#which I need to remember probably isn't true and none of my business if it is
50000bears · 7 days
I dressed how I wanted to this weekend, and I got complimented on both days 🥰
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masterwords · 9 months
go the f*ck to sleep
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Summary: JJ sees Hotch struggling with single parenthood and offers to help. Miraculously...he accepts.
Pairing: none
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: mentions of canon character deaths (haley & jj's sister), insomnia, grief, depression
Notes: I woke up this morning and had this image in my mind. It was written so fast and it's barely a fully fledged thought but...here you go. It's sad Hotch hours. And it isn't hotchgan! (I have a lot of that coming your way in the next week though, between several stories and several moodboards.) Merry Thursday!
It wasn’t much. Hell, it was barely anything at all, she thought as she set the paper cup (extra hot americano, double shot) on Hotch’s desk. She held the card in her hands, hesitant. His office was cleaner than it had been in as long as she could remember, and it made her deeply uncomfortable. Like he was hiding something.
He’d always been an open book when it came to his work load. Case files and reports stacked on his desk, his email perpetually two away from being overflowing, the data on his phone complaining about the number of texts he wouldn’t delete. Just in case he needed them. (And he had needed plenty of them, so the end justified the means, so to speak.) So this new thing, this clean office, clean desk, organized email inbox...well she was a little concerned.
Everyone deals with grief differently and as she looked around at this office she barely recognized, JJ could see his grief written in every tidy corner, every neatly filed piece of paper. Maybe he was on top of it so he could be home with Jack, that was best case scenario, but what she thought might actually be happening was that he’d simply begun taking all of it home with him. That he was drowning in his apartment where no one could save him.
She looked at the card in her hand and thought about her parents grieving over her sister. How her father stopped talking to her for months, how her mother doubled down on the anger and the intensity. How she became a surrogate for what was lost but not in any helpful way. She could remember it all vividly while knowing there was a lot of that time she’d never really be able to access. She was older than Jack when her sister died, Jack would have even fewer memories when he was grown. He’d barely have a glowing faded ghost of a mom in his head, but he’d have a hardened father who can’t smile and can’t sleep that is tangible and be full of resentment. She knew that from experience.
That was enough to make her set the card down. She might be overstepping, she probably was, and he might just drink the coffee and toss the card in the garbage can (she knew he wouldn’t) but she had to try. Derek was still trying, still absorbing a lot of the work load, anything he could without stepping on Hotch’s toes but everyone else had gone back to business as usual. She couldn’t leave Derek to shoulder this burden on his own, she had to try to help.
She was in a meeting with Strauss and Garcia when he finally made his way to his office. The coffee, once piping hot, was cold and he stared at it long and hard for a minute in disbelief. It had already been a hellscape of a morning, putting out fires left and right...most of which weren’t even his fires...and the sight of the coffee there almost pushed him over some inexplicable ledge. He sat on the couch, but it looked and felt a lot more like falling, like collapsing, like his legs simply giving out.
If the coffee came close, the card did the real pushing.
When I had Henry, everyone made jokes about finally really knowing what it was like to need coffee...well they weren’t kidding. I know Jack isn’t a newborn, but I have a feeling the sentiment will ring true still. So here’s to coffee, huh?
From one caffeine addict to another, if you ever need help with Jack, call anytime. Henry could use a big brother to show him the ropes.
The tone of the card was light, casual, but the sincerity in it made his chest ache. The likelihood of him asking JJ to babysit Jack for him was slim, he thought she knew that when she wrote it, but all the same he was touched by the sentiment. And the coffee, once reheated, was exactly what he needed to pick himself up and finish the day on his own two feet. (Before collapsing into bed as soon as Jack was asleep only to toss and turn all night long again and again and again and again. Only to finally crawl out of bed at 3am after sleeping in rough ten minute intervals all night, dragging himself to his messy home office and watching the sun slowly creep through his closed blinds with tired eyes and piles of paperwork as high as his knees.)
When he did finally call JJ for help, he’d been at the sleepless night thing for three months and things were starting to feel filmy and unreal. He was at the end of his rope. Derek had been his lifeline in many ways, absorbing the work load when it got to be too much, but he didn’t know the first thing about kids so Hotch couldn’t ask him to babysit. It would be a disaster. Then he remembered JJ’s card, and it felt like his last line of defense. A hail mary. “Could you watch Jack for me for an hour or two?”
“You have a date?” she asked with a cheeky smile, pushing a spoonful of mashed potato into Henry’s waiting little mouth while holding the phone between her shoulder and her ear. Hotch let out the saddest laugh she thought she’d ever heard.
“Not exactly. I was hoping to try to take a nap.”
“Ahhh, yes. I hear you. If I didn’t have Will forcing me to take naps during the day…” she paused, biting into her lip. The queen of foot in mouth has done it again, she thought. “Well. Just give me a time and I’ll be there.”
He made a pot of coffee and showed her around, giving her the lay of the land like she’d never been inside before. Like she hadn’t gone in after Foyet, gone in with Derek and Emily and Dave, ducked beneath crime scene tape to check the place out, look through his intimate things. But it was different now, there was life here. Jack’s things were brightly colored and littered the place with tiny happy bombs. An Iron Man blanket laid on the couch, a splash of bright crimson against the dull grayish brown. Legos were in the carpet, crayons all over the table with play doh crumbs and the remnants of the toast Jack was still insisting he wasn’t done with from breakfast. “I’m sorry I haven’t picked up,” he muttered, and she laughed.
“Hotch, it’s fine. This is pretty clean for someone with a kid that age. Really.”
He glanced around and shrugged, shame clawing at him in spite of her words. He should have done more to pick the place up. It really was the least he could have done, she wasn’t even accepting money from him for her time.
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” he asked finally, glancing at Henry teetering on chubby little legs, brand new at the whole walking thing. He was invested in whatever it was that Jack was playing, he just had to get there first and that was slow going as a newly bipedal creature. Hotch glanced around and saw all of the choking hazards, the glass, the outlets not covered, the corners to bang his head on and the kitchen drawers easily opened to danger and death. His apartment wasn’t baby proofed because he never had Jack here at that age. He hadn’t thought this through. Not only that, but he noticed that Jack still had bright purple and green marker on his chin and forearms, remnants of his unsupervised tattoo session while Hotch was shaving one room away. He thought he'd gotten all of it washed off.
“Hotch...it’s okay. I’m going to sit here with them and they’ll play and that’s it. Maybe we’ll read a few stories, color a picture, rob a bank if we get really bored…”
“Thank you JJ.”
“ Wow. Not even a laugh huh?”
He smiled weakly. “I’m sorry. I haven’t really been sleeping.” Like that should explain it all. Judging by the look she gave him, it might have. The look on her face was compassionate, but he detected a little pity there too. He figured he deserved it. If he looked in the mirror he’d give himself the same pitying look.
"Do you need a bed time story?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow. His eyes went wide for a moment, his features finally giving way to a tired smile. A real one, unprovoked.
"No. Thank you though. Really."
"Alright then, go. I’ll try to keep them quiet. Thank you for the coffee. Get some sleep Hotch.”
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stargazer-sims · 7 months
The Rumour Mill
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Caroline: Nora! We're a week and a half into the school year, and this is the first we've seen of you. Where have you been?
Camellia: For that matter, where were you all summer? I mean, not that me and Forest and Caroline particularly wanted to hang out with you every single day or whatever, but... you know. We were still concerned.
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Nora: My parents made me get a job, so I was working at a summer camp in Granite Falls.
Caroline: No, you weren't. Camellia and I were at Llama Scout camp in August, and I know for a fact that the scout camp is the only organized summer camp up there.
Nora: Pfft... Llama Scouts. That's so lame.
Caroline: It is not!
Camellia: Yeah. We're going to be assistant scout leaders for the Little Llamas after we turn eighteen. Right, Caroline?
Caroline: Right.
Nora: Anyway, what I did this summer is none of your business.
Camellia: Fine, but whatever it really was, it obviously couldn't have been something as physically active as summer camp.
Nora: What are you talking about?
Camellia: Well, not to state the obvious or anything, but your belly is kinda falling out the top of those shorts. It’s not a good look.
Caroline: You're probably going to get dress coded for that, actually.
Nora: Why do you care?
Camellia: We're not total jerks. We don't want you to get detention. Maybe you can borrow a hoodie from one of the boys. It'll cover up your bump and, uh... also that stain on your top.
Nora: It's not a bump.
Camellia: What else would you call it? I mean, if I didn't know better, I'd say you're pregnant, 'cause that's kinda what it looks like.
Nora: So what if that’s how it looks? My body, my business.
Caroline: Nora, you're not really pregnant are you? Is it from the boy I overheard Victor and Aunt Ellie talking about? You know that's totally going to ruin your future.
Camellia: Hang on... Nora, you met a boy? When did this happen? I guess that'd make the pregnancy make sense, wouldn't it?
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Nora: Shut up! I'm not pregnant! And even if I was, why would the two of you need to know? Plus, you don't give a crap about my future, Caroline. You don't even like me. And anyway, he's not a boy. He's a man, which is something you wouldn't know anything about. Your stupid little boyfriend probably hasn't even worked up the nerve to kiss you yet.
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Caroline: Forest isn't stupid. Don't talk about him like that.
Camellia: You know what I think? Methinks the lady does protest too much.
Caroline: Like... Shakespeare?
Camellia: Exactly. Like, you wouldn't deny it that hard if it wasn't true.
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Caroline: Nora, if you're pregnant, you need to tell your parents. Aunt Ellie and Uncle Leo would—
Nora: They wouldn't do anything. They don't give a crap about me either. They're too busy making a big deal of my brother. You know, in between rounds of trying to self-destruct their marriage.
Caroline: Parents have problems sometimes. That doesn't mean they don't love you or care about you.
Nora: Oh, like you'd know. What's the biggest problem your parents have? When dumbass Uncle Victor can't remember where he put his shoes again, or when Uncle Yuri is late for his manicure?
Caroline: That's mean, and it's not true.
Nora: Your parents are so fairytale, it’s disgusting. I hate how perfect your life is.
Caroline: Hate all you want, but you have no idea what goes on at our house. We have problems you don’t know anything about, but even when stuff is really bad, I know Victor and Yuri still love me, and they'd still support me even if I made a really bad choice like getting pregnant before I graduate high school.
Nora: For the last time, I'm not pregnant! Now, if you guys are done harassing me, I have to get to class.
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Camellia: Would your parents really support you if you got pregnant? 'Cause my dads would lose it if that happened to me. Like, I slept with Hayden for the first time this summer, and afterwards we both freaked out because it was kinda spontaneous and we didn't use protection.
Caroline: I didn't say Victor and Yuri wouldn't lose it. They totally would, but they'd still support me. We always support each other, and I don't think that'd change. But more important point here, you and Hayden... did it? I didn't know you were even allowed to date. If Forest isn't, how come you are?
Camellia: That's the thing. We're not allowed to date. Can you keep a secret?
Caroline: Of course. You know I keep all your secrets.
Camellia: Well, I was babysitting at a neighbour's house, and I texted Hayden to come over. We did it after I put the baby in bed.
Caroline: Was it... good?
Camellia: Honestly? Not really. Right at the end if felt amazing, but when he was, you know… inside me, it hurt a little at first and it was... I don't know. Really awkward. And the scare afterwards was totally not worth it.
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Caroline: So, do you think Forest and I shouldn't do it?
Camellia: I don't know. I guess you should talk it over with Forest and like, plan it out. Use protection, and maybe don't do it on the sofa in somebody else's living room. At least we had the sense to put down a couple of blankets, but I would rather not have had to do laundry at my babysitting job, and... yeah.
Caroline: What are you and Hayden going to do now?
Camellia: We're gonna try to hold off until we graduate, or at least until I turn eighteen in January. And we're definitely going to be safe. Hayden and I both want to go to university, and I'm not about to risk messing up his chances, not to mention my own.
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Caroline: If Forest and I do it, we're absolutely going to use protection. I don't know if I want to go to university yet, but I don't really want to be a mom either. Not now, when I’m still in school. That'd be the worst thing ever.
Camellia: Personally, I think the worst thing ever would be getting pregnant and then realizing you have to handle everything on your own. At least if it happened to one of us, our families would take care of us even if they weren't thrilled about the situation. Like, do you think Nora's parents really don't care?
Caroline: They care, and Nora is lying when she says Aunt Ellie wouldn't support her.
Camellia: Do you think she's really pregnant?
Caroline: I don't know.
Camellia: I guess time will tell, yeah? And speaking of time, we should probably get to class.
Caroline: Yeah.
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Camellia: Wow, we’re somehow still early.
Caroline: Or the teacher is late.
Camellia: Okay, since we’ve got a minute, tell me what you know about this boy Nora met.
Caroline: I don’t know a lot. I think she met him right at the end of last school year. All I know is, I don't think Aunt Ellie was too pleased about it. I heard her complaining to Victor that she can't control Nora any more.
Camellia: Our parents don't control us. Not since we were really little kids who didn't know anything.
Caroline: Neither do mine. Yuri and Victor always say part of growing up is learning to make your own choices. They don't have to control me. They ask me to do stuff, and I usually make the choice to do what they ask. I think, if somebody's parents have to control them, it means they don't know how to think for themselves and make good choices.
Camellia: Or their parents don't trust them to think and make good choices.
Caroline: I can't imagine my parents not trusting me. That'd be horrible.
Camellia: Yeah. I'm glad my parents trust me.
Caroline: It's much better that way.
Camellia: So, here's something I want to know. If you found out about Nora meeting a guy back in the spring or whatever, how come you didn't tell me and Forest? You didn't tell Forest, did you?
Caroline: I didn't tell anybody, mostly because that one conversation was the first and last I heard about him. I didn't even get his name or how old he is or anything.
Camellia: Obviously he's older than us.
Caroline: Why do you think that?
Camellia: 'Cause she said he's a man. I think we're all realistic enough not to call guys our age men. Like, I don't call Hayden a man and I don't think he expects me to, but I think an older guy would be insulted if you called him a boy.
Caroline: Good logic. I wonder how much older he is?
Camellia: Let's keep our ears and eyes open, and maybe we'll find out.
Caroline: Definitely.
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mellicy · 2 years
Why I still have boring conversations with you.
Dear Hacker,
You will likely not ever read this but you should still know. You're probably puzzled as to why I still talk to you. I am, to be honest puzzled as well. You're probably busy with your things. Things more important than wondering how I am or what I'm doing. I am well, if you want to know. I am not writing this to despair over our failed conversations. That would be ridiculous given the circumstances. As I have told you before I've been struggling with my creative projects and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get back into actually writing... About my feelings, which aren't positive. But then again, I hate writing about positive things. Isn't that mind-numbingly boring? I hope we agree on that. I have decided a few things this week, none of which have much to do with you but one of them was that I would exercise my right to be unhappy. So here we are.
I almost decided that I would not talk to you before I could get out of unemployment. Not that it would matter either way. Of course you would not reach out to me, we already know that (we just need the exposition). In any case, I am not sure if I will go through with it. My hope is that by writing here I do not feel the need to write to you. Of course there is the possibility of me losing it one day and sending you the link but we'll have to ignore that possibility for now. I do write this as if it were to you though, not completely unfiltered. So we won't get all my secrets out in the open. Like how those years ago I was sexting with someone else when I was still talking to you, even though you said I was innocent and pure. Not that it's so shocking, after all we barely knew each other and we barely do now as well (more contrived exposition).
Our conversations, if we can call them that are a dead end. At times I have had he most fun in years talking to you, more than I have had going out clubbing or dining with friends. Mostly, our talks are dull. I am not saying this to attack you, just to confirm that I'm not dim and ignorant. (Gosh I want to eat steak with fries at 4am). I find myself disappointed, even though I know that you are naturally detached and aloof. Possibly you don't even enjoy conversations. I know you hate small talk in any case but you also seem to dislike personal stories. It makes me want to crack you. To find out what's behind that wall, if there is anything at all. I have always liked challenges. This is also true for you which is why I'm probably boring to you. Maybe you don't like emotional challenges. Or emotions at all. Maybe you just enjoy your technical talks about your special interests. It's so easy to get you to talk if I ask technical questions. But I'm so ignorant regarding your interests that I would bore you yet again. See, I know this. I remember, you told me years ago. I am left with no options. You possibly only like my face, if even that and I do wish I was prettier.
