#which is what makes them believe and put their faith and trust in humans again
jackshiccup · 9 months
hiccup the third winning both furious and wodensfang's hearts is just so poetic and the way all three hiccups' stories connect makes me want to yell and jump around.
furious got another chance to save his blood brother from a tragic fate and eventually dies from the same sword that killed hiccup the second. while wodensfang got another chance to see hiccup the third become king of the wilderwest and experience another human's lifetime worth of peace between the two kinds, much like how hiccup the first ruled in the beginning. it's just so.
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skywalkr-nberrie · 1 month
It honestly makes me cry how Padmé in her dying moments and as she’s giving birth was aching and yearning for Anakin to be by her side. Just as Vader was in anguish and pain, and longing to see Padmé, to know if she’s safe.
In the last scene where she’s giving birth she’s in such a haze due to labor, and in such a state of “heartbreak” that she doesn’t recognize her surroundings and doesn’t even realize that people were beside her because she’s so focused on Anakin (+giving birth ofc) we see it clearly in the ROTS novel
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We see here that OW is holding onto Padmé’s hand which he described as being “still and cold” clearly her lack of strength from giving birth, but also because she’s heartbroken and is somewhat becoming numb (as she dies 💔) she’s not at all responsive nor does she react to human contact. Then we see that she’s clearly muddled and completely unaware of her surroundings as it describes that her “eyes rolled blindly” and yet, she’s still thinking of Anakin (as she’s giving birth) when she says what the gender of the baby was, and that Anakin thinks it’s a girl, so Padmé thinks so as well.
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Then, despite her lack of strength and motivation, we see Padmé pick up all the strength she has left to reach up to her newborn son, Luke.
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After she’s given birth, again all of Padmé’s thoughts just round back to her aching and yearning for Anakin. Once again, not even aware of her surroundings or even able to hear anyone in her vicinity due to how heartbroken she is over losing her husband and this precious moment with him (the birth of their babies) OW clearly tells Padmé that Anakin isn’t there when Padmé calls out to him, yet she can’t hear him, Padmé continues to constantly call out to him, telling him she loves him, and that she’s sorry for the misunderstanding that happened between them (even though absolutely NONE of it was her fault.)
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Then we come to this part where it reveals that Padmé with the same hand she touched her new born babies with, was actually clutching onto the Japor Snippet that Anakin had given her this entire time she was giving birth. Part of me believes she was holding onto it as a substitute for Anakin’s hand, hence why she was in such a daze, unable to recognize anyone around her, and kept calling out to Anakin. She desperately wanted him by her side, and holding onto the Japor Snippet was like a solace for her.
It was only in the last minute where the novel describes her eyes to have finally cleared for only a moment, and she recognized OW, and even in that last moment of hers, her thoughts are of only Anakin. And of her undying, unwavering faith, trust, and love for him. Telling OW with full conviction that there is still good inside the man she loves, and she’s putting the very proof of it into his palms 💔
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OW shows Yoda the Japor Snippet Padmé put into his hand, and Yoda can immediately tell right away that it was a possession that was precious to Padmé, and that she must’ve cherished it a lot. He suggests that she should be buried with it, and OW taps into the Force at that moment and can also feel the “soaring echos” of the love shared between Anakin and Padmé to which he describes as “transcendent love” and can also feel what he describes as “a bleak, black despair of an unendurable heartbreak” (clearly referring to Padmé.) He agrees that Padmé should also be buried with the Japor Snippet, so that Padmé can at least go away in peace, with a remnant of the man she truly, deeply, loved, still with her.
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homicidal-sheep · 2 months
I will defend Eurylochus to my dying breath because what the fuck yall, he is not the malicious monster people are making him out to be?? Like these characters are so morally grey its not even funny.
I love Ody with all my heart but the man did fuck up. He is human, and a plaything of the Gods, which is a very dangerous position to be in at the best of times.
I've seen people saying Eury has no moral high ground on the Scylla thing because he wanted to leave all the men at Circe's. Now firstly, I highly doubt a simple scouting mission would include all the men (see Cyclops saga, when only a fraction went). So they would be running to save what men remained, not ditching the entire army. Secondly, what exactly did you want them to do when facing Circe? They didn't know Hermes was there. All they knew was there was a magic lady who could turn people into pigs. So what, were they gonna ask really really nicely? Somehow I highly doubt that would work. Without the Gods intervention, I just don't see them winning. Eury was cutting their losses because from his POV, there was quite literally nothing they could do for the men. Best case scenario they snuck the men/pigs out and, idk, kept them as pets??
As for the wind bag, yeah it was a really dumb decision. But Ody is the one who decided not to trust his men, especially Eury. Ody has already given up on the crew, and they likely feel that distrust. Why should they put their blind faith in a man who refuses to clue them in? Why should they believe that he has whats best for them in their hearts? Ody's own guilt caused him to embrace an ideology that got a bunch of them killed. (remember when he said the only one who's lines he hasn't crossed were his own?) And we can see some of this growing resentment in Perimedes cut song. We as viewers have context the men simply do not.
Sidenote, people say Eury would have gotten them lotus'd. Yeah maybe. or maybe Ody would have recognized the fruit before they ate it, like he did with Polites. We cannot know.
The other point I keep seeing, that I find absolutely baffling is "well they deserved to die for mutinying, they should have listened to their king and captain" I'm sorry when did we all become monarchists. Kings and captains can absolutely make bad decisions? We should not blindly trust authority?? Yeah Eury kept questioning the captain. He was second in command and the voice of the crew, not only is he voicing their discontent, I'd argue that a good king should have someone who is willing to disagree with them. While Ody is right, that in the middle of a dire situation isn't great, and it would have been better to address those issues in private, they are very legitimate worries. If your captain has admitted he would burn the world to see his son and wife, I think being a little worried is absolutely fair.
The Gods keep appearing and helping Ody but they are also incredibly dangerous beings who constantly play with the lives of mortals.
On to the cow thing. Ya it was fucking dumb. But I can understand why. The man is fucking tired. They don't see a way out and at that point, starving to death slowly, so desperately afraid, probably sounded like a terrifying fate. Better to get it over with.
And he still cares! Ody is his literal brother in law. They bandaged his wounds when they could have idk, sacrificed him to Posideon or something. What Ody did to them was 100% betrayal and I understand why they mutinied, with what information they had. For petes sake he kept singing "I need to get home", I, not we.
Again, I love Ody, but good lord, the man is the definition of an unreliable narrator. Let them all be complicated, tragic characters without labeling them as cookie cutter good guys and bad guys.
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edenfenixblogs · 7 months
Hey, I came from your post about Night. I’ve been wanting to read it for a while now, but I’ve heard that the English version is very watered down and stripped of the original emotions that are in the Yiddish version. Do you know if there are any more accurate English translations, or if the Hebrew one is more like the original? Sorry if you’re not the right person to ask about this, you just seem quite knowledgeable
(also coming from my vent account so I don’t get any hate on main for being a Jew lol)
No worries at all, @nonbinary-vents:
I want to be clear about something: My post was aimed at goyim.
You are a Jewish person, and reading this book (especially if you haven't read any other accounts of experiences in concentration camps) may be an important thing for you to do. And I'd cautiously encourage you to do so if you feel emotionally stable. But you do not need to worry about the experience of this book feeling watered down.
If you are Jewish and not in a very stable emotional state, do not read this book. Do not cause yourself harm.
(If you are goyiscshe, you should challenge yourself and force yourself to read this book. Obviously if you are in an actual emotional/psychological crisis or dealing with the death or illness of a loved one, then you are the only goyim who has an excuse not to read this book. No matter who you are, do not read this book if it will cause you actual mental harm or drive you to somehow cause yourself physical harm. But if it will make you upset, depressed, panicked at your own failings, or other extremely unpleasant but ultimately human discomfort, then you should read this book. Jews don't get a choice about knowing this shit, because knowing this shit is how we survive. And you NOT knowing this shit is what makes it so easy for you to dismiss and target us over and over and over again. You should be uncomfortable. You should feel guilty. Because unless you're actively learning how to disentangle yourself from the antisemitism that led to The Holocaust, then you are actively participating in thee fomentation of another. And that should horrify you.)
Sure, I bet this book is even more haunting and visceral in the original Yiddish. I've spoken recently about how hard Jewish language is to translate to English.
But there is no world in which this book will feel watered down to you.
@nonbinary-vents This book will haunt you. This book will change you. This book will challenge your faith and your ability to trust people.
Remember going in that Judaism asks us not to separate ourselves from our community--not just our Jewish community, but any community in which we find ourselves. Resist the urge this book may stir within you to become insular and fearful of goyim. That is not our way. We are a part of the communities and cultures and nations in which we find ourselves. And we must do good for those communities, because that is what we are called to do. The lesson of this book for Jews is different than the lesson of this book for goyim.
The lesson of this book for Jews -- in fact, the lesson of "Never Again" for Jews -- is that we cannot ever allow this to happen to ourselves again. No, of course, I am not blaming Jews for the Holocaust and if anyone thinks that's what I'm arguing here, then they can fuck off.
The lesson of this book for Jews is that we must never again let fear hold us back from fighting for ourselves. If he world calls upon us to die, we must refuse. Refuse to put ourselves on a list. Refuse to follow our oppressors' directions to the ghetto. Refusal to get on the train or to enter the gas chamber. And we must refuse to be silent for other people's comfort. While it is a Jewish imperative to believe that every human being is capable of kindness and has inherent goodness within them, we can never again trust that the kindness and goodness they possess will ever be directed at us. There was the very understandable thought back when this all started that if we just complied--if we were just willing to suffer a little bit by moving to the ghettos or registering on the lists of Jews the Nazis demanded or carried our papers with us at all time and wore our stars just as they said --then they would eventually realize we were good citizens. They would eventually realize we were just people like them doing their best to live quiet lives and follow the rules. People believed that, if we just complied, they'd remember their humanity and our own. If we just complied and let ourselves suffer, hen maybe our friends and loved one would be safe.
But that was a lie we told ourselves.
No amount of compliance or agree-ability or self-sacrifice will ever make someone who sees Jews as evil and subhuman realize that Jews are actually just human beings like everyone else. Compliance will never ensure our safety; it will just make us easier to kill. Compliance won't make antisemites see us as human; it will only ever make them see us -- at best -- as agreeable livestock.
(although I doubt any farmer would treat their animals as cruelly as Nazis and their supporters treated us).
I am not advocating for violence. But I advocating for discomfort and defense. That is why I am on here every day writing the things I write. I will not shut up for the comfort of people who don't care about my life or my safety. And neither should you. Neither should any of us. I will not allow antisemites to co-opt our own tragedies to demonize us further while casting themselves as warriors for justice.
No, we should not take to the streets and start harming goyim. But if the day comes that they once again start to round us up, I for one will tear those Nazis a-fucking-part with my bare hands. And if they live to have children and grandchildren of their own, they will have to explain to their children and grandchildren that they got the scars on their face and the missing eyeball because the Jew they were trying to murder wouldn't submit quietly.
And if this seems like a hyperbolic and absurd hypothetical to anyone reading this? Well, yeah. It seemed like one back then, too.
