#which is why elrond became a healer in the first place
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sesamenom · 11 months ago
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Quick hand sketch that turned into elrond with athelas water
I always forget to draw him with it but I headcanon him having pretty bad burn scars on his right arm/side from the kinslaying
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djemsostylist · 3 years ago
I've talked before about why I don't like the changes to Galadriel's character, but I have been thinking more about themes lately, and I think changing Galadriel into a Warrior Princess (tm), not only fundamentally alters the character beyond recognition, but it also completely erases what I think an important theme of all of Tolkien's works.
In both Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion, characters who are strictly martial--that is, who take up arms as a predominant occupation (whether defensively or offensively) do not, in general, end their narratives peacefully. In fact, by and large, characters whose primary occupation is war almost always die because of it, and generally without achieving the ends which they so desperately sought. Now, this doesn't mean Tolkien is saying all fighting is bad--I'd argue that he sees the need for both offense or defense as a necessity to protect and preserve, but the characters who can wield a sword when need calls but are not solely arms bearers are often able to find the peace, fulfillment, and happiness that their counterparts do not.
Take for example, Boromir vs Faramir. Boromir is chiefly a soldier, and while Faramir can and does fight, he is also a scholar. He strives for more than glory in battle. Of the two, Faramir is the one who is able to achieve the peace he has long sought while Boromir, who does still die bravely and honorably, dies with his goals unfinished. Or take Eowyn, who lives for the glory and death that war can provide. It's only when she lets go of the need for death and battle and turns to find joy in healing and growing things, that she is able to find a measure of peace.
We can even look to examples of elves. Celeborn, though certainly martial (he has commanded armies) is also known as Celeborn the Wise primarily, and each one of the kingdoms he and Galadriel established after the War of the Wrath became a safe haven and a refuge for their people. Lorien stands as testament to that fact. Elrond, who likewise has fought battles, is known primarily as a healer and a scholar, and his house is a place of refuge and healing. Of the elves in the first age, the ones who faired the best were Turgon, who simply established his kingdom and conducted no more war (until the betrayal) and Thingol, who likewise established a kingdom and, after his initial fighting to establish a safe cordon, protected it with magic and by and large stayed out of the fighting of the outside world, and remained safe (again, until outside forces acted on him). All of Feanor's son come to ruin, and even Fingolfin and his children (and the majority of Finarfin's) don't fair well in their constant fight against Morgoth.
Or compare Turin to Tuor--Turin's life is an outright tragedy, where Tuor's life is somewhat more golden. Or, perhaps the most obvious example, Aragorn--"the hands of a king are the hands of a healer." It's not the fighting he does at the battle of Pelennor that matters--it's the peace and healing he brings to the sick and injured after. Or, you know, how about how it's the hobbits, in the end, who, without fighting, still save the world.
Now, again, this isn't to say that Tolkien views all fighting or battles as evil or wrong and punishes the characters who do this. But I think there is something to be said about the difference between living for battle and battling to live. Sometimes wars must be fought and lives must be taken, but there is the sense that there must be something more than battles and fighting, and that often it is in protection and healing that we find peace.
Galadriel is the keeper of Nenya, whose powers are preservation and concealment. Galadriel, unlike the majority of her family, has not spent her life in middle earth waging war. In fact, in all of Tolkien's possible histories for Galadriel, the common thread is that she does not take up arms (save for fighting against the Feanorians at Alqualonde, depending on the history). During the first age, she spends her time mostly in Doriath, learning from magic from Melian, and becoming probably the most powerful Noldor in Middle Earth. In the second age, again, she is establishing homes and sanctuaries and kingdoms. Even at the very end, overthrowing Dol Guldor, it is using the magic she has to destroy it's walls.
There is power, I think, in this idea, that power and strength can come from more than one's ability to wield a sword. I'd argue that Galadriel being a wife, a mother, a member of the White Council and the strongest Noldor remaining in Middle Earth is more than enough.
The idea of making her the same sort of female empowerment fantasy, somehow superpowered but not quite enough, but ultimately an empty shell, as the vast majority of heroines lately, runs completely counter both to her character, and to the larger themes of Tolkien's works. It is, once again, taking something and changing the meaning in it's entirety, until it has been perverted beyond recognition. Galadriel should be worth more than the next YA heroine, created in a studio factory somewhere to appeal to the widest swath of viewers based on algorithms created by corporations whose sole motivation is printing money. She deserves better.
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make-me-imagine · 4 years ago
Prompt: Legolas is seriously injured after an orc fight, the reader takes care of him in Rivendell + reader braiding his hair. 
Pairing: Legolas x Gen!Neutral Reader
Requested by: Anon               Words: 1.8k
Triggers: Fighting, blood, angst       
Genre: Angst + Fluff (Happy Ending) 
Lotr/The Hobbit Taglist: @ta-ka-shi-ma​
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You turned quickly as another orc ran towards you, quickly slicing him down, you make your way across the battlefield. The orcs had recently been spreading across the land causing havoc on the people. This was one of those times, but not so luckily for them, a group or elves, including you and Legolas were travelling in the area when the orcs descending on a nearby village. They would not get away so easily this time. 
As you approached another elf being bombarded by orcs you helped to fight them off. You struggled against them as it was now five against two with a few more approaching. 
Legolas, who had nearby looked across the battle, seeing you and the other elf struggling. He also saw a rather large orc running quickly at you from behind. Legolas quickly ran towards you, hoping to make it to you before you were over-run by orcs. 
You grunted as you knocked another orc away from you, staggering as you dodge the blow from another. You managed to kill two of them, but more were coming. You could sense someone running at you from behind, just as two orcs lunged at you from the side and front. 
Dodging one sword, another sliced along your arm making you hiss in pain as you stabbed him and knocked him down before defending yourself from the other. Just as you met your weapon with him, you heard a yell from behind you. Glancing as far as you could back, you see a large orc preparing to swing down on you with an axe. 
You were about to try and move out of the way, though you knew you would not get fully out of the way of the axes path, when you saw a figure with light blonde hair appear between you and the large orc. 
Your eyes widened as you heard a grunt of pain come from the figure, as the axe struck his shoulder. Quickly kicking the orc in front of you, wanting to go to Legolas’s aid, you stabbed the orc, turning just in time to see Legolas successfully stab and kill the larger orc.
But as Legolas fell to his knees and swayed, you ran to him, catching him before he hit the ground. Seeing the large deep wound high up on his shoulder. 
Looking around, you felt relief when you saw most of the orcs had been slain, the others fleeing in the distance. You called out to one of the others elves to get you your horse. You needed to get Legolas and the other injured elves to Rivendell. It was where you had been headed, and the best place to get help.
Riding as fast as you could towards Rivendell, you held tightly to the unconscious elf in your arms, as blood continued to seep from his wounds, the fabric you tied across it not stopping the blood. His face was growing paler by the minute. Your heart pounded in your chest at the thought of him losing this battle. Fighting back the growing moisture in your eyes , you egged your horse on, you needed to get there faster. You didn’t have much time. 
The elves in Rivendell were quick to act in saving the young elven Prince, though you, being a skilled healer were the one to never leave his side, though others tried to push you away. Lord Elrond new better though, and allowed you to do the main healing.
You had now been in Rivendell for a few days, spending almost all your time helping Legolas. But he had not woken up yet, which worried you. He had a fever for the first two days, an infection spreading. You managed to tame it, but he should have woken up by now.
Placing your hand on his face, you felt his temperature was returning to normal. You could only hope he would wake up soon. You felt guilt pang through you as you checked his wound. He was injured saving you. You knew he would not want you to feel guilt, but you could not help it. 
You sighed as you wiped some dirt from behind his ear that you had not noticed yet, your eyes also wandering across his hair. Two of his braids had come undone, and a few other had sticks and dirt in them. 
Wondering for a moment if he would mind, you reminisced back to a time when you had injured your arm, and could not fix your hair. So he did for you. It was surprisingly intimate and gentle, and made you flush thinking about it. 
Delicately undoing the rest of his braids, you brushed through them with care, feeling for the first time just how soft his hair was. You could not get to the braids at the back of his head, but you would deal with the ones on the side for now. As you laced in the braids on the left side of his head, you began to hum quietly. An ancient elven song you new from a young age. Moving to the right side of his head you began to brush out the loose braids, continuing your song.
Working on the last braid you found that you had no more ties nor beads to close the end of the braid. Thinking for a moment, you took out one of your own braid, taking the delicate bead at the end out to use on Legolas’s braid. As you worked on the final braid you continued to hum the rest of the song, unaware that Legolas began to stir.
The sound of the familiar song seemed to penetrate the darkness Legolas had been stuck in, allowing him to form consciousness as he seemed to follow the beautiful tune through the darkness and towards what he hoped was light. 
As his eyes fluttered open slowly, the song became clear to him as he finally awoke fully. His eyes moved around the healing rooms, landing on your profile as he saw you staring at something. Feeling a light pull in his hair, he became aware that you were, brushing his hair? No, braiding. He stared at the side of your face for a moment, you looked determined, and concentrated, but also melancholy as you continued to hum the melody. You had small cuts on the side of your face, but you were still the most beautiful creature he had seen, and had he believed he was dead, he’d think you to be an angel. 
As you finished the final braid, your eyes glanced quickly to Legolas’s face as it had many times before, but you quickly did a double take as you realized that his eyes were open, and that he was looking at you. 
A small gasp left your mouth as you looked fully at him “Legolas” you whispered out, as relief and happiness flowed through you “You’re finally awake” you smiled at him.
The relief on your face was obvious, which meant that he must have been asleep for longer than he thought. He nodded his head lightly “I am.”
Without much thought you leaned down and hugged him, aware enough that you did not press on his wounds. Legolas let out a small smile as you did so. When you pulled away you felt his face for temperature “You’re fever has faded.” you commented. 
“How long have I been unconscious?”
“A few days.” you hesitated for a moment “You almost died Legolas.” your voice was low, sad.
“Yes. But you were here were you not? You healed me?”
You nodded your head as he smiled “But you should not have done what you did.” 
“What? Saved you?” he said with a small smile. 
“I am not worth you Legolas” you said catching him by surprise. 
