#where she'll just be sidelined
cartoonrival · 1 year
i think its neato that ino's mind transfer is best used in tandem with shikamaru's shadow possession because i love teamwork and joint attacks but its annoying that it means ino can't really attack without a partner. her abilities are cool they're just all support stuff, which isnt bad on its own its just bad because why women always
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globodamorte · 1 year
chasing tails spoilers if anyone cares about that
can u imagine if Taeyeon was the killer and she was sooo fucking out of touch with reality and just wanted to be famous and rich so she murders her friends to try to ride on the tragedy to make money afterwards.
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alotofpockets · 2 months
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The ACL Squad | Vivianne Miedema x Arsenal!Reader
Where you're the first to get injured and Viv takes care of you, only for her to join the ACL Squad soon after
Woso masterlist | Words: 2.4k
You were playing against Lyon, and while no goals were scored yet, the match was going well so far. However, that all turned around the moment you heard Viv scream out in pain. When you reached her side, she was clutching her knee with tears in her eyes. “It feels bad, Y/n. Really bad.” She said as she took hold of your outreached hand and squeezed it hard. 
The medical team rushed onto the field, but you refused to leave her side. You continued to hold her hand in support until you reached the sidelines, where the medical team stretched her off the field and into the stadium.
Seeing one of your teammates go down and get taken off on a stretcher was always hard, and that was hard. The team had stood close by until the medics had sent them away, and they opted for a water break while constantly looking over their shoulders to check on Viv.
You didn't end up getting the win, but that wasn't what mattered to you in that moment. The second that the whistle blows, you and Katie rush into the physio room to check on Viv.
Before you could ask how she was doing, Viv started talking. “They think I've done my ACL.” The striker says with tears in her eyes. “Scans tomorrow to confirm it, but I felt the pop, so I'm pretty sure that they are right.” 
“Oh Vivi, I'm so sorry.” You sit down on the side of her bed and place a comforting hand on her shoulder. Katie does the same on the other side. “Whatever it is, the whole team has your back. You won't be alone.”
Viv got a pair of crutches and she was free to leave. “Come on, I'll drive you back home.” Viv looked defeated, everything only just started to settle in. “What about my car?” Katie, who was grabbing everyone's stuff, while you were helping Viv stand up, offered her help. “Don't worry about your car. I drove Cait here, so we can drop it off at your place.”
Viv didn't feel ready to face the rest of the girls, so you told her to wait in the hallway, while you got both your stuff. You opted for only changing your boots to your sneakers, so she wouldn't have to wait too long. When you walked your stuff over to Viv’s, Caitlin stepped in. “Let me take her stuff in her car, we'll meet you at Viv’s place.”
What you hadn't realised until you walked into her apartment building, was that Viv’s apartment was on the second floor without access to an elevator. “Oh right.” Viv’s voice trembled. “Hey, it's okay. You can stay with me.” She shakes her head, “You don't have to, I couldn't ask that from you.” With a shrug you say, “You didn't ask, I offered. Plus, I won't take no for an answer.”
Katie and Caitlin both arrived when the two of you were still looking up the stairs. “Oh..” they said in unison. “Don't worry, she'll be staying at my place. We just have to grab some of her stuff.” The girls helped you grab some stuff that Viv would need, and put it into the trunk of your car, before you split ways.
The drive to your apartment was silent, besides the soft music playing on the radio. Viv was clearly in pain, both physically and emotionally, so you let the comfortable silence hang around you. Once you arrived you helped her into your apartment and guided her to the couch. After propping up her leg with some pillows, you headed back downstairs, to bring in Viv’s stuff. “Make yourself at home, I’ll go grab our stuff.”
When you got back upstairs, Viv was already fast asleep on the couch. You quietly moved around your apartment, getting the guest room ready, and cooking something for dinner. She wakes to the smell of food and crutches herself into the kitchen. “Smells good.” She says lacking the enthusiasm she tried to put behind it. You got it though, “Thank you, I see you took making yourself comfortable to a new level.” That got a smile out of the striker. 
“Thank you for taking me in, I don’t know what I would’ve done otherwise.” You shake your head, “You would’ve figured something out, but I am happy to help.” You set down two plates on the table, and help Viv put her crutches to the side. “Come on, let’s dig in. Maybe we can watch a movie after?”
The next few days were tough. The scan confirmed Viv’s worst fears, she tore her ACL. She knew the recovery would be long and draining. You and the rest of the team were quick to reassure her that you had her back every step of the way. 
You took every step of the way quite literally, not only were you helping her at home, but you also drove her to her doctors and physio appointments. After her surgery, Viv had a few rough days. She tried to stay strong when the team was around, they had all shown at one point or another the days following her surgery. But when your teammates left and it was just the two of you, the strong facade faltered. 
Sometimes she would let you in and let her tears flow freely as she spoke about her pain, worries, and struggles. While other times, she would even hide them from you and retreat into her room. Even if she didn’t always want it, you offered her a place of comfort where she didn’t have to hide her struggles. 
During her recovery, you spend most of the day together. In the morning you would drive to London Colney and drop Viv off at the gym, while you would head onto the training pitch with the rest of the team. 
Everyone showed their support in different ways. Caitlin and Katie had designated themselves as Viv’s personal movers and picked up whatever she needed from her apartment. Lia, and Lotte were often found in your kitchen making dinner. Beth and Steph brought their dogs around for extra cuddles. The rest of the girls came around often too. 
On the other hand, Viv supported the team back. She went to the home matches, besides supporting her team, it was also a way to feel closer to them. More a part of the team.
A little over a month after tearing her ACL she was sitting with the girls that weren't selected to play today in a crowded Emirates. She was chatting with Kim, who was out with a small ankle injury, when you went down and reached for your knee. 
Viv grabbed her crutches and moved faster than she had done since her injury. She stood worriedly at the sidelines, as she watched you be helped onto a stretcher. She follows you and the medics inside. 
You knew it right away. It felt exactly as Viv had described her injury. “Don't sugar coat it, I know it's my ACL.” You said to the physio who had a worried expression on his face. Viv stood besides you with a hand on your shoulder. “Yeah, I think it might be, but only scans will be able to confirm it.” 
When the medics leave the room, you turn to Viv. “Well this takes ‘I understand how you're feeling’ to a whole new level.” You scoot over a little, careful not to use your knee, and make space for Viv. “I truly wished that you would've never had to understand at this level.” She carefully sat down next to you, and you let yourself lean into her side. “We'll get through this, I've got you every step of the way. Just like you have been there for me. We're going to come back stronger.”
“I was supposed to take care of you.” With a new found sadness you look up to Viv, who quickly shakes her head. “And you have been incredible, so now I get to return the favour. Except for the driving part, I won't be able to do that just yet, but we will figure it out.” You lean back into her side, “Thank you, Vivi.”
With two pairs of crutches in the trunk of the car and two injured people in the back, Katie drove you back home, while Caitlin drove your car back, just like the first time around. “Are you two going to be okay?” Caitlin asked, after they helped bring your bags inside. “Yeah, I think so.” Viv answered as she looked over to you slumping down on the couch. “We know the drill by now. Thank you though.”
“Are you down for a movie?” Viv sat down besides you and placed some pillows down on the coffee table for the both of you to elevate your legs. “Yeah, not much else I can do right now.” Viv wanted to interject, but quickly realised she should let you feel your feelings. 
You quickly got uncomfortable and twisted so that your leg was laying in the armrest of the couch, and your head was in Viv’s lap. “Is this okay?” You ask her. “If you're comfortable, it is.”
With Viv's fingers playing with your hair, and the emotions of the day, you fell asleep quickly. Viv knew exactly what you were feeling, and hated seeing you in pain. She stayed by your side, and helped in any way she could, despite her own limitations. The rest of the team was still a great help, bringing meals, helping with chores, and plenty of emotional support along the way.
Recovery was tricky, the slowness and occasional setbacks were frustrating and very emotionally charged. You both struggled with the physical pain and the mental toll the injury took. There were moments where you shared tears and silent understanding, since you knew exactly what the other was going through, and there were moments filled with laughter and hope. 
One evening as you enjoyed a meal together, you turn to Viv. “So, I’ve been thinking.” Viv chuckles, “Yeah, you seem to be doing that a lot lately.” You’re quick to roll your eyes, you had plenty of time to think, and Viv had been the listening ear to the many questions that filled your mind. “I was thinking that you should move in permanently, if you want to. I’ve been enjoying your company, and I mean it’s not like you’re going to be able to climb those stairs at your place any time soon.” 
“Watch it, Y/l/n.” She shoves your shoulder playfully. “I would love to move in, but on one condition.” You look over intrigued. “We have to get a dog.” The two of you had talked about it before, how when Calvin or Rona were over, you would feel more motivated to go outside and move around. “I see what you did there, and I am not mad at it. Deal!”
With Viv’s stuff all in your apartment, with the help of your ever patient teammates, it was time to get to the dog part of the deal. Besides the motivation to walk around more, little Myle also gave the best cuddles, that made you fall in love with her instantly.
Everything seemed to be going upwards, both of you were making progress in your recoveries. Myle was settling in well, and was loving all the attention from the girls. But as the saying goes, it’s always one step forward and two steps back.
You were devastated to hear that Laura had gotten injured during practice, and the moment the three dreaded letters were mentioned, you had sprung into action. “You’re staying with us.” You didn’t leave room for arguments. “We’ve got you.” Viv added. 
With Laura moving into the guest room, Viv stayed in your room. While it was new, it didn’t feel weird. You had fallen asleep in her arms plenty of times on the couch. It felt right, natural even. 
Laura craved people around her during her recovery, so the team started doing weekly get togethers, besides the regular visits, where the focus would just be on having a good time. Tonight you were playing games, but you weren’t paying much attention. Katie couldn’t help but notice the playful banter, stolen glances and subtle touches.
“Alright, spill it.” Katie said, cornering you in the kitchen while the others were out of hearing distance. “What’s going on with you and Viv?” You furrow your brow in question, “What do you mean?” 
Katie chuckled, “Yeah, I think it’s too late to play dumb. You are so obviously into Miedema, just admit it.” You realise there was no getting out of this, so you spilled. “Fine, yeah, I like her. I like her a lot.” Katie’s smirk grew, “I knew it! You have to tell her. With the way she acts around you, there is no way that she doesn’t feel the same way.”
Her words kept playing in your head as you were cleaning up from the get together. Laura, who noticed the tension growing in the room, excused herself to lay down in her room, claiming to have gotten tired from all the interactions of the day. 
“Hey Viv, can you help me with these?” You are holding some of the board games in your hand, but you can’t quite reach the shelf they are supposed to go on without standing on your tippy toes.
“Yeah, of course.” With the few inches she had on you, she was able to place them perfectly. “Anything else, my dear?” She jokes, but in that moment there is only one thing that is going on in your head. “Yeah, actually there is.” 
Your eyes move between her eyes and her lips, “Kiss me.” You don’t know where you get the confidence to be so bold, but it pays off as Viv steps closer to you and lets her soft lips meet yours. With your heart beating out of your chest, you kissed her back instantly. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Viv says with a big smile on her face. “Me too.” Your cheeks flush a dark shade of red. 
Both tearing your ACL’s was something horrible, but it got you together, and you would always be grateful for that. You still had quite a while to go in your recovery, and sadly the ACL Squad would get some new members over the following months. But, it made the team even stronger, as well as your relationship with Viv. 
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pickingupmymercedes · 2 months
She's here and he won't let her give up- Lewis Hamilton
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Series: She's here and she's ours / She's here and she's not only ours / She's here and she's just like you / She's not here, but she'll be / She's here and she won't be the only one / She's here and he won't let her give up / She's here and so is he
request : "God, you're bleeding, how did you do that" + "you're the strongest person i know.". For lewis and his kid when they're learning a new skill in a sport and it doesn't go well so they're frustrated. Fluff, please. Thank you - anon
pairing: dad!Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
wordcount: +1K
a/n: It was too cute to stay as a blurb, so it's part of one of my favorites series now ❤️
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The chlorine of the wave pool filled the air, punctuated by Y/d/n's excited squeals.
