#where are the fics. where are they. pleaseeeee 😭😭😭😭😭
dullahanblorboposting · 10 months
Anyway so like we can agree that to at least some extent Gortash probably had such a liking for Durge because Durge is among the most capable and dangerous people to exist, and they admired him, presumably liked him even. Which, for someone who craves power likely as a form of self protection due to childhood trauma, is probably a VERY good feeling. The assurance and comfort that would provide. Right.
Anyway anyway, imagine a post-canon Durge raising hell and waging war with Bane himself to get Gortash's soul back and save him from an eternity of torture for failing as his God's chosen. Imagine if they won. Imaging how Gortash would feel about that.
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th3-3d3n-g4rd3n · 4 months
hi!! I love your writings, I was wondering if you could do a sub zuko fic where the reader edges him? If you don’t mind ofc :D
UH YES I CAN (i was waiting for someone to request my boyf - i love you!!!!) and i'm sorry it took so long for me to replyyyyy, you're so sweet whoever you are i feel so bad 😭
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sub! Fire Lord Zuko x fem!dom! reader
(no anatomy described for reader, referred to as "pretty girl")
all characters are 18+
cw: edging (obvi), teasing, punishment type thing, nipple play, masochism (kinda… zuko rec.), tying zuko to a chair, zuko doesn’t actually get to cum in the fic (oops), begging, ball gag
507 words
Zuko was a tease. All day he had been teasing you and to be honest, it was working. Stretching so his shirt lifted up, ‘accidentally’ bumping into you from behind (TWICE), putting his hand on your thigh when you were having dinner with your guys’ friends and family. He never stopped.
“What are you doing?” you whispered in his ear after you felt his hand drift further and further up your leg. All he did was smirk at you and turn back to his friends, he must be on something if he thinks that he’s going to get away with teasing you all day.
So, here he was. Naked, his ankles tied to the legs of his throne and his wrists tied to his throne arms. Squirming and writhing under your gentle touches up and down his body. Ball gag in his mouth to keep him quiet.
“Do you regret your choices yet, Zuko?” you ask him teasingly as he glared down at you, as you were on your knees, embarrassed on how much your slight touches were affecting him, meekly shaking his head no and smirking up at you. “Don’t worry…” you pinch his nipple, making his back arch from pain, “I’ll make sure you will.”
You trace your fingertip around his tip, wincing at the feeling of your nail on his sensitive head. You let out a menacing chuckle, basking in the feeling of power this boy gave you with how at mercy he was for you. You take out the gag to hear the pathetic boy's once-muffled pleas.
“Please… just touch me…” he whispers out gently. You couldn’t help but blush as you felt yourself get aroused at his weak begs. Of course, you couldn’t tell him this or he’d start getting confident. “You’ll sit there quietly and take what I give you, okay?” you say, to which he looks down defeated and stays quiet.
Startling him, you start to pump his dick quickly, so quickly that he doesn’t have enough time to adapt. He squirms under the new intensity, “slow down! slow- I’m gonna cum!” he blurts out, you stop. “No you’re not.” you say and smile at him innocently. "SHIT. No no no no pleaseeeee don't do this, I need it, need it so bad, pretty girl, please." You smile at how desperate he is, tracing your fingertips up and down his thighs to keep teasing him.
You repeated this process a few times, jerking him off and stopping once he got close. At this point, he was begging for mercy, squirming and writhing around as to try and finally cum, you were about to let him too. That was until you heard a pounding at the door and a shout, "Lord Zuko! Are you there? It is time for your meeting with the other Leaders in 10 minutes!" You chuckle at the unfortunate timing and start untying the ropes, "Well, go on then, Fire Lord. Your city awaits you," you mock.
Let's just say he didn't speak much during the meeting.
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jakexneytiri · 2 years
i saw your dad!neteyam post, and i loved your other dad!neteyam fics!
i was wondering if you could do something like this, maybe the reader got hurt protecting their kids when she was teaching them how to hunt (maybe an animal attacks them?) and then when neteyam hears, he rushes home and tends to her wounds
sorry, im really bad at requests 😭
love you <3
hi hi!<3
thank you so much lovie 🥹💓
i absolutely can work with this! i hope it’s what you were hoping for🥰 love you<33
promise to protect
⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰
“mama! daddy! up!” nima, your youngest, shouts at you, jumping up and down with excitement.
“shh, don’t wake them! they’ll be up soon, be patient.” tsantu says, holding his arm out, signaling his siblings to back up.
she shakes the collective lump in front of her that is you curled up to your mate, his arms wrapped around you in a comfortable embrace.
“nima…” neteyam says groggily. “let mama sleep, please.” he pats her arm gently.
“for whyyy!” she juts her tiny lip out in protest.
txonuk is playing with the hand me down toy that aunt kiri and uncle lo’ak gifted your children, flying it around your mates head.
“the sun is up, so we must be up!” he yells, running in small circles as he swings the toy around.
“we want to play ikrans with you and mama!” se’ayl says, flapping her own arms up and down.
you hide your face in the crook of your mates neck, placing a gentle kiss to his skin.
“goodmorning” you mumble against his skin, eyes still closed.
he chuckles as he lowers his lips to yours, kissing them softly. “good morning, mama.”
“ewwwwwww! they’re SMOOCHING!” your children collectively squeal, running away from you two as they giggle.
you sit up then, stretching your arms. “we can play ikrans, little lovies. but we must eat first, okay?”
nima starts jumping up and down with excitement, while se’ayl claps, and tsantu and txonuk yell “HOORAY!”
each of them walk the small distance to grab a fruit from the basket in the corner of your marui. sitting in a circle, you help your youngest peel the flesh back on her yovo fruit. neteyam hands you a banana fruit, as he sits with his own. your children eat quickly, finishing their fruits before you.
“and what do we do with our peels?” you ask, as they each stand to bring their peels outside.
tsantu digs a small hole for him and his siblings to place their peels in, returning them back to the soil they grew from.
you look down at your youngest, who’s struggling to finish her fruit.
“nima, are you all finished? can you take one more big bite for me?”
she shakes her tiny head no, holding the fruit out to you. “all done!”
you split the remaining fruit left, handing the other piece to your mate, as you get up to bring the peel outside. your three other children come running back in, arms spread wide as they mimic that of an ikran.
“can we play now, mama?” se’ayl asks.
“pleaseeeee?” txonuk begs, as they run around you in a circle.
you smile, spreading your own arms out now, slowly flapping them as you run to the other side of your marui.
se’ayl follows you, mimicking your every move, giggling every step.
neteyam scoops tsantu up in his arms, carefully guiding him around the hut as tsantu’s arms are spread wide, laughing as he holds them up.
nima follows you and se’ayl, frantically flapping her arms whilst jumping up and down, unable to contain her excitement.
txonuk follows neteyam, holding onto his toruk toy, “flying” it around, patiently waiting his turn to go next.
neteyam raises tsantu to your face, just enough where you could place a soft kiss to your son’s head.
he sets tsantu down then, picking up txonuk, repeating the process.
the sound of lo’ak’s voice rings through your ear piece, breaking you away from the precious moment with your children.
“bro, come on, dad and i are waiting for you. we have to train the new warriors today, remember?”
neteyam sighs, setting txonuk on his feet.
he pages lo’ak back, saying “i’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“dad?” se’ayl questions, hands behind her back.
“yes, my little flower?” neteyam answers, grabbing his bow and slinging it around his shoulder.
“…can you stay home with us today?” she asks, rubbing her arm and staring at her feet. it was only when she looked up that you both realized she was crying, shattering both of your hearts in two.
“oh, se’ayl…” you frown, kneeling down to tuck her hair behind her ear. neteyam also kneels, gently wiping away her small tears.
“i cannot today, my little love. i have to train the new warriors of our clan with grandpa and uncle lo’ak. but, if you behave for your mother today, i promise we can go swimming at the creek when i return. okay?”
she sniffles, nodding as she wipes her own eyes with the back of her hand. he kisses her forehead, wiping away the last of her tears.
“the day will go by fast! i promise you. i’ll be home before you know it.” he kisses the other childrens foreheads, before planting a passionate kiss to your lips.
“i love you.” he says against your lips, before planting another quick kiss to them.
“i love you more.” you state, smiling against his lips.
“impossible.” he shakes his head before saying “i’ll see you all tonight! behave for your mother!” he yells as he disappears into the brush of the forest.
“mama?” txonuk questions, looking at his own bow in the corner.
“yes, my son?” you say, brushing the baby hairs out of his face.
“can we go hunting? like dad does?” he pleads, looking up at you with his big, innocent eyes.
“hmmm…..i suppose we can. you have to promise to stay close to me, though. understood?”
“yes mama!” both boys grab their bows, followed by se’ayl. nima is just excited to come along for the fun of it, not that she was old enough to participate, anyway.
securing the flap closed to your marui, you lead your children into the thick forest. you all hold hands as you arrive at the spot you had in mind. about twenty five feet away, there was a moss-coated tree that you’ve come across before, making a perfect practice target.
you reach in the bag you packed, for three small arrows that your kids could use. handing them each one, you stand to the side, holding nima on your hip.
“all right, my little loves. see the tree over there, with the moss covering it? that’s going to be your practice target for today.”
each of them raise the arrow to their bow, drawing the elastic back, waiting for your “okay”.
“now one at a time, please.” you say, swaying nima back and forth on your hip, who’s playing with the feathers around your neck.
being the good older brother he is, tsantu says
“se’ayl, you can go first.”
you smile as you kneel next to se’ayl, setting nima down gently.
“all right, se’ayl. lift your elbow slightly, that’s it! just like that. go ahead.”
se’ayl takes her shot, her arrow landing just below the soft moss on the tree.
“good job, se’ayl! that was a great shot!” you say, clapping for your oldest daughter.
she smiles as she steps aside, letting txonuk go next.
