#which is less work than typing it out thank god but also means i need Another tab open aside from the two tabs i already have open to ID
oathofkaslana · 1 month
i hate ID-ing things sometimes dialogue is killing me bro
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ithebookhoarder · 1 year
Relationship A - Z: (Alfie Solomons x F!Reader)
A/N: I randomly ended up catching a friend rewatching an episode of Peaky Blinders recently, and may have fallen back in love with this man again. So, it felt only right to finish this, after it sitting in my pile of unfinished drafts for months XD...
Yet again, for anyone who wants to know, I’m using Dameronlogy’s list here for this prompt. You can find it on their blog, or here. Thanks for all your love and support recently. It means a lot.
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A - actions. what sort of things do they do to show they love their s.o? 
Alfie listens which makes you feel special and valued to no end - something he demonstrates over and over again in many different ways. 
For example, if you say something is your favourite then he is sure to order it and leave it on your desk, whether it’s flowers, perfume, or books by a certain author. 
You even catch him one night, reading your favourite book, and can’t believe it when he starts asking you about it at breakfast the next morning, clearly having absorbed every word with great interest. 
And conversely, if you say you don’t like something… well, then it is all but eliminated from your life. Mushrooms? He’ll never let them touch your plate again. A certain cologne makes your headache? NO one at the factory can wear it. You’re allergic to something? Then Alfie will add it to a never ending list of enemies that need vanquishing and god help it if someone dares try to bring it close to you. 
He also shows it by asking about things you’ve mentioned, remembering all your friends and family names, as well as all the drama too (something you know he thoroughly enjoys catching up on, as yes, whether Mindy’s second husband is cheating on her is more interesting than answering Tommy’s letters.) 
B - beginnings. how did the relationship begin? how has it changed? 
However you met, you can guarantee that it took a while for you both to get to a point where you realised how you felt about one another. Alfie would definitely try to woo you though, even from the start. Tipping his hat when he passes you, sending gifts with handwritten notes, and taking you on lavish dates that clearly took time and effort to plan - he is a gentleman in many ways and refuses to treat you as anything less than a lady, even if you continually insist it isn’t necessary. 
C - comfortable. how comfy are they with each other? peeing with the door open close, or would they rather keep the mystery? 
He’d try to keep a line drawn between his work and your home life, but I feel he’d surrender pretty quickly once you start wearing it down. He has walls that he’s built pretty high and it takes him a while to figure out that it’s ok to let someone in every now and then - especially you.  
Soon enough, he’s sharing everything with you, from the sales figures, to other confidential business information. He keeps nothing back and neither do you. It’s a partnership and that makes you both incredibly happy. 
D - dates. do they consider dates to be important? what kind do they prefer? 
Dates are incredibly important to Alfie. They’re his chance to escape the darkness that follows him in his day to day life and to savour your company. They’re also a chance to strengthen your relationship which is the most important thing in his world. 
As for the types of dates, well, Alfie enjoys mixing things up, alternating between quiet evenings at home with you and nights hitting the town. 
E - engagement. how would they propose? who would even pop the question? 
Alfie would propose to you for sure. In fact, he’s probably been planning on asking you since the moment you first agreed to let him take you to dinner. He can see it all in in his head, and has his mother’s ring on standby for the day he finally musters up the courage to ask.  
F - fundamental. for them, what is the most fundamental part of a relationship? 
Loyalty - which I know sounds ironic given Alfie’s history, but it’s different when it comes to your personal lives. You’re not like his business, so there are no muddy waters for you to have to navigate through when it comes to right and wrong. You’re a team and that’s that, first, last, and always. 
You have each other’s back and love each other for who you are, and that’s why Alfie loves you so much. As long as you trust one another then you can handle anything, whether it be business at the bakery, or even hosting a dinner for the local community in your home. 
G - gratitude. how do they show their appreciation for you?
By spoiling you rotten. This could be via services for you, such as foot rubs, making you fall apart over and over in bed, or baking for you. Or, this could also be via material gifts, such as glittering jewels he’s procured from ‘work’ or fine dresses that you know cost far too much for any one person to own. But that’s Alfie. He loves to gift you fine things and watch as you put them on, looking every bit as regal and expensive as a queen - which is just how Alfie sees you anyway. 
H - home. a random domestic headcanon. 
This man can actually bake, which is fitting given his business front. Still, despite his true business ventures, Alfie can actually bake pretty well and loves to find an excuse to break out his mother’s recipes in the kitchen for you. Most days off start with you waking to the smell of something sweet wafting up the stairs, and the sound of your husband whistling as he works. 
He also has a pair of fluffy slippers that he would keep hidden with his life, if it came to it, rather than let anyone other than you know about them. He really doesn’t look so threatening with them on, which isn’t exactly the look he’s going for.  
I - infinite. do they believe their love is endless, or is there something that could break it? 
Alfie is a realist. Let’s be honest. He’s seen too much of humanity and the world not to be. Just because he expects the worst out of everyone in the world, doesn’t mean he isn’t determined to make your relationship work anyway. If he wants something he goes for it and his happy ever after is one of those things. 
It takes a lot of patience and self-work to not always fly off the handle or let the little things blow up into massive issues. You’d have your bumps along the way, especially in the early days, but you’d both find your feet together. In fact, soon your marriage is the gold standard amongst your friends. 
The secret? It’s learning not to see love as something that is either there or not. It’s something you earn, you build, you tend to. You don’t give up on it, no matter what the world throws at you. 
J - jokes. who's the funny one? 
Alfie is funny and often makes you laugh, but I think you’d get your fair share of laughter out of him too. He’s a goofy one when you finally crack through that shell of his, but he can take banter as well as giving it. In fact, the first time he properly laughed whilst at work he made the entire factory floor grind to a halt in surprise. You’d have heard a pin drop everyone looked so scared and confused.
K - kiss. how do they kiss? favourite type?
Alfie may seem like a massive extrovert, and he can be in the right circumstances. But when it comes to you? I feel like this man is private and protective af. He doesn’t like making a massive spectacle of you or your attentions. So, it’s the little kisses that are his favourite. The ones you subtly press to his cheek or hand whenever you’re near him. When you’re sat in his office or in the car together. When you’re lying side by side in bed and fighting the urge to close your eyes and doze off in his arms. They’re a constant reminder of the love you have for him. 
L - longing. who's the clingy one? how are they with long distance? 
Interestingly, I feel Alfie would be the clingy one, even though he is the one most often away from home, travelling for work. He calls you when he can, though, and makes sure to spend a day with you when he returns. 
He also has men watching you to ‘keep you safe’, even if he knows it drives you mad. Still, you put up with it because it makes him happy, making sure to offer each poor sod a cup of tea for their efforts, and charming them each into compliance. 
M - marriage. do they wanna get married? 
Alfie would love to marry you, let’s be honest. The chance to have a fancy wedding with the local community, and everyone witnessing how lucky he is to call you his? He’d be in his element - and the luckiest bastard alive. To call you Mrs Solomons is something he fantasises about nightly, and the ring box sitting in his desk drawer suggests it won’t be long before he asks you either. He would prefer a traditional Jewish ceremony, but wouldn’t insist if you said otherwise. After all, he just wants you to be happy. 
N - nicknames. what ones do they like? 
Sweetheart, Darlin’, Love… he has a lot of nicknames for you, each one depending on his mood. You can often tell a lot about how he’s feeling by the nickname he chooses to greet you with. Like, if he calls you by your actual name, then he’s feeling serious about something. It can be good or bad but he doesn’t use it lightly… just as he keeps ‘Oytser’ and a few other Yiddish terms for special occasions, usually when you’re alone. 
O - over the top. are they ever ott? or are they more low-key? 
This is Alfie. He’s OTT to the extreme. This wouldn’t change when it comes to you. His personality is as big as his empire and you wouldn’t change it for the world. It keeps things interesting, for a start, and you fell in love with him for him, just as he did you. That doesn’t mean, however, that you don’t sometimes wish things were simpler and quieter - especially once Tommy Shelby comes into your lives. That man only eggs Alfie on and makes him all the worse. 
P - picture. what's their favourite picture of them and their s.o? 
It would be something simple yet intimate to be honest, like a wedding photo, or one of the pair of you taken at a company soiree. He loves it because you’re dressed to the nines, wrapped in each other’s arms, and grinning like a pair of love sick soppy bastards. 
Q - quintessential. what is one they would refuse to compromise in their relationship? what's a deal-breaker for them? 
As I said before. Loyalty is everything to him. Plain and simple. 
R - rage. who is the most likely to start an argument? 
