#which i assume is who they're trying to get to click? locals who just want the tea but even they know better
ahappydnp · 1 year
phil changed the last two clickbait titles (which weren't actually doing as well as normal)
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which honestly makes sense because if he's trying to get a random local to watch who doesn't know him they want to actually know what the video is before they click
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an-au-blog · 10 months
hello again!!
i'm quietly dying to know if u!buggy is present when robin translates the skypeian poneglyph & the note roger asked oden to leave on it. just. an amnesiac clown staring at this giant rock, too busy silently screaming what does it meeeean to hear robin explaining what it means. cracks me up.
(i also love the thought of there being a pattern of older locals recognizing buggy just a moment too late as 'one of the kids from back then'. i love a running gag that doubles as foreshadowing! though crocus would surely recognize buggy on sight, i bet he assumes buggy's being cryptic on purpose when he "pretends" not to know him, and goes along with it.)
i'd misremembered that conversation at shakky's bar as having only a handful of the strawhats present, and so was imagining that buggy had no idea they'd gotten a lead on his past, and rayleigh would only see buggy on the kizaru-kuma-strawhat battlefield for a minute before he gets kuma'd away… on one hand, i still love this idea bc i love pain. otoh that conversation happening with everyone but buggy present feels wrong. and a "don't tell me, i'll find out the truth for myself!" ending to rayleigh and buggy reuniting is so fitting, it's the same argument robin & luffy make to rayleigh in that scene!
i looove the thought of buggy losing track of luffy after marineford. what a situation he's in now!! surrounded by dozens of ex-prisoners who idolize him, maybe two he gets along with, a half-dozen he's terrified of, and shanks. he's heard stories from luffy, but that's luffy! you can't go to him for realism or accuracy!! but... this shanks guy does have a boat... and something about his face is kind of familiar...
how long does it take shanks to realize buggy acting like he doesn't know him isn't an act, i wonder? how many old grudges does shanks halfheartedly apologize for, trying to get buggy to give in and acknowledge him? is one of those apologies the thing that makes something click for buggy? does he freeze up, or immediately snap and shout at shanks bc he's misremembered why buggy was mad at him that time? :3c
xoxo, difan
Hello, Difan!
I thought about that like once when I was thinking about Robin in the u! universe, but then i forgot and never really thought about it again lol. In my mind he comes along somewhere between East Blue and Alabasta, though if anyone wants to adopt this au, I'm fine with whatever interpretation or spin they want to put on it.
Now that you said it, I agree, it would be really fun if the locals recognize him randomly like "yeah, yeah, that was the red-nosed kid! Aw, he was so cute, we gotta live him! Pity he's not with his friend though, hope nothing bad happened to the other one..." And Buggy just going"ifk what you're talking about, you're being weird af" and everyone just assumes the other kid (shanks) died and it's a painful memory so they're all like "Oh, yes of course... our bad... if there's anything we can do to help you tell us, it's been so hard for you, we're so sorry ". Which confuses Buggy even more, but hey, he's getting positive attention, even if it's pity, and he's not going to complain about it.
Buggy meeting Rayleigh in the bar is so dear to me. Idk if it'd be realistic but I feel like he'd be very defensive qt first but then Rayleigh would be "Buggy? Is that you? I barely recognized you, you've grown so much, and become such a strong young man" and then something snaps and he just falls into his arms absolutely sobbing. He doesn't know why, he can't remember him on a conscious level, but they still jave this father/son moment of comfort.
I don't remember if I said this in the last post or if I thought of it now, but him losing Luffy at Marine Ford and clinging to Shanks for protection would be funnier (to me) if he goes by the logic of "Okay, he's scary, the generals are even scared of him, Luffy likes him and he seems fond of Luffy. He looks a bit familiar so idk if he would have some grudge with me if I've wronged him in some way... so I'm just going to use my contact with Luffy as leverage!" So he just starts going "You know Luffy, right? Well I'm in his crew" (which breaks Shanks's heart because... why isn't he in his crew? What did Luffy offer him that Shanks can't?? And why is he jealous of his child protege? Buggy sees he's a little upset by it so he continues "So if- if you're his friend and care for him, you'll take me and my men to safety... and not kill me.......... please."
And he switches from being sad to being so confused like,
Shanks: wdym I'll do it because of Luffy. I'm not helping you because of Luffy,
Buggy absolutely terrified that his one strategy of manipulating his one ticket to freedom has expired:..... wh.. why?