Her tiny figure, clad in a bright purple wetsuit, bobbed on the churning water, anticipation etched all over her face.
Lewis, heart swelling with pride, watched from the sidelines. It had been months since Y/d/n had first begged him to take her surfing, a request fueled by memories of her father and his friends on their surfing days. Today, that dream was finally coming true.
The instructor, one of Lewis’s first ever surfing friend back in the day, began his pre-lesson talk. Y/d/n, perched on her board, listened diligently, her eyes wide with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
As the lesson unfolded, Lewis couldn't help but grin. Watching Y/d/n paddle like her life depended on it, trying to catch her first wave, was like watching a miniature of himself – full of determination.
But the initial enthusiasm soon gave way to frustration. The waves, though manufactured, proved surprisingly unforgiving.
Each attempt resulted in a tumble, Y/d/n disappearing momentarily under the water before resurfacing with a sputter. The falls frequent, but the smiles were unwavering. At least, until the very last try.
A particularly bad wipeout, where the board smacked into her chin, sent tears welling up in her eyes as she clumsily crawled back out.
Lewis waded into the water, concern etching lines on his forehead. "Hey there" he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "What happened?"
Y/d/n sniffled, wiping a stray tear, and pointed at her chin, a small patch of red blossoming through the water beads. "I think I'm hurt, Dad," she mumbled, her voice thick with hurt.
Lewis's initial amusement turned to alarm. "God, you're bleeding, how did you do that?" He examined her chin gently, his usual stoicism replaced with a tenderness reserved only for his kids.
"The board hit me," Y/d/n said tearfully. All the frustration of the failed attempts came flooding back, and she buried her face in her father's chest.
Lewis held her close, the cool water lapping at their waists. He could feel the tremor in her small body, it sting him just as much as it did to her. In that moment, Y/d/n wasn't the one showered with media attention and expectations. She was just a girl, hurt and discouraged.
A wave of guilt washed over him. Had he been too ambitious? Should he have started her somewhere calmer?
Lewis scooped Y/d/n up, helping her out of the water. As they made their way to a nearby bench, the familiar scent of saltwater mingled with the aroma of sunscreen, created a nostalgic cocktail that tugged at Lewis's heartstrings.
He set her down carefully, her tiny body still trembling slightly from the ordeal.
Y/d/n, biting back fresh tears, reached up gingerly and touched her mouth. "My tooth!" she wailed, a new wave of panic flooding her eyes. "It's loose!"
Lewis examined her mouth, spotting a slightly loose tooth. Relief washed over him, as he identified the loose tooth.
"Hey, hey," he soothed, pulling her into a hug. "It's okay. It’s just a baby tooth, that's all. Happens to all big kids."
With practiced ease, Lewis dug through his bag, producing a first aid kit and a bottle of water. He wet a cloth and dabbed at Y/d/n's chin, murmuring soothing words as he cleaned the small wound. Her eyes, still brimming with tears, watching him intently.
As he tended to her, his mind drifted back to a time when he had been in a similar situation, filled with with fear and uncertainty.
It was a late spring weekend, and Y/n had meetings out of town she needed to attend in person. It was also the first time Lewis would be alone with Y/d/n for an entire weekend.
He had been by himself with his daughter plenty of times, but not for that long, and he couldn't deny there was a safety net when Y/n was around – a reassurance that if anything went wrong, they had each other to try and fix it.
That morning, after waving goodbye to Y/n at the airport, Lewis felt the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders. Y/d/n, just turned two years old, looked up at him with his wide, trusting eyes. He plastered on a confident smile, hiding the apprehension gnawing at his insides.
The first day went relatively smoothly. They spent the morning at the beach, Y/d/n toddling around by the sand, just like they'd always do. In the afternoon, they built a fort out of pillows and blankets, Y/d/n's giggles filling their Monaco apartment before she crashed on her afternoon nap.
But by bedtime, the cracks in her routine began to show. As Lewis attempted to wrangle Y/d/n into her pajamas, she squirmed and fussed, a tiny rebel in the making. The bathwater, once warm and inviting, had turned cold during the struggle. Frustration bubbling up inside him, taking a deep breath as he reminded himself to stay calm.
Lewis settled her into bed, reading her favorite story in a soft, soothing voice. Her eyelids drooped, and soon, she was fast asleep. He watched her for a moment, his heart swelling with a mix of love and relief as he thought things were starting to take a turn for better.
But the peace was short-lived. In the middle of the night, Y/d/n woke up crying. Her wails pierced the silence. He rushed to her side, scooping her up and rocking her gently.
She clung to him, her tiny fists gripping his shirt as he saw all the signs she had an ear infection, a recurring issue with the toddler that was growing up swimming by the Mediterranean ocean she was a native to.
Panic rose. What if he couldn't comfort her like Y/n used to? What if he somehow screwed up her medicine? What if he didn't know how to settle her? He felt helpless, the weight of his earlier fears crashing down on him.
But as he held her close, Y/n on the phone with them, their toddler’s cries gradually subsided, replaced by soft hiccups. She nuzzled into his chest, her breathing evening out as she fell asleep on his arms.
In that moment, as he sat in the dim light of her room, laid amidst her stuffed animals and princess comforter, he finally understood he didn't have to be perfect. He just had to be there, to love her and protect her the best he could.
Lewis finished cleaning Y/d/n's chin and gave her a reassuring smile. "All done," he said softly, his voice filled with the same tenderness he had used during those long-ago nights.
Y/d/n looked up at him, her tears replaced with a disappointed glint in her eye. "Thanks, Dad," she said, her voice small.
Lewis ruffled her hair, his heart swelling with pride. "You're a tough cookie, you know that?"
He saw the same flicker of self-doubt in Y/d/n's eyes that he'd felt himself years ago.
"Hey," Lewis said, his voice gentle but firm. "Look at me."
Y/d/n met his gaze, her lower lip trembling slightly. "It hurts, doesn't it?" he asked, wiping a stray tear with his thumb.
Y/d/n sniffled and nodded.
"You know," Lewis said, his voice resolute. "It's not just about catching the wave. It's about getting back up, no matter how many times you fall. That’s part of life. What really matters is whether you let it keep you down or you learn from it and try again."
He paused, letting his words sink in. "You fell a million times today, but you never stopped trying. And that's the mark of a true champion, Y/d/n. You're brave, you're persistent, and you never give up. You’re the strongest person I know."
Y/d/n blinked, the tears receding slowly. A small smile played on her lips, though her lower lip still trembled a bit. "Can we try again tomorrow?"
Lewis couldn't help but laugh, the fear of earlier replaced by a surge of joy. This little girl, with her scraped chin and missing tooth, was a mini him in the making. And he wouldn't trade this moment, fear and all, for anything in the world.
"Of course, we can," he said, ruffling her hair. "But first," he added with a wink, "let's get you some ice cream and celebrate one less tooth."
Y/d/n grinned, wiping a smudge of tear and seawater from her cheek. "Deal," she said, fist bumping her dad's hand.
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bangchansdirty-slut · 2 months
Are you still taking request right now? I loved reading the half sisters one. So, I'm hoping if you can write another G!P! Yeji x Fem Reader.
Like both of the reader's group and ITZY have been friends, everyone is aware of Yeji's feelings for the reader—who's oblivious—but they are getting impatient when she'll make a move so they decided to use Chaeryeong to make her jealous while they are drinking. She's drunk and jealous then she made her move, owning the reader in her room.
Jealous Girl
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Paring: Top!G!P!Yeji x Bttm!Reader
Genre: smut
More: Masterlist
A/n: Requests are open
In the bustling heart of Seoul, Yeji navigated the crowded streets with a quiet determination. Her brown hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, showcasing sharp, piercing eyes that could cut through the dense urban sprawl. Despite the sound of the city, Yeji remained unfazed, her gaze focused on the horizon where the neon lights danced with the setting sun. She was known for her unshakeable poise and talent, which earned her a place in the popular K-pop girl group, ITZY. But tonight, Yeji's thoughts weren't on the next chart-topping hit or the flash of paparazzi cameras. They were on someone else entirely—Y/n, her best friend and fellow idol from another group.
Yeji and Y/n had been inseparable since their early trainee days, sharing laughter, tears, and secrets that only the closest of friends could understand. They had seen each other at their best and their worst, through the glitz and glamour of the industry, and the darker moments that lurked behind the scenes. The bond between them was unbreakable, or so Yeji thought. But lately, Yeji had been harboring a secret that even she hadn't fully come to terms with—a fierce, all-consuming love for Y/n that she didn't know how to express. It was a love that made her heart race and her palms sweat every time they were close, a love that was as much a part of her as the beat of her favorite songs.
The air grew thick with anticipation as Yeji approached the sleek, modern building that housed ITZY's dorm. Her heart pounded in her chest, a mix of excitement and nerves. Tonight, the plan was simple—a casual gathering with their closest friends to unwind and catch up. But Yeji had something else in mind. For too long, she had watched Y/n from the sidelines, her feelings a silent crescendo threatening to burst forth. Her bandmates had noticed the tension, the way Yeji's eyes would follow Y/n, the way she would light up when their hands brushed together. They had decided it was time for a little nudge in the right direction.
As Yeji entered the dorm, she found the others already there, chattering and laughing. The room was alive with the scent of freshly applied makeup and the sweetness of bubble tea. Chaeryeong, one of Yeji's members, winked at her, a knowing smile playing on her lips. They had all agreed to help Yeji tonight, to orchestrate a situation that would force the issue out into the open. The stage was set, the lights dimmed, and the music was playing just right—it was showtime.
Yeji took a deep breath and searched the room for Y/n. She found her lounging on the couch, scrolling through her phone with a gentle smile playing on her lips. Yeji's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, the girl who had unwittingly become the muse for so many of her late-night thoughts. Tonight, she was going to lay her cards on the table and hope that Y/n felt the same way. But first, she needed a little liquid courage. Grabbing a bottle of soju from the counter, she poured herself a shot and knocked it back, the fiery liquid burning a path down her throat and into her belly. The room grew louder as the alcohol began to take effect, loosening the knots of anxiety that had been twisting inside her.
The game of spicy truth or dare began, a playful banter filling the air as the group took turns revealing their most intimate secrets and performing outrageous dares. Yeji watched as Y/n's cheeks flushed with every risque question, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She was so beautiful, so untouchable, and Yeji's desire grew with every shared glance. Chaeryeong, ever the mastermind, suggested a twist to the game—each truth would have to be more daring than the last, each dare more intimate. The room buzzed with excitement and the occasional squeal of embarrassment.
As the night progressed, the drinks flowed freely, and the atmosphere grew hotter. The tension between Yeji and Y/n was palpable, their friends' glances darting between them like a tennis match. Chaeryeong, noticing Yeji's growing frustration, decided it was time to up the ante. She leaned in close to Y/n, whispering something in her ear that made her giggle and blush. Then she turned to the group with a mischievous grin.
"Truth or dare, Chaeryeong?" Yuna, another one of Yeji's member's, asked, her voice teasing.
"Dare," Chaeryeong replied, her eyes gleaming with excitement.
"I dare you to kiss the person she thinks is the most attractive in the room," Yuna announced.
The room fell silent, all eyes turning to Chaeryeong. Chaeryeong's gaze searched the room, a playful smirk on her lips as she feigned indecision.Chaeryeong's eyes finally locked onto Y/n, and Yeji felt a jolt of jealousy shoot through her. She had to do something before it was too late. Chaeryeong sauntered over to Y/n, who looked surprised but not displeased. As their lips met, Yeji felt her heart drop to the floor, a cold, hard knot forming in her stomach.
The kiss was chaste, but the implication was clear—Chaeryeong had chosen Y/n to make Yeji jealous. And it was working. Yeji's hand tightened around her bottle of soju, the cool glass offering little comfort. She couldn't take it anymore. She had to make a move, or she would lose Y/n to the fog of oblivion forever.
