#which again would do it because Adrien couldn't deal with the truth
australet789 · 2 days
Can't believe the London Special is going to be
"Yeah, Marinette had to lie to Adrien about his dad being a terrorist because the kid is still not mentally stable enough to handle the truth and he fucked destroyed the world once again"
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temporalbystander · 2 years
So... About Faybon and Alya
Since I've been avoiding doing anything I'm supposed to in regards to Tumblr, but I've had my fill of self-pity for the moment, I figured I may as well give the two people (at least) I owe an explanation regarding the two above mentioned characters and their relationship. Story below the cut, may post to Ao3 depending on the response here.
Things Alya does that pisses Faybon off to no end.
Faybon sighed as he looked down at the piece of paper and the title he had written at the top of it. It was something his therapist had recommended when he mentioned how aggravated he got some times and that he was worried about an Akuma. Of course he'd only agreed to see the therapist because Miss Netta was so worried about how stressed he'd seemed lately. Honestly, when you're getting pelted by a rock every five minutes because what you're about to do is going to lead to a terrible timeline, why wouldn't you be stressed?
Sighing he was about to tear out the page and just tell the counselor that he couldn't think of anything when he felt something hit his shoulder and fall to the floor with a crack. Looking down he was surprised to see another stone, he could fill a drawer with how many Bunnyx had thrown at him over time. If they didn't vanish soon after that was. Still, doing his therapy homework avoided a catastrophe? Seriously? "Probably just doesn't want to deal with me being akumatised again." He muttered to himself as he looked back at the page. She knew best he supposed.
?. The dismissive nature she had regarding Marinette's worries.
(His therapist said not to worry about ranking them but he couldn't help himself, it was a list, there should at least be room for them to be numbered properly.)
Looking at what he had written he just rolled his eyes. Alya meant well and Marinette was known to catastrophize a lot but he couldn't help the slight tension every time she said Marinette was being ridiculous before trying to help her calm down. How hard was it to tell her to breathe before belittling her?
Faybon needed to take his own advice. Alya never belittled Marinette, at least not when there wasn't an Akuma involved. They were best friends after all… Faybon frowned and wrote down the next point.
?. Constantly referring to herself as Marinette's best friend.
It was true but Faybon could count on one hand the amount of times he'd heard Alya say something like "Marinette is my best friend". Most of those times had been when Faybon was voicing an opinion on her or just had her wrapped in a hug. Every other time it was "I'm her/Marinette's best friend" or "your best friend" when talking to Marinette directly. It seemed like she was elevating herself above him somehow. As if she was saying Marinette valued her more than him.
Faybon paused as that last thought hit. Well, now he knew why that upset him at least. He could talk about it with his therapist next meeting, even if they would say to talk to Alya about it instead. No way that was happening, the way they argued she'd probably just use it against him.
?. Alya has no respect for the privacy of others.
Sure she wanted to be a journalist but the amount of times he'd caught her peeking over Marinette's shoulder at her phone or her book only to start prying when Marinette hid it? It drove him mad. She'd even done it to him once or twice which was why he never looked at his messages around her now, which of course led to accusations that he was hiding something and that led to a whole other argument.
?. Alya has no respect for others' secrets.
Faybon's pen left a large ink blot as he pressed it down too hard after that. He still wouldn't forgive her for telling Nino about Marinette's crush on Adrien and refusing to own up about it. Honestly he was fucking amazed she hadn't spilled the beans about her being Ladybug yet, the truth about Rena Furtive lasted a week after all and Marinette didn't know about that until Carapace needed to shield her.
Taking more breaths to calm himself down, getting akumatised would not be helpful to completing this work, he tried to think of the next thing.
?. Alya is too damn involved with Adrinette.
Seriously, the plans to get them together, the dates, the way she practically threw Marinette at Adrien and ran away only to be oh so disappointed later when nothing happens? It made him sick. Sure he wanted them to be happy together but he understood that they needed to actually be happy first. Her being a complete mess and him being utterly confused did not a good date make. Seriously? When did she become the expert on relationships anyway? She considered Nino a brother until she got locked in a cage with him.
?. Alya is quicker to believe Marinette is blinded by jealousy rather than actually having a point.
Honestly, the whole Lila situation infuriated him. Heaven forbid that when it comes to a guy, you trust the opinion of the one who you're trying to set up with him. Even with the entire class falling for Lila's crap, Alya still thought Marinette was just being jealous even after Marinette had tried to get Adrien and Kagami back together. Not to mention the fact that the one person whose opinion you should trust on the so-called best friend of Ladybug, is actually Ladybug! Faybon was so caught up in his anger that he wrote the next one without even thinking.
?. Alya considers Lila a better friend than I am.
… That… wasn't exactly true… was it? Faybon set his pen down as he stared at the final entry. He knew it was the final entry but he didn't really know what that meant. Sure Lila was a convincing liar. And sure they were both girls so they'd be closer that way. And of course it wasn't like they got along particularly well anyway with the aforementioned arguments. Heck the entire list was proof that they weren't really close friends but… for both Nino and Alya to consider Lila a better last minute babysitter than him? That… hurt… more than he thought it would now that he was actually thinking about it.
Looking back over the list Faybon noticed a pattern, one that made him feel slightly sick as he realised what it meant. With a slightly shaking hand Faybon started a new list and was quick to add three points under it. Once that was done he slammed the book close and put it away. He'd deal with that at the next session, until then he'd do what he did best. Ignore it.
As he went about the rest of the day he slowly forgot about his understanding that had led to the new list being made, but it wouldn't be long before he was forced to look at it again and explain to his therapist exactly what they meant.
Reasons why Faybon is terrified of Alya.
Alya doesn't consider him a friend.
Alya doesn't like him being around Marinette.
If Alya ever said something, Marinette would listen.
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don-quixotine · 3 years
So how come Marinette just lets everyone have their Miraculous back for Season 4 even if Shadowmoth knows who they are, but a plot point of Season 3 was that Chloe couldn't use her Miraculous anymore because Hawkmoth knew who she was? Even in the Visperia episode Ladybug says that "unlike Chloe you'll keep it a secret" but then just tosses whoever their Miraculous back just because? Rocketear just has Carapace helping to catch non-akumatized dinosaurs because it'll look cool I guess. I know Astruc went out of his way to assassinate Chloe's character but can the show just be consistent?
Hey anon! What a great question indeed.
I think the one thing people tend to forget when comparing Chloe with the rest of the Miraculous users is that there is, in fact, something that does set her apart: Her repeated offenses against Ladybug's rules of secrecy and use.
But let's review what we know Chloe did before we get into that:
The first time Chloe had a Miraculous, it was not handed to her. She found it and refused to give it back at first.
She tried to stage an emergency to position herself as a new hero, effectively risking a bunch of citizens.
She revealed her identity for personal gain.
Finally, the biggest offense: In the moment of truth, she sided with Hawkmoth.
Now let's compare that with what the other Miraculous holders did:
Get hit by Miracle Queen and be forced to reveal their identity.
The main difference between Chloe and the rest of the Miraculous holders when their identity was revealed is that she chose to exploit her power for personal gain while the rest of the holders were victims of an akuma.
One may say, "Yeah, but what if she didn't know that revealing her identity would make her Hawkmoth's target?" Really? The self-proclaimed Biggest Ladybug Fan ™ doesn't know how her favorite heroine's villan works? Especially after being his target in countless ocassions? I am not sure.