Shanks: I'm gonna help you because we're friends! You're my best friend Buggy!
Buggy: We are? I mean uh, we are.
Shanks assuming he remembers him and being do happy: So you remember me?
Buggy afraid if he says no, Shanks will get mad and leave him: ... yes.
Once in the ship (because the prisoners are so many) everyone sleeps wherever they can. Except for Buggy. Shanks insists on giving him his bed or at least his a place in his room. "We were bunkmates after all" he says but Buggy just smiles and nods hoping he doesn't find out he doesn't actually recognize him. Shanks can feel Buggy is on edge the entire time and he tries asking but Buggy always goes "No, no it's fine, everything's great haha" so he starts testing the waters by asking "hey do you remember *insert thing that never happened* that was so crazy, right?" To which Buggy'll go all "yeaaaah, absolutely haha, very crazy that happened I remember!" And after the third or fourth time Shanks couldn't take it and confronts him about it. Buggy is furious but also devastated because that's it. He's going to kill him now. Maybe even worse. (Keep in mind Buggy has seen how cruel people can be and his time with the straw hats doesn't help him think better of people, because they also keep bumping into horrible people)
He starts scream crying at him, he's already a deadman, what else does he have to lose, might as well let it all out. Meanwhile, Shanks is so confused because he understands absolutely nothing.
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kiefbowl · 2 years
kief i think im a loser no one ever wants to be my friend and it makes me cry once a year at least. I cant remember the last time i had a friend. All my phone log history is just calls or texts from my mom every couple weeks. Its just hard for me to make friends.
It can be hard making friends, you have to put yourself out there in a scary way and sometimes you don't get returns on it, which is never fun.
I don't think having no friends makes you a loser. I think it shows great resilience to keep on trucking when you're missing this vital part of your life.
I can't magic friends for you, though I wish I could, but I could offer some advice making adult friends that hopefully might help you feel better:
Put yourself in places and situations where you have to meet people. Yes, you could go to a bar or coffee shop and hope to strike up a conversation, but don't forget to look outside the box. An art class, a volunteer opportunity, a local debate - who knows. The important thing is that people will never materialize inside your house, so you have to go where the people are.
Don't forget to be interesting :) That's to say, you're definitely already interesting, you have thoughts, opinions, personal history that makes you interesting...but sometimes getting to that level of intimacy takes some time. So be open about your hobbies and weird niche knowledge! Maybe you think no one wants to hear your obsession with whatever thing, but it's not true. The more you talk about it with people you know and strangers, the more practice you get at talking about it in a way that is casual conversation friendly. And sometimes it'll always be a miss with some people, oh well you'd probably never click with them anyway. The second side of this is to keep pursuing things you like and make you happy, the more skills, hobbies, and knowledge you're pursuing (just pursuing, you don't have to be an expert to be interesting!), the more you have to talk about. The fall back of course if you're thinking "but I'm a big loser who doesn't do or know anything" (you're not) is that watching a tv show, a movie, or reading a book is something every one "gets", so make sure you're prioritizing time to do these fun activities a couple times a week because the more you see and read, the more chance you have to meet someone who's also seen it or read it.
When you meet someone you like, don't be coy. If you're worried about coming on too strong, a good exercise is to think about someone you don't know well telling you they really like you and want to get to you know. How would you want to be told? What would actually come off too strong? What might be odd but forgivable, especially if they seemed nervous? What would actually have to be said that would be an absolute no-starter? You probably have a lot more patience for fictional strangers, so it's worthwhile to assume lots of real life strangers will be patient with you. Plus, everyone likes having friends! People are more often than not very flattered to hear a nice person likes them. I think a good opener is something that's direct, like this: "I've enjoyed meeting you. I'd like to get to know you better, I think we could be really good friends."
When asking people to be friends, invite them to do something and don't be vague or put off details. Don't say: "Let's get coffee sometimes." Do say: "Do you want to get coffee with me tomorrow?" Don't say: "We should go see a movie next week!" Do say: "I want to go see X movie, are you available Saturday to come with me?" If the first response is a "Oh that doesn't work for me," then suggest an alternative plan. If they can't commit to an activity or time, just drop it, they're probably just trying to be nice or something else is going on. But the truth is the reason why when you say "we should hang out sometime!" and they say "yeah!" and then nothing ever happens is not because no one wants to be friends with you, but because everyone is bad at this. Vague plans are easy to agree to without lying, and everyone wants to protect themselves. But there's relief when someone takes the burden of planning off their shoulders.