With a newfound determination, Yeji stumbled over to the couch, her legs feeling like jelly. She plopped down next to Y/n, the cushions groaning under her weight. The room spun slightly, but she ignored it, focusing instead on the warmth of Y/n's body so close to hers. Her heart hammered in her chest, and she could feel the heat radiating from the other girl's skin.
"Hey," Yeji slurred, her voice thick with nerves and alcohol. "I've got something to tell you in private."
Y/n looked at her, the surprise in her eyes fading into concern. She took Yeji's hand and gently led her into the bedroom, shutting the door behind them. The music and laughter grew muffled, leaving only the sound of their hearts beating in the quiet space. Yeji's eyes searched Y/n's face, looking for any clue that she had noticed the tension. But Y/n's expression remained open, her curiosity piqued but oblivious to the storm raging within Yeji.
"What's up?" Y/n asked, her voice soft and soothing. Yeji pinned her behind the door, the room spinning a little more than she'd anticipated. She looked into Y/n's eyes, searching for the words that had been trapped in her heart for so long. But the alcohol had other plans. Instead of a confession, she leaned in, capturing Y/n's mouth in a sloppy, desperate kiss.
Y/n stiffened for a moment, shocked by the sudden turn of events. But Yeji's urgency was infectious, and she felt her own body responding, her heart racing and her breath hitching. Yeji's hands roamed over her body, clumsy but earnest, and Y/n found herself kissing back, curiosity giving way to passion. They stumbled towards the bed, the haze of their intoxication mixing with the electricity that had always hummed between them.
Their kisses grew deeper, Yeji's tongue exploring the softness of Y/n's mouth as her hands found the hem of her shirt. She tugged it up, her eyes dark with desire as she revealed Y/n's smooth, bare stomach. Yeji's own shirt was already gone, discarded in the heat of the moment. Their bare skin touched, sending waves of pleasure through both of them. Y/n's mind raced, trying to process the sudden shift in their friendship. But the warmth of Yeji's touch and the way she was looking at her made it impossible to resist.
Yeji's hand slid down to the waistband of Y/n's pants, and she paused, her breath hot against Y/n's neck. "Is this okay?" she murmured, her voice thick with need. Y/n nodded, her pulse pounding in her ears. She had never felt this way before, but she didn't want it to stop. Yeji's fingers deftly unbuttoned the pants, sliding them down to reveal Y/n's panties. The sight of her best friend's bare skin made Yeji's head spin, but she was too far gone to care.
They tumbled onto the bed, a tangle of limbs and fabric. Yeji's hand slipped under the fabric of Y/n's underwear, her fingertips grazing the soft mound of her sex. Y/n gasped, her body responding to the unfamiliar sensation. Yeji's eyes widened, and she whispered an apology, but Y/n's hand shot out to cover hers, urging her to continue. The room was a whirlwind of sensation—the coolness of the sheets, the heat of their bodies, the scent of sweet perfume mingling with the faint tang of sweat.
Y/n's breath grew shallow as Yeji's touch grew bolder. Yeji's thumb circled her clit, sending jolts of pleasure through her core. She had never been touched like this before, never felt this way with anyone, not even herself. Yeji's kisses grew more insistent, her other hand cupping Y/n's breast, her thumb flicking the hardened nipple through the thin fabric of her bra. Y/n arched into the touch, her body begging for more.
But Yeji had a surprise in store for Y/n. As she slid her hand away from Y/n's panties, she whispered, "I need you to sit pretty." She reached down and unbuckled her own pants, her cheeks flushing with a mix of excitement and vulnerability. She pushed them down, revealing a fully erect penis that stood proudly between her legs.
Y/n's eyes widened in shock, but the surprise was quickly replaced with curiosity and arousal. She had never seen anything like it before, but it was Yeji, and she trusted her implicitly. Y/n bit her lip, watching as Yeji stroked her length, the veins pulsing under her touch. The room was filled with the sound of their ragged breaths and the occasional giggle as Yeji's drunkenness made her movements slightly awkward.
Yeji leaned back, her eyes never leaving Y/n's face as she pulled down her boxers, revealing her true self. The sight of her best friend's cock made Y/n's head spin, but she found herself leaning closer, her body drawn to it like a magnet. Yeji positioned herself between Y/n's legs, her cock nudging against the wetness of her pussy. Y/n felt a thrill run through her, a mix of excitement and fear as she realized what was about to happen.
"You're so beautiful," Yeji murmured, her voice thick with lust. She kissed Y/n again, deep and slow, as she lined herself up. With one hand, she guided her cock to Y/n's entrance, the tip brushing against the slick folds. Y/n's breath hitched as Yeji pushed in, the sensation foreign but not unwelcome. Yeji's eyes searched hers, looking for any sign of pain or discomfort. But all she saw was want.
Yeji's movements were gentle at first, her hips rocking slowly as she pushed deeper into Y/n's tight embrace. Y/n's nails dug into the bed, her body adjusting to the new sensation. Yeji's cock filled her up in a way she hadn't anticipated. The initial shock gave way to pleasure, and she found herself moaning into Yeji's mouth, her body moving in time with hers.
Yeji took her time, savoring every moment of their union. She had dreamed of this for so long, and now it was happening. She felt Y/n's walls tighten around her, the wetness of her pussy making it easier to slide in and out. The sounds of their bodies slapping together were muffled by the kisses they shared, the room spinning with desire and the scent of their arousal. Yeji's hand found its way to Y/n's clit again, her thumb rubbing it in slow, deliberate circles as she picked up the pace.
"Your'e mine okay? No one else's," Yeji growled possessively, her movements becoming more urgent as she claimed Y/n with every thrust.
"M' yours Ye-ah~ji, always," Y/n moaned, her eyes rolling back in pleasure as Yeji's thumb worked its magic. Yeji's grip on her hip tightened, her strokes growing faster and deeper. Y/n's body responded in kind, her hips rising to meet each thrust, her moans growing louder. The room was a symphony of their passion, the only music the slap of skin and the wet, needy sounds of their lovemaking.
Yeji felt a pressure building within her, a coil of pleasure that threatened to consume her. She didn't know if it was the alcohol or the sheer intensity of the moment, but she had never felt so alive, so connected to another person. She broke the kiss, panting heavily as she watched Y/n's face contort in ecstasy. The sight was too much, and she felt herself on the brink of release.
"I'm gonna come," Yeji warned, her voice hoarse. "Gonna take all my cum, like a good girl."
Y/n nodded, her eyes glazed with lust. Yeji could see the desire in them, the want, the need. It was all she needed to let go. With a final, powerful thrust, Yeji came, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm. Y/n squirted around her, her body pulsing in rhythm with Yeji's release. The two of them lay there, panting and trembling, their hearts racing in unison.
Yeji pulled out, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips as she watched the evidence of their love spill out of Y/n. She collapsed beside her, both of them sweaty and disheveled. They lay in silence for a moment, the only sound their ragged breaths. Then, Y/n spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Yeji… that was amazing" Y/n said, still trying to catch her. breath. Her voice was filled with wonder and a hint of disbelief at the intense intimacy they had just shared. Yeji rolled onto her side, her hand tracing lazy patterns on Y/n's stomach. She felt a warmth spread through her, a warmth that was not just from the alcohol.
"You liked it?" Yeji asked, her voice tinged with hope and insecurity. Y/n nodded, her cheeks still flushed from the exertion. She reached out to cup Yeji's face, pulling her in for a gentle kiss. "I liked it a lot," she murmured, her eyes shining sincerely.
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youngpettyqueen · 6 months
Julian and Keiko headcanons because Keiko gets sidelined so much and deserves the world and I wish we got to see them interact more
when they get stumped on their respective projects, they'll do late night work sessions together and bounce their research off each other to see if the other can help them figure out where the problem is. they'll do this in person when theyre both on the station, but also over call if one of them is away, and after the O'Briens move back to Earth
they edit each other's papers (Keiko marvels at Julian's ability to spell out complex chemical compounds with his eyes closed, and somehow use 'their' instead of 'there') (in his defense he wrote that bit at 4 in the morning after going 2 straight days without sleep) (she threatens to sedate him)
Julian sometimes brings back plants from planets they explore in the Gamma Quadrant and gives them to Keiko. sometimes he does it because the plant has medicinal properties and the two of them can do a joint research project, but most of the time he does it just to give her a nice gift
when Miles goes away for particularly dangerous missions, Julian will keep Keiko company and help keep her mind off of it. sometimes she has trouble sleeping because shes so worried, so he'll hang around and start rambling on about whatever he's currently working on until she falls asleep. he jokes he's boring her to sleep, but it actually means a lot to her
they have a weekly tea date. this is their prime gossip time. sometimes Jadzia is invited
when Keiko's mad at Miles she'll rant to Julian about it. Julian learned very quickly that this is not a time where advice is wanted, so he sits back and lets her get it all off her chest, because she really just wants someone to listen and let her blow off some steam
Julian makes a concentrated effort to learn more about plant husbandry and care after the incident where he accidentally killed some of Keiko's prized plants because he actually does feel very bad about it
Julian hovered over Keiko nearly as bad as Miles did when she was pregnant with Kirayoshi (and then he hovered over her even more after the pregnancy transfer, and he wouldnt tell anybody why, but Keiko knew it was because nearly losing her shook him up pretty bad)
when Julian gets outed for being augmented, Keiko goes to him and gives him the tightest, warmest hug he's ever gotten in his entire life
Julian gets invited to girls nights with Keiko and Molly (steady surgeon's hands make him the best one to paint nails) (he pretends to complain but he loves it)
anytime Julian has to go away for a scientific conference of any kind, if he gets to bring someone with him, his first choice is always Keiko
in short: theyre besties they told me so themselves <3
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
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Y/n applying lotion on his torso..!
It would be last minute..and he would run to her and be like
‘Be quick’
Ever since the couple has arrived to their hotel room, YN has been bugging him about applying sunscreen to his torso. Especially now more than ever since he chooses to basically go topless on stage (she'll never complain about that) while playing in an outdoor venue in Barcelona.
The first time she brought it up was in their hotel bathroom. Harry, fresh out of the shower with nothing but a towel hanging low on his hips, was busy untangling the necklaces around his neck when his wife comes into the room. She holds the bottle out to him with a suggestive tone and a raise of her brow.
He stands frozen for a second, eyeing the sunscreen with a contemplative hum before decidedly shaking his head.
"M'good, baby. Thank you."
She narrows her gaze at him, flickering her eyes from the bottle to her husband, before saying, "M'gonna bring it anyways."
YN turns on her heel but before she can fully leave the room, he reaches over and smacks the underside of her bum just to hear her squeak. He chuckles to himself when he sees her hand peek back into the room to show her middle finger at him.
The next time she brings up the sunscreen, is when he's doing a sound check later that day.
She watches from the sidelines, perched on top of an equipment box as she sits in on Harry and the Love Band rehearse before the show tonight. The yellow sunnies sitting on her face help block some of the glare from the bruiting sun reflecting from the massive stage. Everyone has the same idea along with shorts and some type of short sleeve top for their attire.
As much as YN loves to watch Harry in a white tank top, black Ray Bands, and a clip securing his curls on the top of his head, she wants nothing more than to sooth his tan skin with a protective layer of SPF.
While Harry talks some things over with Pauli and the horns ensemble, YN perks up when Sarah waves her over.
Harry's eyes flick over to his wife up on the platform with his drummer, helping apply lotion to the top of Sarah's back before going back to his conversation.
Soon enough, YN's offering sunscreen help to the rest of the band like a mom at a soccer game. Even Mitch rubs some over his arms while YN dollops a blob on his nose. Everyone happily accepts her offer...well, almost everyone.
When the band rehearses Grapejuice, Harry waltz up to where his wife sits as he sings, "There's never been someone else so perfect for me."
When she waggles the bottle in his face, he gives her a cheeky smile, playfully grabbing and tossing the bottle to the side. Before she can even get one word out in protest, he tugs her off her seat and pulls her in close as he sings.
