#when they get dents and scratches they can be fixed
kandidandi · 1 year
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cats-obsessions · 10 months
If Durge Could Recruit Gortash Headcanons:
Once agreeing to ally with Gortash, Durge can convince him to join the party, but only if they agree to kill Raphael. If Karlach is in the party, this may be done in exchange for Gortash to fix her heart if Durge can pass the persuasion roll on Karlach.
• Upon joining the party, Gortash shows up in a more practical armor set, still gold and black but not as decorated as his robe. There’s scrapes and dents on parts of it, clearly having been worn before. Durge can ask him about it in conversation and discover he has chosen to wear the same armor as he did when they robbed Mephistopheles Vault. He never repaired it and can tell a story for each scratch.
• He does a lot to try to jog Durge’s memories, and it works a some degree. We hear little stories around the city, some more suggestive than others.
• Old habits never die. He’s constantly touching Durge, always walks next to them, has a lot of strong opinions but will only concede to Durge.
• Durge persuasion rolls on Gortash are DC10 and under. Anyone else it’s DC30.
• He absolutely compliments Durge a little too much. And he’s always the first at Durge’s side after the fighting ends. Grumbles if he has to rez anyone else but dotes on Durge.
• Gets along well enough with Astarion, Shadowheart, and Laezel. Respects Minthara and Gale, sees them both as potential allies if they know their places. Absolute bitch to Wyll. Actively the number one Ravengard hater.
• If Durge can convince Karlach to stick around, she will only be in the same party as Gortash once or twice. She’ll confront Durge about it after and either has to be kept separate or leaves the party.
• If taken to Astarion and Shadowhearts’ personal quests, he’ll be surprisingly respectful, and will tell them they’d make good Banites, particularly if Shadowheart resists Shar. (Kinda think he would tell Astarion not to Ascend but for his own advantage of not having to deal with an Ascended Vampire and not wanting the hells to gain power from 7,000 souls)
• Random gifts pop up in Durge’s inventory. He says nothing about them. One is definitely the hand of an enemy.
• When in the House of Hope, Gortash will only allow Durge to enter the prison with him until the warden is dead. He’ll tell them everything, but won’t let the others see it.
• Killing Raphael is very emotional. He’s proud, happy, relieved, but being there shakes him up. Durge can hug him in private when they talk about it.
• If Durge chooses to save Hope, she tries to hug ‘little Enver, all grown up’ before they leave. He does not like it, but part of him is happy to see her free.
• Durgetash romance can initiate after Raphael is dead. Sceleritas is so fuckin' pissed. Like, he kinda ships it, but he CANNOT handle Durge getting labotomized again for this Banite fool.
• He has random little personal quests and pop-up events like his formal coronation celebration ball, taking Durge to a fancy dinner, dealing with fans, and assassinating a rude journalist who called him not-so-young-and-handsome.
• If taken to Lady Jannath's estate, she flirts with him. Durge has an option to stab her for this- just once. Just a little. She'll be fine! Gortash approves. He apologizes to her, but he's absolutely into it.
• His two allied pathways at the end are to remain fully evil and control the brain/Faerun with Durge or absolutely still be, ya know, Gortash but destroy the brain and become archduke without the tadpoles' help as he’s now viewed as the city’s hero. This is his least evil option and requires a Durge romance or at least a Durge that will remain by his side regardless and saving Hope as pivotal moments.
• Durge's alliance or resistance of Bhaal would significantly influence this. Resisting Bhaal lowers the DC on any persuasion. Failing the duel with Orin would block any option except controlling the brain with Gortash as he sees it as the only way to protect Durge. Because controlling the absolute would offer them a large enough following to grant them literal ascension to godhood, freeing Durge from Bhaal's control. Plus, you know killing a god would only inflate Gortash's ego more, and that would be his new goal.
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fictionalsownme · 4 months
"Whump" | connor rk800 x reader | WIP BLURB
I don't post him all the time, but the connor brain rot is pretty bad lol I also really like whump and I saw this pin on pinterest and that's how this was born hehe. again, not really finished! abrupt ending but you can guess where it goes, established friendship, in my head the reader is a secretary at the DPD but it's not referenced. female reader, reader uses she/her pronouns.
disclaimer: this blurb is unedited and unfinished. just wanted to share some WIPs! Enjoy!
