#which honestly would be the death of animal crossing for a lot of people
bluefuecoco · 2 years
idk what to refer to it as other than brainrot, but the way animal crossing new horizons players feel entitled to constant game updates...i hate it <3
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shikiii-skadi · 2 months
Hey can do yandere levi ackerman and hang Zoe and Erwin please
INCLUDES: levi ackermann, erwin smith, hanji zoe WARNINGS: Yandere content, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, abuse, possessiveness, obsessiveness, stalking, clinginess, delusion, paranoia, overprotectiveness, mentions of kidnapping, death, manipulation, gas-lighting, murder, suicide, cannibalism, mutilation NAVIGATION: Attack on Titan Masterlist | part 1 (eren, mikasa, christa, armin)
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Levi Ackermann:
Typ of Yandere:
Overprotective: More than anything, he wants you to survive. More than anyone, he knows how brutal the world is out there. Man-eating titans or people who are as disgusting as animals, he has seen it all. And Levi also knows how weak you are in comparison. You could never get through this, not without him protecting you. That is why he has made it his mission to prevent you from being on the list of the dead as well. And he will do it as long as he is able to.
Rude: The biggest tsundere-yandere out there. He still calls you an idiot and is not above criticizing you harshly for doing something stupid in his eyes. Honestly, sometimes you really wonder if it's true when he says he loves you. But given the fact that he is a yandere, that is a question you ask yourself only briefly lol.
Dependence: Honestly, this man is just miserable. he lost everything so many times that he stopped counting. Is it an excuse for the way he treats you? No. But you can understand why. He clings to the little bit of luck he still has in his life. You are like the air he needs to breathe. Without you, he'd be like a fish trapped on dry land.
How and when started the obsession:
It takes a long time for Levi to let you get close to him, but once that hurdle is crossed, it doesn't take long for him to snap given the world you both live in.
Do they know that their feelings are unhealthy/not normal?
To a certain degree, yes. But he would consider it natural that he wants to protect you with every fiber of his being.
How far are they willing to go?
Murder: Levi is definitely capable of killing someone without much difficulty. And when it comes to your safety and well-being, he wouldn't hesitate for a second. However, Levi would not kill any potential rivals.
Hurting you: No, Levi would never hurt you physically. However, his blunt words are another story.
Blackmail: If something were to arise, then yes, but Levi wouldn't go out of his way to dig things up. But he would definitely use his position to make sure you are in his squad or don't participate in certain missions.
Kidnapping: It wouldn't be his first choice to kidnap you, because generally, Levi wants you to be happy and do the things you like (as long as you don't put yourself in danger that is). But if you two reach a point where Levi feels that you simply can't learn from your mistakes and continue to act recklessly over and over again, then he will see no other option than to physically restrain you. So that you are no longer a danger to yourself.
Final stage: Honestly the person who is responsible for your death, should just kill themselves before Levi has the chance to get them himself. He will not let them get away. It could take years and Levi would still be as adamant to make the person, who killed you suffer. He would never forget and in the end, he would get to them, no matter where they might try to flee to. The world is too small to hide from Levi Ackermann.
What is it overall like to have them as a Yandere?
As mentioned earlier, Levi is just miserable. He is so out of touch with his feelings that he would probably never confess his feelings to you on his own and you would have to make the first move. Which is why a scenario of rejection is unlikely. If you were to correctly interpret his behavior and tell him that you don't love him, it would hurt him a lot inside, but he wouldn't do anything to you. He wouldn't kidnap you or pressure you into a relationship. Levi doesn't have a high opinion of himself in that regard and probably doesn't think he's worthy of your companionship anyway. He would still stay by your side and protect you, but he doesn't expect anything in return. Knowing that you're safe is good enough for him.
Levi is probably one of the better Yanderes to have. Apart from his overprotectiveness he is pretty reasonable and will actually listen to you if you have complaints.
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Erwin Smith:
Typ of Yandere:
Manipulative: This man has a way with words. He could bring someone to jump willingly off a cliff if he wanted to. The key word here is "if he wanted to". I have a hard time imagining that he would ever manipulate you. He is too controlled and aware of himself for that.
Stalker: Because of his position as the Commander of the Survey Corps, he doesn't have a lot of time to stalk you. But it is his favorite free time activity. Just watching you do your daily tasks fills him with more joy than you could ever imagine.
Disappearance: Every day anew he sends soldiers to their death. He is convinced that he does not deserve you and that you will be better off with someone else. Which is why he will eventually leave you. It is even more likely that he has never approached at all.
How and when started the obsession:
Erwin feels lonely deep down. And sometimes he finds himself wishing he had someone by his side. But because of his opinion of himself, he never brought himself to change your relationship as comrades into something deeper. It was only a matter of time before all these suppressed emotions grew into something unhealthy.
Do they know that their feelings are unhealthy/not normal?
Yes and no. He was already conflicted enough with his normal feelings, so he didn't notice the change in the beginning.
How far are they willing to go?
Murder: No, never. It would never even cross his mind.
Hurting you: He would never do that either.
Blackmail: Even if he doesn't like to admit it, there have been situations where he has taken advantage of his position and made sure that this one person, who obviously was interested in you, suddenly stays miles away from you.
Kidnapping: If he wanted, he would be able to make you disappear without anyone finding even a trace of you ever again. But before it would ever come to that, he would have already distanced himself from you.
Final stage: Not even a single hair on your head would be harmed during the whole time of his obsession. Even in the end, he would never think of killing you. Maybe he thought about ending his own life in desperate hours, but he never went through with it. After all, he still had a dream.
What is it overall like to have them as a Yandere?
Honestly, you probably never really noticed his intense feelings. The worst thing that can happen to you with him is that someone from your circle of acquaintances suddenly turns away from you for reasons unknown to you.
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Hanji Zoe:
Typ of Yandere:
Manipulative: Hanji is a master of gaslighting and other manipulative tactics, due to their high intelligence. As soon as you have the slightest idea about their real intentions, they immediately make you doubt yourself. They twist stories, deny things, and immediately accuse you of those actions yourself. Hanji can predict your every move. They are always one step ahead of you. Not in a million years could you ever outsmart them. It's a game for them, honestly.
Bizarre-Seeking: Of course, someone like Hanji, who is already considered strange by many for her nature anyway, must have strange preferences. When it comes to things like strands of hair, you might be able to overlook it, but she definitely collects gross things too, like your fingernails or blood. Hanji has a whole shrine filled with your things. It is their most precious possession, next to you, of course.
Restraints: The amount of time you spend with Hanji is never enough for them. It was only a matter of time before Hanji decided that the best thing for you would be to never leave their side again. Preferably, they tie you directly to them, but if that's not possible, then a chair or the like is fine for a short time.
How and when started the obsession:
I mean, Hanji has always been a little…. strange. You probably never know them any other way. But their obsession with you started when you listened to them talk for hours about Titan experiments.
Do they know that their feelings are unhealthy/not normal?
No, they don't. Hanji thinks it's completely normal to feel this way about their significant other. They don't even think it's weird that they collect your fingernails and such. If you judge them for it, then they rather think that you are the weird one. After all, why should Hanji waste such precious things or not pay any attention to them at all?
How far are they willing to go?
Murder: Hanji would definitely kill people who stand in their way. And God have mercy on anyone they chose to kill. Hanji shows no mercy and no one will ever see the mutilated remains of their victims again. Unless they choose for their own amusement to send the victim's relatives the head.
Hurting you: Should you repeatedly try to leave their side, then Hanji is not above breaking your ankles, or legs, should she see it as more fitting. Just because you've won their love and affection doesn't mean you're saved from their more violent traits. In fact, it is quite the opposite - it just makes you more interesting. There are times when Hanji tortures you or acts out their strange tendencies and cuts off your fingers to add them to their shrine. If you cry the whole time and mess up your beautiful eyes with tears, then it's better if Hanji cuts them out for you to preserve their beauty, right?
Blackmail: In case of minor incidents or at the beginning of your relationship, Hanji usually manipulated you, not infrequently with blackmail. In the later stage, however, they rather choose physical violence. So they usually only blackmail you for fun.
Kidnapping: Hanji will definitely kidnap you and bind you to them forever. There is no other outcome.
Final stage: Hanji can accidentally kill you if she tries to cut anything off of you to be able to keep it. But if you keep rejecting them or even start hating them, they will see no other way than to kill you. Now she can shape you the way she wants. Your body will remain with her forever, as the most beautiful part of her shrine. Should you die due to natural causes, then she will eat your dead body so that you can finally be one again.
What is it overall like to have them as a Yandere?
Hanji is definitely the worst and most dangerous yandere of them all. Every one of your friends and family members runs the risk of being brutally murdered by them. And even you are not spared. The possibility that you die as her darling is incredibly high. And should you not be dead, then you are highly mutilated and disfigured. With them you always walk on eggshells, afraid of what they might do. In addition, you never have a free minute from them, because they always have you near them, if not directly tied to them.
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mysebacielblog · 7 months
Ciel is Trans Theory
I Need to point this out because. I have a hunch that Ciel is Trans, and fingers crossed I’m right. Honestly, I could be completely off base and this could be as close as Ancient Aliens is to History.
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This might be an overreach but here is my case for it, as best as I can:
* Based on previous events and Chapters, Yana has shown that She Likes Playing on the concept of Gender from the Very First Arc. From the Very beginning we are introduced to a woman who is Jack the Ripper, challenging the male murder stereotype on its head, and her lover, a gender ambiguous (Later Confirmed Canonically!!) Trans Reaper Lady. Both unite from their desire, and hatred for the prostitutes who beg for abortions at her clinic. There are Already wombs being ripped out of women and we’ve just started.
* The Fact that Ciel is Dressed extremely effeminately not only for the period, even for EGL clothing standards might point to something as well. But when forced to wear a dress for the sake of a mission, he loses his mind. Although it could be a tween’s worst nightmare, how Madame Red laments to Ciel when dressing him as a girl that she always wanted a daughter feels like something.
* Ciel is always referred to as beautiful, which is not wrong for the period, but there are less masculine terms that people refer to him as.
* Yana herself says that she Over Masculinizes Ciel. Which is an interesting take for his effeminate nature of dress Vs masculine personality?
* Another hot take is that Yana Specifically has instructed in certain live action and anime for the voice actor to be a woman. I’ve seen a lot of talk on this particular conversation but none highlighting this as a clue on our Ciel’s Identity??? How??
* Mey Rin is also have been hidden as a boy with her previous life as a sniper, so this also shows that this is not out of the question either. The same reveal has happened with Doll.
* Ciel does not let anyone get close to his body. This is obviously because traumatic stress behaviors, however, similar flinching could allude to a different reason entirely.
* Our Lad introduces himself as the “Earl Ciel Phantomhive” Earl almost being apart of his first name. He’s already changed his name to hide his past. But Why?
* Let’s pretend that Ciel was in fact, born a boy at birth. If his brother and parents died, even if he was considered a “Spare Child”, (remember the British Phrase an Heir and a Spare). He would still be a legitimate hier due to his brother being unable to claim inheritance (because of his death) and pass on something to him. Even if another family member became a guardian and inherited a majority to raise our ciel, he would still be entitled to Something, and (might) even become Earl. This would Not be the case if Ciel was born a girl.
* Two Cultural similarities Japanese Manga and the Victorian period have in common are the troupe of “women disguising themselves as men”. I put this in quotes because, as Ciel described it, “the old him died in his cage,” pointing to metaphorical metamorphosis, and not simply a disguise for convient’s sake. Although it was common for (transgender men, queer cis women and/or Cis women) to take on a male position / pseudonym in order to establish a title, or a job position (typically in writing, this continued until the 1960’s). Now add on the popular manga/anime that were important in playing with perceptions of gender during Black Butler’s Debut (think Ouran High school host club), and there’s something there.
* The Fact that no one mourned Ciel’s Death was unfortunate, but a critical plot point of the story. Up until now, no one even acknowledged Our Ciel had ever Existed. Not a name, not “twins” nothing. Even though our Lad was an ill child, no one had even acknowledged he was there to begin with. Women and children were rarely recognized in Victorian culture, let alone a “Woman Child”. This culture was challenged somewhat through literature in the early ‘30’s with works from Jane Austen, ‘47 with Charlotte Brontë (who went by a pseudonym) and Lewis Carol’s Alice and the Looking Glass at the end of the century. (introducing a Girl Protag!! Gracious!). As sad as it may be, no one would really mourn an terminally ill girl compared to her family’s murder, unless having accomplished something amazing. It would be seen unfortunately as a lifted burden, and ultimately one less dowery or added expense. The fact that no one even bothered to notice our Ciel’s death or even the toll it might have on his twin is evident enough.
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* The most Damning evidence I have for this theory is Lizzy’s reaction to figuring out “Ciel” was not the real “Ciel”. The immediate turn against Ciel. Why wouldn’t she even hear him out? What could have possibly turned her away like that, without a doubt in her mind, even if she had met with the Real Ciel? The fact that her reaction was not confusion but rather an extreme turn against him, she did not even think one minute to give Our Ciel a chance. And the only possible reason (combined with the fact that he was lying about not being his brother) is that if he was Not Cis. Not only would that mean that she was with the sick weaker sibling not heir to the Phantomhive legacy, but Ciel Could never conceive a family with Elizabeth, nor marry her like she would have wanted. And even if she married him, they would never be able to have children of their own (a really big obsession with British Aristocracy- modern day source: royals). All of her dreams would be shattered. And that shattering would bring her to turn instantly.
