#which i love bc i too am clearly a giant nerd
mego42 · 3 years
hi! a song inside the halls of the dark is an absolute masterpiece of plotting and pacing (and prob my fave fic I’ve read for the show so far), so for the ask a writer meme, I’d love to hear about your planning process(es). the idea of even plotting out something like that, let alone actually finishing it, just breaks my brain lol. do you do a lot of outlining? how much does the outcome end up looking like the ideas that sparked it?
adsfghgsj okay well first off, thank you! that is unspeakably flattering and i don’t know how to cope! my weird robot emotions are misfiring! but also, thank you for this question bc this is the kind of nerd shit i LIVE FOR and up until, idk, 5? 6? months ago my answer would’ve more or less been ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but sometime in between now and then i leveled up how much of a nerd i am.
okay so, the short answer to your (first) question is yes, i do a lot of outlining though the scale of outline varies based on the complexity of the story. in song’s case, how i outline actually evolved significantly over the course of writing it (see that level up) and if i were to outline it today, it would look very different from what i originally started with.
the short answer to your second question is in song’s case, the original idea was a v short, almost fluffy stuck in a hotel room for a night one shot i daydreamed up while listening to a halsey song (is there somewhere, if you were wondering). obvs what it turned into was uh, v different.
digging into how i outline is going to get long, excessively nerdy and borderline terrifying so i’m hiding the rest of this under the cut, read at your own risk.
I preface everything here with a couple of reminders:
1. i am a crazy person who straight up does not know how to have hobbies like a normal person
2. i am actively trying to push myself and grow as a writer including developing new skills and training myself to practice certain habits bc at some point I would like to push myself out of the nest and try my hand at original fiction one day with a vague goal of maybe seeing if i could get it published. idk if i’ll ever actually do that BUT in the meantime, i do stuff like the nightmare that follows to myself
initial outline / what happens next list
okay so the most basic of my outlines (and how i originally outlined song) are p much just lists of what happens next. i do them as bullet lists bc my brain finds them less intimidating and i just start with one and then ask myself what happens next. sometimes the bullets are v vague, sometimes they get so specific i end up writing what becomes dialogue, i try not to think too hard about it, i just keep asking what happens next.
it’s really specifically about what happens next, not asking myself what i want to happen in the story, bc next implies the bullet before informs the one after, so you end up with an overall picture of what you want with a base level of causality built in. it also gives you room to surprise yourself (i think literally every what happens next outline i’ve done has had me going oh, okaaaaaay at some point).
sometimes, this is all you need. for trade my heart for honey, i started and stopped here bc at the end of the day, the skeleton for that fic is super basic: beth and rio attempt to play pool without tripping over their horrendous sexual tension. they fail. the end.
for your monster looks like mine, i did a version of the what happens next list, but i brought in some of my tricks from the pace structuring method i’ve been honing for the multi-chapter i’m currently planning. instead of mapping tentpole beats by story pace, i mapped tentpole beats for what points i wanted beth and rio to be scoring against each other and then mapped out the lead-up and fallout to connect the two and also what they were doing to each other physically at the same time so i could see how it all played together so the conversation supported the smut and vice versa. it was a TOTALLY normal approach to writing pwp. not over the top at all. 
song’s original outline was basically a SUPER long what happens next list and if i could go back in time i would slap myself upside the head like bitch you have no idea what you’re getting into and you are WAY TOO COCKY ABOUT IT, but it’s okay i learned.
the spreadsheet method
somewhere around when i was in the middle of i want to say ch 9 of song, @pynkhues posted about her outlining process including a super awesome spreadsheet she uses (i cannot for the life of me find the original post, forgive me but know that it was hers) and i immediately jacked a version of it to use as my own and oh my god it changed my whole life. 