You have already told me all this and I have been unable to accept it. People are npcs in a game. I'm an npc in your game, (hope I'm the sexy one). Hoping for something different is the most stupid thing I do. I'm unable to accept you and I still insist on trying to connect with you. I'm a self righteous hypocrite (this is also a note to all the guys that tried to flatter me by saying I'm such a good girl). You know this, instinctively, which is why you say I'm sheltered. I've always lived in a bubble. I know nothing of the hardships of the world. As woman I've somehow made it till now without becoming some psycho's victim. I'm very lucky, though not grateful to the universe (or whatever) because others haven't been as lucky. I haven't found myself having to work while I was studying because my parents paid for everything. I have supporing relatives. I'm casually pretty and privileged. But I've also come from a broken family. I wonder if I'd ever have been interested in you if my family still existed.
It didn't take long for me, as a teenager to catch on to how fake and superficial everyone was. How fake I was. Me, the good girl who was nice to everyone and spoke gently, like I write to you. Not like I write here. Not surprisingly, I started liking the bad girls in the movies, the ones that mocked the ingenue (well maybe a bit surprisingly, girls?). And so when I saw your post I was charmed by you being borderline rude to people. Must be liberating to be able to be like that; to be able to call most people for what they are, idiots. Well, not most; a large percentage though, says the nice girl trying to soften the blow. I am still not over it. I might always like women who are like that. They might always look down on the ingenue, who hopes against all hope that one day she will find love. Love doesn't exist. Love is merely a word. Used to describe many feelings, says the nice girl; and it conveniently leaves out the negative ones, says the cynical one.
We will continue this boring conversation.
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Midge seeing her Show Corsets for the first time post dry clean - blue room
When she gets the dry cleaning home, she goes about getting everything put away, but pauses upon stumbling her black show corset, touching the lace gingerly and fretting a little.
Pristine now, as if it had never spent any time at all on the floor of Lenny's very blue hotel room. As if that never happened at all.
She thinks seriously about throwing it away, but settles for stuffing it into the back of her lingerie drawer where she can't see it. She has other show corsets, after all. None that have been unhooked by those very nimble fingers.
It wouldn't be so bad if he hadn't completely fallen off the face of the earth after Carnegie Hall. Even if just to tell her he never wants to see her again.
But this deep, heavy silence has settled in her chest, seemingly slowing her down with heartache.
Which sounds melodramatic to be sure, but it's no less true.
She takes a breath and goes about putting everything else away. Leaving a couple of her father's suits in her parents' room.
She makes dinner, feeding the kids. Making sure her parents eat during their busy days, before getting dressed for a gig.
Deep green corset under her black dress tonight. She smooths out the skirt, satisfied with how she looks, and tries not to think about the other one. tries to get on with things. Succeeds, mostly.
Her gig goes well. Susie is there. She looks happy, and Midge feels satisfied with sticking the landing on it. They grab a drink and Susie glances at her.
Midge had come clean to her friend and manager over a bottle of whiskey over Christmas. About hiding, being afraid to fail. About Lenny. It had felt so good to be honest with her. To try and get their friendship and partnership back onto an even keel.
"Still no word?" Susie asks cautiously.
"No word," Midge confirms. "It's okay, Susie. Really. It's not like he owes me anything."
"He fucked you and then disappeared off the face of the fucking earth," Susie snaps. "If he were actually your friend, he'd actually talking to you. Not hide like a dumbest coward on the planet."
"I can't control what he does," Midge shrugs. "And I don't want to. I don't want to fix him, or change him. Lenny is who Lenny is, and he's going to keep being that person. The best thing I can do is accept it and move on."
Susie sighs heavily and orders them both another drink, and by the time they're ready to leave, they're both completely shitfaced.
Midge is less drunk, somehow, and hails Susie a cab, paying in advance to take her friend home, before waiting for the next cab.
"Long night?" a familiar voice asks from next to her, and when she turns, stumbling a little, Lenny is standing there, reaching out quickly to catch her elbow, keeping her from hitting the pavement.
"Oh! You're here!"
"I am," he grins sheepishly. "You're a little drunk."
"Maybe," she says petulantly. "It's possible I finished my set and drowned a few sorrows in a few martinis too many."
He nods, taking in her appearance without responding.
"Anyways. I was just about to hail a cab to go home," she tells him. "It's late. There are kids at home. You know the drill. You have a kid, too, so."
"Yes, I do," he nods. "Midge-"
"Do you want my corset?" she blurts out.
"I'm sorry?" he blinks.
"Not the one I'm wearing," she clarifies, teetering a little, his warm hand still on her elbow. "I need that one. The black one. The show corset. Do you want it?"
"I'm not going to wear it again," she tells him. "I thought maybe you'd like it. As a keepsake. Or something. Or maybe you want to forget. That was presumptuous to think you'd actually want to remember. Anyways, you probably have a place to be, so-"
She stops talking, looking up into his face, and she can't really read his expression between the dim streetlights and her hazy drunkenness. "Right. I should just go home." She raises a hand, even though there isn't a cab in sight.
He reaches up gently, his hand circling her wrist to lower her arm. "How about we get some coffee?" he asks. "My treat?"
"Oh, I exist again? that's nice," she tells him with a giggle. "I like existing."
"Believe me, you've existed," he assures her, grinning at her a little. "In so many ways, Midge."
She takes a breath, looking into his eyes. "Fine. Coffee. But you're paying."
"Yes, I said that already."
"Fine," she says, crossing her arms.
He sighs and offers her an arm, which she waits a moment, before taking.
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shinrakotls · 11 months
Editor's note: Slur has planted a bomb inside one of his own!! The devil's hand is closing on the JAA!! Slur: The Order will surely be by Asaki's side. In other words, if Mafuyu or Toramaru challenges the Order and get killed instantly... Slur: Then the bombs inside their body will detonate, damaging both the Order and Asaki. Carolina Reaper: Back then, I had wondered why you'd let those two brats join us. So this is the reason why..
Pg.2 (flashback)
Slur: It was a necessary move. I need pawns that haven't got their license yet, whom had never attended the JCC.. They will not be marked by the JAA. Haruma: But you know.. they'll probably die before they can get close to the Order. Gaku: They're so fuckin' weak. Slur: Yes, and that's why I need you to train them, Gaku. Train them enough to make the Order think that they're enemies worth killing. Gaku: What a pain...
Pg.3 (present)
Shin: Mafuyu! Slur is just using you! Mafuyu: ...I know. It's the bomb, right? I don't care if it blows up after I die anyway. Shin: The heck are you saying... Mafuyu: More importantly, I'm here today so that I can defeat an Order member.. And seriously, Shin-kun, can you stop getting in my way already?
Shin: Why are you so obsessed with the Order?! Mafuyu: ...! It's none of your business. Shin: How is it none of my business when you're on Slur's side?! Do you know how many casualties there will be?! Mafuyu: Tch! Mafuyu: Even so, I.. *Shin peeks into Mafuyu's mind and sees Mafuyu recalling a moment of him & Natsuki when they were little* Shin: !
Shin: Seba...? Mafuyu: ! Mafuyu: Like I said, it's none of your business! Shin: !? Guard: Don't move! You brats are the ones fighting earlier, right?! Guard 2: We got ya. We'll make you two leave the building right away.
*Mafuyu kicks Shin in the midsection* Shin: Grk!! Guard, to Shin: Hey! Stand up properly! *Mafuyu does a flying knee kick to the guard that's restraining Shin & then he steps on Shin's head before running off*
Shin: That jerk... I'll kill him!! Guard: Stay still!!! Shin: Oof!! Shin, powering up his power glove: That's it, you guys...
Asaki: Fantastic! It's true what they say: A great assassin is a great artist. Museum guide: I'm so glad you liked it! If the museum was closed, I'd have been able to give you a more smooth tour. Asaki: I don't like having my time restricted. I enjoy the freedom of being able to go wherever I want and whenever I want to.
Guide: I've heard that your personal collection runs into tens of thousands, Chairman. Which genre do you particularly like? Asaki: Well.. I don't really know. I don't remember much about my collection. Guide: Huh? Asaki: I like the added value of brands. Adding value to trashy things like this allows me to appreciate the history, life and culture of mankind. Even animals could never replicate. Guide: I... see.. Haha... Asaki: By the way...
Asaki: Don't you think this would look good in our office toilet? Nagumo & Shishiba (thinking): There he goes... Guide: That's a tangible cultural property that isn't for sale. Moreover, that item is currently on loan from the Tate Britain so please don't touch it with your bare hands... Jiji subordinate: ... Noted. Jiji, to Asaki: We just acquired the Tate Britain. Asaki: Thank you, Watarai. Have it delivered to my office. Watarai (jiji): Got it, Sir. Guide: ...!
Asaki: Oh, right! This is already old and dirty, so have someone repaint and fix the art and the picture frame. Watarai: Yes, Sir. Guide: Wha... Guide, to Asaki: This work is historically valuable! Asaki: But it's dirty.. Listen, I can't display something as dirty as this in my room, can I? Guide: Tch!! Nagumo (thinking): He's extremely selfish and does whatever he wants.. And whatever he decides on, he'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. That's Chairman Asaki of the JAA... Asaki: *happily humming a tune*
PA System: Announcement - "Super Lost Child Notice. Black hair, wearing a gas mask and cargo pants. Any nearby personnels are to protect them as soon as you see them." Guard 1: "Super Lost"... that's the code word for a dangerous person. Guard 2: "If found, dispose them immediately." Shishiba: They're here. Nagumo: Well then...
Nagumo, Shishiba & Osaragi (rock-scissors-paper): Winner goes. Shin: Hey wait up, you jerk!! I'll never forgive you!! Mafuyu: Sheesh... You're persistent.. Mafuyu, shouting: Uwaaaa! I'm so scared!! Someone's attacking me!! Shin: Huh?!! Guard: Hm?
*Several guards come by and restrain Shin* Shin: Hey, come on! Let go of me! That guy's- Guard: Quit struggling! *Mafuyu gets inside the elevator but as the door closes, Shin manages to pry the doors open & jumps inside* Shin: horaaaaaa!!! Shin: Yo... Finally got you cornered. Mafuyu: ...
*As the elevator door shuts, Mafuyu caught sight of Osaragi who was walking towards the elevator & she's staring right at him* Elevator: Going down. Shin: Hey! Don't you have something to say to me?! Mafuyu: Here she comes... Shin: Huh?
Pg.16 & 17 (double spread)
*Osaragi jumps into the elevator shaft and crashes through the top of the elevator* Shin: !!? Shin: What the- This woman is... Mafuyu: ORDER!!
*Mafuyu attacks Osaragi with the blade of his shoe but Osaragi dodges the attack easily*
Shin: What's happening?! Mafuyu: If you're scared, then scram!! Shin: Hunh?! Osaragi: Shishiba-san will scold me again for breaking so much... Editor's note: An unruly exhibition! ORDER: Osaragi enters the battle!
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
There’s absolutely no way hen and chim don’t know what’s going on with Eddie and I can’t wait for their first interactions this half of the season
Hey Nonnie
We don't know how much Hen and Chim know about Eddie and whats happening with him, my feeling is not a huge amount beyond that he is dealing with some mental health issues. My reasons for this are;
Chimney has literally just returned - his focus is elsewhere - he's gone back to work and is trying to settle back in there. Things are still up in the air with Maddie - trying to work out the details of their new relationship and how they raise Jee-Yun and come to terms with all of that - he's been gone 6 months remember, so even if he has kept in touch with Eddie (which of course he would) it will have been easy for Eddie to hide the true reality of his mental health (plus Eddie is pretty private and wouldn't go shouting about it and he'd be conscious of the fact that Chim has his own stuff going on)
Hen may know a bit more than Chimney, but how much we just don't know - yes she is pretty perceptive and may have come to a few conclusions about Eddie, but we've not been shown any of it so its fair to assume that while she is probably checking in and speaking to him regularly - Hen also has a busy life - she's studying, working full time, raising foster kids and worrying about her best friend so unless Eddie specifically asked her for help I feel like she's spread pretty thin.
None of this is against Hen or Chim - everyone has their stuff going on and with the firefam it's all pretty intense stuff right now. Buck will keep it to himself as much as possible - he's being a good boyfriend and respecting Eddies privacy, in fact its fair to assume he only told Bobby what was going on because he needed advice and his help, and we know Bobby is fairly in the loop about what is going on with Eddie and thats why he refused to have him return to the 118. That is why that line 'Buck told me about your friends' and Eddies lack of reaction to it is so loaded - it truly shows the depth of trust Eddie has in Buck, that he isn't fazed by Bobby knowing about Eddie's friends, that he expected Buck to tell Bobby - but notice Bobby only refers to his friends - not his breakdown - Buck has probably only told Bobby as much as he needed to to ensure he could get Eddie the help he needed - he is living up to his promise to be there for Edie next time!
Sorry this got long and rambly and a bit off track!
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jaedreaminn · 3 years
Final Part
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Characters: Taeyong, Ten, Mark, Jeno, Heachan.
Theme: Family bonding, humour, crack, fluff,angst, happy ending.
Parings: «mentioned» someone x Haechan, someone x Ten.
Words: 2.3k
"You're the first one here" Ten smiled at Jeno who had just walked into the bar.
"I've always been on time and you know that" Jeno smiled sliding into the booth, sitting next to Ten.
"God knows who you got that good habit from because no one in our family is on time unless it's absolutely necessary" Ten teased and Jeno's eyes disappeared into half moons. "And from what I remember you were always late to school."
"I wasn't late hyung I skipped school" Jeno deadpanned and Ten cringed, "Yea the Jeno delinquent phase was definitely.... interesting"
"Ahh I miss those times because atleast my friends-" "Can you even call those people friends?" Ten interrupted and Jeno glared at him, so he simply mouthed an apology and went back to sipping his water as Jeno continued to speak, "Atleast my friends then were scared of me so they never said anything. Now if I'm late I have to deal with an angry Renjun and his wrath is the scariest thing on this planet." Ten cringed silently at the mention of the smaller boy as he remembered experiencing Renjuns anger first hand and it wasn't pretty.
"Thank God for that though, otherwise I would be sitting here alone on my bachelor party"
"True that" Jeno said lifting his glass of water and clicking it with Tens glass.
"How boring, you guys are only drinking water" Donghyuck said as a form of greeting sliding into the booth, sitting on the other side of Ten.
"I'm waiting for everyone to arrive before ordering the food and drinks" Ten said rolling his eyes and then flicked Donghyucks arm, "And I wouldn't have to wait so long if you were on time"
"Ow!" Donghyuck whined rubbing his arm as Jeno chuckled.
"So how are things going for the two of you" Jeno asked eyes grinning mischievously as Donghyuck sighed and dreamy sigh, "Better, I think I want to make it official soon"
"About time!" came Taeyongs voice and all three of them looked up to see him walking towards the table.
"How did you even hear what Hyuck was saying from so far away" Jeno asked and Ten chuckled when Taeyongs face scrunched up in judgment as he took of his coat, "I raised you people, I just know"
"That doesn't make sense" Haechan frowned and Taeyong glared at him as he folded his coat and sat down.
"I've been raising you since I was thirteen I would be damned if you doubted my super hearing"
"Fine fine Whatever you say" Haechan lifted his hands up in surrender and Taeyong grinned scanning the table, "Where's Mark?"
"He isn't here yet" Ten said and Taeyong frowned.
"You're telling me these two have been here before Mark?" Taeyong asked pointing at the two youngest at the table earning protests from both.
"Yep" Ten said popping the 'p'.
"But dont worry he should be here soon" He added, reassuring Taeyong.
