#which is so fucked up please i need to talk about cain not being allowed to die.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year ago
also it's stupid that the mark forces you to murder and if you don't, it kills you (except it doesn't). why do we need to force dean to be violent and do murder under penalty of death (which doesn't even come up in s10) when we could instead just fuck with his head and make him angry and paranoid to the point of killing his friends.
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years ago
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 225
Inside Man/Kill the Moon
“Inside Man”
Plot Description: Sam and Castiel set out on a mission to find a cure for the Mark of Cain, and Crowley’s relationship with Rowena is put to the rest
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died
Goddammit, let Bobby rest!! He earned that
(Cut to 24 hours earlier)
It’s a good thing the brothers know each other like that because Sam wanting to go off to some other city to see a foreign film on their off day is not convincing me as the viewer. How that convinced Dean, I don’t know
If we want to get…….oh. It wasn’t “if we want to get rid of the Mark, we have to get rid of Dean” it’s “it’s we have to get back in cahoots with Metatron”
Crowley, can you KNOCK?!
She looks stunning in purple…the costumers have been so wonderful to me
She’s got herself a lil boy toy…maybe. Or she made up a boy toy to cover up her real motives, which is even funnier
Cas isn’t allowed in heaven?!
🥹Hannah🥹 it does make me sad to see them opposing each other though
How do you break Metatron out of jail……….oh. That’s why they need Bobby, I bet
“You can be damned AND a conscientious worker” man, you don’t HAVE to be though
How does Dean have that many people in his phone? No offense, man
Sam’s :/ yet undeterred face when faced with a billion “No trespassing” and “keep out” signs
I love sasstiel. “And you’re….what ARE you?” “…I’m an angel” “that…no you can’t be” “why not?”
This psychic calling Metatron a creepy hobbit lookin fellow. It honestly made me laugh out loud in the break room
Dean…now you’re just being mean. There’s hustling someone at pool and then there’s taking that kid’s watch that his dad gave him. Yeah he’s an asshole college kid, but damn
There is no rest for Bobby…
She dressed up so nicely to go try to kill Dean, and she’s so unrepentantly evil. Fuck, I love her so much.
Ewwww…the structure of heaven is really…terrible. It’s all sterile hallways with alphabetized rooms where every individual person gets their version of heaven. It’s not what it should be
GIRLIE!!! You literally cut yourself up and blamed Dean to get Crowley to turn on him. And I love how she absolutely cuts Crowley to the core with her words
Omg a revolt of all the Robert and Roberto and Roberta Singers that Bobby broke out of their respective heavens
That was such a funny action movie sequence. Cas jumping into the portal to heaven and sliding through the door
“Dean has given up” “And you idjits haven’t.” “Would you?” “Hell no” Cas and Bobby deserved more screen time together
God, this sit down talk between Dean and Crowley…they ARE friends. They’re somehow still friends
I hate Metatron as much as the next guy (and the next guys have called him a creepy hobbit and a fraggle, so…) but him calling Cas Asstiel will never not be funny
YES, CAS! “You’re gonna be MY punching bag”
I promise I still hate him but he gets so many funny lines. How much time did he spend thinking about
I am…so damn impressed with Sam and Cas’s plan. They just STOLE METATRON’S GRACE AND THEN SAM SHOT HIM IN THE LEG just to get the leverage they need
I want her to burn it all down. I appreciate that Crowley is choosing himself, and it’s great for him…but I want her to go ballistic, just completely of the deep end with rage. I need it like air
I’m not lying when I say that Bobby telling Sam in a letter that he’s a good man, one of the best, and he’s damn proud of him is making me tear up. With all the doubts that Sam’s had that he’s a good person, that he’s not just cursed…
“Kill the Moon”
Plot Description: The Doctor and Clara crash land on the Moon to find a world of horror
This…only takes place 26 years from RIGHT NOW. 2014 was such an optimistic time. Y’all really thought we’d be going to the moon again? I wish I could believe that. PEOPLE? On the MOON?!
Please tell me that the astronaut that was in the cold open with Clara is a future Courtney Woods! (I love that she’s back in the post opening credits scene, so THAT is what I’m holding out hope for)
Oh…not future Courtney…present Courtney is on the moon
“One small thing for a thing. One enormous thing for a thingything” honestly, I’m not mad at her. First girl on the moon and those are her first words on the surface? Love it for her
The shuttle says United States, WHY does everyone still have an accent from across the pond? The TARDIS doesn’t need to translate it. They’re all speaking English
Nooooooooo. No I don’t like whatever’s living here
THAT IS A HUGE AND GROSS SPIDER. This is also the worst soundscape I’ve ever experienced. It’s the amplified sound of weird skittering and then IT ECHOES BECAUSE WHY NOT
Courtney Woods 2024. I don’t care that she’s not American, in the face of great danger (a giant spider) she was cool calm collected enough to do what needed to be done (all purpose cleaner it to death. Kills 99.9% of all germs. I guess huge spiders count, too)
THAT WAS A MOON GERM?!?! No. I refuse to accept it. Why? I hate it
I also don’t like knowing what the twist is. I know I’ve said it before but so much of the Moffat era is depends on not knowing the twist
Courtney is an ICON. She retches in the TARDIS, which sends her a little off the rails because the Doctor then tells her she’s not special, so Clara tries to get the Doctor to just take that statement back, but that’s not good enough for him, he needs to make the statement untrue, she has to be special now, so he takes her to the FREAKING MOON where she becomes a sort of hero because no one knew how to kill the giant spider looking germs, and the second she’s sent to the TARDIS for her own safety, what does she do? POST PICTURES OF HER TRIP TO TUMBLR
I need to know…ok, the actress playing the astronaut was 47 when this was filmed. If we take that age and make it her character’s age in this episode, that means this character is 47 in 2049. She is 21 today. She was 12 when this episode aired…do not come into my hellsite and tell me “my granny used to post things on tumblr” Your granny MAY very well be here for all I know, but don’t pretend you weren’t, too. YOU ARE NOT THAT FAR IN THE FUTURE. You signed up on your 13th birthday in 2015. I cannot let this go. “Courtney’s posting stuff to tumblr, doesn’t that know where you are?” “I don’t know, I’m not a historian” BITCH. WHAT. STOP THIS BLASPHEMY RIGHT NOW
Oof, now we’ve entered the part of the episode that’s gonna make me mad but not in a fun way.
The optimism that we could have a female president by the time 2049 rolls around…..
You can’t expect someone with an amount of Time Lord DNA to go kill hitler if they were in 1930s Germany?? Really??? Have you forgotten your wife so soon?
So they’re letting Earth democratically vote whether or not to blow up the moon, which is an egg, by whether or not they turn out their lights. Lights out on earth means lights out for the moon. It’s not even a close vote (but I’ve now had the ending spoiled for me and I’m not happy about it)
And then Clara decides on her own that ALL OF EARTH’s decision wasn’t as important as her own feelings on the matter. And to make matters worse, she gets justified in her actions by the narrative because everything worked out anyway no harm done
Is that really what we should be doing though? I’m not saying checking out our own space neighborhood wouldn’t be interesting but every time in this rewatch when they mention some human colony out in space somewhere…like, SHOULD WE BE COLONIZING SPACE THOUGH?! And it’s gonna last FOREVER?!
Wait. Pausing how much this episode makes me mad to say Courtney ACTUALLY becomes president of the United States?!
Ok but honestly, how much DID the Doctor know? Because if he knew that it would all work out and how humanity starts to travel to the stars because of this day and didn’t let them make an INFORMED DECISION, that’s…I can understand why Clara is so upset with him right now. She took the fate of humanity in her own hands and didn’t know how it would shake out, but the Doctor might have and he just fucking vanished. She has every right to be furious with him
She will never look at the moon the same way again
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casmybelovedass · 4 years ago
I'm much calmer now, but I'm still salty about this and I won't stop talking about it.
So, Sam was supposed to be the main character.
Stories change. This story in particular changed many times over the course of 15 years.
It was about the brothers, yes? Both of them.
But Sam was the one with the curse, the special one, the rebel, the smart one, the one with powers, the favourite.
The Luke Skywalker. The protagonist.
Dean? Oh, he was the goofy slugger, always looking for food or women to stuff his face with. The school drop-out. Always getting in trouble.
The Han Solo. The sidekick.
(Now fucking tell me who actually prefers Luke to Han Solo fucking tell-) (also he's actually Leia but-)
So... what happened?
Jensen Ross Ackles happened.
Jensen took Dean's character skeleton and built him into one of the most complex and interesting characters to ever exist.
And the writers saw that. So what did they do?
They made Dean (if intentionally is unknown) woman&queer coded, in hopes of making him look weaker, less worthy of attention, secondary.
But that's not who Dean is:
- He's a caretaker, soft, a protector.
- He desires to be loved more than anything else in the world. He's tough, and yet, submissive. (half the time, Dean's hookups are to show he's cool and gets around easily, the other half is to show his desperate need for closure)
- Stays put and silent because that is what was taught to him since childhood. Relatable.
- He's insecure. Sensitive. Good with children.
- Doesn't allow himself happiness. Always puts others before him.
- He's repressed. Self conscious. He gets objectified, mostly acknowledged for his looks.
- He acts dumb because, sometimes, it's better to be underestimated than targeted as a threat.
- He never feels "man enough", and is reminded constantly, obv mostly by j*hn, but also by society, because men shouldn't like what he likes:
Dressing up
The idea of having a family
Chick flicks
Musicals, pop and romantic music
Being bossed around/manhandled
But, fuck you, writers. All these traits? Only made him EVEN MORE interesting.
(Guess the fuck what! Cis het men don't even make a QUARTER of the fandom!!!)
People all around the world saw themselves in this beautifully flawed human, and found comfort in him.
Realizing you can be sensitive, insecure, even weak, and still be brave, strong, the hero.
Do you realise how many FTM found themselves in Dean?
Now, I love Sam, but really, his character didn't go as far as Dean's, because they simply placed him on a pedestal reading "protagonist" on it.
Yes, they gave him the powers/Lucifer/souless storylines, PTSD and a curse that kills off every woman he sleeps with, and I'm definitely making a post about Sam alone because yes.
But apart from this? They didn't give us much.
He had SO MUCH potential for more. And I'm sorry he couldn't have as much an exploration as Dean (or Cas).
Speaking of which. Castiel.
My God.
He is the definition of character development (both good and bad).
A character so fresh, so new to the world, LITERALLY, so interesting!
A character ment to stay only for 3 episodes, but had such an impact, he quickly became a fan favourite, and ended up staying until he end well...
The stone cold, mindless soldier, autism coded, "of God" angel, clearly so different from his brothers... rebelling against his own kind, experiencing humanity, emotions, choosing free will, believing in two little humans more than anything else in the universe, and helplessly falling in love with one.
An angel, learning how to love, through a human.
An all powerful being who is awkward, nerdy, socially anxious, autism&queer coded.
And what did they do?
Stripped him of his powers, basically reduced him to a lamp [AAAAA] in a corner, tried killing him off MULTIPLE TIMES, threw a bomb in the makeup/hair trailer and slapped an orange filter on Misha to make him less appealing.
Well, excuuuuuse you if I like these ones better than "I was pre-lawboy"
They just had SO MUCH MORE to offer.
And, let's be honest here, apart from soulless, trials and hunter chief storyline, when has Sam been the focus after season 5?
They gave us a decade of married drama, slow burn, breakups, widower arcs, Casifer, Deanmon, human Cas, Michael!Dean, THEE Empty Deal™️, Purgatory, CAIN PARALLELS, A SON, and so on.
But please, do tell me again how doing a 360 and going bUT sAm WAs tHE OG mAIn chArACtEr wasn't just an audience thirst trap for w*lker
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katzkinder · 4 years ago
Cain vs Abel. Envy vs Lust.
While talking with a friend about what we wanted to see from Servamp going forward, the topic of a real Envy vs Lust pair fight came up and boi, gimme a brother versus brother smackdown for real, c’mon Strike, please, it would be such a great way to showcase Misono and Lily’s growth, as well as how their relationship has evolved.
Specifically I want Misono to beat Mikuni’s cocky ass into the dirt, and as my friend Fibi put it, eat his cowboy words from back in Volume 3 when he said that “your Lily can never beat my Jeje.”
But I also want Misono to grab Mikuni by the front while he's on the ground, tears in his eyes and screaming in his face to let him help him, stop doing everything on your own, you have people who love you! And Lily's behind him, injured but still standing while Jeje doesn't dare move from where Lily has him pinned with his scythe to his throat because the only way to get Misono off of Mikuni would be to hurt him, and he has no illusions about just where he ranks on Mikuni's ladder of importance.
At the same time, I feel like Mikuni is holding back massively in terms of what he can pull off with Jeje, but that Misono, once Lily has been cured, will also pull out some absolutely bonkers stuff... But he's weak in terms of creativity, which is what makes a Servamp Eve pair's arsenal the most potent. Mikuni has creativity in leaps and bounds. So if Misono wants to beat him... He's going to need input from his friends.
Something in specific I’ve thought about is Misono getting an idea from Greed pair’s Jekyll and Hyde technique, coming up with an ability that allows him to “castle” with Lily.
For anyone who doesn’t know what that means, castling is a type of special move you can do during chess that allows you to change the positions of your Rook and your King, where the King will end up behind the Rook. Basically, this ability of theirs would allow Lily and Misono to swap places with each other. Pretty nifty, right? Especially for someone as physically weak as Misono, to be able to have his Servamp tag in and take a blow for him would be incredibly useful.
--But for dealing with Mikuni in particular, it gets even better.
You see, something else Misono needs to do, and something he hasn’t really gotten the opportunity to do yet, is learn to work with Lily’s innate abilities properly, rather than being so straightforward with his attacks. I also think, by the time this showdown takes place, Misono would not only be secure in the fact Mikuni loves him, but also crafty enough to realize Mikuni won't severely hurt him, will literally command Jeje to pull his shot if he gets too in the way, and making that his advantage.
How is this important? Because of the way My Fair Lady functions. My Fair Lady is an ability that isn’t indiscriminate. It is bodycount based, and that is very important here because Lily? Lily has absolutely killed people. But he’s also a Servamp, so using it on him won’t kill him, no matter what. It’ll just neutralize him.
Now, Misono? Misono has not killed anyone. And he can use that.
Normally that castling technique I mentioned would be used to pull Misono out of the line of fire. But, against Mikuni… He’d use it to put himself in it. In the way of Mikuni’s Lead.
Another thing I’d love to see is Misono “breaking the game,” so to speak, because it was never Misono getting frustrated and quitting that stunted his growth as a tactician. It was his father and his brother not allowing him to lose. He’d always be sent to bed before the game was finished, which is why the first ability Lily gave him was so important. 
No one leaves until the game is done. 
And honestly? That is an incredibly powerful ability. To create an entire alternate reality in which to fight in, away from interference, the cavalry, and escape... Misono is so much stronger than anyone realizes.
And I feel like canon is purposefully trying to nudge our eye away from that.
Like, let’s look at Misono’s Lead for a moment. He's able to bring it out and dispel it so easily that no one even notices anything strange aside from "where did that chair come from?" Wielding his own and Lily's abilities are as easy as breathing for him. I also love how smart he was with the way Execution Block of the Red Queen is set up, because he knows that an Eve is at their most vulnerable without their Servamp, and he knows that opponents familiar with the contract system are going to instinctively gun for him when they notice Lily has separated from him, becoming overconfident in the fact Misono is weak and Lily appears to be so airheaded that they don't think for a second that Lily going so far from him is 100% on purpose
And not only is the way it's implemented fantastic, because it's a move that attacks the target's psyche and does no harm to their body, it's great for taking hostages. Misono is cutthroat and it is ridiculous.
A lot of times, when people even bother to remember Misono at all what bitter no I’m totally not bitter, they mistake his inexperience for naivety, his reluctance to disobey his father’s emotional manipulation for obedience, and his smart mouth as being something that’s just for show. Goody two shoes misono is so funny, like
Mahiru literally had to be like "no?! what the fuck is wrong with you??" when Misono suggested interrogating lilac, and then had to be kind of forceful with him again when he suggested they doublecross Tsubaki and keep Lilac as a bargaining chip. Not to mention the fact that he drugged! Sakuya!! In a basement!!!
He is so incredibly shrewd it's not even funny
--But he is also… Very kind. And sweet. And loving. He listens to Mahiru’s concerns. He wants to do whatever he can to comfort Tetsu in his time of need. He trusts Lily so, so much, and that trust shows itself most readily with… Again, Execution Block of the Red Queen. Like that move is dangerous, though the danger is part of the point. Still, it requires utter faith that if he allows Lily to stray from him and makes himself into a decoy, Lily will be ready to pull off the attack before Misono is hurt. And Lily is always exactly where Misono needs him to be.
Speaking of how kind Misono is capable of being while also being a ruthless son of a bitch… I have another, separate post in the works about two important groups of foils to one another in the Servamp universe, and I’m super looking forward to sharing it, so please look forward to it!!
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365days365movies · 4 years ago
January 16, 2021: Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
I am a massive comic book nerd. Not unusual these days, to be fair. But I’m definitely up there, as far as my obsession with Marvel and DC go. And, yeah, I stick mostly to those two houses, and their various imprints.
Why do I bring this up? Well...remember this movie?
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Kick-Ass was a pretty big deal when it came out in 2010, as it was a Marvel Comics movie that was completely unrelated to the relatively new Marvel Cinematic Universe. Based of a 2008 comic book written by Mark Millar and drawn by John Romita Jr., the film was directed by Matthew Vaughn, and featured a more realistic take on how real-world superheroes would actually work.
Vaughn and Millar by this point at least, were friends. Around 2012, they’re getting drunk at a pub together, and talking movies. The topic of spy movies come up, and how there hasn’t really been a good, non-parody, fun spy movie, and that there should be. And that was the bulk of their conversation.
Enter Dave Gibbons, a legendary comic book artist, whom you may know from drawing the comic book that was turned into this:
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Oh yeah, he’s a big deal. Gibbons and Millar end up getting together to write a fun spy comic book based on this idea. Vaughn, meanwhile, is getting ready to direct X-Men: Days of Future Past, the sequel to X-Men: First Class, which Vaughn directed. That’s a good movie, by the way, even if I have...issues...with the treatment of the X-Men in film. Maybe one day I’ll get into that, we’ll see what happens. Ask me about it if you’re curious.
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Anyway, Millar goes to Vaughn with this script, and Vaughan looks at it and realizes that he needs to direct this movie before somebody else makes it. So he leaves Days of Future Past, and he signs on to...
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I feel like it’s an obligation, as a comic book dude, to watch this film. I should also read the book, but I didn’t do that with Kick-Ass, so to hell with it! Let’s get this recap started! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Starting off with some Money for Nothing, and somewhere in the Middle East, 1997! We go into a stone temple, where some kind of mission is taking place. A surprise grenade causes the loss of one of the agents. The surviving agents are Merlin (Mark Strong), Lancelot AKA James Spencer (Jack Davenport), and Galahad, AKA Harry Hart (Colin Firth).
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Hart, feeling guilty over the death of this agent, tells his wife, Michelle (Samantha Womack) and child Eggsy (yes, Eggsy) of his sacrifice, and gives Eggsy a medal.
From there, we jump forward 17 years, to Argentina where...Mark Hamill?
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Holy shit, it’s Mark Hamill! Apparently, he’s playing Professor James Arnold, and being held hostage by a group of mysterious men. Just then, he’s rescued by Lancelot, showing up with some classic James Bond-style swagger and asking for a cup of sugar, sardonically.
He kicks the asses of these guys, but is SLICED IN HALF BY A MAN WITH SWORD LEGS WHAT THE FUCK????
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I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was watching the best thing I’ve ever goddamn seen. And as if that weren’t enough, she’s working for Samuel L. “Motherfucker” Jackson, playing Richmond Valentine. I am...I am so pleased.
We go to the Kingsmen headquarters, where Lancelot is being mourned by the Kingmen and their leader MICHAEL CAINE, REALLY, HOLY SHIT
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Ahem. Sorry, uh...the star-studded cast has basically caused me to have a minor aneurysm. Caine plays Arthur, the leader of the Kingsmen. Get it? I can dig it, I’m a sucker for a good Arthurian reference. Anyway, now that Lancelot’s dead, it’s time to find a new candidate. Apparently, the man that died 17 years ago was part of an “experiment” by Hart, which Arthur says has failed. Galahad calls Arthur a snob, and says that they need to evolve with the times. \
Speaking of that former candidate, how’s his son doing?
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Not stellar, it seems. His mom is dating a very unsavory gentleman, and not really taking good care of her youngest daughter. Eggsy (Taron Egerton), on the other hand, is a carefree delinquent. After engaging in an entertaining backwards car chase with the police (it’s cool), he gets arrested. He refuses to give up his friends, and he instead asks for a phone call.He looks at the medallion around his neck, and remembers that he can use the number of the back to contact someone for help. He uses a specific code phrase, but it appears not to have worked. But then, Eggsy is turned loose with little more than a phone call. That’s when Eggsy meets Hart.
