#which while not unbearable for oto work
miodiodavinci · 1 year
i swear i'll pipe down about voicebank things eventually but good news i got to 39% completion today ( n i c e ) but bad news that was all the easy samples (end breaths and VVs) and when i timed myself on a standard CVVC sample it came out to roughly 10 minutes meaning that if i work on oto'ing all the remaining samples without stopping or being distracted, the rest of this library will take me roughly 49 hours of work to complete
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makomori · 4 years
Nishimura Yua has to take her nephew to his first rep practice with the Tohoku Tigers at Shiratorizawa Academy. Ushijima Wakatoshi is filling in for the assistant coach on said team.
She’s recovering from a nasty breakup and he’s reeling from a stunning finals loss against the Jackals.
Yua’s drawn to his composure and honesty.
Wakatoshi finds her warmth and tenacity intriguing.
It’s the start of a Brand New Story; can they heal from past hurts and endure new challenges in order to help each other trust and love again?
Length: 4.1k words
Wakatoshi finally has dinner with his mom after ignoring her for almost a month. Will he make it through the appetizers without getting lectured?
That's the problem with being the strong one. No one offers you a hand.
Wakatoshi knew he was in trouble.
When he called his mom to ask if he could take her out to Fuki Sushi, she answered with a suspiciously cheerful, "Absolutely; I'll meet you at 8 PM on Wednesday."
He hadn't spoken to her in almost a month— not since the day the Adlers lost to the Jackals. The nervousness he felt made the 15-minute drive feel three times longer. When he arrived, she was already comfortably seated in one of the booths. He hesitated. Her dark gray eyes narrowed when she spotted him.
Yeah, he was in trouble.
She sipped on her water while he settled into the booth. Most places weren't built to accommodate someone as tall as he was, but this was one of the few restaurants that wasn't too bad. He could sit without having to fold himself completely in half. His knees didn't bang into the table either. When he finally looked at his mom, her expression was unreadable.
Ushijima Izanami's dark brown hair was set it its usual immaculate bob. The sharp angles of her hair were reflected in her cheekbones, brows, and eyes. Wakatoshi felt like he was in one of her business meetings. She was the current head of the prominent Ushijima household, and a formidable negotiator. He swallowed. There was no use in prolonging the unavoidable.
"Okaa-san," he began cautiously. "It's good to see you."
Her expression remained inscrutable, and he fought the urge to fidget.
She then folded her hands on top of the glossy menu. When she spoke, her tone was clipped. "Is that all you have to say? 'It's good to see you?'"
He opened his mouth to apologize, but she didn't give him a chance to speak. "Mom—"
"You haven't called in a month."
(He thought about telling her that it's been more like three weeks but thought better of it when he saw the warning look in her eyes.)
She lifted one elegant finger and wagged it in his face. "And you've been ignoring my texts." Another finger joined the guilt trip. "Your dad called, too," she huffed. "He was worried."
Guilt wormed its way into his gut. He had spoken to his dad after the finals. However, the disappointment of his performance still weighed heavily on his mind, so their conversation was brief.
"Oto-san called you. Really?"
"Twice last week." She flipped the menu up and scanned over the appetizers. At least she was still talking to him. It would've been worse if she were giving him the Ushijima silent treatment, which started with a hard stare and ended with a demoralizing statement. He had often been accused of dividing people with his honesty, but he learned from the best.
"How is he?"
"He sounded tired. But he did say that his team is one win away from making the playoffs, so I'm sure he's been busy." Her eyes softened as she tried to hide her smile, but Wakatoshi saw it even in the dimmed atmosphere. It seemed like she had enjoyed speaking to her ex-husband. He made sure to file that away for future use.
"I promise to call him." He missed his dad. Looking back on it now, he's one of the few people who would've understood what he was going through. He'd apologize for his selfishness tomorrow. Right now, he had to put his mom at ease.
"Mom?" He pulled the menu away and gripped her hands gently. "I'm sorry."
She returned his gesture with an assuring squeeze. "I know," she sighed. "I was just worried. Both of us were."
Wakatoshi smiled gently. She had a soft heart beneath that tough exterior. "Moms worry a lot."
She quirked a brow at him. "Because they have stubborn sons."
"Where do you think they learn that from?" He pretended to duck when she swiped at him playfully.
"Don't push it, Toshi."
Okaa-san and obaasan were the only ones who called him that, and it was only when they were truly irritated with him. He felt like he was 10 years-old again and being scolded for taking too many candies from the jar, but he didn't mind. He puffed his bottom lip out and looked at her earnestly.
"Oh, stop it," she sniffed. "I can't stay mad when you do that."
Wakatoshi chuckled. At least he knew he could pull that out as a last resort against her. "I still can't believe that works."
