#which is. admittedly even cuter. agh
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Concept sketches for Cyrmic’s parents???
Bonus: little guy alert.
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universal-kitty · 6 years
"You know, you're really cute" for you and Sal! 💖🧡 [Robotarmjokes]
soft caring sentence compilation@robotarmjokes
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   If someone had told Sal at the crisp, fresh age of 15 that he’d end up dating one day, he would’ve been deeply uncomfortable at the idea alone. Not only because some random person would say it so confidently, but also because the attack from the dog had left him…lacking, in more ways than one. His face was torn apart and his arms hadn’t fared much better (from when he tried to protect himself), so with it had gone his confidence and a large chunk of his self-love, too.
   Just because Sal Fisher could be a positive, uplifting guy, didn’t at all mean it connected to his self. It could connect to his life and how he chose to see the world, but when other people got involved, Sal’s anxiety shot up like a rocket and was just as deafening in it’s sound.
   But Ashley did introduce someone new to him back during high school. Larry had already met her at the time and Todd was elsewhere, speedily on his way to class…so they got to meet in passing.
   Meeting Rachel for the first time… Sal thought she might’ve been related to Ash! Both with about matching brown hair, green eyes, about the same skin tone and soft face with a love for drawing… Even their clothes weren’t too far from each other (at least, as far as Rachel’s preference for long-as-hell sleeves went)! But that new girl was a lot more shy than their resident social butterfly and wearing glasses, to boot.
   Still, it didn’t take long for Sal to like her once she warmed up to them, slowly becoming more energetic and excitable. Ashley brought up their paranormal works and from there, it was history; of course Rachel wanted to be involved! Encounters with ghosts were her thing! Books on it, small experiences of her own…
   Meeting Megan had been a trip for Rachel, though.
   The point was, things worked out amazingly well. She complimented his mask and then they started making mask designs together. Rachel got more involved with the group, which meant more times at Addison Apartments…when not going out for snack runs or getting a meal at a diner more in town. He gravitated toward her, lighting up when they even confessed to the group first the realization of being nonbinary. 
   It felt like home and without much notice, Sal was falling in love.
Senior Year of High School
   “You sure this is okay?”
   “Sal… Please don’t be nervous; you know how empathetic I can be,” they said gently, a laugh in their voice as they kissed his prosthetic cheek. “Don’t worry about it, okay? It’s just cuddles…and we’re not bothering the kids any, either, with our sappy romance stuff. Chill!” He admittedly laughed a little at that, arms tightening around his datemate a little more.
   Almost a year of dating and though plenty of comfort between them…still no less awkward in certain places, for sure. As a key example, the cozy warm cutie in his lap that held him in their arms and who’s warm breath tickled his neck. It wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been- Sal put his hair down and Rachel made it worth it with how much they wouldn’t stop messing with it- but it was still enough to make his prosthetic a little more sweaty than usual and body a little warmer, to boot.
   …Anyways, another key issue was Sal was…kind of in his partner’s room. And they were cuddling on their bed. Sal liked to call himself a gentleman of sorts, but this was creating some less than innocent scenarios in his mind he kept to himself. Even going on a year and with how frank and open Rachel was, that’d still be a bit soon, right…?
   G-GOSH, ANYWAYS. Digressing from the point!      Their stepdad could be a bit of an…issue, despite Sal’s best attempts. Something about gender and the mask… It’s always been an issue, but it somehow hurts a little worse when it’s family, even if only by marriage. (Though he admittedly did feel slightly better to hear Rach doesn’t like him much, either. It’s why they look forward to moving out one day: to get away from him.)
   “…Whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout?” The question drags Sal from his thoughts, jolting a little as he refocuses and glances down at his partner, who patiently stares up at him. How long had that been going on? Did he look weird? They don’t know he’s still blushing a little under the mask, right?
   “Just hoping your stepdad isn’t going to make an issue of this,” he replies truthfully. What’s to hide, right? Though he has to remind himself to not take it personally when Rachel sighs, rolling their eyes. (He’s just as empathetic and prone to overthinking a tad… They’re worse on their overthinking, though; great on lying, not so great on everything else.)