"Right, we're here to celebrate you getting married" Taeyong cheered changing the topic and Ten grinned like a fool in love.
"Yeah I can't believe the wedding is so close" He said smiling excitedly.
"About time you two have been engaged forever" Jeno scoffed but the smile on his face showed how happy he was for his brother.
"I know we're basically married" Ten chuckled as the others cheers'd to that.
"Ahhh sorry I'm late" Mark said rushing in sitting on the chair opposite Ten.
"What's with all the bags Markie?" Donghyuck asked curiously looking at the the five small paper bags in his hands.
"Well I remembered something from when all of us went camping and I thought now was a good time to do this" Mark said laughing nervously, "But I'm not sure if you guys would really like it now" he said handing everyone a bag.
Ten peeked inside and immediately smiled, "Oh wow I forgot that we wanted to do this" he said pulling out a cap with the words 'The Lee brothers' written in neat cursive.
"Oh yea we wanted matching caps for the five of us because we thought shirts were too tacky" Donghyuck chuckled holding onto his cap as of it was his greatest treasure, while smiling brightly.
"Wow we really love these Mark, can't believe we almost forgot about this" Taeyong chuckled looking at his cap with awe and then his eyes brightened "It even has my name on the back"
"Yea it does and I also almost forgot about this too" Mark smiled brightly as he saw his brothers looking at the caps with smiles on their faces.
"Our family isn't very normal is it?" Jeno smiled and the others nodded.
"To think we were this close to being eachothers worst enemies" Ten laughed and Taeyong frowned, still not able to joke about it.
"Yea that was crappy of me" Taeyong said looking down at his glass of water as he remebered how he treated Ten and Donghyuck.
"I can't believe you still beat yourself up over that hyung you were a kid! You were allowed to feel angry and be defensive and irrational" Donghyuck said grinning brightly and a small sad smile graced Taeyongs face because a smile from Hyuck was contagious, "And at the end of the day you came around and now we've got such a strong bond. And you did a lovely job as an older brother I mean look at how I turned out" Donghyuck smiled proudly.
"I thought we were making him feel better not worse. You turned out to be a pain in the ass" Jeno said with a playful smile on his face and Donghyuck pretended to be shot, looking at Jeno in betrayal as Jeno smirked proudly like an evil villan.
"We really need to seperate those two because Jeno has been catching on to Donghyucks dramatic attitude" Ten said watching the two youngest judgingly and Mark just drank (his water) to that.
"Please you're one to talk Ten" Taeyong scoffed rolling his eyes, "You're the one who taught that brat how to be dramatic"
"I object"
"Hyung that's not how it works" Mark sighed, smiling at Ten.
"Ahhh I agree with Taeyong, I am who I am because of Ten" Donghyuck chuckled and shifted away from Ten quickly as the other tried to hit him.
"Ya come here I'll show you dramatic" Ten yelled, trying to attack Haechan who was hiding behind Mark.
"You always hide behind Mark as if Mark would fight for you" Jeno rolled his eyes and Donghyuck stuck out his tongue.
"If I think any of you would attack Mark I wouldn't hide behind him cus he's a weak little baby but I know none of you guys would hurt a hair on Marks head so he's the safest to hide behind"
"He's not wrong" Taeyong shrugged.
"That and Donghyucks favourite is Mark" Ten complained and Donghyuck grinned nodding his head and Mark just sighed trying his best to order drinks for everyone with Donghyuck standing behind him and Ten ready to pounce in their direction at any moment.
"When did he even get so attached?" Jeno asked latching himself onto Tens arm. Ironic.
"Probably the first time Mark spoke during dinner without us having to ask him anything" Taeyong chuckled at the memory and everyone smiled.
"I was so amused that he was an actual person with feelings" Donghyuck perked up from behind Mark who glared at the boy and flicked him on the head.
"I'm not safe anywhere" Donghyuck whined running to Taeyong and dramatically falling onto his lap.
"I was just excited about a song I liked that day and I felt so concious the way all of you looked at me with big eyes" Mark said recalling the memory with a frown.
"Yea it was a quite dinner that day because Jeno and Hyuck were fighting at it got awkward to talk and suddenly out of the blue YOU, of all people spoke." Taeyong said smiling looking at the two youngest who just stuck their tongues out at eachother at the mention of their 'fight'
"Yeah I remember, they were fighting over something very stupid and they got so excited that Mark had spoken that they completely forgot about their fight" Ten chuckled whole heartedly joined by Taeyong and Mark.
"Now that I remember we left our fight half way I'm not talking to you anymore Jeno" Haechan said, puffing his chest and pouting.
"You're really high maintenance you know" Jeno said coking an eyebrow and Haechan just laughed at that statement, not denying it.
"Yeah you are. You once tried jumping out of the second floor window because someone told you you were to much of a coward to do so" Mark said with a frown, accusingly pointing his finger at their youngest. Jeno wasn't wrong, dealing with Donghyuck wasn't an easy task.
"Oh yea I remember Jeno couldn't stop Hyuck so he ran to Mark's classroom which was closest and then came all the way to the other building to get us" Taeyong said with a lopside smile.
"Ahhhh yess I remember you people scolding me so much and Jeno refused to speak to me the entire day at school and then cried when we got home" Donghyuck chuckled as Jeno blushed.
"I'm sorry I was scared that you were going to die!' Jeno yelled defensively and everyone laughed.
"Mark yelled at me so much and scared everyone in my class and then oh god when Taeyong and Ten walked in angry I almost shat my pants"
"Angry Taeyong is a scary Taeyong" Mark shuddered.
"Even your mother was scared of you angry and you were only thirteen back then" Ten smiled at Taeyong cheekily and the boy just sipped on his drink that arrived a while ago looking elsewhere.
"Well I was pissed that they kept dragging Hyuck into their petty arguments. God I hate that woman so much." Taeyong said, getting angry.
"I feel bad that I haven't invited them to the wedding because at the end of the day they took me in when my parents died but I just hate them so much" Ten frowned and Mark patted his brothers back.
"Dont worry we all hate them, they would have spoilt everyone's mood." Mark said and then scoffed, "Dad's finally given up on trying to persuade me to steal your business" Mark chuckled and Ten smiled at him.
"Yea now he's trying to persuade me." Jeno rolled his eyes and Ten chuckled.
"Like, as it is we have stability because of our shares now he's being greedy again? Didn't his greed ruin our lives enough" Mark said clutching onto his drink angrily.
"The only good thing that came out of his greed was Hyuck" Taeyong said hugging the youngest who just looked sullen.
"I wouldn't say good thing... their fights got worse because of me. I mean I don't blame Mrs. Lee for hating me" Haechan said eyes downcast.
"No don't make excuses for that woman" Jeno growled.
"But I'm the reason her marriage was compromised." Haechan frowned.
"She compromised her own marriage because she was an awful person no one wanted to spend the rest of their life with and she had no right to take it all out on you" Mark said angrily clutching onto his drink.
"No Mark you don't get it, it was only fair to hate me" Haechan said with a frown and Ten and Taeyong looked at eachother with worry, patting the yongers back.
"She had no right to hate you" Mark said getting angrier by the second and Jeno tried to calm his brother down. This always was a sensitive topic.
But Heachan nodded his head in disagreement, "I was born because her husband cheated on her"
"And I was born because she cheated on her husband" Mark yelled and everyone at the table looked at him wide eye'd.
"This is one hell of a bachelor party" Jeno said reaching for his drink, still shocked at what Mark had just said.
"Mark what are you saying..." Taeyong asked, placing a hand on Marks knee as Mark tried his best to avoid evryone gaze.
"I didn't know how to tell you guys but that's why dad stopped bothering me, because he recently found out I'm not his son" Mark said eyes downcast and then scoffed, "So now he's cut all ties with me"
"Oh I'm going to go punch that greedy old bastard" Jeno said with a growl to his tone and his fists clenched.
"Dont waste your time I don't care but it hurt how easy it was for him to drop me and now I hate my mother even more considering she knew about this since I was born but still fought with dad over him cheating and gave Hyuck crap for it" Mark frowned.
"Ugh this is so fucked up" Ten said taking a chug of his drink.
"I'm not a Lee" Mark sniffed, "I'm not your brother"
"Ahhh thats bs we're all brothers" Haechan said hugging Mark from behind.
"Yea and we've been through hell and back together" Ten grinned.
"And we'll always have eachothers backs and there's no easy way for you to get out of being our brother" Jeno said lightly punching Mark on his shoulder.
"I haven't raised you all my life for you to think I'm not your brother" Taeyong smiled and Mark chuckled slightly at that.
"Taeyong you're not their brother you're basically their mother" Ten said and everyone chuckled.
"Yea the constant nagging and the obsession with cleanliness and Febreze" Haechan said with a laugh and everyone chuckled.
"Yea so I don't know why you thought anything would change Mark" Jeno chuckled and Mark smiled.
"Yea we had messed up parents but luckily we have eachother" Taeyong said and Mark smiled.
"Yea we're definitely all Ten has" Haechan said wiping a fake tear, "No friends, just his brothers to have his bachelor party with"
"Okay now you're dead" Ten said chasing Donghyuck around the bar.
It resulted in them getting kicked out but they all laughed as they made their way to cafe moon, talking animatedly and happily.
The night was long and their futures prosperous.
The Lee Brother's- A mini series
Previous Part: Lee Donghyuck
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Ocean Eyes - Part 10
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A/N- Another update??? What is going on??! hope you all enjoy this part 💕 Please like/share/reblog.
Within days of being back home from our weekend at Chris's the lockdown was announced and I spent a day packing up some of mine and Masons belongings that we might need while staying with Chris. While i was feeling very nervous about having to spend this time with Chris, Mason was over the moon! He was so excited that we had to go stay with Chris and Dodger.
Chris arrived early with Scott and they loaded our things into Chris's car.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" Scott said happily.
"Are you staying at Chris's too?"
"I am!"
"Oh god that means you're gonna be trying to get me drunk!"
"Well duh!" He laughed shrugging like it should have been a given.
"God help me you two are gonna be trouble" Chris said shaking his head as he helped Mason into his carseat.
"You knew what you were getting yourself into".
While Chris and Scott started bickering i turned and saw Brian coming out of his house, he stood and watched us and then started to walk towards us.
"Oh shit.... quick lets go, Brians coming over!"
"This guy!" Chris said through gritted teeth shaking his head and looking a little pissed off.
"Morning neighbour!" Brian called out, i turned and gave a quick wave.
"You and Mason leaving?"
"Yep, we're gonna ride this out with family" i nodded and felt Chris wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him.
"Come on sweetheart we should go"
"Yeah sure, take care Brian"
"Wait, you look so familiar...." Brian suddenly said looking more closely at Chris "where have i seen you before?"
"I just have one of those faces, i get that a lot" Chris shrugged casually opening my door for me.
"Yeah maybe..... hey Y/N, i was thinking after this lockdown is over maybe you and i can get dinner...."
Was he serious right now??
"Dude really??!....." Chris snapped looking at Brian shaking his head.
Chris closed my door and stood towering over Brian as they exchanged words i could no longer hear. Chris was soon strutting round to the driver side of the car while Brian stood there looking pissed. I turned to look at Chris as he got into the car, he was fuming. He started the car and pulled away onto the road, his grip on the steering wheel so tight his knuckles went white.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked him quietly.
"I will be knowing you and Mason are away from that creep"
"What did you say to him?"
"We'll talk about it later, i don't want Mace to hear"
"Okay, but can you please try and calm down....."
"Im Fine"
"Tell your face that, plus you're kinda white knuckling the steering wheel there....."
"Sorry.... sorry. Im fine really...." he loosened his grip and gave me a tight lipped smile.
"Always so protective" Scott chuckled from the back seat earning him a glare in the rear view mirror.
"Scott i swear to god...."
"Come on boys behave, this lockdown hasn't even started yet and you're bickering"
"You sure you don't wanna go stay with Ma....." Chris muttered at Scott making us all laugh.
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The first week of lockdown quickly passed, there was no news on when the lockdown would let up so we were all just enjoying our time together.....It was just like old times. I called my mom and Hannah everyday just to check in and have some female conversation but other than that it was just me and the Evan's boys in our little quarantine bubble.
I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Chris walked in sporting a new haircut..... the buzzcut was back!
"Wow...... you've shaved your hair...."
"Yeah" he run his hand over his head blushing a little "fancied a change, its been a long time since i can just cut my hair when i want"
"Right, Marvel owned it before"
"You know i'm right" i shrugged "i always did like the buzzcut look though"
"Yeah i remember....." he smirked.
"Morning family!" Scott said loudly walking into the kitchen "What happened to your hair??"
"Fancied a change, plus now i haven't gotta worry about my hair everyday"
"You know that actually sounds kinda smart..... have you seen my bed head??"
"Kinda hard to miss Scotty" i snickered behind my hand looking at his hair that was sticking up left, right and centre.
"Maybe i should do it too"
"And me!" Mason said smiling big at us "i want hair like dads too!"
"Oh my god Chris what have you started..."
"No its fine, its only hair. It'll grow back right.... i guess now is as good a time as any for a haircut".
After breakfast Chris took Mason for his hair cut while i showered and dressed for the day. The next time i saw them all three were sporting buzzcuts and i had to admit it was very cute!
"Let me get a photo of you three, this is just too cute to pass up" i smiled grabbing my phone. I snapped a few photo's and forwarded them to Chris and Scott before setting one as my lock screen and slipping my phone back into my pocket.
"Oh my god i love this.... i'm gonna get this blown up and framed on my wall" Chris smiled looking at the photo.
"Let me get one of you three" Scott jumped up and pulled me towards the sofa where Chris and Mason still sat.
"Oh.... we dont have to do that....."
"Come on, it'll be nice to have at least one photo of the three of us" Chris said looking up at me with those damn ocean eyes of his that always made me week.
"Okay, sure" i nodded taking the seat next to Mason.
"Move in a bit closer....." Scott said trying to get us all in frame, we both leaned in closer to Mason and smiled while Scott took the photo.
"Oh i'm good..... this is great you guys" Scott said before both our phones were receiving photo's from Scott. I couldn't help the smile on my face when i saw how lovely the photo had come out.
"Okay you did good, i love this"
"This ones going up too by the way" Chris looked at me with a huge smile.
"You don't have to do that...."
"You kidding me? I want to"
"Fair enough, its your house. I just don't think your girlfriend will appreciate it much".
"Okay..... who wants lunch??" Scott asked loudly interrupting, it had suddenly got a bit awkward at the mention of Lindsey so i just got up quickly and followed Scott into the kitchen.
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Once Mason was in bed for the night the alcohol came out. We watched some old movie (that Chris found hilarious) played some card games which somehow led to childish drinking games and before we knew it we were all pretty wasted!
"Right you guys i'm going to bed, i physically can not drink anymore" Scott said getting to his feet and stumbling making Chris and I laugh.
"Dude you're such a lightweight" Chris rolled his eyes at his brother.
"Shut up. Goodnight.... love you both"
"Night Scotty, love you" i smiled up at him from where i was laying on sofa.
"Night bro, love ya".
Chris and I sat in silence for a few minutes, just the sounds on the TV playing in the background.
"You want another beer?" He asked getting up from the armchair he had been occupying all night.
"Sure, i'll have one more before bed".
While Chris went to grab the beers i sat and reached for my phone to make sure i hadn't missed any messages from my mom or Hannah. There was a photo from Hannah that made me laugh just as Chris walked back in with the beers.
"Hannah just sent me this photo..." i said to him turning my phone to show him a photo of Lucas who now had a buzzcut.
"Haha! Oh god i really started something didn't i?" He laughed looking a bit guilty.
"I sent her a photo of Mason's new haircut earlier, she said Lucas wouldn't shut up about wanting the same.... looks like he got his way"
"You gotta admit it looks cute though?"
"Yeah okay i'll give you that. Mason is like your little mini me, even more so than usual"
"He’s just missing the beard"
"I think we've still got some time until that happens" i laughed "you definitely have strong genes Evans.....that boy literally inherited none of my looks"
"No but he's got your attitude and sass"
"Im kidding.... mostly"
"Ass" i muttered shaking my head at him before taking a mouthful of my beer.
