#when will the first solar eclipse of 2022
elminx · 2 months
Energy Update: May 2024
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May is a "4" Universal Month [5 (May) + 8 (2024) = 13 = 1+3 = 4] in an "8" Universal Year. "4" months are about shoring things up and creating structure. We were put through the wringer during April's intense total solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde cycle, and now we are tasked with picking up the pieces and making something out of what is left.
The Set Up
We begin the month of May with the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus in Taurus; Mercury and Mars in Aries, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Aquarius. This continues our pile-up of planets which have now been in a sequence of conjoining signs for several months. This indicates that this area of life - stretching from Aquarius and Pisces (the last two signs in the horoscope wheel) through to Aries and Taurus (the first two signs) - needs all of our attention. Something is ending and something is beginning but we are still mid-process.
By month's end, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter will have entered Gemini and Mercury will enter Taurus. Additionally, Pluto will have stationed retrograde.
The Nitty Gritty
When I say that "4" months have a certain feel, I want to point to May 2024 as a prime example. April was challenging for many people (I hesitate to say most but I think it might be headed in that direction) and it has left a big mess in its wake. It may take some time to gather ourselves enough to pick up the pieces, but May, with both its transits and its 4 energy, will offer us every opportunity to do so. The thing is, "4" energy isn't something that just happens, you need to work for it.
In this, often-lazy Taurus isn't doing us any favors but we are getting quite a bit of support from Mars in its home sign of Aries and Saturn in Pisces. This month's big flex will be to get up daily and put one foot in front of the other. Show up for yourself. There are a couple of potential windfalls towards the end of the month but they will be much more beneficial for those that have put in the work beforehand.
The month begins with a bit of an ending as Venus in Taurus meets up in a fixed square with Pluto in Aquarius. There are a couple of things in play here. The first is that Pluto retrogrades the next day; during this retrograde, it will move backward into Capricorn for the last time later this year. The second is that this is part of an ongoing interplay between Venus and Pluto that stretches back to Venus's retrograde in January of 2022 which was directly conjunct with Pluto in Capricorn.
We are in an ongoing cycle that involves the evolution of relationships (highlighted by our lunar node's transits through Aries and Libra) with a marked push towards valuing the individual over the system as a whole. Venus, through her rulership of our relationship-loving sign Libra, has been in the hot seat for a while now. Now she is in her other ruling sign, Taurus, a sign that can be equally as unwilling to make a change. The problem is that Pluto isn't a planet that can be reasoned with - as one of our outer planets, it is far beyond our control and immune to our influence.
When given the choice to bend or break, Taurus rarely chooses to bend. That will be a problem all month long as our personal planets all move through the sign of the bull and are forced to butt heads up against the inevitability that Pluto brings to the table.
Mars is in play here, too. At the end of April, Venus and Mars entered their home signs which is generally a positive indication for relationships of all kinds. Unfortunately, it brings both into immediate contact with Pluto. This could be a boon for relationships that are future-focused and committed to changing in ways that benefit all people involved. But it will be part of the ongoing stressor for those that are not. This is your cosmic reminder that the North Node in Aries demands independence for all parties during this time; avoid that at your peril.
Pain is on the table. Mercury, now direct, is working its way through its post-retrograde shadow where it meets up with Chiron for the third and final time at 21° Aries. This is very close (within 1°) to the point of our solar eclipse last month which included a rough stellium between the Sun, the Moon, retrograde Mercury, Chiron, and the North Node. We may have moved on (it has been a whole month and we are about to experience a new moon at 18° Taurus), but the scars have barely scabbed over. Monday 5/6 may prove a rough day for many who had difficulty with the solar eclipse as it may echo those same repeating themes.
As a culture, we are taught to ignore our pains but Chiron calls for us to stand up and look at them in the eyes. To know them and where they come from. This isn't the easy path and it can require help (professional or otherwise). All aspects to Chiron support shadow work and healing of all kinds. With Mercury involved, you may want to talk it through or write it out.
This will still be in play for our New Moon at 18° Taurus on late Tuesday night (5/7) or early Wednesday morning (5/8) depending on your time zone. This lunar conjunction is in a strong sextile with Saturn in Pisces. Saturn can be a hard taskmaster, but that is necessary here - after a rough month, we are tasked with picking up the pieces and moving on. This is our first new moon since our eclipse cycle and our first chance to set intentions or to set things right. Taurus can be a very self-indulgent sign, so do your work and get yourself a little treat afterward for morale.
Small consistent steps are the name of the game all month long. Saturn can help us here. Things may feel hopeless (especially if you were rocked by eclipse season or Mercury retrograde) but Saturn reminds us that time changes all things. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, you might as well get going and do something about it.
After that, we sit for almost a full week without any non-lunar aspects. This is always a sign that we need to think about what we've done. This doesn't have to be a bad thing. Keep moving. If today is hard, wake up tomorrow and start all over again. Taurus has a lot of staying power, you just need to tap into it.
5/13 will be a big turning point in the energy of the month. Venus in Taurus will sextile Saturn (another chance to work, I guess?) and Mercury will finally exit their post-retrograde shadow. Additionally, our Sun will conjunct Uranus at 23° Taurus - this starts a major Taurus stellium between the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus that won't complete until Venus conjunctions Jupiter at 28° on 5/23.
Ten days to get some shit done, that's nothing to snaggle about. This energy will go from intense to more fruitful. I'd stay very aware and out of the fire on 5/13 (Uranus rules unexpected disasters) - don't handle explosives if you don't have to, physically or metaphorically. Uranian energy is uncontrollable at best, so step out of the way if you need to. But it does tend to encourage change and, with both the Sun and Jupiter involved, we can use this to our advantage.
On 5/15, Mercury finally enters Taurus after its ten-week tour of Aries. This was a really long time to experience our planet of communication in the fiery cardinal sign of the ram. It's been a rough go all around with seemingly everybody having opinions about things they know nothing about. May the know-it-alls fall back into the shadows where they belong. Mercury in Taurus can be a bit bullheaded, but, for the most part, will think before they speak which is a major win. Depending on how your April went, you might need to apologize for a few things you said or fights you picked. Own up now because Mercury will meet up in sextile with Saturn soon enough. (Saturn rules consequence and repercussions)
In fact, Mercury makes an immediate square with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto, like Uranus (who is very much still in play in that major Taurus stellium), acts upon us as an otherworldly presence. We don't get to control how the planet of death and transformation shows up in our lives; the best we can do is adapt to these overarching inevitabilities. Neither Taurus nor Aquarius is particularly adaptable, so this may be a tough day - thankfully, Mercury transits pass quickly.
5/18 is our first benificent day of the month: our Sun is conjunct to Jupiter which brings great opportunities for luck and expansion (especially in the abundant, fertile sign of Taurus), Venus is conjunct to Uranus so chance is on the table, and Mars is conjunct to the North Node in Aries. If you need a change of pace, this is your day. If you are looking for luck, love, or money, this is also your day. I would work firstly with the Sun, then with Jupiter, and finally with Venus. Together this trifecta can pull in the power of otherworldly Uranus and our lunar nodes.
The seasons are beginning to shift again and we look to the late-spring mutable air sign Gemini. Our Sun in Taurus makes a quick and murky sextile to Neptune in Pisces on Sunday 5/19 before entering the sign of the twins on 5/20. Venus and Jupiter aren't far behind which is a major boon to anybody with a strong Gemini element in their charts. But first, our Sun meets up with retrograde Pluto once again, this time in trine rather than last month's square. The changes that need to be wrought this month are getting easier the further that we progress - Gemini, unlike Taurus, is open to bending in the ways needed to accommodate new things. That is, so long as they understand what they are bending for.
We've got a full moon for that! On Thursday, 5/23, Venus conjuncts Jupiter (so, so auspicious!) under the light of the full moon at 02° Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter. This is our second beneficent day of the month. Both Gemini and Sagittarius are inquisitive signs eager to learn and study. This is an auspicious day for all, but especially for scholars, students, artists, and writers. This is a great day to plan out your (artistic) year ahead, to apply to see your work published or in an art show, or simply to work with the magnanimous energy of Sagittarius to expand and grow. Set out some milk and cookies for Jupiter during this time (or maybe a good glass of scotch) and ask for some inspiration, it will be sure to follow. Later in the day, Venus enters Gemini.
On Saturday, 5/25, Jupiter joins Venus and the Sun in Gemini. Anytime our intermediate or outer planets change signs, the energy shifts substantially. We may find ourselves more interested in intellectual pursuits while Jupiter transits the airy sign of the twins, but we should be wary of Too Many Mind. Jupiter enbiggens everything it touches and Gemini is known for its chronic indecisiveness. Unlike some signs which can be too maudlin to see any options at all, Gemini's indecision comes from seeing too many choices and a desire to explore them all. You may need to take concrete steps to stay on track. (unless you enjoy rabbit holes, I'm not judging)
With Jupiter in Gemini, Gemini season will happen fast and you can see that reflected in Mercury's aspects. Mercury in Taurus makes a tougher aspect to Saturn in Pisces on 5/27 which is a reminder to keep a check on our thoughts during this airy season (always important) and then makes a major conjunction to Uranus at 24° Taurus. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercurial energy - where Mercury is thought, Uranus is pure inspiration, or, sometimes, madness. If you are prone to extreme flights of fancy or intense mania, this is a day to watch out for. If you need a good push to create or be bold, it can be used to your advantage.