He knew that you were referring to him being royalty, he hummed out as he moved to sit up. You quickly helped him as he leaned against the backboard of his bed. His eyes fell to the braids draped across his chest, delicate work. Your work. His eyes landed on the small bead at the end of one braid, he recognized it as yours. He felt his heart pound in his chest at the realization. A smile spread across his face for a moment before he remembered your words. “You’re wrong” 
“You are the Prince Legolas, you are-”
“I do not care that I am a Prince.” He cut you off. You stared at him for a moment as he continued “I would die for you any day.”
You hesitated for a moment, you knew that you would die for him, and you knew he would for you, but he should not feel that way, he was too important. He stared intensely into your eyes “Why?” you muttered out, quietly.
He lifted his hand, as he gently stroked the side of your face, catching you off guard “Because I love you.” His voice was delicate but genuine as you stared into his eyes, your face most definitely portraying shock. “And don’t you dare say that I cannot love you, because I am a Prince.” he said, amusement in his voice, the comment made you smile slightly.
You lifted your hand and placed it on his “I will not say you cannot, but...you should not. Nor should I love you, but...I do.”
Legolas took in a breath at your mutual confession before a small gentle smile fell across his face, he leaned forward, wincing slightly from the pain. You leaned forward the stop him, but before you could he quickly pulled your face to his as he kissed you.
When he pulled away, he leaned his forehead against yours “Your father will forbid it” you commented quietly.
“He cannot, he will not.” he placed his hand on your face again “I will not let him. I have remained distant from you for too long.”
You looked into each others eyes for a moment before Legolas pulled your face a little closer, you leaned in, as you kissed again. When you pulled away you tried to repress the smile on your face by pushing him back lightly “You need to rest, you still have a lot of healing to do.”
He followed your words and lied back down, but took your hand in his as he rested his against his chest “As long as you are here.”
“I will be.” 
He pressed a kiss to the back of your hand as he leaned his head back on the pillow his eyes closing as he began to fall back into a slumber. 
You let a smile spread across your face now as you played back what just occurred. For so long you hid your feelings, refusing to believe the would be returned. But just this once, you were happy to be wrong. 
- - -
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middleearthpixie · 3 years ago
In Time ~ Chapter Fifteen
Summary: Thorin brings a seriously wounded Amara back to Rivendell…
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield/Amara of Rivendell (female OC)
Characters: Thorin, Amara, The Company, Kenia, Gandalf, Jassin,
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,535
Khudal Translation:
Maralmizi - I love you
Amr��limê - my love
Tagging: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @tschrist1
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Kenia and Samblar must have heard the hoofbeats, for as Thorin tugged his mount to a halt, they were there, ready as he eased Amara from his arms into theirs. “Take care,” he said, ignoring the looks he received from both Healers, “do not jostle her.”
“We know what to do, Mr. Oakenshield.” Kenia’s voice was oddly gentle. “You can wait for her out there.”
She pointed to the colonnade leading to the Healing Room. He shook his head. “I want to stay with her.”
“That isn’t possible.” Kenia patted his hand, then pried it from Amara’s shoulder. “We have her now and she is in good hands. Trust me.”
He reluctantly stepped back, and for the first time, saw how much blood stained his shirt. Despite the packing, which of course was haphazard at best, Amara’s blood still soaked into his right sleeve, spattered his chest, and as he watched them whisk her away, his knees threatened to buckle.
Despite his stubborn will to the opposite, his knees went to sponge and he sank to the marble floor. For a horrifying moment, he thought he’d be sick, but thankfully it passed as he buried his face in his hands.
A gentle hand alit on his shoulder. “What happened?”
He looked up to see Gandalf standing beside him. He hadn’t heard the wizard’s approach and had rather forgotten they’d left him behind when they departed the night before. “Do you honestly not know?”
“No, I don’t suppose I don’t.” Gandalf sank onto the bench across from the doorway to the Healing Room.
Thorin glowered at him as he rose from the floor. “Did you know about the orc pack?”
“That they’d arrived here?” Gandalf shook his head. “No. That they once again were hunting you? Yes.”
“You knew, and yet you said nothing.” Thorin folded his arms although even seated, the wizard still towered above him. “You let this happen?”
“Elrond knew they encroached and it was why he’d instructed Amara not to say anything.” A heavy sigh wove through his words and it seemed to Thorin the wizard aged right before his eyes. “However, he did not know she had developed feelings for you and would tell you.”
“She was right to tell me,” he countered, irritation streaking through him. “Otherwise we would have stumbled blindly into the middle of it.”
“As you did this morning?” Gandalf retorted, shaking his head. “She should not have said anything. Had she kept quiet, Elrond would have most likely offered up a garrison of troops to escort you.”
“Perhaps he should have but told Amara that as well.”
“She was a fool to take matters into her own hands and defy a direct order from her king.”
“Her king should have been clearer.”
“He owes no one an explanation for his decisions,” Gandalf reminded him sharply. “What happened in that forest is a direct result of her foolish arrogance in thinking she knew better.”
Thorin couldn’t stand there any longer, unless he threw a punch at Gandalf. And since that would be terribly unwise, he began pacing instead. “She took two arrows, you know. Two arrows meant for me. And I will not speak ill of her, nor will I listen to you slander her.”
“Is it? Slander, I mean. Do you not agree she—”
“Enough!” Thorin’s voice boomed all along the colonnade. “I am finished with this conversation. If you’ve nothing to offer but criticism and blame, keep it to yourself.”
Gandalf drew himself up to his full height, which made him taller than any hobbit, any dwarf, any man or elf. “You listen to me and listen well, Thorin Oakenshield, this would have all been avoided, had she not taken it upon herself to defy Elrond’s order. You know this to be the truth as I know it to be.”
“We are finished here.” Thorin whipped about and stalked to the doorway of the Healing Room. He couldn’t see Amara, as Samblar, Kenia, and Valindra blocked his view. Jassin emerged from the terrace and barked orders at the other three, but they were in Elvish and Thorin spoke not a word of Amara’s language.
Bootsteps thundered along the colonnade and Dwalin’s voice rang out first. “What was that all about?”
Thorin turned to look first at Gandalf, then at Dwalin. “It would seem the Defiler had an heir apparent.”
“So, we do this all over again?” Dwalin just stared at him. “What will it take to rid us of them for good?”
“I don’t know,” Thorin growled, shaking his head. “But I will find out.”
“Do not be foolish,” Gandalf broke in, but Thorin whirled about to cut him off.
“Do not be foolish? I’ve had enough of being prey. I’ve had enough of being hunted by this filth. Balog. Azog. And now this—Magra, I believe Amara called him?—I am finished with it all. It is time to end this and end it for all time.”
“Thorin, think about what you suggest,” Gandalf told him, his voice void of emotion.
“I know exactly what I suggest. I will put an end to it.” Thorin glanced around at the dwarves gathered in the corridor, at Bilbo who stood with them. “I know at Ravenhill, I asked you all to follow me one last time. Now, I do it again. And it truly will be for the last time. Will you follow me?”
Bilbo stepped up. “I will, of course.”
Fili and Kili nodded and at the same time, chimed in, “We will.”
Triumph surged through Thorin as one by one, the dwarves stepped up and Gandalf leaned on his staff for a moment, then turned and walked away without another word. Fine. Let him walk away. Thorin didn’t care. At that moment, all the mattered was finding Magra and dispatching him, and the rest of his foul army, for good.
“Mr. Oakenshield?”
He spun about at Kenia’s soft voice. His heart sank, his gut kinked, first at the blood streaking her pale green dress and then at the somber expression on her face. His throat squeezed shut, his, “Yes?” emerging as barely a whisper.
“We are doing all we can, but…”
“Don’t stop,” he told her, shaking his head. “Don’t stop until you have exhausted every avenue and every able body. Please.”
“We won’t, but I thought you should prepare yourself.” Her eyes grew shiny and red. “I don’t think—”
“So don’t think.” Thorin backed away from her, his hand going to the Orcrist’s handle, although the blade remained sheathed. He certainly couldn’t strike down the elf helping Amara. He couldn’t help wanting too, though. Couldn’t help reaching for his sword. It was instinctive. “Don’t think, just go and fix her. And when she awakes, tell her I’ll be back as soon as I’ve killed the filth who did this to her.” He glanced at his nephews, bracing for their reaction as he added, “Tell her maralmizi.”
Both Fili and Kili let out chuckles, while Kenia’s brow furrowed. “I don’t understand that. I don’t speak khuzdal.”
“Amara does.” From the corner of his eye, he saw Kili’s smirk. Ignoring it, he added, “She will know what it means and tell her I promise she will hear it from my own lips when I return.”
“Kenia!” Valindra’s shout rang along the corridor. “We need you! Now!”
“Go.” Thorin nodded toward the Healing Room and as she sprinted off, he turned back to the others. “And we are going as well.”
He didn’t wait for anyone to respond, but turned heel and strode back toward the front of the palace. He was through sneaking along hidden pathways and through foliage and under cover of darkness. He would face Magra head on and wanted the orc filth to get a good look at his face as he learned what happened when one tried to kill one of Durin’s sons. Or the woman one of said sons loved.
But, there was nothing to stop Kili from elbowing him roughly in the side. “Maralmizi, eh? Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t she an elf?”
“Shut up, Kili,” he growled without looking at him.
“I mean, she’s a pretty elf, of course, but… she’s an elf.” Kili nudged him again. “Want to tell us again where you disappeared to last eve?”
“Shut up.”
Kili let out a bark of laughter. “I suppose that answers that.”
Thorin ignored him, marching ahead. He would take far more ribbing, no doubt, and in time, he would also see the humor in it. But for now, he had to focus on Magra, for if he let his thoughts wander, if he allowed himself to get distracted, it would not end well at all and he was determined that not only would it end, but he would be the victor.
“Uncle,” Fili fell into step alongside him, “is that where you vanished to last eve?”
“Yes,” he said with a sigh, “it was. I was with her and before you ask, I’ll not offer up any details, so save your breath.”
Fili chuckled. “I told you once you noticed, you’d see how beautiful she was. It’s only too bad she prefers you to me.”
Thorin shrugged. “She has good taste.”
“No details? Well, that’s no fun,” Kili pouted.
Thorin shot him a long look. “That is because you are still a boy and have some growing up left to do. One day, you will understand perfectly.”
With that, he marched ahead of them, impatient to face off with Magra. Impatient to be done with everything ahead of him and to return to Rivendell. When he took his leave of the elven kingdom the next time, it would be with Amara at his side.