"It won't next time," she threatened. The laughter in her voice told them both that wouldn't be the case. After looking over the menu, they called the waiter over and ordered three servings of the assorted sashimi platter. His mom initially fussed and said that it was too much food, but he assured her that he'd eat what she couldn't finish.
"Will you be home until the season starts?" She sounded hopeful; he didn't get to spend much time in Sendai during last year's off season.
"Yes. I won't be moving back to Oita until the end of September." He was on the road often for away games, but even then— Oita was nine hours south by train. When he wanted to visit, he opted to fly since it was only a three-hour trip. "And Saitou-sensei asked me to help coach a local rep team."
Izanami looked at him in surprise. "Coach?" She echoed.
He nodded. The timing worked out almost perfectly. The V.League season started in October and the rep season would be well into the playoff bracket. The schedules would overlap at some point, and the other assistant coach would be able to take care of things if he were away, but he would do his best to accommodate both. The Tigers had the talent to win, so he hoped they'd make it to the end.
"I've always liked Saitou-san," his mom praised. "He complimented Washijou-sensei's style."
"He was certainly the voice of reason among the two of them." Saitou-sensei tempered the Demon Coach's hardline way of teaching. Their combination of tough love and positive reinforcement was proven to produce championship teams.
"I thought you weren't going to think about coaching until the end of your career."
"I thought so as well," he murmured. "But I couldn't say no to sensei." Indeed, many people found it hard to say no to sensei simply because he was so earnest and passionate about whatever task he set his mind to.
Izanami smiled. "You'll be in your thirties before you know it. Thinking about the future is never a bad thing."
Wakatoshi rubbed the back of his neck. Mom was right; he'd be turning twenty-six in August. He'd always known that playing at this level wasn't something he could do indefinitely. Anyone who played professionally only had a small window to maximize their youth and talents before their bodies eventually started to slow down.
"Losing the finals made me consider a few things." His mom didn't force an answer from him when he paused, as she understood that it wasn't always easy for him to express how he was feeling. "I took the loss harder than I had anticipated. I let my team down." He frowned; embarrassment and remorse laced his tone. "That's why I haven't visited. Or answered your messages. I was disappointed in myself. I needed time to understand how I was feeling."
Izanami's heart ached for her son. Even now, expression was contemplative as he rubbed the pad of his right thumb back and forth along the table's polished surface. The Ushijimas were one of the oldest families in Sendai, having been a part of the ruling class during the Edo period. Along with their reputation for philanthropy, they were heavily involved with many businesses within the city.
For better or worse, they were in the public eye.
Over the years, excellence became synonymous with their name. The pressure could be unbearable at times. That's what drew her to Utsui when they first met; he was free from expectations and it showed in the ease with which he carried himself. She hoped that sense of freedom would rub off on herself and their son, but life had different paths in mind for their family.
Neither of them was faultless in the events that led to their eventual divorce, but she regretted that Utsui didn't have the chance to have a say in how his son was raised. Izanami lived with that regret for years, but she slowly began to grasp that the future didn't have to be like the past. When she placed her hand over her son's, and he looked up at her curiously.
"Wakatoshi— any person would be disappointed after a loss like that. You're human. But our family has always been in the public eye. You've had to deal with pressure and expectations from a young age. And eyes are still on you in that career that you've chosen. You've never complained once. You've worked hard and excelled at everything you decided to try. I couldn't have asked for a better son."
A soft smile crinkled the corners of her eyes. She had little trouble raising Wakatoshi; most of his time was spent studying or playing volleyball. When he first started playing, she often wondered what drove him to practice and play so diligently. But she realized that it was his way of staying connected to Utsui. Despite not being present physically, he was still an influential part of their son's life.
Izanami shook her head. "In hindsight, there was no room at home for you to express any frustration; I should have done a better job at providing a space for that. I'm sorry you felt like you had to go through this loss alone."
Wakatoshi couldn't help his bewildered expression. The last thing he expected from his mom was an apology. If anything, he was the one who needed to apologize for his selfish conduct. He couldn't remember the last time mom had spoken with him like this. Her unwavering work ethic and loyalty were things he always admired about her. She was frightening to everyone outside their family. But he had always been aware of her softer side; she loved deeper than anyone he knew.
Another gentle squeeze from her pulled him out of his thoughts. "I'm getting older, too," she teased. "I've had time to consider some things as well. Please, come to me if you feel like that again. I might not be able to fix all your problems, but I'll do what I can to help."
Wakatoshi was silent as he tried to process what she was offering. He needed people like his mom and sensei in his life to help him understand that he wasn't meant to do everything on his own. He learned confidence and discipline from observing and listening to her throughout the years.
When he searched her face, he suddenly saw the fine lines around her eyes and mouth, along with the strength that still shone vibrantly in her eyes. They were a testament to the life she had led. Being a single mom was difficult. People either looked at you with pity or loathing. She shouldered that negativity and protected him from it so he could live his life without having to worry about what everyone else thought. He owed her everything.