Our last aspect for the month is a tough conjunction between Mars and Chiron at 22° Aries - this again is a reminder that when we are not paying attention to our actions, we can end up in some pretty rough places. Mars in Aries would rather run at full speed and is known for not looking where he is going. You might need to reign in some of your impulses as we get deeper into Gemini season, or else you end up sore muscled, and unable to move for a bit.
The Details
5/1 - Venus in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius 5/2 - Pluto retrogrades 02° Aquarius 5/3 - Mars in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius 5/6 - Mercury conjunct Chiron 21° Aries 5/7 - New moon 18° Taurus (EDT, will be 5/8 for most of the US), Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces 5/13 - Sun conjunct Uranus 23° Taurus, Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow 27° Aries, Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces 5/15 - Mercury enters Taurus 5/17 - Mercury in Taurus square retrograde Pluto in Aquarius 5/18 - Sun conjunct Jupiter 28° Taurus, Venus conjunct Uranus 23° Taurus, Mars conjunct North Node 13° Aries 5/19 - Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces 5/20 - Sun enters Gemini 5/22 - Sun in Gemini trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius 5/23 - Full Moon 02° Sagittarius, Venus conjunct Jupiter 29° Taurus, Venus and Jupiter in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces, Venus enters Gemini 5/25 - Jupiter enters Gemini 5/27 - Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces 5/29 - Mars conjunct Chiron 22° Aries 5/31 - Mercury conjunct Uranus 24° Taurus
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brightsstar · 1 month
Bit of a theory on what might be going on with New Moon.
I think New Moon might have a new kill code planted in him. Granted, it still could be grief over Solar, in fact, i think that grief is playing a part in this too, and i very well could be entirely wrong too.
As of late, i am sure people have noticed that New Moon is falling back on a lot of Old Moon-like behaviors. He's hiding things, trying to do things himself without help, and becoming increasingly violent. He physically hurt Ruin recently, which, yes, Ruin deserved it, but Moon didn't think twice before he strangled Ruin. Also twice, I might add. Plus his threats. He may still be somewhat sane enough to consciously not kill Ruin, but his sanity is slipping. From Solar's death, to that Nightmare he had, and now Ruin's return (i wish they would sacrifice Ruin for Solar tho). Probably other things down the line too that are probably gonna make him slip even more.
My theory is that when he talked with Old Moon, it may have put a new kill code in New Moon. Since Old Moon was woken from his dormant state and he had a kill code. He needed to be reset entirely to make way for New Moon to exist, which could mean that, that preserved version of Old Moon may have still had the Kill Code in him, and now it passed to New Moon too. Like a virus. Recently, it may have been evolving. While there are still a few months left, we all know they have October Takeovers. Molten could very well be the one to take over for Sun, maybe (since Davis voices him), but we have nobody for Moon yet. Which could very well be where this is heading. Something new that is in Moon, and growing.
And there is another pattern here. As a long time fan, i noticed the new villains typically come around mid-year. First it was Eclipse (May 2022), then it was Ruin (June 2023), and now Moon is really starting to mentally slip, so if i am correct, following patterns from the last 2 years i have watched this channel, a new villain is probably popping up sometime soon, and it might have something to do with Moon's current state and wherever he goes from here.
Again, this is only a theory! We'll see where it goes!
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thatdruidgal · 2 years
grimoire organization 2022
Greetings, everyone! This is how I've organized my grimoire for 2022. I use Obsidian to write it digitally.
This is just my personal preference for organization, so no worries if yours looks different! There are as many ways to organize a grimoire as there are witches and wizards in the world.
Tell me what you think! What parts do you like? What do you think I should add? Anything I'm missing or suggestions to make it better? Feel free to comment how you organize your grimoire below!
Farewell, and good tidings!
01.00 introduction
01.01 book blessing + protection
01.02 devotion/dedication
01.03 codes/rules/tenets
personal code
code of celtic druidism
the celtic commandments
01.04 intentions and goals
01.05 learn more/add to grimoire (notes)
02.00 about author
02.01 names
02.02 personal craft
02.03 life path number
02.04 birth tarot card
the emperor
02.05 astrology birth chart
sun in leo
moon in capricorn
ascendant in aquarius
mercury in virgo
venus in leo
mars in pisces
jupiter in leo
saturn in cancer
uranus in pisces
neptune in aquarius
pluto in sagittarius
02.06 celtic zodiac
hazel “the knower”
02.07 personal beliefs (brief)
02.08 favorites
magical tools
02.09 relationships with spiritual beings
02.10 psychic abilities (clair-)
02.11 personal signature/symbols
02.12 ancestry
02.13 how i want to be remembered
03.00 basics
03.01 types of spells
verbal spells
candle spells
sigil spells
jar spells
03.02 ritual work
the ritual model
meditation + grounding
directing energy
clockwise vs. counterclockwise
03.03 types of correspondences
mental clarity
03.04 sabbats 
about sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
03.05 altars
03.06 spirit guides
about spirit guides
ancestor guides
ascended masters
archetype guides
guardian angels
animal guides
03.07 auras
about auras
03.08 alphabets + code language
ogham alphabet [not featured here]
03.09 symbols
celtic symbols
03.10 about divination
04.00 nature
04.01 the three elements
04.02 talking to nature
04.03 lunar phases 
full moon
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
blue moon
black moon
lunar eclipse “blood moon”
solar eclipse
moon void
04.04 herbs
for saining 
how to dry + store
04.05 gardening
companion plants
night-blooming plants
04.06 waters
rain water
storm water
dew water
snow water
moon water
sun water
river water
sea water
spring water
lake water
well water
swamp water
rose water
florida water
salt water
rosemary water
how to make moon water
04.07 aromatherapy
essential oils
custom for calm
05.00 minerals
05.01 crystals (by intention)
ones i own
ones i do not own
05.02 stones
precious stones
hag stones
wishing rocks
heart stones
05.03 jewelry
05.04 amulets
about amulets
charging amulets
05.05 charging
05.06 cleansing + care
05.07 salts
06.00 spirits
06.01 relationships with the spirits
06.02 when making offerings…
06.03 offering ideas
06.04 spirit guides
how to contact
talking to spirit guides
questions to ask
06.05 the fae
about the fae
offering ideas  
(some) types of fae
07.00 altars
07.01 layouts
07.02 what to use/ideas
07.03 for the elements
07.04 for sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
08.00 recipes
08.01 general tips
08.02 infusions
herb-infused oil
rose oil
08.03 foods
lughnasadh herb bread
litha orange honey cake
rosemary-honey shortbread
enchanting flower and herb spread
08.04 drinks
fire cider
08.05 potions
08.06 natural remedies
elderberry syrup
08.07 lotions
rose hip lotion [personal]
08.08 cleaning products
pine needle spray
08.09 misc
four thieves vinegar
09.00 spells + rituals
09.01 affirmations
lunar affirmations
09.02 sigils
passive sigils
active sigils
creating sigils
charging sigils
09.03 sachets + jars
anti-anxiety sachet
09.04 prayers
simple opening prayer [personal]
druids prayer
09.05 blessings
old irish blessing
blessing lavender tea [personal]
garden blessing
seedling blessing
09.06 lunar rituals
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
full moon
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
09.07 sabbat rituals
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
09.08 birthday ritual
09.09 solitary dedication ritual
10.00 divination
10.01 astrology birth charts
10.02 zodiac signs
10.03 celtic zodiac
10.04 basic tarot card meanings
major arcana
minor arcana, cups
minor arcana, swords
minor arcana, staffs
minor arcana, discs
10.05 tarot spreads
10.06 cleansing the tarot deck
10.07 omens
10.08 psychic abilities
about psychic powers
what to use them for
developing psychic abilities
11.00 library
11.01 dictionary/encyclopedia (?)
