#where to learn reiki sadhana
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fifteenonaskateboard · 1 month ago
1/30 days of productivity challenge (20 January 2025, 10:08 PM)
Hi friend,
My day was good today. I am really enjoying my Reiki learning journey, I am also reading a book called "The Art of Psychic Reiki" and the book is quite interesting, I read about auras today and discovered that they consist of different layers. Today i also attended a Bhagavat Gita session where Our Guru reminded us that to invest our energy into Sadhana every day (Some kind of a spiritual Practice is very Important) and also the same thing i got to learn in the book as well that i am currently reading.
My Spiritual Practices includes:
A daily 20-minute guided meditation
Spending time in nature ( Now a days i am very curious to learn about birds so i am learning about them).
I was able to complete almost of my goals except a few. I wasn’t able to draw or sleep by 9:30 PM. So, i will brush my teeth now and will sleep by 10:30.
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lavinareikisadhna · 4 years ago
Dr Lavina is a spiritual healer and a light worker. Since her childhood she had spiritual inclination. She is the founder and proprietor of “Soul Searcher Research Training & Healing Foundation”. Mission of her is to enlighten and awaken the spiritual gifts in each and every soul living in this planet.
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agnitra45 · 3 years ago
When people start seeking treatment for their irregularities and decide to live a more sustainable lifestyle, then this cosmic lighthouse, Agnitra foundation, which is a spiritual and holistic science-based NGO, while taking a comprehensive approach, is the best place to approach. This foundation had started various services for the betterment of mankind. Services comprised of satvik tantra sadhana remedies, which are the fastest remedy in attaining any solution for your problems. Along with this, the foundation is also running various other services successfully to end various menaces prevailing in society. Another very important service, where agnitra is acting as a torchbearer in the path of providing salvation to people from their pains and sufferings, is ramal astrology readings. This Ramal Astrology is a type of questioning approach that is usually linked to the feelings of the person who is asking all these questions. This methodology is very useful in seeking remedies for the people.
 Another very effective method worth mentioning here is best reiki paranormal healing in india. Reiki is a technique that allows its practitioner to acquire universal energy, alter this energy into the desired form, and afterward transmit it to the subject which needs it. This technique is really transforming the lives of needy people. Alongside it, the organization is on a mission to prepare volunteers who will be the best Reiki Master Healer in India. By imparting their knowledge regarding this special technique, the foundation is trying to reach the last needy person present in society. Also, all these volunteers would be foot soldiers in spreading the divine message of spirituality among the society at large. These volunteers will eventually become the best astrologer for spirituality while making the dream of agnitra foundation a reality. This dream is comprised of ending problems from society, providing a good alternative to already existing problem-solving techniques, servicing the needy people, etc. 
 Also, the foundation is on a path of building a team of powerful astrologer specialist in India who can reach everywhere to service mankind and hence to end various myths prevalent in the society regarding these practical and rational scientific approaches. Due to some fraudulent and bad people, who are using these techniques to harm other innocent people and to using these pious things to get personal and short-sighted benefits such as money and fame. Because of these people, these techniques are acquired negative names. Hence the organization is working very hard to end these myths.
 The organization is also propagating lessons in reiki services to its dedicated volunteers, so they can learn best level reiki techniques to provide selfless services to society. After learning this technique, they will communicate with the public at large to resolve their issues. They will not stop here only. In fact, help others to understand the importance of this technique and eventually help in building more and more best Reiki Master Healer in India. Which eventually will become more effective in increasing the reach of these practices in between the public who otherwise are wandering in search of help.
 Another most important service which is increasing in its stature and getting more and more popular is lama fera healing service in India. Through this service, the agnitra foundation’s popularity is increasing, and more people are coming under the umbrella of this foundation, which is on a mission to spread spirituality in society. Lama fera techniques are used to reconnect with the higher self through an enlightened guru. Buddhist monks embraced this technique of Lama Fera during ancient times, and gradually its methodology became the world's fastest healing treatment. 
 In lama fera ‘lama’ refers to a spiritual guru, an enlightened being from any religion, whereas the 'Fera' refers to a healing treatment. The organization also teaches this special service to its volunteers so as to make them very competent lama fera specialist in India. All these volunteers will eventually help the public in resolving their issues. Hence this framework aids in the development of spiritual competence, which in turn helps in attaining relief for pain and discomfort caused by chronic diseases, helps in the removal of unwanted spirits, also for the cleansing of buildings, the reduction of fear, anxiety, stress, and much-needed relief from mental tensions helps in improving the memory and attaining the power of visualization and helps in establishing a connection with the Higher Self. 