"I will mom— thank you."
She gripped his hand firmly and nodded. Those two words were genuine. They had never needed to say too much to each other to come to an understanding. The reality was that they wouldn't get to spend as much time together as they used to. That was part of the reason why she was upset with him not communicating or visiting. He was living his own life and making something of himself in this world, and she couldn't be happier for him. They would just have to be more mindful about making time for each other in the future.
"So, are you enjoying coaching?"
Wakatoshi grinned and nodded. "I wasn't sure if I would be good at it, but the first practice went well. The team is incredibly talented."
"Excellent," she stated. "You sound excited about them. I've always thought that you'd be able to use your instinct when you started coaching."
He tilted his head. That was interesting. "Why do you think that?"
Izanami folded her arms. "You have a unique perspective as a top player. Yes, most coaches are former players, but not all of them played at the level you're at now. You'll be able to connect with your students personally because you've been in their position. But I think you'll also find a way to explain the thought process behind your talent."
Wakatoshi mirrored her and folded his arms. The reasoning behind her explanation was solid. "I've always been told that I'm unnaturally talented at volleyball."
His mom laughed. "That would be an understatement, my dear."
"I think it's a combination of dad's talent and your discipline." He said after a few moments. His eyes warmed and his voice was gentle. "I wouldn't where I am now if it wasn't for the two of you."
Izanami's breath caught in her throat. She felt guilty for so long about the way her marriage ended with Utsui. He loved her enough to marry into a family that was the opposite of who he was as an individual. But in the end, she couldn't protect him from her family's expectations and strictness. She knew Wakatoshi wasn't resentful about not having Utsui in his life, but she still carried that responsibility with her. Hearing him say that they were able to accomplish something positive in his life despite their divorce— that was enough for her to let go of that weight.
"Wakatoshi that's— I've never thought of it that way. You were so happy every time you played with your dad. I knew that you'd do well in volleyball from the start." She rubbed at the corners of her eyes to stop herself from getting too emotional. "And I didn't understand it at the time, but he was correct in protecting your left hand. You were able to stand out and excel because of his decision."
Wakatoshi agreed. Being different had always been his best weapon. "I'm grateful. Not everyone is able to choose a career they love."
"That's very true." She gave him a pointed look before she spoke again. "But please do everything you can to stay healthy. You're not getting any younger."
He was fortunate that he hadn't suffered any serious injuries since he start playing in elementary school. He couldn't bear the thought of sitting on the sidelines. "Always. Injuries mean that I won't be able to play, and that's unacceptable."
"Good. I'm glad we're on the same page. Otherwise I'll start worrying again."
"Worrying is a part of your job," he joked. "But I should've spoken with you sooner. I truly am sorry."
Izanami shook her head and waved him off. "I am, too. We'll be learning more about each other as we go along. But it's good to have you home."
They were starving when the sashimi arrived. Mom helped negotiate a better lease with Fukase-san's landlord, so he always wanted to give her free food whenever she ate there. But she was stubborn and insisted on paying because she wanted to support his restaurant in whatever way she could. It was good he wasn't working tonight because the two of them usually got into an argument over comping her meal.
When Izanami updated him on what was happening with obaasan, he remembered the Boswellia supplements sensei gave to him at the end of practice on Saturday. "Could you give these to obaasan? Sensei said it might help with her arthritis."
She took the pills and stashed them away in her purse. "You need to come to the house and convince her to take her medication consistently." He tried not to laugh at her exasperated tone. "She barely listens to me anymore. And then she complains that everything hurts too much. But I'm sure she'll do anything for her grandson."
Wakatoshi smiled at the image of mom and obaasan clashing over this. She was even more stubborn than her daughter. "In that case, I think these might help." He pulled out two bags of sweet and sour Hi-Chews from his coat pocket. "Tell her it's from me. Maybe then she'll feel better about taking her medicine."
"You have a good heart, Wakatoshi," she said with affection. "That's one of the first things I noticed about your dad. He was always helping people in some way."
During the few times they went out as a family, dad usually ended up helping people carry their groceries or helping older ladies across the street; there was something universally appealing about his kindness.
"He said he never understood how people think you're intimidating or unapproachable," his mom continued. Then she sighed. "But that's an Ushijima trait."
"Yua-san said something similar." The back of his neck warmed when he remembered how shocked he felt when she described him as sweet.
"Our team manager," he clarified. "When I met her last week, she said I was sweet."
Izanami's eyes flickered with curiosity. Any mention of a woman in her son's life was always interesting, especially now that he was older. She hadn't been impressed with his last two girlfriends, and she didn't say that out of spite. They were only interested in Wakatoshi's looks, not who he was as a man.
