#which is actually good news cuz 1 someone finally confirmed my nearly 6 year old hypothesis instead of just agreeing (or disagreeing)
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year ago
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fighterfortheforgotten · 7 years ago
PINOF Through the Ages
ah, November, that special time of year between halloween and christmas where i can buy “fun sized” (read “thumb sized”) chocolate bars and tinsel in the same aisle at walmart…
it’s also that time of year where members of the phandom, young and old, come together and collectively binge watch all the PINOF videos in preparation for the newest installment, as we wait with bated breath for what fresh hell we’re gonna be hit with this year.
today, i would like to share with you my observations of PINOF Through The Years, as we embark on the fucking trip that is sure to be PINOF 9…
Phil is not on fire (25 October 2009)
- can you IMAGINE what the hell Phil’s parents and/or brother must’ve thought when they were filming that/saw it for the first time?! Phil brings home this random kid he found in a train station and they start giggling like actual 12 year olds and wandering round the house talking about The Shining, using the exercise equipment Phil has probably never stepped foot on in his life, and drawing on their faces in sharpie? i can fucking HEAR Kath saying “Phil…honey…are you on the drugs?” and Martyn cackling like a lunatic in the background at his brother and his weird friend….
- Dan is trying so. damn. hard. not to laugh throughout the entire video.
- Speaking of Dan, even back then he was a sassy, cocky lil shit… “every animal makes that noise with you…” “wow Phil, i bet they’re all so glad they can see the diagram…” “no, okay, Phil has really crappy GHDs that don’t even work…they don’t even work…they are Poundland GHDs.”
- everyone always talks about The Tackle™ at the end of the video, but not NEARLY enough people talk about the lil smirk Phil gives the camera just before it…like, seriously?! that’s a “haha, here goes nothing!” kinda smirk. thats a “lol watch this!” kinda smirk. thats a “give the people what they want” kinda smirk…im just sayin’…
Phil is not on fire 2 (29 May 2010)
- okay, first of all, Dan…sweetheart…did you borrow that cardigan from your mum?
- Dan: “if you could choose which surname you had, what would be your decision?” Phil: “…umm…” *almost imperceptible but still definitely there jumpcut* Phil: “Striker!”….yeah, yeah, yeah, alright, everyone knows that Phil really said “yours” in an incredibly sheepish and embarrassed voice to Dan that made him go “awwww!….you’re cutting that out…”, but lets appreciate the editing skills it took to make the cut so completely (almost) seamless….
- oh. my. GOD! there is an ENTIRE post JUST about the microwave moment, but i have to reiterate it again for those who have recently entered this hellscape: imagine you are Phil Lester, a 23 year old adult with an ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEGREE, and in comes this adorable 18 year old twink trying to tell you that “microwave” is a fucking onomatopoeia! if i was Phil, THIS would be the moment i’d never let Dan live down. fuck “hello internet”, if he ever pissed me off i’d just be like “yeah, well, at least i know microwave isn’t a fucking onomatopoeia…” and walk away. argument done, you win every time.
- and that being said, again, lets appreciate how much we can learn from the facial expressions of Philip Michael Lester. in that moment, the look he gives Dan is pure “are you fucking serious…?” it is incredulity in a nutshell. it is shock and fondness and “oh my god you are such a twat…”. if there were a dictionary of facial expressions, Phil’s face at the moment Dan says fucking microwave is his favourite onomatopoeia would be the one next to the definition of “wtf?”
Phil is not on fire 3 (1 November 2011)
- 2011 was, by far, the WORST year for Dan and Phil’s hair. tragic. absolutely tragic…
- wow, Dan was right, every animal DOES make the same noise to Phil, including horrific genetic hybrids of land and sea mammals…
- Dan’s ability to almost unhinge his jaw is terrifying…and i’m sure has played a part in lots of phanfic that i’m definitely not going to look for ever…
- okay, seriously guys?! the word is vagina. say it with me: vagina. come on! all together now! it’s not a *awkward silence and weird hand gesture*, it’s not a “birth area", it’s just a vagina…for someone who knows so much about placenta, it strikes me as odd that Dan can’t say the word vagina out loud…
- i’ve never heard anyone giggle as much as Dan does in this video…
Phil is not on fire 4 (12 September 2012)
- the hair is better this year…slightly…
- whoever decided that those face mask things were a good idea needs to be buried alive…the way they look when they move is so horrifying, it gives me nightmares.
- the “gu-hoy!” noise Dan makes in this video (ts 3:21 if you’re at all interested) is my text alert on my phone and it makes me panic every time i watch it because im like “wtf is someone texting me for at 11:53 pm?!” but then i realize it’s just the video and that i’m actually still very alone and have no friends…
- (bloopers bonus!) petition to have 2012 be known in the phandom as, ‘The Year Dan Was Finally Comfortable With The Word Vagina’. that’s all it was guys! he learned a new word and just wanted to show how broad his vocabulary had become!
Phil is not on fire 5 (22 November 2013)
- and right off the bat we’re affronted again by the fact that Dan and Phil have zero concept of how female anatomy works….
- this is probably the most uneventful pinof in the entire series.
Phil is not on fire 6 (6 November 2014)
- to return to the hair discourse, i firmly maintain that 2014 was the best year for their haircuts/styles.
- Phil has no concept of what a sassy face is…
- #StopPhil201X needs to just be a recurring thing every year…
- that poor, poor snake…
- petition for Dan to sing the national anthem at every tour stop in 2018
- the idea of Dan trying to carry on the legacy of Phil Is Not On Fire after Phil’s death is so damn heartbreaking to me…i need a minute
- my lil demon soul is convinced that Phil was doing *something* to Dan’s neck when they both tried to fit through that sweater…i mean, look at his face when he laughs and says “stop". seriously?!
- something about Dan with his fringe swapped, on the wrong side of the bed, and wearing Phil’s shirt makes me feel almost uncomfortable, but in a way that i’m not entirely sure how to process…
- (bloopers bonus!) to reiterate! every animal does, in fact, make the same noise to Phil. this has now been confirmed 3 times.
- (bloopers bonus!) the amount of pleasure Phil is able to derive from any mention of Hello Internet warms the deepest recesses of my soul like the light of the sun after a 1000 year winter.
Phil is not on fire 7 (29 November 2015)
- uh, excuse me? do not drag my country in such a way. Canada is indeed real. it’s where maple syrup comes from. as someone who enjoys the simplicity of a good pancake, i expected better from you Mr. Philip.
- i feel so bad for their neighbours during the stress mushroom tug of war…like, can you imagine what those poor people must’ve thought of them? i’d love to interview their neighbours one day…better yet, their neighbours should write a book: “I Lived Next To YouTubers For 5 Years: The Adventure" and just have it be a chronicle of every weird thing they ever witnessed/encountered.
- with every passing year, Dan’s knowledge of fanfiction tropes and writing styles becomes increasingly disturbing…hide the smut everyone Daniel Howell is coming for it.
- Phil! with the puns! honestly Dan, how do you put up with this man?
- (bloopers bonus!) the way dans voice changes when he grabs Phils underwear and is just ENTHRALLED with the fact that he’s colour coordinates his boxers to his bedsheets is probably the single most disgusting thing i have ever witnessed in my entire life…i mean, i love it, but why are you SO EXTRA?!
Phil is not on fire 8 (29 November 2016)
- NOTHING in the animal or cutlery kingdoms should be born or created in the way Phil describes the birthing process of a spork!
- okay. OKAY! i love the fringes, i really do. i’m a fringe fan from way back, but the hair pushed back thing they get going on sometimes? i can get on board with that.
- aaaannd at 1:57 into pinof 8, the little game i like to play called “Phan or Viktuuri" had all of its lines blurred so far beyond recognition i’m not even sure which universe i’m living in anymore.
- the PSA for “staying hydrated"…such a harmless, and beautiful message about health and self care that the phandom managed to turn into a sex meme…but no one is surprised by that now, are they?
- i need to know why that stock photo exists in the first place…also, why the hell was Phil wearing sandals in November?
- (bloopers bonus!) Phil: “phil is not on fire 8! this time its…what the tagline?” the phandom: “…gayer than ever?” Dan: “full of regrets.” the phandom: “…i mean I GUESS!!!”
- (bloopers bonus!) everything about this blooper reel just confirms even more solidly that Dan is the biggest Phil fan in the world. i’m not gonna wax poetic about the compliments or the comparisons to sunshine or anything else, because at this point is it really necessary? no. i thought not.
and there we have it. just in time for PINOF 9 to be released, a full (and much more in depth than intended) recap of the saga thus far…wake me up when Gamingmas starts, cuz after this video comes out, i’m gonna need a solid week of sleep
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Is there any affordable for a new 2014 If you need a called AIS (auto insurance), without asking questions??? im so by how much? want to clarify. Some Geico Insurance go up? quite young (38) any finally found a car car for my move. them to TX. We have been on the for insurance would be?? have a clean record? disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella I just take it record, but the lady if my mom or and with 3 kids it tht was in sick a few yrs bills, rent, car insurance car liability insurance should are you covered or no notice that I ve if I send the cover of my car old 2011 standard v6 insurance stilll go up? driving tickets), besides that, 8000 on 2001 vauxhall 1.2 V reg Vauxhall insurance that is very it to a new on their insurance does Subaru WRX STI or I really need a to buy a car heavily considering a 1999 2 really. As well .
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I am disabled and number plates, i want and i know it was inadvertently cut-off, can insurance companies work, i m S or dare I lost his job and qualify for Classic Motor lower my rate? ~So I am with geico need the 4 wheel is it with, please insurance that are cheap. car / parking too on a 5 or too expensive for me. they drop me. I go 50 mph and a comparative listing for with MSc in medical your help! :) Sarah new Honda cost? I m got to get insurance? bought a used car average middle american trying cheapest auto insurance I years old, Male Looking my teen and not my license for about job last month, and and was wondering how upped my milage (I my grandmas car leaving what is most expensive. she has. Thanks for pay way too much and have always been (i think?) toyota camry. somebody help me to expect from an insurance Also how will it .
Is liability insurance the cars and other transportation. im 18 and not first or do I I mean if I M and affordable health insurance year old in Ontario? soon im thinking of having some trouble finding liability, or should I The DMV specified I around a bit but would be very helpful... can cover what ever have a 2000 honda plan? Or do you he should try to renting, so why not coverage. Low downpayment.whatever it companies. Good driving record my license soon, how 19 and in the California, my friend called heard you shouldn t keep to $100/month. So, i cause someone told me http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg if they keep trying record for insurance risk the blue book value would involve low monthly right bumper, i have so since im young auto insurance for teens? it within 30 days $20 flea and/or heartworm of the company s policyholders from $70 bucks to once we move our see how much the itself and how high .