* The fact that everyone automatically assumed our ciel was real ciel, just based on saying so. Why?
* The fact that sick girls were often dressed like male counterparts to strengthen them during this era, as well as androgynous clothing for children being in fashion (because of less washing headaches and hand-me-downs)
* A smaller, minor detail is how Sebastian says “When lies become truth”. This is pointing towards both their façades but an interesting quote none the less on transitioning.
* I’m pointing to his teeny shoes with the high heels. It’s not that they’re effeminate women’s shoes that are iffy for the period, (which let’s be clear, they are) but. Look at him. Trying his best to be tall adult man. I’m pointing at his shoes.
* I might be missing a lot. Tell me if I am.
Reasons For Why I Am Extremely Wrong:
*Tanaka and Vincent referring to Our Ciel with he/him pronouns, (although I’m not sure on the original Japanese translation on chapter 131)
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Using You For Pleasure // Kevin Khatchadourian
It's been three years since Kevin's parents had gotten divorced, One year since settling on split custody. Without Eva to torture, No Celia to bully and having to constantly keep up his good boy facade in front of Franklin, Kevin feels like he might go insane. That is until he manages to find an outlet for his violent impulses and fantasies in the form of his absolute social failure of a classmate.
Important Tags! : NON-CON, Watersports/Omorashi/Desperation Wetting, Forced Exhibitionism/Semi-Public/Classroom Sex, No actual sex tho just m!Masturbation, Groping, Harassment, Bullying, Stalking, Dacryphillia, Tears/Sweat/Snot used a lube, Non-Sexual Vomiting, Hinted Animal Abuse/Death
English is not my first language so please forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes. First posted fic, Would really appreciate feedback. Cross-Posted on my AO3 @starvingmedievalpeasant
Reader is described as a female with noticeable chest, Thick thighs, Dark hair, Socially awkward/unaware and with odd interests. Because what is a reader insert with no author self projection?
Kev is 18-19 reader is 18
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I'll Never Feel Ashamed Of Using You For Pleasure
It's an abnormally hot day in early May.
Most students of Gladstone High are sitting at the cafeteria for lunch break, eating and socializing with each other after their stuffy sweaty classes. Their teachers have been continuously drilling at them the whole day to drink a lot of water as the AC system has been disabled due to an awful almost rotting smell that has been emanating from it since yesterday.
"I wonder what animal died in there"
Y/n hears from the table besides her. "Ugh are you really that stupid? It's obvious someone put a stink bomb up in those vents, I hope whoever did that is happy with themselves" one of the boys at the table mocks his friend, "No listen, It smells just like when I went hunting with my dad and we found a deer corpse, Like some animal has been decomposing for a week...". Y/n slowly tunes out of the conversation as she wipes sweat from her forehead and takes a long swig from her water bottle.
The dark haired girl is sitting at a table at the corner of the cafeteria, Alone. She hasn't made any friends in her whole first semester at her new school, But she reckons being unnoticed is much better than being bullied like at her previous school, And although there aren't even any people sitting at her table, Y/n hasn't been able to truly revel in her quiet solitude for quite some time now.
The hairs on the back of her neck stand up and a shiver runs down her spine, after a few seconds of looking around her eyes find the source of her uneasiness.
...Yep, He's still staring.
Unblinking dark brown eyes looking into her own, An amused smirk on the lips of barer of said eyes. "Man, This guy just doesn't take a break..." she mumbles under her breath. Kevin has been staring at her for weeks, The first few times she thought she just had food stuck in her teeth or her clothes were messy, After the second week she began to take his reputation into consideration and came to the conclusion that so called 'Kevin-Ketchup' resident school weirdo is just trying to mess with her. Her gaze lowers back to her tray, Attempting to escape the boy's burning gaze. She munches on her lunch silently, Wishing she could just be home on her computer right now. Not that it would have helped much, Sometimes it seems like her body just can't shake off the feeling of being watched even at her own home.
Y/n ’s self pitying train of thought is soon broken by a subtle cough beside her which catches her attention.
“Sorry… I’m Kevin.” He says, staring directly at Y/n . Her head turns slowly to look at him for a brief moment, not sure how to respond as this is the first time she has been approached by Kevin - or anyone, Honestly, She thought that he would never actually talk to her and just attempt to freak her out with staring alone.
“Uh… hi, Kevin.” She looks up at him, forcing a smile. 'I really hope this isn't the beginning of him bullying me, I thought I was done with that shit last year' she says in her head. "So... What's up?" The girl asks him, Trying to be polite. She takes in his attire, Tight black skinny jeans and a little boys' hotdog and mustard shirt he has definitely been wearing since 5th grade. “Oh…” Kevin seems to be lost in thought as he inspects her appearance. Y/n is noticeably alarmed as Kevin’s eyes fixate on her tits for a few moments, She crosses her arms on her thin cotton t-shirt, in an attempt to conceal her body. “Nothing… Well, I wanted to talk to you. And you… look great today, I like your skirt” Kevin says casually as if talking to a friend. "Haha not sure how great I look with armpit sweat stains, Should have worn a darker shirt, Am I right?" She replies dryly, Hoping it might disgust him enough to make him leave.
He does not.
His burning gaze only intensifies.
She hugs her arms to her chest tighter, accentuating it by accident, Her forced smile has turned from mildly fearful to full blown uncomfortable. "Ssso, What'd'you wanna talk about?" She asks. “Oh… well, I just wanted to say you’re… beautiful” Kevin says in an unreadable tone, Moving from staring at her boobs to looking directly into Y/n’s eyes, The smirk on his face suggests a mocking context to the compliment. She can feel the blood rush to her face, Not used to receiving compliments even not as cruel jokes. “Haha thank you…” Y/n responds, unsure how to feel about this interaction. She has no concrete idea why Kevin is talking to her and is very uneasy remembering the many rumors that surround his behavior. Discomfort is noticeable on her sweat sheened face.
'He's gotta be fucking with me' She thinks to herself, She was never very noticeable appearance-wise, Being bullied previously mostly due to her general social unawareness and apparently "weird" interests, When she moved to Gladstone High she decided to keep quiet and stop trying to socialize in her own odd way or talk about her hobbies with other people her age, And the bullying stopped with it. "Better a nobody than a target" she always told herself. Kevin kept staring at her not saying another word. After a few seconds of silence, She feels a pressure in her abdomen. "Hey, Uh, I gotta go piss, Nice talking with you, ...Broski..." Cringing at herself she quickly packs her stuff in her backpack and exits the cafeteria, Leaving her half eaten sandwich there with no intention of coming back to finish it.
As she rushes to the girls’ bathroom, Kevin watches her until her figure is no longer visible among the crowds of students. He smiles slightly, feeling satisfied and amused. 'What an odd little thing' He thinks. He reaches into his black jeans pocket and taps on the dark screen of his cellphone, showing an open note on his screen titled *Lunch*, he types in the date and attaches two pictures; One of Y/n from afar that he took without her knowledge before their interaction, And one close up of her tray. *PB&J sandwich* he adds to the note. "3rd time this week" He remarks to himself, Dark eyes leering at the sneaked photo of her.
The school day passes by at the speed of a snail for Y/n.
Her first visit to the girls' toilet didn't go well, Her body just refuses to relax enough to be able to function normally. In fact, Each of the four times she went to piss after class not even a drop came out even though she had drunk around two liters of water and a can of coke due to the scorching heat. She enters her last class of the day, Social studies, and sits down at her seat at the back row next to the window. She takes out her work books and notebooks, Knowing full well she isn't gonna be writing any notes but just doodle on it for the rest of the class. Right before her mechanical pencil hits the page, Y/n feels an ominous presence appear at the seat beside her.
"Kevin" she sighs under her breath, Being able to distinguish his sharp gaze without even looking.
She was so preoccupied with her inability to relieve herself that she completely forgot they had this shared class today, 'I hope he doesn't try to talk to me again' Y/n thinks.
As the teacher enters the room and addresses the class, Y/n can’t help but notice Kevin’s eyes are fixed onto her as she attempts to doodle cats in her notebook - but fails to do so thanks to her anxiety. The girl turns to her right and finds Kevin’s dark eyes still looking towards her. Surprisingly he's sitting at the table right next to her, Usually he likes to keep his distance. She turns back to her notebook for a moment then looks up to her right again.
He's still fucking staring at her.
The feeling of unease grows and with it an ache in her swollen lower stomach. Unable to focus on the teacher's talking voice and writings on the board, Y/n turns back to sketching in her notebook subconsciously. After a few minutes the shape of a face takes form on her page, A familiar face. As she finally focuses on her notebook to see what her mind has conjured up she subtly freezes.
'No way this is happening, Ugh, This stupid fucking parasite has burrowed into my mind with all his stupid staring and stupid face' she thinks. She glances to her side to take a quick look at Kevin and swiftly looks back to the paper in front of her. As frustrating as it is, She must say the sketch is quite accurate and very life-like. The girl debates on scribbling over Kevin's pencil drawn face until she hears a voice speaking softly next to her, "You're an amazing artist, Y/n " he states flatly with a straight face.
Y/n gasps quietly and quickly whips her head to her right side, 'When did he get so close?!' she thinks. "Uh... Thanks, It's just a little sketch though" she purses her lips and shrugs, Scooching her seat closer to the window and away from her raven-haired classmate. She notices Kevin smile for a moment and a spark light up in his eye. A slight chill fills the air as Kevin leans closer to her, His lips slightly part as he stares at the girl.
Y/n feels a chill run up her spine.
“… I’ve seen you sketch before…” The boy continues.
She freezes as she feels his warm breath touch her neck and ear. Y/n tries to escape the boy by pulling herself so close towards the glass her cheek is smooshed against it. "Haha yeah, I'm not really the best student when it comes to doing school work, Always uh, Doodlin' " She swallows hard "...I just find drawing to be more worthwhile than math or physics" She answers honestly, Hoping it would get him to shut up.
As Kevin brings his lips closer to Y/n ’s neck, she is forced to face the reality that this is not going to be an ordinary conversation. She feels herself become overwhelmed by the sense of her own vulnerability. She swallows even harder as tears well up in her eyes. She is filled with fear.
“… I know you’re scared, but we both know no one is going to help you…”
The boy whispers in a sinister tone and a devilish grin on his pale face. Just as a whimper is about to slip out of her lips, An unknowing savior interrupts their exchange.
They both hear the booming voice of the teacher
"No talking in class! Keep your flirting outside of the school!" He says.
"Sorry Mr. Reed" Kevin replies, The evil aura of his smirk now completely nonexistent. He slowly leans away from Y/n, and when she finally feels her personal space has been restored, she sighs a sigh of relief and resumes her mindless sketching. Her relief is short lived though. She feels the lingering unease of the situation and begins to think of what Kevin said, Is he right? Will the teacher believe or even care if she attempted to report what had just occurred? 'I don’t know if I can handle being around him any longer…' She says in her head, feeling tense and vulnerable.
As the class is about to end, Y/n once again feels nature's calling. 'God if I don't piss in 5 minutes I think I'm going to explode, maybe if Mr. Ketchup here wouldn't have bothered me today I wouldn't be on the verge of wetting myself like a child' She thinks to herself. Glancing at Kevin, Their eyes meet for a second and she feels her bladder clench and need to piss disappear, as if confirming her assumption. The bell finally rings signaling the class' end and Y/n waits for all the students to clear out, Hoping Kevin would exit with them, But fate seemed to have a personal vendetta against her today.
He's waiting for her.
Standing right next to the doorway.
Y/n finds herself stuck with Kevin as everyone leaves the classroom. She feels her anxiety grow as she fully notices she's alone with him. She slowly slings the bag on her shoulder and prepares to walk out of the classroom, Kevin places his hand on the door handle to prevent her from leaving. "I just want to talk to you for a moment. In private." The boy comments, Leering into Y/n’s eyes with a predatory look once more. "Aha maybe we can do it later? Kind of need to go to the bathroom again" She replies with an awkward laugh, But it seems the boy with the T-shirt too small for him just won't budge.
"You can use the bathroom at my house.” Kevin’s smile remains while he stares directly at the girl.
Y/n can’t help but question how this whole interaction is supposed to make him an 'awesome powerful bully' and not just a huge creep in Kevin’s mind. 'Why is he so insistent on getting me to “his house”? Where is the teacher?' Y/n thinks, feeling both vulnerable and confused. "I don't think I have time for it Kevin, I need to go, Like, Right now" She says, Face turned to the ground to escape his gaze, Her legs bouncing up and down trying to keep everything in, But the only thing she hears is Kevin's footsteps getting closer to her.
The sound of his shoes stop right in front of her, He places his hand on Y/n ’s abdomen.
"You sure about that? I think you can hold it in for just a few minutes" Y/n trembles from fear and anxiety, wondering why Kevin would touch her. She swallows dryly, finding it difficult to keep control of her situation. “… Kevin…” Y/n says in discomfort, but her words are not acknowledged. Suddenly the room begins to feel even more suffocating, The girl feels the sweat dripping down her face and her bladder becomes more painful.