“i don’t need help, mama.” he says, confidently pulling his bow back.
“all right, my ‘itan. go ahead.”
his arrow lands to the left of se’ayls, making his shoulders slouch. “aww, man.”
“it’s okay, that was great! just remember to keep your elbow a bit higher next time, okay?” you say as you brush one of his curls behind his ear.
“okay, mama.” txonuk sighs, taking a seat, with his hands on either side of his face, pouting.
he glances over at nima, who’s playing with a plant.
“tickles!” nima squeals, yanking her hand away from the plant, just to stick it back in.
“nima, touch this one, like this!” txonuk says, lifting himself up before poking at a helicoradian, causing it to coil up.
nima giggles, going to touch the one next to it. “again!”
“nima, stay close to mama.” you warn her, as your focus goes back to tsantu.
“go on, tsantu. your turn now.” you say gently.
your oldest son’s arrow flies exactly where you had intended, right in the center of the soft moss.
“good job, tsantu!! a perfect shot, just like your father.”
tsantu smiles proudly before going to retrieve his arrow. se’ayl follows him, grabbing hers as well.
“txonuk, don’t you want to retrieve your arrow and try again?” you glance around, spotting him poking all of the helicoradians with nima. you give a half smile, watching the two of them giggle.
as the last helicoradian coils up, you see an angry viperwolf hiding behind it. baring its teeth, it snarls at txonuk and nima, slowly inching closer.
you immediately launch yourself in front of your children, crouching on all fours. you hiss back at it, reaching for your knife, your tail upright. without taking your eyes off the animal, you speak to your oldest.
“tsantu. keep your siblings back, please. do not move a muscle.”
“mama!” nima cries out, her arms stretched towards you.
“shh! mawey, nima!” se’ayl speaks, in a hushed tone.
you inch closer to the viperwolf, hissing, in an attempt to make it back off. it wasn’t letting up, though, and continued to move closer to you.
it launches itself towards you then, sending you both tumbling through the forest.
“call dad!” tsantu hits txonuk’s chest, grabbing his bow and arrow, running after you.
txonuk stands with se’ayl and nima, speaking quickly as he presses a finger to his throat comm.
“dad?? dad it’s txonuk, w-we need help! it’s mom.”
“txonuk, slow down! what is happening?” neteyam immediately answers.
“mom took us hunting, and…and there’s a viperwolf! tsantu and mom went after it.”
neteyam’s heart drops as he hears the growl of the viperwolf in the distance.
“i must go, it’s y/n and my children!” he yells to lo’ak and jake, before taking off in the woods.
meanwhile, whilst you were pinned underneath the viperwolf’s paws, you notice something sticking out of its side.
a banshee of paradise spine, lodged about four inches in the wolf’s glistening skin.
that explains everything, you thought to yourself.
the foaming at the mouth, the dilated pupils, why it was attacking you and your children in broad daylight.
while attempting to reach for your knife, you grab it, only to drop it in the dirt beneath you, needing both hands to keep its snapping jaw away from you.
shifting your legs, you kick its face away, frantically feeling around for your knife.
you cry out as its teeth sink into your leg, panicking as you fight to get it off of you.
“mama!” tsantu calls out, as he raises his arrow to the viperwolf.
just then, another arrow hits the creature, causing it to collapse on top of you.
“daddy!” nima points, to the arrow now lodged in the viperwolf’s side.
se’ayl and txonuk look to where nima is pointing, seeing that it is indeed neteyam’s arrow.
“dad!” they both cry out, watching as neteyam sprints through the forest, hopping over a moss covered log to get to you.
“y/n?!” he pushes the viperwolf off of you, carefully pulling you out from underneath it.
“ma’teyam?…” you ask, before a sharp pain shoots through you, causing you to cry out.
“yes, my love. i’m here, i’m here.” he assures you, gently picking you up, wiping dirt from your face.
“tsantu? se’ayl? txonuk! nima!’” you cry as you whip your head around, frantically searching for your children.
“shhh, shh. they’re all here.” neteyam calmly says, walking you over to them.
“are you hurt? are you okay??” he asks each and every one of them, all their answers the same.
“…is mama okay?” txonuk asks, glancing up at you in your mates arms.
“she’s bleeding!” se’ayl states, pointing to your leg, which was indeed dripping with blood.
“come. we must go see grandmother at once.”
neteyam walks behind your children, who are walking in pairs of twos, holding each other’s hands. tsantu is holding se’ayl’s hand, while txonuk is holding nima’s.
“‘m so sorry” you mumble against your mates chest, as you begin shivering, yet sweating at the same time.
“shh, we’re almost there, y/n. we’re okay, you’re okay.” he reassures you, placing a kiss to your forehead.
tsantu and txonuk hold the flaps to mo’at’s marui, as neteyam carries you inside, setting you down on a cot used for injured warriors.
your shivers get worse by the second, and sweat begins to drip down your neck.
mo’at looks you over, concerned. rushing to your side, she asks “what happened here!” demanding an answer from her grandson.
“tsantu.” neteyam says, looking over at his son. “what happened??”
“the viperwolf was hiding, it jumped out and attacked mama. it had a red spike stuck to its side…and it bit mama.”
“oh no…a red spike? a red spike, is that-”
neteyam is cut off by his grandmother, as she answers
“a banshee of paradise spine. they are filled with poison. it must have caused the viperwolf to go mad.” she states, reaching for her bowl of syekalin flowers.
grabbing a wet cloth and bowl of water, mo’at works to clean your infected wound.
“ow! it burns, ‘teyam it burns!” you cry out, tears streaming down your cheeks as you shake uncontrollably from your chills.
he holds your hand in his, pressing a damp cloth to your forehead. “i know, i know. mawey(calm), little one. it will be over soon.”
mo’at presses a flower to each puncture wound you have, holding them in place.
“the flower absorbs the toxin. she will find relief soon.”
after a few moments, mo’at removes the flowers. grabbing four new ones, she places them over your wounds again, but wraps a cloth around your leg so they don’t shift around.
“keep an eye on her wound.” mo’at states, before going to see her great-grandchildren in the other room.
through your puffy eyes, you glance up at your mate, squeezing his hand.
“i’m so sorry.” you choke out, more tears flowing now.
“sorry? my mate, you didn’t do anything wrong.” he reassures you, rubbing his thumb along your cheek.
“i took them h-hunting, they w-wanted to practice.” you say through sobs, still delirious from the bite.
“my love, how were you to know you would be approached by a rabid viperwolf? it is all right, the children are safe.” he kisses your hand before speaking again. “you are safe.”
“i w-want to go h-home.” you cry out, squeezing his hand again.
“okay, okay. let’s go.” he picks you up gently, cradling you in his arms as he walks the few feet to where your children were.
you close your eyes, exhausted from today’s events.
“come, my little warriors. it is time to go home.” neteyam instructs, holding the flap of the marui open.
“wah-we-a?” nima questions, the word foreign to her.
“come on, nima.” tsantu takes his younger sisters hand in his, leading her out of mo’ats marui. se’ayl and txonuk follow, also holding each other’s hands.
neteyam thanks his grandmother before beginning the short walk back to your own marui.
“so.” neteyam starts “how was your hunting trip, little ones?”
“we took turns shooting our arrows, mama helped us!” se’ayl says, swinging her arm with txonuk’s.
“mama didn’t help me!” txonuk exclaims.
“me and ‘nuk poke pwants!” nima says, giggling.
“nima and txonuk were touching all of the helicoradians.” tsantu says, opening the flap to your marui.
neteyam chuckles as all the kids file in, using one arm to hold you and the other to tie up your marui flap for the night.
bringing you over to where you all sleep, he sets you down gently, as your children lay next to you.
you open your eyes, to all your children peacefully lying beside you and your mate.
you bend down to kiss each of their foreheads, before saying “goodnight, my little loves.”
“goodnight, mom. i love you.” [tsantu]
“goodnight, momma. sleep tight. love you.” [se’ayl]
“night, mama. love you.” [txonuk]
“night night! wove wou!” nima says as she brings her hand to her lips, blowing you a kiss, saying “muah!”
neteyam kisses you gently, wrapping his arms around you securely.
“goodnight, oeyä muntxatan.” (my mate) you whisper.
“goodnight, oeyä tstew syulang.” (my brave flower) he whispers back, intertwining his fingers with yours as you both drift off to sleep.
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mariaace · 6 months
Can you make a rindou fic? where rindou takes the reader to meet ran and it became chaotic but cute? thank you!
A/n: Okayyy Rindou. My man from TR. I hope you like this! Also i know i have a Kenma request from you, but i am working on it i promise 😭i am kinda in a writing block
Warnings ⚠️: swearing
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"Can i? Pleaseeeee??" You've been trying to make Rindou introduce you to Ran, because there are siblings and you are his partner it's nice to know your boyfriend's sibling right? ...right?
Anyways, even if it is Rindou thought is thinking otherwise. "Ran is annoying? Why do you want to meet him so much?" "Because he is my boyfriend's brother? And come on, it can't be that bad can it?" "Only if you knew." "Rindou!" "Okay okay fine, ill tell him." "Yupii"
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You are now sitting on the sofa inside Rindou's house with him beside, both of you waiting for Ran. You can't say you aren't nervous at all, but you asked to meet him so.
Suddenly the door opening interrupted your thoughts. "Ohhhhh looks who's here" Ran smirked and Rindou scoffed. You stood up and when to greed Ran. "So you are the girl Rin talk about hm? Guess he wasn't lying about her or... How much is he paying you hm?" "RAN!" you chuckled as Rindou shouted at his brother. "It's quite nice to finally meet you. I can see why Rindou would hide a beauty like you." "Ran! I swear if you-" "Yeah, yeah don't worry i already know. I won't steal your girlfriend. Thought..." "OKAY ENOUGH!" You again chuckled as you watched your boyfriend almost jumping on his brother.
