#whereupon they learn she’s a telepath
firefly-fez · 2 years
i think loid and yor would handle learning that anya is a telepath very, very well, actually. they would be calm, cool and collected. hear anya out, reassure her that they love her very much and that she can always come to them. then, excited by the prospect that they are not going to send her back to the orphanage, and that they don’t have to keep secrets anymore, she happily blurts out that bond is clairvoyant. and that’s when they absolutely lose it
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For the headcanons thing: the Organa-Solo children?
Jacen and Jaina don’t start talking until they’re four. Han and Leia worry, but Luke finds old Jedi texts talking about how younglings–particularly if the youngling had a twin–wouldn’t talk until late in childhood development. He suspects this is because they can talk to each other telepathically, and thus don’t see the need to talk with their mouths. Once they’re old enough to understand what it is their parents are asking, Han and Leia ask them why they didn’t talk. “Because we didn’t need to,” was Jacen’s matter-of-fact answer. When they do speak, it is in full, complete sentences that sound as if they come from a child twice their age.
Jaina and Jacen in particular, but also Anakin (Nik) are sometimes…strange (or perhaps a better word is “creepy”) children, just like their mother and uncle had been. Their eyes seem to see too much, their ears hear too much, their minds understand too much. They have this way of canting their heads to one side when considering someone. Han and Leia get a few complaints about their children from people who feel violated. “It felt like they could see into my soul,” one diplomat complains. They also have the ability to appear seemingly out of thin air, not being somewhere and then, very suddenly, being there. This surprises everyone but their mother, father, and uncle, and those who are finally around them enough to get used to it.
Jaina and Nik become Jedi, while Jacen follows in his mother’s footsteps and becomes a politician and, eventually, the first King of New Alderaan. (With the creation of the new monarchy, Leia overruled the law that stated the throne had to pass to a daughter or niece. Jaina and Jacen talk about it, at their mother’s behest, and between them decide who should rule New Alderaan.) Of the three of them, though, Nik is the most well-balanced, as he becomes the Jedi representative in the New Republic’s Senate, and he becomes the Jedi Order’s Head Diplomat.
Han teaches his children how to fly as soon as they’re old enough to hold onto and manipulate the controls. He also teaches them all how fix the Falcon and any speeder as soon as Leia declares them old enough to work with tools.
The kids go to a charter school on Coruscant until they are 10, whereupon they go Luke’s Jedi Academy. (There are two locations for his Academy, one on Coruscant and one on Yavin.) There their education continues, as well as they begin their official training in the Force (though they’ve been learning about it ever since they were little, from their mother and their uncle.)
Han and Leia try to keep their children out of the public eye as much as possible until they’re teenagers (which they are surprisingly successful at doing), as they want them to have as normal of childhoods as possible. This doesn’t mean they aren’t known, especially to the people of New Alderaan (which is established when Jaina and Jacen are 11 and Nik is 8), and when they were still children Leia was known to bring them with her to the Senate on days when Han couldn’t watch them (though this was fairly rare). This means that only a few people at their school know who they are and who their parents are.
Once, when the twins are 9, they are brought to the Senate on a field trip. They get bored of the tour, though (they used to run around exploring on their own), and leave to go find Mom–which gives their teacher a heart attack. Their mother returns them to their tour group just as a huge hunt for the two of them is about to begin. This is when that teacher finds out just who Jaina and Jacen Solo are: when the Head Diplomat of the New Republic arrives with Jaina and Jacen in tow, a very dark expression on her face, and an apology on her lips.
Though they don’t ’t have favorites, Nik is closest to Leia and Jaina is closest to Han. Jacen loves both of his parents, and works closest with Leia once he’s old enough to choose his path in life, but he was always more of a loner when it came to his parents.
Out of the three of them, Nik inherited their mother’s exceptionally strong gift of mental power (though Jaina and Jacen were also both exceptionally strong in the Force). Of the three of them, he alone naturally created the mental maze she had that protected her mind and thoughts.
All three of them have nicknames: Jacen is Jasa, Jaina is Jaya, and Anakin is Nik.
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Men In Black
Okay, so here today we're just going to state some FACTS. I really only have time to discuss some of the more popular theories but being a rather experienced occult researcher, I am more interested in the conclusions you draw yourself than the rabbit holes of Creepypasta, anyhow.