Of course, this is up for interpretation, but I find it hard to believe that Chloe, someone who is allegedly as passionate about Ladybug as Alya, doesn't know the stakes Ladybug faces. My interpretation is that she knew, she just thought that it wouldn't matter because she'd be able to face him so long as she had a Miraculous (and it kind of checks out because in Heart Eater she threatens him: "If I had my Miraculous...")
Chloe committed the mistake of thinking that just because she was handed a Miraculous once she'd be entitled to have it again. Even more so, that she'd be able to decide when that happened. Another important point here is that her official "handing" (in Malediktator) was a result of Ladybug losing the Miraculous. Ladybug wouldn't have trusted Chloe otherwise. And pointedly, Ladybug is giving Chloe the same treatment in S3 as she is giving the rest of the holders in S4: She is giving her the benefit of doubt. Trusting that she will be careful. She only stops trusting her once her offenses are crystal clear.
So, when Ladybug tells Vesperia she knows she'll be able to keep it a secret, she is referring to the fact that she won't willingly reveal her identity. Not that it won't happen by accident.
Then, on the topic of the show being inconsistent regarding identity reveals as a plot point. Honestly, I feel like this may be a result of having the episodes out of order, not a fault of the show itself. Because now that we have a few more episodes you can see that the consequences of revealing your identity are still front and center in the plot of S4.
S4 is built on what happened in S3. And interestingly, we are now asking Alya, Nino, and Adrien the same question we asked Chloe in S3: How do they deal with the secrets they've been entrusted with? And now, Nino has now broken the rule, too. The only reason why it seems inconsistent that he hasn't gotten any consequence, is because the consequence isn't here yet. It lies in the episodes ahead.
This ties to the point of Ladybug handing back Miraculous to people whose identity has been exposed. I wouldn't say that the logic of who gets a Miraculous is inconsistent because it's not a precept, it's a decision taken by a character, and characters are not supposed to act perfectly (where would be the fun in that?).
Personally, I think that Ladybug trusting the same people again is a result of her current difficulty trusting herself as a Guardian. My interpretation is that she much rather keep the people that have already proven they're trustworthy, and trust they will do the right thing. Which is why she keeps going back to Carapace and Rena (as implied in Rocketear), and why she is trusting blindly in the fact Chat won't question these shaky decisions, which will be, as we are beginning to suspect, a catastrophic mistake especially once it is revealed that they affect his interests.
But she trusts them with the Miraculous because... who is more trustworthy than her friends?
Cue the angst.
🌝 EDIT: Another point I wanted to add is how it will be SO interesting to see whether Chat ends up paralleling Chloe or not. Because when you think about it, her decision to side with Hawkmoth was ultimately driven by the idea that Ladybug doesn't care about her. After all, one of ML's story morals is that you can't always control the situations around you, but you can control how you react to them.
Let's see how the kitty cat fends in that test of fire 😏
Ok, NOW cue the angst.
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chicoriii · 3 years
Season 4, Episode 4 - Mr Pigeon 72
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I have no idea where to start. This episode has some good things and some extremely stupid.
Marinette isn't still completely fine, but I prefer when she deals with it through being hyperactive than being a whining crybaby.
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I know people don't agree with me, but personally I don't buy the whole revealing identity to Alya. It's not a problem with Alya herself, I would say the same about every single character who is not named Alix Kubdel at this point of the story. I haven't written anything in my post about Gang of Secrets, because I thought it would be undone in some way at the start of the next episode. The creators did nothing to explain why revealing identity of Ladybug to anyone was super dangerous and would result in a catastrophe in seasons 1-3 and the first two episodes of S4, but it's magically fine in episode 3. Only Alix made sense to me, as she will be the rabbit Miraculous holder, so she is destined to discover identities of everyone sooner or later and Marinette is aware of that. While it's not necessary to learn identity of anyone to other temporary Miraculous wielders, including Alya. Also that reveal hasn't been foreshadowed in season 3, while the show usually does it, especially if it's about something as important as that! More, in late S3, it's been shown that Alya still can't resist to not talking about Marinette's love life with Nino, despite she asked her to not do it. Now the girl, who is overly excited about superhero stuff, has no problems with even accidental revealing anything to Nino or someone else. She's even "stealing" Bunnix line that she's great at keeping secrets (sorry but you, the creators, haven't shown us that she's indeed is before!). This is why I think that reveal hasn't been planned before they started writing season 4.
But okay, I can deal with it, even if I don't buy it, but things these happened in Mr. Pigeon 72 are even more inconsistent with previous seasons. I have been worried about it, so it doesn't surprised me. For some reason Guardian related-things that have been kept in a secret before from everyone minus current Guardian and the future Guardian, are now fine being done in front of Kwamis (remember, they haven't been allowed to learn about making potions before!) and a civilian who is just a temporal Miraculous holder, not someone who is supposed to be trained to be a new Guardian. You can say - new Guardian, new rules, but why? Marinette has been portrayed as someone who respect authorities, she has never questioned any Fu's rules. It wasn't even said in the episode that she's going to change the rules. I hate that the writers don't even bother to explain us what's going on. Probably they don't bother about consistency, they think the audience is going to be too excited about Alya knowing Ladybug's identity and helping Marinette to question anything about it? How Alya could be allowed to learn the Guardian secrets? She is just best friend of the protagonist, she is not one of the main characters to get that special treatment. I makes zero sense to me. Especially since Su-Han will be introduced in episode 6 and he should help Marinette with understanding the Grimoire, Alya isn't necessary here for any other reason than fanservice.
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In my opinion the way how they discovering how to make charms that protects from akumasitation was the most stupid thing that happened this season and one of the most in the whole show. Marinette who is the new Guardiand and portrayed as someone extreme intelligent and creative couldn't find the solution for days, but Alya with zero training magically discovered it in a few hours at worst. And when she told her the solution in not even very clear way, Ladybug did it immediately with no effort. That was so anticlimactic. At least the animation was fine, but other aspects of it was just a big disappointment, and I was looking forward for it. Thank goodness it's just the beginning of the season, I hope later important events of the season will be better written and portrayed.
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Also I find it absurd that Rena Rough is walking with a page from the Grimoire like it's just an ordinary book and she's talking about it in front of a random civilian, like things that are written there are nothing special. She or Ladybug are not careful about Miraculous lore anymore. Not to mention that they are giving hints that Rena is very close to Ladybug in public, suspiciously close. And now with them being too careless, that's not hard to suspect that Rena Rouge is someone very close to Ladybug, maybe even as a civilian. Shadow Moth knows Rena Rouge's identity, and it's easy to him to learn who is Alya Cesaire's best friend if he doesn't know it yet, after all his son is in the class with her. Marinette has always been super careful and serious about her duties before, why that sudden change with zero explanation? It's just very out of character to her in my opinion.
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I didn't like the akuma battle either, it's now the worst fight of the season in my opinion. It was so short and felt very lazy. I only liked that Plagg got some action and interaction with Ladybug (though it should be suspicious for her that he managed to reach to her that fast). He should be aware now that Alya knows Ladybug's identity but he acts like nothing happened. Not a word about it being unfair towards his kid or something, weird.
