#whever they are students or teachers
nothingtherefornow · 2 years
Sadly and furiously, there's worse teachers than Bustier and Mendeleiv, and worse principals than Damoclès in real life
I've just read stories and testimonials from people about their years in primary and secondary school in France, And I've realized that, in fact, there are really so much worse cases than Miss Bustier, Mrs. Mendeliev, and Mr. Damocles as teachers and principals in real life :
Teachers and principals who aren't just enablers, but bullies themselves. Teachers who select one of their students as a scapegoat to vent all their frustrations, often punishing them unfairly, and ignoring or making fun of their difficulties, humiliating them in front of other students, etc. To the point that it also encouraged others students to bully the scapegoat student. One testimony particularly schoked me :
"I had a teacher who found all possible excuses to punish me, when we had presentations/assignements to make, the others in my class had 1 week to do it... I had to do it for the day after. She very often deprived me of recess, prevented me from going to the toilets, but above all, she couldn't see me so much that she very often sent me to the principal's class to do my punishments. She and the director were very good friends, and the director also had fun punishing me and saying mean things about me in front of her students. I was the student not to become. And this had quite a repercussion since the class of the director attacked me physically and also mentally during the lunch break (the only recess I had the right to because I had to eat), which , over the months, had rounded up all the other classes who came to harass me too (except my class, being aware that I did nothing wrong). And the harassment was even sometimes sexual and I confess that I do not understand how no supervisor could see what was happening."
it's terrifying how Miraculous actually only shows a fraction of school bullying and what a bad teacher is
Fortunately there are also testimonials on teachers who have helped students a lot.
A favorite youtuber of mine spoke of a teacher in a large kindergarten section who had traumatized her, and led her to withdraw into herself and never participate in class again. Then in CP, she had a teacher who was the exact opposite, fair, kind and attentive A teacher who helped her heal the wounds of the previous year. as kindergarten and primary shared the same canteen, the bad teacher and the good teacher already knew each other, and one day the youtuber witnessed a conversation between the two teachers of which she was the subject. The good teacher complimented her student and expressed her joy to have her in her class, while the bad teacher dared to ask "are you sure she is not mentally retarded?" about her former student, and she added that "according to science" students who are too well behaved hid a vice, and that one should not hesitate to often punish them, even if it means going as far as corporal punishment. The nice teacher replied that if she were to come across a teacher punishing his students this way, she would report them to the rectorate, slash their car tires, and set their house on fire. Then the good teacher asked to her colleague "I sure hope you're not that kind of teacher, right ?" Karma is rare in real life, but when it does its job, it's a jubilant moment ^^.
This story may be exaggerated, but I found it interesting to cite it
Myself I had an immense chance to have a schooling which took place without aplomb despite my autism thanks also to the presence of my twin sister (my parents always and rightly arranged for us to be in the same class) and I have always had relatively good teachers.
But reading and listening to this kind of testimonies really makes me realize that there are still a lot of bad teachers who do not just enable but also participate in the bullying of one or many students. Those kind of "adults" are the shame of teaching, people who shouldn't even have the right to teach nor approach children.
That's why the episode Confrontation had me starting to despise Caline Bustier and Denis Damoclès a lot less, because it's better to have a teacher and principal regretting their past bullying enabling actions and misleading, and wanting to make up for it and become better, rather than teachers and principals who do enjoy abusing their students and never get caught
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eraseur-a · 2 years
@portraitsof​ plotted starter for shinsou and skunk.
He’s never taken interns before. He allowed this for himself because this time is one of his only breaks as a teacher, not like it’s much of a break anyway as he still has to be on call for whever his students do something stupid, as they always seem to do, as is his curse. But this year is different.
These two wouldn’t have had internships if he hadn’t taken them on, but he wasn’t doing this out of pity. It was personal, not just professional -- they had chosen each other, a long time ago now. But this also means Aizawa is alert, almost nervous. He cared for all his students, but these two... well, Skunk calls him dad. That’s all you need to know. 
While the purpose of internships is to get the kids some real life experience and training, these two non-hero course students are even less prepared. But after enough begging consideration, Eraser Head is taking Shinsou and Skunk out on nighttime patrol. 
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“Remember. If we come across any trouble, you follow my every word, without question. Understood?”
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The trip back from the raid on the Volcano Trolls was a roaring success. Gunmar sauntered in after Orlagk, a sack slung over his shoulder. The stout warchief gave Elias a knowing look as he passed.
A gleeful shriek rang out, and a tiny black and green form lunged at the Gumm-Gumm chief, nearly knocking him off his feet. He bellowed a friendly curse, grabbing at the shape before lifting it to his shoulder, his laughter as rough and gravelly as his mis-set jaw.
Orlagk had taken surprsingly well to being a father. Skarlagk was too young to be away from her parents for long, but in a few years, she’d join in the number and history lessons until she was strong enough to train.
“Keep staring and her mother’ll claw your eyes out.” Gunmar jabbed an elbow into the old teacher’s side. “Let me guess, you wish you had a little rock-gobbler.”
Th teacher eyed his former student, brushing a bit of dust off his cloak. “I don’t know what you’re talking abou---”
Gunmar didn’t let him finish. Grinning broadly, he reached into the sack, drawing out a heavy shape.
“Gunmar---” Elias blinked both set up eyes, hands up to ward off the gift. “Gunmar, that better be breakfast.”
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“Parents left it behind. Too busy carrying away their valuables.” He pushed the egg closer. “S’all alone, bookworm.”
Elias tried to sidestep the gift. 
“All alone.” Gunmar repeated, “Feel it, it’s strong. The whelp’s moving. It’ll be a good soldier one day, but for now? tt needs a wing to cuddle under. Eh?” His grin widened. “Eh? A volcano troll whelp. With their little ears and those big, sun-colored eyes.”
Elias hesitated, drawing his wings closer to his body. “Gunmar, I am absolutely not---”
Gunmar shrugged, and stuffed the egg into his mouth.
“Alright then.” He said, jaws full, “Breakfast.”
A few moments later, the general was doubled over, laughing, groaning and clutching his Gronk-nuks as Elias hugged the Volcano-troll egg close to his chest, carrying it over to the heartstone.
The whelp was healthy. And as the decade passed, Elias sat near it, laying his hand against the pitted shell. He would feel it shifting under the stone as he spoke to it, and once or twice, he caught Gunmar sitting near the heartstone, staring at the egg in fascination.
“Think it’ll be Bull, Mare, or whever in Morgana’s name you are?” Gunmar asked, scooting over so that Elias could sit.
“Hard to say.” Elias leaned forward, turning the egg so that its other end would get proper Heartstone exposure. “
“It’s gonna be a mare.” Gunmar announced, “A big shouldered little mare, full of fire and questions. She’ll chew your tail and climb on your back and you’ll actually have to lift a sword to make her listen.”
“A little girl...Do you think so?” Elias glanced at his pupil, then back to the egg. “I like the name Jade.”
“Jade?” Gunmar eyed him. “...Sort of weird. Alright, it’s your baby. Can’t turn out any odder than you.”
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khemianprinz-a · 3 years
✔ for whever muse you're feeling most!
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