She tries to pull away as he brings them to the middle of the stage, but his grip on her is strong.
His high notes go wobbly as he giggles, watching as YN gives up her efforts to escape. Eventually, she succumbs to his swaying and lopsided smile and slow dances with her husband for the rest of the song.
The last time she brings up the sunscreen is in his dressing room. And this time around, she doesn't ask.
Harry is already dressed for the stage and was busy tying his shoe laces when his wife's heels come into view. Not even a second later, so does that damn sunscreen bottle.
"Put it on."
"M'fine. I don't need it." Harry tries to reason. "It's gonna be night time when I'm performing out there anyways."
He holds back the temptation to smile at her stubborn look but he knows that'll only make her frustrated. But given that the cute pinch in her brow is already there, he guesses there's no point in trying to hide his smirk.
Plus, it's really hard to not already have a pleased expression at the sight of her in a silk blue dress that was only waiting to be taken off of her body by the end of the night.
"I don't care. Put on the fookin' lotion."
"Your chest has been red since the last show."
"You look beautiful."
"You're getting sunburned!"
"No m'not."
Before he can get another out, YN presses the pad of her index finger into the a spot by the one of the shallows tattooed on his chest and he hisses at the sting from his inflamed skin. He bats her hand away and notices how the yellow imprint from her finger slowly fades back to red. Despite the clear indication that she's right, he still doesn't say anything.
Even married, he can't let go of his pride to being wrong to his love. He's denied her of her help all day that it would only embarrass him and make him look bad if he gives in now.
Knowing this herself, YN tucks her lips in with a shrug. She places the bottle on the vanity and decides to leave the matter alone. She tried, and if he needs to have aloe vera be applied to his skin when it begins to peel, well, he could do that himself.
Despite how frustrated, irritated or upset the two might be at each other before a show, they're never ones of break their traditional pre-show ritual.
She cups his face and presses a short kiss to her husband's lips.
"Have fun out there. You're gonna do great. I love you."
His mouth opens to say something, anything, as she turns to walk out the room, but no words come out. Instead, he's left to finish getting ready with the icky feeling of guilt settling in and that damn bottle staring back at him.
Before the show starts, YN and her manager, Jenny, walk backstage to get to their designated spot in the pit for family and friends. She turns her head to the sound of feet hitting the pavement and a call of her name.
She furrows her brows when she sees Jeff and her husband running up to her, his cropped blue vest in hand instead of on his torso.
"What's wrong? Everything alright?" YN's voice is laced with concern given that he's supposed to be moments away from being on stage.
"Be quick." He pants out of breath. She's confused for a moment at what he could possibly mean. It's when she looks at what he's shoved in her hand that it finally clicks. She's quickly popping the cap off the bottle and squirting some lotion in the palm of her hand. After handing the sunscreen to her manager, she rubs her hands together before lathering up his torso, his abs, his chest--anywhere she can cover.
"Aw did you have to put on a little sunny-screen because your mummy told you to?" Jeff teases in a baby voice before breaking out in a laugh, only to receive a slap on the arm from Jenny.
YN doesn't even hit him back with a witty comment. Too smug, smiley and occupied with smoothing the lotion over her husband's broad shoulders and down his arms to care. So much so, that she doesn't even notice when Lloyd takes a few quick pictures of the couple before running off to take his place on stage.
She rubs the remaining bits of lotion over the apples of his cheeks, his t-zone, and his nose before taking hold of his face to plant a sweet kiss on his lips.
"Okay, yeh all set."
He shakes his head at the smugness written all over her beautiful features. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone how he always folds for her in the end, no matter how strong headed both of them are.
"You're lucky I love you."
"Please, you're the lucky one."
"Damn right I am," He grins at her giggle as he pulls her back in for another kiss. Too enthroned and stupidly in love with this woman, he doesn't think twice about cupping her cheek with one hand while his arm circles around her waist, deepening what was supposed to be a short and sweet kiss.
"Um, H?" Jeff calls after a moment. "You got a show to do, remember?"
"Mhm, yeah." Harry mumbles out of the corner of his mouth to not completely break the kiss, fully enclosing himself around his wife while her arms go around his neck. "Be there in a sec."
Jenny's back is the the couple, her hands clasped together as she looks up at the ceiling to give them their privacy. She already knows that its best to just let them be than trying to break them apart; for Harry's shows anyway. But when it comes for her singer, she's hustling YN to be on stage, ready to perform, and on time.
Jeff on the other hand is looking down the empty hallway, anxiously looking at the watch on his wrist before scratching at his brow. He spares a glance at the two with a pained expression.
"You Love Birds need to go on a second honeymoon or some something, you horny fucks."
"Way ahead of you, Jeffery."
Harry give a lopsided grin at YN's words, pressing another smearing kiss to her lips. The two weeks they used for their honeymoon back in January was barely enough time for anything before having to go back on their respected world tours. With both of their show numbers decreasing by the week, the married couple plans to go MIA for a very long time: drinking wine at their private villa in Italy, walking along the shore at their getaway beach house in Malibu, tangled under the sheets in their bedroom in France.
From their spot backstage, they can hear the field full of fans begin to scream in excitement as the intro video plays. Desperate, Jeff turns to the wife for some complacency. "Mrs. Styles? Unless you want your husband to be out of a job in the next 60 seconds?"
YN pulls away with a smile, biting her lip as her husband looks down at her like he's one kiss away from canceling the show.
"Think of me when you're out there." She closes her eyes when he bumps their foreheads together, nearly melting when he rubs their noses together; a soft and loving gesture despite the dirty thoughts swimming in his head.
"Always." Harry answers easily, bringing her hand to his lips and presses a kiss to the rock on her finger.
With a new sense of spunk and pump to be on stage, Harry throws a sly wink to his wife before maneuvering around her and walks towards the stage. YN's eyes linger on his back muscles as he lifts his arms in the air, looping them through the arm holes in his cropped vest.
His words are cheeky and light as he says over his shoulder, "You coming, Jeffery?"
SINCE 2010 masterlist
@ashtongivesmebutterflies @cacapeepee @harianaswhore @gxbiqs @mvaldez7821 @yourfavplayboybunny @drewrry @thurhomish @roseke @majasophieanna @lilfreakjez @rach2699 @renatavieira
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mythicmanuscripts · 1 month
I have another preference type idea! While most of the boys don’t act up often (except daemon ofc), what happens on the rare occasion that they misbehave? How are they punished and how do they react? Would be neat to have poly!daemon and Rhaenyra…
Hi hello! Okay so since I pretty much just wrote about punishments with Aegon and also with Aemond and I honestly don't think there'd ever be punishments with Jace (when he makes mistakes it's more about comforting him because he will punish himself enough). So I hope it's alright if I just discuss this with poly!daemon and rhaenyra, because I think that makes the most sense and because I really really want to discuss them more. Please do let me know if you want to discus other aspects of punishments with the others.
Anyway, NSFW poly!daemon and Rhaenyra below!!
It should come as a surprise to absolutely no one that Daemon is a massive brat while Rhaenyra is the goodest good girl to ever good girl. When your relationship with them first starts to get romantic you honestly have no idea how they've managed to stay together. But somehow they both work together so well, and when you join them it's the missing piece.
Having said that, I think that Daemon and Rhaenyra tend to behave differently when it's just you and one of them versus when it's all three of you . Make no mistake, you love them both equally and want to spend as much time as you can with both of them, but it's more than the dynamic is just different when it's just one of them.
In a lot of ways, the worst of Daemon tends to come out when he's alone with you, and this is mostly because he knows that you can handle him and he needs someone to handle him. He'll talk back constantly when it's just the two of you, disobeying you often and rolling his eyes and performing every command with an attitude.
He does this because he knows you will punish him and make sure he behaves. He needs to be taken apart every now and then or else he will become utterly insufferable.
(In fact sometimes Rhaenyra will get so fed up with him being a pain in everyone's side that she'll go spend the night in your old quarters and tell you to go fix Daemon so the entire castle can finally have some peace)
Meanwhile, you never punish Rhaenyra. When it's just the two of you, she tends to just let her guard down and want to be cared for? She has so much pressure on her and it's such a privilege to give her a space where she can finally relax.
Anyway, so no punishment for Rhaenyra meanwhile it sometimes feel like Daemon is in a continuous state of being punished for something or other.
Often you'll start a punishment with him and at some point Rhaenyra will arrive. At first she'd leave when she realises what's going on but now she just walks right in and she doesn't even ask what Daemon did to deserve this, she just chuckles.
Very often she'll come into your shared quarters to find Daemon kneeling facing the wall or kneeling and holding out something heavy or kneeling on the cold floor. You'll motion her over and then the two of you cuddle in bed, laying together and talking like Daemon is not kneeling on the hard floor right next to you and watching you. He doesn't get to come join you until his punishment is finished, and Rhaenyra doesn't even acknowledge him until then.
Oddly enough, he doesn't tend to act up too much when it's the three of you. I think this is mostly because he wants to be useful? He sees you caring for Rhaenyra and he doesn't want to be relegated to the sidelines because he misbehaved and then not be allowed to help you with Rhaenyra.
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goldfades · 5 months
nika muhl x volleyball!fem!reader hcs :))
─ warnings | nothing but fluff!
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
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she is the most supportive girlfriend on the damn court
she will be wearing your jersey ALWAYS, and on special nights she'll even make cute posters
something cute like this one or that one
she takes being a volleyball gf to the next level
she's kinda like that annoying mom on the sidelines, screaming what to do
she means well though babygirl is just competitive
"communication, ladies! come on, i wanna hear you from over here?!"
"where's our defense?!" "there is no defense-" "shut up!"
after games, she is so excited to talk to you and hug you!!!!
she also takes 5,000 pics at each game
whether its you playing or WITH you after the game, yeah her storage is FULL
she reposts your volleyball team every time they post about you cus she's so damn proud to be your girlfriend
she gets really into the game like i said earlier, but she still doesn't really understand it
all she knows is that you have to keep the ball in the air
but she will learn from you and pick up some terms
"good dig, baby!"
it's adorable
however she kinda becomes like your second coach sometimes, she loves giving you little tips
even tho she's never played...
it's cute tho, she never over do's it
when she has a game the same you do, she makes sure to get the recording so she can still give you some tips
she gets mad at your coach every time she benches you
"okay great, awesome. bench your best player"
in some ways, she really is just an volleyball mom
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
Thinking about Lawrence!Reader who ends up pregnant before the first All Valley Tournament.
She lives with her dad and goes to West Valley High School, though she can't say she's all that close to him or likes going to school. More often than not, she's picking her dad up off the floor after he's drunk himself into a stupor and made a mess of their apartment. The only thing she likes about school is it gets her out of the house and she has friends there. She's a nice student, gets the grades she needs to pass, but she otherwise doesn't care. What she really cares about is being on the cheerleading team and being active, even though her dad doesn't think cheerleading is a sport.
She meets Miguel before school starts and they form a friendship, but when her dad opens up Cobra Kai, she isn't interested in joining. She already has cheerleading, she doesn't need anything else. So, she watches from the sidelines. Along the way, she becomes friends with Eli and Demetri. They were already aware of one another before but she really gets to know them now unlike before. Demetri can't believe a cheerleader - pretty and popular - is talking to him while Eli just keeps his head down because Reader is so pretty and he doesn't know how to talk to her.
While Miguel is busy learning karate and her dad is trying to get more students to join, Reader is gearing up for all the football games she has to cheer at. Being on the cheer team means she is also friends with Moon, who is super nice when Yasmine isn't around. They have fun times together practicing their routines and making up new cheers for particular games. They're actually really close but could be closer if Yasmine wasn't in the picture or if she was just nicer.
At the homecoming football game, she is cheering and having a constant flirtatious conversation with a quarterback from her school the whole time. When West Valley wins, everyone is so excited. Moon's supposed to drive her home, but they end up going out with some of the other cheerleaders and football players to celebrate. That quarterback she's been flirting with all night makes a move and they end up in the back of his car. He drives her home and she thinks she's made a love connection when the football player has no intention of calling her after tonight.
