#where's my weeb bullshit you guys i miss it
witchofcake · 7 years
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These fansubs really bring me back to my teens. Ah, ye olde paragraph long TNs. How I have missed thee <3
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
man what is like your favorite characterization in a fic for every bts member? (can be whatever pairing, mxm, y/nxm, inanimatedobjectxm, idc) i'm wondering because, your characterization of taehyung in fox rain? cheff kiss, namjoon in wish on a fish? outstanding, jungkook in the borrowing of bones? saved my life. those are literally my holy trinity. no fic ever will compare. so i'm curious about what you enjoyed.
[cont.] btw i LOVE how you portray the rest of them too, don't get me wrong, but those are like, the untoppables for me. just, they can't get better, those are The Ones, youknow?
(i had to scream a lil @ the inanimateobjectxm part.... WHEN WILL I BE FORGIVEN FOR MY SINS SAHJDHAKSJD)
i’m........ i’m guessing you’re asking what my fave characterizations i’ve done in my fics for every bangtan member? if ur asking what i like in general, then i answered that too HJASDHJASHD but gotta say... thank you for even liking jungkook in borrowing of bones LIKE... you’re a real one for even reading that ;w; i don’t think very much of that fic (even though i... literally died for it... 40k words in 48 hours really killed me) but i did like the way i characterized jungkook in that ngl...
uhhhh for yoongi, i’d have to say tlhc? not surprising to anyone ever, but i just really love that little bitch... perhaps it’s because he’s a lil bit too much like me (minus the fact that he ended up with the love of his life BUT YA KNOW... IM GONNA SPEAK IT INTO EXISTENCE FOR ME) and i think tlhc!yoongi really made me realize how rewarding it is to be vulnerable with my characters... would do again (and add even more angst flavor next time uwu) and that applies for every yoongi fic tbh... i love it when people write him as multifaceted, when they give him layers and layers of personality. he’s neither too kind or too harsh... he has motivations, aspirations... bonus points if he’s a ride or die for his friends but would rather perish than let them know he cares... I LOVE TSUNDERES OKAY IT’S MY WEAKNESS ;w;
namjoon... well, wish on a fish!namjoon has to be my fave too HSAJDHJAS i just... love juxtaposing his ingenuity with stupidity... i tend to enhance that aspect of him bc i think it’s hilarious, and there’s just something incredibly endearing about it? especially when he’s paired with another person who is clearly more level-headed but with their moments of stupidity too (mayhaps thats why i love namgi and namjin a lot lol) but umm!! i just love it when people make him this bumbling fool with too much love to give... he’s just a ball of feelings and i love it when a fic focuses on his road to understanding how to accept/lean into those emotions ;w;
SEOKJIN... y’all already know how i like to characterize him... bold, stupid, kinda insane, but with his soft moments. i love it when people make him hilarious bc he really is funny irl, though i admit i love fics where they make him incredibly tender as well. i like it when he’s kinda tsundere but not in the same way that yoongi is, more like “i care about my friends but i’m gonna be a shithead about it and you’re gonna have to pry my insanity off my dead hands before i’d EVER show you how much i actually really fucking care.” and i think the fave seokjin i’ve ever written was like... fox rain!seokjin. i know that fic lowkey diedt and you’ve only seen his chaotic side in that fic, but believe me... he’s got a fleshed out personality and i just gotta get around to writing it :^) 
gotta love tlhc hoseok in this household... sorry folks... for always making him sad... I CAN’T HELP IT... i think i’ve read only angst hoseok fics in the past two years or so... there’s just?? something so mysterious about him irl, like??? how is he so positive and kind all the time but he never really shares as much as the other members?? he and seokjin befuddle me the most i think, but i do appreciate how much they appreciate privacy. still tho... it’s morphed my tiny pea brain into wondering “what if hoseok suffered. would it not like be the sun imploding? the world would literally be in CHAOS” and i like writing heavy angst aus so there’s that :^) OH WORD also fave fic trope is when hoseok is all happy-go-lucky at the beginning of a fic but when x character gets hurt or smth, he goes full “i’ll take care of it.” and. that’s kinda hot ^q^
LOOH JUMANJI... I MISS THAT FUCKER... im sorry for letting him die I REALLY WILL FINISH THAT AU I JUST... [insert lame excuse here] BUT FOR REAL i kinda like a “darker” jimin in my fics... like, maybe even a lil unhinged? i like fics where people make him slightly bolder, maybe a little more cunning... i’m all aboard the slytherin jimin express like... there’s something so nice about making him the bad guy?? sweet lil smiley boy is actually an asshole?? but dw i’m a sucker for a good redemption arc so he’s never REALLY an asshole on purpose... i’m too much of a softie to let the bad guys stay bad without a reason
taehyung... oh TAEHYUNG... tbh i haven’t written much for tae (a disgrace... IM SORRY) so i can’t say which tae i’ve ever written that was like... my fave... but i do love it when people make him really perceptive. as you can tell by now (assuming u’ve gotten this far into the ask... congrats btw i’m a rambling FOOL), but i’m a sucker for “gap” personalities so i like it when people make him appear to be the unassuming kindhearted fool but turns out he’s really perceptive and “takes no bullshit ever” kinda vibe. love that for him. also i love when people make him an outgoing person but be clearly more attached to his closest circle of friends,,, he might always have a crowd of people around him, but bangtan really do be his family 4 lyf ya kno???
and lastly... mister jungkook... GOD i hate love him but i did enjoy writing him in borrowing of bones... but to be honest, my fave jk isnt even written out yet!! it’s fox rain!jungoo!! omg you guys... you’re gonna love that lil fucker... he’s so... [clenches fists] like WOOOOOO you will not be prepared for that lil idiot... i think i’m most “well-known” for writing him as a weeb/himbo hybrid bc it’s always the funniest and easiest style for me, but i also do love writing him as the soft n sweet idiot with too much love to give... MY GOD!! AM I!! A SUCKER!! FOR MAKING!! JUNGKOOK!! A BOY WITH TOO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE!! that’s literally my kryptonite. tbf, writing about any of the boys as lovelorn fools is always a fucking high, but jungkook in particular... oooooHHH i love it!! especially when his love isn’t returned :----))) hits you hard bc ur left asking “WHO WOULDNT LOVE HIM??? HOW DARE YOU AUTHOR” and to me, that is the best feeling in the world
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unnamedcrane · 5 years
Am I still myself, anymore? (ch.1!)
Am I still myself, anymore?
Instead of being 12 and writing my first fanfic, I'm nearing my senior year and writing my first fanfic so pray for me guys.
Anyway original idea belongs to CRUSIFIXdroid on wattpad and this fanfic is my "spin" on her story "It all started by one single tear" (https://my.w.tt/YGeqGzeENY) which you should absolutely check out! But keep in mind that it has major spoilers for danganronpa v3.
Oh and just like original this is also x Rantaro x mastermind Kokichi fic and has lots of spoilers.
Hope you enjoy my mediocre writing and if you have any questions or advice I would be more than happy to hear it!
(also don’t be surprised if I change the title sometime in the future)
Chapter 1 "New Danganronpa"
I woke up confused in dark,confined space. 
“where the hell am I?” 
Was my immediate thought. After stumbling around a little, I fell out of what appeared to be school locker.
 “Ow what the actual fuck?!” I was starting to get annoyed by everything that was going on. Ignoring that feeling I tried to keep my cool by dusting off my school uniform and patting my brown hair down. 
 As soon as I started to think about how could I even get here, locker right next to the one I was in a second ago began to shake violently and suddenly this prick Rantaro Amami fell out.
“oh hey Nanako-chan, glad to see you he-” Before he could finish I cut him off and glared. 
 “Okay cut the bullshit Amami I really don’t want to deal with your crap right now, If you would kindly shut the fuck up and just find a way out of this shithole that’d be sweet.” I send him the fakest smile I could muster in the moment
Just when I was about to leave the classroom we were in, he walked up and towered over me. 
 “or what?”
 he pierced me with his light green eyes. I scoffed and pushed him aside.
 “oh please… we’ve been over this before fuck boy, but I guess you never learn huh? Whatever I’m done talking to you anyway, asshole.”
 I turned around and glanced at him while leaving the classroom “I hopefully won’t have to see your pathetic ass ever again.”
Rantaro was always such a fucking bother. After winning Danganronpa he just started to think that he owns everyone, seriously how pathetic can you be? He and everyone else in that little group of his just think that they’re the hottest shit, and it’s sad honestly.
After leaving classroom A, I started to walk down the corridor in the direction of something that looked like a big cage. Unfortunately I didn't see any way to get inside. I went further down into another hall. I then saw some kind of eating area and passageway with two doors. 
I also noticed my “best friend” - Kokichi Ouma.