11.02 science and magic(k)
matter and energy
11.03 celts
celtic clothing
celtic days
11.04 druidry
about druidry
druid organizations
11.05 paganism + animism
11.06 types of divination
sacred geometry
11.07 types of witches/witchcrafts
green witch
eclectic witch
kitchen witch
solitary witch
cottage witch
grey witch
hedge witch
sea witch
religious witch
moon witch
sun witch
elemental witch
fire witch
earth witch
water witch
air witch
swamp witch
faery witch
cosmic witch
divination witch
crystal witch
secular witch
urban witch
literary witch
forest witch
music witch
chaos witch
shadow witch
techno witch
desert witch
art witch
natural witch
hereditary witch
11.08 types of psychic ability
11.09 tree lore
11.10 animal lore
11.11 misc correspondences 
12.00 inspiration
12.01 legends and myths
fionn mac cumhaill and the salmon of knowledge
12.02 poetry
alder dance
the oak tree
augeries of innocence
putting in the seed
to the cardinal, attacking his reflection in the window
nature aria
the gray heron
12.03 artwork [not featured here]
12.04 photography [not featured here]
13.00 shadow book [personal]
13.01 affirmations
13.02 recipes
13.03 cleansing
13.04 warding
13.05 enchanting
13.06 verbal spells
13.07 candle spells
13.08 sigil spells
13.09 jar spells + sachets
13.10 crystals
13.11 rituals
13.12 tarot divination
getting to know the field tarot deck [archive]
13.13 dreams
13.14 craft challenges
13.15 holiday celebrations
13.16 miscellaneous
13.17 craft advice
from mickey
14.00 personal beliefs
14.01 personal beliefs (expanded)
14.02 creation of the universe
14.03 death + otherworld
14.04 time
14.05 “spirituality”
14.06 magick
15.00 index of personal contributions
16.00 list of sources of information
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learnwithmearticles · 2 months
Moon Missions
What’s going on with the moon?
The United States recently had a solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024, and some might be surprised to learn that the moon is, in fact, affected by solar radiation. The charged particles emitted by the sun, called the solar wind, reach the moon with no interruption from its atmosphere, as it has none. It also has no global magnetic field, another layer of protection that Earth does have, in comparison.
The moon does, however, have small areas of magnetic fields. We can see this because these areas remain lighter in photos whereas chemical reactions from radiation darken the unprotected areas.
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Fortunately, most of these charged particles cannot pass through the hulls of space stations, so astronauts are safe in orbit. Cosmic rays, made of stronger and faster-moving particles, are more dangerous. Even on Earth, under the atmosphere and magnetosphere, cosmic radiation reaches humans, though not enough to be considered damaging to our health.
A lander and rover launched in 2018 delivered the first measurements of radiation levels on the moon 4. Based on those data, astronauts on the moon can be exposed to up to 150 times higher radiation levels than on Earth.
Radiation is a leading reason for the pause in lunar landing missions. It raises risks of cataracts, heart diseases, radiation illness, cancer, and other ailments. Longer missions, of course, would heavily exacerbate these radiation doses.
Other Health Concerns
Cosmic rays contain High-Energy (HZE) ions. In different exposure such as from nuclear accidents or irradiation therapy, HZE ions have been found to cause dysregulation in the mitochondria and damage to DNA. Because of this, prolonged exposure is linked to health effects often associated with aging, such as hippocampus synapse loss and metabolic disruption caused by damage to mitochondrial DNA.
Long-duration space flights have also been linked to cardiovascular disorders. For astronauts on the Apollo missions, heart attack was “the second leading cause of death” 8. For additional space flights outside of Earth’s magnetosphere, astronauts also had a higher mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases.
In a previous article, we discussed the relationship between circadian rhythms and health. These rhythms are another thing that space travel can impact, causing sleep and mental health disturbances in astronauts 9.
While various studies are investigating the conditions of these health risks, a current NASA mission is specifically investigating radiation protection.
Long-term Mission
NASA plans on eventually returning to human-manned missions to the moon.
First, they have to address the issues discussed above.
In November of 2022, Artemis I launched with two manikins bearing radiation detectors. From this mission, NASA was able to confirm the success of the intended trajectory, launch of ground systems, and the Orion spacecraft. The radiation results from this mission are still being analyzed.
The Artemis missions are intended to explore more of the moon than ever before, and lay groundwork for eventual missions to Mars.
Artemis II will not launch any earlier than September of 2025. It is planned to last ten days, consist of a 4-person crew, and be a lunar flyby to ensure the proper functioning of the spacecraft’s systems.
It has seemed for years that lunar exploration has halted. Manned missions have indeed been paused, for good reasons. Ensuring the safety of astronauts is a priority, and they face serious health risks even when missions go as expected. But NASA intends to continue exploring space, the moon, and Mars. The current Artemis missions are discovering improved, new ways to ensure the safety of astronauts while making scientific progress.
Additional Resources
1. https://science.nasa.gov/moon/solar-wind/
2. https://phys.org/news/2012-01-solar-flares-astronauts.html
3. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1211/1211.3962.pdf
4. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11214-020-00725-3
9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9818606/
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guiltymepleasures · 2 months
Timeline: (Eps 1-6)
July 22, 2009 - Solar eclipse; Eclipse debut (Ep. 1)
December 31, 2022 - Concert day (Ep.1)
January 1, 2023, 12 mn - Ryu Sun Jae pronounced dead (Ep.1); watch activates for the first time
June 2008 - Sol34 goes back to the past for the first time (Ep.1)
September 1, 2008 - Sol's traffic accident (Ep. 2)
July/August (?) 2008 - Sol34 goes back to present timeline (approx. 2 months) (Ep. 3)
January 2, 2023, 12 mn - watch activates for 2nd time (Ep. 4)
August (?) 2008 - Sol34 goes back to the past for the second time (approx. 10 days passed since) (Ep.4)
August 11 - death anniversary of Sol's dad
Summer of 2013 - radio show broadcast when Sun Jae was asked about his first love
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dimpledpran · 1 year
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10 Favourite Series/Movies I watched in 2022 (Fave Series for @asianlgbtnetwork 2022 Recap)
The Eclipse (dir.  Golf Tanwarin Sukkhapisit) Genre: Action,  Youth,  Mystery,  Romance Starring: First Kanaphan, Khaotung Thanawat, Neo Trai,  Louis Thanawin,  AJ Chayapol Language: Thai
The country's leading all-boys school, Suppalo, is strictly governed. Rumour has it that a curse will punish students who act out, a curse that grows stronger as the solar eclipse nears. But where there are rules, there will naturally be those who want to break them. A group of students calling themselves “The World Remembers” unite to challenge the school's authority and demand their rights. Head student prefect Akk and his cohorts are tasked with dissuading the rebel group. Then Ayan, a mysterious new student, arrives. Ayan has enrolled in hopes of discovering the person who pushed his uncle Dika to suicide. His only evidence leading him to Suppalo School is in his uncle's old notebook.  Akk is suspicious of Ayan, this boy whose behaviour is so odd and who regularly challenges the school's norms. . Ayan's method of dealing with Akk's scrutiny is to toy with him.
Yes, this series also did make it into my disappointing list. The ending did feel very rushed, and some parts towards the end were quite questionable. But other than that, it was a really good series. The cast did a brilliant job! Like I knew they can all act, but honestly I was so impressed with their skills!! Khaotung and First had the most beautiful breakdowns, Khaotung also sold the bad boy attitude in the first 5 minutes when I was so used to seeing him as the sweet little brother character, and it was so refreshing to see a new side to Neo! So yes, I’d watch it all over again just for them! Also they did deliver a few surprises, so that was interesting. I just really wish that the ending was more polished.
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ms-m-astrologer · 9 months
Welcome to the Shadow of the Eclipse
October 4-31, 2023
Some introductory notes
The “shadow of the eclipse” is a time period lasting from 10 days before the first eclipse, to three days after the final eclipse. It is recommended not to start anything new, or schedule anything important, during these days - as usual I refer everyone to the 1981 wedding of Lady Diana Spencer to the Prince of Wales, as an example.
Of course we live in a place/time which scoffs at letting astrology help with the timing of events - therefore don’t lose hope if something falls unavoidably within the eclipse shadow. Just be prepared.
I wanted to take a more thorough approach to delineation, this time. I hope it’s helpful.
South Node Solar Eclipse
A solar eclipse happens when the New Moon lies close (in the Zodiac) to either the North Lunar Node, or to the South one. It occurred to me to do a little research on whether which Node is involved, makes any difference - and yes, it does.
Astrologers call the South Node “the dragon’s tail” - Steven Forrest calls the South Node, “the dragon’s butt” - because here we are “pooping out” what we don’t need and can’t use. (One person’s poop, however, is another person’s fertilizer.)
Eclipses conjunct the South Lunar Node, like the October 14 one, have an outflowing (outpooping?) of energy. They tend to feature external events which we have to “rise up to.”
If you’d like to note how these have affected you in the past (always a good idea to check “what happened last time”), here is a list of the previous South Node solar eclipses in this century:
December 14, 2001, 22°56’ Sagittarius
December 4, 2002, 11°58’ Sagittarius
November 23, 2003, 1°14’ Sagittarius
October 14, 2004, 21°06’ Libra
October 3, 2005, 10°19’ Libra
September 22, 2006, 29°20’ Virgo
September 11, 2007, 18°25’ Virgo
August 1, 2008, 9°32’ Leo
July 22, 2009, 29°27’ Cancer
July 11, 2010, 19°24’ Cancer
June 1, 2011, 11°02’ Gemini
July 1, 2011, 9°12’ Cancer
May 20, 2012, 0°21’ Gemini
May 10, 2013, 19°31’ Taurus
April 29, 2014, 8°52’ Taurus
March 20, 2015, 29°27’ Pisces
March 9, 2016, 18°56’ Pisces
February 26, 2017, 8°12’ Pisces
February 15, 2018, 27°08’ Aquarius
January 6, 2019, 15°25’ Capricorn
December 26, 2019, 4°07’ Capricorn
December 14, 2020, 23°08’ Sagittarius
December 4, 2021, 12°22’ Sagittarius
October 25, 2022, 2°00’ Scorpio
October 14, 2023, 21°08’ Libra
Going down that list was a very uncomfortable trip down memory lane for me. When those South Node eclipses affected me, it was generally a harbinger of some difficult “external event” which I had little to no control over - which is not the same thing as saying “it wasn’t my fault.” I brought some of it on myself due to bad decisions. Some karma chickens coming home to roost, in other words. Not all of them were dire, though. One in particular gave me something of a respite from what had been happening in my life - it was conjunct my natal 12th House cusp.