   “He won’t! Or at least, he better not. The apartments are great an’ all, but I think I might die of embarrassment if your dad or Lisa walked in on us.”
   “…They’re embarrassing, but not your stepdad?” An unseen brow raises under the mask, but his tone conveys all. Rachel shrugs, sheepish.
   “I’m used to his nonsense. Henry’s super cool an’ all, but I still barely know him…or Lisa. So it’s awkward for me.”
   “And yet, he would take us cuddling together better than your stepdad would,” Sal points out, head tilting a bit before pressing his mask gently to her forehead; the mimic of a forehead kiss. Not quite brave enough to show face yet… (Summer break, maybe, Sal kept telling himself.) Not that it mattered; the soft hum of affection they responded with showed the point had been made. Even though Sal was sure he’d be the embarrassed one, if his parents caught them cuddling…. Ugh.
   “I guess,” Rachel mumbles in defeat, turning their head into his chest and cuddling closer to him. He wonders if they hear his heart beating a little faster when they do. Maybe. He’s too nervous to ask.
   …It’s silent for a bit. Their fingers still thread through his blue hair while holding him close and Sal, for a lack of other things to do while in his own head, starts playing with their’s. After all, Rachel’s got long enough hair that he can reach it fairly easily. Maybe not as long as Ashley’s, but enough to tickle his hands when they’re around her lower back. It’s really getting long, since high school…
   Heh, back when they had bangs over their forehead and looked ridiculously adorable. He hadn’t noticed or appreciated it much until it started growing out…but the fringe that now framed their face was pretty nice, too. Hair was shorter, but seems like they haven’t been persistent about the trims like they wanted to.
   Oh well, things happen. Besides, his datemate is still really cute no matter what they do with their hair, huh? Though remembering something else along this topic…
   “You know, you’re really cute.” Rachel stiffened a little, looking up at Sal in surprise and a growing tint of pink on their cheeks. Yeah, kinda like him…they were terrible about receiving compliments.
   “Wh- First of all, where did that come from? Second, no I’m not!!” Ahh, and there’s the denial. As to be expected….not that it’s gonna stop him or anything. Actually, he cuddles them closer, smiling a little when his breath escapes his mask and his partner shivers a little at the warmth that fans over their neck. Nice to know he’s not the only one effected by stuff like that…
   “I was just thinking how cute you were when we first met. Hiding in big t-shirts, jackets, and with those bangs… Even now, you’re really cute.” Sal paused a moment, feeling their body temperature literally go up enough notches to feel. They were so interesting like that. “…Heh. I don’t even have to look at your face to know you’re blushing. That’s even cuter, you know that?”
   “Saaaaallll, stooooopppp…” They whined, trying to wiggle away from him, but Sal knew this song and dance by now; there’d been a time early on where he’d let them go when they struggled…and then had the interesting conversation of, “If I tell you I don’t want it seriously…then I don’t. I know it’s a little confusing, but… I guess you could say I’m a little tsundere; I say things I don’t entirely mean- in the sense of “no” and “stop”- but you’ll know when I really want you to stop.” (Which led to a whole other topic of what being a “tsundere” was, but you know.)
   The point was this was a time where being clingy was good and so Sal wasn’t gonna let go. That’s what counts here…!
   “Mm, no. I won’t.” Said as softly as a promise and the embarrassed whine that left them was music to his ears. What an odd little scenario they’ve ended up in. How…surprisingly happy he is to hold someone close, sigh out in contentment… Maybe show them his face one day? His heart skips a beat and breathing is a little more tense in his mounting panic, but it’s alright; today isn’t that day. Not yet.
   No matter how sweet they are, would they really stay if they saw his face…? He wants them to stay, but…
   “You’re so… Agh,” she whines, hands clutching his sweater tightly, before letting go with a sigh. Sal is just about to retort when he hears, “…But I guess that’s what I love about you.”
   It’s by far not their first time to say it. That first time saying “I love you” had been a whole ‘nother ballpark…but all the same, hearing it the first time or the fiftieth, Sal was blown away all over again, face hot and his sole eye’s vision getting a little blurry. His heart hurt…
   “…I love you, too… Cutie.”
   “Dang it, Sal!”
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