  In this fast-moving modern life, people are getting so much stress and mental pressure, sometimes due to various unwanted things and many times due to unfulfillment of desires. But agnitra foundations’ specially crafted lama fera healing service in India is helping through utilizing various Symbols in order to help the sufferer overcome their depression and other mental stresses. Along with this, the NGO is working hard to train volunteers and people who are actively looking forward to how to learn ramal astrology and establishing a flourishing career in this field. Also, those who are spiritual and competent enough to understand all the nitty-gritties of this rational science technique. Moreover, use this lama fera science to bring happiness in the life of people, in fact, not use it to harm others. Hence to make them self-competent by providing them with high-value knowledge to become proficient lama fera specialist in India. 
 They are learning the technique of lama fera under the direct guidance of Dr. Ganesh Dubey. In agnitra foundation, the lama fera symbols are used to provide heal for a variety of issues people face. These symbols are constructed in a special manner. Where 45 Shalvik Mantra Rahasya symbols are generated by providing vibrational energies of 4,50,000 mantras, and finally, they are translated into 12 specific symbols. These symbols are finally handed over to these healers to use during their practice. 
 After deep learning of all these specially crafted techniques, these healers are proving themselves the best lama fera specialist in India and further providing assets for the society at large. To seek amazing life-changing effects, you just have to reach agnitra foundation.
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madamlaydebug · 5 years ago
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With the activation and eventual awakening of kundalini, one gets access to huge amounts of prana, our vital life force starts to flow through the subtle body in a much higher volume. The increased flux of prana also increases the subtle sensitivity of body, it hieghtens intuition and empathic abilities of tapping into other's emotional/mental state. This is where ones healing capacity, psychic abilities or extra sensory perception start to develop naturally.
The excess prana available seeks an outlet of expression and creativity, as is its nature, and so the recently awakened who discover their newfound abilities are keen on exploring more. Instead of cultivating the energy and diving deeper into stillness, instead of immersing oneself in their essence and find out what is it that they truly are, the untrained mind depletes this capacity by indulging excessively in the external world. The available prana is dissipated into healing others and creating modalities around it. One creates a mission, a purpose and often land up in the messiah complex of saving the world, healing the world, before having saved themselves from the illusion of the world.
"After a stretch of sadhana, immature seekers become charged with energy and frantically seek an outlet. They organize communities, become teachers of Yoga, marry, write books - anything except keeping quiet and turning their energies within, to find the source of the inexhaustible power and learn the art of keeping it under control."
-Nisargadatta Maharaj
The abilities in themselves are miraculous no doubt, it is a wonderful gift and also a huge responsibility. Though in most cases where the initiate is not guided and begins to spread the energy too soon, the ego structure rebuilds itself around being a 'healer'. One begins to think that it is 'Me' who is doing the healing, there is pride and superiority as well as ownership of the spontaneously arising ability. Some go further ahead to create a spiritual resume of all the techniques and abilities they have aquired. If we do become infatuated with various capacities that may arise—what are sometimes referred to as siddhis or spiritual powers—it can become another spiritual trap.
“Our vast collections of knowledge and experience are just part of ego’s display, part of the grandiose quality of ego. We display them to the world and, in so doing, reassure ourselves that we exist, safe and secure, as “spiritual” people.”
― Chögyam Trungpa, Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
The whole concept of enlightenment is to let go of the sense of being a separate self and surrender to the divine will. The attempt to perfect a naturally occuring ability in order to serve the noblest of agendas is to reinforce that illusiory sense of self. It is to enforce a sense of being in control and being the 'doer' of the healing. The whole concept of healing is based in duality, there is a subject to be healed and a separate entity channeling 'healing energy' from a source they are 'connected' to. Modalities which create and promote this sense of separation are not based in the highest truth and thus are limiting beliefs.
Healing through prana/ chi/ reiki, is but a temporary fix to a deeper issue. The energy worker can only focus on the surface of the pain, and though it may subside for a while, the discomfort or disease often arise back at the same or different locations. This is because the underlying cause is a deeply settled karmic blockage which cannot be pierced through with prana transmission.
It does not matter however efficient the healing technique or modailty or how powerful the healer, it is essentially an active or awakened kundalini that heals deep rooted blocks and realigns our subtle body. A healer facilitates your own bodies natural capacity to heal, which comes from an active kundalini. Kundalini is what moves prana, and it is the basis of health and vitality. Kundalini flows to the region where healing is needed, without the need to direct it, it does so with its own intelligence and at its own acccord.
Healing through prana can in some rare case also trigger a layer of kundalini to shoot up, and this can be damaging if it enters a channel prematurely or if it goes wayward instead of its natural direction due to the prana interference. If the one working with energy is not familiar with kundalini, or stable within their own kundalini clearing process, this can cause disorientation for both involved. Despite the best efforts to ground and clear, there is karmic exchange of blockages and state of vibration. There is energetic resonance involved in all such interactions.
