#which will be helpful bc idk the first thing about guitar
faerociousbeast · 2 years
on a brighter note, thats all the annoying classes done and taken care of! finals tomorrow is literally worth One percent bc my teacher had to make it worth Something so i have no more worries. until monday
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falling asleep with hobie brown! (sfw)
huge thanks to @michelleart8 for helping me choose
huuhhh title pretty self explanatory lmao
idk if i'll make this with other characters but like
yea :3
(half fully written fic half headcanons ?) (yknow what i'll do both)
bit of hurt comfort towards the hug scene? idk
also reader and hobie are in an implied established relationship
(word count: 250/300)
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it was one of the many nights you spent waiting for hobie to come back home. with the two of you being spider people, you had a very few moments together.
but it didn't stop you from being in love.
coming home later than your boyfriend, or at least you thought you did, you took endless precautions to not make any noise. (which tbh doesn't make any sense tbh let's js say you're a quiet person)
just in case, you know, he did come home earlier than you...
the first thing that hit you as soon as you entered your appartment was that the window - which you often left open when you sleep so that your boyfriend could sneak in without waking you up - was closed.
you didn't pay it no mind as you thought it was the wind.
you headed to the bathroom to get into your pyjamas, where actually were one of hobie's old t'-shirts- which smell reminds you of home.
you then go to the kitchen to get a midnight snack, your all time favorite.
as you turned around, you notice the presence of your boyfriend.
"hobie? is something wrong?" you ask as you run to hug him.
he gave in the hug, shoving his head into your shoulder.
"so... tired... " he mutters, "glad i'm home..."
it was no surprise: the pressure of being a spider-person was extremely high. even though hobie tried his best to hide it, but even he needed to let it out sometimes.
(time for hcs bc idk how to truly describe the scene + it'll be easier)
i feel like he takes all the room there is on the bed like he'd be in some starfish position
somehow you're always touching him whether he's the big spoon or with your head on his chest or his arm around your shoulders
if you're scared of storms he would hug you close and confort you
"it's ok honey, it can't hurt you as long as i'm with you"
he plays with your hair when he can't fall asleep and wonders how non black people's hair work
if you're black/ a person of color he'd go like "ooo their hair is so cool :0
he secretely likes being the little spoon but he never asks for it
"ya can't sleep huh? want me to sing a sothing melody for ya?" (don't judge i have no idea how british people talk)
he always asks you if he can move if you're laying on him - if you're asleep he just doesn't
"y'had a bad dream ? c'mhere i'll comfort you"
he braids your hair when he can't fall asleep
idk i feel like he only feels at peace in smalls moments like this when he's with you
also when the two of you can't sleep he plays you songs on his accoustic guitar (idk i feel like he's been given one when he was a kid and that's how he started learning)
maybe holding hands under the blankets? also you conforting him after a very tiring day he'd have his head on your lap and he'd fall asleep like that
he probably pushed you out of the bed more than once
"what the fuck are you doing on the floor??" but then he'd know it's his fault and js laugh about it
that's all i got for now i think i'm v tired atm i'll probably edit this later or do a part tO but like xdd hope you enjoyed ;3
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slexenskee · 5 months
You might have already mentioned it, but what songs did Gojo sing as a kid with that band, the Band Aides? Cause I'm really curious what teen Gojo screamed into the microphone and what people thought of this crazy punk kid with super great music. Also, will the Scrub fans ever unearth a video someone probably took of little Gojo coasting around random alt-rock venues? Cause that would be hilarious.
We're actually going to get into it in future chapters!! 😁
He 100% plays Mr Brightside and basically he starts getting into the whole plagiarizing music thing by realizing that a lot of the bands he loved are either a) entirely missing from the timeline or b) missing some of his favorite songs from them and sets out to fix that.
The full backstory:
I don't really get into Band Aides much, but basically it was a garage band put together by Satoru, this high school first year, and his college freshman brother, and idk, maybe one other person haven't figured it out yet. But they play in the brothers' garage and their dad was in a band back in the states which is why he has all this random old equipment in his garage and also an undying love for classic rock music.
So they start out playing a lot of songs that Satoru does know - famous stuff from like before 1990 basically - and at first he's just jamming and having a good time actually realizing that he likes playing all the music he used to listen to in his last life, and just figuring out how music even works. The dad is super helpful in this since he was a musician in a band himself and can at least teach Satoru the basics of guitar, sound engineering, and all the technical stuff. They're still not great or anything, being a bunch of kids and all, and Satoru himself is still going from 0 to 100 learning about instruments and music theory.
Anyway, then he hears an 'album' from The Killers, realizes they only put out one album in this world and it was not Hot Fuss, and immediately sets out to try to re-create Mr Brightside for his band to play.
Because of the way this happens > him 'learning' about bands and music, then coming immediately after with songs resembling the bands he'd just listened to, it feels really organic to his band and the people who knew him at the time. Like yeah of course he made a song that sounds like The Killers after listening to their album, that's literally how all music is made. You get influenced and inspired by something and then create your own version. It's just in this instance, Satoru wasn't 'creating his own version' he was literally adding to their originally discography.
Eventually he stops playing songs that come from bands with missing discography and starts playing songs from ones that he realizes don't exist at all, but there's still enough of a trajectory that it still seems 'plausible'.
So, tbh, people who don't 'know' music think he's just a cool punk who makes epic songs. People who do know all those old genres and bands are like 'damn this kid has great taste' and also thinks he makes epic songs that really pay homage to that era.
I'm kinda torn on what The Band Aides would play on open mic nights actually.
Realistically they would mostly play cover songs bc even if Satoru wanted to be getting them to play 'his' songs, he wouldn't be at a point where he could properly articulate what he wanted it to even sound like. But I also want to sneak a bunch of Blink-182 songs into their tracks haha. And probably All Time Low too? All American Rejects??
Honestly they can play whatever you want them too, since I probably won't get into it beyond Mr Brightside! And yeah that would be so fun to have clips of lil' baby Satoru rocking out at like a talent show or something lmao
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tezzbot · 6 months
🎧 I don't actually know your music taste. SO. Either take this as the go-ahead to gush about your music interest, and/or tell us if you're the kind of person who associates music with a character to help write them better. (I used to do that all the time)
Oughg okay umm
I wouldn't necessarily say I have "good" taste in music, I mostly just really enjoy things I can dance or sing to? Upbeat music is usually my go to but I've started appreciating slower songs more and more as I've gotten older (makes me sound ancient I'm only 22 DSFDGF)
I'd say my music taste is pretty eclectic in general, like it's rock and pop and pop punk, crooners and swing, musicals and scottish trad stuff and video game soundtracks I'm really all over the place
I do prefer simple lyrics though, I'm a bit of a "[X song] meaning" googler JKGHJF like just in case I misinterpret or something...