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Thankfully the rest of the episode is generally more or less fun to me. It was nice to see Marinette and Kagami interacting again. I loved Kagami in the episode, although it was a bit weird to me that she isn't seemed to be affected by her breaking up with Adrien. Like her crush was very shallow, so she managed to recover herself from it very quickly. While it's been shown that Luka is hurt, despite Lukanette always seemed to be much more shallow than Adrigami in my opinion. But maybe it's because she's so down to earth, so being less emotional makes sense for her character. I liked how her attitude was opposite to Marinette's hyperactive: "No, I don't want to be in a relationship with Adrien again, he disappointed me, just let me live!!!". And she's another character who said that Marinette and Adrien are made for each other. I'm not surprised that Kagami sees it now when she tried to be with him and that didn't work. She's observant, sees more than many other characters. It seems she's an Adrienette shipper now. It's also good that her issue with Adrien wasn't resolved that easily and too fast. They need more time, but I'm sure they will be friends again.
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So, we've gotten shirtless Adrien. I remember seeing a tweet of Thomas in which he answered to a question if there will be a beach episode and he said we will get something similar. I wonder if he meant this episode. Oh, they just remembered that Adrien is supposed to be allergic to feathers. It seems Adrien has allergic reactions only when it's somewhat related to the plot. When it's not, he's completely fine.
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The reference to the famous Umbrella Scene™ out of nowhere in a random episode? It probably means something. I can see "reverse crush" supporters interpreting it as a proof to their theory, especially since this time Adrien did something clumsy and Marinette is laughing because of it (actually both of them). Or maybe because it's the first episode of season 4 with Marinette and Adrien interactions, they decided to be that much gracious for Adrienette fans, to compensate lack of it in the first three episodes. Oh wow, Marinette managed to propose spending more time together to Adrien without stuttering. Probably because she has done it spontaneously. Marinette is the most nervous when she's planning and thinking what could go wrong too much. This time she had no time to it, so it went more smoothly. It's like they building development of their relationship, but it didn't seem in Guiltrip (that's episode 11 chronologically) that something changed.
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Seeing screenshot above, you can easily imagine how great friends they could be, being very comfortable around each other and laughing together, if not Marinette's anxiety. We need Adrienette development so much to get more moments like this.
Oh and I just realized that it's also one of the veeeeery few episodes with no real Ladynoir at all (the only other one I remember is Style Queen). So if there was no Adrienette it would be an episode without interactions of two main characters at all (although we almost got Ladrien). It could be another reason why this episode is that nice for Adrien and Marinette ship.
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After seeing overly excited Marinette dancing in the rain, I can't believe she can manage completely give up on Adrien. It doesn't look like this at all.
Also we've seen three photos of Adrien wearing THAT scarf. It could not mean nothing different that foreshadowing that he's going to discover the truth about it somewhere this season. But I have no idea what Ladybug's mask with shining eyes could mean.
I don't know what to think about the episode. Despite absurd Guardian-related things, I still liked it much more than Gang of Secrets, but I have no idea if I generally enjoyed it more than other episodes of this season or not. At least it's an episode without stupid drama, which is amazing.
I'm currently less active on social media, because my internet connection is very unstable, it often works very slowly to the point I'm not patient enough to visit Tumblr. Also I block spoiler tags again, because I don't want to see spoilers from the episodes those are going to be released very soon, as I feel that they reveal too much to me once more. We're currently in a marathon of the new episodes and since watching them is the more more enjoyable, the less I know about them, I decided to try avoid spoilers as much as I can. The only bad thing is that I can't be read discussions about the new episodes, reblog them and adding something from me until Optigami will be aired.
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reactions to Truth!
Just going to go straight into it because this episode is huge! I really like how at the end of a season and the beginning of another, we see the same scene that leads us out of one and into another. Gabriel fixes the Miraculous and ohhh poor Dusuu thought it was all a dream, being in evil hands. So in a way, the Miraculous being damaged may have been a blessing for her. Dx Too bad it couldn't have been fixed after Marinette got it back :/ But at least Nooroo isn't alone right? Legit only positive I can get from this. ;-; Tikki and her little hats omg it's so cuuuute! I wonder if she makes her little clothes, too awww But the other Kwami's are almost like siblings to Tikki if you think about it. Now Tikki has to share things with them all as they cause chaos all around when she's so used to her quiet life alone with Marinette. Even for a Kwami, that must be hard to adjust to.
Okay so it's almost Prince Ali's birthday that Paris is going to celebrate. Interesting! I'd really like to see him back and a storyline with that. :O Marinette holding something, clearly, that the girls can't see over video chat. Talking to what appears to be herself, reacting to what someone's saying from different sides of her room. Camera flashes going off. And then her phone getting yeeted at her all on a video call with her friends when she's supposed to be alone...considering they're all going to have Kwami's and learn some things later as they become heroes, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they think back to this scene someday! OH WAIT spoiler for the upcoming episode Gang of Secrets!!! Fair warning. What if this episode with the plushies she said she's going to make, is one of if not the reason they go over and are looking around her room? Because she's been acting sus and they want to know what's going on. Especially after what happens later in the episode with Luka. Okay, back to the episode itself. Her friends observation: You're acting way weirder than normal.... IS ADRIEN AT YOUR PLACE?! I mean, fair point. xD But the thing is, whenever Marinette tends to act weirder or say/do things that Alya and the girls don't understand, it's almost always connected to her being Ladybug/Guardian. Even Lila. If she wasn't Ladybug and dealt with her so much as her, she wouldn't know a lot of things that made her not trust Lila to begin with. So Marinette has to overcompensate to try to hide everything or can't explain her thoughts or feelings about certain situations, so Alya always just assumes her behavior has something to do with Adrien. It really sucks but at the same time, what else is she going to think?
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These Kwami are a lot of trouble. xD Now she's even more frazzled, so she calls Luka Adrien. More than once. I've done this where I call my siblings the wrong name more of than I'd like so I can't fault her for it. Her mind's probably a mess, poor girl. Dx "I'm sorry it's just that I cheated on you!" BIG OOF. But this gives me Kim Possible vibes when Ron assumed Kim didn't want him anymore and told her he was cheating on her when he meant to say he was cheating to be on the football team so he could be more worthy of her when he thought she wanted to "trade up" her boyfriend. Our poor Marinette! So frazzled she can't remember when her dates are, when they've been rescheduled. She can't remember her patrols with Chat Noir which are really important. She's getting to the point where it's going to be a wonder she can even function. Dx "But Marinette and I are such a big fan of his" wow this sure hits different. The way they kept quizzing each other to finish the sentence with Jagged Stone trivia was pretty cute. Luka having her finish the line with "Kiss me" that she screamed to the entire theater made me choke on my cake. "Well, if that's what you want." Smooth. "I think, yes. I want to." But you know, it gets interrupted by an akuma attack of course because that's just the way things work! :D And wouldn't you know it, it's Mr. Pigeon. AGAIN. Totally worth interrupting the moment lol Ladybug can't pick and choose, however, so here comes the sequence where she's constantly running off and he starts doubting her. Notice the parallel when Marinette started to like Luka after Adrien could never show up to things? Now Marinette's having trouble showing up and Luka's having issues with it. The second Chat Noir started to sneak up on Ladybug, we all knew he was going to get flipped. But it's so adorable and funny at the same time I love it x333 And that whole scene there of Ladynoir. Obviously it's a Lukanette-centered episode but the Ladynoir in this episode! So good! And you know, it's interesting. First time we see Adrien this episode is for FIVE whole seconds! And the way it abruptly cut off as he opened the car door... yeah you know what, Lies is going to be Adrien's POV or something of this same day. It has to be. He has 2 total scenes one of them is 5 seconds and the other one is 2 seconds. Crazy. We got about 7 seconds of Adrien's face today woo! But ugh here's where we get hurt Luka ;-; "A girl, who as always, isn't here." Ouch. The fact that if Marinette said she loved Adrien still, he'd understand and he'd get it is so sweet, and so sad that it's not even because of that, it's because she's Ladybug and the Guardian and she can't say a thing about it to him at all, that he can't accept. It's the one thing he couldn't deal with that's the issue and that really sucks. AND THIS MOMENT RIGHT HERE HAD ME GASPING AND HURTING FOR LUKA. IT'S THE MOMENT HIS HEART BROKE
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But also really guys, did you notice his eyes are different now? Almost like a blue diamond look or something.