Saros Series “7 South”
This eclipse is part of Saros Series “7 South.” Bernadette Brady writes,
The individual experiencing this series will find that huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through his or her life very rapidly. Either way the individual will feel that everything is moving at great speed. (The Eagle and the Lark)
Previous Saros “7 South” eclipses in Ms M’s lifetime:
September 11, 1969, 18°53’ Virgo
September 23, 1987, 29°34’ Virgo
October 3, 2005, 10°19’ Libra
Not quite as depressing for me personally.
Whatever Shall We Do?
1) Determine which of your natal houses this eclipse falls in.
2) Determine whether the eclipse makes an aspect to anything in your chart. Use a 1° orb. In my case, the conjunctions, squares, sesquiquads (135°), inconjuncts, and oppositions made the most obvious impacts.
3) If there is a close aspect to a planet, check to see which house(s) that planet rules. One South Node eclipse was conjunct the ruler of my natal 4th House, and I moved three months later.
4) Avoid strenuously negative thoughts. If you put a lot of energy into anticipating that something is going to be horrible and painful and disastrous, well, guess what - that’s exactly what’s going to happen. If you catch yourself falling into a panic, try to refocus the energy into “the best possible outcome.”
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okiecookie20 · 3 months
EXO 'Obsession' theory part 2
Have a Xiumiñ first❣️ | Part 2
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• Let's analyze the EXODEUX Trailer (I'll point out clues and try to decipher them!)
We see the phases of the moon. In some way this represents how half side is bright and the other dark (that could mean that EXO has to endure the fight since both parts are their own):
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Crudely we understand that they have to remain in a state of balance to be the legends but RF has somehow disturbed this balance.
The trailer was released on 8 Nov '19. What if X-EXO came alive on the blood moon (total lunar eclipse)? The phenomenon had been observed sometime in Nov 1909, 1928, 2022. A solar eclipse is shown and then we see destruction. I'm confident that EXO regain powers from this as seen in Power, What is Love. And since X-EXO are their halves or smth they get powers too.
Exo Planet #4 - The EℓyXiOn vcr shows us how the exos were being chased by some unknown beings who had the same powers as them. Kai opened the portal doors and rescued them just in time. Now we know these beings were X-EXO.
Okay so first they show us what is the result of X-EXO's actions. We find that from 0:11 some member's dna turns black (at first I thought it faded and crumbled) and then Kāi is shown — it could be a hint that it's him who is corrupted as he also fades.
Then appears THE TREE OF LIFE?!! And a fire which renders it dry 😦(the mv seems to be set on exoplanet). We can see how the eye of the RF coveted the heart of the tree as was prophesied in MAMA intro.
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Since we see Chanyeol's power directly harming it, I'm convinced what I discussed about him here might be true... Next we see a sandstorm and then booming thunder (Respective x-exo members shown in reverse order then)
I'm sure u must have noticed all this but from 0:32, something very interesting happens: a red drop is shown to separate from a source of water and it shines as it ascends. Suhø's (abs gjjdjd) shot is briefly interrupted by Baëkhyun - hmm.
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Even in the photobooks, they have pics next to each other. This could mean that they're together in on smth. (Notice Suhø's hand on his throat, I'll discuss about this later in this post)
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In the EXplOration Dot vcr, we find Baëkhyun looking at a screen. I'm pretty sure he is monitoring the other members. This leads to another theory of a binary between him and Suhø.
Back to EXODEUX, exo's powers prove to be very destructive since they've fallen into wrong hands. At 0:56 we see them facing a red celestial ball very much like our sun but creepy. Is this the eye of the RF? Another possibility is that it could be one of the two suns created as shown in Power intro because the legends separated into M & K. Once again we see Suhø and Baëkhyun facing each other:
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We get a closer look at their eyes and all seem to have blue eyes:
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Hold it! Chën has one blue eye and one dark brown!!! (he has red and white lashes too)
The conclusion I make from these clues is that jongdae has learnt how to regain that balance we talked about. So my earlier assumption as discussed in part i might not be correct and it is Chen who has won the fight. At first Chën looks confident but slowly as the game progresses, it is Chen who becomes more confident - he put his feet on the table.
• Let's analyze the mv now. The first fight shown is of Baek and his evil counterpart in a match of fencing. We see that the audience is dark hooded figures with red eyes:
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One thing I noticed is that when Baekhyun is shown alone, there are white lights turned on and the stands for the audience are empty. But when Baëkhyun is alone, the lights are off and some red lights glow overhead (cctv cams?).
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Baëkhyun looked like he hurt himself in the fight (some people theorize he wears a face-chain to cover his wound):
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I would safely assume that nobody won or lost the match. This is because both are seen facing each other even in the final shot of this set.
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• Moving on to Sehun; he tries to aim arrows at his evil double Sehůn. We see how many times he has tried but missed his target. There is a similar blue target behind Sehun too:
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In EXODEUX we look closely at the aesthetic of X-EXO's eyes and all of them have dark makeup or scars - all but Sehůn! His eyes are clean and pure from the influence of the RF.
In the teaser poster below, Sehůn (case 94) is the only one on whom the target is not locked!
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He is never seen with his double and is trying to fake it and trick the RF!! While the other X-EXO mems look sinister/appear expressive, Sehůn seems unbothered.
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He is the only member who has concept pics with a blue background. Furthermore, his nails are almost clean and not like the other X-EXO ppl.
Sehun is also the only Exo member to appear in the EXODEUX Trailer at the end. All of this is too much of a coincidence and I believe he already fought his counterpart, won and has come to save EXO as we see in his mv remake (2014):
• Now let's talk about Suho's scenes. Suho is looking around in an art gallery full of pictures based on water and waves. He is suspended mid-air in the place but a new shot shows it is much more deeper than that both literally and figuratively: he is trapped underwater and his evil counterpart is the one trying to drown him.
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Suhø is standing in water with 7 unknown hands reaching out to him - this could be a biblical reference to the seven deadly sins. Since the album was released in 2019, this is a nod to my fav group's 7th anniversary. Come to think of it he has red hair styled as devil's horns (junmyeon looks so perfect oml):
A lot of us noticed that in the beginning, he is shown trying to control the members as if they are puppets (yeah well I've watched this mv in slow-mo many times)
At 1:55 we notice a choking Suhø (junmyeon confirmed this) - the imagery is very creepy. This is because if Suho drowns, his double would choke too.
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Sehun shoots arrows at his evil counterpart and gets hurt himself.
The recurrent theme is that whichever side - the good or the evil one tries to harm the other, both suffer the same fate. Why? because they are halves of each other as we discussed in the beginning of this post.
Getting back to the mv, the planets start to align as this happens.
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This is just like the narration in MAMA intro: ...The day the grounds beget a singe file before one sky...
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The teaser posters have this "Warning" on them:
A messy world order Anomalies due to twisted orbits
Moving on, we find out how the X-EXO are nothing but agents and creation of the RF. Notice how the screen inside Suhø's head is very similar to the ones in and outside Chen's room.
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•I'd like to talk about the red glowing marks on some of X-EXO ppl. Only Sehun's and Chanyeol's evil doubles do not glow. This could be another clue that Sehůn is good. The other X-EXO mems are corrupted. Instead Yeøl appears in inverted and oversaturated colors looking demonic.
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• Another thing I noticed at around 3:06 of mv Jongdae and Suho sing this for the first time:
"The turned-on exit light" instead of "The turned-off exit light" as in chorus.
The ending shows a burning planet (initially I thought it was Earth but then I noticed it looked a bit different). SM confirmed it is "half of" exo Planet. Additionally it has a deep red glow ofc hinting this is because of the RF. There is still hope for exo to recover and defeat their enemies.
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Thanks for reading!🍒 I'll probably make some compilation post for these theories.
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tctaleclipse · 6 months
tw: mentions of overworking, mistreatment, the loona situation.
ECLIPSE made their debut on march 20th, 2022 under blockberry creative with the intent of being the younger brother group of loona. their first album would be entitled GENESIS with the title track GIVE AND TAKE. this is would be the first of ECLIPSE’s lunar eclipses.
seeing the success of the group, blockberry began to pump out comebacks for the group. fans speculated that they knew that loona were planning to leave and ECLIPSE were their last resort.