You spend some time with them, talking to Ran about mostly Rindou (he was standing there annoyed) and it was now time to go. "Okay it was really nice meeting you. I hope we can see each other again." Ran said in his teasing voice. "Yeah as if" Rindou scoffed. You kicked him playfully as said goodbye to Ran.
"You're never meeting my brother again." "Whaaa?"
Well, at least Ran definitely liked you.
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©mariaace 2024, do not steal, copy, claim as yours or repost it on other apps please💜
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strlingsav · 2 years
Yo…your last fic was brutal. I had to stop and back up coz immediately after the smut was pain! No prefaces or even a segue on what’s about to happen. It choked me up with the suddenness of it all.
Smut..fluff..more smut..more fluff..MOTHERFUCKING PAIN!!! 🤯😱🫢😭😭😭
Please, please, please…bring him back. Give us fluff and butterflies. Maybe he can survive, just a damaged but is able to come home to reader, he can heal and with those injuries, maybe retire and live in peace with reader? Maybe even have a bun in the oven waiting for him? Just heal us pleaseeeee! Anything will do, please!! 😭😭😭
(But only if you’re willing, of course.)
Thank you for the love, the smut, and the shared pain (coz I’m sure that also hurt you too). Just..thanks. 💕
Ugh of course I'll indulge this bc one I love you for being so sweet and two because I'm an absolute whore for happy endings. 🥺🤍 The first is here.
Endings: Two
– Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Explicit/gory content under the cut. Read at your own risk.
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"L.T.," A voice was hazy and distant in Simon's ear- miles away, but he could see the outline of a figure before him.
He didn't have the energy to respond. He wanted nothing more than to give in to his body's demand to sleep, to rest. The dopamine firing in his brain, coursing through his veins, kept him subdued, peaceful, even.
"Up you get, Sir." There was a short pause, followed by radio static, "We're on our way out, evac standby."
Simon grunted as he was lifted from the ground, the shift in his weight caused a growl to come from his swollen lips.
"Steamin' bloody Jesus. You look like hell."
Simon could register the voice, now. It was Johnny. The Sergeant had found him in the wreckage, he'd survived.
Simon could hardly muster a 'fuck off', settling for a haphazard groan of displeasure.
Simon carried on, regardless of the pain in his chest, in his thigh, the throbbing in his skull now making him fully aware of the injuries to his person.
"Need a medic down here!"
Simon felt his body transfer to a spineboard, not without a loud yowl of pain, watching his feet as he was carried toward another helicopter prepped for evac.
Soap jogged beside him, his hand helping carry Simon's weight. The fog hadn't yet lifted, still blurry and half-awake, Simon could hardly comprehend where he was headed.
"You'll be alright, Sir. We'll take care of ya. Hang on, wouldya?"
He was relieved and devastated at the same time. He'd already made his peace with dying, he'd agreed to the terms his body set, the serenity that had almost cradled him to his grave- but you, damn you, forced him to hold on. Damn you, for settling into his mind and making it your home. For being the only thing he could think of, rely on to keep him hopeful, as he was carried onto the helo.
You received the call while at home, nearly dropping the plate in your hands when you heard the Doctor on the other end tell you Simon had been admitted with traumatic injuries.
You drove to the hospital, disregarding every speed limit and stop sign, thrumming your fingers against the steering wheel impatiently at every red light, watching the road through blurry, swollen eyes.
When you'd made it through the maze of hallways, finally finding Simon, he was asleep. He was on a ventilator, his skull bandaged where they'd pieced it back together once the swelling had gone down.
His eyes had been taped shut after surgery to aid in the repair of the severed retina, a white cast over the broken femur he'd endured.
You hardly recognized him through the swelling on his face. He wasn't the same- not the strong, solid man you'd said goodbye to a month ago.
You were sure it was a joke, a prank he'd pulled to keep you on your toes, but that wasn't like him, and a month in, you knew it was your new reality. He was lucky to be alive- so the doctor said.
The extent of his injuries meant physical therapy, a lot of it. The idea made you cringe, if he ever woke up, he'd fight like hell against it.
Despite feeling so completely overjoyed that he'd made it this far, survived this much, there was a part of you that knew there was a long journey ahead. A journey that would mean sleepless nights, emotional support, physical support.
You were dreading it. It seeped into you, like a bird of prey, it dug its claws into you. It only got worse.
A cycle of grief and anger, missing him- his voice, his eyes- so badly your breath caught in your throat every time you looked at him, looked at the broken man lying helplessly in the hospital bed- but also resenting him for putting you in that position.
Turning you into a caretaker, the solid foundation for the both of you while you almost lost the most important man in your life.
You couldn't help but feel the guilt eating away at you- how fucked up it was to think of yourself during a time when Simon might never wake up.
But you persevered, pushed past the dread in the pit of your stomach, and waited at his bedside with sharp eyes.
Day and night, you'd settle in, sleeping with a thin throw-blanket you stole off the couch and an old pillow. You'd wear his T-shirts and sweaters, just for a hint of familiarity, a semblance of your old life, his smell.
You'd hold his hand, even when you knew he couldn't feel a damn thing. You'd talk to him, tell him about your day- regardless of the fact that he didn't hear you at all.
Most nights, you'd sob under the disguise of the heart monitor and thrum of the ventilator. You'd grieve the man you loved. Whether he was dead or not, he would never truly be Simon Riley again. You'd learn to love the new man he'd be, you were sure of it, but your heart had been caged in, trapped under the weight of his unrecognizable form.
He had woken up after a few months, to which you celebrated with vibrating happiness. You tried not to smother him with affection. Instead, you gave him his space as he took in his surroundings, began to somewhat understand what exactly had happened.
You sat down, reaching for Simon's hand, and you felt him squeeze down. For the first time in months, he'd responded to your touch.
You stared up at him, your eyes welling with tears, your heart racing in your chest, pounding against your rib cage. A tidal wave of relief washed over you.
"Baby," You whispered, moving closer, kneeling next to him. "Simon."
His voice was muffled, panic filling his eyes as he realized he had an E.T. tube down his throat. You kept him calm, calling for the nurses immediately, watching with worried eyes as they extubated him.
He coughed, settling back into bed as he turned his head to look at you. Then, he whispered your name. Strangled and hoarse, rough with phlegm.
You could feel a shiver down your spine. You took a deep breath in, bowing your head to rest on his arm as your chest was racked with sobs. It was nearly impossible to control.
"God, Simon," You sniffled, your face tilting to look up at him. "Thank God," You cried, burying your face in his shoulder.
His doctor didn't want you to get your hopes up- he didn't want you clinging to the idea of Simon's recovery.
"We're not entirely certain what his brain function is like at this point, he'll need a CT. He may not ever remember his accident, and might even have trouble recognizing his surroundings." His doctor was resolute- harsh, not wanting to lead you on with false promises and hopeful ideations.
Your eyes had been swollen for months, and after finally coming to terms with his situation, they were dry and irritated.
You pursed your lips, entirely unsatisfied with the answer but defeated.
"Thank you," You forced a polite smile, turning on your heel, back to Simon's bed.
His physical therapy had been going well.
The cast had come off, and you finally recognized your boyfriend after the swelling went down. He was there, real, whole again- mostly.
You'd been woken up by his terrifying shouts and screams for help multiple times a night. It didn't subside, not until you wrapped your arms around him and quieted him down. You weren't sure if he knew, or if he wanted to hide behind the facade of sleep to save himself from embarrassment.
He had difficulty remembering the accident in its entirety, only remembering how difficult it was to move, to get up. He recalled the pain well, regardless of just how hard his body worked to keep him sedate. On the rare occasions he spoke about it, he'd never forget Soap. Never forget the voice he heard, urging him to stay awake, to get up.
You knew you couldn't thank Johnny enough, couldn't make it up to him in anyway that would equate to what he did for you and Simon. Anytime you brought it up, he'd shut you down, and Simon didn't speak about it either. Not unless provoked.
It was a memory he pushed down, as deep as he could, locking it away in the same vault where he kept every other long-living secret.
You knew better than to push him on it. You wanted to be there for him so badly, to tell him how happy you were that he was okay, alive, but you didn't. You gave him his space until he asked otherwise, which usually came in the form of a simple kiss, a hand on your waist, a quiet 'love you' when he passed by you.
You could never figure out why he'd suddenly started telling you he loved you more often, but you didn't question it.
When you missed your period, missed the cramps starting a few days before, the blinding headache at the start of the week, you realized your intimate exchange before his deployment may have had an unintended effect. Despite contraception, you had a feeling something was different- wrong.
You were pregnant. Two solid, indisputable red lines, staring you in the face. A happy face, on another, with a plus sign. It was real, concrete. Part of you didn't want to tell Simon- you wanted it to go away. But, against your judgment, you did.
It was late, finishing the day with a shower together as usual.
You were starting to show- not enough that he'd notice, especially not with the turmoil in his head. Though, while he scrubbed across the flesh of your stomach, a soapy loofa leaving bubbles and foam behind, the grin on his face when you stood on your toes to kiss him; it was the right time.
"I'm pregnant," You blurted out, your hands falling to your sides.
You avoided his gaze and silence fell between you, the running shower louder than ever, accompanied by your jugular pounding in your throat.
He looked shocked, confused, terrified- all in a series of minutes.
"Trust me, I know it's not ideal. It's not good timing. I know you're still healing and we're just getting things back together. I'm sorry."
He took a moment, his rough hand pressing against the small bulge in your stomach.
"How long have you known?" He asked.
"A few weeks." You swallowed.
"How far along?"
"Three months."
The tension was undeniable, holding your breath for the moment he told you he couldn't do it, didn't want it.