(And if any goyim chose to read "Night" by Elie Wiesel because of my post, please tell me. Please engage. I cannot be emphatic enough about this. If you are willing to read night in the way I asked of you in my post, then please do reach out to me with your experience and thoughts. Because that's the whole point. Jews need you to listen and engage with us about our own suffering. We need you to consider your impact on us and to not run away from that guilt or from us. If any of you are willing to read this book in the way that I have asked of you, please please please don't keep your experience to yourself. A lot of Jews desperately need to see goysiche growth in understanding antisemitism and its affects. I don't think you can even imagine how scared and lonely we are right now)
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lectorel · 1 month
Dalish Political Opinions:
I've been working on worldbuilding regarding Dalish culture and beliefs, as a framework for writing stories more focused on Dalish characters and clans. This is a rough draft of what different clans might believe and practice, and how those attitudes could differ.
The Future Homeland:
Building a Neo-Arlathan: The great city should rise again, as the jewel of the Dalish culture. We'll benefit most from having a single, large city with strong defenses and room for the clans to overwinter.
Reclaiming the Dales: The Dales should be ours. We should have a wide range of settlements from tiny homesteads to a capital city, dispersed and defended so that we can never loss everything in a single siege.
Founding a Third Kingdom: We need to find a new place to live and build a kingdom, bringing the best of Arlathan and the Dales to a fresh slate.
Nomadic Life: the Dalish are best served by continuing to be nomads, with only semi-permanent encampments and small settlements. We are best served by finding better ways to bring wealth with us and defend ourselves while on the move, not putting a target on our backs by having a fixed location.
Literalists: These are the stories we have, which we believe are the truth of what happened. The moral and social rules they lay out should be followed as strictly as possible
Reconstructionists: Our myths may be missing information or misconstrued. What matters is that we act in good faith, keeping to the core tenets, and continue searching for more evidence of our past. The details of the rules are less important than the intent.
Functionalist: it doesn't matter if our myths are true or not. What matters is the fact that they're ours, and they show us what it means to be Dalish. Rules can be discarded entirely if they no longer work for a clan.
Non-Dalish Elves:
Isolation: we should have nothing to do with anyone outside the Dalish Clans. In an ideal world, we would have a country all our own that no one outside of the clans even knew existed. The elves of the cities are not our concern.
Expansion: we should actively be bringing non-dalish elves into the clans. In an ideal world, all elves would be Dalish.
Collaboration: We should develop positive relationships with elves outside the clans, without recruiting. In an ideal world, the Dalish would be independent but have friends, business partners, lovers, and allies who were of many faiths.
Alliance: The dwarves' religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with Dalish beliefs, and both groups specialize in areas the other lacks. We're natural allies, and should seek to strengthen ties.
Non-Interference: The dwarves are not our problem, and there is nothing they can offer us that would make it worth getting involved in their politics or the mess of the darkspawn in the deep roads.
Hostility: The dwarves have never helped us, they've never acted even when it would cost them very little. They have no magic. They're not like us, and they can't be trusted.
Hostility: Fuck Orlais, fuck tevinter, and fuck everyone who allies with them. Shemlens can't be trusted.
Strategic Ties: Many, if not most, humans are awful, but individual ones can be trustworthy. Maintaining ties with the morally upright among them will keep us safer than a universal rejection.
Sympathy: We have a great deal in common with the poor and unwelcome of human society. What is done to them, and what they do in response, could make them valuable allies if we approached them in the correct way.
Most clans outside of the free marches don't have an opinion about the qunari. Clans within the free marches range from 'well they scared the shems' to 'and they scared us'. It's expected to be a major subject of debate at the next Arlathvhen
Political beliefs about magic can generally be split into two attitudes: enthusiastically embracing it, or accepting it with reservations. (There are a few fringe clans who reject it entirely, and require non-mage keepers, firsts, and seconds, and a few more will allow non-mages as keepers without requiring it, but they are very rare.)
Political opinions about magic map very neatly to geographic location - the closer a clan's territory is to Tevinter, the more suspicious that clan is of magic. It was the northernmost clans that took the precept of the three mage minimum and decided it would also be their maximum.
Northern clans, if they're sending extra mages away, will travel south to make sure the young mage isn't picked up by Tevinter. Not doing so can result in a clan's leadership being declared illegitimate at the Arlathvhen.
As a result, most non-Dalish are not aware of the variety of opinions regarding magic, and assume that all Dalish clans allow only three mages.
Dalish clans in Rivain, on the other end of the spectrum, pride themselves on having as many mages as possible, to the point that not having a mage available to be a clan's Second is a bad omen and sign of potential disaster. This has, in the past decade, lead to what the Dalish call 'Rivaini diplomacy' - the practice of Rivaini clans sending members to live with clans adjacent to Tevinter, for the chance to adopt any young mages the clans send away.
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bestworstcase · 5 months
Could you elaborate more on if Summer and gylinda (sorry if that's spelled wrong) were narrative foils? That sounds really interesting!
right so from what little we know about what glynda’s been up to since the fall of beacon is that she is, to all appearances, the ONE member of the inner circle who took a deep breath after ozpin died and kept her shit together. the others:
lionheart, already a traitor, continued to ask how high when salem said jump
ironwood exacerbated the global crisis by withdrawing his troops and closing the borders, thus inflicting deep economic pain on mantle and eroding international trust
qrow imploded and had to crawl back up from rock bottom after his faith in ozpin was destroyed
theodore refused to act until it was almost too late to prevent the crown’s coup because he was preoccupied with the more distant threat of salem
but glynda? she took point on the effort to reclaim beacon academy from the grimm and whenever she wasn’t doing that she was personally rebuilding vale. the last we see of her in v3, she’s on the brink of collapse working herself to the bone in vale. but in ‘after the fall’ she’s holding things together, even if just by her fingernails; she’s on top of it enough to have team CFVY’s academic transcripts and a letter of recommendation ready for them when they decide to apply for transfer to shade. in v4, half a year after beacon fell, port and oobleck seem optimistic about the situation at the beacon (“there is still much work to be done at the school” says busy and difficult, but the mood isn’t dire). and when we glimpse her again in v8, it’s apparent that normalcy has been restored in downtown vale; the dust shop is open for business and the streets outside are not overrun by grimm.
glynda had a hellish nightmare situation thrust into her hands as the de facto new headmistress of a fallen school and the person all of vale turned to for protection and guidance in the wake of this horrifying tragedy, and within a year she managed to pick up the pieces and restore peace and safety within the city, even if she couldn’t take back her school. that is astounding, and especially striking in context with the rest of the inner circle crumbling.
what made her different?
this is speculative. but i think that glynda, like summer rose, is a true believer in the ideals that huntsmen are supposed to uphold: compassion, mercy, cooperation, striving for peace, defending those who cannot defend themself. she trusted ozpin, but unlike the others, her loyalty was not for him but for the things he claimed to believe… so when everything fell apart and the burden of leadership landed on her shoulders, she acted in accordance with those ideals. reached out, brought people together, trusted in those who offered their help, and kept widening the circle until the great burden had been shared between many hands. and after salem razes vale? she does the same. goes to find help.
(i don’t think she told anyone about salem, but rather she put her faith in humanity’s capacity to pull together rather than try to shoulder everything herself. this is in contrast to qrow during the haven arc and ironwood, who bring new people into the loop but see the world as hopelessly divided and riven by distrust.)
if i am right about this and also on the mark with regard to summer rose, this would position them as reflections of each other: both huntresses who believe in and embody the true ideal of what they are supposed to be, both guided in their choices by this staunch moral conviction. summer discovers that she is complicit in enacting a horrific injustice and without hesitation turns around to stand with the victim against even her own family; glynda weathers a catastrophic tragedy and stands tall while every other pillar of ozpin’s circle collapses because she puts herself among the people and inspires them to keep pushing with her. both of them Do What’s Right.
which makes it very narratively compelling to juxtapose them with each other, because they are opposites—fighting on opposite sides—but they are also the same.
furthermore, summer has been holding beacon academy against glynda’s siege for the last year-and-a-half or so; either summer has been able to avoid notice during this time, in which case glynda is due to be hit by a freight train of a moment of realization, or glynda has seen her and knows that her opponent is summer rose—a woman who may once have been her student or her classmate, depending how old glynda is supposed to be, and certainly someone she knew and worked with fourteen years ago when they both believed in ozpin.
if that isn’t grounds for a very personal enmity in the vein of cinder and winter or qrow and clover, i will eat. my. hat. summer was there the night beacon fell—she’s the one who left ruby alive when she scraped cinder off the tower—fighting on the side of the grimm. she’s the one who’s been steadily drawing grimm to the school on salem’s behalf! that is glynda’s home! those were her students who died that night! and in reverse, it is almost certainly glynda who knows the secret of the vault’s location, glynda who remains steadfastly loyal to the divine cause of subjugation-or-annihilation, glynda who upholds the system summer fights to tear down. DO YOU SEE MY VISION… the disciplinarian and the revolutionary…
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wejustvibing · 1 year
have this unfiltered verbal diarrhea 🤗
after a night of careful reflection i still believe lewis was not a 100% at fault irrespective of whether he has taken the responsibility for it followed by apology world tour or not. but there are clearly bigger issues here that this social media facade is just not able to hide and that worries me.
the treatment they're giving lewis is just shocking and unacceptable given what he brings to the table. even if i put aside the megastar status (which i'm not sure i should, considering they never shy away from using it for securing the bag and engagement), he is still their leading driver in the championship. he has scored 60% of the team's points and the only pole so far, in an effort for P2 in wcc. he is closing in on 2nd in the wdc despite being in the 3rd or 4th fastest car. by that logic alone he should never be subjected to all these shenanigans.
no matter which way you slice it, lewis is always the one with the short end of the stick. he is always the scapegoat. he is always the one taken for granted. he is the one covering up the clear mismanagement. instead of getting full support from the team he is the one out there assuring team harmony to the media, apologizing for a racing incident which it shouldn't have been considering he was the one who trusted the team and his teammate with whatever the fuck that tire strategy was and was the one who got dnf'd.
i know he will be the bigger person just to protect his peace and with constant target on his back no matter what he does, because god forbid a black man expresses himself the way his white counterparts do. i'm not asking for the sassy LH back either. all i want them to do is be fair. it's this glaring disparity they need to be ashamed of and sort out as soon as possible. well they've stolen his words "we win and we lose together" they might as well act like it. we've seen clear examples of the tone they're setting for this, especially after the two dnfs.
and lewis said that's my role. i just want to know what he meant by that? role in what capacity? is he the team principal now and taking the fall for everything? or has he signed on to be the team's punching bag with the new contract? i'm not being dramatic when i say this. his teammate dnf'd through his own fault & lewis got the podium and got silent treatment in return instead of celebration but when he dnf'd after the teammate disregarded previously agreed upon strategy, he's again the one getting gaslit into apologizing in front of the world instead? there has to be a way to explain this.
and i'm ride or die for him. i believe he can and should and will do whatever necessary to protect his sanity. maybe he's in too deep with that kumbaya shit and damn, good for him. full support to that. the question remains — why must he? i refuse to move on from every little thing by saying oh he is a better person than me. oh the sport doesn't deserve him. oh he has matured. oh it's not that deep. and by the way, his teammate can own up to his mistakes and see clearly in mirrors when it's any of the other 18 drivers so those excuses don't work for me. and no, replacing the teammate or bringing back valtteri will not sort this out. it's for mercedes and toto to decide and prove to lewis if his faith in them is justified? they have created this and they must sort it out.
this is about basic respect as a human being that this sport and fans have NEVER granted him. it's sad to see his team do it too. this is about reciprocity. has the team or teammate apologized to him for the recent fuck ups? no! but he does something slightly wrong and they're parading him on social media, making him apologize on camera, weaponizing his magnanimity against him to act like they forgive all his fucks ups?? and i'm supposed to sit in silence about this?