” Oh Kokichi! Fancy seeing you here.” 
He turned around seemingly scared “N-Nanako?” he stuttered in quiet voice.
“How nice that you didn’t forget your “best friend” weeb. And here I thought that you were completely hopeless. Anyway, I don’t care what you and that fuckboy Amami are doing here but do you know where the exit is, twerp?” I said in a condescending tone 
Kokichi is...was my best friend some time ago,but it doesn’t matter to me anymore. Everything has changed after “That” and no one will stop me in achieving my goal, especially not him. He left me then so it’s only right for me to leave him too.
I tapped my foot impatiently while glaring at him.
 “Well? I don’t have all the time in the world weeb”. 
He snapped his big violet eyes back to mine “U-um I really don’t know anything either… I’m extremely sorry Nanako, but why Rantaro is here?” he said meekly. 
Good. He should be sorry.
“You’re very lucky that I’m busy right now. And maybe you should ask Mr. Fuckboy yourself huh? You’re both the bestest of friends aren’t you?” 
That was sarcasm of course. Rantaro always was the one to bully kids in our grade even before me.
“I-I’m sorry that I asked I shouldn’t have… b-but! I saw other people from our old school heading towards the gym…”
“How nice of you to finally say something useful twerp, but later I’ll make sure to remind you why you should just stay in your place.”
I came up to him the same way Amami did to me earlier. He shivered and tried to hide behind his hair
 “Hopefully I won’t have to see you again today you pitiful twat”. I smirked.
I let him go and continued to walk down the corridor. I usually don’t think about our encounters like this one, but there was something odd about him today. He seemed more jittery and less scared than normal which was unusual especially for him. By the time I started to speculate what could be the reason for that, I reached the gym.
 I opened big doors to reveal all my classmates from middle and primary schools. Most of them looked scared or perplexed by the situation. 
“Okay is this some fucked up reunion, because really I could spend my time way better than meeting ...well all of you weebs, full offense”. 
Some of them were shocked by my outburst, but there were a few that were just angry. I didn’t really care about them, I just needed to get out of here.
 “Who are you calling a weeb you...weeb!” Kaito Momota yelled. He never was the smartest kid in our class but seriously even he could come up with something better.
“Oh damn Momota you’re a real brainiac aren’t you?” Before he could speak up again I continued “Well anyway is there anyone actually intelligent here or is it only you morons?” 
Abruptly the door opened behind me and Rantaro came in with Kokichi just behind him. He was even more jittery now. Does he know why we are here? 
“Fourteen...hmm… do any of you saw anyone else?” he asked.
”W-why..?” Kokichi asked with hint of excitement to his voice.
“Well only two more “students” and there is going to be sixteen of us and that can mean only one thing.” 
It suddenly clicked. 
Does that mean that I was chosen? “You mean that we got into Danganronpa, don’t you fucker?” 
Everyone were either bewildered or excited. “That’s right princess.” He winked at me.
 While everyone was trying to wrap their heads around it and some of them even started talking about what ultimate they’re hoping to have, our two missing students showed up.
Shuichi Saihara more sweaty than usual and our bitch queen Kaede Akamatsu. 
Suddenly everything went black and we heard unmistakable high pitched voice of black and white bear “Testing..testing...Hello,howdy it’s your favorite plush bear host Monokuma!”
I smiled to myself. 
Well let this killing game officially begin. 
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jungnoir · 7 years
May I please request college boyfriend!yuta in bullet point form? Please please please ❤️❤️❤️ I’ve been waiting so long for your requests to be reopened, I love your work!
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a/n: thank you for being patient!! i hope you like this~
name: nakamoto yuta
age: immortal
major: bullshit undecided
if anyone were to try and define yuta,,, there would be a series of words that would be used,,, all of which may or may not be appropriate for ages 13 and under
yuta came to seoul from japan when he was just graduating high school on a scholarship for soccer
there were tons of schools that he really would have liked to go to all over the world, from places like New York to places in Brazil and Germany
and these schools all around the world really wanted him
he was, after all, a star on the rise
so you can see why his family was so confused when he chose to take a scholarship a little nearer to home, right in south korea
at the time, all he’d said was that seoul was somewhere he always wanted to live
which of course his family called bs on lol
yuta; what do you mean i’ve never talked about going to seoul before!! it’s my favorite place in the world!! great city!!! 10/10 would live there
literally everyone who knows this fool: you spelled seoul as seol once and it took you eight minutes to realize it
jk jk but look ok,,, he’s nowhere near as ditzy as he likes to joke about sometimes
cause yeah he’s great at soccer but he’s also got the brains to go with the brawn!! which makes him understand that despite the scholarships he’s getting to these overseas schools, not a lot of them cover all the expenses it will take to both get there and stay there
whereas the school in seoul is only 516 miles away from home, a stark difference to all those schools all over the world
if yuta wanted, he could go visit his family every weekend with the money he saved
and while seoul (shocker!) really wasn’t his dream place to be, it ended up being not too bad in yuta’s mind
to be honest,,, he kinda liked it
it was the actual school part he didn’t like
yuta felt most alive and happy when on the field, so having to take all these classes he neither cared for nor could understand on top of being in a foreign country and trying to master the language was t o u g h
while yuta never liked to admit it, there were often times he would find himself crying himself to sleep because he missed his family and old friends so much and being in another place, even if only 500 miles away, was stressful for him
thankfully, despite being one of the v few japanese students at his school, he wasn’t the only foreigner, and he’d met tons of good friends who were always patient with him when he mixed up his korean
ppl like taeyong, ten, jaehyun, doyoung, taeil, sicheng, mark, and johnny became some of his closest friends, but sicheng was his first
yuta could still remember his first day in classes at the school and how he couldn’t spot one (1) foreigner until his last class, statistics
yuta had just finished introducing himself to the class and he wasn’t really paying attention to everyone else as the teacher went down each table to get names, majors, places they were from, etc.
but then he remembered hearing this soft voice come from way across the classroom and this boy who was just a little younger than himself was introducing himself as dong sicheng and telling everyone that he was from china and would do his best to try and communicate and,,, fuk,,, it was like yuta’s world got a lil brighter
(i swear to god this is a yuta x reader fic and not a badly disguised yuwin fic ok)
almost immediately after class yuta tracks down sicheng and he’s like oh!!! hello!!! and tries to use his best korean for yuta but then yuta just pats sicheng’s shoulder with the most loving look in his eyes and probably tells sicheng he had been looking for him his whole life or something tbh sicheng doesn’t remember much of that moment except now yuta was his Best Friend and that was nonnegotiable
sicheng soon learned that yuta was also a foreigner and had gotten excited for all of five seconds before he found out he couldn’t speak much chinese, but sicheng was still pretty happy to have someone around who was in the same boat as him regardless
and, over time, sicheng began to teach him chinese and in return, yuta would teach him japanese
they would often try to navigate the horrors of being multilingual
and while yeah, it was pretty frustrating not being able to verbalize how you feel as accurately as you’d like, there were some perks
like insults. just hella insults
especially from sicheng to yuta
yuta absolutely loves pinching his cheeks and telling him how cute he is and follows the kid around and is so CLINGy and sicheng sometimes just has to smile and take it but other times,,,
sicheng: *in chinese* i’m going to skin you alive if you poke my cheek one more time you infuriating little man-
yuta: what are you saying, sicheng? *bats eyelashes lovingly*
sicheng: oh i was just saying ur my best friend in chinese hahahaha
yuta: awwww 💕❣️💓❤️💖💗💝💘
despite this though, the two really do love each other and often times do talk smack to each other about korean customs that they just Do Not Get
and all of their korean friends are just kind of like ???? why are u all so negative and yuwin is like “these are just the facts dudes”
it’s the relationships yuta has formed with these boys and more that really come in handy when yuta realizes in the middle of his second year that,,, he doesn’t really want to go to school for soccer anymore
he doesn’t love the sport any less!! but he just doesn’t feel like it’s what he wants to do for the rest of his life
there’s so much dedication and work that goes into it and yuta just isn’t in the same mindset he was in osaka or during his first year
he feels so ashamed when he informs both the school and his family that he was changing his major, and despite how his family still wants to support him in whatever he chooses, it becomes apparent that time is really running out for him at this point. most people say that declaring a major before your third year is crucial, and he has barely months left
of course, after changing his major, yuta also loses his scholarship and is therefore having to try and make ends meet in any way he can
if that’s taking odd jobs here and there and moving from the dorms into a small, cheap apartment a half hour’s subway ride away from the school, he does what he has to
it’s only randomly when he’s just wasting time with the boys at their dorm that one of them turns on this,,, anime
no it’s not hentai
and sometimes the boys joke abt yuta’s anime knowledge being sub par at best but yuta is just like “at least i’m not a weeb”
until they introduce him to this one anime
ouran high school host club
he learns that the basic premise is the protagonist ends up getting forced into working for a “host club” of pretty, rich boys who tend to the girls of their high school and raise money doing silly things like taking photos of the boys and selling them or auctioning off the host’s belongings
and while he thinks it’s pretty ridiculous,, he’s also inspired
and out of the blue after binge-watching all the episodes in two days, yuta asks if any of the boys thinks it would be possible to have a host club in this decade, specifically at their school
at first, most of them just joke about how weird it’d be and that there were hardly any rich students on campus, let alone ones pretty enough to successfully be a part of a host club
but then yuta is like “no,,, i mean we don’t have to be as elaborate as the anime but we could still do things right? like for people who are stressed with exams or who need to talk to someone because they’re homesick and their friends here don’t get it,,,,, and we can get donations and stuff to keep it going. and the more money we get the more fun activities we can organize for students to enjoy,, wouldn’t it be cool?”
