#when you don't know how to spell your own characters name so you panic
stone-stars · 5 months
Albin (Murph): Uh, Calliope, do you have a name? Emily: Uh, I think Calliope looks through her criminal [laughs] stack of fake passports with fake names and fake identities, but she's like, you know what? This is a chance to try on a hat that I once really wanted to wear. And I think she thinks back to TGI Skydays when she saw Freddy proposing to Addie. [The others laugh.] And she thought of like, how nice it must be to not have to find your own purpose because you can just make someone else your purpose. Albin: Oh, no. Caldwell: Aw? Emily: And she thinks back to Glenn. Albin: (desperately) No. Emily: And she said-- Callie (Emily): I would like to be… Glennifer-- Albin: [laughs] Oh no. No. Callie: --Skydays. [Caldwell laughs.] Calder (Jake): I… I hate it and like it at the same time. Albin: Okay so… I see… Sol (Caldwell): I mean it's got a real ring to it. Albin: Right… okay… Callie: Glennifer. Albin: Glennifer. Sol: Glennifer Skydays. Callie: Skydays. Albin: Skydays. And you spell that… just… Calder: But it's like in a strong, healthy, I don't need this anymore-- Albin: Like, okay, so it's a combination-- Callie: No no no. Absolutely not. Calder: Oh, okay. [Caldwell laughs.] Albin: So it's a combination-- Callie: It's like when you took-- it's like when you took the potion of fire breathing to see like, if you'd like it. Calder: Oh. Yeah. Right. Albin: Isn't Jennifer your therapist's name? Callie: [laughs] yes. Albin: So you've-- Callie: I've combined it. Albin: The source-- the source of your pain? Callie: Look, I have an erotic impulse towards both of them! [Emily laughs.] Albin: We're not gonna dig any deeper into that. Sol: Right. No. Calder: I did drink the fire breathing potion. I'm gonna stay out of your way. Albin: Tha-- very good, Glennifer. Sol? Caldwell: Um, Sol also thinks back to the TGI Skydays. [Emily laughs.] Albin: Why? Is there? We don't-- We don't have to. Caldwell: Uh, Sol's in full panic mode [Murph: Okay.] And like, he hears the word Skydays, thinks back, and very confidently with a shaky grin goes Sol: Potato… Skindersin? Albin: Yes! [Emily laughs.] Very good. Sol: Final answer. Calder: That is on the menu. Albin: Okay. Your name is… Potato. Sol: Tater to my friends! Albin: Tater to your friends. Calder: Alright, Tate! Callie: I'm only Glennifer. Albin: Only Glennifer. Full name. Callie: You can't-- if you collapse it, then you miss out half of myself. Albin: Calder, please! Sol: Bring us home. Jake: Calder thinks deeply about TGI Skydays. [Caldwell and Emily laugh.] Albin: Please. Calder. I beg of you. You're all gonna die. You're all going to die. Calder: I remember… when I spoke with the waiter about not being served. Albin: Okay? Calder: I clocked that his name was Doug. Albin: D-- okay. Well, that's a name! Yes, that's a normal name. Okay. Calder: It is a name. Alright. Doug. Albin: Doug? Calder: Doug DaVirgin. Albin: Doug-- [Caldwell and Emily laugh.] Okay. Like he's a virgin. Calder: That's right. Albin: Great. Okay. Sol: That's-- that's a little character work in there too. I like that! Calder: I just-- I project that onto Doug. Callie: I'm the heiress to the Skydays fortune-- Albin: Jesus. Callie: --and I'm married to Glen. Albin: So you took his name by adding it to your first name? Callie: As is the custom. Albin: Okay. Sol: And it's not really important to the mission but Tater does fuck a lot. Albin: (so, so tired) Okay. Sol: And it's fun because like, Doug's a virgin but Tater fucks a lot but we're still really good friends. Calder: We are! Yeah. Albin: Really good stuff everyone. Calder: Doug's a wingman. Sol: Yeah!
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 7 months
Obey Me! Brothers & Thunderstorms:
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Welcome! To this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
⚠︎Caution: Nighbringer Post⚠︎
CW: The Celestial Realm war talk, small amount of like angst PTSD talk, angst but eventual fluff.
Notes: this is supposed to take place soon after the fall, the brothers are in HoL, Mc isn't in this story, id say it's mostly told from Lucifers perspective of third person.
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The Devildom has some crazy weather, weather that can sometimes even scare demons. This story takes place on a particularly stormy night, the storms in the Devildom are a harsh difference to the ones in The Celestial Realm. The storms in the Devildom usually serve as a harsh reminder of the different lives the brothers have lived, a reminder of the actions that lead them to live in such a harsh dark place, that they now forever call home.
Lucifer is in his room, his brothers were getting used to the new house so they weren't causing too much trouble. He planned to listen to a cursed record and just try and enjoy the night, but he could hardly hear the music over the sound of the storm raging outside. The rain is beating against Lucifer's bedroom windows, the wind howling loudly. The lighting flashing through his windows and the loud crackle and booms of the thunder doesn't help ease his mind. Lucifer's been doing the opposite of relaxing ever since the storm started, everything about the storm has been subtly reminding Lucifer of a recent memory that's been haunting him. The loud noises of the storm reminded him of the screams and clashing sounds that he heard during The Celestial Realm War. Trying so hard to protect all his siblings and do what's right for all of them, to keep them all together and safe...but he failed. Yes he knows unlike his brothers that Lilith got a second chance, got reborn as a human..but she still wasn't with them any longer. Lucifer was happy Lilith got a second chance, happy she was getting to live and find someone to love without judgement...but he still feels like he failed as an older sibling...failed to keep them all safe and together...failed to- A knock on his bedroom door snaps Lucifer back to reality, he turns his head to look at the door just in time to spot white floofy hair and blue/yellow eyes peaking into his room. Stormy nights can be hard for Lucifer, but they're also a reminder to him that he's the eldest and has a responsibility to take care of and comfort the siblings he has now...not dwell on the ones he can't protect or care for anymore. With a deep breath Lucifer shoves all his thoughts and feelings to the back of his mind and looks at the second born peaking into his room giving Mammon a soft look, not his usual intimidating look. "Do you need to sleep in here with me tonight?" Lucifer asks calmly, not seeming upset or opposed to the idea. Mammon being Mammon gives this response, "I don't need to, I'm brave enough to sleep in my own room." Despite Mammon's words Mammon slips into his older brother's room shutting the door once he's inside.
Lucifer shakes his head with a slight smile, knowing the second born all too well. Lucifer motions for Mammon to go sit on his bed, but before either can move or do anything another knock is heard on Lucifer's bedroom door. The door creaks open and both Lucifer and Mammon watch as orange eyes and purple hair peak through the crack in the door. The third born panics and goes to scurry away when he sees Mammon in Lucifer's room as well. Lucifer manages to call out right after watching the third born's purple hair disappear from the crack in the door, "Leviathan." Lucifer calls out, figuring Levi would stop since he was being serious and said Levi's full name. "You can come in here as well, you don't have to go be scared on your own. Mammon can't make fun of you, that's why he is in here." Lucifer says, Mammon protesting to Lucifer's comment in the background. Lucifer walks to his bedroom door and swings it all the way open, seeing Levi standing on the other side anxiously fidgeting with his fingers. Levi's eyes go wide as Lucifer swings the door open and for a second Lucifer thinks Levi's going to run again, but a loud crash of thunder causes the third born to scurry into Lucifer's room, hopping straight into Lucifer's bed. Lucifer watches as Mammon follows Levi and sits on Lucifer's bed as well, Mammon teasing Levi for being in the room scared even though Mammon's there for that exact reason, though he refused to say as much. Lucifer shakes his head as he watches the two with a slight smile, seeing two of his brothers on his bed already makes him begin to hope his bed magically expands just in case another one of his brothers shows up. As if on queue, a loud strike of thunder is heard and then Lucifer hears someone dramatically scream his name, he knows it's Asmo before the fifth born even has a chance to burst through Lucifer's bedroom door and latch himself to Lucifer. Asmo dramatically scolds Lucifer for not coming to save him when Lucifer should've known Asmo would be scared of the storm. Lucifer rolls his eyes, shimming Asmo into the room and then going to close his door, though he quickly stops when he hears two sets of footsteps approaching his door. Lucifer swings his bedroom door back open to see the twins approaching, Beel is walking in front and Belphie is clinging to Beel's side hiding a little behind Beel.
Lucifer doesn't even have a chance to say anything to the twins before he spots Satan making his way slowly down the hall seemingly headed towards Lucifer's room as well. Satan's carrying a book with him, and Lucifer sighs, knowing his bed won't be able to fit and hold all of them. Once all 6 of his younger brothers are in his room, Lucifer rounds them up telling them- "We're all going to sleep in the Commons room tonight, just in case the storm does anything to the house, we'll all be together to take care of it." Lucifer makes that his reasoning so he doesn't hear any tsundere complaints or arguments from his brothers. Mostly none of his brothers complain and they all soon begin to make their way towards the commons room, everyone's more huddled together and waiting on Lucifer to walk, the storm still raging outside causing them to be fearful. They get to the commons room with mostly no problems, just some bickering and a small amount of pushing and shoving. Eventually the 7 brothers get to the commons room, Lucifer watches as his 6 younger brothers begin to move furniture and make a large makeshift bed on the floor near the fireplace but not to close that anything will catch fire. While his brothers do this, Lucifer goes and makes some tea and gathers up some snacks, since he knows at least Beel is hungry. Lucifer gets back into the commons room just in time for his brothers to have finished making a place for everyone to sleep. Lucifer planned to give his brothers tea and snacks and put on a movie for them, hoping that the movie is louder than the storm, but his plans are ruined when the storm takes the power out. A few screams happen, a dramatic scream from Asmo, a scream from Mammon, and Lucifer can't tell if the other scream came from Belphie or Levi. When the power goes out Lucifer is almost tackled as three of his brothers cling onto him for safety. Lucifer calms everyone down and uses magic to light the fireplace, then he prys himself free of his brothers's grasps so he can light some candles around the room to provide more light. His brothers seem to calm down once there's more light in the room, all the brothers have their snacks and tea, and then slowly but surely everyone finds themselves a place to lay down on the makeshift bed, closer together then you'll ever catch any of the brothers admitting. Everyone's half tired but not completely ready to fall asleep yet, the warmth of the fireplace is enough to make them drowsy, but not enough to make them fall completely asleep. It's unclear which brother suggests it..but someone suggests that Lucifer reads the book that Satan had been carrying. So Lucifer sits there reading to his younger brothers, making his voice loud enough to be heard over the thunder and wind of the storm outside, but soft and soothing enough to put his brothers to sleep. Lucifer watches as each of his brothers fall asleep one by one as he reads out loud to them, he even reads out loud for a little bit after they all fall asleep, just to make sure they stay asleep. Eventually Lucifer grows tired himself, he lets himself lay down, laying in a position where he can still watch over his brothers. Right before he closes his eyes he quietly mutters to his brothers that he won't fail them, that he'll keep them safe and happy, and he will. He'll do whatever it takes to keep them all safe, happy and together. Some people will say he spoils them, and some people will even say he's too mean or controlling, but ultimately he's just doing whatever it takes to make sure he doesn't fail as the eldest again.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! It's spaced like that because Tumblr hates me, sorry.the end was kinda rushed it was late and I wanted to sleep, but still I hope you enjoyed it. I have other thunderstorm prompts so maybe I'll do them sometime. Anyways more contents coming soon, Stay Tuned. Stay Safe & Stay Spooky! ♡
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tauforged · 2 years
let's talk about the way we talk about sigma
and i’m not just saying this because i’m a hater or because i find the woobification of characters annoying (although i am, and i do, but that’s neither here nor there) but i AM saying it cuz it’s no longer mildly annoying so much as it is just hurtful and exhausting due to the casual ableism it perpetuates. whether it’s consciously or not, it’s there and i’m pointing it out cuz a lot of people probably don’t even realize what they’re saying (i hope) so i wanna spell it out crystal clear.
*granted, these are sentiments i’ve seen far more often on twitter or tiktok than on here (and i know complaining about stupid takes on either site is like going to the beach and getting mad about all the sand, but bear with me) but it’s ABSOLUTELY something that i see a lot on here too and i'm starting to get incredibly fed up with it all. someone's gotta fuckin say it.
im going to put the majority of this under a readmore because i've got a lot to say on the topic but here's the long and short of it:
you guys have GOT to stop acting like sigma is a poor little helpless confused manipulated innocent little uwu baby. like, for real. stop saying that shit. stop lamenting about “waahhh poor science granpa doesn’t know where he is or what’s happening around himmm 🥺🥺🥺”. stop acting like he’s being held captive or abused by talon despite evidence to the contrary so you can make your little “uwu i can’t wait for overwatch to save him and Fix Him uwuwuw” posts. and for the love of all that’s holy, if i see one more person say or imply that he was better off when he was being forcibly institutionalized than he is now working for talon, i’m going to start fucking attacking people with my teeth like a chimpanzee.
it's incredibly fucking weird and alienating for literally anyone who experiences even a fraction of the things yall are pointing out as proof of his incompetence. and before any of you hit me with the "oh it's not that deep 🙄" im gonna tell you right now that i dont care and im going to be mad about it anyway cuz its my party and i can post whatever i want.
to continue my point, not only is it weird and infantilizing and demeaning and belittling to those of us who deal with literally any of the myriad of things going on with him that i’ve seen people point to as proof that he ‘needs to be fixed’ — memory lapses, time loss, dissociation, auditory hallucinations, disordered thought, just straight up being autistic, hyperfocus and/or complete lack of focus, panic attacks or meltdowns, i cannot overstate how many of the ‘weird’ things he does are just autistic traits so i’m gonna say it a second time for good measure — and those are all just things that i personally have in common with him (which is part of the reason i’m as mad about this as i am to make this post, but i digress).
to single out these things, all of which are completely reasonable for someone who is autistic, who is traumatized, who suffered through a prolonged period of forced confinement, and/or who has literal brain damage, and NONE of which are nearly as tragic and doomed as people are making them out to be, that’s all bad enough on its own!
but to point out these traits and then turn around and use them to color every single interaction he has with another character, every single thing he says, and tie it back to his traaaagic broken mind and how he’s clearly losing his grip on reality just feels… insanely othering in a way that’s really exhausting.
like, for fucks sake, a solid 80% of his character interactions could be lifted near verbatim from conversations i’ve had in real life with my friends, family, coworkers, you name it, all of which were friendly and usually in jest — hell, 9/10 times when i let out a random non sequitur or lose my train of thought or forget what i’m doing, nobody even bats a fucking eye! they sure as hell don't accuse whoever i’m talking to of abusing me because they expressed mild annoyance at my bad joke.
i’ve genuinely seen someone get all worked up and construe his one interaction with sombra where he comments on her tendency to disappear and reappear in odd places as evidence that he’s got dementia and is slipping away from reality altogether… and not, yknow, a nod to her fucking cloaking ability and translocator and the fact that she uses both very frequently just for the hell of it. that one still fucking baffles me i'm sorry. if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes i'd honestly think it was a joke. like. cmon now
another thing that makes it even worse is that most of this is also just…. not even grounded in canon. if this was the way blizz was writing him, it’d be one thing. it would still be shitty and ableist, but blizzard handling their oooh spooky scary mentally ill character badly is about as surprising as the sun rising every morning. i can't say i wouldn't still be upset to see people continuing to perpetuate it, but i wouldn't be AS mad, i guess.
but SO. MANY. of the popular takes on his character are either never concretely stated or outright contradicted by his ingame dialogue and interactions and it drives me insane!!! idk WHERE y’all are getting this shit but so many people are reaching so hard to make him a tragic sad uwuwuw glass bones and paper skin pathetic little meow meow that they’re going out of their way to misinterpret source material so they can shout from the rooftops about how sad and pathetic and unaware they think people like me must be.
i keep seeing people talk about how he probably has no idea that talon is a terrorist group, that he doesn’t know what talon IS, or that he doesn’t even know that he WORKS for talon, and it’s starting to go from mildly annoying to infuriating. this shit has literally no basis in canon aside from conjecture based on the fact that he’s Known to be mentally ill!! i don't see even half as many people getting this all up in arms about widow, who we KNOW FOR A FACT was literally kidnapped and experimented on and brainwashed by talon. like. that's her WHOLE THING. meanwhile sig literally just works there and people are clamoring for ovw to come """""rescue"""""" him as if hes like, a lab animal or something instead of a grown man who happens to not be particularly bothered by the fact that he works for talon.
this is something that's addressed in game MULTIPLE TIMES - he’d far prefer to watch an ant crawl on the ceiling than listen to s76 trying to ‘talk sense into him’, not because he can’t hear him or anything either, it’s pretty clear from his tone and cadence that he’s actively choosing to ignore him. when baptiste points out the fact that he’s fully capable of leaving talon if he wanted to, he doesn’t deny it or act confused or like that’s a strange thing to say, he just seems a little bemused that someone would think he WANTS to leave. yeah, he sure could— but why would he bother?
he's not "totally unaware of what he's doing" in the fucking slightest - hell, i'd argue that his new map-exclusive lines and interactions prove that he's MORE grounded now than he was in ovw1. yes, he gets a little confused on occasion when he can't quite remember the last time he's been somewhere. (memory lapses are just kind of like that. i had several while writing this post, in fact! it just fucking happens sometimes. it's really not the end of the world. frustrating, yeah, but i promise you we can manage just fine).
i guess the question i'm asking is: is it really all that difficult for to fathom that he might just... WANT to be there? that he might just straight up not care what talon is up to, so long as he's able to keep doing his research as he sees fit??
and for the record, before anyone takes this and runs with it and we lose the plot of this post, i am NOT SAYING that the very idea of wanting him to leave talon is #problematic or anything. i dont care, really. do whatever you want. what i do care about is just like.... being mindful about what we're saying and WHY we're saying it. it's reaching a point where people are somehow managing to look at the ass backwards already ableist as hell decisions blizz has already made with him and decided "hey, i bet i can find a way to make that even worse!"
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sacredsanguine · 1 year
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Just what it says on the tin. 18+ interaction under the cut. <3
So I feel like most of the characters could have lots of different presentations, but Some of them are just. They're very strongly coded, alright.
Andrey is an omega. He likes sniffing his love interests, he's like perpetually comforting himself with Nikolai's scent (okay and the cinnamon roll thing??? guys. it's right there.) Also the blanket nests all the time, etc. etc. He's super super physically affectionate with his partners and wants to be held/snuggled all the time - can I make it more obvious?
Taran is a beta. AND instead of those magic siphons he has sucking off his artisans, he's got some kind of meds that make him smell/seem like an alpha. I was actually thinking of a whole backstory like how instead of going to Aixois with his friend to buy a horse he was actually going to get a refill or something. Also beta!Taran definitely still has special artisans on his patronage to make him colognes designed to mimic alpha scents by amplifying certain aspects of his own pheromones.
Ariel is a beta that everyone thinks is an alpha. They have a quietly commanding presence and a way of arranging pieces to fall into place that gives off Big Alpha Energy. It also helps that they're such an enigma - major mysterious alpha vibes.