ECLIPSE would have their first comeback on july 14th, 2022 with the title track OUR SUMMER. an example of their solar eclipse with a brighter concept. they would have their next comeback, a lunar eclipse with the song JUNGLE on october 25th, 2022.
fans began to notice how drained the members were getting. when they weren’t performing they were on multiple variety shows, a bunch of interviews, it seemed exhausting just from watching them.
it would be a month before chuu would be removed from loona and how bbc was treating the members of loona and eventually the members of ECLIPSE. due to the fact that their contracts weren’t terminated, they would have one more comeback with THE FAME on january 4th, 2023 before their contracts would officially be terminated and the group would be bought from bbc.
KICK IT 4 NOW is the most recent comeback of ECLIPSE after leaving bbc. with a solar eclipse concept, the song talks about finally being free (hint hint) and introduced a new sound for the group with the more retro style of the choreo, sound, and performances.
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2 September 2022
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Fresh off its success at the moon, India is now headed for the sun.
The nation launched its first-ever solar observatory today (Sept. 2), sending the Aditya-L1 probe skyward atop a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at 2:20 a.m. EDT (0620 GMT; 11:50 a.m. local India time).
The PSLV deployed Aditya-L1 into low Earth orbit (LEO) as planned about 63 minutes after liftoff, sparking applause and high fives in mission control.
"Congratulations, India, and congratulations, ISRO [the Indian Space Research Organisation]," Jitendra Singh, India's Minister of State for Science and Technology, said shortly after deployment on ISRO's launch webcast.
"While the whole world watched this with bated breath, it is indeed a sunshine moment for India," Singh added.
The successful launch followed on the heels of another big milestone for India: On August 23, its Chandrayaan-3 mission became the first to land softly near the moon's south pole.
Chandrayaan-3's lander-rover duo are expected to conk out in a week or so, when the harsh lunar night falls at their touchdown site. But Aditya-L1's long journey has just begun.
A long road to a good sun-viewing spot
Aditya-L1 won't stay in LEO forever:
After a series of checkouts, it will use its onboard propulsion system to head toward Earth-sun Lagrange Point 1 (L1), a gravitationally stable spot about 1 million miles (1.5 million kilometers) from our planet in the direction of the sun.
That destination explains the latter part of the mission's name. And the first part is simple enough: "Aditya" translates to "sun" in Sanskrit.
The 3,260-pound (1,480 kilograms) observatory will arrive at L1 about four months from now, if all goes according to plan.
But the long trek will be worth it, according to the ISRO.
"A satellite placed in the halo orbit around the L1 point has the major advantage of continuously viewing the sun without any occultation/eclipses," ISRO officials wrote in an Aditya-L1 mission description.
"This will provide a greater advantage of observing the solar activities and its effect on space weather in real time."
Indeed, another sun-studying spacecraft is already at L1 — the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), a joint NASA-European Space Agency mission that launched in December 1995.
(Several other spacecraft, including NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, are at Earth-sun Lagrange Point 2, which is a million miles from Earth, in the direction away from the sun.)
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Solar flares, the coronal heating mystery and more
Once it's settled in at L1, the solar probe will use four three science instruments to study the particles and magnetic fields in its immediate surroundings and four others to scrutinize the sun's surface (known as the photosphere) and its atmosphere.
This work will help scientists better understand solar activity, including the dynamics of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), ISRO officials say.
Flares are powerful flashes of high-energy radiation, and CMEs are huge eruptions of solar plasma.
Both types of outburst can affect us here on Earth. Intense CMEs that hit our planet, for example, trigger geomagnetic storms that can disrupt satellite navigation and power grids.
(As a side benefit, such storms also supercharge the gorgeous light shows known as auroras.)
Aditya-L1 will also tackle the "coronal heating problem," one of the biggest mysteries in heliophysics.
The corona — the sun's wispy outer atmosphere — is incredibly hot, reaching temperatures around 2 million degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 million degrees Celsius), according to NASA.
That's about 200 times hotter than the solar surface, which is "only" 10,000 degrees F (5,500 degrees C) or so.
It's still unclear what is responsible for this startling and counterintuitive discrepancy.
(Why would it be hotter away from the sun's core, where the energy-producing nuclear fusion reactions are occurring?)
Aditya-L1 has other science goals as well. For instance, the mission also aims to more fully flesh out the solar wind, the stream of charged particles flowing constantly from the sun, ISRO officials said.
Aditya-L1 will measure the composition of the solar wind and attempt to determine how it is accelerated.
And Aditya-L1 will do all this work on the cheap:
The mission's price tag is about 3.8 billion rupees, or $46 million US at current exchange rates.
That's in the same ballpark as Chandrayaan-3
India's first successful moon-landing mission costs about 6.15 billion rupees, or $74 million US.
For comparison, NASA's most recent big-ticket sun mission, the record-setting Parker Solar Probe, costs roughly $1.5 billion.
This disparity should not be viewed as an indictment of NASA, however; labor costs are much higher in the United States than in India, among other differences between the two nations' economies.
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Aditya-L1 is a coronagraphy spacecraft to study the solar atmosphere, designed and developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and various other Indian research institutes.
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chocolix76 · 1 day
btw soso curious. do u have any fun authors facts abt anima sola..... any specific references or details that stemmed from something and u never told anyone. and if u don't then make one up silly style
Hmmm... There's only a few "fun" facts about Anima Sola that I can think of off the top of my head.
First one is that Anima Sola was a second draft. My first draft was called Eclipsed Sunrise and started around December 2022 and followed canon of the Lord Eclipse universe up until chapter 3 which is when I stopped writing. In this draft, there was no Solar Flare and no Bloodmoon, but the Glamrocks were somewhat involved. I didn't like the plot and scrapped it and just forgot about a Lord Eclipse AU until around April 2023 when the Anima Sola brainrot hit.
Second fun fact uhhhh... Earth was supposed to be in the story. She was going to be in contact with Moon while he was in the Lord Eclipse universe, but I scrapped that idea because it didn't add much to the story and it would have been a dropped plot point. Sorry Earth, I love you but you don't deserve horrors of this magnitude.
I think the most fun fact is that if you didn't already know, Anima Sola is a Roman Catholic image of a soul in purgatory and the name means "Lonely Soul." I don't know much about the Binding of Isaac, but Anima Sola is also an item in the game that chains down an enemy for a brief period of time and considering what happens to Bloodmoon I thought it was fitting..
That's all I can think of, but if I think of more, I'll add more onto this post!
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mysticstronomy · 2 years
Saturday, December 3rd, 2022
Welcome back,
one of the most mind-bending concepts about the universe itself is that gravity isn’t due to some unseen, invisible force, but comes about because the matter and energy in the universe bends and distorts the very fabric of space itself. matter and energy tell space how to curve, and that curved space lays out the path upon which matter and energy move. the distance between two points isn’t a straight line, but a curve determined by the fabric of space itself.
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so where would you go if you wanted to find the regions of space that had the greatest amount of curvature? you’d pick the locations where you had the most mass concentrated into the smallest volumes: black holes. but not all black holes are created equal. paradoxically, it’s the smallest, lowest-mass black holes that create the most severely curved space of all. here’s the surprising science behind why.
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When we look out at the Universe, particularly on large cosmic scales, it behaves as though space were virtually indistinguishable from flat. Masses curve space, and that curved space deflects light, but the amount of deflection is minuscule even for the most concentrated amounts of mass we know of.
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The solar eclipse of 1919, where the light from distant stars was deflected by the Sun, caused the path of light to bend by less than a thousandth-of-a-degree. This was the first observational confirmation of General Relativity, caused by the largest mass in our Solar System.
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Gravitational lensing goes a step beyond that, where a very large mass (like a quasar or galaxy cluster) bends space so severely that the background light gets distorted, magnified, and stretched into multiple images. Yet even trillions of solar masses cause effects on scales of tiny fractions-of-a-degree.
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But it’s neither our proximity to a mass nor the total amount of mass that determines how severely space is curved. Rather, it’s the total amount of mass that’s present within a given volume of space. The best way to visualize this is to think about our Sun: a 1 solar-mass object with a radius of about 700,000 kilometers. At the very limb of the Sun, 700,000 km from its center, light deflects by about 0.0005 degrees.
Originally published on bigthink.com
(Wednesday, December 7th, 2022)
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jess-themess05 · 2 years
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I posted 901 times in 2022
That's 901 more posts than 2021!
117 posts created (13%)
784 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 778 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#fnaf sun - 186 posts
#fnaf security breach - 179 posts
#fnaf daycare attendant - 167 posts
#fnaf moon - 159 posts
#fnaf - 123 posts
#beloved mutuals - 69 posts
#mutual shenanigans - 63 posts
#fnaf security breach au - 48 posts
#fnaf au - 38 posts
#fnaf eclipse - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#despite probably putting the fear of god in everyone who came across you admitting to have drunk fire starter and sulfuric acid
My Top Posts in 2022:
tehehe yes spider lmao
Actually im shoked I didn't saw anyone draw him like that before, bc he is litteraly
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checks out.