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You found his body slumped on the floor against the wall, his head hanging at an awkward angle.
There was blue blood… his blood everywhere. It was so bright against the blackness of the dirty floor that it almost seemed to glow.
"Oh my god--"
You ran to kneel at his side, nearly slipping on the thirium under your shoes. His legs were straight out like a broken doll's, you could see patches of his plating where his skin had retracted in the damage. Trying to manage your breathing, you gingerly cradled his head, lifting his face to meet your gaze. It was worse than you thought.
Retracted skin revealed massive damage to his white under-plating. Scratched and dented and caved-in. Blue blood was splattered across his face, it poured from his nose and over his lips to drip off his chin. It was immediately clear he wasn't conscious, with glazed over eyes and a slack jaw.
Whether he was in a sort-of standby or already dead you had no way of knowing.
You peeled open his jacket to reveal the center of his chest where thirium pooled the thickest in a gaping, mangled crater. Down to his lap and spilling over the dusty cement. You had no idea what his inner wiring was supposed to look like, but you knew it wasn't this.
"Fuck-- Connor?" You held his cheeks, your crying already starting up fresh once again. "Connor, can you hear me? I don't-- I don't know how to fix you! Connor?"
No signs. No light from his LED, no flickering of his irises, nothing.
You were sobbing in earnest now. Hiccupping and shaking and breathing in harsh, shuddering breaths. You grabbed your phone, trying not to scream when your realized your hands were covered in blue blood. Connor's blood. Your best friend's blood. It took you too long to use your phone, with multiple pauses to wipe your sticky hands on your jeans.
When it finally began to ring, you cradled it between your ear and shoulder. You weren't sure what your hands could do, so you started wiping the blood from Connor's face. Away from his eyes, off his cheeks.
"This is Markus."
"Markus! It's me, you gave me your number in case of emergencies-- It's Connor, he's-- Connor's hurt, he's not awake and there's blue blood e-everywhere and I don't know what to do, I don't even know if he's--"
"Wait, wait-- slow down, where are you?"
"I-I don't know! Some random abandoned building off of— fuck— Riverbank Drive? Connor's been missing all day since he picked up this case by himself and I retraced his steps and I-- fuck, Markus-- I don't even know if he's alive!"
"I need you to tell me his condition so I can get some biocomponents for him-- can you tell anything from what you see?"
You balled the fabric of his jacket in your fist. You swallowed hard, "His chest looks really bad-- it’s all m-mangled and, and empty? He… He's lost a lot of blood— God, Markus, tell me he's not dead."
"I'm on my way with some help, alright? Send me your location and stay with him. If he wakes up, keep him still until we can get there, you got it?"
You sobbed again and nodded, covering your face with a blood-drenched hand. "I'll be here, I promise."
After Markus hung up and you sent him your location, he assured you he was coming as fast as he could.
You kneeled there, clutching the material of Connor's sleeves and crying. You were so useless. For all you knew, Connor was already dead, and you were here, holding his empty body. Androids were more resilient than humans, sure, but all living things had a limit. You'd never stopped to consider Connor was anything other than indestructible.
You heard Markus' footsteps echo through the empty structure some minutes later. You had managed to reel back your hysterical sobbing down to silent tears with some measured breathing but your resolve was… precarious.
"Markus! Over here!”
You didn't see him until he rounded the corner, Simon in step behind him.
"Jesus Connor--" He hissed as he ran to join you at his side. He had a case with him, which Simon got to work opening. Parts and tools, packs of blue blood.
"What happened?" Markus asked you as his eyes flickered over Connor's form, no doubt scanning his injuries.
You shook your head, trying to ignore the tears streaking down your cheeks and the blood on your hands, legs, face. You couldn't take your eyes off of Connor. "I don't know."