iirc hers was a bit more in depth but since i was sort of baby-stepping into it, i stripped it down into the following and did a sheet for each of the remaining chapters (well, ch 10 and ch 11, ch 11 ended up getting wildly out of control so i split it in two and mushed the epilogue i’d been planning onto the end of it as a closing breakout scene:
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it’s a lot of repetition, tbh BUT once i started using it, i found the repetition was incredibly clarifying and by making myself take the time to go through each column and go through the same stuff over and over, it honed in on the strongest, most relevant bits of what i was planning and helped me see patterns and connections i maybe hadn’t been thinking of on the onset.
when i outlined swear i used this method and added a layer to my chapter overviews where i track the lies and corresponding truths worked into the chapter narratives (bc that’s a key theme of the story), and color-coded the beats that corresponded to the main plot vs individual character arcs vs foreshadowing so i’d have an at a glance visual reference to make sure nothing was getting lost and all of the characters (even minor ones) had stuff happening to them and didn’t just feel like cardboard cutouts coming in and out of the story as i needed them
pace structuring
these are all fine and dandy but one thing they’re missing is pacing! for song’s pacing, i will be real with you, i v much went a lot with my gut. i’ve spent most of my life consuming and paying a lot of attention to stories. i’m fascinated with how they come together and literally cannot shut off the part of my brain that likes to pick them apart to examine the pieces to see how they all fit together. as such, it’s left me with a p instinctive grasp for how a story should feel when it’s working which is fantastic when it is, but really useless when it isn’t bc i struggle to identify where and why sometimes so i can fix it.
for the buffyverse, once i started to realize (with no small amount of horror) the scope of what i wanted to write, i realized p quick i needed some kind of tool kit to help me figure out the arc and pacing bc this was going to be a lot closer to trying to plot a whole novel from the ground up (which is great bc one of the things i want to practice is pacing and plotting out novels from the ground up, hahaha)
i’ve been working with a two main docs (and neither of them are spreadsheets, yet, bc one thing the spreadsheet method taught me it’s that while i find them very soothing, my brain works in bullet lists so i’m starting with bullets and then i’m gonna strain it through a spreadsheet):
1. Thoughts:
just a doc where I word vomit out anything I’m thinking, I don’t worry about keeping it organized, I just throw whatever I’m thinking in there so it’s memorialized and I can sort through it later.
2. Act Timelines / Scene Breakdowns:
basically, i have a basic three-act story structure with tentpole story beats broken out by general ballpark percentages of how far into the story/act they should occur for the pacing to feel right. i use that as the framework i run my plot and character beats through and do it in a couple of passes:
high level: i go through and break out what’s happening in the story for each tentpole beat (what the specific story and plot focus is)
by character: i go through and fill in (at least) one sub-bullet beneath each plot tentpole beat with what’s happening with each main character in their individual subplot, how they got there, what their general feelings and mindset is, if they’re having any revelations, etc (one thing i fucked up with song is not making sure i had stuff going on for all of the characters, the plot was super focused on beth and while i generally knew what rio was doing and why, ruby and annie more or less floated in and out of the story at whim and i hate that, so i’m trying to be better about it going forward)
by relationship: now i go in and fill in a layer of bullllets with how the plot and character beats are shaping relationships and how they’re progressing through each tentpole beat
at this point i’ve got a pretty fleshed out outline hitting on plot, character and relationship development at least in broad, general terms. i can look at it like a map and see how characters are growing and changing throughout the story and look for areas where the plot is pushing the characters vs the other way around and places where it seems weak or poorly connected/supported and i tinker with that for awhile until i feel like it’s in good shape.
next step is applying the what happens next approach to the scene by scene breakdowns. i’m trying an experiment with this one where instead of breaking the fic into chapters first, i’m breaking it into scenes and working out the beats of them so they incorporate all of my outlined stuff and then i’m gonna go back and see where the chapter breaks look like they fall.
I’m like, 75% of the way through my scene breakdown for this particular fic and once I’m done with that, I’m going to take everything and plug it into the spreadsheet I worked with for the last couple of chapters of song and highlight/color code like I did for swear to make sure my chapter breakdowns align with everything I’m trying to do and I’m tracking all of my themes and details and setting things up to pay them off later.
so, you know, an absolutely normal amount of planning for a hobby i do entirely for funsies in my largely nonexistent spare time. 