… come on. Alfie. For sure. He probably wouldn’t mean to, unlike when he’s with people to do with the business. Oh no, this man would do his very best not to upset you, given that you’re the one person in all the world that means everything to him. However, he’s still him. He still has a temper and a short fuse that all too often blows up whether it’s about not being able to find his cane, or about the fact he may or may not have pissed off an Italian gangster and needs you to flee to some safehouse for a week. 
He’ll take whatever rage you give back to him and can grovel with the best of them. Expect many bouquets, kisses, and angry sex, followed by make up sex is all I can say. 
S - sickness. who gets sick most often? what are they like when they’re sick? 
Given what we’ve seen in the show, I think Alfie would get ill most often. This can be due to his inability to take a day off or get a decent night’s rest in him, but it can also be due to more serious factors like his war wounds. Still, you’re a great nurse and aren’t afraid of ‘Big bad Solomons’, even if he does his best to get out of taking medicines or staying in bed. 
You can be a spitfire when you need to be and when it comes to caring for your husband, then you turn into the most fearsome Solomons in the West End. Scarier men than him have blanched and run away after being screamed at, by you, for refusing to let your husband out of meetings. Even Tommy himself once actually apologised after a dressing down from you, and sent a bottle of whiskey by way of apology. 
T - tattoo. would they ever get matching tattoos with their s.o, or a tattoo for them? 
Alfie would definitely get one for you. He has a lot anyway, but one dedicated to you would be important to him, so that he carries you with him. He’d also probably get it done over his heart, so it is all the more special as he claims it’s a visual reminder of the mark you’ve left on him. 
You make sure to call him a softy, but kiss him anyway once he tells you. 
U - understanding. how understanding are they? or are they a little difficult? 
All things considered, I think Alfie would actually be rather understanding about most things. It isn’t like his world is black and white, and he knows the world can be a complicated and unfair place. Sure, he’s stubborn but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t try to at least see things from a different perspective before deciding he was right in the first place. 
If anything, you’d be the one who is less understanding. By that, I mean, you have patience - the patience of a god damn saint, according to most of your friends - but God help you if Alfie makes a promise and then breaks it. You’ll put up with almost anything but if he makes a promise then he knows he has to keep it, else face your wrath later. 
V - vases. do they buy flowers?
Alfie would buy you flowers all the time. True, he’d normally bark at Ollie to order them for him, especially if it’s for an occasion or if he’s in trouble… he knows exactly what kind of flowers are your favourites and isn’t afraid to send you fields worth if it would make you smile. After all, in a city as grey and metropolitan as London, you savour any bud of greenery or coloured petals. It’s why you’ve come home to the kitchen filled with Sunflowers once or twice, after mentioning that you’d had a bad day… only the best for you, Alfie always says - to brighten your day, just as you brighten his life by being in it. 
W - wandering. do they wanna travel? or immediately settle down? 
He may be known as ‘the wandering Jew’ but Alfie would want to settle down, to be honest. You, him, Cyril and whatever kids you two have in a cottage by the sea in Margate… that’s the dream. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy taking you to places though, spoiling you with trips abroad every now and then, like Paris on your honey moon, and Italy for an anniversary. 
X - ex. how many exes do they have? any horror stories? 
As king of Camden he would more than likely have a few, but none he’d deem significant enough to tell you about. He’s always been more of a casual fling, kind of guy, until you came along and tipped his world upside down. The only person you’d ever have to worry about rivalling you for his affection has a tail and answers to the name Cyril… and to be fair, you’re pretty in love with him too.  
But if you had exes? Well, it depends on how it ended as to whether or not he has some of his men have quiet words with them in the middle of the night… 
Y - you. favourite thing about their partner? 
Alfie calls you his salvation, and you think he honestly believes that. You accept him for who he is and aren’t afraid of him, which is a minor miracle in itself. You’re patient and kind and all this things Alfie claims he isn’t, which is why he loves you so much - you are the light in his life and he hopes even just being around you is enough to make him a slither less of a sinner. 
That, and your irritating, unwavering optimism… oh, it annoys him to no end how you always smile and find silver linings wherever you look. You also seem to know just about everyone, often whistling and waving as you make your way through the factory like a god damn Disney princess. Hell, even the Shelbys seem to like you which really gets on his wick… but why wouldn’t they? You’re amazing, so he can understand even if he doesn’t like it. 
Z - zeal. how excitable are they? who's the calm one?
It’s Alfie. Come on - this one is self explanatory, even if I like to think you’d balance each other out. He brings out your extroverted side and you help temper his when he gets a bit much (even if you secretly love how excitable he gets). 
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spacebaby1 · 8 months
Can you do sukuna x Muslim reader? Where he is going through a hard time and she prayers for him(Arrange marriage but sweet kinda of relationship) it's okay if you don't want to write it. Love your writing:)
Yes! Omg I'd love to! Hope you like it!
It was an arranged marriage between you and you father's friends eldest son; Sukuna. You were having dinner one day with your parents and your dad had asked you if you'd be interested in an marriage with a nice man. You blinked at that question and shrugged, "I mean as long as you know he's a nice man I guess it's not bad in meeting him," you replied with a small smile.
After a week both your families decided to go out for dinner at a fancy restaurant and you saw him for the first time; he was not a talkative type, he was a gentleman and very well-known for his devotion to his work and family. You both talked then and there; he was charming not once he said something to make you mad or upset. He was very soft spoken to you. Your father had informed you after that dinner that Sukuna agreed to the wedding and he also said that if you reject him he'll understand and it's not pressure on your side to agree but you already decided that wanted to marry him; he was nice, gentleman and respectful and every other person that knew him said kind things about him.
Once you both agreed to get married Sukuna had texted you asking about what are your requirements for the wedding venue, cake, dress and everything else to which he also added that you shouldn't look at the price of anything; whatever your heart desires he'll agree to it. He wanted you to be happy, as of that didn’t already captured your heart, you both picked everything for the wedding together; nothing extravagant but very classy wedding with few of your friends and families.
Sukuna had bought you a home and it was not less than a castle; after the wedding he still spoiled you with gifts, and handed you all his credit cards to buy whatever you need. However you'd refuse to use his money on random things even though he said his money is your money from now on. He's been nothing but kind to you but also a bit shy some might say cold hearted; but he just didn't want you to fell uncomfortable around him. He'd often walk past a room and see you praying and would just stand at the doorframe to watch you and leaving before you see him.
One of the days he had a rough day, nothing seems to be in his favour that day, his meeting ended badly, the clients were complaining about some services and few stakeholders were arguing about something in the company. He got home with a heavy headache and saw the hot dinner you prepared for him, you entered the room and saw him, with a smile you took his bag and coat greeting him, "how was your day?" You asked and he just smiled not trying to bother you with his bad day, "it was good, I'm hungry." You nodded "come, let's eat, I made your favorite today." He was very grateful to have you at this moment, he ate his dinner and showered before going to sleep with a headache. Unfortunately the headache caught up to his sleep and he woke up in the middle of the night to find you not in bed, rubbing his temple he got up knowing where you are; in the prayer room.
Unlike everyday he didn't just stand by the doorframe to watch you pray. You werr done praying when you started to say the dua, "Dear God, thank you for all the blessings you gave me, thank you for the health and thank you the most for sending me such an amazing husband. He's very kind to me and caring towards me, I pray you bless him with health and well-being and a long life where we can be together always and honour each other, I really appreciate and," you paused with a smile, "I love him so much, I just wish he'd be less shy," you chuckled before continuing, "please God , keep him happy and safe, Ameen." Sukuna felt his heart melt at your words, he waited few minutes before knocking and walking in the room, you turned to smile at him as he took the seat beside you on your prayer mat. "Did I wake you up? I apo-" He cut your sentence short by placing his head on your shoulder as he sat beside you, "I've been feeling down all day, I had a very bad day-" he couldn't speak further without tearing down and you immediately wrapped your arms around him protectively so did he, holding you for dear life as he spoke and cried while you rubbed his back, "I don't know what to do, I want to just hide away and do n-nothing I'm just so so tired from today, I- I promise I'm not l-like this always b-but-"
"You have been working so hard lately, you need to rest, Husband," you softly spoke gently caressing his pink hair with your soft hands, "please, can you take few days off of work? You need to rest, it's not good to work and feel such pressure. Can you?" He nodded in you embrace, "y-yes I can take few days off." He slowly removed himself from your embrace chuckling as he whipped his nose and you whipped his tears with the end of your hijab before he placed his head on your lap and taking your hand and placing it on his forehead, "Sweetheart, would you please pray for me everyday?" He asked and you smiled down at him as you gently massaged his head, "with my whole heart, Husband." He blushed.