Instead, his arms snaked around your waist, pulling you into his chest.
"My kid's in there," He breathed, his arms squeezing you gently. "You're havin' a kid. We're havin' a kid."
You smiled softly against his shoulder. Now, you could be excited. You didn't have to feel guilty for holding it back, or for carrying another 'burden' inside you. You could celebrate. The baby, another milestone in your life with Simon, normalcy returning.
"We are," You breathed, leaning back to hold his face in your hands. "I love you," You said gently- a fact, a statement with every ounce of truth to it.
"I love you too, sweetheart."
He'd tell you one day that during his accident, all he could think about was you- that he wanted to fight to be alive for you. But for now, he settled for telling you he loved you, every chance he got.
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
hi i absolutely love your writing, like i go through ur page everyday, like i have my notifications on so everytime you post i click so fast 😩🤞like you’re a celebrity in my eyes and i get so giddy when you post.
I think i sent in a req w feysand x reader where they’re on the battlefield. They’re in formation and standing ready to attack. Reader sacrifices herself by using a hidden power that no one knows about, she rivals even rhysands power and no one expected her to have this much power. she winnows closer to their enemies and rhys and feyre screams for her to run back or get away. Reader looks at them with sorrow, love and determination a last time and let’s her power loose, oblitirating all of the enemies before the war even starts. By some miracle she survives but is so close to death and nesta saves her. Reader is unconcious for almost a week before she wakes up and they all talk and reunite, angst to fluff pleaseeeee🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
i don’t remember if i sent this in or if i’m bugging out but pls ignore if I already did🧎‍♀️❤️
Feysand x reader
A/n: thank you anon, ur literally going to make me cry and boost my ego plz 😭🥹 I hope you like the fic
Warnings: angst, near death experience, fluff at the end
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You heard Cassian calling for soldiers to fall in formation. Taking a deep breath you exit the tent you share with Feyre and Rhys. Your mates. Tears line your eyes as you think about this morning with them. How you’ll never see them again.
You send a prayer to the Mother, begging her to watch over them when your gone. You thought back to your conversation with Nesta last night.
“If something goes wrong I need you to help contain it.” Nesta shook her head in disbelief at your words. “Why have you never told anyone about your powers?” “I never had it under control. I pushed them down all my life but I think I can take them out.” The look Nesta gave you would send a normal person running. But you knew deep down that look meant she was scared for you.
“Y/n, what do I even tell them if they ask about your powers?” “I don’t know. I won’t ask you to lie for me. Can you tell them I love them, and that I’m sorry.” Nesta flings her arms around your neck, squeezing you to her body. “Just try. Try to live.” “I will.” You whispered against her chest.
You watch the soldiers hurrying to get in line on the ground and in the sky. Cassian’s red siphons glinted in the sunlight as you smiled sadly at him. Besides your mates and Nesta you’d miss Cassian the most. You two always had the best inside jokes.
You kneel on ground outside the tent, unsheathing your sword from your back and unlatch your shield. Lifting your sword you drive it into the hard earth and hang your shield from the hilt. You’re not going to need it. Besides, Rhys and Feyre would want to have it.
Making yourself unseen you weave in and out of the lines of soldiers until you make it to the front where your mates won’t see you. You stare down the line at them. They look so stoic and determined. They’ll get through this, they’ll win this war like they have before.
First is the magic. You let both sides do their thing, watching the world around you rumble with warring powers. The enemy side starts to slowly advance. Now is your opportunity.
You winnow to the middle of the battlefield. Rhys is banging on your mental shields, “What do you think you’re doing!” Slamming your sheilds up you push him out. The opposing side starts to run at you. Feyre let’s out a blood curdling scream and Rhys grabs her by the waist, keeping Feyre from running to you.
Turning to face them you see their distraught faces. You give them one last smile, sending love and adoration down the bond. You turn back to the army now sprinting at you. Digging your feet into the dirt you hold your hands out by your sides.
Closing your eyes you dove deep down into your power. You have been building it up for a year for this exact moment. To wipe what was left of Koschei and Hybern from Prythian. To show General Morgana she has nothing left but a useless cause.
A silvery-purple light flecked with swirls of night shine from your palms, then radiating from your entire body. You didn’t let go until the first soldiers were steps away. Realizing the mistake they made. The ground shook causing the soldiers to collapse but you stayed standing.
Locking eyes with General Morgana you saw her face contorted in shock and panic. You smirked at her. You let your power rip from your body. Violet night consumed the soldiers, ripping them limb from limb until they were nothing but ash on the wind.
You threw your power out as far as you could. Decimating more half of Morgana’s army. Good. Your mates would live.
Your power slowly faded around you. The beautifully grim night falling with you. You couldn’t feel anything. Not even the numbness that you were sure was taking over your limbs. All you knew was that you were falling. The trip to the ground beneath you feeling endless.
As your head bounced the last thing you saw was all out war, then nothing.
When the fighting was over Nesta was the first one off the battlefield. She came flying into your tent scaring the shit out of two young healers. They tried to ask Nesta to leave and she responded by basically growling. The poor females backed off letting Nesta kneel by your cot.
Madja’s apprentice, Adria, glared at Nesta over your body. Her signal to let Nesta explain what she was doing in here scaring her healers. “I can help.” Adria nodded.
Nesta laid her hands on your stomach, summoning her silver flames. Days ago the two of you discovered your magics complimented each other. Nesta could balance out your chaos. She felt your magic calming as soon as hers touched it.
Your shallow breaths changed to even one’s as your chest started visibly moving. Nesta let out a sigh of relief as she felt you come back from the brink of death. She slumped back on the floor and Adria announced that you were stable.
Feyre and Rhys shoved the tent flaps open, storming in ready to demand answers. Once they noticed the calm atmosphere Rhys immediately went to Adria asking her what was going on.
“She’s stable but won’t be up for some time. Y/n will need lots of rest given the amount of power she used. And you can thank Nesta, without her it would’ve taken us double the time to save her.” Feyre looked at her sister. Nesta didn’t know if she should be offended or not by the look of shock Feyre gave her.
Within the hour you were moved back to your room in the House of Wind. It was eight days by the time you finally woke up. Rhys and Feyre had tried to stay with you the whole time but they were needed around the city and dragged off to meetings on other courts.
Your eyes slowl6 blinked open as you took in the familiar sun lit room. Nuala entered with a tray in her hand dropping it immediately when she saw you sitting up. Soundlessly she ran off to alert Rhys and Feyre.
Minutes later you heard thundering footsteps racing down the hall. Your mates came to halt in the open doorway, silver lining their eyes. Without thinking Feyre launched herself at you, practically laying on top of you as she embraced you.
“You idiot! You stupid, stupid idiot! I’m so happy you’re awake!” She pulled back from you to look at your face. Hers looked like she hadn’t slept in days, worry lining her beautiful features. “Please never do that again. I don’t want to lose you,” Feyre quietly pleaded with you.
“Never,” you whispered. Rhys came into view, plopping down next to you in bed laying a smacking kiss on your cheek. Exhaustion was clear in his face as well. “Not to dampen the mood but we are going to have to talk about your powers.” Feyre smacked his arm. “Can you not kill the mood for five minutes?”
You giggled at your mates arguing. Using all your strength you snaked your arms around Feyre’s waist. Showing her it was ok to put her weight on you. Rhys ran his fingers through your hair and rested his lips on your forehead. Feyre tucked her face into your neck as you all sat in comfortable silence.
You’d have to thank Nesta when you were eventually allowed out of bed. This is just the start of their doting and mother hening. You didn’t mind though. You were just happy that you could be here to be doted on by your mates.
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gravitygemjj · 1 month
Does anyone know that one tumblr fic (at least I read it here) where it was a sugar baby! Toji x reader one shot 😭 reader broke up with him bc she overheard a phone call of his in the beginning and he takes it soooo bad. Pleaseeeee someone help me find it
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cinnamonest · 2 months
holy crap, that tohru fic. Pleaseeeee I MUST know what happens next. Incel misogynist is actually peak content idek anymore what can top that for me. And your writing is so great. When Tohru warned reader he was about to ask a question she could get the wrong idea about, I was like "yeah, it can't be that bad, since he's being apologetic and all," and then he hit her with it 😭 i was like help 💀. I'm also very curious to know how he got fixated on her. Like he was so quick to go, "im gonna kill u because ur not nice enough," but we all know what those small greetings and smiles from darling did for him
To be fair, the more attached guys get, the more volatile they are towards rejection — it's that if I can't have you, no one can type of mentality, and he has it to a very intense degree.
One of the most interesting and captivating parts of Adachi’s character imo is how in the official P4 anthology manga it shows how he's just so bitter and mad that even when he spends a day with the Dojimas and they're actually so nice to him and appreciate him, he goes home and reflects on the day, and ends up getting mad and throwing things and tearing his apartment up — he's one of those people who just can't be happy, can't accept kindness because he's just that bitter.
There's no winning. He'd get angry if he's rejected or reprimanded, but he also can't emotionally handle kindness and love and will push back against it as a defensive measure.
That's why living with him is such a nightmare — you can't appease or placate him. Once he's “mask-off” towards you, you learn he's incredibly pessimistic and interprets everything with bitterness and paranoia. So even if you go out of your way to try to make him happy, his eyes just narrow, he tilts his head and draws the most negative conclusions—
Oh, you're trying to get me to let my guard down, huh?
You're being awfully nice today. What did you do that you don't want me finding out about…?
You think I'll just forget about earlier if you're all sweet now, is that it?
Everything, everything you do is automatically viewed through such lenses of negativity. And when he suspects that you're doing something with deceitful intent, he gets mad, and when he gets mad, he gets violent. Holding you by your throat or hair and manhandling you around like a ragdoll.
