#which I what I would recommend when you’re naked+half-dead+just crawled out of a bush+approaching a girl
Odysseus getting off Calypso’s island is like. The saddest, most pitiable thing I have ever read. 
He sails for 17 days on his homemade raft until land is in sight. then Poseidon notices him and sends a massive storm so Odysseus falls off his raft and almost drowns before catching it again it again. he clings to it for hours before a sea goddess finds him, tell him to strip naked, and swim for the land. but Ody thinks “wouldn’t be the first time a god lied to me for kicks” and hangs onto the raft until it breaks apart. then he strips naked and swims for the land for three days, only reaching it because Athena got involved. but when he finally gets close to the shore, he realises it’s all cliff. there’s nowhere for him to get out of the water. then the waves nearly dash him against the rocks, but he manages to grab an outcropping and not die that way. but then he’s torn from the rocks by another waves and rips open his hands. at that point he starts swimming around the the island to find somewhere he can get on land, and then he eventually finds a river he can swim into. he begs the river god to not kill him and the river god helps him out. and then he crawls into a bush and falls asleep 
and when he finally wakes up, he panics a bunch of girls who were washing clothes nearby because he looks like a drowned rat. only one of the girls is calm enough for him to talk to (Homer’s vague on the age but I’d guess she’s about 14), and facing her, Ody’s only thought is ‘should I beg for help at her feet, or beg for help from a distance?’
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