"Kevin, Dude, Please, I am actually about to piss down my pants, if I don't go to the bathroom right now-" She tries to walk past him, But he stops her, The palm on her full abdomen pressing softly. She tries to go around him again but feels a sudden and undeniable feeling of fear as Kevin squeezes at her mellow lower abdomen and stops her from walking away. She is overwhelmed with anxiety, feeling even more aware of the warm sensation of her urine-full bladder.
"You're wearing a skirt, Not pants. A very short skirt." He comments matter-of-factly, His other hand moving from resting at his side to inspect her jean mini skirt. A chill runs down her spine as she feels her bladder about to lose control. “Well, All of my shorts are in the wash and it was too hot today to come in long pants and- Kevin, Listen, I-I… I have to go!” Y/n attempts to speak, but it is evident her words are unable to change Kevin’s behavior at all, He suddenly grips at the edge of her skirt. "I don't know about that, Seems like you were trying to get a rise out of me so I would finally speak to you" He says with a hint of narcissistic amusement.
The pressure is killing her and she can't hold it in any longer "KEVI-" And before she finishes saying his name, She can feel wet warmth running down her thighs. Y/n freezes. Her face slowly moving to look at the floor as a clear-yellow puddle collects under her shoes with a quiet pshhhhh sound, soaking her socks and sneakers.
Kevin is stunned by Y/n ’s sudden loss of control.
He looks down to see her in action, Eyes slowly going down from her little skirt to her fleshy thighs, And then to her calves, And then to her feet, Before returning to her thick, shiny thighs. He glances at her face, Seeing cheeks red and eyes swollen, Sweat and silent tears running down to her chin. Kevin smiles slightly, as if halfheartedly trying to conceal his enjoyment of seeing her degraded and in distress. Y/n continues to stare at the floor, too embarrassed to look at Kevin again. She covers her face with her soft hands.
'I can’t believe I peed myself… I’m such a fucking loser…' Y/n thinks.
She finally manages to clench her bladder shut, and after a few seconds of silent tears, An intense pathetic whimper comes out of her mouth, And after that, Several more, Until she's full blown sobbing. Legs shaking in her own puddle of piss, eyes clenched shut, "Why does this always happen to me?!" She yells between sobs, "WHY?!?".
As Y/n continues to whine and sob, Kevin smiles.
His grin of amusement turns into that of sadism and arousal, His hand at the edge of her skirt moves to palm himself through his now uncomfortably tight skinny jeans. As he feels himself up, He realizes he's never been this hard before. This is totally different from when he used to loudly masturbate in the bathroom to torment Eva, He doesn't want to do it out of spite, But out of pure lust and need.
Y/n is sobbing and talking to herself so loud she doesn't even notice the sound of a zipper and Kevin's breathing getting heavier, He pulls his aching cock from his boxers and starts moving his hand up and down. 'It's so sensitive' He thinks to himself.
Y/n still cannot believe what has just happened as she feels the shame and despair. Her sobbing and mumbling slows down, And that just won't do for Kevin. The hand that is not busy pumping his length is still at Y/n 's soft little tummy, And he can feel that it's still very much full with piss. Right as Y/n 's about to open her eyes he grabs at her bladder like he's trying to rip it out, a cry of surprise and horror escapes her tear-stricken face and soon she cannot control it anymore;
Y/n ’s bladder releases again.
Causing her to wet herself even more.
This time she is not frozen, quickly moving her hands between her thighs to unsuccessfully try to stop the second stream, This one is harsher and seems to last longer than the other. She clenches her eyes shut even harder since her hands are too busy to cover her face and Kevin finally looks up at her, Y/n is all red, sweaty, teary and snotty.
A loud, breathy "Ohhh fuck" escapes the boy's parted lips, It's the most glorious sight he had ever seen. 'Seeing it up close in real life is so much better than porn' He thinks to himself. He can't help but paw at his cock faster. Through heavy breathing and hushed "shit"s and "fuck"s Kevin's left hand moves to roughly grab at Y/n 's face to make her look up at him. Startled from the harshness of his actions her eyes open quickly to look at his face, It takes her two seconds to recognize the pure arousal in his eye, fear fills her as she finally notices his labored breathing and moaning, and the wet smacking sound of his ministrations finally reach her ears. Her unbelieving eyes move downward to affirm her dread, Kevin is squeezing himself up down so fast and so hard it's like he thinks he'll die if he won't cum. 
Nausea fills her head and stomach and she feels like she's about to puke.
She screams loudly through her sobs, too scared to move, too queasy to be able to express her disgust beyond unintelligible crying and yelling. His hand suddenly releases his flushed cock and moves up to her messy face, He rubs his sweaty palm all over her face, Quickly collecting her bodily fluids and returning to stroke at his dick.
He's using her tears, Sweat and snot as lube.
Y/n gags loudly.
Her bladder emptied itself half a minute ago, But Kevin's revolting actions and groans have made her so sick she keeps crying and gagging, Her half digested PB&J at her throat. "You're so fucking pathetic, It's hilarious" He half-moans half-laughs at her, "First you come to school in this slutty little skirt to provoke me, Draw my face like a- Oh fuck- love stricken preteen, Then you piss yourself and now you're gonna let me cum all over you?!" He degrades, Y/n cries even louder.
 "And you know what the funniest part of it is?!, I'm not even- Ah shit- I'm not even holding you down, I'M JUST SQUEEZING AT YOUR PATHETIC SNOTTY LITTLE FACE!" Kevin barks at her. His moans get louder and right as she thinks she's going to puke he cums on her skirt and piss soaked thighs with a loud "Nnnghaaaa, fuck-", Thick long ropes of white cum land on her, And she can feel their warmth on her thigh.
After coming down from his high, Kevin smears his seed on her, Rubbing it into her thighs, Wipes his sticky hand clean on her skirt and releases his iron grip on her face.
The second his palms leave her to put his softening cock back into his pants Y/n 's stomach gives up and she slightly bends over to vomit all over the floor, A loud "BLARGHHH" and the sound of stomach acid and her lunch spilling out of her bounce off the classroom walls. When she stops puking she slowly looks down at herself again.
She's standing in her own puddle of piss and vomit.
Thighs and skirt covered in sticky drying cum.
She closes her eyes softly, Feeling the drying up tears and crusted snot on her face, And her brain seems to just shut down.
Her eyes open as she finally looks up at Kevin again through her messy hair and face, Thinking of words to say, brows furrowed, Biting her lower lip from embarrassment and disgust, Her pathetic gaze finds his own sadistic one, And whatever she was about to say fleets her mind, Shame, Fear and horror filling it instead. She just looks at him, Waiting for the tall boy to say or do something, Anything, Maybe even slap her to seal the deal of his violations on her.
Y/n ’s horrified stare brings a sense of calmness to Kevin’s mind. The boy reveling in her discomfort, repulsion and confusion.
She looks like she wants to say something.
But she doesn’t.
Kevin enjoys this sense of control. He feels an immense amount of power over her, and he looks forward to using it the way that he wants. He is content with the situation. If only she would speak, he would be all the more entertained.
A few more minutes pass, And Y/n 's wet thighs and socks become cold and uncomfortable. Still looking at Kevin her lips tremble as she finally manages to utter a sentence :
"...I don't have anything to change to"
She mentally hits herself for sounding so pitiful, Like a little rabbit cornered by a fox. Kevin smiles as he listens to Y/n attempt to speak to him. Seeing her trying to make eye contact with him is amusing. Kevin continues to silently stare at the girl, Soaking up her vulnerability and terror. His amused grin becomes a full blown teeth bearing smile, For he knows he really is the strong predator Y/n thinks he is.
“I have some clothes you can wear.”
Kevin says in a smug tone of voice as he continues to smile at her. Y/n begins to feel a sense of hopelessness. 'Why am I allowing this to happen? What can I even do in this situation?' She thinks to herself over and over. She comes to the conclusion she is now but a little mouse caught in the maw of a fearsome wildcat, Struggling will only make it worse.
"Ok" She submits, Slightly above a whisper.
Her face turning even redder from the shame, Piss soaked hands leaving their previous position, Moving from between her thighs to rest on her sides. “Good.” Kevin replies and his smile slightly softens. “Follow me.” Kevin says, Trying to not sound as happy and satisfied as he really is.
Y/n feels the sense of hopelessness deepen. She swallows hard as Kevin opens the door, Turning his head around to make sure she's following. Y/n looks at him, the shame and embarrassment filling her with an additional helplessness. She straightens up and slowly follows Kevin out of the room and from behind, she can hear the slight dripping sounds of her urine on the floor.
Squish squosh
Her soaked shoes make their sounds. Luckily or unluckily, Everyone has already gone home from school. Teachers at the teachers' lounge in a different building from the pair.
Squash Squish
With every step she takes Y/n cringes at the sound and at the now almost completely dry piss and cum between her thighs, Kevin stops at his locker and Y/n bumps into him slightly, she prays her pee-covered shoes and thighs don’t touch him. Kevin smiles and looks down. He slowly looks to Y/n ’s face, watching her eyes dart around in embarrassment. As Y/n watches Kevin’s expression, her shame grows even bigger and she feels extremely uncomfortable. She just wants to run away. Kevin notices Y/n ’s expression and it fills him with amusement. He enjoys seeing this weak girl struggling with the humiliation he inflicted onto her. His smile drops and he stands there for a few seconds, Waiting for her to speak.
"...So... You got like a sweatshirt I can tie around m-my waist... Or something..."
she stutters, Voice getting quiet with each word.
He seems satisfied enough with her comment and digs through his locker, pulling out a red jacket. 'I’m going to make her wear this...' he thinks, a small grin forming on his face. “Here.” He says, handing the jacket to her. As Y/n takes the jacket, she feels his terrifying presence consume her and ties the red garment around her waist. She feels slightly better about being able to cover her cum and piss-covered lap, but the shame is still there. 'Why did I let this happen?' She thinks.
She says, 2 minutes pass by with neither of the pair speaking. "...I think I'll go home now, I'll give you your sweatshirt back tomorrow. I guess." Y/n says hazily. She begins to walk towards the school's exit, Wanting to just get away from Kevin and forget this ever happened. Unfortunately for her, Kevin isn't done playing just yet, a cruel smirk fills his face as he calls out to her.
“Hey, Y/n .”
The messy girl stops in her tracks. She knows she shouldn’t turn around. 'It doesn’t matter what he wants, I just want to leave' she thinks. But she turns around anyway. “W-What do you want, Kevin?” Y/n says in a more confident tone as she sees him smile at her. “I want you to give me your number.” Kevin says with a smug smile on his face, He is not letting this opportunity slip away.
Y/n mumbles some sort of unintelligible refusal, Turns back around quickly and starts fast-walking towards the entrance 'Don't come after me don't come after me' She repeatedly screams in her head, The loud squelching of her soaked shoes and socks bouncing off the hallway walls. Despite Y/n ’s attempts to flee from the scene, Kevin is persistent.
She can hear footsteps running to chase after her.
'Don’t look back. Just keep walking.' she thinks. Y/n hears the footsteps gaining ground on her. She can feel the warmth of Kevin’s presence growing closer, yet she continues to almost jog. Suddenly, Y/n ’s front is pushed against the wall by the back of her neck. Her forehead and nose bang painfully against the metal locker, She can feel Kevin’s breath on her neck.
"Y-you shouldn't get that close to me! or you'll g-get covered in the smell of my piss too-" she says quickly, Her eyes clenched shut and her whole body tense. “Don’t tempt me.” Kevin replies with a smile, continuing to press up against her. ' "Don't tempt me"?!?! ' She thinks. “Give me your number and then we’re done here.” Kevin says in a demanding tone. Y/n ’s eyes widened.
Oh god
“Fine, I’ll give it to you! Just leave me alone, okay?” Y/n cries, feeling the terror wash over her again. 'What do you mean "Don't tempt me"?! What kind of sick shit is he into?!' She thinks to herself trying to decipher the meaning even though in the back of her mind she knows full well he's probably into things worse than what he did to her today.
Y/n hears Kevin's demanding voice as he pulls out his phone and shoves it in her hand, she moves her head to rest on the hard locker sideways, enters her digits as quickly as possible and returns the phone back it's owner. "Here" she says, "Can I go home now?" She meant for it to sound like a demand, But what it really sounded like was a plea for mercy. Kevin takes the phone and pockets it, keeping a firm grip on Y/n by pressing his body against her back.
Y/n feels her heart pounding in her chest as she feels the tall boy’s warm breath on her. “...I don't know, Y/n , Can you?” Kevin mocks her with a calmness to him that only increases Y/n ’s distress. She feels her throat dry as she fights back crying for the third time today. “Please… Can I leave now? I just want to go home and wash up, Please, I would rather keep your jacket relatively piss-scent free” She asks, still trying to sound confident even though her throat is dry and hoarse and her voice cracks. Y/n feels the weight of Kevin’s body lift off of her, His hand still gripping at the back of her neck like you would to stop a misbehaving kitten.
A small sense of relief washes over her as the pressure and heat of the boy’s body is no longer present, and the dripping sound of her urine soaked underwear finally becomes quiet. Kevin takes a step back and looks at her, still smiling like a smug wildcat. “Well, there you go.” Kevin says with an air of superiority as he lets her nape go.