"Someone must've taken him by surprise--" Simon began, beginning to dig through his supplies. "Could've been some kind of electrical signal, got the jump on his hardware, lagged him out before the fight even started."
"Is he gonna' be okay?" You asked, now just holding onto the edge of Connor's jacket sleeve while Markus and Simon got to work.
"I don't know. Could depend on how long he was shut down."
Markus' hand reached deep into the cavern at the center of Connor's torso. He pulled out what must've been a biocomponent, mangled beyond your recognition. He passed it to Simon, before grabbing what you hoped was a new one from the case.
He swapped out a few pieces like that, all unrecognizable to your untrained eyes. Until finally Simon was holding one you knew. You'd forgotten it's name, but it belonged in the center of Connor's torso and regulated his heartbeat. That's how Connor had explained it anyway.
Before he situated the final part inside his chest, Markus spent some time repairing Connor's plating and wiring. Adjusting placements, bending pieces back into place, sometimes welding seams just enough to function. You stayed quiet, staring blankly at Connor's limp hand resting on the floor next to yours.
You were utterly useless.
You started when Markus kur-chunk-ed the regulator into place in the center of Connor's chest, his hands angling back and forth to ensure the connection.
The faint sound of machinery blossomed out from his center. Quiet humming and whirring, like a computer booting up.
His face was mostly angled toward you but you couldn't see his LED. Markus and Simon were still at work. Connor's eyes still looked glazed over and empty.
You eyes caught on some movement toward the cement. His fingers twitching.
"He's awake," said Simon suddenly. "Keep him calm."
You looked back to his face, and while he still had that unfocused expression, there was something in his eyes. A clue that he could see you. Well, maybe sort of see you.
"Connor?" You tried softly. Your throat was tight with the promise of more tears. That familiar tingling in your nose, the watering of your eyes. "It's me, I'm here with Markus and Simon. You… You're safe."
"What…" His voice came out staticky and metallic. Like it was passing through an old radio. He blinked, slow. "What happened…?"
You swept a hair away from his brow. You hoped in his state he couldn't feel your trembling. As scared as you were, you didn't want to frighten him any further. His head turned just that little bit more towards you. His LED was a dim crimson.
"You got hurt. But you're gonna be fine. We're gonna take care of you."
His eyes fluttered, and he was that little bit clearer.
"You found me?"
You wanted to say 'barely', wanted to say 'by sheer dumb luck', wanted to say 'I almost didn't. I almost killed you'.
"Alright, Connor, you're going to start to stabilize a bit,” said Markus finally as he seemed to finish up the last of what work he could do.
He slowly, slowly, turned his head to meet Markus' eye. Like a ghost.
"When you can stand, let us know. We need to get you back to Jericho for more repairs."
"Is he going to be okay?" You couldn't help asking again.
"Now that he's awake, as long as we get him to Jericho soon, he should be fine," Simon reassured. "You're going to be fine, Connor."
“Someone attacked me… I didn’t see their face… don’t remember…”
“It’s okay,” you added gently. “Take it slow.”
“They could still be here.” And his hand took yours in a staggering motion. Weak and slow and disjointed.
“We’re here, Connor.” Markus put his hand on his arm. “We won’t let anything happen to her.”
Even like this… Even with all this pain he was still worried about you.
“I can stand.”
You wanted him to take it slower, to not push himself too hard, but the sooner he got to Jericho the better.
You stumbled back, dropping his hand as Markus and Simon went to either side of him.
They slotted their arms under his and behind his back, helping him to his feet. He actually groaned a bit at the effort. It was a deep, staticky sound you’d never heard from him before.
You walked with them like that, trying not to start crying again. You went a few paces ahead of them to open doors and check around corners as the four of you made your way out.
Every time you glanced in Connor’s direction, he was already watching you with a clouded expression. The look was only made more intense by the smeared blue blood across his face and in his hair. You prayed you’d never see him this hurt again in your life.
“What’d you get yourself into now, my friend?” Markus’ voice carried a slightly teasing tone.
“Bad day at the… office… what can I say?”
