#which automatically makes him one of the best characters in the manga
narcjsistx · 3 months
Hi, I hope you're doing well.🤗 I absolutely love your relationships HC.🤩 I don't want to be rude, but could I request from Toma!Chifuyu and Tenjiku!Kakucho (my favorite boys)? Thank you very much.❤️
HI! thanks for the request, hope you have a good day 💜 you didn't specify the theme of the hcs, so I'll use the basic one as it would be in a relationship (if I made a mistake, tell me immediately, I'll correct it and do the theme you like most!) Furthermore, I'm still not used to making two characters in one post, so as soon as I have 2 free minutes I will post the part dedicated to kakucho :)
— Matsuno Chifuyu in a relationship HCS ᡣ𐭩
He's clearly the kind of guy who learned everything slightly romantic he does from a romantic manga he read. He's canonically a fan of Ai Yazawa, the creator of Nana, so who knows, maybe sooner or later he'll give you some glasses with strawberries
It seems impossible but he asks Takemichi for advice on how to deal with you. We all know that Takemichi isn't exactly the person with the most self-esteem in a relationship, however he has always helped Chifuyu, despite sometimes getting into trouble for stupid mistakes. Hanagaki had advised him to get you some flowers to give you after school, but he got the ones you're allergic to. He panicked when he saw you sneeze so many times in a row while you told him to move the flowers away from you
He's slightly unsure of himself, but he doesn't show it. As a result, he feels slight jealousy which he hides quite well, he knows that you would never cheat on him and therefore he represses this side of him because he knows that it is useless. Maybe when he doesn't succeed he'll show off a little more, perhaps resting his head on yours or giving you a few pinches on the side
A typical date might be at a comic book store. He would like to spend time with you at his side while you talk about the comics you are reading or would like to read, and I don't know why but I can see him showing you the cover of a romantic manga where the two protagonists are while he says "this could be us"
Your first kiss wasn't actually planned, or at least not for him. It was Baji who insisted that he had to kiss you, he didn't agree because he wanted you to take the first step and he didn't want to force you anyway, Baji ignored it and pushed him against you. As luck would have it, the impact made you kiss
More than a few times he faked his condition after a fight. You have an unwritten rule that says that after every fight he has to call you, because you want to know if he's okay or not. He often says he feels fine even when he has a few broken bones. He hates seeing you worry about him, so he tries to lie as best he can
You automatically entered the group formed by him and Baji. You're both his two favorite people, so why not all of you hang out together? You often go on long motorbike rides, you and Chifuyu on his motorbike and Baji on his, or you simply like to while away the hours at the arcade in Shibuya
The first time you went to his house, the first person, or rather animal, that welcomed you was Peke J: he immediately approached and started meowing. You spent a few hours with the cat on your lap while petting it, while Chifuyu whispered that you were giving more attention to the cat than to your boyfriend
He's the type to celebrate every date, even a stupid one. For example, it was precisely midnight and you were sleeping when you received a phone call from him. You asked him why he called you so late, which was unusual because if he called you it was before you went to bed. He, extremely happy, said he had called you because it was the date when for the first time, two years earlier, you had sat together in class, but at the time you weren't even friends, therefore not even engaged. You wanted to insult him, but you admit it was nice
I don't know why but I see him as someone who LOVES matching clothes. Like, if you casually told him that you're going to show up on a date in a beige dress, he'll do anything to find something beige in his closet. He finds it a nice thing to do as a couple
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maskrosfe · 24 days
Hi I was wondering what is your thought process to “OC-ify” matsuda to make kenzou who is absolutely wonderful and I love them so very much whenever you share of them!!!
How do you separate your “matsudas” and your “Kenzous” in your head??
As someone trying to “OC-ify” my faves I have been hitting a wall and would like some advice if you are willing to offer some!
Thank you!! I hope you have a lovely day and your art creations are amazing!!
Hello hello, and thank you so much 😊!! This is a really good question actually! I'll do my best to write some thoughts about it and you can feel it out and see if it works for your OC-ifying project! (which is always exciting! OC-ifying Matsuda and others has brought me lots of joy #^_^#)
Intro: At the point in time that I OC-fied Matsuda and the others, I had been drawing them as cats for a bit already. I had experienced prior to this a feeling of "hehe those are my Ocs" when looking at Matsuda, L, Near and Mello especially. However, having suddenly drawn this very stark contrast (colorful catboys) to how they appear in the original work, it made me connect more to the idea that these guys are becoming something else in my head, more or less kickstarting actually OC-ifying them.
Tip 1: I do believe therefore, that if you wish to OC-ify a character, it can be good to pull them toward some sort of extreme to create a contrast to their "original". This helps with giving them a new home in your head, understanding them more as something different than where they started.
For me that process entailed cute-ifying the characters, taking them out of their bleak epic supernatural crime drama and putting them into a colorful world of love and comfort, but it could entail bringing any sort of contrast to the mix. Tip 2: Spending time with the idea of Kenzou also brought him to life: Drawing him, thinking about him, etc. To find out who Kenzou was beyond who Matsuda was, I had to draw him out of me. Like pulling a heavy anchor out of the ocean. Same with Piyara and the others, and I'm still pulling ^_^ so everytime I draw them I learn more about them! You can also make playlists or moodboards, if you enjoy that sort of thing :-)
Tip 3: To find out who Kenzou was I also had to create the world around him. Contrast here helps a aswell, because if I change the world completely, the character changes almost automatically too.
When you're focusing hard on one character, It's sometimes easy to forget how important others + the surrounding world are to who that character is, so I'm tinkering a lot with those around Kenzou to see what they bring out of him. For example, I'm currently pondering a lot about who his friends are, or co-workers. Removing his occupation as a cop and removing his relations to the task force has already changed who he is / who he appears to be a lot. So, worldbuilding! If you want to Oc-ify a character, it brings a lot to the process by also re-making the world you found them in. (with that said, there's no need to abandon the world you found them in, if the world you found them in is part of what you really enjoy about them. If that's the case, try to imagine a different POV in that world perhaps) Tip 4: Seek inspiration from other places *nod nod* What is your character missing in it's original form, that you would like to give them? A lot of times new creations is a mixtape of things we are drawn to, and this is what is so lovely about creation 😤
When I began working on Kenzou as a charatcer, I was very inspired by the ambience of the manga Hirayasumi by Keigo Shinzō, and I think that affected early choices a lot! Conclusion: Alright, phiouw! I think that's a solid summary of my thoughts on the topic for now. Kenzou is the first time I've so shamelessly and directly made a character out of the shell of an already existing one (that's not mine), so I'll probably have more thoughts on the topic in the future. I hope this could be of interest to your own process anon, and that you have lots of fun with the OC-ifying 😊 Thank you for your question and for your love! Best regards from me :-)
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piracytheorist · 11 months
I think that Yuri is against the whole marriage thing mostly because the excuse of "i'm married since a year and didn't tell you before and even LIED to you about it, sorry (lol)" that Yor told him.
After all at the beginning, when Yor tells him (lies to him), saying she may see someone, he's happy about it. So it's not the fact that she found someone who bother him but the whole mistery around the marriage and that his sister didn't tell him for a whole year.
It can be pretty suspect for anyone and even more for someone whose the job is to NOT trust people :/
It was not the best start to start to know Loid and appreciate him ^^"
Yeah. As necessary as it was for Loid to have the "we married a year ago, definitely not just for the interview!" excuse, it ended up making the marriage look super suspicious to everyone else.
Now, as far as the fandom is concerned, I think people are too used to stories being poorly written and certain characters being so creepy, that they're not prepared to see the brilliance with which Endo handled Yuri's dynamic. Yes Yuri is a little obsessed with his sister, but it's made understandable due to the circumstances under which they grew up in, and he is willing to accept her getting married. However, that very obsession is there to produce conflict for Loid and Yor, and it's handled with a very delicate balance where it enriches Yuri's personality without making him a creep.
Honestly, I think people misunderstand both his "When I grow up I'm going to marry you" and how he latched onto Yor saying she'd wait up for him. The first one is a thing a lot of little kids tell their parents, older siblings, or any form of caretaker, or even their peers. They know that "marriage" is a form of showing how much you love someone, but they don't know how romantic love works yet, so they connect marriage even with familial or platonic love. So in their minds, telling someone "I want to marry you" just means "I love you very much", and in their age, that can only be familial or platonic love.
About the second, I think Yuri had a moment of ShockTM when he saw Yor about to kiss Loid, not because he felt she was betraying her "promise" to wait up for him, but because reality was very suddenly drilled into him.
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It's like when you sit and have a striking realization about real life. Things like "I'm not getting any younger" or "The world is fucked up" or even "That thing that happened to me was actually traumatic". You go by in your life hearing that stuff, and automatically understand them, but you may have a moment of actual realization when you're like oh. Shit. This is Real.
And I think this is what happened with Yuri here. He didn't actually think Yor would marry him, but it was a kind of "dream" that he subconsciously had, probably in the form of "I will always be the one she puts first". So he might have felt secure in that thought, but right then, when he saw Yor almost kiss Loid, that dream/thought was very suddenly pulled from under his feet. He had his "I'm not getting any younger" realization. But because his emotional state is... how it is, instead of taking a moment to self-reflect and just think, he lashed out and tried to protect that safe space he'd built in his mind.
Honestly, he's a very interesting character because he provides conflict while being layered on his own. He's very well written and developed, and it can be very easy for audiences to fall in the trap of calling him a "creep obsessed with his sister" if they don't look a little deeper.
(no spoilers for the manga please 😁)
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viviagriche · 2 years
Dekis S. (Lover)
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Character use: Dekis Solon
Role: Lover of our MC
General/Theme: One shot/ head cannons/ Fluff
CW: Angst, and full fluff <3.
Gender Reader: NB! Reader
Manga/Manhwa: "Your Throne". 