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Luka trying to fight it, trying to tell Hawk Moth that the truth needs to be willingly told, not forced. But stupid Hawk Moth's able to get him to hold on anyway and gets akumatized. But not before he told Marinette to run. Which was such an awwww moment. x33 I mean, this is definitely getting a bit close to Chat Blanc territory if you ask me. New transformation music is pretty good! I like it. Also can we just appreciate that instead of trying to track down Marinette to get the truth from her, he's instead asking all her friends and family, pretty much any source besides her? AND ROSE'S RESPONSE "Marinette has no secrets because she's the most honest girl in the world!" She thinks so highly of her and it's just so beautiful. Nobody would blame her for these secrets if they only knew either. But awwwwww I love this scene!! And here's the big reveal! (no not that one) Jagged Stone is Luka and Juleka's father. 😮
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Thomas today tweeted that Luka and Juleka are twins. Which would have to be fairly obvious after this reveal. There's no way that Jagged, who says he'd be a lame dad and left because he wasn't cut out for it, would have Luka with Anarka, then stay long enough to also have Juleka. I also totally forgot that in the French version, Jagged has an American accent when he speaks. XDD Just the fact that even WITH his truth powers, he asked his mother TWICE who his father was. Both times she said Jagged Stone. He still didn't believe it until he went to Jagged himself omg. This poor poor boy. Luka: 😱*gasp* Marinette: 😲 *gasp* Adrien: 😮 WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY OMG. LIKE I'M WATCHING A TELENOVELA OR SOMETHING. THEY EVEN ZOOMED IN ON THEIR REACTIONS I CAN'T And then Luka just yeets his dad because he wasn't ever there for him. I honestly did not expect Luka having dad issues to ever be a thing in this show, even though I knew he wasn't around. So like... when everything's worked out with Marinette and Adrien in the end, will Luka and Adrien end up becoming friends and bonding over things, like the whole daddy issues thing...? Are we really supposed to believe she has no feelings for Chat Noir? I mean really, look at this.
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"I can't imagine what your daily life must look like" ... is she really actually being the one to bring up something about his secret identity? With that face? 😲
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Their flirty banter that at this point I don't even think they realize it is, and those soft looks I just... My top ship is Ladynoir and I was not expecting any significant moments of theirs but I got it anyway. Just watching their scenes, I kept going "See, this is why they're meant for each other." My heart is happy despite all the Luka pain! It's helping me cope with it, okay? "When you're ready, I'll be here for you, Marinette." Awww so they're telling us Lukanette is on hold here. Not a guarantee, but at least on hold. He's an option for her later. So now the Adrienette vs. Lukanette for S4 we heard about awhile back makes sense now. Later on this season, probably when things calm down and she gets the hang of things, she'll be in a better position to be with someone. And by then, Adrien will probably realize and understand his feelings for Marinette. So then she'll be in a position to choose between them. Now we know where Luka gets his ability to turn emotions into great songs. That's adorable! Father-son bonding! Gabriel needs to take notes when a man who was never in his son's life as more than his idol has the ability to try to be there, but Gabriel can't. Ugh our poor Marinette, probably thinking she's going to be alone for a very long time just because of a supervillain. That's so wrong she has to feel like this. If you notice, Hawk Moth's akumatizations help people patch up relationships so much of the time as a weird unexpected result of an akuma attack. And yet, he does nothing but hurt Marinette and at times Adrien, the most when he akumatizes people. He makes me so angry! But I'm too tired for a rant about that. At least the Kwami hugs at the end helped a teeny bit anyway! c:
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Of Blood and Bonds - Chapter 4
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@krispydefendorpolice @mermaidofthelost @zalladane @drarryismylife101 @ladybug-182 @northernbluetongue @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @iloontjeboontje @mjisntme
@dorkus-minimus @firesong323 @chocolatecatsthero @wargraymon0709 @bamagirlkrista
@moonlightstar64 @captain-lostkid @angelicbookfangirl @lunar-wolf-warrior @roseunivers999 @dur55 @emeraldpuffguide @evil-elf16 @crazylittlemunchkin @moonlightstar64 @semaalcocer-blog @skyel0ve
On that note, this book will contain swearing, mentions of rape and torture. I will try not be explicit but that's really relative. Read at your own risk. There will be warning before if I make a explicit scene so that you can skip it.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy and don't hunt me down for this.
"Colin this is Marinette, my sister, Marinette this is Colin." Damian introduced the redhead who seemed a bit bewildered but he recovered quickly. 
"Pleased to meet you ma'am. I didn't know that Damian had another sibling."
"Well neither did he before yesterday." Marinette laughed good-naturedly. "So you're his best friend." 
"Yep!" Damian didn't refute the statement. 
"So Miss Marinette where are you from?" 
"Just Marinette is fine Colin." 
"Miss makes me feel old, you don't want that now, do you?" The boy looked scandalised. "I'm only about two years older than Damian anyways so if you want to call me by a nickname, that's fine too."
The boy grinned shyly. "Okay Marinette."
Damian looked distinctly surprised. "Well done, he still calls the others Mr, they are going to be annoyed by this development."
"Oh Damian." Marinette turned on her heels and winked at them, eyes full of mischief. "This is nothing. I got Alfred to  call me by just my first name?" 
Now, both boys looked very impressed but still disbelieving. "I'll believe it when I see it." The redhead claimed. Marinette laughed but said nothing more on the matter.
"So where are you bringing me?" 
"The Gotham's Botanical Garden. I think you'll enjoy it. However, I must warn you to stay clear of anything that may anger Poison Ivy. "
She took it in stride. "Of course, I'll ask before I do anything." 
"It'll be so fun. People don't talk about it because of Ivy but the gardens are so beautiful." Colin started ranting and Marinette hid a smile at the fond expression on her little brother's face. If one didn't know what to be looking for, they would miss it but Marinette had become very very attuned to emotions, especially after she gained the Miraculous and became Guardian. 
"-attract so many different kinds of butterflies."
"Huh." Marinette mused. "It'll be nice seeing some actual butterflies and not akumas for once."
"You mentioned akumas before too." Damian interrupted. "What are they?"
She seemed a little surprised. "Do you - do you really have no idea of what's going on in Paris?" 