When you made it outside to the crisp Detroit air, a car was waiting. You practically jumped in, punching in the destination to Jericho while the two men helped Connor into the car as delicately as they could. You eased him in from your side, bracing him against you. Another strained sound fell from his lips. He was still bleeding, and his lap quickly started to pool with blue blood once again.
“Fuck, Connor…” The whisper escaped you before you could stop it, your hand bracing against his dented plating where the thirium seeped from the seams.
“I’ll be alright… please, just… stay close…”
You pressed your lips together to stop more tears from surfacing. “I will, I promise.”
In some weird way, you’d never felt so close to him before. The two of you were just friends obviously, maybe even best friends, but right now… You felt like he could ask you anything— anything in the world— and you’d do it.
You thought about helping him sit up straighter, but instead kept him held against you. And he leaned into the hold.
The ride to New Jericho couldn’t go fast enough. It wasn’t a boat anymore, so at least you didn’t have to go as far as the docks. The now embassy-style building was closer to the heart of Detroit, and fully fitted with an android hospital, outreach programs, offices for the new android officials (the most prominent, of course, being Markus). A base of operations of sorts.
You’d been once before with Connor, hence how you got Markus’ number. You would never be able to thank him enough.
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lunarw0rks · 1 year
dentist!graves….hearing him saying “open wide for me, sweetheart” in that sexy ass southern accent of his.
bartender!gaz who listens to all your problems, fixing your favorite drinks just how you like it
mechanic!ghost who told you to get rid of your car MONTHS ago but you didn’t listen, you like coming back to him over and over
// warning(s); dub-con // dentist!graves lord, the accent!! for some reason, your appointments are always right before closing, when all the other technicians have left... his gloved hands spend more time on your lips than teeth, caressing and toying with them -- and he has this look in his blue eyes while he does it.
gets jealous if you have bruises on the back of your throat. on the bright side, at least he knows you won't take as much coaching when he eventually has you throat him 😏 and always has the AC up really high at the clinic, so that your nipples are visible ;p
bartender!gaz lets you come into the bar after hours, way after last call. especially if you need to vent :( he'll take care of the tab every time, and won't accept your tips. the most protective person, too. it's not a seedy bar -- it's quite nice, actually. he knows the owners, so he had a hand in picking the theme. regardless, that never stops seedy people!!! he will break an expensive bottle over a man's head!!! no fucks whatsoever!!!
all i'm gonna say is you'll have your cheek pressed against the cold bar top occasionally......... take that how you want 🥳
mechanic!ghost he knows. there's no way he doesn't know. at first, he didn't care. it was your money to burn, not his. until... he started to look forward to the visits. a microscopic scratch or dent, the air pressure of your tires, or worse --- a serious problem with your shitty car.
there's a more selfish part of him that waits for the day you call him, needing his help because you're stranded with a flat or a ruined engine. how horrible would it be, to pick you up? to offer you stay with him, so he can "take you to work"? he did say it would be "easier" -- and there was little chance of you declining. it truly was a good arrangement, and it's abundantly clear that you have the hots for him. win-win.
the only reason he keeps his phone ringer on.
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
could you do a little something about Lando's reader having chronic skin issues and him being supportive of her? I have psoriasis and eczma and i've been feeling a bit meh because of them (always happens when the weather gets warmer but still meh)
Note: I have psoriasis too so I wrote it based on my experience and one of my cousins has eczema so I based it on what I know from her! I can absolutely relate, last week my regular shampoo wasn't doing the trick and it put a dent on my already low self esteem 🫠
"Have you put your creams on, baby?", Lando asked as he heard you come out of the ensuite bathroom.
"No", you mumbled as you walked around the room to put your dirty clothes on the laundry bag you carried in your luggage so you had it sorted out for when you flew back home.
"You know you'll regret, Y/N - c'mon, I'll help you!", he promptly smiled, getting up from the bed and getting the tubs from the bathroom before he sat on the bed, "turn around, beautiful girl", he whispered before he lifted your top, kissing your lower back and then proceeding to rub the thick product on the areas you needed it most.
You rubbed it on your elbows and the skin around them, not wasting the remnants and massaging it on your hands and cuticles.