: ̗̀➛ He very over protective of you. As your lover he can be very concerned if you just burst into tears; on his shoulder will be very concerned he will punish anyone who made you cry. You were an angel in his eyes. Pure and kind. If anyone made his angel cry their dead to him. Even if it is Eros he will make sure he suffers, through nine stages of hell. Or he could meet Satan in a second. 
: ̗̀➛ He love when his angel s smiling. It reminded him of the other side he couldn't be. He sees himself as selfish when it comes to you. But how could you blame him; he never grew up in a good household with a loving mother and a father. He is very over protective of you if he finds a cut on your hand he will not let you cook ever or carry things. He'll have maids doing that for you or he'll do it for you. 
: ̗̀➛Also, like Achille, this boy won't let you pay for anything. You like that dress consider that a gift from him even though it is very expensive. He'll get it for you. His sister Medea is also over protective of you since you make both of their days with cheesy jokes or pickup lines. You're very considerate of other people's personal space; also what they find humorous  or  not. 
: ̗̀➛ He would threaten the maid who talks sh*t about you and when they won't stop you began to notice their  a  lot maid missing than before. But you shrug it off as a feeling of you going crazy. So you just go look for your loving and  mysterious lover. As you do Medea meanwhile was scolding him about killing the maids who talked bad about you. 
: ̗̀➛ When you having a bad day he just like to swoop you up in his arm and carry you to your comfort area and just cuddle you to sleep. Boy best husband/boyfriend material. Like I can't even compare him to Eros cause he will beat Eros automatically in like 1 whole sec. 
: ̗̀➛ Eros tried to take you away from him saying "He dangerous", or "He might snap and hit you or worse kill you". You didn't believe Eros because you know your boyfriend won't do such a thing. You know how badly he wants to break you guys up so he can marry you. Which is never going to happen; because Eros already has a soon to be wife. Which you felt bad for and encouraged Medea to get her steal away from Eros because Eros is a playboy gross. 
: ̗̀➛ When your boyfriend heard about this the future of that  Empire, where never head from again. Not even from his soon-to-be ex wife that ran away from him with Medea in hand. lmao his ass got played hard. After they found his dead body in the empire lake. Everyone was trying not to laugh. Due to his stupidly of trying to steal the future Villainess Duchess of the Solon. Everyone know that rule after seeing Eros failed to understand that. 
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understandableparadox · 5 months
Bottom of the barrel isekai reviews:
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Todays title: Welcome to demon school iruma
hi, im back, tell a friend.
Anyways we will be looking over something populer, and only a few images this time. I want this to be a nice slide back into the mix while I get ready to boil myself alive by reading shitty isekais.
"b-b-b-b-but dox!" you say, your form emaciated and ghoulish from months of little to no attention "how is it an isekai?"
Normally an isekai requires some form of passage into another world through death, but again, we are going to consider any and all portal fantasies to be on-par with isekais. as death and jumping through a funky portal are really kinda the same thing if you think about it.
so! plot synopsis, we open on the titular character iruma! they are being sold to a demon, don't worry this action will be the literal best thing that has ever happened to them. Also, added treat, slavery is not a running theme in this manga! HURRAY! WE HAVE FOUND OVERCOME THE BARE FUCKING MINIMUM! HUZZAH FOR MEDIOCRITY! MY DESIRE TO RUN MY HEAD THROUGH A ARC OF GONGS UNTIL THE SOUND WAVES LIQUIDATE MY BRAIN MATTER HAS LESSENED!
anyways we get to know some important plot points between the buyer and the product! (our mc)
iruma is a 14 year old yes man. They say yes to everything, even yes to the idea of breaking child labor laws! as their parents are frivolous unimportant freaks that spend way too much money then bolt, leaving him to work off the debt. Anyways, that's how this happened. they wanted dosh, and our buyer, we will call him grandpa!
Why is he so interested in buying a child? simple! He is rich and wants to have a grandson, unfortunately, he does not have a dick due to war injuries... ok thats a lie, he just wants a grand kid.
Anyways this is a very interesting title in the fact that it is still in a way, a power fantasy, but the power in that fantasy is separated towards other things.
It is a story in which you have the power to be helped. The adults in this manga are actual competent adults, they are there for the protection of the children, they are there to guide, nurture, train and help them grow. Despite differences or annoyances some may have, those are secondary to the ferocity they show when it comes to ensuring the protection of their students.
Iruma does have a lot of “i am the chosen one” but it is not something that automatically aids him in most situations, in fact it is the triad of facts of “I am a human”, “I want to help”, “I am determined” that allow him to rise both in power and social standing. The might makes right idealism of the underworld forced to reckon with people that stop to drag someone across the finish line. 
As for the plot, it goes along a few separate arcs; there is a very clear progression of time as Iruma gets older. Mostly split into two parts. Irumas social life, in which we get to see him become better and better friends with the students and faculty at this school. Showing both the give and take as they both show how far they are willing to go for each other. 
The second half is the mystery and political intrigue of the demonic society at large. The idea of a demon king has gone missing, disciples of which are eager to try and resurrect him as they see no one who is more suitable for the role, opposing forces trying to groom the top students at various schools into the role of king in a contest of disciples. 
I think you should give it a read, its cute, the designs are fun and the power system while simple is still enough to give the action that is there a lot of meat. It's also satisfying thing to read if you just got done with a shounen and you are wondering “where the fuck are the adults? Why are these children doing everything?”
Draw backs. Not a lot but some of the students are essentially drawn as adults and there are parts where you will feel slightly skived out by.
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l-in-the-light · 12 hours
Love reading your thoughts on Laws character 🙏💯. Which kind of people do you think he wouldn't get along at all? What are his No-Gos he couldn't forgive?
This is another post grouping many different asks in one post! Please scroll lower for different questions!
Thank you! I love receiving such nice asks ❤ those few extra nice words besides just leaving a like really go a long way!
Which kind of people he doesn't get along with? I think there are a few factors to it rather than "certain types of people". First of all, let's take a look at Kid. He admits openly he kills anyone who makes fun or disagrees with him, and Law dislikes killing, because he's a doctor. So I guess he doesn't really like people who kill others like it's not a big deal. Coincidentally, in his first meeting with Drake that we see in the manga, Law mocks him by asking "how many people did you kill?".
Second of all, people who call Law a monster (or in Kid's case, talk shit about Law behind his back). Any time that happens Law ends up doing some nasty shit Hannibal-style like putting random limbs of people together, to show them who the real monster is (not him). Law might have a bad reputation (despite the fact he doesn't seem to actually kill anyone! Original owners of 100 hearts are apparently still alive, as well as every Marine Law fought against), and he might even play along with it to his benefit, but he's more compassionate than people give him credit for.
Third example would be people who don't respect their family or crews, or hurt children, or drug people to control and use them. Clearly family ties and his own crewmates mean a lot to Law, so people who go against their own blood, like Doflamingo, automatically are on his black list. It probably does help that Doffy is also a manipulator and I think Law has enough of people like that in general.
I would also say he dislikes bullies, but then he met Shachi and Penguin when they were literally bullying Bepo and later he still became friends with them. Which means nothing is truly set in stone for him and he might change his mind about people, as long as he understands them and their reasons a bit better. Well, I guess many people will disagree with my answer here, but that's my best guess. It's possible Law actually prefers people who are "good people", the same as Luffy.
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Well well well... let's see, whenever people are dramatic around Law, how does he react? That might give us an answer why he "dislikes when people are dramatic".
In case of Tashigi, she was lashing out because she truly believed Law killed Smoker by ripping his heart off. She knew she's no match for Law, but she was hurting so much that all she could see were her own emotions and need for payback. Even if Law told her Smoker isn't dead there was a chance she wouldn't even listen, considering the state she was in. So what did he do? Ignore her pain? No, actually he switched her soul with Smoker's, so she could find out by herself that Smoker was fine and alive. That was his mercy. So, the answer would be: because when someone is dramatic it doesn't leave Law unaffected. He might act like he's beyond that and is just stoic and uncaring, but he is clearly anything but.
The same can be said when Bepo is super dramatic about his painful stomach in Wano. We know he won't die from it and will get better if he just listens to what Law tells him to do, but Bepo is exaggerating a lot there.
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And the result? Law can't leave him alone, despite the fact he needs to manage the crisis situation with the Strawhats. The final result is disastrous and Luffy lands in Udon. Whenever someone overdramatizes their reactions Law has a hard time following his own plan and goals, he is ready to ditch everything. He says that Cora-san gave him a heart and that heart sure is very compassionate, and Law must be finding himself often in situations in which it backfires on him.
The same can be said about the situation with Shinobu who clearly exaggerates "whenever a ninja is caught, they take their own life or another ninja makes sure to kill them" and Zoro with his "this is my final attack. If it fails (and I die), the rest is up to you". Whenever someone is very dramatic it is somehow always very effective on Trafalgar Law. And he ends up doing whatever that person wants him to do. You want Law to do a certain thing? Just be dramatic about it, tell him you're dying (and be a good actor about it if you're faking), and he will do just about anything for you, lol.
I also elaborated a bit more about Law's weakness to cute things, which is also somewhat related to this, because the reason is the same: it appeals to his protective side.
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Glad you liked it! I think Cora-san would indeed prefer for Law to just live his life any way he wants, he wouldn't even judge whoever he becomes in the future (a pirate, a marine, a village bum, a doctor), because Cora would be happy as long as Law is happy. He wants him not to feel limited anymore, for him to be free. Law aiming for revenge or dedicating 10 years to prepare a plan against Doflamingo would not be something Cora-san would be pleased with.
But if Law decided he wants the world government to pay for what it did to Flevance? I suspect Cora-san would actually support him in this. Because that's what Law chose himself to do, not for someone else's sake, and because it matters a lot to him. But would he still prefer him to chase after his childhood dream instead? For sure. For Cora-san Law is his hope, his legacy, his wish to do things right, that's why he would want Law to have the best life and live the longest possible. His love for Law is really beautiful, in a way it's the perfect family love, definitely up there with Bellemere's.
