#when you close their eyes your finalise their death. if you don't close their eyes its like trapping them in limbo
nobodieshero-main · 1 year
idk there's something about oveta planning for days to kill nakia (her own aunty), sneaking into her room at night and poisoning her, watching her die slowly and painfully with a hand over her mouth so she can't cry out. leaving her covered in blood and bile, with her eyes wide open and unseeing.
killing a guard (she didn't even know his name), not exactly on impulse but still barely a plan, by bashing his face in as quickly as she could until they're both covered in his blood, and then she steals his clothes and his keys and his sword and then. then she cleans his face, and she tells him she's sorry, and she kisses his eyelids.
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11: The Shinobi Alliance
The man was out cold.
Boruto adjusted his weight on one leg.
Eyes sharp as an eagle, the shinobi observed as far as he could.
A painful nostalgia gripping his insides, screaming to make him leave.
If he would just have another way to do this he would've even chosen death over getting stuck into a mess like this.
Gulping he felt his throat getting dry.
Would killing these people be enough?
'That won't do.. "
He already knew that much.
His tongue clicked in annoyance. He needed to get a larger scale of people for his plan to work.
His heartbeat dropped as his breath hitched at the second thought that crossed his mind.
Grabbing the tree trunk he almost made it tear apart, as a loud 'tsk' left his mouth.
He had no options left but to try this.
Even the thought of it made him feel disgusted and furious.
He can't stand these people. Especially that dumb princess.
But he had no choice.
"Heave ho. "
And he jumped down. The guards attacking him all at once.
"Its about time. "
Closing his pocket watch, Aeneus's gaze shifted.
Pink filled his sight.
A traditional floral Kimono. highlighting her features, a small blue jewel hanging over her neck.
Dark hair swept back , upto her waist.
Her eyes glittered reflecting nothing but power and pride.
A princess indeed.
He smiled before retorting back to his neutral self.
Attire ,a deem and aesthetic reflection of what one would call a strange mix of 'cold and warmth'
Though the only thing that spoiled this moment...
...was a certain raven rogue.
"I don't understand you. Why did you do this?-"
Aretha felt a smile drawn to her face at her brother's question.
"I don't know what you're talking about . "
She replied. Adjusting her hair for what seemed the upmteenth time today.
Her lips stretched making her lipstick shine in glory.
"Why did you leave him be-"
Aeneus interrupted, finalising a few documents before setting the brush down. His sister still going over the last few ones.
A little more paperwork and they can finally enter the village with authority.
"I found him interesting. "
Aeneus felt his tongue click.
"Don't fool me around. "
He snapped.
"I already know you don't like that bastard at all. Why are you pretending -"
"We should focus on the task at hand big brother-. "
"If you don't tell me.. I'll have to figure it out myself. "
He hissed. Eyes still down at the thin paper.
"And you don't like it when I do that. "
A short silence prevailed. Awkwardness filling between the two before it was broken by a loud yell.
"My lord! "
Came hurdling, a man of about 30 almost making them flinch.
Aeneus stood up in a reflex while Aretha remained seated.
"What's going on? -"
"He... He somehow... I don't know how but-"
"He what? Spit it out!."
"That rogue...Our men are trying to capture him but he's.. He's overpowering us easily! "
"The fuck?! " a breath left Aeneus before shifting a glare to the rightful accuse.
Before his eyes widened.
A smirk forming on her lips. Aeneus felt a snort comming his way.
The only plausible reason he could come up with, for the girl to feel the least bit easy in a situation like this made his ears burn.
So she knew.
Though it was no time for arguments.
"Call the guards.. We need to fix this before the leaf arrives. "
His gaze shifted back a quick snap out of frustration made the man almost flinch in fear.
"Quick! "
Aretha gasped a little though didn't felt natural enough to wash away Aeneus's doubts.
"Could you stop your plays? We are here to attend something important -"
Though it intended to be 'extremely offensive' Aeneus somehow felt his rantings going to gutter.
"Would you mind shutting up big brother?"
Aretha commented.
"We need to fix this first. Or perhaps you plan to leave it to me?"
The 2nd prince almost scoffed at that .
Leaving it to 'her' would only be the worst that could fall on them.
Curses leaving his throat he somehow held himself back.
"Lets move. "
Himawari expected the Hokage office to be calmer like usual.
The only sounds she ever hears in this building would mostly be the tapping of her father's keyboard.
Whispers of the people passing orders to one another. Mostly because her father prefers silence.