Both of the boys shook their head. Even Colin looked curious now. 
"It's pretty surreal but, when I was twelve, this guy surfaced. He calls himself Hawkmoth. He sends out these magic butterflies called akumas to anyone who's experiencing any negative emotion to possess them. He makes a deal with the victims to give them powers for them to be able to take revenge upon whatever wrong happened to them and return he asks for the Miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir."
"Who?" Colin interrupted and Marinette blinked. She had sounded so...old, so burdened as she spoke - so different from the bubbly macaroon making girl that Damian had learnt to know. 
"Right, context. After his first akuma, two heroes surfaced in Paris too. They're powered by the Miraculous too. Hawkmoth wants Ladybug's earrings and Chat Noir's ring. No one knows why exactly and well we're not interested to find out. More power in that madman's hands can only cause harm." 
"You mean to say." Damian's voice was flat. "That there has been a sociopathic terrorist in Paris for five years and no one knows of it. Why didn't the mayor call for the Justice League?"
Marinette's face darkened. It almost made both if the boys shudder and take a step back. 
"Oh but we did. More than once, more than ten times in fact. We only stopped whenthe Leaguers asked us to stop wasting their time with pranks."
"What?" Damian exploded. "They just disregarded all the damage that must have been caused, all the phone calls. They didn't even look into it."
Marinette placed a hand in his shoulder, urging her aura to seek his and calm him down. "The thing is one of Ladybug's powers is the Miraculous Cure. It fixes all the damage caused in the midst of battle."
"All the damage?" Even Damian didn't seem to believe it at that point. 
"I know it seems too good to be true." She fished out her phone and tried to look for a video. "And we understood that but everyone in Paris is pissed that they didn't even bother come verify our so called claims. I mean for God's sake, they have aliens, shapeshifters, magicians and even guys who are themselves powered by magical jewelry if I'm not wrong." 
Marinette huffed as she found a video. It was one of the first ones from the Ladyblog, when Alya was still a reliable reporter. She played the video. It was of The Mime and it showed how he cut the Eiffel Tower in two as well as the Miraculous Cure taking effect. 
The boys especially Damian seemed horrified and Marinette felt a little of guilt for subjecting them to that. 
But then Damian looked up at her and his lazarus green eyes of reminded her that he probably had seen worse. 
"That's…" He didn't seemed to know what to say. 
"Terrifying." Colin said. "Are they all really that strong?" Marinette winced, debating whether to tell them the truth of not. 
Damian seemed to sense that. "You can tell us." He prompted and she sighed, reaching out to ruffle his hair.
"That's actually one of the tamer villians." She admitted. "The Mime appeared during the first year of Hawkmoth's reign of terror. One of the worst akumas back then that come to mind is Syren. She flooded the entirety of Paris, about three quarter of the population died and were brought back by the cure." She took another look at them and decided that she wasn't going to be the cause of their further trauma. 
"Hey, this is it, right?" She promptly changed the subject, knowing very well that she hadn't been subtle at all. "Gotham Botanical Gardens." She beamed down at them. 
"Wow, it's beautiful." She took a moment to appreciate the sight. "Hey you're right, there's a lot of butterflies. Can we go there first?" She was basically bouncing as she turned to look at her brother and his best friend. 
Colin looked gleeful while Damian seemed just amused. "You act like a child." Her brother informed her. She stuck out her tongue at him. "And you speak like an old man but you don't see me complaining." 
"Fair enough." He chuckled. "What are you waiting for? Let's go then."
He couldn't help the full-blown smile appearing on his face as both his sister and his best friend literally ran to the butterflies and started gushing together. 
He started to make his way to them when someone appeared in front of him blocking his view. His usual scowl and glare were back on his face when he looked up. The boy seemed to recoil slightly at his look but it didn't deter him more that that. 
"I don't know who you are." His tone clearly gave away that he felt like he was the one in power here. Damian cursed the time when he used to act like that. He had learnt that lesson the hard way - had learnt not to underestimate an enemy. "But you're gonna stay away from my princess. She doesn't need children like you around." 
Damian took a second to analyze him. Blond Hair. Green eyes. He remembered  reading those as Marinette's triggers during his research. He had to clench his fists to stop himself from reaching out to his weapons.
"She can decide that for himself." He said instead and went to walk around him but the boy grabbed his shoulder. 
The next thing he knew he was standing behind his sister. "Adrien." She cut in smoothly. "I didn't expect to see you here, especially not without your bodyguard." Damian could see that she was tense, her back muscles were coiled as if she was ready for a fight. 
"Princess." He was beaming. "I snuck out." He said almost proudly. "We need to talk."
"Gotham isn't Paris." Her words seemed more like a warning rather than the facts they were which the blond idiot obviously didn't catch on. "And I want nothing to do with you, haven't for  three years. I owe you nothing. Give up."
That was a clear dismissal if Damian knew one. "Princess you need to listen to me-" He reached out to grab her hand but was cut off.
The younger boy had seen her lurking but she hadn't seemed a threat so he didn't know whether he was thankful or not that she had jumped in. 
Ivy spoke "The girl asked you to go away." Thankful, he finally decided.
The boy looked a little nervous - so he did have some braincells. "Ma'am, respectfully, this does not concern you." Well not enough it seemed. 
"Oh well, respectfully." Her plants towered behind them. "I don't give a damn. Stay away from them."
The plants grabbed him and threw him just outside the park boundaries. It seemed a little tame for the likes of Ivy but then again she always did go softer for children even if they were brats.
Damian watched as the boy scrambled back to his feet and glared in their direction before he stomped off. 
"Damian." His sister was clearly fretting over him, he would never admit it but it felt good, he felt loved. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?"
"I'm alright, I'm alright. I told you, I can take care of myself." 
She smiled, soft and relieved. "I don't doubt it but promise me if you see either him or Lila from yesterday, you need go the other way."
"Why?" He frowned. He had a doubt on blondie but what about that Lila girl? 
"And by Lila, do you mean the sausage haired girl?"
His sister cracked a grin at that thought she was still serious. "Yeah her."
"Why?" He repeated and she became grim at once. "Because he's sick in the head and she's a psychopath so please, promise me." She met his eyes and really, faced to that did Damian have any other choice but to accept?
She beamed at him as Colin approached them. "That was so cool. Are you okay Dames?" He turned to talk to his best friend and gave him a once over before nodding. 
"Thank you for stepping in." He heard his sister and turned around. Ivy may be one of the villains-turned-anti-hero but it didn't mean that people didn't need to be wary around her. What was Marinette thinking?
"Boys like him need to be taught a lesson before it's too late." Damian's mind immediately went to Harley's and Joker's relationship. 
"I don't think a lesson would do him any kind of good at this point but thank you." 
It was very apparent that her words made Ivy re-evaluate her. 
The woman gave a nod. "Don't mention it." She said nothing else but didn't move away. 
Marinette smiled. "By the way, I love that flower in your hair. That's a lily right?" 
"Yes." She said slowly but the spark in her eye showed that she was now interested. "You know flowers?" 
"I have a garden of my own." Marinette revealed. "I tried growing some lilies but they're no where as beautiful as this one." Marinette fished for her phone again and started showing her images. The older woman didn't say anything but Damian could see that she was interested and she seemed almost pleased.