"He might look like me but his personality is all you sweetheart... he's an amazing kid"
"Yeah he is, id be lost without him"
"I kinda love having you both here" Chris added avoiding eye contact with me.
"Its been nice, just remember its not permanent...."
"I know, i know" he nodded quickly "you know when i came in and saw you laughing at your phone, my first thought was that it might've been Derek.... i hate that guy and i don't even know him" he scoffed "how sad is that?"
"I know, its none of my business who you date or whatever"
"You're right it is none of your business. But just for the record, there's nothing going on with Derek, we were gonna go for dinner before this lockdown stuff but i haven't spoken to him since"
"Can i ask you something?" I turned to face him, he looked up and nodded finally looking at me.
"Why isn't Lindsey here?"
"Why isn't Lindsey staying with you? I mean you guys are obviously serious if you came looking for that divorce but she isn't here....."
Chris looked away again coughing to clear his throat.... was he nervous??
"Lindsey isn't here because i ended it"
"What?... when?"
"When i found out i had a son. When i saw you again and realised anything i thought i felt for her was a lie"
"Are you fucking with me right now?"
"No. Im just being honest. Y/N, i know i fucked up when i ended things with us.... it was the biggest mistake of my life and i regret it everyday.... but i never stopped loving you. Not for one god damn second...."
I suddenly felt very sober, my heart pounding in my chest.
“You’re just saying this because you’ve had too much to drink...” i muttered shaking my head.
“You’re probably right, doesn’t mean its not true. Ive just been keeping it to myself” Chris suddenly got up and came to sit next me taking hold of my hand “i know my timings sucks but i just needed you to know..... and i just need to know if there is any chance at all that you’d give me another chance.....”
“Chris i really don’t think now is a good time to talk about this.... we’ve both had too much to drink..... if you’re serious about this i think we need to have this conversation sober”
“But you’re willing to have that conversation?”
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow” i nodded pulling my hand free and standing up “i’m gonna go to bed.... goodnight”.
I had to put some distance between us before i did something id regret in the morning.
It was safe to say i wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
@jakiki94 @torntaltos @buchanansebba
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xenolithium · 4 years
Silent Confidence (America & Romano)
Lovino rubbed furiously at his eyes, listening absentmindedly to the clicking of his own heels as he sped off down the hall. What a joke, what a fucking joke. Was repeating itself over and over in his mind. He was the one who put all the effort into that presentation, not his brother and yet no one bothered to let him speak!
He turned a corner, just barely ducking past a startled Tolys as he did so. Continuing to walk, even when the other said something to him in concern for his well-being. Though the brunet didn't seem to care enough to follow, simply letting him be as he tried to find some place quiet to sit and have himself a cry. 
Some people called someone like him over dramatic and over emotional. And he told people like that to shove it. He didn't need to hear shit from those who barely gave a rat's ass about him. 
He swung open a random door with a clack, hoping it wasn't a broom closet as he hadn't been paying attention but luckily it wasn't. It was a small break room that most of the other nations seemed to be avoiding, or perhaps they didn't know it was there. It was decked out with everything one might need to relax for a few moments. It had a fridge, counter space, stove, sink, kettle, microwave, the whole nine yards. In the center of the room, currently bathed in sunlight from large windows nearby was a couple of couches, facing each other on either side of a coffee table. Lovino's eyes froze in their exploration as they landed on a person's form. 
Alfred was sprawled out across one of the couches, his suit jacket and tie cast aside. From the doorway, Lovino could see he was fast asleep. Sunlight dotting his thick blonde lashes and his hand rising and falling where it was placed atop his stomach. He stretched slightly in response to Lovino slamming the door open, but otherwise he remained unaware of his surroundings. 
"Idiot. What the hell is he doing here?" He whispered to himself as he closed the door a little bit more softer than he did when opening it. Walking up towards the plush carpet in the center of the room and plopping himself on the couch across from America. From there he crossed his arms and glared daggers into the sleeping American's face, tears still brimming his eyes as he silently blamed Alfred for all his problems even if that wasn't true in the slightest. He still didn't try to help though!
Alfred twitched again in his sleep, his lips parting to make way for his tongue momentarily before he turned his head towards Lovino and went still. "Where's your stupid brother, huh? The maple bastard. Doesn't he know you're here?" He asked, but garnered no response to no one's surprise. Alfred was out cold and it would take much more than a few mumbled words to get him going again. Though Lovino didn't expect a response, nor did he care for one. "Did he ditch you because you've got shit for brains? Wouldn't blame him, you're a fucking loser." For some reason it felt good to curse and insult someone without having any negative repercussions. It was almost therapeutic in fact.  
Lovino laughed wetly under his breath, "no response? Whatever, I bet someone like you couldn't come up with anything worth my time any way." He swallowed thickly, wiping his tears from his eyes again. "So how was the meeting? Pretty great, huh? It's pretty fucking great that no one notices the work I do!" He slapped a hand over his mouth and stiffened when Al shifted again, holding his breath and cursing himself internally for being too loud. But when Alfred stilled, he breathed a sigh of relief. 
"Don't fucking wake up, you hear me, asshole? I'm not done telling you how shitty you are." This time his voice was a bit strained and muffled by his hand, but it's not as if it mattered since no one was listening. 
He stared for a moment after saying that, his gaze growing more and more blurry as he focused on Alfred's face. His stupid, dumb, beautiful face. Why was he crying? It's not as if it was that big a deal. He sniffled, his chest shaking as his body was wracked with silent sobs. Curling in on himself a little as he let his emotions wash over him, gripping his thighs with his hands until they turned white. 
"Someone like you couldn't do anything, you understand that, America? Nobody notices you, nobody cares. You're just this expendable loser that gets tossed aside in favour of your brother, every single time." He paused to swallow and take a breath before continuing. "Even when you try your best, no one cares. You got that? You got that?" He closed his eyes, taking in shaky breaths to try in vain to reel in his emotions, but nothing of the sort ended up happening. "Nobody loves you…"
When Lovino finally got himself to look back at Alfred, he was making a face in his sleep. Not of anger or hurt, but concern, his eyebrows knitted together as he tried to understand whatever was happening in his dream. His lips parting again as he whispered something. "Don't - don't say that...don't say that. I love you."
Lovino's heart skipped a beat and his eyes widened as he stared at Al in shock, having not been expecting a response, let alone that. Even if the words themselves weren't genuine, they were enough to have him quiet down his sobbing and stare at the man across from him in disbelief. "What?" He whispered dumbly, jumping when suddenly the room was overcome with a loud beeping. 
Alfred suddenly slamming his hand down on the phone next to him to shut it up as he opened his eyes. "Already?" He mumbled to himself, sitting up and stretching before turning to look at Lovino, blinking stupidly for a moment until he realized something was missing, picking up his glasses from where they were resting next to his phone to put them on. He then returned to starring for a moment before putting on his usual stupid grin and waving lazily, "yo, what's up?"
"Don't, yo what's up me, shit stain!" He snapped, Alfred not phased in the slightest by his grouchy attitude as he tried to hide that he had been crying. 
"What crawled up your butt and died?"
"I could ask the same of you!"
"Wait…" Alfred trailed off and Lovino stiffened, thinking for a moment that Alfred had heard all the things he had been saying to him while he had been asleep, feeling almost guilty because he hadn't meant them (not towards Alfred any way.) "I didn't think anyone noticed!" He whined, seemingly embarrassed over something. 
"Noticed what?" Lovino asked exasperatedly, unsure of what the hell America was on about. 
"My stomach really hurt, okay? I didn't mean to." It took Lovino a second to realize what the hell Al was saying, but when he did he picked up the nearest object (which happened to be a stapler) and threw it at his head. 
"You're disgusting! Maybe if you didn't eat nothing but garbage that wouldn't have happened!"
Alfred caught the stapler in midair, placing it next to him with a pout. "I don't eat garbage."
"Yes you do. I see the shit you eat!"
"If you wanted some, you could've just asked~"
"In your dreams, as if I want to smell like a walking landfill everywhere I go!" 
There was a silence between them as the only thing that filled the air around them was Alfred's laughter. Lovi glaring at him while he laughed until he felt something tug at his own lips, rubbing at his eyes as he let the carefree atmosphere wash over him. 
"Why were you crying though?" The blonde male suddenly piped up. This was one of the few moments when Lovino wished Al was actually as stupid as he acted sometimes.
"I wasn't crying."
"Uh huh and the sky isn't blue."
"Don't sass me."
There was another bout of silence as Alfred leaned back and crossed his arms, raising a brow and waiting for Lovino to continue with something more but that never happened. Instead he was met with the Italian turning to look at anything but him. 
"Well it has to be something."
"That something is none of your fucking business." 
Alfred sighed, realizing he wasn't getting anywhere fast and he probably wouldn't be anytime soon. Why did he feel like he missed out on something important while he was fast asleep? 
"Fine, keep your secrets," Al shrugged, Lovino seeming disappointed in the fact that he gave up so quickly but not pushing him to continue pestering him either. "Anyway, our break is over soon."
"That's nice," Lovino snapped. 
"Are you going back to the meeting?"
"No." Lovino turned to glare at something outside one of the windows. "It's not like I'm needed any way."
Alfred blinked in understanding, realizing he was being given a hint here, even if it was small and off-handed. "Who told you that?"
"No one had to tell me."
"So then you don't really know if it's true."
"..." Lovino opened his mouth, but then promptly closed it again. Not really knowing how to respond to this. His lips pressed tightly together as he thought those words over. "What exactly did I do to make anyone think otherwise?"
"What exactly do I do to make anyone think otherwise?" Alfred repeated, raising a brow. 
Lovino barked a laugh, "I think we all want to know the answer to that question."
"Lovino, I'm being serious."
"You're America for fucks sake, what kind of question is that? I'm not even half a country," Lovino immediately argued, making an exaggerated gesture at the blonde male to accentuate his point.
"So? It's not like I'm doing anything different from you in a meeting. I don't get the red carpet rolled out for me, we all sit down and do our thing. Besides, your presentation was really good."
That last comment caused Lovino to grow stiff once more, but this time out of shock. As he inspected Alfred curiously, trying to figure out what secrets he held to be able to know such information. "You knew it was mine?"
"Yeah?" It took Alfred a moment to realize why he didn't think that was the case. "Just because your brother presented it, doesn't mean it's not your work. I can figure out your handiwork from a mile away. I mean you used to work for me, remember? I don't forget that kinda thing."
Lovino was blushing softly, staring down at his hands which were placed in his lap snugly as he took in this information. To think Alfred bothered to remember little things like that about him made his heart feel warm. Sniffling as he relaxed his shoulders and finally felt a little better about himself and what he had done. Because someone had acknowledged it. "Thank you."
"I'm not repeating myself asshole, open your ears next time," he huffed. "I didn't think you were creepy enough to remember things like that though."
Alfred chuckled, "well, I am. So, since we're ditching the meeting--"
"Yeah, since we're ditching the meeting, how about we stuff our faces!"
"I thought you said your stomach hurt?" Lovino replied suspiciously, squinting at him in annoyance.
Lovino stared at him for a long moment in disbelief, before sighing. "Fine, but I'm choosing what we eat."
"Sounds good to me~"
"Anything food related sounds good to you," Lovino spat.
Alfred grinned at him with that wide, friendly, pearly white grin he gave everyone it seemed. But despite knowing that, he found himself attempting to give one back. Even if it was wonky and hardly noticeable. To others he was still mostly scowling, but it was that quiet effort that Al seemed to key in on the most. 
"See? Now you're getting somewhere!" He jumped up and reached over to give the Italian a pat on the back. Which was way more rough than Lovino wanted a pat to be (curse America's ripped, muscly body that he never got to see) and also unwanted. He quickly shoved Al's hand away, glaring at him for suddenly thinking it was a good idea to touch him. Alfred chuckling sheepishly and rubbing the back of his head as Lovino got up and cussed him out under his breath before storming towards the door. America watched him like a lost puppy, thinking that now the whole ditching the meeting to eat brunch was off the table because of what he did. 
"Well? Are you coming, shit stain? Hurry up before I leave you behind."
"I'm coming, I'm coming. Just let me get my stuff," Alfred said, his smile returning, quickly reaching around the room for all his belongings. 
"That's it, I'm leaving you behind."
"Lovi! No, Lovi, wait!" He called as the Italian left the break room. Smirk upon his lips, having completely forgotten the reason he was crying in the first place. Well, not completely, but enough to start feeling good about himself again. Stupid American and his stupid words that always had him feeling better about himself. Did he even realize he was doing it?
A random plot bunny that came to me the other day and I finished this morning. I don't know why this specific scenario came to me, but it did lol!
Al wasn't dreaming about Lovi when he said he loved him, btw. He thought Matt was telling him all that. But we can pretend. XD
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carrottuan93 · 4 years
Haven’t met you yet | Mark
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Masterlist (1/4) | part2 - part3 - part4
Starring: MK x You
Tags: Mark Tuan, Fluff, Destiny, Waiting, Christmas, Bookworm, Nerd, Love, Fate
Total WC: 2631
Foreword: You promise yourself you’re going to wait for the perfect love even if it takes forever but you’re already barging on it’s doorstep without even realizing that love has met you already in the first place.
It’s all about timing and seeking reassurance in all the right places.
It’s a chance you never want to miss and an opportunity that you wouldn’t trade for anything.
Learn to take risks and learn to fall in love along the way. Cause true love is patient and it’ll come when you least expect it.
Have you been good all year round? You never know what Santa has in stored for you this Christmas.
[Feel free to listen on the playlist that I made for this one shot :)))]
"Eunhee, I should probably take a break from your endless blind date setups. Nothing is working out for me, seriously." You heaved a sigh, slouching on the couch as you gave your best friend an exasperated look the moment you entered her humble bookshop. She's too excited for your love life ever since she and her long-time university crush Jackson became an official couple on your birthday when you celebrated it on Jeju last year. It was a really cold New Year’s Eve when you chose to reserve this romantic restaurant by the beach as the venue for your special day. Eunhee doesn't have any idea about Jackson's plan when you booked a flight to Jeju Island for a week despite the busy season. Since you wanted to play the fairy godmother role for the both of them, you saved Jackson from worrying and suggested that he'd do it on your birthday instead. And just like that, they spent the New Year countdown melting into each other’s puddle while greeting you a happy birthday. The things you do for your friend, if that ain’t salty for your part (it is, for being the third wheel), automatically elected you as the sole Queen of singles club after Neun’s grand exit.
 Since their anniversary is just around the corner, they are planning to spend it once again on Jeju and Eunhee, for being the supportive sister from another mother that she is, will surely drag you with them at all costs since it has been your tradition to celebrate New Year’s Eve with your best friend. She is dying to set you up with someone so you won't be celebrating your birthday alone anymore.
 "I'm sorry, Y/N. I thought you and my friend Hae In will work out. What happened by the way? tell me about your date." She sat beside your spot after closing the shop and did the honor of pouring you a glass of your favorite merlot. This girl knows how to calm you down for sure. I mean she isn't your best friend if she have no idea that wine is your comfort drink. For whatever reason it is, you don't know why it helps to lessen your loneliness by drinking the night away. Maybe knocking you down into a deep slumber and finding yourself completely clueless the next day, alongside the horrible hangover can patch up the painful truth that you are still single up to this point of your life. In addition to the earthly and God-sent smell of neatly piled books crowding the interior of her paradise, Eunhee's bookshop is your go-to place at all times. You used to frequent this a lot during your childhood days where you first met her and together you shared the same passion and love for books and wine through all these years.