If you're seeking long term, deep friendships, just know it takes time and it takes vulnerability. It's okay to have only a handful of fairweather friends to start. They're not false, per se, they just serve a different need. They're fun friends. But fun friends can become deep friends with effort and time. If you meet someone you only sorta connect with on some things, you don't have to write them off. Maybe you'll never be deeply entwined in each other lives, but having someone to get lunch with a few times a year can be a nice touchstone in your life. Let the friendship unfold, and that can be enjoyable in itself.
My final advice is: when you're feeling down, remember I'm rooting for you :) one stranger to another, I understand the struggle. You're lonely, but you're not alone, I promise. <3
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griffle-musings · 2 years
FTMWU: Dragon Babbies
Currently, a Tumblr only story in the Fly Through Universe, set a bit further along in the storyline.
They all had their deal with magic users.
Granted, few and far between- while Gotham attracts the bizarre and dangerous, most magic users, even malevolent, cited a lack of desire to call Gotham 'home.' The Paranormal and Supernatural, common tangents, of course- ghosts, both figurative and literal, hung around each corner, Batman himself used to be considered more myth than man, but magic, true, honest magic, often chose a different place than the city of Gotham. One might say that perhaps due to Jason Blood's own residency made most others wary, but one could say that it was probably also the traffic, pollution, hostility towards strangers via the locals, and general possessive hostility of Gotham that took the shape of a man dressed as a Bat that seemingly made most Magic took a look at Gotham, and run the other way.
But still some foolhardy people would come and try and take over Gotham. Or would assume that it would be alright to smuggle magical items via the Docks. Or laughed when others would mention Batman, citing impossibilities, ironically.
Overall, most Bats (and Birds) would agree that while they handled a bit of magic users, they weren't as readily handled as one would say, John Constantine.
So one could excuse when two got caught in the magical spell.
It was meant to be a slow night.
Bruce rolls his back, feeling his frustration grow. Beside him, Cass nudges his shoulder in solidarity, and he's positive that if he turned, he'll see the familiar cocked head of her own version of a masked grimace, a concession and frustration of the lack of action. On one hand, it's a relief, to not be in the midst of an outbreak or deterring a Rogue plot. On the other- both him and Cass had been on stakeout for the past two and half hours, and while, yes, he had been on stakeouts for far longer, the Intel said there was supposed to be an exchange happening tonight, which means that they were either played or been caught out.
Eventually, even he has to call it a wash, shifting his body in a way that Cass can easily tell- pack up, time to head home.
Just as they're stretching out their limbs, the coms crackle to life.
"Batman, Black Bat, report," Oracle's digitized voice comes in their ears. "Confirmation needed."
"Batman here, no injuries to confirm," he glances over to Cass, who merely clicks her comm three times. A-ok. "We're about to head back."
"Good," Oracle is blunt, in a way that's concerning him. Barbara isn't like this unless. "Red Robin and Robin got hit with a magic spell and are down for the night."
He feels his heart clench. "How bad?" He remembers how much Tim was looking to this night, of patrolling with Jenna. "She's growing up," he had admitted wistfully, watching an earlier training session with her and Damian, eyes a bit misty as she slammed a knee to Damian's solar plexus, attempting to maneuver herself into an upright triangle choke. "She's getting older, and- I guess I kind of miss…well." He shrugged, grin still a bit lopsided as Damian deftly grabbed her leg, throwing her across the training area. She landed on her feet with grace, rushing forward to attack Damian once again. "She's a busy young lady. I'm just glad we can patrol when we can."
He'd made a mental note to try and partner them up more- except now it seems that perhaps it wasn't the best plan, because they were both incapacitated.
It has to be bad, he deduces. If Oracle is radioing them to come home early, if it was bad enough to call the entire family- he knows Barbara, she probably called all of them back, especially if there's a rogue magician on the loose- they aren't prepared, not fully, and Blood or Zatanna will have to be called, or possibly Constantine...
"Just…" and there was a strangled cough. "You definitely want to get over here."
Both of them look at each other, and leap off the edge.