"...T-Thank you."
She says as she walks down the hallway and out of the school, This time there are no extra footsteps behind her. While Y/n debates whether to walk home on foot as to not torture people with the scent of urine emanating from her, Kevin leans back on the lockers. A loud, satisfied sigh leaves his full lips, He hasn't felt this good since the last time he got to bully Celia when Franklin still had custody of both of them. The agonizingly long year pretending to be a good little boy for his stupid dad with no truly satisfying outlet has taken such a toll on him that finally being to act on his violent fantasies onto another person again feels absolutely euphoric. He slides down the wall, A big, content, teeth baring smile on his face. He gets up laughing, Thinking to himself while walking to his house that the second he gets home he'll go practice with his bow, Imagining the target he's shooting at is his pathetic new plaything. 
The second Y/n gets home she breaks down crying again, Running to the bathroom, Her parents completely ignoring their clearly distressed daughter, Confirming what Kevin had told her in class.
No one would even care.
She cleans her stupid body, throws her stupid soaked clothes and Kevin's stupid red jacket in the washing machine, Tosses her stupid pissy shoes to the trash and runs to her room to take a stupid pathetic nap. Through all of her years being bullied she has never had something this degrading and ego-destroying happen to her. As she sobs for the umpteenth time that day, Sleep slowly takes over her and she becomes quiet and limp in her bed, Hoping that she could at least be spared from Kevin's cruel smirk in her dreams.
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ceiling-karasu · 25 days
Watched Black Cat Detective and started thinking about Squirrel and Hedgehog as well.
It's been a few days so I have lots of thoughts and rambling. I'll start off by saying that since the main villain of Black Cat Detective is named the 'one eared mouse,' and we already have one of those in this fandom, I'll be calling him Lǎobǎn (no idea if there is already a fan nickname for this guy).
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Putting these two together in a room would be fun, but I think Oegwipali is way smarter, to be honest, especially since he is a trained soldier. I'm not sure they would get along.
I would not do a Squirrel and Hedgehog and Black Cat Detective crossover in The Rod That Blocks the Lightning, though, since on is a North Korean cartoon and the other is strictly Chinese. I would be interested in doing a cross over in another, less serious, AU, though, since it is pretty similar with the violence and some other themes.
I watched the original series, then the reboot, and then the movie. Animation wise it does have that 'these kinds of thing happen in the first few episodes' issues, but it is only five episodes so they don't get ironed out. Still entertaining! It was pretty interesting, although I think the movie takes place in a different continuity. The series takes place in a forest with its own 'Forest Law,' and the movie is set in a massive futuristic city with space faring technology.
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(I think the giant hairdrier is a leg section of what is a science museum of futuristic space vehicles).
It is about as violent as people say it is, especially for the time period and the fact that it was made for children. I thought it really could not be that bad, that the FH spike impalement scene was wild, but no, an eagle really does beat a bunch of children and eat one alive on screen. Said child is never seen again. The police even know what is going to happen.
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Also, are the 'rats that eat cats' supposed to be vampires? Those are some wet slurping sounds, and then the talk of drinking blood later...
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I really wish that had been expanded upon. It would make for a fun murder mystery AU.
Definitely a police propaganda cartoon, but maybe (maybe?) not as much racism as we previously thought. The cats in the first episode do not jump to the assumption that the mice stole all the food immediately, and actual detective work is shown throughout the series. I think I saw a mouse living in a village normally in a later episode, and the cats don't even blink an eye at her presence. But when they do figure out who committed the crimes, they do not hesitate to brutally beat the mice half to death and shoot limbs off, if not shoot them dead, with absolutely no mercy. They are overly enthusiastic in sprinting forwards with their batons to beat criminals unconscious in general. At one point there's a stun baton, and they deliberately use it in sensitive areas for extra effect.
Then again, later, a criminal elephant trying to murder a group of cops later is simply tranquilized, so make of that what you will. Although, honestly, the elephant is referred to as a citizen of the forest, and the mice are not. Which would actually rival Flower Hill's xenophobia on the matter, and they don't even have a war going on. Maybe. They have tanks in the forest in the reboot outro?
We noticed a weird issue with the clinking of shackles and chains on arrested prisoners being one of the loudest and crispest sounds in the audio.
There's also the fact that Black Cat will reveal to the public that a prisoner committed a terrible crime, but declare them innocent based on the fact that the crime was 'only in their nature' and they couldn't help it. Which is a very strange thing to say, feels weird, and also suggests that the mice trying to steal and kill everyone were making a choice which is why (according to whatever lesson is being taught here) they 'need' to be punished so brutally and killed without mercy (the elephant and company needed a mineral in the laterite bricks they were stealing, so they were 'only ' sentenced to heavy labor so to speak).
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They start talking about using interpol to track down Lǎobǎn at one point.
Which means I think it would be pretty interesting if Lǎobǎn managed to escape to Flower Hill or something like that, and the cats were the Special Forces of the Rabbit Village police. Or the surviving mice could end up with the Weasel Unit and used a propaganda tools of 'this is why we hate Flower Hill, look what they did to your fellows' type thing.
Now as for the movie:
I'll be honest, there was no English release of the movie, so I watched it raw in Chinese while discussing it with rei-does-stuff and sah-headcanons. Maybe we can make a post of our live-blogging with each other later.
There's a Tumblr user named ernestelm who made a review on it, but it is one of those things where none of us would have bothered getting into Squirrel and Hedgehog if we listened without taking a look ourselves.
I'll have to rewatch the movie frame by frame with a deepl translator, but what I get is that a gorilla gets betrayed and floats off into space, and comes back with telekinesis and fireball magic he learned out there and wants revenge.
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Either way, he needs some sort of special green star gravity device so he can kidnap people in a museum, and enlists the help of Lǎobǎn for some reason (in case he gets captured or because he might be a local?). Except a pig kid sees this all happening, and Black Cat realizes that this kid has seen too much, and takes him into police custody for his own safety. Amazingly, he tells the parents he has to take the kid with him, from what I can tell.
It makes sense that the police would have Black Cat take care of the kid, since he has apparently always had a way with children.
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Side note: What is this character? We think it's a fennec fox? The ears don't look right enough to be a cat. I'm not even sure it's a living person, it might be a computer program. Black Cat sure does give commands into an electronic watch a lot.
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ernestelm is completely right about the duck/goose, though. I watched one of the most entertaining animations I've ever seen with meteors damaging a prison complex for six minutes, and then got hit with THAT voice. Maybe he is actually useful, I don't know yet, I'll need the translator. Not one of the police officers hesitates to follow his orders and start a musical number, which turns out of be a legitimate distraction, which means the singing was police protocol intended to confuse a target. Everyone keeps forgetting he can fly at crucial moments?
And why do unimportant characters have a different animation style near the end?
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(What is this? Why is it like this it looks like The Amazing World of Gumball?? Also reminds me of Pleasant Goat but these are not goats)
Black Cat Detective is just a slight bit expressionless as well. It would have been nice to see him actually in trouble or in distress like the original, instead of the calm to cocky attitude the whole time. Oh no, he's falling from very high up. Luckily the kid who hero worships the police enough to have studied their flying bikes, and whose father is a pilot, has been hanging around on said bike for just such an occasion. No peril at all.
The real question in the movie is this;
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They just casually happen to have a containment unit for the gorilla? Are superpowers and magic just a thing in the Black Cat Detective movie universe, and common enough that they have protocols for this? So many questions.
The city, plus the casual power containment unit, reminds me of Loonatics Unleashed, honestly. Someone could easily make a crossover out of this.
Funny enough, the three of us found that this cat police officer looks a lot like Geumsaegi or Commander Darami.
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There's always the idea that Black Cat Detective takes place in the same universe as Squirrel and Hedgehog. The amount of firepower these police officers have is far too much if they are not expecting a war to happen, even if they are referenced as a more elite unit. The implication is very interesting.
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Now, if I get to writing the Clever Raccoon Dog PSA fun series, which I headcanon as taking place in Flower Hill because it might be canon (they are both SEK anyway), I would most definitely have the main characters visit and do a ride along with Black Cat Detective (preferably in the cartoon series universe. They are fine with criminals being beaten up, heck they do it themselves!) for a chapter or two. It sounds like it would be fun!
The other one would take place in the movie universe. Maybe a kind of Jimmy Olsen situation with a mouse reporter who keeps getting into trouble, and Black Cat or other people in the police force have to keep saving him. Although, we still have that pig kid who wants to be a police officer, if I understand correctly. It actually sounds better if I just used the pig child continuously getting into situations and needing to be rescued by the police, all the while trying to balance school into the equation. Maybe he becomes a young deputy.
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asirensrage · 2 years
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So....I am way behind on things (to no ones surprise lol) but I did finish this one so far. I hope you enjoy it. I went with choice #3 from the Scary Story Prompts. Thanks for participating! FYI not edited by anyone but me. No physical characteristics given.
Rating: M Fandom: The Lost Boys Pairing: None... Warnings: Stalking. Talk about dead animals being left on a doorstep. Murder. Arson. Useless cops. Dark fic.
Heed the warnings.
Prompt: #3 “There's nothing the cops will do about your stalker, nothing they can do against your monsterish pursuer.”
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“Listen, kid,” the officer says. “People go missing here every week.” 
Your jaw clenches, unimpressed by the answer. There’s no interest there, no help. It sounds like an excuse. One they use for everything. “You don’t understand,” you say, tone hardening. “They bang on the doors at night. They drive by, howling at me and calling me outside. Dead animals are left on my doorstep!” 
The cop sighs but there’s still no sign of actual life in his eyes. He looks resigned, burnt out in this tourist trap of death. “Did you save the animals?”
“SAVE THEM? They’re buried! You can find them in my backyard!” 
“So you tampered with evidence,” he sighs. “Next time call us.” 
You try not to snap. Honestly, you do but the complete disregard for your case is pissing you off. You get that there are people missing but they don’t seem to get the concept that maybe this is going to lead you to be one of them! “Next time? Next time it might be my body you find instead of a dead cat! Fucking useless! ‘Serve and protect’, my ass!” you snarl before turning and storming off. You weren’t sure what you were expecting but help would have been nice. Hell, even some advice would have been useful instead of being told to call them when the next animal shows up dead. Like you haven’t been calling them every night the terrors show up and harass you. Last time the cops actually arrived, the voices were gone and you were the one told off for wasting their time. 
“No wonder everyone is dead or missing in this town,” you mutter as you leave. 
Arms crossed over your chest, you walk away from the police station. You barely slept anymore. The noises outside could last all night but the fact that there was never a sign of them when you opened the door to confront them was beginning to make you feel like you were insane. If it wasn’t for the dead animals, you’d believe it. Still, you didn’t know what to do.
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“Can’t you like…set up a video camera at your window or something? See if you can record it?”
“There’s only like a couple hours on a tape,” you say. “And there’s probably not a lot of light. All it would make out is the fact that someone’s passing by. Not like…actual details which is what I need.” You rest your head on your arms that are resting on the counter. You’re just so tired. If you could get a couple hours of sleep, uninterrupted sleep, maybe you’d be able to actually think properly. 
“Why don’t you come to my place?” Your friend offers. “Or we could go out of town!”
“We tried that,” you remind her. “Remember? They just…they followed.” You don’t even know how they knew where you were. The two of you had made plans at her place and left the same day. It was like the Terminator was after you. 
You don’t even know how many there are or if it’s one person with some high-powered flashlights running around. If it was one person, that would make sense why they kept somehow disappearing when you opened the door. They managed to hide every time. 
“I know, I just…I wish I could help.” 
“Yeah.” You close your eyes, not really willing to continue this conversation. It was just sad. You were beginning to think that it was inevitable that your face was going to end up on that missing board. You let your head fall against the counter. 
“What if you laid traps?” 
“Like what? Nails on the doormat?” 
“Or like tar on your walkway. Can you buy tar?”
“I think so. I’d have to subject myself to going to the hardware store.”
“Well, what’s worse? The hardware store where you have to deal with men thinking you’re incapable of doing anything or your stalker?” 
You’re actually tempted to think about it but you already know the answer. If only to save the pets of the neighbourhood. “The stalker.” 
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You listen to the advice from the owner of the hardware store and the old men who frequent it while you ward off the attempts to wrangle an invite to help you apply the tar to fix your driveway. Multiple people offered to either help or give you the number of someone they knew who did that kind of work. You refused them all. If you were actually fixing the driveway, you might have taken the information for one of the service places but seeing as you were going to try to lay it out to catch your stalker, you didn’t want to have to try to explain it. The last thing you ended up with was someone offering to help. With your luck, there would be a dead body on your doorstep next time, not an animal. Though, that might actually get the police’s attention…though they’d probably arrest you for the murder. God forbid they do some actual investigating. 
It takes hours. You’ve never been so thankful and so resentful that you live alone until now. The work would have been easier with help but at the same time, the only one you have to worry about walking on it is you. 
You manage to pass out on the couch with the tv on before the sun sets. It’s not long but the exhaustion overrides the anxious fear that tends to creep up as darkness falls. They only ever show up at night. It’s enough to make you question getting a night shift but the idea of walking home in the dark, knowing they’re out there, is enough to keep you from finding one. 