Esme is an omega on heat suppressants. She's like the POSTER GIRL for them (it's a secret still, but like c'mon). She's such a girlboss and definitely covers up her presentation to make everyone in Pheles believe she's an alpha, just like she has her whole "My name is and always has been Esme and I'm a fire mage" thing in canon. She loves being wrapped up (look at her wardrobe. homegirl does not own anything that doesn't FLAUNT THE FIGURE, and it's because she craves touch), she's literally whimpered and clung to alpha-coded people on-screen and immediately performed panic responses to cover it up, she's got similar responses to Andrey to certain magical signatures....don't EVEN get me started on how her body language around love interests changes DRAMATICALLY in public vs private.
Enoch and Nicholas are both alphas. But this one fic I read had their ruts trigger each other's instead of being on a regular cycle or triggered by an omega's heat, and honestly it was kind of genius. I think they'd keep a running count of whose rut induced the other person's (and by they, I mean Nicholas) and it'd be a competitive thing for no reason.
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So magical signatures are pretty much equivalent to what I think everyone's specific blend of pheromones would smell like, but I think blockers would come in two kinds:
Mufflers - more socially accepted/common, used as a courtesy when appearing in public during a heat/rut or when you know you'll be around a lot of people and don't want to accidentally flood anyone's brain who might be close to/in their own. Don't remove or replace a scent completely, just dampen it down. Negligible side effects, even if used long-term, applied topically (rich people have sigil patches instead of a cream). Over time, your body might develop a resistance to a particular formulation, which would make the muffler less effective.
Banners - very taboo and/or illegal when used outside specific "approved" ceremonial contexts (ex. religious figures who are mandatorily celibate, deep spy missions, etc.). Completely neutralize a person's scent; some kinds also replace the scent with a blend of pheromones from a different presentation, so you could use a banner to pose as a different presentation. Betas posing as alphas or omegas aren't usually made as big of a deal out of, but an alpha posing as an omega or vice versa definitely would be a big scandal.
"Scenting" as a form of greeting is only done within Pheles and the court - like the message bubble spell, it's a ridiculous custom rooted in the archaic "alpha superiority" posturing culture (and also because exposing your neck/scent glands to a stranger used to be equivalent to "you show me yours, I'll show you mine" since two alphas meeting would have to ease their instinctual threat response to each other).
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I'm gonna talk about ruts too but the alliteration was really cute <3
Even outside of heats, Andrey just builds nests. Constantly. Lowkey his actual heat nests are massive fire hazards bc of how many flammable, fluffy blankets and pillows he piles together.
Whenever he has to deal with his ruts/heats himself (I flip-flop on his presentation lol), Joel recites Farfallan verses - if it's reallly hard to get through, he does them backwards.
Joel is also the type of person to always try getting himself through without help because he doesn't want to burden anyone with taking care of him.
Esme's been coasting because she has enough girlboss alpha energy to make people placebo believe her Alpha Command Voice, but she gets found out either by her "fake" Omega Suggestion Voice working a little too well OR suddenly developing an intolerance to her suppressants and well...the fandom doesn't call her soggy for nothing. <3 First heat in what, seven years? Bitey bruises are the least of the issue.
Taran has a huge and unexplored presentation-play kink. He'll likely never get into it with a partner for fear of exposing himself.
Nicholas once had to be put into a medically-induced coma during his rut because he kept wanting to draw blood off Enoch and then the smell of another alpha's blood sent him into a raging frenzy.
Enoch tends to hide away during his rut, emerging only for necessary business or to work out (usually very destructive). He also gets more omega-like symptoms during his rut (feverish, very flushed, damp).
Plot Headcanons
Esme never realized it until way too late, but the periods where her heat would have been happening were also the times she craved playing bitey the most.
Nicholas would have put it together if he hadn't been so disgusted/busy playing bitey with her. Taran does put the pieces together because he's never seen Esme brat out like that.
Nikolai also figures it out and tells Andrey. Andrey is too busy building a nest to care (for now). Depending on divorcee solidarity status later, Esme might get an unwanted and unasked-for safe mating talk. Nikolai does the hand puppetry.
At some point, Andrey's and Esme's heats sync up and their altered behavior prompts the tabloids to theorize that Aurora is their biokid again
Alt. headcanon for how Esme gets exposed: when she's sick after ice skating and Enoch goes to check on her at her apartment....that wasn't an alpha command voice, that was a really bossy omega suggestion. And it worked. We leave it to the fanfics to decide if Enoch realizes or not!
Taran's post-sex cigarettes are for pleasure and for enhancing the dominant alpha notes in his scent.
Nesting Habits
Andrey likes soft fleecy fabrics best for nesting, decorated with silk tassels or pillowcases. He likes more blankets or his partners' clothes to wrap up in than pillows and likes burying his face in them while being "rolled up"
Esme likes the feeling of silk, but her favorite nesting material is cotton because it's softer and more breathable with the fur of her ears/tail. She doesn't like being too warm, she would rather steal a partner's clothes to wear than wrap up with lots of blankets
Joel keeps multiple rosaries on hand to decorate nests, whether for himself or a partner
Taran once jokingly called Esme a pillow princess. The scratches on his back took a month to heal
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paigemathews · 1 year
Is Paige your favourite sister? Your URL made me wonder is all lol
Okay, so full admission, in case anyone hasn't picked up on it yet. @phoebehalliwell almost singlehandedly inspired me into creating a full on Charmed sideblog, and you can absolutely tell bc I 100% based what I was doing on her when I first started. Nowadays, I like to think that I'm being slightly more original but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Part of that was, clearly, the URL bc I looked at the URL box when I was creating the blog and just screeched in unholy panic and doing the most blatant ripoff you've ever seen, complete with b-movie incorrect spelling. (in my defense, the actual spelling was taken!)
but the reason I picked Paige was bc she was definitely my childhood favorite! Admittedly, the reason she was my childhood favorite is bc she was a redhead like me lmao. (look, my first time watching Charmed was when I was an actual child, that was my only requirement for a character to be my favorite.) Nowadays, she probably ties with Prue in regards to my favorite sister!
Admittedly, I'm always a sucker for the untapped potential and Paige has a lot! I'd have to loved to see more storylines focus on her, especially in regards to her past, her powers/heritage, and her forging her path into the magical world.
However, I also just really like her as a character. She's a very creative and compassionate character, and I loved her arc about discovering her inner Whitelighter. She had a very genuine love of magic like Phoebe in the early seasons, but while Pheebs had more of a personal gain thing going on (which I'm not dissing!), Paige had more of that desire to help.
I also liked how Paige, who lost her family and... forgot, for lack of a better term, what it was like to have one, clashed with the sisters initially but also was able to help Piper through her grief over losing Prue and created these relationships with her newfound sisters. I'm also a sucker for how she met Henry, someone who got it in ways that her sisters could never really grasp fully, and they created their own family as well. As rushed as s8 was, I like that Paige's journey on the show was not only joining a family but choosing to invite someone into hers to create another, if that makes sense.
Honestly, I don't really know if I have a super concrete reason for why Paige is my favorite, but just like. the vibes. I definitely named my blog after her bc she was my childhood fave, but I also adore her so I think it works out. She's definitely a fun character to make aesthetics (along with being the next character whenever I get around to my next Warren Witch Project witch) and write for (also known as she's the main character in one of my main four WIPs rn).
Also, redheads still tend to be my favorite characters lmao.
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
Tag memes
Uh I always forget to do these but thank you to everyone who tagged me in them!
Under a cut for length
Tagged by: @ciunasboinin
took this uquiz to find out what elemental writing type I am
My result: Fire Writer
You burn. In the night, under the hot sun, you burn. You shine in the darkest nights, bringing to your readers an immortal fire. No one is able to portray feelings better than you. Emotions burn your characters, making them matches in dark rooms, lighting up everything, and burning from their own hands. Your best is shown in short stories, where the flames of your character’s souls can burn brighter than ever, and become ashes. Your stories hold the most passionate love, soft sighs whispered against a lover’s skin, and the neon lights of a night club. Pain is your second name, and you don’t mind it. Wars, betrayal, yearning, a/b/o and enemy to lovers are your favorite tropes. But when you decide to comfort, the fierce fire that burns in your soul becomes the warm hug of a blanket in a cold day. Established relationships, per-relationship fluff and medical fics are great at showing this softer side of you. Keep burning, and show everyone how hard a fire can burn, even in the coldest of the nights.
I'd say it's really accurate. I based some of my responses on the comments I get on my fics so this seems to check out. Well, except for the a/b/o which is actually a squick of mine
Tagging: @starship--phoenix @draphrawrites if you feel like it, no pressure
Tagged by: @maddy-hat
Rules: Spell your url with Song Titles and tag many people as there are letters.
*opens my music library* Alright, here goes my taste in music. Good luck finding out how all of this makes sense together lol
T - trapdoor, 21 pilots
H - hero, amazarashi
Y - ?? Can't find one for this letter sorry
A - a demon's fate, within temptation
N - numb, linkin park
D - drown, bring me the horizon
R - ragin on a sunday, bohnes
A - a grave mistake, ice nine kills
W - why worry, set it off
R - radioactive, imagine dragons
I - Icarus, bastille
T - thousandfold, eluveitie
E - emperor's new clothes, panic!at the disco
S - ship in a bottle - fin
Tagging: I don't have 14 people to tag, so feel free to do this if you want to
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Casey Jones vs The Underworld Liveblog
This sounds like Casey is reading his movie script draft to pitch it to a board- nope, now it's a diary again.
Oh, he's entered his Battinson Era I guess, with this red lighting.
Oh how dare this man be named Hun when that's a term of endearment I use for these very characters! I guess "hon" is the spelling now... ugh but it looks worse...
Oh a thumbs down after beating Casey up I- I hate this bitch
Donnie looks so sad about the state of the lair :(
Your lab actually looks pretty intact, Donnie.
Oh, Casey's pissed. Casey baby, maybe let them like... move back home before screaming at them to get back to vigilante-ing?
YES YOU CAN CASEY, YOU TAKE THOSE BITCHES O- Is that Xever? Yes it is. I still can't get over that The Foot use fucking motorcycles. This is absurd.
Oh Casey baby no not Shredder, not Shredder
I can't believe I'm saying this but, Shredder get his ass!!!
Love that the dumbass mob boss can't even tell that some random street punk just came in and poured his drink. Not very keen on security, eh Vizioso?
Busboys don't serve food and drink, Casey, you're very lucky that Shredder doesn't fucking know how restaurants work
I swear to god if Raph ignores this text or responds in cruelty, I'm putting the boys into a pot of broth
Okay good, Raph decided to just go with backing Casey up.
Major ADHD moment for Mikey with that TV remote. Relatable.
Oh Leo was VERY distressed by whatever happened to Crognar
So Xever and Bradford like. Have hate hookups, right?
Okay well they nerfed Rahzar again I see- nevermind he's awake again
Sorry Casey, you deserve the lecture from Raph, he's right that you should stop like, willingly almost dying with no regard for your own safety.
Now Raph, this is not how to properly express your concern. I know you're just scared for Casey's wellbeing and that Shredder will brutalize him like he did to Leo and Splinter, but it just sounds like you're mocking Casey. People are right, Raph needs to talk with Dr. Feelings from Rise.
Annnnddddd yeah Casey didn't hear panic and fear of losing someone close to him, Casey heard mocking and a lack of faith. Oh, you poor, angsty, bad-at-communicating boys...
Oh Stockman is ba- KARAI
Plunger and can? Clever, Casey!
Okay Raph is right, he can't just tie Casey up.
Slightly radioactive, I mean so are bananas Donnie.
Oh Donnie vs Fishface this time, huh? Interesting, too bad it's background
How is this bitch fucking Casey up, he's so lame
Good line Casey good line
Did Donnie really just say "Wait, chemicals?" all surprised when thrown into the storage closet of... a chemical factory? Sweetie. You're better than that.
Oh fuck that was a mad scientists moment. He jsut said aloud to himself "Oh, Donatello, I love your mind," with an evil little giggle. ... Maybe he and Rise would get along better than I thought.
Honestly yeah, Xever, he was talking to himself like a weirdo. You're kinda spot on.
Fucking hell what are those Cheesy Balls made of, good god
Oh okay Hun lived. Somehow. ... No I'm pretty sure Casey killed him.
I mean. I don't know if I'd call them. The Best. At least specifically in regards to how they treat you.
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Well some suggestions I have for Ardyn and aunt avietis are. What aunt avietis does after Ardyn invades insomnia. What would it be like if aunt avietis were to be with Ardyn for the entire game (like with him when he had the meeting with the chocobros). And what the ending would be like for both Ardyn and avietis. Just some general in-game information based around avietis and Ardyn throughout the game.
Okay so if you read the other post about  Aevitas both the Glance over and the Early Life you get basically the same scenarios until Aera is killed. 
This is basically a brief overview of their life, like some cliffnotes.
Due to the connection, Aevitas has with the Oracle when Aera is struck down and Ardyn loses control, Aevitas attempts to stop Ardyn but is only able to subdue him leaving her weak from trying to drain the darkness within him not realizing just how much darkness is within him when he goes on the run and she’s unable to regularly purge him. Somnus takes this as an advantage and seals Ardyn away.
Aevitas on the other hand gets trapped by the crystal when she realizes that it’s after Ardyn’s “Soul”. She gets trapped until Ardyn is awakened again as she makes a deal with the gods to watch after him and with Ardyn “asleep” she is not needed, but still is able to interact with those of Lucian blood by being a “ghost” around the castle, though she cannot leave the castle walls until Ardyn wakes up. Nor does she have a physical form until that time, she mostly appears as a ghostly form of what she appears in the past.
When Ardyn does wake up and goes to fight Regis he instead runs into Aevitas who stops him rather than Behometh, released from the crystal's curse on her and allowing her to actually travel with him. For the next few years, as Noctis grows, Aveitas splits her time between being with Ardyn and watching over Noctis and the others never truly revealing herself, as she doesn’t want Ardyn to know that she’s watching them.
Aveitas vehemently is against most of the Empire's movements and often tries to foil what she can. It’s often stated that she and Ardyn are playing an extreme game of chest, where Ardyn is willing to sacrifice everything to protect his king, and Aveitas determines that even if her “King” falls, so long as she has more pieces on the board she feels she has won. They often fall into a stalemate.
When Ardyn “orders” the fall of Insomnia, Aveitas is pissed and actually lashes out at him with both words and weapon as she has access to powers similar to the Lucian Kings, but is unable to actually do anything to Ardyn as it is Noctis’s job to be the final blow and Ardyn can’t harm her as her deal with the gods. Ending in a stalemate Aveitas tries to reach out to the human side of her husband but eventually realizes that it would be wiser to keep watch over boys instead.
When the boys originally run into Ardyn, Aevitas is with him but changes herself just enough for the boys not to recognize her true self, wanting to hide a bit longer. Aevitas is also the one that keeps attempting to stir them away from Ardyn. She constantly counteracts his “creepier” nature with genuine love and affection but eventually realizes what must happen in order to set them both free. Granted she doesn’t want Noctis to die. So she basically becomes very overprotective of them and she and Ardyn butt head a lot!
Aveitas actually watches over Gladiolus when he leaves the group, making certain that he gets to Gilgamesh and makes it back to the others safe and sound. She also watches more intently over the others knowing that Gladiolus is gone.
When Ardyn goes after Ignis, Aveitas realizes too late what he was really after and was too busy trying to save Noctis and Lunafreya by the time she gets to Ignis she can only hold off the gods from trying to kill Ignis, but can’t save his sight. She stays with Ignis and Noctis until Gladiolus and Prompto appear, when they ask who she is as she does not hide her true self, she tearfully responds, “I’m sorry I could not do more.” before escorting them all to safety and then leaving.
She makes mention that losing Lunafreya is one of her biggest failures as she failed to save this Oracle as much as she did the first.
* (In Ignis good end, she realizes way before what Ardyn is planning, takes Lunafreya’s powers to save the other, and gets both Noctis and Luna to safety before going to fight alongside Ignis, during the final blow, Avetias takes all the punishment to be put on Ignis and she and Ardyn are given rest)
She ends up dealing with a lot of the aftermath of Leviathan and spends a lot of time speaking to the specters of Aera and Lunafreya asking for forgiveness for failing twice, so when Ardyn attacks the boys on the train, she is informed only by Shiva and arrives too late to stop Ardyn. 
She races to go find Prompto but instead finds Ardyn, again she lashes out at him, but this time instead of a fight, she tries to appeal to his human side, seeing flickers of the man return, before he disappears again. Ardyn demands her not to interfere, but she goes after Prompto in the disguise of a younger version of herself and helps him escape from Vestral, whom she states, “The man has only ever done one thing right in his life.” She then leads Prompto back to Noctis and the others before leaving without giving her name, simply leaving them with a smile.
When purging the darkness from Ravus it leaves her weak as she realizes the Crystal is near and screaming at her. Unable to even mourn Ravus’s death. Avetias goes to confront Ardyn only to arrive in time for Ardyn to trick Noctis into getting sucked into the crystal. She reaches out in time to save Noctis from his faith but is immediately pushed back by Ardyn just as the others show up.
As Ardyn goes to leave, Avetias too weak due to the crystal realizes that Ardyn had sent her after Ravus to slow her down, and realizing that she can’t go after Noctis in the crystal as Ardyn still walks on Eos, she can only mutter an apology as she goes after her husband fury in her eyes.
The two have one final argument outside, Ardyn states that he won’t fight her as they both know that neither of them can end the other's life. Yet standing before his wife, who is panting heavily but refuses to stop fighting for Noctis, a single flicker of his human self reaches out and embraces her, apologizing, before they go their separate ways for 10 years.
For 10 years Avetias watches over the remaining boys and doing what she can to halt the darkness in the world. When Noctis awakens, she feels him leave the crystal, knowing what is about to happen she goes and finds the man prior to him confronting Ardyn. 
Avetias apologies for having to hide from him for so long, but she will proudly stand beside him. Noctis recognizing the woman that often watched over him in the Citadel since he was a baby gladly accepts her help.
And then you get the lovely Orginal Aunt Avetias post! Which is one ending.
Other endings are, Noctis finally being able to kill Ardyn allowing them both to finally rest. (This is with and without Noctis’s death)
Ardyn finally comes to terms with his anger against Somnus and the deamons within him, allowing him to actually heal with Avetias by his side to watch over for generations to come.
Avetias finally just decking the shit out of Ardyn, just full-on haymaker her husband and then going to the crystal demanding the gods to give back her husband's soul or so help her!
The gods see no reason to deny her...
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pomefiwhore · 3 years
Dorm leaders reacting when accidentally badly hurted fem!MC
Context: A wild creature invades the school. Somehow, while you and your partner were taking a walk together, the being is facing both of you, blocking the way. Its appearance was menacing and disgusting, but it showed no sign of hostility.
Instinctively your partner puts you behind him as he prepares to destroy the creature. However, you realize that even though it has a scary look, it didn't really look like it was going to try to attack.
Y/N: It doesn't look like it's going to hurt us, I think it's better to just let it-
Your partner does not hear even half of your sentence when the creature dares to take a mere step towards you. He immediately casts a spell on the being, about to hurt it mercilessly to keep you protected.