"Her nephew is one of my students. I helped him understand that losing isn't always a bad thing." Wakatoshi continued, unaware of his mom's protective thoughts. "I've never seen anyone react so positively to something I had to say."
Izanami leaned back against the booth. She liked what she heard so far. "Yua-san is a wise woman. There's always more to a person than what they present on the surface. But not everyone is willing or able to take the time to know someone on that level."
Wakatoshi nodded. "Still— she surprised me. No one has ever described me as sweet."
"Like I said, she sounds wise," Izanami mused. "Unlike that last woman you dated. What was her name again? Aoi-san?"
He nearly groaned. He hoped his ex-girlfriend wouldn't come up during their dinner. Or at all. "I'm surprised you remembered her name. You and obaasan took an instant dislike to her."
His mom rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Well, we weren't wrong. She was only interested in your looks. No wonder you two lasted only lasted three months."
"Okaa-san." He admonished. She was unfazed by his warning and gave a look that dared him to oppose her. "The season was grueling last year. I couldn't give her the attention she deserved."
Izanami leaned forward. He did not just try to justify her actions. "You mean the attention she thought she deserved. You said to me several times you felt that you were the only one contributing to the relationship. I heard you say never heard you say once that she reciprocated your actions."
Wakatoshi stared at her. His mouth gaped slightly when the truth of her words finally hit him. In the end, Aoi only wanted to talk about him when it was beneficial for her. She was only interested in flaunting that he was superstar player in the V.League. The fact that they were constantly travelling for work didn't help either. She was a rising model and had an even more hectic schedule than he did. And when they did finally get together, he was usually tired from training or playing games. She was always rearing to go out while he just wanted to rest.
When he looked back his mom, fury was written on her face, but it dissipated after a few seconds. "Forgive me," she said on an exhale. "You're a grown man now, but you're also my son. It's hard not to get emotional about your relationships."
"I understand," he soothed. "You worry because you love me. You're right. Our relationship was shallow. And it was bound to end with how frantic our schedules were."
"Well," Izanami huffed. "I'm hardly qualified to give you relationship advice considering how things ended up with your dad. But I can sniff out a shameless social climber from a mile away."
"I'll keep that in mind." It was his turn to sigh. "But my schedule doesn't seem to be compatible with dating since I'm on the road often." That was something he was concerned about as well. Depending on how his career went, he could end up playing for volleyball leagues in different countries. His family would have to relocate with him when the time came. Being married to a professional athlete wasn't going to be easy.
"That's not true," his mom said declared. "If you're interested in someone, you'll make time for them. You just haven't found the right woman yet."
Wakatoshi shook his head. "There's also that to consider. I don't know what the right woman looks like." That's not true, either. An image of Yua-san and her bright smile flashed in his mind while the intense feeling of their connection snaked up his arm. He could say with certainty that he hadn't felt this way with Aoi or anyone else.
"All you need to do is look out for one thing."
A knowing smile graced her lips. That usually didn't bode well for him. He was hesitant to ask, but he was also willing to take any advice when it came to this area of his life.
"And what is that?"
"Look out for the woman who becomes more important than volleyball."
Wakatoshi blinked. More important than volleyball? It was a part of who he was. Could it be that easy to find such a woman? He rubbed the back of his neck again. "With the way my life is going right now, I don't think she'll show up anytime soon."
Izanami laughed. Now that the challenge was out in the open, it would be interesting to see how things would turn out. "Be careful what you say, Wakatoshi. The universe just might take you up on that."
An hour later they pulled into the Ushijima ancestral manor's expansive driveway. Nothing had changed since his last visit, and he doubted that anything would. This was his childhood home, but he wasn't sure he wanted to raise his own children here. Anyway, he was getting ahead of himself. He opened the car door for his mom and helped her out.
They chatted comfortably until they reached the front door. Wakatoshi wasn't prepared for the warm, giant hug his mom gave him. She was shorter than Yua-san, so he took care not to crush her when he hugged her back. After pulling away, she straightened the patted down the non-existent wrinkles in his overcoat. He grinned. She would always see him as her little boy in some way.
"Please don't be a stranger to your own mother," she scolded lightly.
He tapped his chin. "I can't make any promises now that I'm a coach. The season is going to be terribly busy."
Izanami raised her brows. "I'm sure Saitou-san would agree that your family takes priority," she said dryly. "And you're lucky obaasan sleeps early now. Otherwise I'd make you come in and say hello. You know she loves telling stories."
Wakatoshi grimaced. "Then I'd be obligated to sleepover."
"You can do that next time," she promised. She slid the front door open and moved to go in but paused and turned to face him again. "You're always welcome to come home. Thank you for dinner. It was lovely."
"It was the least I could do. Oyasumi."
Wakatoshi walked back to his car after he made sure she was inside. The drive this time was peaceful. Okaa-san was right.