"Don't move too much okay? I know it tickles but I'd prefer it if I didn't have to walk into the paddock tomorrow with a black eye", Lando giggled before he worked the product on the back of your knees, careful of the tender skin.
Tidying the products away, Lando pulled you to lay on the bed with him once you had your pyjamas on, "I love you, thank you for doing this for me", you kissed his lips.
"I don't do this for you - I do this with you", he deposited a kiss your forehead, "I noticed you weren't feeling too good and you kept trying to hide the marks, but they're part of you, and all of you is beautiful and I worship all of you as well", he smiled, tracing your face softly with his fingers.
"Don't scratch your scalp, lovie", Lando gently took your hand away from where you had been scratching the itchy skin and taking it into his lap as he drove.
"But it's the best relief", you groaned, "I just hope they have it because at this point I don't think anything else will solve it", you pouted.
Even though you followed your routine and had made the dietary changes to reduce the flaking, it wasn't a permanent fix and every now and again, your psoriasis would flare up.
"We're almost there, gorgeous, let me just park here", Lando mumbled as he did so, getting out of the car so he could walk to the pharmacy with you.
"You don't need to come with me, it will be quick", you offered as Lando took your hand in his.
"I don't mind going with you", he kissed your temple before letting you step into the pharmacy.
The gentleman at the counter was quick to get you two bottles of the shampoo you needed, making you pay for it and wish him a good day before you left.
"Have you got your dog shampoo?", Lando snickered. As much as he hated the idea of you comparing yourself to the dog the first time he heard you call it that, he was now much more comfortable joking about it once you told him it was the smell of the product that made you sat it like that.
"Yes, the good are secured so can we please hurry home so I can finally wash my scalp?", you cuddled his side as you walked back to the car.
"Only if you let me in the shower with you", he winked as you reached the car.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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peachesofteal · 1 year
read dd zombie au as a horror and zombie enthusiast and I had to say this-
what if darling was bitten but somehow "immune"?
she gets bit, symptoms come in but strangely she doesn't turn. she hungers like a zombie but the thought of hurting someone brings her back.
johnny and simon are kinda happy. you're not a zombie! yay! but the blueish bite on your shoulder says otherwise. at night, they tie your hands to your waist and bind your mouth shut, but apart from sleepy shuffling and grumbling, you don't seem to want to eat them.
the bagged mre's they try to feed you make you gag unless it's suspicious patties, so they guessed you were hungry, just not enough to try to eat them.
strongly believe that johnny treats you like a child. hand feeds you your meals that you reluctantly chew on, washes your hair and braids it ( he knows you hate waking up with tangled hair ) even brushes your teeth for you. he does this because you're too weak and tired to do it yourself ( no he doesn't. he does it because he hates seeing you like this, wishes he could cure you, but he can't. so he makes sure you eat and drink. he needs you. )
simon has seen so many people die to the virus that it feels unreal to him. he's still waiting for you to suddenly snap at him. however, watching the way you stare at him and johnny like you genuinely are there, it reassures him. he tries to talk, have conversations with you, make sure you remember. he despises having to leave you, though. he feels that if he take his eyes off you for a second you might pass or turn.
by the two week mark, you're getting better. the dark circles under your eyes are fading and the hollow dent of your cheeks is getting fuller. the mre's still make you gag, but it seems you'd rather eat those than a squirrel.
there's hope, they think. but if people find out you're immune... they'll try to take you away.
you can't leave them. they'll make sure no one takes you.
BITCH (affectionately) the way this is so fucking good. I LOVE a caretaking fic (clearly) and a protective Simon and Johnny. Love the idea of them on the run, hiding you, protecting you from those who are hunting immunes. Honestly could be an entire book. This scratches my itch so well. Love your brain.
Johnny just wants to take care of you. He knows you’re still in there, knows you’d be so distraught if you realized how filthy they’d let you become, so he takes him time leading you down to the creek by the campsite. He uses one of the t shirts they’ve been using as a washcloth to sponge you clean, humming sweetly to gentle you as you flinch against the water. Your skin is starting to turn back to its normal color now, a recent development that they both feel good about, and you’ve become more sensitive to temperature, occasionally shivering against the chilled cloth. Simon keeps watch, and you watch too, tracking Johnny’s hands with sluggish eyes and a half open mouth, tongue flicking between your teeth.
