if they had been acknowledged as wrong and the IC apologised. I don't think anyone would've minded the locked in the HOW plot either, if, at some point, the characters acknowledge how abusive it was. If the narrative itself acknowledged how messed up it was, and did something about it.
If Cassian apologised for abandoning her after the war, Cassian especially. If Feyre apologised for not trying to reach out in a way that Nesta was comfortable with. If Elain apologised for not being there for Nesta the way Nesta was for her. If Mor apologised for, intentionally or not, isolating Nesta from the rest of the court. If Amren apologised for her comments. If Rhys apologised for sticking his nose where it didn't belong.
Rhys apologising for the hike, or threatening to kill her would mean nothing because both he and the narrative don't see anything wrong with his treatment of her. If he did, then the forced training/library/stuck in the how part would've ended half way through the book.
The part that infuriates me the most, however, is that they don't see their wrong doings at all. They still think they're doing the right thing and that they know everything. It's messed up.
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ghostlymarauder · 9 months
Maybe that sounds crazy. Maybe it's been said a million times. Anyway, I'm just ranting about my 3 am thoughts.
I know in G3 we have non-binary Frankie (who also has a prosthetic leg), and the Draculaura doll is more curvy. But as far as I'm concerned, they took everything else that made Monster High inclusive.
For starters, and I know it was never actually confirmed, but still, Clawdeen is lesbian (bisexual at best). Once again, it was never confirmed, but in my opinion is a theory popular enough for the Monster High management to hear about it.
If they really wanted to make it more inclusive, why did they not confirm Clawdeen sexuality and give her a female romantic interest?
No, they had to break up one of their best couples. This leads me to my next point, what the fuck are Cleo and Deuce doing being separated?
The first G1 dolls literally came as a package. If you got one, you got the other. That's how much of an obvious couple they were. And not only that, in the Boo York movie, they broke up for like five minutes before realizing they didn't want to be without each other.
Which, in my opinion, it's so fucking cute because they come from completely different worlds. Cleo is royalty, Deuce is just a normal guy. Cleo is a little too superficial, and Deuce looks like he never showers. But they love each other and that's enough.
And you know who else loved each other and that was enough? Clawd and Draculaura. What do you even mean with "Clawd likes Cleo"? That man was in love with Draculaura, that man would've done anything for her, and you're telling me they also broke them apart?
Especially since they made Draculaura curvy, it would've been beautiful to see them together. Because it would've been a great plot point to have jock, almost-bully Clawd evolve into falling in love with curvy, smart, witchy Draculaura. But no, they just separated them.
On a completely different note. What the fuck is Gil doing without his tank? Do I even have to explain why this is taking inclusivity out of the Monster High concept? He couldn't live without his tank outside the water. Ergo, he was limited without his tank. If you ask me, this is Monster High equivalent to something like hearing aids (and this is just an example, there are many other things you could compare Gil's tank to)
Also, Ghoulia talking bothers me a lot. First of all, she was the smartest of the group, but we couldn't understand what she was saying, which added a lot of comedy since us, the spectators, were only pretending to know what the fuck Ghoulia's plan was. And I repeat, she was the smartest of the group.
The smartest of the group couldn't communicate like everyone else. I won't even explain why that is fascinating in itself, because it just is and it added so much depth to whole story. And to add more to my problem with G3 Ghoulia, why is she standing straight and walking at a regular speed?
Ghoulia standing like a zombie was, again, to me, a form of inclusivity to all the kids out there who had some walking impediment, or, in general, had any chronic illness that stopped them from moving around. And her walking slow as fuck was just straight-up funny (especially that one web episode where she got a motorcycle).
There's a lot of things I do like about G3, as I think it improves the brand in wonderful ways, but they definitely took some of the most essential things that made Monster High what it was.
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