It was good to be home.
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dramanomikata · 6 years
“Hana Nochi Hare”
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Title: “Hana Nochi Hare: Hanadan Next Season” (or “Boys Over Flowers Season 2”) Genre: Romance, School Season: Spring 2018 TV Station: TBS Theme Song: “Cinderella Girl” by King & Prince; Insert Song: “Hatsukoi” by Hikaru Utada Starring: Hana Sugisaki, Sho Hirano, Taishi Nakagawa, Tatsuomi Hamada, Marie Iitoyo, Mio Imada, Jin Suzuki, Keisuke Nakata Date Finished: February 5, 2019 My Personal Reason for Watching: Hana Yori Dango Second Season?! Yes, Please!
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Hello again! Today, I’ll be reviewing a drama I was anticipating to watch and finally did—“Hana Nochi Hare” (a.k.a. Hanadan Next Season!). 
As many of you know, this is the sequel to 2005’s “Hana Yori Dango.”  Closely following the plot of the original, the main character, Oto Edogawa (Sugisaki) is a student at the elite Eitoku Senior High School.  Unlike Makino, Edogawa was actually born wealthy, but due to her father’s company going bankrupt, she was faced with a life change--going from a rich lifestyle to a poor one.  She works part-time at a convenience store to support her family while her father works away from home. 
The only saving grace for Edogawa is Tenma Hase (Nakagawa), her childhood friend and fiancée, who is bound to marry her if she attends Eitoku until she turns 18.  Hase is a student at Eitoku’s rival, Momonozono Academy.  In order to stay at Eitoku, Edogawa cannot be found by the C5 (the “Correct Five”), who are known for “peasant hunting” and making students drop out if they find out they aren’t really “rich enough” to attend Eitoku.  The leader of the C5, Haruto Kaguragi, is known to be ruthless, but when he meets Edogawa, his cold exterior melts and a love triangle is formed.
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(^^ I didn’t know slamming a roast beef over a guy’s head would make them fall in love with you, but good to know!)
As a sucker for the original, I have to say that “Hana Nochi Hare” did not disappoint! I really should be too old to get sucked in to the drama of high school students, but it’s too addicting to watch! Both guys in the love triangle—Kaguragi and Hase—were two viable options for Edogawa and unlike the original, where Domyouji and Makino were meant to be, I could see her with either match! Hase was so perfect and sometimes I thought he was too good to be true.  Kaguragi tried to look cool, but he was a secret dork, which made audiences everywhere fall in love with Sho Hirano! 
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(^^ Dressed as a cowboy for a pancake date because your horoscope told you western clothes were your lucky item, Kaguragi? You are too cute!!)
However, as expected, Kaguragi and Edogawa’s chemistry made me root for them until the end!  Even though Airi (Mio Imada) was unbearable in the beginning, I loved that she became Edogawa’s friend and her love for takoyaki was so cute.  Even Edogawa’s rival for Kaguragi, Megurin (Marie Iitoyo), was too nice that you couldn’t really hate her (even though her cooking skills were awful!).  I loved the friendship of Edogawa, Airi, Megurin, and Edogawa’s co-worker at the convenience store, Konno (Haruka Kinami). It showed that there can be strong female friendships in dramas and it’s not all about the guys. 
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(^^Tako-pa Time!!)
The other special parts of the drama involved cameos from various cast members of the original Hana Yori Dango including three of the F4!  Getting to see Domyouji (Jun Matsumoto) and Rui (Shun Oguri) again even just for a minute had me so nostalgic!  Sojiro Nishikaido (Shota Matsuda) also made an appearance in the last two episodes and, even though, Akira (Tsuyoshi Abe) was mentioned, I wish he appeared so we could see all F4 (and Makino, too!!).  
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(^^ Hanazawa Rui?!)
My only complaint about the drama was the ending.  It all seemed to wrap up a little too nicely.  Also, we didn’t get to see a Edogawa/Kaguragi ‘happily ever after’ ending at Ebisu Garden Place! So disappointing!  Also, the way that Hase just let Edogawa go and she was quick to say, ‘I’m in love with Kaguragi,’ was a little too fast.  Also, what about Hase’s step-mom, Rie? She seemed evil throughout the whole drama but didn’t do anything.  Hopefully, there will be a sequel and we can get some answers!!
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(^^ Ebisu Garden Place…the spot where it all began!)
Overall, I highly recommend this drama!  It’s just cute and romantic.  If you’re hesitant as you love the original and don’t want it to be ruined, you’re not alone. But I would recommend giving it a try and watch it as a stand-alone drama.  It’s perfectly capable of being a good drama all on its’ own. 