 "He's too overrated for my type. Like I don't know why we need to talk about all of his exes and why his relationship with them didn't work out when we can sit and be comfortable with just talking about our interests, 'us' the present and not his past. He's a perfectionist per se and I don't like it when a guy shows disinterest whenever I told them about myself as some nerdy bookish girl who craves for a netflix kind of night compared to his ideal dream girl-next-door whom you can freely bring to a club the minute next." You look down on the red liquid in your glass, appreciating its refined and classic smell that is clouding your nostrils. You're way too excited to go home so you can finally sink on your newly changed bed sheets and savor the enticing smell of fabric conditioner which you cannot live without. You glanced outside the window, observing the couples walking together under the falling snow, as if Valentines day has come all of a sudden in the middle of December. Red roses are a popular gift for the ladies as you've observed and you cannot help yourself from wondering if someone will ever give you flowers on Christmas, particularly pink roses, which you really admire. You always dreamt of tending a bed of pink roses only for yourself because the sight of it makes you really happy. It's just unfortunate that they aren't in full bloom during this season that's why you can only wait for February to come so you could save the trouble of finding a lame date and just buy yourself a bouquet for Valentines. You can give yourself flowers and still feel like in a relationship with all the fictional characters on your novels. No one is stopping you from dating them in your mind, you thought.
 “Ugh I can’t believe that guy. I thought he’s a good catch but actually a bummer for real. Don’t worry, I’ll choose better next time." She gave you a warm hug, patting your head as you lay your cheek on her shoulder. She released you and you gave her an 'I'm-okay-don't-worry' kind of smile. And you sat there for almost an hour talking about your other failed blind dates in the past week that all belongs in either Jackson or Eunhee's circle. You have no idea why none of them matched your personality. Either they are too wild or too boring for them to function as your potential boyfriend. No one could really captivate your specific taste in a guy. It's not that you are too picky and have a high standard when it comes to scouting a lover. You just have your own preferences when it comes to choosing someone whom you'll devote your precious time into. No relationship is perfect because everything is built out of flaws, misunderstandings, heartaches and drama but if you'll enter in a commitment at least choose someone who's worthy of that pain. You aren’t getting any younger and all you need right now is someone reliable, honest and trustworthy enough to not waste your feelings and emotion. You need a serious guy who will not take you for granted and who welcomes the idea of settling in the near future. At least someone with a nice job? Or a bearable attitude, outlook and philosophy in life? He doesn't need to be the most handsome or richest guy in the planet. After all, you always talk to God about giving you with someone who will really love all your imperfections and flawed nature. You always pray to the heavens above that maybe he'll cross the mountains and bring you the moon and the stars like they always did on the movies and in stories but you're fed with too much fantasy and began to think that maybe the guy for you was rather inexistent or an alien inhabiting a distant galaxy located in a million light years away.
 "A break is all I need after all. I will be fine tomorrow at Christmas eve. Don't worry about me having a date on our dinner. I'll bring some macarons as an antidote for all things bitter for you and Jackson's couple party." It's your best friend’s first Christmas with her boyfriend that's why they are throwing a mini gathering for their family and close friends. You had this feeling that you will be the only one attending the party without a date so might as well go straight to the kitchen and grab a bottle of whatever wine you can get and spend the evening dancing on tipsy toes and the floor would be very much pleased to accommodate your drunken needs. But you will not gonna end up wasted on a party especially Eunhee will not be there beside you to take you home since you do not want to rob Jackson of his time with her. Their happiness always matters before you and that's what makes you happy, to see your best friend happy with the man that he really deserves.
 "All right sweetcheeks. We'll not let you feel gloomy on Christmas eve. Good girls get a reward from Santa so you have nothing to worry about." She gave you a wink and clanked your glasses in unison as you both emptied the bottle of wine to your heart's content. You both agreed to watch a romantic holiday movie over a shared furry blanket and hear out your friend as she talked to you mostly of his boyfriend, as if you’ve read a book about the guide to 101 ways on how to fall for Jackson. Maybe the love bug bit too hard on your friend now that she really has the man of her dreams right on her fingertips, she can’t ask for anything else. Their love story is too underrated and you’re one of the living witnesses that a coin is never wasted on a wishing well. If you only joined Eunhee on her wishing spree every time you both pass by your University’s fountain of love, your coin bank would have gone empty by now. But you didn’t do it and saved all of your coins for yourself cause you really enjoy playing basketball in the arcades for fun. For all you can remember way back in college days, your friend is just one of the many timid girls who are cheering and admiring the ever-famous fencing athlete, business student and heartthrob, Jackson. You have classes together with him and that is how your job as a love guru began. You really deserve a raise because you did succeed on making them a couple. You could set up a dating agency and earn better than your current job for all you care. But amidst all the love advice that you gave to them, you’re the complete opposite of a matchmaker. Because love never finds your way despite making love work for the others. Love is sweet but a bitch most of the time.
 If love finally came to Eunhee and Jackson, hopefully yours would come in a whirlpool, sweeping you off of your feet and rendering all the other love stories made in the history irrelevant. You love spontaneity and you’re up for the extraordinary. In fact, you already made a dozen of playlists on spotify and counting, awaiting to be dedicated to him. You may have weird habits, like using ketchup as a dip for your honey glazed donuts, and still act straight and sit the whole day finishing a book with your favorite espresso at coffee shops. You love taking midnight trips to the art museum and you wonder if he can appreciate the abstract the way it makes your soul come alive. You love travelling back to time and studying history and it would be a bonus if he’ll join you on the 3% mint choco enthusiasts in the whole world. And your list goes on and on and it’ll take a lifetime to introduce yourself to someone but you want to meet him soon. You can’t wait for that time to annoy the hell out of him and if he still chooses to come back after your endless nagging, that’s the time when you’re not gonna let go of him anymore. You know for yourself, you’re looking for an almost perfect individual but you’re ready to tear up your never ending list of your ideal guy if someone could really surprise you and made you want to look at the world in a different dimension. After all, an ideal can never be achieved in real life. You cannot make someone ‘the one’ but you can only search for someone and make them ‘your one’. Things may not come out the way you want them to be but things will work out if he’s your destiny. It might be hard to find the rarest form of love, which is true love, but you’re willing to go on a train trip bound to a destination you’ve never been to given that he’ll meet you at the end of the tunnel. Love isn’t hard. Love is supposed to be easy. You just need patience and it’ll come to you when you least expect it.
 It's nearing 11 pm already when you feel lightheaded because of your wine intake and maybe due to the fact that your early sleeping schedule has been breached by tonight's unfortunate event. You bid goodbye to your friend despite her invitation that you should just sleep on her place and decided to call for an uber to save yourself from zoning out like a zombie because you can no longer walk straight with your clouded vision. Eunhee lives upstairs her bookstore because she manages her family's business when her father passed away that's why she isn't living with you anymore. You've grown to be independent now that you're living on your own after sharing the same apartment with your friend during your university days.
 "Tomorrow night at 8. I'll text you the address. Don't be late, Y/n. Have a goodnight!” Eunhee tucked you up nicely on your seat and soon the taxi sped up passing underneath the city lights in the mood for the radio's yuletide playlist. You're a bit drunk to see clearly but you can recognize the faint Christmas lights flickering throughout the busy streets. In just half an hour, the uber came to a stop and you hopped off the cab as you made your way towards the entrance of the condo that you’re residing in. You walked past the concierge and romantic music is donning the halls screaming love is in the air but not for you cause it makes you suffocated. Inside the elevator you noticed that you'll join a couple on your way to a 5-minute trip to the 12th floor. You silently wished that nobody would enter in between floors so as not to slow down your fast lane to your unit or else it'll be another episode of 'You-are-single-fgds' slapping your face. Geez, you badly want a damn break but the couple is too absorbed in their own selves, doing whatever cringey couple thing it is behind you, so you chose to ignore their reflection on the elevator walls.
 God spared you for that ride and luckily you reached the 12th floor in the fastest speed possible. You walked in a crazy zigzag pattern when you reached the front step of your door and you held on the handle to prevent yourself from falling directly on the ground. Your eyes are zooming in for the door lock as you punch in your keycode multiple times and still wonder why the door isn't granting you any access at all.
 "The fudge why aren't you opening?" You tried all possible combinations already but to no luck, you are still denied. For the 10th time, the lock gave up on you and is now urging for a password reset when all of a sudden the heavens finally heard your prayer and the door automatically opened. You fell towards a pair of arms, as if on cue you are saved once again from falling directly on the floor. You grabbed on a pair of shoulders, and you felt like you've reached your bed already as your senses are welcomed with a lovely scent of fabcon, which for you is the sweetest scent in the world.
 "Hmm. I can finally sleep now." You smiled the moment you felt safe and secured within the parameters of what you think of as your bed.
"Wait, you cannot sleep on my arms." It's too late for you to wake up because you're already dozing off to dreamland.
"Oh shoot. What am I gonna do with you?" You barged into someone's room and you haven't had the slightest idea of what you'll gonna do the next morning when you wake up.
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 4 years
The Truths Found On Petram Viridios IV (1/?)
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What started out as an idea for a short one shot grew into a multichap that I'm almost done editing. I think 🤔 it'll be either 4 or 5 chapters long depending on how long each chapter will be after I'm done editing. Anyway, I hope you guys will enjoy.
In this fic you learn how easily things can change, but how it effects you isn't always a bad thing.
Chapter 1: The Phenomenon
There was little difference to what was happening around you at the moment. There were no little green men, or yellow submarines, neither were there tangelos, or bags of golden rings, but there was a blue-haired man with plenty of dreams. Still, life was swell; summer was around the corner, and you were reading in the garage just to be near Zeta-7; he was working on his latest piece of tech, and you were distracted by his charming quirks and ticks. If you hadn't known any better, you'd say it was business as usual. Yet, it was because you had been acquainted with Rick that the previous blindspots of your world were made known to you; conscious of the rare events which were going to take place in another quadrant of space.
A phenomenon was going to occur; one which would not happen again for another 1000 years; the blooming of the Milleannos flower. Legends say that those who touch its pollen might live forever, and those who smell its perfume might be cured of all that ails them, but those claims were supposedly unsubstantiated. There was to be a gala to celebrate the occasion; all in attendance were respectable, distinguished guests and because of Rick, you were also invited, but there were rules; strict guidelines which were to be obeyed unless you wished to throw away your life. And although you weren't happy about them, you were willing to abide by them for Rick's sake. However, there were a few things you didn't understand. "Rick, why won't we be allowed to dance together?"
His hands paused their activity, and his body sagged a little; dreading the reminder not because he's informed you already, but because it pained him to remind himself that he couldn't spend a once in a lifetime occasion with you. "B-because according to the laws of Petram Viridios IV, you are assigned a um - a party companion which is determined according to the alignment of your spine, carbon dioxide levels, as well as daily water intake. And due to the variety of guests, everyone must stand at least six feet apart to avoid air poisoning. However, if given an a-air helmet in order to assist with breathing, then I believe that the last rule isn't as severe. It's - there is a-a lot to remember."
Currently, he was piecing together the circuits and connecting the wires which would power his reflective shield. It was going to be worn under his dress shirt and would be undetectable under their scanners; as a precaution of course. "Ricky, you know I barely drink water." You weren't a fan of water, but you enjoyed flavored beverages and if you did drink water, it was always carbonated first. "I mean, I can get past the distance thing, but what am I supposed to do if I'm assigned to someone I don't like, and have to spend hours being bored and jealous that you're next to gorgeous, realistic fembots from Westworld?"
Unlike you, Zeta-7 drank so much water, you wondered how he wasn't rushing to the bathroom every five minutes. The only other people who drank that much water were beauty gurus who wanted to keep their skin in tip-top shape; you could really try harder if you wanted to. Good naturedly, he answered. "Gosh, y-you don't have to worry about that. I know a fembot when I-I see one."
You raised a brow at this, but seeing as he meant it literally, you listened on. "No s-siree, I won't be assigned a party companion because I'm going t-t-to be assisting the king in protecting their sacred relic."
How Rick became designated to assist with such a task was beyond you, but there seemed to be a glimmer of slight pride in the fact that he'd be so lucky and privileged as to be near the legendary flower, as well as to the beings who revered it. He was determined to find out the truth behind its properties, and if his hypothesis proved true, then he had a plan. You enjoyed when he was diverted with schemes; not the kind which was evil in nature, but the ones which could end happily or inconclusively. Anyway, you two were discussing how to go about it all.
The discussion had gaps of pause where he'd need to concentrate on bits of wiring that needed to be soldered or bent. Without distraction, you were more aware that it was humid, especially with the garage door being fully open for proper ventilation; bits of your hair stuck to your face and to the back of your neck despite how you'd try to tie it. As annoying as it was, it did have its draw; every so often, you'd catch Rick staring and you'd feel a thrill for it could be a year or ten years, but his shy tendencies would never stop being endearing; why he felt the need to reign himself when you were cool with him checking you out was something you hoped he'd someday become more comfortable with, but for now you'd simply giggle and wink at him to let him know you knew. He did his best to focus on the task at hand, but it wasn't going as well as he had hoped for it happened more than once that you'd have to hand him a tool he was blindly reaching out for. "You wouldn't happen to know who my party companion is," you inquired, as you were tying your hair up for the umpteenth time. "do you? And if you do, can't you change them?"
Giving you that look which always preceded his speeches of why he couldn't do that random illegal thing, he explained with kindly patience. "I could change th-the records, and assign you to someone I know, but that wouldn't be legal."
"I know."
"However," he brightened as he paused his work to face you fully. "I do have a copy of the guest list. Give me a-a moment to pull it up on my computer. Hmm," he wondered more to himself then out loud. "that's odd."
"What is it?"
Drumming his fingertips on his workbench, he double-checked his calculations, then went over and wrote it all out on a chalkboard to be sure. Tapping the freshly used chalk tip to his chin in thought, leaving a little powder on his face, he nodded when it seemed satisfactory. "According to um - to my calculations, it's possible that it's either the Salamandrian chemist, V'gha Khadaka or the Chordatan Knight, Noathamas."
"Is there a correlation between the two?"
"Other than their similar water intake levels, they both enjoy their privacy. However, I'm a-a little stumped as to how it might be possible to be assigned to them both. None of your occupations are similar, neither is there a species similarity, but I'm sure I'll figure it out before the event."
Great, just great. That sort of information wasn't all that helpful, but you pressed a kiss to his cheek to ease the worry which he had been hiding. You wondered if it was too late to back out, but for the most part you were determined to be there for him, even if it meant odd company. "Alright. Um… is there something I should keep in mind before I go dress shopping?"
A quick glance at your current outfit made him smile. You were wearing an old band tee and jeans with so many patches, that they were more patch then jean. "I-I don't think so. Almost anything is fine. Though, y-you might want to avoid plant-based materials in favor of synthetics just in case."
"Okay, I think I can do that, but don't be surprised if I look like I just walked out of a 1980s prom. I'll have you know that being slightly flammable is a dream of mine."
He chuckled at that and patted your shoulder. "Hohoho, I'm sure it'll be fine. You - you always look pretty in whatever you wear."
"If you mean that I'll be so fine, that I'll light up the room with my razzle-dazzle, then you better watch out. You never know who'll be charmed without my knowing."
Now, there had been little to no weight to your phrasing just now, but he felt differently. Giving your shoulders a squeeze, there was a distant, far off look in his eyes that you could only recall from specific occasions. It was a mix of longing, sadness, and regret, but you couldn't pin it on what exactly. It was as though he were trying to convey by sight that there was something he ought to do, that he ought to say, but as quickly as it had appeared, it left and was replaced by acceptance. He pulled away and returned to his previous task while you used a spare computer to begin the search for the perfect dress. He said it'll be fine, and you certainly hoped so.
Adjustments in gravity made you feel as though you could jump in and out of craters as though you were wearing moon shoes; that is until you stepped onto a ship or station, then you felt as though you had fifty pounds tied to each foot. You were grateful for the terrain stabilizers that Rick placed in your flats a few adventures ago, otherwise, you would've already been worn out.
You two arrived a few minutes apart by way of the designated ship which held a variety of guests. To explain, the ship itself was a marvel and a work of beauty as far as intergalactic travel was concerned; its mechanical parts were held together by a compound whose main ingredient was a type of scarlet amber. Piece by piece, it had been crafted by a mixture of living matter and tech so advanced, that it'd have taken 300 years of Earth-based studies to understand a fraction of how one of its panels could work; probably sooner for someone like Rick.