So you're punished if you're bad, but you're also punished if you're good. But don't think you can escape by trying to stay quiet and neutral — then he gets pissed off because you're being boring and that's annoying, or he interprets it as you avoiding him, giving him a cold shoulder and silent treatment on purpose. And that is probably the worst thing you could do ��� as always, he's so incredibly sensitive to any form of perceived rejection.
So there really is no winning. You have to give him attention, but if you do, you're trying to deceive him somehow, and if you say you're not then you're lying and that's especially bad. To say it wears on your psyche is an understatement.
Not that he doesn't have his vulnerable moments, in particular when he has bad days at work — he comes home and takes all the frustration out on you, either making you listen to his whining and complaining the whole night, reaming your holes raw and sore, or, usually, both. And in those moments, you sometimes do get a feeling of tenderness, where you physically feel him lose that near-constant feeling of tension in his body as he melts into your touch, lets you rub your hands through his hair and down his back for a few precious, soft moments… but after a bit too long, of course, he snaps back to self-awareness and embarrassment over the momentary vulnerability, and now you have to pay for making him like that.
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Uncle Wayne comforts you after a nightmare (e.m. x gn!reader, Y/N thinks of Uncle Wayne as their dad)
A/N: I had a night of nightmares, the first of which left me sweaty and shaking for about an hour before I felt brave enough to try sleeping again. And then I had another nightmare. And then I had to go to work. I was writing this in my head all day until I finally got to come home and type it up. I should be studying right now but I haven't written in WEEKS and it's slowly rotting me from the inside out, so here we go.
Dedicated this fic to @badgirlforeddiemunson because she left me a note from Uncle Wayne in my inbox which was exactly what I needed, it made me cry and I wanted to leave this little dedication as a thank you to her! 🙏❤️
A massive thank you as well to @fandomohana for helping me with Uncle Wayne's characterisation in this; this fic wouldn't be what it is without you!💗😍🙏
Aaaand a big big thank you to @ilovecupcakesandtea , who stopped me from deleting this fic because I felt like I'd forgotten how to write our beloved and bestest dad Uncle Wayne buuuut it turns out I was just being mean towards myself... There's a surprise😂💀thank you for reading this for me and validating my characterisation choices!💕💕💕
Tw; nightmare (not described so it can fit any nightmare you may have had), crying (reader), reader wakes up afraid, general anxiety (not wanting to wake a sleeping Munson and then feeling guilty for doing it accidentally despite best efforts not to), Uncle Wayne and Eddie are both absolute sweethearts, as aforementioned, Y/N sees Uncle Wayne as being like a parent to them & this is explicit in the narrative (totally not me showing my own feelings👀🥺), brief allusion to marrying Eddie one day throuhg Uncle Wayne's narration.
People who asked to be tagged in this: @pandawithprobs @arianatheangel-girl @ali-r3n @sagaonpandora @digital-charlie @tracymbcm @cherrycolas-things @simping-over-boys-with-trauma @stevesmunsons @esme-viridian @eddiemunsonsgf2 @browneyes8288 @allthefandomstogether @robinsbuckleys
Word count: 4, 197 (this took TWO MONTHS of grabbing ten minutes here and there every day where I could🥺🥺🥺)
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You awake with a start, your heart pounding in your head, nerves ablaze, body trembling. Sweat drenches your body. You feel cold, sticky. Disgusting.
The remnants of your nightmare cling to you as surely as the twisted sheets beneath you, your body writhing uncontrollably in the face of your terror.
You lay there in the dark, trying desperately to reorient yourself.
You can see Eddie’s beautiful guitar, looking like she was made for another dimension, hanging up on the mirror. You can see Eddie’s handmade Corroded Coffin banner (and you know what the secret is; that Uncle Wayne had stencilled the logo on prior to Eddie painting his band’s name on the old bedsheet - Eddie had been so excited that his hands were shaking too badly for him to do it on his own), you can see the way Eddie’s blinds never close all the way, letting the moonlight spill into the room.
You turn your head, your breathing still erratic, that lump in your throat growing more pronounced as the seconds tick past, and you see the one person in the world who fills your lungs with oxygen, your heart with rainbows, and your soul with reminders of all your reasons why.
You want so very badly to wake up the sleeping man, but you feel guilty at even the thought of doing that. Why should you disturb his sleep just because you had a nightmare? It would have been more than fine if the shoe was on the other foot, you would have wanted Eddie to wake you up so that he didn’t have to calm himself down alone, but for you to wake him up in the same situation, even knowing as you do that Eddie would want to be woken up so he could comfort you? No way, you won’t do that to him.
In the end, this thought is what breaks you: you're suffering but you're not allowing yourself Eddie because you want him to rest.
A sob rips out of your throat and you quickly muffle it with a hand, not wanting to accidentally wake him up either, stumbling out of Eddie's bed. You make your way down the narrow hall to come into the living room, eyes darting around nervously, looking for something to ground you; something to make you finally and fully realise that you're awake, you're safe, it's over. And then your eyes land on something - someone - which makes all the bad stuff not seem so scary anymore.
You see dearest Uncle Wayne asleep on the pullout bed.
And then you cry harder.
On shaky legs do you come to stand beside the bed, looking down at the human sized lump underneath the worn duvet. You bend down at the waist and lightly shake Uncle Wayne. In reality, you don't even shake him, you just half-heartedly wiggle your hand back and forth across the soft expanse of duvet. It is too gentle a movement for Uncle Wayne to be able to feel it, especially through the duvet. You don't want to wake him up, not really, but you also don't want to be alone in your fear, you want someone to comfort you.
But you don't want to wake anyone up just because you had a nightmare. You are a person grown, you can handle a nightmare without waking someone, right?
You wince against the tiny voice in your head, and partially give yourself what you want by sitting down on the floor beside Uncle Wayne's bed, leaning your head against what you figure is his shoulder. Your tears fall easily, your bottom lip starting to become sore with how hard you are biting down on it to keep yourself from making a sound. You are surprised that even walking into the living room hasn't woken Uncle Wayne up; he's a heavy sleeper unless one of his kids need him, unless you or Eddie need him.
"Uncle Wayne," you whisper as quietly as possible, one of your hands creeping under the duvet as you search for one of his; you know how he lays, you know roughly where his hands are basing on how he's laying, and indeed do you find one of his hands. You curl your fingers loosely around his as slowly and as carefully as you can, trying so hard not to wake him up even though you're desperately looking for comfort. "I'm really sorry. I had a nightmare and I - I need you but I don't wanna wake you up because you'll get mad at me." At this thought do you cry harder still, and the secretly awake Uncle Wayne's heart bleeds at all of the pain in your voice, barely audible even in the stillness of the room. "That's why I'm out here, I didn't even wanna wake up our Eddie but you're both all I want right now... but I can't because I'm an adult and I shouldn't be crying here over a nightmare and you're - you don't need me waking you up and - "
The only reason Uncle Wayne can still make your words out is because he knows you, he knows you, but as tears drip sore with audible plinks on the duvet and as you bend over his hand, pressing your forehead against his palm, you're practically incoherent. Uncle Wayne decides that it is time to come clean and 'wake up'.
When you start to repeat yourself, it means that your cycle of anxiety is starting, and he wants to quell it immediately. One of his kids need him, so who the fuck cares that he's just worked a twelve hour shift?
One of his kids needs him.
The hand which is pressing against your forehead twitches as Uncle Wayne splays his fingers, the pads rubbing lightly against your hairline. You start, not expecting the 'sleepy' touch of a man who has actually been awake since the moment you woke up; you had almost screamed. He knows you well enough to know that you don't ever want to bother him, and that's why you haven't woken him up this night, so he had decided to feign sleep so that he could pretend to wake up on his own; hoping to alleviate the guilt if you had woken him up. Uncle Wayne doesn't know if you know about this, but that's a conversation for when you're calmer and he is more 'awake'.
Fingers slide further across your scalp and begin to lightly smooth over your hair, the rustling of bedsheets tells you that your Uncle Wayne is rolling over, bringing himself closer to you as he gives up the game.
"Hey now, sweetpea," Uncle Wayne's voice is deeper than usual with sleep but just as gruff, and it is at perfect odds with the sheer kindness you see in his eyes, all the little night lights and lamps around the trailer creating a warm ambience in an already warm and loving home. "What monsters you been tryna' fight, darlin'?"
All at once, you feel like a small child standing at the foot of your parents’ bed. Distantly, you realise that you are, and tears drip anew down your face, faster and harder than before. You woke him up you woke him up stupid stupid you woke him up - you inhale shakily and two words rip out of your throat like they are terrified they'll be swallowed if they don't jump off the tip of your tongue right now.
Uncle Wayne always manages to make you realise how not okay you are; you fool the world easily and sometimes even Eddie has to squint at you to decide for himself, but Uncle Wayne? No wool fits over his eyes, no matter how well it's knitted.
“Nightmare. Bad.”
The hand on your hair stills at the tremble in your voice and the way your bottom lip wobbles. You bite down on it hard to keep from making a sound, feeling awful about the fact that you have woken Uncle Wayne up. The pullout bed is small but Uncle Wayne shuffles back as far as he can and pats the slim vacant space.
"C'mon, in y'get."
At your blank expression, Uncle Wayne smiles with all the patience of the world. He has been through so much and he carries daily with him a great deal of anger due to how the world has treated him his whole damn life, not to mention what it's doing to his boy, and yet he's still so kind. You never fail to be able to draw strength from the inspiration he gives you. "You really think my boy hasn't crawled into bed with me after a nightmare? He might be twenty, but he's still my baby. You don't have to, darlin', but I know that look on your face. I seen it on my boy's so many times right before he crawls in." A pause, a wry smile as if he knows how to really convince you, then, "he did it just last week, last I can remember."