Y/N: No! Don't hurt him!
You scream and run towards the creature as quickly as possible and stand in front of it, serving as a shield.
However, before your partner noticed you moving, he had already thrown the spell, hitting you right in the eye. Your body is thrown away and the creature, terrified, runs away with the sudden turmoil. You were full of burns and could barely breathe. The pain was indescribable because of its intensity.
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Riddle Rosehearts
Process the event for a few seconds, before feeling immense pain filling his chest;
He runs desperately towards you. Tears were streaming down his face and his hands were shaking as he looked at your extremely injured body, not knowing what to do;
'' Y/N... Forgive me... Forgive me... I didn't want to... I didn't see... I-''- He was babbling desperately between sobs;
When he realized that you were barely breathing, he immediately put you in his arms in an clumsy way, due to the immense panic that he was feeling, and started screaming for help. He ran across the lawn while keeping an eye on what was in front of him and on your face, watching your breath;
Immediately wanting to use his own Unique Magic on himself for having hurt the most important person in his life.
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Leona Kingscholar
His eyes widen desperately for a few seconds before running towards you;
'' Y/N? Y/N! '' -He shouted your name, trying to keep you conscious, when he saw that it wasn't working, he immediately started cursing himself for being so careless;
He messes up his hair nervously, with a lump in his throat. Holding back the tears, he carries your body in his arms, feeling your breathing unsteady;
'' Don't you dare abandon me like that herbivore! '' - He shouted, running immediately to the infirmary;
His arms trembled slightly as he carried you, guilt ripping through his chest;
''I can't lose you... '' - He whispered in a choked voice.
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Azul Ashengrotto
The poor guy pales instantly, walking reluctantly in your direction;
No... He didn't do that, right? This can not be happening...
Did he really just hurt the person he loved the most?
When he saw that you wasn't moving and barely breathing, he fell to his knees, not knowing what to do;
And then he starts to scream and cry in despair;
He immediately calls out to Jade and Floyd at the top of his lungs, not caring if he has lost his composure;
After all, what was that when he was in danger of losing something even more serious and precious?
'' Y/N... My angelfish... What did I do...'' -He cried, tears welling up, guilt suffocating his throat.
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Kalim Al-Asim
Y/N!!!!!!!! - He screams at the top of his lungs, running towards you, looking terrified;
He crouches down and raises your head, gently supporting your neck with one hand, tears falling as he strokes your bruised face tremblingly with his other free hand.
'' What do I do ... What do I do ... - He murmurs, looking around, unable to think properly;
He brings your face close to his to check your breathing, realizing that it was very weak;
And the poor thing almost passes out right there;
''JAAAAAAMILLLLLLLL!!!!!!!! '' - He calls his servant, his throat almost aching from the intensity of the volume of his voice;
Almost instantly Jamil appears, with an irritated, visibly bothered look, but becomes one of pure terror when he looks at your burned body;
''KALIM WHAT HAVE YOU- '' - He started the question almost screaming. He didn't even has the strength to complete it when he immediately took your body in his arms and headed for the infirmary, Kalim right behind, explaining what happened in a desperate tone, but Jamil was not in the mood for it now. He needed to remain calm.
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Vil Schoenheit
'' Y/N! '' - he exclaims in an irritated and worried tone, ready to give you a lecture, when he realizes that you weren't moving;
And then the panic came;
He goes towards you, bends down and gently shakes one of your arms to see if you reacted. No answer. As he approachs his face to check your breathing, his heart almost stops when he felt that you were practically not breathing;
His eyes widened in sheer horror, feeling immensely guilty and ugly for having hurt you;
He knew he needed to remain calm in the situation, but it was almost impossible to know that the reason you were practically dead was because of him;
He carries your body, looking for help, keeping you extremely close to his chest, no longer caring if it would stain or wrinkle his clothes, it was not the time to worry about it;
"Hold on my potato..." - He whispered, feeling like a piece of trash and with an immense pain in his chest. Vil couldn't stand the thought of living without you.
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Idia Shroud
Idia.exe has stopped working;
He just stares at the scene, paralyzed and looking still, processing and not believing what he has done;
Did he just suffer a Game Over?!?! Did he just lose the extra rare and most important character of his collection ?!
Idia remains there, frozen, refusing to believe of what just happened and just hoping that all of this was just a bad dream;
Luckily, Ortho was spying on his brother to see how he was doing with you and immediately came out of his hiding spot to help you;
Ortho catches his brother's attention, asking to help him carry you, but Idia remains in his catatonic state of denial;
The youngest sighs in frustration, being irritated by the idea of having to carry his brother to the infirmary too if he remained that way;
But eventually Idia reacts and lifts your body, unable to even look at you, just keeping his eyes straight ahead, without blinking, while following Ortho's instructions.
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Malleus Draconia
The dragon fae's heart almost stops when realizes what he had done;
He looks at his own hands, trembling, feeling indescribable pain;
The human, his human, whom he had promised so much to protect and keep it safe, was not only extremely hurt, but was hurt because of him;
'' No wonder they see me as a monster ...''- He murmurs desperately, his mouth drying;
He carries your body reluctantly, trembling of fear on ending up accidentally hurting you again;
But even more afraid of losing you, of losing his most precious treasure;
I dare say he was almost crying.
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im-pok · 3 years
Just for fun (and to make these easier to find) I have made a compilation of JSRF quotes!
I did find the quotes from this video by RisingSonic17 on YouTube. I do suggest watching it as it gives more context to the lines:
Keep in mind that some interactions may be missing, as I have never played JSRF and may be unaware of some interactions. Characters and their quotes appear in chronological order according to the video.
"This is the GG's Garage. Hey, where's our pizza? Huh? You're not the pizza guy? Oh, you're here to join the GG's, eh? Heh... Tell you what. Find Gum. She's the one you wanna talk to. Just get close to her and pull the 'Right Trigger'. Got it?"
"Why don't you talk to her now?"
"Now, just 'cause you're new don't mean you can act like a big baby. The police are tightening up here, especially since the Rokkaku took over the police force. I know we look crazy 'n all, but even we know to pick our fights. So don't mess things up for the rest of us, got it?"
"Roboy's training changes as your skill level changes, so be on the lookout."
"I had a feeling Poison Jam would have their hideout in the sewers beneath Rokkaku-dai Heights. This is it... looks like the time to throw down has finally come."
"Man, those Poison Jam freaks are out of control. I say we start on Chuo Street and cover everything to Rokkaku-dai Heights and 99th Street in our graffiti. Chuo Street is probably the best place to start."
"Roboy told you, right? If you find a Mystery Tape, you gotta check the GG-notebook. It'll tell you where to find the Graffiti Souls in the area."
"Where the hell is Yoyo? Maybe he freaked out and skipped town? I'm sure he's alright. But we gotta take care of those Immortals. They've been walkin' around like they own the place. We gotta go and cover up all their graffiti."
"I'll send those Immortals back to the grave as many times as I need to!"
"We'll stop those Noise Tanks!"
"Poison Jam knows something about Yoyo. I know they do."
"Damn! Punk, I'll get you for that!"
"The fortified residential zone... that's deep in the ghetto. And it could be the fake one again..."
"Here they come. The crazies from the Golden Rhinos. Concentrate, and watch your back. These guys ain't no joke."
"We gotta protect the streets. That's not a choice. We can't let these fools just waltz in and take over."
"The real enemy is your own fear. Remember that."
"So you're the cat that wants to join us, huh? I don't know where you're from, but the streets are tough. Real tough. Let's see what you're made of. We'll start you off nice and slow. Let's see how much air you can grab. Press the "A Button" to jump."
"Dogenzaka Hill is GG territory. I heard there's some headphone wearin' freak creepin' up here. If I could just find him, I'd show him what's up...."
"You can do it, can't you?"
"There are a couple of places in Shibuya Terminal where you can get on the roof of some buildings. You can get there by jumping from a Grind. You should check it out. Who knows what you'll find up there? When you're looking for something, the best place to start is the Map. You can see it by pressing the START button."
"The area of 99th Street is built around a tower that has a bunch of places to Grind. Definitely check that place out. There are also telephone poles to Grind and billboards to Wallride... the most important thing is to just try everything out. Oh, and don't forget to check the map by pressing the START button. That should give you some helpful hints"
"We actually found Roboy in a dumpster. Corn fixed him up real nice."
"I've been lost in the severs before. Its kinda crazy in there, but as long as you keep moving up, you'll be ok."
"Yoyo just can't chill and stay out, can he? He'll be back soon, I'm sure. I heard the Immortals hang out in the skyscraper district or something..."
"Actually, they say Roboy is actually a Noise Tank prototype. Don't tell him that though, ok? We don't wanna make him cry or nothin'. In any case, we're gonna get those damn Noise Tanks."
"Those tracks should connect Sky Dinosaurian Square to the edge of the skyscraper district..."
"I hear that Poison Jam's woman leader has been showin' her face in town."
"Man, the Rhinos gotta be pissed off!"
"Shibuya Terminal is in a state of panic. I really wanna stay out of this, but we gotta go over there and take care of business."
"Don't use your eyes. Just try to feel it, ya know?"
"Graffiti has the power to wake up the energy that's asleep in the streets of Tokyo. The Rokkaku Group... the police... they don't know what's up. So let's just cover this whole place in art, yo."
"Yo, you know that dude Hayashi from the Rokkaku police force? That guy is one messed up dude. He's a complete psycho. Watch out for him."
"I heard through the grapevine that some weird-lookin' girl's been hangin' out at Rokkaku-dai Heights."
"So you think Poison Jam is after us?"
"We gotta get the Doganzaka Hill goddess statue that Poison Jam took. We better hurry, or things are gonna get real ugly."
"Anything go down while I was gone?"
"I've always thought that thing in Shibuya Terminal was nasty lookin' anyway! Let's do a little redecoration."
"Sometimes, you just gotta get moving or else nothin's gonna get done, yo.
"Hey, I've heard of you. You're one of the GG's, huh? Tell you what... I'll race you. If I can beat you in a race around Doganzaka Hill, then this place belongs to me. Got it?"
"Hope you won't regret that."
"Shibuya Terminal? Now that you mention it, there was this huge guy wandering around there... And fishy graffiti? That sounds familiar, but I didn't really look close enough to see if the graffiti that the fool was paintin' actually looked like a fish or nothin'."
"Hey. Is it true Poison Jam used to cause trouble in Chuo Street under a different name?"
"Rapid 99 of 99th Street. They don't show their faces in public very often. Some say Rapid 99 and Poison Jam are sworn enemies because something big went down a while back. I don't know the details, though. A friend of mine told me that the girls in Rapid 99 are real lookers. I just think he was too scared of 'em to say otherwise. In any case, it ain't gonna be easy to find 'em."
"You meet Rapid 99 yet?"
"Noise Tanks? Never heard of 'em. But we gotta find Yoyo. I'll go through the sewers and check out Kiboganoka Hill."
"Those Immortals really get on my nerves..."
"Crazy stuff is going down all over town! Looks like it's time for a little clean up... GG's style!"
"Time to get serious."
"This kid's kinda funny."
"This time we should be able to tell if it's the real one or the fake Yoyo just by talkin' to him, right?"
"That crazy guy?! What're you talkin' about? He looks nothing like me. Besides, we don't got time to deal with that fool. Remember? The Golden Rhinos??"
"Well, they told us to come. Don't look like we got any choice."
"There are some things that you can only feel when you're out in the streets, you know?"
"What's this?! Who's been sprayin' these ugly tags on my turf?! Hmph. I'm guessin' it was you... Its on! If you loose, you're gonna be answerin' to me from now on, punk!"
"You think you can do this too? Let's see it!"
"Man, you're not all that. Here, I'll show you one more time."
"The deep end of the sewers is closed off because it's contaminated. At least, that's what I heard..."
"Hey, why you gotta go out and get a dog?! There's only one thing I hate more than dogs, and that's goldfish."
"I heard Rapid 99 used to run under a leader named Cube..."
"Thing that ticks me off most is, the Immortals ain't worth all this talk and trouble. I wonder if they got somethin' to do with Yoyo's disappearance?"
"There's a bunch of real big guys with real big attitudes causin' a big scene over on Highway Zero. Maybe they might know something about the Noise Tanks. Man, where the hell is Yoyo?!"
"What is UP with Yoyo, anyway?!"
"Hey, Graffiti Souls are a big commodity, right?"
"I don't care if it's a golden rhino or a blue hippo, I'll send 'em right back to the zoo where they belong."
"What's their master plan? I mean, the Golden Rhinos don't seem like their just out here to run the streets, you know what I'm sayin'?" (This quote was spelled like this in game. From my knowledge it should be "they're just out here...")
"Here comes Gouji. Let's end this."
"Did you get all the Graffiti Souls? We still got a full laundry list of things to take care of, you know."
"Hehehe... So this is your hideout."
"Poison Jam are... kinda cute!"
"Is it just me, or does Captain Hayashi not look like he eats his breakfast?"
Poison Jam:
"I don't think Yoyo's that kind of a person."
"I think hes hiding something."
"This feels like a trap. Be careful."
"Someone's after DJ-K?! You sure about that?!"
"Gouji Rokkaku is kinda interesting. But, I think he went a little too far this time..."
"I love everything about Tokyo... even the things I hate."
"Hur hur hur. You want to get rid of us, don't you? Nothing in life is free. You gotta work for it. Beat us in this race and we won't mess with you anymore."
"Har har har!! I told ya'll you were a bunch of wussies!"
Rapid 99:
"ghahah! Next thing you know, you will be all crying like a baby."
"If you can win a flag battle against us, I'll tell you where Poison Jam' s hideout is."
"Suit yourself."
"I won't hold back."
"Hey. Keep it real."
"There's this lightning-quick girl over at Kiboganoka Hill. Dunno if she's still there. But man, I gotta say, I'm really trippin' out over Yoyo missin' and all."
"When it comes down to it, the Immortals are just dried up mummies, man. I bet they all nasty under those bandages."
"The Noise Tanks might look strong, but they're like cheap action figures! Just run into them and they fall apart! Oh yeah, that girl from the stadium... I heard she's been lookin' for us. You seen her yet?"
"Aww man..."
"The fortified residential zone... it's directly attached to the underground sewers. Man. I don't like that place at all."
"Is that dude in black even human? My heart's pounding... I don't know why."
"You're never as good as you can be! Don't slack off!"
"Y'all are crazy!"
"This doesn't look good."
"Alright. Stay cool."
"Yeah.... we were a little too laid back this time, I think."
"The fortified residential zone... hey, why don't we pick numbers to decide who goes?"
"It's about time the Rhinos brought things up a notch. We better be ready to get real serious too."
"What the hell IS that big thing, anyway? But, you better watch out for that fool in black..."
"If you get a "Jet" in the Trials, you can even use people who aren't here to take out into the streets."
"You're one of the GG's, right? Then tell this fool that they got the wrong girl! They think I'm one of you guys! So, they dragged me out here and looked what's happened to me!!"
"Hurry up! Tell him that I'm not a GG!!"
Noise Tanks:
"Hey, you're that GG that helped me out! Thanks for that man. Say... there's something that I've been wondering since then. You wanna find out who's the fastest? I KNOW I can beat you. Let's give it a shot!"
"Alright. Fine. See ya."
"I'll get 'em good no matter what!"
"The more worked up we get about this, the harder it'll be to find what we're lookin' for."
"There's somethin' not right about the way the Golden Rhino's are actin'."
"Why are those Golden Rhinos going after the Radio station? Well, make sure to be on the lookout for Captain Psychopath."
"We gotta save DJ-K! I can't stand listening to this music anymore!"
"If this town could talk, what poetry it would speak..."
"Practice all you want, it will not make a difference."
"It is not over yet. Prepare yourselves."
"Heh... Go on. Fight!"
"Are you ready?"
Special interactions:
"Sometimes it just doesn't matter how much you practice."
"Dude. I'm bored. Entertain me."
"Hmph. What a bore."
"My sources tell me that the Noise Tanks and the Rokkaku Group are in this together. Be careful."
"So is that Clutch guy in with Rokkaku too? Or is he just a little punk?"
"I'm about ready."
"The Golden Rhinos are really startin' to get on my nerves..."
"I got better things to do than play house with Gouji Rokkaku, but man, that big ugly thing has GOT to go."
"Graffiti Souls' sole purpose is to be sought out."
"You're looking for that kid, Yoyo, right? Tell ya what, if you go out and get some Graffiti Soul points... Hey! Wait a sec, you've already got quite a few. Lemme see those... Sucka! Thanks for the Graffiti Souls! See ya around!"
"Hah, hah! I look forward to it!"
"I dunno, but I just don't get what's going on here. Heh..."
"This Gouji Rokkaku dude is pretty funny!"
"Haaaahaha! Tokyo ain't half bad!"
"If you can beat me at my own game, I'll leave you alone."
"Suit yourself."
"The fortified residential zone... Unless you're absolutely sure of your skills, you should stay away from that place."
"I've dealt with the Golden Rhinos once before. If you don't take them seriously, you're as good as dead."
"I can't stand even looking at that thing. Its just so... so... damn ugly!"
"Yeah. You just have to try everything with an open mind."
Beat to Corn:
"So you're the leader of the GG's? Heh... How's this sound? If I beat you in a race around Doganzaka Hill, you and your buddies have to answer to me from now on. If you beat me... well, we'll just see when it happens."
"Huuuh? You're so boooring..."
Talking to Beat in the garage before fighting the police:
"Anyway, I'm ready to rock. But what's up with that pooch, eh? Where did ya pick him up? You sure that's not the leader in disguise? Heh heh. Its only a matter of time before I become the leader of the GG's anyway."
Combo to Gum:
"What's this?! Who's been sprayin' these ugly tags on my turf?! Hmph. Was it you, princess? You've been a bad, bad girl. You've better hit me with everything you've got, 'cause I ain't gonna hold back just because you're a girl!!"
"The cue tone get you all jumpy?"
"You liked that, eh? I'll do it again for you."
Yoyo to Rynth:
"You're... like... you know... yo."
"Where'd you come from?"
Gum to Rynth:
Rynth to Beat:
"Cool. Welcome aboard."
"You kinda... smell weird."
Garam to Boogie:
"Hey. I'm next in command around here, little lady. The name's Garam,"
Combo to Boogie:
"This group is growing bigger every day. Fool just dig me, I guess."
Gum to Boogie:
"So you're the one from Kiboganoka Hill, huh? Well, this is the GG's. What you see is what you get. Just be yourself, you'll be cool."
Garam to Jazz:
"Well, um... I... uh... be cool."
"That freak who's been making all those weird tags... you think he's connected with the Golden Rhinos somehow?"
Boogie to Garam:
"Alright. Stay cool."
Jazz to Garam:
"I feel ya, but I think you should try to chill a bit. Keep it together."
Corn to Clutch:
"What a fool. But the fortified residential zone... that's deep in the ghetto. And it could be the fake one again..."
Jazz to Clutch:
"Don't push your luck."
Beat to Clutch:
"You just wanted some attention from us, right? Aww..."
Combo to Clutch:
"Man, you're such a jerk I almost like you."
Garam to Clutch:
"One of these days, I'll get you one-on-one! Just you and me, fool!"