so from there, a conversation spurs on and suddenly this thing is actually getting put to work
each boy is in charge of something, whether it’s being a shoulder to cry on and get advice from on (taeyong), a fun, laid back guy who knows where all the cool things to do on campus are (johnny), or a guy who is just a plain pick up line machine (yuta)
they all do something unique and different compared to the other boys and it all just,,, like it just works so well
at first the school thinks it’s fuckin weird and there’s so much they have to smooth out but they eventually end up getting a faculty advisor to look over their activities and soon enough their “host club” is in business
at first, people really don’t know what they’re getting into when they’re invited to the club on campus, only that it’s supposed to be either really funny or really embarrassing
and the boys are just as nervous as the first few students who arrive
but, at some point, something just clicks
there’s this one student who comes to taeyong every week and complains about their annoying roommate and their terrible history professor but by the end of the meeting, they feel so much lighter
there’s another student who honestly just comes to see doyoung bc he reminds them sm of like a goofy best friend who is both awkward and cute at all times and they often just go to the cafeteria and play board games for hours
and there’s another student who is a chinese transfer and finds so much comfort in getting to talk to sicheng in their native language about home bc they haven’t met many ppl on campus who are in the same boat as them and it’s just,,, a blessing
yuta’s crazy, out of the blue idea actually works
and as ppl become regulars, they tell their friends and their friends tell their friends and suddenly they’re really doing something
students who can are sparing a few bucks here and there and when the club pairs up with other clubs on campus, they also get money from the fundraisers they hold selling ice cream or organizing therapy pet meetings during exam week for all the stressed students
a portion of the money that the club gets goes to the members to help with books and other little necessities that they might have trouble paying for currently
now, yuta, like some of the other boys, doesn’t really have a niche in the club
some of them do!! and that’s fine!! but it’s a little disheartening because there’s always that student who is like “is there anyone here who can do [x] for me?” and there will be one of them there and that thing is right up their alley
whereas all the more broad and unexplored requests go to the other boys who haven’t quite established what they can do for their clients
yuta is usually good at cracking jokes and being an overall mood lifter, but,, so is johnny,,,, so is their youngest, donghyuck,,, so is their newest member yukhei
and once again, yuta just feels like he doesn’t know what he wants in life and doesn’t know where he fits in
and yeah, sure, he put together this whole club in the first place, but he leaves management in the hands of taeyong and doyoung and taeil…. the “responsible” ones
yuta was just the “goof”, the “sassy” one, the “greasy” one
he just doesn’t know where he fits….. he feels like a puzzle piece that’s missing its place from the big picture
enter you, someone who was definitely in a similar head space
you weren’t sure what you were doing with your life, if you really wanted to pursue higher education, and your mental health was suffering big time
you were pretty much on your last leg as you tried to figure out whether you should just call it quits this semester and drop out for good or if you should keep soldiering on
your friend notices that you’ve fallen so deep into a bad mood that you haven’t been able to drag yourself out of it yet, so she recommends that you come try this new thing on campus that a lot of students have been talking about
something about a “harem of handsome boys” and “the answer to all your problems”
you seriously couldn’t see how a boy would ever be the answer to any problem but nevertheless u went
after your last class of the day, your friend brought you to one of the empty rooms on the top floor of one of the buildings on campus overlooking the rest of the school
there,,, you hadn’t known what you expected but it definitely wasn’t this
there’s just a bunch of handsome looking boys sitting around the big classroom, one sitting on top of a desk and talking animatedly to one girl about god knows what, another in the back showing a girl some new trendy dance you hadn’t caught on to yet, and another standing off to the side with a kind smile on his face as he introduces himself as jungwoo, a member of the club
he asks you what you’re looking for for the evening, and you have a weird feeling about the way he asks the question but this seems so,,, innocent,,, odd but innocent
your friend nudges you to go on, and you kind of just shrug and tell him you don’t know yet
jungwoo just smiles and tells you that he knows the perfect person for you
and then he runs off to the back of the room, up to one boy who wasn’t talking to anyone yet
he’s got headphones on and the shade on the window next to him is rolled all the way up, letting the sunlight in and it highlights his sharp features and stunning hazel eyes
jungwoo says something, and then those hazel eyes are on you
you barely register your friend leaving, just that her fleeting words are “have fun with him, he’s a mystery”
hazel eyes blinks and then quietly waves you over, and out of instinct you look over to the familiar face of jungwoo to see if it’s ok
the boy who looks much younger in comparison to hazel eyes just nods and smiles that big smile again, waving you over as well
so you make your way over, catching eyes with a few of the boys who were with other “clients” as your friend had called them, some of them giving you a smile and some of them widening their eyes as they watched you make your way over to hazel eyes
jungwoo pulls a chair out for you and faces you toward hazel eyes, telling you to have fun and to talk to him if you had any questions
once he’s gone…. you don’t quite know what to do now
and hazel eyes has no problem staring at you while you try to figure it out
immediately, you decide that’s the first order of business
“so uh,,, i’m (y/n), what is ur name?” you ask, sounding much meeker than you intended
honestly, you were just tired and couldn’t quite believe this was what you were spending your very limited time doing instead of homework or staring at the wall in the middle of an existential crisis
hazel eyes smiles some, “nakamoto yuta, but you can call me later”
it takes you a second to process that he’s just used a pick up line on you,, and a bad one at that
by the time you even get a stunned laugh out of your mouth, he grins wider and you swear that the sun’s light burns a little brighter on his skin when he does, “i’m already taking your breath away, huh?”
“out of disbelief” “i know, right? i’m a marvel. it’s ok, you can admit it” he nods at you understandingly, as if he knew your feelings better than you did yourself
“is this your thing then? you’re the flirty one?” you ask, folding your arms on the desk separating the two of you and tilting your head to the side
the sun reaches you when you do and,, you looked beautiful from across the room but up close
you took his breath away
he has to collect what is left of his bearings, watching you in quiet awe as he thinks of what to say to you in response
there are no more pick up lines or witty remarks up his sleeve all of a sudden
how did you do that?
he finally clears his throat and looks away almost bashfully, “that’s more yukhei’s area”
“then what do you do?”
“uh,,, i don’t. uh. i don’t have a thing”
you hum lowly, “so do you usually get the clients who are indecisive?”
he thinks for a moment before nodding an affirmative
after a small awkward silence, he tries to fill the time you have together, “well, why don’t you tell me about why you decided to come today then? or how you’re feeling? i can find out what to do for you from there”
you try to think about what to tell him, unsure if you should go as deep as to tell the truth but also if you should stay elusive. after all, you had no idea what this club specialized in. maybe it was just for lighthearted interactions between students and nothing more
“i really only came because my friend said i should take my mind off of school stress and well, here i am”
yuta blinks for a few seconds before perking up, pushing himself up from his chair. the sudden movement surprises you, but then he’s walking over to the other corner of the room where there’s a locker located. he pops open the door and pulls out a soccer ball, then turns to you with a grin “wanna play me? loser buys slurpees at the corner store”
your eyes widen in surprise before you decide that you’ve nothing to lose and decide to accept with an added “slurpees and snacks, accordingly”
yuta ends up leading you out to the empty, open soccer field as the sun starts its descent out of the sky, kicking the ball around to you with more force and precision than you had expected
it’s only a quarter into the game when you realize that you are v seriously outplayed and yuta hasn’t broken a sweat
meanwhile you have drowned in your own bodily liquids and are probably watering the grass with it at this point
“you tricked me!” you accuse, breathing hard as you fall to your knees at another goal scored by him, but he just grins and his smile looks more devious out here than it did when you’d first seen it
“i never told you i was bad at soccer, i just told you to play me” “tricked!” “you didn’t ask!”