I am constantly having blorbo thoughts when I listen to music, like the hoops I will jump through to connect the two dots (I didn't connect shit /ref) is sometimes silly but it's a lot of fun, it's actually how I came up with my Underground AU that came about playlist first HKGJFG (I've tried making a playlist for Team Sky but it's really not clicking as well :/)
Though, I wouldn't say that associating music with a character helps me write them better? I would say that applying a song To a character is more just another method of expressing my understanding of a character? if that makes sense?
There's like different ways of applying a song to a character/set of characters for me: a song that makes me think of them, a song I can picture them singing/thinking from their perspective, and I guess the middle of that venn diagram would be a song I can imagine an animatic to LOL
I can post some examples holdon (Spotify links sorry lol)
A song that makes me think of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy ^_^
A Sonic song :D
A Tails song :')
Chaotix in general but mostly Charmy GHJGFH
I have so many Sonic and Tails songs idk which one to pick uhh This one's cute :P
This song is suuuuch a my version of Sonia song like down to the voice, I think Kristin Stokes might be my Sonia voice claim HGJH And it's a keys focused song, accompanied by drums and guitar!!(+bass which is what I imagine the second part of Sonic's medallion is like you know how he has one of them double guitars I picture one part of it being bass and he's just fast enough to play both at once GHKFJGH) but like. I actually think it also could work as an Amy song? Like her getting fed up of being left behind all the time? Woagh double meaning song
ANYWAY YEAGH music I like it smile
OH people were asking what song I could imagine Sonic Sonia and Manic singing in that one post it was this song!! I ws embarrassed to share bc it's technically from a musical but again it's got guitar, keys and drums and three people singing it and it's heartfelt and about them working together.. I am a simple man... HGJHF
EDIT: I LINKED THE WRONG SONG FOR THE SONIA ONE OTZ it should be fixed now tho qwq
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saturnskyline · 2 years
hi. so i saw this gifset on the dash, and it's entirely too late for me to be awake doing this but i am now spiraling over kim's outfits. so anyway here goes nothing 👍
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(below the cut is my descent into madness. you have been warned)
now when i saw these gifs i began musing in the tags, as one does, so here they are for context:
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(feels truly unhinged to screenshot my own tags but oh well)
so once i started thinking i found it impossible to stop (as often is the case with this gay mafia business) and i decided to go through and look at each of kim's outfits. for science
now i know the fandom has looked at wardrobe stuff before, so it's very possible that someone has gone through this already. BUT! i'm already in way too deep here so i'm just gonna go ahead with this dfsdhgjsdf
kim's wardrobe is, to me at least, very interesting. you get a mix of things, depending on how he is presenting himself. for example:
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(here we have wik, kim, and what seems to be something in between)
it's hard to differentiate between these styles at times, and i think that's purposeful bc kim appears to dart between personas: beloved singer, distant son, solo detective... the list goes on
so first things first! i was largely right about the jacket thing! in most every one of his outfits, he has some kind of jacket on. however, the first time we actually see him without a jacket is actually in this scene where he gifts chay with the guitar:
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(hasty screenshot to prove my point and yet jeff is still doing the jeff thing. bless)
okay so i was wrong about that. i think the jacketless look is definitely intentional on his part – to help him seem unguarded, especially since he is giving a gift – but the first instance is still not the scene i thought it was. however!!! there is one thing i'm really excited about, and it's about the next thought i had in the tags...
every time kim wears white it relates to chay.
now you may be thinking, wren. is that really the case, or is this claim a bit of a stretch? and now i answer.... *gestures helplessly* some of this may be a stretch! but i can explain, and i will!
let's look at the instances of kim in white then, shall we?
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this, to me, is a quintessential wik look. far more approachable than the full black leather, and even his typical sleuthing fits (although a lot of it is in his mannerisms tbh, remember that withering look he gave big?). now this one miiiight be a stretch... but to me it still fits my thesis bc i feel like kim dressed this way for chay on purpose so he would look more like one of his peers. just my two cents
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first sleuthing scene where white is involved. here, kim is investigating porsche's (and therefore, chay's) parents, and he gets a call from chay, which he ignores. everything and nothing in this scene is about chay; he's not in it but he actually is. (now if you're thinking, wren, that doesn't make any sense... you are not the only one. idk what i'm talking about. let's carry on)
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our boy in songwriting mode! worth noting that, with the combination of the shirt and the pants, there is more white going on here than usual. here, instead of avoiding chay, he actively remembers him and even looks a little.. fond? *gasp*
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the confession scene :') this one is particularly interesting bc it's the same jacket kim wears when he's in full dark mafia mode (more on that later). like most instances of kim in white, it's a dark jacket with white peeking through, and this scene might be the best instance of that. he reaches back when chay offers his feelings, and opens the door to.. a relationship? idk but something with emotions
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(jeffrey, sweetie, i'm so sorry about the screenshot quality. consider it retribution for your gender crimes?)
NOW. here is the look that made me start this deranged analysis in the first place. not only is it sans mafia jacket, but it is a full white shirt! he cuddles chay on the couch! they talk (?) about their feelings (?) ... well i mean, he's clearly having a hard time being vulnerable, but at least there is progress being made :)
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(bad screenshot, bad moment. they r matching)
would you believe the next white-wearing instance is THIS MISERABLE SCENE. the jacket's back on, he's desperately trying to put up his guard again, and he blatantly lets chay think that he never had feelings for him (lies lies and more lies... we all hate it here :D)
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look. i'm aware this is the biggest stretch yet bahaha. i mean my man is dressed for SCHOOL. however. the focus of this scene is him learning that chay didn't show for his audition, so it still fits in my book!! idc idc
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(if you look at chay's hair here, this scene also has bisexual lighti- *gets shot*)
pretty self-explanatory, he shows up to the bar to fight chay's friends and confront chay. about as chay-related as you can get
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finally! the Human Shirt™ !! about as on-the-nose as you can get, really. while wearing a white shirt that reads "human" and no jacket, kim has, demonstrably, his most human moment in the show: he breaks down crying over chay. cue jeff acting his heart out while his own song plays in the background (why don't you stayyyy~)
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it's a flashback scene, but we see kim watching chay in the studio. he's mostly guarded, but a little white comes through. good stuff
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putting these together bc they are two different moments but the same outfit. 1) kim learns that porsche and chay have disappeared, and 2) he contemplates the state of things after korn's "death". i put the family moment here too especially bc of what he tells kinn: "you don't have time to think about other stuff anymore", basically "eyes on the prize". now perhaps this only applies to his older brother, but in the case that we apply it to him.. we can't really be sure whether he is sticking to his personal main goal or breaking from his own advice. i suspect the former bc at this point, he seems to see chay as his main priority, despite his family's situation (again idk if this makes sense, but just. go with it. lol)
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dare i say? the sexiest example?? no mafia jacket, full white shirt, and yet, unlike the other white shirt instances, this one isn't about his emotional vulnerability with chay. no no, here he takes out six guys without much difficulty, in an attempt to protect chay (and then he leaves the bodies, but still! the love is there!)
