#which I shan't elaborate on at this time but yeah if you see it you see it.
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chiropteracupola · 2 years ago
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many thanks to jon @dxppercxdxver for letting me make many contextless nonsensical sharpe statements at him tonight
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lu-is-not-ok · 8 months ago
Sonya themed ask jumpscare
Of his design, there are a few things to note. First is how he wears a strap full of bullets on his leg [though he hasnt yet been seen with a gun to my knowledge, its in his bag maybe?] but bullets in The City are notoriously expensive, and while Hermann did mention how he 'burned all that cash' I must wonder why he wanted them in the first place is he already carries a perfectly suitable weapon.
Smaller details that stuck out to me are the eye like pattern on his goggles, and his hair. Namely the lite specs of blue in it and how it was described as 'hyaline' - a word both relating to a form of cartilage and a way to describe something with a glassy appearance.
Onto his role in the story going forward: I believe that cantos 1-3 all set up the three major forces we shall be dealing with for the remainder of the story. N corp with canto 1, Demians group in canto 3 and the Yurodiviye in canto 2. Now at first it was unclear how exactly the YRDY would be able to have as much influence as the other two, but TKT sorted it all out. While Hermann represents the power held from corporations and Demian the power gained from the outskirts/stars/things that aren't fully understood, Sonia then stands as the representative for the power of people - namely in terms of tenacity and shear staying power.
He very clearly has connections to both Hermann and Demian, through both the chat at the end of canto 2 and the fact he's got the mark. This puts him in the position that oddly enough many though Asaeh was in before his icon was fixed, as one wearing multiple hats for his own gain. He does not hide his cause.
He actuallt reminds me a lot of Ayin. However this is already quite long and my brain is currently a plate of scrambled eggs so I shan't elaborate further. Plus I am not sure if what I've got is actual analysis or my desperate want to talk about Ayin again.
Only tangentially related but the author of C&P has also written a book called 'White Nights'. Neato.
That's all for now, we got like 2 hrs til we hopefully get a teaser and I'm bring so normal about it. I swear.
Ok let me go through this one paragraph at a time because Sonya is one of those characters that makes me go a little insane as well. Read more because. Yeah.
Point 1 - The Bullet Strap
The design detail of the bullets strap on his leg is intriguing and one I didn't notice initially. I went through to look through Canto 2 CGs of Rodya's flashbacks and all the Yurodiviye related character sprites in the recent Intervallo to check if this is something that's a part of the standard Yurodivy uniform and what I've found is... interesting.
For Canto 2 Yurodiviye, the only one whose legs we see clearly is flashback Rodya, and she doesn't seem to have that same strap as Sonya.
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However, for TKT, something interesting happens. All of the Yurodiviye in District 20, including the Detective captain of their group, wear straps on the same leg as Sonya... except instead of bullets, the straps have a bag attached.
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That difference in uniform between Rodya and this branch of the Yurodiviye is notable because of how differently they see Sonya. Rodya sees Sonya as someone with big ideals but not enough initiative to actually see them through, meanwhile the District 20 Yurodiviye look up to him so much as to call him a Saint, a term which we recently learned can refer to the most high-ranking members of the Dieci, the association that deals with knowledge (thank you Dieci Meursault uptie story). This difference in opinion would explain why these Yurodiviye are more invested in mimicking Sonya's uniform more closely, whereas Rodya's seemed more distinct and thus more distant.
Of course, the difference between the straps holding bags for the Yurodiviye while it holds bullets for Sonya is not lost on me. As you mentioned, bullets are expensive, which means it makes sense for the District 20 Yurodiviye to not be able to afford them and thus resort to using the strap to hold something else to have it still serve a similar function. Though it does bring up the question you posited: how was Sonya able to afford his own bullets?
It's important to note we don't ever get to see whether or not Sonya had the bullet strap before Rodya left the Yurodiviye. The only CGs we get to see his legs in are ones where his current self invades the flashback Rodya is having. If he got that after she left, it's possible his cooperation with N Corp granted him enough support to get the ammunition. Note that if Hermann is to be believed that Sonya would burn any and all cash he was granted, it's not impossible for N Corp to just give him bullets out right instead.