you rush over to retrieve the ball, wanting so badly to score a goal out of spite but when you kick,,, he just quickly blocks it and gets it into ur goal instead
finally, he decides to pity you and ends the game early with a whopping win 12-1
to make up for completely annihilating you, he offers to drive you both to the store instead of making you walk in your exhausted state and soon, the both of you are perched in chairs outside of the corner store, laughing over your slurpees and snacks and talking about everything that comes to mind, from the strange little trinkets yuta keeps in his car to your ankle socks decorated with little strawberries
the sun has fully gone down now, the night air cool but relieving on your heated skin
yuta brushes his hair back with his hand and takes a long drag from his straw before leaning back into his seat and looking at you, “so, how do you feel?”
you start at the sudden question, realizing that you have no ready-made answer on your tongue
honestly, you hadn’t thought anything about how you felt
the whole time you were with yuta, you just let go. you stopped thinking. stopped feeling. you just had fun
so you tell him just that
“i feel the most carefree right now than i ever have since i started school here”
a look of stupefaction floods his expression, making you shuffle in your seat “sorry, uh,,, was that too much?”
he quickly shakes his head, “no i just,,, uh… i feel the same”
you two just stare at each other like you’d done earlier when you’d first met, bewilderment and curiosity clear in the air
there’s something there, you both note, but what it is is still unclear
all you know is that you felt free, and all yuta knows is that he feels like he might have actually found his thing
he ends up taking you back to the school where it has gotten quite late and all the other boys have finished up with their clients and have gone home by now
yuta is going to wish you a goodnight and get back to his apartment when you turn to him and dig into your wallet all of a sudden, pulling out a few dollar bills
“i uh,, i guess you guys take donations and everything?”
usually, this wouldn’t feel so strange. after all, it’s what the club runs on next to fundraisers and the like
between the both of you, it just doesn’t feel right
so he pushes your hand away and grins, “you already treated me to food, silly!”
you look like you want to protest but yuta just smiles and heaves a big breath, “so! i hope i made your night”
you just look at him for a bit before blurting out “can i see you again?”
yuta is taken aback bc… well, he’s never had anyone request that of him before. he never really saw regulars like the other boys, so to imagine that he would have one just boggled his mind for a while
he soon recovered however, putting on one of his carefree smiles, “only if you’ll continue to suck at soccer”
you scowl before breaking out into laughter together, you waving a quick goodbye before slipping out of the car and heading off to your dorm room before the night got any older
and yuta really shouldn’t be surprised when he sees you in their room again the same day next week, hair put up out of your face with a funny looking headband and your body outfitted in a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and some sneakers that definitely aren’t made for running around on grass for hours
he doesn’t even get to ask you what the hell you thought you were wearing before you’re slapping your hands together and demanding a rematch for last week
and when he beats you (again), you treat him to slurpees once more
he expects you to really give up this time because now you’ve learned that he was recently attending school on a soccer scholarship and there was virtually no way that you, without any experience in the sport, could pummel him in it only after two matches
but then when he drops you off at the dorms a little earlier this time, your parting message is that you’ll be back for the next match
you meet him six days earlier, then five days, then four, three, two…
soon, you’re popping by every time you have a free hour or two to see if he’s in to play
slowly, you learn his schedule and he learns yours
the boys become well acquainted with you when you bound into the classroom with bright eyes and slightly more sport-appropriate outfits, simply yelling a “yuta, they’re here!” at the top of their lungs
while yuta starts to complain that all your meetings are the same, he does find that he’s having quite a lot of fun playing you
because, and don’t tell him i told you, but you’re getting better the more you play and he’s kinda proud
for those few hours every other day or so, it’s just the two of you messing around and playing soccer with each other
sometimes, you’ll get some talking in when you eat or when you both take a break and fall out on the grass in sweaty, panting messes
you learn all about how he wasn’t from around here, not too much of a surprise to you given his name, but you were awfully impressed with how he spoke almost like a native korean
he tells you about his life back home, about his family and how he’d gotten into soccer from a young age and adored it more than anything
he tells you how he has dreams of his mother’s homemade food and how he and his father message each other everyday about how much they miss each other
he tells you how ever since he changed his mind about his major, he’s felt lost and confused about his place in life and whether he would be anywhere near productive in the next ten years
and for the first time since yuta’s told someone about it, he feels like someone understands him
because you tell him that you feel similarly, that you don’t even know if what you’re studying for now will have any impact on your life in the future. you don’t have a clue what you want to do with your life and you don’t have a clue who you want to be,, but there’s something in that solidarity
and despite how scared the both of you are of your futures, you both decide that no matter what it is, you two can figure it out together
it’s different. it’s…. good. he likes the feeling of having someone understand him. he loves the feeling of having someone understand him and vow to walk the treacherous roads of life together. he really, really does
he also tells you about his funny habits like experimenting with making new foods (that he forces the other boys to eat and then enjoy) and teaching his unsuspecting friends out of context japanese just for kicks
you tell him if he ever teaches you something messed up in japanese you’ll kick him right in his soccer balls
he makes sure not to play u like that
except,,, maybe once
you: hey yuta how do you say “how much is this?” in japanese? i want to know if i ever visit
yuta: ohhh yeah it’s *in japanese* yuta is the best
you:…. did i just hear your name in that sentence
your friend pokes fun at you for going back so often but you honestly don’t care; you like being around yuta
in fact,, you kinda feel weird when you’re not with him
at first you had attributed it to him just having such a way with words that you would end up consumed in trying to decipher him rather than thinking about your day-to-day problems
but even when school stress was low, if he wasn’t around, you didn’t feel quite as peppy
yuta was slowly becoming something like your other half, fitting the pieces of you that you had long thought were missing
you guessed it might not have been the safest idea to start feeling so strongly for someone whose job was basically making people happy, but you felt that whatever you felt with him,, he felt with you
you could see it in the way he looked at you compared to his other clients, the way he would pretend not to light up when you’d walk in the room, or how he would try to prolong your time together in hopes that you’d stay longer,,,, keep your eyes on him more
you just didn’t know what to do with that information, didn’t know how to go about it the right way
after all, he had become someone you didn’t want to lose. if you screwed it up, you would be right back in the slump you were in before
you try instead to push the tumultuous feelings away for the time being and instead focus on meeting him again for your next match
you had managed to win your last two games and yuta was starting to get nervous, wondering if he was either losing his touch or you were just getting too good for him
when you show up to greet him that day, you notice you’re a little early and he’s with a client that had recently started coming to see him lately
she always came before you and always seemed to be somewhat starstruck whenever she would talk to him. you had eavesdropped on their conversations a number of times, so much so that you had enough blackmail fodder for d a y s
you had once teased him asking him why he never talked in such a cute voice to you as he did her
yuta: i don’t act cute for demons
usually, you would just sit off to the side and wait but you’re surprised when you’re suddenly approached by johnny who is grinning and plopping into a seat next to you, greeting you with one of his million dollar smiles “hey (y/n), waiting on yuta?”
you laugh, glancing over in the boy in question’s direction to see him fluttering his lashes at the girl “yeah, waiting on him and his girlfriend”
johnny snickers, “jealous, much?”
you fake a pout and rest your chin on your fist, “oh, definitely. i’m just overcome with the green-eyed monster!”
johnny looks over at yuta again and his friendly smile morphs into something a little sinister as he turns back to you, leaning in closer, “how obnoxious do you think we’ll have to be to get his attention?”
you take in a breath, wondering if you really should indulge johnny just for a joke, but then yuta looks over
and you start to laugh far too loudly as if johnny had just told you the most hilarious joke
you slap his shoulder for emphasis and feel yuta staring at the both of you, a slight pout on his lips as he can’t help but wonder what tf u two are even laughing abt
what’s,,, what’s with that loud laugh huh?? johnny’s not that funny??? you only laugh like that when he tells you jokes!!!!
you two keep it up well until you hear yuta call your name from the other side of the room and you finally realize the girl is long gone and yuta’s got his jacket thrown over his shoulder (all cool like, bc bad boys don’t wear their jackets apparently) and the soccer ball tucked between his hip and forearm, looking as serious as he ever has (but it’s rlly cute ishfiash)
“are you coming or are you two busy?”