53 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
oh hey a finished art piece
wow would ya look at that
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in case you’ve never heard of this fanfic tHIS
this is the bug love fanfic! by @theohnocorral respectfully
this is just my interpretation of him, but of course he has a more official design hehe
my next plan of action is moon man!! he’s a gosh darn moth :)
extras down below!
See the full post
141 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
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See the full post
398 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Favorite fics?
oh geez. i’m gonna try keep it sweet and simple less i go on and make it unbearable to read. also these summaries are gonna be terrible but i think all of these are gonna be fnaf sun and moon fics i’m SORRY ITS IN MY HEAD BUT ANYWAYS- SHORT N SWEET LES GO
A Dose of Sunshine and Starlight - @give-me-your-monsters a slow burn w/ lots of angst and bittersweet-ness aww but you are all mentally ill.
Bug Love - @theohnocorral the boys are now bug-ified gods and take a liking to a mortal who probably apologies to inanimate objects
Universal Jesters - @lovelymoonmagic you accidentally become the handler to pair of bots with memory loss and mystery trauma
it was, in reality, not fine - @bones-of-a-rabbit you, the reader, have the self preservation skills as a bowl of soup. also oblivious to love hehe
Late Night to Early Morning - Loyal_Backstabber reader meets neglected robot clowns and vows to risk their life for them
Solar Lunacy - @bamsara its- ITS SOLAR LUNACY. anyways you meet certified murder robots and say i can fix em, they’re gonna fix u too.
copper cogs rusted through - @paper-lilypie “oh what’s this, one of these jesters tried killing me? eh it’s fine” then you fall in love
Rotating Shifts - LightningTriceratops protag mistakes sun for unconscious, jaundice ridden man and realizes he’s a robot with a not dead brother and separation anxiety
basically ANYTHINGGG by @naffeclipse , but the first story i ever read from them was In Deep Dreams Between the Waves very different fro, eclipse in sleuth jesters cause he’s actually decent. (also poor vanessa girl don’t get a break)
Clowning Around - EngageSage you overcome your anxiety to protect a poor jester, and are fueled by spite to fuck up moon man for being a certified bitch
Celestial hearts in a purple mind - @kabra-malvada *finds ominous object* *touches it* *is shocked to find they are possessed*
Twin Animatronics With Too Much Time on Their Hands - @twinanimatronics & @dana-chan-the-control-brain you fall in love and fight the temptation to resurrect a dead dude and kill him again
The Night Shift - @certified-handler oopsie you now work with a needy jester who sweeps you off your feet, even more oopsie he turns into a psychopath when the lights go out and triple oopsie you fall in love with HIM too
Star Crossed Souls - @faz-friendly-light-up-shoes reader said “god give me a sign i’ll find love.” gets the sign, and ignores it
404: Personal Space Not Found - CrazedAuthor anxiety filled individual thinks they will be fixed by a child supervisor, gets surprised by his stab happy twin
Celestial Syzygy - @echoingkarma you’re like the jack of all trades, including befriending animatronics who may or may not hate you (and want to maim you) you are probably underpaid.
My Neighbor Mr. Roboto - @kagedbird oh what’s this? you think moving into your new apartment will be simple and boring? WRONG there’s a robot in your closet. and everywhere- why are there so many-
Apology Flowers and Blooming Hours - @daunsun you’d think sentient flowers would have no angsty backstory huh? well actually...
Our Orbit is Elliptical - @sycopomp like your intrusive thoughts came to life, and you choose to ignore them
Lost and Found - SmolShampoo technology is so cool right guys? you got ai, and that ai can get traumatized! how cool??
Stare at the Abyss; It Might Look Back - @characcoon reader becomes a human punching bag and finds new rusty robot roommates. once they escape a deteriorating child’s play place they walked into
Ventura Highway - @madamemiz says “hey is anyone gonna take this robot?” and doesn’t wait for an answer.
Repaired Unstable - @blonde-fraumell you decide to work alongside your childhood friend! oh how non threatening he was- hey why’s this man TEN FEET TALL. and why’s this other man so kickable.
also, obligatory mer may fics! even though it’s no longer may these are still being updated :D
Luminescent Charm - @finfiprince reader finds the fishy dudes they saved as a kid in a cage, continues to spite god until they can save them
Celestial Omens (that really like Fishsticks) - @bamsara (again yes) you save two scared bastard fish and feed them in your bathroom, a decade later they see u and go “well they gave us fishsticks no drowning for them”
See the full post
441 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
guess who made one of those ask game things :] yknow cause why not
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you know the drill
10,538 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
hey look it’s
it’s the thing!
i forgot i had this in my drafts
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elminx · 1 year
Energy Update: February 2023
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February is a "9" universal month [2 (February) + 7 (2023) = 9] in a "7" universal year. The number 9 represents transitions and endings - it encapsulates the idea that "what comes around, goes around": as we finish something, we prepare ourselves to start something new. Nine is a reminder that we need to let go of what no longer serves us to make room for the new. This numerological energy is somewhat out of alignment with the astrological energy of February which is all about (finally) accessing forward progress as we have no planets in retrograde motion for the next three months. This is an indication that for many of us, the work to release the past isn't quite done yet.
The Set Up
We begin the month with our Sun and Saturn in Aquarius, Mercury playing catch-up in Capricorn along with Pluto, Venus and Neptune in Pisces, Mars playing catch-up in Gemini, Jupiter in Aries, and Uranus in Taurus. By the end of the month, the Sun will have moved into Pisces, Mercury into Aquarius, and Venus into Aries. All planets will be in direct motion all month long.
The Nitty Gritty February is going to start out with a bang that may or may not seem fun to you depending on what is going on in your life and how you process conflict. The full moon in Leo will reach its peak on Sunday 2/5 so it may feel a bit like the week of 1/30-2/5 just keeps building and building. There's sure to be a lot of tension in the air. All of the four days prior have intense pricky aspects in play that will all weave together to be brought to a head by egotistical Leo. I say this with all of the fondness in the world (I am a cat lover after all). But anybody who has even met a Leo should know that the Leo full moon of the year is the mooniest of all the moons, or, at least, that's what they would like you to believe. This is the kind of moon that might make you want to throw a party but, to be sure, it's also the kind that will make you want to cry if you want to. Though the Sun sextiles Chiron exactly on 2/1, the Wounded Healer will be very much in play all week long which means that all of our long-standing wounds will be lying close to the surface. Additionally, people aren't going to be getting along - Venus in Pisces will be square to Mars in Gemini whose still caught in his own post-retrograde shadow.
Somebody's not telling the truth.
That part is probably okay; Venus in Pisces lives for the lies and Mars in Gemini wants to see how much he can get away with. Despite the square, these two signs are not that dissimilar from one another. The conflict is a ruse but it's unlikely that anybody will realize that they are fighting about nothing.
Additionally, the Sun and Moon will make a t-square to Uranus who is sitting in the middle of Taurus. This is a week to fuck around and find out - Venus is also sextile to our North Node and the north node plus lunar energy will reactivate our eclipse energy. When we experienced our last set of eclipses, the Sun and Moon were in aspect with Uranus just like the Sun and Moon will be square to Uranus now. Things are going to be volatile.
All bets are off. Some people's lives will be changed. If you don't want that to be you, lay low during the first week of February leading into this upcoming full moon. But if you are ready to go: Go. Just remember to duck and watch your back, Uranus in Taurus is a natural disaster waiting to happen. This Sun-Moon-Uranus t-square is going to activate that Saturn-Uranus square energy that we experienced four times in 2021 and 2022. There's still a lot of energy pent up from the vice that Saturn square Uranus had our world in. Now, finally, it can move forward. Saturn is now far away from Uranus (almost out of Aquarius altogether, that'll happen in March) and we have three months ahead of us with every planet in our solar system in forward motion.
The time is now. (it always is but it really really is, I promise) If the first week of February was about the full moon and our out-of-season eclipse energy, the second week is all about Mercury who is lagging far behind the Sun and Venus as it finishes off its post-retrograde shadow in Capricorn. On Monday 2/6, Mercury will sextile Neptune in Pisces for the third and final time before exiting its shadow on 2/7 and finally meeting up in conjunction with Pluto on Friday 2/10. This is a reunion of old friends- 2022 began with both Mercury and Venus retrograde in a butterfly pattern around Pluto in Capricorn. Whatever has happened since that first Mercury retrograde of 2022, its cycle completes now. Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, 2/11. Planetary ingresses always tend to shift energy but this change will likely be even more palpable than normal. Expect people to get chattier for a week as both the Sun and Mercury share the same sign but the sun moves on into Pisces on Saturday 1/18. The third week of February looks to be a bit challenging as the Sun meets up with Saturn in late Aquarius, Venus meets up with Neptune in Pisces, and Mercury activates the lunar nodes. There's a reconning to be had here, but Venus in Pisces has a delicate temperament and may not want to look at the truth. Beware of putting your head in the sand to avoid seeing the truth. Mercury is playing well in sextile to Jupiter so things could work out for you, but you will need to go in with eyes wide open.