On a more symbolic side of analyzing his design, the bullet strap is a subtle way to show Sonya's own turn towards more direct action after Rodya left, while also emphasizing how he goes about that more direct action.
Just like a gun firing its bullets, Sonya's "direct" action is him telling people around him to do the deeds for him. Whether it's through inspiration like the District 20 Yurodiviye, or whether it's through networking and sending his people out to take money from the rich like we see in Canto 2. He's not the bullet actually breaking through a wall, he's merely the finger pulling the trigger. He aims and gives command to fire, but that's where his involvement ends.
Point 2 - The Goggles and Hair
This is something I touched upon in another post I made about Sonya, so I'm gonna be brief. Sonya's visual design with regards to his eyes, hair, and accessories, has a dual purpose.
For one, it implies that Sonya is albinistic. The color of his eyes, the lack of pigment of his hair to the point it's described as glass-like, and the inclusion of eye protection and gloves (accessories that is lacking in other Yurodiviye) points towards that idea.
This directly correlates with his own tendency to try and avoid the spotlight and redirect it to others whenever possible, see my point earlier about how his direct action involves sending other people out to do his bidding + his actions before and during the game in Canto 2 are all in favor of pulling attention away from him, such as deflecting Aida's comments about him by calling her the protagonist of life, or constantly asking Rodya questions to put the spotlight on her.
For two, it makes his design a direct opposite to Rodya's, matching with their opposite tendencies with regards to being put in the spotlight. Rodya's design is notably plain for what you'd consider a Slavic woman, with wheat brown-blonde hair and blue eyes, whereas Sonya's is extremely distinct with his purple eyes and hyaline hair.
And yet, like I mentioned earlier, Sonya is the one that wants eyes off of him, while Rodya is constantly trying to be the center of attention whenever possible. They're major foils to one another down to their visual designs.
Point 3 - Sonya and Yurodiviye's spot in the story
Ever since the first batch of Cantos, Sonya struck me as a sort of double agent between the New League and Demian's Blue Man Group. We know that he clearly has connections with both, but the fact that the color his name is put on in the dialogue box is purple, the mix of red (associated with the New League) and blue (associated with the Blue Man Group), only further adds to that idea.
Plus, I feel like his attitude towards Mirror Worlds and their usage should also be pointed out. Whereas Demian directly states he wants the Mirror Worlds to be left alone, comparing their exploitation to that of stealing chips from a bag, Hermann is on the other spectrum of that through wanting the desctruction of all Mirror Worlds.
Sonya is somewhere in between, clearly wanting to make use of them to bring about what he sees as his ideal world, but not wanting to touch them beyond that.
I think the above fact combined with how he acts in the Canto 2 post credit scene is leading to the possibility of Sonya outright betraying Hermann and the New League, which would make sense with how his side is meant to represent the common people. Project Moon ain't subtle about their critique of capitalism, so it only makes sense for Sonya to eventually turn on the representation of the power the Wings hold.
Which, speaking of that, I want to note how Hermann manipulated people to her side through exploiting Mirror Worlds. Yes, her main goal is to destroy all of them, but she's willing to twist the truth when trying to get other people to her side. With her and the New League representing the power of the corporations, those empty promises and white lies feel especially fitting. That sort of "Well if you join us we will keep This One Specific World You Want alive just for you" and "Well since we're already destroying them wouldn't you like to destroy this specific part of each of them with us" shit she's been pulling.
Ok. No. Anon, you can't drop a bombshell on me like that. WhiteNight is one of, if not the most important Abnormality to Lobcorp and thus Project Moon lore. It's one of the Carmen abnos. It's the final Abno boss alongside Apocalypse Bird. It's symbolically tied to the White Nights and Dark Days event through its name, one of the most important events in the fucking series.
And. Here's the thing Anon. If that's true, then that means Dostoyevsky's works being consistently important to PM lore is no longer just a coincidence, it's a pattern.
You see, there's another important Crime and Punishment reference in this series outside of Rodya's existence, it being the other abno tied to WhiteNight.
One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds.