Deeming it safe for now, he slowly turned to Colin who was staring at the scene with amazement. 
"Colin." His friend turned to him wide-eyed, "Your sister is amazing." 
He couldn't help but feel smug at the words. "Obviously." He said but then lowered his voice. "Tell me, how did she get to me so fast when she was watching butterflies with you." 
Colin sobered up at that. "She was talking to me when suddenly she just snapped her head up to look at you. I think that's when the boy came. She told me to stay there and started walking towards you. The thing is when the guy touched you, she was about half-way there, I didn't register but the next thing I knew she was standing between you and the blond." He shook his head. "There's something about her…it's not necessarily bad but she's just...different…special."
"I know what you mean." Damian agreed.
"-and then she spoke with Poison Ivy for one hour straight about plants and gardening. Ivy even gave us a personal tour of the botanical gardens." 
"Seriously? She usually takes forever to warm up to someone especially if the other sirens aren't with her."
"Marinette seems to be the exception." The youngest Wayne said as he but into another macaroon. Once again, he had been ambushed on his return home - this time however, it was only his brothers and that had demanded he tell them all about her. 
His felt his phone vibrate and knew it was the message he was awaiting. "She's busy during the day." He informed his brothers. "But she invited us for dinner."
His brothers looked at each other and grinned. Tommorow looked promising.
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apopcornkernel · 4 years
patronizing the patisserie
@2manyfandoms2count's ask reminded me that i hadn't posted this on tumblr yet so here goes! this was a birthday present for my friend burn. we are both sluts for ladynoir
part two of this is still in progress but you can read this as a oneshot too!
The sun was dying.
It burned feebly, flickering like a candle ready to fizzle out at any second. It looked like the end of the world.
But Ladybug knew that was nonsense.
She knew that the sun, in reality, burned twice as bright. Twice as bright and twice as warm and even hotter than that.
She knew that the sun set every single day, and would rise again in the morning, just as it had been doing for millennia. The cycle would repeat, over and over and over until only kwami knows when.
Still, the small, irrational fear that it would extinguish forever, never again shining its light-giving rays upon the earth, still lingered in the depths of her subconscious.
Ladybug shoved the ridiculous thought away as the sun finally slipped down the horizon, leaving blood red trails of light and a slowly creeping darkness in its wake.
And that was when it all started.
"Hey, Bug." Chat Noir's voice arrested her attention, and her gaze slid to him, waiting. Unsuspecting. He leaned back on his hands, perched next to her somewhere high up the Eiffel Tower. "I've noticed you regularly go to the Dupain-Cheng bakery after we defeat an akuma."
She froze, her eyes widening imperceptibly. Did he know? Was this the part where he told her he had figured out her identity? The part where he told her his only brain cell had actually connected the dots, for what was probably the first time in his life? No. No, this couldn't be possible. How had he known? She should've been more careful—!
"...not like it's a big deal, I'm just curious—" She heard him cut himself off, and then suddenly there was a gentle hand at her shoulder. She gave a small shudder of surprise, but she refused to face him and feel his eyes searching hers for truth.
"Hey. Is there something wrong, m'lady?"
She nearly laughed. Something wrong? Well, other than you probably figuring out my identity thanks to my apparent carelessness, there's nothing wrong!
At least, that was what she was tempted to say.
Instead of doing that, Ladybug attempted to slide a mask of indifference over her face, which had long been perfected from all the times she'd been forced to ignore Lila's lies. From all the times she'd had to face a camera—face all of Paris—as her superhero persona, sweat discreetly inching down her back beneath the red and black spandex.
Her mask held almost as much sincerity as Adrien's model smile, she knew, having once witnessed herself in an interview as Ladybug.
Her mind wandered at the mention of Adrien.
Adrien, her crush.
Could she still call him her crush?
Ladybug's eyebrows furrowed.
Lately she had been catching herself gazing at her superhero partner in a more… appreciative way…
"...dy. Ladybug. You in there?"
She blinked, snapping out of her thoughts. Whoops.
Trying to ignore the faint blush blooming across her cheeks, she scrambled to pick up the pieces of her broken facade. "Ah. Yes, Chat?"
Her voice shook on the last syllable. She cursed inwardly.
Chat Noir raised an eyebrow but made no comment. “Well, as I was saying, m'lady, I was wondering... Since you seemed to like going to that bakery so much, I was wondering—”
A burst of nervous laughter interrupted him. “Yeah… about that…” She ducked to hide an anxious smile, a quickly crafted lie ready on her lips. Ladybug exhaled.
"Tikki really likes their cookies," she said. Technically, it wasn't a lie. "And well… one visit turned into another and soon enough, I was a regular!"
He cocked his head, and Ladybug found herself biting her lip uneasily.
"A regular? Then why haven't I seen you around when I visit?"
"A— ah, that's because, ah, Marinette likes to invite me up to her room when I come! I go there for both the delicious food and the company."
She congratulated herself on the save. Way to go, me!
"...okay, then. Anyways, what I was trying to say was..." His eyes took on a hopeful glint, and she held her breath in anticipation.
Please don't say you've figured out my identity. Please, please, please.
"Are you…"
The need for oxygen forced her to exhale. She could feel her teeth digging into her lip again.
"...willing to go visit the bakery with me?"
Her inhale was abruptly cut off by a surprised, choking sound. It took her frazzled brain a moment to realize she had made the sound.
"Pardon?" she croaked, turning incredulous yet relieved eyes his way.
Chat Noir smiled sheepishly, the picture of shy innocence. "I just, um, asked if you wanted to go to the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie with me. Maybe tomorrow, since it's a Saturday?"
Ladybug blinked rapidly. Oh. Oh.
"I mean, not like a date!" he blurted out, fidgeting with his ring when she didn't reply. "We can go as friends. If that's what you want."
He'd tried to disguise it, but Ladybug had already heard the pain quivering softly in those words.
Her gut twisted.
And then she found herself saying, "Silly kitty. It's a date."
Chat's head snapped in her direction so fast she was afraid he'd get whiplash. She cursed her loose tongue to an inch within its life.
"Really," he breathed, saying it as if she might be blown away with the force of his words.
Something about his voice chipped at her resistance, and she found herself nodding. She found herself actually wanting to go.
(That reaction obviously had to be dissected in detail. But not now. She could do it later.)
She gathered what confidence she could and smiled in response. "I'll meet you there at noon."
Ladybug glanced up at the almost fully darkened sky, pretending she wasn't trying to ignore his awestruck, joyous face. She focused instead on the now light-robbed sky. It was time to go.
She stood up, feeling his eyes track her movements. Summoning what confidence she had left—which, after accidentally agreeing to a date, was pretty small—she shot one last smile at him.
"Anyways, I've got to bug out now. See you tomorrow!"
Then in a blur of red, she was gone, zipping across the rooftops with the help of her ever-trusty yo-yo.
All the while her mind whirred, her thoughts twisting and tumbling and wrong side out.
Had she made a mistake?
Or was the blooming warmth in her heart leading her true?
Well. It didn't matter now. It was too late to take back her words and stuff them back into her mouth, if she wanted to.
(A part of her whispered that she didn't.)
She let out a sigh. Later, Ladybug told herself. You can think about this later.
Resolved, she pushed her thoughts away and lost herself in the thrilling, yet oddly calming feeling of swinging around Paris, a sensation she had long grown fond of.