Everything hurt.
And yet, it didn’t.
Amara floated, at peace, in a warm sea, with the sun shining down on her. Her fingers trailed through the water. She felt as if she could remain there forever, her face to the sun, the warmth weaving through her.
The water went still, became the grass in the sun-splashed courtyard. But then clouds slid before the sun, the skies going gray, then black. Those clouds parted, and overhead sparkled white gemstones of pure starlight.
Thorin was there.
He came up over her, his hair tumbling forward around them to block the moonbeams, and placed his hands on either side of her shoulders before lowering to meet her lips once more. Ever so gently, he lowered himself against her, easing a thigh between hers. She caught hold of the lacings on his shirt and tugged the cord free, then slid her hands down to catch the bottom of it and pulled.
The heavy fabric skimmed along his back, over his head, and he lifted first one arm, then the other, to allow her to tug it from him. She eased her arms about his middle, her hands flat against his smooth, hot back, and pulled him flush against her.
As his body came into contact with hers, fire shot through her, but this was not the blissful fire of desire, or the sensual fire of arousal. This was painful. Agonizing. Pain one fought to get away from, but no matter how she moved, it remained. It worsened. Thorin vanished as if he never even existed. Had she imagined him? Imagined all of it? No, she couldn’t possibly have dreamed him up… he had to be real. The things he’d made her feel, they had be real as well.
Didn’t he?
Didn’t they?
“Thorin…?” It hurt to draw much breath, so his name floated to her lips as a thin whisper.
“Shhh….” A gentle hand came to rest on her forehead. “He is not here.”
“Where—” Her throat was so dry, her lips stung from being chapped. She licked them, drew in as deep a breath as her torn flesh and muscle would allow, and tried again. “Where is he?”
“Gone. He left.”
“What?” She tried to force her eyelids to rise, but they were still so heavy, they refused to open to more than a mere slit. Not that it mattered. They also refused to focus. “Where… what happened?”
“You need to rest.” The voice was so familiar. Soft and comforting, but not very deep. Jassin. Jassin was at her bedside, he lay a cool, wet cloth where his hand had been on her forehead. “So sleep.”
“Jassin?” Kenia’s voice reached Amara’s ears. “How is she doing?”
“She’s asking for the dwarf.”
“He will be back.”
“I spoke to him before.” Kenia’s voice grew louder and her hand came to rest on Amara’s shoulder. “Rest, now. He will return before long.”
To Jassin, she said, “Will you fetch more valerian root from the garden? We are running low.”
“Of course.”
A chair scraped along the floor. The soft rustle of skirts moving filled the silence. Then, Kenia’s voice came soft, her lips almost touching Amara’s ear as she murmured, “Your dwarf will return. He said to tell you maralmizi? That you would understand?”
Amara managed to turn her head and open her eyes enough to see Kenia. She smiled. “I do understand.”
“Good.” Kenia smiled. “For I have no idea what I just told you.”
“I love you.”
“Well, I’m fond of you, too, but—”
“No.” Amara laughed weakly, then groaned as fire bounced through her. “That’s what maralmizi means. He loves me.”
“And what about you?”
She nodded slowly. “He knows.” She tried to draw another breath, tried to avoid the fire to no avail. “What happened?”
“You took two arrows,” Kenia told her, lifting the cloth from her forehead. “And before you ask, yes, Jassin made certain they were not morgul shafts.”
Relief surged through her. At least that was one less worry. “Good.”
“So, tell me, what happened between you and Thorin? Did you sleep with him?”
“I am so very tired.”
“Oh, unfair.” Kenia smoothed her hair away from her face. “Promise me you will share when you feel better? And I mean all the details.”
“I promise nothing. But perhaps I will share some of them.”
“The good ones.”
“Kenia!” Amara couldn’t keep the exasperation from her voice, even though it hurt something fierce to do so.
“I know, I am terrible. But, he is so very handsome…”
“He is.” Amara nodded slowly, her thoughts coming slower and foggier now. “So very handsome, indeed. The handsomest dwarf I’ve ever seen.”
“Sleep now. You’ve had a rough day.”
“What, love?”
“He said he’d return,” she managed to murmur despite her losing battle against sleep, “didn’t he?”
“He did. And he said to tell you when he did, you would hear maralmizi from his own lips.”
“Thank you.” Amara sank deeper into the soft pillows. She wondered if she was in the same bed where Thorin had lain following his arrival in Rivendell. Perhaps tomorrow she would be able to open her eyes all the way, and perhaps tomorrow they would focus as well.
She realized she had forgotten to ask where Thorin had gone to, and why he’d left. Then again, perhaps it didn’t matter, for she could ask him herself once he returned.
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thatoneidiotdts · 5 years ago
Father!Thranduil x Male! Reader x Brother! Legolas
Gifs aren’t mine
Also this was supposed to be my first fic almost 2 years ago and for the last two years I’ve been writing it little by little
Warning : Daddy issues, abandonment, abuse, assault, war and MANY other things
Word count : 5.4k (New record!!!!)
Flashback- example 
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3rd P.O.V.
 He was never loved, even in the first few moments in his life , his brother was chosen over him
When his father came from a lost battle , he didn’t felt grief because he lost the battle, he felt grief because he lost his wife, his queen and the love of his life
As he walked into a room with two cribs with his children are still sleeping, the younger twin, Legolas, was a clear replica of his mother, blond hair and smal body while the the older one, (M/n) , was a cut out copy of his father
When Thranduil looked at the younger twin he felt the need to protect him and give him the best childhood he can give to the child as a single father
But when he looked at he older one, he felt nothing but hate and disappointment, the child was a beautiful one yes, but Thranduil couldn’t shake of the feeling that something was wrong about his older child
As the twins grew up one was always left behind, barely anyone cared how he felt, or when he first walked or talked, no one cared when he started to read
As the older child grew he became colder and colder every day , he would talk to his brother occasionally but he liked to keep his focus to his books
There were a few people who he trusted and cared about, and those people were Lord Elrond, Lindir, Legolas and Nirohnil
Legolas would always try to make him go out of his room and sociolize. He would also listen to (M/n) while he talked about the books he read
“(M/n) what are you reading?” Legolas asked as his brother let out a sigh and closed the heavy book, finally finishing it.
 “The demise of the headless serpent. You know. The book we have to read so we can finish our Literature studies.”
 (M/n) looked at him with an angry face, disappointed that his brother is leaving his education to fool around.
 “Oh come ooon brother! Don’t be so grim”
 Legolas said as he pulled out some food from his bag and placed it in front of his brother.
 “I know you like to skip lunch so I brought you some food, you should eat more if you want to spend the rest of your eternity in a library you know.”
 (M/n) looked at the food his brother brought him, there wasn’t much of it but just enough to feed someone.
 He smiled and thanked his brother as took the food but not before placing the heavy book on his brothers lap and turning it to page one.
 His brother let put a groan as (M/n) chuckled.
 When he is spending some days in Rivendell he would write poetry with Lindir. (M/n) and Lindir would always talk about recent things the two found out or gossip about (M/n)’s dad and Lindir's poetry
Lindir has romantic feelings for (M/n), he would do almost anything for him but because of (M/n)’s cold heart he never felt confident enough to confess his feelings for him
“The stars are beautiful tonight aren’t they (M/n)?”
 Lindir asked as he turned his head to look at his friend who was sitting next to him, his friend only nodded, his eyes never leaving the stars.
 Lindir felt his friend rest his head on his shoulder, he could feel his face warm up as the thought of him and (M/n) spending their every night like this made him feel like he had butterflies in his stomach.
 He took in a big breath before speaking.
 “(M/n) I have something to tell you, I have been hiding my own feelings from you for a long time now, I wish I could have said this long before but I think now it’s the right time. (M/n) I love y-”
 Lindir stiffed up as he looked down at his friend who was sleeping. He took in a deep breath and rested his head on (M/n)’s, maybe they should stay like this for a few more moments before Lindir caries (M/n) back to his room.
 Elrond is like a father, or rather a uncle figure to (M/n), they are close as Thranduil would send the child countless times to Rivendell so that he doesn’t have to deal with him
Elrond was walking through Rivendell as one of his guards approached him.
 “My Lord, King Thranduil has sent one of the twins here as he wished for him to spend some time with you”
 He knew that Thranduil’s words were absolute bullshit, he knew which of the twins he sent and the real reason why. He sighed and told the guard to bring him here.
 “I’m here, I’m here!!” The small child said as he left his hiding place beneath some tables. Elrond let out a small laugh as the guard scolded (M/n) for not staying with Nirohnil.
 “Hello little sapling, do you know where your guard is?”
 He asked the small child as he answered.
 “Probably freaking out somewhere because he doesn’t know where I am, I shouldn’t have left.”
 Elrond picked up the small child and told him that while it is his fault and that should have been patient it’s alright to explore but not alone since he still is a small child.
 After a long day of exploring, reading and learning Elrond tucked (M/n) in but just before he got up he heard a quiet voice ask him a question.
 “Uncle El, why is father sending me here so much and why isn't he sending Legolas with me? Why doesn’t he come along? Did he do something wrong?”
 Elrond’s heart broke into millions of tiny shards as he didn’t want to answer to any of (M/n)’s question because he knew if he did it would break the little elfling's heart.
 “I don’t know little sapling, but I do know that you should go to sleep now”
 He said as he kissed (M/n)’ forehead and wished him goodnight, but just before he closed the door he heard the small child speak again.
 “You are the best uncle El”
 Elrond smiled and left (M/n) to his dreamfull sleep, hoping that maybe one day Thranduil will realize his mistake.
 Nirohnil is (M/n)’s personal guard, both of the twins had their personal guard selected by the queen herself, Nirohnil would often train and teach the prince various combat techniques.
Nirohnil truly didn’t know how to comfort the crying prince, his father has forgotten about him completely …. again.
He truly felt disgusted at his own king for not loving his son the way he deserves it.
 “The se-second I e-enter the room he leaves!! I’ve t-tried to make him happy proud, I’ve studied, trained, read, learned my whole life and yet he barely said a word to me!!! Am I not good enough for him?!?! What does he see in Legolas that he doesn’t see in me?!!”
The prince yelled until his throat was sore and raspy and until his head hurt from so much crying and Nirohnil listened to him, held him close and tried to make (M/n) feel better about himself.