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(a gif for fun! worth pointing out that kim also acts to protect chay the first time he wears that white shirt... :0)
in conclusion... idk what i am talking about, and frankly, if you are still reading this post i am very impressed lol. but yay kim's clothes and motifs, fashion as a disarming tactic, and white as a color of vulnerability!
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griancraft · 7 months
Ok as per my last post. This is Long and very much about my feelings so uh don’t read it if you don’t want to. Also I’m aware I sound genujneky crazy for half of this I’m just really really mentally ill in ways I don’t talk about here at all and now I am sharing them and it’s. A little scary but oh well. The system stuff is the stuff I’m most concerned about right now to be honest bc it effects my day to day and if anyone has any kind words or thoughts on what to do I’ll be happy to listen
Please read my previous post if you’re mad /gen I don’t think I say anything bad here but I have really bad morality ocd so like uhm I am scared to post this!!! Prev post
Also I’m very sorry that the prose is terrible to read and my spelling is shit I have dyspraxia which is a coordination thing and it’s worse rn
The maybe I was boring album came on yesterday while I was cleaning and I had to stop what I was doing and turn it off halfway through because I just couldn’t stop hearing an admission. I wasn’t even sad I was just. So done with it. I still am just kinda like. God I hope Shelby is doing ok with all this being public now. I’m glad she was able to heal like she said and I’m glad she made the video dude.
I almost got his lyrics tattooed if that’s testament to how much I loved his early music. It’s not connecting in my brain that this music that’s been apart of my life for like 4 years and helped me through so much was made by an abuser.
But like, in retrospect you can see it. I can’t bear to delete ycgma off my mp3 player bc I related to his songs so much as an abused lonely teenager but I also can’t bare to listen to it. I learned the fall on my guitar as my final exam and I used to repeat his lyrics to myself to cope with abuse and I wish I could still love these songs. I dressed like his dsmp character bc I thought it made me look cool. Which is lame as fuck to admit now lol
Originally I was planning on pirating them and I like, can’t especially after that manipulative ass statement. How much was an act? I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m a bad person because I still kinda do want to listen to that music again. I still want to feel that safe but I know I won’t feel that way anymore.
with dsmp stuff I think I’m going to be still able to look back fondly on it generally and I don’t think I’ll ever stop. The community was what made it and the community is what I loved, and i still do. I don’t think I’m going to reblog art of him specifically but if he’s in it I might. Idk. My policy on dream fanart is if he’s not alone in the art and it’s dsmp or mcc related I reblog so I guess I’ll continue that here. Im sorry if that sounds callous I just. Am not prepared to talk about this so I’m going back and forth
And like. We also have a wilbur factive/fictive and we have for years now and nobody in our system knows how to feel about that. He formed to fill the role of a big brother (I was being heavily emotionally neglected at that point and needed someone to be there for me) and protector from my parents abuse. Obviously, he is entirely separate from his source now bc alters change a lot for me but how we picture him is still wilbur. he’s literally just some guy now but grappling with that connection is fucked up dude it’s weird. He’ll probably further distance himself but it still fucking sucks and I don’t know how to communicate the cognitive dissonance we had to push through bc our brain struggled at first to make sense of how this person who we liked so much that he became the template for a Protector to shield us from the emotional neglect and abuse, essentially, is a terrible person. I’m sorry I know people who aren’t systems, and some who are ngl, will find this fuckibg nuts and I get that but we’re a very very internal person like I just. Kinda am with us as a system a lot and nobody else. It feels like my safe space that I’ve created in my head has been marred. Also. uhm. Our alters speak in distinct voices so it’s bad bad for me rn and we are trying to fix it. I know I know fictives and factives arenttheir source but that doesn’t change that it makes me feel gross. I’m rambling rn I’m sorry. Support Shelby.
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jgracie · 3 months
BACKK TO REQUEST A “to all the boys i’ve loved before” !! 🫶(THANK U FOR TAKING UR TIME TO READ THIS OMG IM SO SO SORRY ITS SO LONG.) i would like a male pjo character plss 😓
ok first of all SORRY IF THIS IS RLLY BAD idk how to properly put it into words how i am so im trying yall (even tho its a lot omg..)