You see, this abnormality's name? It's a reference to a fucking quote from Crime and Punishment, and a pretty notable one in that!
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Now, mind you, the exact wording in the version of the quote is a bit different, likely due to differences in translation, but it's pretty fucking close don't you think?
One Crime, One Sin. Thousands of Good Deeds, Hundreds of Good Deeds.
Add to that the fact that One Sin is always the first abno you get in every LobCorp playthrough AND acts as an instant alternate way to defeat WhiteNight, and the fact that these two are both named after Dostoyevsky references should start raising some eyebrows.
With all of that pointed out, I'd like to adress the potential importance of both Sonya and Rodya in the wider plot of Limbus Company, based on the fact that Dostoyevsky references have been highly important to the lore from the very fucking start.
Let's start with Sonya. He and the Yurodiviye are in a bit of a unique spot compared to all the other factions Limbus Company is contending with. While sure, both the New League and Blue Man Group have a leader who is directly tied to one single sinner (Hermann tied to Gregor, Demian tied to Sinclair), we see that it's not an exclusive connection.
We know from Canto 5 that Rim, someone from the League of Nine, is definitely a part of the Blue Man Group, and the New League has not only two former members of the League of Nine (and is named to be a replacement for that group), but also Jia Huan of Hong Lu's family fame is there too for some fucking reason.
Sonya and Yurodiviye are thus far the only faction that is only connected to one single Sinner - Rodya, and thus only connected to a single source - the works of Dostoyevsky. The fact that Sonya is all but stated to be the connection between the two other groups and the effect he's had on the City thus far only add to his future importance. I don't think I need to go on about that for much longer.
That only leaves Rodya's importance undiscussed. Thus far she's the only Sinner to have recieved a "second Canto" in the form of TKT heavily focusing on continuing her character arc, but that doesn't really say much. For all we know we could see something similar be done to both Gregor and Sinclair at some point in the future. No, there's something a bit more subtle potentially going on with Rodya.
However, to explain this, I need to go on a tangent.
Let's put this out here: The Little Prince is the single most important book with regards to Limbus Company's running themes and motifs.
The "Seeing with the eye vs Seeing with the heart" motif is the single most long-running and important theme throughout the work. Demian directly says the fucking quote at the end of Canto 3 and consistently references the Little Prince whenever he appears. Blue Man Group is set up to be the ones who see with the heart, while the New League and N Corp as a whole are set up to be the ones who see with the eyes. Eyes and Hearts keep coming up in random places all over Limbus. The fucking name of the game and company itself, Limbus, can refer to two different parts of the body - corneal limbus, a part of the eye, and limbus of fossa ovalis, a part of the heart.
Why is all of this important? Because two of the Sinners explicitly have their symbols be a Heart and an Eye respectively, that being Rodya and Hong Lu. Add to that the fact that, similarly to Rodya and Sonya, Rodya and Hong Lu are essentially foils of each other with regards to how they view the world , and the fact that they're assigned the numbers 6 and 9, which in numerology are associated with yin and yang, which we know PM loves making references to spirituality and religion, and all of this is just a big ol nothing Game Theory that I'm just spitting here.
The rundown is this: Rodya and Hong Lu are both associated with symbols that are seemingly tied to key motifs and themes of Limbus Company and PM games as a whole. Rodya's focus through TKT and her connection to the one faction that isn't tied to any other Sinner makes her stand out. PM seems to fucking love making Dostoyevsky extremely important for some fucking reason.
All of this to say I would not be surprised if Rodya turned out to be one of the most important Sinners out of the cast.
...This post was supposed to be about Sonya. Whoops.