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self-spaghettification · 11 months
aaravos & claudia analysis ™
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The new S6 promotional art has to mean something for Aaravos’s connection to Claudia Season 6. There’s the connection with the short story Ripples of course and Aaravos’s manipulation of mages, but now I am wondering if Claudia will be preyed on by Aaravos after he gets out - using her loss, anger at herself and the world for her loss and being unable to save her dad - and he’ll channel it into making her a weapon against Xadia, maybe even the tragic main villain.
Taking it a step further, maybe he expected and respected Viren’s decision to die in the first place because he knew it would make Claudia spiral further and he offered to bring him back in the first place so that Claudia would 1. set in motion the steps toward his freedom and 2. trust Aaravos (and his rhetoric…) and 3. have a taste of his power to change things, which will undeniably be tempting.
I feel like Claudia and Aaravos’s outlooks have aligned in the past (ie: Claudia saying “Impassible is just another form of passible” and Aaravos saying “Yesss”) and Aaravos has had his eye on her for a long time, back to Aaravos saying “Well done. She will be a valuable asset”, having Viren lie to his kids so she wouldn’t leave Viren, and all the way back to Claudia saying it felt like the mirror put her on notice too.
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Aaravos using her as a weapon against Xadia would parallel how he used Viren’s grief after Harrow’s death and anger at the Pentarchy to set Viren on a path to conquer Xadia. Viren, with reason but also spite, took Callum’s voice taunting him for being a nepo-baby, killed Avizandum, and coined Runaan. Aaravos encouraged Viren to kill the leaders of the four other countries and to kill the guards hunting him in the castle of Katolis. In comparison, Claudia has, unprovoked, almost killed a dragon just for hell of it and taunted Rayla with her parents just to not give them back (even knowing what it’s like to have a parental figure taken away.) Terry was the only thing stopping her. Terry was talking her down both times. Terry is no longer in the picture. (for Claudia, currently at least.) Who knows what she’ll do with that lack of checking and Aaravos egging her on.
She repeats rhetoric that humans deserve revenge for being treated by trash and that dragons and elves should be afraid of her, a fire that Aaravos’s guidance will only fan further. Her rhetoric has been undoubtedly shaped by both Viren’s and Aaravos’s actions, spite, and other reasoning.
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carrying the same prejudices and likes as her father, “Look dad, I’m following in your footsteps!” + “Aaravos can change things!” to Soren. + the fever dream metaphor that Claudia goes dangerously further than Viren, stops listening to him, (foreshadowing for future conversations where Viren and Soren plead with Claudia to stop) and gets swallowed up in something she could never predict, something much larger than herself.
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Endgame? Well. Claudia has a lot of parallels to Ziard, and we see how that ended… also, that’s a scene in S3. So if S6 does parallel S3… well. It doesn’t end well for her.
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(Repeated water motifs)
Claudia currently feels like she’s lost everything. Her mom, her brother, her strength… she prided herself on that but she wasn’t strong enough to beat the Dragang and so she wasn’t strong enough to save her dad. She believes she’ll keep losing and so she cuts herself off from Terry to avoid losing that too.
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Key: She is in her darkest place thus far, similar to Viren when he had lost everything and was desperate enough to make a blood pact with a strange elf in the mirror. And what if, once again, that strange elf was there to help the most desperate? If Claudia is made to believe she’s strong enough again, with the aid of a little magic, if she’s given that validation and care again, she can do anything. It would parallel the Reflections story ‘Lost Child’:
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If she’s strong enough, and her faith is restored, no one will ever leave her again. They’ll come to understand.
Again it was how she was taught. “I’ll do anything for our family, Dad. Whatever it takes, however dangerous, however vile.” and it’s going to lead to her shaping into a more vindictive villain and to her doom.
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cynautica · 6 months
One thing that kills me about Alyou is that for their relationship to develop you kind of have to address and utilize the isolation that goes unsaid in the game.
Like, we know Robin isn’t some social outcast. She enjoyed her work and was pretty outgoing. The only live interaction we get to see with another human is with Hal where he says she’ll be missed. She quite literally abandons everything to investigate Sam’s death on a harsh alien planet on the far reaches of the galaxy. She chooses to make herself an outcast. Anyone close to her that hears that is counting the days before she’s assumed dead and missing.
Al-an on the other hand is actively seeking his own people. The entire game is him looking for the other precursors, a goal we can only assume extends well beyond the game. Of which for Robin we can only assume two outcomes: they find the architects within her lifespan or they don’t.
If they do find the architects, how does their relationship fair? Does Robin get sent back to human civilization a hero to architects but a nobody to her own people? There’s no guarantee if she wrote about the precursors anyone would even believe her. Or, doing so makes her and the architects a target for Alterra. There’s no guarantee she’d ever be able to find a job she loved ever again, or, best case scenario her writings about the species make her famous. What then? Sure she might have money and fame, but she’ll no doubt never be able to talk to Al-an again with loads of questions still unanswered.
But what if Robin brings Al-an with her back to the human world? She doesn’t seem to have a lot of faith in humans not acting terrible, trying everything from putting him in a cage to keeping him as a trophy. He might get a kick out of being a science subject at first, but we know he’s not quick to make friends. Maybe he shares some advancements with the humans? If he trusts them that is.
The same goes in reverse in what if Robin stays for some time with architect society? They’d no doubt want to learn everything they could about humans resources willing. However it took Al-an a whole game to understand the nuances of human socialization before they even let him near one. I can’t imagine Robin being comfortable in a whole society full of very tall, very advanced, and very nosey aliens. Best case scenario Al-an shares his etiquette and respect with the other architects or they mostly ignore her. Even with this outcome Robin is still in a world not built for her in mind. She can still make friends with the architects, but they’d no doubt feel clinically asocial.
Then of course the third option, both are fully isolated. They neither find the architects and Robin chooses not to return to human civilization. They both have eachother to keep company, but they’ll always be alone. Humans are designed to seek other humans, and architects no doubt feel the same being social creatures. Sure one another might be “good enough” but there will always be that unmistakable feeling of solitude. Alone together, till one of them dies.
Then what? Does the other move on, driven purely by their desire for scientific conquest on the far reaches of the stars? Adopt a pet and live their life alone like Maida?
The closest thing to a perfect ending is that both the architects are alive and Robin chooses to return to human civilization, but both species are able to build a good working relationship. Both Al-an and Robin are regarded as heroes on both sides and still have the ability to talk every once in awhile. It would be really neat to see precursors join the supporting cast for subnautica 2, being our access port for advanced tech. But then us Rob-an shippers have to face the idea that their relationship would probably end with just friendship or both would still be ostracized for being weirdos
In any solution though there has to be some compromise. A perfect ending isn’t necessarily possible.
This is why I think Alyou should officially be classified as tragic yuri send tweet
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sherlock-is-ace · 8 months
I have been thinking a lot about Aziraphale and the whole divorce thing, and every day that passes I get more convinced he did nothing wrong.
So, ok y'all, get ready for the meta post nobody asked for and nobody wants! Under the cut tho cause it's long af kdfjhgdfg
*EDIT: There's an edit in the body of this whole post btw (i marked it in red)
Let me preface this by saying I haven't watched the show in a bit, so idk how correct I'm being, but also... this is my own opinion and interpretation so there isn't really an objective way of seeing it... It's ok if you disagree, we're allowed to have different views, it's a show, it doesn't matter.
Now, the divorce. A painful plot point that left us all hurting, including Aziraphale and Crowley themselves. A clear case of miscommunication and misunderstanding, season 2 was honestly all about that. Crowley's "we're on our own side" argument, full of raw feeling and love was really framed to be like the correct option, but I genuinely don't think Aziraphale's side is the wrong one. There are no wrong sides, just two solutions to the same problem (and in my opinion, a more useful solution).
Throughout season 1, both Heaven and Hell shared a common goal: make Armageddon happen, have a war and win it. Other than the outcome of the war, the goal was the exact same. To be fair, most of season two Heaven and Hell also share a common goal: find Gabriel, and honestly... still fight and win the war. And as it was evident by their continue work towards that goal, they're not going to stop. And that's the problem that presents itself: how to stop the world from ending... again.
Here's where Crowley and Aziraphale have different views.
Crowley would rather leave. In season 1 he offeres to literally leave, abandon Earth and just hang with Aziraphale somewhere far away (sweet and romantic, and honestly a valid solution). In season 2 I'm not fully sure he meant leave leave, maybe fight but on their own together (as I said, I haven't rewatched the show recently, I won't claim I know what he meant). But still, leave their respective sides completely and stand outside them.
Aziraphale would rather fight. In season 1 he was still convinced Heaven's side in the whole Armageddon thing was the correct option. In season 2 I'm not so sure. Aziraphale wants to change Heaven. He has learned from Crowley's suggestion box idea and wants to fight to change Heaven itself. He will stop them from within.
They're both very valid solutions to the same problem. But neither of them can compromise. Crowley would simply not accept going to Heaven and change it from within, and Aziraphale simply cannot accept leaving this whole thing alone and maybe get the whole world exploded in the process. And both their points of view make perfect sense with their characters and their histories. Crowley can't trust Heaven's ability to change cause he tried this before, he suggested a suggestion box and that cost him his entire life, he fell because of it. Of course he can't see the point in Aziraphale's plan. And Aziraphale's connection to Earth and to its humans is deeper than Crowley's, in my opinion. EDIT* He can't sit and do nothing, or not do enough. Not to mention his devotion to Heaven still, be it because of trauma or actual faith, he can't sit quietly while Heaven behaves like that. He can't believe Heaven could behave like that, it shouldn't! Remember his shock in season 1 when he tried to convince Gabriel that there was no need for a war, and found out that the war was the plan. Heaven wanted the war. And now he has the perfect opportunity to put a stop to that, Heaven offered to have him back.
EDIT: actually, no, I don't think Aziraphale's connection to humanity is deeper. I think Aziraphale's personal benefit on Earth amongst humanity is greater than Crowley's.
So the divorce to me is just a simple plain old break up. They couldn't sacrifice their beliefs for each other, and they couldn't find a compromise. Which is valid. Sad, but valid. They also couldn't fully explain themselves and their positions on this. Maybe because there was no time, maybe because they both had already made the decision by the time they had their conversation. That's what makes it the most painful to me, they're both following the same goal: be together. Aziraphale just added an extra step: stop Heaven. Which in my opinion, it's a necessary step.