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Hi, anon! I actually did write a bit about scenes with Law and Robin before. In case you didn't see it, I will leave you here with a link: https://www.tumblr.com/l-in-the-light/760794596720656384/. In first ask I analyzed their Wano and Dressrosa interactions, and in second ask below it I listed their similarities and tried to take a guess at how they would vibe with each other in the future.
Long story short, I really think Law did take some risk when he shared his hidden name with her, but he doesn't exactly trust Robin yet (which shouldn't be a surprise, they're both very reserved people, especially towards strangers!). Also fandom tends to forget that Robin and Law don't know each other's pasts. Law might know some stuff about Ohara, but Robin has no way to connect Law with Flevance unless he's the one to tell her about it. That link I left you with is all I've got for them for now, but who knows, I might be doing Law's relationships with each of the Strawhats (maybe as a series of posts) in the future. Of course besides Luffy, because I wrote already like 12 posts about Law with Luffy alone haha.
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The simplest answer is: because Bepo is a mink, not a human. I know, I know, it sounds like the most boring answer ever, but that's how it is when it comes to Bepo and his special privileages of physical affection with Law. He's allowed to hug him, garchu him and touch him in general, and Law returns it by leaning on Bepo when he naps. Bepo is literally the only person Law allows so close to him, you don't see Shachi or Penguin touching Law.
Besides the physical touch, Bepo is also privileaged in few other areas, he seems to know Law is a D., for example, Law also told him about Flevance and probably more things about his past. But I'm sure Penguin and Shachi know all about it as well, all four of them are besties and they basically are friends since Law was 13. I guess any close friend Law would know for a decade (or more) would get the special privileages ;) tho it's probably also important that he met them so soon after losing Cora-san. They were there for him when he had no one left anymore.
When it comes to Bepo, Bepo likes to act a little like a younger brother Law would have to take care of. He's also a bit silly and has poor self-esteem, so it goes well with Law's protective older sibling side of personality. I think Bepo likes the attention so he might be occassionaly acting more immature or weaker than he actually is, just so Law pampers him a bit, lol. It's definitely very effective. But it's also mutual, Law seems to like to care for someone this way.
Some nice anon requested for me to write a seperate post about Law with his Heart Pirates, so when I get around to it, I will definitely try to elaborate on all the fun dynamics they share :)
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He's definitely friends with Zoro. Zoro even wrapped an arm around Law in post-Dressrosa feast! Law also scolded him so openly in Wano, even holding him by his clothes like he's about to punch him (he would never though, so far Law has never punched anyone lol). Those two definitely grew quite close together. And in Zou they share a lot of comments with each other and when they both react to danger, Zoro says he will take this on himself, probably mindful of Law's arm that was still recovering.
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And let's not forget that Zoro asks Law to take over the fight in the raid. We never saw Zoro trust someone *that much* before! Law even goes as far as saving Zoro a few times in that fight and gives him finally to Sanji (best person to leave Zoro with, 100%, no irony included, I swear).
Zoro trusted Law really fast, which is unusual for our resident strawhat swordsman. He was so suspicious of Robin, for example, but all it took for Zoro to hit things off with Law was one day in Dressrosa. Absolutely stunning. But not so surprising, he saw Law taking a blow from Doflamingo for the plan AND the strawhats at the same time, almost dying in the process, so of course that would earn him Zoro's respect. After all Zoro would do exactly the same, and Law did it despite the fact Strawhats aren't his own crew. Zoro probably sees Law as very responsible, daring (he aims to defeat Kaido, after all!), brave, respectful (towards the captain, Law never takes over for Luffy despite being older and more experienced!), protective towards people, serious and reliable. Those are all the traits Zoro would find very admirable. Zoro's faith in Law as a person who would take care of the Strawhats (to the point that Zoro has no problem leaving everything up to Law and just goes on a voyage around Wano) is really exceptional. It's like he believes in Law 100%.
Law on the other hand has a bit different experience with Zoro, I bet. He saw him being a great swordsman (so he earned some respect definitely), ready for sacrifices if needed and protective of others, kinda reserved but with good instincts and levelheaded most of the time, but also way too daring to the point he doesn't think too much about his own wellbeing, a bit lost and goofy (the whole Wano situation lol) and perhaps even a bit pushy (the last one is just my hunch, Law is even more reserved than Zoro after all and he wouldn't embrace anyone randomly like the latter did). If I would have to put it into just few words or one sentence, I would say that Law sees Zoro as someone he respects, especially in terms of strength and determination, but also someone he would worry about, because he tends to push himself way beyond his limits, endangering his own life all the time, and well, Zoro's gimmick of getting lost would definitely strike a protective side in Law as well.
That's why their relationship is a bit imbalanced, because it seems Law feels more inclined to take care of Zoro than Zoro feels the same for him. It's worthy to note tho that Zoro protected him in Dressrosa, even found his sword for him, when Law was the most vulnerable and immobilized thanks to seastone cuffs. I'm sure Law appreciated it a lot (he even says in Wano how important it is to trust your companions to have your back in the heat of the battle) and will not forget to return the favour as well, given the opportunity. He was probably also very touched when Zoro told him he's leaving things up to him. That kind of trust in Law's abilities and in him as a person feels very special.
They're also just two people who share quite a number of similarities. They're both rather deadpan, dislike emotional outbursts, are both levelheaded and logical (sometimes to the point of being dreadful, after all both Zoro and Law told Usopp to "just die" rather than betray the cause lol), and reserved. Might be why they get along so well together, they just share similar vibes. I totally adore their friendship! I wish more people would notice it. But then I wish more people would notice Law's friendship with Strawhats in general, not just with Luffy. He totally treats them as his second crew and I will die on this hill!
Maybe I really need to write those posts about Law and his friendships with the Strawhats.
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Actually, yes. I think he is absolutely trash at opening to people, so he definitely needs people he can take care of, because they slip right under his defensive walls (and he can be a total impenetrable fortress otherwise). Just compare Law's first encounter with Luffy when he thinks Luffy is strong, independant and has a great crew, he totally believes Luffy doesn't need him in any way so Law acts super detached. Yeah, he talks with Luffy, but as soon as Luffy declares him as his rival, Law retreats without as much as a word. But when he sees Luffy helpless and dying in Marineford, suddenly it's Law who reaches out towards him. And it stays that way also in Punk Hazard. That's because Law realized Luffy is reckless and needs someone to watch over him (not even his own crew is able to do that at all times).
It's actually really hard to imagine him opening up or getting along with people who he thinks don't need him in any way. We have literally no canon example of that. Even Cora-san appealed to Law's protective side, because he was a total klutz who sets himself on fire by accident all the time. Even Kin'emon, with who Law became friends with, is a bit goofy and not very smart, so it's easier for Law, because he can help and protect him. This is all related to the fact that Law just really wants to save people, it's his "new" call in life after losing Flevance and Cora-san. Who knows what would become of Law if he never met Penguin, Shachi and Bepo, another people he could take care of and who care for him back?
This might be one of the reasons why Law also doesn't get along well with Kid, until he observed him actually acting like a child, not really thinking strategically. Kid's idea of proving his worth is just to punch the opponent till they can't get up again. The moment Law realized that he started cooperating with Kid, even protecting him by distracting Big Mom in their fight. Without the Hawkins gimmick with the voodoo doll and Kid's bull/hippo attacks Law wouldn't do a thing for him. Law actually doesn't interact with many people canon-wise (you can easily count them) and it's a constant proof that he just wouldn't reach out to people or would even avoid them in general.
And sure, you can argue that Heart Pirates aren't strong so that's why Law keeps them around, because he feels responsible for them. But if you look at Strawhats, not every Strawhat is super strong either. Take Nami or Usopp or Chopper for example. They're good at what they're good at, but they can't deal with strong opponents at all. I would say it's kinda the same with Hearts, they're good at what they're good at, but definitely can't take on Kaido, Big Mom, not even Queen or King. But it doesn't mean they're just cheerleaders. The fact that they respect and love their captain so much is seperate from their actual fighting skills, imo. It's to show how much they appreciate, look up to and love him as their captain. Law might not have many friends, but those that he does keep close to him end up very dedicated to him. He definitely can attract people towards himself, he just doesn't. Unless they need him. It's not that unusual in people with strong survivor's guilt to behave in such ways that Law does.
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I mean, I think I wrote a lot about it here: https://www.tumblr.com/l-in-the-light/761478106370424832/
The only reason I didn't elaborate on in that post was their first meeting, which clearly rubbed Law the wrong way. Kid literally talked behind his back about him and Law didn't enjoy that (he even flipped his finger at him). He hates when people call him a monster. Kid also called out Law on his "bad manners", and that must have triggered him, because that's exactly how Vergo talked to Law, always scolding him for not adressing him with "mister". Kid might have thought he's telling Law a compliment, but Law definitely did not think it was one. Law hated their interaction so much that he couldn't stand the thought of Kid doing any sort of favour for him (taking care of the Marines outside the auction house), and besides complaining about ordering him around, he refused to talk to Kid at all.
It was the same in Wano, Kid literally had to mock and tease him to get any sort of reaction out of him. Seems when Law holds a real grudge, it runs deep. But once he knows the person a bit better he can get over it. He just didn't have occassion for that with Kid before and also probably wasn't very interested in him either, before he learned Luffy friended him and basically dragged him to the raid as well. Surprise! So Law had to learn how to interact with him as well, and at first he wasn't exactly nice to him anyway, even dodging Kaido's attacks, uncaring that they will fly right towards Kid lol. By the end of their co-op fight against Big Mom Law grew a tiny bit fonder of Kid, I guess. Just a tiny bit.