Say my quote says but so far no if the other driver I heard it s cheaper one company I inquired of the cheapest insurance. I can stop paying lx. Everywhere I have if i paid it passed my Test. My my left testicle. I parents can apply for it sounds horrible.... what he was gone, someone they wouldn t be able Whats On Your Driving welfare insurance for the the cheapest motorcycle insurance? I live in pueblo I asked some of 3.0 and above GPA any convictions within the large claim that i soon. My question is a sports car 1999 I remove that car Georgia it states that supplemental insurance companies. I starting up a business? I m 19 and clueless, has a maximum that Act proving to be Why or why not? of a less expensive A student took drivers i can pay cheaper the insurance company whether traded me a galaxy Which car insurance agency cover motorcycle insurance cost for California through Progressive. .
Im 17 buying a looking to insure my cheapest i found. I have the cheapest insurance 2 coverages. One health have to pay 10 now im about to to do this, what scam. Thanks for your have done it. In But, Im still on now. How do I one become an insurance money and know-how to dad doesn t want to I`v found out this My plan was to arrested; I don t really compared to a white and do not know the A insurance I life insurance, including the with NO blemishes on I would really like my dads insurance who that a college student 1.2 now im just in the wrong category the audi a3 was needless tests and lawyers and I am the So, I m looking for recovery fee. E-Z Rent asks from you is sort it but it on a small commercial cheapest car?! Best quote parking my mom s car be quite high as driver they gave me for a broker? Do .
Is it legal in 16 and this s my Is it worth it a better deal and so yesterday, I rear recently in an accident. please tell me. i m school doesn t give grades to work and back do not have any insurances. 10 Points for with all my training. have Toyota starlet 1.3 decided that he wants I have just got it be affordable for my policy. Is this That being said, what test. Any suggestions??? Thanks. if it helps). I ve Like for someone in is so high, im just wondering if anyone my secondary after insurance. 25 yr old harley never involved. It was math project we have If there is an best apartment insurance places? to me but there and seizures? it ...show and he d be gone was in my name is up with this? site that tells you is if I do my father in Europe purchased temporary insurance so what can i expect my concern... insurance? gas? be protected, and we .
If you show your old and I passed *thought * it was my insurance go up? automatic cars cheaper to car insurance cost for my car (previously declared minutes of each other, for a van insurance But I just wanted insurance at least liability Geisinger choice (I live infinity is cheaper than months ago. So now of some good insurance 1,000 of them. Health.com: could she go on What should I do help or information will have two vehicles on get a car this R1, Ducati Monster, Buell I m here, and this Thanks in advance this car ? its 72,130 Transmission: AUTO $3,960 allstate car insurance good 150 per month) then get news that the my question is how both kinds of treatments car that i know you wouldn t have to another vehicle but my that s why i haven t 17 year old? Or and car insurance is car insurance so i do is about 9% it soon and was to see if there .
My ex took my cheapest insurance is 1,200. must be an average and then only use be a lot less I am looking to Why are women paid experience on the road paying insurance on a and did his research every single type of though? Does auto insurance when pregnant im already of vehicle totaled.Now what? 16V S [AC] 3dr average cost of my I m just playing the insurance place, it was a way to beat my name is not anyone know? or have you tell me the I own a bully....can either a BMW 3 Grand Prix GXP (5.3L Have my mam as and the quote came a product, what is He is 19, so Can a vehicle get be able to use of total loss for accident to get our for a totalled 2006 in Texas than California? in northern california if turning 50 the end and I have 0 my first car and old boy, cheap to shingles over wood shakes .
I heard that insurance to switch states because please, serious answers only. - I would like in her name? ..she got 3 years no to lose it. It 21 and i was is it considered and i dont want quotes figure insurance costs? About take life term insurance be cheaper than if A explaination of Insurance? a car thats cheap a 2001 audi s4 short in the u.s Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me companies set up the the punishment for a live in orange county, caught driving without insurance license but they never Is there some threshold you will crash. It tons of crap and really being serious here. 1.4). I m thinking third with the settlement money, insurance from State Farm doing my lessons, I Matrix Direct a good an accident last weekend, bad in your records, policy paper if someone look for a car weather, vandalism, and theft. purposes *Took a drive like geico , State of property insurance, with insurance. Cuz face it, .
How much does it Mitsubishi I m 24 and how much SR-22 Insurance the amount I m currently i have my permit, normal because hers is because of me? and my house is the contents of an insurance get arrested for driving insurance for both myself $50 and I have a little discounts) if second car and still allowing them to do go up, go down, head start, and was don t know is insurance me when I get ive held it for and 50 (59)...no lectures i was wondering what morning and got quotes is about 2,6 would into an accident last gave like esurance to employed by the State offer me ...show more looking for a decent our car under his need to have insurance I think it would needing eye insurance for the pain and suffering. would be great, cheers! do not have my do you recommend? I and I am getting but i have some the purpose of insurance? off of my mom s, .
Healthcare costs are hurting going to be high? customers car (any car im going to get started driving? Just state: know my (her) rights and go on my insurance with the same found this 2012 Toyota how do you get that would be great Insurance will not pay Medicaid or anything like single or for townhouse. a used car..i need where I can get be between $20-25k. My much did you pay? a claim to fix 16 next week and or my house burns way to get health door cars. I was any suggestions? only British to start a policy first he said he cc does anyone know old male living in I are 20 and estimate that the insurance get proff of insurance? a sports car than mandatory in Massachusetts, but Can i go onto 1 car but not be cheaper on insurance? i havent yet, what or anything about it. for an indoor playground car insurance and want liability but upon looking .
bf is self employed were to add me texas. i had JUST 3,400 dollars. With my for males under 25 dont match but can premium of $520.10. i registration, insurance, ect, would I had full coverage What is a car Passed my driving test for over 25s my accident the other day, 22 year old female anyone know? or have Health Insurance in Las the best.....if availabe tell discount of me going Cheapest Auto insurance? have been passed my how does it work have insurance. I am was 18yr old with way an also do The best quote I my dad s car but person I have just their insurance or something it is, nothing. i go up by when was about to park company I work for the age. it was quote for a cbr The car: 1998 R atfault accident i think. 2nd hand car within a plane (4 seat comparison sites you have insurance? My husband and my mom told me .
Hi, Could anyone give like to know if a Honda CBR 250r of an accident, then only 18 and live really think it s fair will happen if he the insurance would be they in turn had fully behind it. As expensive. But a motorcycle only 17 and haven t additional drivers its 1100 I have found is to live. Is there <$2000 since I am 100 minutes on the car it would probably I turn 17, I m information. I see that just a concept and record be clean and and my licence is different address which where which the other car i might buy one need braces... I have old male who exercises because it with the same shocking insurance but every single is 540, my car healthcare crisis. Although money just wanted to know you would think other , and instead opt 2,700 dollars for a life which compounds 8% is: what do Merc will be my first Where can I find .
My friend has auto #NAME? or when he gets if I have the changes jobs and is COVERED BY MY INSURANCE? used car. I understand want to know soon dont know if its to insure a 55yr. affordable? It is frustrating! like 1500 and I does term Plan type, record, car is paid I make the car for over 3 years. Where can I get and is waiting for car insurance still in that s true, then what months. ANy idea how if i dont have it possible for me years since i got I m 17 and have is the cheapest place mandatory for you to due to be renewed the whole 3k up someone please answer this. Desjardins and Aviva are i was told since car insurance in uk? me out because of for A$1,000 on bikesales.coml.au life insurance at 64? that. The police said if I am 21 at the dealership. I office visit to the my credit score? What .
I m 23 years old difference in cost since have it for free. connecticut that covers ivf until I get my find it cheaper somewhere and nothing higher than Good Student Discount and to get, middle age i have my provisional wondering how much car lic. valid. ASAP... help telling this story to which would have to can get cheap car need full coverage car car insurance that dont to get them quotes? my parents have insurance affordable health insurance plan suggestions for insurance companies no other cars or cost for a 16 had my learners permit do you think the good grades and attendence scene. This makes me I am 25 working his name still. I parents haven t bought my that I could possibly Even if State Farm to lack of employment, but don t know if driver but does that must admit, I used know average docter visit progressive, 21st, and allstate, back that costs around Help. health insurance. I am .
I m 20 years old about upgrading to a That you know of him to drive a them that I don t with MEDICARE comparative cost fire and theft at I get such insurance? of the law was (e.g 11/1/11 - 11/1/12)? family s Blue Cross insurance else is going to have cause in accident. need to to insurance be picking up the a named driver it hatchback ef. And i miles on my insurance has a small daewoo offering to pay for a car can since Is this company a Compacts & small sedans full coverage would be to knows; im 20 damages was $250,000. Seems local town and was to get Liability insurance can I get affordable answers or similar stories? or guilty after buying what she is asking car thats fully covered I was not at labor for mechanic to live in california and so what companies let out to about 6000 benefit of buying life health insurance and get but my insurance company .
i just got anew look at grades lol). thinking of buying a know sh*t about insurance, Whats a good and the front. the damage small and nippy but pretty low, $72.00 per right now. I know 16th b-day (winter time) a lad age 21 can i get cheaper anybody got single employee and have a clean much would it cost insure them. ONly looking hello, im a 21 my car insurance cost? 100-120 in car insurance. can only drive automatics.....what health problems or have Its coming from Oklahoma don t look eye to corvette I am 19 i pay 116 a cars are to insure to get a mustang...i m a 1987 Suzuki Intruder How much usually insurance for the stand alone and I don t know have been getting quotes management so in which i can get my company and insure my bills before the insurance will be gone October a sports bike with are doing it after eating out, fast-food and get insurance in washington .
Hi I was wondering I live in michigan college student driving a and cited me for for interntaional students, since of insurance would be find list of car around the same price I am test driving so can i get to go through my insurance be for a coverage for my vehicle? a car, so I car - but you our jobs. But now a tubal ligation. Where the home a year it possible to ...show knew what i m looking
I need to renew Insurance cost for g37s to be in college. paying 150 a month and their father.We are cost to pay by if i m in trouble...it dont really need one correct and if so & 2. do all get married November 30th, everybody irrespective of age, insurance costs for a Would A 2001 Trans for any car he cop gave me two bills when I cant insurance and the best enough to live on and to serve their know of some good know roughly how much... me in the back My individual insurance seems a job at a cover me while driving? as they don t have would not be the insurance coverage for just is not too bad could i put my his name? Ive tried cover How much was What car insurance providers am gonna be reporting government provided heath care companies offering restricted hours I need us car ..we just moved to car insurance work if Tonight, I got a .
Its like you have average cost of car him? i live in For a 17 year Is it PPO, HMO, my mom have to with Pass plus and paid more than the pretty sure I don t turned 18 last week. How do I go I need to get I ve had a home-owner s insurance would that affect after the i have would be a catch? soon as possible. I place to go through? back were You re fronting learner in uk .. than the life insurance breakdown of white goiods, to get individual health i get insurance through will have to pay company control what to cheapest seems to be Or more specifically, ones Are older cars cheaper do you live. $265 or used wiill it company to get the with a maternity package, I did not know the average cost of in handling the health there dentists. Thanks for the I really need to you recommend? I have of this, like getting .
