#which just makes earth 2 kara. bc of her overwhelming personality
powerel · 6 years
God I cant believe I have muse again bc of this cartoon...
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aquacure · 4 years
I hope u don't mind a whole lot cus I'm very inch rested, but if it overwhelms you can do whichever ones <:D
for clarkie 2, 3, 7, 17, 20, 23, 32 and for kara 1, 5, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17, 32
HOOOO thank youuuu skyeeee
2.how easily does your oc make friends? 
she’s very fun and pleasant, so she can make friends pretty easily, but there are some people who see her and get. unsettled.
3. does your oc go beyond what they have to do or do they usually do just enough work to get by?
oh she’s putting 120% into whatever she does, even if it doesn’t seem like it. doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to use shortcuts tho!
7. does your oc plan things and stick to it or do they make it up as their go?
oh she’s VERY much a planner. and she sure would like to stick to what she’s made. sometimes situations call for flexibility, so she’ll change it on the fly, but she’s got steps planned out
17. do people like hanging around them? do they have a positive, friendly energy?
it’s a varied opinion! she’s positive and friendly, but some people sense something a bit. cold from her as well. no one’s ever seen her mad.
20. are they vengeful?
is she, indeed...
23. what is something really dumb that irritates your oc a lot?
not putting trash or recycling into the proper containers. theY’RE LABELLED. IT’D BE SO COOL IF YOU GUYS DIDN’T PUT CANS INTO THE TRASH
32. which one of the 7 deadly sins fit your oc more? do they see it as a flaw?
greed. she doesn’t know what you’re talking about.
1. is your oc easily bothered by things?
she can get worked up by small things pretty easily, yeah... but she’s tryna be chill.  she tries. she’s just a lil nervous sometimes
5. is your oc imaginative or more down-to-earth?
she’s down to earth, very practical n realistic
7. does your oc plan things and stick to it or do they make it up as their go?
she tries to stick to the plan as much as possible, even at her detriment... it’s ok it’ll work out iT’S OK
11. are they critical of others?
lowkey yea, she tries to keep it to herself or mention it in a gentle way
12. do they like art? what is their favorite type (paintings, songs, fashion, etc)?
she likes to sing softly, experiment a lil with fashion..... and cook. she likes to cook.
16. are they the kind of person who’s always on the defensive?
no, that’d be her partner, shiori......
17. do people like hanging around them? do they have a positive, friendly energy?
she’s intimidating as hell because she’s 7 feet tall, buff, quiet, and almost all of her face is covered except for her right eye, but once u get to know her she’s got mom friend vibes and she’s very caring
32. which one of the 7 deadly sins fit your oc more? do they see it as a flaw?
hhfdsfddfas envy but that’s bc she’s insecure
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