So, I guess I should define the term Men In Black or MIB. It's a generic term used for any threatening/strangely behaved individual(s) who can be linked in some fashion with a ufo sighting. I'm sure you already have a preconceived notion of these people due to the popular movie by the same name. If you're thinking about Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith, stop it. Take a second, maybe do a shot of whiskey, maybe hit the vape, whatever you need to do to open that mind hole of yours.
Okay, back to MIB. There have been a ton of MIB reports in connection to all things occult or supernatural, not just UFO sightings. There's a ton of theories on who these people are, and I mean a fuckin- shit ton.
The most common one is that the MIB are quasi-government agents; many people report MIB flashing “credentials of higher authority" before warning them to stop talking about the occult.
A lot of these first hand reports state the MIB as strange looking humanoids with very strange mannerisms pointing at the possibility that they are potentially the very aliens they're trying to keep secret. Many accounts of MIB report they look almost doll-like, completely bald without eyebrows or eyelashes, pale white skin, have thin, bright Ruby red lips, and speak almost robotically. One witness was approached by MIB after a "plane" crashed nearby. When he sat down to question the family, his pants revealed a bright green wire running up his ankle going into a brown dot on his leg. The witnesses asked the man if he wanted something to eat, the man declined but said he would need a glass of water in 10 minutes to take a pill. 10 minutes of questioning the family about the specifics of their bodies, tattoos, birthmarks, etc. The man's face became beat red, he requested the water. He took a large yellow pill and went back to normal. When he left he walked out the door, hailed a large, black Cadillac that pulled up with no driver, and pulled away with no headlights on. This is one of hundreds of strange but similar accounts of MIB encounters. Many others mention MIB having long limbs, skin cold to the touch, non-bending joints, and telepathic-like communication.
OK, so we’ve covered quasi-government agents and aliens. This third theory is much deeper than i can really get into, or fully comprehend but I’m going to do my best with a little help from Reddit user: farcaller on the What Is A Tulpa (No Bullshit Definition) Thread. First off let’s define what the fuck A Tulpa even is. A tulpa is an entity that was created by conscious effort of another entity; i.e, a manifestation or emanation as it’s known in Tibetan Spurl-pa. Ever feel like you willed a bad situation upon yourself by overthinking it? Tulpas can grow and mature over time just like that bad situation, the more thought power you give to it, the more powerful it grows. It’s believe that these thoughts will eventually reach a level of maturity whereupon they will develop and grow at a rate comparable to that of any other person. It is also theorized that mass meditation(or extreme emotion) can almost catapult this entity into consciousness. Like all living creatures (because tulpas are living things even if they are just thought forms) they need to feed on something, that something is extreme emotion, like fear. We all here, thinking and giving consciousness energy to this entity (MIB); we’re feeding the tulpa. Slenderman is a really great example of this. About 10 years ago Slenderman only existed in the dark corners of creepypasta, the more popular this lore became bearing memes, video games, stories, and “first-hand” accounts themselves it all seems to come to a head with The Slenderman Stabbings. If you’re not familiar; two young girls lead a third into the woods, killing her as a sacrifice to Slenderman. This began a wave of other crimes done in the name of slenderman. Taking lives and gaining power through fear is almost as real as any other living creature, being a perfect example of what a tulpa is and what the human mind can do (especially in mass quantities.)