"Call me by my name," he chuckled, Now it was your turn to blush, "No!" You replied, and he chuckled, taking your other hand and placing his on his chest, "come on, just once, say my name." You rolled your eyes and spoke, "Sukuna." He blinked at you, "Again? Please?" He asked this time softly, and you tried hard to hide your smirk as you called his name, still massaging his head, "are you feeling better now? Sukuna?" He smiled and nodded eagerly, then closing his eyes, letting you massage his head some more.
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thecarrionwitch · 2 months
So for you dark and baneful witches... As one of you, I have a question:
As someone on this field of the craft I'm sure I know my answer and the answers I'll receive but I guess I just need to hear what others think before I fully stick my hand into the situation.
So a 'sibiling' of mine has started living with us again after 6 months of leaving because he had a big freak out and broke a lot of things in my room. The room that I hadn't been able to stay in because of how bad my current disability was at the time.
Up until his blow up he had tried playing in my face, acting like he cared and like he was nice, even going to my hospital room a few times when I was in it.
I made this post before but I broke a handful of my gods and goddesses statues, drew on a hanging thing of mine, threw away some of my tossing bones and called me useless and a liar for the sexual abuse I went through by another 'sibiling'... Called me a liar when before everything he acted like he understood.
I know, realistically the gods and goddesses support this choice if I go with it which I'm sure I will because I hate the energy in the house these days. And it's a familiar energy, the type where you feel like you have to walk on eggshells or you'll get hurt.
To add to his case he's:
Fatphobic (calling me names and stuff knowing good and well my disability was the thing literally at fault for me not being able to work out or anything like that. Also being fatphobic to the brother that I do care about that lives here that is on the spectrum and chubby as well but works as hard as he can. He was fatphobic to him while also taking money from him which made it hard for the good sibling to have any money left over for himself.)
Verbally and mentally abusive (when he's in a really bad mood and we got into an altercation before he left six months ago where the police was called because of all the shouting and he didn't hit me but I definitely feel like he wanted to.)
Manipulative (in many fashions from playing nice to making sure he doesn't split poles with his 22 y/o gf. He's 33... Do I need to explain more?? Considering I'm 21 I find the relationship really weird and considering his baby momma is fat I find it also weird asf that he's fatphobic, especially when he was shaped like a bowling ball in his highschool years and I mean bigger than me or my good brother.
Possibly abusive to animals. (There was a time where my fear was so bad over him that he was scaring my dog with my motorized wheelchair. I was scared to say anything but I didn't like it..) I feel like he's never really liked the dog but that was the punching point.
Rape apologist - in total I have four siblings. The eldest is the one I have an issue with, him and the one younger than him who spent years physically, mentally and sexually abusing me. It took so many years for me to say ANYTHING and when he had his blow up on me he called me a liar even though I've talked about it and I'm covered in sh scars from the mental drainage.
And honestly this is just a small list of what he's done to me RECENTLY. within a year, less than a year.
I made a notes thing for doing some baneful magick to get him out of here and away from this house for good. I know I am but am I justified in doing magick against him? Would you??
I put that last answer there for giggles but yeah. Vote guys. Please and Thank you.
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game-set-canet · 1 year
could I have cute clingy giggly tipsy Andrey after getting back from celebrating a win? Love your blog
You're on my mind
Pairing: Andrey Rublev x f!reader
category: fluff
warnings: none
Author’s Note: Maybe i had a little too much fun writing this imagine 😂 i hope you like it as much as i do! thank you for your request 💕also: English isn’t my first language, so I’m very sorry for mistakes!
* Y/N = your name * Karen Khachanov has an almost four years old son named David
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(not my gif! credits to the owner/creator!)
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It’s almost 1 a.m. when your phone vibrates on the couch table. You suppress a yawn as you try to reach your smartphone without moving too much under the blankie.
It’s a message from Karen. You raise an eyebrow and open his message: »We’re heading back to the hotel. Are you still awake?«
You sit up on the couch and start typing: »You’re already coming back? Did something happen?« and send it together with a second message – the answer to Karen’s question: »Yes, I’m awake. David is asleep since half past seven.«
You volunteered to look after David, so the boys and their teams could go out and celebrate their first double title in 2023. Usually you would join them in their celebration (which are always kinda legendary to be honest) but you have an important paper to write - due to Tuesday – and unfortunately your boss isn’t very patient.
It takes Karen only a few seconds to reply: »Good. We will be back in about 30 minutes and i’ll come and collect my son and you get your wreck back«
»My wreck?!?!«
»Well…Andrey is a bit drunk.«
»A bit?«
»You will see« the symbol under Karen’s name pops from “online” to “offline” and back to “online”, Karen is typing again: »And Andrey begged me for the last 5 minutes to tell you that he really really loves you and insisted that I’m a bad friend if I don’t tell you this.«
You shake your head and sigh: This means your boyfriend is clearly drunk. And a drunken Andrey is really special.
*** *** *** *** *** ***
You just finished collecting all your things (your smartphone, the laptop, some papers from work) when you hear the hotel room door click. In the doorway stand Karen and Andrey - or more precisely: Karen stands and supports Andrey.
“Oh my god, how much did he drink?!”, you whisper-shout – careful not to wake up David who is sleeping in the next room.
“Y/N!”, your boyfriend's face immediately lights up in a bright smile, “Y/N!”
Andrey frees himself from Karen and comes - walking in a surprisingly straight line - towards you to hug you tightly: “I missed you, baby.”
A part of you wants to point out the fact that they were away for only about three and a half hours, the other part of you can’t help but smile against Andrey’s chest while you put your arms around his waist: “Yeah, I missed you too…tell me, how much did you drink?”
“Not much!”, he shakes his head vigorously. You feel him falter because of it, and he would certainly have stumbled if he hadn't held on to you.
You pull a doubtful face and give Karen a questioning look. The older one shrugs: “He is right. He didn’t drink much…definitely less than usual…I don’t know why he acts like that.”
Andrey shoots Karen a uncomprehending glance and hugs you even tighter now: “I just missed her.”
You sigh silently and try to release his arms from you: “Andrey, I need to talk to Karen for a second, okay? Would you please sit down on the couch for a moment?”
At first, it seems like he might want to protest, but then he energetically plops down onto the nearby couch. In the next moment, he wraps his arms around your thighs, burying his face in the fabric of your t-shirt against your stomach, muttering something in Russian you don’t understand.
You blink in surprise before placing your hands on his shoulders – accepting the fact that he seems to be very clingy right now.
Karen leans against the commode next to the door, taking off his shoes but looking at you as you start to speak: “As I already texted you: I put David to bed at half past seven. He ate a bit but didn’t have much appetite.”, while speaking, your fingers automatically start playing with the tips of Andrey's hair. You tilt your head from one side to the other, “And…well, I don’t know…maybe David gets a cold or something? He was very sleepy the whole evening and got a bit cold?”, by now, your hand is running through Andrey's hair.
“Yeah, I’m afraid you’re right. I thought the same when he didn’t want to get up in the morning…well, we will see.”, Karen sighs loudly before he smiles at you, “Thank you for looking after David, Y/N.”
You return his smile and wave your hand in a dismissive gesture: “No need to thank me! He was really well-behaved - as always. And I even managed to finish my work, which I just need to submit tomorrow.”
Andrey murmurs softly, disapproving the fact that you stopped stroking his hair.
“Good good”, Karen nods down to Andrey, asking half-joking half-seriously: “Should I help you putting him to bed in return?”
You suppress a laugh: “No, I think we are fine…I text you if I need any help.”
*** *** *** *** *** ***
Against your assumption, it's quite easy to get Andrey out of Karen’s hotel room.
He has his fingers intertwined with yours, holding your hand as you wait for the elevator. Andrey's hotel room is just one floor down but leading him through the staircase in his condition seems unnecessarily risky to you.
The elevator doors are closing behind you, when Andrey squeezes your hand and beams at you: “Y/N, I love you!”
You chuckle softly and nod as you press the button for the sixth floor: “Yeah, you already said that 30 seconds ago and a minute before and before and before.”
Suddenly Andrey is standing right in front of you: “Yes…but I love you a lot, so I have to say it many many many times.”, he bends his head and covers your face with lots of little kisses.
“I see.”, you can’t help but start laughing while you stroke his left cheek with your hand.
With a soft ding, the elevator doors open on the lower floor, but Andrey doesn't move - a deep crease forms between Andrey's eyebrows as he furrows his brow: “Don’t you love me?”