Ultimately, if these powers do come, they come as gifts; they don't come as something to grab hold of and reconstruct our sense of self around. In many esoteric schools of enlightenment these siddhis are seen as a pitfall on path to be well aware of and never seek or grab on to, as it is what most often causes one to fall from grace. There are many cautionary tales conveying not to attempt to enhance abilities in any way.
"These powers are accomplishments for the mind that is outgoing but obstacles to samadhi."
While there are many dangers with giving healing too soon, this doesn't mean we should avoid these special gifts that can arise with awakening. It is perfectly natural for this healing capacity to flow through your presence without the need for a technique, it will flow as love to those around you if simply allowed. The idea is to just let this ability be, as it is, as a natural part of the process.
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chocolate-brownies · 7 years ago
Chelsea Jackson Roberts is just one of the luminaries you can learn from at Wellspring this October. For tickets and more information, click here. 
Wellness industry professional discounts and scholarships available!
What does it mean to “show up?” This is generally understood as the act of bringing your best self to all your activities, of living in the integrity of your intentions as well as your actions, and holding fast to social commitments and responsibility. Yogic philosophy describes three different types of showing up: There’s the commitment to practice, or sadhana; there’s showing up for oneself by developing personal truth (Satya) through self-study (Svadhyaya); and then there’s the directive to show up for community, to create sangha, a community that supports and encourages one’s spiritual journey. When considered in modern life, the idea of “showing up” can be even deeper, and take on even greater import.
For Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts, social justice activist and founder of Atlanta-based Red Clay Yoga and Yoga, Literature, & Art Camp, showing up means practically applying yogic principles in an unjust and often-inaccessible society. “I do a lot of work speaking my truth advocating for youth—black and brown youth in particular—to speak up what their realities and truth within their communities. Showing up means to actually put the components of yoga to practice out into the world,” she says.
Chelsea believes that yoga helps to foster a sense of groundedness, and an awakening to see the world with deeper clarity and empathy. “So if we’re using the breath, and if we are open to being honest about what we’re experiencing in this life,” she says, “then showing up means allowing those things to all come together in order for us to move into action.”
Showing up means to actually put the components of yoga to practice out into the world.
That is to say, once you’ve explored your Satya and created your sangha—once your well is full and you’re able to serve others—true yoga not only asks but requires that we take our practice off the mat. For Chelsea, to show up in the integrity of practice requires us acknowledge the eternal oneness of all beings. We are all connected. How can one being be happy and free if another is not?
What Accessibility in Yoga Means
There are certainly rumblings in the mindful community about the lack of accessibility in yoga. This is visible in the lack of studios and opportunities in certain communities, and also in who (and who are not) celebrated as teachers, speakers, and leaders. Changing this is where the real work of yoga begins. Marginalized communities, says Chelsea, need mindfulness and wellness opportunities, as these practices are ideal primers for advocacy.
“People don’t really initially understand the connection between yoga and social change,” says Chelsea. “More than anything I feel like it gets us in a position for us to be open and ready to have physical conversations. Because yoga is an embodied practice—and because these conversations can create tension in our body—it is a great tool for us to move through to breath, to remember to breathe, to resource ourselves,” she says.
Chelsea is well-acquainted with the need to resource herself. As a black American woman, she has firsthand experience with marginalization and accessibility. She uses that lens to understand the other ways that people experience oppression—whether it’s gender, identity, or religion—or the systems that do that. “For people who have had opportunities to really speak, and to have had leadership positions, it’s now time for those folks to start to step back so that other people can step up,” she says. But the most important first step is to listen first. “Depending on historically what your experience has been with being silenced,” says Chelsea, “now it’s time for there to be a shift.” Yoga can play an expressive role in facilitating that shift.
Chelsea sits on the board of Off the Mat, Into the World, an advocacy organization founded by Seane Corn in 2007. Off the Mat is just one of the many organizations working toward this change. “There are a lot of different spaces that are intersectional, that are bringing and bridging the ways in which we experience this world in inequities so that we can understand each other to go deeper into our own healing, and then also to start to transform things together, and to work together.” And that’s what showing up is all about.
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Yoga, Literature, & Art Camp for Teen Girls. Photo courtesy of Chelsea Jackson Roberts.
The Journey to Showing Up
Chelsea started her career teaching in Title I schools in the Atlanta area after returning with a Masters Degree from Columbia University in International Educational Development. She’d been a certified yoga teacher since 2007, but it was her work in the classroom that Chelsea started to notice the intersection of yoga, literacy, and mindfulness programs. She started Yoga, Literature, & Art (YLA) Camp as part of her PhD dissertation at Emory University. At the time, says Chelsea, she just considered yoga a hobby—she was on the track to be a tenured professor. But life had other plans.