It was a newly born preference cause she off all people knew absolutely how chaotic Naruto actually was.
Though the girl never thinks much of it. People change.
Just like how her father has. She herself has changed a lot.
Not to forget the Slurping sound whenever he eats his ramen.
Which is by far the only food he ever eats nowadays.
He does visits home a lot. Though family time was something the girl was completely robbed of. Years ago.
Again, she doesn't thinks much of it. As long as she gets to see him its fine.
It has to be fine. She couldn't complain more.
She had no right to. ... Complain about anything for that matter.
Though today seemed to be a little different.
The office was far more chaotic, than she ever expected.
"Draw out the banners! " Shikadai yelled along with her Uncle Shikamaru cursing under his breath.
Something about their facial expression told the girl, they were impatient.
Far from it.
Like father like son.
"ARGH! This is sooner than we expected, where are those sensors that I ordered?! " she heard Denki.
The Kaminari company's expected predecessor switched something in his right arm before a large holographic screen covered almost all of the entrance of the building.
The seven Nights.
Himawari's heart fluttered in excitement.
It was finally beginning.
The village was about to be crowded soon enough.
People as well as shinobis from all over the 5 great nations will be arriving sooner or later.
It will be loud. It will be chaotic. It will be competitive.
This was gonna be fun.
"Wow.. Seems like they're going all out for this one. "
Tento commented coming from behind.
"That screen almost freaked me out, glad the papers didn't fall. "
He laughed hesitantly and Himawari sighed.
"Take out the ribbons! Are the rooms ready?! The fuck are y'all doing slowpoke's? Want a piece of me?! "
Chocho's voice was filled with an unknown yet expected munching sound.
She shifted her weight as she leaned on the wall.
"Sarada.. We won't be able to do it in time!"
It was then Himawari had realized the presence of the Uchiha girl.
Even for a full fledged shinobi like herself, it was practically impossible to pick up Sarada's chakra.
She gasped as she witnessed the Uchiha coming out of the shadows to mouth out a sarcastic yet convincing reply to the Akimichi.
Himawari would always be amazed at the her abilities. Hence she considered Sarada her one and only ideal.
And a big sister.
She smiled and dragged herself to the Hokage office door, barely getting enough space to move.
Though somehow managed to not let the files fall.
She only wished the same for Tento who was yet again stuck in the crowd.
Too far behind to reach her.
Himawari decided to wait but then thought the better of it.
Her heart beat fastened.
She was now alone.
And If everyone was outside..then Maybe..
Maybe she could get some time alone with her father.
Even the thought of it made her lips stretch into a smile.
It wasn't like she didn't get to talk to Naruto.
But it was mostly in the office, with her team or someone else present. Thus, she needed to suppress her feelings and maintain an official tone.
The other times where they meet was the dinner table. Where you aren't supposed to speak while eating anyways.
And the other few times. Whenever Naruto is alone in his room, she feels uneasy to go in and begin a conversation.
"Yoshi! "
Her hand reached out to the door knob. In her constant thought process the girl forgot to knock.
Though it was already too late for that.
Her hands reached out for the door. As she stepped in without making a single noise.
"Tell them I agree. "
Naruto stood facing towards the office's window.
His left hand carrying the phone while the other drawings circles on the glass with his index finger.
Something her father only does when he's nervous.
The girl remained at her spot, she didn't planned on eavesdropping.
Though something in the farthest corners of her mind told her otherwise.
"It doesn't matter..."
He said, voice shivering the slightest bit. Himawari felt her neck twisting in some unknown denial.
Her father wasn't the kind to fear something. Anything.
Her eyelids dilated as she gulped her own saliva.
This seemed something far too serious.
"I'm ready... to pay the price. " .
What price.?
She heard him say. Hands reaching to her chest in an action of worry.
Her eyebrows twitched together as she build in the courage to interrupt.
Before a slight fragrance reached her nose. Filling her mind with calm.
She felt the ground beneath her turning soft. Soft like mud.
A strange air covering her surroundings ,a familiar warmth filling her insides.
She felt a weight lifting off her arms.
Did she dropped the files?
Doesn't matters. She doesn't care.
Diving deeper and deeper she let her arms fall down to her sides.
An unconscious motion lead her to raise her head upwards.
The fluid was reaching her mouth.
Anymore of this and she won't be able to breathe.
Though she felt like not moving at all.
Suddenly she was back into a room. She observed her surroundings before gasping.
It was Boruto's room.
Somewhere she almost spend all her sad nights.