It was the fastest time they've arrived.
Tires squealing, Cass leaps effortlessly out of the still moving vehicle, bounding up to the small huddle on the main platform.
He moves as quickly as he can, moving faster as he sees Cass get to the platform and-stills.
Not for the first time, he sends a wordless prayer that it something- manageable. That his family was still whole and not-
He nearly barrels into Dick, who's half out of his costume, and there's a glint in his eye that makes him pause. He sees how Dick is valiantly attempting to keep his face neutral, although it's hard to see how much he's charmed by- something. He feels something in his chest loosen.
"What's wrong?" He asks, because while it's obviously not a serious emergency, it was an emergency. There's a reason Oracle called off patrol early.
"Just-" Dick bites his lip, and waves over to where there's an opening and- oh.
In the middle of the circle is what could only be a dragon, vibrating the floor with what Bruce can only classify as "purrs." They're a mixture of black scales with black fur running down it's spine, leading from a tuft on their curled tail to a mane curling around their head. Two onyx horns rise from the mane, curving yet pointed. Surprisingly, they don't have wings, and honestly look more mammalian than reptilian, with a rather rounded muzzle, and stout legs. They had a tuft of fur on their tail.
The dragon wasn't looking at any of the group, seemingly more invested in grooming the most disgruntled baby dragon Bruce's ever seen. Unlike the bigger dragon, who was probably the size of a leopard, the baby was probably the size of what Bruce assumes to be what a leopard cub was, and a bit round in the stomach, different from the older dragon's sleeker form. They were upturned onto their back, showing a tan underbelly as a long red-pink tongue carefully and continually groomed them, steam rising from where the tongue licked. Their coloring was a more muddy looking brown-black than the midnight black of the older dragon, and he didn't need to see the two green eyes glaring balefully from the baby dragon's face to put two and two together.
"Has Zatanna been called?" He sighs, as Tim deftly flips Jenna back over, running his tongue over the hair across her spine, an interesting ombre effect of black to her natural brown. Jenna lets out a yowl, very much displeased, and tries her best to escape the onslaught of grooming, but alas, all Tim has to do is place a gentle paw over her spine and continue to give her a tongue bath. He can practically hear the hearts in everyone's eyes at the display. Stephanie and Duke already had their phones out, taking as many shots as they could.
"She's a munchkin," he hears Jason murmur, sounds as enamoured as he did around fast cars and puppies. "She's a tiny, itty-bitty munchkin. She has baby fat. Goddamn this is so fucking cute."
"Precious Baby," Cass agrees, kneeling down. The older dragon gives her a quick glance, then right back to his grooming session. Cass smiles. "You look good."
The dragon flashes their teeth, as if giving Cass a toothy grin.
"This isn't permanent?" Bruce glances to Dick, because while, yes, it was very cute, he didn't want Tim and Jenna to stay like this forever.
"Yeah, Zatanna said it wasn't permanent, she'll call back later for a longer explanation though" Dick replies, more absent-minded as usual as he continues to gaze at the two dragons. "But it will take some time." He turns with a grin. "Something tells me Jenna is probably more pissed about this than Tim."
As he watches Tim continue to give happy clicking chirps and purrs over her growls and yowls, Bruce had to concede that Dick had a point.
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signalwatch · 10 months
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So, here we are in 2023.  
In addition to Direct to Streaming Christmas movies, I've been throwing on the Hallmark Channel since way back in November.  
Apparently what both Jamie and I need this year is to just zone out for 90 minutes from time to time, and to be able to talk over a movie featuring characters we don't really care about a whole lot.  And that's absolutely the intention of a Hallmark Christmas movie - a minimum of drama and plot, reasonably good looking people predictably falling for each other, and a happy ending that guarantees these people will now be as boring as you are, because the events of this movie was the biggest thing to ever happen to them.
I copped to watching the film in 2015 and wrote my treatise on Hallmark movies back in 2017, and I think it shocked a lot of you to find out how very, very much I know about these movies that so many so casually get sniffy about (with good reason, tbh).  But a lot has occurred since 2017.  We're in the dark future of 2023 now, and the world is not what it was.  
A very, very big part of me would love to know how Hallmark works and how these movies come into being.  I have some theories based loosely on what I knew from a friend's mom who wrote Harlequin Romance novels, but there's zero confirmation on any of this.  I'd just be guessing.  