(sorry this was i am assuming WAAY MORE INFORMATION than you ever wanted or needed to know but once i started i couldn’t stop)
(and seriously, thank you, am truly verklempt that you love song like that 💖)
bts fic writing q’s IF YOU DARE hahaha
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arsonistblue · 4 years
BLUE YOU HAVE OCS???? Please tell me everything about them
AAAAAA YES I DO!!!!! I’m writing a book (technically a series) and they’re all my children
It’ll all be under the cut bc this might get long (It did) since I’ve don a fuckton of world and character building, plotting, and meticulously planning the books, and I have a feeling people will want me to shut up but it’s my blog and I get to rant about my book if I want to kjlsdfkjlsdf
(I kinda have to explain some of the worldbuilding to explain the characters)
Most of them are from a different dimension similar to the “human” dimension, called the Middle. They’re also like humans themselves, but they each have a “difference,” which is what they call their power, for lack of a better word. It’s called a difference because, even if two people have the same ability, say, they could both control water, it would still be different for each of them. They’d’ all have a calling, for lack of a better word. And their styles have to be self taught.
There are 6 people, 2 sets of triplets, who are called the Crest. The Crest were an experiment to try and create a solution to help fix a corrupted world that seemed utopian. Sector 13, a rebel organization trying to fix said corrupted world, decided to tweak the genetics of six embryos to make them more powerful. Their idea of this was for these six to have two “differences” rather than the standard one (the thing is, though, they didn’t know just how powerful the six would be). 
Two sets of parents (The Quills and the Clearlys) volunteered to carry the children and raise them. However, word of the Crest got out, and in turn sparked a massive war. 
Okay, onto the characters!!! (picrew link)
This is Alex Clearly. She’s the main character, and a member of the Crest.
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She was raised in an orphanage in the human dimension. She was born in the Middle, but due to being born in the midst of a giant war about her existence, her parents wanted to keep her (as well as the rest of the Crest) hidden away. So they (The Quills and the Clearlys) hopped from safe house to safe house while still in the Middle. However, they were found by a different organization who wanted the Crest dead (or worse), and a bomb was set to their safe house. The Clearly parents thought they were the only ones to survive, but then they found Alex (keep in mind, she’s a baby at this point) and decide “fuck this, she’s going somewhere objectively safer.”
So, they took her to the human dimension to be raised in an orphanage with one of Mrs. Clearly’s old friends (read: bitter ex-friends who don’t necessarily hate each other to death but don’t vibe any more) who was hiding out there. They would’ve set her up at a foster home but they were like, about to die from sepsis so they decided “this’ll work ig.” They did their best ok 
This orphanage, unfortunately, is run by a horrible old woman who (for reasons explained in the book) absolutely despises Alex. So Alex is kind of an outcast in this orphanage because of that. The only adult who actually likes her is Gwendolyn, aka Mrs. Clearly’s old friend. She also has a best friend, Eli. 
Now, given that Alex is part of the Crest, she has 2 powers. One appeared at birth, which was telepathy, which meant she could read others’ minds and emotions. But, because the universe hated her, she couldn’t block them, so she constantly has waves of other people’s thoughts and emotions hurtling at her (this is also me projecting as an empath jklsdflkjds hyperempathy is a bitch)
I’m currently debating whether to spoil what her other power is because you find out a few chapters into the first book 
Yknow what fuck it, she’s a hydrolic. She can control water and it’s awesome
I don’t want to spoil any more of her backstory, so now I’ll give some attributes!