If he didn’t know any better, he’d say you’re preparing to take a bit out of him-
“Just gon’ brush yer teeth, darling.” He cradles your jaw with strong fingers and your brow furrows, confused when he pops your mouth wide, the little toothbrush you packed for yourself when you evacuated lightly scrubbing across your bottom teeth.
“Be careful, Johnny.” Simon warns, but he clucks his tongue.
“She’s alright. Cannae hurt me.” He knows you wouldn’t. You already would have, at night. Already would have turned on them, ripped their jugulars free with your teeth when they slept.
But you wouldn’t. Because you’re still in there. You’re still darling.
Once he’s done, fixed your hair so that it’s up but not weighing your scalp down, ensured it’s in place how you like, he passes you to Simon so he can make dinner.
Simon walks patrol at this time, and you go with him, listlessly walking at his side.
“D’ya remember last summer, when we all went to that carnival? You were so excited. Made Johnny and I play that bloody ring game against one another. You were so chuffed, I swear I can still hear you giggling when Johnny beat me the first time.” You moaned in response, something that didn’t sound quite like words, but more positive to negative.
Something catches his eye. A deer in the woods. A doe. Sizable. He glances from you, to it.
“Darling.” He holds your shoulder, trying to jog your gaze. “Darling, I need you to stay here.” He doesn’t want to leave you, but if he can get closer, he can get a clean shot off. You stare at him, and he sighs. “Alright.”
He makes it ten meters before the brush rustles behind him, the sight of you lumbering slowly towards where he’s crouched. You’re staring past him, watching doe with a glazed over look, and he tenses.
Once you get to his side, you look down to where he’s kneeling behind a bush, and then you start to, painfully slow, crouch beside him, fingers lightly brushing against his thigh.
You look at him, and then at the deer with a grunt. The hope that blooms in his heart is infectious, and he can’t fight it. He won’t.
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Weeks later, they’re on the road when they come across a group of others.
You’ve improved, greatly, but your ability to speak never came back. You can’t talk, only point and make little noises here and there, and your fine motor skills are still struggling, (Johnny is still brushing your teeth for you, and feeding you. He doesn’t complain, they both have always loved taking care of you) and your pace is very slow, like you’re sore, and always tired. Simon is careful to go easy, not wanting to do anything to stress you or make your condition worse.
The bite mark on your neck has never gone away. It’s a scar now, rough and raised flesh like a fucking beacon on your skin. They usually keep something tied to it, but for some reason on this day, you had pulled it free, and they never noticed.
But the others did.
“Is that a bite?” One of them says, and Simon tenses, positioning himself in front of you, Johnny pulling you into his chest, protective arm across your shoulders.
“No.” Simon tells them, but they don’t buy it. One them stares at you, greed dripping from his gaze.
“Heard there were immunes out there somewhere. NHS is offering a big payday for one alive. Or dead.” He licks his lips, and Simon shakes his head.
“Trust us. Ye dinnae want to do this.” Johnny calls, but the group is already staring at you like you’re worth your weight in gold.
There’s five of them, versus Simon and Johnny, but they like the odds.
They’ve got bullets in three before you even realize what’s happening, Simon’s blade buried in the flesh of another’s neck in a flash, Johnny pressing his weight into the last one on the ground.
“He’ll tell others.” He spits over his shoulder, and Simon nods.
He will. And they can’t allow that. Can’t allow anyone to know about you.
The last thing the man sees is Johnny’s hands around his neck, and you watching half interested over his shoulder, half bored.