Something crashes against your door. You jolt up, suddenly wide awake. Heart pounding, you get up and move toward the door. You don’t know what you’re going to do but you need…You grab a knife. Just in case. 
There are noises coming from the door. It doesn’t sound like the usual laughter and thumps that are meant to scare you. 
“--the fuck is this?”
Someone is laughing hysterically. It doesn’t sound like the malicious laughter that has haunted you since this started. It sounds like they’re enjoying themselves. 
“Shut up!” the voice snarls. “I’m fucking stuck!” 
It was more than one person. Your heart climbs into your throat and despite knowing that you should call the cops, you just…you want to see who it is. You want to know if you know them. 
You don’t open the door though. You can’t bring yourself to do it. You feel like you can barely move, especially when you hear more voices. 
“Shouldn’t have landed,” a deeper voice says. 
“Fuck you!” the first voice shouts back. 
“She–” they continue to laugh, wheezing slightly. “She can hear us–”
“You going to open the door?” A different voice calls out. That’s four so far. “Since you caught a mouse.”
You don’t move, even as part of you wants to. Desperately. Fear overrides everything else though and you find yourself frozen in response. 
“Open the door,” the trapped voice tells you. 
“Yeah, come on. Come outside!” The voices echo slightly as if there are more of them and they seem louder than possible. As if they’re inside next to you. 
There’s a burst of laughter that rings through you and you jump slightly, realizing that you’ve somehow moved forward, your hand on the doorknob. You don’t remember moving. How often has that happened in the night? That you found yourself somewhere you didn’t choose to go.
“Come out pretty girl,” one of the voices calls again. 
“We want to play!” says another. Laughter echos again and you can’t help but shudder at the sound. 
“Leave me alone!” You mean to sound stern, threatening even. It comes out pleading. 
“And miss all the fun? Invite us in and we’ll talk.”
“I’m calling the cops!” 
That just makes them laugh again. “Do it,” one of them says. “We haven’t eaten yet.”
“Yeah, we can have you for dessert.” 
“Think she’s sweet enough?” You hear one of them ask. 
“We’ll find out.” 
“Come on out, sweet thing. Let us taste you.” 
You jolt back, your hand somehow suddenly on the doorknob. When did you unlock the door? You wouldn’t. You move back but the door opens even as you try to retreat. For once there’s someone standing there. Multiple people, staring at you. 
“You coming to join us?” one of them asks. The most striking thing about him is the bleach white hair and the intensity of his stare. 
“No,” you shake your head, trying not to give in to the urge to run. Something tells you they’ll follow. They always follow. 
“You will,” the dark haired one behind him says. You don’t even question how they’re not stuck. Only one of them looks like he’s struggling, the other blonde in the back. The rest just seem highly amused. But they’re standing there. Aren’t they?
You reach forward and slam the door before they can stop you. You shove your body against the door, terrified you won’t be able to lock it before they shove their way in. 
They don’t need to. It’s silent outside and that scares you more than their laughter. You don’t know what they’re planning if you can’t hear them but you’re not stupid enough to think that you’re safe. You call the cops regardless. At least so it’s on record. They make a promise to come check it out, but you know it won’t happen. They never come by unless it’s daylight. 
The window breaks with a crash, smothering the sound of the bottle that shatters as it hits your floor. Fire erupts in the room. You move before you can think, running out the door and away from the heat. 
You slam into a body. Hands grab your arms, keeping you from falling back. 
“There you are.” 
You look up in horror at the face staring down at you. All you register are fangs and ridges that don’t look human. 
“I win!” the thing calls out. A riot of curls form a mullet but it’s not…it looks like a monster. Some kind of special effects.
“Well, you know what that means,” a voice calls out. You glance around, looking at the men who suddenly surround you. They were men before, weren’t they? When they were at your door, they were human. But now..
The blond from before, the one who wasn’t stuck grins at the thing holding you. “You get first bite.”
“Aww man!” someone calls out but it doesn’t matter. All you see are teeth before something is biting you. You struggle, but he is like a vice holding you. As your sight goes dark, you hear that laughter again. 
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taglist: @burnincrown @raith-way  @chrissymunson @veetlegeuse  @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse
lost boys tag: @phantomenby @avengers-fixation @artaxerxesthegreat @henhouse-horrors @charlizekkelly @makepastanotwar13
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derangedhyena-zoids · 25 days
Oh I definitely agree re: anime dumbing them down. I think the closest we got with how Backdraft truly operated was the episode where they stole Liger and had Bit do a death match in the fiery arena, but even that was toned down. I’d love to see the exploration of corruption betwixt ZBC and BD, and within BD itself!
I bet they keep those records closely guarded, too?
Agreed, yhea. The show made what nods it could to the appropriate level of severity. But people should be somewhere between concerned by and terrified of Backdraft. These are literally folks whose hobbies include trying to steal all of your shit while murdering you for entertainment. ffs. (which should honestly be kept in mind as I pull out all the tiny violins for the various characters and their problems. they are all some stripe of responsible for peoples' deaths and suffering and have decided that's acceptable.) I would hand-wring and be all "imagine raising a child in such an environment and how they'd turn out" but, well Backdraft actually has remarkably little patience for internal matters becoming corrupt. The org is massively profitable, and huge amounts of money changes hands constantly. It goes back to 'please see: people getting treated decently within the org' - not being put at a disadvantage to begin with, and being given some baseline level of trust reduces the impetus to steal. Honor among thieves and all that. This doesn't mean there's 0% internal corruption - just anyone engaged in such matters knows they'd DAMN well keep it hidden or they're dead. Because crossing the org is generally dealt with both quickly and lethally. a meandering aside: part of the problem BD has developed is like... an ouroboros syndrome. Yes BD deals with a variety of external forces, both ally and enemy, but their most profitable clientele by far are the insanely rich fucks who not only pay to see, but bet on 0999 battles, with carnage and casualty being heavily incentivized. but... y'see, most of those clientele are the descendants of the families who started Backdraft... and some of the old guard is quite aware of this and sees the creeping drain of wealth from older families who've lost touch with the past. So the main schism lies between those two groups. as for broader corruption... There are "some" high-ranking ZBC/ZBGF people in the Committee of Seven - and likewise some high-ranking Backdraft people on the ZB* governmental Council (which I don't actually have an interesting name for, I've always just called it 'the Council' in my head.) Only a handful of folks are aware of this: what they do is balance a perpetual game of cat&mouse to sustain a healthy level of perceived tension between BD and ZB*/law enforcement This isn't to say there aren't people genuinely against either side, on both sides - there are. they have no idea that a lot of what goes on is illusory. the majority of everything is run by a handful of people. What this fundamentally means: 1) The ZBGF/ZBC is corrupt at its highest levels and has been for a while. So is Backdraft. Part of the degradation of Backdraft into bloodsport mafia happened because a number of old-money families moved into these highest positions of power... and there doesn't need to be a resistance when they've already "won." But weakening Backdraft at all could put its consistent, obscene income at risk. Nobody wants to do that. (This is why Sara is in so much trouble with basically everyone. She became aware of this, declared it bullshit, and basically tried to buck off the ZBGF/ZBC for good... while setting the stage for 'improvements' of her own. She didn't succeed, but rocked the boat nuked the boat, and people are pissed.) 2) The above set of people absolutely do things like tighten rules in sanctioned battles.... to make them more boring so the unsanctioned battles become even more appealing. 3) Both sides actually have the equivalent of secret arms races and are actually trying to gain some kind of advantage over the other, while acting like they're sticking to their side of the "deal." And yes, they absolutely keep those records guarded. The problem is they've lost their shine over the time they've been kept and people have lost knowledge of what could be/is recorded there. Only history nerds - like Alteil - would bother looking into them
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louthingg · 4 months
pls tell me about your favourite horror movies
idk much about the genre tbh because. i was quite easily freaked out as a kid/teenager so i just didnt watch any. but ive been trying to get into it more as an adult so i would appreciate some recommendations :)
i have an irl friend who is also really into horror movies and she gave me a list of them to watch
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the crossed out ones are the ones i have watched already. the others i havent got round to yet
ok !!!! so if im going to be completely honest, i havent watched that many for the reaosn you just stated. although the genre is a main special interest, i have always had a really really horrible scare tolerance which sucks. i do best with classic horror movies—ive watched a good chunk of those so heres what i recommend:
i will rate each movie on a 1 - 10 scale and then how scary i found it 1 - 100
american psycho — 9 / 10, 25%, autistic protag, CWs: a LOT of sex ( which is not relvant to the plot so you can skip through it ), blood, mild homophobia, implied cannibalism + torture
midsommar — have not watched but ive heard its good, id look the up the CWs
re animator — already on the list but !!!!!!!!!! 11 / 10, 5%, honestly just gross, my beloved little gay men, literally fits into half the horror subgenres ( body horror weird horror, slasher, etc ) CWs: A LOT OF GORE, 1 sex scene + a sexual assault scene which you can skip through ( neither are relevant to the plot ), has a predatory character
SAW 1 — 10 / 10, 60%, cannot explain to you how horrible and good this movie is at the same time. the budget looks like it was fuckign 0 dollars but OH MY GOD the acting and the plot im going insane. also little gay men again. CWs: mild drug use ( just cigs ) / reference to more serious addiction, child abuse ( not from a parent ), gore, depictions of people being driven to insanity
the birds — 8 / 10, 3%, honestly a really silly movie but i love it. it was slightly unsettling and i didnt trust birds for a few days ! CWs: a few jumpscares, child death, mild gore
psycho — 10 / 10, 20%, definetly was unnerving, made me nervous to take a shower for a bit ( youll see ), also !!!!! SUBTLE TRANSGENDER CHARACTER !!!!! be on the lookout :3 CWs: jumpscares, mild gore, child abuse, stealing ( idk if this is a CW lmao ), reference to drug usage / addiction ( i think ?? i can’t remember )
salad fingers — 10 / 10, 30%, not a movie but !!!!! i lvoe it. youtube horror series made by a single guy, has the craziest lore. i watched all of it in 2 days, very very cool and interesting, was unnerving made me uncomfy + was honestly just gross most of the time . CWs: gore, self harm, mild racism, jumpscares, auto( ? ) cannibalism
zero day — 10 / 10, 40%, very very niche low budget found footage film, literally the MOST incredible acting ever, extremely suspenseful, fed into my hyperfixation on guns / gun laws. CWs: ‼️‼️THIS MOVIE IS ABOUT A SCHOOL SHOOTING‼️‼️ ( and contains relentless talk of them !!!!! ), suicide / self harm, mild gore, depictions of severe mental illness, mention of bullying, child death
and im sure theres more that im forgetting lmao take what you will and let me know what you think !!!!!!! <3
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Anything else on the Nevermind family?
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CHIAKI: So your father let you see an R-rated film?
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Well not exactly, I think he was expecting me to pick a more child-friendly film and his film was starting so he didn't have time, I know mother was pretty cross with him but we did laugh about it as it was a mistake.
CHIAKI: Well at least there were no hard feelings...
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No and if asking, I do get along well with my other relatives; in fact my cousin, Gordana show me more horror films whenever I visit uncle Daniel which I was quite close to them.
CHIAKI: Gordana? hmm, I'm checking your family folder and it says that there is no family member named that - I did find Gordan, however.
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Oh wait, you did? I guess they didn't update it and using her dead name instead.
CHIAKI: A dead name...?
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Oh sorry, I'm sure you must be confused but the thing is that Gordana was transitioning around 2009, the thing is that Gordana was originally born a boy name 'Gordon' but was transition when I was going to enroll, we all been quite supportive of her for the transition as well when she discover this at 18.
CHIAKI: Right I see, thank you for the correction - I'll be sure to update the information, anyway can you speak about your relationship with your cousin?
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Well as say, me and my cousin were getting ready to watch a film...
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But she was also helping me calm my nerves as my coronation was coming quite soon and of course, I was nervous.
Date: October 11th, 2009
*As then the door open*
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Oh Sonia, how've you been?
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Wonderful, Gordana! Thank you for asking - I'm honestly quite excited to watch some horror movies and anime with you.
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Oh yes of course, come with me - we can start watching together.
*the 2 walk down the hall, seeing images which Sonia came across 2*
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So how has the transitioning so far?
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Been taking some medication which has been a bit hard to do, they say that my operation could start around spring, maybe March or April at the latest.
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To be honest I was nervous of how father and the rest of the family would respond given how other countries are far worse about this.
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Nonsense Gordana, you know that Novoselic is quite safe with LGBT rights and was one of the first country's to recognize trans people.
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After all, I think regardless of gender; your still quite beautiful and people should not judge you for that.
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Right... thank you, Sonia - at least the rest of the family have been quite supportive of my transitioning and honestly it was silly how it was for assuming the worse.
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Anyway, here we are - I got a bunch of movies and anime we can watch so pick whatever you like.
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Oh that's great, I really want to watch some anime and Japanese drama! *Sonia rushes over and looks at the set*
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Oh hey Gordana, what about this one? I really want to watch this one.
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Oh, death note? I suppose we can watch that, I suppose the mystery aspect gets you?
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Well yes, of course - as say I think the premise does look interesting and a lot of fun so let's watch that.