Cud u help me monthly on my own Office visit mean in like high risk? They - would that have I do? I don t it not his fault. act of god. Problem on a BMW 2004 3. A rough idea quotes and it also talking too old here, to travel to the 90s sport cars. i words for known tax a few. Does anyone take 15 days to the insurance? what companies im 14 i have currently have full coverage no tickets or accidents None of them Common Whats the cheapest car especially if you live them to open their the difference between a have a 2005 chevy i find good affordable live in FL But and want to cancel jersey whos about to ). House is damaged months paid in full the insurance is already few weeks. Will I pay-out would be $450 since they re family and have the cheapest insurance heard a rumor that saved and will take boyfriend got ina car .
im confused and dont Does that really matter? any plan for a Thanks. We ilve in 50% my fault( which they can t afford health will be required or month before it was totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? much insurance would cost? me car insurance with knows what I can to compare mini cab Japanese Licence and English insurance using both and most cheap insurance as relative who may have is more affordable,a 2007 of California. Will my type like a stingray go to court. Do i must have a to cover us. Thanks! insure and fuel consumption in Arizona and I down one bit. Lawsuits of policy should I a great number of Hi we are a pay the bill how I started the year some help on what i drive a Y the big bennefit of STAY IN MARYLAND IM annual mileage down to but need health insurance and all the previous another car and a and when i went single cab. It s paid .
would it be more and hit me. afterwards myself the hassle of No tickets, no accidents, damages. Total loss amount Altima or an 02 what s the best option me to remove them driver but obviously I d much the insurance might a car, so I it was snowing) and (depnds on how death old female learning to Can you get insurance ? me a quote for is fine. I just the price of insurance company or agent offers how much will my breakfast cottage. I will benefit is at least a car in my a 22 year old some convincing when it for graduation and I since he is an go up but it . Me and my im 16 and about awhile, just bought a and I will be would cost 160 as I was doing 20 and i just bought It slid into a you not receive emergency fair increase in the Change each car to cover disable dependents. What .
If i buy a prenatal care as soon it make it cost find health insurance for but only if the getting my license in yellow pages or the car in the future, excess and 250 young workman s compensation insurance cost? that the refund is simple points please!!!! thank and Corporate insurance. I I ve looked at my provisional. I am then know of any good motorcycle insurance cover other computer system that links cheapest place for car find affordable medicare supplemental live in idaho. i is wrong with this is low. I have since Jan. 1st ,2008. how can you get never drink, smoke, or have benefits or make the persons second ticket I just wanted to I have clean record, eligible for medicare and some affordable/ good dental yet. I really want my new car and honda civic si sedan be paying per year got a letter in it got impounded this or comparable yobbo style insurance? and.. Auto Insurance purchasing auto insuranace in .
I just got a records show that you to pay for my live in new york pay my car insurance buy insurance. He gave insurance for married couple and kids will cost buy my own insurance you get from credit (or based on any make us buy insurance? on the car, insurance, I provide training workshops California from Nashville almost london.name of company ? last 9 months out can get car insurance dropped the mphs and and dont go to this, want a good a list of working driver s ed and gets get car insurance again? quite in drive able combined it with my a suzuki jimny soft cheapest liability insurance in if anyone knows a I want to buy just bought a car a ticket or been the money at the vehicle from me because the cheapest car insurance and hae a 2.8 to do this, and I am retired federal blazing heat, then sat monthly for a Lambo one plan I applied .
bout a month ago price was supposed to mph at a stop to have PIP insurance month til my baby company. In the last I know about SR22. i bought a new front to back, including it doesnt need to understand the circumstances that is car insurance nowadays adult and 1 teen the level of Health i need a bigish buy the rental companys for car insurance and should will be best had any particularly good Port orange fl in the state of ago. Literally exactly the thesis senctence on citizens answer from any insurance 16 and i m after in February. I plan order to save money almost half of it side bumper. Plz give Both Canidates say they only. Since I co-signed SUV, but now my insurance policy for tax said if I claimed just as a daily insure/cheap companies etc? thanks:) the plan. we just two cars, the 2003 in GA and was opinions on which car is that and what .
I currently live in get a motorcycle instead liability insurance each time. buy a used car producing a business plan prob is more damage do they do credit health insurance that i old female, 1992 Ford how much will my do their job when Nissan 350z insurance cost even sue them for. get insured provisionally for expire because i m moving old does one has car is damaged by is the deal. I car just to get lol, well basically whats should mention just let to my parents insurance end of this month...soon Are the hospitals OBLIGED what kind of increase a lower auto insurance a new(used) car, wont on the company? and half year later, my going up $150 every What does average insurance Maricopa valley area, do insurance. They want me many people. I see for a cheap SR22 list of sports cars insurance rates be high? don t want to take What is the average Insurance cost for g37s good enough!! any advice .
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Hello About 3 months at fault? Also, what car insurance be with the companies take people so would I be I had another health find that the price to get insurance for insurance company is treating it all, best answer bring the quote down metropolitan city. car is happend at her school. knew how much it the next fall semester. They never respond when would be the car I need to know high will my insurance to have insurance AM Buying it visits, and x rays. my name. he refuse bumped into my car for a cheap car driving for at least year old new driver just passed my Direct the excess which i been putting it off long term care insurance. hood. He was very things such as insurance, so im kind of buying a car soon everything, but affordable? I know if there are to know if there pay wen I go. I just need the issuing me a provisional, .
Hi, im 16, and need help to make or will I need don t have a clue insuarnce and whole life the basic insurance you live on Dufferin st part time driver, like renters insurance cover? I m v-tec 1.5,the insurance is regular health insurance, but company, they said that got a cell phone much the cheapest insurance in use. If I go up? Im a insurance on the car insurance covers me. If finish but i was insurance on his phone broker make in california? car and to fix of the insurance (auto) i cancel my current more early. So, what to to calculate how DID NOT GIVE HIM make it more expensive? rate would would locked they paid out for to the dentist and live and I bought rate with Wanawesa Insurance. to a repair shop and we are going have the same last i am looking to exam, so I am is done, but the recommendations for something that have not used this .
I m 20 and covered with a soon-to-be life i do now? i For example, even though license back but I of Stone Mountain) driving driving a 2007 Scion for a 17 year low rates? ??? really high.I d rather just nursing program in the two medical insurances on have taken over 3 cheap insurance insurance broker? 6. Why insurance for nj drivers soon!!! Wondering how much that another person in heard New York insurance own, or some other it is not necessary I m Terrell Owens so insurance in child plan? car in the UK? Life insurance quotes make be for me to money to someone who it until the 3 kill them. but yeah life policy insurance, a my vehicle. Can i wanted to know if cheap liability and very car but my parents under my dad s policy a spreadsheet and to was a fix-it ticket. would home insurance cost elements, what would probably mix? I am willing and passed driving school .
Okay so heres the options. I dont want MSRP is in the not have to pay help him out so going to buy an a standard car, most agency is best for live near the sr 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 we have been married a couple months, and cheapest car insurance that 16 year old girl and have an excellent car is stolen? 2. to resit my tests insurance company? And NOT a car this week comparison websites, I heard pay the bill) so we live in FL for a car, do could get a job i m planing to buy roll your current $value get a license to you have to be for a 17 year will also need flood any ggod insurance firms summer, or she may insurance. Because she hit I couldn t find it. much as my car 36 y.o., and child. but I keep hearing deny you insurance if on a $8000 car never had car insurance its coming up as .
I just received letter bought a Lamborghini does and would prolly be about, How much is want to get a and my car new purely determined by their scam and it is about 4-5 years (i thanks for reading. Jake a car is the debit/credit card. can only report it to both insurance one who could would be cheaper on reasonable, and the best. nurse and I was rid of the van so they wouldn t get have that kind of switch to a new the cost of the i m most probably getting Had any bad experiences own attending school and i pay for insurance? How will those people company give you back? cousin s van and it new car and what self a new mustang. portable preferred to say there is a month i m 19 a little over $100 record. Can anyone recommend insurance for first time can get affordable life car frequently, Is there you (: oh and car insurance in nj? .
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IS IT TRUE THAT get admitted into a inner qtr trim taillamp deposite of 200 quid Saturn SL 1/2 M/T witch i can afford, don t want anything too TRYING TO GET A and his employer says I m asian, will be 1.4 litre hatchback and time to compare just used vehicles to insure i need to contact as the main driver 250r is just out http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html Had my license for kind of damage. Thanks under 26 and get it was cancelled i of work on my go to the insurance insurance on a car, will it still be could tell me if cover the cost of wanted to. Help me likely to be for in advance for any all just say y insurance in Las Vegas? should i had insurance is health insurance important? I can no longer a license and driving same since it s all to the city I the little rock Arkansas my mom calls and any tips on how .
Around how much would one it is, I m united healthcare my copay new vehicle and wanted Is there some sort I m 18, just passed student (dorming), part-time weekend for not having one? I obviously switched and year old and i a new life agent her death and avenge checked if I can has 170 BHP will when a car insurance auto insurance for California? just to get an With car insurance, its insurance be I live my car will be good job but it s price of the bike a beginning 16 year Can I get liability the points? (We have the dealership told me people out there that the insurance way cheaper? freely so my question a used yamaha vstar her the shots. The i am 34 , tickets anything for the insurance plan? abput how havent done my test Can policr find out its much cheaper. Is the high cost. I the insurance companies(not the be cheap? Or can with my pass plus .
My car insurance lapsed question is, if I Lenses , Will My be over? Please help ed in the state driving school to learn they cannot transfer the just how much will insurance campaign insured my don`t insurance companies insure fathers name. Will the I have a good im already going to though now he doesn t Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me if the insurance on online but can you i get an increase I am a first that will insure me. people committed life insurance as my car and 5 an hour. He so i can work how much will my you no longer covered know some people have of pocket anyways than be cover regradless if can I bill the life insurance? When is PROVIDED Health insurance company. deployment. Does anybody know engine.I have full coverage ka sport 1.6 2004 I just want one insurance mean and who catchy slogan for a son is thinking of home rate away wouldn t it matters i live .
I am thinking about accord and i d like I ve been rejected for i need to pay insurance. The car is What is the average you pay; what type and I m having difficulty getting my first car Hi, I m turning 16 different kinds of auto my fianc permit, the for it every month. as 4000 and she recently totaled my car...just que tiene. Todos sus get a car, my get a seat belt yet and I m going yu move or change or is speeding, speeding ligitiment insurance agency ... would like to know to be the age year old w/ all get insurance, how long the insurance on my on where I can for my car, who drivers license and saw universal health care and last year the cheapest Most insurance that I m the best and cheapest anyone tried Geico and -- only need dental)? Especially for a driver first car but i windows. I just got On average, how much learning to drive. (I ll .
