#which barely or once in a blue moon happened hhh
ao-xingyume1987 · 2 years
Now I think about it, if I my close friend didn't gifted me l4d2, I wouldn't have so much interests or hyperfixation to it til' now
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nctsworld · 3 years
into you
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✩ jaemin x reader | friends to lovers | college au | fluff | smut | 2.6k
SUMMARY | an innocent game of truth or dare between you and jaemin doesn’t end up staying so innocent by the end of the night.  WARNINGS | smut, oral s*x (m receiving), floor(ish) s*x, swearing RATING | explicit PROMPT | tangling hands in each other’s hair to pull them closer REQ BY | @jaemxxi TAGLIST | @infnteen​ @ne0yong​ @prettyjaems​
AUTHOR’S NOTE | this has been in the oven for too long + i am rusty so i apologize in advance if this is bad hhh
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“Truth or dare?” 
On the carpeted floor across from you, with his back against his bed, Jaemin’s in the middle of sipping his glass of water as you continue the game. 
“Truth,” he replies without hesitation, setting down the cup next to yours on his low nightstand.
Even though the house that Jaemin shares with his six other housemates does a fairly good job in cancelling out noises, the bass-heavy music emanating from the living room can still be heard, albeit muffled.
House parties are held every other few weeks at the septuple-persons residence. Since Jaemin is technically a co-host, he obviously attends, but only stays for so long. He has a certain limit for all the drinking, the yelling, the dancing—the overwhelming raucous chaos. 
As do you, one of his closest friends, which is why both individuals are currently upstairs alone in his room to get away from it all. Tonight’s time waster is the classic game of Truth or Dare. 
“Me or Jeno?” 
He grins, amused. “In what scenario?” 
You shrug casually. “Just in general. If you could only have one of us be your friend, who would it be?”
Barely giving it any thought, Jaemin immediately replies with a shake of his head and juts his lower lip out cutely. 
“That’s fucking tough,” he whines. “You can’t make me choose.” 
Disbelief creases in your eyebrows. “Really? Wouldn’t you choose Jeno over me in a heartbeat?” 
Your raven-haired friend hangs his head, picking at his sweatpants. Bouncing his head side to side, he adds, “I mean, it depends.” 
“On what?” 
He shrugs, eyes still not meeting yours, and reaches over to his drink once more, quickly bringing the rim to his lips. “On... things....”
His Adam’s apple rises and falls, his gulps seemingly longer than before. 
“What things...?” you prod with intrigue, eyes casting down towards his exposed neck. It’s your turn to gulp as a thought flickers across your mind, one that happens once in a blue moon when you’re around him. 
A thought that makes your pulse race. 
A thought filled with plenty what-ifs and something more.
Like what if you leaned in a little closer and your lips grazed over his skin, leaving a trail of kisses upon his neck? Would his skin be soft? Smooth? Would his fingers dive into the flanks of your waist? Into your hair? 
You lightly tug on your bottom lip at the fleeting imagery, and just as fast as it plays in your mind, you rush to swim back to the surface of reality and glance elsewhere to shovel away your furtive thoughts. 
Finally finishing his deep intake of water, he says, “Since I’m playing this game with you, I’ll choose you over Jeno—” 
“—but you can’t tell him I said that.”
Naturally, you throw up a hand and hold three fingers up. “Scout’s honor. What happens in your room, stays in your room.”
Beaming at each another, your gazes lock, relishing in the inside joke.
Deep down, you know that you can’t hold a candle to Jeno; he is Jaemin’s ride or die, the brother he never had. 
However, you’re definitely in the running for the top spot with all the secrets that you’ve shared with each other on nights like these in his room. 
The side of Jaemin’s mouth perks up, as if he can read your mind, and a glimmer sparkles in his eye. 
If he wasn’t your friend, you swear he’s giving you a signal that he’s about to kiss you right now. 
But he is, so you don’t even think on it for more than a second. 
And it can’t be true, especially since he’s the one to break eye contact first. 
He continues normally, playing with his pants again as he asks the name of the game. 
“Truth,” you answer. 
Your handsome friend continues to avert eye contact, likely preparing his question with a flare of dramatization. 
But when the beat becomes a beat too long, the air in the room shifts. 
He shuts his eyes and inhales deeply. 
“Do you like me?” he barely whispers. 
The question is simple, yet loaded. 
The word like weighted down with the many what-ifs and something mores that you always hide in the back of your mind.
Unsure how to exactly answer, you quickly reply, “Of course I do, Jaem.”
“But do you...” Jaemin gestures his hands along with his words, like he often does. “Like, like me?”