Me, talking about Alex: So there’s this she/they
She’s been Through Some Shit (tm) but she’s a survivor, and taught herself self-defense, how to steal without getting caught (for when she really needed food/supplies), etc
She’s also a badass and tough as nails
However do not let her badassery fool you, she is in fact a Fucking Nerd
Trust issues are rampant
Definitely Not Straight (see the undercut [important note, the undercut does not exist until book 2])
V sarcastic
If you give her dumplings she will love you forever
Definitely said ACAB after the cops took away her Big Burly Guy Friends for Robin Hood antics (read: stealing from the rich and giving to the poor)
said Big Burly Guy Friends were Big Burly Guys, taught self defense classes in their garage. She (at the time, a skinny 7 year old) showed up and asked them to teach her to fight, and at first they laughed, but she learned self defense and every saturday she showed up and they gave her a juice box and some crackers
10000% has adhd
During book 1, she’s 13-14
In just a normal high school AU, she would be a closeted memelord
But would unironically say poggers
She hates rules
A lot
She goes out of her way to break the especially stupid ones
Stubborn as all hell
She’s also super protective and if you hurt someone she loves, you fear for your life
Long story short, she’s a badass nerd with adhd who could kill a man with ease
I love her so much it’s not even funny ok?? she’s my child
This is Eli Marcus. He was Alex’s best (only) friend at the orphanage. He’s also from the human dimension. 
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Eli was at the orphanage since he was five. He was always friends with Alex, and tried to help her with her headaches, though Alex never told him she was a telepath. 
He’s a loyal friend, and always tries to cheer people up
He has a bad habit of forgetting to take off his binder at night, much to Alex’s annoyance
He loves to play the drums. There’s constantly a song stuck in his head, and he taps his fingers on tables or chairs or whatever to try to get them out
It works, then it’s replaced by another song
He probably has adhd too
He has tried to dye his own hair. It did Not work
Alex kept reminding him that he had dark hair but he was just “I am looking Away, I do not see it” so it only dyed his scalp red
So far we haven’t seen very much of him, he’s in the first few chapters of book 1. I’m planning on putting him in book 2 or 3 though!
This is Jazzi LeCiel, one of Alex’s best friends. 
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Jazzi lives in The Middle, and she’s the same age as Alex. She’s a stratic, meaning she can control the air (like an airbender), but like most people, she didn’t discover it until she was around middle school age. Her backstory isn’t as developed since she’s not the main character, and the story is told from Alex’s perspective. 
She’s a disaster bisexual
She would unironically cuff her jeans
Loves causing chaos 
She’s pretty trusting up front but if you break her trust it takes awhile to get it back
Farily petite
Also a badass like Alex, but she’s also a dork jlsfljdfk
I love her so much it’s not even funny 
She’s one of the classic short-but-deadly people. By this I mean she could easily kill a man with her eyes closed and one hand behind her back, and probably would if he pissed her off enough
Very strong sense of community
She’s independent but knows when to rely on her friends and family, something she’s trying to teach Alex (since she always had to be independent)
She’s extremely creative and thinks outside the box, hell, she probably doesn’t even know where the box is
This is Torrent Rush. He’s another of Alex’s friends in the Middle.
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Torrent is about the same age as Alex and Jazzi, maybe a few months older. He’s also a visidem, meaning he can turn himself (and, if he focuses, other people) invisible. (Also that’s not really what his hair looks like, but it was the closest I could find)
Daddy issuuuuuuues
His dad’s a piece of shit
He’s got an older brother, and thus is very competitive
He’s generally very caring and outspoken, also very kind even if you’re a total stranger
Though he has trouble keeping his emotions under control, and when he gets angry or upset enough, he tends to lash out
Someone get this boy some therapy
His favorite color is purple
Idk why I added that, it’s not relevant at all lkjfdskljdfs
He tries to be smooth and he kind of is ngl, but like not as smooth as he could be
He kinda has White Boy energy but he tries to not be like that, you know? Like he was raised with toxic masculinity but he’s trying to outgrow it
tl;dr he needs therapy and a nap
This is Ezra Quill, another of Alex’s friends and a member of the Crest. 
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He’s lived in the Middle all his life as well, and is both a pyre (controlling fire) and a hypnolic (basically he can control other people’s minds and therefore bodies as well). He’s lived at a Sector 13 base for awhile, too. 