Favorites: Favorite Character: I gotta give it to Kaguragi! His inner-dork makes that cool exterior fade and now I see why everyone loves Sho Hirano! It’s partly because of that voice! Favorite Episode: When Edogawa and Kaguragi go on a double date with Konno and her boyfriend.  Favorite Scene: Kaguragi and Edogawa’s first date.  Edogawa and Kaguragi’s double date. Domyouji/Rui/Nishikaido appearances. Any flashbacks or throwaway scenes to the original.  So many to count!
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(^^ I noticed that I’m putting to many Kaguragi screenshots, so here’s one of Hase because he deserves love, too ^.^)
“Hana Nochi Hare” Rating: Story: ✭✭✭✭½ (1/2 a star taken off for the ending, but up until then, it was so enjoyable) Acting: ✭✭✭✭ (All of the young actors were great in their roles! I never heard of any of them before this drama, but looking forward to seeing their careers take off!) Theme Song: ✭✭✭✭½ (“You are my Cinderella Girl, my precious one!” Could not get this song out of my head after watching this drama) Total: 13/15
Next Up: “Monte Cristo Haku” or “Hibana”
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(^^ Love these two)
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eurovosion · 5 years
 some thoughts on this year’s entries
or i guess just a ranking with comments tacked on
albania - this year’s nf season was a let down for me, partly because a lot of the winning songs weren’t the best on offer, and partly because albania picked first and nothing could live up to it. i love the depth this has, the dark, almost tribal vibes, and most of all i love how they didn’t fuck up the revamp like they usually do. if this is staged correctly, i think this could do really well. 10/10
greece - i feel like this has been overlooked in the wider fandom, which is odd because greek entries are usually pretty polarising, for better or for worse. regardless, i really like this. it’s atmospheric, powerful as hell, and katerine is more than capable of nailing it live. don’t count greece out just yet! 9.5/10
portugal - festival da canção was easily the best nf this year and the portuguese public picked wisely. telemóveis is such an intriguing song with a really curious sound, so traditional yet so modern at the same time. i’m not 100% on the staging, but they have time to figure it out. 9.5/10
spain - la venda wasn’t the song i was rooting for in the selection (rip todo bien, never forgotten) but i’m fully on board with it now. this works so well with a big audience, and you just know that the crowd will be on his side. if this doesn’t go top 10 at the very least i’ll be stunned. 9/10
cyprus - this is just as instant as fuego for me. not sure if tamta will do as well as eleni, but the cypriot delegation has definitely found their winning formula. 9/10
malta - malta is not fucking around this year. this is a verified banger, and their best entry in years, perhaps their best ever. take as many youtube ads as you want, michela, you deserve them. 8.5/10
azerbaijan - without a doubt, azerbaijan is back with a vengeance. you can tell they’re determined to set the record straight and prove that last year was just a blip, because this is great and hopefully the live performance reflects that. 8.5/10
denmark - i really should hate this, but i can’t. it’s so innocent and cheerily optimistic in a way that i can only be jealous of whilst humming along to the chorus. this deserves to do well. 8/10
italy - it took me a little while to warm up to soldi, but once i finally got there i really started to appreciate it. i don’t think it’s a winner, but it’s a very good song, and in the end that’s all that matters. 8/10
san marino - yes, serhat is in my top 10, and what of it? you only wish your fave could write a song in ten minutes and have it go off like this. and yes, if he doesn’t qualify you’ll catch me openly sobbing in the streets for weeks. 8/10
switzerland - an unabashed bop with some actual choreography, but lacking lyrically. then again, so was fuego and that popped off live. he’s also working with the same stage director as eleni, which can only be good news for him. 7.5/10
the netherlands - don’t get me wrong, it’s a very polished song and i’m sure duncan’s great but like... is that it? this is the big fan favourite? i’m very whelmed. 7.5/10
armenia - i was expecting something like yete karogh es from srbuk, so this came completely out of left field in the best way possible. i thought we’d lost our token edgy pop song when ukraine dropped out, but armenia saved us at the last minute. the only thing i’m worried about are her vocals, because, from what i’ve seen, she isn’t the most confident performer. 7/10
serbia - another respectable but ultimately pretty safe pick from serbia this year. nevena has a really strong voice and she sells the song well, so i think she’ll avoid another moje 3 style placement. 7/10
germany - first of all, aly ryan was robbed. secondly, thank god the surprise song didn’t win. thirdly, this is alright. nothing spectacular, but it’s cute and the spinning stage was a great stylistic choice. 7/10
latvia - thank you latvia for letting this win and rejecting markus riva’s basic ass for the sixth year in a row WHEW i really love the whole atmosphere that surrounds this. barring a miracle, however, i don’t think it’ll qualify, but it’s still a good attempt. 6.5/10
sweden - i don’t think it’s john’s most solid composition, but it’s a decent entry nevertheless and it’s nice to see sweden picking an entry that isn’t generic pop again. 6.5/10
united kingdom - my only faint glimmer of national pride so far this year is that we managed to pick the only good song from the flaming garbage pile that was our nf. yeah, the lyrics are redundant and it’s a ballad by numbers, but michael gives it his all and it really pays off. 6.5/10
ireland - this will absolutely not do well but who cares, it’s fun and harmless. super chill and easy to listen, and i think sarah’s a big eurovision fan already which is nice. also i’d just like to take this opportunity to thank her for ditching the ylva and linda song she originally applied with. 6.5/10