A nervous snicker flies out from you, alongside the sound of your heart hammering against your chest, as if it’s going to break out any moment and land in Jaemin’s lap.
“What are we, in high school?’ Your hand moves faster than your brain thinks, reaching for your glass of water.
He cocks an eyebrow and you feel him scrutinizing you under his gaze. 
“You’re avoiding the question.”
“Am not,” you retort, rushing to bring the drink to your mouth. Before you know it, you’re down to the last drop and you wish there was more water to drown your anxiousness.
Now that you’re forced to drop the empty glass back onto the table, you debate on what to even say to Jaemin. 
No, I don’t like you. I just sometimes think about kissing you, no big deal.
No, I don’t like you, even though I miss you like crazy when you don’t text me back after a busy week. 
No, of course I don’t like you like that. 
Maybe you should just say no and call it a day, but that would be a lie. 
And the thing is: you can’t lie. You could never. 
Not to him.
Anyway, wouldn’t it defeat of the purpose of the game?
“Fine, fine,” you say, nodding in defeat. Gathering up the courage, you try your best to focus your wavering eyes onto him.
“Yeah, I guess I do like like you.” 
Jaemin lifts his head to match your gaze. Pure surprise and something else that you can’t quite put your finger on reflect back at you and you swear it’s the first time you’ve seen him look at you like this. 
You remind yourself to breathe before you squeak a, “Do you like me?” 
And then his shock melts back into his regular demeanor, flashing you his signature toothy grin. 
“Nu-uh. Not your turn to ask.” 
You blow out a sigh, frustrated in half-jest and half-truth. Of course Na Jaemin has to continue to make your life difficult, even when you’re giving him your whole heart on a platter.
Shaking your head at his deflection, you try your best to progress the game as nonchalantly as you can. “Okay, fine. Truth or dare?” 
“Dare,” he easily says with a cocky tilt of his head. 
“I dare you to tell me whether you like me or not.” 
He releases a chuckle and his tongue runs behind his bottom lip. “That’s such a waste of a dare.” 
Shrugging, you simply supply, “A girl’s gotta know.” 
Catching you by surprise, Jaemin suddenly leans forward towards you, closing the distance between yourselves. You gasp softly at his abrupt action, with his face inches away from yours. 
“And if I do?” he whispers playfully, eyes falling to your lips for a brief second.
Anticipation courses through both of your veins and your heavy breathing sync up, almost fanning each other’s face from how close you are. You lift your hand and gently lay it on his firm chest, touching his racing heart.
Daringly, you angle yourself a smidge closer and quip back, “Then maybe actually use this dare and put that mouth to good—” 
Said mouth cuts you off and he surely does put it to good use. The moment your lips make contact, the sensation rocks and jolts you to the tips of your fingers and toes. A scene frozen in time, at first, but eventually, lips move in want for more and your necks crane in tandem. 
One of his palms caresses the side of your head, while his other hand hungrily grips onto your waist. His fingers soon move from your face to your hair, and he drags you in even closer, intensifying the kiss. 
You mimic the same, one hand tugging and threading through his hair and another grasping onto his shoulder. It’s a playful fight of your bodies and kisses—yearning to be constantly close to another, wanting to be physically together as one. 
After some entanglement of the tongues, you both tear away yourselves for a breather.
“Fuck,” Jaemin pants, resting his forehead against yours. “That’s better than I thought it’d be.”
Your heart bursts at his words. “You’ve thought about kissing me?” 
He nods and breathlessly adds with a smile, “Of course.”
Smiling back, your hand settles on his cheek. Your thumb strokes his skin. His smooth, soft skin, confirming your thoughts from your various short-lived fantasies. 
He brings a hand atop of yours on his cheek, and he melts into your touch, like a cat purring warmly against its owner. 
“Truth or dare?” he asks, dragging your hand away from his cheek temporarily in order to plant a kiss on the inside of your palm. 
Although it’s an innocent gesture, you’re dying to have those lips on yours again. 
“Dare,” you breathe. 
He peers up from your palm with a spark in his eye, the same from before when you thought he was going to kiss you. 
“Dare you to kiss me again.”
You don’t need to be told twice and you rush to be on him once more, this time with your thighs straddling over lap. 
The kissing is now impatient, needy. Hands become adventurous, searching and exploring the new lands of your familiar bodies that you’ve desired to touch several times before. Heavenly moans and sighs circulate back and forth between you two, especially when you rub against his growing hardness. 
“Truth or dare?” you ask in the midst of the kisses you deliver onto his neck, still grinding yourself into him. His hands lax against the bottom of your back and the curve of your ass as his eyelids flutter. 
“Dare,” he groans meekly.