You look at him with wide eyes, completely confused: “Of course I love you, why are you asking this?!”
“Because you didn’t say it back.”, he pouts, reminding you of a little puppy being denied a treat now.
You close your eyes for a second: “Andrey, I said it back the first five times.”
"Yes, but don't you love me the sixth time?"
“I love you more than I can put into words, okay?”
“Okay.” he nods, beaming again.
Luckly your hotel room is only a few steps away. You are searching in your handbag for the key card, which is a bit complicated because you can only use one hand since Andrey refuses to let go of your other hand.
The door unlocks with a soft click and while you are fumble for the light switch, Andrey starts speaking again: “Y/N, I lov-“
*** *** *** *** *** ***
You guide Andrey to your bedroom, decided to skip teeth brushing and all the other things since it’s already half past two and you are supposed to be at the airport at ten a.m..
Sleep is definitely more important now.
“Andrey, honey, can you please take off the clothes?”, you ask while throwing your handbag on the suitcase and unlocking your phone to set the alarm.
You are completely focused on your smartphone, so you don’t notice Andrey stepping in front of you. Suddenly you feel his hands fumbling at the buttons of your blouse.
You lift your head and stare at him: “What the hell are you doing?!”
“You asked me to take off the clothes!”, your boyfriend giggles while continuing to open the buttons – or rather tries to because his fingers are way too uncoordinated for it.
“No!”, you look at him with disbelief, “I asked you to take off YOUR clothes!”
“No, you just said ‘the clothes’”, his giggling turns into laughter.
“Fine, Andrey, honey, can you please take off YOUR clothes?”
“No.”, he replies giggling.
“No? Why not?”
He looks you deep in the eyes, his grin has something suggestive: “It’s much more fun when you do it.”
You raise an eyebrow, giving him a serious look: “Andrey, take off your clothes and go to bed!”
“No, you have to do it!”
“Andrey. Take. Off. Your. Clothes.”
“No, you have to do it!”
Your voice has a sharp undertone: “Andrey! It’s almost two a.m. Please we have go to bed, we have to get up in a few hours, I’m tired!”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I don’t want to be annoying!”, hesitantly he reaches for your hand, “Please don’t be angry with me!”, suddenly the puppy-expression is back on Andrey’s face.  
Your facial expression softens, and you give his hand a soft squeeze: “I’m not angry, Andrey. I’m just tired, okay?”
He doesn’t say anything, just nods slowly before letting go of your hand and pulling the sweater over his head.
It took Andrey only three tries to open his belt and after another five minutes he’s finally lying next to you in bed.
Although it’s dark in the bedroom you can feel Andrey’s eyes on you.
You know what he is about to say something but this time you are faster: “Andrey, I love you.”
You move closer to him and put his head on his chest.
“I love you too, Y/N.”, you can almost hear his bright smile.
And a drunken Andrey is really special. And you love him.
♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦
tagging: @bluetackbaby @lxndonorris @fedalev
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justarandombrit · 4 months
36. “I'm lost without you.” - Curtwen (Spies Are Forever)
Owen had had a lot of partners in his line of work. Or, depending on how you want to look at it, he'd had none.
If you'd have asked Owen how many he thought he'd had, he'd have, a, grilled you on who you were working for and why you would need that information, and, b, told you he'd only had one.
Sure, he may have worked with some of the most talented agents from a dozen countries, but there was only one man who Owen Carvour ever considered a partner, in both senses of the word.
Agent Curt Mega of the American Secret Service, with his confidence and charm, and the self-assured swagger that would usually tip Owen off to an egotist, was the one man Owen ever truly trusted.
Where Owen was sharp and brusque, Curt was witty and charismatic. Where Owen was disconnected and reserved, Curt was proud and extraverted. Where Owen was meticulous and calculated, Curt was hasty and reckless. Where Owen was cold, Curt was warm.
They were the ying to each other’s yang, and who could blame darkness for falling for light? As it turned out, quite a lot of people.
Owen shook off all thoughts of his and Curt’s secret, and the potentially disastrous consequences of it getting out. He needed to focus on the mission at hand, besides, that would never happen.
Slipping soundlessly past a couple of security guards, Owen ducked behind swords with blades the width of his forearm, and edged around various maces and antique guns. He didn't even entertain the idea of taking one with him, he knew his own pistol packed a punch far greater than any he'd find in this museum.
He also knew Curt definitely would've. In fact, due to the gap on a table a small dagger should definitely have filled, he suspected that Curt already had. Right. Curt. He was supposed to be rescuing Curt.
Owen blinked as hard as he could, he knew Curt was waiting for him, and he desperately needed to snap back to reality.
He pulled up his watch, yet another piece of tech far superior (and more top secret) than any other in the building, maybe in the world.
He'd spent enough time perusing through the floor plans for the museum that he didn't really require the map MI6 provided him, but it never hurt to check.
After a few seconds, he'd verified his route, and from there it took no time at all to make it to the room he assumed Curt, and, incidentally, the secret weapon plans he'd stolen, were located.
Ever melodramatic, before slipping into the room Owen applied a quick fake moustache, just for the hell of it.
He took a deep breath and flung open the door.
Half an hour later, Curt and Owen were careering down the corridors and halls of the museum, dodging cabinets full of anachronistic firearms, and occasionally pushing the occasional suit of armour behind them to shake off their pursuers.
Curt had taken about three wrong turns in the span of ten minutes, which Owen thought was less a reflection of Curt’s intelligence, and more of a testament to how few resources A.S.S supplied its agents with.
However, he couldn't be too mad with the organisation, as it did mean Curt kept having to lean over his shoulder to check Owen’s map. Or, even better, rely on him for directions.
“It's the–” Owen glanced at the floor plan. “– second left!”
Curt fired a bullet over his shoulder, causing the man chasing them to fall to the ground.
“Thanks, O, you're a lifesaver… literally. God knows I'm lost without you.”
If Owen had been the type to get flustered, he certainly would have been now. Instead, he set his jaw and pointedly avoided eye contact.
“You can say that again.”
I don't know how I feel about this one. It was a bit long, and my first time writing from Owen’s perspective so it's kinda clunky, but it's not the worst. Also, THROWN IN BACK LIKE A BURLAP SACK-
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prototypelq · 9 months
Okay so, yesterday I've been on my worst DRG mission yet xD
I am a very green-greenbeard (barely over 10 hours playtime), my fav mission type is Liquid Morkite mining (space oil mining, you need to build a system of pipelines leading to each morkite rift, which requires a lot of fun terrain-conquering problem-solving), because building pipelines is addictively fun. So, as a complete idiot, I see a mission with modifiers (this was a decision I would later regret-but not really) and get on it on a public server (meaning any player can join in, which normally doesn't take too much time at all).
The modifiers on that mission? Low oxygen and Cave Leeches (Cave leeches are enemy type that grab you and drain your health to zero unless somebody else saves you, Low Oxygen means precisely what the name implies, and you need to regularly come back to the mining station to refill your oxygen tanks.) Oh, and the Cave Complexity was 3 (which means, as I've intimately learned on that mission, that the map becomes much bigger, and more obstacles will get in your way, this pairs very badly with low oxygen modifier, as your mission objectives are placed further, but you constantly need to route back to be able to breathe)
So, there my lonely Engineer was, with my best boi Bosco (robot-companion while you play solo, he actually does what you ask him to so he is more useful than actual players xD yes but not really but yes), terrified of the amount of lootbug mess I just stepped into, once I logged in and realised what exactly all those modifiers meant.
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I was terrified to explore, as it would be extremely easy to get caught by leeches and Bosco can only revive me two times, and this was only the prep step of the actual mission. Very carefully, I was able to find the first morkite well, and then the real issue arose. While, I am really glad I picked Engie for this mission, as his ability to create platforms is extremely useful when building pipelines, he also is one of the classes that doesn't have innate fast mobility options. In the context of a big map and pipeline building this meant that I had to: imagine the route I can build the pipeline to that particular morkite well, figure out how to mold terrain so the pipeline route would be actually possible to build, go out and mold terrain, then immediately route back because I have no oxygen left, rinse repeat, but switch 'terrain mold' to 'pipeline construction'. Very soon the time I spent getting to the construction point and back took most of my oxygen, so I could work like 30 seconds maybe on a pipeline, before heading back, otherwise my dwarf would suffocate. Also, somehow, Nobody would join. I think I spent around 30, maybe a bit more minutes just trying to build the first pipeline. I was terrified of going outside the tried and true routes because of the cave leeches, so I didn't even have any nitra for a resupply when my platform gun ran out of ammo. I started manually digging through the rock to build the second pipeline. I mean, I started digging for 2 seconds at best, then had to run back because of low oxygen, then back to mining for my two limited seconds.