She always sleeps in his room whenever she feels frustrated or alone.
The place always gives her warmth and familiarity...
Though this time. It was different.
It was strange. Filled with an erie air. An eerie feeling.
"You shouldn't have done that Hima. "
She snapped her head back towards the familiar voice.
Before her widened. So much that she felt like they would fall.
She gasped as her vision turned blurry.
Sitting on his favorite couch, Boruto's eyes darted towards her.
A small smile made its way as he ran a hand through his hair.
"You know.. Dad would get mad right? "
She heard him say. The invisible fluid still reaching her face as she felt her insides getting heavy.
"Nii-Chan.. I'm sorry "
Why was she saying this?
Her mind began to cloud. Suddenly both of them were in the living room.
A spoiled hokage cloak on the floor. Himawari remembered.
The time when she spilled milk on her father's cloak.
She remembered how happy her brother was.
"This won't do Hima... "
She heard him say. A frown plastered on his face.
Why was he angry? Wasn't he glad that she spoiled the Hokage cloak?
Why was he even here?
Her throat began to choke.
"You made a mistake... Himawari. "
Himawari... He never calls her that. Why now?
No wait.
Who.. Was he?
The blonde boy neared as he hugged her tightly.
Too tight.
She felt her choke increasing. Her hands tried to move in a reflex to untie.. Whatever was binding her.
"G-Get away.. "
Though her whole body was already froze. Tears swelled up in her eyes as she gasped for the slightest bit of air.
"Don't worry.. This will be over soon. "
No.. No. No..
She writhed and flinched. Her throat was burning, her eyes was burning.
"Everything.. Will be over soon. "
'Save... Me.. '
She begged before the fragrance turned rotten.
Worse than she could ever imagine.
The room turned dark. The unknown boy disappeared.
The choke on her began to loosen up.
"Himawari!.. Hima! "
She heard a distant voice. Covering her nose ,she realized her hands were now free.
This was worse than anything she had ever experienced. The rotten smell invrease making her want to throw up.
"Hi..ma.. wa.. ri.. ? Wa.. k.. e u.. p. Hi.. ma! "
The voice kept getting weaker and weaker while the smell increased.
The air felt like acid. The girl's vison began to darken.
This was her end.
She knew.
But why ?
Who was he?
She didn't wanted to die. She didn't wanted leave her father as well.
To part with her mother.
Her friends, her family.
"Someone... save me.. Please. "
"We should submit him to the hidden leaf already. Just what is taking the Hokage so long?! "
Boruto flinched the slightest at the mention of that name.
Tied to a pole he crushed his teeth in annoyance.
This was more embarrassing than he thought.
But he had to do it.
"Looks like you don't learn.. Boy. "
Aeneus pointed his sword towards the boy as he gazed down at him in disgust.
Boruto felt like killing him then and there.
"Although I still doubt if you could get captured so easily.. Again. "
Though the boy had to admit.
This prince wasn't naive.
"We need to talk. "
He jumped to main point.
" I knew.. This was the only way you would listen to me. Aeneus. "
He explained before his jaw met a hard punch.
Blood spat out of his mouth as he felt his face getting bruised.
'Tsk. '
"You think you are in the position to call me by my name? Traitor.? "
He answered before grabbing his dark hair to catch him face to face.
"Don't make me kill you so soon. You Run away bastard.. "
Boruto felt something in him snap ,his eyelids dilated before a smirk formed on his face.
"You don't seem to be worthy enough to be called an honorific. "
The boy commented.
This was Aeneus's turn to smirk.
"I see. "
He said before raising his arm again though this time, his sword swinging along.
Not noticing the slightest glint of fear in his captor's eyes fueled his fury.
"Die.. You pest. "
He whispered before a hand grabbed him from behind.
"Stop it.. big brother. "
The boy haulted. Drawing his sword back ,he frowned.
"Don't interrupt me. Get back to-".
"I'm the incharge here.. Don't forget. "
'Tsk. '
Boruto frowned as he saw the girl nearing him.
"We can't kill him... Atleast listen to what he has to say. "
The blonde's eyes widened.
"Tell me one reason why I shouldn't cut him into pieces. "
"Actually.. There are two. "
She replied. And Aeneus scoffed.
"First.. Bloodshed would leave a bad impression. "
She smirked bending down to Boruto's height.
Closing in the distance Aeneus 'interrupted' the two by placing his sword in between.
'Revenge. ' His eyes said. Aretha managed to scowl in disinterest.