Overthinking. That was all she was doing.
This was nothing. It would be just them, in a warm, cozy nook with buttery pastries and his green, green eyes—
Ladybug swallowed, suddenly apprehensive. She tried to shove down her wariness.
After all, what harm was there in a little bakery date?
The moment her eyes alighted on Chat Noir through the glass, she instantly knew that she had been so, so utterly misguided when she had thought she could handle this "little bakery date."
She drank in the sight of him, his head partially obstructed by the various types of bread piled on the window display.
Ladybug could have managed his flirtatious smirk. She could have coped with the usual, oh-so-cheesy grin. Piece of cake, all part of the job, etc., etc.
But nothing could have prepared her for the heartwarming, breathtaking innocence of pure childish joy lighting up his eyes as he happily devoured a flaky pastry, looking for all the world like he was in heaven.
If no one had been watching her, she would've clutched her chest at the sheer delight radiating from his glowing smile.
But no. Already she could feel eyes on her back, from where she stood facing the bakery's windows. Wondering why she was there. Wondering what she was doing.
Ladybug swallowed, and tried her best to ignore their scrutiny.
Walking over to the door, she placed a hesitant palm on the cool, tinted glass. Inhaled. Then Ladybug pushed it open as she had done countless times before as Marinette, hoping no one saw how affected she'd been—and still was—by a simple smile.
The bell tinkled daintily, and Maman—no, she had to call her Sabine now, Ladybug reminded herself—glanced up from where the woman stood behind the counter, packing up the rest of Chat Noir's purchases.
"Hello, and welcome to—" Sabine's eyes widened in stunned surprise, the long-practiced greeting dying down when she noticed who exactly she had been talking to.
Chat Noir turned around, noticing Sabine's silence.
"What is i— oh! M'lady, you came!"
"Hi, Chat. Hi, Sabine." Ladybug gave a feeble wave, feeling a sudden rush of awkwardness. Approaching the counter, she flashed a small, nervous smile at Chat, then turned to face Sabine. "May I have my regular, please?"
She desperately hoped Sabine would interpret the pleading in her eyes to help her out and play along.
"Your… regular?" Sabine said, a tinge of confusion in her tone.
Ladybug's eyes darted to Chat nervously, trying to gauge his expression.
"Yeah, y'know, the usual croissant and bag of madeleines?" She tried to convey her emotions silently, tamping down the note of desperation in her voice.
When Sabine nodded, albeit with some confusion, Ladybug relaxed visibly, exhaling with relief.
"Of… of course, Ladybug," Sabine replied cheerfully, her face giving nothing away. "One croissant and a packet of madeleines, coming right up!"
While she bustled around them, gathering the needed items, Chat took the opportunity to talk to Ladybug.
"How's it going, m'lady? Missed me?" His eyebrows wiggled comically, and she laughed.
"Maybe you missed me," she giggled, booping him on the nose affectionately.
Chat Noir chuckled, dusting crumbs off his gloved hands. "Maybe I did," he said, his green eyes sparkling in the noonday sunlight.
And for a moment, Ladybug wished he had. Missed her, that is.
Ignoring the thump-thump-thump in her heart that came with the thought, she attempted to brush it off with a playful punch.
"Silly kitty," Ladybug tittered, trying to inject levity into her tone. Trying to hide the fact that his words had done a number on her.
She didn't notice how the light in his eyes died a little, at her flippant response. Didn't notice how his face fell, imperceptibly.
Chat smoothed over the hurt and plastered on a smile.
He should be used to this. Used to the silent rejection in each laugh, each wink. Used to the way she brushed off each of his little confessions. Used to the way his love for her constantly shattered his own heart.
Was it wrong for him to have hoped this time would be different? That because she herself had said it'd be a date, maybe he had a chance?
Chat sighed softly, watching through rueful eyes as Sabine cheerily offered Ladybug her purchase, insisting it was on the house.
A small chuckle escaped his mouth. Sabine had done the same to him, and even though he'd tried his hardest, in the end, she had won.
And now Ladybug was faring no different. Soon she found the baked goods being thrust into her arms, her modest refusals doing nothing to temper the steel will of Sabine Cheng.
"You're getting these on the house. No arguments," Sabine said firmly. "Now, as you may know, we recently added a few small tables at the back area. How about the two of you sit down and eat there?"
Sabine cocked her head, a possibility coming to mind. "That is, unless you didn't plan to come here together?"
The twinkle in the woman's eyes indicated that she believed otherwise.
"Ah, we did!" Ladybug blurted out. "We… we're on a…"
Chat held his breath, almost afraid to hope.
"We're on a date," Ladybug finished quietly.
His heart whooped with giddy joy, and he felt a grin stretch across his face. She… she actually said it, he thought, dazed with delight. She actually said it!
Chancing a glance in his Lady's direction, he saw that she had the most adorable look on her face. Her cheeks were dusted with cherry blossom pink, lips turned up into an awkward, yet endearing smile.
The sight of that utterly beautiful smile sent tremors through his body, and he felt himself falling in love again.
Sabine's expression, meanwhile, had gone from shocked to understanding to giddy, all in a span of one second.
"Really? That's great!" she said, turning them around and steering them towards the back as she chattered on. "Now that I know you guys are on a date, I must insist that you take a seat and enjoy our pastries!
Pulling out two wooden, straight-backed chairs from a table, she gestured for the two of them to take a seat. They smiled at her gratefully, Ladybug and Chat Noir plopping down their separate purchases on the tabletop.
"Now, you two sit tight, and I'll be right back with my special hot chocolate," Sabine said. When she saw the duo open their mouths in unison, ready to protest, she cut them off in advance. "You're getting these on the house, too. Don't even try to argue with me again. It's the least we can do to thank you, for keeping us and Paris safe."
"But—" Ladybug turned to Chat, but he merely shrugged, as if to say 'what can we do about it?' She slumped in defeat. "Well. Okay then," she conceded, with no small amount of gratitude.
Sabine clapped her hands. "Excellent! Enjoy your pastries. I'll be right back."
And with that, she bustled out of sight, undoubtedly going in search of the needed items for hot chocolate.
Which left Ladybug and Chat Noir in awkward, suffocating silence.
Ladybug glanced up from where she'd been fiddling with her bag of goods. "Mm?"
A wide grin unfurled on Chat's smug face. "You said we were on a date."
Ladybug rolled her eyes, trying to act nonchalant, but she knew Chat could see the blush that had started blooming on her cheeks. "Yeah, so?"
"So, does this mean that m'lady is truly taking this stray cat out on a date?" he asked, tilting his head adorably.
She giggled. "I thought that was already obvious, chaton."
He smiled, then, the same smile she'd spotted through the bakery windows. Except it was even more breathtaking up close, and the sheer happiness and love in that single smile stole her breath from her lungs.
"I was just making sure," he replied, and she tried to regain her breathing again. "Just making sure."
Witnessing his smile, she knew, was rare, precious. Fleeting. Already she longed to see it again.
She also knew it'd take more than just one little bakery date to coax out more of that smile.
But Ladybug was Ladybug, and if there was one thing Ladybug was known for, well, it was her perseverance. Her determination.
She swore then she'd do whatever it took to see his face light up like that again.