Which brings us to my second point. Some people have compared Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship to Gabriel and Beelzebub, but I don't think they are even remotely comparable, other than beign a demon-angel couple.
Some people argue that Aziraphale and Crowley could have gone off into the sunset together because neither Heaven or Hell really did much to the other traitors. (Shax threatened to send demons after Beelzebub but Hell is understaffed and she got bribed with being the next Duke of Hell). But I don't think Aziraphale and Crowley would be met with the same kindness.
Up until the point Gabriel said "nah" to Armageddon: The Sequel, he was still very much the same in Heaven, he was still the Archangel Gabriel. And up until the very end, when they ride off into the sunset, Beelzebub was very much The Duke of Hell. They kept following their duty. They were not a threat in the slightest. And even after Gabriel escaped and became Jim, and even after he found Beelzebub and chose them openly, he wasn't a threat. He doesn't care if Armageddon happens or not, he only wanted to stop it so he would be cast down to Hell and reunite with his love. That was his plan (it failed cause Heaven chose to demote him and wipe his mind but he didn't know that would happen).
Now, Aziraphale and Crowley on the other hand, are very much a threat to both Heaven and Hell. They don't want to just chill together, they want to stop Armageddon from happening because they love Earth. They have done it before. And it wasn't just a simple "stumbled through it all and kinda stopped Satan at the end". They planned it and fought Armageddon for years! (granted, they got the wrong child, so they didn't do much, but my point still stands lol). I don't think Heaven or Hell really care they want to be together, their problem is what they do when they're together... Not only are they incredibly powerful (namely when they perform miracles together), but they want to use their power, to thwart their plans, like they did before. Not only that, Aziraphle had done miracles for Hell, and Crowley has done miracles for Heaven. They're not just traitors because they're friends with the enemy, they're traitors because they keep doing the opposite of what they should (according to their respective head offices of course).
So I very much doubt they would have been left alone to do whatever they wanted. That's why I think Aziraphale's "let's go to Heaven and change it from within" is a more useful plan. It would assure that they could be together free of threat, free of persecution. They could stay together in the planet they love so much, and Earth would be safe as well.
That said, there are words that were said in that divorce that I'm not a fan of. So I'm not saying everything was perfect and they shouldn't have gotten upset. That's a ridiculous thing to say. I do know that Aziraphale's state of mind is still very "Heaven = Good Hell = Bad". Specially compared to Crowley's lived history, experiencing Heaven's wrath and even seeing what they were gonna do to Gabriel, Aziraphale doesn't know that, he didn't see it, he has more kind memories of Heaven than Crowley does. In fact, Crowley doesn't have any memories of Heaven at all I don't think. He supposedly knows Saraquel and Furfur when he was still an angel, but both times it was shown that Crowley doesn't remember them (he remembers his password tho, that's weird lol). So perhaps, Aziraphale has more memories of Crowley as an angel which made sense in his offer to go back to Heaven with him.
I'm very excited for season 3. I'm very excited to see if Aziraphale's plans work out or not. I'm very excited for Aziraphale to gain full awareness to what Heaven is now, to understand Crowley's point of view. And I'm very excited to see if Crowley's memories are as important a plot point as I think they're gonna be, and perhaps he gets a glimpse into Aziraphale's side of the story as well, and sees Heaven's potential (if it even has any). These are only speculations of course, because I don't know how season 3 is gonna go, and I don't know if changing Heaven for the better was actually Aziraphale's plan. He could just kill God and take over Heaven and destroy Earth for all I know lol But this is my interpretation, and how I see his intentions. It's easy to get caught in the love confession, and in David Tennant's incredible performance of it, voice crack and all. But I do think Aziraphale is onto something, and I know his choices have hurt him as much as Crowley. And I know Crowley's choices have also hurt both of them. Why can't they find a compromise, why do they have such fundamentally different ideas? It's painful, it truly is!
🙏🏻please ignore all gramar and orthography errors🙏🏻
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cosmicjoke · 2 months
How do you think Levi handled Eren being a “villian”? I think he always knew he couldn’t fully trust him but he put his faith in him and knowing Levi he seemingly cared about him as well.
I don't think Levi ever fully trusted Eren, either, though not because he ever suspected Eren might do what he did. There was no way for anyone to ever predict that, because Eren himself didn't even realize what he was going to do until he saw the future, and even then, he was in denial about it for a long time.
I think Levi's lack of trust in Eren had more to do with Eren's uncontrollable will-power and the way Levi rightly perceived in him someone who wouldn't and couldn't be controlled once he set his mind to doing something. He saw right away that Eren wasn't someone who could be persuaded one way or another against what he wanted, and that can be dangerous. And he also saw Eren was prone to go off half-cocked into situations without using his head and, by doing so, get others into trouble. That's always been Eren's biggest problem, of course, is that he doesn't think about other people. He's as selfish as it gets, and does what he wants without realizing or caring when he's leaving others behind or in a bad position.
Levi had no choice but to trust Eren, because he was their only, real hope in their fight against the Titans, and then, after they discovered the truth of humanity's existence beyond the walls, and their hostility toward the island, that became even more true. And as wary as Levi was of Eren's willful nature, he also believed fully that Eren wanted to protect humanity and fight for the cause of the Survey Corps. Eren's willful nature might have been potentially dangerous, but Levi believed, along with everyone else, that Eren's will was to help protect people and the island.
We see that Levi wasn't expecting Eren to become a villain at all from his reaction to him on the airship, after the raid on Liberio. Levi is shocked and disgusted that Eren would do something like this, would murder innocent people and start a war, that he would betray all of their trust and drag them into a conflict which endangered countless lives. I don't think Levi saw Eren as a bad person up until that moment. He saw him as someone who had the potential to be dangerous and out of control, someone with a monstrous will, but he didn't see the potential for cruelty and true ugliness in Eren until that moment in Liberio.
I think Levi was horrifically disappointed and devastated, to be honest. Particularly, I think what upset Levi so much about how things turned out with Eren, is that so many of them, so many of his comrades, died for Eren's sake, because they believed he was necessary to humanity's survival and salvation. Levi himself prioritized Eren's life for that reason. Because he believed Eren was necessary to humanity's victory, and thus, keeping Eren alive would make the sacrifices of his other comrades meaningful. They would have given their lives for something that would, ultimately, result in a better existence for people. That was the hope, anyway. But Eren of course completely betrayed all of that, and instead of helping to realize the collective dream of the Survey Corps, he spit on it and destroyed it by decimating the world. We see that what bothers Levi most of all about all of this is the thought that all of those people that gave their lives to protect Eren's did so for nothing. They died for nothing. And as I've stated again and again, nothing upsets Levi more, or feels more wrong to Levi, then people dying for nothing and without purpose or meaning. Levi values life too much, and sees life as too precious, to be able to reconcile the reality of people losing those lives for no reason. Eren, with his betrayal, rendered all those lost lives meaningless, and that really fucked Levi's head up.
And of course, Levi definitely cared about Eren, too, the way he cares about all of his comrades. I'm sure he was heartbroken at what Eren turned out to be, and he certainly didn't want to believe it, even as I think he accepted it as 100% possible. When he tells his soldiers in the forest that he's going to feed Zeke to one of the Yeagerists, instead of Eren, it's because, in that moment, with his limited knowledge, Levi knows the safer bet for them is choosing to trust someone they know in Eren versus trusting someone they know is a known liar in Zeke, who they know has been manipulating them from the start. Levi is caught between a rock and a hard place in this situation. It's not that he isn't willing to entertain or believe the possibility that Eren truly has gone rogue and turned bad, but he at least knows Eren and has experience working with him, whereas Zeke has done nothing but prove himself to be completely untrustworthy. Levi says he doesn't know if Eren is being manipulated by Zeke or not, but he'll choose the devil he knows versus the devil he doesn't, with the two of them being his only options at that point. But I think Levi had pretty much already accepted at that point that Eren was a lost cause, and would have been willing to put him down if he'd ever gotten the chance. I think if Levi had made it to the capital and seen what was happening, with the Yeagerists busting Eren out of prison and Eren trying to make it to Zeke, Levi would have cut Eren down before he ever would have gotten the chance.
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flyin-shark · 1 year
thoughts on antitheism?
tldr: I agree with antitheism but I’m not very vocal about it since I don’t think that’s the best way to change minds.
I ended up writing a whole essay on this so prepare yourselves.
I think everyone should believe in as many true things and as few false things as possible. For that we need a reliable way or method of determining what’s true and what isn’t true. We should also not accept something as true or not true without first applying some methodology to it. Faith is not a reliable source of truth since you can believe in anything (including false things) using faith.
I think believing in a god is bad because you’re believing in something without sufficient evidence (unless you have sufficient evidence for god in which case a lot of people would love to see it including me).
But that’s more about why I’m an atheist than an antitheist. I think believing in a very basic god or a deistic god that just started the universe and did nothing else isn’t too problematic besides the fact that we don’t have enough evidence to accept that as true. Most theists however believe in some kind of god that has certain rules for everyone to follow. Often sending people to a certain afterlife depending on whether they met certain conditions or not. This can cause many problems.
I’m speaking from a Christian-centric standpoint so forgive me for not talking about other gods and religions. I think the concept of hell is abhorrent. Especially if you’re going to claim that your god is all-loving or omni-benevolent. No one should be tortured for eternity. Period. People grow up believing hell is real and often have nightmares about going there and being tortured just for having doubts, not forgiving someone, being lgbtq, or otherwise doing something ‘sinful’ that is actually just a normal human experience.
I’d argue that heaven isn’t good either. Imagine having to sing someone’s praises for all of eternity. Imagine supposedly existing in a state of pure bliss and happiness while knowing that billions of people are burning for eternity. Most of them being in hell simply for not believing the same god as you or any god at all. Feeling pure happiness while being aware of that fact is a contradiction to me.
I think a lot of things within Christianity that are taught as good things are actually not as good as they seem. Forgiveness seems like a good thing on the surface but consider that you don’t actually need to forgive anyone. Forgiving someone is what you do when you’re ready to put something behind you and move on. If someone harms you in a way that you can never trust them again then you aren’t obligated to forgive them. Forgiveness is for the victim to give at their discretion not anyone else. You shouldn’t feel ashamed for not being able to forgive someone. Also it’s strange to me that the person causing harm can ask god for forgiveness and be forgiven. God wasn’t involved. God wasn’t the victim. He has no standing to forgive anyone at all.
As I said at the beginning I agree with antitheism and I accept the label but I don’t usually use it. If you’re trying to change minds then I think there’s a few effective ways of doing that. Simply being a good person and an atheist can shake some people’s convictions since a lot of them are told that atheists can’t be good people. Another way is to focus on asking questions and “planting seeds” if you will. Asking what they think about hell, slavery, or specific contradictions in the Bible won’t make them stop believing immediately but it might make them start asking questions. Look into street epistemology.
Starting arguments with theists and immediately bringing up all of these points isn’t an effective strategy to me. It’s better to get to know the person and what they as an individual believe. You should find common ground and work from there. I should specify I’m just talking about talking to theists on an individual level. This isn’t a “debate in the marketplace of ideas” take.