so for looks, i LOVE to dye my hair so much its actually a problem (i fried off my hair two years ago because i dyed i went from red hair to PLATINUM BLONDE in two days😭😭 my mistake) BUT ANYWAY. i wear glasses, and I currently have black hair up to my shoulders but i dont wear them often because they dont unfortunately match my outfits and then also bc i forget😓. ALSO here is an idea of what i actually wear !! its always smth comfy bc i move around A LOT so always very comfy unless im like, going to a party (which i love going to sm) i’ll usually wear smth more showy and tight bc i js love to 😚😚 but the pics r what i usually wear on a daily basis
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i’m a hufflepuff and my type of thingy is ENFP-T. i’m also a MAJOR pushover i literally need to fix that asap, and i LOVEEE to love maybe thats also a problem too but i can def be a smartass or like crazy sarcastic when i wanna but like only if the person can handle it bc im not trynna make ppl be upset bc i know im also crazy sensitive so i get it frfr😭 SPEAKING OFF SMTH ELSE THO i’m a MAJOR yapper (I’M SO SOSRRY THIS IS SO LONG ALSO?? WTF) and i have trouble speaking about how I AM but not about me in general bc i can yap abt my childhood forever😭 im also def NOT smart like STREET SMART?? YUPP but book smart? i’ll probably die if u asked me to write a whole essay on a book BC I ALSO JS CANNOT FOCUSS i literally cant at all. MY INTERESTS(not rlly i dont hsve a lot to work w here) i love playing guitar, snacking on stuff almost 24/7, cooking/baking, and to watch ppl do stuff but not in a creepy way trustt😭 its js interesting sometimes. I ALSO LOVEE TO SWIM THO AND SURF (havent done it in years but its ok). for my love languages its ALMOST all bc i only have trouble with receiving gifts cause its SO weird to me BUT I LOVEE TO GIVE GIFTS, PHYSICAL AFFECTION, ACTS OF SERVICE (i hate when ppl do it for me its so uncomfy sometimes depending on what it is ALSO i have straight up trauma from it so im like?? I RATHER NOT??😭 ((it sounds so weird ik lets not question it folks))) i also LOVEE quality time sm and def words of affirmation!! its only bc i have so much to give and do bc i have so much time on my hands but its soo weird depending on what it is when its with me (given). i can speak multiple languages!! my first language is spanish and english and a bit of french (i fcuking hate it) i’m also not a dog person!! i’m rlly scared of dogs, heights, the dark, small spaces, and the literal ocean😭 (i went to go see whales one time and got scared i was gonna fall off the boat and a shark would eat me, trauma yall😭). ALSO i get RLLLLYYYY irritated easy its my worst quality istg. i’m also crazy brave and loud when i get especially rlly comfy w people!! but i also love to tease and be just as chill but also impulsive?? idk how to explain it. ALSO i dont have a specific aesthetic bc it changed SOO CONSISTENTLY I HATE IT SM lile girl js stick w fav color. I ALSO FUCKING LOVE TO TRAVEL AND TAKE PHOTOSS i’m constantly on the road and taking pics its my fav thing ever!’ i’m a coffee person but it makes me lightheaded and make me feelblike what i’m sure steroids are like on people but i js cant drink tea, i like lemonade more if anything. OKOK I THINK THATS IT?? IMA STOP IT HERE FOR UR SAKE LMAO. IM SO SORRY THIS IS HELLA LONG I GOT OFF TRACK SO MANY TIMES..
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HELP this is incredibly long but its ok girl i loved reading every second of it anya lore fr 🙏🏼 anyway as i was reading i couldn't help but notice the differences between you and mr grace...
youre an extrovert, he's an introvert. you're a yapper, people consider themselves lucky if they get a sentence out of him, youre impulsive, his fatal flaw is literally the fact that he overthinks every option he has 😭
i think this causes a bit of tension between the two of you at first but at some point you have a little moment together and realise you can learn a lot from each other!!! you also realise you have some things in common such as your love for travel 😊
LOVES the way you're so effortlessly beautiful wearing the comfiest clothes.... also does not care how much skin you show because he can fight but also hes a good man and knows he has no right policing your style 🫡
you pull him out of his comfort zone with your parties and impulsiveness and he helps you get over your fear of dogs and heights <3
also will support you through every aesthetic change!!! he thinks they all suit you so well because ur perfect but will tell you which ones he liked more if you ask
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discworldwitches · 5 months
i was tagged by @fatalgift to do this little tag game!! i am also going to try and get thru my other tags soon!!
Are you named after anyone? ok so i actually think this is rly funny but my mom wanted to name me after john (like the saint) but a variation of it so she named me specifically a fictional character who is going to die of leukaemia by xmas (which i love to give her shit for). i named myself after kel from the protector of the small books (kel is also literally modelled after jeanne d’arc which i think is nice connection back to my mom’s intentions)
When was the last time you cried? idk i think i teared up two days ago i think but i’ve definitely had a proper bawl in the last two weeks
Do you have kids? no, just a cat that i consider my child
What sports do you play/have you played? i used to do basketball but back when i was shorter which is ironic since some people assume i do since i’m almost 6’. i always wanted to play soccer/softball but did dance growing up
Do you use sarcasm? yes but i am pretty deadpan which confuses people
What is the first thing you notice about people? physically-speaking, their hair. which does not help with knowing what people’s faces look like.
What is your eye color? hazel
Scary movies or happy endings? happy-ish endings in scary movies lmao
Any talents? i’ve always been complimented on my writing and i can act well with relative ease. i also pick up languages easily.
Where were you born? bc, canada
What are your hobbies? reading (mainly speculative fiction & magical realism), journalling, going on long walks and taking photos of plants, and arts/crafts. i am always trying to learn piano/guitar.
Do you have any pets? aforementioned cat
How tall are you? 5'11”
Favorite subject at school? social studies, drawing & painting, drama
Dream job? i would like to write books
+ bonus: put a link or a screenshot of what you're listening to rn or the last song you listened to:
i am not tagging ppl bc this will be the first of quite a few tag games i’ll be responding to this weekend (or at least i am hoping to respond to) but if ur seeing this and want to do it pls tag me!!
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hugsqueeze · 1 year
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Idk why but I've been making little fictional pieces of media to exist WITHIN my OC universes. Like this anime(?) called Happy Harmony Fusion about college students who are assigned powers based on music genres. And they have to go fight some corporate magical bad guy who wants to turn all of humanity into soulless laborers to manufacture products for his intergalactic business. It's like a magical girl / power ranger thing. And I know this is a super bare bones sketch but I think it's kinda fun looking... Sort of reflects their dynamic well!! ^_^ LOL In order from left to right: Rhythm (R&B) Ranger, Metal Ranger, Pop Ranger, Rock Ranger. MY GIRLIES...
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There's three more that are unpictured (Disco, Techno, and Country). And also their obligatory magical girl helper who is a robot isopod that can turn into a Sony CFD cassette player 😭 To disguise himself. And yes he can inexplicably float/fly to get around although he much prefers to perch himself on their shoulders and be annoying. I think his name is I-SOPOD. Sort of like i-pod. I think I-POD is his nickname. HAHA But each "magical girl" has a magic CD that they can use during fights to enhance their powers in a sense. They can also fuse powers with each other to create a fusion genre... Which gives both magical girls enhanced powers related to their fusion genre... Some genres mix better than others. Particularly harmonious fusions create stronger powers and consequently make the duo more powerful :] For example, Pop and Metal fusion would create Glam Metal. And the two's powers/outfits would change to reflect that.