Your eyes trailed the conduits as you were led through hallways that seemed to spiral and spill into larger hallways with varying temperatures and design and you wondered how it was those conduits crossed over and branched off like veins, but you had no time to find out and didn't feel privileged enough to ask as you were led into a cabin. Multiple voices hushed, but resumed to their usual loudness once you had settled into what appeared to be a loveseat with the coloring and texture of a pumpkin; it was your assigned seating, but it was not as soft as you would have liked.
It wouldn't be till later that you'd find out that Rick had traveled in a cabin on level 4 while you had been on level 2. In your cabin was a being composed of pure energy, with a name not spelled in letters but in frequencies, who was one of the musicians. A few feet away, was V'gha Khaḍaka; he was tall, sure-looking, had smooth, striped skin which glistened, and a tail strong enough to break someone's spine in a blink; the good thing was that he hadn't been trained in combat, but was simply a scientist who enjoyed the pursuit of knowledge. And a few feet away from the Salamandrian chemist was the knight Noathamas; he stood at half your height, but his chest was puffed out in such a way that made him appear larger, while his round amber eyes and curly whiskers gave him a soft, cuddly appearance; you had been warned by Rick that his appearance did not reveal much about his character and to watch out for him.
It was uncommon but not unheard of to be assigned multiple party companies as you had been; you were matched up to both V'gha and Noathamas due to your odd chemical makeup. Who would've thought that drinking a La Croix before leaving home would confuse their scanners? Goodness, you were grateful that it was a quick trip, and when it was time to depart the ship, you were escorted by two guards before you were given a helmet; it was nearly invisible except for its indicator light which was shaped like a flower, and it blended in with your dress; a colorful sequin cocktail dress you found on eBay. Not far from you were both your companions, who gave off the impression that they were your entourage rather than dates for the night. You saw Rick from a distance, and you knew he was trying to play it cool, but his eyes were sparkling with affection, although he knew he was supposed to suppress it due to the strict traditions imposed by the royal family; he looked away as he was escorted by six guards, but part of you wished that he hadn't.
You took a deep breath to calm your giddiness; this wasn't the time to allow your emotions to carry you away and affect the mission which was to get through the evening. V'gha could pick up on your subtle changes in body language, and thanks to a universal translator in your helmet, you could understand him. "From what I understand," he commented with a surprisingly smooth, velvety voice. "he's the smartest man in the universe. Is that true?"
"Maybe," you replied nonchalantly, "but he's more than just a brain. I heard he's a great lover. Not really my type," you lied because Zeta-7 suggested that you keep the details of your relationship with him a secret; again for safety, but you thought boasting up his reputation wouldn't hurt. "though, to each his own."
"Do you know him personally?"
When questions like this were thrown at you, it made you wonder about the curious people who meant it to sound nice, but in actuality wanted to test the waters as to how much can they ask so soon. Glancing at your nails, you feigned disinterest. "I'm not sure if I'm allowed to give out that type of information."
"You two are the only humans here." he stated matter of factly. There were humanoid beings but he was right. "It doesn't take rocket science to figure that much out."
"How would you know," you retorted with an air of certainty. "you're not a rocket scientist."
"You're right, I'm not. However, I do dabble into it from time to time. I'm sure he does too. I can smell the exhaust from here."
Hmm, perhaps this event was going to be more interesting than you thought. You shared a look of understanding with the chemist, and thought that perhaps you wouldn't need to be so wary of him; his charisma gave him a charm you hadn't yet decided if it was welcomed or should be ignored; whether his earlier comment was out of egotism or curiosity. And before you could make a comeback, Noathamas commented. "Shall we find our assigned seating and continue from there?"
"Sounds fine. Why don't you two walk ahead," you suggested with a coolness you didn't know you had. "I'll be sure to follow."
When you were sure that they were far enough, you took out your miniature glass terrarium necklace, which held a shrunken sunflower that had an iridescent shimmer on its petals; the one Rick had given you after a memorable date; it was made to remind you of how he saw you and you were very glad it had gone undetected under the scanners you passed through. And in your mind's eye you could still see the glimmer and shine of his electric blue eyes as he had taken in your appearance this afternoon before you two departed Earth; oh how he had wanted to kiss you and hug you but had refrained from doing so in order to double-check if he had all his supplies. His compliments had been many as he drove into the inky blackness of space, but when he parked at the station which was at the midway point, and you two lined up to board the ship which took you to this strange world, his face became neutral; his job made him good at that. You kissed your lovely necklace, replaced it so that it laid underneath your dress collar, and your heart called out to him in the void which was Petram Viridios IV; hoping you wouldn't have to go the through the evening without seeing your beloved again before you made yourself appear neutral and made sure to stay at least six feet apart from everyone in your midst.
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Jac & Jesse
Jac: [some gossip about him that could either be a bit true or totally hilariously not] Jac: when were you gonna tell me, like? Jesse: 👎 Jac: That's what you would say now you've been found out Jac: I 👀 Jesse: not to you Jac: Hmm Jac: I look forward to getting the actual info to spread about then Jesse: you'll have a long wait, dickhead Jesse: be gone by then Jac: Where are you going? Jesse: be quicker to ✔ off where I ain't Jesse: fully booked, me Jac: No one likes a show-off 🙄😏 Jac: how busy are you now? Jesse: busy with a ☕ Jesse: you alright? Jac: Yeah, I'm good Jac: I'm just getting ready for when I go on my own one-stop tour Jac: so when you've got a minute between ☕s maybe we can talk Jesse: go on Jac: You sure? Jac: not trying to be that customer that can't take a hint Jesse: you heard Jesse: don't need to be the customer pissing about when I'm trying to close up Jesse: you're fine to crack on Jac: alright, understood Jac: I won't nurse my ☕ and order a 2nd with five minutes to go Jac: I don't know how to start what I wanna say, helpful, I know Jesse: I ain't put a ⏲ on Jesse: take a bit if you need Jac: I mean, you put me on the 🕔 a bit but I'll just ignore you when you put up the chairs around me 💁 Jac: There's a lot of stuff I don't wanna leave left unsaid Jac: well, a lot of me does wanna leave it and I know a lot of you probably ain't gonna thank me for it either but I don't think I SHOULD leave some of it, the way it has been Jesse: alright Jac: fuck's sake Jac: okay, do you want the apology, the thanks, or the reasons Jac: because I can do them all but you know, pick your fave or least so we can get it out of the way, I don't know Jesse: can you even have a sorry or thanks without the why bit? Jesse: if I dunno what you're sorry for or saying tah for, not getting very far, like Jac: since you've not actually got me a drink, you've got some idea Jac: but okay, I hear reasons loud and clear, no need to be so coy Jac: you know why I need to say thank you Jac: that's more apparent, and easier Jac: and I didn't just pick you because I had no one else, I still could've made mum do it all with me or nan Jac: I wouldn't have picked anyone else, anyway, which sucks for you but yeah, you stepped up and I wasn't appropriately grateful at the time, or close, so I'll say it now Jac: thanks Jesse: you weren't ready to tell her, I get that, that's why I did Jesse: and it weren't like I did it for a tah Jac: no, I know Jac: but I should still say it now, I wanna Jac: it was still shit, and is always gonna be a shit thing that happened to me but you took a bit of it on, and that counts Jesse: you can have one back, tah for not dying, that worried me for a bit there Jac: I still don't feel like I was ever that reckless, like, I know how that sounds, and obviously the baby was a wake-up call that it had gone TOO far, even for my standards Jac: but under normal circumstances, I would've protected you from that, cared to and I didn't, so that's a sorry too Jesse: it was shit scary, the baby bit especially, but that's why I weren't gonna just leave you to it Jac: I thought I had a handle on the rest, but yeah, I should probably let that idea go since what does that matter given what happened Jac: you could've, and I wanted you to, so sorry/thanks again Jac: that's the least eloquent way I can put it Jesse: if it makes it less of a headfuck for you, reckoning that you had it sorted, you can have it Jesse: I don't mind Jesse: but you ain't ever getting me turning my back however much you want it Jac: I don't know, I was doing reckless, destructive things, but I never thought I was going to die Jac: accidents happen though, so, maybe I can accept now that I was tempting shit back then Jac: I don't want it now, and I did want that less as the year went on Jac: but I'm aware it's shit I ever did, that that must've been, well Jesse: what happened to Is was proper raw for all of us back then, probably put me on edge about you more than it would've done Jac: Yeah Jac: it was so right after, I know that's what mum and dad thought Jesse: we've all thought all kinds of shit Jesse: Jude's said loads of it to me before now, like I can give her an answer ✔ or ❌ Jac: and I deserve to live with the consequences of just letting you all speculate Jac: I really know that, and I'm gonna talk to everyone and you can all say or not say whatever you want to me, it's all fair Jesse: we've all lived Jac: that don't mean it's alright Jac: or I ever reckoned it was Jac: I knew it weren't Jac: and again, that makes it less okay Jesse: you weren't alright, none of us were big enough dickheads not to work that out, even her Jac: Obviously Jac: but the point is, you can hold me accountable now and it won't be a waste of time, you know Jesse: you've been a prick, me an' all loads of times, we both will be again in a bit Jac: it's a bit more than that Jac: come on, don't insult me like you reckon I was like that before Jesse: yeah Jesse: but I ain't gonna bother to hold it against you til you actually do 💀 Jac: that's weird Jac: leave your grudges 'til the grave Jesse: I mean I ain't bothering with any grudges Jac: Alright, hippie Jac: are you graciously accepting my apology and gratitude then or what? Jesse: I'll take it Jac: okay Jac: anything you wanna say? Jac: not last words or anything but if you can before you 💀 I'd appreciate it Jesse: you gonna say why then or what? Jac: It isn't as if it's just the one thing Jac: and now that I have to say, there's the fear that you're all gonna say it wasn't a good enough excuse and that's why I didn't say anything in the first place so Jac: let me work up to it Jesse: just call me a massive twat Jac: No, like, it was a lot Jac: and for what Jac: but it was logical at the time, and what I felt I had to do, whether that seems warranted or nah Jesse: I ain't gonna say you weren't 💔 enough for what you did Jesse: nowt to do with me Jac: You might not Jac: you might think it Jac: but I'm not gonna concoct some lie that makes it all seem worthwhile, can't be that bitch Jac: fake sob story Jesse: unless you're a 🧠📖 that don't matter Jac: I'm not used to gossip rags lying or chatting shit on me Jac: I don't wanna imagine that you think the worst of me, tah Jesse: you already have done Jesse: it weren't just us imagining all sorts, come on Jac: I really, on the whole, wasn't thinking about anyone else Jac: not to brag about it Jac: none of you anyway, it wasn't like I HAD to do that, but it also wasn't a choice, being that cunt, shutting you all out Jac: my 🧠 wouldn't Jesse: not offering you a 🏆 or owt Jesse: you've sorted your head out a bit now, if you wanna tell us Jac: I don't but like, I don't want you all thinking the worse now, when that doesn't need to be a thing Jac: We can't have mum and dad thinking I'm gonna go live some trainspotting fantasies in Edinburgh Jac: 'cos I can't have them making trips over all the time, obviously Jac: also, don't wanna bore you with every in and out, so hold on whilst I storyboard my fucking drama here Jesse: would be a pisstake Jac: It all started when Amelia stopped being friends with us Jac: I don't know if she told you fuck all, as you're such pals these days, but it wasn't just like, a natural drifting apart Jesse: it was 'cause she was in love with you Jesse: dunno if you knew that an' all Jac: yeah Jac: that was it Jac: there was a relatively big declaration and like, I wasn't a dick about it, I don't think Jac: but I didn't feel the same like that so that was enough Jesse: it would be, yeah Jac: so like, she was gone but obviously not I still saw her all the fucking time 'cos there's no escaping anyone in this town, and that was just awkward at first Jesse: obviously Jac: and it did kind of piss me off, that she seriously couldn't be my friend still Jac: but it wasn't all about that, there was the Savannah element of it for us both Jesse: 'course Jac: She was jealous of her, didn't like her, all that Jac: and I cared less, because I did have her Jac: and then the Isabelle thing happened Jac: and it all really got fucked up Jesse: she was proper gone Jac: who was? Jesse: Savannah Jac: Right Jac: but before that Jac: the guy Jac: with Isabelle Jac: we didn't know Jac: but we knew he was like, well we thought he was gross, a bit cringe Jac: so me and Sav set her up Jac: people weren't wrong blaming us, even though they got the situation wrong and they didn't know that, it was just between us Jac: that's why we ran away, and a big part of why she HAD to leave, even if her dad wasn't the most controlling person ever Jesse: what did you reckon would happen? with this lad and Is? Jac: just that...I don't even know now Jac: that she'd make out with him and we could take the piss out of her for it Jac: or he'd try it on and that would be funny because he was so gross Jac: not that he wouldn't take no for an answer, that was never what either of us had imagined Jac: but we still aided that situation, even if unknowingly Jesse: no shit you didn't imagine that Jac: fact was and is, if we weren't such shit friends to her Jac: he was still at the party, still could've Jac: but it might not have been her Jesse: I could have a go at you about how you should've been a more decent mate but it's nowt you don't already know Jac: Yeah Jac: feel free to but obviously that's a huge part of what I've been thinking on these past two years so, you don't have to, like Jac: and then, like you said, Sav left Jac: and I couldn't be friends with Isabelle and I couldn't be friends with Amelia and that was that Jesse: you could've said something to me Jac: I've only just been able to Jac: for ages, it was easier to keep blaming her, or say it would've happened anyway Jac: it was raw Jac: everyone was in shock, and I didn't wanna give a basis for the shit people were saying Jac: god knows how it would've been Jesse: alright Jesse: it was fucking bad enough, I remember Jesse: the bollocks people were saying Jac: not that I had to come out and make an announcement, but even if I'd tried to explain to Is, to apologize, she'd tell her new friends and then everyone would know and I'd be as bad as him Jac: worse for the betrayal Jac: I didn't wanna hack that on my own Jesse: or she'd tell her ma and that'd be Jesse: fucking hell Jac: right Jac: she'd probably call the police or something like they can lock me up Jac: and she knew I was a bad friend, Is, I mean Jac: she'd known we all were to her for a while Jac: but I am gonna talk to her, before I go Jesse: 💡🥇 Jac: I know I'm not dying but it's the first fresh start I've had Jac: any of us, even if someone doesn't wanna forgive me, at least they know the score, if nothing else Jac: and I know I've said what I should Jesse: I'm chuffed for you, mate Jesse: don't reckon I could be 💔 and get into a top uni Jac: you could write a top hit though Jesse: don't sound like me Jesse: but I'd probably give it a go if I were Jac: that's all it's about ain't it ❤ & 💔 Jesse: depends Jac: I've never heard a top 40 about... Jac: idk, mowing the grass Jac: doing your taxes Jac: it ain't the mundane Jesse: I'll write one for you if you're gonna be 💔 about it Jac: I think I'll survive, tah Jac: rather not read the speculation about who broke your heart 🤢 Jesse: 🍻 Jesse: you gonna have a word with Sav an' all? Jac: She's arguably one of the only people I didn't really screw over Jac: she got to go to a better school and get a new, rich pretty boyfriend and not deal with that whole backlash Jac: though I'm sure she feels her guilt for it too Jesse: but there's shit you wanna say that you didn't get to Jesse: half arsed fresh start if you don't Jac: I did say it Jac: well, did Jac: she knows Jac: I don't think there's anything to be gained for her or for me from that one Jesse: 👍 Jac: Not got an actual checklist of people to get through but you know Jac: close enough Jesse: make dad a ☕ all it takes to get in his good books Jac: good books is a stretch but not being on his must-constantly-check-in-on list myself will do for now so yeah, fair shout Jesse: yeah if you're well enough to put the kettle on and make a brew you're well enough to do owt Jac: parenting 101 Jac: ✅ Jesse: 🥇🏆 Jac: not serving it to him in a 🏆 Jac: laying it on a bit thick, I reckon Jesse: 🤏 Jac: Well, we're good then? Jac: not to 🕔 or anything Jesse: yeah Jac: yeah yeah or yeah, I guess Jesse: we're good Jac: Good Jac: if I'm not on my repentance tour, might see you when you get home then Jesse: might do Jac: yes very 😎 Jesse: 🤠
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Spilling Tea On Phantom of the Opera 2004
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DISCLAIMER: I just want to say from the start that it is not my intention to offendanyone, you're entitled to your opinions and I'm allowed to have mine...