In short, God is not love. God is a monster and it is morally virtuous to rebel against him. Good thing there’s no good reason to think he exists.
There’s a lot I probably forgot to mention here but anyway. I’m curious what everyone else thinks about the subject.
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nathanialhowe · 3 months
Dragon Age OC Lineup
Richter (Ricky) Cousland. -> Human. Sword & Board Warrior. He / Him. Bisexy. -> Lawful Good/Stupid to Neutral Good pipeline (still stupid) -> Romance: Morrigan but there was a lil something homosexual happening with Alistair for a bit if i'm not mistaken. In the end pragmatic and probably evil coochie won out sorry brother. -> Meat? There's heft. Really big. but hes like shy about it hes like omg? am i packing 12 inches of uncut beef? whaaat. ermmm. do u still like me? 😳
Ricky is ignorant, naive, a little classist, dumb, self-sacrificing, trusting, loyal, brave, spineless in his beliefs cus he thinks he's stupid, and will trust people in positions of power more often than he should. He likes it when people tell him what to believe cus then he doesn't have to do any hard thinking. This changes a lil bit in that he loses faith in a lot of the institutions around Ferelden and the greater world but he still doesn't like to do any big deep thinking about stuff <3 He's also a deadbeat dad and Idt he knows how to parent Kieran very well lmao. he used 2 be rlly uptight abt his appearance/cleanliness until oggie called him a stupid rich pussy and now hes like eh whatever abt being waist deep in hurlock cunt or whateever
Batman Hawke. -> Human. Mage. Iforget what kinds there r in da2. She/Her. -> Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Good probably probably but shes reluctant to do "good" shit cus she doesnt really want to deal w ppl being like omg youre ms nice woman cus she's a bit of a self-hating poor who will not examine her freshly minted privilege ): I wouldn't say she's easy to manipulate thru appeal to pathos but if you're annoying enough with your sob story she will probably Consider. -> Romance: all of them like i literall had anders t posing in the back of the hawke estate while isabela and hawke rawdogged in the next room over lmaoaaa....Like canonly id say its like BatmanxFenris and Fenris and Batman are also with Isabela and Isabela is ALSO with Merrill. anders is there. idt batman actually recruited anders i think he got all intense on her and she was like damn lets ball ok but then he got too extreme and she was like dude im literally; strugling to care abt mage rights rn can you put a lid on it and then he was just following her around to mansplain why shes wrong. fair. she learned like nine new slurs from him. -> Meat? Biggest. like so big shes like which staff do u need tonight babygirl 😂😎 heyoooo and then gets left at the hanged man
Batman likes money and having stuff. <3 She likes beaing rich but she's really tacky about it. shes grubby and gross and is like im bringing wolfcuts BACK adn its like a shitty mullet <3 she goes into situations like ok explain why this involves me? and leaves while u r talking about ur missing wife or whatever. real "i dont want to talk abt politics at the table" type of shit shes on. i havent thought too hard about batman hawke but shes like passively suicidal but very cool about it and is 6ft and buff and has huge boobs and huge meat. she wants to be mr steals your girl but goes in for the high five at the worst possible time and doesnt realize shes actually the biggest failgirl of all time. i cant stress this enough she is NOT cool. "fake it till u make it" shes saying as shes applying 50lbs of eyeliner in the morning and shes crying but doesnt think u can see and she lies abt why her eyes r all red and says shes just smoking pot again. she should just be working at a waffle house but shes here.
Kronk of House Trevelyan. -> Another Human. Big Surprise. Rift Mage. -> Lawful Neutral to Lawful Evil pipeline but probably he was always a schemer and a social climber. -> Romance: Josephine and Dorian do not make me choose between them but if I'm being honest I don't know who'd want him. probably he fronts as way more kind and charming than he actually is and i DO think when kronk is loyal to someone he is ferociously so. but it takes a lot like that dude had half the inquisition hate his pussy so bad lmao. -> Meat? Yeah He's Got It but also if Kronk could cease to be a person and become, like, god? he'd do it. then meat wouldnt matter. (hes on some crazy copium) Actually he's thick as hell and chunky and all and is built like a brick wall but im going to be brave and say he's probably not packing a crazy amount like ricky and batman and if they ever found out theyd tease him abt it cus hes such an asshole lol
Kronk does bestieship with Vivienne and would destroy people's lives to see his allies in positions of power. he'd declare himself divine if it was possible. he's a self-hating mage and loves the circle. he doesn't necessarily have Faith in the circle OR in institutions but he wants to make it so they benefit Him and doesnt gaf about if theyre hurting other ppl who aren't in his #crew. (his crew is very small cus most ppl cannot stand this dude btw). he threatens to make ppl tranquil for the fuck of it and follows thru most of the time. he'll lie and cheat to make his way to the top but he wont get his own hands dirty <3 he loves knowledge and learning and power <3 he doesn't actually care abt money but he cares about status cus it will create avenues for him to pursue evil magic or whatever the fuck this dude wants. type of guy whos like yeah world domination sounds fun i could do that then he's in control and hes like FUckckkkkkkkkkkk im so bored. ok public execution time! or something. mostly he's a nihilist and doesnt have faith in his fellow man. he wants all the secrets of magic revealed to him <3 he doesnt like templars but hes like fine whatever we can deal if they wanna keep all other mages (NOT ME) under their thumb. "circles are great but u wont catch ME going back to mine!" type of guy. i resent that inquisition suggested the inquisitor was a huge Hawke fan cus kronk would fucking hate her new money ass. like shes just so stupid about things. ricky hates this dude btw their first meeting would come to blows and i think he was like morrigan can u just blow this dude Uppppppppp and she was like erm no. we cannot blow up the inquisitor and ricky was like farkkkkk ok. i just dropped kieran on his head again btw honey what do i do ):
Mingus R. Shepard.
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defjux · 5 months
i have faith that someday i'll meet someone someone really who sees me for who i am, and that will be more than enough. someone who really wants to put in the effort to grow together. someone who has similar values and appreciation for life and art, and a similar sense of humor. someone who can openly communicate with me about any thought or concern they have, and will trust that i'll be able to work through it with them. someone who won't hold back. someone who will know exactly what they want, and genuinely see that in me, and not have to second guess themselves. someone who doesn't make me feel pressured to transform into the person they want me to be, or they wish i was. i'm not saying previous relationships haven't felt that way, and i really thought i had found exactly what i described up until fairly recently, but it never ultimately seems to work out. whenever there was time for a choice to be made, i was never that choice, and i've made my peace with that. i'm manifesting something better for myself though, and that optimism is an important part of who i am which i had lost touch with for a minute. i can confidently say it's back, 100%. i've actually felt much lighter recently, and it's so nice to be able to acknowledge that.
at times it feels like i'm overflowing with the abundance of love i have to share, as nice as it would be to receive that in return, i also know i don't want to ever feel like my happiness and sense of comfort is hinging on the love/affection of another person or plans that may or may not dissipate in the blink of an eye.
you know, i've been told time and time again by those that have been close to me, even exes, that i'm one of the most loyal, patient, understanding, empathetic, loving, open-minded, passionate, and genuine people they've ever met. that the way i present myself is exactly who i ended up being, and they knew that from the moment they met me. that anyone would be lucky to be in a relationship with me - yet somehow it doesn't feel that way. it also seems so difficult to meet someone who mirrors these qualities that i feel compatible with. i don't know man, deep down i really am a hopeless romantic - i want to share as much of my heart as i can with someone who i know without a doubt deserves to be loved and appreciated. i crave intimacy, the feeling of closeness to another person and that deeper connection on a soul level. if i'm about someone, i want to know everything about them. i want my significant other to be able to open up about their issues and share their hobbies/interests with me, and trust that i'll genuinely care - free of judgement. i want to make someone i love feel mentally and physically wanted, and desired every day, without question.
i really believe that the "right" woman for me is out there. i'm in no rush though, and in the mean time i'm just going to continue working on myself. i think the next 6 months leading up to my trip to japan are going to be vital for my own growth and development as a human being, and things will probably feel pretty different once i get back as well. the future IS looking bright.
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beevean · 2 years
Re-translating Symphony of the Night
After re-translating Curse of Darkness and finding many pearls, and trying to re-translate Harmony of Dissonance but discovering that the two scripts are pretty much identical, I tried with the far more famous Symphony of the Night :D
This time, I decided to pull not just the entire script, but also the re-translation that came with Dracula X Chronicles. Every cutscene has at least one difference worth pointing out.
The translation of the iconic intro is here, and I can’t make it more justice. Here’s the DXC version for completion’s sake.
Richter: Dracula. Die now, and leave this world! You'll never belong here! Dracula: Oh, but this world invited me. Your own kind called me forth with praise and tribute. Richter: Tribute? You're a thief. You steal men's souls, their freedom... Dracula: Freedom is always sacrificed to faith, good hunter. Or are you truly here by choice? Richter: All I'm here for is you. To hell with your heresy! You're nothing but a blight on mankind. Dracula: Ha! Mankind. A cesspit of hatred and lies. Fight for them, then, and die for their sins!
Encounter with Death
Death: Ah, Alucard. What is your business here? Alucard: I've come to put an end to this. Death: Still befriending mortals... I'll not ask you to return to our side. But I demand you cease your attack. Alucard: I will not. Death: You shall regret those words... We will meet again.
Death: Ah, Alucard. What is your business here? Alucard: I've come to put an end to this. Death: Ever the insolent boy... but there'll be no games here. If you will not behave, begone. Alucard: I will do neither. Step aside, old man. Death: Ha! Such arrogance. Very well... but I shall see you very soon.
Death: Master Alucard. For what reason did you come here? Alucard: You know the reason. I ask you to step aside. Death: Are you still on the side of humans? I will not ask you to come back to us, but at least I would like you to withdraw. Alucard: That is not up to discussion. Death: It cannot be helped... I will leave this place for now. Once again, please think about it carefully.
Death speaks in keigo towards Alucard, which is hard to convey in English. For some reason, his name is spelled in English in the dialogue box, instead of being called Shinigami like usual.
The last line is very different. I don’t think Death is actually as conflicted as he sounds (he still laughs evilly upon stealing Alucard’s gear), but at least he’s being more courteous about it.
(I like the little “shimatta!” Alucard says when he loses his equipment lol)
First encounter with Maria
Maria: You seem human and yet... What do you here? Alucard: .......... I've come to destroy this castle. Maria: Then we have the same purpose. I'll trust you for now. I'm Maria. Who are you? Alucard: .......... Alucard. Maria: Not the talkative type I can see. Well, perhaps we'll meet again if you live that long. Farewell.
Maria: Wait. Are you human? What are you doing here? Alucard: I've come to destroy this castle. Maria: Likewise. I'm Maria...And you are? Alucard: ...Alucard. Maria: Well, if you're a better swordsman than a speaker, perhaps I'll see you again. Farewell.