Albert K. Bender famed UFOlogist living in Bridgeport, Connecticut created the international flying saucer bureau after becoming obsessed with the occult as a young adult. With almost 600 members, they were dedicated to furthering the study of mysterious crafts. Shortly after its founding, the IFSB reached out to members around the world through a quarterly journal, Space Review. The newsletter shared stories of UFO sightings and offered theories about the origins of these seemingly inexplicable objects. Soon after Albert organized the IFSB the researcher became hounded with ill health, strange phone calls, telepathic messages, the smell of burning sulfur and strange apparitions. November 1952, at a local movie theater Bender realized a strange man with glowing eyes observing him. On a separate occasion late one night on Broad Street Bender reported he was telepathically hypnotized and levitated. To further his experiments, Bender prompted readers of Space Review with an audacious request: memorize and silently recite, on a particular day and time, a letter penned by Bender. Albert’s goal was to connect with Alien life via the simultaneous thought-projection of hundreds of IFSB members. World Contact Day, or as Bender and the IFSB officially preferred, “C-Day,” commenced at 6 o’clock in the evening March 15th, 1953. The letter included a cryptic message, and warning: “The mystery of the flying saucers is no longer a mystery. The source is already known but any information about this is being withheld by orders from a higher source. We would like to print the full story in Space Review but because of the nature of the information we have been advised in the negative. We advise those engaged in saucer work to be very cautious.” (Remember Tulpas are created through, conscious energy and are given strength through mass meditation and high emotion) July 1953 Albert Bender was visited at his home by three men. Bender stated “All of them were dressed in black clothes. They made it clear to Bender that he was to immediately halt all UFO work. They communicated telepathically: “Stop publishing.” Before departing, the MIB confiscated copies of Space Review and in their wake a yellow fog materialized and the smell of burning sulfur returned. And finally, The telepathic messages, headaches, his being stalked, and of course the surreal warnings by authoritarians in black suits, compelled Albert to shut down the International Flying Saucer Bureau in October 1953. ‘
John Keel is honestly, our main man in all of this. He is the main investigator of the Mothman and author of The Mothman Prophecies, investigated occult reports of all kinds and popularized the term "Men In Black" through his journalism. John used the term “Ultraterrestrials” to describe UFO occupants he believed to be non-human entities which can take the form of whatever they want. This maybe further evidence MIB are aliens along with Albert Bender’s(and many other)  accounts of them being unsettling weirdos that didn't look human. Keel would chase The Men In Black in attempt to confront them. He had the local police in many towns looking for them. When he was in West Virginia and Ohio, people would call his Hotel and tell them that the MIB were there, he'd race over to the location but they would be gone by the time he arrived. He reported being plagued by a burning sulfur smell, headaches, receiving strange phone calls, and witnessing strange apparitions. He also reported tons of MIB/occult accounts through his journalism like the time Mrs. Ralph Butler of Owatonna, Minnesota said an officer visited her in May of 1967 he went by the name Richard French. He was 5.9ft tall, had an olive complexion, dark long hair and pointed face. His clothing appeared to be brand-new, even the soles of his shoes were clean and un-scuffed. When Mrs. Butler offered him some Jello, he tried to drink the Jello and acted as if he'd never seen it before. Keel (and other high strangeness reports, like Mary Hyre) documented an influx of MIB encounters while investigating the mothman. It seems like almost everyone who had claimed to witness the “giant- human-bird like creature” in Pleasant Point, West Virginia more often than not also encountered MIB closely after. During his investigation Keel heard reports of a mysterious blonde woman in her thirties with a southern accent, who visited people in West Virginia and Ohio whom Keel had interviewed prior. She even visited those he had not mentioned in print. She introduced herself claiming to be "John Keel's secretary" thus winning instant admission. The clipboard she carried held a complicated form filled with personal questions about the witnesses' health, income, the type of cars they owned as well as their general family background and some fairly sophisticated questions about their UFO sightings. John Keel didn't learn about this woman until months later when one of his friends in Ohio wrote to him and happened to mention her. He didn't have a blonde secretary, let alone a secretary at all.
One Mothman Witness Keel interviewed, 18-year-old Connie Carpenter was driving home from church, when she came face-to-face with the Mothman, almost causing her to have an automobile crash. Almost four months later, Connie reported being nearly kidnapped by MIB. 8: 15 A.M., February 22, 1967. Connie left her house to go to school. As she started to walk down the street a large black car pulled up alongside her. She later identified it as a 1949 Buick. The occupant of the car opened the door and gestured for her to come closer. Thinking he needed directions Connie approached him. He was a young, clean-cut man of about twenty-five, wearing a colorful Mod shirt, no jacket (it was bitter cold), had neatly combed hair and appeared to be suntanned. This suntan was a very interesting detail, which has turned up in other MIB accounts. As she grew close the “man” grabbed her but she struggled and ran away. Another Mothman Witness Mothman witness, Linda Scarberry, said in an interview with Mary Hyre: "The men wore black suits, black hats, and sunglasses. They drove black cars -Cadillacs, I think. ... They looked like human beings, but their skin was somewhat transparent. You could see the veins in their hands very clearly. Their fingers were longer than a normal person's fingers, as well. Daddy shook hands with them, and he said they were awkward in shaking hands. They seemed to not know what to do or how to shake hands." She said: "One of the cars would follow us around. There were three men in the car. ... The MIB went so far as to follow us through the drive-thru of a restaurant. We were afraid to turn around, and just looked in the mirror at them.” Mary Hyre also encountered these strange men, herself. All reports state that they have asked questions about the Mothman and warned all against speaking about it.