johnny turns to you and tries to muffle a laugh, whispering for you to run along and that his “job is done”
whatever…. that means
you follow after yuta but he’s walking faster than usual, barely giving you a chance to keep up except for when he stops at the elevator
you try to jokingly ask him what he and his client talked about but he just mumbles “it’s confidential”
you can tell there’s something different in the air now and you’re feeling nervous, but you follow him out to the soccer field regardless and the game starts
it starts off fine, but you quickly realize that he’s playing in a totally different state than usual
he takes each shot seriously, seemingly getting you back for defeating him in the last two games
at one point, you guys get close to each other, you attempting to take the ball from him in hopes that you could somehow survive this game with more than two points or else he would totally annihilate you
your chests are bumping against each other, arms stretched backwards to fight the temptation of touching the other in order to get the ball
all it is is quick feet and sneaky steals
every time you steal, he steals back
it keeps going back and forth like that for a while, and you finally look him in the face
honestly, he could have gotten his point by now and finished the game
but,, he looks distracted
the mindless movements he makes prove that
he’ll steal the ball only to let you steal it back
“yuta…” you call his name softly, taking the ball from him once more
he seems to snap out of whatever it is that has him on another train of thought, and when he sees you have the ball, he steals it back immediately, but this time he gears up to kick it into your goal
you don’t know why you do it exactly, but you have to think fast if you want to save your ass in this game
your fingers shoot out and make contact with yuta’s sides and he jolts, breaking into an involuntary fit of laughter as you begin to tickle him
he demands that you release him in between giggles, hands weakly trying to pry yours away
you laugh too and manage to get him away from the ball just long enough to score a point while he’s compromised
yuta suddenly catches your wrists and pulls you into him, finally sucking in a breath as he realizes that you’ve just stolen a point from him. his cheeks are flushed from laughing so hard (or maybe from embarrassment, but he’d never admit to it) and he’s glaring at you, but not with nearly the same intensity as he had earlier with johnny
“you cheated” he breathes, voice low and quiet
you look up into his eyes and start smiling, flexing your hands in his grip and fighting the urge to laugh when he keeps that same hold on you, “you were distracted. i had to get your head back in the game” “you tricked me” “now, why does that sound so familiar?”
he opens his mouth to protest but finds himself speechless as he glares at you,,, and then pouts “is this payback?”
you shrug, “maybe… but why were you so distracted in the first place… you okay?”
he looks you in the eye before dropping your wrists, backing away some
and,, you miss the closeness instantaneously
yuta sighs heavily, and you’ve never heard him sound more upset before
yuta folds his arms over his chest and avoids eye contact, “i,, it’s really stupid”
“it’s ok, i expect nothing less from you” you joke, moving forward and softly tapping his chin to try and get him to look at you. you frown when he flinches away “seriously, what is it?”
“don’t you feel it?”
“feel… what?”
“you know what. just now, you felt it, didn’t you? all i do is move away from you and my whole body just feels,, wrong. it doesn’t make sense to me”
you watch as he shuffles quietly in the grass, face turned down in a thoughtful and nervous frown
suddenly, without a chance to rethink it, you grab his wrists like he had done yours and pull him right up against you, only,, you severely miscalculate his weight being thrown against you in comparison to yours being thrown against him
you go falling to the ground, right before yuta’s quick thinking has him twisting the two of you mid air so that his back hits the ground instead of yours
but again!!!! you two are really good at miscalculating!!!
and without meaning to (at least, not like this)…. your lips collide
it’s rough because of the momentum and your teeth knock together the moment you both hit the ground, but the pain disappears the second yuta hisses
and kisses you again
like you had grown so accustomed to, you get thrown into a world of your own, thoughts of the little things flying right out of the window
all you can taste is yuta’s lips and all you can feel is every nerve in your body going into overdrive
honestly, you wonder why you didn’t kiss him before
god, you really wonder why you didn’t kiss him before
you pull away first, biting your lip as you catch yuta almost chasing your lips and then letting his head fall back to the ground in defeat when you’ve moved out of his reach
“…are you still tricking me? so that I don’t call a foul on that tickling move earlier?” he narrows his eyes some, chest swelling with pride when you laugh again. because you’re laughing because of him
you cup his cheek and sigh, “you saw right through me”
that feeling you have when you’re near yuta seems to just intensify when you two decide to start dating
since yuta is naturally clingy too it just,,, works so well sehfiajsd
definitely the type of boyfriend to always be touching you in some way
sometimes if he’s not touching he’s hovering, for sure
you could just be standing and he’s like. There
the boys joke that he acts like he’s surgically attached to you but when they ask about you he always tries to act aloof like oh,,, them? yeah,,,, i don’t care abt them at all,,, i could live without them,,, *phone rings with ur caller id on the screen* wait shut up the love of my life is calling
always in The mood for some ominous reason
he’s just a bit,, kiss-starved ig
speaking of kisses!!! king of kissing you till you turn blue
he can go for quite a while and he has quite the tongue and i will leave that at that my friends
he’s such a touchy guy but if you’re equally as touchy he? goes into overload?
sometimes he might literally stop kissing you just to hyper focus on you touching him and ur like dude!!! come on!!! multi-task!!!
he blames it on the fact that you just mesmerize him and you’re too flattered to scold him again
you guys ofc still have your soccer matches, and you’ve gotten quite good
yuta had honestly missed playing between classes and the club and such, so you encourage him to rejoin the soccer team just for fun and he just loves it so much. he really did miss playing like he used to
speaking of the club, yuta is still a member, but it’s pretty clear his mind is elsewhere with clients
eventually, he decides that he can’t devote his full attention to clients any more so instead he asks 2tae and doyoung if he can maybe take an executive position
and they’re like?? uh YEH u started the damn thing lol
so yuta starts helping put together fun little outings and just tries to make the club not only more fun for the clients, but also for the members
and steadily, more ppl start to join!!! and not just boys!!!
honestly there’s a personality for everyone and something that everyone can enjoy
one time you came to visit yuta during the club hours and a newcomer mistook you for a member and started shyly asking jungwoo if she could pick you
needless to say yuta was v amused
“wow (y/n), if you weren’t dating me i’d probably hire u right now” “yuta please evaporate”
but anywho, despite all of this, yuta still hasn’t figured out what he wants to major in and do with his life
but also… he’s realized that’s okay
and that not everybody has life figured out like that
and if he has to take a year off and find something to do until he gets it then he will
and if he leaves school and never pursues it again, he’d be alright with that
because honestly, his fear of not being perfect or the rising star he was expected to be back home can’t overshadow the love he’s received not only from you but also his friends and family. and while everything in this day and age tells him he has to have it all figured out by now, he has other plans
he knows whatever he chooses to do from tomorrow morning till the last day of his life, he’ll make the decision because he wants to, because he loves what he’s going to do, and because his happiness is more important than any preconceived notions of “success”
he’ll be alright, he’s more than loved enough to see the silver lining
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stimstriders · 7 years
the one where he's not popular
davekat - high school au
Player, charismatic, funny, outgoing, hot, desirable, popular.
Dave Strider is unmatchably full of character and coolness, except that he’s not. That’s online, on a computer screen, thousands of miles away from him in three directions and only three directions. Over a chat client Dave likes to think that he oozes cool from every pore if only to distract from the fact that it’s obvious he doesn’t.
His friends might be onto his game a little bit but that’s all clouded by the miles and miles of distance between the four of them. They could very well all be perfectly aware of just how uncool he is (I mean, look at their conversations) but there’s a hella thick layer of plausible deniability bundling him up like a safety blanket. They don’t see him every day, they only know what he shows them, he’s been wrong before about people’s impression of him.
That last bit of criteria in equal parts unnerves Dave and comfort him because yeah, he may be hella bad at reading people (especially through the internet,) but it stirs the whole situation in the unreliable narrator’s shitty brain. My friends all hate me and think I’m annoying here, I’m just thinking that because my brain is fucking weird there, I could be excusing them actually hating me with my shitty brain but in reality they really, really do hate me there.
Damn, when did this all get spun from “uncool” to “hate?”
Either way Dave shakes the thought from his head like he’s whipping a pesky gnat away from buzzing in his ear. There are some ways he could alleviate these concerns in a, like, healthy manner. But most of them get swept under the rug and he settles into familiar albeit anxious passivity all over again.
Dave Strider isn’t classic cool, isn’t popular, and honestly isn’t even often noticed. That’s probably a good thing for a multitude of reasons, ranging from the sunglasses he wears when he’s allowed all the way to his general physical state. Bruises that would be harder to hide if he had more contact than just brushing up against people in the halls, the way he scarfs down gross school meals like nobody’s fucking business because he’s probably, definitely not going to get a meal even half that substantial at home. Much less as fattening or having any significant nutrition. The jury’s still out on whether or not school food actually satisfies his super necessary food-pyramid (or whatever they’re using now) needs, but it’s a better bet than the shit he eats at home.
It’s probably good that he isn’t popular. Which is a huge stroke of fucking luck.
Not like he just struck unpopularity as a fluke and he’s really a super cool guy or anything, but he clearly remembers when arguably the most popular kid at their school rolled his ass into this institutional hellhole in the middle of the spring semester freshman year. Hell, he still sees him fucking daily and even has a few classes with him, plus the same lunch period. It’s not a small school or anything, but they run into eachother a whole fucking lot.