For some reason, I persisted through this, and built two out of three pipelines. Thankfully, the best route I found for the last line went parallel to my first built line for a long time, so that eased the process a little, and the middle morkite well turned out to be closer than the others, so that was a break. I only had the longest pipeline to build, the one where I had to manually dig a tunnel to place, when, THANK GOD, another player joined in. It was a Gunner, he clearly didn't feel nearly as terrified as I was of the cave leech ambushes, was I bravery or stupidity I know not, but he found us nitra, and I was finally able to order a resupply. Things went easier after I figured out that his ziplines took less time to go up the cliff that pipeline surfing, and with my reloaded platform gun things got much easier. Then another player joined in, a scout this time, and it all went pretty smooth after that. The entire mission took me an hour and a half to complete, and for the most of it I was on my own.
Bosco, I will never forget the bond we built on that mission, robot-buddy my dear,
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and the joined guys really saved my ass there,
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I would never have finished the mission without them. Remember, if you Rock and Stone, you're never alone!
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valeffelees · 6 months
An Ask Game for Writers to Procrastinate Working on Your WIP(s)
thank you kindly for tagging me @shrekgogurt @youarenevertooold, and @monbons i've been seeing this game make its rounds on my dash and was really hoping someone would pull me in!
🦈 Tell us the name of one of your WIP(s)
my main three wips at the moment are without sun, ballad of the final sparrow, which is more commonly known as bitverse, and fragile things (and how to break them), but i've also been fucking around a bit the last two or three weeks with a new (terrible, evil, very self-indulgent) wip called god-forbid.
🍄 Describe one of your WIPs in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
i think i might be dumb bc i don't understand this question at all.
🌍 What tags or warnings will your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
bitverse: heavy angst, psychological horror elements, alcohol abuse, allusions to suicide, unhealthy coping mechanisms, dead dove: do not eat.
🧭 An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
ballad of the final sparrow -> baz is typing fragile things (and how to break them) -> there's a werewolf in london god-forbid -> the gap between a tragedy and comedy
⚠️ Which WIP you’re most likely to finish or update next?
i have no idea. i mean, you'd think the answer would be without sun since it's the only fic i actually have posted at the moment, but unfortunately i am an untrustworthy villain.
💾 What is the document of your WIP called? (Not the story title, but what you’ve saved it as.)
same as the fic title. if i start a new wip and don't know what to call it, i'll pick something at random and add (working title) at the end.
🖍 Post any sentence from your WIP
from without sun:
“You don’t like peppermint,” he says. But maybe she does. Maybe that’s one more thing he can add to his growing list of things he got wrong about Agatha Wellbelove. No. 1 — Dislikes peppermint; actually, she is quite fond of it. No. 2 — Likes Simon Snow; him, not so much.
♻️ A scrapped idea for your current WIP
one of the biggest changes i made to the plot of without sun really early on was penelope's role in the story. i had a clear idea of the story i wanted to tell as soon as i saw the prompt for the fic. without sun was always supposed to be about more than simon and baz. the story is about grief and love, and the space we take up in the lives of the people around us. but n e way, in my orig draft, penny was actually supposed to be able to communicate with simon a bit, and there was gonna be a whole sect of scenes in the middle of the fic where they sat around together trying to break simon's curse what we know and what we don't know style via passing notes. i ended up tossing this idea really quickly tho, and i'm glad i did bc one of my favourite moments i've ever written in any fic happens in chapter two of without sun and it belongs to simon and penny.
🤔 What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
so many. or, well—what counts as "haven't even started"? i hate to let ideas sit around in my head bc it feels like leaving raspberries in the fridge for too long, like that shit is gonna get mould on it, so usually the first thing i do is rough out a few scenes and/or script out a very rough outline of the plot (like this / this / this style) so that i have something to come back to later. i have dozens of zero drafts just lying tf around. but otherwise, yeah, so many. one big idea i have is called heart on fire and it's based on fanart, but i haven't started it yet bc obvs i wanna get permission from the artist first but i've been holding off reaching out to them about it until i've knocked a few of my less intimidating longfics off my wip list bc heart on fire is gonna fucking hefty so i don't wanna give'r until i'm sure i can manage it.
🤡 How many WIPs are you actively working on?
🛠 Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
i'm having a real bitch of a time with agatha's main scene in chapter two of without sun, i've been fighting with it on and off for months, but i can't get it to do what i want it to do.
❤️ Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
sorry for any doubles but, tagging: @drowninginships @cosmicalart @that-disabled-princess @fatalfangirl @cutestkilla @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @artsyunderstudy @thewholelemon @roomwithanopenfire @hushed-chorus @blackberrysummerblog @imagineacoolusername @nightimedreamersworld @prettygoododds @confused-bi-queer @mooncello and an open tag for anybody else who wants to procrastinate their wips!
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thegeminisage · 2 months
now it's time for a proper star trek update. i am sooo behind. monday we did voy's "the q and the grey," made it about 11 minutes in before quitting and switching to ds9's "the ascent" and then did ds9's "rapture," and then later that evening i finished "the q and the grey" on my OWN, then on tuesday we did voy's "marcocosm" and "fair trade" which means we accidentally went a little out of order (we were supposed to hit another ds9 ep first).
the q and the grey (voy):
as mentioned above, we got. 11 minutes. into this episode. rough!
there's normally very little sexism on this show which is like. despite this show's tone being similar to tng's, a better cast and less sexism put it MILES ahead of tng in my opinion. but for some reason you put q in a room with janeway and WOW. the harassment, the casual "kathy," the belittlement...like, it was kind of funny in CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES when it was picard but it looks sooo different when he is doing this to a woman. like, he wasn't trying to have picard's baby, was he
not to mention he's always a little racist to chakotay, which is even more unfunny than him being fantasy racist to worf. him stealing the tattoo wasn't like. funny or quirky. jesus
also. CIVIL WAR COSTUMES? REALLY? REALLY??? they cast q's side as the yanks but like...he's rebelling against the government, so............
anyway, this episode had two redeeming moments for me. first was when chakotay was jealous i did holler. second was when janeway decided to "watch" the two qs procreate and then it was just a little zap, which i did think was really funny. other than that, it was ALL bad. i checked and we have one q episode left and then thank god i don't see his ass again until lower decks
the ascent (ds9):
THE MOST EP EVER. i'm normally "eh" on quark/odo but i really enjoyed this episode mostly because even when they were trying to survive they could NOT stop arguing
also, it did wonders for quark, like...he's the reason odo's leg got broken and he made it to the top and saved him. furthermore, he hates root beer, but bought some for nog. i love when quark has little hints of having a soul. like when he sold food at cost for bajorans. we don't need much, just more than we got in season 3
also, rom was in this ep :')
going from like the existential mountain climb back to the silly little odd couple b plot was INSANE whiplash, by the way
i do love how much of an artist jake is. he wants to wake up at 1pm have junk for breakfast and spend all day working on his fanfic while cleaning never. maybe he wanted to move out so sisko wouldn't nag him to clean so much
ALSO, AWW, JAKE MOVING OUT...my best friend sisko was so emotional. please. i love him so much
i did also like that the solution to the odd couple problem in both the instances of jake and nog and odo and quark was to simply invent a bigger problem. for odo and quark it's the mountain but for jake and nog it's not being roomies anymore. they were so happy when sisko forced them to get back together they instantly forgave each other's flaws which is heartwarming but also extremely fucking funny
rapture (ds9):
the title, i know, i know, i KNOW. i almost typed "THE rapture" like twice, nobody say anything, fuck
did not love this episode BUT i made it through the entire thing without calling kai wynn a bitch
i actually liked the depth they gave her in this ep, though it's not enough to make the character fun for me. she just takes such relish in being cruel for the sake of her faith, i can't stand it
kira also wearing blinders this episode :/ it's not that i don't think she should have a faith but i wish it didn't make her stupid. like, oh let's let sisko die from his visions! let's be an artist instead of a soldier! because some guy said to! come on
poor kassidy having just got out of prison and now she gets back to sisko being like. totally fucking crazy. i do like that she and jake have bonded though. i hope she makes him a great stepmother someday
i feel like this plot is gonna come back later...? i've read Some Things about sisko. i will say i'm curious to see where it goes. at the same time, i can't believe he chose his visions over JAKE when we all saw how jake was in the visitor and i'm kind of mad he didn't so much as apologize for putting jake in that position. it doesn't really feel like he ever came back to his "right mind." i hope he's not like that for the rest of the series lol
macrocosm (voy):
JANEWAY HOT!!!!!!!!!! this is so rough for me because i've never found her like stupid attractive before but wow the laura croft look really did it for me. i wish chakotay could have seen it 🫡
sorry i know there are other things to say about this episode. ummm it's much funnier post covid. the giant viruses. i wish they hadn't made them so buglike though
very fun that the doctor had gone full apocalypse mode. it makes absolutely NO sense how he was able to infect everyone if he wasn't real though...that's the whole reason they sent him down
the prosthetics in this were very cool. the cgi effects were very silly
fair trade (voy):
the conceit of this episode was so fucking stupid. like, what about any of them makes neelix think they're gonna toss him out for being useless. kes is also useless, they don't NEED a nurse, but they're not throwing her out. a single conversation could have solved all of this
i thought that guy wix looked so familiar i was struggling to remember what he did in voyager, but no, i made that up.