However... Metal Ranger refuses to fuse with any of her other teammates and she says it's because she doesn't need their help and is strong enough on her own but it's actually because she's lying about the genre she was assigned this whole time. She was assigned to have Classical Music powers but she thought that would make her look super nerdy and uncool so she lied. So she refuses to fuse genres/powers with the others bc she knows it would reveal that she is lying. VERY CLEARLY. LOLLL. Whenever she underwent her magical girl transformations, she would rip up her magical girl outfit (which appropriately reflected her Classical music powers) to make it look more... Rugged and almost punk like I guess.
She acts really abrasive and rude and obtrusive only because she's trying to be an over the top metal-liker persona when in reality she's quite a crybaby and sensitive. And knows very little about metal in the first place. ALSO I forgot to mention that their weapons are all predictably based on musical instruments. She originally got. Idk a violin or something but grilled I-SOPOD about it and got an electric guitar magical weapon instead. And as you can imagine, she has a character arc where she finally accepts herself and embraces the Classical music swag. 🫂 It's an on-the-nose "just be yourself" moral but I think it's fitting.
And I also have this fake classic fighting game that features characters based off of food. Probably just called Food Fight, now that I'm thinking about it LOL. But I've only gotten around to designing these three fast food themed ones. Hehe.
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pregnantsecondo · 1 year
here to ask about Enoch's daughter(s) (literally any info about them i am Invested) (but also how. And when)
Ok, so Enoch as you may know is trans, so its possible for him to give birth.
Her name is Hope, and she was born some time in 2006 (which makes Enoch 36 when he gives birth to her). She probably lives full time with her other father (idk his name yet, lets call him Matthew for now) and her older sister Phoebe (who was born in 2001 on 9/11).
Enoch probably visits her often, but with the nature of his work and his life, can't be with her all the time.
For the first year of her life, he tried to take care of her on his own but it was hard. He wasn't able to do it on his own, so he went to Matthew. He doesn't know if Hope will be able to live much of a life, because he is, in part, a demon as well. So he tells Matthew this and asks for his help.
Matthew is a decent dude, so he accepts. He's kind of obsessed with Enoch in the sense that he thinks he's very in love with him and also that enoch is somehow sent from hell for an important purpose but Enoch sees it just as an obsession that he can use. Dude jumps at the chance to take care of their daughter, and Enoch trusts him enough to take care of her. Plus he likes Matthew's other kid (the aforementioned Phoebe), and will often ask her to tag along on the things that he does with Hope.
Hope is fine, for the most part. Enoch's father is glad that she has a granddaughter and protects her. If Hope ever has children, the demonic influence is too small to do much of anything beyond small physical changes. Hope, btw, has small horns and a tail, but her eyes are normal and she has none of the powers enoch has.
Hope has a few interests. She really likes music, and can play the piano, the guitar, and the cello. She can also sing and is in choir, which is ironic considering her grandfather is a demon. She also likes history and has an interest in religion due to her family. She has some emotional issues stemming from Enoch's absent periods in her life, and she knows why he had to be gone, but they still remain. Enoch knows this, and tries hard to be there for all that he can. He is kind of a cryptid at her high school bc he shows up to all of her events and awards ceremonies and scares people (not on purpose of course).
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NICO NICO OH MY GOF HI HI I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH im so sorry i just went and disappeared on you like that. went through a really bad time and got sick of my blog (which i honestly have been for a good while) and just decided to wipe everything and be alone for a little. it's so good you should try suddenly disappearing into a fog sometimes I'll just want for you to come back when you've cleared your mind. sorry i miss you a lot and it's so nice to get to talk to you again :). oh here's some poetry from a book i've acquired through ah id say dubious means and ive bookmarked some that reminded me of you and your sea thing. im gonna go through and find some more for you. anyway PLEASE catch me up on things how's everything have you been writing show me show me how are your little silly creatures any new stuff youre insane about any cool things you wanna show me tell me everything man IVE MISSED YOU MWUAHMWUAHMUWHA
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enyway these are the poems 👍. ly man
okay first before anything please please PLEASE don't be sorry for disappearing and retreating into the shadows for a bit. i mean it. you're braver than all of us for knowing when to take a break and even having the guts to deactivate for the betterment of your mental health especially with your posts blowing up and people being annoying and going through shit with your mental health and everything, i'm proud of you for taking that step & happy you did it!!! of course i was worried but i'm glad you're here and i'm glad you were able to do that to help scrape the grime and dirt off <3 seriously. :)
umm how things are going!!! idk nothing much has changed since you've been gone tbh? i just found out my coworkers at the library and i are getting a pay increase because the county loves us soooooooooo much and bc we've been working so hard, so that's cool!! i also finished writing a good omens fic that turned out to be 15 pages long (rip) and it was the first piece of non-poetry writing that i've attempted AND FINISHED in over a year. ACK!!!! im v proud of it :]
ALSO a little bit of tragic news our favorite girl (guitar) vendetta, my beautiful lovely woman, is like. on the fritz for some reason? her channel switch is fizzling out and she's have connection issues with the amp and it's really sad. but!! since my birthday is next month (the 17th), i talked to my parents and they agreed that for my bday present they would help me pay for a NEW GUITAR????. THIS IS THE ONE I HAD MY EYE ON
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last thing, i watched juno 2007 (Finally!) during your absence AND IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO WATCH IT. elliot page and his little egg self :') idk it made me tear up a little i loved it so much. <3
my cats are as beastly as ever of course. here are some pictures:
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we all missed you so much man it hasn't been the same without you here. i love you so much zed so so so much <3333
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cezulian · 1 year
YES I HAD FUN!!! I went with my mom and we cried a lot bc she was raised on Stevie Nicks and so was I partially, and my grandma (who passed away in 2015 but was always like my actual second parent with my mom and basically the strongest most capable woman I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing) was a HUUUUUUGE hippie and free spirit type—like literally never cut or dyed her hair, had jingly clothes, vegan since the 70s, all of my history-related school projects she helped me with were basically anti-war presentations, one time she was on heavy morphine in the hospital and sent flowers to my cousin who just graduated with a note wherein she wrote “fly on, freebird” instinctively while high af—so. It was bittersweet because we felt like she should have been there but we both wore some of her clothes and stuff so idk. It was just incredible overall. Did have one out of body experience/possible anxiety attack because my grandma loved 3 things more than anything in the world: horses, gardening (but like. Abundant and colorful gardening with a bunch of different flowers), and the beach. And during “Rhiannon”, the graphics playing on the bug screen on stage were wildflowers with horses running on shallow beach shores at sunset and afterward mom and I both agreed we felt insane. But I’m a big fan of crying so it was cool.