Day one, Karkat had just moved to Texas from Washington State (why was completely beyond him) and had absolutely no one, just like Dave. Karkat had planted his ass at Dave’s reject lunch table for about a week before scooting out to a more respectable one.
Dave's overly chatty, make no mistake, but... not publicly. Yeah, it'd be nice to have someone to talk to outside of his phone and his computer, but that's a whole lot of reaching out and extending himself that's just all kinds of not cool.
Needless to say, they didn't say shit to eachother in the first week or so that they sat together. For the most part they just pretended the other wasn't there. It's always been that way, it's kind of their thing, Dave likes to think. They're pretty comfortable with eachother, right? Like silent bros, silently acknowledging their broship from a respectable, silent distance.
Nah. 'Cause with Karkat's real friends he's talkative as hell. Even with the people he doesn't like he shouts up a storm or rambles on about something to keep the air free of awkward silence. Karkat's just treating him like everyone treats him with a few more sideways glances.
Dave isn't so broken up about it. Karkat isn't even the cool kind of popular with Daddy's money and shitty high school parties pumped full of alcohol. Karkat's the kind of popular that has him flush with project partners and people to get him in trouble for talking too much. The kind of popular where it's easy for him to rope two or three people per class period into after school events, student council meetings, book fair organization, debate team spots...
Karkat's the nerdy, uncool kind of popular that has him flittering from clique to clique without a second thought because to him, cliques are a myth.
Dave sees them. Sees the sports kids and the camo-decked red-necks, the hipster druggies and the trailer-trash druggies, the theater kids and the band kids, the Advanced Placement kids and the weebs.
And then he and Karkat, who are outliers in completely different ways. Karkat, who can sit with everyone. Dave, who's cool enough to have his own table.
Don't get him wrong: he's not bitter about it. Honestly, he's above all of that grouped up trash. Yeah, sometimes he thinks about how it'd be neat to be able to bounce between the hipsters and the trailer-trash, (he'd probably fit in just fine with both,) nabbing a joint or a cigarette when he could, but he didn't need it. Especially when the cell-phone ban got lifted and he was free to kick up at the back of the cafeteria and shoot the shit with John, Rose, and Jade looking properly fucking insouciant.
School was just a better place to be at than home, and if he made a habit of not going to school it might get Bro in legal trouble. He went to school sick, bruised, tired, mentally vacant - and saved the off days for when he really needed them.
Today’s a combo day: bruised and tired. Approaching the bus stop, Dave’s already thinking on walking right past as he thumbs the contact-case in his pocket. A big factor here is that he hasn’t put his contacts in yet and he’ll probably have to be late to first period in order to slip away and put them in.
Karkat shuffles up to the bus stop next to Dave and boy does he look like shit. He’s slumped over, eyes half-closed, dark circles bruising up under his eyes and a deep furrow to his thick eyebrows. Dave shifts his hands in his pockets, giving the other boy a quick once-over before looking back to the cars passing on the city road in front of them.
A few minutes pass before he looks back, thumbing the pause button on his music app. “You look like shit, dude,” are probably the first words he’s ever said to this guy.
Nah, they had a project together at the beginning of sophomore year for some bullshit class. Geometry? Karkat’s shit at math, probably one of the only non-advanced classes he has.
Karkat squints back at Dave, and if possible the deep-set furrow in his brows only squishes deeper. It takes some effort to swallow back the laugh bubbling up his throat in response to that. “Gee, thanks for your completely fucking unasked for opinion. That sure is the one thing I needed to hear at 6 o’clock in the morning on a fucking Monday. What a fantastic way to start my week!”
At that Dave does actually snicker. “No one looks good this early on a Monday,” he points out, “you know, except me.”
“You look like shit, too, dick-for-brains. Don’t delude yourself. I shudder to imagine what’s under those tacky glasses you insist on wearing before the sun’s even properly up.”
Time for a curve-ball. “Let’s go down to 19th street.”
Karkat is satisfyingly shocked. Dark brown eyes widen and thick eyebrows smooth out long enough to lift comically high. His lips part into a little ‘o’ and damn do they look weirdly girly with how full and soft they look.
Wait. Dave mentally shakes himself back into awareness. Curve-ball rebound, damn.
For once Karkat doesn’t even seem like he knows how to respond at first. After a few more seconds of being stunned, he manages. “Are you asking me to skip school with you? I’m competing for valedictorian, I can’t just miss school for no reason.”
Dave pulls his earbuds from his ears and winds them around his phone before sliding it back into his pocket over his contact case. “You can more than afford it, dude, don’t bullshit the king of bullshit. You clearly feel like crap, that’s more than enough reason to say screw it for one day and skip out. Plus you, like, never miss school.” Hiking his bag up higher on his shoulder, Dave leans over to press the cross signal on the pole beside them. 
“We’re gonna get caught,” Karkat cautions as the signal blinks green and Dave leads the way across. As Karkat jogs up beside him to fall into pace with his long strides, Dave’s chest shivers with a foreign tremble of relief.
“Nah, I’ve done this before. Nobody outside of school gives a shit who you are or what you’re doing.” They hit sidewalk and swing right, starting down toward Yale. “You think everybody knows you’re skipping, but plenty’a kids could be out for plenty’a reasons. We could be college kids for all they know. Nobody assumes you’re not doing what you’re supposed to and nobody asks. As long as you stay away from the school.”
They lapse into silence and Dave bumps his shoulder into Karkat’s every time he tenses when someone walks too close or a car drives by too slow. When they come up on 19th street Dave pulls his camera from his bag and loops the strap around his neck, grinning when Karkat sidles a few steps away from him suspiciously.
“Chill out. You should be all about my delinquent ass whipping out some school work while we’re misbehaving, shouldn’t you?”
“Keep your fucking voice down?” Karkat stage-whispers. Or maybe that’s him actually whispering. Fuck, that would be gold. “And who the hell refers to themselves as a delinquent outside of anime? You’re not some fucking hentai trope.”
“Dude, did you just say hentai? You- you know that’s not synonymous, right?”
Dave leads them into a coffee place, Karkat’s complaining shifting topics to the heavy scent of smoke lingering in the cafe from the cigar bar next door. They order coffee and Dave buys them both breakfast before Karkat can shoulder him aside to pay for himself. Karkat makes fun of him for taking a few pictures of their mugs and Dave babbles over his embarrassment. 
They hit the record store and Karkat’s ribbing intensifies until Dave gets some revenge in a hole in the wall bookstore that they slip into. Both of them walk away with a reasonable haul and banter their way to an arcade down the street. 
Guitar Hero and a shitty DDR rip-off eat up some time. Dave really tries not to seem like he’s showing off or anything, but even stiff from ten layers of bruises he does better than Karkat’s willing to loosen up for. They turn up about even in the racing games, if only because Dave intentionally spins out and turns it into a game of bumper cars.
Karkat laughs a lot. It’s really nice.
They end up in a cramped ice-cream shop with Karkat still struggling to shove an ugly rainbow teddy-bear in his bag alongside all his school shit and the books he bought earlier. Dave picked it out for irony’s sake as a blaring wow, look how gay it is joke, but once Karkat started expressing that he genuinely liked it he... lightened up.
“I had a really good time today,” Karkat is mumbling around a spoonful of Chai Tea Coconut ice cream - (seriously, what the fuck) - his cheeks flushed up, and it takes everything Dave has in him not to lift up the camera hanging around his neck.
Tuesday, Karkat smiles at him from across the aisle on the bus. He’s already two thirds of the way through one of the shitty romance novels he picked up on their trip. At lunch he sits down at Dave’s VIP table followed by three other people and Dave swallows down his discomfort, keeping his eyes locked down on his phone until Karkat starts elbowing him and asking his opinion about shit.
Wednesday, repeat. Thursday, repeat.
This might’ve been a big mistake.