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We find out that Eggsy has a high IQ and Olympic-level athletics, but has dropped out of the Marines, and has been arrested for drugs and other illegal activities. After being read out by Hart, Eggsy goes on an anger-filled diatribe about the differences in privilege between the two of them. Although it’s short, it’s a powerful speech.
But that speech is interrupted by the owner of the car that Eggsy stole the previous night, as well as his gang. They’re yearning for a fight with Eggsy, and they threaten Hart. He doesn’t take that well, as he shuts the doors and windoes to the pub. Time to teach a lesson.
Yup, I’m giving this fight the posted video award. It might be short, but it’s also one of the best and coolest sequences I’ve ever seen in a spy movie. And OH, it’s giving me that gadget shit I was missing from the Bond movies.
After one of the most enjoyable fight sequences I’ve seen in a while, Eggsy’s understandably stunned. So is his stepfather Dean (Geoff Bell), the leader of the gang that Hart beat up in the pub. He’s not happy, and he beats Eggsy in their apartment, and that scene is...WHOOF. Much to their surprise, however, Hart’s left a device on Eggsy’s back. He threatens Dean through the device, and tells Eggsy to meet him at a tailor that he’d mentioned.
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Once Eggsy escapes from Dean and the gang via nest parkour tricks, he makes his way to the tailor, where Hart officially brings him into the fold, giving him the opportunity to become a Kingsman. He exposits the history of the agency as a private group of spies, meant to protect the world while not bowing to the bureaucracy that plagues government-affiliated spy institutions.
We get to go to Kingsman Headquarters proper, and yeah...yeah, it’s cool. As compared to the other recruits, Eggsy’s pretty obviously out of place. This, of course, is part of the point, as Hart believes the Kingsmen could use someone with different life experiences and background. That would be the experiment mentioned earlier.
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Eggsy’s competitors include Roxy (Sophie Cookson), who appears to actually be polite to him, unlike most of the potentials. They settle in for the night...but not for long. Their quarters fills with water, as the entirety of the Kingsmen head towards the showerheads and toilets for air. While they all succeed, Eggsy is the one who actually gets everyone out, by literally punching the window.
Unfortunately, for one of the candidates...it’s too late. These candidates could die in the hiring process. Rough.
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Sadly, Mark Hamill also doesn’t quite make it, as Hart finds him, surprisingly freed from Valentine’s capture. As he’s questioned, Valentine is forced to kill him via Suicide Squad implant, and barely escaped from his men. Valentine and his henchwoman, Gazelle (Sofia Boutella) are trying to figure out who the Kingsmen are, to no avail at the moment.
Back with Merlin, who’s training the Kingsman candidates! They’re all told to get a puppy! Aw. Eggsy chooses J.B. a pug, under the mistaken impression that it’s a bulldog. And I’m not a pug person...but that puppy is cute as shit.
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Time marches on, and the Kingsmen continue their training. Eggsy’s colleagues continue to discriminate against him, especially Charlie (Edward Holcroft). Hart, who was knocked out by the explosion, eventually wakes up. Valentine goes around to political leaders and proposes his plan to “save the world,” whatever that’s about to mean. Apparently, that includes giving the King of Sweden a surgical implant of some kind. Huh.
This, of course includes some, uh...conflict with Gazelle.
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Eggsy’s in the final 6! As Hart congratulates him over this, we finally get some exposition on Richmond Valentine’s plan. See, that implant is the Suicide Squad bomb that killed Hamill, and Gazelle also has one. Additionally, he’s released a plan to the world that will provide free internet and phone data...forever. Not ominous at all, that.
After a cool skydiving training sequence, only three candidates are left. Hart, meanwhile, poses as a wealthy philanthropist, donating to Valentine’s cause. As a result, he’s treated to an extravagant dinner...of McDonald’s. Yes, it is the best product placement I’ve seen in a while, in case you were wondering. That reveal was hilarious.
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Anyway, their conversation turns from talking about climate change studies and concerns, to their opinion of James Bond movies, in a lovely little piece of meta flavor. At this point, they would appear to understand each other’s role in the play, as it were. Forgot to mention, Valentine’s been kidnapping anyone who disagrees with his goals, while also distributing his free internet cards. So, there’s that. But he’s also trying to figure out what exactly the “Kingsmen” are. Speaking of...
Our three remaining Kingsman candidates are assigned a mission to seduce a young dignitary. However, all three of them make a mistake, and allow themselves to get drugged at a party, by someone wanting to know who Hart and Kingsmen are. When Eggsy wakes up, he’s been strapped to train tracks. Uh oh.
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Despite an oncoming train, Eggsy doesn’t give the man any formation. Which, of course, was the point. It’s Hart, helping to give the Kingsman candidates a little loyalty test, which both Eggsy and Roxy pass with flying colors. But Charlie...Charlie’s a coward who immediately gives everything up, including Arthur himself.
Eggsy gets to spend 24 hours with Hart, before being thrown headfirst into a mission. Hart explains that being a Kingsman means being a gentleman, which Eggsy isn’t. Hart, of course, plans to fix that.
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They head to the tailor, and check out some spy gadgets. And much to their surprise, Valentine is also there, under the guise of getting a suit. Hart takes the opportunity to recommend a hatter, who gives him a top hat with built in listening devices. I love it.
Eggsy, meanwhile, speaks with Arthur at Kingsman HQ. He’s commanded to perform one final test: kill his pug, J.B. Which...yeah, damn, that sucks. He doesn’t do it, understandably. Unfortunately...Roxy does kill her dog. She succeeds...and Eggsy’s kicked out of the Kingsman candidacy. Which feels like a bullshit play, if I’m honest.
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Eggsy steals Arthur’s car, then goes back home. As he’s about to confront his stepfather, Hart brings back the car via remote access, then explains to Eggsy that the gun was filled with blanks, and that Eggsy ended up giving up his shot. He also reveals that the first candidate to die...didn’t actually die! It’s been a ruse all along, meant to test the candidates under the strictest of conditions. Which sucks, obviously, because Eggsy’s out of the program.
And at that point, Valentine says something of note, revealing that he plans to go to a hate church in Kentucky to begin his master plan. Hart heads there, and tells Eggsy to stay put.
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We get treated to just...just the loveliest of sermons. Disgusting. But then...
...that’s the point, isn’t it?
Because Valentine uses the SIM cards to create a signal that drives the parishioners crazy. Hart’s also in the church, however, and he also starts going crazy. Which leaves the question: what happens when a highly trained spy goes up against untrained civilians, has a bunch of gadgets...and has absolutely no restraint whatsoever?
A MASSACRE, THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS. And most surprisingly, it’s a massacre that we actually SEE. Hart basically kills almost EVERYBODY in the church. I’ll put the video up, but...y’know, be warned here. It ain’t pretty.
Hart comes to, and realizes exactly what he’s done. He leaves, only to be confronted by Valentine and his men. The Bond metaphor finally comes full-circle, explained directly by Valentine. But instead of explaining his whole plan and devising some complicated way to kill Hart that he’ll inevitably escape from...
He just shoots Hart in the head. Holy shit. And this is while Merlin, Arthur, and yes, Eggsy watch on through Hart’s home feed. Looks like a new Kingsman is needed.
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Arthur tells Merlin to assemble the Kingsmen. But Eggsy...Eggsy has other plans. Thinking on Hart’s words about wanting to do something good with his life. He goes to Arthur to talk to him about Hart’s death. Arthur invites him in for brandy. And that’s...when my mind exploded.
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HE’S FUCKING IN ON IT?!? Michael Caine, NOOOO! Turns out that Valentine’s convinced Arthur of his true plan: a culling. He believes that the Earth’s temperature because there’s simply too much humanity, like a body trying to kill a virus. And so...he’s going to make the virus exterminate itself. And that argument’s enough to win Caine over.
Turns out that the implant is meant to protect those individuals against a neurological signal emitted by the SIM cards, the same one that went off in the church. Arthur, realizing that Eggsy understands exactly what’s going on, poisons him, then asks if he would like to join them. Eggsy refuses...and Arthur sets off the remote poison to kill him.
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But NOPE! EGGSY SWITCHED THE FUCKIN’ GLASSES! I love this movie. Arthur dies, and Eggsy uses the opportunity to dig the implant from his neck. He takes that and Arthur’s phone to Merlin and Lancelot, who realize that they can’t trust anyone at this point. And so, the three of them - yes, the three of them - go to stop Valentine.
And, yeah...I can dig it. OH HOW I CAN DIG it.
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Roxy goes up in an experimental vehicle to bring down the satellite, Merlin is flying the plane, and Eggsy...Eggsy’s the one going in disguised as Arthur, in order to infiltrate the mountain lair of Valentine. Here, he and the other beneficiaries wait it out, while the world literally tears itself apart. Now wearing a bespoke suit and playing the role of a gentleman, Eggsy enters the lion’s den.
But as expected, it’s time to hit some snags. Roxy waits juuuuuust a little too long, and one of the balloons in her craft pops. As for Eggsy, he meets an old “friend” of his in the form of Charlie, who’s now working for Valentine.
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The missile’s fired just in time, as Charlie’s taken out and Eggsy runs for the plane. AWESOME climax here as Eggsy escapes. I mean it; it is VERY cool. They succeed JUST in time, and the satellite is destroyed. However, Valentine’s still managed to partially start the process, and they can’t do anything about that.
Eggsy’s gotta go BACK in, before Valentine gets another satellite to trigger the signal worldwide. Now armed with Hart’s AWESOME umbrella, he makes his way there under heavy gunshot. They’re also teaming up against Merlin in the plane, so he’s not doing great. And that when Eggsy has the idea...to turn the implants on. ALL of them.
It’s amazing. Violence in fireworks. So, it’s too bad that it doesn’t stop the signal. It works, and people start to tear each other apart all across the world. But only for was long as Valentine has his hands on the desk. Eggsy manages to stop that by laying down some suppressive fire.
That provokes a response.
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..This movie is, for lack of a better term, fucking rad.
Gazelle and Eggsy have an awesome fight, worthy of any James Bond movie, seriously. I really want to give it the video post honor, but I’ve done that too much already. For god’s sake, I literally JUST did that.
Gazelle dies (it’s kinda goofy how she dies, if I’m honest), and Eggsy kills Valentine with her prosthetic leg. It’s over, as the signal ends, and Eggsy even gets the girl. Not Roxy, the Princess of Sweden. Not going into it, but it’s funny.
And that’s Kingsman: The Secret Service! Honestly, I gotta say, that was a rad-as-shit movie, and...
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Ooh, a mid-credits scene! Eggsy goes back home, to the pub, where his stepfather and mom are hanging out with the gang. And let’s just say...Dean’s gonna get a little comeuppance. Manners, after all, maketh man.
OK, THAT’S Kingsman: The Secret Service! And that, again, was pretty rad. See you in the Epilogue in a few!
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dollfaceeeeee · 4 years ago
How the Supernatural characters would react if you flinched when they tried to touch you..🥺
I really wish I had Dean Winchester to snuggle up to every night man. 😂🙄☹️
Dean: Being the much more aggressive, straight forward of the brothers, he would probably at first be shocked. I mean, what the hell was that? You’ve never done that before. Of course, you have to know he would never, ever hurt you, or let anyone else do anything to hurt you either, but you got scared of him touching you? I mean..him? He would definitely want to know what the hell that was about, and wouldn’t take no for an answer, even if Sammy butted in to lay off of you. He just wants to keep you safe, so don’t take it personally, but once you told him he would pull you in against him and hold you so tight you’d feel like you were a part of him, and he would probably even rub your back and kiss your head, but inwardly, he would be planning his next hunt.
Sammy: He would be devastated to see it, but probably wouldn’t outwardly say he was. I mean, he loves you, and you have to know that. Why would you be afraid of him touching you? He had done it so many times before. He would probably try to figure out a way to talk to you about it gently, without making you scared or uncomfortable, but once you do, he would be heartbroken and angry. How dare someone hurt you? He would probably be afraid to touch you, but he might reach up to touch your cheek and tell you that it’s all going to be alright, and you’re safe now. They can’t hurt you again, because he wouldn’t allow it. And honestly, he would probably let Dean take care of the dirty work tbh.
Castiel: Awe man, the angel baby. There is very little this guy doesn’t know about, so he probably wouldn’t be very surprised if you flinched around him, because he would probably know the root of the problem. It was because of them, wasn’t it? They scarred you, and now you were afraid of anyone coming too close to you. Cass isn’t the best at expressing his inward feelings, but he would probably make sure to make it evident how angry he was about it, and how he wouldn’t let them get away with it. He might also just make you some pancakes that he saw Dean make once, so even if they taste God awful, eat them anyway. It’s the thought that counts.
Jack: He probably wouldn’t understand, at first, what the fuck was happening. He may even just overlook it as a reflex because humans can have those at times, can’t they? But if you get upset about it, or look distressed, he would catch on that it wasn’t just some simple, little thing, and would probably be immediately concerned for you. He’s probably honestly one of the best people to talk about shit with, because he’s gonna give you a very thoroughly honest opinion on literally anything. And his opinion about a piece of shit that hurt you? Yikes. I’m not sure I wanna know how infuriated he would be.
Bobby: CAN YOU SAY PAPA SINGER? What a guy. There is no doubt this man would be beyond fucking angry. How dare they hurt you? He doesn’t even need to know who they are to hate them on the spot, especially since he loves you, and he would be verbal about it too, don’t worry. He would probably be the one to try and get you to laugh, crack open a beer for you, and pull you in against his side as he does work for an upcoming job, but he would let you help out just to distract you from it. I love his energy tbh. Always have.
Adam: Soft boy would be concerned. What the hell do you mean that someone hurt you? Why would they do something like that? What fucking imbeciles, honestly. He probably would be unsure of what to do to help, but he might just offer you a hug, or maybe just rub your shoulder a little to calm you down, and just tell you that you’re safe, and he would have Sam and Dean take care of it if you wanted them to. He’s definitely super supportive, I’ll give him that much.
Gabriel: Um..so I LOVE Gabe, to the death, but this guy would probably make a joke out of it. I hate to think that he would, but he just fucking might, unless you really mean something to him, then he would fucking blow someone off the map. But he doesn’t care about too many people, so be careful about that.
Michael: He is not gonna give a single fuck, so don’t even think he would.
Lucifer: Much like his big brother on this one, but a little more extreme. He’s gonna be a pretty toxic fuck about it, so don’t even bother opening up to him. Just don’t.
Crowley: MY GUY. LOVE. He’s got some venom, lemme tell you. Someone hurt you? Darling, don’t fret over it, he will take care of it. It’s done. It’s super simple, and he will make sure they suffer. Oh you don’t want them to? HAHA well..too late for that.
Rowena: It will depend more on how much you mean to her over how the situation makes her feel. She may not like that someone hurt you, but that doesn’t mean she will pay any attention to it unless she feels it’s important to her to do so. But if she does, expect the same of her as you do from Crowley. DING DONG, that person will be dead.
Garth: Ah so he probably will notice because Garth pays attention to that shit, but he probably wouldn’t push you about it. He’s sort of awkward, so don’t take it personally, but if you break down he might end up pushing you to tell him what the hell is going on. Once you tell him, be prepared for some greasy food, a beer, and a person that will try to cheer you up, because that’s all him.
Charlie: Literally one of my favorite characters ever, I swear to the gods. She might be confused at first as to why you reacted to her that way, but she wouldn’t take it personally, I promise. She would probably lead you somewhere quiet and alone and try to gently ease the truth out of you, but don’t be scared, because she will genuinely always listen to you. She cares so much, and that’s her biggest heartwarming trait and, ultimately, her downfall.
Kevin: KEEEEEEVVVVVVIN. YES. He may act all tough about it and say he will end them for you, but he’s a small boy, and he will probably not be able to do shit, but it’s the thought that counts. He’s much better at trying to cheer you up, which is also what he would do, and he might avoid forcing you to explain it to him altogether. He cares about you, and you only.
Cain: He is a pretty scary dude, I get it, but if you really believe he wouldn’t end that son of a bitch that ever decided to harm you, you’re damn wrong. And he would enjoy it too, more than he would care to admit.
Jo: It wouldn’t take her long to figure it out on her own, which is what she’s good at, but she isn’t gonna let it go. Who are they, and where are they? They deserve to get knocked out.
Ellen: What a MOM, that’s all I gotta say. She wouldn’t push you to speak about it, but she would want to know if you were safe now, or if she had to hurt someone for you. She also wouldn’t trust anyone with you besides the family, ever again, and she might force Dean and Sam to babysit you. Just let her mother you, please.
Ash: HA HA this man would do everything in his power to fuck someone up. He doesn’t care what they are, who they are, or if they’re still around, he would just want to be absolutely sure you were safe now. He has ways of finding shit out, so if you don’t tell him, he will find out, so just make it easier on yourself.
John Winchester: As much as I’d like to believe he wouldn’t care, he would. And he would have something to say about it. He may not step in to do anything, but he would lecture the fuck out of you, that you know better and blah blah blah.
Mary Winchester: Unlike her husband, she would have a lot less to say about the problem and much more shit she would do about it, physically.
Ruby: She wouldn’t care. If you think she would, that’s a lie. Sorry.
Meg: She would be thinking of all the ways to end a human life in a matter of seconds. She’s a creative girl, I’ll give her that, and stubborn too.
Chuck: Do I even have to respond for this one? He wouldn’t care. He would probably even bypass any mention of your pain, and Dean and Sam would have to make you feel better. This is why Dean would be the one to knock him tf out.
Benny: Big Ben would, for obvious reasons, be heartbroken that you would ever think he would hurt you, but much like Dean, he’s a violent guy. Do I have to explain further?
Balthazar: Who are you, again?
Death: He would just end their life in under 2 seconds flat. He is the man you should go to if you’re out for vengeance. He doesn’t much care for human lives, and would gladly help you out if need be, as long as you make him a hot pocket.
Zachariah: Don’t tell him shit. #dickwad
Lisa: She would be a lot like Ellen, and would probably mother the fuck out of you about it. Need some tea, maybe a sandwich? Wanna have some wine and just look at old photo albums and laugh at Dean’s young self? She’s there for you.
Jody: Another mother figure, but she would be way more built on vengeance and irritation than anything else. Do you need help ending someone? She could help cover it up for you, no charge.
Samuel Campbell: Nah. Just..nah.
Arthur Ketch: Don’t waste your TIME man. This man hasn’t cared about anyone since he was born.
Gadreel: He won’t care. You think he will? BOOM. Still doesn’t. Sorry.
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defenderrosetyler · 5 years ago
Mark of Cain
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Fic based off of : @spn-imagines-nation�� https://spn-imagines-nation.tumblr.com/post/614758642152062976/dean-wait 
Pairing: Dean x Y/N
Summary: Dean is finally clear of the Mark of Cain, he feels he has disappointed Y/N by all the death he's caused, and possibly their relationship. 
Warnings: Angst, death mentions, blood, smut. 
A/n: my amazing betas, @winchester-fantasies and @deanwanddamons. I cannot thank you enough for what you've done in helping me as well as @impala-1979​
A/N: YOU MUST BE OVER THE AGE OF 18 TO READ THIS. THERE WILL BE SMUT!! Oh, and always remember rubbers ;) 
Dean’s POV
The Mark was gone. Abbadon herself was gone, and I no longer wore the red Mark of Cain on my right forearm. Y/N was a dear friend to both Sam and I; well, maybe more to me. I wasn't sure of my feelings one hundred percent yet. Feelings were a tough subject for me. She always supported, comforted, and just cared about my well being and overall health. If I'm being brutally honest, she was overdoing it, but….
Y/N and I had met just over two years ago when I was working on a case. Sammy had recently fallen into the pit, and I needed to get away from Lisa and Ben for a while. I needed to get back to what I always loved - even if it was without my brother. There was shifter activity in the area and once I finally found the bastard, it had been trying to kill Y/N. Her and her family actually; why, I don’t know. I guess I’ll never know. I never even wanted to ask because whatever that shifter did, it hurt her emotionally for six months. Shifters - those were mean sons of bitches. However, when I wore the Mark of Cain, I had done terrible things. When I had worn the Mark of Cain, I’d done terrible things, too. I regretted all of them, even if there wasn’t a way to take them all back.
Managing to find my way into my bedroom, I locked the door. I had been making it a harsh routine and had started doing it after Sammy, Y/N, and I returned to the bunker after a hunt. My leather bag and jacket landed on the floor with a thud. Y/N had called after me, and I could hear her pounding on the door. I had to remind myself my bedroom door was locked, and Y/N wasn’t getting in. Needing to distract myself, I found escape into the shower. The warmth of the water felt like a massage of hands running down my back, cascading down my face. Y/N was still trying to get in. What part of the locked bedroom - bedroom door being locked - wasn’t getting through to her?
Normal POV:
Y/N had gone to Sam after finding Dean’s bedroom door locked. Groaning as she paced around the kitchen, Sam offered her a sandwich, which she refused. “Sam, Dean clearly needs to talk about this! He can’t just act as if Mark didn’t affect him!” Y/N snapped. Sam looked over at her. 
“Y/N, you know how Dean is. Emotions aren’t his thing. Never have been, except when he’s drunk.” Sam offered her a bottle of Dean’s favorite beer, which coincidentally happened to be Y/N’s, too. Grabbing the pin from her hair, she began to pick the lock, one thing Y/N was talented at. 