This is a week when you may need to pay the piper, whatever that means for you. The new moon on Monday 2/20 shows that the waters of Pisces are going to rise fast. There's pain in the air (Mercury sextile Chiron) but Venus is blazing on ahead into Aries and still not looking. This moon is going to be moody AF. Bring some tissues or maybe a mop. Everybody's gonna get wet. Tuesday 2/21 is a good day for pathworking or trying to beat the odds as Mercury in Aquarius squares off against Uranus in Taurus. Well, a good day if you like a game of chance, anyway. Good luck is not guaranteed. Sometimes that's the point. The rest of the week is soft and squishy as it always is when only the moon makes aspects with the personal planets. Don't expect to get a lot done this week, or perhaps, not a lot done easily. The Sun will make a sextile to the North node on Saturday 2/25, it could be a hint of what's to come if you are open to that sort of possibility. The end of February just fades away like a dream that you can't quite remember.
The Details
2/1 - Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries 2/2 - Venus in Pisces sextile North Node in Taurus 2/3 - Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus 2/4 - Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini 2/5 - Full moon 16° Leo 2/6 - Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 2/7 - Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow at 24° Capricorn 2/8 - Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus 2/10 - Mercury conjunct Pluto 28° Capricorn 2/11 - Mercury enters Aquarius, Mars in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries 2/15 - Venus conjunct Neptune 24° Pisces 2/16 - Sun conjunct Saturn 27° Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius square North Node in Taurus 2/17 - Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries 2/18 - Sun enters Pisces 2/19 - Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn 2/20 - New moon 01 °Pisces, Venus enters Aries, Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries 2/21 - Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus 2/22 - Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini 2/25 - Sun in Pisces sextile North Node in Taurus
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saturniandevil · 2 years
December 2022 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's December forecast. Today’s episode is hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and Aerin Fogel.
November Recap: Elon Musk's acquiring of Twitter happened in the aftermath of the October eclipse in Scorpio, with some of the biggest chaos bookended by the eclipses. The blue checkmark impersonations are fit with the Mars retrograde in Gemini, where we expect to see mischievous doppelgangers. Our hosts also connect deceptions to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in April casting political confusion and spreading illusions throughout the year. The Taurus eclipse in November coincided with the US midterm election, with results that may have wide-reaching effects. The collapse of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange also coincided exactly with the lunar eclipse in Taurus, a follow-up to the Taurus solar eclipse earlier this year, when the Luna cryptocurrency (which had some of the same shareholders) collapsed. This is also part of the larger Uranus in Taurus story, where currency and banking have seen abrupt and dramatic changes. Austin points out that the Taurus-Scorpio eclipses this year have highlighted differences in material (earth) and liquid (water) assets--inflation is when material goods are much more valuable compared to the liquid asset of money.
December 1st - Venus (♐) opposes Mars (♊Rx) All the inner planets will oppose retrograde Mars as they transit Sagittarius, though Mercury has cleared this aspect by the first of the month. The Sun’s opposition to Mars a week later represents the culmination and halfway point of the retrograde. Our broader knowledge is being funneled into something specific. Here’s the Mars retrograde graphic from Stella on Reddit:
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Mars retrograde in general connotes a bit of wild energy, and in Gemini may indicate shoulder/neck/upper back injuries specifically. This is also a time of harsh words, which can sometimes play out cathartically. Find the house(s) of your chart where Gemini falls to see which areas of life is affected for you personally. More about this in the December 7th Full Moon section.
December 3rd - Neptune (♓) stations direct This means an intensification of Neptune’s significations in Pisces. (A/N: think dissolution of the self, sacrifice, and idealistic dreams.)
December 6th - Mercury enters Capricorn Mercury has more impact that usual right now because he rules Mars in Gemini. In strategic, pessimistic Capricorn, Mercury prompts us to consider how the terrain has changed. He’s also going to retrograde in this sign at the end of the month and through much of January, prompting us to take stock of the game board and make a plan for success in the next round. More on this under Venus’s ingress and Mercury retrograde sections.
December 7th - Full Moon at 15 degrees of Gemini
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Mars is conjunct this lunation at 16♊, with the lights are moving immediately towards their own aspects with him. In fact, Mars opposes the Sun within hours of the lunation. One signification is the “duderang”/men returning to people’s lives, and Aerin says to expect revelations as the lights illuminate Mars, whose conflicts may have been fuzzy from his square to Neptune.
Mars, especially in this sign, can be a contrarian: either playing devil’s advocate or a warrior refusing to enter the conflict. There’s an explosive berserker side and a side that leaves conflicts that aren’t serving us. Mars rx in Gemini also foreshadows the upcoming Uranus return of the USA, which enters large wars every time Uranus enters Gemini due to its own Gemini Mars. There have been significant tech layoffs as well; Mars is great for cutting things out. Physical associations with Mars include piercing or impact injuries and inflammation.
An idle Mars is a restless and destructive Mars, so it serves us well to channel Martial energy into something productive during his long trek through Gemini. Stagnant Mars is a fire waiting to happen, but at the same time we should be careful not to let the fire spread out of control. Get active, but don’t work out so hard you get injured. Children learn to say “No!” under their first Mars return--we may need to learn how and when to refuse. Is there even a prize if you win this fight? Be sure to consider tactics and strategy if you choose to engage. Gemini Mars can also manifest as being pulled in so many directions at once that we can’t move. Protests are another an outlet for Mars energy, which we’ve been seeing in the news.
December 8th - Sun opposes retrograde Mars Depending on your time zone, the Full Moon and Mars-Sun opposition likely occur on the same calendar day.
December 9th - Venus enters Capricorn Following Mercury’s ingress, Venus wants us to have value in the actions we take. We’re also now in the second half of the Mars retrograde, which makes it easier for us to take action. Most of Mars’s cards have been played already, so though the game continues, we can plan now that we know what we’re dealing with. See Mercury’s retrograde for details on Venus’s conjunction to Pluto later this month.
December 10th - Auspicious election of the month (not pictured)
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This occurs around 12:35PM local time. Adjust until the Ascendant is at about 27 degrees of Pisces, with Jupiter nearby at 29 degrees. This day chart takes advantage of Jupiter’s last days in Pisces for the next ~11 years. The Moon is in domicile in Cancer and resides in the 5th (whole sign) house--known as the Place of Good Fortune in Hellenistic astrology--and trines Jupiter. The Moon has long since left her conjunction to Mars and the Sun is separating from an opposition with Mars. Unfortunately Mars is angular in the 4th house of this chart, though he’s not directly on Imum Coeli, and he squares Jupiter, who’s in the superior position/overcoming him. Venus in the 11th house bodes well for friends and groups, and she’s close to the Midheaven as well.
Jupiter in a strong position says “Yes” to our endeavors, and this chart specifically is good for starting new classes and winning contests. Jupiter also rules the 10th house and the Sun in this chart, helping not just careers but any of our outwardly-visible pursuits.
December 14th - Sun square Neptune
December 20th - Jupiter reenters Aries He’ll revisit territory he already covered this year (early May to October). Think bold. Aries Jupiter facilitates us to take decisive action, although with Mars retrograde acting on impulse isn’t always the best choice. Overall this transit will give us energy and focus that we didn’t have while Mars was in Pisces (and near Neptune). Jupiter in Aries teaches us like a sports coach rather than the compassionate wisdom of Pisces. Look to the Aries house of your chart for where this emerges. Although we have an impulse to action, our shots may not be on target and require revision; the chain of rulership is: Jupiter in Aries ruled by a retrograde Mars, who in turn is ruled by a retrograde Mercury. We’ll be learning by trial and error. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t act--sometimes we have to make mistakes in order to get it right.
December 21st - Sun enters Capricorn, squares Jupiter
December 23rd - New Moon in Capricorn This occurs soon after Jupiter’s ingress into Aries and emphasizes the Capricorn transits. (A/N: No chart and not much analysis from our hosts this time? So here is from astro-seek:)
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December 29th - Mercury retrograde This station happens right on top of Pluto and with Venus nearby. Mercury’s station is also very close to the degrees of Venus’s station last December and the Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter mega-conjunction in 2020. Thus Mercury’s retrograde will likely reintroduce discussions and re-litigate issues from those times.  We’ll likely discuss the secrets of those in power again, as well as scandals around women and sex, events like Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial during Venus’s rx last year. Venus-Pluto signifies intense power plays, manipulation and control in relationship, and the inverse of feeling completely isolated relationally. It’s going to be a heavy New Year’s Eve. Venus is often dragged to the underworld against her will, and we may go through difficult transformations. But remember, this intensification is temporary and ends soon after! Back to Mercury, you may want to delay your New Years’ resolutions until after he stations direct mid-January; Capricorn is a great place to write things in stone...once we get past all the revisions.
We’re also finally reaching the end of the Saturn-Uranus square that has been plaguing us since 2020--nearly three years! The fixed signs will get some relief next year as Saturn enters Pisces and the eclipses begin shifting to the Aries-Libra axis. But we’ll get more on that in the 2023 year ahead forecast...