Maria: You have dark powers, don’t you? In appearance, you look human, but... For what purpose did you come to this castle? Alucard: ... I've come to destroy this castle. Maria: Same as me. I'll believe in those words. I'm Maria! And you are? Alucard: ... Alucard. Maria: My, aren’t you curt. That's fine. If you're still alive, let's meet again. Now, excuse me.
Maria uses watashi for herself and calls Alucard anata, and her speech pattern is as feminine as you’d expect.
The most obvious difference is that Maria pinpoints immediately that Alucard is a creature of darkness.
Encounter with Master Librarian
Alucard: It's been a long time, old one.... Master Librarian: Oh it's you, Master Alucard. What do you need? Alucard: I need your help. Master Librarian: Young master, I cannot aid one who opposes the Master. Alucard: You won't go unrewarded... Master Librarian: Really? In that case just tell me what you need.
Alucard: It's been a long time, old one... Master Librarian: Eh? Why, it's Master Alucard! ...Come to visit, have we? Alucard: I need your help. Master Librarian: Oh, but Young Master, I could never betray the good Count... Alucard: You won't go unrewarded... Master Librarian: Really? In that case, Just tell me what you need!
Alucard: Long time no see, old man... Master Librarian: My goodness, Master Alucard! What could you possibly need? Alucard: I'm sorry, but I need your help. Master Librarian: With all due respect, but to help a person who has bared his fangs against Lord Dracula... Alucard: I understand. I will give you a reward... Master Librarian: Is that so? In that case, I’m at your service!
The Master Librarian speaks politely, but not in keigo like Death. Alucard also sounds slightly more polite, or at the very least less blunt. I like the expression “bare his fangs” lol, it’s appropriate in this case.
Second Encounter with Maria
Maria: So we meet again, Alucard. Alucard: It seems so. Maria: As friendly as ever, I see. It's strange. This castle is different than I remember it. Alucard: ......... This castle is a creature of Chaos. It may take many incarnations. Maria: So I can't trust my memories, huh? Oh well, I'll do my best. Good luck.
Maria: Alucard, wasn't it? We meet again. Alucard: So it seems. Maria: As friendly as ever, I see. It's strange. This castle's different than I remember it. Alucard: ........ This castle is a creature of Chaos. With each rebirth, it takes a new form. Maria: And here I thought my mind was playing tricks. Well, there's nothing for it. Till we meet again.
Maria: We meet again, Alucard. Alucard: Maria, wasn’t it? Maria: As curt as ever, I see. Nevertheless, don’t you think it’s strange? The structure of this building is different from before. Alucard: ... Dracula’s castle is a product of chaos. It doesn’t have one singular form. Maria: So my previous experience won’t help me. Well, no point in thinking about it. Thank you.
I prefer the explanation of the castle’s nature in English, but I felt for poor Maria lol.
Third Encounter with Maria
Maria: Impressive. You're very strong. Alucard: .......... What is it you want? You didn't come here to tell me that. Maria: You're right. Do you know the name Richter Belmont? Alucard: Of the Belmont Clan? Of course, but... Maria: He disappeared about a year ago and I'm sure he's here. If you see him, please let me know. Alucard: As you wish, my lady. Maria: Thank you. So you do know how to be a gentleman.
Maria: You look like you're doing well for yourself. Alucard: ...And? You didn't come here to flatter me. Maria: True. Do you know the name Richter Belmont? Alucard: Belmont? Of course. Why? Maria: He disappeared about a year ago. I'm sure he's here now. If you see him, please let me know. Alucard: As you wish, my lady. Maria: Hmm. A gentlman after all. Thank you.
Maria: Great skills. I don’t think you need my help. Alucard: ... What do you want? I doubt that you came here to tell me that. Maria: Well. Do you know Richter Belmont? Alucard: A member of the Belmont clan? Maria: He's been missing for a year now. I'm sure he's here. If you see him, please let me know. Alucard: Very well. Maria: Thank you, you’re strangely kind. See you later.
I don’t know how Maria can say that Alucard is kind because he sounds even less polite than usual lmao. A bit of a different nuance, Alucard doesn’t say “oh of course I know a Belmont”, he simply expresses surprise at hearing that name again, which makes more sense.
Encounter with Richter
Alucard: Who are you!! Richter: Open Hell's gate! Come forth my servants! Alucard: The scent of your blood... You're a Belmont! Richter: Crush this flea who invades my castle!
Alucard: I'm certain that was a Belmont. So he says he's the lord of this castle...
Alucard: Who are you?! Richter: Servants, come forth from the gates of Hell! Alucard: ...Your blood. The scent of your blood... You're a Belmont! Richter: Attack! Rid my castle of this pest!
Alucard: A Belmont for certain. So he says he's the lord of this castle...
Alucard: !! Who are you? Richter: Open the gates to the underworld! Come forth, my servants! Alucard: The scent of your blood... You... It cannot be! Richter: Kill the insolent pest that defiles my castle!
Alucard: There is no doubt… That person was a Belmont. Did he say that he's the lord of the castle?
Richter says wa ga, which is extremely strange and may be the first sign that it’s not really Richter talking, as he normally uses ore. To explain, ware and its possessive wa ga are very archaic pronouns associated with “gods and powerful immortal entities, as well archaic kings, self-proclaimed lords and rulers”.
Fourth encounter with Maria
Maria: So did you find Richter? Alucard: I don't know if he's the one you're looking for, but I found a Belmont. Maria: Really? So he is here! Alucard: But the one I saw was the enemy. He was the lord of this castle... Maria: That can't be true! You're wrong! I... I must go now!
Maria: Alucard. Have you seen Richter? Alucard: There is a Belmont here. You were right about that. Maria: I knew it! Where is he? Alucard: ...The one saw was with the enemy. He called himself the lord of this castle... Maria: What? That's... That's impossible! You're wrong! ...I have to go!
Maria: So? Did you find Richter? Alucard: I don't know if he's the man you're looking for, but if it's a Belmont, I've seen him... Maria: Really? So he really came here! Alucard: But he appeared as an enemy. Moreover, as the lord of this castle... Maria: I-it can be! But if that's true, there must be a reason! Sorry, I have to go!
Again, a bit more obvious that Richter did not decide on his own to become an enemy.
Fight with the Succubus
Alucard: !! Mother!! Lisa: That voice! Alucard, it's you! Alucard: I'm coming Mother! I'll save you!! Lisa: No Alucard! Don't come here! Alucard: But Mother! Lisa: It's all right! If my death can save others, I gladly surrender my life. Alucard: Mother! No!... Please! No!... Lisa: Yes Alucard! Watch me die and remember always my last words to you... Alucard: Yes Mother... Lisa: You must despise humans. They are to be your prey. Alucard: What?!... Lisa: Better for them to die than to let them compound their sins. Begin by slaying that one over there. Alucard: No...it wasn't like this... Lisa: What's wrong? Alucard? Alucard: My mother never said such a thing... Lisa: What do you mean!? Kill them and bring them happiness! Alucard: No! You're not my mother! What kind of demon are you!? Succubus: You broke free of my spell. I like that. Alucard: Demon, death is too good for you! Succubus: Come here little boy and show me what you've got.
Succubus: Darkling! I smell you're blood. You're a vampire... Could it be... Alucard: .......... Succubus: That strength, that beauty... You're the son of Lord Dracula. Alucard: Death in the dream world will set your soul wandering for eternity, Demon.
Alucard: Mother!!! Lisa: ...Alucard? Is that you? Alucard: I'm coming, Mother! I'll save you!! Lisa: No, Alucard! Stay away! Alucard: Mother... Lisa: It's all right! If my death can save others, I gladly surrender my life. Alucard: No! I won't let this happen! Lisa: It's too late. ...Just stay with me. Hear my last words to you... Alucard: Yes, Mother... Lisa: Humans... You cannot live with them. You can only hate them, do them harm. Alucard: What?! Lisa: Theirs is such a hard lot. Release them from their pain. Begin with the ones who killed me. Alucard: No... It wasn't like this... Lisa: Alucard? What's wrong? Alucard: My mother never said such a thing! Lisa: What do you mean? I an your mother! Do as I say! Release them! Kill them! Alucard: No! You are not my mother! What kind of demon are you?! Succubus: Strong enough to break my spell, eh? I like that. Alucard: You deserve worse than death for this, demon. Succubus: Then give it to me, little boy. Don't be shy...
Succubus: Darkling! I smell your blood, your hunger... Alucard: .......... Succubus: That strength, that beauty... you really are the son of Lord Dracula. Alucard: Death in the dream world will set your soul wandering for eternity, demon.
Alucard: !! Mother!! Lisa: That voice! Alucard, you’re here! Alucard: Mother! I'm coming to save you! Lisa: No, don't come here! There’s no point! Alucard: But, Mother! Lisa: It's alright! If my fate brings happiness to everyone, I will gladly die. Alucard: No! What are you saying... Lisa: I’m so sorry, Alucard. My heart only breaks for you... However, keep my last words in mind, and carry on... Alucard: Mother... Lisa: Hate mankind, and kill them. Alucard: !! Lisa: Better for them to die than to let them compound their sins. Go ahead, kill that person there! Alucard: This is wrong... Lisa: What's wrong? Alucard? Alucard: She would have never said that... Lisa: What do you mean? Kill them and make them happy! Alucard: You are absolutely not my mother! What are you?! Succubus: How did you break free of my spell? I like that. Alucard: I won’t forgive you! Even death is too merciful for you! Succubus: You will slowly become my prisoner. Come on, boy.
Succubus: The... the scent of your blood... Why does your blood smell like the clan of the night...? It can’t be...! Alucard: ... Succubus: That strength, that beauty... ahh, it really is you! You’re the Count’s... Alucard: If you die in the dream world, your soul will die as well... Wander forever as an empty shell.
Alucard calls Lisa 母上 (hahaue), an honorific and dated word for “mother”, while “Lisa” calls him anata, still showing him respect.
The dialogue is generally more detailed. The word the Succubus uses for “spell” is 呪縛 (“jubaku”), which literally means “binding spell”, as in one that restricts your movements - presumably because she wanted Alucard to be trapped in his nightmare for eternity. She also specifies that she’d “slowly” make Alucard her prisoner: perhaps the more Alucard stays in the nightmare, the harder it would be for him to break out? Similarly, Alucard spells out that the Succubus will be left as an empty shell. Harsh.
Obtaining the Holy Glasses
Maria: Alucard? Alucard: That voice? Maria? Maria: I'm sorry. You were right. He has joined forces with the enemy... Alucard: So it was a Belmont after all... Maria: But someone must be controlling him... Whatever we do, we can't harm Richter. Alucard: But he must be stopped. Maria: I know. Well...here. Take these with you. Alucard: What are these? Maria: If you wear them, you can see beyond evil illusions. Alucard: Thank you. 'Tis best then if you pray for the soul of your friend.
Maria: Alucard? Alucard: That voice... Maria? Maria: I'm sorry. You were right. He is with the enemy... Alucard: Richter Belmont, in league with Dracula... Maria: He must be under someone else's control. We can't hurt him, whatever we do. Alucard: But he must be stopped. Maria: Yes, but can you? Then for all our sakes, show me that you will!