Hearing their struggles, and just about as Y/N had gotten it, the door swung open and Y/N stood. Y/C/E eyes met the emerald ones of Dean Winchester. Offering the bottle, Y/N gave a small shrug. “Drink with me?”  
Y/N looked defeated as he’d opened the door. Y/N nodded as Dean nodded, accepting the beverage. Before she could give it to him, she glared at him. “Only if you tell me why the hell you’ve been ignoring me!”
This pissed Dean off. He snatched the bottle from her and used his dresser to break off the cap. “You damned well know why! Y/N, I did a ton of bad shit I regret while I had that damn thing on my arm. Yes, I needed to accept it-“ he’d started rambling but she stopped him by doing something she had never done before and she regretted it the moment she did. She slapped Dean Winchester. 
Then she kissed him. 
Kissing Dean like this was not what she’d had in mind. Dean's lips were soft against hers and it surprised her when his lips molded to hers. It was as if he’d been wanting this to happen - like this was his intent all along. A small moan slipped past her lips. Dean’s calloused fingers traced the bottom of Y/N’s shirt. Y/N’s stomach muscles contracted against his touch. 
“Y/N,” Dean whispered, pulling back, breathing heavily. Emerald eyes met Y/E/C ones, Dean’s thumb brushing against her bottom lip, which caused her to bite down on the flesh of where Dean’s fingers had just been. “Don’t ever do that again,” he scolded, as he began to lift her shirt, the fabric tossed aside once no struggle was given for its removal. Both of their breathing was heavy. Hands were slowly working on removing their clothing. Y/N allowed her hands to run up and down his chest. The muscular abs she’d always dreamed about, the ones she always fantasized over. 
“Dean,” she whispered, feeling his kisses move from her lips, to her jaw, then to her now exposed collar bone. All she could think about was how she had fantasized about this very event happening-more than once, too- as Dean brought her hand to the silky front of his boxer shorts. The hardened erection she felt there was now threatening to poke through the fabric. She could feel that he was hard and no doubt aching, and just from that one touch, Y/N knew that Dean Winchester was most definitely the man she’d dreamt about. Dean’s green eyes searched hers, begging for her to submit to him. 
“You are mine, Y/N,” Dean said, voice gruff and his green eyes full of lust and desire. “Mine,” he said again. As Y/N looked at him, she couldn’t help the desire to back away from him and sit on the edge of the bed. She readily spread her legs for him to see her, to see how aroused he’d made her, how wet she could be from him. 
Y/N slowly removed the remainder of the clothing she’d been wearing, leaving her body bare for Dean to see and enjoy as he knelt between her legs. He planted soft kisses on each thigh, alternating between her left and her right. 
“Dean,” the woman gasped, her hands moving to thread through his brown locks, tugging ever so gently. She wanted to at least try to show him how much she’d needed this - no, how much she needed him. 
“All in good time baby; just relax,” he said, trying to calm her down.  He could tell she was anxious, but she still wanted to know what was going on. She wanted him inside her. She'd always wanted Dean, she was just too shy to admit it. As Dean’s mouth reached her soaked cunt, he couldn’t help but groan against its flesh. Holy fuck, she was wetter than he’d ever thought she could be for him. As his mouth worked her, Y/N’s moans and gasps filled the room. His thick fingers soon filled her, making her moan louder for him, nearly letting her orgasm wash over her just by that simple action alone. 
“Dean, please, don’t tease me. We’ve had enough sexual tension between us…I just need you,” she begged, and the elder Winchester looked up at her. His emerald eyes shimmered as he removed his fingers from her core, intending to give her everything she wanted: Him.
He stepped back and dropped his silk boxers, the aching erection confined within freed from the constricting cloth. Aligning his heavy cock at her entrance, he slowly eased himself inside her. She gripped his arms firmly as her moans filled the room, gasping out his name in a desperate cry as he filled her, Dean bottoming out once he was fully sheathed inside her. 
“You know, you’re hot now, but you were even hotter when you had the Mark,” she told him and Dean looked at her as his eyes darkened with lust. 
“You want me to be rough, baby girl? You want me to be hard on you, sweetheart?” he asked, looking at her. He wasn’t going to be giving her the chance to get used to him. He was going to be as rough and hard as if he still bore the Mark and didn’t have a care in the world. 
Y/N cried out loudly as he pounded into her and whimpered as he brought her closer and closer to her orgasm. She squeezed his shoulders tightly, her nails digging into his skin and her back arching up into him as she gave a shattering cry. Dean wasn't far behind. At the quick pace he'd been moving, he soon filled her all the way so that once he pulled out of her sore and aching folds that she was leaking for him. 
“Dean...part of me wishes you never got rid of the Mark. You're a lot hotter like that,” Y/N whispered; she felt positively exhausted. Within seconds, she fell into a deeper sleep than usual. 
Dean wondered if getting rid of the Mark was a good idea…after all, he felt stronger at that particular moment in time. Little did he know that maybe him being a demon would be an even bigger turn on. 
@simsadventures​ @fofisstikinski @mummybear​ @impala-dreamer​ @holylulusworld​ @snffbeebee​ @saxxxology @akshi8278​ ​ @deansmyapplepie   @luci-in-trenchcoats​ @samskia-writes​ @winchester-fantasies​ @talesmaniac89​ @stusbunker​ @idreamofplaid​ @bi-danvers0​ @cherrypiebbyblog​ @cleighwrites​ @impala-1979​ @jxackles​
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kob131 · 5 years ago
So who wants to see another shitty rewrite?
Okay, let's start with the big change of v6 first, Adam's ending. I'm scratching him dying here as I have bigger plans for him for Atlas. But what I change exactly is what occurs in his battle against Yang & Blake upon Yang entering the fray & how it would alter things.
Instead of Yang barely reacting to finally coming face to face with the man that ran through & broke her, there's an actual mental reaction here, but it's not fear...but absolute rage. Her fear of Adam is gone, but in its place is an inferno of hatred towards the man before her.
So Yang didn’t learn her lesson from her dad about controlling her anger and we don’t have the payoff for the numerous times Yangs temper fucked her over.
He broke the show IN THE EXACT SAME WAY he bitches the creators do...and this is suppose to be better. *slow claps*.
She no longer panics or fears the thought of him, but trembles at the thought of doing even worse to him than he committed to her & Blake, & with him here now & attacking Blake once again, Yang slips & goes full berserker on Adam.
So now Yang’s being sadistic. Out of fucking nowhere as she hasn’t even displayed this kind of behavior before this and the build up is about her being SCARED. So we have an OOC moment serving nothing for the character, in fact COMPRIMISING her character as Yang never showed this aspect of herself and it paints her in a negative light. For...what? ‘My self insert survives’? 
Cool, tell me about how Blake and Yang fight the patriarchy next since we’re doing cringy fanfiction bullshit.
But though she is fighting with incredible ferocity, speed & timing, she's not thinking or planning at all.
‘not thinking or planning at all.’
So CJ bitches the show retconned Aura by being technical about the word ‘passive’ and yet technically you need to THINK or PLAN to have good timing like that.
She's acting like a wild unhinged animal & both Adam & Blake notices this as Adam uses it to his advantage to slowly start tipping the fight in his favor as he blocks Yang's hits & sends the power right back to her.
Again, acting like the thing she was suppose to have GOTTEN OVER. In fact, worse because Yang never acted like an animal and now she is? When her build up was suppose to be about keeping her cool?
Hm, I believe the man you parrot Vexed Viewer has something for this. What was it...? Oh yeah- Stupid for the sake of the plot.
All the while, Blake is trying desperately to get Yang to stop & listen to her & calm down, but nothing gets through to Yang which eventually results in Blake barely managing to move Yang out of a fatal attack & then finally get through to her as she takes her hand & tells her to please stop & calm down as she doesn't want to lose anyone that she cares about, especially to Adam & that she'll always be here for Yang & will always have her back until the end no matter what & even starts crying.
Still fucking stupid while also being technically as shippy as the original fight so far. You know, that thing you screech about all the time.
Also why isn’t Blake helping Yang? All she did was try to calm Yang down and not try to fight with her? You never said that Yang was fighting in a way that prevented Blake from helping and she knows that Adam won’t stop so playing disruption to disable Adam is the logical choice.
And also- Why is Adam allowing this to happen? Critics bitch the villains do stupid shit and yet you CJ, someone who groups himself in with them, seem to be ignoring that. There was talking in the original but A. This would take more time than anything else in the fight to say and B. it was still bitched out.
Hearing & seeing this finally gets through to Yang as she sends a few shots at the feet of an approaching Adam & now with a clear mind, thanks Blake & tells her she'll always be there for her too from here on out. And from there the fight continues as it does in the show & the 2 win in the end.
So instead of the struggle coming from Adam’s own power and skill, along with displaying how far Yang had come from her last encounter with Adam by showing her more defensive style in the fight and ending with Adam’s own anger and rashness getting the better of him- We get something that you could uber pandering to Bumbleby shippers while proclaiming ‘POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!’.
Nice standards you have CJ ‘Hypocrite’ Black.
However, just when Adam's about to make that final struggle, Atlas personnel arrive on the scene(also on the Mech's location) to provide backup & arrest everyone. However upon seeing Adam, they all immediately panic & try to apprehend the dangerous terrorist but in their rush, provide Adam with a hostage & enough time to escape into the woods & later outside of Argus which is later swarmed by Grimm, better helping his escape. Now having been defeated twice (both in mission & combat) by Blake & her friends, Adam is utterly spouting with rage & hate...so much so that he's sensed by Cinder.
So Yang and Blake do nothing to stop him. Congrats *slow claps.*
Also, Adam is by your own admission spouting with rage and hate...THE SHIT GRIMM ARE ATTRACTED TO. How the FUCK are the Grimm of things helping him escape and not giving everyone a living trail to follow as they logically rush after him? What, did you ACTUALLY retcon the Grimm or just ignore it for your plot?
Also how the hell would Cinder sense him? She’d be in an airship and he’d be on the ground. Unless Adam just so happens to be seen out of all the shit on the ground by Cinder (while displaying CLEAR mental instability)- She’d miss him. 
Seeing the woman who pulled him into all this in the first place, Adam lashes out at Cinder. But with him being tired, without aura & injured, the maiden easily swats him away. She brings up how the 2 are planning on following Ruby to Atlas to kill her & this piques Adam's interest as he asks to accompany them as he explains he too wants to kill someone in RWBY & with him knowing a guy in Atlas who could help them make all their goals easier, it's a win-win.
So Adam just cares solely about Blake here. He’s perfectly fine with teaming up with a human that YOU BELIEVE he hates with a passion. 
Effectively, you MADE Adam the same thing you say he was turned into.
So stealing an airship from Argus & using Neo & Adam to act as soldiers delivering the dangerous criminal Adam Taurus to face justice in Atlas, the 3 make their way into the kingdom. As part of the plan, once Adam gets transferred to other soldiers, he quickly disposes of them & escapes as he then reveals their newest ally, leader of the WF Atlas branch...Banesaw.
Who immediately shoots him dead hearing about how he tried to blow up his own men and would be IMMENSELY disgusted with the man for his own personal vendetta endangering his cause...even though Adam wouldn’t care since you NEVER built him up as returning to the WF and the show definitively displayed that part of him was over now.
Also, how the fuck wouldn’t they just see through this shit?
With this loyal & powerful man of Adam Taurus who now leads the most dangerous branch of the WF on their side along with Watts & Tyrian eventually coming into contact with the Atlas branch & Cinder & deciding to work together, team CABN (pronounced Cain or Cabin) is ready...
Where Watts and Tyrian kill everyone because Cinder is a traitor out for her own ends (hence why she AVOIDED them in the actual show) and Adam’s long since dead because to think that a leader of the WF wouldn’t have heard about Haven is to make me believe he’s an idiot. 
Also can’t fit into Volume 7 because you can’t cut anything due to everything being important to the build up of the plot.
Also left out Watts and Tyrian out of the team name. You added them in despite not FITTING IN.
Also you didn’t build up Banesaw so by your standards with Blake’s parents and Illa, he’s a retcon.
Also if this branch is so dangerous why wasn’t THE HIGH LEADER OF THE WHITE FANG STATIONED THERE? You know, Sienna being stationed in Mistral would imply that’s the most fortified place there is for the WF to protect their leader?
Gee, it’s almost like CJ Black doesn’t CARE about good writing and is just pissy his fanfiction didn’t become real.
‘B-but this is from 9 months ago-’
And as previous posts about him will show- CJ hasn’t changed.
NO ONE doing these rewrites care about good writing. Because THAT’D require actually paying attention to the damn show thus seeing what stuff built up to. Not, you know, making up delusions about the show to fit their narrative.
Mark my words, his RWBY0 rewrite will tank and burn. 
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inspector-montoya-fox · 5 years ago
#5 - The Cold Heart of Hate
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Setting: well that was fast... we make it to Russia, where we’re greeted to the evilest of evil lairs. when not dodging robo-falcons and burning boulders, the first mission acts as a tour and establishes the fact that we’re legit in a volcano. i don’t want to say that this is anticlimactic because the missions in this episode are truly hard, but there’s no hub to explore. instead, it’s a chain of missions that lead to the Clockwerk battle, and i guess that makes sense since there’s no time to waste, the stakes are high, etc. if you weren’t able to piece the clues together about Clockwerk’s identity up to this point, the missions do not help. unlike some of the game’s other episodes where the baddies’ personalities are reflected by the settings, Clockwerk remains a shadow up until the very end (and that’s kinda ironic when you think about how he has a huge fucking tower with his face on it). considering the absence of a main hub, the missions do a pretty good job in establishing the mood. we see the outside and inside of the volcano while controlling the van, and then Bentley’s hacking and Sly’s journey into the lab exhibit the level’s technological/ science-y aesthetic. on that note, let’s talk a bit about that lab. i’ve mentioned this before on my account but Cold Heart of Hate is a slave to the early platformer tradition of having an evil lab as the final stage. i don’t blame the game for that - here’s what’s weird though: if Clockwerk is so much larger than Sly, he couldn’t possibly fit into that lab. so... who works there? the robo-falcons? or is Clockwerk actually a ship for someone else? i uh *removes tin foil hat* ...... the huge Clockwerk tower is great for exposition, given that Clockwerk, although a rotting owl corpse stuffed inside a machine, has a huge ego. Sinking Peril is my favorite mission in the episode because it sets up the perfect atmosphere for the final bossfight. fighting the bird over its sinking tower of a replica not only ups the ante but also makes it feel even more satisfying when we finally get to drop it into the lava. lastly, i said Sunset Snake Eyes represented red and i kinda regret it now because that should have been orange and Cold Heart of Hate should have been red. welp! Cold Heart of Hate can be black. seems fitting.
Characters: i lied - the setting does reflect Clockwerk’s character in a very specific way: we’re literally inside a cottdamn volcano. tensions are brewing, the veil is about to be removed. Clockwerk is great. no, he’s more than great. he’s a satisfying and deserving final boss. he’s a maniacal, narcissistic, eGoMaNiAc that really gets under your skin when he keeps on pulling off the reveals. not ONLY has he killed Sly’s entire lineage, the QUEEN had the AUDACITY to stay alive for centuries! Clock-werk it baby! we have no choice but to STAN. the bitch is evil and that’s made crystal clear. his source of youth? hatred. the bird literally killed to remain healthy. and i’m glad he knows no shame because the monologue at the beginning of the bossfight is everything i ever wanted. i guess, Clockwerk has the shortest appearance in the game but still manages to make it impactful. whoever played the game during their childhood knows what i’m talking about - the music, the dialogue, the purple shooting cues: they all remain fresh in the head. the bossfight is the stuff of nightmares. Carmelita makes her final comeback in the perfect recipe for a climactic clash. she starts off as the damsel in distress that can’t be trusted because of her profession, but ultimately helps Sly take down Clockwerk. and i love that this is the beginning of Carmelita putting an end to Sly’s nemeses. her role is great here. yes, she’s the love interest that gets shamelessly left behind at the very end, but she’s the one that helps Sly get back his cain. actually, here’s something i’ve never thought of before: we make such a huge deal out of Carmelita being a playable character in Sly 3, that we all forgot she was playable in Sly 1 as well. i’m lowkey shocked. i don’t know how i overlooked this BUT ALSO shocked to just realise that in both Sly 1 and 3, Sly loses his cain (SP stuck to the original formula for final level suspense, i guess). and let me use that revelation to segue to Sly. he’s made it y’all!!! he’s finally here, ready to extract vengeance. and it shows. we might take his valour and chivalry for granted because this is the Sly we all know and love, but if this was your first time playing the game and somehow escaped all possible clichés by living under a rock your entire life, you’ll appreciate the raccoon’s persistence to save Carmelita. he didn’t have to do it, but he did it. let me praise Kevin Miller here for a sec, because without his voice-acting this would mean nothing. but it’s because of him that it means so much. when you finally beat Clockwerk and the cutscene starts playing and Sly says how he’s made it, it really feels like home, y’know? damn. also: Bentley and Murray finally come into the spotlight. i don’t want to go into detail because i’d rather talk about friendship in the cottdamn Themes section, but Cold Heart of Hate is what makes them true characters.
Themes:��off the top of my head? legacy, revenge, friendship, love trumps hate, climax, heat, honour, the past, and many more. i’ll go with my favs because this deserves a post on its own. friendship goes hand-to-hand with love trumps hate because it’s represented by everyone that came out to support Sly. Bentley, Murray and Carmelita come through. they put their fears and differences aside and prevail to help Sly get to the top. they all play their roles, their motivation being love for the raccoon, and that comes into stark contrast with Clockwerk’s preachings. the age-old “good vs evil”. Clockwerk stayed alive by feeding on hatred and got his ass kicked by a group of friends and the love interest (not yet a woman on her own). it’s traditional and it works. similarly to Tide of Terror, the theme of heat ensures that the player is kept engaged. there’s no time to roam around, find clue-bottles, etc. the need to finish this as quickly as possible is enhanced by the volcano landscape and the high temperature. this is especially seen in Sinking Peril because of the rising lava. if you waste time you will literally get gobbled up. the lava encapsulates Sly’s progress and his temper as well. he’s burning inside, itching to finally get revenge (you’ll notice that Sly 1 has no operations and that presents the gang’s early days, Sly’s rash attitude and his persistence to just go up to the main baddie and fight). and the heat’s significance is ultimately shown when Clockwerk sinks into the lava. he doesn’t only get blown up - he “dies”, sinking into the volcano, deteriorating in the heat, showing how time is inescapable. there’s some karmic energy going on here, as Clockwerk cheated the Coopers of a normal death and in turn got served, showing that even if you find a way to stay alive it ultimately won’t work. i also want to touch on motifs, and the motif of technology is a nice one. it doesn’t only showcase Clockwerk’s genius, but it also allows for Bentley to go head-to-head with the owl. there’s something truly cyber about Cold Heart of Hate, but not in the traditional sense. like, the collapsing computer screens during Burning Rubber feel absurdly surreal, pushing the cyber-ness to its limits. i don’t even know anymore, i’m tired.
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What I Like: hmmm... i like traversing Clockwerk’s lab. i love Sinking Peril. i love that the end cutscene gifted humanity with those Japanese Barbie Girl rainbow videos. there’s no room for likes and dislikes here, but favourite detail would definitely have to be Clockwerk’s health-bar animations during the bossfight, slowly turning from owl to computer brain thing. very reminiscent of a purple yak toy in a Cartoon Network show which i’m dying trying to remember. if anyone knows what i’m going on about lmk please.
What I Don’t Like: the lack of a hub to explore kinda irks me but i won’t say i don’t like it because i understand why they didn’t include one. instead, this spot goes to Murray’s driving and Bentley’s hacking. thematics aside, i literally do not want to replay Cold Heart of Hate because of the Murray section with the slime monsters. the controls continue to be clunky, the slime monsters are annoying and look like they have raisins for eyes. Bentley’s hacking isn’t as annoying, but it’s definitely frustrating. it’s a far cry from Sly 2 and 3′s hacking parts... yea.........
Quote: Perfection has no age...
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vancilocs · 5 years ago
In thirds, cain and mercer, max and roo, and krea and trias?