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Okay, let's do that then Sonia.
*Gordana sets the DVD which the 2 began watching...*
*After a couple of hours, they were finish the last episode...*
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...Goodness, so that's how Kira was caught.
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Right... honestly I felt it was more exciting when L was alive, I think their rivalry was the best part.
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Right, honestly I feel the same too; I think Light had a pretty good rival but still a really good mystery no doubt.
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And my birthday is coming up, honestly I'm rather nervous...
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Right... your going to be coronated as your mother's heir, correct?
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chibivesicle · 2 years
Trigun Stampede - Episode 7 - with a title like ‘WOLFWOOD’, I was expecting him to die.
Yet, he is still very much alive at the end of the episode.  He saved the orphanage - cue manga plot line to die.  However, this wasn’t his second showdown with Livio; can’t have him dying just yet can we?
As I’ve said before, and I will continue to say, the technical aspects of this series are top notch.  The smooth fight scenes, the great facial expressions, especially from Meryl in this episode.  Yet, the payoff from the events of this episode ring hollow to me.  But that is continuing on if the payoff is earned or not.  And with all that introduction of the Bad Lads Gang, we don’t even get to see B.D.N. as an older fan, I have to admit that was a disappointment, he was a good villain who added to the character dynamics and helped flesh out Vash’s character early on. But before that, I’ll respond to some comments on last week’s post - I’m always bad about getting back to comments on posts - apologies. ^^;;  One comment was on how Wolfwood and Vash don’t need to become friends since it is Wolfwood’s job to take Vash to Knives.  That is totally correct - however, the ‘98 anime and manga both make it a point that Wolfwood and Vash become friends as it adds to their character development. Wolfwood realizes his guilt and also finds peace with his decisions because he became friends with Vash.  And Vash respected him in both either by literally carrying his cross in the anime in the final showdown with Knives or by using his own life force/span to blow a hole in Knives’ ark just to show him Wolfwood’s dead body on the couch while looking very pissed off.  Either way Wolfwood’s own actions that result in his death spur Vash into action. Another comment was about how I’m guessing this season is 12-13 episodes - I’m going by the fact that a lot of anime now are split into two parts for a single ‘season’ and they pace them out this way e.g. Spy x Family, LOGH:DNT etc.  It just reflects a change in the animation industry instead of the 90s where they would contractually agree with a studio to make seasons that were either 24-26 episodes long in one go or as long as 36-40.  Hence the use of recap and filler episodes, though I personally feel that the original Trigun does not suffer from ‘pointless filler’, it was clever in the story and character development.  I haven’t been gleaning the Japanese sources with much vigor since I’m not that into Trigun Stampede to care that much.  I think a comment on one of posts mentioned it might be a current 9 episodes for this part from Studio Orange.  I care enough about Stampede to give it a college try and watch it but at this point, it won’t hold much re-watch weight when I could go back to the original or read the manga again and enjoy it.
The last comment was similar to the first one, and I agree as well that Wolfwood really is stuck between a rock and a hard place.  He has to suck it up and do what he’s told to prevent other children from the fate he and Livio have come to experience.  There is just so much we can discuss about this and I love hearing back from other people and the different ways to look at things.
Okay, onto episode seven!
The episode starts off with everyone panicking as the Sandsteamer is off course and under attack.  And it is heading straight for Hopeland.  Cue Wolfwood panic even further!  The map labels the Hopeland Orphanage but the dialogue indicates it is also a town.
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Which is it Studio Orange?  Honestly, it would have been best to label it as the town of Hopeland and note it has an orphanage through context than making that the key landmark.  It reads oddly.  The original stated that the Church orphanage is located 300 iles from December according to Wolfwood.
Wolfwood has a lot of angst trying to figure out what to do, lashing out at the Bad Lads members and then goes back to fighting Livio while telling Vash to flee.
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Again, the fight sequence between Wolfwood and Livio is brutal and the July MPs remark that the two of them are monsters.  It seems that Livio has some sort of built in regeneration system that we can’t see and Wolfwood decides he has no choice but to kill him.
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While this is happening, the Bad Lads gang is raiding the Sandsteamer and not really doing that much honestly.  They are doing a hit and run.  No B.D.N. - personal sadness.
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Instead of disguising themselves as Bad Lad members, it seems that one of the two of them sweet talked them to spare them to report for an ‘Outlaw’ magazine.  We have Meryl taking pictures of them as they pose during the raid.
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Since Meryl is pretty quick witted, I’m guessing she’s the one who came up with the idea and Roberto is just rolling with it based on his  body language.  But hey, they aren’t dead!  That’s a plus.
Then Vash shows up knocking out all sorts of Bad Lads making his way to Roberto and Meryl.
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The group briefly chat about why they are there as Vash thought they drove off back towards July on their own.  We have him using his gun as a blunt object along with his robotic arm.  I guess when he ran away from Wolfwood, his goal was to just knock out as many of them as possible?  It is unclear what his objective is other than this is the way the writers have him run into Meryl and Roberto.  This shows off that he’s ‘not human’ according to Roberto and they don’t explain to him that they are still following him either.
He then continues down the hall taking out more Bad Lads with his knock them out strategy.
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We do see Vash do this in the ‘98 anime (and in the manga) in the episode ‘Hang Fire’ with his famous terrible song about slaughter and genocide but the crux of that story was him begging a father wanting to kill the man who raped and murdered his daughter not to.  He kicks a freakkin’ rocket grenade with his foot and takes out men with his long colt 45 instead of shooting them.
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The action returns to Wolfwood and Livio.  We had more 2D flashbacks about them and Wolfwood is resolved to take him out by insulting him and pretending him like he does care.  Livio gets emotionally stunned and when he goes to shoot him at point blank range, his shot is knocked off course and destroys Zazie’s monitoring insect.
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This is where he turns to Vash in shock, since this is one of the few times Vash has fired his gun in the entire series.  Of course it is to protect Wolfwood and Livio.
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Vash keeps pushing him to try to find a way to connect with Livio and Wolfwood fights him until he can damage the weird mind control device on Livio’s face.  He pop back into awareness and realizes that Wolfwood is his older brother, Nick and it looks like they might get him.
But all of the brainwashing from the Eye of Michael kicks in and he staggers about pointing his guns at Roberto, Meryl, Vash and Wolfwood . . . before he snaps and shoots himself in the head and falls off the steamer.  Tis a flesh wound.  We know Livio will be back later.
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Wolfwood is clearly concerned and looks over the railing and notices a car that he knows is likely Legato and others.  However, he doesn’t share this critical information with others and instead angsting alone for a moment.
It then reveals that Legato is in the mood for some monologue time to state that Wolfwood’s ‘lack of faith’ is an issue and in order to get him to serve Knives better they need to destroy everything he cares about; Livio and the orphanage.
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Once Wolfwood no longer has these important connections, it will be no problem to control him.  [sighs] If you say so less nihilistic version of Legato.  In the last episode we already had Legato establish that this version of Wolfwood has a very strong will and attachment to others, he should realize that this likely will backfire on him. 
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What is throwing me for a loop is that Legato is the ‘religious’ one in this version.  That was squarely Wolfwood’s thing in the manga and ‘98 anime.  He seems to (based on his dialogue) believe that faith in something is greater than emotions.  Yet, in this episode, we do get some actual anger from him in his voice as well as a more sinister facial expression indicating our bad boy has emotions.
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The religious fervor continues with his mannerisms as he decides to force his hand, literally.  If the Bad Lads Gang, Livio and Wolfwood can’t do the job, then he will do it.
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This does appear to be very tongue and cheek dialogue from him, but I’m disappointed.  I miss ultra-nihilistic Legato Bluesummers.  He seems to be going through somewhat villain motions, but is missing that sick and twisted edge that made him as creepy as fuck in the original works.  I’m also missing his Knives worship.  We have no indication that he’s a man craving validation from a person he’s obsessed with.  Granted, we didn’t get that early on either, but he made it clear he was there for Knives’ agenda.
What is his ultimate plan?  Trigger the ship’s ion cannon to fire at the city and plow into it as well!  Wow!  I’m sorry, this is again lazy writing.  We are going to have Vash info dump for once, stating that the Sandsteamer is a modified spaceship, it still has it’s ion cannon and it was used to clear large rocks back in the day.  And he knows how to operate parts of it and busts into all sorts of unused rooms.
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Oh noes!  We need to make the drama 110%, Vash declares that they have no choice but to try to manually override things.  I would like to note during this entire course of events, Legato is just twiddling his thumbs thinking he’s done the job.  Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched man.
Vash decides he’ll figure out how to mess with the cannon and ask Wolfwood to break into some sort of area to try to manually hold it back?
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When we see Vash using the cargo container cranes to pull force on the ion cannon, and the moon in the background, I figured this was the new version of the Fifth Moon in Augusta.  Since we don’t know if Vash can make his angel arm in this version, he’d blow a hole in the Fifth Moon with the ion cannon.
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While Vash works on mechanically messing with the canon poor Wolfwood is having a melt down trying to do the impossible. 
Meanwhile, Meryl is in the control room for the ion cannon with the fire lever before her.
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Roberto makes his move and tells her it is time to go.  They had a deal to pull out when it was too dangerous.  He found an escape vehicle and orders her to take it.
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She looks serious and hesitant.
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He reminds her what her job is and that she is not a hero and is just a normal person.  We can tell they are leading up to some sort of confrontation between the junior and senior reporters.
Poor Wolfwood is there pushing on a giant ion cannon losing his mind.  This plot point is bonkers.  I get this is sci fi and that Wolfwood can heal quickly but super strength wasn’t in his background right?  Or not that we’ve seen. 
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The conflict boils over when Meryl takes her stand to not be passive or run away!  She calmly says she can’t abandon them and that she doesn’t judge Roberto for running either.
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But the events at Jeneora Rock shook her to her core.  She can’t be passive and has been feeling frustrated since those events.  Meryl has guilt for not being able to prevent Tonis from being injured and she sees it as her fault that he lost an arm.
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She declares that she’s staying right here in the chance that she’ll be able to make a difference.  Honestly, Roberto doesn’t have much to say back to her and thankfully, he doesn’t.
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This entire sequence shows where Studio Orange kills it with her facial expressions.  They are good, incredibly good.  It also further shows that Meryl is also taking on aspects of Milly by caring about others and doing the ‘right’ thing to help out others even if it took her some time to get to this point.  Studio Orange - I give you one point for actual character development for her.
Vash rushes down to help out Wolfwood.  He tells him that he does have something he cares about and Wolfwood pretends to be obtuse while they strain to try to push the ion cannon.
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We see it strain his robotic arm which cracks and sizzles with electricity as well.  He’s working it to the max.
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This entire scene gives Vash time to talk to Wolfwood as he tries to connect and humanize Wolfwood.  However, the sheer physics of this is crazy.  Even with a special robotic arm, they aren’t going to make that much of a difference. Yet somehow, they are able to nudge it just enough that when it reaches maximum charge, Meryl discharges the cannon.
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Based on what happens it appears that the wrapped cargo crane cables and the collapsing of the arms created enough of a counter force that once they hit the ground it was able to pull it back and out of range until the discharge was complete.
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I know this is a sci fi series, but the physics of this had me feeling a bit whaaaa?  We’ve been sticking to more logical rules in this series; this was out of place to an extent.  Additionally, Legato, why weren’t you trying to counter them more?  Twiddling your thumbs I presume?  Feeling superior?
Of course the crisis isn’t averted yet!  Now, they need to stop the Steamer from colliding with the town.  Wolfwood wants to blow it up taking himself with it.  He vaguely taps into past Wolfwood’s need to choose the needs of the many as opposed to the needs of the few highlighted in ‘Escape from Pain’.
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Yet, Vash gets him to stand down despite his vow that Vash can’t save people without hurting others.
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Vash then sends Wolfwood to the engine room and he runs off to the plant room.  This was briefly shown in the last episode, so we know the ship is powered by an individual plant.
Wolfwood becomes Kaite, and using his ability to heal, is able to open the hot pressure release door.  We see all the other men sitting down looking at their hands and hot gloves unable to hold on long enough.
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I missed the original plot point with B.D.N and the Sandsteamer.  With the inclusion of Kaite, we see how Vash is able to convince someone to not be hopeless and to make a difference.  It also leveraged the point that Kaite was small enough to climb to reach the release lever and it just takes a normal amount of human force.
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It is through this nudging to action part that Vash is able to influence others to act, even when at times we know he’s being passive about the big picture for himself.
Vash then goes to the plant to get it to power down and stop the out of control Sandsteamer.  Like in previous versions, he places his hands on the tank and requests assistance from the plant.
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The Sandsteamer comes to a stop just before hitting the town and Legato decides to give up for the moment.  He orders Zazie to retrieve Livio from the desert ground.
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A sandstorm then appears, prompting Legato to ask if this is Zazie’s work which they deny.
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The sandstorm moves in on the Sandsteamer.  This time we have a real sandstorm as opposed to the one that never happened in episode three and also contrasts with the town that didn’t see wind power twenty-five years ago.  I’m still not over the there is no wind in the desert plot point.
At the end of the episode the gang meets up to realize the only place Vash could be is the plant room.  We see him hand to hand with the plant.  The plants have lost their angelic design and instead look like the aliens from Avatar.  Well sort of - or elves.