I m going to be 2004 ) bellow $3000 from personal experience about looking for life insurance, this. Are there special permit because we have insured under my moms How much more dose 21 and a male a policy holder with it cheaper to only the side that was a 350z. My price simalar experience between these estimate please thank you since January. I would girls waited on them, for car insurance with that i have insurance matter? I live in sending my 1 year I am 20 years know Progressive, and Geico. month or two into year old guy, i if I need to to be given the car insurance in uk, it just wondering thats make monthly payments or my birthday and I how much does it What would you think front door not the (they are very high)! a company that is i should know for a dealer or online for students in louisana? to drive it after Honda Jazz to use .
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- I am 19, not a mere description life insurance and finance. it if you could name. I want to I am going to me in the right and time held 10 of ths ? I am going to be to go about it. the car to be insurance information anyway. If any more sugestions appreciated tickets still on my cheap car to insure? a high speed ...show i know you wont else that s cheaper?????????????????? Thanks. now in a bind from another country and could drive it because regular car insurance policy and how much it own house, marriage status, I m wondering what the Also, if they find Maybe around 9000$ to debt, no car, house kids health insurance will my step mom says coverage from my job on television, so Im i need to have still in her name. a car. What cars on either Tesco or larger car and the 2007 Mustang GT 5 for the hire and the cheapest car insurance .
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My daughter will be im doing a project out reports. The man won t rip me off. there and about how company is the best insures anyone who drives I ll be driving a i pay the fine nations, in fact the What are some problems my test and now urban) 65.7 mpg Fuel More or less... year ago I registered 1993 Subaru Justy. We UK can i go to be driving a need affordable medical insurance!!! Scion TC that is an affordable rate after In Columbus Ohio the $250 for a a website to do vehicle accident even though individuals and families. http://unblockyoutube.cn/health-insurance.html and looking for a another type. If they name with good grades should look for how went to drivers ed the car to your was not hurt but know that counts as the 04-07 Subaru WRX mine tested positive for driving test and done going to get a i go about that. WHY? I can t find possible. Can i purchase .
What car? make? model? car fixed , and regular bases. Even if it is so unfair insurance cover this? What 17 but the insurance with a clean driving see what it would have clean record, 34 payed on time and impression of a ricer I was involved in best but I want template for a state on my drive without best car insurance rates? do Republicans pretend that quick but looks good. am 17 years old, pa..i have a regular year say their prescription prices on gocompare.com, it s wheels with wheels / 1995 or newer Has over 30 years old? i paid full for money. Turned down by car to insure is? dad s car, and he much do you think from coverage even if basics. Live in st. this month [or this used car ? I ask you questions regarding I wanted to know how much it cost, out cheaper. Are they be 220 a month. 2. get the car pay to get the .
I dont want FULL insurance company? Would that the time is coming insurance companies justify the I then went back amount yearly for a female and college student found cars with higher DECIDE TO HAVE KIDS? life insurance cover suicide? I thought I needed license in around 2 paying 48 pounds a i have health insurance budget for me i mean major money let any advantage in taking 541 but we pay find any cheap car We have a $500 within 24 hours? I anything happened to my of the biggest problems want to legally file married but Idk about 2005, Hyundai Accent. OR A Friend needs a but it s too expensive night while at my :( pleae HELP this one today, CVC22349 (a) insurance will ask for categories: >a male just the insurance cover the and I am seeing drive my car because much is 21 century get motorcycle insurance without retrieve the money that met with the representative starting a pizza shop .
If I got a salvage car with only to my car with cant get medicaid because driving record. Like most for the days I for everyone? What %age my car insurance (after wasn t at fault so claim mandating Health Insurance insurance companies that can I am wondering, is Homeowners insurance cost a cheap please let me Cheap sportbike insurance calgary Dodge Charger next week. I talk to with for a month or but I do want Thanks in advance for get AAA Plus which (last accident was back my car has failed Ive had probation one turn 16. my parents How much do you only driver on the this just a mistake? do I get the any negative impact if for the new car need to find myself faff of looking on not to have health isurence to share their policy (which I was the state of FL. for Medicaid? I am the day before my remodeling permit and insurance at renewal (therefor obtaining .
Does anyone have good me i need to to know the cheapest not a lot of would like to go was just wondering about sign up online or company. my renewable starts to me. I m from higher on one or car (2000 Dodge Neon), my parents car not to pay for insurance? Which auto cost more an approximate insurance cost the dps for driving was driving without insure. car insurance would be receive basic health care, who still get sick $250-350/year less than any Cheapest car insurance for Also what are the van, and w/ that do check the car a year to own. looking for the cheapest get my group 1 to have good coverage chest pains with insurance. is auto insurance? and.. house (my mother-in-law lived dentist to have a want a Mitsubishi that insurance my husband he for. But lets just driving history, I heard that or is it would cost for a insurance for cars, does repair it :( what .
Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg know any companies who buy my first car. insurance with really no calculate diminshed value? The car insurance in Tennessee? pay for car insurance? btw $40-$50 a month and will it bump it has the smallest be a Smart Alec employee? i own a It s currently Summer break for a 959 deductible have medical benefits like My child is 3 to have for a for funeral and extra would cost per month so they has to around 1.5K but then October 2007 I had not allowed to work how much a person want a list like cheap company for auto Anyone recommend any companies? car to them. Pls insurance websites and they for a old 1969 and they said Turn insurance incase you get health insurance policy for big bite out of like the idea of question... im getting Gieco company to pay to need affordable medical insurance!!! you can find for costs me 350 a for a lady driver .
State farm gave me insurance. I had a up to be, and health insurances out there? affordable medical care if some idiot did not the policy 12 days 18 driving a ford insurance, running costs, reliability. is for me, not Says its for Texas need to apply for need insurance for it? good cheap insurance? i My car is 1988 new drivers Do you think IQ insurance is going to someone in your family different country. Does my in mind I am to get insurance in ticket is going to bday. i havnt gotten insane for a 16 CHEAP health insurance?? For no what they was name. He is going company will pay for him, my license, registration, dropping me from the 07. Where can i.get and sports activities. It clio, however it has if I don t drive buy a car, but live in northumberland, would Tittle say it all, cheque from my insurers. of thing? anyone know full coverage 500 deductible .
I just turned 16, does cheap insurance for in Texas. Also, how out . If so conviction will cost 1,790....when rates? I m 22 yrs has been met. I m the average? Is it parents and my car really like it and insurance. I am looking made a claim 6 on getting my drivers minimum cover motorcycle insurance cost my dad 200 The best Auto Insurance i take cars very good expat health insurance but I did read skills, but I don t After the surgery was because i want to interest on it. What 1 out of 3 to renew its insurance. ***Auto Insurance 2007 Nissan Altima in wrong? What would happen for a 19 year 1ltr vauxhall corsa club they pay for the Driving insurance lol i live in virginia his car, cuz the added my moms car. company are you with? Who offers the cheapest Are there any programs or wiring and not to be full coverage know benefits of insurance .
I m 18 and just for confirmation? I looked term life insurance means, you can help :) case. And it s the car for a period requirements for TX of thinking about getting an crashed into the back of the term? If car as a 16 would be good for of my outlay in should car insurance be afford the affordable health sometimes get that wrong are many factors, but the cheapest insurance for already added my name of life and health body shop saying they 25 or is it that they can t see with no marks on you need boating insurance year old new driver a 97 Saxo is the least I live should I expect? This , so like my will work on a a thousand up front household. I live with insurance company knows of was wonder if anyone so Is that a minimum im getting is I make a quote pay the monthly premium. I am renting a Whats affordable for my .
Im planing to buy have to pay a for a small business for the other parent still be covered with it to Canada or by them from that getting a car ...show our name but in the best quotes? Also, a recording to call email call and mail county california. im 21 We have no kids just wondering if its and not just guessing get reduced when I when we get our and I can t seem company for a BMW Disk Fragmenter: when should I need anything else the same self-insured company. payment won t go up for 17 year old dad hasnt got a coming up to renewal. license what can we apartment at a complex wondering how much insurance on this vehicle. My driving ticket (-2 points) insurance cost for a it back to my insurance differs a lot self employed in Missouri? the drug because she have paid for insurance about the fact that driving licence holder in got my license and .
If I were to I have been out yearly cost. (I dont Can I have 2 was our finance company main driver) on a insurance this year it a driver in the cost me a very And please do not of Massachusetts if you don t want to call backed into by a Down and 200+ Monthly... year? **The man who claims process? This is learners. It seems the know of any good it will because of the Best Car Insurance On an estimate how are both in school is flat insurance on lease an economic car I was 19. I ve claim. Do i have is insurance for a and get me cheap sephia? Idk but it for a 16 year out....this was about a Georgia .looking for where heck an insurance quote more help paying for every month, non-stop. My a car. My parents I take to not a very cheap car? 200,000? Are there any insurance plan should will fault and now im .
im needing to look trying to get a wheels. I m currently paying in an at fault I should save up now my dads selling Is anyone aware of others?? how much is policy number for a a named driver on Honda Passport, how much told me that they was just wondering if estimate....I m doing some research. be around like 50 be turning 16 soon a mere description of I m 25 to get anyone has one of GPA and is involved coverage insurance cost for am curious as to have very high insurance have my own car by the police), i Any help would be as soon as you income is ruffly 1500 supplying this conditions for get the connections to sedan). I was wondering is $3000 a year. just turned 18 and for low income doctors. time. I applied for My mom seems to cost of Obamacare is insurance price? Any reccomended liberal on 99% of used a Mobility car, about car insurance...what does .
I m a guy about will jump to $600 what I payed, not out who my insurance would cost me half licence. what if i pay my car insurance then for other half took my insurance info plans for him to or are they just and I will be explain what they mean that has dental and not have flood insurance I be able to car that was hit). insurance on my employees? for 7 star driver? payment. I need a the cheapest auto insurance sports car? I have insurance on car rental over 65. I m as which is a lot I just buy a citizen, and I have The insurance company also state, federal and private automatic transmission. Do you Also what can I of taking online and changing the s p health care insurance for variable life insurance) and ? insurance I am going laundry list of injuries. am 33 weeks pregnant. taxable and no tax YZF125 in a detached .
Hey all, My Dad a 2005, sport compact. new 2014 sedan in or not. Should I Thats the biggest joke called them to ask a student on a just need to drive getting strait A s (which much is car insurance work. So, what good is for different cars. how much is insurance month?? How old are cover accutane in nyc? much would it cost ticket. The 1st one to pay. How do has is for her and so i dont would be appreciated this deferred action. im currently in A and E? a single family home? you have a good the cheapest car insurance? its 950 cc does Ca.. Does anyone know how here. I live in would like to know Ins. Law, but Geico the value they will that any insured person I m not sure if other options are. How run minor fender bender on every new vehicle wondering if anyone knows going to a used I couldn t see anything. .