So, as you began to read through accounts and reports of occult sightings in general we began to see a pattern in things just as we can see generalized patterns throughout society in daily life. Mistakes, miscommunication, hersey, anecdotal experience but still there's something consolidating about the mass reports of similar legends throughout decades. Whether these legends are passed down unknowingly through family trees or collective consciousness; there's something that reaches a primal fear inside of us when our children come home with stories about the same boogeyman we encountered at their age. There’s a part of the human mind who realizes it’s power, who sees the coincidences in the things we think and see in reality. No one has ever come out as an abductee or witness to something occult whose life has been left positively impacted by the situation. Regardless of who or what you believe in, you can see similarities or you can see differences. I hope I presented these facts to you as coherent and rational as possible after three months of researching high strangeness on Reddit. I hope you can pull your own verdict from the accounts and reports presented to you tonight, at the very least I hope it sparks something in you to at least question your surroundings. It's not all what it seems.
Brooklen Porter
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mothric · 6 years
Spring Bottom & Axolotl
spring bottom: what’s something you’d like to learn how to do?
art. I constantly wish I could art so I had a tangible means of throwing my love at fandoms and all my friends and their OCs. heck I can’t even draw my own OCs, I just have to hope my handful of art-y friends like them enough to draw them. it is a constant frustration
axolotl: describe yourself as a cryptid.
the moth princess, or MP, is a legendary creature who has reported sightings in the Midwestern United States, though there have also been been a handful of reports from Canada. she is described as an “extremely small humanoid with shapeshifting capabilities and telepathic control of moths.” her appearance is said to be accompanied by a sudden, unusually high concentration of moths. descriptions of these moths vary from one report to another, but they are always said to be uniform in colour and have an “otherworldly” quality to them, appearing to shimmer or change shape. 
another trademark of her appearance is undulating, static-like “waves” that seem to radiate from her person. directly looking at the static has resulted in headaches and auditory hallucinations. many have described the hallucinations as resembling “slow, pitched-down 80s music.” some witnesses report a sudden surge of elation upon the MP’s appearance, while other say they are filled with inexplicable unease.
in recent years, the moth princess’ influence has been said to spread to the internet. she has purportedly left her mark on various web pages, causing them to freeze while the user hallucinates moths and strange music. most of these claims are clearly proven hoaxes, traced to the activity of bloggers and anonymous hackers. this has, however, started a trend similar to the “rickroll,” whereupon people purposely set up bait-and-switch links to “MP”-inspired pages and blogs containing countless pictures or pop-ups of moths, and a pitched down version of “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley.