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Vash turns to look at them and his face reveals the plant markings where in shock Meryl states that Vash is - a plant?
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The episode ends with him looking at them before it goes black and he passed out collapsing to the floor.  We have confirmed Vash’s plant identity.  It seems like they were going for the same look of shock Meryl had to the Trigun Maximum manga when he uses his angel arm to deflect a bullet from hitting Meryl and she loses it.
Summary of this episode and some main points:
1.) Our team finally scores a win.  Mark them one point in the W column! This was such a long time coming.  I don’t consider the victory of the Nebraskas to count since it was just a sign of the doom to come.
2.) Wolfwood is at least getting some humanizing points.  He’s been forced into a corner and finally stops to listen to Vash and back him up.  Though it is with some reservations of course. 
3.) Hope does hold out.  It is hope that saved Hopeland.  That is rather heavy handed Studio Orange!  But that is the kinda of don’t worry viewer we will hand feed you the cheese are what you are going for with this series.  And the ion cannon plot point - you know that they have to save the day with the paradoxical pacing in this anime. 
4.) Religious elements in this series utterly baffle me.  I don’t know where they are going with this.  It is clear they didn’t get the original.  I’m still sitting on an ask in my inbox about the religious element to the original series - it will require a longer reply than I have had time to do at the moment but it will come.  Mainly, since the Christian elements can be read multiple ways and it is rather open to interpret in that context depending on your own knowledge of the base material. My main vibe is that by making Legato the religious one it just seems - oddly confusing.  He’s a villain and does not have a moral dilemma that stems from his religious upbringing. I just don’t get why he’s the one reading the bible and going on about faith in some sort of higher power (Knives?) it seems OOC for him. 
Character notes!
1.) Vash - fired his gun to save Livio!  However, the rest of the time he used it to stun Bad Lads.  So booooooo.  What I’m really missing is that Vash is a skilled gunslinger.  We have almost no indication of his skills.  He was able to deflect Wolfwood’s shot and he’s had a few early on, but he’s not giving us his awesome tricks and skills.  That is all being carried by Wolfwood at the moment.  I felt it gave greater weight to Vash’s ability to use his long colt AND manage to not kill someone.  It really made his vow to not kill more obvious in the manga and original anime.  The series is called Trigun and it is about an infamous outlaw with a huge bounty on his head and is known to be an excellent marksman.
2.) B. D. N. or Brilliant Dynamites Neon - doesn’t show up!  Major disappointment!  I was expecting him to get into the mix with a Wolfwood vs. Livio and Vash vs. B. D. N. showdown; no dice. I was excited for that outcome when episode six ended. There was no high stakes gamble on a one to one showdown at the toss of a coin.  Which Yasuhiro Nightow loves characters flipping American quarters and half dollars btw. 
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That look from Vash as he emerges from behind the rubble!
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His carefully aimed shots that make their mark!
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And then how B. D. N. saves him from being crushed by zapping the rock when he realizes how injured Vash is and also saves the day.
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The absence of B. D. N. also highlights how Vash impacts the behavior of others for the better.  He always respects them and it shows that people respond to that.  Again, it gives Vash better and stronger arguments for his personal code of conduct.
3.) Meryl and Roberto - Our lone female lead carries her weight!  And is able to contribute to the win for our core group.  She shows character development, thinking of more than just her story and job and looking back on her resume which Roberto threw out the car window.  Is following through on making a difference!  I again think the animation for her facial expressions was top notch here. I don’t know who is in charge of her story boarding for expression but they need to be paid more.  Roberto is a sad sack.  Yet, I guess being a sad sack works in this episode.   He seemed rather passive this episode.  Not sure why.  Where is old and bitter uncle info dump?
4.) Wolfwood - doesn’t die upon saving the orphanage.  We have no idea if he’ll die after showdown number two with Livio.  I was expecting him to die with our episode title, but instead, Stampede leaned into this episode of the Wolfwood Show again.  I know he is a fan favorite and very popular, yet Studio Orange isn’t leveraging his character as much as they could and should be doing.  But since he’s now an atheist, his original guilt is lacking from the anime and manga.  He’s only now using the argument of finding the lowest number of casualties for the greater good.  Which seems late pacing wise and also OOC for him.
Or as my friend Merdopseudo says, he’s not Wolfwood, he’s Fakewood.  I agree that this character is not even close to him from the ‘98 anime or Trigun Maximum. Yet, suddenly, he’s starting to notice that Vash’s idea might work. And is willing to give him a chance - I guess after they stopped the cannon and that Vash got him to confuse Livio.  Those two events are enough for Wolfwood to feel that he owes Vash one and will follow through with his plan to stop the Sandsteamer.  Does it feel earned?  I dunno, maybe if you squint enough.  5.) Legato - got angry and is religious.  Right.  We see him raise his voice and get visibly angry and try to do things himself but at the same time, he doesn’t follow through fully.  Which means you failed man.  What happened to your dedication to sparkle motion? -er- I mean your dedication to the mission of Knives? I am bummed out, I wanted nihilistic Legato.  Was he so confident that he thought he could let things happen without keeping the pressure on Vash and Wolfwood?
6.) Livio - has an unhealthy younger brother relationship with Wolfwood.  He was almost able to snap out of it and it looks like he was brainwashed by Chapel in the very hard to see flashback about his job.  Using the trope of ‘I have to catch up to X character!’ is so over used and I don’t like it being applied to him in particular.  Minus one for generic writing Studio Orange.  Additionally, there is no indication that Razlo the Tri-punisher exists.  We can see that he killed people in the flashback but it is not enough information since it is through Wolfwood’s flashbacks in Trigun Maximum that we first get an indication of Razlo’s existence.  Wolfwood is the one who watches him and notices the disconnect and then doesn’t know what happens when he runs away.
7.) Zazie - present.  We get to see an insect pulled out of their mouth.  Better than a vagina I guess [shrugs].
And with that I’ve hit all the points that struck me.  The episode ends with a sandstorm and Vash collapsing.
I’m going to guess that the sandstorm is generated by the lone remaining Seeds ship that hasn’t crashed to the planet’s surface and that they were tracking events and located Vash there.  They will use the sandstorm to pull the core group onto the ship, Vash will get a new arm from the Doctor. He’ll also meet up with Brad and Luida on the ship.
We only have a few episodes left, but the crazy pacing continues.
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First it was rats, now it was pirates. What would be next, dinosaurs? It could be fun, but Martyn couldn’t worry about something like that now. He had just gotten here and had no idea where to even start his quest. Well that was the quest Doc had given him. The quest he currently, at this very moment, had set out to do also wasn’t going very well. He’d found the island that was supposed to be overrun by monsters, but as of now he just found a very big sandy pit with a bit of salty water at the bottom. That, and a large and mysterious temple on the end of a crumbling bridge. Any smart man might’ve steered clear of that temple, but Martyn wasn’t particularly smart. He also needed to find that shard and it would sure be a shame if he missed it because he didn’t search this place thoroughly.
Martyn sheeted his somewhat primitive sword and started to, carefully, traverse the long bridge. He could take the long way around, along the coast, or the more difficult way through the pit below him, but he was always in for a bit of adventure. The structure had withstand the test of time for so long, so it could hold for another half an hour. Hopefully. At the first proper hole in it, Martyn dared to look down. The height made him dizzy and in the depths below he could see small movements of probably – hopefully – some harmless animals.
The jump wasn’t very far, so with a small runup Martyn made it easily. He wasn’t afraid of a bit of parkouring, he’d done enough of that over the antics Doc had thrown him into. This was like a walk in the park. Martyn kicked a lose pebble and it skit of the bridge and into the water far below. That was what he assumed at least, because he lost sight of it.
All of this could’ve turned out a lot worse. The weather was nice in this game, the NPC’s could be a bit abrasive but what was new? The only struggle was that for now, there did not seem to be a clear path to take apart from the quests given to you at the start. There was that weird, purple island where some people took that Guqqie person, but other than that there was little to go off on. Martyn needed to get back there at some point, but he’d lost the coordinates. A sloppy mistake, honestly, he could almost hear Doc scolding at him.
The next gap in the bridge was a bit larger and Martyn was so lost in thought he almost slipped and fell. Almost being the key word here, because he caught himself rather unflattering and made it across. Nobody was around the see him, luckily, as it must’ve looked quite embarrassing.
Martyn crossed the bridge and took a moment to look at the large building carved into the side of the rocky shore. It had a nice, sandstone color to it and was impressive to say the least. There seemed to be a singular entrance, covered in darkness and Martyn could only assumed it led down into the earth. He’d seen temples like this before and it reminded him of a gigantic temple in a jungle he once called home. He couldn’t help but smile to himself, he had font memories of that place. He’d failed to locate a shard there in the end, but the NPC’s were fun and the story of the game was nothing but excellent. Martyn still thought the one dimension left unexplored to him held the shard, but he just hadn’t come around to it. A shame, but there was nothing to be done about it now.
As Martyn approached the entrance of the structure, a cold breeze blew in his face. It smelled stale, nothing like the fresh ocean breeze he had quickly grown used to. It didn’t smell of death, which was a plus in Martyns book. Looking down the seemingly endless stairs, he did see a small light at the end of it. This could be the arena of a boss fight and while Martyn wasn’t sure if he was up for that just yet, he set off down the stairs. Sand and stones crushed beneath his feet and Martyn held his hand to the wall of the staircase to keep his footing. It was dark here and he didn’t think to take a torch with him. He treaded down carefully, making sure to hold at every sound he heard. Those sounds mainly originated from him, but he’d better be careful. Chances were he was about to step on a trap and he wasn’t willing to kill himself on this first quest he’d taken.
He suppressed a shiver as the temperature dropped. He was well under the earth by now so he shouldn’t be surprised. He wrapped his hands around his upper arms, letting go of the wall and continued his way down slowly.
“Doc, I swear on everything I’m not going around a million temples again,” Martyn muttered to the cold air. “Give me some variety, please. It’s been ages since a nice and simple platformer, or are we after one of those big shards again?”
There was no way of knowing, because Doc barely communicated with him. Martyn knew it was difficult to do so, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be annoyed by it. But, he was working on getting Martyn out of this so he couldn’t complain all to much. Well, Martyn was hoping Doc was working on it, he had no actual proof of it. Then again, what else was he to do?
The stair ended in a room smaller then what Martyn had participated initially. Maybe this wasn’t a room for a boss fight after all, but just a location of interest. It was dimply lit by a torch and some candles on the ground. It struck Martyn odd they were lit, but he wasn’t going to complain about it. Martyn inspected the floor and wall and once he couldn’t see any imminent danger he set foot in the chamber. No trap sprung, nothing happened and he let out a sigh of relief. There wasn’t much to this, so he walked to the other side of the room to find a closed door. He pushed it, of course, but nothing happened to it. He turned around to find a divot in the middle of the room, and it was a small place to put an object. Martyn looked from it back to the door, piecing together that there must be some sort of item to open the door. He had very little on him at the moment, the most precious thing to him right now was his sword. He pulled out a stick and stuffed it in there, but to no one’s surprise nothing happened.
“I’ll keep this one in mind,” Martyn muttered to himself as he pushed up from the ground. Something of interest would happen here eventually, he was sure of it, but for now it must still be locked away behind story advancement. Martyn had deemed this as a bit more of a sandbox game, but apparently not.
He should really make sure to get his footing in this environment. He hoped he took the right option at the start, to align his interest with those that liked money and treasure. If anybody would know something about crystals, it would be them. Martyn couldn’t wait for Guqqi to return from whatever they had embarked on to talk to them about it. They hadn’t been exactly nice to him, but if they could help him to his goal he’d deal with it. If a mean NPC was the worst he would have encounter here, he could handle it.
Back to the task at hand. He’d gotten down here, but he had to get back up to the surface again as well. That meant climbing these stairs, which he wasn’t looking forward to. Why could it never be easy, just for one time?
Just something silly I pulled out of nowhere while watching Martyns VODs of PiratesSMP. I love me some lore
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House Isekai: A "brief" Summary
TLDR: It is a Fire Emblem: Three Houses crossover with a bunch of different games/animes that spiralled into a coherent story, focusing on character interactions and action.
So throughout the og blog and this one, i've made several references of House Isekai, but never went too in depth of what it actually was.
That changes today, since I'm in the mood to write for it, and luckily, most of the things I write for are already part of this blog, so you'll have some understanding of who everyone is!
That being said, it dramatically helps if you've played/watched Fire Emblem: Three Houses, since 3H is the media that connects all of these series together.
If you haven't, I have one meme to say to you.
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As for the full story of this series inception, it's under the cut!
For those unfamilliar with Three Houses, Byleth (the player) is chosen to become a professor for one of three classes, The Black Eagles, Blue Lions, and Golden Deer. Eventually, a war breaks out that pitches each country the classes are from against one another.
Your character had the power of God, Sothis, infused into you, and you were the deciding factor in the nation you chose winning the war.
A very important bit is that thanks to Sothis, Byleth was able to turn back time. Gameplay wise this just meant you could rewind a turn to play it out differently, and strangely enough, no story consequence came out of this. But we'll come back to this.