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anti-dazai-blog · 1 year
y'know, it's kinda ridiculous that dazai eventually won without much difficulty. in recent chapters of the manga, we witnessed for the first time that dazai was struggling so hard, which showed him less omnipotent than he was, and more human at the same time. but it turns out that he was making a fool out of fyodor all along!!!! he lost to the power of alliance!!!! ...excuse me? then what was meursault arc all for?
i love bsd, but there are too many things that annoy me, and the flaws of the series are rarely talked about. so im reaaally happy to see you criticizing the series. i love your blog sm, please never stop posting!! 💕
Dazai’s omniscience does NOT help humanize him. All that it does is give him more accountability in everything that happens. He doesn’t get the luxury of pleading ignorance because at this point, the story has made that no longer believable. 
No matter what, Dazai knows everything all the time, doesn’t make mistakes in his plans and strategies, and is capable of anything. If this is the case, which I said it was semi-jokingly in the early days of this blog, he really can be held accountable for pretty much anything and everything happening. Which I’d really rather wasn’t the case.
One of the main themes of bsd is humanity. No one’s special or perfect, everyone’s a human being trying their best to get by. The Meursault arc did a pretty decent job of humanizing both Dazai and Fyodor, two characters who were previously shown as (intellectually) flawless, by having them struggle in their battle of wits against each other. Having both of them mess up or miscalculate in some way made them seem like real people and not just two algorithms playing chess. 
Having Dazai reveal in this final episode that he knew everything all along, everything went according to his plan, and there was never any challenge to begin with entirely defeats the purpose of the arc. What are we supposed to take away from this? That Dazai automatically wins any fight because he’s Dazai? That removes all stakes. 
Why continue watching a show if you’ve already been told that one specific character will always win—and not only that, but it won’t even be a struggle for him to get there, because he knows everything about everything all the time. 
I really, really hope that this was an anime-only ending. Asagiri can still fix this. Admittedly, bungo stray dogs has always been character-focused rather than plot-focused, so while I trust Asagiri to handle the characters better than this, I’m not really sure what to expect plot-wise. But I’m gonna hope for the best.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 11 months
yk, it kind of annoys me when people rag on shinso for "coasting through life with his quirk". like, there are plenty of other valid criticisms of his character in canon (though admittedly i love his fanon characterization a lot bc of my own biases) but that one always gets under my skin. because that's,,, something basically every canon character does? if you have a quirk, youre going to use it, and the metric for which people use to identify a character as "relying on their quirk too much" seem inconsistent at best. even our very own main character midoriya starts relying on his quirk for everything basically as soon as he can use it without hurting himself, and we stop getting those fun moments where he gets to show his intelligence and creativity nearly as often as theyre replaced with "who can punch harder" contests.
also people who claim shinso did no physical training before the entrance exam, or before aizawa picked him up. because as far as im aware,,, thats never stated in canon? i think people are assuming that if he did any physical training, he would've automatically gotten into the hero course, but that's just not true. even if he trained as hard as he physically could, its gonna be basically impossible for a 15 year old who doesnt have a quirk that gives them an advantage to win against enough robots to pass... which is the literal point of the test. and before anyone brings up hagakure or ojiro, ojiro has an extra limb which canonically helps with his destructive power (he uses his tail to destroy things his punches/kicks couldnt multiple times) and professional martial arts training that shinso clearly doesnt have based on how he flailed during his fight with midoriya, and hagakure is invisible so she can easily sneak up on the robots and take the time to find their weaknesses without being attacked. clear advantages.
and even if he did absolutely no combat training, that could easily be a result of the whole quirk-centric society brainwashing everyone that their quirk makes them who they are. that they have to rely on it, and use it as their guide on who/what to become. so the fact that people are so quick to chalk it up to stupidity and arrogance, when it could easily be just a teenager who isnt immune to propaganda being bitter (and admittedly cruel, like i said not a fan of his canon characterization) when he tries to do something good with his "evil" quirk and it doesnt work, or hell any number of hundreds of other explanations, annoys me a bit. (i realize this is probably coming off as more of an angry rant than im intending, but im not actually that upset about it, im just trying to communicate my thoughts clearly.) ultimately, i dont think we have enough info on shinso's character to decide things like that, you know? and i dont think its productive to just decide that one interpretation of the very limited information we have on his thoughts and actions is the canon one, and then bash/praise him for that interpretation.
i think that's also why tagging things as OOC isnt really done anymore unless its egregious, because there are so many interpretations of characters that are close enough to canon that that version of them can be argued, and a lot of times the person who holds that interpretation is truly convinced that version in their heads is canon, to the point that anyone saying it isnt is automatically deemed an idiot who can't read. so its easy to say "people should tag more things as OOC", but it takes a lot to be aware that how you read a character may not be what is actually displayed in the text or what the author intended, and a lot of people only think about how they read the story due to their own biases or creativeness or pet peeves, not the literal reading of the text. its especially hard in manga, when drawings of facial expressions can sometimes be argued to display a number of emotions, thoughts, etc.
and that one post where someone said that shinso would die immediately if he had to fight someone with a weapon, when he wasnt trained, and they were genetically physically immune to his quirk?? like, yeah, obviously??? so would anyone! these hypotheticals are meaningless, because you could easily say "well, what is hagakure had to fight someone with a gun who had heat vision on day one, she'd probably die" or any other random character and scenario. it means nothing, especially since shinso was actively training to get into a school where he would be trained to both use his quirk and what to do when he cant use it. just saying "well he wasnt good at fighting before he got in" is a terrible argument. i agree with a lot of the rest of the post, but that one part baffled and irritated me.
I think Hitoshi’s biggest flaw is that the world building around him sucks. Had he been shown to train and still failed and had we actually been showed that he’s been bullied, his anger would’ve been justified or at least understandable/sympathetic. Instead we have… nothing, which makes him seem like he’s throwing a temper tantrum and/or comes off as entitled. On paper, he’s not a bad character whatsoever, and the same goes for Shota. The main issue with both characters comes from how they’re executed and how they mesh with the world they’re in.
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sunfloo-wers · 17 days
four for the character questions?
(I'm so tempted to make this about the Colors too, and do like 5 different ones (one for Four, one for each Color, but we'll see how it goes)
favorite thing about them
I can't pick between character design and personality sooooo
I really like the tunic, I know it's a color pallet nightmare and shouldn't work, but it makes him visually stand out against the greens and blues of most of the chain, which I think is fun! (also pretty colors) (and smol)
From a personality/characteristics view point, I really like the complexities with his character! It's really difficult to see him as a 2d character, because of the Colors, which I think is really fun! Stick four different, but still somewhat flat sometimes (as is their point kinda), characters together and you get the real humanity of a fully fleshed out person unavoidable in the character!
least favorite thing about them
Hmmmmm, this is difficult because I love the little guy, but I'd have to sayyyyyyyy... drawing the bangs/headband thingey? from a purely selfish point of view, because I do like how they look, and it's a fun way to differentiate character designs, they're just so hard to drawwwww
favorite line
Not really a line, but when he just fucking cackles in Dawn pt4 when Wars says "I think you ought to practice some teamwork. It could use some improvement."
hmmmmmm, I'm very fond of Four and Dot's platonic relationship, but I'll get into that more in a later section soooooooo
In the chain at least I think Four and Wind are cool because of the underestimation bondings be it because of age, or babyface/height, or just being the small ones! Although, Four and Sky is also a really nice dynamic... AND the Four and Legend one is real fun, both because their personalities work very well together, and the whole Palace of the Four Sword angst potential >:3
Honestly I could speak towards any sort of within the chain relationship and can't pick just one :(((((
Four and Shadow, I am nothing if not predictable (more specifically Vidow because of the manga, but BlackSmith (or whatever the Four and Shadow ship name is) is fun too!). They're just adorable and horrible okie? :3
I'm just generally not a big fan of romantic Four and Dot, no disrespect to people who do like it, but I think they're better as besties! Like, I think MC!Link at least was very young (and FS(A)!Link was also fairly young I think, but more of an early-middle teen than like 8 or 9), so romance was probably the last thing on his mind, just "I gotta save my best friend!"
And! They've known each other since they were children because their parents were friends and Hyrule Town is a fairly small town, no? This could be argued towards a friends-to-lovers plot line technically, but I just automatically file "known each other as kids" under "a subsection of siblings" because of my own experiences (and the aroaceness) sooooooooooo... yeah...
random headcanon
Colors: I think Red and Blue bake stuff together a lot and give it out to the rest of the people of Hyrule Town for fun, or maybe they open a bakery! (this is all after the events of lu, or before I guess)
Four specifically: I really like the idea that he keeps a journal/diary. Writes down everything type journal. This is a fairly popular head cannon I think (maybe????) so for an out of left field one have... uhhhh...
He goes crazy for raspberries. Sure why not, that feels like it weirdly works for some reason
unpopular opinion
I don't think I really have that many unpopular opinions (unless something else here is that) buuuuuuut, maybe something about him being at least a little morally grey? Like, I get heros and all that jazz, but like... let him be at least a little morally grey hmmm?
I guess that's not really unpopular, I just see "hero character is good' and think, how about no, not exactly, and for him it works!
song i associate with them
Okay, I don't have one for Four, couldn't find one in the "all o' it" playlist, but I did find one for Vidow so I hope this suffices:
Little Soldiers by The Crane Wives
(I am nothing if not a puppet for the Little Soldiers Renchantyn propaganda, and it has only made me realise it kinda works for these two as well)
favorite picture of them
As you've probably assumed by now, I cannot pick just one sooooo:
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He's so little, so very smol, and the overhead pov just makes It so much more apparent hehhe (also angy little guy)
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This one is just hilarious due to the context, another iteration of little guy
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and these two because they are new and we all love them :P
(all art credit to Jojo over at @/linkeduniverse of course)
This was really fun thank you so much for sending it in! :D
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beevean · 11 months
People when Guts has a mental breakdown after a lifetime of trauma which leads him to almost rape the woman he loves but stops himself before the deed is fully done and is so disgusted with himself that he starts distancing himself from her and accepting other people in his life to look after her while also accepting that he may never again have the right to even speak to her after what he'd almost done yet will still fight tooth and nail to protect her even if he'll never truly be able to atone: Fucking disgusting mysoginistic bullcrap! Shame on the author for being such a sexualizing creep!