ANYWAY!! It was OF COURSE an awesome show like wtf I still can’t believe my stupid ass was there. That woman’s voice is just like. Like idk how she sounds the same as she always has, shit’s fuckin nuts. She introduced every song with a little story that was like obviously she knew what story she was going to tell each time but she told them all like off the cuff? It felt very unique, like nowhere on the tour probably had these stories told the same way. Also after “I Sing For The Things” she was about to walk away from mic but then came back and said something along the lines of “Y’know what I actually never thought about it before the past few night we’ve been doing that song, but in it I say I’m ‘living on dreams and chains’ but I just realized…I’m literally living on ‘Dreams’ and ‘Chains’, yeah? 👀 Think about it 👀”
During “Bella Donna”, she wore the ORIGINAL PERFECT CONDITION BLUE SCARF/SHAWL which made me freak out that was awesome. OH!!! And during “Gold Dust Woman” like at the very end they just played the instrumental extra long and she repeated the chorus and outro several more times and just like fully danced and the guitar fuckin shredded for several more minutes but like. Dude I can’t even explain what happened during that song, it was witchcraft-levels of intense there at the end and I think everyone agreed because it got a standing ovation. Maybe we were all raptured? I dunno, felt like a dream sequence but not a slow trippy one, like the one the character has where their eyes shoot open suddenly and they’re furiously driving a car at night all wild-eyed and hunched over and the pov keeps switching from dashboard to first person with white flashes every cut. That kind.
Anyway I will post videos as soon as I can! :)
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citrinesparkles · 1 year
hello!! 🎶 they’re nothing new, but, per your request, im sharing songs that make me //feel//:
paranoid—black sabbath (everything about this song takes me to another plane of existence)
wolf like me — tv on the radio(makes me feel unhinged, i swear i’m feeling the effects of the full moon with this one)
bleed it out — linkin park (🎶⛓️🖤)
machine gun blues — social distortion (this song has me feeling like a getaway driver, very dangerous when i’m behind the wheel 🫢)
highway tune—greta van fleet (this song is so sexy idk)
i o u - you me at six (the bass is so seductive and the voice/lyrics are definitely helping 😏)
OH MY GODDDD I OWE YOU MY LIFE. im giving you the worlds biggest hug EVER in HISTORY AND 🏆 an award for great taste bc there is not a single dud here. Thoughts™️ below bc if theres one thing im gonna do its talk
paranoid - A CLASSIC FOR A REASONNNNNN ugh every now and again i forget how good this track is and this was a Wonderful reminder
wolf like me - this one is new to me and i am. obsessed. obsessed. WILL be driving to this song. will be blasting this while i get ready. will be looping. such a good song oh my god.
bleed it out - LINKIN PARK MY MOST BELOVEDDDDDDD GODDDD this song rewired my brain when i heard it the first time and i have NEVER ever been the same. thank you for the excuse to blast it. 💖💖 lp is actually one of my favorite bands and this is one of my favorite songs by them, so when i saw it in your message i actually went :D!!!! HDJFHFJ i was so excited
machine gun blues - you are gonna get me into TROUBLE with this song omg. this is enabling in song form. getaway driver is EXACTLY the vibe, and i am immediately shoving it into my "not for driving" playlist bc i do not trust myself. (drive safe, kids. dont do guitar and drive.)
highway tune - omg i love greta van fleet and i dont know this song :0 this is so fun help???OBSESSED w the vocals and the funky music and absolutely think this needs to be Top Volume. omg im about to be SO annoying with this song
i o u - AND A STRONG ASS FINISHER. holy cats this is such a song??? 😭 you're exactly correct and this is another for the getting ready playlist bc this is fantastic for my ego. (not so much for those that have to deal with me, but c'est la vie <3)
okay. all that in mind i definitely have to recommend femme fatale (another getaway driver song i cant drive to HDJFHFJF) and skeleton man by coyote kid, as well as sing along by sturgill simpson (which has a bananas music video, if you're a music video person!)
edit omg i am. so miffed i forgot rock show by halestorm- the source of my bio lyrics smh!!!!!! you wanna talk about a song that makes you feel something oh my god i lose my mind every time
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labgrownmeat · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @lightpossession to do this thing (thank u :)!!)
1. Are you named after anyone?
I am named after my middle name which was my dad's best friends name but written in a way I decided was more "feminine" ~10(?) years ago
2. When was the last time you cried?
Earlier today thinking about people I care about struggling w/ things. I cry a lot tho generally
3. Do you have kids?
Yes their names are Sigmund and Pan and they are 8 and 10 respectively and they are cats
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I've used it quite a lot in my life sometimes (more oftentimes than I'd like) to my own detriment, and I very consciously have been trying to moderate it for a while.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I was put in tennis and soccer as a child, each time failing because I'm effete and asthmatic. Then I tried getting into fencing in college and collapsed the first time I tried fencing with the gear on bc lunging in the heat triggered a syncope response and I briefly lost consciousness. Success.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Their voice, tone of voice, and expressions. Physically idk, I kind of have some kind of partial face blindness and forget what people look like frequently so clearly not that. Hair?
7. What’s your eye color?
Blue/green with the little gold ring in the middle
8. Scary endings or happy endings?
I guess it depends on the film/book/etc.? Not a great question.
9. Any special talents?
Guitar style instruments and soul calibur
10. Where were you born?
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
11. What are your hobbies?
Making music I would say is my main "hobby". I guess video games are a hobby? Books? Where does "hobby" end and "obsessive media consumption" begin?
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes their names are Sigmund and Pan and they are 8 and 10 respectively and they are cats.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
K-12, I guess biology, english/literature, any classes I ever took that even vaguely dealt with astronomy. Theatre too, in high school I did sound/light tech and stagework stuff in the theatre program and I really enjoyed doing that.
15. Dream job?
I don't even know anymore. There are some aspects to working in social services I've enjoyed, I like to work with people and help them, maybe a therapist or something. When I was in college I wanted to be a professor for a long time, in history, philosophy, or sociology, but I haven't gone to grad school. I'd still enjoy that but idk if I can see it happening...