Maria: You're stronger than I am. You can save Richter. Will you? Please... Alucard: I can't promise that. But I will stop him. Maria: If it must be that way... Here. I found these. Take them. Alucard: And these are? Maria: If you wear them, you can see beyond illusions. Alucard: Thank you. I go to find Richter. Stay, and pray for him.
Maria: Alucard? Alucard: That voice... Maria? Maria: I'm sorry. It’s as you said. Alucard: So it was a Belmont after all... Maria: I don't think he’s doing this of his own free will... but my power isn’t enough... We can’t stop Richter. Alucard: But he must be stopped. Maria: I know. Well... here. Take these. Alucard: What are these? Maria: If you wear them, you should be able to see through evil illusions. Alucard: I see. It’s best if you pray that our fight doesn’t end in his death.
Obviously the DXC version is different because it precedes the fight with Maria that doesn’t exist in the PSX version.
The biggest difference is that Maria acknowledges that Richter is much stronger than her, and perhaps Alucard as well. I prefer how in English Maria instead insists that Richter cannot be harmed, foreshadowing the way to properly win the fight.
Fight with Richter
Richter: I've been waiting for you. Alucard: Answer me. Why is a Belmont planning the resurrection of Count Dracula? Richter: Count Dracula rises but once every century and my role is over. If I can resurrect him, then the battle will last for eternity!
Richter: I've been waiting for you. Alucard: Answer me! Why is a Belmont planning to resurrect Count Dracula? Richter: Dracula rises once a century. One chance for each Belmont to shine, and then we're finished, forgotten. If I bring him back now, the battle can last for eternity! Alucard: ........ You have lost your way. So be it, vampire hunter. Let your battle begin with me!
Richter: I've been waiting for you. Alucard: Answer me! Why is a Belmont planning to resurrect Count Dracula? Richter: The Count revives only once every 100 years. And my role is done... but my blood wants to fight! As long as he comes back, the battle will continue forever! Alucard: ........ If that is what you truly think, then so be it.
Richter here switches again to ore. Either he was being dramatic in his first cutscene, or this is a clue that he’s voicing his true doubts and desires. I like how he says “my blood wants to fight”: it encapsulates his character and how he sees himself as a Belmont.
Alucard’s line, which he only says if he obtained the Holy Glasses, is also different, and apparently omitted from the original translation. He doesn’t seem to know if it’s the real Richter talking or an external force, leaving to us the ambiguity.
Bad Ending
Alucard: It's over... Belmont. Richter: So the war between humans and vampires finally ends here... Alucard: ........ Richter: What need for the shepherd when the wolves have all gone... My time on this world has come to an end...
Alucard: Mankind continues to fight, but it is a desperate fight to stay alive. I suppose that he chose a life of warfare since that was the only way he knew. Like you Father, he chose a path of destruction... Farewell, land of my birth. Never again will these eyes gaze upon your beauty.
Alucard: It's over... Belmont. Richter: So the war between humans and vampires finally ends here... Alucard: ........ Richter: "What need for the shepherd when the wolves have all gone," eh? My time... It's over now...
Alucard: Mankind knows little but war and desperation. What other way of life did Belmont know? He and Father chose the same path... Farewell, homeland. I shall never see your beauty again.
Alucard: It's over... Belmont. Richter: That's right... The history of the war between humans and vampires ends here and now... Alucard: ... Richter: Now that there is no one to be hunted, there is no need for hunters... Maybe I don't belong here anymore...
Alucard: Mankind keeps fighting, but they fight to live. Because he was destined to fight, he may have sought a way to live to fight. Father, you as well chose a path of destruction... Farewell to my defiled homeland. I will never see you again.
A bit more hard hitting. I especially like the contrast between mankind who fights to live, and Richter who apparently wanted to live to fight. Also, in English the homeland is beautiful, but in Japanese, it’s “defiled”...
The resurrection of the Inverted Castle
Shaft: You've defeated me. But all is not yet lost. The resurrection of Count Dracula is at hand!
Richter: No... What have I done... Maria: Thank you Alucard, for saving Richter. Richter: Alucard!? The same Alucard who fought alongside my ancestor       Trevor Belmont?... That was over 300 years ago! Alucard: No time for small talk. Is the person who controlled you in that castle over there? Richter: Yes, I think so... Alucard: Maria, take Richter and leave here. I'll finish this. Maria: All right... Good luck.
Shaft: How inconvenient. But we've only just begun. The Master's ascension is at hand!
Richter: No... What have I done...? Maria: You saved him, Alucard. Thank you so much. Richter: Alucard?! The Alucard? You can't be. That was over 300 years ago! Alucard: Never mind that. Is the man who controlled you in that castle? Richter: Yes, I think so... Alucard: Maria, take Richter and leave here. I'll finish this. Maria: All right... Good luck.
Shaft: I failed... but it's not over yet. Lord Dracula’s resurrection is imminent!
Richter: What have I done? Damn, me of all people...! Maria: Thank you, Alucard. You saved Richter... Richter: Alucard?! It can’t be! You defeated Dracula along with my ancestor Trevor! Alucard: It doesn’t matter. Is the person who manipulated you in that castle? Richter: Yes, he should be... Alucard: Maria, take Richter and leave the castle. I'll finish this. Maria: All right.
Richter seems to feel more guilty in this version :(
(he also uses wa ga again to say “my ancestor”. I wonder if it’s to pay respects to Trevor and his whole bloodline)
Fight with Death
Death: So you've made it this far... In the name of your Father, cease this foolishness. Alucard: Not while there is breath in my body. Death: Then for the Master, I'll feast on your soul this night!
Death: So you've made it this far... In the name of your father, cease this foolishness. Alucard: Not while there is breath in my body. Death: Then, for the Master, I'll feast on your soul this night! 
Death: So you've made it this far... I'll say it one more time. In the name of your father, retreat. Alucard: I never intended to. Death: I cannot stop you. Then, for the Master, I'll feast on your soul!
Nothing much to say, the English version is better.
Fight with Shaft
Shaft: You have done well in making it this far. I would expect no less from the son of our Master. Alucard: So you are the one who was controlling Belmont. Shaft: Yes. I am the dark priest called Shaft. This world must be cleansed in the forge of chaos. Alucard: Why did you make Belmont lord of this castle? Shaft: For centuries, vampire hunters have defeated evil with holy power. But if two vampire hunters were to fight each other... Alucard: But Belmont's power is supreme among vampire hunters. None other could defeat him. Shaft: Exactly. That's why I removed him as a threat by making him into lord of this castle. Alucard: But your plan has failed. Shaft: Has it indeed? We'll see what happens after I destroy your weak human side.
Shaft: Ugh...No! Alucard: You claim to love the darkness. Go then and dwell there for all eternity! Shaft: But... but my goal is achieved... Count Dracula has come to purify this corrupt world with the searing flames of chaos!
Shaft: All hail the son of our Master! Stronger than the mightiest hunter! Alucard: So you were the one controlling Belmont. Shaft: Yes. The dark priest called Shaft, come to cleanse the world in the forge of chaos. Alucard: You made Belmont lord of the castle. Why? Shaft: Because we tire of these hunters and their holy power. If they would but turn on one another... Alucard: ...Then the strongest one among them would eliminate the rest. Belmont. Shaft: Yes. So I converted him, brought him here to lure the rest, to force them all to fight and die. Alucard: But you never planned for me. And now you've failed. Shaft: Ha! Your human soul is frail as his was. You'll take his place-- I'll tear that soul apart!
Shaft: Ugh... No! Alucard: Your beloved darkness awaits you. Dwell there for all eternity! Shaft: Ha... I die victorious... Count Dracula rises even now! Let him purge the world in flames! Hahaha!
Shaft: Well done, you've made it this far. As expected from the son of my Master. Alucard: So you were the one controlling Belmont. Shaft: Indeed. I am the dark priest Shaft, the one who will bring destruction and chaos to this world. Alucard: Why did you make Belmont the lord of the castle? Shaft: Since ancient times, vampire hunters have destroyed evil with their holy power. But what if hunters fought each other...? Alucard: ... Belmont's power is far superior to anyone else’s. If it's a power of the same nature, you can't beat it in the first place. Shaft: Exactly. By manipulating him and setting him up as the lord of the castle, I eliminated those who would get in the way of the ceremony. Alucard: But this seems to be the end of it. Shaft: Is it indeed? As the final sacrifice, I offer thy mortal half!
Shaft: Im-impossible! Alucard: Those who have cast away their flesh have no place in this world. Dwell into your beloved darkness. Shaft: Ngh... b-but, my ambition has been fulfilled... My Master, Count Dracula! Bring destruction and chaos to this rotten world!
Shaft uses ware and generally speaks in a more archaic way. Funnily enough, when Alucard asks “why did you make Belmont the lord of this castle”, he uses the verb “祭り上げる”, which means both “to put on a pedestal” and “to kick up upstairs”.
Battle against Dracula
Alucard: Father... Dracula: Well met. my son! It's been a long time. Alucard: I was hoping we would not see each other again. I can't allow you to leave here. Father. Dracula: You have ever been the ally of humans. Have you forgotten what they did to your Mother? Alucard: Think you I would forget such a thing? No. But neither do I seek revenge against them. Dracula: Still uttering the same nonsense. No matter. Now is the time to put aside your weak human side and join me in remaking this world! Alucard: Dracula. in the name of my mother. I will defeat you again.
Alucard: Father... Dracula: Well met, my son! It's been a long time. Alucard: Not nearly long enough. I can't allow you to leave here, Father. Dracula: Do you still side with humanity? Have you forgotten what they did to your mother? Alucard: You think I would forget such a...! No, But neither do I seek revenge against them. Dracula: Enough of your nonsense! Away with your humanity! Stand with me as Prince of all the world! Alucard: You will never touch this world again. In Mother's name, I swear it! 
Alucard: Father... Dracula: Oh, look who’s here... It’s been a long time, son of mine. Alucard: I hoped to never meet you again... Now that it has come to this, I can't let you go any further. Dracula: Are you still on the side of humans? Surely you haven’t forgotten what they did to your mother. Alucard: How could I forget? But my mother didn't want revenge on humans. Dracula: Are you still saying such nonsense? That's fine. This time, I will wipe away your vulgar blood and make you join my family. Alucard: Dracula! In the name of my mother, I will defeat you again!
Alucard already specifies that the reason he doesn’t hate humans is because of Lisa.
Dracula’s last line is “今度こそ下賤な血を消し去り、我が眷族に加えてやろうぞ”. “眷族” means both “family, household” and “followers”, and I don’t know which one fits better. I went with “family” to imply that Dracula has completely disowned Alucard and will only consider him his son if he gets rid of his human side. Also “vulgar blood”? Way to insult your darling wife.
Good Ending
Alucard: Go back whence you came! Trouble the soul of my mother no more! Dracula: How? How is it that I've been so defeated? Alucard: You have been doomed ever since you lost the ability to love. Dracula: Ah...sarcasm. 'For what profit is it to [a] man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul'?. Matthew 16:26 I believe. Alucard: ......... Dracula: Tell me. What... what were Lisa's last words? Alucard: She said "Do not hate humans. If you cannot live with them, then at least do them no harm. For their's is already a hard lot." She also said to tell you that she would love you for all of eternity... Dracula: Lisa, forgive me. Farewell my son...