Boogie to Clutch:
"Fine. I'll let you off just this once."
Slate to Clutch:
"Heh... Stay outta trouble."
Corn to Yoyo:
"Long time no see, bro."
Clutch to Yoyo:
"So you're that Yoyo guy, huh? Heh..."
Jazz to Yoyo:
"So, you're the real deal, huh? 'Sup. I'm Jazz."
Combo to Yoyo:
"You gonna go and try to get back into shape, huh?'
Garam to Yoyo:
"Heh... I caused enough havoc for the both of us while you were gone, bro."
Rynth to Yoyo:
"The most unbelievable stuff was happening while you were gone! Hehehe..."
Yoyo to Slate:
"Hey, sorry about all that, yo. My bad. But thanks to those fools, I'm all out of shape now. Maybe I'll go out and cause a little havoc to warm up, yo."
Yoyo to Jazz:
"Man, things have sure gotten busier sice I was last here?"
Gum to Beat:
"That fool dressed in black who's been hanging around Chuo Street... now that I think about it, you guys kinda look alike."
Clutch to Beat:
"In times like this, you won't fall as long as you look where you're going. Heh heh."
Garam to Beat:
"Hey, you know that guy everyone's been saying looks like you? Well, is it you?"
There is some cutscene dialogue missing from these lines. If I can find all the cutscenes, then I'll be sure to add them.
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emachinescat · 4 years
The Day that Camelot Forgot
A Merlin Fan-Fiction
by @emachinescat ​
@febuwhump​ day 24 - memory loss
Summary: A vengeful Morgana casts a powerful curse on Camelot on the day Merlin is named Court Sorcerer, making everyone in the citadel forget that Merlin – and his impact on their lives – exists. She can only maintain the spell for one day, but twenty-four hours is more than enough time for the warlock to get himself into some serious trouble.
Characters: Merlin, Arthur, the knights, Gaius, Morgana is mentioned
Words: 6,444
TW: anxiety attacks, burning at the stake, main character near-death
Note: This story is a bit late, as it was meant to be published on day 24 of Febuwhump, but I got sick, and missed a few days.  I did post the first half of it on Tumblr on the 24th, but this is the finished product. I am seriously considering writing a sequel, because there are definitely a lot of ramifications that I gloss over here, a lot of angsty, whumpy stuff that I could (and most likely will) expand upon in another story. But I'll let you read the story for yourself, and see if you're interested in a sequel! 
Keep reading here, or on AO3!
If you enjoy, please consider liking, commenting, and re-blogging, and you can follow me for more content like this! :)
Merlin woke up to a broom head hitting him in the face, which was not how he expected his first day as Court Sorcerer to start.
An indignant squawk escaped him as he rolled off of his bed in an effort to escape the assault. He already had an insult for Arthur on his lips when his bleary eyes cleared and he realized that it had not been the king at all who had woken him in such a manner. It was Gaius, and he was poised to strike again.
"Gaius!" Merlin stammered, scrambling to his feet and dodging another blow from the broom. "What the hell are you doing that for?"
Gaius didn't answer. Instead, looking as mean and ornery as Merlin had ever seen him, the old physician demanded, "How did you get in here?"
Merlin cocked his head to one side, completely nonplussed. "I… live here? I remember turning Arthur's offer for new chambers down so I could stay and care for you – OW!"
Gaius had hit him again. "Who are you?" he all but growled.
Merlin blinked. "Gaius, you know me," he insisted, his heart hammering out his uncertainty at the pulse point in his neck. Something was wrong; Gaius might be cantankerous for his old age, and he might have enjoyed the odd joke at Merlin's expense, but never something like this.
Merlin tried again. "Gaius, it's me… Merlin." When Gaius only glared at him distrustfully from beneath two gnarled eyebrows, he added hopefully, "You know… Hunith's son?"
To his relief, recognition lit in his mentor's eyes at the mention of Merlin's mother, but distrust immediately replaced it. "I have known Hunith all of her life," Gaius said, voice low and measured, broom still held at the ready. "But she has no son."
Real fear exploded in Merlin's chest – fear for Gaius, not for himself. There was only so much Gaius could do with a broom, but if he was forgetting Merlin so suddenly and so completely…
"Ah, I'm sorry," Merlin said as calmly as possible, raising his hands in front of him to show he meant no harm. "My mistake. I'll … get out of your hair."
He darted out of his room, across the physician's main chamber, and out the door, leaving a confused and agitated Gaius in his wake. Merlin prayed that the old physician wouldn't get himself into too much trouble while he was gone, and then darted for Arthur's chambers.
He ran into Gwaine on the way – literally, he ran headfirst into the knight, so distracted by Gaius's sudden and dramatic loss of memory. At first he wasn't sure whose ridiculously muscular torso he'd bumped into, and despite his worry, he couldn't help but grin when he saw the bearded face glaring down at him in surprise.
Merlin stumbled back.
"Watch where you're going, friend," Gwaine said in response. The way he spoke sent a wave of wrongness down Merlin's spine. He had called Merlin friend, but it was a vague, generalized term. When Gwaine normally called Merlin his friend, the word was saturated with warmth and shone with the light of a dozen charming grins. Now, it meant nothing. And when Merlin looked up into his friend's dark eyes, there was no recognition there. No smile that Merlin had come to understand as reserved especially for the knight's closest friends. Gwaine's eyes landed on him, flashed in brief annoyance, and then skirted off of him almost nearly as quickly.
"Gwaine?" Merlin asked, irritated at the uncertainty in his own voice.
Gwaine, who had already started sauntering away, turned back with a puzzled expression. For just a moment, Merlin was sure that kind, mischievous face was going to open up in an eyes-to-mouth smile like it always did upon seeing him, but then the brow furrowed, and Gwaine asked, "Do I know you?"
Merlin opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. He stood there, gaping like a fool, his whole body coiled as if ready to spring into action, limbs numb, fingers trembling, fear wrapping its constricting tendrils around his chest.
Gwaine gave Merlin an odd look, then shrugged. "Maybe we drank together once."
Merlin nodded weakly, remembering not just once, but many times he and the man before him had gone to the tavern together, often with the rest of the knights, sometimes even the king, in tow. He thought of laughter, and promises of friendship and loyalty, and tavern songs and Gwaine standing on top of a table doing a clumsy jig. He thought of the first time they'd gone to the tavern after learning of Merlin's magic, how Gwaine had asked him a million questions that had gotten more idiotic with every drink. ("No, Gwaine, I have never tried to transplant my nose into the center of a rose to see if flowers can smell themselves.")
By the time he had resurfaced from the barrage of memories that Gwaine had forgotten and that Merlin now clung to with a new ferocity, the knight had gone.
Feeling distinctly sick, Merlin resumed his trek to Arthur's chambers, noticing with fresh terror that every person he passed either didn't acknowledge him at all, or gave him a second, bewildered glance like they'd never seen him before, like he had no right being where he was – being in his home.
Arthur didn't remember him, either.
Merlin was so near panic when he got to the king and queen's chambers that he almost forgot to knock. Knocking was never something Merlin had been particularly adept at remembering to do, especially when it came to his duties to Arthur, but since the king had married Gwen, Merlin had made sure to amend his habits. There were some things that Merlin absolutely did not want to walk in on, and besides, he respected Gwen too much to risk barging in on her unannounced.
It was Arthur who answered the door, and Merlin was so flustered that he didn't wait for an invitation to enter (when did he ever, though?), and he squeezed his way into the room past the king. Gwen was nowhere to be seen.
"Thank the gods you're here, Arthur," Merlin huffed as he bustled in. "Something very weird is going on. Gaius and Gwaine are acting like they don't know me, like they've never seen me in their lives!"
He turned around to face his friend. To his surprise, Arthur's hand was on the hilt of his sword at his hip, and suspicion rolled off of him in waves. "Who the hell are you?" he asked flatly, blue eyes flashing with an intensity reserved for those who wished to do him, his kingdom, or his loved ones harm.
Merlin had been expecting a joke like this. Arthur was never one to pass up an opportunity to tease his former servant, soon-to-be Court Sorcerer. The dry retort, "Very funny, Sire," died before it could escape his mouth, though, because when he looked at his king, his best friend, he saw no glimmer of recognition. No familiarity. No kindness or warmth or irritated indulgence. Arthur's face was that of a man who had just had a complete stranger barge into his room and started talking to him like they were old acquaintances – which, Merlin was beginning to realize, was exactly what had happened from the king's point of view.
Merlin swallowed heavily and entreated, "Arthur … King Arthur. Please tell me that you know me." Desperation clawed at his throat and infected his next plea. "Please."
Arthur didn't speak, didn't relax his grip on his sword hilt, but he didn't draw the weapon either, which Merlin thought had to be a good sign. Finally, after several long, tense moments, Arthur responded in a slow, cautious tone, "I'm sorry. I have never seen you before in my life. What business do you have with me?"
Merlin's world, everything he knew and understood and loved, crumbled around him in that moment. He staggered back, managed to stay upright by pure strength of will alone. What the hell was going on? The familiar sting of tears pressed against the back of his eyes, and he only managed to keep himself from crying by sheer stubbornness. He took a deep, steadying breath, made a conscious effort to look as non-threatening as possible, and tried very hard not to panic.
"Okay," he said, and his voice shook, so he tried again. "Okay." This time, his voice was steadier. Arthur's glare pounded into him from across the room, and knew that the king's already thin patience was running out. "Something very wrong is happening in Camelot," the sorcerer began.
Arthur interrupted him. "I agree," he said pedantically. "There's a strange man in my chambers."
"I'm not – I am, or I was, your servant."
"My servant's name is George."
Merlin couldn't help it. He groaned. "George? The one who makes jokes about brass? He's your servant in this hellish version of Camelot?"
Arthur sent Merlin a look that was almost pitying. "You are obviously very confused," he said in a surprisingly gentle tone. "But I am king of Camelot, and you have no right to be in my personal chambers. Go now, and I will think nothing more of this intrusion. If you do not, then I will have to treat you as a threat, and call the guards."
Merlin shook his head, unwilling to let this go. In the span of a single morning, his entire reality, the world he and Arthur had worked so hard to build and the future that they were about to step into, his new position as Court Sorcerer, his friendship with Arthur, everything, had been ripped away from him. He had to figure out what could have caused this to happen. He didn't have to think long – who was out there with enough power to make what seemed like the entire citadel forget he existed? Who was angry and envious and vindictive enough to take away everyone he loved on the very day that the culmination of his and Arthur's dreams were finally taking shape?
Even as Arthur stepped forward, hand tightening on the hilt of his sword, preparing to draw it, Merlin blurted, "It has to be Morgana!"
All the color drained out of Arthur's face in an instant. He stood there, frozen, a horrible expression of pain manifesting in his eyes. "How dare you speak of my sister," the king growled, and Merlin actually backed up a few steps, bumping into the end table that he'd polished more times than he could count.
"I know she's a difficult subject to talk about," Merlin managed, striving to keep his voice steady as the grief in Arthur's eyes turned to fury. "But it's the only explanation. Morgana must have cast a curse on the citadel – you have to let me go find her, please, and I can stop this, and the world can go back to normal."
Arthur drew his sword now, and Merlin had no more room to retreat. He stood before his king, his closest friend, his muscles aching from the tension gripping his body, his heart pumping so fast and hard he could feel the flutter in his chest. "Arthur, please–"
"I am your king!" the man who had Arthur's face but spoke like his father spat. "You will address me as such! And how dare you insinuate that the Lady Morgana was a sorceress! What vile game are you playing?"
Merlin's head spun; he had no idea what was going on, how Arthur was currently seeing the world, but he did know for certain now that Morgana was behind it. The reverence and love with which the king said his half-sister's name could only come from a delusion the sorceress in question had placed there. Then something Arthur had said hit home. "What do you mean 'was'?"
The expression on the king's face was faintly nauseated, as if he were being forced to remember something that he had hidden away deep inside, or as if he were actively fighting the urge to cut Merlin down on the spot. Either scenario felt entirely wrong and filled Merlin with a sense of dread. "My sister is dead," Arthur said flatly. "She who would have been queen – should have been queen." Oh, yes, Morgana was definitely behind this, Merlin thought wryly. It was bad enough she had these sick delusions in the first place, but to force everyone in Camelot to play a part in them was equally terrifying and sad. "Struck down by a sorcerer in cold blood."
Merlin flinched at the way Arthur spat the word sorcerer. It had been years since he had heard the title said with such hatred and derision, and never had he heard this level of malevolence for magic-users come from Arthur's mouth. After everything they had been through together, after the joy of watching their prophesied destiny unfold before his very eyes, after hearing Arthur accept his magic and plan to officially declare him Court Sorcerer, hearing the title that Arthur had so often spoken of with pride slide out of that same mouth slicked with hatred hurt. But Merlin reminded himself of the truth – this wasn't Arthur, not really; somehow he was being fed false memories – and he squared his shoulders and looked his king right in the eyes.
"I'm sorry for your loss," he said solemnly. Arthur's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Merlin hoped it was a good sign. "But Arthur – your highness – I need you to listen to me, please. I can explain everything. I can try, at least. But your memories aren't what you think they are. Morgana is alive and… very well, considering the power of this enchantment."
"My sister was murdered by magic, and yet you still insist that she is the evil enchantress!" Arthur fumed, and Merlin felt like he was talking to a stone wall, or even more deaf and unyielding, Uther Pendragon. He very seriously considered knocking Arthur out with magic and tucking him away safely in a wardrobe somewhere while he himself went to deal with the sorceress who had caused all this trouble. But Merlin could sense Arthur, the real Arthur, somewhere beneath the surface of those familiar-but-foreign eyes, and he was sure he could break the spell without having to go to the source. Merlin was Arthur's dearest friend, the king had said this himself (and yes, it still counted even if Arthur had been incredibly drunk after a night in the tavern with Gwaine when he said it). And Merlin knew Arthur better than anyone else, save the queen.
I can reach him, he reassured himself. Arthur is still in there, somewhere. I just have to find him. And once he's back to himself, I can deal with Morgana.
"Please, sire," Merlin said, putting every bit of sincerity he could muster into his words. "Just… let me tell you my side of the story. Let me remind you of who I am, and who you truly are. I am your friend, Arthur, and you have said yourself that I am the most stupidly loyal man you have ever had the displeasure to meet." A desperate chuckle lilted his last few words.
"You have two minutes."
"Um, there's a lot to cover, actually," Merlin responded. "Can I have a bit longer, because I don't think–"
"One and half minutes."
"Okay, okay, I'll stick to the basics!" And so Merlin gave Arthur the quickest and most condensed version of their friendship and history he could cobble together in less time than it usually took to exchange greetings with his king in the morning.
He ended with, "And so you see, it makes sense that Morgana would want to sabotage this occasion, because it marks the beginning of a new era that she desperately wants to be a part of but is too bitter and proud to humble herself and change for. She wants to tear us apart, wants you to do something that you'll later regret. But I know you're stronger than this, Arthur. I know that you remember me, deep down. The life you're living isn't yours. Your memories aren't yours. They belong to Morgana, but your mind does not." A strange, almost trance-like mask had descended over Arthur's face while Merlin spoke, and hope started budding in the warlock's chest – he was so close to breaking through, he could feel it.
"So," Merlin prompted, when Arthur did not immediately respond. "Do you remember? Have you realized the truth, sire?"
Slowly, Arthur nodded, and the dazed quality to his eyes cleared up in an instant. "Yes," he murmured. Merlin allowed his eyes to close momentarily in relief; his body sagged against the table at his back. Thank the gods, the nightmare was over. Now all that was left was to find Morgana and make sure nothing like this ever happened again.
But Arthur wasn't finished speaking, and the hardness had steeled his gaze once more, his lips set in a straight line and his jaw clenched and held high. "I have realized that I was a fool to think that you were a harmless vagrant with delusions of grandeur who wandered into the wrong part of the castle. I should never have opened the door for you."
"I am your KING!" Merlin snapped his mouth shut, tears once again prickling at the corner of his eyes. The injustice of the situation weighed as heavily on him as his destiny once had. "You are a sorcerer, an enemy of Camelot, here in an attempt to take down Camelot from the inside. But your spells and tricks and poisoned words will not work on me."
"You don't understand, I–"
Elyan and Percival were the knights who dragged Merlin to the dungeons and threw him roughly into a cell. Then Percival clasped his wrists in shackles, which were chained to the floor. The door slammed shut with a metallic clang.
"Percival – Elyan!" Merlin called out as the knights that had only a week ago pledged their acceptance and loyalty to him as the soon-to-be Court Sorcerer and chief advisor to the king. "Please, you know me!"
"You'll die for your treachery, sorcerer," Elyan spat.
The left, and Merlin sank to the cold, damp stone floor, chains clinking. He drew his knees up to his chest, rested his aching head on them, and did his best to remember how to breathe.
Merlin wasn't sure how long he had been in the dungeon, but it had to have been a couple of hours at least. He hadn't eaten breakfast because the old man who usually prepared it for him had instead attacked him with a broom. Now, he was certain he had missed lunch too. His stomach growled at him in protest, but the hunger pangs meant nothing to Merlin. Even if the guards dropped off a meal fit for a king, he wouldn't be able to eat a bite. Everything had gone so wrong.
And now Merlin was at a loss of what to do. He could escape the dungeons easily, he knew, and go searching for Morgana. But there were so many uncertainties, a litany of what ifs that railed against him whenever he thought about breaking out of his chains and sending the cell door crashing into the guards holding a silent but hostile vigil on the other side. If indeed he could find Morgana and discover a way to reverse the curse, then it would, of course, be an easy fix. Merlin's failure to connect with Arthur and break the spell himself had planted a seed of self-doubt deeply within the soil of his mind, however, and now what he had been so sure of before he'd tried to fix things himself – that he would be able to hunt down Morgana and stop this madness with magic – seemed like a distant, unrealistic goal.
And if he did fail? If he could not find Morgana, or if she had managed to employ a magic far more powerful or strange than he currently knew how to counter? If he was unable to break the curse? Then Arthur would go on believing Merlin was the enemy, and Merlin would have forfeited any chance of reaching his friend by flouting the king's edict, attacking the guards, and breaking out of the castle.
Merlin had only been able to get through to Arthur in his other life, his real life, by showing the king over a period of years that magic was not something to be inherently feared, not something evil in and of itself. He had had to show the king through his own life and actions the truth about magic, so that when Arthur had at last learned of his secret, it was from Merlin's own lips and with nearly a decade of loyalty and friendship to back up Merlin's assurances that he had only ever used his gifts to protect Arthur and Camelot. Sure, Arthur had been angry at first, and hurt that Merlin hadn't trusted him, but he had come to an acceptance of Merlin's magic much more quickly than the warlock had imagined. King and servant had grown even closer in the wake of the truth, and soon after, Arthur had started drafting plans for making magic legal and had proposed the idea of Melin's being officially named Court Sorcerer.