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windupaidoneus · 5 months ago
hi greeeeen poses gaystyle how are u doing. does a backflip. falls on my ass
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate? i think because of the nature of hildegarde being transmasc & people LOOOVING to infantilise transmascs people would latch onto his few sillier, more lighthearted moments & kind of turn him into a very nicey all the time sensitive emotional baby who can do no wrong. which like yeah he is emotional & sensitive but it actively causes him to do bad or at the very least morally questionable things so i don't think that's the angle we should be approaching this with guys... alternatively people who don't like him would probably like. write him as a class traitor of sorts. & i suppose he is! if you have no fucking idea how propaganda & indoctrination works. that isn't to say he's on friendly terms with nero, gaius & emet because of the propaganda & indoctrination, but he IS relatively unwilling to commit harm against garleans just bc they're garleans, yknow? & well that's a very. unpopular. kind of stance. you haven't gotten to that part of the game yet so i shan't elaborate too much but basically people are very eager to let people die horrible deaths or actively cause said deaths rather than allow them to grow & change. so hildegarde would likely be unpopular for wanting to help rather than leave them to die even if these are people who participated in his own lifelong abuse & issues (well. i don't think he knew any of them personally tbh which also gives him some emotional distance since they didn't hurt him Specifically. also random ass garlean peasants aren't really responsible for the hurt he went through going up the ranks)
👯: What canon character are you most similar to? oh! that's a fun one..... it kinda depends who hildegarde is around. if he's around nero the answer is 100% nero outwardly. (this is actually healthy for him in a sense since nero's inflated ego means hildegarde gets an inflated ego from being around him. self-love win!! bad news for everyone else, theyre insufferable) you have not met either of those characters yet but hildegarde sees a lot of himself in yotsuyu, & from a meta perspective he is similar to fordola as well. those are stormblood characters !! so you will see them soon!!!!! all three of them were tools of the empire at points in their lives at varying degrees of willingness, but hildegarde has an I'm Evil Person complex so he aligns himself with yotsuyu more since. well. yotsuyu is kind of evil yeah. (women can do anything they want) but especially um. well. let's just say yotsuyu is alive in his timeline bc i can't bear to have it otherwise i really can't & it'll become very clear why when you get to the Part & of course i can't not mention. well. emet. they're not TOO similar especially not on the outside but they are both consumed with grief to an extreme degree. also they both do love theatre im afraid
👀: How does your ship with your f/o influence both of your characterisations and the world? Would there be any interesting metas written about your dynamic? FUCKKKKK (clutches my head) WELLLL IF IM HONEST IT WOULDNT ACTUALLY CHANGE MUCH I DONT THINK. there would def be interesting metas written about their dynamic & im living proof of it im writing my own metas 😭 read my five billion paragraphs boy. i cant say FOR SURE how it would affect the world because the game isnt finished yet & i cant know for sure what will come of emet until the story is over but i like to like. keep things as close to canon as possible when i tinker with my timeline. emet coming back very intentionally does not change much at all about the story bc i want the story to keep its impact, & him being around & actually doing shit here & there would make things way boring bc he's so stupid powerful... plus i don't think he'd like. do much. unless hildegarde explicitly asked him. & hildegarde does not simply "ask for help". so really it all works out for the game mostly remaining close to what it is canonically. about emet's characterisation though. it would change a little i suppose. more stuff i don't knowww if i can elaborate on fully bc Well The Spoilers but it's less his canon characterisation changing & more me adding onto it at the end of what is already established? like... timeline wise. lol. there's the him the way he was originally, the him he was as a villain, & the him he is after everything is said & done. but to be honest that's just him changing & growing as a person (for better or worse) yknow. normal shit. as for hildegarde. Um. well i dont know i feel like since he's my s/i... he already has the characterisation i give him & i cant dissociate him from my beautiful mind timeline so it's hard to tell lmaoo. the actions he takes ingame (like with dialogue options) are all chosen with my timeline in mind so he probably wouldn't change much
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the-sky-is-my-home · 2 years ago
Endless list of things I love about post-ts haikyuu (misc. ver.)
having "part 2" chapters like the greatest decoy pt2, king of the court pt2, the greatest challenger pt 2... they show off so perfectly how everyone has grown!!
