#when xl is with people he knows well and trusts he is truly so judgemental and sarcastic.
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lazycranberrydoodles · 2 years ago
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they are so in love and disgusting and also sarcastic bitches. follow for more / prev comic / next comic
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trampohlena · 4 years ago
Okay, so after last night’s episode I would just like to say that Supercorp IS Endgame. I’d also like to point out the various reasons as to why Kara and Lena are not only soulmates but true twin flames.
For those reading this post who have never heard of the term twin flame: “A twin flame is your own soul, shared across what appears to be two physical beings. It’s one soul, split into two bodies.” -Google’s definition.
For those who are spiritually inclined and have a proclivity for indulging esoteric philosophies; Lena and Kara are ABSOLUTELY twin FUCKING flames 🔥🔥🔥!!
Here are the reasons why:
1. Their drastically different childhoods that resulted in remarkably similar trauma.
Both Kara and Lena have experienced great loss throughout their life. Both mourned the death of their parents, and life as they knew it, at a very early age. Both were shipped off to a foreign land, forced to leave behind everything they knew, in hopes for a brighter/safer future.
Albeit, Lena got the shorter end of the stick in regards to unconditional love, but both were given a second chance and a new start...and yet, they still never fit in, or felt like they truly belonged.
Although they individually have dealt with said trauma in different ways (Lena by pushing away those who try to get too close, and Kara by holding on tightly to those she holds dear) both of their actions are motivated by the same subconscious fear that they HAVE never and WILL never TRULY belong. All while yearning for a sense of “home”.
2. They are opposite reflections of each other; true “mirror souls”, if you will.
Physically, aesthetically, economically, and emotionally—they are complete “mirrors” of one another.
Kara is strong, physically powerful, cut from marble, all hard edges and sharp lines—except for her face. Lena is clearly not as physically powerful, she is soft, all curves, and exudes the grace of the Devine feminine energy—except for her face, which is hard edges and sharp jaw lines. You see what I’m saying?
Aesthetically and economically go hand in hand of course. Lena’s exorbitant wealth is evident in her high-end designer appearance; whereas Kara’s aesthetic is more humble and grounded, and prioritizes comfort over “fashion”. (Let’s admit it. Some of Kara’s fashion choices have been questionable. She clearly rocks the chinos and button-downs better than anything else in that eclectic closet of hers she refuses to come out of 😏)
Emotionally...oh honey. Do I need to say more? I won’t say much but I will say this: Kara is the sun and Lena is the moon. They compliment each other in a way that ensures the world keeps turning.
3. Their individual strengths are the other’s individual weakness and vice versa.
Goes along with the aforementioned “opposite reflection” point above but I’ll expand a bit further in regards to their specific personality traits.
Lena is predominately analytically driven, whereas Kara is emotionally driven. Lena is good in crowds, Kara is not (overwhelmed). Lena is introverted, Kara is extroverted. Lena is detail oriented and has the memory of an elephant, Kara is clumsy and as forgetful as a Pisces (but hey, she has a lot on her plate and barely any free time to balance it). Lena eats like a rabbit-bird-hybrid and Kara eats like a garbage disposal. Kara loves giving and receiving hugs and other forms of physical affection whereas Lena does not (UNLESS it’s from Kara, of course). Etc. Etc. you get the picture.
4. Now this one is the DEAD GIVEAWAY. Undeniable, irrefutable PROOF that Lena and Kara are twin flames.
They are LITERALLY completing what is know as the Twin Flame Journey or the Twin Flame Union.
The stages of Twin Flame Union are roughly as follows:
1. Yearning for “the one”. I think every human being that believes in love experiences this whether it’s throughout their entire life, or only their adult life until they meet this person but yeah. You get it. Kara has always wanted that “Wapow!” moment.
2. Glimpsing/meeting “the one”. Whether it’s only for a short moment, an extended meeting, or perhaps merely locking eyes with them as you pass each other by...you feel immediately connected. There is an instant soul recognition when meeting them, so much so that you could have sworn you’ve met them before or that it’s as if you’ve known each other your whole lives.
Remember when Kara met Lena? And she was gaga-eyed over Lena? Or when Lena felt so comfortable around a new acquaintance that she granted an almost stranger unbridled access to her office? Or how about when Red Daughter flew to America (the country she was taught to hate), with no recollection/memories of Kara’s relationship with Lena (again, the woman she was taught to hate), all because she felt PULLED to do so. And then when she did meet Lena she looked at her and practically drooled over her as if Lena was a double XL cheeseburger with extra special sauce from Big Belly Burger? Like, biiiitch 👀
3. Falling in love. Need I say more? Fine, again, I will. You CANNOT tell me that there is no way in hell that these two morons are anything BUT in love with each other. That’s a lot of double negatives and I appplogize so let me reiterate for clarification: THEY ARE IN LOVE AND YOU CAN’T CHANGE MY MIND!