Uncle Wayne sees the second he manages to coax you into it, and it makes him smile. You're careful as you ease into his bed, not wanting to get in his way or be intrusive, but Uncle Wayne makes no fuss about it and simply lays there until you're comfortable. He lets you wrap an arm around him, he lets you nuzzle into that red and blue flannel you love so well, and then he holds you too, his grip tight, firm, his hands hot on your upper arm. He wonders where his baby is, but he knows that you haven't woken him up. The chainsaw snore coming from just down the hall gives you away and you and Uncle Wayne laugh quietly together. Somewhere in the back of your mind, your brain presses record on the sound, wanting to cherish it forevermore.
"Do you think if we ripped an actual chainsaw next to his window he'd sleep through it?"
Uncle Wayne chuckles, fondness saturating his voice, "Far as I know, he still can. Did it when he was fourteen; had to cut a tree back near his window. Was worried I'd wake him, but he slept right through." A smile soaked Uncle Wayne's next words in sunshine, "My boy's grown into himself but his nature ain't changed back from when he was a kid." My Eddie's forever, he thinks.
The humour, always in the serious if one tilts their head, fades away and you're once again left with the fact that Uncle Wayne has selflessly stepped up for someone yet again. You wonder who steps up for him when the time comes. Between you and Eddie, Uncle Wayne's chances are golden.
"You never answered my question, sweetpea," Uncle Wayne dropped a kiss to your forehead. It was more like the press of facial hair to your skin than anything else, but it warmed you from the inside out all the same. "What monsters you been tryna' fight'?" Despite the way he words it, you hear the underlying message immediately:
Talk to me.
You draw in a shuddering breath but Uncle Wayne, who is secretly more of a parental figure to you than either of your parents put together, doesn't try to soothe you beyond how he already is. He lets you cry, he lets you curl into him like he's your protection from the world (he is, even when everything is okay), he lets you take your time in telling him everything, and the entire time he has you wrapped in his arms, pressed tight into his chest. When the nightmare is relived and you're still crying, he addresses his main concern.
"You wanna go back to Eddie, darlin'?" You freeze, thinking that perhaps this is Uncle Wayne's gentle attempt to get rid of you, but he shakes his head when he feels you tense up. "Easy, sweetpea, I ain't meanin' it like that," He squeezes his arms around you and drops a proper kiss to your forehead. "But my boy is gonna' be missin' you. You know he wakes up at the drop of a hat if either of us ain't there with him."
"No," your bottom lip wobbles and more tears drip down your face. Uncle Wayne's calloused thumb wipes them away gently. "I mean... I want Eddie but... Don't wanna leave you." The last four words are quieter than the rest, broken, your bottom lip and chin trembling. You feel sick at the thought of having to pull away from Uncle Wayne, even though you really want Eddie too. But you want Uncle Wayne. "Please don't make me go, please. Don't wanna leave you." You hold onto Uncle Wayne even tighter, crying harder now than you have done ever since you jolted awake, and Uncle Wayne is quick to soothe you.
"Hey, now," Uncle Wayne hushed, hugging you somehow even more securely to him so that you can feel his heart, slow and steady, thumping deep within his chest. It's in the Munson Doctrine that if Uncle Wayne isn't worrying, then everything is okay. His heart is steady, he is okay, and so shall you be. You take an instinctive deep breath and melt. "I said nothin' about leavin'. But you need Eddie, sweetheart. C'mon, I'll go too."
You shake your head again, "N-no, I woke you up. You need sleep. M'okay." Your cheeks burn as Uncle Wayne gives you The Look™️, which always brings you and Eddie to a grinding halt. This is in the Munson Doctrine too; never tell Uncle Wayne that you're fine if you're not. He knows. He always knows.
"I'm coming with you, darlin'. I ain't sleepin' 'til I know you're okay. It ain't a discussion, Y/N."
He pats your shoulder gently and you very reluctantly untangle yourself from him, the urge to cry still very much with you even as your tears start to slow. Uncle Wayne sees your face begin to crumple, ready are you to cry anew, and he stands up with an exaggerated groan, making you giggle. Only a Munson could make you smile while you're crying. Already can you feel the remnants of the nightmare beginning to dissipate and you lean into Uncle Wayne's side as he slots your hands together, walking with you through the trailer into Eddie's bedroom.
Your home away from home.
Uncle Wayne raises a hand and raps on the door three times with the knuckle of his littlest finger and there's a sleepy groan from within which is so perfectly Eddie that it makes the two of you huff laughter. "Y'decent, boy?"
A louder, slightly more exaggerated groan has Uncle Wayne's shoulders shaking with laughter as he pushes the door open, stepping into Eddie's room and pulling you along behind him. You keep your hand tight in his, eyes roaming over the bed as you try to figure out if three adults could fit comfortably onto one bed.
You do not want to let go of Uncle Wayne.
You don't know why. You don't care why. You just want him to stay.
"E-Eddie?" Your voice is thick with all the tears you have shed thus far, and all the tears you have yet to let go of. He doesn't answer you right away and you whimper, which makes both Munsons freeze.
Eddie sits upright like he's on a spring, arms already reaching for you just as Uncle Wayne walks with you across the room, making a beeline for his son and the love of your life.
"Whoa whoa, hey,"
"Hush now, darlin',"
The Munsons simultaneously speak at a level volume to each other so it's a symphony of empathy and love and it triggers a third crying spell within you.
"Get up on the bed, sweetpea, that's it," Uncle Wayne guides you through glassy vision to sit beside Eddie on the bed. Eddie is brushing sleep out of his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes with one hand and he reaches for you with the other, trying to physically wake himself up and comfort you at the same time. "You got 'em, Eddie?"
He speaks the word like a vow and it makes you smile.
The expression on your face dies as quickly as it is born, for Uncle Wayne slides his fingers out from between yours and pats your shoulder in a parting gesture. Panic seizes your heart and you grab at him, your fingers finding purchase in the sleeve of that flannel you love so much. "No!!!!" Yet again, the noise you make causes both Munsons to freeze. "No, please don't go! Please don't leave me, Uncle Wayne. Please stay, pl - " You're incoherent in your physical exhaustion and in the remnants of your fear, as well as your physical need for Uncle Wayne.
You're wrapped up in Eddie's arms, his lips at your hairline and his hands rubbing up and down wherever he can reach but even here, you are still shaking like a leaf, one hand holding Eddie in a death grip and the other still holding onto Uncle Wayne's sleeve. When he doesn't move away, your fingers spider down to grip onto his fingers, locking your hands together like you did before. Uncle Wayne blinks hard - a gesture Eddie recognises as his trying not to cry - and something slides into place for the younger Munson.
All at once, around his horrified curiosity about what you had been dreaming about to render you into a shaking crying wreck, Eddie knows exactly what you need to get you feeling safe and secure.
"Dad." His voice is quiet, more serious than you've heard him in a long time, "Can't you stay, just for tonight?"
The thought of this makes you smile even as a few more tears slip down your cheeks, and tender blues and chocolate browns zero in on the expression.
"Is that - "
"Did you just - "
" - a smile?"
The Munson men almost speak over each other in exaggerated tones of surprise and it makes you giggle, a wet yet very welcome sound. In turn, this makes Eddie smile, and seeing both of his kids at once expressing happiness? Why, how can Uncle Wayne deny either of you anything, even when he's tired as all hell from his twelve hour shift and interrupted night of sleep? There are many things lacking in the Munson household but the one thing they have always had in abundance is love. And if what you both want right now is for him to stay with you, then who is he to say no? The fact that something as simple as his presence is enough to chase your fears away warms Uncle Wayne's heart right to its centre, and he feels deep within him that you're gonna be an official Munson one day. You're honourary for now, but he knows what's coming, and he's so excited.
"I think it is, son, clear as day after all them tears," Uncle Wayne carefully pulls his hand away from you as Eddie scoots across the bed towards the side closest to the window. "I ain't gonna say no to that."
You push up closer to Eddie as Uncle Wayne sits down and then eases himself down onto the mattress, getting comfortable. You have a playfully wriggly Munson either side of you and you know they're playing up to make you feel better, to keep you smiling, but you also see now where Eddie gets his dramatics from. All of Eddie really has come from Uncle Wayne, hasn't it?
Eddie wraps his arms around you, pulling you tight into him, and Uncle Wayne remains where he is on the side of the bed closest to the door; he doesn't move much in his sleep, his body used to the slim pull-out bed he's been sleeping on since he legally adoped Eddie well over a decade ago.
"Aren't you gonna come closer to us, dad?"
"How close is closer?" Uncle Wayne tilts his head at Eddie, who only grins and looks at you, effectively putting you on the spot as they allow you to decide what kind of cuddle you want.
You pause and listen to yourself, your eyes closing as you try to get that little voice in the back of your head to tell you what you want. One word drifts across the front of your mind and it jumps off the tip of your tongue, as if it's afraid it will be swallowed if it doesn't voice itself now.
"Sandwich." A pause and then, "wait, no. Toastie." Your words are strange but you are understood; hold me so tight that if you are bread and I am cheese, I will melt between you.
Uncle Wayne smiles and scoots closer to you and to Eddie, wrapping an arm around you. His hand rests on Eddie's wrist as the two of them surround you. "Come on, then, butter up."
His chuckle punctuates Eddie's drawn out groan; only a good pun is met with that kind of reaction. "Of all the puns available, you go with butter? Really?"
Uncle Wayne shrugs, a mischievous glint in his eyes. It makes him look younger and you melt; the Munsons have both had such difficult lives, and where Uncle Wayne is full of anger, he is only ever kind... life lessons he has imparted onto Eddie, whom makes his dad proud every single day. You had told Eddie once that he was living up to the Munson name, and before that flash of indignation and confusion turned into hurt, you had listed all the ways you see Uncle Wayne in him, and Eddie had lit up like a Christmas tree. It is one of your most treasured memories.