"The 2nd reason ...is cause he's cute. "
Gasps were heard as she motioned her hand for silence.
"So...what do you have to say? "
She breathed out and Boruto scoffed.
"Letter.. "
"What..? "
Both the siblings asked in unison. Their voice held uncertainty and confusion.
Of all things they didn't expect a monosyllable coming out of the boy's mouth who was so desperately trying to turn up a conversation with them till now.
Although Aeneus was still unaware of the latter. Though Aretha knew.
Hence she decided to lay down her own traps before that happens.
Which she already did.
Her tongue clicked.
This was gonna be so much fun.
"I have something to my satchet. "
Boruto began before Aeneus carefully looked in the boy's satchet.
A thin sheet indeed peeked out of it.
Aretha drew it out. Almost touching the boy.
Aeneus sighed before quickly grabbing her hand away.
What a drag.
He darted doubtful eyes towards the girl though it seemed to not work as much as he expected it to.
Aretha slowly opened the letter. It wasn't too long.
Just a page or two.
Boruto felt sweat covering his forehead.
That snake better not be playing games with him.
Though before he could say more a gasp drew his gaze towards the girl in kimono.
Boruto smirked.
So it was true.
Aeneus snatched the letter from her.
The more he read, the more his eyes widened.
Now it was his turn to gasp in disbelief.
Boruto knew it was time...
... to set things in motion.
"I know what motives you guys have."
He darted his amusing eyes towards Aeneus.
The sight of him clenching his fists in what seemed like a mix of fury and disgust made the boy laugh even more.
Aretha was no better either. Though something in her unchanged attitude made the boy question her sanity.
Though he decided to ignore it.
"Or rather I should say..."
He snapped his hands together and was out of the ropes in no time.
Gasps followed by the sounds of the Oryns shifting their weapons indicated just how much he actually knew.
Aeneus maintained an offensive stance, about to draw out his sword any second.
Which only made him more delightful.
"You.. "
Aeneus whispered in a low voice filled with surprise and doubt.
"You mean to say you are-?"
"You have nothing to fear. I'm an ally. "
Boruto interrupted. Dodging the question whatsoever.
The sibling's eyes widened.
"What the hell do you mean..? The fuck are you trying to say..?! "
Aeneus yelled. Aretha said nothing.
Just observing the two, her hamds crossed in what seemed like understanding.
"I'm here to join you.. To help you in your scheme.
Boruto began. Aeneus's eyes widened once more.
"Although I have nothing but one condition. "
He added.
"Fullfill that. And I'll join you-"
He smirked looking up as he stood with pride.
"-in your plans to destroy them. "
He motioned his fingers towards the flag at the village's gate.
Marked with a proudful and powerful symbol.
Something their people loved and believed in.
A symbol of 'The Shinobi Alliance.'
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stories2you · 2 years
Dearest (Part 1)
A/N: my first hypmic fic after months of contemplating if I should write about them. Have a Jakurai fic for some angsty fluffers.
Pairings: Jakurai x fem!reader
TW: Divorce, abuse (verbal, physical, direct and indirect), Depression, PTSD.
It was late at night when Jakurai finished his work at the hospital. The man leaned back on his chair, sighing. He wondered about you, his dear wife and his dear daughter. The man's thoughts suddenly stopped at a recollection where you voiced out your concerns about his daughter.
His beloved little girl was from his first marriage. He caught his ex-wife having an affair with another man. They had tons of arguments, which brought the little girl being very distant to her parents and closer to Jakurai's friends. Particularly Hifumi and Doppo.
It took him about a month or two to finally finalise his decision to divorce the woman. Hifumi and Doppo questioned him why he had to take so long to decide. Jakurai explained to them that he had to think about his little girl. Her future, who she would stay with, and to protect her from the vile woman.
With the help of Hitoya, Jakurai managed to gain custody of his daughter. Much to the girl's relief, that doesn't mean she was haunted by her biological mother's cruelty towards her. 
Her teacher, Rosho, had called Jakurai about her situation at school. Simply said, the doctor was shocked hearing that his daughter would often be picked up last, or never at all. Rosho understood Jakurai's work field, he was a very busy man. Handling different types of people and was always needed everywhere.
Rosho admitted to him that he had argued with his ex-wife about the girl's safety. 
"She's nothing but a nuisance!" Was what she said to the teacher. 
The girl heard the whole argument. It was then her grades dropped drastically. Jakurai really tried to be there for her. There were even times where he would ask Hifumi to pick her up and send her to his office. 