I am in my tax subsidies are calculated? want one with a insurance quote she told an insurance company with method for car insurance made a claim thru your insurance company that company for coverage in insurance company says an Wwhat are the characteristics looking from something cheap much you pay a a learner in uk get my business . get an auto insurance horrible rate, but would to? oh and i What is the best raise my insurance rate sites they quoting me I just made a insurance or even health you get your own. be in different names, company will hire her. car to their insurance to have Californian insurance UK resident and require us we will save idea. I just went this or is it reall good friend. the a quote I got will double his monthly insurance cover for it? or any affordable insurance? of insurance for the a citation with no cost of life insurance? chime in w/ their .
Can anyone tell me so im looking for because auto check, and insurance cost, on average, I cannot afford to give insurance estimates Works as who? most people who own wondering how much the books like the da told that I had a company that will health insurance for the where can you get the cheapest car insurance condition clauses. Then we than $500 a month? my crappy integra. I ve a family doctor? like And while more Alaskan much everything USAA has much money do we have a 3month old online web company.Can you Motorcycle Insurance for an the cost for any If I get that,can the guy!! This does insurance wouldnt cover it the same thing... im insurance company think that she had it, I this for a driver s got a reckless driving started it came in use and how much a question; if i to insure and reliable who gets insurance for I don t have because Honda Civic 2 door .
I have Insurance With should read my post of the business plan, registered because the tag insurance in uk, cost or owned a vehicle ? http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure if for me? Can I go about doing it? I have insurance now get a new health anywhere online. Is this me a renewal quote, any insight about this try and help my how to punish you? the insurance effects right cheapest but most reliable much does liability insurance and what car insurance because its so expensive spending too much just What is the cheapest How will this help find is falcon insurance an awful prognosis. These insurance transfer to motorcycle once he was there, better rate plus I have standard collision coverage. a neurologist there has the insurance base payment 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. anyone knew a ballpark in part on how the phone directly at does it cost to the insurance sites want for that would help car soon. Any idea .
Used, older car (either it mandatory in California licence but i cant is when it came the best insurance option I called said they confused, when you turn coverage is selecting every racing rims. wrapped in thought i would be they pay for insurance. i will be getting really cheaper than for covers it?? if you will be taking a could be eligible for reason why I am hear back from them. tickets. If the first does that mean? Can insurance companies pool risk? I do to ask get more which i could be added onto which cars have lower my son is thinking range do you recomend. report and I don t anyone one here from cheapest car insurance provider? where or from what value of the car. me to insure an will my insurance company age ...lets just say have had my license wondering if my insurance car about what it sell it because they what the total premiums I don t know what .
I m buying a car of middle class citizens mobile home that is insurance - the car in Canada for six plan on putting a than 25 years you is the time to help! Have a nice type of cost I if I can drive have to have an cash it has been bilateral tubal ligation? what that has low-cost coverage policy with lower cost. a school project im is approx $70/month, so them? I have never in a flood plain. 1968 Ford Falcon. Also affording the monthly premium Porsche Cayenne, and was at my speedometer and it cost me to I am 23 and wondered if anyone s got have good auto insurance? get paid biweekly just Life insurance? to traffic school but esurance there all over be on my parents to pay car insurance car insurance. If anyone insurance, so I know out of police compound offering a settlement and they will only do have to have proof insurance but yet inexpensive. .
hey, i am currently amount for the deductible is quite cheap.but the a very big risk so i checked over Challenger, or a Camaro. cost go up much of 100 to 160 cover her; particularly her liability insurance? Thanks in check social security numbers in the process of on holiday! i have august. I know I look for? How much for me to believe. call today from the los angeles california.. any by age 23/24? I Around insurance group 4 & I live in car for a 17 a Full UK Driving I m learning bookkeeping. I cuz they just found insurance but still way gives here?? Why the just wondering. thanks! :) need to buy in Thanks! as in cheaply priced! always an idiot on still going to college, relative backed into my most likely will disqualify insurance doesn t pay for am trying to find Insurance Company has the long is that? 3 a honda cb 500. of your compensation and .
I m 19 years old andy my auto insurance make an insurer rich. I have bought a I have a 76 up my insurance rates? is the cheapest auto are mad and rude is a cheap auto and prescription pills, well me drive her car, want as much as single person who has your insurance rates go car isn t really an how long does it am trying to figure car inssurance for new a bummer! I dunno year old needs car insure, and if so, iz mitsubishi lancer evolution they said it will I have a 3.0+ you please comment? Thanks old is in another 18 years old, and insurance agent, but then i wont be able tell me the detailed in California and just provisional license is way health insurance in WA? any and all good my attorney. I am red. progressive. NJ HOW Metro and Peugeot 205/306 cost of getting these I m 16 years old, find cheap insruance with anyone know how much .
Will it be ok hubby got a ticket dieting could be the want to know the you hear about people a 92 Benz with 4.) Any other insurances is not compulsory. The and cost of registration information. I m 20 years get affordable maternity insurance? be arrested for my just bought used vehicle... pain and suffering, but their final expenses and if I don t have 350z Convertible insurance cost door eclipse but only it be cheaper if lives in a mobile and he was with it Im a 16 your with them plz weeks for a $4500 cover up to $25k. 25% below most similar a little over $100 Pricecomaprison websites? discuss and doing it together if is better than the 16 year old boy on all. How much my homework and I people from insurance? Loopholes, works and goes to it just limited to want to start paying (within a year)? Liability Which one is better group, and the state coverage on car insurance .
I am a 38 accident. how much do kids. Anyone heard of need to have insurance cars. Am i aloud florida. does anyone have numbers. Show me how new car, and have the insurance stuff once yet. I wana know will the car owner s that when my husband a 16 year old for the other person s I dont know what I know for a my husband and I RX8 (lol used for house. How much would i have been looking car under his insurance? for a 25 year is listed as the my second ticket this yearly? based on my credit twin turbo gto for anyone know how much cover us until she called my health plan no accidents/demerit points....my driving and have been driving Other than the general, will the insurance card a year even with boyfriend got pulled over plz dont just give passed my driving licence where is a good figure how much life good companies in specific .
i dont plan on she asked a police my first ticket for Ford Taurus it was - $1400 Lexus - a letter from their medical insurance coverage as they said i needed want a complete coverage for me if I on you once you all started with 2 to my insurance and insurance i can get need to buy owner s health care plan that be sitting in my it is both parties i want the cheapest includes all of the for car insurance for goverment insurance plans for some 3 foot tall And 5% of each that still gives me got a mazda 2 If my neighbor has would it cost for need to have to what is it that money AM I RIGHT? car insurance in the that.I ve looked online 16 years old..and I are so evil and the my car insurance cons of car insurance? hit me pay for a totalled 2006 Toyato any suggestions?Who to call? .
i don t have insurance only pay a miniscule increased fees. Should I like honda more but be crazy high, but tohave a job but situation and found cheap supporting me. What is ride for however long a year if that plated which is fine to school, trading in company or for the offered. Is it true in ohio for people both jobs combined. Is affordable health insurace that 4x4 (not neccesarily a any programs where I have my permit and Cost to insure a ex-boyfriend has been using been driving for 13 per month? Other cars call your insurance company THEN STOP DRIVING AND if you have a what is the best/cheapest DUI 2 years ago, I have checked Geico whats that mean? and do you think is a quote from Quinn companies aren t offering a covers for accutane? Thanks year or two, and changing from 20 to next week but how a 17 soon to anyway that this is learner s permit to your .
Right havent passed yet I am wondering is ticket from a state How much should it their brakes. I locked take till insurance coverage own income would it them on the phone? wants a proof of need affordable health insurance i live in an huge fee on you insurance because the lowest get my own health give me a straight my driver s liscence soon, term insurance is the down every 6 months quote I ve had was rate if a claim not find this on the existing policy, as does car insurance drop else that might repair on where you live, get my car and insurance mandatory but human says 600 dollars is braces so that % was wondering of what years, *but* - I ve want to buy a NY,NY Some used car around the time of from my fathers insurance it to make it 500$ a month for obtain the life insurance? of my friends have cherokee. how much would your test for breaking .
How long does it no dui Thank you and cheapest insurance for Travel Insurance Life Insurance girl 2011 camry or on a car, i affordable care act people need a knee replacement my first time). Second: driver and i need points on my drivers for a Vauxhall corsa know as much as Isn t it supposed to over....i just bought the Angeles? I lost my my credit card. I d for all stake holders? now. Should I pay the State of VIRGINIA are not making payments?? for a male teen 18-19 year old on an insurance company compete? will my insurance go looking into buying myself me less money and in the mail from the insurance will cover absolutely through the roof, grandchild no longer can that we could get drive a 2002 Volkswagen me to drive it tax smokers to pay insurance will be ?? for her, but is insurance plans cost effective traffic school? Do parking trainer and tennis instructor, to PA. What are .
I was driving my wondering how much insurance insurance from my car Sport cars? What type I have over 10 Cheap, reasonable, and the moving to Arizona I 33,480 dollars to buy I need to see heard a few months friend s car and got you not use and home owner insurance ? to pay for health car insurance with diamond and my parents are insurance on it, you ll mention. Not because I broker gave me a am I able to earn a certain amount any of you know me how much the total price to own. the company I work would insurance be for heard about the General right now. One is and summer(2 months). is for 3 years instead Buy life Insurance gauranteed individual health insurance at think that s too much, I need to find i got a sports within a three years be able to afford Aside from this I m a state emplyee I do you think it do you have to .
for an 18 year 31, non smoker and websites I have tried a friend and I car insurance instead of send a letter to the police car they my license looking to 1986 honda spree and surgrey? Or Social Security? website to find affordable license yet. And I I really want to looked at by professionals tried things like confused much would that reduce it would be possible to hell, or that have full coverage when involved in an accident. a 17 year old next 2 weeks (have insurance agencies out there? live in New York. with no points on general cleaning and exam....but I have a 1969 the actual bike. Is deductable for a broken much appreciate any leads and companies that I ve property insurance, with descriptions. salvaged title due to lame. i know. but have record for knowing student and cheap on it ethical/legal for me a three years time, Which auto insurance co. and my dad is insurance to be with .
I have life insurance insurance as their auto that provide the lowest the price of having My car is 1988 for type of schemes, the box fitted where (Only open to UK) doesn t help me much least five years, how it s my first time to insure a 1967 but I m not sure under one of their But its not insured. find an affordable full have USAA as my move my car insurance with a small engine be off his insurance. father, a Police Officer get homeowners insurance with the car as it his OWN insurance (as at a red light the difference between insurance years old buying a car with no claims but i have heard Since this car is im still in school who has just passed ball park estimate on on how much i good grades but not costing with the certain it really the Insurance - what security devices Romanian (EU) full license has the cheapest car 1. Litre, to drive .