Ok, so, I just watched this movie a few days ago on my laptop and it was pretty much my first time sitting through the movie. I watched a few clips of the movie on YouTube but... Then, I decided to watch the whole movie. And this was my reaction.
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Don't get me wrong! There WERE parts I liked but... That was just half of the movie... But overall... Um... It was meh. Ahem. Down to business!
My opinion on Gerard Butler as the Phantom? Um, wow. And not in a good way. I feel like this was a case of a talented performer being grossly miscast as the Phantom. I think this Tumblr post best describes on what I thought of his singing.
"He's supposed to have the voice of an angel, but it sounds like he's been gargling vinegar" ~Quoted by @faded-florals
Don't get me wrong. His voice is quite good for an untrained singer but... The Phantom is one of the biggest musical theatre roles of all time! It's right up there with Jean Valjean. It's really not a role that could go a competent singer, someone who's never sang professionally before but could be good once they've been trained up a bit. The role demands a truly great singer... And he wasn't right for the part.
His voice felt too strainy, growly and rock-ish for the Phantom. I didn't like how Joel Schumacher bought into the whole "sexy Phantom" thing and cast a hunky heart-throb, who was nowhere near disfigured enough. It's meant to be a gothic thriller novel with a small romantic subplot, not a B-grade vampire romance movie!
As for Emmy Rossum as Miss Christine Daae... it's true, her voice is good. She should know though, should she wish to excel, she has MUCH still to learn (Heeeeehee. Sorry. Couldn't resist.)
Emmy's Christine had little-to-no character growth and personality but I don't think it reflects her as an actress, but reflects more on the director and casting director because of how young she was (but more on that later)
Not only that, her Christine was SIGNIFICANTLY dumbed down and oversexualized. I mean, the entire point of the story is that Christine grows strong enough to overcome the trauma of an abusive relationship and make sure that her abuser never hurts anyone ever again but still shows the Phantom compassion and sympathy. I mean, her story arc is her becoming strong-willed enough to overcome the Phantom's pull/spell/enchantment/hypnosis or whatever you percieve it as on her! And don't get me started on her costumes because of the SEVERE lack of modesty.
The chemistry was a little flat because she was underage and her two male love interests were both in their 30s (which totally isn't HER fault, of course, but the directors could easily have cast someone else older)
Her voice, too, strikes me as being much too young and undeveloped. She has a very pretty, sweet-sounding quality to her singing but she doesn't sound rich and operatic enough to be a convincing Christine. Rebecca Caine and Amy Manford do the best job of singing the way I think Christine ought to sound- a maturing opera voice! Though POTO is NOT an opera (you wouldn't believe how many people actually think it is...), it does revolve around opera, and Christine is an opera singer, not a pop star.
And now onto... Everyone's favourite vicomte!!!!!!
C'mon people, put your bottles down. It is a truth universally acknowledged (or at least in the wee Raoul Defense Squad Circle) that Raoul is one of the greatest and most underrated boyfriends to ever exist in musical theatre and it's almost impossible to hate him because of how relatable he is.
Ladies, puh-leeze. He's much more relatable than you admit and face it, we all have a little bit of Raoul in us. Failure to see things staring us in the face, saying or doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, having a 'see it to believe it' attitude when we have little-to-no evidence on something... yeah, don't pretend you don't see a trend. Raoul is relatable whether we want him to be or not.
My thoughts on Patrick Wilson as Raoul, he was one of the few redeeming qualities of this not so great movie. Yeah, the swordfight and Tarzan leaps were a little too much but can you blame him?! And though I feel like that foppish wig made him look more like a magic elf prince than a vicomte, he couldn't control that!
His Raoul was so gentle and caring! Yeah, his acting was a bit stiff but at least his voice wasn't a chore to listen to, it has this warm, tender, comforting quality to it which suits Raoul. I really loved the way he sang "Don't throw away your life for my sake" and "I fought so hard to free you" in the Final Lair (😭😭😭) It feels like Raoul is genuinely apologising to Christine.
I know, I know... The Hadley Fraser fans are approaching with menacing expressions as we speak but let me clarify. I still think Hadley is amazing but... His Raoul kinda felt a little too shouty for me and his Raoul was closer to the LND-canon than POTO-canon (not his fault though).
Miranda Richardson (aka. Rita Skeeter) as Madame Giry is kind of weird. I mean, I know Madame Giry's supposed to be a little Strange and Mysterious. But this Mme. wasn't really Strange or Mysterious at all, or even slightly Spooky at all. She was just kind of an oddball. Popping up in random places to give warnings about the Phantom and looking at people as if she were questioning their life choices or something. As for her daughter... well, Jennifer Ellison's Meg was so-so. She's got a sweet-sounding voice and that added scene where she looked for Christine in the lair was a nice touch... But... Her Meg was kinda forgettable and uninteresting. Meg is supposed to prance around shrieking that the Phantom of the Opera is here, not whisper it in a blase manner that you half expect to be followed up with, "by the way, what's for lunch?" Not to mention, she rivaled Christine as far as low-necked costumes went.
Minnie Driver as Carlotta was spot on! Yes, I know she didn't sing the score but her acting was alright. She was very over-the-top and self-centered, which is great for Carlotta, but I felt her portrayal was a little too childish to be accurate. Carlotta is a successful middle-aged diva who's willing to scream and storm when she doesn't get her way, but she isn't a two-year-old pouting and throwing tantrums. (Yes, there's a difference.)
Ciaran Hinds and Simon Callow played Firmin and Andre, respectively. Their managers kinda felt like twits and nothing more. Also, Firmin's masquerade costume was ridiculous. The stupid kind, not the funny kind. ...Well, okay, it was a little funny.
I'm not going to touch on every song here, but I will say that "Hannibal" was beyond awful (if you thought the costumes in the stage version were a bit risque, you should see the movie ones- no, actually you shouldn't) and that "Think of Me," while very nice, was not particularly memorable. Christine's dress, however (despite its less-than-ideal neckline) was GORGEOUS, even though it looks completely out of place in a musical that supposedly takes place in ancient Alexandria.
"Little Lotte" kinda lost its charm by being spoken instead of sung. And Gerard Butler's voice in "The Mirror" was too rough and raspy for my ears and made me cringe in sympathetic shame. The title song was like a cheesy, campy B-grade horror movie tbh, trying way too hard to be spooky and chilling ("ooh, look, Phantom's Lair! It's DARK and SCARY down here!") and succeeding only in being cringeworthy. Not that I've actually ever seen a bad horror movie- or any horror movie at all, for that matter. Unless you count this one.
Christine's costume, too, annoyed me no end. She was basically wearing a corset and drawers under the dressing gown. *facepalm* The dressing gown is supposed to go OVER your COSTUME to keep it CLEAN, peeps. It's not a BATHROBE. And the amount of eye makeup she had on would terrify a raccoon. Yikes.
Though I liked the random horse because of its nod to the Leroux novel.
"Music of the Night" was so blah-slash-touchy-feely that it made me summarily uncomfortable.
I'd like to be able to say something nice about "I remember/Stranger than you dreamt it" but I have none. One thing that bugged me to no end was how Christine is no longer wearing stockings, like dude, that gives some GROSS implications. Anyways, let's skip to Il Muto!
Oh, but first I should say that "Notes" was rather a flop and that "Prima Donna" is unmemorable and indeed should probably be fast-forwarded as there's a rather unsavory bit involving a crew member showing the audience what he thinks of Carlotta's behaviour.
"Il Muto," I must say, was pretty doggone funny. Carlotta's "Your part is silent. Leetle toad," cracked me up into a bunch of giggling little pieces, and the little vignette of the Phantom tinkering with Carlotta's throat spray made her croaking later on a lot more believable.
Now for "All I Ask Of You", SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I honestly can't understand how anyone could listen to this song and still maintain that Christine and Raoul don't belong together. He represents everything she needs- stability, protection, a guiding hand and affirmed affection. She represents everything he needs, in turn- someone to show affection to and his childhood friend.
One thing I definitely think could have been left out was the scene in which Erik kills Buquet- we totally did not need to see him being chased, terrified, through the rafters and finally strangled. Gross.
And the Phantom and his rose crouching behind that statue... I think this was supposed to be sad, but there was too much snot mixed with tears for it to be sad. It was, again, gross. So was Gerard Butler's pathetic attempt at the "all that the Phantom asked of you" line. And the lack of a chandelier crash in that scene made the song anticlimactic.
And "Masquerade" was so-so but... The Phantom's entrance is anticlimactic somehow, and his Red Death costume (if indeed it's supposed to even BE the Red Death) is unimpressive. I don't like how Raoul just runs off to desert Christine as soon as things start looking ugly (yes, I realize he was going to get his sword, but still... something could have happened to her while he was gone. Duh, did this guy learn anything from "Little Lotte/The Mirror"? Just sayin)
As for Madame Giry's flashback immediately following, I like how it gives us some of the Phantom's backstory, but it seems really abrupt. You don't even realize until she's done that she was talking to Raoul the whole time- it sounds like she's just randomly reminiscing about Stuff, and if you didn't know the story you might be sitting there thinking, "who is this strange woman again?"
Also, Christine leaving wherever-it-is at, like, five in the morning to go to who-knows-where, completely oblivious to the fact that the Phantom is driving her. Whaaaaaaaaa? How'd he know she was planning to go for a graveyard stroll? Was he watching her through the mirror again? THAT'S JUST CREEPY.
"Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" was rather mediocre and dulled down the fact that it is a Christine Empowerment™ song. Why, exactly, does Christine's father have the biggest monument in the cemetery? If he were a rich and famous violinist as his crypt seems to suggest, why on earth was his daughter struggling along as a chorus girl taking free music lessons?
The swordfight... Well... I had mixed feelings about it. Sword fights are all well and good, but... The swordfight takes away the element of mysterious danger to the Phantom. Okay, fine, Christine getting Raoul to spare the Phantom's life is a nice touch, I guess, but did it strike no one else that his "now let it be war upon you BOTH" makes absolutely NO sense after that? If she just saved his life, why would he suddenly be all, "thanks, but no thanks, I'M GOING TO MURDER YOUUUUUUUUUU"?
And "Twisted Every Way" was after "Wishing" which made ZERO sense. Plus, I didn't like how they cut most of it because in the musical, it gave Christine a spine!
"Point of No Return"? Hooooooo boy....... There are so many things wrong with this number. Let's just a list a few.
*HOW did no one recognise the Phantom through his "disguise"?! At least in the stage play, it made more sense because of how he was wearing a cloak that obscured most of his body.
*Christine's sleeves falling down over and over again were REALLY annoying.
*It was just too touchy-feely for my taste.
*The fact that Emmy Rossum was a teenager during filming made this scene gross because of the way they oversexualized Christine in this scene.
*Gerard Butler's voice in that scene made me cringe and shake my head in sympathetic shame.
*In the stage play, Christine ran from him, showing her own agenda and resistance to his pull! While in the movie, she didn't resist him!
*Now for the one that took the cake... The disfigurement! Or it would be a disfigurement if it actually made him look, y'know, deformed. Instead, as several people have put it, he looks like he got a bad sunburn or something. It's really rather pathetic. It makes him look more like a drama queen than he already is! Yeah.... I really don't like this movie.
On to... Final Lair!!!!!!!! It was a flop. From Raoul's whining and flailing around and his stringy hair flopping about (shallow complaint, I know, but it's so ugly) to Christine's sappy melodramatic "don't make me choooooooose" faces to the Phantom's prancing around with his ropes and maniacal laughter that somehow wasn't really scary at all... yeah, it was a flop. A major, major flop. And though The Kiss wasn't all that bad, all I could think of was, "She's SIXTEEN! SIX! TEEN! THIS IS CREEPY, DISTURBING AND GROSS!"
Which is why it's so difficult for me to admit that, um, I... cried at the end.
And then that rose on the gravestone? That single red rose? And the look on Old Raoul's face (still Patrick Wilson, by the way, under all that makeup) when he saw it and realized he wasn't the only one visiting Christine's grave? Yup, I lost it again there, too. And I really didn't want to. Because I tend to cry over movies I love, y'know? And I didn't love this movie. At all
Yet I still cried at the end. I'm not really sure why. I think perhaps it had something to do with the way the story still "got" me, deep down inside, despite the lousy casting and less-than-perfect singing and ridiculously unnecessary elements that totally didn't need to be there. It's still a tragically beautiful romance, and even a bad film can't kill that.
In conclusion, I think Mary Poppins can best express what I thought of POTO 2004.
In conclusion, I rate it a 2.7/5
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villainsblog97 · 5 years
Beautiful People
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Scenario: Bang Chan X Reader, fluff, music fanfic romance, rich boy au
Warning: None, except you might fangirl to death!
Summary: He was a rich boy, you were a waitress... you two met by fate, he wanted to show you his life, but is afraid you'll become part of the beautiful people.
Based off the song Beautiful People by Ed Sheeran feat. Khalid
Christopher Bang... but everyone knew him by two names, Chris... and Chan, his parents were the CEO and Vice President of a huge company in Seoul South Korea... their company was known all around the world, he came from Syndey Australia, everyone in Seoul knew him and his family, the Bangs were loved by many people, rarely did you hear something negative about them, especially Chan... he was not just Seoul's golden boy, he was loved by many people all around the world.
You had met him in the diner you worked at in Los Angeles California, your boss was screaming at you for the hundredth time, calling you a screw up and a failure, Chan put an end to the yelling real quick, shortly after that, you two were running out of the diner together.
We are, we are, we are
You left with Chan and never looked back, would you get in trouble for running off with the CEOs' son? Probably, you knew all about him, you knew exactly who he was, but the way he was looking at you, suddenly made you care less.
But were you this kind of person, could you actually be with someone like Chan, you were a waitress in a diner, you made about eleven dollars an hour, you busted tables, you brought milkshakes and ketchup packets to people.
But Chan didn't care... be couldn't even tell you why he did what he did, but there was something he knew for sure, you were real... you weren't like all the other girls, you kept a strong mind, you were respectful, you showed yourself in a true state. And for some reason... Chan wanted know more of that, he wanted to see someone who wasnt trying to fake their way in his life just to get the cameras on them.
L.A. on a Saturday night in the summer
Sundown and they all come out
Chan and his family were in California for business meetings, Chan and his two younger siblings went with them and took the opportunity to enjoy a small vacation, but if only he knew he would meet the love of his life while he was here.
Lamborghinis and their rented Hummers
The party's on, so they're headin' downtown
"Wanna come with me to a party tonight?" He smiled at you flashing his cute little dimples.
"A party... what kind of party?" You asked.
"Well it's for my parents... they go, they converse with other company presidents, have some drinks, talk business... it's all part of what they do..."
"So why do you go?"
"Moral support? Free food" he laughs a little
('Round here) everybody's lookin' for a come up
And they wanna know what you're about
You agreed to go but only because Chan gave you those beautiful little puppy eyes, he wanted to show you to the world, but at the same time he was kind of nervous, he never really enjoyed the parties, he had been to so many, he can't even remember half of them. But he decided to ignore his feelings and just try and enjoy himself, you came out of the room, the ladies in his suit had done your hair and make up, you kept telling them it wasn't necessary but they kept telling you that you'll want it to be, so you finally gave up and obeyed, an hour later you were walking out of the room in a black dress with black heels, your hair was hanging in lose curls, your make up was done to perfection, you almost didn't recognize yourself, Chan stood there in complete awe of you.