1. What is their relationship to each other?
Together, married, soulmates, whatnot
2. How did they first encounter each other? What did they first think about each other? 
Mercer was trying to kill Cain and almost got killed himself, Cain went to check what the fuck happened and found a guy with no arm bleeding out and dragged him to a safe place + healed him against his better judgement. Mercer basically thought Cain was a dangerous bloodthirsty mage and Cain was both scared and annoyed at a hunter finding him, not to mention the hunter looking quite a bit like the one who shot his ear off when he was 14
3. What is their relationship like now? 
Living together in the forest, learning magic, appreciating nature, appreciating each other, very much in love
4. What will their relationship be like in the future? 
Together until the end of the line, no breaking the bond they have built
5. What traits does each person find endearing in the other? 
Cain is calm and level-headed and has a much subtler way of showing affection, so he’s a very grounding influence on Mercer which he can appreciate. Cain realized through Mercer how nice it is to be openly and unashamedly loved and how good it is to share everything nice in your life. Both are also very passionate about their interests and good listeners, eager to learn and support
6. Which traits does each person find annoying in the other? 
Mercer can be loud, brash, lose focus (makes things like meditating hard), he’s needier than Cain attention-wise so sometimes Cain just gotta ask to be left alone for a moment (Mercer doesn’t mind that at all, he gets it). For Mercer, Cain is a slower teacher who takes his time introducing Mercer to magic and its aspects, so Mercer can get frustrated bc he wants to learn how to make lightning already
7. How often do they see each other? How often do they talk to each other?
They see each other pretty much every day, if not the whole day then at the very least they spend the night together most of the time. Rarely the other goes on a longer trip and might be away overnight or a couple of nights, but still sends birds to the lover to reassure everything’s okay
8. Could they live together easily? Why/why not? 
Not in a city but both really enjoy their nomadic lifestyle and each other’s company so the way they have is good for them
9. How much physical contact would these characters have with each other? 
Oh a lot. And with Mercer’s wooden arm he gets to finally give Cain some good hugs, hold his hand more and even do his hair if he allows. Mercer is more touchy-feely and Cain doesn’t mind it most of the time. Also cuddled up is the best way to sleep
10. What would they get for each other as birthday gifts? 
They don’t really give gifts, especially when living together. Earlier Mercer would always bring sweets from the city when he went to the forest to see Cain but now they probably don’t even celebrate birthdays.
11. What hobbies do they share, if any?
Music (Cameron plays, Max appreciates), maybe makeup? Max will contour Cameron and give him a bit of a 5′o’clock shade before he goes on HRT. Also videogames probably though Max is less of a gamer
12. Do either of them have any hobbies or interests which annoy the other?
No, Max is a huge supporter of the band and Cameron her first makeup channel subscriber
13. Do any of their beliefs (religious, moral, or otherwise) differ? Do they conflict strongly? 
Nah? I doubt either is super religious or anything. They agree on things and don’t do things that piss the other one off
14. Who is the better cook? Who is better at general household tasks? 
Max is a great cook and is happy to make dinner for Cameron too, also probably somewhat neater than Gamer Bro McChickenNugget over here
15. Which of them is more adventurous? Is the other adventurous enough to go along with them? 
Cameron is rowdier and took Max along during high school days, nowadays she doesn’t have much time but supports him wholeheartedly
16. Would they go on holiday together, and where would they go? 
Probably have gone before, city holidays and/or beaches especially after top surgery are great
17. When one is feeling down, how does the other respond?
Ask about it, offer to bring snacks, offer a shoulder to lean on, offer advice if they have some or solutions, just be there and present and ready to help if asked
18. If one was in a difficult life situation, what would the other do for them? 
Anything really, they’d let the other live with them, borrow money if needed, borrow clothes or makeup or whatever, mi casa es su casa
19. Has one ever had to stop the other from making a very foolish decision? And did the other listen to them? 
When Nevan came crawling back Max told her no of her own volition but Cameron would also have told her to tell Nev to fuck right off. But Max didn’t listen to him before when it came to that woman
20. Has one ever strongly encouraged the other to make a big decision? Did they go through with it? 
Cameron always told Max to dump Nevan (and she did a couple of times but in the end it was Nev who ended that farce). Max told Cameron to be straightforward with his feelings towards Jules bc she could see how much it was dragging him down after years of pining
21. How would one feel about the other being in love (with them or with someone else)?
Krea is aromantic and doesn’t date, but he does love Shae with all he has in his own way, so idk how Trias feels about that. Krea doesn’t really care about Trias’s love life, but wishes she finds happiness and stability in her own life. Just please not with Shyn she’s so annoying. He wouldn’t want Trias to be in love with himself either.
22. Are there any other people who are a part of both their lives, e.g. friends or family members they share? 
Both associate with Remy, Krea is definitely not his friend though. He tangentially associates with Shyn too by letting her kill evildoers. Qizare is a friend of them both, Vastravia loves Krea and... Trias not so much. Tolerates her if anything. Vosgi doesn’t like her, Jun is neutralish, a bit negative. Shae likes Trias more than you’d think but is also careful about getting too close.
23. How does each person feel about the other person’s family members and close friends? Do they get along with them? 
Krea doesn’t like any of Trias’s friends except for Kiki.
24. Do either of them get jealous over relationships the other one has with friends/family/romantic partners/other people? 
Krea doesn’t, Trias might. Krea has his handful (three) of lovers past and present and does show PDA with them so if Trias is annoyed by that then tough shit lmao (also he has loving familial relationships with Kiki and Vastravia and speaks highly of his parents which Trias lacks so that might make her jealous)
25. Is either person jealous of the other’s wealth or possessions? 
Nah. Neither flaunts it. Krea’s most precious possession is his rifle, he’ll give Trias his old cloak himself
26. If the pair of them had to look after a young child or pet, what would happen? 
Krea is suspiciously good at looking after children and being a dad, wouldn’t let Trias touch it though
27. How far would each go to protect the other? 
Very far, neither is shy about going to the extreme if the other is in serious danger. Trias went mano a mano with Athena of all people to keep her off Krea and later skulked around his hospital room and caught Lyla red-handed so
28. Is there anyone else that each person would protect over the other, if they had to make a choice? 
If anything then Krea deciding to protect someone he deems weaker, because he knows Trias is more than capable of looking after herself. Would trust her to understand this
29. If one died, how would the other respond? What would happen to them afterwards? 
Krea would have lost a friend and he’d be sad, angry, seek justice as he would for anyone else. He did die for a moment, and Trias would have lost a big inhibitor if he had stayed dead
30. How far would each person follow the other? Would they trust them enough to commit crime because the other asked them to?
Krea won’t commit crimes on her behalf, in fact he kinda tries to keep people from doing crimes. There is not much he would do for her without wanting to know every single detail of the plan.
31. If one wronged the other badly, would the other forgive them easily? 
I don’t think either would forgive easily if it was something that genuinely hurt the other and broke the trust. They’re close, but some things they want to keep secret and make it clear they want to keep secret so digging into those would be bad. It’d take a while to get the trust back.
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sweets-fanfics · 5 years ago
Homecoming 15
 Title: No promises
Wordcount: 3085
warnings: not really anything
Tags: @rollyjogerjones @nokuchishika
Things were clearly awkward the next day. Arthur was in full protective mode which honestly you didn’t have trouble with. When you tried to get up in the morning he wouldn’t let you get up for another hour. He would hold you closely saying tiny things that would make you laugh. Finally, you were able to away and begin your day. But, as you walked around camp you started to wish you’d stayed in bed.
Everyone either looked at you with sympathy or, in Micah’s case, annoyance. You tried to ignore it as you poured your morning coffee. Bear excitedly hopped around your legs as he waited for you to be able to hug. Eventually, however, he had enough and jumped upon you to give you his own hug. You giggled and patted his head while trying to get him down, “Yes good morning to you as well.” 
You were able to get entire full two seconds of bliss after your first sip until it was interrupted. 
“Y/N!” Josiah calls from behind you. “Would you like to help me with a job?” 
You look at him a bit confused, “You do jobs?” You had thought you’d said it in your mind.
Josiah pretends to laugh it off as if it didn’t hurt, “oh you little jokester. Of course! However, it was your father who asked me to ask you.” You roll your eyes and take another sip of your coffee. “Apparently a mister Bronte invited some of you to a party. He wants you to help me dress Arthur up.”
You can feel yourself smile at the image of Arthur dressed in a tux. “Arthur doesn’t seem to like dressing up very much.” 
“Which is why we are asking you to help change his mind.” 
You think about it for a moment, “Do I have to attend?” You ask.
“No one had said anything…” He says unsure.
“I’ll help if you can promise me I don’t have to go.” You smirk.
Josiah sighs as if giving up. “Fine… You have my word.” 
You smile sweetly, “Great! I’ll go see if he’s up.” 
You walk up to the front door as Bear ran off to chase Cain. You reached for the handle only to have it swing open making you jump back.
“Oh, my dear I’m sorry I didn’t think anyone would be there,” Dutch says looking guilty.
“Oh, it’s okay…” There’s a long awkward silence between the two of you. “I uh… told Uncle Josiah that I’d help Arthur get ready for your party tonight.”
“Thank you. Lord knows he probably needs a fairy godmother or something..” You smile at his comment.
“Well, I better get goin’,” You awkwardly step around him. 
“Will you go with us tonight?” Dutch asks as you walk away.
You stop for a moment and look at him, “No, I’m not a fan of the Bronte’s… or gettin’ into more mess. So I’m sittin’ this one out.”
You wanted him to realize that you were still serious about laying low. He looked a bit hurt that you didn’t want to go around being an outlaw so openly. “Well, if that’s what would make you happy.”
You nodded before making your escape upstairs and into the bedroom. Arthur jumped a bit when you hurried in and shut the door. 
“You never are really running around in the morning…” He smirked. 
You rolled your eyes and figured you’d tease him, “I’m excited because I have been asked to dress you up from Bronte’s party.”
Arthur was not sharing your forced excitement. “Wait I gotta go?”
“Mr. Morgan you are the muscle of this gang, and my father loves you more than me.  So, of course, you have to go.” 
Arthur wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you to his chest. “Now, you know that ain’t true. Dutch loves you.” He kissed your temple softly. 
“I guess… he just isn’t what Henry and I ever thought he’d be.”
You turn so you are facing him and you are able to wrap your arms around his waist. “I guess I should go ask around if anyone has a tux that may fit you…” You sigh not wanting to let go.
“Or… you could stay here and we could…” He trailed off as you began to give a soft giggle. Arthur gently pulled your face up to his and went in for a kiss as a knock came at the door and it opened before you or Arthur could answer.
Dutch cleared his throat awkwardly as you and Arthur froze. “Uh… Sorry to interrupt. Hosea wanted to know if you had convinced Arthur to go.”
You sigh as Arthur hides a laugh with a cough and pulled away fro you, “Yes. He was just about to come down so I could find a tux.” 
Dutch tosses a folded up tux on the counter next to all the ammo. “Hosea also asked me to give you this and said, ‘he may need some help putting it on right.’”
You shake your head and start to push your father out, “Okay, no insulting my husband while in our room.” You say not realizing what you called him until you shut the door and lean against it. Arthur’s shocked face gives it away. “What?” You ask confused.
Then you heard an echo from the hall, “What!” Dutch boomed making you jump. 
You cover your mouth and look back and forth between Arthur and the door. “Oh fuck. What did I do?” 
Arthur shrugs and tries to comfort you, “I mean… Wouldn’t he had found out eventually?”
You run your hands through your hair, “You think he’s gonna try to ground me?” You could feel Dutch trying to open the door again. “Nope, I won’t let you in if you are going to shout.”
The shaking of the door handle stopped allowing you to peak. “I… I just want to confirm what you said.”
“I said Arthur will be down soon…” You try to go back to the previous conversation.
“No no, after that.” He sighed. 
You peaked back at Arthur who looked like he wanted to know how you’d answer, “I… I called him my husband.” You say softly hoping your father didn’t hear.
“And why, my dear, are you calling him that?” Dutch’s arms were crossed, you were about to get parented.
“Because… we… may have eloped a few days ago. And I wasn’t going to tell anyone yet, but I have a big mouth and it slipped.” You answered a bit to fast.
Dutch didn’t explode like you thought he would, he also didn’t say anything. He just looked back and forth between the two of you with his arms still crossed. 
“Listen, Dutch if…” Arthur started when he felt the tension but Dutch raised a hand and cut him off.
“No. You are both adults. Am I hurt you didn’t tell me. Hell yes. And I’d be lying if I didn’t say I wished Y/N would have picked someone who wasn’t wanted in three different states, but you are your mother’s daughter so I kinda expected you’d fall for one.” He sighed, “Well even though it’s too late, you both have my blessing, for now.” 
You began to ask about the ‘for now’ part when he talked again, “Arthur. Get dressed and let’s go.” Dutch says as he shuts the door leaving you and Arthur alone.
You felt yourself relax realizing you had been tense that whole conversation. You look at Arthur as you both began to smile. “He said he gives you his blessing Mr. Morgan.” You tease.
“I believe I heard that as well, Mrs. Morgan.” He walked up and took your cheeks in his hands as he kissed you deeply. You put your hands around his waist to make sure he can’t pull away just yet. His kiss felt hungrier as if a part of him had been holding back. But now with an official okay all bets were off and you were officially only his. 
His hands slowly began to unbutton your top slowly as you both could hear Dutch downstairs. 
“Today, Mr. Morgan!” 
You groan a bit as Arthur chuckles and pulls back. “After the party, okay?” He tries to step out of your arms but you hang on to him a bit longer. He kisses every inch of your face before you are distracted enough for him to slip free. “Help me get dressed please.”
You roll your eyes, “Fine. But I also get to be the one to take it all off after, okay?” You catch his face get red at your boldness but hey, he didn’t say no.
“Alright, but then you gotta go.” He said slyly making your smile drop.
“What?” You pout.
“I know you have a fancy ball gown.” He states.
“I doubt that thing fits me anymore. I haven’t worn it in at least two years.” You put your hands on your hips confidentially. The dress was your’s when you had to do concerts while in college. It was a navy blue satin ball gown with a lace bodice and ruffles on the ends. There were two strings of lace attached to the neckline that you could cross and tie behind your neck. It was a beautiful gown but you didn’t have a hoop skirt for it, mainly because you hated them. And if you were being perfectly honest you didn’t even know why you had kept it. The chest it lives in was one of the only things that hadn’t burned to the ground with your home, so maybe it was just because it survived. 
You gave Arthur a long hard look as he gave you the most beautiful puppy dog eyes you had ever seen. “No way cowboy.” 
You stomped out of the house in your gown towards the carriage as Arthur, in a tux that really made him look good, exited the house behind you look smug as hell.
Bear danced around you as you stomped towards Dutch and Hosea waiting by the carriage. “Bear, I’ll be back. Watch the camp okay?” Bear barked as if he knew exactly what you said.
“Oh, the princess has decided to join us.” Hosea smiles as you huff and get into the carriage. 
“She’s not happy I talked her into it,” Arthur says proudly.
Dutch and Hosea chuckle as they get in after you. Once they were all in you glanced around, “I thought Bill was comin’?” 
“He’s out looking at a lead and didn’t make it back in time,” Dutch said as the carriage door opened again and Henry slid in and smiled at everyone.
“Are you wearing you’re uniform?” You ask looking at his university uniform.
“Shut up, it was last minute.” He said pulling at his sleeve. “Is that your performance gown?”
“Touche,” You sighed. 
You began to fight with one of the ruffles on your dress when Arthur grabbed your hand. “Calm down, you look beautiful.” The comment made your face turn red.
“He’s right,” Hosea agreed, “She may be too beautiful and we won’t blend in.” You laugh at his comment as dutch begins to pour glasses of champaign as Lenny drives the coach forward.
“Everyone, I want you all to be on your best behavior tonight.” He hands you all a glass but since you don’t really drink to begin with, you just held it. And poured it into Henry’s glass when Dutch and Hosea were busy talking. Henry rolled his eyes and sipped it.
“This should be a great place for pickings.” Hosea smiled.
“Nope, no pickpocketing tonight. We are here for information.” Hosea looked a bit disappointed at Dutch’s rule but didn’t complain. “Twins especially.” You and Henry looked at him confused. “I want you two to get a feel for how we do things. Maybe eventually you can go do jobs on your own.”
Henry eyed you looking a bit uncomfortable. “Uh… we’ll do our best?” You say unsure.
“That’s all I can ask.” He says as the coach stops. 
Henry hops out first and then holds his hand for you to get out. You notice how people stop and stare at what you think is your whole group but when Arthur steps out he can tell right away everyone is staring at you. He softly takes your hand and puts your arm around his. You give him a warm smile still oblivious to all the eyes of men staring at you. 
“I’m kinda nervous,” You admit to him softly.
“Ah, well you’ll be okay. Just stay near me.” 
The five of you walk up to the gates and Dutch hands the man his invitation.
“Ah, yes. Signor Bronte has been expecting you.” The man says allowing you all in. “Oh, but no weapons.”
The men all give their pistols to another butler leaving you last. When the man eyes you, you shrug innocently, “My father won’t let me even touch a gun.” You lie.
The lie works and the man lets you through, unknowing of the gun belt under your dress.
Arthur smirks at you since he knows you have your pistol but doesn’t say anything as you walk into the big house. It’s extremely fancy and almost reminds you of the boarding school you and Henry had grown up in.
“Hosea how about you and Arthur go enjoy the party. The twins and I will go pay our respects to Mr. Bronte.” Dutch suggests.
You give Arthur a worried look not really wanting to see Bronte again. “How about I go up with ya Dutch?” Arthur asks.
“No no, I don’t want to miss an opportunity to show off my pride and joy,” Dutch says proudly as he pulls you and Henry towards the stairs.
 “Well, whose pride and whose joy?” Henry asks trying to calm your nerves.
“Clearly I’m the pride.” You throw back at him jokingly.
“See?” Dutch points out, “They’ll be fine. I’ll make sure Y/N stays between me and Henry.” Dutch waves Arthur off, “Your wife will be fine.”
You catch Hosea’s head snap towards Arthur confused as you three and the servant, you don’t know his name, head upstairs.
“Ah, my dirty cowboy friends! And you bring the cowboy’s bride!” He stands and shakes your father’s hand before shaking Henry’s.
“Signor Bronte, it’s good to see you. You remember my daughter Y/N and this is her twin brother Henry.” You smile at Bronte but stay behind Henry.
“Oh! Two children? I would have killed them years ago! You must be a very strong man.” You and Henry look over the Balcony at the party below as Bronte insults you all even more and talks to your father.
The party looked so classy. You felt maybe you should have done more than just braid your hair as you look at all the women with their fancy up-do hairstyles. Henry bumps your shoulder a bit, “Isn’t that the author guy Father always reads?” 
You look and see a man standing to who you heard Bronte say is the mayor. “Evelyn Miller… Better make sure he doesn’t see him or we’ll never go home.”
“My, you look radiant tonight Y/N.” A rather annoying voice said behind you. Both you and Henry turn to look at Luca. His wife was on his arm but he unashamedly gave you heart eyes and couldn’t keep his eyes away. “I didn’t know you would be here tonight or else I would have left my wife at home.”
Henry and you share a look before looking back at him. “Maybe you shouldn’t be an asshole in front of your wife.” You say kindly.
“Oh, she knows her place.” He lets go of her arm and shoo’s her away. “This must be your brother you always spoke about.” He said extending his hand to Henry.
“Ah, this is the man who played you right?” Henry said to you, ignoring Luca. 
“Yes, that’s him.” You answer. 
Henry turns to Luca and gives him a scary look, “My father and I promised her husband we would keep her safe, so maybe you should go away.”
Luca scoffs, “Oh my, Y/N your brother must really love you to threaten the son of a mob boss.”
“I can threaten you as well.” You say to him. 
You feel your father place a hand on your shoulder, “Dear daughter, let’s mind our manner.”
Bronte laughs, “Ah, young love.” He mumbles something in Italian to Luca. “Mr. Van Der Linde, let me know if you need any more information about the trolly’s but keep me out of it.”
“Thank you, Signor Bronte. I should return my daughter to her husband before he starts to worry.” The men shake hands again before Dutch ushers you and Henry to the stairs.
“I’ll see you again,” Luca says softly as you pass him. You stop for a moment and give him a disgusted look. You didn’t think Luca realized you would kill him if you had to.
“Ah, you poor Americans probably wish it was still the good old days where you could kill anyone and fuck cows.” Bronte and all his Italian friends laugh.
You look at Dutch who looks extremely pissed. But he puts on a fake smile and mumbles, “Yeah, just like the good old days.” 
As soon as you saw Arthur you moved next to him and took his hand. He smiles down at you, “Well how was it?”
“Luca is here…” You rolled your eyes.
“The boy sure does love showin’ up huh?”
“I mean it is his father’s party” You sigh.
“Arthur,” Dutch calls, “I want you to try to get close to the mayor over there. Y/N I need you to push whatever drama you have with Bronte’s son aside and stay in his good graces.”
You, Arthur and Henry all look at Dutch, “Father, Luca Bronte is too dangerous to be around Y/N.” Henry warns. “He was looking at her up there like a piece of meat.”
“We can’t afford to piss off Bronte.”
“And I refuse to let my wife do something that she don’t want to,” Arthur says crossing his arms.
“I’ll do it.” You say throwing Arthur and Henry off. “If he acts up I’ll kill him.” You say to Dutch.
“No killing.” He warns.
“No promises.” You reply and head over to Luca who was eyeing you after he came downstairs.
22 notes · View notes
stereksecretsanta · 5 years ago
Merry Christmas, @PrincessaBitchessa!
Hello hello! I got a bunch of the things you asked for and, like my previous two works, this is completely stupid fluffy goodness and I hope it'll put a smile on your face! Merry Christmas!
Read on AO3
The money lasted longer than he thought it would, but not long enough to get out of the dog house of all the debt from medical bills and the mortgage. Stiles didn’t know what to do, how to find himself out of the zeroes and commas and the red ink on the envelopes, until he remembered the letter inside the safe his father set aside before he was killed. He pulled it out from where he’d locked t away, wanting nothing to remind him of what took the better part of two years to even partially come to terms with.