everyone getting their high school banners. looks so cool and is just a nice touch
everyone reuniting after the game it's just so wholesome
us not knowing who won the olympics or the ali roma/asas sao paulo game or the allstar match cuz it genuinely doesn't matter. no game is the end, and it's not the results that count but the process which includes both winning and losing and either way the world doesn't end. you keep playing and it keeps being fun. or you stop and find something else. just whatever makes you happy
kuroo and oikawa finally canonically meeting in the special
also oikawa and atsumu meeting. we so needed that, esp with iwaizumi there
the incredibly healthy outlook on volleyball the whole series has (this deserves its own post so I shan't elaborate here)
kageyama inviting kindaichi and kunimi to play together! finally these idiots get over what happened in middle school it's so nice to see. and kageyama's smile when they agree is so so cute
the fact that we got the beach volleyball outing with kageyama, kunimi and kindaichi (and hinata). like it's so good and such good closure. kindaichi gets to hit a spike off a perfect set from kageyama, looking like he has the time of his life. in the series proper, one of the ways it was shown that oikawa was a better setter than kageyama even if he wasn't at kageyama's technical level was him communicating with kunimi, recognizing his playstyle, and making the best use of it rather than berating him. in the special, even if kunimi hasn't played for years, kageyama assesses his play style and then suggests he should play beach volleyball for real, because it suits him. not only is it cathartic to see these three happy and on good terms, it shows off so well how much kageyama has grown since those days
the atsuhina dynamic is so good during the game as a whole there's so much there. they both replace each other's former partner, atsumu obv by doing the freak quick with hinata, but hinata also becomes a reliable emergency setter as osamu was, and pulls off one of osamu's moves from their game in hs. atsumu explaining kageyama's thought process to hinata (my points are mine, my hitters' points are also mine). atsumu blaming hinata for waking kageyama up even tho HE'S the one who called him a goody two shoes and got his character development started. hinata jumping for the quick and atsumu going "rn???" while osamu goes "yes this is the time to do it!!" and that's when atsumu gets his banner of "we don't need memories"
(honestly the kageyama/hinata/atsumu/osamu dynamic as a whole deserves its own post which also includes pre-ts stuff because there is just. SO MUCH)
and last but certainly not least, this:
all the little info we get about everyone. like yeah anyone would attempt to give the main characters of their story a satisfying conclusion. it's great haikyuu has done that, but it's amazing that like. basically every single side character has that. ikejiri still plays volleyball! he hasn't given up on it just cuz he sucks. who cares? I do! I care about aone and futakuchi still terrorizing volleyball players as an iron wall on a local team. I care about ukai and nekomata still having video calls. I care about fukunaga being a comedian. I care about saeko and akane being happy to see each other. I care about iizuna being able to keep playing, with a guy from inubushi no less. I care about suna still taking blackmail pics of atsumu like ten years later, now with access to instagram. I care that life has gone on for all of them, with or without volleyball in the picture, but that they're united by playing it together, at the same time, however flimsy or strong a particular connection might be. I care so much and haikyuu rewards me for it with so many good crumbs it's insane
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cringelordofchaos · 1 year ago
OK OK Sooo
My gender is apparently hella weird cuz I keep changing my mind over whether I'm trans or just gnc cis and someone said I could be gender fluid once which makes sense but in that case my gender changes every single fucking day lmao
i also get pretty dysphoric(?) when I get called my agab irl (idc too much Abt online perception though) but I've been trying to care less and reflect on it all and how people perceive me doesn't have to matter and I am my own person and always will be my own person no matter what other people think. but it still hurts as hell in all honesty.
I miss the days where random kids ran up to me and asked "are you a boy or a girl ??" and me childishly responding with "im a goblin" or just foolishly running away. nowadays people just assume once again and honestly idk how to feel abt that
today I had read a ton of Sophie Labelle's assignedmale comics which is making me requestion my gender identity again although just two days ago I had officially declared to myself that I'm just cis (bc of random radfem shit I saw on tumblr n Twitter that made me hate myself) so pretty confusing
Ive also been thinking I could be just agender cuz how I view gender is pretty weird but then again I could always just be cis n confused
I had tried googling "passing tips for trans people" bc yeah and i don't think I'm going to strictly follow those guidelines cuz some guides say "you HAVE to dress like this DO NOT dress like THAT and express yourself the way you want to" and I really don't want to just be "normal and passing" I still want to be authentic to myself and be fucking weird with it lol
my current hair length makes it hard for me to be perceived as anything I would want cuz "short hair = boy" and "long hair = girl" sentiments still exist but whatever I'm just trying to make it work in my own way
If you dont know which pronouns to use anythings fine Im trying to experiment with everything and see how it feels still.