on the other hand, i did like seeing vorik again! i remembered him from tng because of how fucking good his spock mannerisms were. like, not his name or anything he actually DID on tng, just how good he was at being a vulcan. i hope he comes back trek DESPERATELY needs more vulcans. maybe he and tuvok hang out and find peace in nobody pestering them about having emotions lol
anyway, i do love that janeway gave him hell at the end for it though. like that time she lectured b'elanna and tuvok and they wanted to die. AND she did it to chakotay once too. one thing she will do is shame somebody for being fucking stupid <3 may everyone on the cast get one before the series is over
TONIGHT: voy's "ater ego" and ds9's "the darkness and the light"
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mystic-hysteria · 10 months
Get to Know You: Sims Style
Thank you @bunnybananasims for the tag! I really do love doing these types of posts hehe.
What’s your favorite Sims death?
Hmm, I like the burn-up in the sun death for vampires. Although it never has happened once in my game, I do like how dramatic it is.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis Match for sure.
Do you cheat your Sims' weight?
Nope. If they roll the want to work out, or automatically do so, I guess they can become fit. Other than that, I couldn't care less.
Do you move objects?
All the time. I dunno why, but I create the buggiest lots sometimes, so uh, some intervention is needed.
Favorite Mod?
This one's a tough one! If I had to choose one mod I can't live without it has to be ACR. Without it the game's so dull I think.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
Haha! It was Supernatural for TS3.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Neither? I pronounce it LIVE mode.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
My in-game born Ray Cooke.
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That's the only HQ photo I have of him but it's so outdated I'm sorry! He's the son of Rainelle Neengia andJulien Cooke's son, and Stella Terrano. He's so cute if I do say so myself.
Have you made a Simself?
Never. Weird I know.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Brunette? Yeah, Brunette.
Favorite EA hair?
Ripp's hair. It's just nice!
Favorite life stage?
Teen / Adult
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Gameplay... Building is a means to an end for me.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
It depends on what CC I was using at the time. When I first started playing TS2, I only cared for hairs and clothes. I also had mismatched hair systems.
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As you can see, poppet with simgaroop with god knows what else. My defaults also didn't match!
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I call this stage of my simming career trying to find my style. I tried different hair systems and different CC styles. I have a dedicated PV-ST hood with only true maxis match CC.
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This is when I about settled for Dreadpirate's Pitstop skins and Simgaroop hairs. I also started using face details (?) like wrinkles, shadows, and shapers. It really was a game-changer.
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Some of my most recent pics. Although I changed hair systems again, this time to Trotylka's Remi hair system, it pretty much is the same. Feels nice to settle on one thing and stick to it.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Oooh I have lots, but the top of my head I can list @moocha-muses @deedee-sims @pforestsims @lucilla-sims @mdpthatsme and so so many more. My game thanks every single CC creator out there.
How long have you had Simblr?
I have no idea. I used to be active on @hystericallytragicsimmer before, so I don't know if that counts as well. I'd say 2018-2019ish/
How do you edit your pictures?
Photoshop :)
What expansion / game pack is your favorite?
I'll say one for each game:
Ts2: Seasons / Ikea Stuff
TS3: Supernatural / uh i don't know
TS4: City Living / Vampires
As for tags, tag yourselves lads :)
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
Fuck you and your writing. What the hell. How tbe fuck did you make a tasteful brothel scene, how the hell did you manage to do all this shit. This chapter was fuckin heart wrenching. I wanted to see WWX get fucked up and then he did and it wasn't satisfying, but it was good writing and i liked it regardless. God. How the hell did you do this shit. What the fuck.
:^) thank you, i hit my target :^) :^)
because i really, really cared about getting the exact flavor of this chapter right, so much so that it took over a year.
the brothel scene is so important in what it means in the fic, which is more than showing that zyx fucked. or that zyx fucked a girl for real. or to do some questioning of sexuality.
(which i think i had to go through the five stages of grief when someone excitedly talked about it like having sex means someone is no longer aspec like... every day i am confronted by the fact we all coexist with vastly different perspectives on reality, and these realities are all true to some extent, sigh)
it's also not about being edgy and buying hookers, getting drunk, and all that.
so without using prostitution, nightlife, and sex as a prop and just being real with it, i hope that it doesn't come off goofy, edgy, or objectifying. the perils of trying to convey complicated feelings without therapy speak in-fic, and being really honest in someone's motivations and reactions (bc, unavoidably, it IS an SI).
the brothel scene and its whole fallout was so important, in fact, that i rewrote the entire order of the chapter. originally, the scenes were supposed to be in chronological order. logical, but it just felt like a boring recounting of events. sure, the events are fresh and we wanna see what zyx-mess happens next, but it's just a bunch of 'and then, and then, and then'. works for interlude chapters (ch8, ch15), but this really isn't one.
seguing, i learned a lot from how i wrote bil. dbd will never be as lean as bil, but it reminded me that when i drafted the fic, i focused on certain developments and ideas for a reason. also, since it's a chapter that doesn't involve too many canon characters, which let's be real that's usually the reason we stick around these kinds of fics, it needed to have purpose and be clear about what feeling it's trying to convey
even at the cost of simplicity in order of events
it would have been so difficult to keep the type of upset that zyx is feeling through a chapter that spans months, develops two interpersonal relationships, has a big oopsie, in chronological order without a too-angsty tone. too many periodic reminders would feel jarring and obtrusive, and exaggerate it. and that's also just not how zyx (i) deal with upsets, thank you adhd
and like, doing that for 10k+. (eternally i thank my readers for their patience and willingness to read so much bc people don't read fanfic for deep analysis and extra hw...) that's too much.
the second most important scene is the wwx duel, you got it. (i'd lump the lxc duel there, too bc those two are kinda related)
(sometimes i worry i made wwx too annoying. but then i talk myself back--it's always perspective. wwx isn't doing more than he already did in canon. we just have someone who can articulate how they feel about what he does, and he's not the main narrator of dbd.)
we get to a very clear demonstration of zyx as a character--it's more or less "i have no mouth and i must scream". here's your chance to be violent. you know you want it. do it. act out, make yourself heard.
zyx doesn't do it.
and you know what? i will be honest, truly honest here: i am sorry if you can instantly clock why zyx is the way they are, because for real 'recognition of the self in the other'.
lack of satisfaction--when you know what you wanted all along was for something to have never have happened at all, would punishment (displaced punishment) satisfy you? would it fix you? sometimes it helps, just for a moment. but i've answered this question enough times that i know i'd rather have never had to ask that question in the first place.
tldr: it's because it's a chapter about emotional honesty, and i as the author was really fucking honest and tried my fucking best to convey that.