You take advantage of the rare moment offered to you by the world after such an awful nightmare and cuddle into Uncle Wayne, pressing your face into that red and blue flannel you love so well. He hums and presses his lips to your forehead, not exactly giving you a kiss but the sentiment is the same. Eddie rolls so that he is cuddled into your back, his nose pressed into the nape of your neck. Uncle Wayne's hand spiders across Eddie's wrist more firmly, grasping his boy to him, and Eddie tilts that same hand palm up so that he can hold his Uncle's wrist, too. The Munsons feel each other's heartbeats pounding firmly underneath skin and it soothes the both of them more than anything else in the world ever will.
You smile into the articial darkness afforded to you by Uncle Wayne's chest. "Ask your dad when I'm asleep, Eddie. Don't wanna relive a third time."
"Wh - how did - I didn't even say anything, sweetheart." Eddie's voice was bemused and you grin, somehow managing to cuddle into Uncle Wayne and pull backwards into Eddie at the same time.
"Didn't have to - I can hear you thinking over there."
"Wondered what that burning smell was," Uncle Wayne playfully wrinkles his nose and the three of you share quiet laughter, marvelling at the power of being able to laugh even when one of you is coming down from an experience of visceral terror.
You burrow down once more, nosing into Uncle Wayne's flannel to get as close to him as you physically can, and Eddie follows you across the minute space left between you so that you become the cheese toastie you have mentioned wanting to become this night and, truthfully, every night. The two people you love most of all surround you now, keep you safe from harm even and especially from your own mind, and you fall asleep to the persistent but gentle vibration of Uncle Wayne's voice through his chest as he begins to tell Eddie all about your nightmare, four arms tightly around you. The scruff of Uncle Wayne's facial hair tickles the top of your head and you feel Eddie pressed tightly against your neck, his heart pounding there. You feel Uncle Wayne's slower and steadier one against your front and you emit a sleepy sound which gives both Munsons pause, one look of fondness and one look of nothing but love on their faces as they look down at you.
Uncle Wayne finishes relaying your nightmare to Eddie and the younger Munson winces with a muttered, "jesus christ" as he presses a kiss to the top of your head, "no wonder they couldn't calm down."
"Sure as hell seems like they found peace now, son," Uncle Wayne's tone is gruff, his words, tender heart and eyes kind, "how about we join 'em?"
Eddie nods and squeezes Uncle Wayne's hand; this is not the first night the two Munsons have fallen asleep holding hands and it sure as shit won't be the last. Oceanic blues and chocolate browns blink tiredly at one another and then close as all three Munsons find comfort, safety, security and love with one another.
Just as it's meant to be; the three Munsons against the rest of the world.
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kevinsdsy · 4 months
just saw that ither ask PLEASEEEEE keep lucas in the twt au... please my baby boy hes fucked up in the head but THATS HIS BROTHER!!!! sorry hes my favorite character he is NOT that bad ppl just have no reading comprehension 😭 dont cast him out hes only in six fics on ao3 and half of those he has like one line the crumbs in ur au are keeping ke alive while i put off writing a character study about him 💀 i mean. ok if you dont want him in there take him out. but also dont let the haters get to u he would NOT have done that shit if he had known literally anything like of COURSE he believed his brother thats HIS BROTHER. sorry to be a lucas apologist in ur inbox but like free my man 😭 ‼️ he did different shit than that ‼️
SKDHDJDN no dont worry, being a lucas defender in my inbox is okay <33 i also went a bit deeper into it in the replies because i’m not at all a lucas hater. (kinda unrelated but) i also saw someone post a lucas x quotes about brothers here on tumblr which made me sob.
i was just thinking maybe it’d be triggering for someone to have him included in the au because honestly aftg can be such a hard read where u have to take breaks for ur own mental well being (at least thats the case for me idk how others feel about it)
but i’ll definitely keep your message in mind too for future references <3333
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nadvs · 2 months
the secret relationship fic pleaseeeee
where the pogues are talking shit about rafe and she’s like “haha yeah… he’s a psycho haha, hate him” then goes to get railed by him 🤭
it’d be so funny when they all find out too
LITERALLY 😭 and if they’re at the same party, he’d be watching her from across the room and texting her abt how he’s gonna bend her over later… the smut potential of this trope is unmatched
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onlyswan · 11 months
hi art 💓 so im rereading iw couples breakup drabble as one would do everytime shes on her period (its a canon event i think ppl would relate) and i have a few questions!!! 🥹🦋
1. what were the iw couple doing before they were in the car? like did they spend the day only to then break up? i rmb reading that jk was on tour, did he came back and break up w them right away? did he at least get them a present???!
2. what events led him to the decision? we know that prob he’s overwhelmed, the uncertainty of his career and the drabble from where he saw how draining it is on oc. but is there a bigger thing that happened?
3. u wrote that he “practiced” breaking up with oc. like is this true? how long has he thought of breaking up w oc before he actually did it? and how did oc not expect anything??? ☹️☹️
4. who is this “not married yet” girl that jk was teasing tae about? that sounds so saucYY a drabble for that would be super fun!! its gonna be super angsty too!!! hahahahhaha
5. we know jk regretted it right away after breaking up w oc, but why didn’t he backtrack and take it back? i know oc must’ve thought hes crazy but he didnt even call or text first? us reading is comforted by knowing that jk is also having the worst time, but oc doesn’t. yet theyre brave enough to be the one who reached out first, bc for all they know, jk could be with some other people right now, alr over them. did oc know that he’s not that kind of person or deep down they’re just being as brave as they can asking for what they wants which is him?
6. can we pleaseeeee have more drabbles where we can see how much the boys adore oc? or just their dynamic i would say. also do they have a special connection with each of the boys on different things? like maybe a drabble where jk & oc pack a homemade lunch to bring when visiting jin hobi or yoongi 🥹🥹
7. after the initial breakup, were things ever awkward? were there times when oc had to get used to him being in their life again or something less dramatic? did he ever see doubts or worry in oc’s eyes and is the even when he gave u reasons to drabble, the first time they had to address the traumatic event in their relationship? do they ever talk about it now? or laugh about it?
8. what happened with the “someone else i met in a bar turned out to be a jerk”??? when was this?! HAHAHHA jk must’ve lost his fucking mind after learning about this
9. kinda curious has there been a time when jk really needs quality time w oc and just brings her on tour? my dream is becoming a tour wifey so this would hit all the right spot:( esp w how easy he handled the situation from the last drabble of just inviting her to come w him. cutest ☹️
thank you so much for providing one of my comfort fics!! i hope ure having a great day🌷🥹
oh!! also!! i think we’ve never seen iw couple be on a date date, like fancy super dressed up date. is that just not them? can we see more of their date nights??
heyyy beloved i missed you 🥺🥺🥺 omg???
there are two types of onlyswan readers: one - those who reread the period drabbles then they’re on their period / two - those who reread the breakup drabble when they’re on their period 😭😭😭
ALRIGHT [cracks knuckles]
1. he broke up with oc as soon as he arrived back from tour 🥲 like literally. our guy was still jetlagged. he just wasn’t in his right mind at the time honestly. oc hopped in the car thinking they were going to spend time together someplace else but… yk what happened… ofc he got oc lotssss of presents though </3 including those gifts he talked about in the video oc watched before they called him :(
2. at the time they were already making plans about what will happen in the next few years of their career including the m word ehem ehem so. yeah he was overwhelmed and tired and he felt guilty of having to always leave oc + we know how oc is so empathetic so he also felt guilty that they have to carry his burdens as well ☹️
3. probably a month 🤨 but he didn’t actually want to break up with oc yk? it felt more like a thing that he had to do </3 so oc never suspected anything because the way he was acting towards them never changed. he wanted to hold on.
4. LMAOOOOO maybe in the future i’ll get around to that 🤞🏼 but tae was going through it for reaaaaal
5. he didn’t jump out the car to chase oc because him immediately changing his mind would’ve pissed oc off thinking that he was just playing a joke on their feelings and that would earn him a slap on the face 😭 he thought of that. and oc said they wanted to decide for theirself too :( so he wanted to respect that but he ended up becoming too much of a coward to reach out first after that bcs what if oc already decided that the breakup was for the best too 🥲 what if they hate him now 🥲 but he should’ve thought about it more from oc’s pov bcs they were suffering thinking that he alr gave up frfr </3
hmmm joon did talk to them about jk having a hard time, but during the breakup they did ask if he cheated so we know that they have this anxiety :( oc is just our bravest soldier who knows what they want and always tries their best to get it (him) 🫡
6. omg yessss more soon i’ve been thinking about one with jimin too specifically !! oc definitely bonds with each of the tannies about different things 🥺
7. yea, the even when he gave u reasons to drabble was the first time they brought it up again :( after they got back together jk really made efforts to reassure oc and that’s partly because he did see how they became kind of timid when he expresses affection. (i.e., jk saying “i didn’t love you any less and you know that.” and oc not saying anything and walking away instead) (this shit still kills me today sorry)
8. this was oc’s bf before jungkook aka guy with the dirty nails aka the ex who cursed them out like crazy when oc broke up with him (called them a slut) AND ALMOST made oc delete jungkook’s first ever texts to them bcs they lowkey started believing him. (he makes me mad sorry)
9. heeee wanted to but oc has only tried flying out for the ptd la and vegas shows bc the circumstances before then were different :( they were balancing school and multiple jobs. and we know how hard oc studied. they were so committed 😭 but now they live together and oc has a stable job and everything’s just more flexible overall so going with him overseas when he has work there is easy and not a problem at all 🥺
oh ofccc they’ve been on fancy dates esp that oc loves feeling pretty <3 but someone take me on a fancy date first so i can write about it 🤧
this is the first time someone called the giving up drabble a comfort fic lmaoooo this made my day i love you 😭 i hope i answered your questions and thank you soooo much for reading my works 🥺💕
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 4 months
No you’re so real for that. Like I know there’s going to be moments where I’m like “I would never do something like that” because it’s written by someone else but sometimes it’s like OH MY GOOOOD WHERE IS THE THINKING. Like they make reader a passenger in the story instead of the main character sort of thing. Things only ever happen to them, not them doing and causing things. Like I know exactly what you mean and it can be so hard to find fics where Reader feels 3D (or as 3D as possible for an insert)
RIGHT YOU GET IT omg especially the passenger thing 😭😭😭
Like reader is still a character ya know?? Give her a personality pleaseeeee
Okay rant over fr
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voxofthevoid · 5 months
VOX VOX VOX VOX VOOOOOOOOOX (this is izudfrecjkes on the off chance u rmbr my spam) ANYWAYS CAN J PLS SUGGEST IF U FEEL LIKE IT OMG (imagine these r even bigger capital letter pls) CANIN VERSE FRIENDS W BENEFITS GOYUU????? LIKE I KNOWWWWW THEIR INTENSE FLUFFY THING IS GREAT but i just realized today i haven’t come across one n want to cry so maybe in the future when ure warming up to a longer story PRETTY PLEASEEEEE MAYBEEEEEE😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
anyways i hope you’re doing super well n ur health is still good👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
Ofc I remember you ❤️
And it's great to see you on Tumblr!