But it's not a mistake that these movies have similarities that go beyond "girl with a Christmas-themed name goes to small town, meets guy in plaid".   It's an endless sea of similarities, and there's practically nothing else like it in media - like, they get to do drafts and check stats to see what works in real time as they release 85 new movies each year (this is barely hyperbole - there are 42 in 2023). But I strongly suspect Hallmark is cooking up packages they send out to potential writers with a list of things that their movie should contain, and then they make most of those scripts.   Again - I don't know this, but otherwise the similarities would only happen because of Holiday Magic.
Over the years the movies have, in fact, changed as Hallmark has tweaked their formula.  Folks who don't actually watch Hallmark Christmas movies assume they're still making the same plot where a young woman realizes she just fell in love with single Santa, but, ho ho NO!  That hasn't been a thing for years.  They still do royalty, but they tweak it quite a bit.  And I am pretty sure I haven't seen a single movie this year about a young woman returning home or stuck in a small town who then meets a kind-of-handsome man in plaid who makes her want to give up her big city dreams (although I've seen men coming to a small town).  And not a baking contest in sight.
In the mid-2010's, Hallmark decided quantities of movies was better than quality of movies.  And that had multiple effects that carry through to today.
1)  The era of FX is done.  That means no more movies where they fly to the North Pole or an elf magically decorates a tree.  So, no more stories with magical beings, because it means less movies if the budget went to CGI Northpoles and extras in elf costumes.  And fewer movies means people tune away faster.
2)  So long, star power.  Which, honestly, is kind of a bummer.  A *huge* draw for me initially was seeing "oh, what's that actress I recognize from that show from 10 years ago doing in this?  What's her deal?"  But it turns out it's way cheaper to go hire a random Canadian actress than get, say, Alicia Witt.  With Canadian local talent, you can make two or three movies, and people will just leave their TV on because they haven't seen that movie yet, but they've seen the Alicia Witt movie and might click away.  
Now, people really follow these movies, and that means that the fans have sort of made these Canadian stars into their own niche type of celebrity.  They follow their favorite Hallmark stars, because of course they do.  Heck, I have a couple.  And Hallmark is always trying new people on to see who is going to land.
And, you can go see these actors at a Con.  Because of course you can.*
Like I say - Over the years, you could guess there were themes handed down from Hallmark central.  "This year we're doing movies about soldiers and/ or veterans", etc...  It was always a trick to spot what the new thing was that year.   I suspect that they  can have, say, Lacey Chabert show up and read five or fifteen scripts with essentially the same premise, pick the one she wants to do, and the rest get handed out to the Hallmark B and C-List stars, and they're going to make the movies, anyway - just with a lower budget.
Themes this year got a little... hard to pin down.  In 2023, I think they ran multiple new ideas.  
1)  Drama.  These movies have always had basically the same source of drama - someone misunderstands someone else, and this leads to a downturn in the blossoming romance, but then they figure out it's a silly miscommunication, and head right back to the absolute certainty these people are absolutely going to end Christmas Eve in the sack.
But not so this year.  This year, they introduced new plots that were - weirdly stressful.  Which is not exactly why I thought these movies existed.  Characters were legit stressed out, not Hallmark stressed out - where they would just talk through the issue at hand while having coffee with a pal and walking down a picturesque street.  Now it's people mad at parents, not sure who their parents are, and I think I saw two movies where the house construction wasn't done for Christmas.  
Look, Hallmark, I don't need reality butting in.  Don't get cute now.  I want to have these movies on as wallpaper at worst and entertainment I can forget about fifteen minutes later as my best scenario.  I do not want to deal with generational trauma or people dealing with the stuff I'm avoiding by watching your sorta-pretty-people handing each other coffee.
2)  International travel.  Uh, look.  This was mostly Americans going to Europe and exploring their European roots, which is something Americans think they should do, but, honestly - we shouldn't.  Nothing sucks more than a 10th generation American deciding they need to talk about how "German" they are or whatever.  You're from Cleveland, it's fine.
And, look, I'm not sure in 2023 that what you need to be doing is getting people really excited about and romanticizing their European heritage.  Like - there's a name for that, Hallmark.
That said, it's wild to see Lacey Chabert and Scott Wolf in Ireland doubling for Scotland, claiming a Duke-dom.  Amazing.  No notes.
