#which as a side sleeper was a huuuuge relief
pastafossa · 2 years
Hi pasta, I'm sorry about the whole fiberglass dust situation and all the things you had to throw away, i know that feeling unfortunately: i had a similar situation but with mold...i bad to throw away the majority of my clothes and some plushies which I was very fond of. Now back to u, how do u feel today? Is the coughing getting better or worse? Hope you'll feel better soon :)
Thank you so much. 😭 And it's exactly that. Like some of the things you have to throw away, ok, but some of them mean something, or you just really really liked them (I'm likely going to lose a few plushies either, so I feel you). I'm sorry you've had to go through this, too! I don't wish it on anyone, it's terrible having to deal with being forced to toss things like this.
I'm just tired and achy and out of energy, mostly (standard for my health issues), but the coughing is indeed better, and my chest doesn't hurt as much! So the masks clearly worked the past few days I was up there trying to clean, and sleeping downstairs is helping, too. I'm still coughing a fair amount but I'll take the improvement. I've also had a ton of people reaching out, either to offer encouragement or a fun distraction or even to help if they wound up being in my area, which has helped keep my mood from tanking as badly as it otherwise might have. I'm very VERY grateful for that love and support because it makes me feel less alone, especially when it can feel so isolating trying to take care of this in a new city. 💖
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