I will tag @ghostcurse, @silkwyrm, @jampharos, ..... and i suppose any other mutual that wants to use this as an excuse. i have 25 followers i can't tag almost every single one of my mutuals that would be preposterous
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misshappilyfading · 5 months
a long, totally non-psychotic, mini(?) rant about the beatles that's too long and embarrassing for twt
okay so i've recently come out of a SECOND months-long stint of...kim heechul/suju stuff and it's left me kinda...lacking something to fixate on. so rn my temp fix is...the beatles?? and like i've liked their music since i was a little kid, but i haven't had an extended phase of listening to their music since like..10th grade? so this is kinda weird and embarrassing to me but whatever, here are some of my favorite songs by them and why in no particular order!
twist and shout - highlight here besides the gen early 60s feel and 100% john's vocals. there's something really refreshing(?) and youthful about the way he yells the entire song. and ofc the "woooo"s + head shakes are so cute
she loves you - yeah yeah yeah
paperback writer - idk it's a classic
day tripper - idk it's a classic + the fucking GUITAR RIFF
can't buy me love - idk it's a classic. earworm
a hard day's night - idk IT'S A CLASSIC
i feel fine - the pep. the harmonies. im in love with her and i feel fine
eight days a week - sweet song. makes you feel good
i'm a loser - that first harmony just snatches you in. idc. i get it i love it
help! - the 2nd song i consciously knew was by the beatles and i liked it loads more than "i wanna hold your haaaaaaand". i like the bridge the most
yellow submarine - it's in my range and probably by 2nd favorite ringo song? and it's silly
taxman - shit slaps. one of my fav harrison songs. "yeaaaaahhhh the taxmaaaan" is up there for me
here, there, and everywhere - i cried. hard. twice. i tear up thinking about this song. idk how you can go through life normally knowing paul mccartney wrote this about you
i'm only sleeping - hear this for the first time recently and it reminded me of sleeping sun by coldplay and some popular US songs from the 90s...
good day sunshine - lol another i heard in a CM at some point but did not know it was the beatles...it's happy i like it
and your bird can sing - but you don't get me. but you don't get. meeeeee. i can't believe john hate this?? it's so good??? the fucking guitars like???
hello, goodbye - first heard this in the 2007 target commercial. loved it ever since. i really like all of it but the "she says why and i say i don't know" and "why why whywhywhywhy do you say goodbye goodbyeeeeeebyebyebyebye" are stand out parts to me!
back in the ussr - fun : )
glass onion - that fucking recorder towards the end. amazing
blackbird - one of those songs you hear so randomly just..around that you forget/don't know it's the beatles
while my guitar gently weeps - liked this one as a kid when i was feeling emo lololol. good song though : )
[faves from rubber soul, sgt pepper's, and abbey road get their own section (bc these are the only albums i've listened to all the way through...)]
songs that i don't really like but are meaningful in some way
i want to hold your hand - probably the first beatles song i ever heard? or at least consciously knew was by the beatles. bc my kindergarten music teacher made us learn the lyrics and sing it in class
eleanor rigby - ik this is a popular song but the first time i heard it was when my 3rd grade teacher played it backwards to show us how the beatles were connected to the illuminati and devil worship so. i still feel uneasy whenever i hear it. can't sit through the whole song :(
do you want to know a secret - okay i actually don't dislike this song, it's just that i listened to it so much during like 8th/9th grade that im tired of hearing it. still a good song though
yesterday - again it's not that i hate it or anything but lol it's overplayed. meaningful bc it's one of those songs you know at least a few words to even if you haven't heard the whole thing (which i have. too many times.)
all you need is love - not bad but a commercial song in my mind
i am the walrus - scared me as a child but i don't hate it now. coo-coo-kachoo
strawberry fields forever - scared me as a child but i don't hate it now
happiness is a warm gun - super mixed feelings. is it about heroin? sex with yoko ono? are one of those options actually better than the other??? but i fuck with the ending "happinessssss bang bang shoog shoog"
get back/don't let me know/let it be - mixed feelings so i have to be in a specific mood to listen to these
rubber soul (favorites in bold)
drive my car - not my favorite but i loooove the "beep beep beep beep yeah"
norwegian wood - one of the one's i did not listen to as child but as of literally yesterday, i love it. wish it were not inspired by affairs but. like damn the sitar. the general vibes. isn't it good? norwegian wood
you won't see me - i like it. for years i had only heard the chorus so the actual song was a bit different than i'd expected but it's good. "you refuse to even listeeeeen" i like. also the gradual tempo shift!! oooooooo lalala
nowhere man - WOW. okay so when i was little and heard a snippet of the chorus, i had 0 interest in listening to the full song. yesterday, though, that fucking intro caught me so off guard. the slight beachy vibes. paul calling this an "anti-john song" like wow. it's just a 10/10 laaaaaaaalalalalala
think for yourself - rock band trailers fucked this up for me a bit bc i always expect it to lead into the wait chorus. the actual chorus fucks though. i like it
the word - she's silly. she's 60s. she's pop. not my favorite, but those harmonies on "so fine" and "sunshine". man
michelle - loved this since i was 10. it's calming, it fucks. i don't fuck with french but. "until i do im hoping you will know what i mean" and "I LOVE YOUUUUUU" and the guitar solo. the fucking tempo shift
what goes on - ...country. hear fairly often as a kid though but didn't know it was beatles
girl - another one i had no interest in (and was slightly scared of) as a kid based on the chorus but oof. love the comparison between this and michelle. we live for europeans being european in different flavors. also this songs feels like drugs. could be hallucinating but it feels like there's a sliiiight tempo shift here too? or at least it feels like it slows juuuust a bit
i'm looking through you - arguably my favorite beatles song as a child. had me in a chokehold in 2009. "why why tell me why did you not treat me right?" "your lips are moving i cannot heard your voice is soothing but the words aren't clear"
in my life - much much more appreciated now that im older. didn't listen to this much when i was little but i've always always loved the riff and ending. maybe one of my favorite song endings ever
wait - something is kinda catchy about it. idk
if i needed someone - 60s feel. the harmonies are so nice. this is like an honorable mention for me
run for your life - ah nothing like references to violence against women to bring out that 60s feeling : ) shame the chorus is so catchy
sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band
splhcb - yes. billyyyyyyyy shearsssssssssss
with a little help from my friends - YES. probably my favorite ringo song "do you neeeeeeeed anybody?"