3)   Why not a mystery?  Well, Hallmark has been defying Lifetime's belief that all people want is stories of domestic situations gone bad and traded that for low-stakes "cozy mysteries" for years.  Now their Christmas movies and mystery movies met under the mistletoe and had a baby.  A kind of bland, boring baby. 
Look, I get that they have a whole channel called "Hallmark Mysteries".  I guess it was inevitable someone would decide we'd need to crack the case of the reindeer ornament or whatever, but this is putting a hat on a hat.   
A few years back something shifted down Hallmark way.  And it kind of needed to.  Audiences were noticing these movies were maybe a little too lily-white, which is just not how America works, so the movies began to feel... weird.  Why *not* cast more people of more diverse backgrounds?  And not just as background characters in the inevitable Christmas Eve singalong sequence that wraps the movie?
I'd say Hallmark has stepped up their game.  As always, it's imperfect.  But it's not the WASPy world it was back in 2017.  There are movies branded "Mahogany" made by and for Black audiences (Mahogany is also a card line from Hallmark).  Queer characters get larger parts and are not just coded and a component of the Big City lifestyle that must be abandoned.  There are Hanukkah movies.  I will now stop listing non-straight, White things one can be, but Hallmark has found diversity, and the creeping feeling maybe you're supporting White Nationalism by watching these movies is reduced a bit. 
The move to diversify, however, was not going to work for the former head of Hallmark programming and former Hallmark darling Candace Cameron Bure, who is not as insane as her brother, but who went to start her own TV network just so she could keep making movies just about straight, white people.  Which is absolutely telling on yourself, but ok.  
So, Bure is now at Great American Family, a network I cannot get at my house and have not missed.  But she also landed several of her fellow Hallmark darlings, from Chad Michael Murray to Danica McKellar.  So that's where they went.
Some stuff we noticed this year:
The international movies were kind of weird, with the movies filmed in Europe but starring people of the wrong nationality as the people from that country.  Irish people as both Scottish and Norwegian people.  Just... make an Irish movie.
They kept casting people literally decades too young for the roles they were playing.  It was *weird*.
The male talent is now almost exclusively from a very small Hallmark stable, and I have several questions about why I have no facial recognition with any of these guys, learning they've been in 10 of these that I've seen when I look at IMDB
I saw like one thing baked all year, and it was in Norway
The writing is trying to be quirky, and I'm not sure the directors and editors have caught up.  It feels almost like the actors have gone off script sometimes or an idea isn't landing because the film just doesn't want to deal with, like "oh, isn't this weird ornament funny?" and we keep going back to it, and... it's not funny? 
I couldn't tell you which movies Jamie and I have watched so far - it's a blur.  I've probably seen...  at least 12 or 15 in part, and that included probably 7 from start to finish.  We watched 
the oddly snowless Norwegian movie
the one where Lacey Chabert goes to Ireland Scotland
a movie where Kimberley Sustad wears an elephant necklace
one where Lacey Chabert lives in the worst neighborhood imaginable where one is forced to love Christmas
One where Autumn Reeser keeps coming back to a tree lot, thirsty for the tree guy
One where some dumb kid goes off in a boat on the ocean by himself at night on Christmas and kind of ruins the day for everyone
And a bunch I've already forgotten 
And many, many parts of movies 
Anyway, it's a weird period of transition.  I don't blame Hallmark for trying new things.  Incremental novelty is going to be the thing that keeps people coming back.  
I know it's probably a little mysterious as to why I'm back watching these movies.  Again.  But at this point I'm just watching to see, year-over-year, what they're going to do next.  I guess on some level I enjoy also having something on in which I have no real investment and nothing is asked of me as a viewer, which is what I think a lot of people watch reality TV for.  And it's a sort of cultural study at this point. 
Part of me will also admit - at the end of the year, I just don't want to deal with, and do not have time for, anything super serious.  Which is why I resent very important Oscar movies getting dumped in December.  I have neither time nor inclination.  But, sure, I'll watch some would-be country music star discover found family in a town with a name like "Festive Corners" or whatever.  That sounds about like what I've got mental bandwidth for til January 2nd.
I don't really have access to Lifetime or other channels doing this type of movie, so y'all will need to report in if there's anything to discuss.
*if Hallmark comes across this post and wants to sponsor my trip to 2024 ChristmasCon for some in-depth coverage, I am in
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