People (not the same people but still) when Lenore tricks Hector into having sex with her on order to slip an enslavement ring on him so as to magically bound him to her and then spends her time making jokes about him being her pet, about his dick and about wanting a new bedroom and who then kills herself upon realising that she may in the future be subjected to the same fate as him while only giving a shallow "yeah sorry about that": OMG! So romantic! This show truly has some incredibly deep and complex writing! Good thing this wasn't written by a sex pest or something!
Is it sexism against men, or good ol' xenophobia that leads many people to be much harsher to Japanese manga and anime than Western products? You decide :)
I wouldn't even compare Guts to Lenore. Guts assaulted Casca after weeks of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion that made him vulnerable to the temptation of the Beast of Darkness. I am not excusing him or downplaying Casca's trauma in any way... but the story didn't, either. Casca, understandably so, was terrified of Guts, and stayed terrified of him for months. Many years in real life. And, as you said, Guts regretted his actions as soon as he realized what he was doing, and that slip was what made him accept the help of Farnese and Serpico: he accepted that he could not take care of Casca by himself. He was a danger to her.
Lenore can't be compared to Guts. It was not an act of irrational aggression. She wanted him in the most vulnerable position possible, to coax him into falsely pledge loyalty to her and that stupid ring. It was premeditated and... well, I'd say cruel, but even in the most Lenore apologist position I can get myself into, she literally treated Hector as an animal to be "rescued". Well meaning? At best. But still inherently dehumanizing. Which alright, she's a vampire, it makes sense that she'd see a human as an animal. And alright, I can see a plotline where she learns to see Hector as a person. But... it never happened. We went from "I made you into my pet" to a brat making dick jokes and pouting that she feels useless after a time skip.
And anyway my issue isn't even with her, it's with Hector and how he shows zero resentment after his understandable breakdown in the S3 finale. I honestly can't read his character, assuming he has one by this point.
I know that people are tired of my bitching about Lenector, but I'm sorry, no matter how hard I try to understand the appeal, the dynamic, the relationship, the "poetry" of their fates, you cannot reconcile Lenore's action in S3 with Lenore's actions in S4 without resorting to some severe rape apologism or straight up denial (because some seem to believe that if you consent at first, then it's automatically okay). The Lenore presented in S4 is a tragic villain coming to terms with her role in the council, the lack of respect from the others, the fear that she might become a monster, and the fact that she started to bond with someone she previously only saw as a "problem to solve"... but in order to accept this at face value, we have to ignore that she resorted to rape and deception to bring her victim to his lowest point. We are meant to pity the rapist. We are meant to see Hector "forgiving" her (assuming he did) as him growing up. There is no other way around it.
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epicspheal · 2 years
So I had this thought that I'd like to share. What if Red's trauma response is just diving into stuff. Mainly " hero" stuff like rushing into a team rocket base and defeating everyone in sight. I dunno how to describe it, but it comes from the idea that maybe an 11 year old facing off against a dangerous mafia group would leave some lasting effects. I wouldn't be surprised if Red's journey scarred him in a way to think that if there's a threat he has to take care of it immediately. Am I taking that one scene from pokemon masters and making it super angsty for no apparent reason? Yeah.
But really it's a genuine thought I had. Red is seen as the calmer one of the Kanto trio but he's very much ready to fight ( by himself I might add) at all times due to his experience with Team Rocket.
Hi there ihopethisendswell!  I've been sitting on this for a bit because I was trying to figure out how to best articulate my thoughts on game!Red and trauma. Because you're right given what he has gone through a lot and is certainly valid to believe that on some level at least a little traumatized.
You mention the Kanto Villain arc scenes in Pokemas (which I confirmed via DM) were Blue yelling at Red for going alone and Red deciding to G-max Snorlax in the base. These were two very telling scenes regarding with how Red deals with threats.
Personally, I disagree with the idea of Red diving into stuff being a trauma response. Across iterations of the male Kanto protagonist (Game!Red, Ash, and Manga!Red) being a little reckless and diving into battle is a universal trait.
Now this is not to say diving into things recklessly can't be a traumatic response, because it most certainly can be. I think though a better example of "diving into things recklessly as a traumatic response" in the Pokeverse would be Hugh, Gladion or Paulo given their backstories. And to be fair I can definitely see the argument that after the run-ins with Team Rocket on his original journey that it's made Red more ready to fight and I don't doubt that it has had some effect. I just don't think it's a purely traumatic response and rather it’s mostly that Red is just naturally reckless.
I think the reason why game!Red being reckless and diving head first is often seen by people as purely a trauma response is the fact that he’s quiet. In fact, he's the only version of the Kanto Male protagonist who is canonically quiet as a major part of his characterization, transcending him just being a silent avatar for the purposes of self-insertion. We tend to, especially in the west, equate reckless and take-charge behavior as something outgoing people tend to do. Someone like Ash or Manga!Red. Quiet characters are often automatically perceived as stoic, calm and collected, and risk averse, even if their actions truly say otherwise. Like you alluded to, game!Red is often seen as the calm one but if the Kanto villain arc is anything to go by, he really isn't. Sure, he may keep a good poker face in battle or in regular conversation, but deep down he's fiery which is shown not only in his choice of starter, but also how one of his theme skills is "Passionate Spirit". Even Blue remarks about this quiet passion when he compares the player to Red "You kinda remind me of him!"You're like a crimson flame quietly burning."
That passionate spirit would drive someone to take charge in a moment of crisis even if they are on the silent side.
Now let's dive deeper into those two scenes. Let's start with the G-max Snorlax scene. For me this is a case where I see Red's actions being less of a pure traumatic response and more of another just inborn trait of Red's. It's universal among the Kanto male protagonists is being reckless with their strategies in the hopes of a large payoff be it in regular battles or serious events. Ash is known for having reckless off the wall strategies as is Pokespe!Red. So game!Red being incredibly reckless with his strategies also checks out.
Now to be fair, Red knows what Giovanni is capable of, so the idea that from past run-ins with Giovanni he knew to shut it down quickly is extremely valid and I do think that played a part into him choosing to G-max in an enclosed area But then remember Blue's quotes during the event "Wait, I know that look in your eyes! Don’t tell me—" Clearly this is not the first time Blue has seen Red be reckless. But what about the part where he left on his own? And didn't tell anyone he was alright and just hiding...much like how he just went up to Mt Silver to train for years without telling anyone, not even his mom? This is where I personally see trauma informing his actions. Red shares the passionate spirit, recklessness and diving headfirst traits with his anime and manga counterparts showing that this is very much a Kanto male protagonist thing. But one thing that game!Red lacks compared to both Ash and Manga!Red is a solid support system when dealing with major threats at least initially. Now Red has friends...two best friends in Blue and Leaf. And he certainly has the respect of all the major trainers of Kanto. But when it came down to the Team Rocket crisis back during his journey, game!Red was very notably alone in dealing with the threat. While Ash didn't really have a proper face-off against Team Rocket in Kanto, he still had his friends Brock and Misty to ward off threats from TRio, and other companions when the other evil teams made their presence known. Manga!Red had Blue and Green as well as the gym leaders of justice in helping to defeat Team Rocket in the manga as well as the help of future dexholders and gym leaders when he got involved in other villainous arcs. But the game version of Red? None of the gym leaders helped. The elite four weren't evil but just holed up in the Indigo Plateau. Leaf was nowhere to be found even though we know she went on her own journey around the same time Red and Blue did. And Blue…chose to battle Red instead of help out. In fact a lot of his living legend status stems from the fact that he took down Team Rocket initially solo. Sure both Ash and manga!Red also would dive in solo at times but they almost always had backup.
Not having backup in those stressful dangerous times is certainly a traumatizing experience. When I think back to when Blue yelled at him for not taking him along all I could think was "Blue, you know your my favorite character, but...you do remember not helping him right? Not sure you should expect him to ask for your help" Granted we know at this point of time Blue and Red have made up and are back to being best friends. But while Red may have forgiven Blue but I can totally understand why he may not of reached out to him initially. Same thing with Leaf, the Kanto gym leaders and Elite four. It's reasonable to assume that in the moments when he realized Team Rocket was up to no good, Red thought "I've got do this alone, because no one else will help me". Which is rather sad when you think about it. We don't even see Red even begin to accept help until the Kanto Villain arc...after Blue yells at him. And for what it's worth I think it's not due to Blue yelling at him but Blue (and the others) showing that they can actually be reliable backup. This is lightly expanded upon in the Johto villain arc where Professor Bellis mentions she sent Blue and Red to help investigate the randomly Dynamaxing Pokemon. We could argue that the two split up during that request but given how for the remainder of the Kanto Villain arc Blue and Red worked together it's likely that finally Red knows fully he can trust someone to have his back in these situations. This also correlates well to his disappearance up to Mt. Silver. Sure, he did go up there to train, but the fact that he went up there for so long without telling anyone, not even his mom does ring alarm bells. I think given everything that happened not just the Team Rocket business but his loss of friendship with Blue there is a lot of reason for Red to be upset and want to isolate himself if only just to process everything and train in peace without threats from villains or being reminded of a broken friendship.