A few weeks later, at the Halloween Dance, she's having so much fun with her friends. She's kind of going back and forth between her cheerleader friends and Miguel and his friends but no one really cares. Reader is so free-spirited and friendly that no one questions is. All night, she's trying to get her friends (Eli & Demetri) to dance with girls, trying to hook them up with some cuties. All the while she's forgotten her hookup with the flirty football player because if he didn't see what was right in front of him, it was his loss.
However, halfway through the night, she starts feeling sick and rushes to the ladies restroom to puke up her guts. After a while of being in there, Moon and Yasmine find her and actually help clean her up. Reader passes it off as it must have been something she ate and Yasmine tells her that the school buys cheap snacks for these dances all the time. They go back out to party and have a fun time, Reader thinking Yasmine isn't so bad - she has her good moments at times. She has a great rest of her night until she learns that Miguel got beat up in the locker room.
She blames her dad for not teaching Miguel when and where to pick a fight. They argue over it and she tells him to screw himself because she's known opening up this dojo was a bad idea. It sparks more arguing and she ends up leaving the apartment for the night because she doesn't want to be around him. So where does she go? To her trusty half-brother Robby, of course.
They bad-mouth Johnny all night and smoke weed. They don't hang out as much as they used to when they were kids but Reader and Robby have an okay sibling relationship. She'll go to him whenever she needs to get away from Johnny and he'll call her if he's ever in a jam. They have each other's backs no matter what.
It's while she's staying a few days with Robby that she finds out she's pregnant. She realizes that she missed her period by a little more than a week and finds a pregnancy test in the bathroom, which sparks her fears. She takes it and it comes back positive, scaring the crap out of her. She's a teenager with a deadbeat single dad, a half-brother who hates their dad, and no mother figure to look to for any advice. She doesn't wanna talk to Shannon about it because while she's Robby's mom, she's not all that present; so, she hides the pregnancy as much as possible. She isn't showing yet, so it isn't that difficult but she's not thinking ahead. All she can think about is right now and in the moment, she's scared.
However, keeping the secret is hard. She's constantly tired from cheer practice and going to school. Her cheer coach sees it and gives her a talking to because they have a competition coming up. She promises to be better and Moon offers to help her relax, but it isn't going to help. Reader is stressed out of her mind and totally freaking out on the inside. While her and Moon are hanging out, she finally lets it out that she's pregnant and doesn't know what to do. Moon's hippie-dippie lovely mother overhears and comes in to help. She offers to take Reader to the doctor to get everything looked at and she agrees because she's not been to one yet - fearful of the costs and her dad finding out and a whole slew of other things.
Moon's mom and Moon tell Reader that they won't tell anyone, her secret is safe with them, and they offer their home to her as a sanctuary if she ever needs it. Moon knows Reader's life is tough with a dad who's barely paying the bills and keeping the fridge stocked, but she never says anything about it. Reader thinks Moon is probably one of the only great friends she has.
Things are going great for a while; her dad is so preoccupied with teaching karate that he barely notices any changes in his daughter. It's easy to keep the pregnancy a secret, then she learns Robby is working with Mr. LaRusso and that's a bad idea, which she tells him as much. While they're arguing about it, she accidentally lets it slip that she's pregnant and doesn't need the stress of him trying to irk their father on her shoulders. They stop arguing and talk about the more serious issue at hand, Robby wanting to make sure that his sister has everything she needs, but he gets mad when he learns that some jerky football player did this to her and doesn't want her. He cools down a bit when she tells him she doesn't want anything to do with that guy but he's still peeved about it.
And, of course, as time goes on, she can't hide it anymore. She starts showing after a while and people start teasing her. She ignores them, she's got thick skin so she can, and goes about her days. She's just trying to make it through school, which is a lot harder without cheerleading since she had to quit the team. The only thing she has at school are her friends, but they quickly become absorbed in the karate bubble and all she's left with is Moon and Yasmine - which isn't a bad thing but she misses her guy friends.
Moon is so happy about the baby while Yasmine is kind of squeamish about the whole pregnancy. It definitely weirds her out when the baby starts to move and she can see or feel it. She's like "That's so fucking creepy" and Moon is like "It's so beautiful, what are you talking about?" Their dynamics with Reader are so wholesome, surprisingly so since she and Yasmine are weirdly friends now. They dropped Sam and took up Reader as their third. Yasmine won't admit that they're friends for a while but she's definitely protective over Reader.
When Johnny finds out, like actually fucking sees his daughter showing because she can't wear baggy ass clothes anymore, he's livid. Like Robby, he wants to punch the guy that "did this to her" and teach him a lesson, but it devolves into another argument because he's just now realizing all of this and he hasn't been paying attention to her. He starts going on about how she's supposed to be more responsible than him and she starts crying because no, she isn't, he's the adult, the parent, the one who should have been there for her when this all started. instead, her friend's mom is the one paying for her doctor's appointments and buying her maternity clothes and helping her figure out how to be a mom. It's bullshit and she ends up packing her things and leaving.
On the way out. Miguel catches her and asks her if everything is okay. She yells at him that no, everything isn't okay. She's pregnant, her dad sucks, and he along with all their other friends have seemingly forgotten she exists. He feels bad and wants to make it up to her, but she tells him to save his apologizes for someone who actually gives a fuck. At about that time, Moon pulls up to take her back to her place and she leaves.
With Moon, she's able to relax more and have fun. They're still teenagers after all and that's all they want to do is have fun. So when they are planning Yasmine's birthday party, they're just thinking of themselves and having a nice time together as friends. Kyler and Brucks are around and that's whatever, she can ignore them. They, however, cannot ignore how big she is. Brucks touches her belly without asking while riding in the car and she almost breaks his hand (just because she didn't join her dad's dojo doesn't mean he never taught her how to defend herself) and Kyler keeps away from her after that display.
And when they get to the canyon for the party and see all those people already there, Yasmine is so upset and worried that her party is ruined. Moon and Reader assure her that just because they're all "nerds" doesn't mean it can't be a fun party. Only for Kyler and Brucks to leave them with a beer cooler and one blanket because Miguel scared them off. Moon and Yasmine help Reader down to the party and they end up having fun, at least Moon and Reader do.
Reader is mostly sitting on a log near the bonfire because her feet and back hurt, but she's having fun. Someone is always bringing her a fresh soda so she doesn't have to get up and it's nice of them. Then Hawk sits beside her and he's brought snacks to share with her. They talk for a while, catching up since they haven't hung out in a while, but before she knows it, he's holding her face and leaning in for a kiss.
She stops him and asks, "Are you sure? I mean... about me?"
"I've had the biggest crush on you for so long, Reader," he tells her. "I'm sure."
And they kiss and it's sweet, soon to turn a little hotter when they start making out like no tomorrow. He holds her gently, one arm around her waist while his other hand is on the side of her belly. They're having the time of their life just getting, uh, more acquainted than ever before. She feels so special because the last guy she was with only wanted to hook up with her and, after getting pregnant, she thought surely no one else would want her. But with the way he's kissing her and whispering to her how pretty she is and how he doesn't care that she's pregnant, she can tell that Hawk means it. After all, he was this really sweet, cute guy before the mohawk. Why wouldn't he mean what he says?
They're hanging out the rest of the night when Sam and Robby show up. Reader has talked to Robby a few times since telling him she was pregnant, but she had no idea that he was friends with Sam, aka Miguel's girlfriend. It sparks a how jealous rage from Miguel and she feels the need to go stop him before he does something stupid. Because even though he hurt her feelings, she knows he's a good guy. Well, only for him to try hitting her brother and she tries to get in the middle of it, which only leads to her getting pushed. But Hawk and Robby are there to catch her before she can fall and the whole thing sobers up Miguel in a second and he's apologizing to her profusely. She gets in his face and plainly says "I hate drunks" before walking away.
Instead of leaving, Robby and Sam go to check on her. She isn't hurt physically and the baby is okay, she just wishes her friends were acting like normal fucking people. Hawk is by her side and she feels like all three of them are fussing over her. She finally just tells them that she wants to go home, so where's Moon?
Moon and Yasmine are dancing together somewhere in the crowd but when they hear about what happened, they are immediately going to Reader's side. She's almost in tears and they decide it's time to go. Robby wants to go with them and Sam is unsure of what to do, so she leaves to. Hawk wipes away Reader's tears and tells her goodnight before she gets in the car to leave, promising to call her later since he's one of the people who started the party, he feels like he has to stay until it's over. He feels bad for not leaving with her but she tells him it's okay but that he better keep his promise.
When he does finally get home, he calls her but thinks she'll be asleep. She's awake, eating cake and ice cream with Moon and Yasmine. They talk for hours until he has to go to sleep because the tournament is tomorrow. She tells him she'll be there even though her dad is gonna be there and he tells her that he'll win the whole thing for her.
She has no idea of Robby's plans to be there or even compete. Or how that might cause more problems than she ever imagined...
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Hi there! So i hope you dont mind me requesting the BB league elite four members + Kieran with a disabled reader who used to be a former BB league elite four member themself (Romantic for Drayton and platonic for the others)
So basically, the reader used to be the fifth ranked member of BB league elite four but after Kieran became the BB league champion, they lost their rank to Crispin and now is the sixth ranked member. Though, they dont have any hard feelings and still see the elite four members as their friends
the reader had an accident when they were younger and now uses a wheelchair to move around. They have a gardevoir who they raised since she was a ralts and now helps her trainer with stuff (so maybe there’s something the reader needs but it’s on the top shelf, Gardevoir will then just use psychic and bring it down for them or maybe the reader wanted to try walking with a cane, if the reader fall, Gardevoir will catch them with psychic) and a Hisuian Braviary to help them get to places in the terrarium (if some hisuian pokemon still exist in this generation, who’s to say that Hisuian Braviary still exist as well)
With permission from the director, Gardevoir was allowed out of her ball to help the reader which then leads to a misconception where people think the reader is a psychic type trainer due to Gardevoir and Hisuian Braviary, when in fact they’re not. They are actually a ghost type trainer but they never bother to clear the misconception bc its funny to see people’s faces when people see their ghost type team.
Hope you have a lovely day/night btw!
- 🪷 anon
Oooh in regards to Hisuian Pokemon, I have a hc that they are extremely rare and got isekai'd to the present via space-time distortion bubbles (like opposite of how Porygon and Johtonian Sneasel were transported to Hisui)
Anyways these hcs sorta took off on their own haha, so they're under the cut!
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Despite being wheelchair-bound for most of your life, that never stopped you from joining the BB Elite Four and becoming the fifth ranked member practically overnight.
Around that time, you and Drayton were dating, and during his champion days, he always tried to make time for you and put his duties on the backburner.
He knows you value your independence and will only help you out with stuff if asked.
But usually it's your two psychic types that assist you. They don't battle much, but rather work as your medical support Pokémon.
Gardevoir, a sweet lass you've raised since she was a Ralts, uses Psychic to retrieve things for you that are just a little out of your reach in the store.
One good days, you could walk around with a cane...but if they turn bad (ie your chronic pain acts up) she'll use Heal Pulse as a temporary remedy.
She also pushes your chair around in case your arms get tired, taking you around to accessible spots.
Director Cyrano gave you permission to let her stay outside her pokeball 24/7 so she can properly work.
You also have a Hisuian Braviary--who literally travelled across time and space to meet you--that flies you around the Terarium, letting you climb on their back while their talons securely hold onto your folded chair.
With those two often out and about, there's a common misconception about you being the Elite Four's psychic specialist...when in reality you have a ghost type team.
Many challengers find that out the hard way when they clear your trial and send their ghosts against you....only for you to reveal your own ghostly duo that hit back twice as hard.
Drayton loves watching your matches from the sidelines and laughs every time he sees their shocked faces.
He even proposed an idea that your team should remain a mystery up until the moment of battle.
All is well until Kieran comes along and dethrones him, which demotes you to the sixth ranking member..while Crispin takes your spot.