But if Merlin was forced to start from scratch, to rebuild his relationship with the king – a possibility that pained him deeply but that he was more than willing to do, if it was the only way to get Arthur back and get their destiny on track – then it would not be wise to start that relationship off with a jailbreak. Then again, he argued against himself, neither was blurting out his secret to an Arthur who had already shown great disdain for magic and who held no memory of or loyalty toward Merlin at all. At this rate, maybe it was better to just take the risk and escape, because how in the name of the Triple Goddess was he supposed to convince Arthur of his loyalty if the king most likely planned to execute him for treason?
He almost made his escape then, but something stopped him. At first, he couldn't identity exactly what it was, just a feeling, an uncomfortable squirming in his gut that could have been the voice of destiny, or instinct, or, quite possibly, hunger. But either way, it bothered him enough that he held off on his plans to break out and examined the feeling more closely. Eventually, he realized – if he left Arthur now, especially in the state he was in, alone and unprotected and with Morgana out there somewhere with her eyes feasting hungrily on the citadel she so earnestly believed should be hers, he could be putting the king in more danger. If Merlin wasn't able to find Morgana in time, and she used his absence to ease her way into the citadel and onto the throne, which Arthur would readily give up to her in his current state.. With him under her influence, she could do whatever she wanted to him – kill him, imprison him, break his mind forever… and Merlin wouldn't be there to stop her.
With this thought, he decided to wait it out, and to see how events would unfold. He would not use his magic to defy Arthur or make his escape unless absolutely necessary. After all, he tried to assure himself, there was the very real possibility that Morgana would not be able to hold this powerful of a spell for long. She might be a priestess of the Old Religion, but even she had her limits. Perhaps her plan was to lure Merlin out to find her and then to use his absence to take Camelot for herself, but it was entirely possible that she only had a limited window of time to achieve her goal and that she was counting on Merlin to act on his emotions and search her out immediately.
Or maybe her plan was just to simply wreak havoc in Merlin's life for as long as she could. Either way, Merlin reasoned, her hold over the entirety of Camelot could not last forever. Sooner or later, her grip would weaken and Arthur and the rest of the citadel would wrest their way out of her control.
Merlin just had to survive until then.
He was unsure of how much time had passed when they came for him again. No one had brought him food, or water, and no one had come to visit him during his imprisonment, either. Merlin thought it was highly likely that Arthur had ordered any curious parties to stay away; the king had made it abundantly clear that he considered Merlin a dangerous threat. The fact that he had not been given even a hunk of stale bread or a flagon of water sent warning bells off in Merlin's mind – if this strange Arthur was anything like Uther had been, then he knew that he would be executed swiftly and without trial, and there was no need to feed a dead man.
Gwaine and Leon came to collect him. Leon unlocked the shackles and shoved him at Gwaine, who spat at his feet. "And to think I was kind to you this morning," he growled, and Merlin fought the urge to remind him that he hadn't exactly been kind, more indifferent. Gwaine roughly spun Merlin around, wrenched his hands behind his back so hard that pain sliced through his shoulder blades. Merlin felt his hands being bound tightly, expertly behind his back with course, thick rope. He reached into himself and felt his magic, alive, pulsing, ready to rise to his defense, and he took solace in it, but kept it at bay.
Not yet, he told himself.
But he was getting scared, and he was running out of options.
They shoved him to his knees before Arthur, who sat unyielding and terrible on his throne, a mirror image of his father. Merlin realized with a start that there was only one throne.
"Where's Gwen?" he asked. Now that he thought about it, the servant-turned-queen hadn't come up when Merlin had told his story to Arthur earlier, and the king had made no mention of his wife. In fact, he recalled with a start, none of Gwen's more domestic touches had been in Arthur's chamber.
Arthur stood, striding forward and looming over his prisoner. "You should have gagged him," he groused. "He doesn't know how to shut up." For a split second, Merlin thought that maybe the real Arthur was beginning to resurface – that was exactly something that he would say! Then he crossed his arms over his chest and asked irritably, "Who is Gwen? Your accomplice?"
"No, no," Merlin quickly assured him, not wanting to cause any trouble for Gwen, wherever she was. It was odd, he thought: Most elements of Camelot had stayed the same in Morgana's living nightmare, like the knights – even the non-noble ones, even Elyan, Gwen's brother, had remained as they were. But Arthur, in this version of reality, had never married Gwen. It made sense if he thought about it, though. Gwen had occupied the role that Morgana had believed was hers, had, in the witch's eyes, betrayed her trust and left her for the man that represented everything Morgana hated. Of course, Gwen wouldn't have her happy ending, her marriage to Arthur, with Morgana in charge. She was being punished as well. Merlin wondered if Gwen had been left with her memories of the real world like he had been, or if she was somewhere in Camelot, living and thinking as a maid when she really was a queen.
To Merlin's relief, Arthur didn't pursue the line of questioning any further. "I have talked this matter over with my council and advisors," he said in a measured voice. A burst of bitterness howled inside of Merlin – he had been named Arthur's chief advisor! He had been a part of the original council, the Knights of the Round Table, when Arthur had first brought them together! And now this illusion of Morgana's had stolen that away from him, too.
Not yet, he reminded his magic, as it raged and boiled and frothed inside of him. Be patient.
He might have been able to control his magic, but he could not keep his sarcasm completely in check: "And I am sure that in your discussion with the council, you all came to a completely fair and totally unbiased decision based on facts and not the unfounded prejudices of your father's rule."
He didn't know what he had been expecting, but it certainly was not Arthur's face flushing an angry red, nor the back of his hand smashing full-force into Merlin's cheek, snapping his head to the side violently. He felt one of the king's rings split the skin on his cheekbone, and thought for a breathless moment that the entire left side of his face had caved in.
He couldn't keep back the lone tear that crawled from the corner of his eye. It didn't come from pain or even shock – but a sense of gut-wrenching betrayal that he could not reason his way out of, even knowing that Arthur was not himself. Even in the state that Arthur was in, even knowing that the king would make plans to execute him, Merlin never anticipated Arthur himself becoming physically violent with him. Somehow, Arthur's hitting him was so much more of a betrayal than a death sentence.
Just. Wait. He didn't know how much longer he would be able to keep his magic from rising to his defense.
"You will learn your place, sorcerer," Arthur hissed. "When you burn. Take him; we light the pyre at first dawn."
Fear screamed through Merlin's body like a whirlwind, and coherent thought fled in the wake of his worst nightmares manifesting before him. He had been sure that Arthur would have chosen hanging or even the chopping block, but a pyre –
Merlin had grown up terrified of fires, horrified at the possibility of dying a brutal, torturous death, swallowed and ravaged by flames, all because he was born with magic. Because of who he was.
No one had been burnt at the stake in years in Camelot. Certainly not after Arthur became king. It was a barbaric practice, and even the worst war criminals and traitors were given a swift, merciful death. He had assumed that Arthur would continue that tradition.
But no, when he was dragged out into the courtyard – the sky was dark, but the air chilly and damp, heralding the approaching dawn – a great pyre had been constructed, and the rest of the knights – his friends – had gathered around, their faces lit eerily by the flickering flames of the torches they held at the ready. At least Gaius wasn't there.
You're not actually going to die, Merlin tried to remind himself, dragging desperately for air through his nose, his mouth blocked by his neckerchief that they'd dragged over his mouth in a bid to keep him from talking, or screaming, or just out of pure spite, Merlin didn't know. You can escape. You will escape, and find Morgana, and stop this. You can't delay any longer.
He drew himself up as tall as he could between Leon and Gwaine, calling his magic to his aid and –
He wasn't sure what happened, or how his friends-turned-enemies had guessed that he was about to try something – maybe he had given himself away somehow, maybe they had noticed the change in his stance or a shift in his energy, or maybe Morgana was interfering even now, ensuring that he would not escape his fate so easily. Whatever the reason, just as Merlin drew upon his magic, something blunt – a sword hilt? – crashed into the back of his skull, and everything was pain.
Agony ripped through his head, his neck, and crackled down his spine. Any grip Merlin had on his magic slipped through his fingers, and he fell forward, held semi-upright only by the knights escorting him to his death. He didn't lose consciousness, but he did lose all sense of control over his body and his magic, and the only thing that existed was pain. His stomach churned in time with the throbbing of his head, and his eyes were driven shut instinctively by the light of the torches before him.
The next few minutes passed in a state of distanced terror and pain. Merlin was acutely aware of the heaviness and agony of his head and the nausea in his gut. He also felt every spike of fear, every bit of helplessness, every scream that wanted to rise up from the most primal part of his being. And yet, at the same time, it was as if it was happening to someone else, and he could do nothing about it. Everything hurt and he was going to die and Arthur was going to burn him alive, his friends were going to light the pyre, and he would die in agony, and not even his magic could stop it, because he couldn't feel it, couldn't find it – he was magic itself, and yet it eluded his grasp, all that existed was pain and confusion and his head swam –
He felt, as if from a great distance, himself be hoisted onto the pyre. He felt the rough wood of the stake rub blisters into his tied hands as he was shoved against it, head lolling uselessly as if it belonged to someone else. He felt rope wrap around his torso, his legs, securing him to the pyre, and he tried to lift his head, which rested on his chest, tried to find his magic, but all he uncovered was fear and despair and pain.
He vaguely heard Arthur speaking from somewhere close by – or maybe it was from miles away. He did not understand the words but knew them to be a list of the supposed crimes Merlin had committed – being born with magic the chief of those. And then, far too soon, Arthur stopped talking, and Merlin sensed through his partially closed eyes the knights approaching with their torches, and he felt the warmth of the fire as those torches were lowered to the wood.
Merlin forced his eyes open, thrust his head up and looked at his friends, then beyond them, at Arthur. He maintained eye contact with his king, his brother, his best friend, even as the knights lit the pyre and he felt the heat begin to spread. Merlin didn't know if Arthur could hear him from this distance, if his words would be loud enough, strong enough, or if they would be caught up and consumed in the rising flames. It took every ounce of strength and concentration to push past the pain and call out, as loudly as he could, "I forgive you, Arthur."
And then, as the flames began licking at his feet, his boots, his clothes, something popped. I was as if the world itself had been out of joint, like a dislocated shoulder, and in that moment, the painful but satisfying second of release, it had snapped back into place. The air shifted, the world stopped spinning for the briefest of moments, and then, it clicked back into its rightful place.
The spell had been broken; Merlin could feel it in every fiber of his being – his magic cried out in relief, and it was only then that he realized that it hadn't been his head injury that had prevented him from fighting back, from escaping – it had been a last, desperate attempt by Morgana to get her revenge, to hide his magic away from him just long enough for him to die.
But she had failed. Her power, her hold and control, had finally given out on her, and Merlin felt his magic bubble back to the surface, and despite the pain and the fear, he summoned rain from a cloudless sky as the sun continued its golden ascent and put out the flames.
Around him, he heard yells, and cries, and his name was shouted from all directions, from the mouths of those he loved and trusted and who had very nearly killed him. But his head pounded, and he was so weak, and the fire was out. He slumped in his bonds, eyes fluttering shut, head dropping to his chest.
He didn't even feel the hands untie him. He didn't feel the knights gently lift his too-warm body from the pyre, didn't feel himself being carried into the castle and placed on a bed, didn't feel Arthur's tears of mingled guilt and relief splash onto his face.
He did, however, somehow, amidst the quiet and dark of unconsciousness, hear Arthur's voice cut through the silence, strong and familiar and real. "Gods, I – I'm so sorry, Merlin. My dearest friend, I–"
When he woke, Merlin would embrace his king, reassure him that no lasting harm had been done. He would smile at his friends, clasp hands with the knights and hug Gaius, find Gwen and make sure she hadn't suffered the same disorienting day that he had. He would answer all questions asked of him, and he would assure Arthur and the knights as many times as it took that he did not blame them, would explain Morgana's dark role in everything. He would find Morgana, and make sure that nothing like this would happen again.
When he woke, the world would be right. It wouldn't be normal – after everything that had been done to him, after all the betrayals, even though he didn't blame his friends, it would take a while for normal to come back around. But Merlin would persist, and he would have his friends – his real friends, with their real memories – to help him through it. As he would help them through the ramifications of their own pain, guilt, and regret.
And when he woke, he would be named the official Court Sorcerer of Camelot. He would be given a robe fine enough for a king, but he wouldn't care about that. All that would matter would be him, at Arthur's side, protecting him and fulfilling their destiny. That was how it had always been, and Merlin, when he woke, would look forward to a bright future of peace and hope.
But for now, he gratefully, peacefully slept, knowing that when he next opened his eyes, Camelot would remember.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Kingdom High Chapter 3
Warnings: same as the other two
Rating: SFW
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(lesbian panic)
Once upon a time...
In a faraway land...
“I am Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen, and I pledge-uhm... I—” Raven said. Apple was waiting behind Raven excitedly.
“Come on! Do it!” she said. 
“I-huh...” Raven said. 
All eyes were on Raven as she faced the most important choice—
Really? You're gonna start there, at Legacy Day? 
You know, there's only really room for one narrator here.
Start at the beginning! Where the whole Rebel and Royal drama began!
Oh, fine! Gather round, friends, and let us tell you a story: the story of Ever After High, a high school for the teenage sons and daughters of the most famous fairy tale characters who ever lived. But this year was like no other for the students of Ever After High. Raven's Tale, the story of a Rebel.
It was the year of Legacy Day; a momentous event where the students pledge to all the magical world to follow the same paths as their fairy tale parents. 
Which they better do, or else!
I'm sorry, who's telling this story?! If you don't—
“Would you two stop fighting?!” Maddie asked as she stomped her foot.
“Peas and crackers,” she said. 
“Um, who are you talking to?” Raven asked. Maddie ran up to Raven.
“Why, the narrators! Oh, you can't hear them, Raven, only I can,” she said. 
“Okay...” Raven said. Maddie looked up and giggled.
“Can I talk now?” Raven asked. 
“Mhm!” Maddie said.
“It's just... Ah! I'm sick of everyone thinking I'm so ‘evil,’ because my mom was. It's not fair!” Raven sent her baggage to oblivion using her magic by accident. Maddie put her hand on Raven’s shoulder.
“No one thinks you're evil. Hehe, now you're just talking crazy! La-la-la!” she said. 
“Daughter of the Mad Hatter calls ME crazy?” Raven asked. She then sighed.
“Would you stop with the worry-flurry?” Maddie asked. The two of them walked up the steps.
“Everyone at school loves you!” Maddie said.
“It's Raven Queen! Run!” a pig said. 
“She. Is. Evil!” a prince said and a fountain sprayed at him.
“Run, everyone!” Lilly-Bo Peep said. Her sheep bleated in alarm. The students screamed and hid away.
“See? They love you!” Maddie said. Her watch sprung open.
“Yay,” she said. she flung off her watch her watch and set up a tea table.
“Tea time! Earl Grey!” she said. Earl Grey squeaked.
“Oh, you clever dormouse! Why, yes,” she said as she poured some tea into a cup.
“This is a new dress,” she said. It became lunch time and Raven sat alone in the castleteria.
And so, life for Raven was not easy; feeling alone and isolated.
As it should be. She is destined to be evil.
Couldn't go twenty seconds without talking, could you?
Dexter noticed Raven and approached her. He waved and started talking to her.
“Hey, Raven! Uh-You look gort... I mean great. I-I don't even know what gort is...” he said. 
“I'd offer you a seat, but I'm ‘evil.’ To sit here you'd have to be pretty—” Raven said. Daring and Apple entered the room and fans screamed for them.
“Daring?” Raven asked.
“Oooh, Daring!” a girl said.
“What? No, Raven, I'm Dex, Dexter Charming! Daring's my bro...” Dexter flinced.
“Ther. Oh, gort,” he said. 
“Raven, how's every enchanted thing?” Apple asked. 
“Apple White. Good to see ya. Hey, Daring!” Raven said. 
“I-uh I have to warn you: don't stare at the teeth. Just got them whitened,” Daring said. He flashed a smile in another direction and it had tanned the pigs. The bell soon rang.
“Oh-oh! There's the bell. Time for Good Kingdom Management,” Apple said. She waved a hand to Raven.
“Raven, what's your next class?” she asked. 
“Uh... History of Evil Spells?” Raven read.
“That is so perfect for you!” Apple chuckled. Cerise walked past them.
“Hey, Cerise, how's it going?” Daring asked. He smiled at her which caused her to drop her tray. She growled but then coughed afterwards.
“Oh uh, sorry, I-I have a cold!” she said and ran away.
“Free food!” a pig said.
That night, as Raven returned to her dorm, she found quite the surprise waiting for her. Raven knocked on the door, expecting Maddie to be inside.
“Hey! Maddie?” Raven asked as she lightly pushed open the door.
“Welcome home, roomie!” Apple said as she turned around.
“Huh, good one, Apple. I'm rooming with Maddie this year.”
“Not anymore! Since you're such an important part of my story; you poison me, I fall asleep...” Apple shook her head.
“The prince wakes you with a kiss blah-blah-blah, yada-yada I know! So?” Raven said. 
“So, I asked headmaster Grimm if we could live together! And he said yes,” Apple said while nodding her head.
“Isn't that enchanting?” she asked.
“Ugh... But-but...” Raven said.
“Oh-oh-oh! You are going to love rooming with me! I'm thoughtful, and beautiful, and I sing the most wonderful songs about woodland creatures.” She cleared her throat and started singing.
“🎵All the doves love to fly and the hares love to burrow!🎵” she sang. Raven was annoyed and she shooed the doves out.
“Move along, move along. Nothing to see here,” she said. One dove unexpectedly stayed and Raven stroked its chin.
“And, I already decorated your half of the room!” Apple clapped.
“Isn't it just the evilest? I knew you'd love it!” she said. 
“This is gonna be a looooong year,” Raven shrugged. She continued playing with the dove.
Which brings us to the rehearsals for the Legacy Day ceremony.
“So, when your magical key appears, you insert it gently into the Storybook of Legends, then stand, shoulders back, and declare your destiny to the world! Have I made myself clear?” Headmaster Grimm said.
“Headmaster Grimm, but what if...” Raven asked as she held up her finger.
“No questions? Good. Now, we're going to practice with this tiny Manual of Entirely Reasonable School Rules.” He cleared his throat and signaled the little pig to leave.
“I, Madeline Hatter, pledge to follow the destiny of dear old dad: The Maaaad Hatter of Wonderland! When do we drink the tea?” Maddie said. 
“Next!” Grimm said. 
“I'm Hunter Huntsman and I pledge to follow my destiny as the next huntsman. I'll swing my axe bravely and—” Hunter said. He looked in the audience and saw his pet squirrel, Pesky, blowing a rasberry.
“Really, Pesky? You wanna play that way?” Hunter asked. 
“Next!” Grimm said. 
“I'm-I'm Cedar Wood, and-uh I pledge to follow my destiny and be the next Pinocchio. Well, I mean, not the next Pinocchio... huh. I mean, actually, I can only tell the truth while I'm in school, but then one day, one day I'm gonna lie... Uh, but does that mean I'm gonna be like my dad... or not like my dad...” Cedar said. 
“Next!” Grimm said. Suddenly, some girls had arrived. 
“Um, excuse me! Are you Headmaster Grimm?” Akaya asked. 
“Yes, I am. Who might you be?” Grimm said. 