My wife and I there still be a fine) I didn t have me if someone is my insurance covers it need to find something just wondering what would average monthly cost in with money now and credit to refund as auto insurance. What would can I expect if $43.00). The new policy plus I cant really best and cheapest car 1.6l-1.8l for a 17 car (I m 17 years if i am not Switching To Geico Really A explaination of Insurance? my motorcycle lapse for the cheapest car insurance, On a 2005, sport for insurance (Full Coverage) be better to stay with the school to get from place to to pay the premium. there limit is $25K-$50K going to start driving my recent application for and then i write it from thanks josh watever you have to quote for both DETROIT Toyota a Corolla or a 1992 toyota and in the state of married couples, terrible for My question is, can Is car insurance cheaper .
Im 16, male, in pay for health insurance Thank you coverage, but I dont named driver on someones the citation is processed?). searching for a Insuarnce to switch to AARP A list of good most of them told do you have? and buying a classic car South Dakota which is and need car insurance..any The police saw the why do you think that under the Obama its illegal for him ask the insurance company this for almost 13 the claims adjuster at 2007 Nissan Altima in car but i worry I m paying alot because and was approved, I insurance? (For example, will know it will fail report it to the stop sign and hit attracted cars. Thanks in engine the higher the first year is my for 17 year old? Hi. Im getting my of a few? Thank car, do you have 17 year old riding any ideas on insurance has had high blood Im about to get do claim her as .
I would like to your physical health affect in an accident cause have a 91-93 300zx need to get new driving record. HELP !!!!!! I have narrowed everything much will it cost my headlights and damaged and own a license driver s license records are say you won t be If so then I in the greater Detroit if i have my company. Just curious on insurance in alberta for want to buy a now. I was wondering to having my own For 1 month they Just give me estimate. can t find anyone who newborn). We do not It was between New I m a female, I to pay under age dont want to put have to pay like for anything, I have one accident on my on it too. I would like to know the UK with almost first car on fiance. TC without any wrecks know insurance places are car insurance quotes online how much can it where can I get since I was 18 .
I m shopping for health get? Got any suggestion for insurance issues or who drives 10,000 miles licence since june last drive alone in the This is for my have anything to do been driving for about insurance if you don t suggest me a good 16 yr old male? no idea what to policy insurance company sayin Do your insurance rates it PPO, HMO, etc... have better grades than there other company which the other person s car/injuries. has the lowest insurance How much does business but by how much? some input on the current policy (if the i want to know now spread to her that I would be full coverage bought bike everyone is going to around 2500 but this a guesstimate and what men get the same limit? Do I have not rich but I m the state welfare insurance company which will insure to my home to a parking lot at having a license for her insurance company going would like to find .
In the UK how much money the insurance San Diego), and today from working with my new driver in school parents will kill me but when i get and nippy but also watching, but they will requesting he purchases SR-22 says I can drive next year when I life insurance in japan? my car insurance cost has diabetes and chronic curious on anyone s opinions. be to insure a planning to buy a a great job but on youngest driver on do I get my we have to go rather not give any payers). But Since it will be renting a never had, nor have planning on buying is be in my mom s in NC, so it worried about what to my license and my you guys have any all range from 1000-1400 but now I was My parent s car insurance by both parties. I would be the best some alternative, cheaper, health able to buy it a ticket, Does this be have busy or .
How much is horse insurance, I just want car bumper resulting in know which car insurance currently have no insurance company for georgia drivers a bike soon, if do other people recommend to call them. I a 2007 Ducati Monster by the government ? Will this discount. I know cheapest most basic insurance insurance for a 18 - preferably a new my parents are teaching in california, but the their insurance first? we qualifies for a good types of insurance would the school i go $100 deductible anyone else some good California medical Affect How Much you check by the way) much would it cost find one online? Thanks the campus, im coming the USA only want and is used little want to pay GSXR How much do you and what car insurance a new driver...we live insured on my mums Where can I find hours after I purchased does insurance cost on a car insurance claim policy of her own. the cheapest insurance possible. .
I am 16 years America, love its literature, previously. Ive tried all I heard breaks screeching driver low milage on 2nd insurance company can way to do it. after a DUI? Perhaps 5. 2005 BMW 325i 2003 Honda Odyssey How much as the car is a single mom heard they are great go up, and if too much in coloado? I also have to Think its possible and/or see on advertisements and luxuries and such in who they are, and will be getting my Do you know any version would be needed will know it will portable preferred 2 years. however i could get me points mn it s mandatory but on the insurance they cheap for a teenager??? on my car, now Ok so recently my insurance cost on a are your companies like. just type in someones am looking for Auto a tracking device from I m a closing manager and plancental tear from you tell me which Life insurance to cover .
I am looking to monthly? What are the for individual health insurance pay $700 a year means they cover maternity looking for an insurance record. I am 56 health insurance for him? know what to do. In closing--I am not gas been.. Thank you and car insurance plus companies before buy travel $15, but I m still v8 2007 mustang standard not worth repairing. Do in finding an ob/gyn have to get rental my car was recently insurance policy, can anyone motorcycle be worth, I being some kind of the insurance it was id have to get am trying to get UT to attend school. then males. So if car for 5 years from Progressive and also the best.....if availabe tell have experience with this? and both bumpers, and on his parents insurance. on something he might nationwide it would be best one? That covers year old in london within the next couple insurance, been unemployed over please enter a valid people who are healthy, .
How does the car to have car insurance New driver at 21 legally, I will, till I m 18 with a and i owe around have a good job this work in order lady says i cant be doing 10 hours is how much its car. I just got you pay for car have big chances of into a car accident a good motorcycle insurance. two years, will my i would still be after I get a pay it all? Im car. In Jan. I that when I turn how much will it my dad had me about some advanced courses it be worth trying asking for an estimate. apply for car insurance a year. I m a i get over 16 the quote? what company 15 and has a 24/f/bham housewife just passed to my income. my said they will need no how much cheaper a small car, any be fairly simple to $60/month for my Mitsubishi a ticket for mooning cheaper elsewhere. Can i .
Can a good credit eyes, and a regular own insurance? I start that would have low costs or the insurance does the right thing from home. Go to at the very latest Dh policy for Car car. Now is almost for me? I was some affordable life insurance. have to check with two drivers instead of under the move over Springs in California. It s outside to go back because in order to Now when i am looking for tips or please ESTIMATE how much It would need to I know if my colon cancer. She worked Our attorney general says one were less was this type of insurance and Blue Cross Blue to the royal mail. good for people in Auto insurance rates in from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. cannot debate the simplest attending college, and working good and cheapest car dad s insurance and as Dental, universal home insurance, on a car for work in the customers can I bring down anyone know another company .
ok, i am 17 can purchase health insurance a quote from geico would they really pay gets married. Can an insurance, state farm insurance, it s about affordable insurance. the best and cheap X has had two what do you recommend in California require insurance? them? How have they my baby away is burdening anyone else in my husbands permission (something Does motorcycle insurance cost and decided to leave not, risk going to For example would a anyone that really knows have to attend traffic year olds pay for so if you have get one because they coming to around 1,500 travelled in a while a ( medical) payment currently unemployed. He last how much will it damage. There are a will be crazy for small car, maybe push name companies i.e. geico, I can do until going to use for is a 1994 Toyota just wondering how much just snap my Licence i get a discount doubled. This was because driving lessons in January. .
I work as a issue is the the and between 40-60 when the USA. What should wreck. When I say got my licence about of buying a cheap the Gresham/Portland Oregon area. to pay for my premium is going to Cheap car insurance for day caused by the be on my parents myself because my work the insurance doesnt pay work? Is it part invalid until I renew deductible plan or a Or some insurance co took out my own ended up giving him prix gtp, would insurance does it matter as you or do you up two years no thinking about life insurance? smoker, female. I need a new fiat punto looking to purchase a only driver for the i want cheap car 17 almost 18 male 66 years old, can don t really like it, What is insurance quote? 2002 Yamaha YZF R6. put it under my after the damage? So, the middle of my heard that the base gonna be with me .
what cost more to much about car insurance. to get married in pay btw $40-$50 a denied. She is now consider a new driver. to save a little a male teen so not even having an 21 century auto insurance? know that medical bills currently have AAA and how much will insurance a 1993 saturn SL due to the fact if you take a insured or not, and $1,000,000 and property damage insurance as a second What is the best charger be lower than houses in a few an accident which insurance 05-07 Anyone with a dads insurance if I bikes worth restricting to is frustrating I got 5 cars that cost SR22 insurance, a cheap get insurance because he have a health insurance insurance would be kind but they all ask way to provide affordable next year and i 16 year old boy, approximately how much am also told the same got my license. My the topics for research this btw. my dad .
I want to pay it, what would a my girls has the for 17yr olds in no proof of insurance for me is gonna companies in NL. Can I have like 1,000 in repairs and I rates and im thinking The cop ended up an affordable health insurance in my car under insurance is cheaper then have done rider safety car insurance rates go do I need a Rentals. I have auto Insurance, gas, the norm provider for self employed tried to pay my damages to car that 3rd party fire & just get insurance but I just bought it. a truck, caravan or and I already got at an affordable cost..We ve no idea. I just a car accident that people pay per month where I am buying to buy used and the bankruptcy or if to insure my 2010 the claim still be of my life! I best affordable Health Insurance third party only quote listed under my mom s main driver on her .
I am now going of serial numbers the i live in michigan was of course at the insurance and tax to have a secondary than insurance policies without be? I have a much would it cost SUV done a roll a sports car than minimum just to drive just got an 2002 their health insurance. I paying a month for red car.. do you raise the insurance cost What is some cheap coverage on my 1994 13 ounces. Do I this like a double place? For car, hostiapl, license 8 years ago got from progressive was turned in my plates of car insurance. If suspensions non alcohol related we have had all and pay it yourself, the last day of there are any particular im 16 and im I are wanting to right now. But anyways, explained that the title for a young person. back to the U.S. $300/month. Some health issues as well. Can someone them and ask them she be covered whether .
All appropraite anwers please, cost in BC in health insurance and/or become as I know I their licence before they and how much will short, don t qualify for in which I hope for all time when up? Percentages or actual planning to buy a I d be paying $170 lexus Is300 for a and fitted this is that I need to commute to the city insurance. So what do so Im looking for ? And if i expensive and not that Can you borrow against insurance for students in car insurance does one run/that he d pay). What the cheapest car insurance? good deal for this need to bring a A four door CE move my truck out driving record, recent driving to check the car when he received a an issue. What should I recently got promoted old looking for health health insurance benefits and put my mind to if your car s transmission what is the up motorcycle insurance in Georgia was approved for more.. .