The guard could barley hold the rage inside of him. He wanted to make sure Thranduil knows exactly how does (M/n) feel when he breaks the princes’ fragile heart into million pieces over and over again.
 One normal day (M/n) decided to venture into the forest completely alone, in a book about botany he read of a plant that makes anyone who eats it have powerful hallucinations of various colors and patterns, the book said that the colors of the flower are as colorful as the flower itself
Before the prince could process the situation he could feel sharp claws dig in oh back and pulling him off his horse. He felt a hand grab on his hair and scrape his scalp. He looked up to see a few faces of terrible looking orcs.
They started to talk in their language, (M/n) couldn't understand them but he did understand a few words " ......Kill! ..... No..... Trade...... Gold!!!"
The prince kicked and screamed but to no avail, he was almost free but the orc grabbed him by the neck and squeezed it hard, after more kicking (M/n) felt the life drain out of him as he didn't have the power to fight anymore
The orc let go of him and threw him on the floor, the prince started to cough as he could finally breath, the orc started to speak again but (M/n) could only understand one word "... Punishment!!!...."
Nirohnil could feel his stomach turn in worry, he couldn't find the prince anywhere, and he already checked on the places (M/n) would always be, his mother's grave, around the training ground, with Legolas, he checked everywhere
The guard stopped in his tracks as the realization hit him. He didn't check the library! He ran down the hallways to the Royal library, unlucky for him the prince wasn't there. But he did notice a book open on the table, when he read the page that was open he got instantly worried, that part of the forest was full of lurking orcs!!!
He quickly went to his stable, grabbed his horse and rode into the dark forest, the longer he was riding the more worried he become, he was surprised by a pack of orcs which he killed easily but when he found the prince in their camp he could feel his stomach turn.
The prince was knocked out, his body was full of cuts and bruises but the most horrible part was his now very short hair, almost nothing of it left, there were multiple cuts on his scalp from the daggers orcs had, Nirohnil quickly pulled the prince on his horse and rode back to the halls of the Elven king
As he got closer to the gates he screamed for the guards to open the gate and get the healers as quickly as possible, the prince's guard calmed down a bit when the healers took (M/n) to their quarters
A few hours have passed by now, Nirohnil paced back and forth in front of the door while Legolas was standing there still in complete shock, he should have gone with his brother, he should have been there to protect him from the orcs but he wasn't, instead he was fooling around with his friends.
One of the healers exited the room and was instantly attacked by Nirohnil's questions "Is he alright?! Alive?! Awake?!" The healer was quite surprised but he tried to answer his questions as best he can possibly can, while the prince was stable he wouldn't wake up for another day or two, he is on heavy medicine so his body can properly heal, the only long term effect was that his hair will never grow back because when the elven hair is cut it stays that way forever
Over the course of the next day other elves could see how both Nirohnil and Legolas were more depressed than ever, Legolas wouldn't want to hang out anymore and Nirohnil had no more energy to train or do anything, the prince's guard blames himself for the most part, if he realized where the prince was maybe he wouldn't get that hurt
Thranduil got worried when he saw Legolas in the library, there was no way he would spend his time there willingly, when Thranduil found out what happened to his second son he felt a small smidge of sadness in him, he shouldn't feel this for someone he hated for their whole life
When (M/n) finally woke up both his brother and his guard rushed to his side so they can comfort the prince, they both felt responsible for the state he was in, Legolas started to cry, (M/n) hugged his brother and let him cry in his shoulder.
(M/n) needed months to heal completely, he knew that his hair will never grow back but at least he was alive, over this course of time Lindir and Elrond would frequently visit him and read him stories or poetry
Years have passed since the attack, his hair truly didn't grow back but be wore a hood over his head most of the time so it was fine, he started to feel disconnect from his friends and family, Legolas became one of the guards, Nirohnil didn't need to be with the prince all the time now and he hasn't travelled to Rivendell since Lindir birthday
A few years back the dragon from the north made the dwarfs flee from their home and far away from him, he has heard of the terrible thing his father did and he wished to make it right but he knew he couldn't, (M/n) seriously debated with himself if he should go there, he wasn't interested in gold but rather the rich library the dwarfs possessed, after a long talk with himself he decided to go
After packing his stuff and weapons he wrote a letter to Legolas, Nirohnil, Lindir and Elrond, he left each of them something of value to remember him by if he never comes back to Legolas he left the books he himself wrote, to his guard he left his necklace, to Lindir he left his favourite writing pen and to Elrond he left his childhood toy, a beautiful horse carved out of the darkest wood
He planned his escape perfectly, he knew exactly which guards would sleep on their duty and learned their schedule, it was a perfect night to escape, Legolas and Nirohnil were on a trip to Rivendell and he couldn't see his father for the whole day, but he was soon stopped in his tracks
"Where are you going?" The prince turned around to see none other than his father, King Thranduil "I'm..um.. leaving.. I know that if Legolas was here he would stop me but I just can't be here anymore, I want so see the places I've read about, I want to see the world with my own eyes" He said in a quiet tone
Thranduil's gaze only got colder as he spoke "You should leave, you are useless anyway, if you wish to leave that's on you, just know that you will never be welcome here again" He said as he turned away but that didn't stop (M/n), he climbed on his horse and rode into the night
When (M/n) left Thranduil felt a pain in his heart, he didn't understand why but he felt like he should have stopped his son and tell him to carefully think this through, like should have at least say good bye 
"What do you mean you let him go?!?!" Nirohnil screamed in pure anger with nothing to hold him back. He was done with Thranduil's shit, he was going to make him realize what he has done to the prince.
"You dare to yell at me in my own kingdom?! Do not forget that I'm the king here Nirohnil" Thranduil said back as Nirohnil growled out of anger and annoyance.
"You ignorant fool!! Do you realize what have you done?! You've been ignoring him for the most of his life, he just wanted to make you be proud!! He would go far and beyond just for you to see him!! Do you understand how many nights did he cry himself to sleep?!?! How many days he spend in the library or on the training grounds!?!?!"
Thranduil's eyes widen at the words of his guard, knowing that Nirohnil was speaking nothing but the painful truth, he looked to the ground in shame, letting the guard speak his mind and soul.
"But you don't care do you? You are just happy that he left aren't you? You will never understand how he felt because of you! And the worst thing is that you probably know all of this, you know how far he has come just to make you proud but you still didn't give a single though about him did you?!"
Thranduil finally realized what he has done and he knows it will hunt him for an eternity and after, he felt sick to his stomach, how could he just forget about one child and love the other ?!
"You disgust me.. You are nothing but hollow husk of a person you once were, it's a shame that you did the same thing to (M/n), you made him nothing but a hollow shell of the person he once was"
Nirohnil said in anger and left the throne room, leaving Thranduil to drown in regret.
The journey to the mountain was tough and merciless, most of the it was raining but that didn't stop (M/n) from his goal, he learned that there is an open entrance through the mountain that only lead to the main hall and lucky the library wasn't far from there, the entrance was extremely narrow but that didn't stop him, when he entered he was surprised with giant empty halls of the mountain king
The elf pulled out a map of the kingdom and followed the path he should, the only problem was that before he can get to the library me needs to pass through the sea of coins and that would surly wake up the sleeping dragon, he walked through the coins as silently as he possibly could, just before the entrance that lead to the library he slipped and feel from the small mountain of gold to the cold, hard ground.
As he got up he could hear the coins falling from a body of a rising from the sea of gold, the dragon wasn't amused "What brings you here thief? Why shouldn't I burn you until there is no flesh left on you bones?" Thank dragon threatened the elf as he tried his best to answer "I'm not here for your gold and if I was I wouldn't walk over it to get to here, I would have grabbed the first thing that I found and ran, I'm here for the library and the many books the dwarfs own" The elf explained and luckily the dragon believed him.
"I will let you take the library but if I find a single coin missing I will burn you until your bones turn to charcoal" The dragon said and buried his body in the mountains of gold again, (M/n) felt at ease knowing that he can explore the library safely, as he entered the library he was surprised to see the amount of books the dwarfs had, the library of the mountain king was like a golden gem competed to the library (M/n) had back at home
Days have passed since the elf entered the library but there was no sign of him coming out, the dragon noticed this, he didn't know why that concerned him but it just did, what if the elf died in the from the lack of food or water, finally the elf emerged from the library, thirsty, hungry and exhausted from reading day and night
The dragon, wanting to know as much as the elf himself did, made a deal with the elf, if he told him of everything he has ever read about the dragon will give him enough gold so he can buy himself food in the city on the lake not far from the mountain, the elf accepted the deal and for the next one hundred and twenty years the elf shared his stories and wisdom for the dragons gold, they became close to each other over the span of years 
When the dwarfs entered the mountain when (M/n) was never a fan of humans but that didn't stop him from helping around Lake town, he usually gave gold to the poor families that lived there, he couldn't bear to see people in this kind of a situation, most of the people never saw an elf and were sceptical of one helping them, when (M/n) heard the screams of people he didn't know what was going on until he could see a raging fire and a angry dragon in the sky, burning everything in his sight 
As the dragon burned the town, the bowman tried to get his attention by firing arrows at the giant dragon from the bell tower, at last the dragon turned his attention to him. Smaug lands on the houses below him crushing them in the process "Now that is a pity. What will you do now, bowman? You are forsaken. No help will come."
(M/n) looked on in horror as he noticed the black arrow on the hands of the bowman knowing that if he didn't do something he might loose his dear friend, there were not many things that could help him around a burning village, as soon as he saw a clear path that he can climb he did knowing that the buildings might fall beneath his feet and pull him with them, he didn't care, he had a plan that might save hi friend and he will try his hardest no matter what.
The dragon said in a teasing tone, eyeing the bowman and his child "Hmm. Is that your child? You cannot save him from the fire. He will burn!" The dragon said as the bowman pulled the arrow back and balanced it in his son's shoulder "Tell me, wretch, how now shall you challenge me?" The bowman smiled to himself as he noticed the dragon's missing scale
The elf knew he didn't have much time left, he drew out his bow and aimed at the arrow, while he did want to save himself he couldn't bring himself to kill the bowman or his child, he hoped for his plan to work.
"You have nothing left but your death!!!" Smaug roared as he launched himself towards them making the bowman look on in fear but keeping still to launch the arrow correctly, and so he launched the arrow.