Imagine sunshine given human form. You have Ezra
Seriously he’s a cinnamon roll
I love him so much
He has on multiple occasions had fucking butterflies land on his nose. This is not an exaggeration. It happens multiple times
He’s a fucking NERD and will hyperfixate on anything 
He specifically loves baking 
Cracks a lot of jokes but he’s generally very sincere
Also he’s a tol bean???? child what are you doing up there
He’s quite fond of mango lassi and payasam
He plays with his fire a lot, purely to have fun. He loves lighting his hand on fire to scare people (Loretta, mostly) 
He fidgets
a lot
He always has to be moving, whether it’s tapping his fingers or doing that fuckin wave squiggle motion with his arms (he’s also really good at it)
He also hums to himself, but it always ends up with him making random sounds and making Alex think there’s a cryptid toddler in the other room
He loves big sweaters, not just because of how cozy they are, but also because he can slap people (read: Alex) with the long, flappy sleeves 
Next is Loretta, Alex’s adoptive mother and all-around wonderful woman.
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Loretta is a master hydrolic, and teaches at the academy. She’s probably a repressed lesbian too lkjsdflkjdfs
She was a part of Sector 13 from the beginning of their work on creating the Crest, and when she met Alex, she almost cried because of the strong young woman Alex was becoming. 
Loretta will see a child (read: anyone younger than her), say “is anyone gonna adopt that thing” and then not wait for an answer
She had to physically stop herself from making Alex sign the adoption papers she keeps in her pocket at all times the first time they met
If you hurt somebody she loves, run
She has some dark spots in her past, in her present, too, but she’s working to illuminate them 
Also she’s in love with her best-friend-turned-enemy but she doesn’t know it
She is a fierce fighter when she wants to be. Nobody expects it, either. They see her and think she’s more laid-back, some daresay delicate, but she’s anything but. She’s taken down a full grown man while wearing heels
She’s basically adopted Torrent, Ezra and Jazzi too
She adopted Alex, but she also saw Torrent and Ezra and Jazzi and decided they were hers too
“How many children do you have?” “Biologically, legally, or emotionally?” 
I love her sm 
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metazensae · 6 years
Who even are your OCs? I feel like I don't know of any of them
HOOOOO BOYYYYY -rubs little handsies together over these freshly minted sketches-
I’m writing a graphic novel, so I’ve got a whole slew of OCs up my sleeves, but I’ll spare you the full lecture and only talk about the main characters. I love my boys, so I hope you will too??? 
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This Angry Sadboy is my precious son Zeke. He’s the focal character for the first arc of the story. We get to learn about the organization called Fyr ond Brynstan and the world at large by following his experiences.
What do you need to know about him?
CONTRARY TO THIS PICTURE’S MOOD, HE’S ACTUALLY REALLY SWEET AND THOUGHTFUL JUST LIKE IMAGINE A GIANT ATTACK DOG THAT GOES ALL UWU AT SEEING HIS WUVED ONES ;;;;w;;;; this angwy face is what he shoots at Emile (the asshole below) for like the first 7 chapters of the story bc he does. not. trust. like. that.
He’s got a bleeding heart (figuratively and literally) and literally wants to save all humans by -killing ALL the demons- so he’s a dumb bonch basically with the dumbest, most impossible goal ever
His other impossible goal is that he just wants to feel human again uwu
He’s 6′6″ with a dorito build
He’s like always in tanks and harem pants bc that’s comfy for him and I can show off his arms *blush* Oh yeah and combat boots, basically. He’s former military.
He’s very physical with his fighting - like usually hands on or like kneeing and tossing his enemies. He is... shall we say... a berserker... and also ... THE Berserker, which is the name of his monster form he’s always a hair away from becoming at any moment. Pre-berserker is his normal base state and he has to take serums to like maintain a stabilized human form
Werewolves don’t exist in this world, but essentially he’s as close to a werewolf as I dared to go. His “human” form’s still got sharp teef and a huge honker of a nose for that good sniffing and he just in general is sensitive to sounds and noises and over stimulation with that.
We don’t talk about his sexuality bc he’s got no time to think about fucking anyone rn - he just wants to fucking kill demons, alright?