iceland - hm. this is one where you need to listen a few times to get a full impression of what the fuck you’re hearing/seeing. i really did not like this when i first heard it alongside all the other söngvakeppnin songs (and most of them sucked lbr), but now i’m kind of ambivalent towards it. i still don’t like the screaming or the key change, but it’s something different and i can admire that. 6/10
slovenia - fine, but forgettable. she has a nice voice, but there’s a distinct lack of stage presence from the two of them and i fear that this might get lost in the semi final. 6/10
israel - i’m conflicted here. i definitely don’t think home is as bad as the fan polls and reviews imply, but it’s not great either. a verse or two in hebrew would have really elevated this and i’m a little baffled as to why the writers didn’t include even a little bit considering the contest is on home turf this year. still, kobi’s a very convincing performer and israel probably didn’t want to win again anyway. 6/10
poland - this is an odd one, which isn’t a bad thing at all in a year full of safe entries. not sure if using the bilingual version was the best shout, but it’s clearly still very polish and i’m glad to hear that they’ll be wearing the traditional clothing on stage in tel aviv. 6/10
czech republic - the chorus absolutely slaps, and if i was judging by music alone this’d probably be in my top ten. unfortunately, though, the rest of the song exists. the lyrics are truly abysmal, with some of the lines ending awkwardly and without proper rhymes where they’re needed, and the spoken-word section is genuinely unbearable. 5.5/10
austria - i honestly don’t know where to place this one. very underwhelming when it was first released, but now i feel like there’s potential here. most of austria’s recent entries have been very under the radar only to end up doing quite well. i’m not as optimistic about this as some of those, but only time will tell. 5.5/10
hungary - not a patch on his previous entry, but pleasant enough. he’s a good performer and unless the staging really sucks, he’ll do fine. 5.5/10
north macedonia - it’s a nice ballad? i guess? and, unlike a lot of their recent entrants, tamara is an established singer who we all know can sing live. there are also rumours that the delegation has been planning the performance for a while, so who knows, perhaps this’ll qualify. 5/10
georgia - this has been growing on me lately. the song itself is a bit of a bust, although the revamp helped, but oto really brings it to life on stage. even if you don’t understand what he’s saying, you can tell by the emotion in his voice that he really means it. 5/10
russia - the nightmare dream team hasn’t produced a good song in over a decade at this point, this included. kirkorov needs to quit fooling himself and let someone else have a go. 4.5/10
belgium - belgium’s had quite the glow up since 2014, but i fear they’ve gone for style over substance this year. wake up is very polished, but it doesn’t go anywhere and eliot’s live performances haven’t been convincing as of yet. 4/10
lithuania - i don’t know what was more shocking, him winning the selection or me finding out that he was lolita zero’s real voice in 2017. this isn’t awful, just very repetitive and strangely put together. 3.5/10
norway - sue me, i don’t like this. the bald guy feels out of place and out of tune, it sounds like it was written by a child, and oh my god it’s so unbearably cheap. 3/10 
estonia - eesti laul was such a let down this year. usually there’s a good mix of mainstream and alternative genres, but the new producer doesn’t seem to give a shit about variety, which is a real shame. anyway, victor’s performance is slick, but he can barely sing and the song itself is nothing to write home about. 3/10
romania - when this was first selected i didn’t mind it, probably because i just really didn’t want laura bretan to win, but as the season drags on i’ve really soured to it. it feels like it lasts for a minute longer than it actually does, and the whole ay-ay-ay part was not a good choice. 2.5/10
australia - as someone who was a big fan of estonia last year, this is honestly the furthest thing from that. it comes across as quite cheap (even without the questionable staging), and the chorus really grates on me. 2.5/10
belarus - i didn’t watch the entirety of the belarusian auditions for them to reject the potato monks in favour of lidl’s own brand zara larsson. 2/10
france - this is why delegations should be wary of selecting social media stars for their national selections. yes, they might get the viewing figures up a little, but they’ll probably win and the song will be Bad. i respect his message, but holy shit is this hamfisted as hell. 1/10
finland - if anyone was wondering how darude only ever had one hit two decades ago, here is your answer. 1/10
moldova - they really don’t want to qualify this year, huh. could’ve had ca adriano celentano, but nope. basic tune, painfully simple lyrics, but i guess her voice is nice enough 1/10
croatia - this... is awful. upsettingly so. at least jacques’ last entry had a novelty factor, but he’s doomed this poor kid to failure. 0.5/10
montenegro - i have absolutely nothing positive to say here. honest to god one of the worst songs i’ve ever heard, and no amount of clumsily shoehorned in folk instrumentation was ever going to save this. i can only pray that they’re spending their preparation time wisely and taking singing lessons, but considering that they probably blew half the budget on the music video, it’s unlikely. 0/10
as for potential winners,  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
a lot of the big fan favourites don’t have a winning vibe about them, so we might be in for a shock this year. please let it be albania or greece
also feel free to drop me an ask if you want to chat about last year’s entries since i kind of ditched tumblr for a year or two lmao
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jvzooproductsclub · 7 years
Viralism.io Review & Bonus
Viralism.io Review & Bonus
Learn more here: http://mattmartin.club/index.php/2017/07/07/viralism-io-review-bonus/
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Sounds interesting? Let’s find out more about the product in my Viralism Review.
