#which is why he wears chokers all the time✨️ lore tieback 2 that post i rbed a bit ago
doodlboy · 1 year
How mc el actually is
- Known arsonist
- A bit bloodthirsty and vengeful [see: immediately tried to rip belphie's head off on sight with his bare hands after he murdered them & they got revived bc time bs]
- Traumatized & wary of belphie for at least half a year bc of prev note
- Impulsive and will just do the wildest shit bc he feels like [thought he was dead for the first month or 2 in the devildom hell]
- Would eat human if he was presented with it at a demon restaurant [he'd fuckin ask for it out of curiosity tbh]
- Has killed at least 1 man in cold blood [may provide context someday/if someone asks]
How I draw him/talk abt him on here
- Resting bitch face or :D with little in-between even tho a lot of his expressions r micro expressions bc 'tsm
- Cute model moment ✨️
- Apathetic [when he's the kinda person who cares too much]
- Crybaby
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