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help-too-many-ideas · 3 years
Always positive/Always negative
Now these are two prompt which are the opposites of each other.
For both of them we need:
the miraculous ladybug universe
Gabe having character development
a certain girl called Diana Luna
Now for the first one!
Always positive starts shortly after chameleon.
So Lila is back, has everyone wrapped around her finger except for Marinette and Adrien, they're still in their two love squares, and the heroes all got their miraculous.
Now this is where Diana comes in.
Her family moved to Paris a few days ago, and now she's going to attend the same school as the Miracuclass. She's even gonna be in it.
Now Diana is a special girl. She's always positive. Meaning she can't feel any negative emotion at all.
She learned to identify when she would have those feelings though, as for when she'd doubt something, there'd be a lack of trust.
So when she enters the class, first she introduced herself.
It goes a little bit like this:
"Hey everybody, I'm Diana Luna. Me and my dads moved here a week ago and now I'm gonna be in your class. I really enjoy reading, singing and drawing. Oh, and a quick note, I can't feel any negative emotions. However I notice when I should. I hope you'll accept that. If you don't believe me, then don't. If you do, THANKS A LOT! Yeah, that's it. I hope at least some of you believe me, and that those few will end up my friends!"
And that got a lot of different reactions.
Adrien, with his heart of gold, would of course believe her, and maybe be like hey, one person I don't have to save.
Marinette would be like wait should I pity her or not. Wait she probably doesn't want me to pity her. Wait can she even not want something- (more internal spiraling)
Lila would be like she should be an easy target if what she says is true. She can't feel doubt after all.
To only name those three.
So of course, as it is the only free seat, Diana goes to sit next to Lila. Who of course wants to start one of her stories, but Diana is like "can we talk later? I wouldn't want to miss out on my first lesson, ok? Thanks!" And Lila is just so confused about this new girl that she in fact DOES stop.
After the lesson of course, she'll try her stories, maybe I'll write something short for that.
Now you will realize that when they actually want to, Gabriel can be smart.
And he actually is this time too.
(after miracle queen, and after gang of secrets)
Nadja:Don't be bemused, it's just the news. It looks like Shadow Moth has taken on an even newer form! Yes, I'm being told that .......... Scarlet Shadow has made an announcement!
If anyone was able to resist negative emotions when facing all of his sentimonsters and the akumas he send out, he would surrender the butterfly and the peacock miraculous to them.
However, if the heroes weren’t able to find a person, they had to give him theirs.
They get multiple tries, but once started, they only have 24 hours until they have to give up if they don’t succeed.
If you think you could do it, please call us immediately.
So far the list of sighted sentimonsters are guilt, the giant lollipop monster and Ladybug.
The akumas are Animaestro, Gamer 2.0, Copycat, Sandboy, Dark Cupid, Horrificator, Reverser, Silencer, Reflekta, Lies and Truth.
LoL I actually made the picture for this
Tumblr media
Of course Marinette and Adrien immediately think of Diana. But they're both not sure if she's able to do it.
I mean, they could just try to defeat all of the akumas, even taking on a fake Luka or someone copying him, cause he's akumatized two times, but only a few people know that.
But she's the only person they know, so they plan on asking her, but they think they have to figure out a way to convince their partner to trust her.
Meanwhile Nadja gets akumatized once again.
Then Diana calls the studio and she picks up, but since she still sound like Nadja, and it's over the phone, she doesn't notice it's not her.
So now Hawkmoth knows there is a candidate.
That's why he sends Copycat and Sentibug there.
I'll finish this tomorrow, now I REALLY wanna talk about the other one, cause it's a little bit longer.
So now for the second one:
So this one start shortly before miracle queen.
And it's not really a happy beginning.
It hurt.
It hurt so much.
Why did she do that?
If she wants the others so badly to see a happy mother and daughter, why can't we at least try to be that?
Why so hard?
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hu-
Marinette comes out of Fu's massage shop when she sees her.
Lying on the floor, bruises everywhere you can see. Shivering. Outside with only her PJs on, in the pouring rain. Curled up.
She immediately knocks at his door again and they get her inside.
Warmth. That's the first thing she felt when she woke up. When she opened up her eyes, she saw a girl, looking worriedly at her.
So Diana woke up in Fu's shop. Of course she's scared at first, but she quickly opens up to them, since they're kind to her.
Now the thing with THIS Diana is that she can't feel positive emotions. But she is able to feel the lack of them, and she can control them pretty well, since she delt with them her whole life.
What's the deal with her mother?
She's just a big asshole. She wants everyone to believe they're a happy family. She started beating her husband after they got married because he said they should talk about their problems rather than ignoring them.
Like their child not being able to feel positive emotions.
But she didn't want to hear it. He left them soon after Diana turned 6. Whick made it harder for her mother to keep up the image. But miraculously, she managed. (Pun not intended)
So, since she couldn't beat him anymore, she started beating her daughter.
At the beginning it didn't hurt that much. Maybe she still had a fragment of a moral code left inside her or something and didn't want to beat a child.
But it got worse after Diana turned 10. Because she couldn't be homeschooled forever.
So whenever her mother found out that someone knew they weren't always happy, she punished Diana for not being a convincing actor. Which means she hit her.
But the problem is that these other children don't forget like this. And of course they talk to their parents.
So one day when everyone is having cake, on of the mothers asks about it, not expecting there to really be anything. But then a father says his child said something similar too. Another mother says her twins noticed something too.
And with that, the illusion breaks.
Diana runs out of the room crying.
Later her mother beats her up again and again and again. When she thinks Diana is unconscious, she takes a break and tries to fix everything with her friends. That's the moment Diana escapes.
She can barely walk, she's cold, but she just wants to get away from that monster. She wouldn't even care if she was akumatized now probably. This can't get any worse.
And that's where I started.
From here on, it'll get better, and even a little bit funnier.
Now being a teenager, and her mother not being around to 'keep her in check', her emotions grow bigger and louder.
One day when Hawkmoth opens his window to look for a victim, all he senses is the burning anger of a 14-year-old..... Normally a perfect victim. But OH BOI is he wrong.
Punisher, I am Hawkmothe. You have been-
Oh shut up and get out.
Then she throws away the bracelet the akuma entered.
This happens often, because her emotions are just always there. She's sorta blocking his radar.
She doesn't WANT to try to reduce the negative emotions. She's finally NOT suppressing them but letting them out. And she doesn't need a f*cking akuma for that.
Now Gabriel isn't dumb. Well sometimes he is, especially with twelve specific akumas. But not in this story. Oh no.
"I don't know what to do Nathalie, she's blocking my view, I can't sense anything."
"What exactly is the reason you can't akumatize her?"
"She keeps throwing away that bracelet of hers the butterfly always enters."
"Then I suggest finding out what is her problem and feeding into it so she won't be able to refuse your offer...."
"Yes........ Thank you, Nathalie."
No, I won't tell you, now GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
Didn't you listen? I
This isn't working, I need to try something different..............
Ok, one more try......
Punisher, I am-
Don't. Even. Think. About it. Hawkface.
Ok, ok, I won't, but your blocking my radar, could you please calm down?
So you don't want to push me into akumatization?
Well I'd want to but it doesn't work. So I-
Are you siriously singing right now?
What, you said I should calm down. Singing helps me calm down.
See you tomorrow!
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