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awesome-brick · 7 years
stupid shit my friends and i have done/said over the years
this is going to be an ongoing list, i’ll reblog and add to it every so often with new material. if you want a full story, let me know a “ ^ ” means that it relates to the previous item feel free to tag yourself
chugged five double shot espressos in an hour and almost died
wobbled into our lounge after a party one night, completely unaware that he had ripped the front of his pants and his dick was completely out
got completely lost in the mardi gras parade with a dead cell phone, cause his girlfriend abandoned him
^ and then somehow pissed off and got a double k.o. on a massive redneck dude named keith who was probably thrice my friend’s size
^ him calling me when he came to, saying “help, i’m dead” to my other friend who replied, “hi dead, _i’m dad” _before he passed out and disconnected
peed in a bush, on campus, in broad daylight, in the middle of our conversation, while two hot girls were passing by
^ did it again ten minutes later
brought a violin to a frat party, to play while drunk (there’s still some videos of that floating around somewhere)
gotten stabbed by some dude after coming home from a different party
during campus tours, as a tour group was coming out of the elevator and we (4 of us) were going in; waited until right as the door was closing and said very loudly so they could hear, “SO HEY YOU GUYS WANNA GO SMOKE SOME POT?”
 camped out in the floor lounge for the entirety of finals week building a settlement in a minecraft server
“i’ll have you know, I once injected _five whole marijuanas” “_oh shit can’t fuck with this guy”
organized a candlelight vigil for Sparky, a raccoon that allegedly jumped into a power transformer and cut off power to most of campus, canceling classes for a day and a half (over 200 people attended)
sat on the floor in the right of two elevators in our dorm, covered in blankets. when somebody would walk into the elevator, we’d pop our heads up in succession and say “welcome to Right Elevator Inc. If you look to your left, you’ll find the informations desk.” “How may we help you today?” and as they were exiting, “DON’T FORGET TO RATE AND REVIEW US ON YELP”
the tale of The Bridgebuilder
gave so little fucks for the chem test that he went in his pj’s, wearing a bathrobe and topknot. thus becoming notorious around campus as the “Chem Ninja”
“it’s hard to date girls taller than me. Given that i’m five foot two, I don’t exactly get a lot of options here”
actually smoked legit weed (instead of fake weed) onstage in the middle of a performance of a play
got “sexiled” (kicked out of the room for sex) by his roommate three times during orientation week, as in before freshman year even began
bought a wheelchair from goodwill on two different occasions bc it was <$10, so now he just has two wheelchairs for no reason
sold his gamecube and all his games to another friend for $50, all of which went to buying weed
^ one of the games was an original GC copy of Pikmin 2 which would go for about 100 alone on the internet these days
^ he also burned through (heh) all of that weed in a day
somehow woke up half naked in a parking lot, (just like the CaH card) missing exactly $20 cash. he had more, but he was only missing $20
somehow got sexiled out of his room by two other people, neither of which lived there
one dude that can spit mad freestyle bars, but only when he’s high
bought an IKEA storage shelf and generic painting to make our dorm room look _even more _like a hotel room than it already did
made a tally count to keep track of how many times my suitemate locked me out of the bathroom when he wasn’t in there (final tally was 215)
earned the title of Il Duche for his drunk!self
“It was not my intention to make out with your sister!”
^ he accidentally made out with each of his girlfriend’s siblings, on separate occasions
hooked up with someone over the summer, only to find out afterwards that they were seven years older
“mom, i’ve had more relationships than you”
_^ _(he’s at i think #29)
went to the mcdonalds drive-thru, he wanted chicken nuggets but didn’t know where the “mc” prefix went. it came out as something along the lines of “uh can i mchave a mcchicken mcnuggets and a large mcchocolate mcmilkshake” 
^ we each wanted separate orders that time, so we had to drive around four times in a row. they were so tired of us by that point
missed an uber because he was too busy saying goodbye to literally everyone at the party he knew
said to a police officer, deadass, “i’ll let you walk me home, but there’s no way in hell i’m getting on that fucking bike”
^ afterwards, tried to jot down the officer’s name, badge number, and name of his superior so he could “put in a good word for the guy” (he was so wasted he had to sit down to write it all out)
dude getting so wasted at a party he started timeskipping, thought the year was 2025
gave my friend a glass of water at a party cause he was fading in and out, needed some water. to gauge his mental state, i ask him “what are you drinking” “water” “what’s the chemical formula for that?” deadass replied “hcl” without missing a beat and he keeps drinking
had a drunken rap battle with some famous local rapper at a party (my friend actually won)
crawled from the taxi to the apartment, cause he couldn’t walk
^ “I said one thing, ‘don’t say anything.’ One thing. Of course, you said something.”
so wasted he couldn’t get off the floor, the owner of the apartment going “you gotta go, dude!” “bruh” “i’m not your bruh, now get up”
“wake up with a random mexican guy in your bed. College, amirite?”
all three of us have “slept” in this one friend of ours’ bed, but only literally and not sexually. one of us cuddled with her and others platonically, another slept in the bed while she wasn’t there, and a third had passed out and she let him use her bed that night
"Marcus, you’re a socialist, why don’t you distribute some of them hot dimes”
“Rainbows, unicorns, Xanax- The classic stuff.”
(arguing about which pocket the phone goes in) “You put the phone in the butt, and the hands in the front”
my friend Robert, who is “the weebiest weeb to ever have weebd”
the fact that i accidentally always cockblock my friend unintentionally by virtue of being ace
my friend, (a dude) showing up to a date only to find out she’s a lesbian 
the guy who routinely calls his exes while drunk. apparently he has a “system”, as to which exes he calls depending on how drunk he is
fencing practice on the courtyard
[sarcastically] “okay well as a straight, white male in politics, now i have to oppress you”
all of us basically ganging up on and whipping like the only white kid in our friend group (who’s like five feet tall) with our belts
barrel rolling down the mountain after someone stopped him from going home with a girl cause he was too wasted
the guy who asked his crush of 4yrs out in his valedictorian graduation speech, only to get shot down instantly (like jesus christ rip)
^ his mom to him, “why don’t you love me as much as you love her”
guy’s family owns a quiznos, so his go-to pickup line is, “hey, i own a quiznos, want me to make you a sandwich?” (times successful: none)
my friend’s little brother was reprimanded by his parents, cause he was reading up on buddhism, “i mean, I didn’t see what the issue was. Worst case, you’re learning buddhism, best case...you’re learning buddhism”
the time the timeskipping friend found himself a confederate soilder in the civil war era, but in an AU where the south won
^ he looks at my face, points at me, looks like he's about to start laughing hysterically, "you're fucked", "why" "because you're brown, and the south won" (keep in mind, this dude is 100% filipino and almost as brown as i am)
^ he starts rattling off some bullshit jargon about what division he was in, his name, blah blah blah, but we look it up later and everything exept his personal details lined up with actual historical fact, down to where his unit was based and the name of the commanding officer, noting details that even our resident historian hadn't even heard of before
^aaand he wouldn't go to sleep until we played dixie for him on a continuous loop
one of my friends has a habit of becoming both kleptomaniac and amnesiac when he’s drunk, so here’s a tally of the stuff he’s stolen, some of which we don’t even know where it came from (almost all of these have hilarious stories behind them so please ask);
pair of trash cans and recycling bins
half a bed frame
a large ten gallon paint bucket
pack of frozen tortillas
giant industrial fucking cinderblock, which was about the size of his abdomen
a pair of white shorts (he didn't own any)
a full set worth of coasters and shot glasses
a lawnmower
a vacuum cleaner
a broom
a sprinkler
a traffic cone (one of the tall skinny ones)
a banged up car door
a pack of cards
half empty paint cans
half a bra
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radishleaf · 6 years
so as i was in the middle of sewing up a rip i made in my comforter, i began to dwell on the fact that i may still be shouldering an attraction to my now distant best friend? now that i think about it, it wouldn't have occurred to be during the elementary/middle school years i went to class with her, but i guess it became pretty evident during high school. i was still in doubt then though, but now that i am comfortable in my attraction and orientation, it maaay be true? case in point:
1.) i realized i was probably gay in eighth grade when i told myself i wouldn't mind dating a girl and, to my infantile weeb-y self then, reading yuri manga and really liking it. it got progressively clearer when i maintained a friendship with another girl in a grade lower who described herself as bi, but with a definite attraction to girls. i thought she was cute, and she didn't hide her obvious interest at all. i maintained a platonic distant, she poked my boob and tried to play it off as something else LOL. i still remember this as such a funny moment, because now that i consider it, she stared at my chest a lot. going back to my best friend, she flirted a lot in eighth grade. like, a lot. cutesy flirting mostly, but i passed it off as just "cute friends doing cute things together" bullshit.
2.) when we were freshmen in high school, i think she tested the waters to see if attraction was a possibility. she was super clingy and sweet still, and even said, "if you were a guy, i'd totally date you." i was so taken aback by this, i said, "well, i'm not, so yea!" in a joking manner, probably killing off anything for good lol. leave me be, i was fourteen and didn't (and still don't know) how flirting works. even after this moment, i was clingy to her, but she was already juggling a surprisingly dedicated online relationship with a guy in his early adulthood (this should've rang bells for me, but at the time, again, i was fourteen and very naive. i actually thought this was a mature choice!) the appealing idea of wanting to date her didn't come after, until she made strides to date men and i didn't want to hear her talk about her boyfriend. yea, it probablyyy started around here where i felt a twinge of jealousy?? it's still unclear, but it feels like it.