I wuv him ;w;
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THIS BIG SLUT is my boyfriend Emile. He’s probably the main character tbh bc we kinda see the story unfold thru his eyes? He’s the one who encounters Zeke (as Berserker) in the Arena and he’s the one who gets charged with resocializing Zeke into the world, which is not like... an easy thing to deal with.
What do you need to know about HIM?
He’s 6′1″ with a more straight build
He’s literally always dressed up and looking hot wow I hate him
He’s kinda burnt out on life and gets his kicks by doing illegal shit behind the organization’s back and oh yeah consuming blood bc i mean he’s not a vampire, but he’s pretty close to that.
He fights with swords and daggers and he’s really fast. He’s got retractable bat wings bc that’s goth as shit and he’s a goth nerd’s dream boy.
He can go into Bloodlust mode where he looks real filthy and it’s like 40000% sexier and wow I really really hate him
He’s a big ho and he’s pan *wink wonk* ((No humans tho, sorry, because he can’t hold back and he accidentally kills them;;;;))
@ Zeke, he wants to /Tap Dat Ass/ and doesn’t understand why Zeke doesn’t go for it. I mean, who wouldn’t want to fuck him????????
He tries really hard to be a cold emotionless bastard (HE HAS REASONS OK), but deep down he has a lot of feelings he doesn’t want to acknowledge. He just really wants to wuv somebody and take care for them ;w; secretly, he’s daddy - but mostly wine daddy if you’re into that (i am. clearly)
OKKKKKKKKKKKKK that’s enough! I love them so much;;;;;;;
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steorran · 6 years
1 through 9?
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
honestly i have been an internet gremlin for so many years that i don’t even remember what i was into at the very beginning
before i reveal this please remember that i was about 13 and it was 2010 so we all had.....questionable....... taste back then (answer under the cut bc that seems like the funniest place to split this up & i don’t wanna clog everyone’s dash up with a giant post
the two oldest ones i remember were kingdom hearts and hetalia tbh altho i think i was also into fullmetal alchemist around that time period
2. What is your latest fandom?
idk how this question defines “latest” tbh 
mostly i just bop around and get to stuff in my own time, several years after it has stopped being cool so i don’t really Do Fandom much anymore
i think the closest answers are probably netflix daredevil and yuri on ice which tells you how current i am
i guess nhl hockey and more specifically the caps but that’s a) not traditional fandom and b) sort of just something i have been cycling in and out of caring about in various iterations for basically my entire life
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
i have a never ending affection for generation kill fandom tbh
it never really got so big for there to be massive fights or anything, and it was sort of winding down even when i got into it so it was a drama-free environment (it’s an hbo miniseries about the iraq war, so i think the subject matter sort of kept it from ever becoming a Big Popular Thing) 
also the fanworks were (and are!) incredibly good; it was probably one of the fandoms with the most high-quality long fic that i’ve ever seen, especially if you take into account that the source material is only 7-8 episodes long 
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
homestuck because the comic itself ended up becoming a massive hate-read for me bc andrew hussie and i clearly had very different ideas where the story should go...so i read homestuck fic occasionally but if i do it too often, a voice in my head starts telling me to read the comic again and play myself
check please! i was a reader of the comic before its popularity exploded and i think the sudden massive audience (especially including what felt like a lot of really young teens) changed the tone of the fic/meta/general fandom activity enough that no one was really doing the kind of stuff that i personally found interesting and enjoyable anymore
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
i have never actually published any fanfic unless you count brief tumblr drabbles bc i’m notorious for not actually finishing anything
i’ve started & abandonded fic for mass effect, check please, yuri on ice, and game of thrones based on just my scrivener files & i guarentee there’s more older stuff kicking around elsewhere on my computer
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
that would be a disastrously long list so i’m just gonna list a top 5 from the fandoms i’ve already mentioned here
this list makes it look i’m really into heterosexuals which is NOT TRUE, i just tend to have one hetero ship i care deeply about vs 4-6 nonhetero ships that i’m all equally pretty into