Compare this to his anime and manga counterparts who don't have extended periods of pure isolation. And at least with manga!Red when he goes missing for a month it's immediately shown as suspicious and when he goes off to train on Mt. Silver it's with Gold. Ash is hardly ever alone for extended periods time with the exception being some of the newer movies. The bonds of friendship in the midst of a crisis are a common theme among Pokemon and it's a major thread in the manga and anime with respect to both manga!Red and Ash. And this is something game!Red doesn't get a chance to experience (at least as far as we know of) until the Pokemas Villain arc. So, do I think that Red feels like he needs to take care of threats immediately is a response from trauma? No, not really. It's, in my opinion, mainly standard hero stuff that encapsulates the Kanto male protagonist in all forms. Perhaps some of it is a trauma response but not as much as many would assume. Do I think that Red feeling like he needs to take care of things alone is a trauma response? Absolutely.
I'm hoping we get to see more of this addressed in Pokemas to get more definitive answers. Which I think we might given that some of Blue's dialogue in the Paulo Interludes are...rather ominous...and we may be getting some backstory. Mainly about Blue but Red is going to be inexplicably tied to this given the line of "And it's possible to get back some of the things you've lost". I'm almost positive that's regarding his friendship with Red and I feel like it would be hard to tell this part of the story without addressing either the Silph Co incident or how Red finally decided to come back down from Mt. Silver.
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kharmii · 2 months
the narrative goes more and more into hate hate and even more hate... it's tiring... I'm sure it is for you as well...
so with this ask I want to know something that you enjoyed recently. Something making you feel better. You can also infodump a little about one of your favorite topics.
I hope you don't mind this blunt question. Just think it's important to take a break and focus on the positive as well.
Just so happens I have a facetious rant. When I first got into Dabiten, I thought....why are there no videos on YouTube of Geten with his hood down? There are a few with glowing eyed gremlin Geten fighting Dabi, but fans might have made them for Dabi because Geten is the most background of background characters. I was all set to make my own compilation video months ago, but then I realized one can't download episodes off Crunchyroll onto a PC, just mobile. I'm old, and I like to do all my work on the PC. The project was abandoned.
Fast forward to two days ago when I had all the episodes I needed to make my compilation video downloaded thanks to the My Hero Academia wiki which is one of the most edited there is. One can look up a character they like and find data on every appearance they've made in both the anime and manga. I also had to relearn how to cut and splice together edited scenes. The last time I did this was six years ago when I made the Best of Renegades Mindbender video from G.I. Joe: Renegades.
Before I made the Geten video, however, I wanted to make a compilation video of the absolute best most funny thing I've ever seen on MHA -that is still funny six months later- and that is during S6.E.12 Dabi's Dance when Best Jeanist asked Bakugo if he was able to look beyond himself and pick out a good hero name. Bakugo replied he had a name and wanted to tell him in person. It was Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite!
Five episodes later in E.17 The Wrong Way to Put Out A Fire, Best Jeanist passes Bakugo in a hospital hallway and asks, "Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite, are you okay?" I about died. I put those two scenes in a compilation video, along with two more scenes with other characters -Ingenium and Rumi Usagiyama- calling Bakugo by his new hero name. When I went to upload it to YouTube, it was immediately blocked for copyright so only I could see it. In order to get it unblocked, I'd have to cut the first fifty seconds of a minute and a half video.
I appealed the decision claiming 'free use for entertainment purposes'. After all, everybody and their grandma is putting up similar MHA content with no problem. I also credited the people who owned the franchise. Looking at the details of the copyright issue, it turns out the owner has a content ID claim against the content (which might be why my idea hasn't been done before). I still disputed it. The owner of the copyright has a couple options.
After you dispute
After you submit a dispute, the person that claimed your video (the claimant) has 30 days to respond.
What the claimant can do
Release the claim: If the claimant agrees with your dispute, they can release their claim. If you were previously monetizing the video, your monetization settings will be restored automatically when all claims on your video are released. Learn more about monetization during Content ID disputes.
Reinstate the claim: If the claimant believes that their claim is still valid, they can reinstate it. This means that your dispute was rejected and the claim stays on your video. You may be eligible to appeal this decision.
Submit a takedown request: If the claimant believes that their claim is still valid, they can submit a copyright takedown request. If the takedown request is valid, your video is removed from YouTube and your channel gets a copyright strike. Learn more about options for resolving a copyright strike.
Let the claim expire: If the claimant doesn’t respond within 30 days, the claim on your video will expire and be released from your video.
I still haven't heard back from the owner of the copyright. Best case scenario is they release the claim, but I'd be happy if they'd ignore it and let the claim expire. That would be the ultimate in delayed gratification, but at least I'd get to share the damn thing twenty-eight days from now. Expect to see it here in exactly four weeks if that happens.
In the meantime, I'll eventually get working on the Geten video for fun. We'll see if that also gets a content ID claim against it. If so, hopefully that too will expire after thirty days, and I won't have wasted my time for nothing. Sheesh, this never happened after I posted all those G.I. Joe videos. Hasbro Studios, LLC, the owners of the franchise, just put a copyright claim against all my fan videos so that they were advertised and had a link to the movie The M.A.S.S. Device | G.I. JOE A Real American Hero | 40th Anniversary Special | G.I. Joe Official put on all my videos.
Side note: I love how all YouTube videos somehow automatically generate a transcript of every bit of text in any given video. That's amazing programmers were able to make that happen. I'd like to see the punctuation be accurate and have the ability to cut out the timestamps every other second, but the fact it exists is amazing enough. Maybe someday...
-Like seriously, why do we have this on YouTube.....
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.......but not this:
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kiisaes · 2 years
Hey! So I read your post about my hero academia, the one where you talked about having a weird fatherly connections towards it and I wanted to ask you about what aspects you don’t like about the series? I share a lot of your sentiments but I do think it’s probably more than mid series? A lot of the details and writing I like and I think is considerable better than other shounen mangas. Anyways sorry for rambling. I just wanted to know what aspects you liked on the series and the ones you didn’t like.
Also complete side note: I absolutely love you’re art it’s so beautiful you’re and really skilled drawer!
sure! and thank u anon!
i want to preface this by saying that everything here is my opinion. media analysis is inherently subjective and something i think is bad might be something you think is good. considering how mha is not a shounen that's universally applauded for any or all of its writing choices, it's expected that you and i may perceive this content differently. doesn't mean i'm right and you're wrong and vice versa, it's just a different individual take on the source content.
also, even though i think mha is "mid to mid-good" (as quoted from my textpost) i don't use "mid" as either an insult or in a "it's so average it's bad" way. i know that word has been fucked over bc ppl automatically assume that something being mid means something is bad or bland or boring. it's a middle of the road series with a good share of flaws and strengths, and it doesn't particularly stand out as anything incredibly amazing or awful. just an average to decently good story, and its level of quality fluctuates throughout its run.
at the end of the day, i do like mha. despite what i think of it, it's a series i hold close to my heart and one i can enjoy even without a critical eye. if i didn't, i wouldn't have been making content for it for 2, almost 3 consistent years.
anyway, stuff i like + stuff i don't like under the cut: (warning: VERY LONG)
mha stuff i do like:
deku. he is my little boy
for the most part, horikoshi's character writing is one of his strongest abilities. characters like bakugou, shigaraki, and dabi (and honestly the todoroki family as a unit) are some of the most compelling characters in a story like this. they're allowed to be complex, dynamic and a blend of virtuous and damning traits. they match the overall themes of mha, which is that the sheer concept of "good vs evil" is surface level at best, and that placing people into strict boxes blocks them from everything else that they are. basically a complete "fuck you" to viewers who must condemn a morally grey hero/villain, for example. even less morally grey characters like ochako (imo) are still fun twists and explorations on their given character stereotypes. however i'm obligated to say "for the most part" because hori's superb character writing only matters when he gives those characters time to breathe and actually exist. i'll get into this more later
horikoshi's art is fantastic and undoubtedly his greatest attribute as a mangaka. i firmly believe that, as far as shounen art goes, there aren't any that can rival mha that are also at its global reach. there's never a single moment where i read a chapter and go "wow that art wasn't incredible" because that's not possible. he utilizes his art knowledge so effortlessly and brings out so much in every panel he makes. the manga art never feels dull. i'm so insanely jealous and in awe of him. i guess i could be biased when making this point but i find it hard to genuinely hate his art. it's so polished every time
this is a smaller point that adds to the last one but i do appreciate how he draws women. not when he's using them for uncomfortable gags, but just in general. there's like, actual meat on their bones. they have realistic body proportions (for his style). many of the women are "chubbier" than other shounen women, and a good amount of them are buff as FUCK. it feels like hori puts the same amount of effort into drawing his female characters as he does his male characters, even if he might not dignify that writing-wise
as a fellow comic artist, i absolutely love his understanding of comic language. it's small details like his onomatopoeia reminiscent of western superhero comics that really tie the presentation together. each panel is full of life, with characters and backgrounds working together in the most effective ways. i can't remember what tumblr textpost brought this up, but he also loves playing around with panel borders. he spices them up by using different subjects or objects to split up panels. and this was more of a strength earlier in the series imo, but his pacing was also pretty quick and resourceful. it shows to me that he truly loves creating manga and knows when it's the right time to visually deviate from the norm. again, i'm truly envious of how he can do this. i only hope to reach his level someday ...
this is definitely a biased point, but some of the series' arcs/storylines are some of my favorite ones in fiction. these include the tournament arc, the kamino rescue arc, the overhaul arc, twice's death, and anything relating to the todoroki family. obviously i'm only listing a handful of examples here because i think nearly every arc has its good moments that i can comment on. but when i think of good mha storylines, i think of these first
i also think that mha as a whole is a fun series that knows how to laugh at itself. there's nothing more awkward than a story that takes itself way too seriously, but the content itself is poorly written or not interesting. thankfully, horikoshi doesn't really fall into this issue
there are canon lgbt characters in this series. even if that's kind of a low bar atp (considering how only 1 out of the 3 play a consistently important role), a win is a win is a win. especially in mainstream shounen, beggars can't exactly be choosers.