It wasn't exactly a position you liked, since it's on the cusp of disqualifying you as an elite member.
But you weren't mad at anybody over this...if anything you had to make sure Drayton didn't get too mad at Kieran.
Eventually, though, he learns that he could spend more time with you and has less responsibilities on his plate (ofc he's still petty, as we all know during Indigo Disk).
Despite his lax personality, he wants to do all he can to support you and defend you from harassment.
This man would definitely find excuses to carry you around.
"Oh why don't cha give your Pokémon a break and let me help you over here?" He suggests and you end up accepting his offer, letting him carry you from your wheelchair to the sofa in the club room...which is literally five feet away.
Still, you let him do what he wants.
Plus getting to cuddle is a nice bonus.
You once knew him as this sweet shy kid who used to be scared of your Hisuian Braviary, always asking if they're gonna hypnotize him.
"No, Kiki..they just help me get around places."
"...a-are you sure? Because they're starin' at me kinda weird.."
"That's how they normally are."
Plus he (like many students) falsely believed you had a psychic team when you're actually the Elite Four's ghost-type specialist.
He admired that "element of surprise" you brought to the table and dreamed of the day he could challenge you himself.
But one trip to his hometown and back later...he's suddenly the Champion, a shell of his former self, who only sees Pokémon as tools for battle.
You wonder what happened to him, although apparently he had a bad falling out with some exchange student and took his angst out on everyone at BBA.
Getting you knocked down to the sixth rank was something he never really apologized for.
Despite that, he didn't tolerate people who talked shit about you, your ranking, your medical condition, or why your Pokémon get to roam more freely than their own.
"At least [y/n] is still out there training their team every day. At least they're turning their hardships into strength. What's your excuse?"
"I-I didn't mean any offense, Kieran! Listen, I'll apologize to them and-"
"Oh, you will...after we have a battle so I can assess your strength. No potions. No moves that boost attack, speed, or defense. If you lose, you resign. You have one hour to prepare."
Sometimes, you're not sure if he's genuinely looking out for you...or if he just wanted an excuse to bully club members around.
While he's aware that Gardevoir and Hisuian Braviary are mainly your medical support 'mons, he still thinks they can always try out battling.
"They could be the ones who help you climb the ranks again [y/n]. Surely you're tired of being in last place, aren't you?"
Yet the advice he believes is helpful is usually unwarranted half the time.
You could just be casually talking to a friend about how your opponent out-sped you and/or used Light Screen/Reflect...
Only for Kieran to barge into the conversation with "well maybe you should've taught Braviary Tailwind/Defog..but I guess you don't have the time for that" or something passive-aggressive that just makes you both uncomfortable.
Your psychic types are honestly annoyed by his new attitude..and you're just disheartened by how he acts around Drayton now.
You and him dating never bothered Kieran before, but now he just glares at your bf 24/7 and scoffs loudly if you're talking about anything except battling.
Despite everything, you knew he was going through something difficult, so you tried not to take his words to heart. You still saw him as a friend.
Someone who was just misguided in his ambitions.
After his humbling defeat and adventure into Area Zero, he comes back with extreme guilt, with you being the first elite member he apologizes to.
He especially feels shitty for distracting your psychic types from doing their jobs properly with his constant nagging to battle them.
But you forgive him, thanking him properly for all the times he's stood up for you.
And you do end up taking some of his unsolicited advice.
You invite him to a friendly double-battle when he returns from break and brought out Braviary and Gardevoir, using Tailwind and terastalizing one of them into a ghost type.
It turns out that whenever they're not working, they battle in perfect sync.
In the beginning, this chef boi wondered how your two psychic types help you with your daily life, and you just explain everything as simply as you could to him during a picnic.
"So Gardevoir pushes me around, retrieves stuff I can't reach, and helps me manage my pain. Braviary just flies me around the Terarium....any questions?"
"Just one......do you use Braviary because the taxis here don't accommodate your wheelchair?" He assumes, already starting to fume. "How outrageous! That's not-!"
"Calm down, Crispy..they do. I'm just saying that I'd rather fly with Brave most of the time. It's not only convenient, but more fun for me."
"...o-oh, right. Sorry for getting all fire-up back there.." He gushes.
After learning how hard they work, he absolutely wants to make sure they're fed well everyday! Snacks alone won't sustain them. He knows this for sure.
So he's always cooking them up something, often wanting their opinion on the meals and sandwiches: are they too spicy or not spicy enough?
The same goes for your ghost types, too (especially if you have a Chandelure, Ceruledge, and/or Skeledirge on your team).
But after Kieran becomes the new champion and Crispin takes your rung on the League's ladder..he feels really awful and constantly apologizes for pretty much replacing you.
He should feel good about climbing closer to the top, but he doesn't, as he cried over the possibility of you hating him forever or resigning from the club because of him.
When you confronted him, he tried blaming the onions.
But your Gardevoir--one of the most emotionally-intuitive Pokémon out there--saw through his lie, and you had to reassure him he was still your friend.
You kept telling him you weren't mad....until you almost got mad fr because he wouldn't stop asking if you were 100% sure of that.
To prove it you, your psychic pokemon, and your ghost team all split one of the spiciest sandwiches he's ever made.
By the time it was finished, you were convinced you just learned the move Flamethrower.
Yet seeing that bright smile return to Crispin's face made it worth the agony.
She loves hearing that you have a Gardevoir (or just cute ghost Pokémon in general).
If you have a Mimikyuu on your team, that's a plus in her book.
But regardless, she's the first to give you a warm welcome into the Elite Four, explaining the criteria and tests you had to pass in order to be accepted as a member.
Yet even outside of battle, she quickly discovers that your ghosts are still mischievous at best--always playing pranks on her fairies with moves like Phantom Force, Shadow Sneak, Astonish, and Poltergeist.
Ofc they never mean any harm, but when she hears Whimsicott squeal in fright, she's quick to come to its rescue and scold the perpetrator.
If you have a Gengar, it just laughs and mocks them both until it hears you roll up like "that wasn't very nice, y'know...apologize to Lacey and Whimsicott right now, please".
Even if it's a little defiant, a glare from Gardevoir or Hisuian Braviary is enough to make it relent and apologize.
Speaking of whom, seeing an ancient variant of Braviary did frighten Lacey upon first meeting them (especially with their hypnotic-looking faux flaming "eyes").
But over time she grows to like them, seeing how obedient and gentle they are with helping you get you around the Terarium.
If you have any decal on your chair, she'll suggest adding a few more things to make it "cuter". Like stickers of fairy types or a soft pillow for your back.
When you get demoted to the sixth rank in the League, she bought you those exact things to cheer you up, feeling bad that things turned out the way they did
But you expressed zero grudges towards anyone and appreciated her kindness.
Her Granbull always offers his tummy to you should you wanna rest somewhere--even though this makes Braviary a little jealous bc they're supposed to be your favorite resting spot.
Their rivalry is amusing, but Gardevoir often has to come to her fellow psychic type's rescue.
Meanwhile you're just sitting back and snickering at their banter, while poor Lacey begs you not to encourage this behavior.
When you both first met, you found her personality rather off-putting, assuming she was doubting your capabilities of being an Elite Four Member despite passing all the tests.
She never seemed happy for you, her face always blank.
Growing up, a lot of people have pitied you, given you odd stares, or thought you would've given up being a Pokémon trainer...and some even asked outright insensitive questions about what happened to you--and seeing how Amarys acted kinda brought some of those ugly memories back to the forefront.
But once she realizes this, she apologizes straightaway for giving you such a bad impression, clarifying that she fully believes in your battling abilities.
Since then, you've formed a better friendship with her.
She asks you respectful questions about your wheelchair (ie if it's made from any strong alloys, how well it gets you around the Terarium's biomes, etc.) and how Gardevoir and Hisuian Braviary aid you in your daily life and listens well.
Learning that you actually battle with ghost types despite the misconception circulating around the school wasn't too surprising.
If anything, Amarys believes that was quite strategic on your part.
It's no wonder you have a lot of victories under your belt.
Even after getting demoted to the sixth rank, she's impressed you're still able to bounce back from such defeat..and that you didn't hold it against Kieran or anybody.
She believes he could learn a lesson or two from you and not take his loss against Florian/Juliana so hard...but knows that's not her place to speak.
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adiraargent · 9 months
Hiya! Can I request Aomine watching his gfs basketball game and she goes for a rebound and got it but the other team reaches over her head grabbing the ball and slamming her to the ground? How would He react and stuff?
Hot Chocolate - Daiki Aomine
wc: 2.6k warnings: fluff, established relationship, protective Aomine Summary: you're doing your best to win your basketball game but one girl really seems to have it out for you.
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Daiki Aomine stood at the sidelines, his eyes fixed on the basketball court, where his girlfriend was showcasing her skills. It was an unspoken thing between the two of you where you would both watch all of each other's games (unless something really important came up).
The gymnasium hummed with the excitement of the game, the fervor of the players palpable in the air. It was the fourth quarter and the scores were pretty close but the other team was in the lead by 2 points.
You were relentless on the court, your determination evident in every move you made and Daiki could see it. Aomine watched you with a mix of pride and admiration, impressed by your agility and skill. He knew you were great at basketball, but you never failed to amaze him, there was just something about the way that you moved. Elegance.
You moved with grace, anticipation in your eyes as you chased after the rebound. The ball sailed through the air, and you sprang into action, leaping with impressive athleticism to grab the rebound. For a moment, it seemed like you had secured it, but in a split second, an opponent stretched over you, snatching the ball away.
The collision was sudden, jarring. A gasp rippled through the spectators as you hit the ground with a thud, your body skidding slightly from the impact. You grimaced at the impact, multiple parts of your body searing in pain. You looked up at the girl, thinking that maybe she would apologise, but she just looked down at you with a small smirk before jogging off.
Aomine's heart skipped a beat, his eyes widening in concern as he saw you sprawled on the floor. He clenched his fists, he was about to jump the sideline and go give the girl a piece of his mind but was stopped by Kise.
"Hey Aomine-chi, she'll be fine, she can take care of herself. Besides, you cant exactly go storm up to a girl and start yelling at her," Kise told his idol, hoping that he would understand.
Aomine scoffed, "i can if she pushed my girl to the ground," he snapped and went to go again but was stopped once more by Kise
"You know she wouldnt want you too," Kise said, and Aomine knew he was right, he was just so angry though. He watched, his gaze never leaving you, a mix of worry and anger simmering beneath the surface.
You lay there for a moment, wincing in pain, but determination burned in your eyes. You pushed yourself up, refusing to let the fall shake you. Aomine's heart swelled with pride at your resilience, the way you refused to let the setback break your spirit.
There was just something so hot about how determined you were.
Your eyes met from across the court, and in that silent exchange, Aomine conveyed his concern and support. His gaze was intense, a silent promise that he was there for you, that he believed in your strength and resilience.
That instantly made you feel ten times better.
With a nod, you signalled to your teammates that you were alright, ready to continue. Aomine felt a surge of admiration for you as you brushed off the fall and got back into the game. He knew you were a fighter, determined and unyielding.
The game resumed, and Aomine remained rooted at the sidelines, his eyes solely on you. He watched your movements, the way you sprinted, defended, and attacked, a small grin on his handsome face as he watched you.
As the clock ticked away and the game reached its peak, Aomine's pride for you swelled. He watched you shoot yet another 3 pointer, a wide grin crossing over your face as you did a small little dance, happy that you were now in the lead and in that moment, Aomine knew he would always be there, silently cheering you on, ready to offer his unwavering support whenever you needed it.
Aomine's heart raced as he continued to watch you on the court. Despite the fall from before, you moved with determination, your focus undeterred. He clenched his fists, feeling a mixture of worry and admiration for your resilience.
You were in your element, dribbling the ball down the court with finesse. Your movements were calculated, your eyes scanning the court for an opportunity. You darted past opponents, your agility a testament to your skill and dedication.
As you went for a layup, Aomine held his breath, his eyes fixated on your every move. The opponents closed in, attempting to block your shot, but you maneuvered with precision, your focus unwavering.