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
i literally do not care about a single other game of thrones ship i’m in this club for one reason and one reason only
davekat just does not do it for me at all...johnkat and johndave are both tolerable but not my thing but davekat is like a true notp
joker/edi (look i’m sorry i love them both separately but “is the nerd gonna bang the hot lady robot?” is the most boring sci-fi romance plotline) 
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
well, i’m canadian and i grew up watching hockey because my hometown is the home of the most cursed nhl team so it’s always been something i was peripherally interested in
in the last few years, there’s been bigger internet communities talking about sports in more fandom-y ways (ignoring stats, focusing on individual players and their personality rather than the team as a faceless unit) so it made sense to combine two things i’ve always enjoyed
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
my current fandom is called nhl hockey and we are staying loose, staying joyful and getting another
really, i’m enjoying twitter-based caps fandom a lot because i think the fact that we’re mostly not doing it on tumblr and that it’s not fictional has really lead to the downplaying of a lot of the stuff about modern fandom i don’t enjoy 
everyone on caps twitter is funny as hell and committed to putting positive energy out into the universe which i really appreciate
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gdidylcn-blog · 7 years
hey, sports fans, my name is yekaterina petrovna zamolodchikova, but your dad just calls me katya. okayyyyyy, so i’m not nearly pretty or sweaty enough to be katya. i’m Sorry. i’m meg and i am the worst person you’ll ever meet. but it can only get better from here.
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❝ Is that NICOLA PELTZ? Oh nevermind, it’s just DYLAN ROSS who lives in Evanston as a HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR. She’s EIGHTEEN years old and has TWO siblings. Her parents, JESSICA LANGE and PARENT FC call her INTUITIVE and WITTY, but she can be MANIPULATIVE and INCONSIDERATE, too. Don’t tell anyone, but rumor has it SHE SLEPT WITH HER FRIEND'S BOYFRIEND. ❞ ── Meg / 22 / PST.
so. let’s get this out of the way. she slept with her friend’s boyfriend. and her excuse is that it just kind of happened. she was drunk and he was drunk, and the rest, as they say, is sloppy, drunk sex. she feels Really bad about it, in her own dylan way (( which is mostly a giant blame game, but she’s Sorry!! But!! It’s not All my fault!! )).
clearly, she’s very self-involved and selfish, but she can also be very loyal to her few real friends. she has a Lot of friends that she collects, because high school is a jungle and the way to thrive is with a large, beautiful pack. but she really only knows about three of the people she hangs out with everyday.
she’s a closet nerd. not like a Smart nerd (( she’s not dumb, but she’s fine with a b average)), but she loves comics (( specifically batfam and flashfam )), and other various nerd lit like star wars and star trek. she doesn’t really keep it a secret for “popularity’s” sake (( bc come on. this is the 21st-century)); it’s more that she has this idea of what a pretty, popular, privileged girl is in her head, and jason todd stan is not one of them.
she likes alcohol a lot. and she likes parties a lot. and she doesn’t like being told no. so...she doesn’t exactly have a Perfect relationship with her parents. she’s daddy’s little girl when she gets her way, but when she doesn’t...fits are about to be thrown.
she can be pretty aggressive, aggressive when it comes to someone hurting her family or her friends. like she gets into fights a lot. too much. she should just like learn how to deal.
she was super unfortunate looking until puberty, which is probably why she uses her looks for evil sometimes. she just doesn’t want to ever be invisible again. and the Bullies. ugh. junior high bullies. ew. gross. she’s probably friends with a lot of the kids that used to tease her. yikes.  
she’s pretty flirtatious, but she doesn’t actually have sex a lot. it has a lot to do with her being an pimply, plump girl with an unfortunate hairstyle until she was sixteen. she’s still kind of self-conscious about her body, so being naked around someone she’s attracted to rarely happens, sober.
drunk dylan, tho...
she wants to be a writer, definitely. not really about fashion, all though she would love that too, but she likes writing short stories and novellas. but! she’s a realist, so she’ll probably end up selling pharmaceuticals or something boring.
if you’ve made it this far. congrats. you get me. and now you’ve learned some tasks in life aren’t worth doing. #thanksdwight
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