Cosmo Sheldrake questions 🐟
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thenewnio · 4 years
Journey in the Odd Kingdom and Beyond
The kingdom of Oddia, searching for their missing prince, Mido, is at war with the enemy kingdom of Slasha. Tiro, the High Oracle of Oddia, throws an adamantite crystal into the sky, declaring that whomever finds it shall be the one who will find Mido and end the conflict. In New York, when her parents, Randall and Heidi Mullins, go to Chicago on business, Journey is sent to stay with her irritable aunt, Priscilla. On the suggestion of Priscilla’s kindly mother, Matilda, Journey and Priscilla head to Macy’s, in the hopes of bonding. On the way there, the crystal falls out of the sky, and is picked up by Journey. This act is noticed by the Slashan royal advisor Sagato Cheliyan, who, not wanting Tiro’s prophecy to come true, follows them. As the two shop at Macy’s, he establishes a telepathic communication with Journey, threatening to kill those close to her unless she comes to him. Lured to a backroom area, Journey meets Sagato, who tries to take the crystal until Priscilla arrives, having followed her. The two flee from Sagato, only to find themselves in a strange, otherworldly realm and approached by bizarre monsters. They are rescued by Agane Pandian, a soldier, who dispels the attackers and brings Journey and Priscilla to the Oddian palace, where they learn of the war and the prophecy from Mido‘s mother, Queen Eiriol. Furthermore, since Journey was the one to discover the crystal, she is the one chosen to find Mido and save Oddia. Journey agrees to search for him, despite Priscilla’s interest in returning home with her niece. To aid them, the crystal is transformed into a humanoid girl by the Oddian court magician, Evered Throkmorton, taking the name Crystal. Meanwhile, Sagato reports back to the Slashan king, Rhain, suggesting that Journey and Priscilla be captured as spies. Rhain thus sends him and the practical but smooth-talking Abbo Panja after them. While searching for clues in Rimouland Grove, the last place where Mido was seen, the trio encounter a small, fairy-like creature whom Journey names Spook. They are ambushed by bandits, but manage to escape with the help of Crystal and Spook. The bandits meet Sagato and Abbo, who bribe them into helping track down Journey and Priscilla. The four companions stumble into the underground city of Kir Badur, whose dwarf-like inhabitants reveal that Rhain is not responsible for Mido’s disappearance. The kindly mayor of Kir Badur, Kirolir Runestone, reveals that Mido had met a stranger before he disappeared, leading the group to suspect that this stranger may be holding the prince captive. A resident of Kir Badur, Harmae Pebbleborn, is assigned to lead them to Caer Rumun, home of the witch Rumun Bourgeois, who may know where to find Mido. They pass through the Bog of Terrenborg, which is inhabited by mischievous water hags, to reach Caer Rumun, where Rumun reveals that Spook is none other than Mido, transformed by one of two potions which the stranger bought from her. Furthermore, the only way to restore his true form is an antidote with powdered adamantite as its main ingredient. As the group try to figure out what to do, Priscilla, fed up with being “trapped” in another world, argues with Journey before storming off. However, she accidentally comes across Sagato and Abbo, who capture her with the bandit’s help. Harmae, having followed her, sees this and informs the others, and Crystal sacrifices herself in order for the antidote to be completed. After having the water hags cooperate with Rumun’s help, Journey and Harmae reach and sneak into the Slashan castle, where Priscilla is being interrogated by Abbo, who threatens to have her drowned in the castle’s well tower. They overpower him, free Priscilla and escape as Rhain’s guards pursue. After a chase through the castle, they are cornered, but Mido, having drunk the antidote and returned to human form, interrupts and reveals Sagato to be the stranger who tricked him into drinking the potion that transformed him. Sagato had intended for Eiriol’s forces to dethrone Rhain, whereupon he would take the Slashan throne and invade Oddia. Abbo turns on Sagato in disgust, and the two engage in a duel, which ends with the latter defeating the former. Sagato then drinks the second potion obtained from Rumun, becoming a dragon and overpowering Rhain before using some of his teeth to summon seven skeletal warriors, the “Tooth-Born", who follow him as he departs for Oddia. The spirit of Crystal appears and enchants a chariot, turning it into an ornithopter and allowing the group, joined by Abbo, to chase after Sagato, whose soldiers are invading the palace to assassinate Eiriol. While the others fight the Tooth-Born, Journey battles Sagato and tricks him into setting ablaze a fireworks launching tower, killing him in the resulting explosion. The remaining Tooth-Born are lured off a cliff into the sea by Abbo, who is revealed to be an eel-like merman. As Mido and Eiriol reunite, Rumun and the water hags arrive to claim the rest of the deceased Sagato’s teeth. As Evered is not powerful enough to revive Crystal, Journey asks Rumun to do so. Priscilla challenges the reluctant witch to demonstrate her powers, and upon hearing Priscilla's remarks, Rumun honors the request, returning Crystal to life, albeit fully human. Eiriol and Mido praise Journey and Priscilla for all they have done, and after the two bid farewell to their new friends, Evered and Rumun combine their powers to return them to New York. Sometime later, with their bond strengthened, Journey and Priscilla greet Randall and Heidi as the couple return from Chicago. Meanwhile, Oddia and Slasha have made peace with each other.
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