“My name is Akaya and these are my friends. This is Lisa, Liliana, Daicha, Hana (yes i’m adding my oc), Yui (and yes i’m adding yui from the lost princess series), Annna, Yami, Anju, Kurota, Ahmya, Kaji, Mizuki, Elena, Ena, Eimi, Hasumi Chika, Sakura, Aashni, Alina, Dawn, Chihiro, and Adreanna.”
“Ahh, you must be our new transfer students. Come, come. We’re just doing our Legacy Day Rehearsal.” Akaya and the others walked up to the podium. As the Royals were doing their pledge, Yui and Raven spoke with each other. 
“‘sup! I’m Yui. What’s your name?” Yui whispered. 
“I’m Raven. Are you a royal or a rebel?” Raven whispered back. 
“I’m a rebel.”
“Cool. Me too. Hope we get to know each other during this year.” 
“Next!” Grimm said. Yui walked up to the podium. 
“I am Yui. Daughter of Xemnas. And I pledge to become the next superior of Organization XIII. If I don’t do anything stupid that is,” she said. 
“Next!” Grimm said. Yui’s friends went next. 
“I'm Raven Queen and I pledge to follow my destiny as... um... I have a question!” Raven said. 
“What is it?” 
“I was just wondering, I mean, what if I don't want to take the pledge?” everyone gasped except for Yui and her friends. Apple’s mouth fell open and Daring shut it with the back of his hand.
“What? It's just a question!” Raven said. Headmaster Grimm walked sternly up to Raven. 
“And here's your answer. If you don't pledge your destiny, your story ceases to exist,” he said. 
“Ceases to exist? So then... What happens to me?” Raven asked. 
“You will cease to exist! Poof!” Raven stepped back. 
“Now, Raven, continue,” Grimm said. 
“But, Mr. Grimm...” 
“Poof-poof!” Raven flinched. 
“Ah!.. I have to go,” she said. Students were gasping as she left the podium. Yui watched her leave nervously.
“But the rules are... The rules!” Grimm said. 
In the Vault of Lost Tales, deep beneath the school, another was listening: Giles Grimm, the brother of the school's headmaster.
“The Raven flies. The clouds, they sing! But what should happen when the tide rolls in?” Giles said. Raven sighed and sat on a log out in the forest.
What will happen indeed.
That's it? That's where you're ending the story? I cannot wait until it is my turn to tell the story.
And why are you so against these kids choosing their own destiny?
Yui and her friends were hanging out at her father's castle (don’t worry. I’m gonna make a list of all of the children of the characters). The girls were hanging out in the Gray Area, catching up on the latest gossip. Everything was fine until the ground started to shake. The girls all stood up and went to go see what was happening. They ran to a balcony and saw that a storm of darkness was approaching. The seven guardians daughters quickly went home while the others went to go help the Organization. 
“What should we do?” Yui asked Xemnas. 
“I’m not sure. But it seems like this darkness is stronger than we have ever faced,” Xemnas said. 
“We have to do something!” Dawn said. 
“Please, dad. Isn’t there anything we can do?” Yui asked. 
“I’m sorry. But we’ve lost,” Xemnas said. 
“Here it comes,” Xigbar warned. Everyone huddled close as the storm hit them, transporting them into a new and strange world. 
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bestworstcase · 4 years
more than once you've said "the tts fandom can't write x character, or can't write y character," but have you considered that maybe they can write them fine, you've just built up your desired interpretations of these characters? you give off this condescending attitude, like ONLY YOU can write tts characters accurately, ONLY YOU understand them, & any interpretations that don't in some way align with what you think are WRONG. this has become more apparent as you've worked through bitter snow
let’s discuss king frederic, and how he is often characterized in fanworks vs how he is characterized in the show. 
now... i think we can all agree that frederic is at best a mediocre father and a not especially good king, that in his worst moments he steps over the line into emotional abuse vis a vis his treatment of rapunzel, and that the avoidant head-in-the-sand approach he takes to the black rock problem in s1 causes widespread pain, unnecessary panic, and does not improve the situation whatsoever. 
he is widely disliked in the fandom for very good reason
however! it is difficult, though hardly impossible, to find fic where frederic acts or speaks... like frederic, for one very simple reason: the fandom, by and large, as a group, writes frederic as an angry, abusive man who blows up when he is confronted with the many, many things he does wrong. often this takes the form of a character, or characters, getting up in front of him and rattling off his list of crimes, real or perceived, followed by him basically throwing a tantrum.
canon frederic, to put it bluntly, does not do that. 
exhibit a: caine’s confrontation of frederic in before ever after.
caine sets up exactly the scenario that in the average tts fanfic would end with frederic yelling / blustering / furiously denying the accusations, plus she does it while rounding up all his guests and putting them in cage to haul them off and, presumably, kill them somewhere. like. the stakes are life or death and this is an extremely stressful situation for everyone involved.
and this is how that conversation goes down: 
FRED: Release my guests immediately!
CAINE: What’s the matter, Fred? Am I ruining your perfect day?
RAPUNZEL: ...The Duchess?
CAINE: Oh, honey. I am no Duchess.
RAPUNZEL: I don’t understand.
CAINE: Of course you wouldn’t, Rapunzel, but try to follow along. This is all your fault.
CAINE: You see, after your untimely... disappearance, your father locked up every criminal in the kingdom... including a simple petty thief. My father. I saw him thrown into a cage and hauled off like some animal, never to be seen again. So... I thought I’d come back, and return the favor. 
[the wagon rolls in]
CAINE: Load ‘em up, boys! Your turn, Your Majesty. 
[Frederic moves to shield Rapunzel; Caine snickers.]
CAINE: Oh, come on, you didn’t think we’d leave our prized pig in the pen, did you?
RAPUNZEL: [as Caine’s gang drags Frederic toward the wagon] Dad—
FREDERIC: Rapunzel, stay back. 
FREDERIC: No. There’s nothing you can do. As your father and your king, I command you to stay put. 
there are two key points that i want to make here, because they diverge significantly from the way frederic is characterized in analogous scenarios in fanfics, like, 90% of the time. 
1) fred doesn’t get angry. he doesn’t bluster or yell. he orders caine to release his guests, and when she refuses, he gets quiet. he does not interrupt caine’s rant, he does not even try to deny her accusations, and he doesn’t stomp around escalating the situation even while caine is prancing around waving a sword in his daughter’s face or literally poking him in the chest. 
he stays calm. 
2) fred’s primary, overriding concern is for rapunzel’s safety, and the safety of his guests. not his own. he does not struggle when caine’s men lead him away. he protests on behalf of his guests, but not himself, and he attempts to physically shield rapunzel from harm before he is dragged away. he doesn’t waste his breath trying to argue with caine, but he does tell rapunzel firmly not to put herself in danger trying to rescue him. 
now... there are plenty of ways to interpret why frederic behaves this way, and my personal take is certainly not the only possible one. but the behavior itself, the staying calm in the face of a crisis, while someone is in his face threatening him, his family, and his guests and making pretty charged accusation, is a) objectively playing out on the screen and b) directly at odds with the way frederic most often acts in fanfics. 
exhibit b: mood-swapped frederic blows up just like fanon frederic constantly does
and this is the only time we ever see frederic lose his temper like this in the entire series. again, this is not a matter of interpretation: this is just plainly what happens on the screen. when he is in his right mind, frederic is not a “scream accusations, whip out a sword, and impulsively declare war or attack someone because he’s mad” sort of person, and to say that he is really like that, deep down, is just as silly as trying to argue that cass really is a peppy, soft-hearted, affectionate pushover, or that eugene really is too riddled-with self-doubt and anxiety to make any decisions, or that rapunzel really is a grouchy, moody, misanthropic person. the mood potion makes everyone act like fundamentally different versions of themselves; their behavior is, literally, out of character for their normal, not high-off-their-asses-on-a-magical-potion selves. 
exhibit c: the angry mob in secrets of the sundrop
like with caine, this confrontation kicks off with a premise that should be pretty familiar to anyone who reads any fic featuring frederic at all, ie everybody is pissed at frederic and there is literally an enraged mob screaming for justice in the throne room. and that goes like this:
[everybody shouting in angry panic]
FREDERIC: People... [raising his voice to be heard] Citizens, please! Listen to me!
[Max rears and whinnies to get everyone’s attention, and the shouting dwindles away.]
FREDERIC: I will not lie to you any longer. Corona is in grave danger. The queen has been taken; over half our royal guard lie wounded; and these black rocks draw ever closer.
[the shouting begins to pick up again]
EUGENE: Uh, sir, hi, yeah—if there’s a ‘but’ in this speech, you probably want to cut to it right now. 
FREDERIC: But I look at you, and I don’t just see subjects. I see friends, family; strong, brave individuals who have stood by each other, side-by-side, and have never, ever backed down from a fight! Today, we face a danger like none before. As your king, your friend, and as your brother, I ask you to fight one more time. For Corona!
again, key points: 
1) frederic does not deny, bluster, shout down, or otherwise attempt to refute the basic point that he bungled the black rock situation. he did bungle it, and he knows that [this scene is preceded by him spelling out the full extent of his failures to rapunzel and openly admitting guilt]. through his behavior, he demonstrates that he accepts culpability for the situation and implicitly accepts the legitimacy of the crowd’s anger. 
2) he raises his voice only so he can be heard above the shouting, and as soon as folks quiet down, he drops to a reasonable volume again. his mood is grim, but he isn’t angry. he projects calm. 
3) eugene is nervous about frederic losing control of the crowd and accidentally causing a riot or something; frederic is not. 
4) instead of denying the crowd’s anger, frederic tries to reframe the problem for them: yes, things are bad, but they are strong and brave and we can all work together to put things right. he doesn’t shout them down; he seeks to inspire them. 
and 5) when frederic says “we face a danger,” he means that. the very next thing he does after giving this speech is go straight to the frontlines to fight in the same battle he’s asking everyone else to join in. he's not asking them to do anything he isn’t willing to do himself. 
which... i would argue even more than the caine confrontation in BEA, is diametrically opposed to the way the typical fanon frederic would respond to an angry mob situation, because the typical fanon frederic is a very angry, aggressive man, and that... simply isn’t who frederic is. he’s calm, he’s knows how to work a crowd, he knows how to use his authority to achieve his goals without browbeating or threatening. 
even when he does get angry—such as his instinctive reaction to arianna’s kidnapping, when he jumps first to “we will invade old corona”—he doesn’t yell or stomp around or throw tantrum. he gets stiff and rather cold and makes an impulsive judgment call... but then he takes some time to brood by himself, calms down, talks things out with rapunzel, admits his failures, and doesn’t follow through with the impulsive order he made in the heat of the moment. 
like... flat out, he is not an angry man.
and it’s frustrating, when i go to read fanfic and frederic is overwhelmingly characterized as this hapless angry shouty abusive person, because it is breathtakingly far removed from how he acts in canon, and i like frederic as a character. i find him very interesting, and it’s not fun to read fics where everything that makes him interesting is taken away and replaced with this sort of one-note Shouty Angry King/Bad Dad Whom Everyone Hates. and that applies, unfortunately, to a very large number of the types of fics i like to read (namely, long canon exploratory or canon divergent fics, etc)
i am perfectly happy to read interpretations of the tts characters that do not mesh well, or are even wholly incompatible with, my own. 
but i do expect, as a minimum, characters to behave more or less the way they behave in canon unless there is a clear reason for them to be different. i expect varian to be nerdy and chaotic and a bit of a disaster, for example. i expect adira to be aloof, blunt, and perhaps a touch arrogant. i expect cassandra to be ambitious and frustrated and prone to self-sabotage and envy. i expect lance to be laid back and eugene to be a bit vain. i expect the captain to be gruff and very tight-laced. and i expect frederic to act like a politician who is in control of his feelings but sort of cowardly at heart, because that’s how frederic acts in the show. 
i hold myself to these standards too. a ton of my editing process is “hm does this character really talk like this? is this how they would react to this situation?” and then going through and rewatching scenes or whole episodes and trying to find roughly analogous emotional beats or situations to sort of gauge whether i’m hitting the mark or not; it’s very difficult and i work hard on it and do not always succeed... and this does make me a bit picky about characterization in fics i’m reading, yeah, because it’s... always at the forefront of my mind. and then yes i post about it here, because this is the hyperfixation landfill where i dump my tts-adjacent thoughts. 
of course, you’re welcome to unfollow me if you do not enjoy reading what i post. it’s important to curate an online experience that you enjoy! if my general demeanor irritates you, you don’t need to inflict yourself with it.
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Dream World (Part 1) ☾ Baekhyun
Dream World (Part 1) ☾ Baekhyun
Genre: Fantasy AU
Pairing: Baekhyun X Reader
Word Count: 5.8k
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You could hear yelling even through the closed door. You let out a deep sigh. Your parents had never been discreet about their growing hatred towards each other. You're old enough now to not think it's the end of the world but when you were younger, living in that hostile environment almost near killed you. The only reason you were still living with them is because you couldn't afford college and moving out at the same time. So you were working diligently, to graduate as quickly as possible so you could finally get out.
Thinking it's not the end of the world is one thing, being okay with it another thing entirely. You hated it. The yelling, the insults, the violence... all of it. There was a time you'd be trying to stop them. For years, you tried to stop them. Your brothers did as well. You'd all given up at this point. It was exhausting and tolling on your mental health. Last time you tried to intervene, you'd had a panic attack. Like full blown, couldn't breathe, couldn't respond kind of episode. It was horrible. You had realized then, the damage they had done over the years was not only to each other but to the rest of the family as well. Especially you. So now, instead of going out there and getting involved, you walked to the desk on the corner of your room and sat down.
As the screaming got louder outside, you put in your earphones on each side and lost yourself to the music. You smiled as one of your favorite songs played and grabbed your journal from the drawer you kept it in. Your smiled widened as you held it in your hands. Your dream journal. You wrote about a world of fantasies and creatures you'd never get to see. You wrote about places and people you'd never get to meet.  It's not a sad thing. This journal and its contents had gotten you through so much. Writing and escaping your reality through these made up worlds are the only reason you were alive today. So you were grateful and excited, every time you got to write yourself out of a bad day or situation. Your words, carefully crafted on the pages, were medicine to your kind of hurt.
Fueled by the wonderful tune playing in your ears, you opened the star covered journal. You flipped through all the written pages and landed on the next blank one. As you reach over your pencil holder to grab your favorite purple pen, something shimmering catches your eye.
"This isn't mine," you think to yourself. You grab the golden pen in your hand to examine it. It was beautiful, adorned with swirly designs engraved into the metal encasing it. You wonder if maybe one of your brothers had been in your room. But that didn't make sense, they'd never buy something like this. Your parents were out of the question as well, they hated your love for writing. They thought you wasted too much time on it. You frowned.
How did it get here?
You looked at it for a few seconds, as if it could tell you where it came from if you stared at it long enough. This of course did not occur. So you shrugged and smiled to yourself. If someone came looking for it you'd give it back, in the mean time, you would love to see how beautiful it could write.
You hovered over the blank page, pen in hand and wrote the first sentence.
The sun was shinning brilliantly, warming up her face as the brisk air of autumn played with her hair.
The ink of the pen was a glittery gold. You loved the ethereal glow it gave to you words. With a smile, you continued adding more details on the page. You'd been writing this particular story for months now. With you as the classic protagonist in a mythical world of fantasy and wonder, torn between your duty to your kingdom as princess of Akron and your growing affections towards a mysterious peasant. You wrote for hours. You were so immersed in your fictional world, that when you finally stopped jotting down words, you noted the ache on your wrist. You sat back on your chair, trying to shake off the daze of coming back to reality.
With a glance at your window, you are surprised to realize, night had fallen over the real world. Your stomach grumbled of its need for food and as you couldn't hear your parents fighting anymore, you knew it was safe to find something to eat.
That night you decided to go to sleep earlier. Fridays had a way of feeling more exhausting than any other day. Maybe the week was the real culprit and the effects were simply felt on Friday, but nonetheless, you felt tired down to your soul. So by nine o'clock, you were already under the covers, closing you eyes for some much needed rest.
Without being able to stop it, you thought of your world, waiting beyond the ink of that golden pen you'd found, smiling as you remembered what you had written that day. With this in mind, you drifted off into a deep slumber. This time you're lucky and get to visit your dream world, the one that left you breathless when you wrote. It didn't happen often, but you had dreamed it before. Though this time it felt more vivid.
You opened your eyes, rays of sunlight making it difficult to keep your eyes open. You use your hand to protect you eyes from the sun and are surprised to find yourself in the balcony of a tall and magnificent castle. On the horizon, you see fields of green and the spot where it meets the Great Lake of Ohena. Past that, the homes of your people. The lands stretch even farther than your eyes can see.
"The Kingdom of Akron," you whisper. You are vaguely aware that this is a dream. You'd always had the ability to tell, but the sliver of recognition escapes you as another voice joins you.
"Your Kingdom, your majesty."
You turn around at his voice, the usual racing of your heart making it hard to respond. He's standing there, in your chambers, dressed in ragged clothes, worn out from use and still, you find it difficult to draw a breath. He's as handsome as ever, his features carved in what must be perfect precision.
Oblivious to the struggle within you at his presence, he approaches you, confident in his stride. Confidence that was so rare and out of character for a peasant, that it still surprised you.
"Baekhyun." His name comes out as a breath and this stops him from advancing towards you, stopping two feet away.
He looks at you, pushing a lock of brown hair out of his eyes so he can study you better.
That word alone shakes you to the core. It was illogical. To feel this way when he called you by what was the title given to you by birth right, yet, you couldn't help it. Because when he said it, he wasn't looking at you like his master or future queen. Instead, his eyes were full of emotions. Love. Yearning. But also apprehension and conflict. Almost like he was battling with himself. The same way you did when he was around you.
"I don't remember calling for you," you manage to sound indifferent, even though you know your eyes would tell a different story. A story he had read many times before.
Baekhyun smiles at your theatrics and takes another step forward, closing the little space that was left between the two of you. Now he stands in front of you and stares at you with a glint of humor dancing in his eyes.
"I came out of my own accord, princess."
You force yourself to roll your eyes and start to turn around to look at the view once again, anything to avoid his knowing gaze. But as you do that, his hand  catches the curve of your waist and grips firmly enough to bring you back closer to him.
Startled, your eyes widen.
"What are you doing?" you ask.
His hand on your waist moves to the middle of your back and pushes you into him, your body gently collapsing into his. He looks down at you, his bewitching brown eyes holding yours in a spell you don't have the strength to break. Not that you would even if you could.
He lifts his free hand up to your face and a finger traces the the line of your jaw, then touches your lips . "You haven't visited in a while... I missed you."
Once again you remember it's a dream and sigh audibly. As you had created him, he knew everything there was to know about you. There was no secret that you could hide, no thoughts you couldn't share. He knew you like no one else did, because he was a part of you, of your subconscious. A character shaped into being by your own mind.
"Your parents again?" he asked.
You shift your gaze to look at his chest, not wanting him to see the sadness in your eyes. But he doesn't have to. Because he knows your pain as if it were his own. He wraps his arms around you, forcing your small figure to mold into his by embracing you tightly against him, burying his face on the space where you neck meets your shoulder. You let him hold you for a minute, because his arms were the safest place you knew.