For people who have had opportunities to really speak, and to have had leadership positions, it’s now time for those folks to start to step back so that other people can step up.
“The next year after my dissertation, families [of YLA campers] started calling, writing, and asking when the next camp was going to be,” says Chelsea. “My husband and I regrouped… We used our wedding gifts to be the donations to our seed money for Red Clay Yoga.” Started in 2014, Red Clay Yoga has now expanded to provide access to yoga for youth not just in the Atlanta area, but to provide training for teachers and allies, “people who are committed to justice and want to utilize yoga as the tool to get them there, and also heal throughout the process.” Now a full-time non-profit, Red Clay Yoga provides programs to youth, training for yoga teachers, educators, and community activists.
Chelsea’s vision is more than just a great idea—it’s working. Many of the girls who entered the original YLA, when they were 13 years old, have now matriculated from high school. “We’re having our first weekend leadership retreat with some of the girls who will be moving into a yoga teacher training,” says Chelsea. One of the young women, now a college freshman, wants to teach yoga while she’s in school. “These were the programs that we saw were essential with our communities,” she says. Chelsea’s husband and YLA co-founder, Shane Roberts, is currently working to develop a similar program for young boys.
Why This All Matters
When it really all comes down to it, the practice of yoga is to tune in, which in turn, allows us to be our best selves outwardly with the world. There’s a persistent thought in the community that coming to the mat allows you to develop your best self—which is enough. This, however, can be seen as a form of what’s known as “spiritual bypassing.” Simply having a physical yoga practice doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve done the hard work to share those teachings with the world. Chelsea believes that we can use our yoga practice “as a tool to go deeper and understand ourselves, and the ways in which we are contributing to systems of oppression, or benefiting from systems of oppression, or how we want to transform it.”
Chelsea believes that any time we have the access—the privilege—to practice, to go and sit and be with ourselves, we have a responsibility to work toward expanding that access. “If we are true to this practice of yoga in that it is about liberation, peace, oneness, and nonviolence,” says Chelsea, “then it’s impossible for us to do that in this isolated experience, thinking that if ‘we’re good’ then that’s all that matters.”
Working toward fixing this can happen many ways. Chelsea cites rampant gentrification in Atlanta—and in a lot of communities across the US—as a reason that the mindful community has a particular responsibility to consider accessibility. “A lot of communities who have been there are being pushed out, and so, it does feel great to go and work on myself at a beautiful yoga studio but, what is the cost?” asks Chelsea. “What is the expense, and how does it impact someone else within the community, or outside of the community?”
The way that people can start to show up… is to start to be honest about who is present, and who is not present in your yoga studios.
Chelsea says there are lots of ways that people can begin to accept this responsibility. Just like doing a headstand for the first time can feel like a serious risk, the work isn’t easy. “I feel like the way that people can start to show up,” says Chelsea, “especially white folks who are practicing yoga as it’s practiced here in the United States, can start to be honest about who is present, and who is not present in your yoga studios.” Think about who’s being elevated as a master teacher; consider walking away from studios that don’t consider inclusivity and diversity.
Once you’ve started to notice the systems of oppression that show up in your sacred spaces, it’s easier to begin to change. “It’s way overdue for us to start doing yoga work by calling on the same tools, practices, and philosophies that drew us to the practice in the first place. For me, it was liberation,” says Chelsea.
Because maybe that’s ultimately what yoga is all about. No being is free—there is no true liberation—until we are all free. We all have a responsibility to continue showing up until we all have the opportunity to do so.
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Lisette Cheresson is a writer, storyteller, yoga teacher, and adventuress who is an avid vagabond, homechef, dirt-collector, and dreamer. When she’s not playing with words, it’s a safe bet that she’s either hopping a plane, dancing, cooking, or hiking. She received her Level II Reiki Attunement and attended a 4-day intensive discourse with the Dalai Lama in India, and received her RYT200 in Brooklyn. She is currently the Director of Content at Wanderlust Festival. You can find her on Instagram @lisetteileen.
The post What it Means to Show Up appeared first on Wanderlust.
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lavinareikisadhna · 4 years ago
Dr Lavina is a spiritual healer and a light worker. Since her childhood she had spiritual inclination. She is the founder and proprietor of “Soul Searcher Research Training & Healing Foundation”. Mission of her is to enlighten and awaken the spiritual gifts in each and every soul living in this planet.
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lavinareikisadhna · 4 years ago
It is believed that Prince Siddhartha Gautama was born in Nepal in the 5th or 6th century. At an early age, he got a quest for enlightenment, and after which he decided to leave the palace to sit in meditation and to search for enlightenment.
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