manlealarchive · 3 years
laleala is now located @sulahnanor ♡
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manlealarchive · 4 years
if you have little girls in your life, make a point to prioritize them. listen to them. don’t interrupt them or let others interrupt them. make sure to compliment them on things besides their appearance. tell them how clever and creative and brave they are. it’s so important.
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manlealarchive · 5 years
she is steadfast. no force on this earth can shake her. with her feet on the ground, roots rise up to meet her, holding her fast as she speaks. from her mouth, revelation; then, humanity. she is not a savior. she is only herself, only all that she can be. she says her piece, and it is heard.
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manlealarchive · 5 years
like for something small in the morning?
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manlealarchive · 5 years
like for something small in the morning?
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manlealarchive · 5 years
like for something small in the morning?
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manlealarchive · 5 years
like for something small in the morning?
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manlealarchive · 5 years
weekly reminder to run amok
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manlealarchive · 5 years
Sorry I’m late I was touching soft moss on a stone wall
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manlealarchive · 5 years
Miracles come in small packages. It takes so little to turn a child into the most fortunate being in the world.
Tuomas Holopinen
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manlealarchive · 5 years
guess who’s entirely made out of sunshine
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manlealarchive · 5 years
I'm reading a bit about identity issues adoptees go through, and I'm gonna note some things here regarding that:
How Dalish clans view and assign child-rearing doesn't in any way resemble the nuclear family. I’m extrapolating this from banter between Merrill and Sebastian:
Merrill: What does your Chantry do? Merrill: I mean, you keep saying how great it is. Anders and Isabela tell me to stay away from it. But what does it do? Merrill: Among the Dalish, the Keepers teach the children, preserve our history, perform magic. The priestesses here just... sing. Sebastian: The Chantry does many charitable works. It cares for widows and orphans— Merrill: Who in the Dalish would just be part of the clan, like everyone else. Merrill: I just don't get it.
So, from the time she was taken in, she’s had an extended support system which includes, but doesn’t revolve around, Alanari (and Sabina). It helps her form a stable sense of identity as she gets older, even if she doesn’t ever feel truly at ease with any religion (that’s another post altogether).
It also helps that Alanari, having gone through their own crisis alone, is completely open with her, with allowances made for her age.
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manlealarchive · 5 years
soft, take-no-shit herbalist daughter
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manlealarchive · 5 years
Ladies, you know how we can’t fit more than a single tube of lip balm into the pockets of most of our clothing for reasons that remain unsatisfactory to us all? 
Tonight I learned that, back in the days when women’s pockets were separate articles of clothing worn tied around the waist under the skirt, one woman was convicted of theft for PUTTING A WHOLE DUCK INTO EACH POCKET AND WALKING AWAY WITH THEM. 
My jeans won’t even hold my keys comfortably. We have been robbed of the joy of surreptitiously stealing large and ungainly objects including waterfowl, dammit!
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manlealarchive · 5 years
"Fuckleys!!! Mamae, look, fuckleys!"
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Did she just say- 
“No, no, Lalea, my sweet. Ducklings.” Oh but you try convincing a toddler that she’s mispronouncing a word in a particularly embarrassing way. Sabina shoots a look over to Alanari, a wordless look that seems to imply ‘Stop laughing your ass off and help me here what do I do??’.
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manlealarchive · 5 years
*anon voice* let leala say fuck
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manlealarchive · 5 years
You’ve heard of Carry On My Wayward Son now enjoy
Please Stop My Relentless Daughter
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