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ryetherat · 8 months
so... percy jackson rp?
i've had this idea in my mind for... years at this point, i guess, just swimming around in the back of my mind. and it Hit me again thanks to the show so here we are
i'm not looking for a roleplay partner, which seems to be the "norm" nowadays. my plan: a pjo rp forum site, hosted on jcink or proboards, whatever works. forum roleplaying was a big part of my online experience growing up and god i just MISS it
i have basic ideas, ill put them under the cut
the bulk of the rp would be character building, threads in camp and elsewhere - but i have this main gimmick idea for "quests":
they would be primarily crafted by admin (who have first dibs for playing cabin counselors too), and assigned to players who signed up to be on the quest "waiting list". admin (which would have a shared account so it didnt matter specifically Who) would play the parts of NPCS - including monster encounters. if/when gods showed up, they would also be played by admin
i'd love to implement some sort of ttrpg dice system, with quickfire threads for combat separate but linked to the main thread. monsters would have different stats, etc. and players could even consent to character deaths when signing up for quests!
demigods wouldnt be the only type of character available to make, but it would have to be the majority. satyrs, i think, would be the most numerous "side characters", maybe nymphs around camp. those details arent important rn tho
what i'm thinking:
with admin, i'm looking for people who know how to code and create custom layouts, graphics etc. ideally, 2-3 people so its not all one one person
i'd want the timeline to be vaguely post-pjo - meaning, there are more than the 12 cabins, less unclaimed demigods, etc. but its been a while since ive read the heroes of olympus and i've barely cracked open the first trials of apollo book so idk what Happened to affect the site's timeline/lore. so in my mind, it's just post-last olympian.
also, i wouldn't want to have canon characters - at the most, they'd be NPCs that are rarely used.
i know a big thing is that people have lives, and i have no idea what the forum-rp scene is like because i haven't been involved since.... god(s) idk, around 10 years???
me personally, i have the free time to be willing to overlook the site and get everything written out; admin i would want to be more active, of course, just enough to keep things running
age-wise, it wouldnt feel right to make it a 17+ forum, this is a kid's series after all. i think 13 is the limit for most if not all forums, and i'd be fine with that. player ages shouldn't be broadcasted, we could have some sort of Minor/Adult indicator but idk if even that would be necessary.
and i'd want at least a "proficient" level of writing, whatever the terms were - rp posts wouldnt need to be whole novels, but at least a chunky paragraph that the partner could work off
i'm hoping the popularity of the show will give me a chance to actually do this >:3
so uhhhh i guess if you're interested, shoot me a dm or reply to this post? let me know if you'd want to be an admin or mod, what you'd be able to do for the site, whatever you think is important to mention. if you just want to be a normal member and rp a funny lil demigod, thats fine too! maybe we could have Special Privileges for those who join at the start!
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yunchiwrites · 1 year
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Silks of Heaven.
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࿐˙∘ᥬMasterlist​᭄⊹୨༄∘˚˙ 📓
Previously. | Next.
☯︎ | Summary: Lee Heesung a man with a very clear number one goal in life. It was to finish his course and take over their family company famous in all Asia. However, he agreed to have a no strings attached relationship with Seo Chaeyoung, the woman who cannot be tamed with her sexcapades.
☯︎ | Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and a figment of the author's imagination any resemblance of real-life events are purely coincidental.
☯︎ | Warning: This series has a lot of mature themes Minors Do Not Interact.
Chapter three - Sugar Baby.
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After we ate he gave me back my phone which was fully charged, I thanked him and saw all the texts my friends sent me, I sent them a message of how I was safe and they responded in less than a minute. I'm dead.
"Uh I need to go to NB6, my friends dorm is there. " he chuckled "I'll drop you off but you still need to cover up first." I noticed that I was still wearing my top from last night which isn't really campus friendly.
he then gave me a hoodie which was pretty big on me, "thanks I'll give it back. " he chuckled amusedly, "Sure, let's get you back to your friends."
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I realized he wasn't staying in campus rather he had his own apartment, I guess it makes sense the dorms are a bit strict and he's rich.
We went down to the parking lot "So uh, which one do you wanna ride? " he asked, "huh?" I was confused we we're in front of a Tesla so I suppose this is his car?
He looked at a line of cars, there was a Ferrari, Mustang, Mercedes, BMW, and a Camaro, and of course the Tesla in front of us "Uh, any will do. " he nodded
He guided me in the passenger seat, he even opened the door for me, I know the bare minimum but still I got butterflies in my stomach.
As we drove out of the apartment complex I noticed the name of the apartment complex Koralex oh, his parents owns this complex too...
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He's driving in silence so it was really awkward so I decided to break the silence "So uhm, do you have a girlfriend?" he scoffed, "That's the first thing you wanna know about me?"
"Yeah, so do you? " I asked seriously, "No, not yet. " how!? I mean he's so fucking attractive, don't you think he'd have a relationship by now, "How about you? Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked.
"I don't do boyfriends." I told him honestly. Okay no matter how hot he is, I'm not ready for a serious relationship, I only want the thrill plus I'm still young and beautiful.
Oh maybe he's not the type to commit, and I'm guessing we have the same reason. "I heard you study Entrepreneurship, from Kkura." he nodded, "I do, I have multiple goals in life and this course so happens to be connected to all of that. "
"How about you? What's your course? " he asked, "Architecture. " I answered frankly, "Oh, so you want to be an architect?" he asked, "Yes and No. "
he tilted his head in confusion, "Well I do want to be an architect buy my number one dream is to be a model! But if doesn't work then I'll just be a Architect but if I'm too unlucky I'll just be a sugar baby. "
He laughed at what I said, god even his laugh is attractive, "but I'll also take being a stay at home wife for a rich CEO. " I smiled innocently, "I though you don't do boyfriends? what you only do husbands?"
Humorous. But I still laughed, We entered NB6 and immediately saw my friends, "I think I'll be okay here, my friends are already there. " I looked at where my friends were sitting and they looked a bit confused.
Maybe because I was with Lee Heesung but whatever, he smiled "Okay." and he was about to walk away but I stopped him, "Will I ever see you again?" he smile grew brighter, "Sure princess, whenever you want. " he held my thigh, I cleared my throat "How can I contact you?"
He held his palm out, so I got my phone from my purse, he immediately put his phone number and called his own phone just to be sure and gave me back my phone, oh he even put in his own contact number, 'Sugar Daddy' my eyes widen, I giggled "Why just why?" I asked in disbelief.
"Just predicting my future. "He winked, "Bye careful princess, see you soon. "
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I immediately walked in our dorm room with the brightest smile on my face "Yah! I'm here!" I kind of shout, as I come face to face with my friends "We know we saw you with that hot guy, who was that? " Chaewon asked.
"That was probably Heesung! " Kkura answered as she bought some coffee, "OMG, really?! " Eunchae called out, "Ah! Our youngi is so lucky! " Yunjin added.
"Yeah it's him and, I know.. ' I drank coffee as the rest of them converse which I tune out, I scroll back to their chats last night.
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Eunchae 🐱: Unnies! I can't find Yunjin-unnie and Youngi-unnie
Chaewon 🐯 : Oh, Yunjin already went home with Zuha, but I'm not so sure about Chaeyoung.
Sakura 🌸: Youngi's probably hooking up with someone, it's not really a suprise
Zuha 🩰: Me and Yunjin just got home, she's passed out btw.
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As I scrolled down more I realized how Kkura really was very much worried for me last night, I usually text so I get it.
"Yah! Youngi did you guys have sex? You know I was worried, but when we saw you with Hee I didn't mind. " Kkura asked, "I was safe but, be worried about my ehem cause it didn't get fucked, bad trip. " I answered.
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rottencoyote · 9 months
for like, idk maybe for like four months i’ve been pissed off at my friend, FOR GOOD REASON BRO I SWEAR! so when i was still doing uni (studying in film for whoever wanted to know, and somehow graduated idea bro that was the big man upstairs doing me a solid for once), me and my friend went on break and walked around the city doing fuck knows what, cause that’s what uni students do ig. she was bored, and i was bored, so i was like “hey! wanna go see my favourite store? sells cool shit” (by cool shit, i mean cool clothing and jewellery and other neat lil nick nacks) and she said “sure id love to!”.
now a thing about my friend is that she likes to steal. actively steal. both because she thinks it’s fun and because she can’t afford what she wants sometimes cause she spends most her money on vapes and weed and a bunch of other psychedelics. before we entered the store, i made her promise not to steal, cause i love and respect the fuck out of this store and i’ve wanted to work there since i was fifteen (and i’m now twenty). she said she promised and swore she wouldn’t take anything, and me being a fucking hopeful and trusting dumb fuck, believed her. now i saw this really sick hoodie, where it was basically a cropped hoodie (STAY WITH ME ON THIS) but it was made to look like a rib cage, so it was fucking cool. the owner sold it to me for 45 bucks, but the hoodie originally costed 55 bucks, so she took ten bucks off cause i fell in love with this hoodie, so i got real fucking hyped and thanked her profusely. now, this is a key thing to remember, cause the tags they used were airtags. the type of tags where it needed to be unlocked with a type of pin at the front desk. otherwise you can’t take that shit off, unless you got scissors (this is also important).
so my friend went into the change room with a BUNCH of clothes, and i waited near the front and had small talk with the store owner, asking if it’s been busy, slow, shit like that. i noticed that my friend is taking a long fucking time, so i go to check on her and ask if she’s good, and she said yes, paused then asked “hey coyote? do you have any scissors in your bag? i need it for my nails”
now this is where a lot of my guilt comes in, cause i genuinely didn’t realise my mistake until it was too late. i said yeah in my bag (which was in the change room with her) and she said thanks. i always carry scissors on me cause i like to scrap book, and if i see anything interesting i cut it out and sample it to put into my sketch book so i get inspired for any future projects.