Eventually, you feel the soft touch of his lips as he places a kiss on the crook of your neck before he slowly starts to pull away, but only enough to look at you in the face.
"You should just stay here, with me." He finally says.
You smile, sadness tugging at the corners of your mouth even as you tried to push it away.
"You're not real, Baekhyun. I created you. This is just a dream. A fantasy. Based on words that I wrote so I could escape my reality." You say this with a sense of urgency. You're fully aware that you're trying to remind yourself of the truth. To not lose your senses in this wonderful but unrealistic dream.
Baekhyun smiles, his features becoming more charming and childlike.
"But you wish it was real, princess," he cups your face with both hands, inching closer, until you could feel his breath on your skin. "And so do I."
You tell yourself your mind was a very messed up and twisted thing, playing these kinds of games with you. But when his lips touch yours, it doesn't feel like a dream. It doesn't feel fake. It's easy to forget your reality when he kisses you, because you can sense his feelings, that mirror your own and you can taste him in your mouth as his tongue dances with yours. This is the most lucid dream you've ever had, you noted. The details aren't usually this elaborate. Usually, the corners of your vision appear clouded, like that of a watercolor painting with no clear edges. But everything was overwhelmingly real, even his unmistakable desire for you.
Desire that you felt yourself for him and he knew it, which is why he knew he could get away with such apparent displays of affection towards you without fearing any kind of consequences. So he continued to kiss you. So carefully and unhurried. Like there was all the time in the world to do it. Like there is nothing that he'd rather be doing than showing you how perfectly his mouth fit to yours. Conveying his true feelings in the best way he knew how. And you want to stop him, tell him he can't keep doing this but as soon as the thought comes to you, he deepens the kiss, making you forget why you would ever try to stop him from kissing you. You lose yourself in him and he loses himself in you. Until a knock rattles the door.
Baekhyun groans as you pull yourself out of the magic that he had conjured up to keep you connected to him and step away from his embrace as well. Suddenly recollecting time and place. Your character was the princess of Akron and as such, you had duties to attend to.
Someone knocks on the door again.
You let out a shaky breath, eyes still locked on Baekhyun's as you smooth out the emerald green satin gown that you were wearing.
"Please don't. Let's just stay here," his eyes are pleading too.
But you had almost forgotten where you were, his pull on you had become too strong for you to trust it. Thankfully, your brain had a subconscious defense mechanism that had pulled you out of the spell he seemed to have on you.
"I have things to take care of," you reply softly, before raising your voice, "Come in."
Before the door opens, Baekhyun quickly speaks, "I have something to tell you."
You look at him in question, but when the door opens and a guard steps in, he keeps quiet.
The guard bows  at you before talking. "The Queen is requesting your presence at court."
You nod your understanding and he steps back into the hallway. You start walking towards the door and Baekhyun follows closely behind you.
"What's happened since the last time I was here?" you ask.
He sighs, "The Queen caught the bandit that stole the royal staff. It was an elf  horseman."
You turn to him, alarm in your face, "A nobleman?!"
He only nods in response.
"Why would the elf people do this? They've got nothing to gain from stealing from us. Plus the staff's magic only works with the person of its choosing and it hasn't chosen anyone in almost 70 years." You contemplate the possibilities as you resume your walking. You hadn't written this far ahead in your story, you didn't know what was about to happen. The thought worried you.
Baekhyun was unusually quiet and you look at him for answers.
"I don't know, my lady. Maybe they're tired of being banished from the kingdom. The Queen's rulings tends to be cruel and unfair."
You manage to not agree but barely. You knew he was right, but as the princess the last thing you could do was question the Queen's motives, especially in front of any of her subjects.
"It has to be the elf prince's doing," you muse, "he's the only one with enough authority to make someone commit treason against us."
You don't have time to continue the conversation as you finally are escorted inside the court. As soon as you walk in through the doors, you lose Baekhyun in the crowd as you walk as gracefully as you can down the aisle that leads to the Queen's throne and your own seat, besides her.
The expression on her face is impassive. She doesn't like to be kept waiting, you knew. You'd hear about this later.
With you sitting, the trial quickly commenced.
You saw the elf man being brought in by two knights, each pulling at him from each arm. His face was full of cuts and bruises, his clothes bloodied and tattered.  He has been tortured, you realize. Probably to get information out of him. The look on his eyes was not one of a broken man though, so you knew they got nothing out of him.
Contrary to belief, elves didn't look that much different than us humans, their skin was pale as snow and they wore beautiful faces that begged you to trust them. But that's about it. In every other way, they looked just like us. If anything, their magic was something we should fear. But the Queen refused to acknowledge the existence of magic outside of the kingdom and anyone who threatened her beliefs, well, they met the true death. Decapitation and fire, to cleanse the world of their "evil".
As the crowd settled down, the Queen spoke. You looked at her from your seat. She was as beautiful as she was stubborn, you noticed. Her features delicate but the expression on her face was hard, calculating. Green eyes to match with the Kingdom's crest hanging in any wall that you could see. The wrinkles around them told the story of many worries and reminded you of how time does not forgive anyone, not even the powerful Queen of Akron.
She looked tired too. But you'd never say that out loud. Not unless you wanted your head to end up on a pike. In the story, you were her daughter, therefore the princess. But when you visited, you were practically a stranger. Someone's whose presence the queen abhorred but tolerated for the sake of pretense. You always walked on eggshells around her. She was a scary woman.
"Welcome, my people. My faithful subjects," her voice was strong and carried through the entire room, as big as it was.
"We are here to deliver justice. To punish those who have conspired against me, against us. This man right here, he has committed an unforgivable crime. He has stolen from me, our kingdom." She paused for dramatic effect, " What do you have to say for yourself, elf?"
The man could barely keep himself upright, he'd been beaten extensively. But still, he held his head high, eyes locked with the queen's.
"You won't live forever. Nature will take its course and we shall return to our rightful place in Akron."
The queen stiffened beside you. The elf's words had clearly wounded her ego.
You studied the elf in question. He sounded so confident, so strong. Even though his breaths were counted. His life about to end. Something big was happening and he was just the beginning.
"Elves are traitorous evil beings that have no place in my kingdom," the queen said, "and you will be an example of what happens when any enemy crosses me."
The elf stared, unmoved. He was ready to die for his cause. And he would die, you knew.
Through the corner of your eye you saw a knight, dressed in full armor, unsheathe his sword.  He approached the elf, closing the space between them in three quick strides and then forced him on his knees. He held the sword above the elf's head and looked at the queen for permission.
She nodded, a quick, short movement and without hesitation, the knight swung his sword. You looked away before you could see the head detach from the body.
You barely remember how the rest of the hearing ended. You couldn't believe what had just happened. You'd forced your mind away, so that you could get through it. As soon as it was over, you felt familiar hands grabbing you by the arms and forcing you to move. You followed to where you were being taken, which ended up being your chambers.
Once you were hidden away from any curious set of ears and eyes, you sit on your bed and try very hard to keep the tears from falling.
"Is this place any better?" you ask out loud. The words are barely a whisper but you know you've been heard when you receive a response.
"What did you expect, princess? Rainbows and butterflies? Real or not, the world is cruel, you can't make it not so." The words were bitter and you are surprised to hear the tone coming from him. He'd never shown you anything but kindness, love and comfort.
His reply triggers something in you and you speak defensively in return, "You'd do well to remember who you're speaking to in that manner."
He laughs, but not in humor. He shakes his head as his gaze hold yours.
"I'm not a servant, princess."
You feel the lines on your forehead creasing with your confusion, "but i wrote you."
He shrugs, "This isn't your dream anymore ."
And as soon as he says the words, you realize they are true. You had noticed it, since the moment you entered it, that something — everything, was different. The details, the emotions, the story, it all felt too real. With a sense of dread you thought the scariest though you'd ever had...
The fantasy had grown a life of its own.
You didn't say it, but a look at Baekhyun confirmed it. He was watching you, carefully, as he always did. But this time, something felt more beguiling.
"You're the elf prince," as soon as the words leave your lips, you know they are true. The quick shock in his expression confirms it even though he recovers quickly and hides his emotions masterfully through the smile you had grown to know and love.
"Don't deny it, I know you as well as you know me," you challenge.
He doesn't say anything, his expression doesn't change as he mulls it over and then he nods.
"Very well. Yes, I am who you say I am."
The words shake you, but you refuse to let him see how this betrayal hurts you. He wasn't real... he didn't use to be real, but right now it felt like you had been mortally wounded by the one you loved.
You gather all the courage you have left and let it speak in your stead, as you have no other way to power through. Not without looking at him and breaking.
"So now what? Are you going to kill me? Or are you going to use me as leverage over the queen? Either way, she won't care, I mean nothing to her."
He frowns at your words and takes a step in your direction, to where you're seated. You stand up, ready to put up a fight if he tries anything.
"I would never hurt you." He declares.
You laugh, unamused. "Right. I'm supposed to believe that, even though you've been pretending to be someone you're not this whole time."
He takes another step towards you and you put a hand up, "That's close enough."
Hurt flashes in his eyes for a fraction of a second, "Princess."
You shake your head, "Don't call me that. I'm not your princess. You just admitted to that."
He takes another step to you, cutting most of the distance between you two, grabbing your arm when you tried to push him away.
"Y/N." You stop moving. He had never called you by your name.
You finally look him in the eye. He sighs.
"I admitted to being the elf prince, I never said you weren't my princess."
You feel tears threatening to spill from your eyes, but force them back. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing how much you cared about him and how much this hurt.
"You expect me to believe anything that has happened between us is real and that it meant something to you when you and your people are trying to ruin us and take power? Clearly this was some sort of plot to kill me or to have something to use over the queen to get her to agree to your terms."
He looks at you in disbelief, "You think I went through all the trouble of coming here, pretending to be a servant just to get to you?"
You pause, "Why else would you be here?"
He takes one step closer, still holding your arms down so you wouldn't try to hit him or something.
"I didn't come here for you, that much you need to believe," he started, "Honestly, I came hoping to be serving the queen."
You rolled your eyes, "The queen's servants are carefully selected from people that have known the royal family since birth, a stranger is never appointed to her."
He nods, "I know that now, but I didn't when I first came here."
You stop trying to maneuver out of his hold. Seeing you a little more calm, he slowly lets go of your arms but doesn't step away.
"So I got appointed to you. Yes, I'll admit, at first I was wondering how I could turn this turn of events in my favor, but it didn't take me long to realize, that you were nothing like the queen. You are kind, caring, innocent and loyal to those you care about. This world might not have been real at first, but you brought it to life. The same way you did with me as I started caring for you."
"How do you know I didn't write you to think these things about me?" you retort.
He smiles and this time, it's the Baekhyun that you know when he speaks again. "Because I haven't been the me you wrote for a long time now. Haven't you noticed how out of character I've been?"
As soon as he asked the question, you realized it was true. You hadn't noticed, because you liked this Baekhyun more than the one you imagined. He didn't follow your every command. He didn't say what you wanted to hear. He did as he wanted when he wanted and made you feel things that you'd never experienced before even in your real life.
"Fine. But how do you know this isn't an act I'm putting on?"
"Enough of this, Y/N. We can spend hours arguing about his, but this isn't what matters right now." His smile slowly disappears as he watches you. You miss it as soon as its gone.
You kick yourself mentally. Once again, you had fallen for a fictional character. But this time... this time it was different. This time you couldn't move on to the next story to fall for another one. His words bring you back to the here and now, even though you wish you could just open your eyes and leave the dream already. You'd been trying to wake up for a while now, but  for whatever reason, it wasn't working right now.
"Back there at court, you couldn't bear to watch him die. You know why? Because you know it's wrong. You know  as well as I do that the Queen is poison to the kingdom. She won't be satisfied until magic and all who learn it are dead." He states.
You see the hopeful look he's wearing and realize where he's going with this.
"I can't go against the queen." You say quickly.
"Why not?" he argues.
"I just can't."
He lets out an exasperated breath and reaches a hand to your face, one that you push away with your own.
"It's your world, Y/N. Why are you so afraid of taking control over it?"
You huff in indignation, "Why does it matter? None of this is real."
You see shock and anger cross his brown eyes, before he even finds the will to speak.
"It s not real to you. You leave and go back to your life, meanwhile the rest of us, we live here, in the place you created and it goes on even when you're not here."
You stay still. He's right. You had written this world to life and now, because of your words, his people lived banished from the kingdom, in poor conditions, when they should be here, with the rest of you. Enjoying the same privileges.
"I'm sorry." You finally say. The tears start falling now and you can't stop them anymore. Baekhyun stares, confused at first, but quickly recovering and pulling you into his chest where he holds you in place.
"Why are you crying?" he asks, helplessly clinging to you, not knowing what else to do to comfort you.
"I did this. I'm the reason you and the rest of the elves have to live like this. It's all my fault."
He holds you tighter. But it doesn't stop you from rambling on. Or crying harder.
"I wanted to be in control for once, since I can't do it in my own life. So I wrote myself in a position of power so that I could do what I wanted but even here, I couldn't just take responsibility for the bad things happening. So I created the queen, so that I wouldn't have to. Now everything is messed up and people are dying and it's my fault."
You could feel his body shaking, but he still didn't let go of you. You cried harder.
"Why can't I wake up, damn it."
He stiffened at your question and you pulled away from him to look at his face.
"What? What aren't you telling me?" you ask, knowing him well enough to know something was up.
He won't look at you, just let's a finger touch your hand as if he was debating on holding it but not being sure if he should or could.
At the mention of his name, he finally makes a decision and takes hold of your hand before looking you in the eye. He bites his bottom lip in a nervous manner before speaking.
"You've put too much of yourself into this place. There's more of you here than out there, in your world." He finally says. "The pen... the gold pen, did you use it?"
Your eyes widened, "how do you know about  that pen?" you ask, apprehensive.
His eyes are pleading, but you're not sure for what.
"Tell me the truth."
Baekhyun nods slowly, "YN... I'm sorry as well," he pauses for a brief second and then continues, "It's been a while since you came here and with the way I feel about you, I just- I wanted you to stay."
You had a bad feeling about where this was going.
"The pen... is magic, isn't it?" you question, even though deep down you know the answer.
Baekhyun only nods.
"Am I stuck here?" you ask.
He stays quiet. This angers you and you push at his chest which forces him to take a step back.
"Am I stuck here, Baekhyun?" you repeat your question and he shakes his head this time.
"Not if you wake up before sunrise," he finally admitted.
You stare at him like he grew a second head. You could not believe he would do something like this. Someone who you had written and  had grown to love, had done something so incredibly selfish.
"How could you even do something like this?" you wonder out loud.
"I love you, Y/N. I know you feel the same way about me. Every time you came here, carrying that sadness in your eyes and that broken heart in your chest, I started wishing you could just stay here instead where I could hold you and protect you from all of it. Why would you want to go back to all of that pain?"
You hold his gaze, gathering strength that you didn't know you possessed. "Because that's life, Baekhyun. It sucks. It hurts. But you keep going. You find a way through. You can't just give up because it's hard."
"If you really believe that, then why am I here? Why is any of this here?" he asked, looking at the room around you.
"Because, sometimes I am weak. And I lose my will. So I need something to keep me going. Writing has helped me through so many hard times, it's all I know how to do when things are tough. Words are my armor. That doesn't mean I want to give it all up."
Tears formed in the corner of his eyes as he understood the implications of your words.
"When you wake up, this time, you won't be able to come back here." There was defeat in his voice.
"The magic I used for the pen, it holds all the magic gathered in this world. It can keep you here forever if you don't wake up before sunrise, but if you do, it will keep you from coming here again." He stops, takes a breath and looks out the window, "And judging by the fact that it's getting dark here, you don't have a lot of time before it's light over there." The words sounded strained as he kept from crying, realizing what this meant for the both of you.
You realized a moment later what it meant as well and felt as more tears gathered around your eyes.
Without hesitation, you cut the distance between you and collapse into his body. Taken by surprise with your sudden approach, he loses balance briefly but quickly recovers, wrapping his arms around your waist as you hug him as tightly as you can.
"God, I wish you were real in my world," you say.
"You don't hate me?" he asks.
You shake your head and look up to meet his eyes.
"I could never. I would though, if you were in my world, kick your ass for doing something this dumb."
He chuckles, but his eyes are still sad.
"I deserve that."
You nod, trying really hard to stop from crying more.
Beakhyun's hands roam up your back and find your face where he holds it in place before he meets your mouth with his.
The kiss is soft. A whisper of goodbye without words.
The sky continues to darken outside reminding you that you need go now. With all the regret you could ever carry, you step away from him. His hands fall to his sides as you slowly take more steps backwards until you're close to the bed. You close your eyes in concentration, visualizing yourself waking up. It's usually the the way to wake up when you're having a lucid dream.
"I love you."
You open your eyes at his confession and smile sadly at him.
"I'll write you a better ending, I promise."
He shook his head, "It won't be happy without you."
Before you could respond, your body moved upwards, as if being lifted by a magical force.
When you wake up, you are in your room and notice how tears have stained your pillowcase. You quickly get out of bed and rush to your desk, opening the dream journal, to the last page you wrote. You grab the purple pen and put it to paper.
The Queen after a life full of regret, and choices made in fear, had an epiphany. It was time to live life as a true leader. The powerful were not the ones with the biggest army, but the ones who could rule with justice and fairness.  A true ruler can admit when she is wrong and and ask for forgiveness when necessary. She knew it would be hard, to change her ways, after all this time, and all she had done... but she knew the best way to start.
She'd welcome the elves back home.
[Part 2]
* Masterlist *
A/N: Did not expect this to go in this direction, but that’s where it went... kinda sad with the ending. Do you guys think I should do a part two for this or leave it as is??