The arrow was fast and swift while making its way to the dragon's heart, the elf launched his arrow which wasn't as fast or as fierce as the black arrow but it was small enough to fit trough the tip of the black arrow, pulling it of its course and hitting the edge of the dragon's scale instead
The bowman face was painted in horror as Smaug crashed into the bell tower, the dragon roared as he landed onto the ground making it appear as if he was dead, a small hobbit watched on from the mountain smiling as he thought the dragon was gone for good with the elf, but the dragon soon rose from the ashes of Lake Town, roaring in victory as he continued to burn the town to the ground
(M/n) smiled to himself, he knew that he probably shouldn't, many have died or lost their homes to his friend's fire, he was happy that his friend was alive, his smile faded as he he heard cracking beneath his feet, as he looked down he almost fell into the pit of fire beneath him, he was barely holding onto the leftovers of the roof as he looked for somewhere to go
"SMAUG!!!" he screamed as soon as the dragon got closer hoping that the dragon heard his calls for help,the dragoon soon landed near the roof the elf was holding onto, the dragon let the elf climb onto his back, the dragon soon flew away from the town with the elf on his back, the dragon knew the mountain, while now fully his, wasn't safe for the elf anymore, especially with those stupid dwarfs
While Smaug and (M/n) locked themselves in the mountain by blocking the main entrance with heavy rocks, the king of the elves came to collect the gems of Lasgalen, the ones who belonged to his late wife, the dwarven prince argued back, saying that the king refused to give them their rightful pay, they both declared war on each other,  and so the dwarfs called for their brotheren from the iron hills for help, in the meantime the hobbit gave king Thranduil the heart of the mountain, the battle was settled to be on the dawn of the next day, the same day the orcs decided to attack the mountain kingdom
On the dawn of the next day the elven army was already in the position while the dwarfs didn't even arrive, Smaug and (M/n) looked on from the top of the entrance as the both armies were getting ready "Who do you think will win?" Smaug asked his companion, the elf though for a second "I don't know, it doesn't matter because we could just burn the rest when they are done"
Both soon noticed a wizard approaching them "(M/n) of the Woodland realm and Smaug the Terrible I beg for your help" He said after he got of his horse, before the dragon could say anything the elf spoke "How can we help?" The wizard smiled at the elf, he was still the same helpful elfling he met long time ago.
"The forces of Azog will soon arrive from the west to take the mountain for himself, we will need you and your companion on the battlefield so the tides of war may turn in our favor, in return you both shall be given a new title and praise of many" The gray wizard said as the elf looked at the dragon, the dragon though about the offer, while he hated did hate the elves and the dwarfs he did want to be written in the history as the one who took down a whole army of orcs
Both accepted the deal, after the wizard left the dragon turned to the elf "Are you sure this was a good idea?" "We will see for ourselves" (M/n) answered as he got onto the dragons back signaling him to fly, both elves and dwarfs looked in shock as the massive dragon landed between them
"Elves of the Woodland realm an the Dwarfs of the Iron Hills hear me now for I shall speak only once, the orcs and goblins are marching towards Erebor, if you seek victory then fight side by side and if you don't may the orcs end you quickly" The elf said just as the were-worms dug through the hills, making a passage for the forces of Azog
As soon as the both armies saw the many orcs and goblins they quickly rearranged themselves to prepare for the oncoming attack, the dragon son flew into the air again with the elf still on his back, Smaug unleashed his flames on orcs who burned in the matter of seconds, it was unfortunate that the dragon's fire wasn't enough to stop the whole army but it was enough to help the dwarfs and the elves
The battle was fierce, blood, bodies and fire covered the ground as the ash covered the sky, soon (M/n) found himself saving his brother from a falling bridge "I missed you" He said while holding back tears, (M/n) felt at ease knowing that his brother is safe
After the battle was over the two brothers watched the dwarfs and elves cheer in victory "So we'll be going back home now?" (M/N) asked "It's up to you to decide if you want to go back, i wish to travel as you did" (M/n) smiled at his brother "You should probably go visit Nirohnil, when he found out that ada just let you leave he said that he 'was at a loss for words' but then he proceeded to yell at ada for 2 hours straight" both of them let out a small laugh before Legolas continued "You should also visit Lindir and Elrond but after you speak with ada, he wants to have a talk with you"
(M/n) felt his body tense up after his brother said that, he was running after his father for his whole life and now that his father finally stopped waited for him it felt weird, he never expected for his father to love him no matter how hard he tried to get his attention "Are you sure you are just gonna go without even saying goodbye or attending the victory celebration?" (M/n) asked his brother "Yeah, I know ada will make me say so i will be leaving soon, you should leave now ada is waiting" he said before leaving
The elf honestly didn't know what to do, he hoped that he could just fly off to Rivendell and spend the rest of his eternity there without having to face his father ever again, in the distance he saw Smaug burn what was left of orcs, he groaned, knowing that he will need to make his own way down since there was no way Smaug could see him 
After what felt like an eternity, the elf finally made his way to the elven camp, to be more specific, he was standing a few feet away from the kings main tent, he didn't know what to do or what to say, what he didn't know is that his father is in the same state "What do I even say to him?" Thranduil quietly whispered to himself as one of his guards alerted him of the suspicious elf outside, the elven king just said to call him in 
The moment (M/n) stepped in Thranduil's eyes widen, he changed so much, he was no longer the elf he once resented "So.. what do you need me for?" the younger elf was the first one to speak "I just wanted to see you before you leave again" after a long uncomfortable silence they started a small talk but after some time the anxiety left them and they started to talk normally 
"What do you plan to do after this?" his father asked him "Visit Nirohnil and then go to stay in Rivendell for a few months before traveling with Smaug, there is still a whole world out there that i want to explore" the king could hear the sadness in his son's voice "Did you consider staying in Mirkwood?" his father asked him "Do you want me to? i mean you are the one who banished me after all" Thranduil put a hand on (M/n)'s shoulder  "You and your companion will be always welcome in my kingdom son" the elf smiled at his father's words
When the elf finally returned to his home he was pulled into a tight hug by none other than his guard, hugs weren't a usual thing in the elven culture "You absolute fool! What were you thinking!?" after spending a few months at home (M/n) left for Rivendell knowing that Elrond will also yell at him for not visiting them for such a long time
Both Lindir and Elrond were happy to see (M/n) after such a long time, (M/n) told them about the thins he read in the dwarven library, the war, the reunion with his father and about his new companion dragon
When the night came, Lindir invited the elf to watch the stars with him like they did when they were young, they were sitting my each other as their gaze was focused on the stars, soon Lindir took his hand into his making (M/n)'s gaze shift to Lindir who took in a deep breath and begean to speak "(M/n) I have something to tell you, I have been hiding my own feelings from you for a long time now, I wish I could have said this long before but I think now it’s the right time. (M/n) I love you, i always have" (M/n) smiled before answering "Remember when you tried to confess for the first time? I didn't know how to respond because i love you too, so i just pretended to fall asleep" Lindir didn't know how to respond, he didn't know how he could fall in love with such an idiot
For next 60 years both lived in peace, they got married, (M/n) and his father reconnected, the woods of Mirkwood started to heal and they adopted 2 children, Mirion and Helleron, Mirion became a traveler like his father, he promised to travel all of Middle earth with Smaug while  Helleron became a great archer like her uncle, soon (M/n) noticed dark clouds from the mountain on the south, mount doom. What was the expression again?
Ah yes, the calm before the storm
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tolkien-fics · 5 years ago
Unexpected One
Word Count: 1,400
Pairing: Lindir x Reader
Trigger Warnings: Pregnancy, vomiting, morning sickness, anxiety
Plot: Shortly after marriage, Reader finds out they’re pregnant with Lindir’s child. It takes time to tell him. A drabble over the span of five days.
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Day 1
You awoke with a jolt, feeling your stomach clench painfully. It was like your muscles were tensing of their own accord. As soon as the nausea started, you dashed for the toilet proceeding to spew stomach acid and water.
When you were sure it wasn’t going to happen again, you washed your face with cold water and swilled your mouth out, ridding of the bitter taste.
Heading back to the chambers you shared with your husband, you wondered why you became sick. Elves don’t get sick, so why was you? As you thought it over, you didn’t seem to notice that Lindir was getting ready for the day, tying the laces of his pants and buttoning his tunic.
“Good morning, meleth nin.” He said as he brushed his hair and did a few braids. “I heard you being sick, are you well?”
“I am well, Lindir. Need not worry.” You reassured, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He smiled at the affection, placing his hand on yours. He gave it a soft kiss, looking up at you through his dark lashes.
“If it gets worse I am sure Lord Elrond would be happy to see to you. Do not leave it be, love.”
Stroking his cheek, you nodded in agreement. “I will not, dear. But go, you are needed. You do not want to be late.”
Day 2
Once again you was awakened by your stomach doing somersaults. It wasn't as bad as the morning before, but it didn't make it less uncomfortable.
Soon you began to dry heave, a hand instinctively covering your mouth. The retching disturbed Lindir, groaning as he sat up. "Y/n?"
You couldn't speak, only able to make a slight noise in-between the now painful gags. Lindir felt helpless to do anything, so he did the next best thing: Wrap an arm around your shoulders and pull you towards him, speaking soothing words in elvish.
"Here, have some water." He held out a glass to you when he was sure it had died down. You took it gratefully, slowly sipping.
"You should really see a healer today." Lindir's worried voice struck you. He was really concerned about you, and you didn't want to get him in a panic.
"I will." You agreed. "I will go as soon as I get dressed."
Lindir set off to Lord Elrond's office, while you made your way to the healing ward. Rivendell was quite big, you remembered when you first came here it was difficult to find your way. It came naturally the longer you stayed, and now you knew the corridors like the back of your hand.
You knocked on one of the doors, hearing a voice utter "Come in!". Setting foot in the room, an elleth acknowledged your presence at once.
"What can I do for you today?"
Day 3
Pregnant. Since the day before, the words kept repeating themselves in your mind. You was still in shock, never anticipating that a child would be conceived so soon after yours and Lindir's marriage. Of course you both spoke of having children, and wanted them at some point but you wasn't expecting it so soon.
"Y/n? Your mind seems troubled, what is the matter?" Arwen asked, resting her hand in her lap. You were both sat in the gardens under the warmth of the sun.