The blue-lined paper still had the frayed edges from where it was torn from a notebook, and the penmanship was as dicey as his father’s ever was.
Stiles I’m so sorry you have to read this letter. But since you are, let me say that whatever happened to me was not your fault. It wasn’t, Stiles, and if you’re blaming yourself I’m going to haunt your scrawny little ass. Don’t. There’s more that I want to say than I can ever put into paper, but this is held securely in the safe specifically because this information is extremely confidential.
If you’re ever in trouble, if you need money, protection, a job, anything, you give the following number a call, and ask for whatever Hale is in charge. You tell them you’re John and Claudia Stilinski’s son. They’ll take care of you. Whatever you find out about me, about what I did and what I accepted, know that it was to protect the town. From what it didn’t want to know about. They owe me a debt, one that I saved for you.
Love you, kid
Stiles’ bony fingers trembled slightly as he held the paper, mulling over the words as if this was the first time he’d read them. In truth, it was the first time he ever was really taking in the meaning. While he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know what exactly whatever you find out about me, about what I did meant, he would maybe check this out before selling foot pics.
Phone in hand, he tapped a pen on his knee, waiting for someone to pick up. Pick up pick up pick up pick u- THANK YOU.
“You’ve reached Beacon Hills Wildlife Preserve Management, how may I help you?” Secretaries all had this extremely creepy customer service voice that was robotic. Every one of them had the same voice.
What in the flying technicolor fuck was the Beacon Hills Wildlife Preserve number doing in this bizarrely ominous letter? This couldn’t be real. “Uh, could I talk to whoever’s in charge?” He sounded so lame. He could hear himself sounding so incredibly lame.
“May I ask for the purpose of your call so I can route you to the correct person?” The woman’s voice indicated that she could hear his lameness.
“Uh, I got bills I need to pay and I need help, I was told to call the number.”
“I’m sorry, we have no open positions at this ti-“
“Wait, wait wait, can I speak to the, uh, Hale in charge?” He remembered there was a name in the letter, maybe the name would help.
“Transferring your call now.” The voice cut directly to a hold tone. Well, that got him instant results.
The pen tapping his knee increased in speed as he waiting for someone to pick up the phone.
“This is completely insane.” Talia Hale rubbed her temples, a headache coming on. The fae wanted to move their court to the Preserve, even though that would not only effectively shut down anyone else trying to use the land. Some true galaxy-brain level genius released no less than five wolpertingers into the forest and now every one of her soldiers was out hunting goddamn flying jackalopes. And now, this.
“We have to do something, though.” Laura stood in the middle of the room, arms folded. “They won’t just stop here. Jerry’s bloodthirsty, and he wants a werewolf with an apple in his mouth on his Christmas dinner table.”
“Not it.” Peter said, because it was the most inappropriate thing that he could possibly say. He felt the eyes of the ladies staring at him, and decided not to acknowledge it. “Would you prefer nose game?”
“Thank you for your contribution.” Unhelpful ass. Talia stood, looking at the map of the preserve on the center table in the room. The lines marked out territories, the fenced off areas for endangered species, paranormally important spots, the Nemeton of course, everything of relevance. And right on their eastern border was a brand new Argent Armory establishment. How they got clearance for that when California had some very impressive gun laws was beyond her. The local lines had been redrawn and somehow those French-blooded fucks had gotten the ordinances to allow a firing range. Which would allow them to have a massive store house of guns and ammunition right there, so they could plan to clean house.
“Can we claim it’ll disturb the birds?” Laura offered. “It must, right?”
“Maybe. But you know the people love their guns. And don’t care about birds.” The phone started ringing across the room. “I’m more worried one of em will gun down a wolpertinger and then I’ll have way too many questions to answer.” The door opened brusquely and a young man strode in, looking cross as ever, throwing the body of a rabbit-quail-deer looking thing on Talia’s desk. “Number three.” He was slightly out of breath, looking at the body like it had personally called him a bitch. “And maybe they won’t shoot wolpertingers, but someone definitely did fucking shoot me.” He yanked off his coat and, yep, that was a bullet wound on his shoulder.
Laura poked it, just to hear him yell at her. Cain instinct.
“Stop it.” Talia gently smacked Laura’s hand. “You see who did it?”
“Y’even need to ask?” He snapped. He watched Gerard Argent smile and wave just a little from his property line, walking back as calm as he pleased at the edge of the woods. The bullet wasn’t wolfsbane, but in a way that was even worse. A wolfsbane bullet would at least do something. It would kill him, yeah, but it was a purpose that had a ‘reasonable’ point. The point of this mundane bullet was just to piss him off. And it was working.
“Will someone answer that phone?” Talia asked, fussing over her wounded boy.
Stiles sat in the office of the BHWPM headquarters, with a cup of coffee in his hands. The woman in front of him had introduced herself as Talia Hale, and given that two of the children in the room had the same severe cheekbones, dark hair, and piercing stare like they could see right into his bone marrow, he was fairly certain they were her children. They were attractive in the exact way that terrified him, which was probably not a good thing, because that was definitely his type. “Your father has done a great deal for us over the years, we are happy to help you now in payment for the help he gave you. Is it money you need?” Talia asked, looking over the young man. While not unkempt, there was something in the rakish hair and the unpressed shirt that said he might not be doing so well.
“A job would probably be better, I’ve been trying to get further in the FBI, but-“ He shrugged, not keen to detail his psychiatric history to people he didn’t know. “That’d be more of a help than a one-time get-outta-debt free card.”
“The FBI?” Talia asked, looking at him with new eyes. “Do you know what your father did with us, exactly?”
Stiles was entirely clueless. “I’m....guessing he helped clear drunk hooligans outta the preserve?” Stiles was definitely not the drunk hooligans ever, shut up. “Nah, I’m guessing he helped you hide bodies, smuggle people, and/or doctored police records for Scary One and Scary Two over there, and instead of taking bribes he took it on future favors.” The vibe in this room was way too Corleone for it to not be some undercover operation.
While the woman’s expression didn’t shift even at the comment to her own children, something in her eyes imperceptibly altered. Something a bit like amusement, or interest. “Would you want a job with someone who would do those kinds of things?”
“If my dad thought it was a good thing to do, it must have been for damn good reasons. I’m willing to find out.
“Derek, why don’t you take Stiles to get a proper suit. If he’s running with us, we need him looking the part.” Talia said with a smile. “And get him a proper gun.”
Scary Two: Tall Dark And Terrifying stepped forward and walked Stiles out the door without a word. He could work with that, and hey, any excuse to ogle the boss’ kid, right?
And Stiles thought those little fuckin wolpertingers were bad.
This was, in fact, infinitely worse.
He sat next to Derek in their little foxhole, only yards away from the Argent stronghold. Apparently Cora, the last piece of the Hale puzzle, and the so-described baby of the family, was inside. Who the fuck steals a baby, Stiles thought. And every one of them was ready to go utterly feral to get it.
Feral being both the operative word and unsettlingly accurate, as it turns out, with his boss lady on all fours and snarling at the people lobbing smoke grenades at them. Derek had his fangs out and everything, but luckily said nothing about how clearly Stiles wanted to climb him like a slightly more angular pine.
Because werewolves. Of course werewolves. Why wouldn’t there be werewolves.
Stiles popped out of the foxhole and nailed one of the Argent soldiers directly in his face, giving a startle to the others behind the line and giving an opportunity.
Stiles didn’t run out first, everyone else could go first and get shot at, he didn’t really want to catch any of them. Instead, he snuck out and around the melee, getting his gangly ass right into their stronghold as Talia was probably ripping someone’s throat out. Ew.
Inside was warm, and a little off-beat. “Hey, Cora?! Where you at!” He hissed, gun drawn in case someone stayed behind. He snuck around, looking for where the baby would be. Make a sound kiddo, come on, something, Uncle Stiles didn’t have a super-sniffer equipped.
After poking around what felt like a century, he finally heard the whine of an itty bitty kid, and lo there the child was, adorable as a button. “Aw, heya kiddo, c’mere.” He picked up the child, humming a little to try and keep them calm as he now had the great joy of having to get out of there. With the kid. He walked the whole back-asswards way around to stay far enough away from gunshots and yelling, because if that baby started crying, both of their asses would be dead! And the werewolves could smell his and Cora’s cocktail of gross or whatever, they could track him down anyway and it would be fine! Cora was fine, he was fine, everything was Gucci.
Back at the headquarters, he started looking around for anything that would help the child, blankets or diapers or at least something. But there wasn’t even a car-seat or anything. Where were they keeping the kid if the whole family was there the whole damn time? Stiles sat in one of the office chairs, baby sleeping soundly on his chest, as he waited for the family to get back.
There was no calm awakening for either, as a foot blasted through the door of the wildlife preserve office, splintering it instead of opening it. The sound of the voice cursing was definitely Derek, and he busted it down properly, a slight girl’s arm over his shoulder and a quart or so of blood apiece on everyone.
“Stiles, where the fuck did you go, we-“ Derek halted his scolding when he looked at him.
“Shhhhh, you’ll wake Cora up!” Stiles hissed.
Derek blinked those stupid pretty eyes as he looked truly lost for words. “Stiles.”
“Where did you get a baby?”
“Whaddaya mean? In the stronghold, where you all said-“
“This is Cora.” He said, pointing to the unconscious woman he dragged in.
Oh. Baby of the family meant. Youngest sibling not. Actual infant. Huh.
So then who exactly was he holding???
“Who the fuck steals a baby?” Peter asked,  pointing at the kidnapper.
Stiles looked at the child like it had turned into a 30 megaton nuke.
Talia sighed. “Stiles.”
“....Laura, go get some formula and diapers. I’ll....ask around about the baby.”
Stiles didn’t get into the family business to actually start a family. This was not his intention in the slightest. But here he was, singing a very off-key Jurassic Park theme song he composed himself to a tiny baby girl he decided to call Izzy, after his suggestions of Katie, Smelborp, Stormageddon, Cirilla, and Dreamsmasher were all shot down.
Derek walked in, and stood next to Stiles, hands out, offering to take the kiddo. Derek shouldn’t be allowed to dress down ever in Stiles’ presence, because the thin tee and the sweatpants were doing far too many good things for him. Too much was on display.
“No. Mine. Go kidnap your own.”
Derek exhaled, which was as close as Stiles ever got to a laugh from him. “C’mon, you’re dead on your feet, you adrenaline crashed hours ago, and the kid’s not falling asleep anytime soon. Give her over, alright?”
“I get it, I get it, you like the kid. But what happens when you get attached and we have to hand the kid back over?” Derek folded his arms, and it....hhough he shouldn’t be allowed to fold his arms either, what were those arms even??? It wasn’t fair. Stupid werewolf whatever magic bullshit.
“Give her back?” Stiles asked, offended by the suggestion. No, they were not giving Isabel back, no no no, not happening.
“Yes, give her back. Do you think you can just keep her here forever? The Argents might burn the whole preserve down if this is one of their daughters. You don’t have a birth certificate for her, even.”
“Shhhhhh stop saying sense words.”
Derek slipped his arms in and yoinked the baby before Stiles could react, but as soon as the baby was nestled against him, Stiles didn’t have the heart. Derek looked hot as hell all the time, but that, with the light from the lamp bouncing off of his face, and even a smile? He was beautiful. “There, was that so hard?”
“Yes. Give her back.” But Stiles wasn’t trying to take her back, he knew in a battle of strength he wasn’t going to win that. Unless it was strength of will, that he could go toe-to-toe with any of them. Stiles sat in one of the chairs, ready for a long night ahead of him, watching Derek pace softly in socked feet around the room.
With Izzy settled in a makeshift crib, Derek sat in another chair, rubbing his eyes that were still dusted with gunpowder and smoke from the fight. Cora was up and running again, talking things over with Talia and Laura, his job was to watch the baby. And Stiles, though they came as a joint package.
Stiles fiddled with a fraying end of the chair. Ever since he joined the family months ago, he didn’t ask any of the specifics of what his father did, but he was curious. “You know what my dad did, exactly, to get this kind of treatment for me?”
Derek looked up. “You sure you want to know?”
“Yes.” Stiles had stolen a baby he wasn’t exactly king of the moral high ground that day.
Derek sighed, thin mouth pressed so tight it was almost one dimensional. But something in his mind must have won out, that Stiles deserved to know, so he told. About how he was fifteen, with a girlfriend, and given some frankly terrible advice from Peter, that ended up getting her in a bad way, and Derek had to snap her neck. It was a mercy kill, but that was a dead girl’s body, and any whiff of that reaching the public would ruin Derek’s life forever.
Talia and Claudia had been friends for years, so when Talia asked for John to come to the preserve, no lights no sirens, for a favor, she made a leap of faith that John wouldn’t betray her family. But he didn’t. John fixed the autopsy results to show she was hit by a car, fixed everything up so she was mourned by her family in the normal way for a tragic death, and no one was the wiser that Derek had killed her.
Stiles was silent for a long time after that. Derek thought he’d fallen asleep, but finally Stiles spoke. “He did the right thing. He warned me, you know, that he did and accepted some things I might not like. But that’s....that’s not what happened.” They looked at each other for a moment, the quiet intimacy of secrets laid bare broken by the sound of a stirring baby.
“Aw c’mon Izzy, please just sleeeeep.....be a good lil Mafia princess for me, huh?” Stiles begged, getting up.
“We’re not the Mafia!” Derek objected.
“You wear suits, you talk about the family business, you run a front organization to alter cashflow, just cause you’re wolves doesn’t make you not-Mafia.”
“She’s a spark.” Talia announced to the collected family, Izzy playing with the square in Derek’s suit pocket.
“Shiiiiit, where’d they get one of those?” Peter asked, side-eyeing the little one. Someone snapped at him about his language choices, but it didn’t matter, as he would continue to do what he wanted. Stiles didn’t care for Peter too much in general, but after hearing what happened with Derek and Paige, he was not exactly feeling it.
“Explanation for the newbie?” Stiles asked with a raised hand.
“Spark, you know, magical talent. Some channel it into Druidism, some channel it in other magical schools of thought, that kind of thing. They become our emissaries, or...if the Argents raise one up from the ground, a devastating weapon.” Laura explained, looking at Isabel with a look more concerned and less suspicious.
“Oh, you mean like this?” Stiles snapped both sets of fingers, and a shot of electricity arced from one thumb to the other.
Every wolf in the room stared at him in utter silence for a solid ten seconds of uncomfortable quiet.
“Stiles.” Derek ventured the conversation.
“Why didn’t you tell us you could do that.”
“Didn’t ask.”
“Are you always this- never mind I know you are.” Derek shook his head.
Stiles grinned at being so well known, but the conversation was too serious for many jokes. “We’re not giving the her back to those unhinged fu- people, are we? She’s like me. Mine.”
“Well. That depends. If she was born to one of them, they are their child.” Talia wouldn’t like that if it were the case. “But, the fact that the police haven’t knocked on our door tells me that either they think we’ll kill the kid if they do, or they have no better right to her than anyone else. I think it’s the latter. However, they’ll bring their whole force against us to get her back. If we had John-”
Stiles froze at the mention of his father’s name, but said nothing more.
“If we had John, we would definitely be able to sort her paperwork out. But we don’t. We need to find a new contact in the police that can arrange us those papers. Until we get that, Derek and Stiles, I want you both to take her into the vault with everything you need to last a week with her. You’ll be safe there. Any questions?”
Stiles raised his hand again. “Is there wi-fi in the vault?”
There was no wi-fi in the vault.
There was also no cell service either, which meant no Netflix, which meant no video games, no Youtube, nothing to amuse him. And it was only two days in. He had nothing. Except for, of course, annoying Derek. At least Derek was very generous in this.
“Twenty questions.”
“I’m thinking of....a noun.”
By four days, Stiles had run out of annoyances and had drifted into just mindlessly babbling at Izzy, while Derek’s forehead wrinkles got worse and worse with every minute that his brain cells slipped away.
On the sixth day, Derek finally decided to play ball. Either Stiles had worn him down enough, or maybe the two bottles of whiskey were going to help him cope.
“Truth or dare?” Stiles offered, smile with as he took the offered booze.
“Only because I don’t have a deck of cards. As a warning, never play Laura in King’s Cup, she has never lost a game and given me alcohol poisoning three times.”
“How does the whiskey even work on you, Mr. Healsalot.”
“Is Healsalot the best you can do?”
“Shut up.”
“It’s actually a bit of halite. Disables werewolf abilities while in close proximity, if something happens I toss it away as quick as possible and I’m good in, I’d say a minute or so with this level of exposure. Cora had a couple day’s worth, which is why she was knocked out.”
“Gotcha.” At least it made as much sense as anything else these weirdo furries got up to. Once each had downed a respectable amount of alcohol, they could begin. “Alright, truth or dare, big guy.”
“Dare you toooooo.....fuck never mind there’s nothing fun to dare you with in here. These are all your family’s valuables and shit how am I supposed to dare you to dress up in Auntie Myrtle’s wedding dress and sing Poker Face on video for my own personal blackmail?”
“Truth, then.”
“You like guys?”
Derek stared at the directness of the question. “Subtle, aren’t we?”
“Literally never.”
“Okay. Sometimes.” Stiles didn’t look happy about the answer. “Why did you steal the baby?”
“I thought she was Cora!”
“You thought they wouldn’t have any sort of defenses around the hostage they’d taken from the werewolf family that they were fighting a turf war with?!”
“Shhhhhhh it’s fine it’s fine it all worked out right?”
“Did it? We’re hiding in a vault, that you have not stopped bitching about once since we came in here, and we might be giving her back, and even if we don’t, who’s going to take care of her?”
“Moi. Yo. Io. You want it in any other language?”
“Fuck you.”
“You wish.” Derek had something of a grin as he took another shot.
“Do you wish you could fuck me?” Stiles was getting bolder a couple shots in.
Derek took a moment to answer. “Sometimes.” Vague bastard.
“Oh? Like when?”
“Ah ah ah, my turn.” Derek took a swig, forgetting the dainty shot glass. “How many moles you got?”
“You wanna count em up?”
“Not an answer.”
“Over a hundred.”
Derek nodded, considering this thought as carefully as someone half-drunk really can. “Interesting.”
“Where do your eyebrows go when you shift?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to answer that question?”
“It’s your body, dude! How am I supposed to know how many moles I got when you don’t know where your friggin eyebrows go?!?!” Stiles’ limbs flailed as he gesticulated his exasperation.
“You’re gonna wake Izzy.” Derek warned. The baby was in another room of the vault so she could sleep while the adults could have their last-day-of-vaulting fun.
“Alright alr- wait, you called her Izzy.”
“No I didn’t.”
“Yeeeeeeees, yes you did you called her Izzy instead of the baby. You like her.”
“New question: do you like Isabel Stilinski-Hale, the new baby of the family?”
Derek chuckled, man he really must be drunk. “We’re hyphenating?”
“I found her so I get first billing, but like y’all took me in so like, I guess you can join. Whatever.”
“Yes, I like the kid. She’s pretty good for a baby. Only projectile vomited on me twice. That’s not bad.”
“She’s the best kid.”
“Do you really think you’re in a good place to adopt her right now in your life?”
“Nooooo stop with the serious questions.” Stiles whined. “Serious ones aren’t fun let’s get back to the flirty ones those were fun.”
“It’s my question.” Derek shrugged.
“If I stole you as a kid I’d name you Moodkiller the Great.”
“Is ‘the Great’ my last name or is ‘the’ my middle name, like Kermit.”
“God you’re such a fucking nerd.”
“You know, no, I’m not in like the...perfect spot. But who IS when they get a kid? And I got the magic thing, and she does, so like....I dunno, she’s got no one else, probably, so.....wouldn’t you guys help me?” Stiles’ big dark eyes looked so beautiful in the scant light of the vault. Derek’s kryptonite.
“Of course we would, don’t be stupid.” Derek mumbled, looking away.
“.....Isabel Stilinski-Haaaale you’re gonna come home with uuuuuuus.” Stiles grinned, getting his own way.
“Whose turn is it?” Derek asked, not sure where the game had gone.
“Mmmmmine. I think. Maybe. Does it matter?”
“Guess not.”
Stiles paused for a second, looking at the distance between them on the floor, the thought process unfolding before Derek’s eyes as he saw Stiles decide exactly how to ambulate himself closer. With a thud, Stiles flopped on top of him and they fell flat on the floor.
“Oh shut up that didn’t hurt, you big baby.” Stiles wasn’t going to let Derek get another word in, pressing his mouth against his, clumsy and off-center and everything bizarrely fitting together despite everything.
Derek only let Stiles win that for a half a second, before pinning Stiles down to the floor himself.
Stiles’ hangover next day was legendary. The wakeup screaming baby was violence to his ears and Derek was disgustingly FINE and Stiles hated him so much except for the fact that he still wanted to make out with his stupid face. Once he got up off the floor maybe. Everything hurt. Ow.
“C’mon, dumbass, Mom and Laura showed up outside, they said we got the kiddo and gotta go fill out the paperwork at the station. Gotta tell the world she’s your girl.”