after like another ten minutes she finally comes out, but i notice two things. the first was that there were significantly less clothes than when she walked into the change rooms with, and the second thing was noticing something sticking out of her pocket.
now i’m freaking out, cause i don’t want to get roped into this. and she kept on trying to reassure me and said it’s fine she’s a ‘pro’ at this. bro idgaf you promised me and BROKE that promise. the lady asked where the clothes were, and my friend said in the free clothes box. so i go and check, literally emptying the box while thinking “she’s fucked, i’m fucked, we’re BOTH fucked, god PLEASE no” just planning out my fucking funeral atp, and the woman goes to the BOTH OF US “empty your bags, now.”
i watched her empty her bag, fucking cringing and mortified, just watching the store owner tear into her, saying she has to pay for all of it. i started apologising profusely, telling her i didn’t know she was going to do this, just kept on saying i’m sorry over and over again, cause i’m livid, mortified, just fucking humiliated at my friend. BRO, THE STOREOWNER DEADASS LOOKED ME IN THE EYE, AND SAYS THAT I WAS IN ON IT?? HUH??? KEEP IN MIND THERES LIKE FOUR OTHER PEOPLE IN THE STORE WATCHING THIS HAPPENING AND WERE JUST JUDGING US. (which i don’t blame them, cause it was a fucking shitshow and a half). the storeowner asked her how did she even do this, and she said “i used my nails to cut the fabric”…bro come ON LIKE-
i genuinely wanted to fucking cry AND die man, right then and there. i was so unbelievably humiliated and embarrassed cause my fucking friend couldn’t keep her damn hands to herself and couldn’t keep her promise. the storeowner said that she did the same thing at our age, and said she wouldn’t call the cops on us, i tried saying sorry again and that i never meant for my friend to do this, and pretty much got shut down again and that the storeowner didn’t want to hear my excuses. i ended up dragging my friend out from there and tearing her a new one, saying how i can never show my face there or even step foot into that store again, and she kept saying sorry, but also tried to joke about it?? which only made me more fucking angry, cause any chance i had of working there was just fucking trampled, chewed and spat onto the fucking dirt because of her.
i feel guilty cause i was unknowingly involved until it was too late, but i’m angry and hurt because she promised me that she wouldn’t steal from there, but did it anyways and didn’t give two shits, and that i got pulled into it and blamed because if she was stealing, then that meant i was stealing too. idk man, cause it’s been four months and it’s STILL bugging me, cause it was literally MY DREAM to work there. it sucks man. it really fucking sucks.
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aelaer · 2 years
About the fanfic trope ask game, I think I need to ask for Time-Travel 👀
There's of course the Time-Travel Fix-it (which I think is the most prevalent type?) but also the Time Loop subcategory... 🤔👀
Hah! You, asking about time travel? Who would have thought?
Time travel's an interesting one because it's more prevalent in some fandoms than others. My three main "fanfic" fandoms over the years were LOTR, BBC Sherlock, and the MCU, with small doses of Dishonored (a video game) and Harry Potter.
Of those five, the time travel trope seems most prevalent in the MCU. I imagine it's definitely around in Harry Potter, but I didn't encounter it too much as most of my HP stuff was with crossovers. But generally speaking, I didn't have much experience with time travel until the MCU. The closest it came to in LOTR was reincarnations in the modern world (a couple of which were just awesome... I need to find those stories again and see if they were as good as my memory thinks they were. Sort of afraid to look deeper into it just in case I end up disappointed though).
A lot with tropes are less about the trope itself and more about its execution. I don't tend to comb AO3 for tropes or pairings, but characters instead, for instance. But when I see this tag on a Stephen-centric fic, I'm usually really interested. I only duck out if it's a "Tony's the center of the universe and he's never wrong" piece, which unfortunately accompanies this trope fairly often. Where the fuck are my time-travel Avengers as Family fix-it pieces, people? And yes, I mean *all* of the OG! Stephen's just now a part of them.
(They exist in very small numbers, which is why I'm writing one myself, once my current series is finished. Expect it around 2026 at my current rate of writing.)
I'll take both the time loop and time-travel categories. Again it's totally about execution rather than the trope itself.
Some favorites include:
The asker's own fucking masterpiece, which must be finished if you want me to live a happy and healthy life, no pressure.
Born Of The Same Impulse by GwendolynStacy (she only wrote Stephen like, once, and I just thank God that she decided to do so as this is still in my top 3 long fics to this day)
By the End of Today by Imagined (here's an author I hope is inspired to come back to the MCU one of these days - one of my favorite "wrote more than a couple MCU fics" authors, but alas, she's been devoured by another fandom)
Shout out as well to The End of Infinity by FriendlyNeighborhoodFangirls for being an over 900,000 word time-travel IronStrange fix it, combined with Team as Family dynamics. It's honestly too long for me to read fully but I've skimmed it and it's good if you like the tropes it presents. I might read it in full once it's finished (yeah, it's *not finished*), but for now it's a bit too much. Her shorter works are good, too--and a wee bit more manageable haha. Recommended.
There are a couple newer IronStrange WIPs that I want to add here, but they haven't gotten to Steve Rogers and the Accords yet, so I'm waiting to see how the authors handle that. Neither of them are tagged "not Steve friendly" currently, but if say that Steve was trying to kill Tony in Siberia and terribly wounded him in their version of canon and left him to die, I'm gonna politely ask that they add the not Steve friendly tag and be very sad that they went that... let's say fanon route. So we'll see. (And yes, I have an excellent essay on why that's not canonical for Steve and thus not Steve friendly, thanks for asking ;-) ).
But yeah. That's all about time travel and the slight rant that accompanies it.
Original: Ask me to grade a trope.
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
!!!!!!! i haven't commented in a while but i've been reading hanging rose and. squealing shaking gasping HANGING ROSE.
i love Love LOVE reading your wilburs because he feels so tragic. stars and glass and now rose. like he's made to be this sharp and all-clever figure, with all these expectations on his shoulders as bastard prince or prophet figure or the future royal consil; and deep down he's flawed and anxious and v v lonely, and these expectations are heavy on him, and everything about his circumstances are tailor-made to needle at his worst anxieties and problems!!
like my god. wilbur can never catch a break and this narrative is a fucking nightmare /pos
rose!wilbur especially he's interesting because he's definitely got the ambitions and poise for a future consil, but he feels. idk how to word it. too kind? i think. like he takes keeping secrets like a burden (Keeping quiet around Niki had been more difficult than he expected it to be). i don't think he really could be a wily all-knowing plotter type like rose!phil seems to expect him to be.
oh and let it be known i'm glaring so hard at rose!phil. sir i don't think your son can relax with you in the room. you fucked up a perfectly good kid is what you did! look at him!!
and ALSO this bit:
“That means that as of this moment, Tomys is a blank slate.” “[Valbroek] wouldn’t have had time to start preparing him for a role like that before he had to be sent here. Which means that as of right now, Tomys’ perspective is entirely his own.”
entirely his own, uninfluenced by the valbroek court,,,,meaning tomys would be easier to influence?? a blank slate, unprepared, meaning he's more malleable?? naive??? manipulatable????
oh that's. that is just plain dastardly. but then again that's bread in butter in these fuckign court politics isn't it -
- 🖤
gahhh this means so much thank you!! c!wilbur himself is such a tragic figure in so many ways, and while his tragedies were largely in part due to his own actions, it doesn't take away from the tragedy that befell him. so I love incorporating that in different ways into my fics. he needs to be what people expect of him because he has people who are relying on him but deep down he's got so many problems and he's just lonely, like you said.
rose!wilbur has an issue with lying to people he cares about, but specifically if it's because of an outside force. he doesn't care about lying to most people, but being forced to keep things from people like niki and phil really bothers him. notice how I specify if it's from an outside source. ie: phil telling wilbur to keep things from niki. if it's wilbur's own idea... well, his morals are malleable, to say the least
I do want to emphasize rose!phil truly does love his son. like, he loves wilbur a LOT. he just doesn't really know how to express that outside of doing everything in his power to make sure his son turns out even better than him. it's unfortunate because of the stress it puts on wilbur and doesn't make it alright, but that is phil's way of showing his love. he's not good at emotions lmao
tomys is a blank slate... more malleable... easier to influence... less resistant to guidance... there are many ways you can put it :) that's how these court politics work
(tysm for the kind words!!)
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