You exhaled, closing your eyes for a moment. "I cannot deny that I am anxious. Getting wed to the one I truly love was such an exciting event, one that I had dreamed of since childhood." Arwen listened to you intently, a smile gracing her features.
You continued, "Starting a family was also something I anticipated, both me and Lindir spoke of it before many times. But it is nerve inducing to have it happen so suddenly."
Arwen understood what you was saying, beaming at you. "You are with child? Oh Mellon, that is amazing news!"
She brought you in a hug, which you gladly returned. You couldn't help but laugh, sharing in your friend's joy.
"Thank you, Arwen. Though I am nervous. How do I tell him? I know he will be happy, but I can't just say 'I'm with child.'"
"Why not?" Arwen pulled away, "Lindir will be a wonderful father to your child. You know he will be pleased, there is no need to keep such important information from him." She advised kindly.
You nodded, "You're right. I just need to find the right moment."
Day 4
The moment didn't come that day, for Lindir was working all day and only returned at midnight. By then, you was asleep. Searching the grounds for him at lunch, you was determined to tell him no matter what. Lindir wasn't anywhere to be seen, but you took a guess where he was when you heard arguing coming from the library.
"That book does not go on that shelf!" You heard Erestor exclaim.
"Maybe you should start organizing the shelves properly! Here's a hint: Labeling with help!"
Was Lindir and Erestor really arguing?
You stepped into the room and saw the two elves at each other's throats. You made a sound in your throat that seemed to quiet them down.
"Meleth nin." Lindir breathed, coming to your side instantly. "Did you consult a healer?"
You took a few shaky breaths in and out, the confidence you had before now gone.
"Love? Are you well? Do you need to sit?" Lindir questioned.
"N-no. I am fine. I need to tell you something important."
Lindir nodded, looking back at Erestor who seemed occupied with sorting out the book as he muttered to himself. When he was satisfied the elf wasn't eavesdropping, you had his full attention once more.
"Love? What is it?"
The nerves had returned, so you chickened out at the last moment. Despite your anxiety, you smiled at him reassuringly.
"I love you dearly, Lindir. You are so busy with your work, I was thinking we could take a walk under the stars this evening."
Lindir chuckled breathlessly. "Is that all? You had me worried! Of course, I would love to walk with you and revel in your beauty." He kissed your forehead. "I must be going, but I will get permission from Lord Elrond to leave early this evening."
You kicked yourself mentally, but you smiled. "Until tonight, meleth nin."
"I know, I should have told him. I just couldn't!" You exclaimed, hands grasping the goblet of water. You sat in Arwen's chambers, watching the elleth's expressions as you told her about how you didn't have the nerve to tell your husband.
Arwen gave you a sympathetic look, "It must be hard to do. I can see how nervous you are about this new life, but he has to know eventually."
"I know. Tomorrow is definitely going to be the day. I just need to gather my bearings."
Day 5
"Lindir, may we speak?" You stood next to him on the balcony of your chambers, looking up at the full moon. Lindir came to your side with no hesitation, enveloping you in an embrace from behind.
"What is it that troubles you, my love?"
You leaned into his touch. "Do you remember when we spoke of our future, and we talked of children when we married?"
"I do." Lindir confirmed. "Do you still feel the same? We do not have to conceive a child right now."
"No, that isn't it." You broke away from the embrace so you could face him. "I went to the healer, I tried to tell you before but it was never the right time, or I lost my nerve." You trailed, Lindir was patient and listened.
"Well, I- we are expecting a child." You finally said.
Lindir breathed out, closing his eyes and burying his head in your shoulder. You laughed lightly and held him.
"Am I right to assume you are happy, meleth?"
"Of course!" Lindir lifted his head, his eyes full of tears. "I am elated!"
Without warning, he lifted you in his arms and spun you around. "We're going to be parents! I'm going to be an Adar! And you, Nana!"
You held onto him and laughed, allowing him to place you back down. "This is such a blessing."
Lindir kissed you, "The biggest blessing of all."
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idjitlili · 5 years ago
What can I say I like a climb.
Thorin xhalf elf!reader
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A/n:Bruh imagine having a crush on Andy from the office before just because you had a dream about him dressing up as Gaston and coming to your old high school only to see you slip on the grass. Yeah it happened a couple of months ago when I was still in high school
Summary:growing up as Gandalf's adopted daughter ,being apart of the company only to pass through Rivendell,only to make thorin rage with jealousy
Word count:1921
It was no secret that Gandalf wasnt your real father, you both looked nothing a like. However this didnt stop him loving you like you were his actual child,you werent sure if wizard could have children. You wondered if he ever got horny,it disturbed you but you did wonder. Anyways yiu didnt know your parents ,they were killed by orcs ,Gandalf found you crying as babe ,and thats all you know. You were half elf ,half human ,mostly Thorin didnt like that very much when he found out ,it just meant you lived longer than a human would.
So how you ended up in the company of Thorin Oakenshield was; simply because Gandalf didnt want to leave you with the elves again ,or leave you at home where you could be in more danger. You were more than capable of defending yourself,due to your many vists with Elrond they had trained you very well. You also became best friends with Lindir since he was responsible for most of your training ,plus being your tutor. Lindir was also abandoned as a child but was taken in by Elrond. He grew to become a marchwaden.
Lindir was a shy elf ,as were you ,yet around each other you were very comfortable. Many of your visits he would have to carry to your room ,because you had fallen asleep against him looking at the stars while he told you a story. You both very much enjoyed each others company.
However your feelings towards the dwarven king were much different to how you felt about Lindir. You knew you liked him as soon as you saw him at Bag end ,yes you were very much taken back by his looks ,you swear you fell in love with him right then and there. Of course you thought he could never like you ;he's a bloody king. Oh how wrong you were. He had no choice but to allow you on this quest ,being gandalf,s daughter and all. Gandalf told him to basically to shut the fuck up ,you were coming.
Thorin would never admit it but he did always make sure you were safe,and eating ,covering up with shes such a burden,or whatever. What about when he found out you were part elf? Yeah so you had just bathed and your hair was wet and pushed back and he saw your ears he was like
"you are fucking elf?" he had literally grabbed your elf ,whilst you were standing up ,looking at it ,you had groaned at the contact. Lets pretend that didnt make want Thorin touch your ears more roughly."part,not full,cant you tell compared to elves im an orge." and with that you had pulled your ear from his dwarven fingers walking away. He was left in shock ,how you could thik so low of yourself. shrek is hot though,but you thought you were an ugly orge.Thorin didnt like elves,but he definitly liked you had thought you were absolutely beautiful. With your e/c eyes ,h/l h/c hair,your height ,our form your personality everhting.
Anyways you had just arrived at Rivendell,Lindir hadnt seen you in a while ,and hadnt noticed you yet. You were led to dinner ,with was all veg,you had to agree with ori you could do with some chips right about now,or even some lembas bread. You werent surprised that he didnt recognise you you had developed more in body wise plus you were muddy and wearing a big coat and hat. He had looked for you when he saw Gandalf but when he couldnt see you he assumed you were at home ,he was disappointed..
Kili was sat next to you and Bofur ,he was admiring the elves,saying they didnt have enough facial half. "though that one isnt  bad." he had gestured to a male elf,making the whole company burst out with laughter. "that isnt a  elf maiden." kili face flashed red in embarrassment. You had nudged him still giggling "dont worry,young prince, I know which male elf I would fuck too." you had smirked eyeing lindir ,of course you wouldnt but if you had to you would. The company had laughed again "shes got a dirty mouth laddies." dwalin had pipped up, you smirked pulling off your coat and hat,as the company watched in confusion.
Standing up running over to Lindir ,jumping up onto him wrapping your legs around his waist,arms around his/ next. The company had gasped in shock."is she allowed to do that...?" bilbo had questioned,Thorin watched with a scowl on his face,Dwalin noticed laughing at his friend ,who scoffed. You had pressed a kiss to Lindir's cheek,who's arms now went around your back holding you to him,securely. "mellon, Its been a time." he had spoke placing you down,hugging you briefly. "it has indeed , I missed my bestfriend." you stood in front of him ,smiling ,thorin was still not convinced he was just your friend.
 "youve grown mellon nin." he smiled ,speaking quietly trying to ignore the dwarves ,Thorin almost scoffed louder than a waterfall,as it was obvious what he meant.  The dwarves watched carefually as the next  thing out your mouth really made them think that they really didnt know you. "I know! my breasts have grown finally!" you had literally squished your boobs together over your tunic,making lindir blush in embarrassment ,but laughing. Kili  and fili had watched you ,before looking at their uncle smirking ,he didnt even look at them.  " i meant your slyness," you had giggled at him before hugging him again,before informing him you would talk to him later ,joining the dwarves again.
In which they all stared at you intensely. "so ,you and the elf then?" kili had spoken ,nudging you in the ribs like you had down to him earlier. "yeah we are bestfriends." thorin had scoffed,you had looked at him confused at this gesture. "just friends? right" his tone stern and disbelieving."we have been friends since I was a babe,thats all." you tried to hold eye contact with  thorin but he just looked away with a hard expression. "but you said you rough it up with him." Dwalin tried defending his best bud. "it was a joke thats it,hes my bestfriend that all. not that it is any of your bloody businesses. " you stood up abruptly. "thank you elrond for dinner ,may I be excused."he had simply nodded his head ,you gathered your coat,and hat one for Lindir to come over taking them leading to you to your room.
His hand on your mid back,leading you away from the drama ,Thorin had watched you leave almost gulity for making you upset. Once he had gotten you to your room he had began to sort you a bath ,brushing through your tangled hair first,slowly getting you to relax."Ooooh I'm a dwarf I can give a joke ,but I cant take one, also my nose is bigger than my dick" you had mocked as Lindir finished your hair ,pulling you up shoving you in the bathroom. "you know they are only doing it because Thorin thinks you like me and not him. You mouth gapped open as he shut the bath room door aallowing your privacy.
You couldnt sstop thinking about what Lindir said so much so once you were in your night gown ,exiting the bathroom to meet with Lindir for a stroll in the gardens. You had tripped on your own feet, and Lindir didnt see as he was reading a  book in a chair.  Turns out you landed badly on your wrist ,screamed out in pain,Lindir became sonic rushing to you.You didnt even get a chance to explain before he rushed you to the healers. In which they gave you some herbs for the pain and wrapped up your sprained wrist,putting it into a sling.  