mha is a story about systemic societal injustice, which is a lofty concept to tackle. thankfully the story is about powers being the norm so the whole "i'm born better than you because i have abilities" is less of a status quo rejection and more of a status quo enabler. as a story concept, it's a good basis, doesn't seem too hard to comprehend, and opens the door for nuanced storytelling and discussion. i think hori does this well at the start of the series. but as the story goes on... uhhh. i'll talk about it.
mha stuff i don't like:
man do these women have basically nothing interesting to do. i complimented how they're drawn earlier, but with the exception of a few notable ones, a lot of their characters pale in comparison to the men. it's even sadder considering that the amount of women in mha is significantly lesser than, so 5 important female characters is like, 1/4 of the female cast. 5 important male characters is like, 1/12 of the male cast. idk i didn't count the amount of characters in this series but it sincerely feels this way, especially if you remember that there are definitely more than 5 important male characters at any moment throughout this series. and when female characters do have their time to shine, there's a 50/50 chance that they die, get gravely injured, or lose limbs. which normally isn't an issue in a battle shounen like mha, but out of the important character deaths in this series, a fair amount of them are women. midnight, magne, and star and stripe have pretty anticlimactic deaths too, to add insult to injury. lady nagant talked her shit then exploded. she's still alive but like ... what? did these characters have to be treated this way? i can't really think of any important male characters who get introduced then axed from the story like this, except for maybe stain (though he's a far more important character narratively). the reason why i bring up this really lengthy point is not because i think horikoshi is actively misogynistic. i just think he falls into the trap that many shounen mangakas face, which is that male characters are more interesting to a male dominated audience. hence, female characters usually get thrown to the side. there are some important women in mha that stand toe to toe with male characters, like toga and ochako, and there are definitely certified girlbosses like mirko and yaoyorozu. but god do i wish i could add more women to this list without having to think really really hard.
and to add onto the previous, shallow, unimportant characters only gain backstories when the narrative demands for it. horikoshi used to write characters revealing their intentions and history in relatively natural ways, like with ochako and her goal to become a hero for money. it kind of came out of nowhere, but it's a valid conversation a teenager would have with other teenagers. in context, it was revealed normally. i'm not sure when these reveals turned forced, but i remember seeing kirishima's backstory and being like "well .. would this have ever been told to us if kirishima wasn't a main character in this arc?" this isn't against kirishima's character; i love the guy and i think his history was short but contextualized his personality really well. but with the recent shoji backstory reveal i could only think, "wow. horikoshi must be really glad he made a mutant character to project this theme onto, huh." it didn't feel like shoji was ever meant to have a backstory — not to mention a very depressing one — but he got one this late in the series run because it was convenient for the plot. perhaps i'm a cynic and this isn't an issue for others, idk. that being said, i think characters like shoji and even star and stripe and lady nagant could have benefited from more natural character developments, maybe with more time given so it doesn't feel like a weirdly convenient reveal.
i just really fucking wish mineta would die already. like get kicked into the sun or blown up with TNT or run over by a car or something. he's less of an openly creepy loser than he was in the beginning of the series, but i'm sure that's because he literally doesn't have the luxury to be creepy at the moment. he's one of the least appealing gag characters that never grows and changes as a person. and he got a backstory before kaminari. can you fucking believe this shit? why does horikoshi keep entertaining this bullshittery— oh yeah. i just remembered that the girls were perved on quite a bit in this series, which wasn't funny and moreso uncomfortable for a lot of readers. like, i know it's shounen, it's animanga, fanservice is kind of the unfortunate norm. but by god, do we need a series poster child for pervy, male-gaze behavior?
i commented earlier about mha's themes and that i think, at least at the start, hori had a good grasp of what he was writing. framing society's systemic flaws and failures in a wacky superheroes vs villains story is not only clever, but makes this actually serious topic accessible to those who might think social-cultural politics are too intimidating. he sets this up starting from deku and bakugou (oppressed and privileged), then adds onto it with stain (heroes who retain the status quo by seeking money and status are not true heroes, because they don't help those in need). shigaraki is thrown into the mix along the way (society fucks over the underprivileged, even those who want to do good, which breeds more villains and in the real world, more criminals) and his little league of villains all have their own stories (spinner: those who don't look like the masses are cast aside, harassed and villainized; dabi: if you don't live up to cruel expectations established by society and parroted by those in your life, you might as well be worthless; toga: any unconventional worldviews and actions are deemed scary and evil; magne: trying to conform to a rigid society as a queer person is fucking hard, man). there's also endeavor (even though you're in a position of power and respect, it doesn't automatically make you a good person). these are all GREAT, and are super compelling set-ups for mha's overall themes: that society should change somewhat, villains are a product of this flawed system, there aren't fully good people nor fully bad people, rehabilitation/growth is good, and true heroes aren't identified by title, but by actions.
these themes are quite apparent throughout mha's entire run. but i feel like the further it goes, the less horikoshi knows how to verbalize them. the latest mini arc dealt with spinner vs shoji in a strangely awkward clash of ideals. spinner is seen as a martyr who really just wants mutants to be accepted into society, and his status rallies up those who have also been hurt. shoji retaliates by... telling them to stop? by saying this isn't the right way? because he was fortunate enough to be in this position, he suddenly has the authority to tell those like him to find a better way to get their voices heard? what, should they all just become heroes? haven't we established that the society they all belong in is fucked up, and that drastic change must be made? i understand what horikoshi is trying to say but it's... off. like the point is there, but the execution is clumsy. shoji even says something like spinner's revolution setting them back 30 years, which is so fucking bizarre to say, and would certainly raise eyebrows in the real world. it sounds like villains can express their grievances with society but they can't dare revolutionize. otherwise, they'll be silenced/ignored again. it's the whole "violence breeds more violence" belief, but there's more to that that should be explored. man, i dunno.
i'm harping on this one story instance but recent mha is riddled with well-meaning but clumsy storytelling like this. and since the narrative relies on these complex, nuanced themes, it's jarring when the nuance falls through. if mha is about breaking harmful norms, why do they still dictate the execution? hori did it so right with deku and bakugou, their relationship being a definite high in the series. but i truly don't how he'll treat the villains at the end of this arc
ok tumblr's telling me to shut up anyway these are my thoughts. again, even though i've rambled so much about my dislikes, i think mha is still a fun and enjoyable series. it misses the point sometimes, but it doesn't detract from its successes. either way my opinions should not rule over how you consume the series. it's always important to form your own opinions!!!
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eleiyaumei · 1 year
Rambling about aro, ace, aroace, demi Sesshōmaru
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romantic attraction =/= sexual attraction, aromanticism =/= asexuality
For most people, their romantic identity matches their sexual identity (e.g. aroace, gay, straight, bi) but that doesn’t mean that they are the same. Alloromantic asexual people and aromantic allosexual people might be the best examples for this but it’s also possible to be heterosexual and panromantic.
As far as I know, alloromantic allosexual Sesshōmaru is the most common representation of him in fan works which makes sense because most people on the planet identify that way.
In regards to “proof” that Sesshōmaru might be one identity or another, in my judgement, there is none, neither in manga nor anime – not even in YH, which I do not include in this because for me, it is not canon. There are several instances where Sesshōmaru’s kind of feelings are ambiguous, especially in the case of Kagura, but none show explicitly that he feels romantic or sexual attraction to anyone. (If you disagree, feel free to let me know!)
So, in accordance with the “lack of proof on sexual and romantic attraction”, I interpret Sesshōmaru to be aroace. But this is influenced by me being ace and thinking in the pattern “asexual until proven allosexual”. Similarly, alloromantic allosexual people might think “allo/allo until proven otherwise” and see Sesshōmaru that way until he says something like “I am not interested in romance and/or sex” and that’s valid as well.
But 1) we can’t look inside his brain, heart or body and determine what he experiences
and 2) we as fans can headcanon him as whatever identity we like.
(I personally separate interpretation from headcanon for interpretation to mean “something that can be supported by the text” and for headcanon to mean “whatever someone imagines – whether supported by the text or not”.)
Interpreting or HCing Sesshōmaru as demisexual and/or demiromantic seems to be the best compromise for a lot of people, allo and aro-/ace-specs alike. Like, he ‘is’ asexual/aromantic until he forms a deep bond with someone and he then ‘becomes’ allo.
Demisexual/-romantic people, please tell me what you think of that wording because I’m not a fan of it. It reminds me of things allo people tell a-spec people, the whole “You just have to find the right person”, or of what supporters of Purity Culture want people to be like: Abstaining from sex, sexual thoughts, fantasies etc. until you marry and then having sex regularly to reproduce, pleasing your partner etc.
I’m also not fond of the wording of the common definition of demisexuality/-romanticism: “Experiencing sexual/romantic attraction after developing a strong emotional bond with someone” because it can make it seem like you automatically experience these attractions once you formed said bond when I don’t think that’s the case for most demi people.
I prefer the definition that I heard from a demi person (Christi Kerr), in the vein of “rarely experiencing sexual/romantic attraction and when you do, it’s towards someone you developed a strong emotional bond with”. [Source]
Demisexuality and -romanticism aren’t experienced in a monolithic way. Some might develop sexual/romantic attraction to every person they bond with emotionally, some might predict a possibility that they will develop attraction once they get close to a specific person and some might get close to people (with the hope/assumption that they’ll develop attraction) only to realize that they still don’t feel attraction towards them.
(As an asexual person who only experiences sexual attraction towards 1 fictional character, I’m pretty jealous of the first two groups. Like, “It’s THAT easy for you guys? GREAT. Wish that were me.” But I know that no experience is “easy”, people can still deal with unreciprocated feelings/attraction, fleeting attraction, and many other struggles.)
What worries me about people HCing Sesshomaru as demisexual/-romantic is the potential that some allo people only use that HC to fetishize/project their own fantasies onto the real identities of demisexuality/-romanticism. Like, they might accept the aro/ace parts only because he does experience attraction towards them/their OC(s)/the person(s) they’re shipping him with (and attraction is kinda a must-have in romance/smut works) and because it gives them a sense of relationship security, fewer reasons to get jealous towards people he’s interacting with.