3.) i once told her "i love you," in a platonic fashion some time in sophomore/junior year, and she literally choked up with surprise probably thinking i meant it in another way. i literally had to say, "no, ali! like a sister! a sister!" to get her to understand. now that i think on it, it... probably meant more to her in a romantic implication.
4.) when we, essentially, went our separate ways to college (though we ended up going to the same university), for about two years, i treated our inevitable falling out as a bad break-up. i would literally rant how it was her fault we never talked anymore, and i refused to get a facebook account to keep up contact. only now do i realize really only i am to blame for such drama and nonsense, but also how awful i felt during that time. i really missed her, but refused to work up the nerve to contact her.
5.) from college till now, i realize most of my dreams have been about her as a substitute for my romantic partner. i mean, it could just be my brain filling it for the one female person in my life who i was deeply and emotionally connected to, or it is simply because i was attracted to my best friend. it doesn't help either that i have an overarching attraction to blondes and she was, without a doubt, a natural blonde that stood out in our school (i went to a mixed race school where white people were dismal; she's technically half-white, though). now that i think about it, i was quite touchy-feely with her; i played with her hair a lot and rested my head on her shoulder often. she never rebuked me so... maybe that contributes to thing?? fuck if i know lol
nevertheless, i probably still have, at least, a lingering physical/aesthetic attraction to my best friend, and it sucks, because last time i looked her up she had a boyfriend. i promise i'm not jealous (no, yea, i kinda am....... ahahaha........)
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koohiss · 8 years
30 years since the last critically acclaimed movie, but only like, 50 or 10 since the last one, depending on how time works, skywalkers are fucking shit up in the galaxy once more...
Luke’s gone, Leia’s still a badass, the heavy metal empire has been replaced with the emo-lite first order, just as much nazi garbage and none of the impressive capes. Instead they have a giant toddler who stomps around and eats shit on a regular basis and jerks off to his grandpa’s dead face, probably. Fucking weeb. This pilot, Poe, who I honestly don’t feel much of a connection to, sorry, is trying to get this old man to give him a map to Luke so he can come kick ass. But the douchelord Kellog’s Frosted Fuckup shows up and shoots everyone, bc uncle issues or something. poe gets captured, but shoves the map into his magic 8 ball, which escapes and finds a random superhuman jedi lady of amazingly ironic ancestry in the middle of, you guessed it, a desert. She’s Rey, and to quote some ghost guy who once got gutted inside a palace’s weird power dungeon murder hole, she’s probably maybe might be the chosen one for real this time, I swear to the force it’s for real this time yoda. Then, this amazeballs stormtrooper, Finn, has morals and courage and heart and all the things they wanted in wizard of oz, and is like, fuck this nazi shit, I’m out, and helps poe escape. Sadly, they crash, and poe apparently dies but really leaves finn to die in a plothole of a scene that someone in the writers room should be really embarassed over. Finn meets rey, and it’s love at first “oh shit”. It’s all meet cute/meet thief for a second, and then shit starts blowing up sideways, there was hand holding and running and “follow me”s and then the girl in white and the guy with the leather jacket get on the falcon and leave the desert planet. Classic. Speaking of classic, being the collector’s machinery that she is, the falcon breaks down and they get caught in a tractor beam of a larger ship, which conveniently Han and Chewie are on. Two gangs show up, the giant squid-tribbles escape, scooby doo mayhem ensues. They get away in the falcon and nope the fuck out. Spooky the gollum wannabe teases Kyle about Han and he acts like a pissbaby, says it’s nothing. Oh, and I guess he surprises everyone because somehow this giant moronic imbecile incompetent failure came from the pure glorious happy love of han and leia. Fuck you jar jar abrams. Fuck you in the eye. With a lensflare. This bullshit. The gang checks the map and realize it’s borked, Han gives the lowdown on “it’s real” and also that some sick asswipe death-murdered the jedi like some moron trilby with anger management issues because his mom cancelled his xbox live account because he wasn’t getting good enough grades at jedi academy due to playing the sith campaign of some shitty remade SW game with a pretty decent plot that every teen boy over analyzes and gets the wrong take away from. Anyways, they go to Takodana and Maz’s epic castle that was never fully explained. For some reason they need her to find the resistance for them, which I’m like, just have Han wave at a holocam for like, 2 seconds and you will find literally almost everyone except luke because he’s pouting over history repeating itself. So naturally while they are all chilling at the castle, the party splits bc Finn is scared and Rey is gonna go home and Han is just like, eyes roll emoji. Who knows where chewie went, they act like he isn’t a character or something. But twist, the big ol space nazis find them. Rey finds a lightsaber (prolly just a family heirloom or smth, nbd) and bolts after having visions of all these epics ass movies and shit. My beloved young padawan super duper force sensitive jedi in training Finn is given the lightsaber, bc even Maz can tell that those two are always gonna watch out for each other and are obvs soulmates and he’s the best bet to get it to Rey, the inheriting granddaughter. (also, didn’t a bunch of little kids get murdered with that at least once, possibly twice???) As they leave, death star 3 and with a much lamer name but really cool lore blows the everloving shit out of coruscant 2.0, killing a few more characters that I was probably more interested in than Kyle’s boring weepy “my parents dont’ accept me for being an edgelord” lame ass backstory. Then the TIE fighters try to wreck my fave dudes with some weak sauce army, but then that same ace pilot who apparently left finn to fucking die, nbd, true love amirite? brings the party to them in an epic callback with improved graphics. Meanwhile, that boring infant Ronald mcdumbass over here shows up and after a let down of a fight (c’mon rey, shoot him!) kidnaps his cousin. Gets all creepy and makes teenagers with poor romance comprehension (not their fault, imo) think it’s love and come up with all this bullshit as to why they aren’t cousins. Sigh. But Rey, light of my life, is stronger than this woobie weeb, and she makes him have to run back to the safety of his darth vader body pillow, while she up and obi wans her way out of this bitch. The theme-swapped leto-joker looking vastly subpar offbrand trashcan may have padme’s hair, but rey has her climb up random shit abilities, which go a lot farther honestly. (they both have her hit and miss fashion taste so at least there’s that in common you goddamned r/los that’s all i will give you) Mr. Hotshot takes everyone back to Resistance HQ and conveniently brings the drama too, since he followed teeny!leias footsteps and lead a superweapon to the not-so-secret-anymore base. Everyone scrambles, finn kinda sorta maybe lies through his teeth a little so he can rescue rey, leia guilts han because apparently no (coughdudecough) director can write a conflicted and damaged woman who also happens to be strong without making her completely subsume to whichever half of the dichotomy is needed for the current scene… They go to death star 3 and prepare to fuck shit up. Specifically by doing things that have never been done before with no guarantee they will survive and sassing each other mercilessly. My babies. They find rey off being her badass self, and then right at the point where everything has to go to shit to make the third act interesting, some motherfucking emo up and kills my geriatric fave. Fuck you, marilyn manson. Fuck you. Chewie takes the logical next step and blows his fucking guts out with a laser crossbow bolt, AND blows the fucking guts out of his fanboy cosplay of the death star, because fuck you that’s why. So that’s how the dramatic “ur up past curfew” conversation goes, because I can never have nice things, no the precious goth boy has to live, apparently my needs aren’t important to multi-trillion dollar entertainment corporations, whatever. The absolute wrench fucker chases my beautiful darlings around the currently imploding fucking doom orb of stupid, and they waste his ass with amazing shows of jedi prowess. Finn fights him first and the bastard cheats with his fucking laser butterfly knife like an ass, and precious finn who has never trained a day in his life for this bullshit can only hold on so long before the cheating bastard takes him down. Then rey, pillar of light and all that is good, curbstomps his ass with the prowling predator walk of her father and grandfather before her. Suck it, ron. She’s the chosen one, bitch. Anyways, so I guess the bombs let fly boy (only) get inside and pew pew up the place enough that it rejoined it’s godforsaken stop-building-death-moons-they-don-t-work ancestors. Old ghastly jazzhands on the demon projector asks the weasley kid to go pick up kyle’s raggedy strung out ass, like I fucking care at this point. Everybody goes home (AKA chewie saves all of your asses because even if you ignore him he’s still a cool dude like that) and they totally gloss over the deaths of characters I care about to give us this arbitrary fucking scene of the golden cock block and ir3cutesty5u the soccerball annoying r2, who magically wakes up and magically doesn’t nuke their inferior asses and instead gives them the stupid fucking map, why do you even need a fucking map, all you need is coordinates, jesus christ it’s space, you can just plug the fucking three axis code into the computer and float ur ass over why is there a goddamn treasure map to safeway just use the damn gps good god. It’s space. With infinite wifi. Rey and chewie go to this bird shit covered island and find luke sulking, probably about getting bird shit on his suede jedi boots or losing his best friend and failing his nephew and sister and and the entire galaxy or something like that and then the movie ends
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