“Yeah.” Stiles mumbled a little, looking up at Derek with the baby on his hip. “Mine.”
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sortasirius · 5 years ago
Pairing: Dean/Cas, as per usual lol
AN: A 15x03 Coda which definitely stems from my Personal Issues that are going on, but what can I do but write?  This is very very very VERY angsty and there’s no way around it lmao. 
Warnings: A G N S T, John Winchester’s shitty/physically abusive parenting
Words: 1580
Up on my AO3 here.
Dean had known a lot of different kinds of heartbreak. He’d lost his mother, his father, his friends, his brother, his first love, his youth, his innocence, but he never thought, really, that he’d lose Cas.
This wasn’t the heartbreak he had felt when Cassie had dumped him. That was a sharp pain, like someone was stabbing him with a thousand tiny needles. It wasn’t the heartbreak when he had left Lisa and Ben. That was a ripping sensation, like his heart was being torn in half, two pieces fluttering to the floor. As Cas’ footsteps faded, it was more all-consuming. An all over ache that he couldn’t shake, like someone had taken his heart and squeezed a little too hard.
This was his fault though, right? He had finally pushed Cas away, pushed him so far away that he couldn’t come back. Unloveable. That’s what John has always spit at him when he had made a mistake. Whether that was on a hunt or by not making Sam breakfast, that was John’s go to word for Dean. And Dean believed him. Everyone he had ever loved had either died or left him, pretty clear evidence that he really was unloveable.
He had operated under the assumption that what John said was true most of his life. He never stayed long, had no relationships that really lasted, and he was okay with that. Better leave before they got attached and realized what he was and beat him to it.  He hid who he was in one-night stands, leaving before the sun rose every time, because if anyone saw who he was, who he really was, they’d run as fast as they could.
And then he had gone to Hell. And Allistair’s torture wasn’t just physical, though physical would have been more than enough. With each cut, snap of bone, drop of blood, it was punctuated with things that Dean had never told anyone, but Allistair could see right through him.
“Unloveable”, he would sneer, sticking a knife into Dean’s heaving chest, “Your daddy really hated you Dean. And why not? What have you ever done? You break everything you touch. You’re unloveable.”
Allistair had taught him how to break others with precision, and he spent ten years hating himself while the destroyed others on the Rack.
And then, when he was 30, Castiel had entered the scene; with cracking lightning and bright blue eyes, he had stood too close to Dean, essentially not moving for eleven years. They had been through everything together. Allistair, the Apocalypse, Sam losing his soul, Cas’ betrayal, the Leviathin, Cas’ death, Purgatory, Naomi, Cas’ death....again, Metatron, Amara, Lucifer possessing Cas, the Mark of Cain, losing Cas again, raising Jack, losing Mary, losing Jack.....the list goes on.
Dean felt the pressure in his chest tighten, like he had been running a race, he felt out of breath, tears sprang to his eyes of their own accord, falling down his face as the echo of the bunker door rang in his ears. He thought of the awful words that he had hurled at Cas, playing on the things he knew would hurt the worst. Like he wanted Cas to leave. But he didn’t really, he had never actually wanted Cas to leave.He had never thought that Cas would actually walk out the door.
And now he had proved John’s point correct. He had proved himself unloveable, even to Cas.
He stayed where he was, gripping the edge of the table, his knuckles turning white and his fingers going numb from lack of circulation. He wanted that numbness to spread all over his body, calm his aching beating heart. He was still so angry. Angry at Cas, at Chuck, at Belphegor, at Rowena, at Sam, at Mary, at John, at the whole goddamn world for making him the one that had to save everyone, that Chuck had dictated every single second of his life and made him fall so in love with a stupid angel with his black hair and his blue eyes and his broken wings.
It was Chuck’s fault that he had torn himself apart from the inside out because of how he felt about Cas. How guilty he had felt about wishing he could bridge the gap between them and take and touch and possess and that was all Chuck’s fault. He didn’t want to be like this, he didn’t want to be in love with Cas, he didn’t want to be in love with any man, and it was for Chuck’s amusement, all of it. John had beaten the shit out of him for Chuck’s amusement, he had cried in a gas station bathroom when he was seventeen years old after having to leave the first boy he’d ever kissed in Spokane, Washington, and the shame that rose in his throat? All Chuck.
Dean wished, not for the first time, but certainly the most desperately, that he couldn’t feel at all. That his soul would be dragged out of him, thrown in a box and tossed to the bottom of the ocean, because this pain made him feel like he was being turned inside out, pushed and stretched and ripped and torn and there was nothing left of his already shattered heart to give to anyone else. Not that anyone else would ever want him. He could drown himself in one night stands, get lost in neon lights and drunken touches that slurred like the words in their mouths. But that wouldn’t fix the shredded thing in his chest, only numb its presence, and he didn’t know if that would make it worse or better.
Unloveable.  The word echoed in his head.
How long did he stand there? Minutes? Hours? Long enough for Sam to come upstairs and ask the words Dean knew were coming:
“Where’s Cas?”
Dean let go of the table. His fingers ached, circulation long gone.
“Moved on.”
Sam looked at him, not comprehending.
“Moved on? From what?”
“Me. Us.”
Sam was breathing hard, tears in his eyes again, but he stepped back when Dean took a step towards him.
“He’s gone? What did you say to him?”
“It’s his fault Rowena’s gone. His fault you had to-“
“You’re an idiot, Dean.”
“I don’t even want to hear it,” Sam said, turning his back on Dean, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
“Cas? Hey man, can you,” Sam’s voice shook and Dean hated himself very much for what he had done, “Can you just come back? Can we talk about this? I know you couldn’t have gotten far and I’ll come look for you. Please Cas, just come back.”
Sam turned back to Dean, looking smaller than ever even though he was a foot taller than Dean, had been since he was sixteen.
“Why would you do that? Send him away?”
Dean longed to tell Sam that he couldn’t be around Cas when what he felt for Cas was fabricated. He wanted to tell Sam that he was broken beyond repair, that whatever was left of his heart couldn’t be salvaged, it lay in pieces on the floor, that this hurt him more than almost anything else, because he knew that he had fucked up, that this was wrong, but what was the alternative? Longing glances when the thought Cas couldn’t see? Touching himself at night and thinking of broad shoulders and dark hair and stormy blue eyes? Longing forever for something that Chuck would never allow him to have, that, even if he was in control, he didn’t think he would let himself have? It was better to be alone. He didn’t need attachments, when he and Sam had started this whole thing, when he was 26....so young, that was who he had been. He could go back to that. He could be alone. Because what the hell was the alternative?
“It was his choice,” was all he could say, and the words sounded hollow even to him. Sam shook his head.
“This isn’t his fault, mom, Jack, Rowena. That’s not him.”
Dean looked at the ground, he couldn’t say anything.
“And you know it,” Dean met Sam’s eyes. He could never hide anything from him. Not really.
“I-” he was scrambling to find an answer, not that he really had one, “All we need is family-“
“Cas is family, Dean, when are you gonna get that through your thick skull? I’m gonna go look for Cas.”
Dean didn’t even try to stop him. He heard the tires of the Impala pull out of the garage and he tried really really hard not to collapse to the floor.
Sam came back hours later, empty handed. He wouldn’t even look at Dean, but went straight to his room, closing the door behind him.
Dean’s own room was like the planet of Tralfamadore to him. He didn’t recognize anything in there anymore. He collapsed on his bed, drunk on his thoughts and the half a bottle of whiskey he had drank and he thought of Cas. Cas’ smile, his laugh, the way he touched Dean when he healed him. The way his face lit up when Dean started to sing in the car. His questions when they watched one of Dean’s favorite movies together. His hands. His hair. His eyes.
Dean was numb off the whiskey, but the shards of his heart still ached, knowing they would never be whole, because what was he but unloveable?
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rebelminxy · 5 years ago
Too Bright to See, Too Loud to Hear (Chapter 6)
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Pairing: Sam Winchester x Dina (OFC)
Word Count: 4063
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Mild Language (just one word really but gotta put the warning)
Square Filled: Rogue Cupid
A/N: This series is meant for my squares for @heavenandhellbingo​. I have been putting my all into it and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have been writing it. Please like, repost and comment on anything you would like to say about it and seriously hope you have a great time reading this. Ratings will depend on what is in each chapter so please read the warnings before continuing. Images are not mine, they were found on Google and Pinterest.
A/N 2: Yes I know there is nothing in canon about a “grace promise”. Made it up for the story to work out because the character will be showing loyalty to Dina in the long run with this type of promise.
Series Masterlist
Bingo Masterlist
Two days had passed in mourning for the angels. Ishim was blessed to be buried in the gardens of the castle, a proper burial stone created just for him. Dina stayed in Sam’s room most of the time during those two days, lost in her thoughts. Sam stayed with her most of the time, keeping her in his arms for comfort. If he wasn’t with her, he was with Dean helping the angels and the human survivors. John was displeased with his sons allowing the people to stay on the castle grounds, angrier when the brothers had ordered the surrounding villages to travel to the castle to stay behind the walls.
“We need to think about the safety of our people!” Dean yelled at his father. “They are under our care and too many lives have been lost because of this war!”
They were in their father’s room. Castiel, Inias, and Bobby had joined them, standing off to the side as they watched Dean and John go at each other.
“We have enough going on in this castle, we don’t need more mouths to feed!” John yelled back.
“The grounds are large enough for everyone to settle on and as of food, we have enough. Now, what is your next excuse?”
John stayed silent, staring down his eldest.
“Now, once we find out how Lucifer’s best got a hold of such a weapon, we plan on going to get it back, with or without your words of command.”
“You cannot fight a Knight of Hell! That is suicide!”
“Then we will die if we must,” Sam replied to his father, sitting at the far end of the room. “You can stay in here for all we care, locked away doing God knows what. But we will protect our people and if that means sacrificing our lives, then so be it.”
“Dean can go but YOU will stay put! You have yet to even touch your wife and you expect me to allow you to march off to possible death?!”
“This is one thing I have to agree with, Sam,” Dean agreed. “We need you to stay here. You are the heir and our people need a king they can look up to,” Dean added as he eyed his father up.
“The hell with that! This is our war, our fight!” Sam yelled out. “I won’t sit behind these walls and be useless!”
“Forgive me, Sam,” Bobby interrupted. “But they are right. Going against a Knight of Hell means there is a very high chance you can die. The people need someone to look up to, and that someone is you. They have seen how you and Dina have attended to the wounded, how you both treat everyone with respect and care. Everyone here respects you both and are glad to know their future king and queen care about their people.”
Sam grunted in annoyance but knowing there was no argument there. He and Dina had been focused on helping everyone that was under their protection, making sure those on the grounds were comfortable and had everything they needed. They even arranged for the north side of the castle to be cleaned and set up for the children that were there.
“If you want to run into danger,” John interrupted. “Then produce me a child. Once your wife is with child, then run off to war with your brother.”
“Even if Dina and I would have a child, I would never leave it or her in your hands,” Sam growled.
“Nor would I allow it,” Castiel spoke up, moving to stand beside Sam. “My sister has been here for six months and the only interest I have seen from you is the looks of desire you give her when no one is looking. As you have made it clear, she belongs to Sam, so he will decide what will happen to her and their potential child.”
Sam looked away from his father, knowing Castiel was right. John never did hide his interest in Dina, especially after the few dresses Dumah had her wearing for a time. But Sam couldn’t fight with his father about that, not yet anyway. What was more important was saving as many lives as possible and getting hold of that lance that also endangered many angels that were helping humans seek refuge.
“Castiel is right, Dina is my problem and mine alone. Right now, we need to focus on the important matter,” Sam continued. “A Knight of Hell has a weapon that threatens the lives of many angels and we need that lance if we want to defeat Lucifer.”
“Abaddon is a powerful being,” Inias interjected, walking over to join the men. “She was trained by Cain himself, but luckily for us, he has stayed next to Lucifer to protect him. So Abaddon will be a difficult opponent but we can still outsmart her.”
All six men turned at the shout from within the castle, causing them to all run out of the room to find two angels holding onto a man. He was bloodied and bruised, being dragged towards Castiel and Inias. They threw him at Castiel’s feet and stood attention.
“What is the meaning of this?” Castiel demanded. 
“We made contact with those in Heaven and it was found out that the lance was stolen by one of our own. Then, they opened the portal and sent this one through, saying he was the one that snuck through the gates and stole the lance for Lucifer. He was caught sneaking into Princess Dina’s quarters with a few weapons from Prince Michaels’ safe.”
“Is this true?” Inias asked as he leaned down, grabbing the man’s chin and forcing him to look up.
“Fuck you!” the man responded, spitting blood on Inias face.
“Take him down to the dungeon and we will deal with him soon,” Dean ordered, the angels receiving a nod from Castiel to obey.
As the man got dragged away, Dina came into the hall, her eyes landed on the man and grew wide in shock. She ran towards him, ignoring the men as she pushed through. Dean and Castiel looked on as Sam ran after her. When Sam finally reached her, he grabbed her arms as gently as possible to stop her in her tracks. She swung back and glared at Sam.
“Let me go! Why is he hurt? Where are they taking him?!”
“Wait, you know him?”
“Yes! Now tell me where he is going?!”
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John had left to his room with Bobby when Castiel, Inias, Sam, and Dean guided Dina to the library, sitting her down to explain what the angels had told them. She sat there in disbelief.
“He couldn’t have, he adored Michael so much!”
“Sister, who is he?”
“His name is Zachariel. He is a cherub who would visit me from time to time under Michael’s orders. It was more for entertainment purposes but we became friends. But suddenly, he stopped coming by and when I asked Michael, he told me Zachariel was banished for disobeying an order. I haven’t seen or heard of him since.”
“So, a rogue cupid,” Castiel muttered. “Understandably, Lucifer used him to get hold of the lance since he was close to Michael.”
“What do you mean close?” Dean asked.
“Michael had a group of cherubs that answered to him and only him, which meant they were allowed into his quarters for whatever reason. They were his way of guiding humanity under his hand if need be, his eyes where father wouldn’t allow it if you will.”
“So this Zachariel guy was one of those?”
“If he attended to Dina under Michael's command, then yes,” Castiel replied. “Just doesn’t explain how he got hold of the lance.”
“He knew of places to sneak in and out of Heaven without the use of the portal.”
Castiel turned to Dina, her head low.
“And you knew of this?!”
“He promised no one would ever know!” she exclaimed back.
“What if he shared that information with Lucifer?!”
“Then this war would have ended long ago!” she yelled back, standing from her seat. “Zachariel would never reveal something that I made him swear to keep to himself. He promised in grace.”
Sam and Dean looked at each other, confused by what her last statement meant. Inias noticed their confusion and clarified.
“Just like you have a blood promise, we have one done with grace. Once the seal is made, that promise can’t be broken. If someone breaks that promise, the mix of grace will become a sort of poison, killing that angel.”
“Then why isn’t she tumbling over?” Dean pointed out how calm Dina was.
“Zachariel said he didn’t want to ‘pollute’ me with his grace, trusting I would never tell another. I have broken my promise by telling you and even if his grace is not inside me, it hurts that I have done so.”
“You only said to help,” Castiel leaned in, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. “Do not feel guilty because we were bound to find out, by you or by him. At least we know he’s kept his promise since he is still alive.”
“Will you allow me to see him, brother? Maybe I can speak to him?”
“I don’t think that would be a safe choice,” Inias pushed as he moved closer to Castiel. 
“Did you encircle him?” Castiel asked.
“We did.”
“Then she should be safe.”
Dina smiled up at her brother and moved towards the door, but was stopped by Sam standing in front of her. 
“Are you positive she will be safe? I would rather go down with her.”
“Firstly, that cupid sees any of us, he will not speak. And secondly, she will be safe. He is encircled by burning holy oil. It weakens him and if he so touches the flames he will burn.”
“Sam, trust me, I can talk to him.”
“At least let us stand nearby just in case,” Sam begged slightly as he looked down at Dina. “At least so I can know you are fine. For my sake.”
“Ok. Sam,” Dina replied, placing a hand on his chest as she looked up at him, eyes glowing. “Do what you must to feel safe while I go in to talk to him.”
Sam sighed in relief as he grabbed hold of Dina’s hand and guided her down to the dungeon, Dean, Castiel, and Inias right behind. They made a slow walk down, Sam gripping Dina’s hand tightly. The cupid may have been her friend before, but things might have changed once it went rogue, especially with him helping Lucifer. When they finally reached the dungeons, the two angels on guard there quietly showed them to way to the cell that held the cupid. 
They opened the door, allowing them in. But Dina turned and looked up at Sam, lifting his hand to her lips and kissing it softly, her eyes never leaving his. He could see how much she wanted his trust, something that she had gained during the past six months. He nodded his head slowly and let go of her hand, watching as she entered the cell gracefully, her head held up high. This was her friend and she had to confront him as a prisoner, and Sam could only hope she had the strength to deal with whatever this cupid said.
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Dina stood a few feet away from the flames, careful as to not get burned by them. The flames of the holy oil kept her and Zachariel separated, his power diminished from the circle. She could grab a bucket of water on the floor only feet away, and douse the flames. But this was a Zachariel she didn’t know, could be someone else entirely, and that was a risk she wouldn’t take. Not after receiving such trust from Sam.
“So they sent the princess to do their bidding,” Zachariel muttered from where he kneeled on the floor, his head bowed down.
“So, you do remember me,” Dina stated coldly.
“How can I forget the one angel that saw me as equal?” he asked as he slowly raised his head up. “I was surprised to find out you came down here and married the human, even after you swore you would never connect to another being.”
“I am not here to discuss my marriage to you.”
“Yet you stand here,” he continued, ignoring her word. “Taking sides with those that only wish to use you. You think they care about you? That they will make you happy? You think that lowly human you call husband will ever care for you? HE LOVES HIS DEAD WIFE!”
“Enough, Zachariel,” Dina muttered back, trying to hold back her anger at his words.
“And even knowing that,” he chuckled. “You still stand by his side! You think I don’t see the truth? Here you are, eyes glowing brightly! Your eyes only glowed when..”
Zachariel stood up, walking closer to the flames, his eyes narrowed on her.
“I will never tell you what you want to know.”
“We already know you were the one that stole the lance. I only want to know why.”
“You can never understand why!”
“Then help me understand!”
“You are just a child! A spoiled princess locked away to only be used as a puppet!”
“You are wrong!” Dina screamed out, causing the surrounding walls to shake. “They respect me here, trust me,” she continued with a softer tone. “Sam has been a great friend to me, showing me that he does take me into consideration. I am not that innocent princess you met all those years ago, who only cared about books and learning new things. I understand the complications, have seen the damage my brother has done because of his greed.”
Zachariel stared at her, staying silent as she continued.
“I understand my father used me for something when it came to this marriage, but he has no control over me any longer. Yes, I was blinded by my love for Lucifer, but that is no more. I don’t want any more humans or angels to die by his hand. I want peace and unity. So, I beg, please tell me what you know so we may stop him and end this pain.”
“So, you’ve realized what Lucifer is truly like, what he truly wants?”
“I understand my brother craves power and will kill his own to get what he wants. That’s why I am standing beside my husband to make sure Lucifer is locked away for good.”
Zachariel stayed silent, his eyes dropping to look to his feet. Dina stood there, not moving in hopes she somehow got through to him.
“Zachariel, you were my friend, a friend I missed dearly. I cried when Michael told me you were banished…”
“Did he tell you why?”
“No, he didn’t. Said it was not my business.”
“You should have fought to know,” he croaked as the tears began to fall.
“I should have, but I was stupid.”
“Finally you admit it,” he huffed, wiping the tears away. “He banished me when I disobeyed one of his commands.”
“And after that?”
“I wandered the Earth, helpless and lost. That’s when Lucifer found me, welcomed me in. He kept me by his side, showing me love that Michael never did. I eventually told him about the lance, and that I was able to sneak into Heaven.”
“And he never asked how you were able to get into Heaven?”
“He did insist on me telling him. But I told him I was under a promise of grace with you, and that if he wished to know, then he wouldn’t get the lance once I was dead.”
“Ok,” Dina replied. “So, you went to get the lance for him. How?”
“Michael had the lance in a safe room, along with all his other weapons and things King Chuck had given to him for safekeeping. Michael never removed my grace from the lock, so I grabbed the lance and took it to Lucifer, as a sign of loyalty and love.”
Zachariel turned, giving his back to Dina. His shoulders began to shake, his hands appearing to hold his arms.
“But, instead of gracing me with his pride and love, he handed the lance to Abaddon and banished me. Said I was no longer useful to him since I wouldn’t share my secret entrances. Ordered Abaddon to kill me but I escaped before she could. I was the reason why Ishim and the others lost their lives. I was hiding in the village when she came, and she murdered so many looking for me.”
Dina felt the tears try to break free as she watched him shake and tell his story.
“I thought Michael loved me, and I told him how I felt. But all he did was cast me aside, saying a true angel felt nothing. So, I went against his orders out of anger and paired up the one couple that was meant to be but Heaven had no desire to have paired. And when I begged for forgiveness, he sent me to this land, lost and alone. When Lucifer found me, I thought things would be different, that he wouldn’t be like his brother. But he is just the same, cruel and only using those around him, just like your father.”