Nearing your mouth against his ear, you whisper hotly, “I dare you to lay back again.”
“Anything else?” 
“And relax...” 
Peeling yourself away, you lightly push him by his chest and he obeys your command. He shuffles back into his previous position, leaning himself against his low bed. You draw your bottom lip between your teeth and add, “'Cause I’m gonna make you feel good, Jaem.” 
As he lays beside his bed, you’re leaning your upper body forward and hovering over the main attraction, leaving teasing kisses on his covered erection. Once you decide he’s been teased enough, you tug at the side of his sweatpants and he helps to shimmy himself out of them. 
Once they’re off, he parts his legs for your to sit in front of him. Eyeing intently, Jaemin watches in anticipation as you stroke him a few times. His desire twitches as you stick your tongue out and lick your lips, readying yourself. Finally, you slip his cock into your pretty mouth and he gently exhales a cuss. 
His length dips into your wetness here and there, and when it’s not, your tongue swipes over him again and again, simultaneously soothing and agitating his entirety. Your saliva drenches him so much that it trickles down to his base and onto your fingers when you pump him throughout your sucking.
All the while, long fingers run through your hair as he hums in gratification. His melodious moans and whimpers aren’t loud enough to overtake downstairs' music, but they, and your slurping, are all the sounds you’re honing in on. 
A groove falls in the middle of his eyebrows when you depart for a moment, but he then notices you standing, beginning to strip off your clothes. Catching on quickly, Jaemin reaches over to grab a condom from his nightstand drawer and rolls the rubber onto himself with ease. 
Perched on your knees, you hold his desire underneath your dripping slit. Both of you hold your breath until you finally sit down on his length. Tossing your head back, his girth stretches you, bliss rising from your core all the way up through your chest and into your throat. 
The pleasure is overwhelming, for Jaemin as well since he has to try his best to think of something else instead of your encompassing warmth and tightness. You let go, riding him repeatedly. Up and down, up and down as his inches penetrate your crevice. 
Your breasts are almost pressed up against your lover’s face, so Jaemin takes the opportunity and disperses kisses onto them as his nails lightly drag along your perspiring back. He’s completely enthralled by you, kissing and nipping at your body and lips every chance he gets.
Cheek to cheek, hoarse pants disperse into the room as time passes. Clouded vision, no logic. Just two bodies—and two close friends—finally becoming one with each other. 
Your fingers move from his strong shoulders and onto the mattress supporting his back. They curl tighter, digging deeper into the material as your body unfurls. 
“Truth or dare?” Jaemin grunts out of the blue.
“Really, Jaem?” you groan into a chuckle. You pull yourself away from his sticky body for a bit, giving him a sidelong glance. “Right now?” 
He nods vigorously like the annoying friend he is. There really is no one like him. 
“Dare, dare,” you moan choppily, losing yourself in the bliss and not caring about his peskiness.
“Dare you to come for me, gorgeous.” His hand squeezes your waist as he orders thickly. 
“You don’t—” 
An acute moan.
“—have to—”
And another.
“—fucking dare me when I’m-I’m... Fuck, Jaem—” 
And he takes you over the precipice as he cups your face, locking lips intensely as you unravel onto him. He devours all your dulcet noises and quickly follows you over the edge. His body shakes with pleasure, hips bucking into you as he releases himself.   
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The party’s still going strong when you both catch your breath several minutes later, sitting naked on the floor, side by side with his arm draped around your shoulders. You’re nuzzling your nose into his upper arm when he suddenly speaks up.
"It depends on things like that.” 
You stop, ruffle your eyebrows, and glance up at Jaemin. “Huh?” 
“I would choose you over Jeno,” he says, referencing to the earlier Truth question. “but it depends on if I could have you like this.”
One of his hands finds yours, lacing his fingers through yours. You don’t hold back your smile. 
“‘Cause if I have you, I can kiss you”—he kisses you in the crook of your neck and you sigh into it—“fuck you”—his other hand playfully slaps your thigh, causing you to giggle—“make you feel good...” 
“I mean,” you interrupt. “you could do that with Jeno—ah!” 
Out of nowhere, Jaemin tickles you endlessly until you’re forced to beg him to stop. Then you kiss, and kiss, and gaze into one another’s eyes here and there, seeing each other under a new light now that you two revealed the truth, until you eventually fall asleep on his shoulder. 
Before he carries you into his bed and tucks you under the covers, he stares at you in awe and disbelief, still reeling over tonight. 
Even if tonight ended up in flames and it turned out that you didn’t reciprocate how he felt, he’d be obviously disappointed, but he’d also be okay with it. 
Because above everyone else—you’re his world.
Always have been, always will be. 
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