The FWB trope (i.e., the standard romance trope where they start as FWB, catch feelings, clown around, and then end up together, usually after some misunderstandings and angst) on its own isn't something I'd write. I'd read it, depending on the execution, but most romcom tropes are more miss than hit for me.
I have written, and likely will write again, casual sex arrangements between Gojou and Yuuji that run parallel to some other fuckery; for example, it's there in a chosoita+goyuu fic I wrote (not yet posted on ao3).
And well, hon, this is my current list of JJK ideas: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1WuLaOUs8VzNuJzASgxNG0UyfH24E9nIp/mobilebasic
There are no idle warm-up fic opportunities because these things are eating my brain all the time.
Health is mostly behaving these days (knocking wood again). Hope yours is also being kind to ya!
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shitpostingiris · 2 years
Ok you guys I caved😭 I’m writing a COD fic. I don’t have much but here’s a little snippet. Pleaseeeee reblog or comment if you want this to be an actual story. It’s not MUCH but I have an interesting idea on what I want to write. This will be published on ao3 mainly bc some of the chapters will be long as fuck
Ash sat bound and chained to a chair, her head bowed before the men in front of her. Feeling the thick blood trickle down her face, the cuffs rubbing her wrists raw and bloody, the sedative they drugged her with still coursing through her veins. Even after the hours of the tortuous interrogation that left her soaked in her own blood. She knew well how she ended up in this hellish situation. The only wish she had at this moment was to go back to the peaceful life she had before the 141, the organization, the experiment, the massacre. All of it. She knew they were going to kill her, that was a certainty in her mind. Yet she was not afraid. Death never scared her even when she was young. Only hoping they’d grant her a swift and painless end.
She lifted her head as she felt the warm calloused hand grip her chin softly, yet commanding. Letting her eyes fall onto the man who decided to break the tense bitter silence. Captain John Price. A man she once learned to trust with her life. She looked into his eyes, and saw a hint of regret flash through his piercing blue eyes as he looked at her bruised bloody tear stained face. “Where is the bomb Hazard? Just tell us and we can stop this…please” She couldn’t help the small pathetic laugh that escaped her busted lips. A call sign she used to wear with pride. Perplexed how Price could still refer to her as the name he bestowed upon her and even say please to her. At this moment she was their enemy. Yet they had betrayed her first. This was their payback she decided. She let her head fall back, ripping her face out of Price's hold.
Letting silence fall into the room again for a few seconds before she spoke, licking her chapped lips, the metallic taste of her own blood falling onto her tongue. “Here’s what they don’t tell you. Icarus laughed as he fell. Threw his head back and yelled into the winds, arms spread wide, teeth bared for the world. There’s a bitter triumph in crashing when you should be soaring. The wax scorching his skin, ran blazing trails down his back, his thighs, his ankles, his feet. Feathers floated like prayers past his fingers , close enough to snatch back. Death breathing burning kisses against his shoulders. Where the wings joined the harness. The sun painted everything in shades of gold….. There is a certain beauty in setting the world on fire and watching from the center of the flames.”
She leaned her head forward, hot tears pricking at her eyes once again. Threatening to fall as she gazed upon the men she thought would have saved her. “Falling is not the problem; when I’m falling I am at peace. It’s only when I hit the ground that it causes all the grief. I loved you all, just as Icarus loves the sun.” Pausing for a moment as she felt the tears began to cascade down her face, her voice breaking at the end. Sorrow filling her words “Too close and Too much. These violent delights have such violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder. Which, as they kiss, consume.”
She felt the anger, she once felt constantly. A rage she thought would never come back. A rage these men calmed. Bubble back up inside her. Gritting her teeth she glared at the men “So, bird boned boy—Bad blooded Icarus boy, A riddle that is. What do you call the monsters, who’ve made a living off your bones?” In her brief silence none of the men spoke.
She looked at them with tear filled eyes. Paying close attention to their faces looking for any emotion she could see breaking through their stoic presence. She took a long breath before continuing not liking the silence the men held between them anymore she wanted a reaction “Everyone knows the story of Icarus. Who Daedalus warned not to fly too near to the sea, nor too close to the sun. Have caution, they are saying, because when they tell you this story they are Daedalus and you are Icarus. Have Caution, I am saying, because when I tell you this story you all are Icarus and I am the sun.”
She could see some of the men’s walls finally break as she spoke. Her voice scratchy and strained. Seeing regret, sadness, and anger flashing through their faces like a whirlwind. The tears hadn’t stopped spilling from her bloodshot eyes just yet. “You all wanted me to be something I could never be. I am a created monster you knew that. I was trained to be this monster, I am a rabid dog. And once a dog goes rabid What do you do?” She paused locking eyes with the captain. Fury filling her cold gaze
“You put it down.”
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softhairedhotch · 10 months
HAHAHAHA NO WORRIES PLS TAKE UR TIME TO ANSWER MY ASKS!!!! hope u are had a good sleep n are taking care of urself 🫶🫶 and AWWW THANK U pleaseeeee i wish i really did actually Write Write 😪 i just have a very active imagination n too many thoughts...
BUTTT i have to admit.. i did come up with a male oc last time.. may have dumped many thoughts about him n aaron... the premise is that oc joined the BAU and somewhere along the line, aaron and him became FWBs 🤭🤭 n they text A LOT which forms the basis of their friendship n closeness.
i think some of these scenarios r SOOO FUNNY EMBARRASSING bc there's so many ways where i picture them getting close calls and ALMOST getting caught. like they're both super intelligent n responsible men but the moment they're insanely horny... their brains fly out the window 😭😭... but i'd say it'll be AGES before i ever publish something concrete bc i need to brush up my Descriptive writing skills first LMFAOOO (bc i'm more of an academic writer which just focuses on getting to the point so my vocabulary is like. Horrible.) but lmk if u ever wna hear any of them bc i'll be more than happy to share HEHEHE .
maybe one day i'd just come off anon n create an account to actually talk Talk to u but I'm Shy 😪👉👈 LMFAOOOOOO SORRY this is SOOOO funny thinking abt how i literally said the most god awful filthiest things abt aaron n im yapping abt being embarrassed
I WANNA ANSWER YOUR ASKS IMMEDIATELY OUGH THEY'RE JUST SO GOOOOOD!! curse stupid silly tumblr app formatting asks so that i can't read it when i'm tryna answer </3 and GOD I GETCHA, that's how i used to be and sometimes get with some characters/fandoms but with aaron i just gotta WRITE !! i have way too many ideas though so i only get the short one-shots out and not the stuff i really wanna write, like the multi-chapter fics n angst and stuff with my ocs </3 i'm praying i can sometime soon
YESYESYEYESYESYESYSEY I LOOOOOOOOVE MALE OC'S HOLY FUCK PLEAE PLEASE PLESAEEEE LEMME KNOW ANYTJHING AND EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR OCS!! like i live off of oc's, ESPECIALLY MALE OC'S oh my god i have SO MANY and so many plans for aaron x male oc fics. i have some mostly written but ending them is HARD.
i looove the idea of FWBs hehe that's sooo good. like they get stressed on a case and end up fuckin somehow (even better if it's the classic one bed trope) and oop it just becomes a habit hehe :') LMAOOO I LOVE THAT THO, THEM CONSTANTLY ALMOST GETTING CAUGHT BC THE MOMENT THEY'RE HORNY THEY BECOME DUMB NEEDY MEN LMFAOOO. i can imagine them just being silly n super casually walking to each others rooms at the hotel and like dave sees aaron walking toward's oc's room one night and is just like "you sure that's your room, aaron? 🤨" and aaron is just like "oh... right... yeah... wrong room" and walks back to his own room in embarrassment LMFAOOOO. dave cockblocked him fr BUT YES PLEASE TELL ME ALL OF YOUR THOUGHTS I WANNA HEAR THEM FOREVER AHHH ANYTHING ABOUT AARON N OC'S WOULD MAKE ME SO HAPPY
omgomgomg if you did that i would DIE i'd be SOOOOO EXCITED SDKHFKSDFJ but don't feel pressured to !!!! like i understand that you're shy hehe (me too!!!) but just know i would LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE to talk to you!! but i do love talking to you over anon too, so do whatever you feel comfortable with <3 feel free to carry on sending the filthiest asks, it makes my day lol (and feel free to talk about literally anything you want as well, i'd love to get to know you!!)
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