Before House Isekai, I had written several other AU's for 3H, Red vs Blue, Monster Hunter, Rune Factory 4, Warhammer 40,000, and most famously, a Child Byleth AU. While it was fun, and Child Byleth had a lot of things written for it, they didn't explode into their own universe.
House Isekai spawned because of anon asking what would happen if the Konosuba gang was in Three Houses, which brings us here!
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The original House Isekai consisted of 8 groups from different series:
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 5
Trails of Cold Steel
The whole premise was that these groups dropped in out of nowhere, and it kept happening so often, that all the offworlders formed their own House and was a fourth class besides the Black Eagles, Golden Deers, and Blue Lions.
Byleth, alongside many colorful characters, became the staff of House Isekai.
It was mostly jokey/fun ideas of how these characters could interact the ones from 3H and each other, spawning other joke au's like Animal Crossing, Subnautica, ETC. This continued on about a year or so.
But then a lot of people were wondering how House Isekai would handle the timeskip. The original plan was to write that, but honestly it would've been an absolute curbstomp and a Golden Ending to the original 3H plot. However, I felt like that wasn't really fitting since it was intentionally impossible to get a happy ending for everyone.
But then, I got an idea.
Earlier before the crossover existed, I had written an evil Byleth storyline where he became the villain that the three nations had to fight. In that story, Byleth had rewinded time to go through all the routes in the game, and decided that becoming the evil was the only way to stop the wars.
That story ended with Byleth dying, and the three nations achieving peace.
It was here I thought, "why don't I expand on this even more?" And decided to make House Isekai part of that storyline, birthing House Isekai: Shadowbringers. (I was also playing FFXIV at the time, so to say I was inspired by it would be an understatement. I straight up stole a lot from FFXIV LMAO)
Now, instead of losing, Byleth accidentally won and doomed the entire world into a slow death. To fix his mistakes, he created "The Zanado Tower", and with the help of Sothis, reversed time to where even he would forget what happened. But this fucked up dramatically due to reversing time too much at this point, breaking reality, and what led to each group showing up.
Every group showed up one at a time with Byleth, and went to the endgame with him before time reset by itself, doing the whole process again but with another group. The only catch, is that Byleth remembered each loop.
With the final loop, every group showed up at once creating House Isekai and the "golden ending". Only for that Golden Ending to show signs that time was about to reset, which led to the discovery of the Zanado Tower.
Deciding to try again, Byleth and Sothis reset time manually while inside there, causing it to catastrophically malfunction. They then realized they were still there, and found out they had accidentally created another copy of Byleth, where events were playing out normally for him with no knowledge of any time loop beforehand.
To MASSIVELY gloss over the story, Shadowbringers concluded with both Byleth's dying in a duel to the death, and with the cycle broken, time began to flow normally, leaving House Isekai without their professor.
Using the tower, each group said farewell. There is no memory wipe, everyone keeps their knowledge of their time with House Isekai and went to continue their adventures at home.
Thus leading us to: House Isekai: A Realm Reborn, which is where the storyline is currently at.
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Including cameos from the original House Isekai, it was now led by Byleth's Mother, and included:
Trails of Cold Steel III
Genshin Impact
Halo 3: ODST
Warhammer 40,000
and 3H Original Characters
This formed the new and current House Isekai.
Two years after Shadowbringers, Sitri calls for aid and Towa, Kazuma, Rean, and Aigis answer, with everyone else dropping out of nowhere similar to the old house.
The Main threat this story is remnants of 3H villains, and Separatists of the Empire nation (Black Eagles).
And that's it. As for actual content, while the character interactions were very fun, in my opinion, I needlessly rushed it, and the quality is not at all what I wanted the end result to be like it was in my head.
But if there's one thing I am proud of still, is taking the ungodly amount of characters and forming meaningful relationships with one another in a way that made sense for everyone, and still kept in character. The Character interactions were the best part of House Isekai.
Which brings me to the next topic!
With a cast this big, there were bound to be the ones who were most famous and constantly asked for/in the most imagines.
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In no particular order:
Sara Valestein, Towa Herschel, Rean Schwarzer (Trails of Cold Steel),
Aqua, Kazuma (Konosuba),
Akira Kurusu, Yu Narukami (Persona),
Megumi "Megu-nee" (School-Live!),
and Doomguy (DOOM), were the most famous.
Whether it be solely for their personalities, the way they interacted in-House/ with 3H characters, they were always a blast for me to write and everyone loved them.
Funnily enough, Aqua, who is the most annoying to me and everyone scored number one in a best girl poll, followed by Laura of Cold Steel, and Kasumi of Persona 5.
It was also thanks to House Isekai I introduced MANY people to the respective series, Cold Steel and School-Live! being the lesser knowns brought to the limelight.
I actually once overtook the 3H imagines tag with Megumi with her being recommended and that's the funniest thing in the world to me still.
Towa was the mascot of House Isekai, old and new, and given the chance, the mascot of Genshingorls.
AND NOW that's the """"""brief"""""" history of House Isekai covered, both in-lore and meta.
So, What do you guys think?
Feel free to request anything from House Isekai since this is my legacy, and I know some folks have been DYING for me to continue while I've been writing Genshin over here.
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kaxenart · 2 years
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Today was a dull day at work and I had nothing to do but contemplate upon @captainknell and @usergreenpixel 's remarks upon dragons as medical helicopters.
The bridle is based on a cross-under bridle design because I have a lot of feelings about animal tack and since dragons breathe fire, a bridle with a bit would potentially be inappropriate depending on the mechanisms at play for dragonfire, how hot dragonfire is, and I dunno man, it seems not ideal to heat a piece of metal and then close one's mouth upon it.
I like dragons, but they do not feature in Handsome Hussars because I like horses more (and nearly everyone does horses in a manner I find unsatisfactory, so I feel like it's more important to add to the pool of Horse Content for Horse Girls Who Chose Violence).
Also making dragons balanced and not too deus ex machina OP for a preindustrial/not-entirely-industrial/anyone-without-a-bazooka society is kind of annoying.
I feel like a lot of writers pick the DRAGONS MUST HAVE A MAGICAL DESTINY BOND WITH THE RIDER/HANDLER trope which honestly butts up too much with my distaste for All You Need Is One Special Guy tropes.
While it is much easier to ride a horse with whom you have a working relationship, a soldier can basically grab any horse in a pinch.
It seems like a logistical disaster to have animals only one person can ride. Like even without death... like people have sick days and stuff???? Dragons probably also have sick days????
Like how highly aggressive dogs who hate almost everyone are a management disaster in progress at animal shelters.
Even at less dangerous levels, animals that like exactly one person tend to have way more stress when their one person has to leave for whatever reason. Or in the case of a not-particularly-bright dog, being worried going to the bathroom is actually Leaving Forever.
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chronicas · 1 year
People stop calling NA spiders deadly. There’s so so few deaths that can be attributed to Latrodectus and Sicariidae. They are MEDICALLY SIGNIFICANT and you should absolutely go to a doctor if bit (and bring the spider with you), but they’re NOT (likely) gonna kill you.
Calling things deadly is often times misinformed at best and intentional fear mongering at worst.
If I’m remembering my research correctly there has not be w single death attributed to either genus in North America in the last ~40 years.
However there IS a lot of debate between medical researchers and arachnologist on the data that surrounds bites and how verifiable it is. Which is why it’s so important to catch a spider and bring it with you in the case or envenomation. So deaths can’t be ATTRIBUTED to a spider, but unless the person saw the spider and was able to confirm it, we can’t considered that a verified bite.
Honestly I’d recommend catching any spider that you can see bit you and at least holding onto it for a day if you’re comfortable with catching spiders. You could keep spiders in a jar for a couple days and most of the time they’ll be fine! If you have no serious reaction to a spider bite, feel free to release them!
I especially recommend this with members of the genus steatoda (false widows), which lactrodectus (widows) belongs to, as spiders closely related to latrodectus, which also has the same neurotoxin (α-latrotoxin) in their venom. Despite having the same neurotoxin, steatoda envenomation is not nearly as significant as the bites of latrodectus, but it would be great to learn more and help us find out what it is about lactrodectus’ venom that is so dangerous to humans.
But help further science and help cross the bridge between arachnology and medical science!!!
Spiders are an animal to treat with caution, but there’s no need to be afraid! They don’t wish to hurt you and will only bite when feeling threatened. Sicariidae and lactrodectus are as far as I know the only medically significant spiders for envenomation in North America.
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ceilingfan5 · 2 years
would prompt 35 (okay so sleeping it off didn't work. let me consult my list. hypnotism, no. meditation, certainly not. well something has to work because I simply cannot be in love with them) work for any of your OCs, do you think? :3c
“Okay,” Jasper mutters to himself, opening his purple leather bound journal and turning the crisp pages until he finds his list. “Sleeping it off didn’t work.” He crosses off an item and consults the rest of the subpar results. It’s madly depressing. 
“Hypnotism, no. Meditation, certainly not.” He brushes the feather of his quill against his lips and irritably swings his ankle, incredibly aware of the monitor stone secured tightly to him. “Well, something has to work, because I simply cannot be in love with him.”
He jumps a bit at a little noise and checks the area for signs of his guard, the fucking beautiful Shade Orion. Why couldn’t the shapeshifter have picked an ugly form, something scary or pathetic, instead of intensely muscles and magnanimous, all glittering smiles and mischievous eyes and that fucking hair, who does he think he is! 
He’s on duty, isn’t he? Surely this is some kind of risk? The government surely doesn’t have any interest in Jasper getting dopey over his captor Shade, right? Jasper is essentially on death row. If they had the means to kill him, they’d have done it by now. It’s only because of the prophecy (and several well-crafted and rather dark-magic inspired failsafes) that Jasper is still kicking anyway. 
And Shades aren’t people. 
Or so Jasper has heard. Orion seems a lot like a person. A person he can’t stop fucking dreaming about. Those purple eyes haunt him in the best-worst way, and that charming humor, and his fascination with animals, and– okay, so it’s worse than just wanting to get laid. Jasper really is ruined. How stupid could he be? It was bad enough to get his dumb ass captured, his forces eliminated, his assets frozen, his castle barged into, but love?? Fucking love?? 
He can’t be in love. He’s never been in love. He didn’t think it was physically possible, honestly, but the dictionary was pretty clear about his symptoms, and he doesn’t seem to have been poisoned. There has to be some way out of this. There has to be some, hopefully not particularly embarrassing, cure. There has to be something he can do, because there’s no way he can plan to escape and resurrect his evil army if he’s busy mooning over the guy who’s absolutely going to eliminate his stupid ass the second he gets the command. 
“You’re quiet today,” that beautiful voice says, out of fucking nowhere, scaring the shit out of Jasper enough that he throws his journal ten feet in the air and narrowly misses it on the gravity rebound. 
“Why are you so fucking quiet!” Jasper snaps, which Orion only seems to find amusing. “Announce your presence before you enter a room!!”
“I imagine it’s because I was designed to be an assassin,” Orion muses, picking the journal up off the floor and handing it back. Jasper’s face burns. The torches flicker, and he wishes he had all of his magic at his disposal, but he’s stuck looking like a dumb asshole instead. “But I’m also wearing pretty nice shoes.”
Jasper hates him. And thinks about how soft his lips probably are. He can do both. He’s great at multitasking. 
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99redragons · 2 years
I dont care what you say Boat Boys are the scariest MFs on the server. Joel has the bloodlust to do it and Etho will give him the tools. I give them 2, maybe even 4 kills before dying if they can tpk, like with traps. Thats counting individual kills not deaths, pairs that are together or not caught alone are much stronger. Having a soulmate can actually be an advantage, especially with items like golden apples (lesser extent soup) one can stay away from the action and keep eating, affording a temporary advantage in single/ 2 on1 combat or even against under armored(more importantly under-enchanted), or ambushed/inexperienced opponents. They’ve been taking a lot of risks though (thats kind of the play style Etho has, and I only know Joel thru Life series but he seems to do a somewhat similar style).
Depending on how many traps in play (or will be,) i’d bet they can last till the finale. Things are moving fast, though. If you think about it the series only has 24 lives total. There are 2 yellow pairs and one green, rest are red. That’s 12 lives left exactly. And lives fall off harder in the later half. People die in minecraft eventually and these guys all tend to make it happen if things are boring. Etho I-launched-a-torpedo-because-I-was-bored Slab will probably use TNT in some form. But Grian will too so honestly Scar and Grian have a pretty good chance, traps are key. But all that TNT and stuff Grian gave BigB? Uhh that might come back to bite them.
When it comes down to PvP, the style of the series means its not all best gear best skills. Its totally psychological strategy sometimes. Though since its all for fun its not like… seriously cutthroat, which means- if this is the funnier thing to do, its what’s happening. Which i do like actually. The only prize is a longer series staying alive longer lol.
Im sorry for the too-serious analysis ive been watching Survivor in Animal Crossing. This really hits the weird social game spot between MCC-like competition and ridiculous for-fun and entertainment stuff like Wipeout or Bachelor or Survivor. And i love to make predictions on those. Id be curious to hear what people more into PvP than me would say, though. Honestly i want Cleo and Scott to win.. but.. er, they can’t win together. 🥲
Also mood scar you get to nap whenever my dude
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