At home, his ex would sweet talk with him that she'll be more responsible and fetch their daughter. Jakurai was hesitant, but decided to give her another chance.
He was wrong. 
One day, he came home to his daughter sitting outside of the two storey house. It was winter. She had a thin jacket around her. 
"Mai!" He called out to her.
The girl's blue eyes looked up to meet her father's. Tears finally fell, she couldn't move much from being in the position for more than five minutes. Jakurai took off his coat and wrapped her in it.
Holding Mai in his arms, he was greeted with his wife and another man. His blue eyes raged with anger. 
"She's fifteen! She can take care of herself!!" 
"That doesn't mean that you can torture her! She could've died!"
"Then let her die! I don't need a problematic child!"
"Get out of the house and never return, you imbecile!" 
The final roar from Jakurai shocked the woman. The outsider was afraid to move, seeing how huge the older man was from himself. He timidly pulled the vile woman out of the house. 
After the two left, Jakurai got onto his knees and hugged his daughter tightly. He apologised to her profusely. He warmed her up with his body heat before proceeding to the living room where the heater was at. 
Back to the present time, Jakurai felt the pain in his heart, seeing his daughter almost freezing to death. After the fight at the court, he decided to take a month of leave to spend time with Mai. 
A few months later, Rosho introduced you to Jakurai. You were Mai's homeroom teacher. You had never gotten the chance to meet the doctor during the conferences with parents. But boy you were surprised at how good looking the doctor is.
You were personally close with Mai, listening to her problems, being a comfort for her, naturally taking the role as her mother at school. She'd tell you so many things, including what her birth mother did to her.
You knew your place as an outsider, thus only able to spit venom at your now husband's ex whenever she would talk shit about Mai.
Peace was only temporary until Mai, now eighteen, unexpectedly met her birth mother. It was harsh. Her mother had another child with the man she cheated with.
Hatred and anger boiled in her heart and mind. She was unable to think straight, thus slapping her own mother in public.
"You hated me, you despised me, yet you had another child with that despicable man! How dare you abandon me! I hate you, you imbecile!!" 
She continued cursing at the woman. Not bothering about the crying child. She looked at the toddler, giving them a disgusted look. 
Before the woman could say anything, Mai ran away in tears. 
She rushed into her room, not greeting you with hugs like she would usually do. You were concerned for her, but decided to give her some time to cool down. 
About an hour, you decided to cook dinner, making her favorite curry rice. You made it with the amount of spice she loves. Even making her favorite hot chamomile tea with honey to soothe her heart. 
"Mom..?" You heard her voice. You turned around and saw Mai, she had freshened up, looking a little bit better.
You smiled at her and ushered her to the kitchen, "come, sit down. I made your favorite for today. Would you be a darling and call your father if he'll be home tonight?"
Mai nodded and took out her phone to ring her father. After three rings, he answered, "hello? What's wrong, honey? Do you need anything?"
"Nothing, but will you be home soon?" She asked.
"I'll be home in five minutes, dear."
You saw Mai's smile. It brought you a little comfort by seeing her smile. 
"Alright. Take care, dad." 
You sat the big bowl of curry and the rice cooker on the tray beside the dining table. You took a seat in front of her, "Shall we wait for him?"
Mai nodded. You thought that it was okay to ask her about her day at school first, her mood can be discussed when her father got home.
"So, how was school? Was Rosho a good teacher today?" You giggled when you brought up your former colleague. 
Mai happily told you about her day at school, and that fellow teachers had asked her about your well being. You had married Jakurai a year ago after Mai's pestering. She begged you to be her mother, and she begged Jakurai to allow her to be your mother.
Such a coincidence, Jakurai had observed how you treated his daughter. You gave her the love she yearned for from a mother ever since she was an elementary school student. With that, he proposed to get to know you better and introduced you to his family and friends just as you do to him as well.
The wedding went smoothly, and you decided to resign as a teacher to start on your sole business. The two of you talked happily, only noticing the doctor's presence when he cleared his throat. 
Mai turned around and ran to give her father a tight hug, "welcome home, dad! I missed you." 
Jakurai wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tightly, "I'm home. I missed you too, dear."
You greeted him with a kiss on the cheek and pulled him to sit at the dining table. Both you and Mai listened to Jakurai's days at work and him listening to both of your days.
Laughter and happiness was the current vibe, until Mai brought up about her encounter with her mother….
Part 2 coming soon.
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