Alucard: So you made it. Maria: Alucard! I'm glad your all right! Richter: I'm sorry. 'Tis my fault that you had to fight your own father... Alucard: Fear not. I had my own reasons for destroying him. Richter: It must have been painful for you. Alucard: Indeed. But you must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing... Richter: I understand. Maria: Alucard, what will you do now? Alucard: The blood that flows in my veins us cursed. 'Twould be best for this world if I were to disappear forever. Maria: ......... I see... Alucard: Farewell then. We'll not meet again. Maria: ......... Alucard... Richter: Don't you want to go after him, Maria? Maria: ......... I'm sorry... I can't let him disappear from my life. Richter: It's all right. Go after him. Perhaps you can save his haunted soul. Maria: Thank you, Richter... Fare thee well. Richter: And yourself, dear lady.
Alucard: Go back to the abyss! Trouble the soul of my mother no more! Dracula: H-How?! How could I have lost?! Alucard: You lost your heart. Your soul. You'll never win without them. Dracula: Ah, how poetic. So I tragically sacrificed all I held dear in a search for power, did I? Alucard: ...Did you not? Dracula: ...Hmph. Tell me. What... What were Lisa's last words? Alucard: She said, "Do not hate humans. If you cannot live with them, then at least do them no harm, for theirs is already a hard lot." ...She also said that she would love you. For eternity. Dracula: Lisa, forgive me... Farewell, my son...
Alucard: So you made it. Maria: Alucard! You're all right! Richter: So you had to fight your own father? It's my fault. If I hadn't been so weak, we wouldn't be here. Alucard: Not so. I had my own reason to face him. Richter: Still... It couldn't have been easy. Alucard: It wasn't... But remember "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph..." Richter: ...is for good men to do nothing. Maria: So, what now, Alucard? Alucard: The blood in my veins is cursed. It's best for the world if I disappear, now and forever. Maria: ........ ...I see... Alucard: Farewell, then. We'll not meet again. Maria: ............ Alucard... Richter: Well, are you going after him, or not? Maria: ........ .... I'm sorry. I have to follow him. I can't just... Richter: It's all right! Hurry up and catch him. If anyone can save him, you can. Maria: Thank you, Richter. For everything. Richter: Thank you... Maria.
Alucard: Go back to where you should be! Don't make my mother suffer any more... Dracula: H-how? How could have I been defeated...? Alucard: Power can transcend limits only when there is something to protect it. You were doomed the moment you lost someone you loved, and stopped loving. Dracula: I see... It's ironic... I lost because I sought power... Alucard: ... Dracula: Alucard. Tell me. What were Lisa's last words...? Alucard: Do not blame humans. She said that those unable to forgive mankind will walk the path of their own destruction. Those who do not belong to that world shouldn't do anything... And Father... she said that she will love you forever. Dracula: Lisa... I was wrong...
Alucard: So you made it. Maria: Alucard! I'm glad you’re all right! Richter: I'm sorry. Because of me, you had to fight your father by blood... Alucard: Do not worry. It was simply my destiny to defeat him. Richter: Your words save me. Alucard: But remember. He's not the one who can bring ruin to this world: it’s mankind. Richter: I understand. I will engrave those words in my heart. Maria: Alucard, what will you do now? Alucard: This world has no need for the cursed blood that flows through my body. It would be better to remain unseen. Maria: ... I see... Alucard: Farewell then. We'll not meet again. Maria: ... Alucard... Richter: It’s alright, Maria. You don’t need to go after him. Maria: ... I'm sorry... I can't leave him alone... Richter: I see. If that is the path you choose, never regret it. Maria: Thank you... Then, I wish you well. Richter: Ah... same to you, Maria.
Lisa’s last words are “もし、人間が許されない存在であるなら、自ら滅びの道を歩む”. I don’t quite know how to translate it, but I think this is it. And Dracula doesn’t even say goodbye to Alucard.
Yes, Richter says “father by blood”, or “real father” (“実の父”), perhaps to emphasize the theme of bloodlines of the game. Alucard doesn’t say that he had his own reasons, but that it was his destiny, which is the other theme of the gane. Richter’s response is “そう言ってくれると助かる”, which literally is “It would be helpful if you could tell me that”, in any case very different from the empathy he offers in English. And I like that Maria doesn’t want to leave Alucard alone in his grief :)
Overall, the DXC script seems to be more of a free rewriting of the original PSX translation, but it didn’t take much from the Japanese version, which offers more details.
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sams-venting · 7 days
I need to get this off my chest before I blow up at somebody 
But I know I did not just fucking watch someone try to say a fictional incest ship is worse than several real-life people getting groomed. Are you fucking serious. You are so lucky your ass was on anon motherfucker I would've hard blocked and reported your snide ass
I don't give a shit which 'side' you're on. I don't care what you think about whatever drama of the week is going on. I know my ass, who has actively had to report CSEM photos to National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Cyber Tipline, did not just fucking watch you compare a disgusting ship, to actual teens being sexually coerced
I can't fucking believe you. We out here really prioritizing fictional characters over real breathing human beings
Get this, I am completely against pro shipping. I am just as repulsed by people looking at siblings or parents and deciding they should fuck for the silly dynamics of it as the next guy, it's fucking despicable. But I know I did not just your ass saying it's more harmful and creepy than your friend over there diddling real people almost half his age. Are you fcuking kidding me. 
And, before you start assuming shit, I again am on 'no side'. I don't give a fuck about the entire situation outside of people once again, conveniently dragging the victims of the gore anons into more bullshit. 
I am not blind to the fact none of this would've went down had a stalker not went digging for shit. No one would've known about the original doc a year ago had a suspected gore anon not stirred the pot after the callout post that got sent to the VAs. That was purposeful manipulation. No doubt about it. They wanted to pull up anything and everything on one of the few people that was trying to defend those that were getting harassed because of the big blogs. You'd have to be either really young, or really stupid to not've seen that bigger picture 
I also don't fucking trust ANYONE that makes a callout / awareness post for ANY REASON. I don't care who you are. As a quotev veteran of 7 years, someone who watched their friend get dogpiled on by big blogs 3 years ago in the Sonic fandom bc how dare a minor be uncomfortable with public porn of minor characters on tumblr, seen kids purposely catfish adults in the MHA quotev fandom so they could frame them for pedophilia any time their advances were put to a stop, the entire Revie and Jasper situation in the FNF vs Sonic.exe corner of twitter where one adult was partially framed once again by a kid that couldn't handle being told no, meanwhile the other had legit CP on their computer come to find out and was the Actual danger in the fandom 
So imagine my reaction of trying to escape to the fnafsb fandom and to tsams. Here 👏 we 👏 fucking 👏 go 👏 again. It's like everyone was born yesterday and baby spanking new to the Internet. How has No One learned the consequences of their actions. Adults included btw, just as childish if not worse than the teens that haven't learn basic internet etiquette. What the fuck is your excuse you're in your 20s, how is your media literacy This low mf. Smh 
All I can say is thank God I've decided to grow and mature as a person. And by that, coming to the conclusion that everything is ultimately ✨none of my fucking business✨ 
Bc guess what, it ain't. Just bc people airing out the dirty laundry does not mean I need to get involved and throw myself to the drama wolves. Sometimes, I don't need to have an opinion. Sometimes, if I do have an opinion, I know to keep it to myself unless I'm asked for it by my therapist or friends (and not anons guys I am begging you to not get baited by trolls please for the love of all things holy. Assume good faith in strangers, but never in anons. They use innocent questions all the time to pull a gotcha) 
Ultimately? All sides are guilty of some level of shit, end of discussion. 1) I already had beef with with the whole 'ur pd is showing' on a personal level. I will never forgive for that. In no scenario with strangers is that ever fucking okay. 2) I ain't gonna let the little fibs slide. I've seen the screenshots in the newest doc, I've compared the posts. A liar is a liar. 3) I personally don't like nor trust em. Didn't originally, definitely don't now. But again I acknowledge that's a personal decision. 4) I did not fucking like seeing people stalk the gore anon victims once again just so they can dig up scraps to support their persecution of their past abuser. 5) I am in no way denying the abuse they did infact go through. It was horrible to see, and I can only empathize with my own trauma from abusive relationships. 6) I am also however acknowledging that trying to drive them off of social media is not a realistic solution and is infact anti-recovery. So some of you are infact a hypocrite for wanting to abolish prisons and then pulling This kind of shit. Revenge is not justice. 7) if you wanna cut someone out of your life, you have to stop talking about them and 'looking out for their potential victims' or you're just going to feed the flames of drama. Be the bigger person and put down the stick if you're tired of the burn. This goes for everyone btw. 8) for the record I would not be Nearly as on the fence as I am rn if it weren't for [redacted] having learned this behavior from also being a victim of somebody else. It is incredibly common for those that have been groomed and/or abused in the past to then continue to seek out those same types of relationships. Especially if they never learned the why or how said relationships were fucked up in the first place. 
9) it is no one's place to decide if other people are allowed to give someone a second or third chance to be a better person. Idgaf if they're a victim or not. You do not have the right to dictate who talks to who. That is red flag toxic yaoi shit my dear friend. I, do not agree with a few of my mutuals chosing to befriend or forgive them. But I also know it is not my fucking place to tell them to do different. It is not my place to control who is with who for whatever reason. I don't like it, I don't agree with it, but I ain't gonna start shit talking left and right, throwing my opinions all about, and force them to do as I do. 
This is where the maturity clarity thing comes in btw. I don't like it. I have a bad feeling about it. I don't agree with these decisions my mutuals have made. But you know what? ✨It's none of my fucking business✨ and I mean it. That means, after I'm done venting here I'm dropping the topic. That means, just bc I don't like them that I'm gonna start bad mouthing to my mutuals about their friend. You don't go to your bestie and shit talk about their boyfriend right to them, that's messed up af. And this is no different 
Also, sidenote, fuck all y'all for using stranger's posts on the internet to drag someone else's name through the mud and reposting them to a doc without consent. Which Did happen to me with the big blogs vs confessions btw. I am still, very much not okay about that and I can't believe that's happening to other ppl too but for a different call-out. 
but fucking, trying to compare a fictional ship and saying it's worse than people who got groomed?
You are on razor thin fucking ice. Pull your head out of your ass, shut up, and sit the hell down before you spout any more stupid shit for the love of God. That about pisses me off more than anything right now I'm so livid. And I've been silently seething with rage since August so that's not to be taken lightly
[P.S. thank you to mod for being a place ppl can go to, idk what I would've done since I don't have therapy till next week. Sorry if I don't make any sense whatsoever btw, I am tired, it is 1 am, and my bpd ass is extremely emotional rn with no viable outlet except here. I am aware that reality is not what it seems past midnight as I am prone to delusion, so I'm genuinely not allowed to *talk* talk to ppl this late at night for everyone's well being, including myself. So again: thank you. Hope you're doing well, in spite of everything going on. Drinking water, petting cats, monching bread, etc, and letting the small things in life into your heart to spread wonder. Have a good night]
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