Dina ran and grabbed the bucket of water, dousing the flames that trapped Zachariel. He turned to look at her as the flames turned to smoke, his face wet with tears as she ran across the burn marks on the ground. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. The door to the cell swung open, Castiel and Inias barging in to find Dina on her knees, Zachariel on his knees as well. Sam and Dean came in right behind to see the cupid crying in her arms, holding her tightly as she was.
Dina turned to look at the four men, smiling at them.
“He will tell us all he knows, but he is no danger to us. Only hurt by those he thought he could trust.”
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After everything that happened in the dungeon, Dina had taken Zachariel up to her room, sending the maids for a bath and clothing for the cupid. Dean sent for the maids to get clothes from his room, seeming that the cupid’s body seemed similar to his. As Dina cared for the heartbroken angel, the four men debated on what they overheard from the conversation back in the library.
“So, Lucifer doesn’t know how to get into Heaven, but still we need to get our hands on that lance,” Dean clarified. 
“We can try to outsmart Abaddon, like I said earlier,” Inias insisted.
“You won’t outsmart or outfight her.”
The four men turned to see Dina and Zachariel standing at the entrance of the library, Zachariel healed and in clean clothes. They both made their way over to them, joining them at the table they stood around.
“The reason why Lucifer sends Abaddon instead of Cain is that she runs through everything. She doesn’t think, just acts, while Cain watches and plans everything out. It’s not just their levels of strength but also their difference in wits and smarts.”
“Then how are we supposed to stop a demon like her?” Sam asked in annoyance.
“You humans use seals in the ground to trap demons, correct?” Zachariel asked.
“Yes, but we have seen with stronger, higher-level demons breakthrough,” Dean clarified.
“Then, why not carve the seal into an arrowhead? Guide Abaddon to an area and have your best archers waiting for her. Once one of them has a clear view of her, have them shoot it into an area of her body she can’t reach, like her back. That should possibly help slow her down and maybe weaken her just enough for the angels to attack.”
“That could actually work,” Dean agreed, rubbing his chin. “We do have a few demons captured to test the theory out. But we have to worry about the host since the process might hurt them, possibly kill them.”
“I can give you the strongest angels we have to heal the hosts,” Castiel spoke up. “We will just have to hope the host holds on while we test things out. Metal arrowheads would be best and maybe find out if blessing the arrowheads with holy water can help even more.”
“Good, we will map everything out and make sure every precaution is taken. I will send word to our blacksmiths to start working on the arrowheads,” Dean replied, moving away from the group, but Zachariel stopped him when he spoke up.
“Abaddon isn’t your only problem.”
“What else can he have other than the lance and his army?” Inias asked curiously.
“He has a weapon being made. It is something that in Heaven was seen as a myth, a fairytale. But also no one speaks of it from fear.”
“What is it?” Castiel asked.
“The Antichrist.”
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One Hour Earlier
Dina sat behind Zachariel, washing his back as he sat in the tub, his knees pressed against his chest. They shared silence in the room, Dina wanting to talk but knowing that Zachariel probably wasn’t ready to talk. 
“When are you going to tell your husband about him?” Zachariel suddenly asked.
“He doesn’t need to know about that, it was way before his time,” Dina replied neutrally.
“If they knew about how you are Cain’s Achilles heel…”
“I am NOTHING to that demon!”
Dina stood up in anger, moving to grab the cloth set out so Zachariel could dry himself.
“I gave him the chance to leave my brother’s side, to let my father remove that damn mark from him, to set him free. But he chose my brother, to allow himself to become the impure being he now is. He is a murderer and he chose that life.”
“Strange to hear you speak like that,” Zachariel chuckled. “I remember watching you cry over the man, the human that was capable of pulling out a heart from you.”
“Well, that was my mistake, one I won’t ever do again.”
“Don’t lie to yourself, Dina,” he stated, looking up at her. “Like I said earlier, I saw the way your eyes glowed with your husband.”
Dine began to interrupt him, but Zachariel continued.
“Whether you want to admit it or not, you do have feelings for him, and I hope you don’t give yourself fully to him. I don’t want you getting hurt again.”
Dina sighed and made her way towards Zachariel, when he spoke up again.
“Lucifer promised Cain that if he won him the war and got him to Heaven, that you would be his prize.”
Dina dropped the cloth right as she stood in front of the tub, a cold shiver of shock dripping through her body.
“He did what?” she whispered.
“But Lucifer told Abaddon that is was all a lie to ruse Cain to winning the war. That you could only be by his side at the end, as his Queen. He hasn’t even told Cain about your marriage, hoping to use it as a pawn to get Cain to move faster if things don’t go their way.”
Dina dropped down to her knees, the fear in her eyes clear as day.
“Cain isn’t his winning piece, though. He has a weapon being made as we speak. It will be ready any day now.”
Dina grabbed Zachariel’s hands, her eyes begging. He smiled weakly at her, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Don’t worry, I am willing to tell your husband and brother about this weapon once we are done here. You have been the only true friend in my miserable life and I am sorry for doing what I have done.”
“As long as you continue to do good and promise to never return to my brother’s side, you are forgiven.”
Dina got up to her feet and picked the cloth up, holding it so Zachariel could wrap himself in it to dry off. She turned to his clothes that were on her bed, grabbing them. Zachariel couldn’t ignore how the glow in her eyes from earlier when she was with Sam disappeared slowly, the worried furrow on her brow visible.
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angelkurenai · 7 years ago
Imagine being an Omega and during a night out in a bar you meet your true Alpha mate, demon Dean. (Part 7)
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Read Part 1 here! l Read Part 2 here! l Read Part 3 here! l Read Part 4 here! l Read Part 5 here! l Read Part 6 here!
“What are you, Dean? A demon? Maybe you're human.” Crowley's voice echoed in his head as his fingers danced over piano “Do you want what every black-eyed monster wants? Chaos, death, glory and corruption? Or maybe you want what an Alpha does, to love your little Omega? What about her, Dean? Does she bring out the best in you? Does she make you more human than you know yourself?” he paused, taking hold of his blade to slice his hand “Does she make you feel things? What do you feel for her, Dean? What do you feel for the Omega you haven't even claimed? You want her or this? Pick a bloody side!” he could hear him roaring the words even right then and there.
“Heya there, beautiful.” a smirk formed on his lips, having caught your scent before he realized it; but his body could feel the calmness washing over it and in the end he processed it as he looked up from his hand that had healed.
Your lips parted, and for a second you hesitated when you saw the black eyes before you. It wasn't as if your heart wanting to beat out of your chest was making things bad, but facing the thing he hid underneath the layers of plaid and pure Alpha made your fear get even worse. Whatever courage you had gathered flattered at the sight, but he blinked them away and when you saw that familiar smirk you felt more at ease. As much as you could be, and approached him.
“H-hey” came from your lips shakily and he extended a hand, as if telling you to get closer faster because he couldn't wait. The moment you placed your hand on his he gave you a small pull and made you fall on his lap before he buried his face in your neck.
“What are ya doin' here, sweetheart?” he mumbled through your skin and even if you had some excuse it died out in your lips when one of his hands trailed up your thigh, between your legs “Hmm?”
You could feel the smirk on his lips against your skin and your eyes fluttered shut for a moment, as your head fell back on his shoulder because as much as you wanted to deny it, your body longed for his touch and scent and above all to feel like any normal Omega with her Alpha. Claimed or not, you needed to feel even for a second that everything was normal because it was in short supply the past couple days. Not to mention that after all this worrying and endless thinking of the possible results of teaming up with Sam and going against Dean to make him human again, you felt worn out; and it had all barely began.
“Hey, Harv.” he looked up and spoke to, you guessed, the barman who was the only other person in the bar but the two of you “Why don't you go grab a smoke?”
“Please, just don't mate on the piano. This place has already started to smell like the two of you.” the Beta, you guessed again from his smell, said in a low voice.
“Yeah, but she smells gorgeous, doesn't she?” he grinned widely at you, winking “Can't blame me if I can't keep my hands to myself. I'm just a lucky son of a bitch.” he added but didn't expect an answer from the man who left the bar to give you some space.
“H- how are you?” you asked softly and he smirked, bringing a hand up to run his thumb over your cheek in such a tender way you almost forgot that the Alpha whose lap you were currently sitting on was a demon.
“Now that you're here, fucking perfect.” he nearly growled, crashing his lips to yours. A small gasp left your lips which he used to his advantage by entering his tongue in your mouth. A pleased moan left your lips when his hot tongue played with yours and his teeth grazed over your lower before he bit down on your lower lip. His lips moved sloppily and almost desperately against yours, as if he needed the kiss the same way he needed air. Combined with the hand on your thigh and the other taking hold of the back of your neck, you were already a shivering puddle in his hands. Not that he had more control of the situation. With every second his instincts and natural urges took over him and he was desperate to touch as much of you as he could and have as much of your scent as possible cover him.
“A-and-” you panted when he pulled away, but he buried his face in the same spot in the crook of your neck as before; his tongue that toyed with your skin did no good job in making you focus on the task at hand “And what about before that?” you asked as fast as you could before you tripped over your words.
“Why so curious today, little one?” he asked in a gruff voice, his lips moving against your skin before he pressed kisses on it.
“I just...” you trailed off, glancing at the glass of whiskey on top of the piano next to-
“Drinking?” he asked, taking notice of where you were looking “That's not a first, is it Omega?”
“What's that?” you asked back softly, instead and he froze in his place for a moment as his eyes hardened. He pulled his face away from the crook of your neck, his one hand landing on your hip and the other taking hold of the first blade; his eyes calm, calculating and almost cold while yours were more curious, wary and at the same time on edge.
“This... is part of this.” he motioned to himself with the blade before hs eyes turned black, making you hold your breath for a moment before they were back to normal “It's called the First Blade, it belonged to Cain himself. Yeah, the original one. It goes along with the mark itself and can kill pretty much anything. But it certainly can do a lot more than that, at the same time...” he trailed off, dragging the tip of the blade over your jawline, down your neck in a way that scared you for a second until it reached the neckline of your top and hooking it on your shirt he slowly started dragging it down with a smirk on his lips that made your eyes flutter in relief for a second before you bit down your lower lip, a small smile forming on your lips.
“Of course it can.” you whispered, the second your eyes open you saw Dean run his tongue over his lower lip before taking it between his teeth and sucking softly “Alpha” you let out a soft moan, mixing with a whine that made him even more pleased than he already was.
He chuckled softly “I'm not planning on using it anywhere near you in any kind of way but for tearing your clothes apart. Something which I honestly can easily do with my bare hands with great pleasure.” you ran your fingers over the bone delicately and still slightly afraid – luckily not by your Alpha, you felt it that as far the blade was concerned he wouldn't hurt you at least for now, but by what he could do with it to others – before he pulled it away to place back on top of the piano “But still, it is not something a beautiful little Omega like you should play around with. So be careful, before this pretty face gets hurt. It ain't gonna be by my hand but I've got-”
“Can you promise me?” you asked softly, cutting him off.
He raised an eyebrow “Promise you what, little Omega?” he watched you curiously, noticing the hesitation in both your voice and actions as you softly kissed his lips and slowly rested your forehead against his.
“Promise me that... you're not going to use the blade on me. Other than tearing my clothes.” you added the last part with breathless laugh that died out very soon though “No matter what happens.”
“Omega” he said firmly, his eyes dark and he jaw set when he saw real fear in your eyes, no matter how much you tried to hide it “Mark or not, black eyes or not, claim or not I am your Alpha. I'm your fucking Alpha and I gave you my word that I would protect you from everyone, including from myself. And if I am anything, then I am a man of my word and you will know it yourself. I may kill and enjoy the blood in my hands but-” he stopped for a second, the words ringing in his ears 'Pick a bloody side!' without you knowing “But I am still your Alpha and I would never allow myself to even see your blood coat my hands. I'm not a girl scout, princess, I ain't gonna give you a pinky promise but you have my- your mate's word that I won't hurt you.”
The sincerity in his words made you relax for a second, only a second because you knew the human Alpha side and the demon side could anytime battle within him, a soft sigh leaving your lips “I just... I want you to know that I only want the best for you, that's all. I- I care for you a lot, Dean, as more than just my Alpha.”
He gave you a small smirk “I know it, 'Mega. Your Alpha knows it very well. That's why you're gonna be a good little girl and not talk now hm? We don't need to after all.” and he didn't give you the chance to speak before he buried his face on the crook of your neck again and he started kissing you.
His teeth grazed over your sensitive skin as his hands both took hold of your thighs and placed you on the piano, a loud sound being heard when all sorts of different keys were pressed. His lips kissed and sucked softly, his tongue teasing you even more. Although your hands were shaky, you wrapped them around his shoulders and threaded your fingers through his hair and enjoyed the feeling for – you really hoped not – the last time. At least before everything went to hell, because you knew that sooner or later it-
A growl left his lips. Not the sexy kind of growl, but the primal kind. And you knew it because his body went stiff and you felt it at the deepest part of your soul, the one that held your connection. He was angry, hell he was furious. He pulled away as if he electricity shot through him and took hold of your chin in one hand, making you look him straight in the eyes as his face was only an inch or two away from yours.
“Another Alpha huh?” he narrowed his eyes at you and you held your breath for a moment.
“It's not like th-” you started but he scoffed before speaking and cutting you off.
“When?” he asked in a dangerously low voice and you didn't question him because you knew very well what he meant. He didn't mean just any Alpha, of course he has recognized the scent crystal clear because he knew the person it belonged to very well.
“I didn't-” you started but he didn't even let you finish.
“Cut the bullshit!” he snapped, making your eyes widen “When did you meet with him?” his voice lowered again, jaw clenching and eyes going cold. You appreciated the fact they at least didn't turn black.
“I- I only wanted to help you get bet-” a whimper left your lips when he tightened his hold and let out a growl.
“I didn't ask you why.” he said in a gruff voice “I know fucking well why you would meet with my baby brother. I asked you when.”
“Is that what really matters to you?” you choked out and he gave you a dark smirk.
“No, you're right, it isn't.” it fluttered soon “Did he touch you?”
“He's your brother, you know he'd never-” you started but he squeezed, making you whine softly.
“Oh I know Sam very well but his scent is all over you. I asked: did he fucking touch you?” he growled and your shut your eyes tightly, the tears welling up in them.
“Shit, no, Dean! No, we only hugged, nothing happened-” your hands that had long ago wrapped around his arm tightened their hold “Ah Dean it- it hurts! Dean you're- Alpha you're hurting me.” you opened your eyes to look at him and when the words left your lips and your watery eyes met his you actually saw the struggle before your eyes.
His eyes moved back and forth, his expression not changing in the slightest but his hold on you loosened. He didn't get to say a word before a voice was heard “Let her go, Dean. She's the only innocent one in all this.”
A small casual smirk formed on the demon's lips who gave you a final look before finally letting go of you “Hiya Sam.” he said, taking the blade and his glass of whiskey and walking away from you to make his way to the bar.
“Are you alright?” the younger Winchester asked softly as he approached and you gave him a weak nod, not trusting your voice.
“I really wouldn't do that if I were you.” Dean warned, his tone light but both you and Sam knew the real danger behind the actual threat “You get any closer to her, you even so lay a finger on her...” Sam's eyes fully met Dean's “And I won't even try to keep myself from tearing your throat open... with my own teeth.”
“I only care if she's alright.” Sam's jaw clenched.
“Oh yeah let me guess, she's like a sister to you?” Dean asked sarcastically “I don't give a fuck. You keep your hands off my Omega, or else this ends worse than it already is going to.” he said and you gave a weak nod to Sam as if to tell him you were alright and that you should go on with your plan.
“By the way-” Dean spoke up again, taking a sip of his whiskey “Is my little Omega the only one that winged you out?”
“Does it matter?”
“Not really.” Dean shook his head “I told you to let me go. And I've made it clear to her that I don't wanna change what I am, and I'm not going to, she's just too stubborn for her own good I guess.”
“Leave her out of this. If she's doing anything it all because she cares about you and wants to save you. It's all for you.” Sam defended you, glancing your way before he said with determination in his voice “And you know I can't do that.”
The words left Sam's lips and you took a deep breath, preparing yourself for anything that could possibly come. However, the rest of it seemed to happen in a blur. Words were exchanged between the two brothers and your heart ached for Sam but you did not get the chance to say anything before you heard a window break and smoke slowly fill the entire place. You didn't know where it was coming from but you caught yourself coughing uncontrollably as it filled your lungs and your knees get weak before you collapsed on the floor like Sam. Before you were enveloped by complete darkness you saw Dean towering over you with concerned look, not at all affected by the smoke, his hand softly cupping your cheek.
You thought you heard a “You're gonna be alright, Omega.” but you couldn't be sure because you lost consciousness. When you came around it seemed like it was much later and you realized you were no longer inside the bar so you guessed someone must have carried you out. The first thing you saw was the fight that was taking place between your Alpha and a man you didn't know. You looked around to spot Sam had just come around like you. He gave you a small nod, showing you the cuffs and you gave him a nod back before you shakily got on your feet. All you needed was to distract Dean long enough for Sam to put the cuffs on him.
And it didn't prove to be hard. You screamed a desperate “Alpha, please!” and his eyes were instantly on you by pure instinct and and, you hoped, because of some sort of feelings. You managed to save the poor guy from certain death but also gave the chance for Sam to splash holy water on Dean and the finally be able to put the cuffs on him. The weight that lifted of your chest and the relief you felt was unparalleled. Yu knew nothing was over yet but this was the beginning of, you hoped, something better for everyone. And so, once you had given Crowley the first blade and you were in the car with Sam in the drivers seat and on the passenger's seat, without saying a word to Dean or even looking at him – because you could simply not find it in yourself – you found yourself drifting off to sleep.
“So this uh it will be your room until... we get Dean back and then he will just ask you to move in in his room in a heartbeat.” he added the last part with a soft laugh but not even the corners of your lips could lift up in a smile.
“Are you so sure about that?” you whispered, your eyes moving away from the walls of your new room to face the younger Winchester.
“Of course. Look, my brother's- He's in a very dark place, I know it and I can sadly see it, but when he looks at you, when he's talking to you or about you I see that there is hope. Because I see real feelings in his eyes that he's too trying to fight and it shows to me that there is a human Dean hiding underneath.” he placed his hand on your shoulder but you shook your head, wrapping your arms around yourself “He wants you to be close.”
“That's not what I mean.” your eyes hardened as you looked at Sam with fear “Are you sure this will work? Are you sure it will save him? Are you sure that we will actually get the human Dean in the end or will this all just end in more pain and heartbreak?”
“I'm-” he paused, letting out a breath through his nose “I hope.” he finally admit, doubt and fear showing on his features as well.
“Then... that's something, I guess.” you breathed out, forcing a smile for his sake because you realized he was just as scared if not more. He'd gone through this for weeks to not end, worrying about Dean, he had so much more to lose if Dean didn't turn human again and as much as you were scared yourself you knew it was all harder on Sam, who had to make sure to give you hope as well.
“Gosh, (Y/n), I'm-” he stopped himself, dragging a hand down his face “I'm sorry, you shouldn't have gotten caught up in all this. You- you don't deserve it, you should have met Dean before it all went to hell. Everything would have been so much better and you could have made him as happy as he always deserved to be. But instead I forced you to help me with this crazy plan I don't even know if it's gonna work and you're in danger because-”
“No, Sam no!” you hurried, cutting him off “No, just... never say that, please. I was the one that called you and I was the one that decided to join you because I believe in you and believe that Dean can be saved. And I know that even if this doesn't work, one way or another, if there is someone that can bring him back then it's you.”
“You know...” a small smile formed at the corners of his lips, despite how exhausted he was and looked “I always thought that all this, Alphas and Omegas, can't be you know just random, they don't just belong together because their biology says so. I always thought that maybe some higher power that makes each alpha and Omega special for the other and it depends on us whether we'll find them or not. Seeing you and Dean only verifies that belief.”
“We're not soulmates, Sammy, we're just-” but you didn't complete your sentence, biting your lower lip and shaking your head “I guess we'll have to wait and see if he feels like it as well.” you ended up whispering.
“He will, I am sure.” he breathed out with the most confidence you'd ever seen in him so you just returned the nod and small smile.
“Come here.” you whispered, spreading your arms for him to hug him warmly. He hugged back with his good arm, his head resting on top of yours but the way his shoulders were slumped down made you see how much he needed the comfort, how worn out he was. Much like Dean's scent there was something about Sam that made you feel at home, brining you comfort and putting you at ease as if he was a family member you loved dearly. You buried your face in his chest and gave him a squeeze before he pulled away.
“Take some rest, you need it. My room is right next to yours in case you need anything later. I'll... I'll go see him now but it's best if you stay in here, alright? You really shouldn't hear anything, especially now.”
“Sam” you took hold of his hand to stop him for a second “Is it going to hurt him?”
He hesitated before finally confessing “It is not going to be pleasant either.”
But as much as your body protested for some rest and as much as your brain told you to listen to Sam because of course he knew better, you couldn't help but drift from your room and just find your way back to Dean as if you had no control of your actions and the connection, the bond although not forged by a mark, was stronger than you.