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cemetery-sunset · 2 months
🍖How the Sawyer Family Self Destructs
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Texas Chain Saw Massacre Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Trigger warnings: self harm, cutting, eating problems, drugs, drinking, verbal and physical abuse, mentions of murder, canon-typical violence
Word count: 2k
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Chop is a messy one. He mostly ignores his own problems, mental and physical, and makes jokes about all of them, he takes nothing seriously and just decides not to fix any problem he has. He never talks seriously about his time in the army, he only ever drops hints about what happened through jokes. The only thing he will be slightly serious about is the plate in his head. He’s only slightly serious about it when he needs help with something like cleaning it or trying to get a dent out. Even when that’s happening, he’s being stupid and making jests about the situation.
Sometimes he genuinely forgets to eat, he gets too distracted or too focused on some project… and sometimes he just decides not to. The food problems come from his time in the military. He got little food, much less any good food, when he was in Vietnam and it changed his relationship with eating. He usually gets forced to sit down and eat with the family. If he doesn’t eat with the family, he’s not going to eat for one reason or another.
He spends quite a lot of time smoking weed and trying to forget everything. Sometimes when he gets too high, he ends up blacking out and when he comes down, he doesn’t really know what he’s said or done. He thinks that’s funny.
Bobby always has his lighter on him, for smoking and for scratching his plate. Sometimes Chop uses his lighter and burns himself. He likes feeling the heat on his hand and seeing the wounds that he can inflict. He just likes playing with the flames and ends up burning himself, whether by accident or not.
He burns himself more than he cuts himself, but he still loves doing both. Sometimes he will make patterns or designs on his skin, sometimes he just gets too into it and ends up slicing up his whole arm or leg. It starts out just wanting to feel something and then his brain switches into a tunnel vision and he just keeps going, getting too excited about the look and the feeling. It’s usually not deep, they’re just on the surface; just enough to bleed and leave small scars.
Nubbins is the most pathetic one in the most dictionary sense. The biggest thing he does is constantly seek out abuse from his family. It’s mostly Drayton that gives it to him, but Nancy and Johnny are not the nicest to him either. Drayton constantly hits him and degrades him and yet Nubbins always comes back for more. There’s no way he can stop, he always ends up seeking out his brother and expecting a different result. He just ends up with more bruises and cuts.
He really neglects any type of self care. He never bathes, he only actually cleans himself when somebody forces him too and even then it’s a huge chore for him so they usually just clean him up themselves. Nubbins is just overall really bad at taking care of himself. Sometimes it’s a simple mistake of forgetting but a lot of times he just doesn’t care enough about himself to take care of his body, much less his brain or heart.
The most obvious one is that he cuts. It’s not crazy and frenzied like how Bobby does it. Nubbins is more for quality over quantity. He does them deep and slow; he makes sure that they hurt and will leave a scar for him to fond over. It doesn’t happen super often, just when he’s specifically feeling a little frantic that day. It’s like the world gets too much and he needs something to focus on. He loves how the wounds look and prods at them and plays with his blood. He never cleans the wounds or wraps them up on purpose, he likes when things get messy and he gets blood stains on his clothes.
Most of Sissy’s self destruction is the way he just plainly ignores all of her needs. She will eat very little, barely bathe, forget to drink until she’s nearly sick, she is just reckless and apathetic about literally everything. She has to be dragged into the bath and she will throw hands over it, she only ever eats at the specific mealtimes and always has small portions. With her constant bare feet, she never cares about how dirty she is or if she gets any injuries while she works. If she does get a cut or bruise while working, she pokes it and makes it worse on purpose. It’s not necessarily to force a scar or make the blood spill, she just likes the feeling and gets caught up in causing herself that pain.
She is similar to Bubba in terms of recklessness. Sissy is very rash and not necessarily elegant in her movements or practices. She’s accidently hurt herself with all manner of tools and weapons around the property. It could be tripping from running too fast, smashing her finger with a hammer or slicing her own hand with her straight razor while sharpening it. It’s not that she has no regard for herself because she is a servant, like Bubba. Sissy is just so confident in herself that she forgets how fragile human beings are. She remembers how fragile they are when she’s got victims in front of her, and she constantly reminds them of this fact. She just forgets that her own body is also just as fragile. It’s like she holds herself on a different level than normal human beings.