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piscesseer · 1 year
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
On May 5, 2023 a powerful Lunar Eclipse is happening! This Lunar Eclipse is a continuance of the Solar Eclipse that happened on April 19. Solar Eclipses often open potential for new beginnings, and then Lunar Eclipses reveal energy that helps us to complete a journey or shift our course. Both will make changes happen in our lives
To find out more about Eclipses in Astrology, visit this link.
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During this Eclipse, you may find yourself learning something that changes your entire perspective on something. Something could happen that changes your life! Career changes, big moves or anything that changes your direction.
Challenges may come to relationships. Realizations about a person or relationship can emerge. We might question relationships that have been addicting, but ultimately not satisfying. There could be a moment that you realize the relationship is progressing to the next level. There can be an event that stimulates the urge to commit or the urge to break up.
The information brought from an Eclipse can shake you up, but don’t have to be negative. It can bring you inspiration and encouragement to shift your life. It's an opportunity to release energies, emotions and even people who don’t serve you. Hold space for yourself and give yourself time to process what comes to you on an Eclipse. Don’t rush decisions, but consider the best way to let things go or make necessary moves to propel you forward. Change can be scary and uncomfortable, but once you cross that bridge, the result will bring you closer to your higher self.
Trust your intuition and do what’s best for you. Stay mentally and emotionally flexible. Create space in your schedule for old feelings or memories to surface. Whatever burdens you’ve been feeling that are too heavy can be let go. Allow necessary endings to occur. Consider the new life that emerges from decay.
Eclipse Cycle of Scorpio-Taurus
Eclipses represent a time of change and transformation. These shifts might not take place all at once, because Eclipses occur in a series. This change could start or continue through the Eclipses that happen in the same set of signs. This Eclipse is part of seven taking place on the Taurus and Scorpio axis from November 2021 through October 2023.
Eclipses always occur in cycles, and the first Scorpio Lunar Eclipse of this series happened on May 15, 2022. The second occurred on October 25, 2022. This third Eclipse on May 5, 2023 represents the finish line.
While Eclipses can bring sudden events, the themes or events that come up during the time might not be so surprising. This particular Eclipse is concluding a story that you’ve been living for the last year or more. This Eclipse could be helping you resolve a change that emerged during one of the last two Scorpio Eclipses.
This is the last Scorpio Eclipse of its kind for decades, solidifying the theme of something coming to an end. The worst is behind you, so relish in that. No matter what surfaces, you’re an expert now. You have what you need to move through it.
Ruled by water and the planet Pluto, Scorpio asks us to dive into our emotional depth. You may find yourself swimming in the darker depths emotionally. Ride the waves of the emotion that you’ve been holding in.
Shadows come out to be seen in the full light. Unprocessed emotions come out to heal. Suppressed memories are awakened. It will become obvious how we project our wounds onto others. This emotional revelation can make us feel like we’re on a downward spiral of negativity against ourselves. It’s important to know when shadows are revealed, it’s best to accept them and try to understand them. It’s through love, compassion and acceptance that our shadows come forward and meet us in the light.
There is transformative energy present with Scorpio. This is a potent time for revelation, change and immense psychological breakthroughs. It also reminds us that we can transform energy, behavior or emotions. We can heal from painful wounds, turning them into wisdom and weather any storm.
There is a disruptive influence with this Eclipse. When we relate this to the transformative energy, we can expect there to be a loud and obvious influence. We might have unexpected feelings that show up, but this can be necessary to work through the transformation process.
This energy is so intense that it will bring us face to face with the present. It asks us to stop in our tracks, let go of distractions and confront our inner reality. This brings us to the heart of the matter. We can’t lie to ourselves or be lied to during this Eclipse.
It can be challenging and uncomfortable to take an honest look at your unconscious tendencies. What’s under the surface is controlling you, whether you acknowledge it or not. When you face your fears, triggers, morals, and conditioned patterns you will free yourself. You take control back of your life and behavior. It can be scary, intense, and full of raw emotions. It’s also incredibly healing and empowering! This Eclipse is here to remind you of your power.
As you shift through your deepest layers, remember to love all of them. They are part of you and your story. They need love and acceptance to heal or change. Remember you are only human! You’re not perfect, and that’s great. Only knowing your whole self can help you reach your full potential.
Lunar Eclipses are about relationships and polarities. With this Taurus-Scorpio axis involved, we need to find balance between the Taurus and Scorpio ruled areas of life. The Moon in Scorpio wants us to find emotional fulfillment through complexities, intangibles and mysteries while the Taurus Sun draws our attention to the need for the simple, tangible things in life. Neglecting either end will backfire on us.
Taurus encourages us to connect with nature and use our senses. Taurus focuses on more tangible assets, like physical space to feel supported and nourishment of the body. Scorpio asks us to connect with our inner world and release emotional reactions to find the present moment. Scorpio focuses on energetic resources like transformation and courage to travel inward. Both signs want us to align with the rhythms of the Universe. We can feel the vastness of life and become inspired by our own power. Both give us the tools to ground our energy, transform through healing and step into unknown territory.
Both of these signs want us in the present moment. They ask us to set aside anxiety about the future or pain of the past and connect to this moment.
If you choose to hold onto energies that no longer serve you, you can be met with frustration.
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When we align with the lower sides of Scorpio we don’t allow ourselves to feel. We distract ourselves with external preoccupations that lead to anxiety and obsession. We find ways to avoid internal work that we need to do. We blame others and project our feelings. Instead of facing our fear, wounds and pain with courage, we avoid these places within ourselves.
We mistrust our intuition and look outside ourselves for validation. We can obsess over money, loved ones and our place in the world. Taurus’ low side is also in alignment with feeling insecure and obsessing over material items. We forget that we can create abundance through inner reliance and creativity. We become preoccupied with our resources and forget that abundance is everywhere.
By not facing true feelings, we forget that they can control our subconscious. We might accidentally undermine our conscious effort to manifest our dreams. They can make us feel helpless. We slip into a victim mentality. It can make us feel like we don’t belong anywhere and are alone. We can become triggered by issues around security and feel unsafe.
We can also become stuck in a transformational loop, never accepting our imperfection. We might always be looking for the next shift without appreciating our accomplishments. This makes us feel like we must always try to do better next time, instead of being proud of ourselves and taking a moment for the present. We will get anxiety over future scenarios, fearing what is to come and thinking we could lose everything. We might get jealous over people who appear successful.
These lower sides question security, worth and underlying fear. If you find yourself aligning with the shadow sides, know that it’s okay. You are seeing this part of yourself. It’s challenging to become aware of these sides, but it’s essential to shift them when they are not serving you.
This Eclipse is also in opposition to Mercury’s Retrograde in Taurus. Retrogrades are unpredictable on their own. It’s often seen as a time when things slow down, so take this as a sign to remember to be still with all of the things that come up during this Eclipse. Retrogrades often allow the past to resurface to be re-evaluated. This ties in with healing from old wounds and letting things go.
There might be a lingering feeling with this Eclipse that lasts a few days. Just because something doesn’t happen the moment of the Eclipse, doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. Things will reveal themselves in time.
Working with the Eclipse Energy
You might want to check on old calendars, journals, or emails from May and October of 2022. Notice what is coming up now as a release, wrap or closure.
Pay close attention to your feelings, intuition and signs. Embrace emotional release.
Some say not to do typical Full Moon rituals during an Eclipse, but trust yourself.
Allow yourself to sit still and feel your emotions. You might cry, laugh, journal or experience a roller coaster of emotions. But feeling them is the way through. As your feelings start to arise, let them run through you. Journal to learn more about them. Ask yourself what you’re feeling and what this feeling helps you to understand about yourself. Notice your reactions and triggers. The Eclipse can show you something that’s essential to your evolution. Give yourself time to process whatever arises. Don’t make hasty decisions. Allow your transformation to unfold naturally. Be kind to yourself and know you are where you need to be right now.
The key to working with any Scorpio energy is the willingness to feel. Slow down, look inward, and hold space for energy to rise from the subconscious. This intense energy will give the power to transform anything you need to in your life right now. It won’t always feel good in the moment, but it will ultimately open the door for your full potential.
This is a potent time for shadow work. It starts with the willingness to look below the surface of your conscious mind and become aware of who you are. Shadow work helps us understand how we limit ourselves with fear and insecurity. All of our unprocessed emotions and deeper wounds are stored in the shadows. When we begin to understand our shadows, we can understand how to act on our shadows and bring light into unconscious patterns.
You can even write a list of what you want to release and rip it up or burn it!
Ask yourself:
Have you looked to others for security instead of owning your power? Have you felt obsessed about resources and untrusting of your ability to create abundance? Have you forgotten your connection with the Universe?
What needs to metaphorically die in your life?
What are you clinging to?
Have courage and compassion with yourself. Release what you can during this Eclipse and know that even becoming aware of these things is enough to be a catalyst for a great transformation.
Make time to rest. Get extra sleep. Give yourself time to integrate the changes that are happening internally and externally. Take a warm bath or shower on Eclipse day to help cleanse.
This will be most prominent for Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer and Leo - Sun, Moon or Rising. Scorpio will feel it the most.
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