lsd - not my favorite. drugs are bad. however i listened to this once when i was extremely drunk (i don't do any other drugs so) and i kinda got it? still not my favorite though
getting better - ah nothing like reference to violence against women to bring out that 60s feeling : ) paul is cute "me hiding me head in the sand" i really like this song but jesus john. i just it's better to admit and ask for forgiveness but. lord. but yeah this is a song that like...jabs you musically from the outset
fixing a hole - actually obsessed. this slaps, it fucks, it calms you down, hypes you up. im right where i belonggggg. that fucking guitar solo
she's leaving home - had only heard a bit of the chorus as a kid. was NOT expecting the entire song to sound how it does. cried on one listen. very beautiful
being for the benefit of mr. kite - the thing i like the most about this is the title
within you within out - ummm couldn't make it through the whole thing. christian upbringing means it gives me hives a little
when i'm sixty four - i liked it as a kid, i like it now. i will always be a supporter of paul's granny shit. it's cute. honorable mention for me
lovely rita - words cannot express how much i like this song. i liked it as a kid, i LOVE it now. the harmonies on "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDD aaaaaahhhhhhhh" also paul sound so british the entire time. "luvely rita mitah maid" "little white buke" "made her luke a little like a militry man" "may i inquire discRReetly when are you free to take some tea with MEEEE" it's a time. it's cute, a bit silly, and at the end you get sex! the bassline, the piano, the mouth chkchckchk, the fucking kazoo, i love it. Rita!
good morning good morning - another song i swear i've heard a bit of in a commercial or radio but i can't remember when/where. kinda makes me sad that john ended up not liking it, cause i like it. i get it. plus it sounds like morning.
splhcb reprise - i love it
a day in the life - scared me as a child but even then it kept it's alluring quality to me. not my absolute favorite, but i understand why some ppl regard it to be their best song
abbey road
come together - idk what to say. this is iconic music
something - heard for the first time yesterday and WOW. again idk what to say. shit is GOOD. song that makes you shut up
maxwell's silver hammer - ...i've loved this since 2009. and recording began on my birthday so it's always felt kinda special to me. ik she has haters but im glad paul made it. i live on corn. but also putting this right after something was a set up mayhaps
oh! darling - this FUCKS. don't think i have to say anything else. used to scare me a bit as a kid but i still listened
octopus's garden - def heard as a kid pre-2009 but idk where. not my fav but feels nostalgic
i want you (she's so heavy) - hm...i appreciate this as a piece of music although it's not my personal favorite. like i can its importance to the genre while still skipping. the outro is fucking insane though. and the scream
here comes the sun - do i even have to say anything? beyond "thank you parent trap soundtrack" probably the 3rd beatles song i'd ever heard
because - not a favorite but i like it
medley - you never give me your money will ALWAYS take me back to summer 2019 where i saw the opening lyrics as a metaphor for my own financial issues and depression. wild shit. sun king is like a peak 7pm summer song. love it. another song that makes you shut up. mean mr. mustard and polythene pam i've always loved since i was 10. they're fun to me. the bassline in mmm fucks hard. yeahhhh yeah yeah. in she came in through the bathroom window i like "sunday's on the phone to monday. tuesday's on the phone to me". golden slumbers i like less but i like the quiet parts and how it leads into carry that weight. one of the few times i want paul to not yell. carry that weight feels like the ending of a movie + the link back to yngmym. then you get to the end. which is just. wow. how many other groups can say they've ended their career on something like that? paul yelling, the solos, "love you love you"
and in the end, the love you take
is equal to the love you make.
(jk ik her majesty's a pretty nice girl. i also view this more as an easter egg but i do like it for a personal reason)
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squeiky · 7 months
Im gonna have to name this an au or soemthing cause damn am i getging obsessed with this
Ended up fully fleshing out The 10 sonadow kids and the espilver and Blazamy kids:
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Starting with the BABIESSS we've got the triplets with Pickels the Fossa, Snowy the Kinkajou and PaintBrush (P.B for short) the coatimundi (P.B's entire name is literally Paint Brush, but i just added the extra title so we know what he.. IS.)
Pickles and Snowy are "twins" in the way that they look similar but very much are not related.
They were all found at the same time (kittens in a box sort of deal)
Trixie was found a couple of years after Alberto but i just havent made an actual adult form of her yet- bur she was adopted at age 3.
My girl watched the pony show and yall should KNOW whos her favorite character
WATTZ my little adorable one- really wants to be cool like Sonic and Shadow but the heart is so big and pure its hard to look stoic and cold when you've got the sweetest little golden heart in the world
And Banjo (who i originally named Bongos bur decided to change it) who is the akward teenager that likes his alone time and music. Not nuch to be said here other than there is never a time where i shall pass up the opportunity to turn this guy into a little pangolin ball with his dads.
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You can tell my favorite characters have got to be Luca. She was the first and shes a wrestler (luchador anyone?) Shes the big relaiable sister who will infact pummel you, and i love that.
Might need to work on Summer and Albetro but otherwise these are what i call the "guineapig group" in the sense that they were the first, thus the eldest out of all the kiddos. I dont have kid forms for them but the stuff her is simple- took after the other parent too much, with Luca be dabsmack in the middle of influence. They all have their own quirks and likings but overrall i love the "how many idiots does it take to fix a lightbulb" and the awnser is none because Luca broke it and then bought a new one.
Oh yeah and Greybelle's a crybaby did i mention that? Hes also a late bloomer when it comes to his powers (mostly bcs i dont know what powers to give him yet)
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Okayy and for the OTHER ship babies:
I find Greybelle's (should i name him Turnip or like idk some cute plant name or just keep the watermelon name?) And Flares dynamic hilarious because its literally the direct opposite of Silver's and Blaze's dynamic in which these two fucking HATE eachother. Childhood freinds? More childhood enemies.
Flare has her powers early because shes just like that. She looks calm and collected like Blaze (but she seriously has the temper equivalent to a matchstick in a pit of gasoline- which means shes also a rage quitter)
Oh and more baby time with the unnamed baby because i cant think of a name
(someone help me please other wise im gonna name it something stupid like "slippers/chinelas/zapatos", "borzoi" or like.. idk just "BABY")
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More comics stuff with THE BABY and like a poster of Trixies magic show (its her all grown up 😊) as well as Sonic teaching Banjo how to play guitar for the first time (the first step towards his long journey of become a musician 😊)
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Alright thats about it. I guess i could do more on metalsonic and Chaos but im pretty sure the entire robot kingdom and chao species are basically they're uhh family so i dont think they need the extra stress of an actual fucking weird robot waterbaby child (though that would be a kickass design ngl)
Also thinking about doing Rouge, Wave and knuckles because yeah they've got a thing going on and its like they're all buddies and soemtimes Rouge makes out with Wave. Thats about it. #singleforever
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