Almost there
The ball left your fingertips, soaring through the air toward the hoop. Aomine's heart leaped with anticipation, the suspense palpable. The ball hit the backboard, teetering on the rim for a split second before finally dropping through the net.
Thank god. This is what you loved... that feeling of getting the ball in the net, this is why you played the game.
The crowd erupted into cheers, but Aomine's attention remained solely on you. You flashed him a happy smile, a glint of satisfaction in your eyes as you hustled back on defence.
Aomine felt a surge of pride and excitement as he watched you play. The game continued at a feverish pace, each possession crucial. You dove for loose balls, defended fiercely, and orchestrated plays with finesse.
Minutes turned into seconds as the game drew to a close. The score was neck and neck, the tension in the gymnasium palpable. Aomine's heart pounded in rhythm with the seconds ticking away on the clock.
You were everywhere on the court, hustling and giving it your all. You made a crucial steal, sprinting down the court with determination. With a swift move, you drove to the basket, drawing a foul from your opponent as they hit you while trying to get the ball.
The referee's whistle blew, signaling free throws for you. Aomine's eyes widened in anticipation. This was a pivotal moment in the game, and he knew you had nerves of steel, but even he was getting slightly nervous, though he had full confidence in your abilities.
You stepped up to the free-throw line, the weight of the game resting on your shoulders. The gymnasium fell silent as you dribbled the ball, your focus unwavering. You took a deep breath, then released the shot with precision.
The ball sailed through the air, the sound of the swoosh filling the gymnasium. Aomine's heart soared with pride as the crowd erupted into cheers. You had sunk both shots, putting their team in the lead.
Aomine's eyes never left you, his heart bursting with admiration.
The game's intensity soared as the clock dwindled down to its final moments. Aomine's focus remained steadfast on you, who hustled back on defense, your determination unwavering despite the physical altercation earlier.
Suddenly, a scuffle erupted near the basket. A player from the opposing team, the same one who had collided with you earlier, made a reckless play, shoving you in an attempt to gain possession of the ball. You stumbled back, your footing faltering as you tried to regain balance.
Aomine's eyes blazed with fury at the sight. His fists clenched, and his muscles tensed with an anger he struggled to contain. The referee blew the whistle, calling a foul on the opposing player, but Aomine's focus remained on you, concern etched into every fiber of his being.
You staggered for a moment but steadied yourself, refusing to let the fall hinder you. Aomine's heart pounded with a mix of worry and rage, his protective instincts on high alert.
The opposing player's actions were reckless and unnecessary, and Aomine's blood boiled with anger. He knew you could handle yourself, but the thought of anyone laying a hand on you, especially on purpose, infuriated him beyond measure.
From the sidelines, Aomine's gaze burned with intensity. He locked eyes with you, silently conveying his concern and his unspoken promise to make sure the offender would face the consequences.
You caught his gaze. You nodded subtly, acknowledging his support, and then turned your focus back to the game.
Aomine's fists remained clenched, his gaze fixed on the court. The game continued, each possession escalating the tension. He watched as you sprinted up and down the court.
The final buzzer echoed through the gymnasium, signaling the end of the game. Your team emerged victorious, but Aomine's mind was clouded with a singular thought—the player who had roughed you up needed to be dealt with.
As the teams shook hands, Aomine's eyes bore into the player in question, a simmering anger beneath his controlled demeanor. He held back, letting you handle the situation, but his glare spoke volumes, a silent warning of the consequences should such reckless behavior repeat.
You approached him, a happy look in your eyes. "I'm okay, Daiki. Don't worry," she assured him, sensing his anger.
Aomine's expression softened slightly at your words, but the anger still simmered beneath the surface. "I know you are, but that was uncalled for," he replied in a firm tone, his protectiveness evident in his voice.
"Ill be back, gotta go talk to the coach," you place a quick kiss on his lips and then run back to your team
He kept a watchful eye on the player who had caused the collision, his jaw clenched, a silent promise lingering in his intense gaze. He wouldn't let anyone hurt you without facing the consequences, and that player was going to learn it the hard way.
Aomine kept a watchful eye on you, observing your interactions with your teammates and opponents. His protective instincts were still on high alert, his gaze occasionally flickering towards the player who had caused the collision.
As you made your way off the court, Aomine approached you, his concern evident in his eyes. "Are you really okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.
You smiled, though there was a hint of fatigue in your eyes. "I'm fine, Daiki. It's nothing I can't handle," you reassured him, placing a hand on his arm. You knew his protectiveness was a sign of his care and concern for you.
"Thanks you two for coming," you gave Kise a small smile before wrapping your arm around Aomine's waist and pulling yourself against his side.
Aomine exhaled, trying to ease the tension coiling within him. He glanced once more at the player, who was surrounded by teammates and coaches. His expression hardened, his protectiveness still burning within him.
As the player conversed with their team, Aomine's gaze bore into them, a silent warning simmering in his intense stare. He remained at your side, his arm instinctively drawing you closer in a protective gesture.
You glanced up at Aomine, catching the fiery intensity in his eyes. Sensing his silent promise, you gently squeezed his hand, silently conveying your appreciation for his concern and protection.
Your teammate called out to you, "y/n! you gotta come back, we're doing the end formalities!'
"I'll be back in a sec. Gotta go say thank you for the game and stuff," you sigh, leaned in, pressing a quick, reassuring kiss on his lips before darting back toward your team.
Aomine watched you go, his eyes tracking your every move, ensuring you were safe even in the midst of the post-game interactions. His jaw clenched, a subtle sign of his unease with the situation.
You navigated through the crowd of players and officials, your mind focused on expressing gratitude for the game. Yet, you couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort caused by the player's earlier actions.
Approaching the opposing team's area, you maintained a composed demeanor, nodding politely as you exchanged words of appreciation with the coach and some of the players. However, your gaze lingered on the player who had caused the collision, a mixture of emotions swirling within you.
You offered a polite yet cool thank-you to the player, masking the underlying tension you felt. Their response was casual, almost dismissive, which only added to the unease simmering in the back of your mind.
As you turned to walk away, a voice cut through the air, "Hey, y/n, wait up a sec."
You halted, glancing back to see the player approaching you. Your guard went up instinctively, but you maintained a composed exterior.
"I just wanted to say, sorry about the collision back there. It's part of the game, you know?" the player shrugged, their tone lacking genuine remorse.
Your jaw tightened, but you managed a tight-lipped smile, masking the flicker of frustration. "Yeah, it happens. No hard feelings," you replied diplomatically, not wanting to escalate the situation.
Turning on your heel, you swiftly made your way back to where Aomine stood, his eyes locked on you. You could sense his tension, his protective instincts flaring up in response to the encounter.
Aomine met you halfway, concern etched in his features. "Everything alright?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of worry and restrained anger.
You nodded, trying to dispel the tension. "Just some post-game formalities. Let's get out of here," you suggested, taking his hand and leading the way, eager to put the unsettling encounter behind you.
Aomine followed, his protective instincts still on high alert as he kept a watchful eye on your surroundings. You moved closer to him, seeking comfort in his presence, grateful for his silent support. Together, you walked away, leaving the gymnasium behind and focusing on the comfort of each other's company.
As you walked away from the gymnasium, the weight of the unsettling encounter slowly faded, replaced by the comforting feeling of Aomine's hand in yours. His protective stance eased, but he maintained a watchful eye, ensuring your safety as you made your way out.
The cool evening air greeted you outside, a welcome contrast to the intensity of the game. Aomine glanced down at you, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he noticed you shivering slightly.
"Here," he said softly, slipping off his jacket and draping it over your shoulders, his touch warm against your skin.
You looked up at him, a faint blush dusting your cheeks at the gesture. "You'll be cold," you protested softly, though you couldn't deny the comfort of his jacket.
Aomine chuckled, the sound warm and reassuring. "I'll survive. Just take it," he insisted, adjusting the jacket around you with a gentle tug.
You relented, allowing the jacket to envelop you in its warmth, feeling a sense of coziness that had nothing to do with the fabric itself. The scent of his cologne lingered, a comforting reminder of his presence.
As you walked side by side, the quietude of the evening setting in, Aomine spoke up. "You handled that well back there. But if that chick steps out of line again, I won't hold back," he said, his voice carrying a protective undertone.
You glanced at him, touched by his protectiveness. "I know. But let's not dwell on that. I'd rather focus on having you here," you said, a soft smile playing on your lips.
Aomine's gaze softened, a fondness in his eyes. "Yeah, I'd rather focus on that too," he admitted, his tone warmer.
The two of you continued your stroll, the tension from earlier dissipating with each step.
As you reached a nearby park, the familiar sight of twinkling lights from the nearby cafe caught your eye. Aomine followed your gaze, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.
"Hot chocolate?" he suggested, a playful grin forming on his lips.
Your eyes lit up, a smile spreading across your face. "Yes, please!" you replied eagerly, the thought of warm drinks on a chilly evening appealing to both your senses and your heart.
Hand in hand, you made your way to the cozy cafe, the chilly evening forgotten in the warmth of each other's company. The promise of a comforting drink and shared moments ahead filled you both with a sense of contentment, strengthening the bond that was as warm and comforting as the hot chocolate awaiting you.
Written by adiraargent Do not copy, steal or repost on other platforms Requests open
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forthegothicheroine · 8 months
Henchwomen Through the Ages
The "ages" of comics are not hard and fast things, and even comic book historians argue where they begin and end. They're more like moods than time periods, and your standard game of Henchwoman RPG will probably be set in a vague time period that could be anywhere from the thirties to today with an overall Silver Age mood. Still, let's take a look at how the roll of the Henchwoman has evolved, shall we?
Goldie is a gun-toting, cigar-chomping bank robber in victory rolls and a bullet bra. She's not called a henchwoman- she's called "Look out, that broad has a grenade!" She's loyal to the boss despite his dumb penny gimmick, but if he ever finked on her in court, he wouldn't live to see the sunrise. There's no Henchwomen's Union for her to join yet, but she's provided muscle for plenty of mob-backed unions. Goldie can't afford to be soft on heroes since they'd be just as happy to throw her off a roof as to arrest her, but she might be wooed by an appeal to patriotism- she ain't no Nazi rat! Her hobbies include matinee shows, swing dancing, and blasting coppers.
Sylvia is a competitive surfer and was a cocktail waitress until they fired her for slapping too many customers. Thanks to the newly formed Henchwomen's Union, she's treated much better by her current job, which usually involves crashing parties to steal themed jewelry. She and the heroes she fights have an understanding- they'll never be rough with her, and she won't check up on them after putting them in a death trap to see if they've died. On her off hours, she can go dancing in the same outfit she worked in- a silver jumpsuit, gogo boots and a purely decorative motorcycle helmet.
Brawny is a member of the Sisterhood of Wicked Witches, and she fights for a cause- or rather, several causes. These range from the reasonable (Save the whales!) to the less reasonable (A free ray gun for every child!) The Henchwomen's Union is strong enough to get her good pay, so many of her problems are philosophical- is she a good guy or a bad guy, and what do good and bad even mean? Brawny has to be a bit more careful than she would have been ten years ago, since death may well stick- but that also means she might really kill a hero, at least for a while, and that's what matters!
Tenebra prefers to be called a Dark Muse, a member of a vampire circle dedicated to bringing art to life, painted in colors of blood. Her eyeliner is swirly and her gowns are velvet, and she wears them onstage in her sideline darkwave band. Tenebra arranges her crimes in accordance with pre-raphaelite imagery, with victims displayed in heartbreakingly beautiful and mythologically-influenced poses. Her boss may technically be the Queen of the Vampires, and she may have a card with the Henchwomen's Union, but her true loyalty is to art itself.