Hope you enjoyed either way
Update: I will be doing a part 2. Thanks for the sweet comments ❤️
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I have a request for you 😊 it's a bit big so it's totally fine if you don't want to do it, but would you maybe make a preference with Maze Runner Newt, The Leto Joker, the 10th Doctor and Edward Nygma (pre riddler bcs hes a cutiepie) with Reader developing first symtoms of an eating disorder? They feel bad after eating something and get panicked when they gain weight and barely eat anything at some days
Of course if you need someone to talk to I’m here x
(I do not own these characters or their movies/shows/ gif not mine)
⚠️ if you are experiencing or sensitive to the issue of eating disorders please don’t read ⚠️
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He doesn’t notice right away there’s a lot going on in the glade which makes it hard to focus and for the first day he rules it as a one off however he makes a mental note to make sure you’re not getting sick
Newt gets more panicky as you spiral out of control he’s had his own demons and then he got you the most beautiful, sweet woman that made him feel like the luckiest shank on the planet and now he was slowly losing you
Things got so much worse and Newt stayed up so late pleading you to eat just a small bite, he worked your shifts in the garden and told you every breathing minute of the day that you were beautiful and you didn’t need to do this when confronted about your problem by other gladers he’d break down and cry whimpering about how he couldn’t lose you
No matter how tough things got Newt was always there every night he’d hold you close weaving his fingers through your hair and telling you how much you meant to him, long hugs and comforting kisses were given when you really couldn’t manage and Newt went so far as to get all the gladers to be nice and make no mention of your appearance. This boy loved you so much
When you started getting better Newt was over the moon you could see in his eyes he was so proud and happy when you finished an amount of food no matter how small Newt would be all over you kisses, cuddles and praise he remembered seeing you one day, you were still rather thin and washed out but you were better and he cried of happiness he was so proud of you
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He notices immediately. He sits you down and tells you he knows there’s something wrong and wants to hear from you what it is he doesn’t let you leave until he’s heard what he wants to hear but he’s not menacing about it he’s rather gentle yet firm purring instead of growling trying to sweet talk it out of you
He may seem angry once he finds out about your relationship with food but it is now way directed at you he’s rightly pissed at anyone who you ever compared yourself to but mostly he’s mad at himself for not being able to keep you safe from the one thing that took his sanity and no matter how highly he thought of himself he didn’t want you to turn out like him
He fires every female assistant, worker, cleaner you name it she’s gone and trips to the bar or strip clubs are out of question, J even goes as far as to throw out magazines and newspapers he just wants to keep you safe and more importantly happy
This however doesn’t mean he’s going to let you get away with everything he’d downright force you to eat keeping you gripped in his lap or his arms until you ate it isn’t the best but force is the only way he knows. There’s been tears, relapses and fired therapists but his love for you never dwindled he found a one in a billion connection he will not give you up
J acts like an excited puppy when you get better and start to eat as you usually did he gives you deep meaningful rewards: passionate kisses, tight hugs, long cuddles, stolen expensive items. He’s so proud he brags how strong you are to frost and let’s you know you’re stunning beyond compare every day
10th Doctor
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He notices quite early on you’re eating habits have changed and you’re becoming rather sickly looking, at first he things you’re ill so he drags you around running a full body test on you only to get very confused when you’re clear of sickness now he’s worried, what’s wrong with you?
The Doctor gets very distraught upon hearing you’re struggling with your body he doesn’t understand you’re like a supernova to him what’s to be ashamed of, he doesn’t know how to help but he digs deep and finds all he needs to know about what’s going on and becomes more or less your personal therapist
He puts adventures on hold for a while worried you’re get too sick to go on and he’ll lose you if you keep pushing yourself. Doctor brings back many exotic nutritious foods for you to eat in small chunks and you best believe he turns to cuddly mush around you the sweetest purest declarations of love you’d ever hear were made in the moments you needed it most even if you tried to conceal it
He does get a little overprotective especially if he feels you’re in danger or considerably weak and if you have fainting spells he’s a mess you’ll wake up being cradled by a worried sick doctor he doesn’t care what he’s doing he’ll always catch you and take you straight to bed with him in case you get worse he holds you through relapses, tears, anger the lot rubbing soothing circles on your back and many hugs which involve him lifting you off the floor and clinging to you
He takes you to the most beautiful places he knows as encouragement when you’re down or as a treat after you’ve tried your best he never forces you to eat but he’s strict about getting enough to keep you going, he won’t lose you. Don’t doubt whenever you feel especially down that day that the doctor won’t give an entire lecture on how he loves you the doctor needs you by his side
Edward Nygma
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Ed knows something’s wrong long before you really realise it yourself he’s a very perspective man usually a mystery sets him off but with you involved in something like this makes him anxious and skittish he’s confused as to why you feel this way he knows the science behind it but you’re perfect in his eyes he wishes you could feel the same
He’d get more and more anxious as time went on and you gradually got worse you were usually happy and bubbly but now you were tired and weakened seeing you vulnerable made his instincts to protect you kick in and he tried his hardest to shield you from anyone giving you a hard time
He’s be logical on getting you to eat cooking meals himself that were highly nutritious and healthy in small portions so you weren’t daunted by them or he’d pick you up some small snack. Edward would help you eat on days where you felt you really couldn’t patting your back and sitting with you as long as you took to be able to finish a suitable amount
He’ll throw in a few riddles when you ask him what’s for dinner or you’re getting really nervous at the thought of food, it’s a little brain game he designed to distract you from getting too overwhelmed and leading to a panic attack some of his riddles went so far you didn’t even end up thinking of food in the end istead begging him to tell you how he came up with it
Edward is so supportive and kind towards you each mini victory was celebrated with something nice like a lazy day in bed or a cute little thing he devised there’s no limit to how far Ed would go to keep you happy your smile, your body language, the way you begged for the answer to his riddles made him fall head over heels for you and he’d give you the world if it meant you were happy
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc),Noctis lucis caelum, Ceystalcrown Leonis, Aurora Tummelt (my oc), Ardyn lucis caelum, Loqi Tummelt
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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Laura's words were heavy for Cor. For a while, he stared into her two-colored but beautiful eyes. There was nothing in those eyes but sadness mixed with power. He caressed her gently:
"Bahamut is the god of gods, Laura .. you are just a human being .. you are right from his blood, but killing you is no problem for him!"
"Why can't I? Because I'm forced to be of his blood !? Don't forget he is the god of war .. I'm his daughter too! In addition, I have the power with which I can pull down any creature! I just don't die!"
The serious tone of Cor became stronger:
"I'm not going to spray Gralia for crystal! OK? You are being chased by them! So you were between them a few days is enough!
Laura's frown was very slight. She chewed on her biscuit, but before she took another, she replied:
"you are scared! I don't see that stubborn man a few years ago smoothing out the heart of the enemy without any movement!"
Cor's tone has changed as if he is getting angry:
" I was not afraid! Fear doesn't mean anything to me!"
Laura's goal was to provoke Cor to accompany her, so she continued:
"Personally, you were scared! I didn't think anyone who infiltrated at the age of 13 and stole a baby girl would be scared at this age!"
Cor's voice grew louder and his eyes shone:
"I said I was not afraid !! You can't provoke me, I will not allow you to go Gralia and I don't come with you too, Laura, so finish it!
"If there is no fear, then what is it !!! There is no logical reason to prevent this!"
In the face of this insistence Laura, Cor was forced to remain silent, he knew what Laura's goal was! He put her on the ground and got up:
" I'm going to bring firewood!"
He walked to the mouth of the cave, went so far as to calm himself down so that he could clear his emotions, but Laura was an analyzer, realizing how the other person felt according to each reaction!
" I go alone! I am more determined than ever stooped my good for your afraid!"
She got up and turned to Cor to see his reaction, standing straight and his hands clenched, tight! He took a deep breath, but could not hide his confusion. He turned to Laura and filled the space between them with two steps. He grabbed Laura's collar and pulled her towards himself. He was nervous, his behavior was rare but scary. Laura's gaze was fixed on him, not out of fear, but in a calm but firm tone of voice, which easily penetrated her heart:
"Yeah! I was so scared! I lost everything! My friends are dying, I'm still alive while either I have to die or they have to live, beside me! You know."
Cor's tone calmed down, but he didn't let go of Laura's collar:
"You were after that damned day, my reason for continuing! All these years, the distance between us ... hasn't changed that, Laura! I'm afraid you won't be in my life anymore!"
A smile painted Laura's lips. Slowly she put her hands on his hands, caressingly opened his fingers around her collar and locked his hands in her own:
"Do you forbid me for this? If you are afraid of losing my hand, why don't you accept to accompany me !? With the knowledge I have of you, I'm sure there will be no problem when you are by my side!
" I was  - I was with you that steal you .. Do you understand?"
" No, it wasn't your fault, my immortal. It was my mistake to trust a stranger and take you away from myself!"
She took Cor's collar between his hands and lifted his toes so she could get taller, to kiss her love! He put her lips to his lips and placed herself in the tight circle of his hands. She fell into Cor's hug while she was kissing! She missed this kiss so much that she refused to remember what Cor had done to her !!
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Slowly, with the tip of his boot, he hit the burning wood. He threw it away and then looked at the burning flames. Again, reject the call from Laura! Not only was it unusual, but his psyche was busy. He was in the worst condition and his sister did not answer him, not only did she not answer his call but she also did not answer his messages !! He dipped his phone in his pocket and growled in a long, mournful tone:
"White-eyed girl !! So since Cor is on her side, she doesn't answer me !! Noctis is nothing !!
Ignis turned slowly. He was drying the dishes, raising his glasses, and trying to calm down Noctis in a calm and logical tone as usual:
"You are usually not so involved in talking to the princess! If you have a problem, I can help you!"
Noctis's gaze slowly turned to Ignis, his problem was Ignis himself, he tried not to be sad, it had been a few days since he had hurt Noctis' heart so hard, Noctis was so emotional that he fell into it himself, perhaps more so because His dear friend had become his love rival! And he loved someone whose heart was full of love for him! He looked at Ignis and slowly sat down on the chair, he had the worst emotional blow last night, he had seen Ignis, in the tent, next to Crystal ..!
He was stroking his hair and kissing it. It didn't mean anything but love and longing, Ignis also loved Crystal ... and he definitely stood back because of Noctis, otherwise, Noctis couldn't compete with Ignis! He nodded to his side and angered his tone so that the clever Ignis would not notice what Noctis's thoughts were intertwined like a yarn bullet!
" Don't worry! The lady doesn't answer, she is so busy! Then they work together again this year, I'm sure a spark has been ignited of love between their own!"
"what do you mean? You said this twice !!!"
It was the sweet voice of a girl who could be heard right next to Noctis. This caused Noctis to panic and lean back. He stared at Crystal in horror and looked back:
"where were you!"
But Crystal didn't understand what Noctis asked! He grabbed one of the chairs and placed it in front of Noctis and sat down. Curious, she waited to hear:
"Okay, You said twice that Laura is busy with my dad! what do you mean?!
Noctis's face froze and became serious!
He turned his gaze to the bowl of his head and leaned back in his chair:
"Do you want to say you don't know anything?"
This answer of noctis made CrystalCrown's mind more confused than before! She thought it was normal for her to joke and tease Noctis by asking questions, but apparently, it was something she didn't know! She turned her head towards Ignis and saw him working. Then turned to Noctis:
"No! It's as if only I don't know!"
"No, I and ignis know. Of course, old people know it, like Darius who was killed, Cor himself, Laura and cid! And of course, my father and Clarus, who too ... were killed!"
He lowered his voice and whispered so that no one but Crystal could hear:
"Don't just tell Prompto, he tells it to everybody fast!"
He made his tone somewhat mysterious and took his head close to Crystal:
"Then Laura will cut your head off! you got it?"
The pink look of Crystal was staring at Noctis!
"Okay, so??"
Noctis's gaze was staring at her beautiful face! Crystal's curiosity about her father's relationship didn't matter at the time! The important thing was that Crystal also preferred Ignis. He took a deep breath and paused.
"They used to have a very romantic relationship with each other, but I'm sure of laura's emotions, I don't know Cor want my sister too or not!
"They separate! Laura never said why, but she said she was here and Cor's favor!
Crystal eyes narrowed slightly. She pursed his lips in thought and pulled her phone out of her pocket:
"I'm going to my father's camp to see what's going on!"
Ignis's attention was drawn. He cleaned his hands and very gentlemanly came to stand next to the crystal. He raised his glasses and frowned.
"This time of night is only dangerous, wait until tomorrow!
The chin opened the crystal lips. He pointed to her phone and then stared at its screen:
" Don't worry, Iggy! I'm calling between my pursuits! Plus! It's as if you forgot who I am!"
Noctis's gaze was fixed on Crystalcrown as he spoke warmly to Ignis. It was as if he had forgotten how much they loved each other!
"Yes, you are the legendary Cor Leonis girl!"
He got up and put his hands in his pockets.
"Right with Ignis! Let's stay tomorrow!"
He took refuge in their tent without waiting for an answer from Crystal. He wanted to go inside, but his phone rang. He stood and pulled it out of his pocket, looked quickly at the photo of his sister that come on his phone screen. If he was normal, he wouldn't answer to retaliate, but at that moment he needed to talk to her. He moved away from the tent and concentrated so that Ignis and Crystal would not notice. Somewhere away from the camp, he sat on the ground behind Regalia. He put his phone to his ear and whispered his sister's name in a soft voice:
"Laura .. !!"
This tone of Noctis disturbed Laura. She had read Noctis' messages ... In return, she answered in a slow tone:
"I'm going to approach you .. I'm sorry you needed me, I couldn't be by your side!"
This response of Laura broke Noctis's heart. His voice cried out:
"Can't you come here?"
Noctis' embarrassment made Laura needier:
"I'm not in lucis Noct, where are you?"
" To Mithril Cave, Laura ... what should I do!"
"Are you sure she wants Ignis ??"
The silence of Noctis's lips sewed together. He shook his head with a long pause and took a deep breath to reduce his crying:
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"Yes, a few times when they thought they were alone and no one saw them, I saw them. Now I understand what pain you suffered that day, Rabbit!"
"Bear Noctis .. If you impose yourself on Crystal, everything will be more bitter for you .. You have to release her. Let her go where she is happy ...!"
Noctis's reaction was just to sob, his soft crying sound reached Laura's ears, and broke her heart.then she continued her words:
" I know it's very difficult ... but you're not alone, okay baby? I'll get to you soon! very soon. OK?"
"I don't think I'm in a good mood .. Don't let me in waiting!"
The call was cut off from the Noctis side. He put his phone in his pocket and crawled into his father's car. He closed the roof of the same glass. He lay down in the back of the car to sleep next to his father's soul. He couldn't go there with that look. Ignis understood and got stuck !! He cried a little freely and then fell asleep. He didn't even realize how he had fallen asleep! He was from the blood of God of sleep, and sleep dear to him! Although he had been bothered and disturbed by his mental anguish lately, now ... tiredness did not allow him to cry much and put him to sleep!
Contrary to Noctis' desire to hide his feelings, Ignis realized that he was looking at Regalia from a distance, sure that Noctis had a mental illness that was so restless that he could see the Grand Princess! This was a very common issue between Laura and Noctis, the brother always took refuge in his sister. He looked at Regalia and turned to Crystal. Her head was busy and he didn't notice it at all! This was not surprising at all! She was very dumb in these matters !! He laughed at the thought and softly. He put his hand on his lips to make a smile on his face and then walked over to her:
"Crystal is sleep time!"
Eventually, Ignis's voice caused Crystal to take her pink look from the phone and blow it to Ignis! Mr. Gentle was standing in front of her, reminding her of her bedtime! She breathed heavy and rolled her eyes:
"That's right, mama Iggy !!! I wanted to go!"
"We'll take you tomorrow. Because Noctis has to see his sister too!"
A deep breath came out of the crystal lungs. She put his phone in her pocket and then put her hands behind Ignis and pushed him towards the tent:
"Let's go to sleep, Iggy !! Sleep is waiting for us, isn't it?"
Her sweet laughter filled Ignis' heart with love more than ever!
Contrary to popular belief, the next day, Noctis did not intend to go to the camp. That's why Crystal was the only way there. She was with a passing car who said he was going to go there and had accidentally met crystal. What was on Crystal's mind was that her father was resting in the camp, but in the command tent, instead of her father, she saw Gladio as well as her father's enemy! Seeing Loqi next to Gladio, the lightning flashed from his head. Before he protested, this rude man and the installation of what he wants to hear, she heard her father's voice, her surprise not only did not decrease but increased even more! Are his father and Loqi being together? How was that possible! She turned her head to convey her thoughts to him, but when she saw her father, she was just shocked! Her father had hugged the princess and was coming with a shabby head and a scaly face! Before Crystal's eyes narrowed and she wondered why Laura was in Dad's arms, she saw Laura's face, she was also burned by the cold, even more than her father!
"Dad !! what has happened?"
Crystal's voice made Gladio lift his head and takes his look from his book. He was worried when he saw Laura and in his hug:
"Is she all right?"
Cor's tone was tired, but his voice still retained his authority:
"Almost! She just has to sleep.
Aurora also stood up next to Loqi and stepped forward. When she saw Laura, her conscience did not diminish, but she calmed down, raised her head, and stared at the Marshal of the Lucian:
"Did you save her alone?"
Cor did not stand in front of Aurora to answer. He went to the bed where Loqi was sitting. He stood in front of him and pointed to get up! Frowning, sat between loqi's eyebrows and his face gathered with dormant hatred and anger. He got up from the bed and stood a little further on. Cor lay down on the bed and pulled the blanket tightly:
"When I arrived, the base was almost destroyed, if it weren't for Gentiana, I would still be wandering in the mountains! There was no sign of where she had gone in that coldness."
It was Aurora who was talking, she came forward to examine Laura:
" Can I check her?"
Seriously Cor forced Aurora to retreat:
" You've been close to her once before, that's enough for me! I'd rather people do it themselves!"
He motioned for his daughter to come to Laura's side. Crystal could bring back Laura's lost strength! It was in his blood. In addition, Cor reaction to Aurora was very natural! That's why they didn't hurt Aurora, but her brother got worse. Slowly he went to Aurora and took her by the arm, without even looking at Cor.
"Thank you for your help, Mr. Amicitia. Thank the princess, we owe her our lives."
Gladio's look was sewn locally. These few days of socializing with him had made him realize that Loqi doesn't have such a dark heart! He nodded softly:
" Do you have a place to go?"
He glanced at Aurora and looked at Loqi again. He wanted to keep them on this side more! But against his will, Loqi replied:
" MTs are still under my command. With the help of your princess, I can now connect with them. Coming soon followed us. Thank you for your concern. I will talk to the princess soon."
" I'd rather you stay, I need help!"
It was Laura's voice that surprised everyone in the tent. Her eyes were closed, but she seemed to be awake. When Laura spoke, Cor was silenced in her honor. He didn't like to be treated unofficially in front of others. Laura was a powerful monarch, and Laura's authority was maintained when Cor treated strangers with respect. Laura's voice called for Crystal to go to her. He took her hand and sat down next to her:
"Can you sit down?"
Laura turned her head to the sides and then addressed Loqi with the same closed eyes:
" I guaranteed the lives of both you and your sister and pulled you out of the clutches of death! Dry and empty thanks are not enough to compensate!"
Cor's frown finally collapsed. He was not satisfied with any of these words, but Laura forced him to walk with her and not to oppose her! Cor's frown thickened Loqi's frown. He looked at the princess and wanted to object, but Aurora spoke :
"You are right, my lady, my brother is at your disposal! We will do whatever you want!"
A faint smile settled on Laura's lips and she can sleep now, but Loqi's blood boiled with anger. Laura must have told him to cooperate with her, then Cor would go in front him, but Loqi couldn't look even with a frown at him! Now, this Aurora throws herself in the middle and says whatever you say. He took a deep breath and left the tent.
His reaction only made Aurora laugh:
"Excuse him, he is so wayward! I'm talking to him!"
After Loqi, Aurora also left the tent. Gladio's gaze was fixed on Cor:
"Do you want to rest? I lost a lot of time!"
Cor threw up his hands, which were tied together, and stood in front of his daughter:
"Don't be wayward and stay here until we come back. Don't let the princess alone!"
The smile opened Crystal's face. He answered his father in a warm tone:
"Come on, papa! I don't move from her side, by the way, I'm talking to her so much!"
Cor's frown thickened:
"Let her sleep, don't wake her up, do you understand? I don't want to see you complain!"
"Come easy, just think about your skin beforehand!"
Cor just nodded and then walked over to Gladio, promising to accompany him to Gilgamesh, although it was very difficult for him to go to that land. That's when Laura couldn't support him ..!
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