Lindir had held out his arm for you ,and led you to a bench in the gardens  ,your damp hair pushing it out your face in annoyance. Lindir notices this forces you to sit down,before he braids it swiftly ,before a voive clears their throat. Lindir finishes tying the braid off with a ribbon,he places a hand on your shoulder,before bowing his head at at someone leaving. You turn to see Thorin standing in front of you ,you quickly stand,hiding your arm in robe. You knew he would be furious if he saw what happen. His face is unreadable ,he's scowling as usual.
"uh..hi?" you had spoken unsure where to look,just generally confused why he was here. "you aren't together ,but he braids your hair?" he scowls ,you groan in annoyance,walking closer to him. "you know what you are bloody getting on my nerves, dwarf." you had growled out his eyes go wide slightly at your outburst,before returning into a scowl. "for the last time I am NOT dating lindir. The only reason he was braiding my bloody hair was because I sprained my wrist , and couldnt. Secondly even so he can because to elves and humans braids dont suggest we are bloody fucking." you had pointed your left hand ,pointer finger into his chest harshly. You tried not to go weak at the knees ,feeling the muscle he had on his chest.
Yet Thorin had became unbelievably calm as he forced you to sit with him on the bench,by guiding you with his hand on your mid back. "how did that happen?your arm." his hand reached over to move the robe from covering it,his hand lightly grazing the bare skin on your upper arm. Of course you were wearing an night gown under ,just incase you forgot. "..uh..weell i bathed ,then i walked out and tripped over my own feet ,thats it. Before you say anything thats why I was screaming not because lindir had his dick in me." you looked at him deadly serious ,he had sent you smile which was completely new to you.
"I believe you,y/n. I'm sorry for the way I werent around trying to find out if you were free to court?" you had choked at his words. "wait Lindir was right ,you do want to court me?" you had  almost whispered ,he had nodded at you before you threw your one arm around him,hugging him tight ,which he does the same yet carefually,not wanting hurt your arm more.
"Lindir is going to tease me till the end of time,i swear."
bonus~in greenwood .
"and why does a half elf travel with dwarves." Thranduil had asked you circling you both , in reply you had jumped on Thorin ,wrapping legs around his waist.
"what can I say I like to climb" Thorin smirked at the elven king.
"guards remove her!"
"dont tell my dad!"
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bi-ologistofthehills · 4 years ago
Lotr oc
Here we go
@fingons-rad-harp , since you wanted to see her
Also, maybe she is a bit Mary-Sue, but don’t @ me, I love my badass elleth
Name: Elwing Peredhil
Species: Half-elven
Daughter of Elrond and Celebrian
they named her after Elrond’s mother(I know this isn’t really done, but my friend and I have already written stories so it’s a little late now)
Triplet to Elladan and Elrohir
the oldest
dark brown curly hair(think Celebrian style, Elrond color)
gray eyes
freckles, like a lot of them
I’m not entirely decided on skin color, mostly because I’m torn between POC Noldor and Tolkien version...
somewhat reminiscent of Elrond, Celebrian and Celeborn all at once
usually calm and collected
can and will get all angry at you
unabashed about showing emotions in public
pretty emotional(tends to overreact occasionally)
if someone is feeling down, she will always come and comfort them, sometimes even if they don’t want to or need to be
will hug you(not elven hug)
total diplomat, but can fight really well
Sword, it was Celebrian’s sword, but she gave it to Elwing upon sailing(this is her primary weapon)
before it was Celebrian’s, it was Galadriel’s
Celebrimbor made it for Galadriel at some point during the second age and it has a Feanorian star on the hilt(this is probably why Celebrian got it in the first place, cause Galadriel didn’t wanna run around wielding it)
Shield, was Elrond’s, he used it during the last alliance (Elwing only uses it after War of the Ring)
Bow and arrows, I headcannon Elrohir to be the bowman of the family, but Elwing isn’t too bad
Keeps at least one dagger, usually two, upon herself at all times
Clothing Preferences:
Casual: either tunic and pants, or simple gown, or some sort of robe
Formal: either a gown or fancy robe, circlet
Battle: her armor
Travel: tunic and pants, sometimes leather armor, sometimes actual armor
Elwing will mostly wear muted blues, gray, occasionally muted purple, or dark blue(this is her favorite)
The Dump About Her Story:
As a kid, she originally started training just as a diplomat, but decided she wanted to fight too.
She had to work her butt off to catch up to the rest of the kids her age, but did so and became a great warrior
Glorfindel is totally her mentor
She really looks up to her parents and her grandfather
don’t get me wrong, she loves her grandma, but that ethereal side of things is more Arwen
very into history
spent hours listening to Elrond tell stories about stuff
lets be honest, mostly the kidnap dads
General Info Before We Get To Angst:
Her opinion on Feanorians: gets that they did bad things and knows they hurt people, but also respects them and that part of her heritage (also knows that some things they did were good)
Celebrian’s Capture:
My version of it is that Celebrian, Arwen and Erestor were going to Lothlorien and then got attacked
Celebrian has some random guard take Arwen and flee. This guard finds some hidden cleft and they hide there.
All of the members of Celebrian’s party are slain except for her(she gets captured) and Erestor, who just barely survives(he gets severely injured)
Idk how everyone else finds out this has happened, but they do.
Elwing and her brothers set out in a mad dash effort to get to their mother and sister, but arrive too late.
They start searching the scene and very quickly run into Arwen and the random guard (they’re very relieved)
Elwing happens to be standing next to the unconscious Erestor, who wakes and a manages to say her name
she hears him and immediately calls for Elrohir (I headcannon him to also be the healer out of the three of them)
Elladan picks up the orc’s trail right as a party from Lothlorien arrives, led by Celeborn.
The rest is canon
After her mother sails, Elwing chops off most of her hair (so it’s shoulder length)
I think she does it because it reminds her too much of her mother when it’s long
My friend and I have this idea that every one hundred years, the three elven kingdoms hold what is basically just a conference. The three kingdoms take turns hosting it
the next one happens to about 5 years after Celebrian sails
It’s being hosted in Lothlorien, which is the only reason Galadriel and Celeborn attend
Imladris was originally pardoned from coming, but Elwing, who has been stepping up politics wise in Imladris in an effort to help her father (she’s also the Lady of Imladris now), gets this idea
she decides she’s gonna go in her father’s place and represent him and Imladris
Elrond decides this is a good idea and lets her
she gets to make a badass late entrance with her short hair
I’m tired and it’s late, so I’ll put more on here later, but we’re far from finished with Elwing.
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sweetteaanddragons · 6 years ago
10. Being the Designated Sane One 38. Elrond and Gil-Galad 60. Surprise Me!
In which Gil-Galad and Elrond take turns being the sane one. Elrond is better at it.
Everyone else had left the command tent to pursue either sleep or other duties. Only Gil-Galad and Elrond remained. Gil-Galad because he couldn’t quite tear himself away from glaring at the map quite yet, Elrond . . . Come to think of it, Elrond was probably there to pointedly remind Gil-Galad that he was still glaring at the map. Elrond had taken to doing things like that more and more lately, and Gil-Galad had yet to find a polite way of telling him he got enough worried frowns from Círdan without Elrond joining in.
Possibly it was proving so difficult because Elrond was just so helpful and efficient about it that it was hard for Gil-Galad to entirely convince himself that he actually wanted him to stop, no matter how snappish it still made him. It helped, too, that Elrond was younger than him; he didn’t feel as if he was trying to be made a child again, only a gentle, persistent concern.
A cup of water was placed at his right hand without Elrond giving him a chance to refuse it. He drank it without thinking and only then turned his glare on Elrond. “I’m fine.”
“Hmm?” Elrond looked up innocently from the papers he was pretending to examine. “Of course you are. Who’s said otherwise?”
Gil-Galad snorted and turned back to the map before silently admitting to himself that he was being unfair. He couldn’t keep snapping at Elrond for the crime of being helpful. It was just . . .
He traced a line on the map, darting it between the little markers representing armies. It was deceptively easy.
“Sometimes I just want to ride out and end this,” he muttered. “No more petty fighting for every inch of ground. Just one simple charge, like Fingolfin and Finrod.”
When he looked up, Elrond had gone very, very still. “That didn’t work out so well when they tried it,” he said carefully.
“No,” Gil-Galad conceded with a sigh, locking painful childhood memories away. “But it’s tempting, nonetheless.”
“More tempting than actually living to see the Long Defeat at last defeated in turn? More tempting than learning what it is to live in peace? More tempting than staying with what remains of your family? That’s not you talking, Gil-Galad, it’s - “ Elrond suddenly checked his passion and returned to himself. “It’s the Enemy,” he said quietly. “It’s always the Enemy. There’s a better way, my king. You know that.”
“I think it is just my own impatience, actually,” he admitted with a rueful smile. “Though perhaps there is a hint of his despair in it too. I will guard against it better, I promise you.”
Elrond seemed much relieved, even as he flinched a little at the last words.
Gil-Galad couldn’t help but wonder if the Enemy was what Elrond had at first intended to say.
“No,” Gil-Galad said immediately upon walking into his infirmary to see what had so occupied his herald’s time of late. “Absolutely not.”
The feverish mutterings from the kinslayer on the bed continued uninterrupted. The healer beside him, however, looks up with wide, pleading eyes. “Gil-Galad - “
“No. He’s not some beaten dog trained to fight that you can coax into recovery and better behavior, Elrond! He’s one of the most dangerous elves yet living, and Valar know he’s shown little inclination to restrain himself!”
Elrond looked down at the fevered figure on the bed, currently calling out for his parents in frightened Quenya.
Gil-Galad stubbornly did not do likewise. “Even if he’s not dangerous at the moment,” he conceded through gritted teeth, “the whole point of this exercise you’ve undertaken is to make him better as I understand it, at which point he will be dangerous again. Unless this is actually some slow poisoning campaign I’m unaware of?” He wasn’t sure how he’d feel about it if it was. On the one hand, Elrond was certainly entitled to justice.
On the other hand, Elrond was also often responsible for Gil-Galad’s own healing, and no matter how much he trusted his cousin, knowing him to have an inclination to poison would make that a rather more awkward experience.
But of course not. Elrond’s eyes were flashing with outraged feeling, and Gil-Galad bit back a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “You have to see my concern.”