And at this point is it so freaking BEYOND platonic love, the show cannot explain it away or sweep it under the “just close friends” rug. No. Kara used her Fifth Dimensional Wish (she literally could have wished her entire planet didn’t explode) and she said “make Lena not mad at me, I’m sad 😔” 👀. Mmmkay. Not to mention Lena picking Supergirl over Jack, her former lover. Or the plethora of other times Lena chose Kara/Supergirl over everyone else she knew. Mmkay.
4. The fairytale relationship/friendship. Lena has finally found someone she can depend on, be vulnerable with, support her without judgement, trust with her life etc. and Kara has finally found a true best friend, not her sister, not Kenny who she didn’t realize was her best friend till after he passed? And now he’s not dead?? But her one true best friend that she felt she didn’t need to be neither Supergirl, nor Kara Danvers, but rather Kara Zor-El around (despite Lena not knowing that little tidbit of information).
They were each other’s best friend. Each other’s person. They were happy.
5. Outer Turmoil and Inner Purging—Supergirl and Lena fight. Lena still does not know that Kara is indeed Supergirl and does not pick up on the brewing tension between herself and Kara.
Kara of course is riddled with guilt and her relationship with Lena becomes strained. This outer turmoil creates inner purging by bringing out negative traits in each other. I.E. Lena hiding kryptonite and also Kara asking James to spy on her. Shit gets messy but they still try to make it work.
6. The Runner and the Chaser/Separation Stage—Tensions mount between the two and Lena FINALLY learns about Kara’s secret. And she has a choice to make. So what does she do? She runs. Not physically but emotionally. She completely withdraws from not only Kara and their friends but also withdraws from herself.
She literally experiences cognitive dissonance and becomes someone she is not. Someone other people made her believe she was on the inside, even though Kara knows that it isn’t. And so, Kara chases her.
Lena becomes the runner and Kara becomes the chaser as they navigate this separation stage.
Continuously running and continuously chasing.
7. The Surrender and dissolution stage—they’re fucking done. They’re tired. They’re exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally after all the bullshit they put each other through as well as all the bullshit Lex and the Phantom Zone put them through.
They come to an impasse in regards to Lex and realize the only way to defeat him is to work together, as a team. (El Mayarah anyone?)
They surrender to their emotions and to each other as their egos dissolve and their souls expand after having learned invaluable life lessons. The major one being: THEY CANNOT LIVE HAPPILY WITHOUT EACH OTHER!
8. The last stage that we have yet to see but we fucking better or else I’m gonna January 6 the CW studio building—“Oneness”.
This time, I’m not gonna say more.
So, in conclusion: Supercorp is Endgame because Lena Luthor and Kara Zor-El Danvers are the literal definition of a twin flame, soulmate connection. They are the same soul, manifested in two physical forms, for the sole purpose of expanding their soul’s consciousness.
They deserve to be happy, they deserve to be together. Not only does their union parallel some of the greatest love stories throughout history, i.e. Romeo and Juliet, Darcy and Bennet, Superman and Lois (duh) it would also break the curse of generational karma and illustrate to anybody who watches the show that the only person who defines who you are is YOU. Not a name, not a legacy, not society’s expectations, YOU. And most importantly of ALL...it would showcase that love truly does conquer all.
I rest my case.
TPTB, make Supercorp Endgame or kick rocks ✌️😘
An empassioned fan with way too much time on her hands.
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jjbennell-blog · 7 years ago
How Social Media has Effected Teen Dating Culture
The influence of social media on the minds of teens and their outlook on dating has allowed this generation to be known as the “hook up culture.” This might excite 18-21 year old males, because it’s much more pleasing to pick up a girl at a beer pong tournament rather then actually take her out for dinner. Back when our parents were dating, simply asking out someone on a date was showing interest in a potential relationship. Now, thanks to social media, texting someone and asking if they are “DTF” (down to fuck), shows a person’s true anticipation for a romantic relationship. The complexity of dating has changed drastically, and now includes many specific steps that must be reached for a committed relationship to occur. This includes the texting phase, “hanging-out”, DTR talk (defining the relationship talk), and dating — or having to block said person off of all social media sites, depending on how the talk goes. Before the steps toward a relationship can occur, the circumstances in which meeting a new potential partner are very important. Firstly, the most common, yet the least effective, is the hook up. A hook up occurs by meeting someone at the bar or a party, and drunkenly taking them home. This often leads to ghosting (ignoring all texts, calls, snapchats) because one side of the party is not impressed with their drunken decisions. Even though technology has allowed people to have conversations that otherwise would not happen, alcohol and other substances help erase this factor. Second, young people meet online. Whether it’s adding someone on Facebook, or matching on Tinder, this has potential to turn into something real. However, the amount of healthy relationships that come out of online dating are comparable to the amount of people who stay married on the Bachelor — which is very few. For example, one of my friends went on a date with a guy she met on Tinder and when he showed up he was already drunk; this truly shows that Tinder is a fucking monster. Overall, be careful on dating sites, and if someone DM’s (direct messages) you on Instagram to “Netflix and chill,” don’t do it because watching Netflix is the last thing you'll be doing.  A third option is to be set up. Depending on your friend’s judgement being set-up is passive and makes things easy at first. However, if your friend dates idiots just like you do, don’t bother. It is guaranteed that this person will either send unwanted pictures of their genitalia or smoke so much pot they forget to text you back for two weeks. Lastly, another option is to meet a person in public or through work/school. This is probably the best bet because it allows you to make your own judgment — if you trust your own judgement.   