Ferra is a mercenary with a separate pouch for each type of bullet, and she has a lot of types of bullet. Her stilettos are tall but her hair is taller, and she can strike intimidating poses that would break a normal person's back. The Henchwomen's Union had its own back broken by the bosses, and is now more of informal underground thing, but it still hooks her up with real deal bad guys. She'll kill without a second thought for her boss, but she's only one bad day away from turning her gun on him. It might even happen accidentally, since he and the heroes dress exactly the same. Ferra somehow has a heavy metal soundtrack even when there's no music playing.
Ally got a degree in psychology but until she can afford grad school, she gigs as a henchwoman. Her bosses are sillicon valley dickheads, but the first one to offer her real benefits will have her loyalty for life. Thanks to the resurgence of the Henchwomen's Union, Ally gets to wear big stompy boots instead of high heels, but she still has to wear a big day-glo logo on her leather jacket that might as well be a target sign. Her hobbies include pop culture conventions, smoking weed and credit card fraud.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 4 months
Riordanverse Characters As EPIC Lyrics
"I no longer dream, only nightmares of those who've died" is Clarisse after manhattan
"Whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart" is Silena in general
"No matter the place, we can light up the world" is Lee and Luke, when they're dreaming of college right before Luke betrays them
"Time... I've unlocked it, I see past and future running free" is Rachel before manhattan, she sees all sorts of visions and doesn't know what's going on, just knows that it isn't happening now
"There is a world where I help you get home, but that's not a world I know" is Leo to Jason. If only he'd made it back just a bit sooner-- maybe jason wouldn't be dead
"A man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you" is drew returning to camp after manhattan, and at the start of this war she was happy and bright, and now she's unrecognizable.
"I'm the only one who's line I haven't crossed"
"What if I'm the one who killed you, every time I caved to guilt"
"What if I've been far to kind to foes but a monster to ourselves"
"Learn to be colder when she got older, and now she saves them the pain" Drew refusing to let aphrodite kids fight. if people don't remember they CAN fight, they won't make them fight. if they're kept out of the worst of the battles... well. drew will have protected them in the way she can.
"Does he throw away his remorse and save more lives with guile"
"Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" that's a general drew and malcolm idea that connor is opposed to but can't get through to them on
"i must become the monster, and then we'll make it home" percy in house of hades (especially with ahklys)
"I have something that I must confess, something that I must get off my chest, until it is said I cannot rest" silena, trying to tell clarisse she's the spy, before she resorts to the drastic pulling a patroclus
"No, i'm not a player, I'm a puppeteer" Drew Tanaka in general. like she won't fight. she'll watch from the sidelines, manipulate people into doing things, but she doesn't want to get her hands dirty again.
"Of course I'd like to leave now, of course I'd like to run, but I can hardly sleep now, knowing everything we've done" Connor, refusing to run away with Malcolm and Drew the night before a big battle (you choose if it's manhattan, the BOO, or a trials of apollo battle)
"Wouldn't you like a taste of the power, wouldn't you like to use more than words?" some new camper trying to convince drew to fight (and then promptly getting stabbed, because drew CAN fight, she just prefers charmspeak)
"I've got people to protect... so I'm not taking chances" silena on why she chose to join luke. like yeah she was groomed but she also honestly thought it would protect those closest to her.
"i still believe in goodness, I still believe that we could be kind" connor, trying to reason with malcolm, drew, or clarisse in war counsel (about the romans specifically)
"you are reckless, sentimental at best" ares to clarisse about her fighting in manhattan (her loved ones' deaths were the things motivating her and she told kronos to fight her so)
"I know what I'm fighting for, while you're fighting to be known" malcolm to annabeth in an argument early on.
"what good would killing do, when mercy is a skill, more of this world could learn to use?" connor again, probably about the romans.
"the blood we shed, it never dries, is this what it means to be a warrior" sherman praying to his father, (he was so paralyzed by guilt after the battle of manhattan he would have nightmares about being covered in blood again and just throw up), (this is when he loses faith)
"this life is amazing when you greet it with open arms, whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart"
"i'd like to show my friend that kindness is brave" silena about clarisse
"Have you forgotten to turn off your heart?" clarisse to silena
bolded are chb in general
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dullgecko · 1 month
Maybe a bit of a sad one but does this count as a headcanon?? might put this on my d20 sideblog
Fabian acts like the only reason he hates the idea of a baby sibling is because of Gilear, but really it’s because of Hallariel. He loves his mama so much -he really does- but she was also uninvolved and drunk throughout almost all of his childhood. So he - he’s not scared exactly, but this feeling of worry and jealousy just kind of, hangs over him in a way that looks like disdain to everyone else.
He doesn’t want to talk about it, he’s thought about telling Jawbone or Cathilda but everyone around him seems excited. The feeling hangs over his head… over his eye, where his scar is, that serves to remind him of the day his father died, the day his mother woke up. Lived. Changed. After sixteen years. He thinks about when he was born, when she first(?) changed, but for the worse. He wonders if when the baby is born she’ll change again, for the better?
The jealousy spikes. Why couldn’t he have that version of mama, the version that lived for him, not just loved him (and he knows she did love him) drunkenly from the sidelines, who tried for him, who was there for him, to anything for him.
What if she changes for the worse? What about this baby? What if- it’s more of the same? What if she checks out again for good? He will NOT stand for Gilear trying to raise this thing. He doesn’t think— he knows Cathilda would try, she always has, but maybe it’s not fair to her. Could he… try to raise this child? He doesn’t know if he would. Well of course he would if he had to, he’d feel bad for the little creature if he didn’t try, but…
The feeling of doubt sits in Fabian’s chest, shallow and uncomfortable. Worry and jealousy make him ache. He hates the idea of a baby sibling.
He puts on a front about hating the idea of it, but as soon as that baby arrives he's going to love it more than anything else in the world (ive had my sibling for five minutes and if anything happened to them i'd kill everyone in this town then myself).
The fear is probably two-fold, either he's worried that his mum will check out again as soon as the baby is born (leaving Cathilda, himself and gods forbid GILEAR to raise the poor thing even though he does have a proven track record of raising awesome kids) OR she'll be an active sober participant in this kids life.
He's not sure which is worse, the first one would suck because he only JUST got his mother acting like an actual person instead of a tipsy decoration. The second stings so much worse though, because it becomes a question of 'why wasnt I good enough for her to be like that with me'.
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Fred Burkle
1.) She is chronically a damsel in distress in the canon even though she has demonstrated her intelligence and ability to use weapons. The canon consistently takes away her agency over her body and ability to make decisions just to further plot. Why does she die because she gets possessed by a god for no reason </3
2.) ok I promise I'll be more normal about the other ats female characters than about cordy. fred was introduced as a genius physicist who had spent five years stuck in a demon dimension where humans were persecuted, surviving on her own and trying to somehow find a way back home. after being rescued from the demon dimension by the show's main characters, she joins the main cast and starts trying to readjust to the normal world. the setup for her character is really interesting, with her having a lot of trauma from her time in the demon dimension, feeling helpless, and struggling to become comfortable living in the human world again. but I guess because she's a Woman the show instead reduces her to just being at the centre of a love triangle with two of the other main characters, which she has almost no agnecy in and gets stretched out over like two seasons. and then after she breaks up for good with one of the guys and it looks like MAYBE she'll at least be freed from love triangle hell, the show introduces a NEW love interest for her just to keep the love triangle drama going. she basically never gets any focus or to be an active player in the show's plot aside from in a couple of episodes, pretty much being reduced to just a damsel in distress. and as if all that wasn't bad enough, fred's story ends with her being killed by a demon that takes over her body and destroys her from the inside out in a way that isn't Technically a mystical pregnancy but is like. close enough to one and presented close enough to one for it to count. (if you read the cordelia submission and are perhaps thinking to yourself jesus christ did they actually fridge both their main female characters in exactly the same way? Yes. Yes they did.) the demon in fred's body then allegedly becomes a new member of the main cast but the show does pretty much nothing with this character and she doesn't play any important role so it really does just feel like fred died for no reason other than to make her boyfriend sad. This is because fred died for no reason other than to make her boyfriend sad. It fucking sucks but I guess it's not like she got any agency or development when she was alive either
3.) Poor Fred. Amy Acker is a fantastic actress and Fred had the potential to become a truly wonderful character - a brilliant scientist who goes through intense trauma and finds her purpose in helping other people. I have a lot of love for her. Unfortunately she was the victim of a lot of really misogynistic writing. For starters, a lot of her characterisation falls into the ‘quirky weird girl who’s hot but doesn’t realise’ camp which Joss Whedon is fond of. Like other examples of this, her trauma is turned into something quirky which fades away once they get bored of it. Also, she becomes completely sidelined and silenced in a love triangle where the feelings of the man pining over her are given all air time, and her own opinion is never mentioned. Additionally, she’s constantly sidelined in the final season after being made the token girl, and is finally killed off unceremoniously to generate drama and pain for the aforementioned man who was pining over her. And you know what the worst part is? She still gets off more lightly than Cordelia.
Cordelia Chase (CW: Pregnancy)
1.) (downs an entire bottle of vodka and slams it back on the table) SO. CORDY. Cordy started off as a supporting character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. At the start she was your typical high school mean girl character, but as the show went on we got to see more depth to her character: her insecurities, her courage, her capacity for incredible acts of kindness. Then after the third season she moved into the show's spin off, Angel, where from the beginning she was basically the show's secondary protagonist. Her and Angel were the two mainstays of the show's main cast, she gets the most episodes centered on her out of all the characters aside from Angel (and yes, I've checked), and we really got to see her grow from a very shallow and self-centered and kind of mean person to a true hero who was prepared to give up any chance at a normal life to fight the good fight while still never losing the basic core of her character. There were some… questionable moments like the episode where she gets mystically pregnant with demon babies and things got a bit iffy like halfway through season 3 where the writers seemed to run out of ideas for what to do with her outside of sticking her in this romance drama/love triangle situation with the main character but overall, pretty good stuff right? THEN SEASON 4 HAPPENED. In season 4 she gets stripped of literally all agency and spends pretty much the entire season possessed by an evil higher power, and while possessed she sleeps with Angel's teenage son (who BY THE WAY she had helped raise as a baby before he got speed-grown-up into a teenager it was a whole thing don't worry about it) and gets pregnant with like. the physical manifestation of the higher power that's possessing her. it's about as bad and stupid as it sounds and also is like the third time cordy's got mystically pregnant in this show and like the fourth mystical pregnancy storyline overall (you will be hearing more on that note in other submissions I'm so sorry). after giving birth she goes into a coma, in which she remains for the rest of season 4 and the first half of season 5. SPEAKING OF WHICH DON'T THINK SEASON 5 IS GETTING OFF SCOT FREE HERE. yeah so in season 5 the show just FULLY starts trying to erase cordy's existence. she gets mentioned ONCE in the first episode and then never again until halfway through the season where she wakes up, helps out Angel for a bit and encourages him in his fight against evil, and then goes quietly into that good night and dies so it can be all sad and tragic. I'd call it the worst fridging of all time but even THAT feels generous because the whole point of fridging is killing off a female character so a man can be sad, and after Cordy dies basically no one's even sad about it because the show immediately goes back to pretending she never existed. she is not mentioned ONCE in the two episodes after she dies. in the whole stretch of time between her death and the end of the season she gets mentioned exactly four times. again, I counted. anyway the fun twist to all of this is that all of this happened because the actress who played cordy got pregnant before season 4 and joss whedon was so pissed off about this affecting his plans for the show that he decided to completely fuck over her character and then fire her and write her out of the show. so cordy's a victim of both writing AND real life misogyny!! good times!!
2.) OH SO MANY THINGS they menaced by giving her terrible hair cuts, making her seem like she'd get together with the guy she loves (and who loves her back) but instead she was killed and when she was brought back, she got possessed by an evil entity who used her body to give birth to itself. afterwards she was in a long coma and died. her character was so throughoutly assassinated
3.) She got demonically pregnant TWICE - there was this real sense of a womb/ability to get pregnant as like, a place for evil to get in. She got positioned as femme fatale and evil mother. The actress basically got fired for being pregnant, and when she agreed to come back for a single final episode she specifically said they could do anything but kill off the character. Guess what happened
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