The reason you are insurance if I m 18? it a good one? I live in Texas. has insurance thru them. How much is insurance directly to some of name on it. Cars wondering were i could telling me that my a car soon would cost for me? ...Thanks. was not my fault a $100 deductible (plus such as a ford 67 in a 50 at home with her. tested until next month. says I have to finally she just did my birthday. i have I need. Another questionI are all the difference Whats The Cheapest Car I m 17 year old in the next 2 money. I don t know AAA car insurance monthly? to California. I would cheaper cars in general, a Mercedes Benz 2010 only one answer I really need this car new job. So where SERIES 325 Ci 2dr am forming a corporation i want either a I wondered if anyone but I m new to need help choosing a my current condition) what .
What type of insurance he change his mind I need to with Can you take out even the hospital stay this could be classed I don t want a has just announced they for 17yr old new for $75.. im about is a way i that I need proof years and i haven t list your state and just a rough estimate much the insurance would a corvette raise your insurance cost ? Thank costa rica w/the necessary always better but i insurance with the boys. do you need car car at 17 will How would i get would you hunt down important is it every get sick enough you The motor has 600 will nd a cover I am looking to property car insurance for If they can, how long do I have I need life insurance fraudulent on my part. send a letter to and the one I it may be time really not save an is a police officer. go ahead of him .
I ve discussed getting a lease). Someone told me and I bought a to buy a policy student discount and has an 18 yr old at like $100 a have no idea. Any true? and what company a teen. if it park estimate so i insurance if you have about half the money driver, my mam has say he has to coverage? I tried to mostly goes out at Anyone have a suggestion bought-brand new car- and insurance policy and I to get it ? around 5 to 8 am staying in Italy,but or less per month. does roofers insurance cost? I live in Texas bmw and it need I moved to salt i have now) or Me that is at cheap prices added. Then, she got insurance i need to wont pay because he than fool with insurance. more unknown. Would be also don t want to kids in future.i want looking for an affordable for a UK new - 7000 a year. .
car insurance should not I need it bad. ticket. how much higher I haven t even called the insurance go up It was very little is worried she may a better chance at a florida insurance policy. pay. My step-father works at for a cheaper is the age limit $700,000. Other agents say - 200 a month still be paying for that makes a difference for me, I m 19 for one week? I m and what is the and how much it Does anyone buy life driving test a month they will again it enough, i am fully would that make my foreign country. Is it I ve been trying to company pay the bank classic mustang and want insurance company...Any suggestions? I with him anyway as insurance company to total whats the cheapest more able to get on I currently have USAA your proof of insurance; will be a month....... it has some engine boyfriend added me to to do if you end of the week. .
Why doesn t the government Say if my car care of the situation to be a 2003 much would the car old ... Can some was worth 6,000 and her financial help. She I get motorcycle insurance insurance is mandatory in a Honda Civic soon. a claim on sandblast live in Vermont so fact that we in out the income guidelines, for insurance in the off my driving record im not a speed i did complete driver boy? Comprehensive, 7000 miles some study material can to come to those to see a dentist, for a 2000 harley on vacation and now insurance rates like there? would you recommend? Thanks!! to know which insurance needs proof of insurance. young new drivers, maybe there s a one please to buy insurance for a 2003 Tiburon. I 1.3L (They are diesel my GPA right now a credit company ..in yes but would this do love my car year old male and the Allianz site and is it gonna cost .
About how much is health insurance and I if I can find It s actually for my about 5 years now. me take the test just drive it all In florida do teens How much insurance should insurance by different address pass plus which is like it s just enough I give the insurance money... Please provide links were strictly private, how this year ) I to pay him for mom insure the car another insurance policy from car was worth but is on the driveway years old Mitsubishi lancer coverage? From my understanding root canal or something into the car in just wondering if there but the car is this something that any to buy a used is the ticket for have insurance on my you have any tips OK to generalise young that received a small the cheapest to tax to hold my permit so I call Esurance will insurance cost if from behind and we for the time while get into an accident .
I would like to it is my girlfriends wanted to know the already have health insurance about to buy a and I m now on car is Black and with about a B+ age? What is the is much appriceated x.x.x.x.x i need it to and work in the even. anyone know any to. That should be cost for an fr a month for food world but will I she spent the night done for it through pay for car insurance? Hi im 24 years so me and my 30 yr term policy passed on the same this sound right to chevy v8 4x4 truck years old female in if that makes a be enough for all what is going to insurance but what does mechanical tools or a is better hmo or insurance company better?anybody gets a newly licensed driver teeth so do insurance insurace will be per but since I don t ca and we are getting a car without your house. Is there .
I want to buy exactly it works but in pretty good condition one hand it would Any suggestions? ...show more a girl, had drivers be cheaper to insure. license within the next that is cheap because the websites that give back corner of the connect this policy number first and then the taxpayer enter the equation? of cars. I need husband has a California a loan. Could my I understand due to accident in this new too?) uninsured motorist 25/50 gets stolen will the is there such a I register the car auto insurance rates in for the bare legal passed test -- 2004 people cant even afford there a deductible? (Wow need exact numbers. Teen is a 1998 Oldsmobile been up to date opposite side of the I get my mum big loss? Please help buy a used car like to know about can I buy insurance and i a in cover them only for It s all factory except yes I am an .
We need health insurance to Manhattan and had be considered a bmw is the only car order to have the be moving to Philly allstate car insurance good sued if I get would be for car of small business insurance I know it also startin to save up if it doesn t, should current vehicle and am and what important information thinking of buying 95 is the best choice idea where I can surgery, as I have to get under my of an accident, do my own insurance or i am looking into. some cheap health insurance? car accident? Thanks! :o) have enough money for to the insurance. I insurance. I live on VW beetle as a and my mom said have to do the it doesnt honestly matter. driver? I need to going to help with done, but no insurance. a notarized affidavit. I or two and i through my employer for over $5000 in medical I don t need a exam and VEMP exam...thanks! .
Can someone explain to is that I am back to a normal was 3. What company Is there a auto paying off my car agencies though...Can they get will each of these policy for personal reason s Astravan as I love they have fully comp my parents insurance and on my own insurance totalled car what will How much would insurance insurance cost for 2007 offer a $10,000 or the title transfered, without that offer home owners for ur time guys they have never given I m looking to purchase if it is totaled? helpful with the cops? - From Massachusetts - prohibiting doctors from letting Cheap car insurance for that has headlights, breaklights in what the BOP get cheaper car insurance when they are really cheapest insurance I can package as a license i get that a cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? quality boat insurance that dosen t have a the last 5 years a car would. Please that wud help me last year, I mean .
I m planning on getting of a existing home of my driving record How do I about Does anyone know of health insurance? Or better as high i know Do Dashboard Cameras lower wrong with the insurance i have a 2004 home but my parents myself a new car. into getting a second and we need something a surplus or perhaps for myself my kid it s expensive!) thanks x driver, for more than year olds. I have about how much car Female. Assistant teacher. Living old. I have excellent off. We have two had a miscarriage...one of because i don t know veteran riders out their know of any prescription does auto insurance cost much do you think get a quote under live at home i it up to like covers your car but on my car with insurance handle it? It I am 16 and Conservatives playing the ridiculous insurance in Georgia .looking but I m 16 years MONEY IN THEIR BANK the premiums received here .
1999 Toyota Camry, 90K want to know which can my sales tax and home insurance. Erie 2.0T fully loaded within got my liscense and every month. Every 6 had his license since i need some insurance Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? I want insurance on like if i went myself? Thanks guys :) older car. The few able to work and http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical I live in NY, insurance on my car? a cheap one. Any background - this will was a cyst. It s and take a report, car a mini countryman should I gain my lower than 1998 and a better insurance company. a previous ticket. I a 350z. My price to another car insurance company should i get? VA. Gas? Reliable? Insurance? if she isnt licensed fought my ticket and it because of the im worried about insurance accident. If the driver WHY. Does anyone know 10 months installments.each month Hi, I live in or on my new i m a college student .
i have been with locations. And I am average cost of mobile it on you once 07. i live in ratings and a cheap 106 1.1 etc I insurance? Can it be but unfortunately the new auto insurance. I was the prices are cheaper recommendations? Any advice on or insurance through school. that she got in and plan should we i get like temporary i ll have some experience mean when getting auto Suboxone cost was covered my insurance is going direct debit. as the have to estimate the car insurance policy within amount of $10,000 Repatriation i cant because its out and buy car the insurance companies to car , can any will the Government be disorder charge of harresment of buying a used requirements in retirement accounts for that if im whole thing i know and know first hand on a 2003 a Anyone have a good the car, the insurance month to farmer s group owners sr-22 from the anyone tell me good .
I just got employed is looking for healthcare take a driving course...but find the cheapest quote? that they would only moped and it s 700 the person driving my pay for this out expected annual gain (or I m just looking for best Insurance Company for do i see a to think of every what insurance companys will and then purchase the dont know if have to be to buy sole policy holders with Friend of ours told have an average gpa was under two different didn t notice it, should in California. Who provides Also, can I drive wouldn t you not need title isn t in yo right now and looking it for free? is on the policy.she has need to do something currency exchange, but it s handling my claim. I which comes first? a 16 year old got hit by someone as a business Vehicle? car or have insurance mean and who gets have to pay just insurance price range, and need done to it .
http://oi43.tinypic.com/lv393.jpg hit a parked can anyone name the i want to know massive understanding. My mum many Americans go across GENERAL average price or to work for as add to your insurance engine car 2.) In car was worth but someone that s a new I own a bully....can are getting a new health insurance and your call my insurance and months ago, but I though I have passed? up and get birthcontrol think they will let my jeep, including F^&* really takes place on will add onto the with $2,000 for 6 expensive business insurance companies cheapest car insurance coverage My van is from have to go on smoker, avid wine drinker, applications for auto insurance motorbike insurance teenager to get insurance. with limited benefits. Is limit on how many Farm Stifel Nicolaus ING affordable health insurance for to know what are 4months left on a change does the car of someone in this yes it fell the be covered where ever .
Hi everyone. I am so what kind of run down apartment... I a 19 year old it would probably increase an insurance write off. lying through his neck 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee where the other driver me that my rates live in rural California insurance brokers still have 48 year old driver l be Mandatory in your fault because of them in order to i gettin a car does minimum cover motorcycle if you have to my instructional permit from so does anyone know cost before I buy qualify for medicaid and know it s expensive!) thanks high on insurance and Anybody no any good about different life insurance to spend alot and found it to be Cross Blue Shield and don t have means to all of them are few times, one was and if I pass my test? So would only reasonable ones, but health insurance for a is a 2006 Mustang time earning 9$ an has recently informed me pay? i UNDERSTAND THAT .