Me in the middle with the one I love and
We're just tryna figure everything out
You two sat in the car that pulled up to the Maroon carpet, Chan got out first and helped you out, cameras were nearly blinding you, many questions were pouring out of the photographer's mouths.
"Chan! Who is the girl you are with!"
"Is this your girlfriend Chan!"
"Stop for a picture please!"
Chan put his hand at your lower back and guided you inside.
"Don't stop for anything" he whispered in your ear as you walked in quickly to the grand foyer. A giant marble staircase sat in the center, it was filled with people holding thin champagne glasses, Chan handed you one, only being 21 you hadn't really consumed a ton of alcohol, but to fit in you took a sip and nearly choked on the dry taste.
"You alright love?" He asked
"Why is that so dry?" You coughed out
"I don't really drink it... just for looks" he laughs a little.
We don't fit in well
'Cause we are just ourselves
I could use some help
Gettin' out of this conversation, yeah
You finally caught up with Chan's parents, they were very kind people, you could see why everyone loved them, but you looked around the scene you were in, even your dress cost more than your entire wardrobe in your closet, you lost count at how many times you've tripped over your heels.
You look stunning, dear
So don't ask that question here
This is my only fear, that we become
Beautiful people
Chan took you to the dance floor and began to slowly dance with you.
"This feels weird" you sighed.
"What does?"
"Being here... in this dress and heels, which suck by the way"
"You're beautiful" he smiled at you, but you still felt weird.
Drop top, designer clothes
Front row at fashion shows
"What d'you do?" And, "Who d'you know?"
Inside the world of beautiful people
You had slipped away from Him, you needed air, you felt like you were suffocating, this wasn't who you were, and you knew it.
You stood outside on the balcony and ran your hand over the railing, you looked out to the view, your beautiful California in front of your eyes, you drew a long sigh, trying to get your head cleared.
Champagne and rolled-up notes
Prenups and broken homes
Surrounded, but still alone
Let's leave the party
Two arms came around your waist, a head resting against your own, a beautiful accent hummed in your ear.
"There you are" you held onto his arms and smiled as he kissed your head.
"Just needed some air" you sighed.
"It can be a little overwhelming"
"Not that..."
"What is it?" He pulled you close against him.
"This isn't who I am Chan" your voice shook.
"I'm not a glamorous girl, I'm a waitress at a diner that's been around for 50 years, I wear ripped up jeans and t-shirts that are way to big for me, my hair is usually tied up in a ponytail, or down in my face, and I hate these freaking heels!" You whined a little as you pulled off the heels from your feet.
Chan simply laughed and took your hands in his large ones.
"And that is why I love you" he smiled, you paused in your rage and looked at him.
"You what?"
That's not who we are
(We are, we are, we are)
We are not beautiful
"I love you (Y/N), because you are not a glamorous girl, because you do wear ripped up jeans and t-shirts that are definitely too big for you, I love you... because you are real, you're yourself, no matter what, you don't pretend to be someone you're not unlike everyone at this stupid party"
Yeah, that's not who we are
(We are, we are, we are)
We are not beautiful
He laid his hand on your face and leaned in gently, only waiting for a second to see if you would react, but just smiled at him and whispered "I love you too"
He took that as an okay, you had spent almost 3 three weeks with Chan now, but he took his time with you, the first week, he held your hand, the second week he would give you a small hug, he never wanted to overstep his boundaries with you, because you were someone who deserved all his effort. But it was starting to drive him crazy, you couldn't say you blamed him, he leaned down and and gently pressed his lips to yours, they molded perfectly almost instantly, his kiss was sweet, but it wasn't rushed, it was slow, like he was taking in every single thing about you, so he wouldn't forget.
"Let's get out of here baby girl" he smiled.
L.A. mm
Drove for hours last night and we made it nowhere (nowhere, nowhere)
I see stars in your eyes when we're halfway there (all night)
I'm not fazed by all them lights and flashin' cameras (uh)
'Cause with my arms around you, there's no need to care
You breathed a sigh of relief as you ran your hand over your ripped jeans you and Chan were quick to change out of your party attire, you jumped into his car like he requested, he fired up the engine and took off down the road.
"Where are we going?" You asked as the wind blew through your curled hair.
"I don't know!" He laughed as he put his arm around you, you scooted in closer to him and laid your head on his chest, you listened to the radio blaring, the wind was blowing through your hair as you sat in his convertible, you two were singing along to the radio, his voice was given to him by an angel, you were lost in the view beside you, his hand rested on the steering wheel, the other in your hand.
We don't fit in well
We are just ourselves
I could use some help
Gettin' out of this conversation, yeah
You finally stopped on the side of highway out in the middle of nowhere, you laid beside him on the hood of his car, looking out at the stars that painted the sky, after your first kiss, Chan became a little more greedy, wanting to kiss you more and more, some were deep, some were slow, some were intense, and some were light and tender. He whispered I love you so many times you'd lost count.
You look stunning, dear
So don't ask that question here
This is my only fear, that we become...
There was nothing for him to worry about, as you laid in his arms, he thought about the future and how he wanted you to be apart of it, he wanted you forever, because he knew in his right mind that you definitely were not part of the beautiful people, you were his own kind of beautiful, you were yourself, and to him there couldn't be anything else in the world that could ever compare.
Beautiful People
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kittensjonsa · 6 years
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For @jonsa-week 's Day 1:
Greed ~ The Father (Justice) ~ Fave book quote (Jon, A Storm of Swords - pg 617)
Summary: Revenge was all he wanted and it didn’t matter how he got it. But Jon knew he had bitten off more than he can chew the moment he laid his eyes on Sansa Stark - daughter of the well loved and respected man in all of Westeros and recent widower turned priest, Ned Stark. 
Rated G, 2k+ words, may turn smutty. Angsty, a snippet of Jonsa, dark Jon and to be continued (maybe I don’t know yet..)
In The Name of The Father
Justice. It was all he wanted. The plans he had didn't have any room for any incidences. Nothing at all. Just get in, get it done and get out. He was prepared, or at least he thought so.
“Something troubling you, son?”
Jon jumped slightly at the call. Turning around slowly as calm and confident footsteps approached him, Jon managed a small smile of greeting. A small creak told him the priest had just taken a seat in the pew just behind his.
“Well, isn't everyone who comes here?”
A small grin and a chuckle escaped the sombre priest. “True. Aren't we all? Well if there's anything you need, confess or anything, I'll be right here.”
Confess. A heavy word worth its weight in guilt and remorse. He had a confession, truth be told but tonight was not the night. Oh the things he could tell, but he shouldn't. Not to Father Ned Stark.
“I'm sorry, Father.. but I'm afraid.. I'm not Catholic. I just came here to take a breather. It's very.. peaceful here.”
It wasn't prayer nor intercession he was after. Nor a minute of peaceful solitude. He had enough of those growing up alone.
Forgiveness. That was on his mind, the moment he stepped into the church. He feared he would vanish and spontaneously combust, on such sacred premises, for the vile things he had done but he guessed going to hell didn't work that way. Jon had a feeling he had one foot in it already.
“How could you? You animal!” Sansa's cries were acid, burning right through him.
“I fell in love with you! To think I gave you all of me, my heart was yours! A-and you.. you just stomped on it? How dare you even come here!”
“Sansa, you're not listening to me.. please just listen.”
Sansa shook her head and rubbed away at the tears that were flowing freely. Oh, how it hurts. She gave herself to him. All of her; mind, body and soul. She would do anything for him. Anything to make him happy. He was her best friend, her soul mate. But how could her feelings be so wrong?
Sansa screamed in anger as Jon stepped closer. She was done. The lies, oh God, the lies!
“No! Don't touch me! We are done! Don't ever come near me ever again! You.. are dead to me.”
No words had ever punched him in the gut like Sansa’s..Jon could only watch as Sansa ran away from him, driving off and leaving him alone by the river. The night was unbearably cold all of a sudden. Their favourite spot and where they kissed for the first time. He shouldn't care nor remember these things, but he did. Good lord, he did.
The stab that pierced through his heart was one he didn't expect. Perhaps he did love her too. .
But.. Mother. And Arthur.
He was greedy. Greedy for things to be set right. Greedy for vengeance. For vindication. But he had no right to break her heart. And for what it's worth, his too.
His happiness meant nothing if he didn't have any peace. One that would come in the aftermath of finally knowing who had taken everything away from him and getting payback. It was all that mattered. Wasn't it?
Maybe prayer was what he needed, subconsciously as what good left in him was desperately trying to claw its way out. But he didn't believe in God. What God would allow such things; what happened to his mother and Arthur, and more importantly to him, making him this way causing hurt and grief to someone he actually loved?
Pray then. Pray to your new Gods, and I'll pray to my old ones.
And they are Revenge, Betrayal and Blackmail.
Jon shut his eyes, remorseful for thinking such thoughts in such a place. But how hypocritical, it seemed to him, considering what he had done. And he had done enough. It stung him still, remembering how her warm tears dampened the palm of his hands. How her heartbreaking pleas shook him to his very core. Yes, he had done enough.
Jon could hear the priest's smile. A warm, genuine and kind smile. “Yes, I suppose it is. Well, not to worry we welcome everyone here.”
Sinners are we and sinners we shall die. None redeemed. At least not me, Jon thought.
“Thank you. It means a lot.”
His eyes shifted to the floor and held his head low before standing up to leave Jon alone. He had been a priest long enough to know when he was not needed. And it seemed to him this dishevelled young man, with dark eyes and unruly curls probably cherished his moment of solitude before he walked in.
“Nice to meet you then. I shall leave you in your peace. I'm Father Ned and I hope if you feel like you ever need a place to breathe, you'll come here.”
“Thank you Father Ned. I'll take you up on that offer.”
And perhaps.. more.
“What? What do you mean you can't tell me? What is it?”
Sam clicked the mouse and whirled his chair around to face Jon. He hoped he had better news to tell him.
“You've got to promise me you're not going anything stupid. You can't. Promise me, Jon.”
“All right. I promise. So go on then... Oh for fuck's sake, Sam! Out with it!”
Sam turned and tapped on the computer screen.
“That man you've been looking for all this while? The one you think had something to do with your mother's death? That's him right there. The private investigator sent me this.”
Jon grunted and glared at Sam before setting his gaze on the screen.
“So that's him. I've got to look for him then.”
“And do what Jon? Ask him questions, interrogate him? I know what's going through your mind and I think it's best if you don't.. do anything at all.”
Jon looked at the name again. And the stealth pictures that came with it. He needed to decide now. Closure, that's it. Though it puzzled him why Sam was so concerned. He knew how much he needed this. Sam, of all people.
“And why shouldn't I?”
“You're mad, angry, pissed off. You've been like this ever since you started this whole investigation thing. Dude, listen to me, just don't do it.”
“And isn't that the exact reason why I should? It's called closure, Sam. Besides, who the hell is h-”
“He's mother fucking Ned Stark, that's why!” Sam objected.
Ned Stark. I'll remember that name for as long as I live.
“So, who's he?” Jon asked, though he had heard of him before.
“You're kidding right? A Westerosi legend. The lawyer who brought the Boltons to their knees and best friend of the late President Robert Baratheon. How do you not know all this?”
Jon stared at the pictures once more and shrugged. Probably a good thing he didn't. Makes it all the more easier. He was too busy trying to survive the past twenty years or so, doing his best on the cold hard streets than to mind about politics or gossip.
“But.. it looks like he isn't one anymore. Or retired. I mean, look the photos. He's a priest, Sam.”
“Dude give that guy a break. He just lost his wife and his two sons. He's found God and maybe that's how it's supposed to be. I mean, come the fuck on, Snow!”
And I lost my mother.
Jon didn't like the tone in Sam's plea. Why should one man's redemption be more important than his poor mother's? A life snatched away from him much too soon. The years spent in foster homes, in the orphanage and trying to seek some form of solace and God forbid it, even love - was a painful sorrow no one would ever understand.
“Stop fucking telling me about this man! His life is no more important than what my mother could have had! You don't fucking tell me how that's like, Tarly. No one can and best you don't say anything about this anymore.”
“No, Jon I didn't mean that!  You know that. Come on, Jon! Jon!” Sam's words fell on deaf ears as Jon grabbed his coat and left. Nobody tells me what the fuck to do. Not Sam, not even God. Whoever the fuck they are, Jon screamed in his head.
Days went by without as much as a call from Sam, Jon knew he was smart enough to leave him be but still he wished they could talk. A text or two dinged but Jon chose to ignore them. He had more important things on his mind. Rubbing his tired eyes, Jon decided to call it a night from staring at the computer.
The research and probing had gotten a little too mundane, the more he learned about Ned Stark, the more he uncovered - which was really how Ned Stark was practically Captain Westeros, a well loved man, an upright citizen with morals of steel. There was not an ounce of dirt on him except one tabloid article years ago that depicted him leaving the scene of an infamous night club with the late former President Baratheon. But that was only because the former late President was a bad boy with bad habits, it wasn't really about Ned Stark per se.
How are you connected to my mother's death? Jon wondered. Something's gotta give, no one can be that good.
Jon needed to do something different, he needed more. He had set out to find the truth and right now, he'd do just about anything for it. Anything.
The Stark family radiated pure happiness and perfection, from the web portrait alone, one that rudely yelled out at him.
Such a pretty family.
It made him sick to his stomach, to think that that could have been a portrait of him and his mother and Arthur Dayne. His own family where he was loved and protected. Arthur wasn't family but he was the closest father figure he had in someone and the only confidante his mother trusted. Arthur probably loved his mother too, Jon was certain. They were happy and Jon's life was perfect. Just like the picture of the Starks.
Till a note found in his mother's cold dead hands with a scribbled 'Eddard Stark' destroyed everything he held dear.
And there he was, Father Ned Stark.
Ned Stark, a name that made a six year old Jon an orphan that day and since then he made a vow. Devoting the rest of his life to avenge his beloved mother. Even if it meant hurting someone along the way. He was more than willing and growing up fending for himself went on to equip him with the skills he needed. Jon had years in preparation for this.
They've got to pay, Mama. Someone has to.
“Sansa! Sans! There's someone here to see you,” Jeyne called out from the bottom of the stairs.
Sansa almost jumped and dropped the pencil in her hand. Good thing she wasn't writing anything important or else she'd have to rewrite the notes.
That's weird. Who could it be? Sansa checked her watch again and grunted at the time. It was going to be the third time she was late this week.
“She'll be right down. What was your name again? Jay, was it?”
Jon nodded with a smile. “Yes, it is. I'm actually here for the caretaker position? I believe it was posted in the jobs section in the papers.”
Jeyne eyed him warily. She didn't recall putting an advertisement out for anything lately. If Sansa did, she'd definitely inform her. Yet not even a mention of it. Jeyne didn't quite like the idea of strangers coming up to the Stark's private residence looking for jobs. Regardless of how dark and handsome they turn out to be. But then again, perhaps she might be taking her job as Sansa's personal assistant a little too seriously to care this much.
I'm sure it's nothing, just a guy looking for a job.
“I see. Sansa did mention once that they needed a caretaker here to help with house and the dogs. Though that might have been a few weeks ago and the applications are closed. But maybe she hadn't found one yet. So.. you're okay with dogs though right?”
Jon shrugged. “Dogs? Sure, I love dogs. I have one of my own. Ghost, his name is. Big large white dog. He's a good boy.”
Jeyne nodded approvingly. “Well, all right then. I have to go and leave you in Sansa's good hands. I was just here to collect some paperwork. Nice to meet you, Jay. Oh, and good luck!”
Jon waved a polite goodbye as he closed the door and resumed waiting by the stairs. Beads of sweat were pooling on his forehead. Jon inhaled deeply. So close. He was so close and everything was going according to plan. Jon knew he was at the right place and at the right time and he was mightily pleased with himself.
That is, until - he saw her. Sansa Stark.
“Jay? Hi, sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Sansa. Nice to meet you.”
Nice indeed.
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