“..You're gonna try and fix me, but did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't want to be fixed? Just let me go live my life. I won't bother you. What do you care?” it was Dean's voice.
“What do I care?” disbelief laced Sam's words “Live your life, with or without (Y/n) this time?”
“I wouldn't let go of my mate, don't get all excited.” any hint of smile had vanished from Dean's lips “And if you so dare think I'm letting go of her, you're wrong big time, little brother. I'm her Alpha and I ain't letting go of her, certainly not for another one.”
“Do you even hear yourself? (Y/n)'s like family to me anymore, how could I ever do anything with her? And more than that, she's your mate! Mark or not she- she cares about you, she cares a whole lot about you, she'd never even think of another Alpha in her life.”
“Oh is that why her smell is all over you now, then? 'Cause she's family?” a dark chuckle followed that sounded all too dangerous “Ain't you predictable, Sammy. I know what she is to me and what I am to her but that's not gonna stop me cutting off your arm in case you even come closer to her like that.”
“Hmh” left only Sam's lips “Figured. Well, it's at least comforting to know that there are feelings deep down no matter in what gruesome way you show them.When you become human again might actually let the poor Omega know it as well, she's worried sick about you.”
“What I do with my Omega is none of your business.” there was a possessive growl in his words.
“Sure.” Sam said curtly before he spoke a few words in latin that you didn't really understand.
“You don't even know if this is gonna work, do you? You know, I got a hell of a lot more running through me than just demon juice. For all we know, you could be killing me!”
And those were the words that kept running through your mind all the time, not letting you rest even for an hour. Mixing with the pain that you felt cursing through your own veins for no other reason than the fact that your true mate was also suffering himself, you were on edge and the second Sam left him you found yourself making your way to him once more. You knew it was a terrible decision, you knew that facing him on your own after he'd found out about your betrayal could end very bad and you knew that after all those shots of purified blood that would have him on edge you should just stay away from the Alpha but... at the same time every cell in your body reached out to him. It has been a couple hours and all the time Sam had been there with him, not taking a single break in, you had not been able to see Dean. You had been worried about Sam when you last saw him exit the dungeon but after he brushed you off with a “Family issues.” and you realized Dean was alone – you hated yourself for that – but he was the only one you could think of.
“So there she is.” and so you found yourself in front of the monster. Only he didn't look like a monster in your eyes, no matter how much logic told you otherwise, you only saw your Alpha.
“H-Hi” you stuttered, wrapping your arms around yourself.
Mostly to hold yourself back in a way, because the moment you locked eyes the same urge you had been feeling all this time got so much stronger. If you were longing to see your Alpha before you now were craving to touch him like you needed air to live. You had gotten significantly attached to him, needing the contact desperately much, and it was obvious from how he struggled against the ropes to reach out to you that he felt the same.
“Come here, baby girl.” his voice was rough but surprisingly calm “Take your seat.”
You caught yourself taking a step forward without realizing it before you stopped yourself and said in a weak voice “I- I really shouldn't.”
“Wrong answer.” he said, eyes darkening but not in a dangerous way “Do you want you? That's what matters. Because let me tell you, I need you so fucking bad right now, little one. Your Alpha needs you bad, Omega. Need your touch, your kiss, your scent... you all over me.” it turned out in a small growl that made your eyes flutter shut, your fingers digging into your skin and a small whimper left your lips as you struggled to keep yourself in place.
“Do you, Omega?” he breathed out and your eyes opened to meet his.
“You'll be going in a rut soon.” you breathed out the conclusion and he gave you a small smirk.
“And you in a heat. Don't tell me you haven't noticed yet.” he spoke back and as realization downed on you, your sighed heavily. Would explain a lot of things after all.
“Perfect timing, don't we have it? Wouldn't it be better if, for a change and for the first time, you actually had an Alpha-” he grinned “Your Alpha by your side to go through it? Don't tell me you won't need it because your body is already telling a different story.” his words made you look down, realization setting that you had actually taken more than just a good few steps towards him.
“You need it just as bad, you can't lie to me about it.” you said softly and he shrugged.
“I'm not. I told you so. But see, I'm the one bound down and you are the one free, with the chance to free me.” it was so innocent but you weren't a fool and he knew it.
“Why? So that you can kill me and Sam?” you asked in a surprisingly steady and firm voice, with tears in your eyes, but he clenched his jaw, all playfulness gone.
“I never would. Never.” he growled angrily this time, jaw clenched. He was angry that you'd think that you couldn't just see it but also feel it.
“Are you mad at me, Alpha?” you whispered, your voice cracking because all the strength and courage you had previously gathered faded away as the fear that you could possibly lose him mixed with your messed up emotions and the raw need to be close to him again because of your fast approaching heat.
“Depends... Would you change anything if you could?” he tilted his head but you gave no verbal response, your eyes only moving back and forth as you looked deeply into his before he spoke again “Come here, sweetheart. I won't do anything to you. I can't, after all, I am tied down. Come here, I want you, Omega.”
It was as if your feet had a mind of their own but you did nothing to stop them either. It seemed like your entire body actually did because the smaller the distance between you got the stronger the feelings did. The moment you were in front of him, you crawled on his lip without a second through and wrapped your arms around his neck. Dean's face buried in the crook of your neck, his nose trailing up to your jawline before he pulled away. You looked down at him and he held your gaze for a full minute before you crashed your lips to his and he didn't miss a second to respond and kissed your back just as feverly, almost desperately you could say. You ran your fingers through his hair and tugging to bring him closer and he let out a moan, his tongue licking your lower as if asking for entrance. Asking. He had done that only once: during your first kiss, when all of your emotions were all over the place. Emotions.
You pulled away, despite the growl of disapproval that left his lips “Yes” you whispered with a smile that surprised more you than him “Yes there is something I would change.” you got up from his lap, backing away from him.
“And what's that?” he asked with a smirk, licking his lips.
“I would have done it earlier.” you admitted with a soft smile “Because now there is no doubt for me anymore that there is a human version of you hiding underneath, wanting to be set free. And I can't wait to meet you, Dean Winchester.”
“Hm and you got that all from a kiss?” his smile fluttered but he tried to keep the smug attitude on.
“I got that from the way you kissed me, and that means a lot more.” you shrugged softly “See you, Dean.” you said with confidence before you turned and left the dungeon.
Dean's smile vanished and his eyes turned black, as he began working on undoing the ropes “Oh you will.”
A/N: One more chapter left and this will be all over! Feedback is very much welcomed, please I would like to know your opinion on the story!
@titty-teetee @monkeymcpoopoo @xi-i-i-whatsyouremergency @angelofchaos @yohanneswinchester @zacsmyboyfriendbutdeansmysidehoe @jessikared97 @spn-marvel-nerd @cassiopeia-barrow @fangirl-and-medstudent-help @colorbeams @warwithfeels @lexiiiii28 @shamelesslydean @joseyrw @legend-o-zelda team-free-will-are-my-boys @akshi8278 @waywardrose13 @colagirl5 @artsyicon @komunyska @missjenniferb @destiel-shipper-for-life @vanessaleonr @imascio08 @greenqueerqueen @samikitten @rockergirl57 @supernaturallover2002 @beltzboys2015-blog @inlovewith2dcharacters @catchingflyinfkeys @pisces-cutie @bingexqueen @funny11562 @rebelminxy @sculptorofbeginnings @supernatural3002 @rachel68928 @arikas5744 @arabella0dawn @broken-soul-bruised-heart @moodygrip @maui137@animegirlgeeky
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fuckthis-and-fuckthat · 7 years ago
She Thick.
JokerXChubby reader.
Summary- Someone comments on your weight and J says something and then you kick the dudes ass.
Warning- This is dirty. Dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty. Public sex. Yep, right in the middle of the road. Mhm. All that good shit.
Inspired by @tbhimprobablylost1613 because she wrote a dirty ass story that made me, well, wanna get fuckin dirty.
A/N- I didn't go over this so all mistakes are mine. I'm tired and it's 2 in the morning, so you know. Sorry...
Oh, and this is complete shit.
The Joker's assistant, that what you were. No matter how much you wanted to, you couldn't complain. All you really did was set up meetings and that's about it. You left all of his financial stuff with numbers to other people. You did a few other things like tagging along in heists, picking out a tie for J, even went with him to all of his meetings.
You enjoyed your job very much. Money was fucking great, you were never bored, you didn't have to hide your crazy, and let's face it, your boss is Daddy as fuck. You were always excited for his meetings. You got to dress up and go out, maybe get lucky and kill someone.
Staring down at the purple box on your bed, you opened it, finding a gold dress. Pulling it out, you held it up, noticing that it was short and skin tignt. Leave it to J to pick out the most unflattering clothes. Next to the box was a second smaller one, and you found a pair of black heels.
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You didn't know what J was thinking getting you this dress. Your body wasn't going to look too good, but you knew better than to argue with J over it. Hopping in the shower you shaved your legs and everyrhing, and started to get ready for the next meeting at 9 PM, meaning you had 2 hours to get ready.
After blow drying your hair, you put some hairspray in it, creating some volume. Moving on to your makeup, you settled for a black Smokey eye with a hint of red, and bright red lipstick. Satisfied with your look, you slipped on the dress.
Looking in the mirror, you fluffed your hair, pulling your boobs out a little more and sighed. Something was missing. You grabbed your gun holster, slipping it over your shoulders along with a cropped leather jacket, then a choker. Taking another look at yourself you smiled, actually feeling pretty good. Turning around, you took in the view of your round ass, your dress stopped mid thigh, but when you walked it went up to the bottom of your butt.
Checking the time, you noticed it was 8:30 so you walked downstairs, meeting J at the bottom. Your breath was taken away by him everytime. So strong and sexy, and fucking insane. J was a man you could never get tired of. He stared in your late night fantasies and you dreamed of ruling with him, but you knew it wasn't possible. Not a girl like you.
Your eyes took in the sight of him. Black slacks that fit him perfectly, his white button up shirt, a bow tie, and finishing it off with a tuxedo jacket, gloves, and a cain. He was one hell of a man, that's all you could say and you knew that by the end of the night, his javket would be off and his shirt would be unbuttoned, showing of his chisled chest.
J noticed the sound of your heels clicking agaisnt the stairs, turning his gaze towards you. His eyes ran from your legs to your breasts, then to your eyes. His lips were parted slightly, a little growl coming from him. His reaction settled deep in your stomach, creating a wetness between your legs. Perhaps it would've been a good idea to wear panties.
"Don't you just look good enough to eat." J said as you reached the bottom of the stairs. Laughing out of amusent, you knew he was lying and just being friendly.
"Don't lie to me, J." You stated, walking away and passing him, Putting a little more sway in your hips. You reached the car before him, climbing in and crossing your legs, making your dress hitch up farther. A few minutes later, J was getting in, throwing the car into drive and heading off.
J was a terrible driver, but with you dressed like that, he was worse. His eyes were barely on the road, more on you. You knew he was staring, so you chose to tease him a little. Running a hand though your hair and toying with the bottom of your dress. Hearing him growl, you knew it was working, which added to your confidence. Maybe he was attracted to you.
Reaching the club, a henchman opened your door and you stepped out, meeting J on the sidewalk. Walking into the club, you and J went to the VIP area, meeting the client. You noticed a look of disgust on his face as he looked at you, making you shift a little in your seat. J noticed, cocking his head to the side.
You didn't really pay much attention to the conversation, you just watched as people danced. Looking back over at J, you noticed his jacket and tie were off and his shirt was unbuttoned, just as you thought. You just wanted to eat him up then and there.
Turning your head, you looked at the client, watching as his eyes traveled up and down your body, lips twisting into a grimace. "Who is this, J?" He asked, a jersey accent strong on his voice.
"Ah. This is my assistant Y/N." J said and you sinced a feel of protection coming from him.
"Why she so fat?" The client asked, making your face twist into anger and amusment. How dare he say something about you? Especially knowing who your boss was and how close you two were.
"Why are such an ignorant piece of shit?" You retorted, cocking your head to the side, a smile on your face. You were highly offended by his comment, but you weren't going to show it. And believe it or not, you felt really good tonight, but that ship had fucking sailed. He went to say something, but J shushed him with a finger to his mouth.
"Miss Y/N is not fat, she thick." J ran a finger up the side of your thigh, creating goosebumps. "Perfection." You met eyes with J, a small blush creeping onto your cheeks.
"Nah. What you need is a skinny girl. They easy to toss around, and show em' who's boss." The client continued, earning a death glare from J. Apparently this dude didn't get the hint about talking shit. "They easy to control. Better than that fat thing. How about I show you a few of my girls? Let you take some for a joy ride?"
"Seems you're not gettin' the hint, buddy. Miss Y/N, would you like to teach him?" Looking over at you, J had a questioning, but dangerous look in his eyes. Graciously accepting his offer, you nodded your heads to the henchman, making them grab the man's arms and handcuffing them to his chair.
Standing up, you smiled brightly, slipping off your leather jacket, giving J nice view of your open back and the curve of your ass, and giving the client a view of your gun holster loaded with weapons. "I can't wait to show you my toys!" You squeeled, pulling out a knife.
Walking to him, you slammed it down onto his hand, making him cry out in pain. "I'm sorry! I take it back!" He screamed, sweat beading down his bald head. Chuckling to yourself, you grabbed another knife, stabbing him right in his crotch. You listened to the other men gasp around your and you heard J audibly laugh and mumble something.
You watched as blood poured feom his dick, adding to your amusment. "You see....I don't allow men, or anyone as a matter of fact, tell me what to do, especially men like you. You're a filthy pig. Nothing but an ignorant, cowardly clown, controlling woman because he can't earn respect." Spitting out, you twisted the kinife in his hand, making him groan out in pain. "Everything that Mr. J tells me to do, I do on my own because I want to, not becuase he tells me to. I'm my own person, I make my own decisions, bitch." Throwing a punch, his head napped to the side, blood drooling from his lip.
"This is what's going to happen...you're going to tell me where your warehouse is, We're gonna get all your shit. Oh! And for the fun part, I kill you! Got it? Yes, okay, good. Now spill." Taking out a gun, you held it to his head, watching as tears spilled down his cheeks. In your own little world, you weren't paying attention to J and the pleased look in his face as he watched you break this man.
"S-south Newport road. The abandoned ship yard. Everything's there. Just please, let me go."
"Mmm, No can do, buddy. You don't deserve to live." Huffing out a laugh, you pulled the trigger, spilling his brain's all over the black leather couch. "No one...tells me...what to do." Smiling, you grabbed your two knives from his corpse, putting them in place along with your gun. Turning around, you grabbed J's hand, walking you both out of the club.
"That was very impressing, Miss Y/N. Gotta say, it was exciting!" J said, pushing you against the passenger seat door, making butterflies form in your stomach. His hand traveled up your waist, fingers touching the bare skin of your back. "Why don't we go home? Gotta bare skin rug and some grape soda on ice waitin' for us." Pulling you closer, you felt his hard length proding at your belly.
Leaning your head back, you closed your eyes, feeling your slick between your legs. All you wanted was for him to put his face between your thighs and fuck you with his tongue. You wanted his cock deep inside of you, making you scream. J placed his lips on your neck, giving it a rough bite, then another. Crying out, your back arched agaisnt him. "Fuck." You moaned, pressing your face into his neck, breathing in his intoxicating scent.
"Tell Daddy what you want, princess." J rasped into your ear, voice laced with lust, making your heart beat pick up even more.
"I want you to fuck me on the hood of your car in front of all these people. Let them know just how good you can fuck me and make me scream." You say with more confidence than you thought you could. A dark chuckle comes from his lips as his hands slide down your body, sneeking up your dress to grab ahold of your bare ass.
"Mmm, such a dirty girl. You sure you want that? All these people to see you. What happened to the little self conscious Y/N I knew?" Nibbling at your ear lobe, he brought a hand around to your front, dipping it in between your sensitive folds, collecting the slick at your entrence. Placing a hand on his shoulder, you squeeze when he pushes his finger into your drenched pussy, curling at the perfect spot, elighting a moan from you. Gadping in his ear, you feel a growl rumble through his chest at the little noises you make.
"Leave my dress on. I don't care what else you do to me. Just make me fucking cum." Pulling your face from his neck, you slam it back against the car, wrapping your leg around his thin waist. "Fuck...." adding a second finger, he laughs hierarchically.
"Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty." J flicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, letting a huge grin form on his lips.
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Removing his fingers from your cunt, he pushes them onto hiss mouth, groaning at the taste of your juices. Moving his his face forward, he pressed his lips against yours, ×m waiting no time to invade your mouth with his tongue. Sliding your arms around his neck, you grab at his electric green locks, drawing a groan from deep within his chest. Biting at his bottom lip, he pulled you from the car, walking up to the hood, never breaking the kiss. Your hands make quick work at his belt, getting it open along with his pants. J laid you down, spreading your legs with the palm of his hands, he grins as he sinks down onto his knees. "Look this pretty little pussy." pressing his face right against your throbbing core, sucking your clit into his mouth, making you muel out, your back arching off the hood. "So Fucking good."
J would love to take his time to tease you and have you begging for him too touch you, but all he wanted to do was to taste you on his tongue. Licking down to your slit, he's slides his tongue into your opening, groaning when he tastes deep within you. "Daddy." Moaning, you lift your head to watch him eat you out, meeting the faces of all the people who were waiting in line. You had completely forgot about them, to be honest. You were too busy in your own world to even notice or care. But, knowing that all these people were watching the joker eat you out, made your face flush with excitment.
Biting down onto your clit, her pushed two of his long digits into your pussy, curling them against your g spot. Screaming quite loudly, you clenched around his fingers, bringing your hips up to reach his face over and over again. "That's it, baby. Fuck yourself on my face." J growled, pumping his fingers even harder inside of you. Withering your hips, you ground them against his face, feeling your orgasm build fastly. Fisting your hands into his hair, you pulled roughly as your orgasm hit. Screaming as loud as you could, you honestly didn't give a shit about anyone watching. You wanted to know how good he made you feel.
J groaned when your juices gushed onto his face, coating him and his fingers with your cum. Falling limp agaisnt the hood, J continues to lick at your pussy, collecting all of your wetness. Standing up, he wipped the back of his hand across his mouth, spreading his red lipstick even farther on his face. Smiling, he licked his liver teeth. "Fucking delicious." He chuckles.
Feeling the energy to lean up, you pull down his pants to his knees, along with his boxers, watching as his hard member sprang free. Feeling your mouth water, you rub your hand along his length, spreading the precum on his tip. "As much ad I'd love to choke on your cock, I need you to fuck me until I can't walk." Looking up through your lashes at him, you lick slowly across your bottom lip.
J leaned down, cupping your cheek in kiss hand and pressing a surprisingly gentle peck on your lips.
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Feeling a small smile form on your face, your heart leaped at his gentleness. Scencing your reaction, J moves his lips to your ear, "Don't get used to it, Doll."
Moving fastly, his demeanour changes from gentle to Daddy in a second. Flipping you over onto your stomach, he pulls you down until your feet are planted on the ground. Lifting your dress up, he kicked your legs apart with his foot, exposing you to both him and the crowd. Smacking the palm of his hand on your bum, you gasp as it sends a bolt of pleasure through you. "You been a naughty girl." He growls, smacking your bum again, this time making you moan. "Now that's more like it." Smacking the other cheek twice, he sticks his cock right into you.
Giving you no time to adjust, he sets a brutal pace, slamming in and out of you. Even over the sound of music coming from the club, the sound of your skin smacking against eachother was very noticeable. Pressing your on your back, J grips your hips roughly and you knew that there'd be bruises there tomorrow. Feeling him rub your gspot, you can't help but clench around him and he growls.
"Right there, Daddy." Gasping with pleasure, you feel the coil in your stomach form. "Fuck, ugghhh."
"You like that, Doll?" He questions, smacking your ass again.
"Yes, Daddy."
"Good girl." Speeding up his thrusts, if even possible, he reaches down and presses his fingers to your clit, making you scream.
"Please....please, Daddy. Make me cum. I wanna cum on your cock."
"Such a dirty girl. Begging daddy to let her cum." Rubbing even faster, you didn't know how long you could hold on until you came. "But you've been such a good girl for daddy."
"P-please...." feeling tears brimming your eyes, you try and stop yourself from cumming. His member was rubbing deliciously against your gspot with each thrusts, and you could feel him throbbing inside of you. He was close to. "Daddy, Please!" Screaming at him, tears spilled down your cheeks.
"Come on, Doll. Cum for Daddy." With his words and one more thrust, he spills his load right inside of you, sending you over the edge. Your vision blurred as your legs gave out from under you, only being held up by J who was slowly thrusting in and out now.
Pulling out, he tucked his cock back inot his trousers, buckling his belt. Taking a minute, he stared at your soaked pussy, watching your and his cum leak down your legs. "That's a fucking sight!" He yells excitedlly, pulling down your dress.
Regaining some of your modesty, you struggle to stand up and pull down your dress even farther, your juices tickling your legs. Looking over, you meet eyes once again with the people outside. Some of them had faces of horror while others were very pleased. Shrugging, you pull J down and give him a soft peck. "Don't get used to it." You smile.
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