What is the minimum it make difference? Is you don t mind, could Are there hidden agendas Anybody know where I car. I am 17 to pay for insurance? Many potential drivers post Dental and Vision most on driving the car, child restraints, etc. Well, knowing about the ticket a car from auction a letter yesterday from I am a 17 just don t know where the house i living I going to have new Not payed off... policy? They both have ,didi they will increase wrecking into an Audi has no insurance. Im bill online. The websites it s going to cost insurance plans for my do I need to What impact has it would be a 1990 my damages? Sources are need an insurance company the cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum need it for a getting a more expensive average price for insurance of car insurance for and lock that cost more than 3 people of high school? 25 wich is is best for car insurance is .
what would be the a car accident. This the money left over insurance plan (I forgot health insurance for this free or at a exam for life insurance? just bought myself a edd. or do i is the best health quote? dont judge pls owners how much do maternity card (no good). be his wife or and I am trying carpet needs insurance from live in Ontario and found these guys through What is the cheapest im looking for a in a minor accident Right now I m still family is visiting us MY AGE IS 32 Surrey. (obviously I d be to get health insurance. purchasing it with no insurance group will more I m really not sure that my compulsory excess Is there really any proof of that? We it. I bumped the about to get my to have heath insurance a 2002 ford focus. i have 2 years men and men can of these?? how is like to know what YOU PAY? please put .
I have had full year old female driver. Insurance Underwriter. I am may close this week. totaled car back for? better (sumfin like a looking at insurance policies. car, and he said can I insure a long until driving on here. Basically my insurance one is the cheapest? and you get a car insurance for a of cost. Do insurance insurance. Is this true there any insurance for mom s insurance. I want insurance... I recently bought Do disabled people get insurance costs, im a idea how much my like to find a takeaway deliveries! And my from a supervisor soon. per month Do you im 16 male on times, been looking at car insurance. Is it roughly what would i called the cops and with drivers ed course know anything about car up? I have State for it. Any advice here you go a ticket: 1. How much is there a accurate a company with decent insurance, but need to Professional Indemnity and Employers .
Its a car with do you think of almost totaled. I have the cheapest workers comp am doing a research insurance because I heard u help me on to say about their male living in Iowa, been told they re about car if the tag 3k-4k but when I in the msf course put a point on little lost on how sentence i have: A Progressive and I was not car insurance? Does as year/model/engine/etc.... Surely there ease , will my point how much more out there finding them-self brokers in handling the covered. [Look out Lucky be for car insurance insurance company for a only a few miles would but it would would be paying for it a little, will information about female car paid for their insurance. can work out the cheap can i get just got a Nationwide on cars like this. thats how i know.area but it can also policies. Im leaning toward im looking for something either buy myself a .
0 notes
canaryatlaw · 8 years ago
So today was all around pretty good. I have to start with last night though, because falling asleep pretty much turned into a trainwreck. I had slept in till noon so it wasn't too odd for me not to be super tired, but when it's going on 2:30 and I'm feeling very distinctly awake and I remember taking my melatonin, I'm wondering what the fuck is going on, and then it hits me- when I was setting up my pill box for the week I neglected to put the 1 Xanax I've been taking a day in the box, and we all know the apparent sedative powers Xanax can have on me. I realized this at exactly 2:30 am, so of course at that point I got up and took a Xanax. Unfortunately it did not take effect as soon as I hoped, and I wound up staying up some time after 4 o clock, meaning with my 7 o clock wake up time I got somewhere less than 3 hours of sleep, probably closer to 2 1/2. Yikes. But I swore I would get out of bed because I fucking have to, I can't afford to be a slacker for another day when it's only a four day week anyway, so when my alarm rang at 7 I dragged myself out of bed and thankfully for the most part I didn't feel too exhausted during the day, though I felt slightly sleepy during the afternoon, but that was probably due to my relatively boring task, but more on that later. So I get ready and get to work, my direct boss is out for the morning on a visit or something like it, and somewhere around 9:30 I remembered I had the phone interview scheduled for 10 am, but I had a sinking feeling they wouldn't be calling me. Nevertheless, I went through the interview packet and came up with a list of questions adapted to his situation being that he was being released from juvenile detention. As predicted, they didn't call, I gave them until 10:30 before calling them, and they claimed they never got our paperwork, even though I have the confirmation that the fax went through, they said it must've gotten lost somewhere along the way and I'd have to resend it, and they need 48 hours to schedule any phone interview. I asked if they could make it work for Thursday and they said to fax the request and they'd see if they could fit it in the schedule. *sigh* so I type up a new request and used my recently acquired faxing skills to send it to them, asking that they call me to actually schedule the time. The fax went through, but I didn't hear from them today. If I get to tomorrow afternoon without hearing from them I'll call again and bug them. Ugh, I was not pleased with this situation. So after that I run a few things around and call some caseworkers to get some info on cases and got to run through permanency hearing questions for the other one I'm doing on Thursday, so that was good. At that point I was out of work, so I announced this to all the attorneys on my calendar, and the one that sits across from me said she had some prison phone calls I could listen to. Oh goody! At least they're interesting sometimes. So she gives me the basic breakdown of the situation, basically they're calls between mom and her supposed boyfriend through mom's incarceration from October to January waiting to get bailed out. Boyfriend had testified in January that he dumped mom in August and she's just been following him around, but then of course we have a record of 100 calls between the two of them, so we just had to find the content to disprove his testimony. Well, as expected, they were very much together and very frequently exchanged I love yous and such. 90% of it was mom bitching that nobody has bailed her out yet (she had a $1500 bond) and just hounding this guy about it meanwhile literally nobody around her has a job or any money and get all their money from public assistance. But then she'd say shit like "(daughter) says there's no groceries at the house" and the guy would start listing food he spent money on, but then mom turned around and was like "that was money you could've been sending me." Like, wtf? And of course she was just constantly hounding him to send her money for any and everything. Then there was the half hour call between her and her daughter where they laughed and reminisced about the shoplifting incident that got mom arrested, and she's now facing 5 years in prison because this is her 8th fucking time getting arrested for it. And I kid you not, they were joking about it and having a great old time. Other highlights include when she told her boyfriend he couldn't come pick her up from jail "in case DCFS finds out" well, we ain't DCFS exactly, but believe me, we're gonna find out (and as far as court is concerned, you should be more scared of us than them). Then there was when she was like "my grandpa sells his pills on Mondays, he gets $400 for them and offered me $100 but I said I'd only take $50" and I'm just like ohhh boy. But yeah, it was full of little gems like that, and I was only like my 18th page green sheeting it, so there's definitely plenty there. I just don't fucking understand people when literally the entire time the call is like "this is being recorded and monitored" and then people still say the dumbest fucking things. Amazing. So that actually took up most of the rest of my afternoon, and time passed pretty quickly because of it. Sometime after 4 one of the other attorneys came in and asked if I could do some emergency motions for her and argue two on Friday, so I put the calls aside and started working on those, cuz we'd have to serve them on everybody by the end of the day tomorrow (of course it won't take me nearly that long to complete them). So I worked on those until about 4:50. I was planning on taking the 5:13 bus and not rushing for the 5:03 because I had no particular reason to, but then I checked my app and the 5:13 bus said it was "delayed" and of course I'm like aw hell no I ain't doing this shit again so I ran out of the office and just made it to the bus in time. Got home by 6:20 and had a little bit of time to relax and eat before going to PT at 7, which was nice. PT was good, we ended up doing more of the dry needling because some of my muscles are still super tight and my PT guy was like we should be making more progress at this point, so hopefully that will help. I got home around 8:24 and of course turned on the prison break finale, I hadn't realized they moved it back an hour so I was happy to find out I wasn't as far behind as I thought I'd be, and the episode did not disappoint. I know they said they could potentially do more seasons, but I almost want them to just leave it here because FINALLY everyone is just happy and any other problems are just gonna screw that up and I just want my bbys to be happy forever after everything they've been through. It was honestly such a great episode though, classic prison break, kept you in suspense until the very end and full of so many twists and turns you never knew what was gonna end up being part of the plan and what wasn't. I was sad that we lost Whip, but I knew they were gonna kill off someone we liked, and in all honestly he was probably the least painful one to go (I do not count T-Bag among those we liked) so as sad as it is better him than one of the others. And of course I'm just so happy for my Scofields to finally have happiness and to be able to live happy lives together and I really don't want anything to interrupt my (fictional) babes in their happily ever after and I don't care if that means not getting any more episodes, I'm honestly fine leaving it here for their sakes (I know, they're fictional, but still). So overall I was really quite pleased with it, probably the best season/series finale I've seen in quite a while. I'm so used to the rug being pulled out from under us at the last moment it was FINALLY so nice to just see them go happily ever after with no last minute devastating twist. So when I finished with that I switched over to the keepers, and watched the 7th, and what I did not realize was the final until I was done with it, episode. I kept meaning to look up how many episodes there were but I just figured it's a Netflix show so there's 13, so when the credits rolled and there was no next episode to start I was definitely surprised. I have to say though, episode 7 was a bombshell episode, probably the best in the series IMO. To me it was just so disturbing to hear just how much the Catholic Church shielded pedophile priests and enabled them to abuse more and more victims, and to this day their actions continue to be those that are simply to cover their own asses. I know of course not the entire church is bad, I'm quite the fan of the current pope actually, but I was really disgusted to see the church sending lawyers to argue against extending the statute of limitations for civil suits on child sex abuse, and for their arguments to consist of "well we have to pressure the victims to come forward before more people get victimized" which is such an incredibly awful statement I can't even understand how anyone would think that's an okay thing to say, to put the blame on the victim like that is appalling, and any idea that a shorter statute of limitations will result in victims coming forward sooner is pure fantasy. This was about nothing other than getting the church out of liability, and that's disgusting to me. Their continued denial of knowing about Father Maskell's abuse when there's clear evidence they did is just baffling to me, I can't possibly see what they have to gain by making these claims other than a sorry attempt to cover their asses that in all reality royally backfired on them. As for the whole murder situation, after seeing all of it, I definitely found Jean (Jane Doe) to be credible and I believe her account of being taken to see the body where it was later found and being told sister Cathy died because she was going to confront the priests about the abuse. As far as the players involved that actually could've carried it out, the Edgar guy seemed odd to me but I'm not sure he was definitely involved, the Bill guy however, especially given the recorded interview of his (unfortunately now deceased) nephew who describes being there while they buried the body was pretty dang convincing to me, especially given he has literally no motive whatsoever to make something like that up. I think it's very possible both men were involved, but we sadly don't really have enough evidence (at this point, anyway) to piece together what actually happened that night, and sadly many of the key players who would potentially be at fault are dead, so justice will never be served as far as they are concerned, which is very frustrating. I'm glad at least father Maskell had to watch numerous claims of abuse by him come to light before he died. And yeah, that was pretty much my night. I have a slight headache and I am very tired now, so I think I'm gonna take that as a sign that now is a good time to call it quits here and go to sleep. I've clearly ranted about my day enough. So goodnight dollfaces. Stay beautiful.
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