Viralism Rating
Quality – 9.5/10
  Features – 9/10
  Support – 9/10
  Easy To Use – 10/10
  Bonus – 9.5/10
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Viralism Review – Overview
Product Creator Matthew Neer Product Name Viralism.io Front-End Price $24.95 Sales Page CLICK HERE Niche WordPress Plugin Bonus Yes, CHECK NOW Refund 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
What is Viralism?
To begin with, Viralism is a WordPress Plugin that gives you access to a lot of viral content from many webs such as YouTube, Facebook Video, Vimeo, GIPHY API and much more.
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Viralism helps solve the commission problems for marketers. It provides viral content with totally free traffic, which works the same as a team of 12 people at a time.
About Author
Matthew Neer is the creator of Viralism. He just started to work in marketing for a time but his knowledge and skills are unbearable. He is most known for making incredible products such as Niche Moolah, Viral Traffic Hack, Weapon of Mass Commissions, Bing Your Ads, the list goes on.
Viralism is his latest product and we shall see more of it in the next part of the Viralism Review.
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Search for hot, trending and viral content in many niches
Post content on WordPress as well as many social accounts with a few clicks
Get unlimited traffic in return
Attract a lot more customers with informative and engaging content
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And much more!
How Does It Work?
Viralism works in three simple steps:
Step 1: Type the keyword and find out which is the hottest trend in the world: videos, content, image in your niche
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Step 3: Get traffic. Viralism will drive you a huge amount of free targeted traffic in which you can benefit significantly from the ads.
Who Should Use It?
As you can see from the above parts, Viralism is incredibly easy to use. All are written down in step-by-step guideline which is very easy for anyone, including newbies to follow.
Pros & Cons
Easy to use
Automatically post on social networks to get traffic
Newbie friendly
It would be better if the vendor tried a little bit to find more niches in Viralism
In this part of the Viralism Review, I want to share some aspects of Viralism that are much better than its competitors in many ways. Let’s find out!
Viralism offers many types of content for you to search.
Various ways to find new content:
Get a lot of inspiring and interesting stories to catch up with the trend on many big social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest,…
Vimeo videos
There are a lot of high quality and attractive videos that you can hardly find on YouTube.
Facebook Videos
This is much easier. Just hit the button and you will see a whole sea of hot content.
YouTube video
Insert the keywords and find out what is happening around the world.
Hot images
Apart from images, you can get access to a whole collection of memes which are very good in boosting conversions and sales.
After finding content, Viralism will then upload them:
Automatically post with one click: the tool will then post directly to your WP site as well as other accounts at once.
Drip feed content: besides, Viralism also allows you to schedule content so that you can drip for days or months.
Get money: then it will make SlideShows to boost your impressions and monetize.
The final but most important part: unlimited traffic coming: using content that has already been viral to get traffic is one of the smartest ways ever. You won’t have to invest so much time and energy to be able to get profit. Thanks to Viralism, it has never been easier to find new viewers and grow your followers. Viralism prepares everything for you to develop.
The best thing about Viralism is that you don’t have to do so much to get things done because Viralism will take care of the whole work. This is the tool that every marketer must have.
Viralism Review – Evaluation and Price
Viralism has 1 Front End & 3 OTOs:
Front End: Viralism.io Plugin ($24.95) >>> See Detail <<<
OTO 1: Viral Supercharger Theme ($77) >>> See Detail <<<
OTO 2: ClickBait Headline Swipefile ($47) >>> See Detail <<<
OTO 3: Agency License ($197) >>> See Detail <<<
In conclusion, Viralism is a great product in searching hot content for you and then publish on social accounts. You will save a lot of time and effort thanks to this product.
I hope you would be successful with this product. Thanks for following my Viralism Review and I wish you all luck.
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#Wordpress, #WP_Plugins
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