“I have the matter well in hand,” Elrond said coldly. “And why should he prove a danger here? They only ever fought their kin in pursuit of one goal, and sacking Lindon will not help him with it.”
“Hurting you might.”
“How? Who would carry the message to my father? How would my father pay the ransom without breaking the Valar’s ban?”
“Just because you’ve convinced yourself of that - “
“He’s convinced himself of that,” Elrond said in a rare interruption. “And as long as he sees a way around the Oath, he will not act on it, even if he were in any condition to do so.”
He wanted to shake his cousin. “Surely you can see how unhealthy this is.”
“His wounds? Of course.”
“Your attachment. You know what he did.”
“Better than you do.”
Gil-Galad struggled to find the words to express what was boiling up within him, but rage would not serve him now. Reason might. “When you first came back to us,” he began slowly, “you know what I feared you might have endured. Deprivation. Cruel hurt. And I was relieved to find that you had not, or at least none deliberate and none that the rest of us had not in those last terrible days.”
Elrond nodded stiffly.
“But it became increasingly clear that you still bore things that you ought not to have been asked to bear. When you came to us, you were intimately familiar with how to share burdens and ease hurt. How to soothe pain of every description and ward off ensnarements of the mind. You helped them stay sane.”
Elrond didn’t deny it.
“You were a child,” Gil-Galad reminded him. “That should never have been your job.”
“There are a lot of things that should never have been,” Elrond said with sudden weariness. “What of it? They did not thrust us into the role if that is what you think. We wanted to help, and none of us would have been served by them falling further. No, it was not right. Leaving us alone in a burning city would not have been right. Not attacking the city would have been right, but with their Oath so strong upon them, I do not know how much longer that would have even been possible. There is much in this Marred world that is not right. Forgiveness is not part of that Marring; nor is loving kinsmen, no matter how distant or how formerly estranged. Nor is healing those in need.”
“Without the Marring, would we need forgiveness?” It was an academic question, a concession, and he knew it.
“Perhaps not,” Elrond conceded in turn. “But it is a beautiful thing, is it not? Like the snow, the ice, and the rain, born into being by themes Morgoth thought were his own.”
Gil-Galad gave in at last. “He leaves when he’s better,” he ordered. “Keep his presence quiet until then.”
“Of course,” Elrond said, now with a pleased smile. “Thank you. Truly.”
Gil-Galad just shook his head.
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idjitlili · 5 years ago
Faramir x reader
Imagine being Thranduils secret child, born way after Thranduils wife had died, it was around the time of the fellowship of the ring. Thranduil forces legolas to take you with him , so you could have a relationship with him. Then you meet Faramir
Warning :parent death
Word count:1679
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(Not my gif)
You knew there was something different about you compared to other girls.The letter revealed that your father was an elf, and lived in Mirkwood, and you had a half brother. You made your way to Mirkwood in search of your father , you mother told you as a child she told your father was dead. For your on benefit, because of the king was to have a halfbreed child it would have caused threats to you and your father. Your mother didn’t want to endanger you.
You had arrived in Mirkwood making your way through the forest. You had been surrounded by elves, With their bows aimed at you. You were shocked at the least.
A ginger elf spoke up “you are trespassing in the kings forest, why?”
You had gulped nervously,” I am trying to get to mirkwood , to see my father.”
“Your father is an elf.” One had questioned you disgusted.
“Uh his name is Thranduil.” Multiple gasps were heard, they had grabbed you and pulled you to the king. He had questioned you similarly.
“What brings you my realm young one.” His eyes like daggers as he held his head high.
“I am in search of my father,sir.” You looking briefly to your feet.
“Who may that be?” He spoke circling you.
“I don’t know him , only his name, Thranduil.” He gasps , what the fuck was with the gasps, his head snapped towards you and his blond hair flying with. “Leave us!” He spoke to his guards.
“How do I know you aren’t lying?” He snarled, the thought of someone impersonation his daughter was a stretch but you could never be too carefully. His eyes wondered over you taking in your features you did look like the women that he had slept with.Horny bitch.
“Why would lie, can’t you bring him to me. He will know of my mother ,y/m/n ,l/n “ he gasped again , you wanted to clamp his mouth closed stop gasping.
“I cannot.” Your heart sank, he is dead. “As he is already infront of you.” You gasped , this majestic man was your father, you were not majestic, he wasn’t as majestic as Thorin though.
“Y-your my f-father. A king?!” You we try e beyond shocked.
“Yes, my daughter. May I ask what has brought you to me,now?” Pet names already damn boy.
“My mother she’s dead “ thranduils mouth gap open, with sadness. “She got sick, i couldn’t do anything. Mother didn’t have a lot.”
“I am sorry about your mother, she was a lively soul. I must find out more about you, I am assuming you wish to live here? Am I correct.” He spoke gently for the first time.
“Yes , I am embarrassed to have to ask, I could not seek a job at 16. As no one would hire.i had to come here , aswell mother had wrote you a letter.” You grab the letter from your small bag handing it to him. He takes it ,opening it.
His face changes to multiple emotions as he reads ,a tear streams down his face. You didn’t know if your mother was a fling or not but now it was clear it was more than that.
“You will stay here with me, as my daughter.” He walks towards you surprisingly hugging you, which you hug back. He didn’t seem to be a man that showed affection ,you were glad to finally have a father.
For the next two years you lived with your father , he grew to love you very much , as you did too. He took you to see Elrond were Legolas was , your brother and told you , you were to accompany him on his mission. He didn’t know it was dangerous , otherwise he wouldn’t have made you go. But you became close to legolas , apart of the fellowship of the ring.
“Legolas...” you dragged out his name , annoyingly.
“Yes , y/n.” He turned to see you lacking behind.
“My legs are tired.”
“What do you want me to do about it?”
“Elves are supposed to be strong, so can you carry me pleaseeeee.” You pleaded, frowning.
He lowered down so you could get onto his back, wrapping your arms around his neck. He carried you for hours with no struggle.
“Thank you brother, so kind.”
“Wait , legolas is your brother I thought you were human.” Boromir questioned.
“I am secret love child of Thranduil and y/m/n.i am half elf have human. I hadn’t met legolas until this journey.”
“Wow , you are not stuck up like legolas.” Gimil chuckled at himself.
Legolas smacked him.
Legolas has sent you with Gandalf , and pippin to Gondor. To prevent you from harm, you wanted to stay with him , but he forced you to go.
Pledging your service to denethor , along with Pippin , as Boromir gave his life saving yours and the hobbits lives. You saw the way he treated his last son Faramir , it made you disgusted , wish that your son that was alive to be dead instead of his brother. Who says that sorta thing. Totally douche move.
Faramir caught your eye, staring at you for a moment. You sent Faramir a sympathies look , in which he looked away heartbroken at his fathers words. He turned around and left without a glance toward his father.
Your next in counter with Faramir ,was when you had been fighting alongside Gandalf. When pippin has run out calling for Gandalf. “denethor is burning Faramir alive!” He shouted in distress.
Both you and Gandalf ran towards Pippin , as he led you to their location. Gandalf forced the doors open, just as denethor grabbed a torch droppping it , lighting him and Faramir on fire.
Pippin quickly pushes Faramir out of the fire, despite denethor yells, rip buddy. You run to Faramir last side. “ is he alive?” You question pippin, Faramir opens his eyes, he smiles slightly at you. “Don’t die , Faramir we will get you to the healers.” He nods his head in agreement closing his eyes again.
You and Gandalf and pippinhad gotten Faramir to his chambers, and healers has tended to his wounds. But Gandalf insisted you to stay with Faramir. Leaving you on your own with unconscious Faramir.
You sat in a chair next to Faramirs bed , reading a random book. Unknowingly to anyone else you had been friends with Faramir ,when you was younger ,not Boromir because he was older and denethor made him train most days.
You and your mother moved when you were 14, that was the last time you saw Faramir. But here you were at his side, years later. You didn’t think he remembered you , yet you wish he would.
After a few hours of sitting by Faramir , you had fallen asleep. But Faramir was awake but you didn’t know that, he was staring at you, peacefully sleeping , he knew he recognised you. Then it stuck him,
“Y/n.” He whispered to you, you didn’t awake so he repeated it a little louder “y/n?”
You simply ‘hmm’ in response, your eyes stay closed “y/n, your eyes shot open. You looked towards the noise. You eyes winded when you see Faramir wide awake , his face tired , pain inflicted in his eyes.
“How long have you been awake?” You question quietly.
“Not long.” He groaned out.
“Do you want anything? I’ll go get you water.” You rushes out now fully awake, getting up, but you are pulled back by your wrist. You turn to look at Faramir is sitting up now.
“no stay, I am fine , plus there’s water right there.” He points to his bed side table. “Oh.”
“ I remember you , y/n.” He smiles at you ,as you stand over him and his hand still holding your wrist.
“You do)”
“Yeah, thank you for staying with me. I have missed you.” He replies roughly from his dry throat, his thumb rubbing your wrist.
“I did too.” You smile widely at him.
“How is your mother?” He questioned, sincerely.
“She died two years after I left..so I went looking for my dad, and lived with him. Then he sent me on this quest with my brother.” You knew Faramir lost his mother when he was young.
“Oh I’m so sorry.” He smiles lightly,
“It’s okay. Anyways I should go get the healer.” You go to walk and he tugs you back again.
“No, please y/n. C-can you just lay with me?” He stutters out.
You walk close to the bed removing your shoes swiftly, Faramir shuffles over giving you roll , you lay next to him. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“Are you sure this doesn’t hurt you?” You look up into his eyes that are looking back down at you. “I’m fine. Don’t worry.” He smiles.
“I am sorry about Boromir, he was good man.” He rubs his hfingers on your shoulder gently.
“He was, I’m glad to you came back, so I’m not alone.””
“Me too Faramir.” You lean closer to him, snuggling your head into his neck, wrapping you arm over his middle. He chuckles at your h/c hair tickling his neck. You lift your head to place quick kiss on his cheek.you grin at at him.
“I have loved you since I was prepubescent.” He flirts.
“Damn me too. I love you.” You pull him into a tight hug again.
“Wanna hear a joke?”
“Once you were Faramir but now you are nearamir.”
Today would’ve been my prom , in England we only have one so I had a prom by myself for ten minutes
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