If you are one of the lucky people who actually weed through all the crazies and find someone that is adequate enough to consider getting to know, congratulations. Now it’s time for the texting phase. Getting to know someone over text can be very beneficial, because you get to know their habits: do they take forever to reply, do they use to many emojis, or maybe they simply share too much about their life over social media. A deal breaker during the texting phase is if they constantly start a conversation with “sup.” This is unacceptable; they can take their “sup” and shove it. They can address you like the elegant person you are. Whatever the case may be, the point of the texting phase is to be short and sweet, so you can get on to “hanging out”; which can mean a variety of things depending on how easy you are. However, what many young people don't realize during this phase is the red flags. If a person asks you to send naked pictures (which unfortunately is very common in this era) or if they make stereotypical comments like “what would you do if  I was there ;)”, stop all communication before it’s to late and your the next Kim Kardashian with a world famous sex tape. As hard as it is to hear, someone who shows their entire hockey team a picture of you in your new Victorias Secret thong, isn’t interested in a committed, romantic relationship. Now that you have decided that this person is worthy enough to waste some of your precious time, it’s time for “hanging out.” Many people consider this part of the process the point to get to know someone better, even though in a majority of cases they have probably already seen you naked. But that’s besides the point; this is the part in the relationship where you have to set your standards because in this day and age there is a lack of formal dating. The reason there is quotations around “hanging out,” is because a majority of the time this phase includes getting a text at 12:30AM because someone wants to chill. Chilling does not mean making cookies and meeting their parents; it means they hope you are drunk. If you manage to arrange a formal date with someone, this still does not mean the hard work is over. Making it to the second date is just as crucial and who texts who first after the fact, is very important. However, if you are as unlucky as one of my friends and you think you are going on a fancy dinner date but end up in Wendy’s, leave while you can. Although, the trend in this age group is to ghost someone if they did not enjoy the date, rather then have the decency to text and respectfully explain. So if for some reason this happens to you, drink a bottle of wine and take the hint. The most important fact to take away from all this is if your going to to put out at least let the person buy you an ice cream cone first. The dreaded DTR talk, is an aspect of dating that no one enjoys, because it either goes very well, or very poorly. First tip: if the look the person gives you when you bring up this topic is similar to the look the delivery man gives you when he knows that the XL pizza you ordered is just for you, this is not going to end in your favour. Furthermore, if the DTR talk results in both parties wanting the same thing, it means one of two things: 1. God truly loves you 2. you’re still tripping on the acid you took last night. The one thing social media has given people is the bravery to stop putting up with bullshit. Now people know how to catch a snake when they see one, and for the most part, this allows them to stop the nonsense while it’s happening. Men are typically more sexual beings compared to women, which makes it easier for men to refuse commitment to one person. This is similar to why they go to Costco and buy bulk; they get more than they want and it’s cheaper. If you have made it this far into the essay without feeling like you are going to burn in hell, thank you. For this is the brutally honest, modernized truth of 2017 dating. It is rare if you have been able to manipulate your way to the dating phase. Whether you did this by being a smooth talker, a genuinely kind person or by just being a freak in the sheets, you are gifted. One of the biggest issues of being in a committed relationship is whether to make it Facebook official. If one of the parties in your relationship doesn't want to make it official it is most likely because they are embarrassed of you, or they are scared of what their grandma will think. Either way, it’s a red flag and you should through a bitch fit. Many people think that once the relationship is official, it means the stress is gone. This is wrong. Instagram likes can mean more than they think your dog is cute. The aspect of jealousy in a relationship has increased since when your parents were dating because there is more to worry about other than who else has been riding in your significant other’s horse and carriage. However, if you have found someone who cares for you as much as you care for them, there is nothing better than cuddling on a Thursday night watching Modern Family and not worrying about gaining a little weight. The truth of the matter is not all DTR talks end in a relationship. If this happens to you, consider it a gift, especially if the person used some cheesy line like they just aren't ready for a relationship. This way your biggest worry on the weekend won’t be if someone is cheating on but if one bottle of wine is enough. The amount of 18-21 year olds who are ready to have a relationship that is worth being in is close to the amount of Sunday’s they haven’t been hungover this year, which is very few. Ultimately, this dating world is about as twisted as 2007 Britney Spears and missing out on a toxic relationship is saving more people then just you, but also all your friends who would have to hear you cry about it after three tequila shots. Social media has complicated the lives of contemporary young people. The impact of social media on dating has allowed this generation to be known as the “hook up culture”; your opinion on whether this is positive or negative depends on what your into. The steps towards a committed relationship and the new language around dating are very different from when our parents dated. Overall, listening to your dad when he says to not bother dating until twenty-five, is your best shot at true love.
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