But I have to be fair and acknowledge that people can separate fact from fiction and can see their fantasies as such. Though, I must admit, I’m pretty pessimistic about that since the spectrums of asexuality and aromanticism are not common knowledge and a lot of misconceptions are roaming about...
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
So, I'm writing these on my phone, so please excuse any typos or the length. So, I've been thinking about the Dying Will Flames from KHR lately and how the characters from my other fandoms would fit those flames and figured I'd share my thoughts on K and the big four of HOMRA!
Now, since all Sky Flame users we've largely been exposed to have been bosses of their respective families, which does make sense considering the flame itself, one would automatically assume that Mikoto, as defacto boss of HOMRA, would, of course, be a Sky Flame user but I honestly don't see that at all. It just doesn't fit him to me and I'll go a bit into why in the explanation of what I do think his Flame is. Now, with Mikoto, I see him having a dual Flame, with Cloud being his predominant type with a secondary, weaker, Lightning Flame. Now, while he is the Boss, I think the most fascinating thing about Mikoto for me is that he's always come off as someone who kind of stumbled into being a boss-type figure. It's not something he sought out and I don't think it's something he ever really fully embraced. Like, he is the Red King, he is the top of HOMRA, but I do see him, in the anime and in the manga, who kind of always does keep himself to himself in some regards. He doesn't fully embrace relationships with others for the most part, with a few exceptions, and while he does care about those in HOMRA, he kind of always does his own thing and largely seems okay with letting them do their own thing. He truly is 'the drifting cloud' who protects the family, or HOMRA, in this case, from where he really is at the moment instead of really rallying the rest of HOMRA or meeting them where they are. It's not that he doesn't care about them; it's just that to Mikoto, his own feelings and wants always are what takes first priority. He leaves the rallying and organizing to others better suited for it. Now, in terms of fighting, even though his Lightning Flame is weaker, I do seem him using it more during actual battle than his Cloud Flame. More or less, Mikoto is someone who does enjoy fighting, going on the offensive instead of the defensive more often, and the Lightning Flames help him more that way. Truly, in battle, he does as the Flame suggests - draws the damage towards himself, serving as a lightning rod for anyone dumb enough to try to take him on. For those curious, I do see him having a Lightning Lion type box animal, whose roar can project a solid barrier but whose body is almost shrouded in electricity that will electrocute anyone who touches it.
Now, Totsuka is actually the one I see possessing a Sky Flame. While he doesn't seem the typical Sky Flame user, especially since he does prefer to follow, does prefer to support instead of to lead directly, he, both as a person and in the role he fills in HOMRA, lives up to the Sky's responsibility of accepting all and enveloping all. We see, especially in MOR, that Totsuka is often the one that new members get to know best, who kind of acts as a welcoming host and is the one people are encouraged to go to with questions and the one who the HOMRA members really find themselves the most influenced by, again, especially shown in the manga. The Sky Flame's characteristic of Harmony is especially shown in Totsuka's personality itself and in how he deals with and sees the world. On top of that, the Sky Flame can be combined with any other type of Flame and I really feel that Totsuka was the best, among the top three of HOMRA, at really getting along with, building relationships with, and combining his own personality with all the other HOMRA members. He truly did kind of colour them all with his own personality but at the same time, the other members of HOMRA inspired and were accepted as was by Totsuka. For those curious, I see his box weapon as being a Sky Slow loris, something really deceptively cute but incredibly dangerous, much like Totsuka himself.
When it comes to Izumo, it never occurred to me that he could be anything other than a Rain Flame. The Rain Flame's duty is 'to square away conflict and wash away the blood spilled, the requiem of rain'. And really, when it comes to HOMRA, Izumo is the one who keeps everything together. Who takes care of all the issues and problems and who keeps an ear out and an eye on things. Without Kusanagi, HOMRA could not and would not exist. Though the opposite of the free-spirited and accepting Totsuka, Kusanagi still very much influences and colours the lives of all the HOMRA members and is the one that anyone of them would trust and put their faith in to solve any problems the members can't solve themselves. Another interesting bit regarding Kusanagi and the Rain Flame is that Rain Flames can negate or cancel out other flames to a certain extent and I do feel that, in his dealings with the other HOMRA members, this also very much fits Kusanagi. A harsh word or a lecture from Kusanagi can and has kept members, and even Mikoto himself, from doing stupid things. While he takes more of a background to the more charismatic Mikoto and Totsuka, I think without Kusanagi's influence, and without a good Rain Flame user, that HOMRA wouldn't work in the long run. For those interested, I think his Box Animal is a Rain Flame Bat, just because of spirit animal symbolism and all, haha!
Shocking nobody, but Yata is definitely a Storm Flame. "Continuously at the heart of the attack, the furious storm that never rests." Yeah, that's most certainly Yata and I don't feel like there needs to be a lot of explanation for this one. Yata is unapologetically who he is - brash, hot-tempered and hot-headed, unafraid to use violence as a means to protect or to achieve his goals. For those curious, I see his Box Animal as being a murder of Storm Flame crows, at least four or five Box Animal Storm Crows that he uses in conjunction with each other, simply because he thinks only one would be lonely for the Box Animals.
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kiribread · 2 years
Prototype Kamui Woods Analysis 🪵
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I was thinking about this prototype when i realized "oh google translate is a thing!" While obviously not perfect it gets the general point acrossed i think!
Im going to disect this into chunks starting with his overall appearance!
One thing that automatically stands out to me is how villainous and rugged he looks! Ngl if i saw him irl with this design I'd probably cry 😭💀. With that being said, the rugged/villainous looking designs were a prevalent part of his style pre bnha.
But besides the whole style change, kamui's final design is pretty similar to his old one with a few minor changes!
First off, his shoes almost seem similar to deku's in this sense that they both have a covering over their normal shoe. Deku's being some sort of metal that i don't remember and kamui's being wood. His new shoes kept the same shape pretty much but instead of a wood cover the whole shoe is wood!
He as no knee pads in this one! I didn't notice it untill writing this lol.
He has a lil hook on the back of his belt that i don't believe he has in his bnha design! Idk what it's for though.
The string of roses he has leaves on it here! Cute touch but i can see why hori removed them.
The arm band things here also seem more detailed than the finished designs. Again, cool detail but i can see why it didn't make the final cut.
The shoulder strap things almost look like bookbag straps to me lol. I find it interesting that when kamui was first introduced in the series he didn't have said straps but come the hero rankings he brings them back! With a better design thankfully lol.
Also the branches onthe back of the straps don't look natural and are much bulkier than in the final! This was a good change lol.
And finally, we have his long ass thick ass neck 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀. Even with all that neck he still can't hold his head up straight 💀. Kamui walked so best jeanist could run 🏃.
I lied the actual last thing is that in the text it mentions that the suit is black and not the navy blue we see today. Im not sure why he changed the color but if i had to guess it could be that it made his overall character design too dark? I think he should've stayed with the black bc it looks better to me personally. In the anime we actually get a sneek peek at what it could look like when it was showing everyone injured.
Now for the truly jucy stuff 🫡
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Honestly don't really understand what this is trying to say... i think it's something about his costume helping absorb energy? Idk if any one yall can read Japanese plese lemme know and translate this particular part for me 😭.
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I thought this is pretty interesting since they're weeknesses that we don't see in the manga or anime (not yet atleast.) And they make sense too! I do have one particular question but I'll reserve it for later when it comes up in the text. Besides that i wonder if hori intended to keep these weeknesses but sonce we don't see him much we never got to see them? I hope he did bc the part of it where he can only control a certain amount of branches before he losses control sounds like hint lol.
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Okay edge lord 💀. The wording in "i have never shown my face to anyone close to me" is kind interesting to me. From what im getting from this is that he's worried about getting close to someone, than showing his face to them, then the person being scared off. Maybe not in this way directly but we've seen other mutant characters that have, or have had a similar problem. (Shoji and gang orca are the ones who pop into my mind.)
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When i looked this word up it kinda surprised me; i thought I've looked up the wrong word. But thinking about it, it does kinda fit. In the text it talks about his appearance being ostentatious which among the early cast i think it does! But i think it can also alludes to his personality a bit. In his first appearance in the show mt. Lady steals his spot light and he seems pretty upset about it. Then in bnha smash (which ik isn't canon but hey) i think deku asks for a autograph or something from kamui, death arms, mt. Lady and they all had tears streaming down their face bc of it. But for kamui in particular i can see being a result/form of "attracting admiration." Though, i could be reading this all wrong so feel free to put ur own imput 💀👀. But with that said it does lead into the next chunk of text!
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Mom: "Welp good luck have fun and don't get eaten by a bare!" 👍🏻👋🏻
Kamui: 👁💧👄💧👁
Man i really wanna know why she just left him there! I feel like the most obvious reason is that kamui is a heteromorph and the mom wasn't for it. I also feel that it's the most probable answer considering it was immediately after birth. I would also like to point out that from the time he was dropped off till the time he was found he was able to survive completely on his own! That's pretty damn impressive especially considering how dependent human babies are on their parents. Due to his wooden skin though it probably provided good camouflage. Also ik he has to have some serious social skill problems 😭. Or atleast behind average lol.
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Idk exactly what this means but it seems important and most likely a reference to the previous text.
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So im assuming this means that kamui can eat normal food and photosynthesize. The question i was talking about earlier is if kamui goes without sunlight but eats nutritious food would his quirk still "wilt?"
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So nishiya isn't is original last name. I mean, it's to be expected since his bio mom abandoned him. So W the nishiya family 🙏. Also his reason for being a hero is 🤎🤎🤎.
One thing i did notice that may just be the translation is that the text switches between he, i, and it. He and i are normal but the it is weird.
welp that's all i have for now may come up with a few more things later but we'll see!
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