So maybe my gender / how I view gender DOES change every day in which case today I had decided I am a goybirl/birlgoy. I shan't elaborate much further
sorry if any of this is weird/random and sorry for taking such a long time responding and also for dumping all of this onto you. I just really dont know who else to talk to about this since my family's kinda... Ehhhhhg regarding trans stuff (I mean not all my family most r good but I still dont feel much comfortable talking to them abt it)
Please do man J am here to listen
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leefi · 3 years ago
Han Sooyoung and Yoo Sangah
omg. women ❤️
Sexuality Headcanon:
HSY: biphobic bisexual etc. Etc. She doesn't think she's straight and she doesn't think she's gay. She straight up just doesn't think about it but she does have this inexplicable hatred towards bi people also poly people because somebody's definitely gotta be jealous of somebody else in this situation and ppl are definitely being left out and she just thinks they should stop lying to themselves and just be in couples like normal peopeb
YSA: I don't have a strong hc for her - I've gone from seeing her as bi to lesbian to aro and none of them really stuck in my head as "yes, this is her". I have to write her more to figure it out!
Gender Headcanon:
I think it's very funny when HSY is just a fucking cis girl and has absolutely no gender going on. I ALSO think having her present more masc or express some degree of gender fluidity is very good too. WRT the "cis girl" thing I think this could be a case of like with her sexuality where she just straight up never Thought about it because she grew up so isolated from other people. If she's gf (gluten free) she definitely transes her gender later. same applies to kdj tbh.
A ship I have with said character:
HSY - sangsoo had me in a chokehold for like the first 200 chapters of orv i was vacuuming up those crumbs like a cordless dyson and i think even wit yhk they do kiss occasionally to maintain their sisterly bonds you understand. and jhw is there too ofc ofc. And of course yoohankim ❤️ three bottoms in a trenchcoat. destined soulmates because they ❤️ chose kdj every time and ❤️ are responsible for the deaths of millions for each other and are two sexy people cursed by some guy's dick and yeah. it's good. I'm a very firm believer in not separating them but doksoo is of course phenomenal and 1863rd + 1865th yoohan has me in a fucking chokehold. 1863rd HSY throws her life away for all of eternity and damns millions for the sake of just one man's life and is doomed to never meet him and reconcile that. Screams. HSY was also the first person SP made a covenant with (which says all you need to know about SP's personality LMDJSJSJ) and the way she is the arbiter of YJH's destruction in 1863 and the way they tiptoe around each other in 1865-onward??? god God god god there's so much they need to acknowledge about each other.
Ok now that I talked about how enamored I am with toxic horrible 1863rd yoohan it's time to talk about my other favorite 1863rd ship HSY x Lee Seolhw (a train blares past me at this mom
wrt sangsoo - I love it and I think it's more than just dog girl/cat girl gf syndrome. I think there's a lot to be explored wrt how YSA grew up around fake rich people and she meets this woman who gives absolutely zero shits about any decorum whatsoever. HSY grew up around no one and YSA grew up around So Many but never felt Loved. And then this very short hissing cat hisses into her life and wow this is the exact opposite of what she expected love to look like. But it's Genuine.
YSA - me <3, sangsoo, yooyoohankim but not really. Like. My feelings about this are very conflicted but I think she's the most adjacent to them if that makes sense. Like if anyone was gonna be their fourth it would obviously be her but I just can't see her being romantic with any of them WHEN they're a unit (including hsy). Like. I think the three of them fight over who gets to be her date to public functions. Like she's the main character of their breakfast table gossip. This tweet describes best what I'm going for here I shan't elaborate further
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Bonus OT3 - one of my Twitter mutuals brought up the possibility of YSA/JHW/LHS where the two of them basically amicably share JHW and I think that's super cute . Give her a boyfriend and a girlfriend .
A BROTP I have with said character:
YSA- YOOYOO YOOYOOOOOOO YJH YJH YIH YJH YJH YJG THERE'S SO MUCH POTENTIAL FOR HILARITY AND NOBODY UNDERSTANDS. NOBODY UNDERSTANDS THE LEVELS OF COMEDIC DUO AND #GIRL SOLIDARITY THESE TWO COULD GLHAVE TOGETHER AFTER HE TRIES TO KILL HER 84 TIMES ONE DAY ILL WRITE A DISSERTATION ABOUT THIS. Yooyoo is that character dynamic where one person takes a rivalry SUPER seriously and the other is extremely oblivious about it but of course YSA isn't oblivious about anything. She's extremely pleasant to him for the express purpose of pissing him off more. I think after joongdok are solidly a thing he stops being a freak towards her and then we get the powerful #girl friendship, because I believe that a lot of his initial dislike towards her stems from the fact that she seems to intuitively understand kdj so much better than he does. and of course because I have to make even brotps poly add LHS for <3 yeeyee <3
also YSA/SWK. I want them to work out whatever the fuck is going on there. Like...Did YSA adopt any of her memories? Did she keep any tics,mannerisms from her body's previous owner? Does her laugh sound different now in a weirdly familiar way? There's so much to unpack there...I want them to sit down and talk things out.
HSY - on the topic of brot3s HSY/JHW/KDJ. please don't ask me to elaborate. but do take this
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also doksoo. of course. yes they're together. yes they're also bros . i also think it's very funny when yjh third wheels This dynamic
A NOTP I have with said character:
Honestly HSY/JHW?? though disclaimer when I say NOTP 90% of the time I'm not using it in the way most others do - very rarely does a ship genuinely BOTHER me. Like I'll read HSY/JHW fic and enjoy it, if you wrote me a good pitch you'd probably get me fully on board with it, I just think that TO ME their relationship is better as (this is gonna sound so "they're not gay they just have a brotherly bond!" im so sorry) two very different people who did NOT get along in any sense and still pushed that all aside and cooperated for the sake of something bigger than them both. And then grew to love each other like family out of it. I think adding a layer of sexual tension to that detracts from the genuine distaste they had towards each other - and not in the "but she's still so sexy way". they just straight up did not like each other, but they did love each other. does that make sense? probably not. but maybe one day they looked at each other after sharing a laugh, and each privately thought to themselves "hey? maybe she isn't so bad after all." and that was the start to a very slow-budding, but eventually unbreakable friendship. but of course first hsy said something stupid to break the mood and jhw nearly killed her
for YSA? none really I am open to anything.
A random headcanon:
HSY - hsy doesn't understand why she does things. she is incapable of self-reflection. she just acts. this was what kdj meant when he compared her to yjh. sorry to insert men into women's spaces but I'm gonna make this about KDJ for a second - he's really good at self-analysis but has zero emotional intelligence. Like he can objectively recognize trauma but has no idea how to guide himself through it and thinks that recognition is sufficient. hsy and yjh are the inverse of him where they are more emotionally intelligent (granted, not by much...) But aren't as good at self reflection
YSA - I kind of mixed this with opinion see below. Oh another one! I think that she and JHW taught the kids how to drive together :)
and sometimes I wonder if she misses her friends from the library :( we never heard from them again...were they still stuck inside kdj's head after thousands of years or like
General Opinion over said character:
YSA - meow meow meow meow :) meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow. Meow meow meow meow. Meow <3 😙👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻
I love nice characters who are more than just their niceness! When they're optimistic and it's compelling! I firmly believe that YSA was KDJ's closest confidant - and therefore technically the most "complicit" in his constant self-endangerment - because she believed with him in possibility of a happy ending. And if he needed to do what he needed to do to get there, she'd support him unequivocally along the way.
HSY - I would straight up hate her if she was a real person that I knew. Like I would fucking despise her. Adore her as a character though she's my war criminal wifey <3 I've said this before but I have like. A very strong conviction that 1863!HSY is the most tragic character of ORV and whenever I think about her too long I go absolutely insane. A mutual on twitter mentioned how the original sin in orv is actually love...
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