Another similarity to Bubba is the effect that the constant verbal, and sometimes physical, abuse has on her. Sissy is a punching bag for Drayton, Nancy, and even Johnny sometimes. Nubbins and Chop sometimes make jokes at her expense, and she has a lot of trouble taking them as jokes. All of the negative comments and horrible things said to her really stick with her and bother her. She struggles with her identity as she flips back and forth between the holy cult confident mentality and the poor abuse victim who can’t do anything right. She tries her best to act like it never bothers her but unlike Johnny, Sissy is terrible at poker and struggles with staying calm and collected. Her emotions always get the best of her and she ends up blowing up and having a fit over it all, which never ends well for her. She usually ends up with a few more new bruises to poke at.
When Bobby is having one of his smoke sessions, Sissy likes to join in. She likes feeling that blacked out, fuzzy-brained giddy attitude. She also brings some of her own drugs to the party though. The plants she grows for her poison clouds have many different uses and she’s studied them well. Sissy will smoke them and end up tripping bad, she never feels good afterward, but that out of body experience that she feels is so otherworldly that she could never just give that up. Part of her love comes from when she ran with multiple different cults on her adventures. Some taught her that she would see god if she smoked, some taught her that she would be god if she smoked. The habit started there and then just kept going. She doesn’t do it all the time, it’s like a special thing that is reserved for either a certain day or when she’s really struggling. She does get the normal high with Chop more often than she uses her own special supply.
Bubba’s is pretty straight forward. He doesn’t cut or burn himself (on purpose, he struggles with being careful). He will actively hit himself though. Sometimes it’s his fists pounding at his head, sometimes he hits his head on a wall, or something of that sort. He’s grown so used to Drayton’s abuse that at this point in his life, it almost brings him a sort of comfort. Bubba knows that no matter how much Drayton hits him and yells at him that Drayton will always be there to look out for him. Whenever he hits himself, it is his way of punishing himself, like he did something wrong and he knows it. But it’s also a type of comfort to him. When things get too overwhelming, he needs something to bring him down a few notches, and that just so happens to be forceful punches to his own head.
Bubba does the same thing that Nubbins does, they both always run back to Drayton’s abuse. No matter how big the bruises are, or how much the words hurt Bubba, the big boy will always bow down and serve his big brother. All he wants is a tiny taste of praise but Drayton will never give him any. Even when he does a good job, Drayton will make up random things to be mad at. Bubba believes himself to just be a toy, a puppet for everybody else to use for whatever reason. He’s been conditioned to always listen to Drayton, help chase down and kill victims and always be ready to jump at anybody’s beck and call. He was told so many times that that is all he will ever be, so now he believes it.
Bubba is a very large and strong man. Sometimes he is clumsy with his tools and weapons, but more often than not, he is just simply reckless. He throws all caution into the wind and takes no regard for his own safety and wellbeing. If he’s worried about anybody’s safety it’s his family’s, never his own. He runs around with his chain saw, cuts meat up too fast and doesn’t pay attention when he’s sewing a project together. He hurts himself constantly and never takes care of the injuries. They’re usually not very big wounds, but they add up after a while. Bubba is always covered in scars, cuts and bruises from many different sources.
Besides working on the cars or mechanics around the property, Johnny’s favorite pastime is having a drink at the local bar. He gets very indulgent with his drinks and has at least a few beers daily. When he’s having a particularly hard day, he indulges in the harder stuff, but he doesn’t allow himself to ever blackout or get so drunk that he makes a fool of himself in public, he has an image to uphold. He doesn’t even let his guard down enough to get black out drunk in the safety of his own home, he would rather just have a constant buzz throughout a normal day.
As strong and important as Johnny is to the family, he gets a lot of verbal and sometimes physical abuse from Drayton and Nancy in particular. Drayton only ever yells horrible things at him, the old man fears what would happen if he ever tried to hit the much larger and stronger man. Nancy is a different story. She only ever speaks highly of her son to other people, but she holds him at an impossible standard and always reminds him of that. She hits him too. Nancy is the only person who ever gets away with hitting The Johnny Sawyer. He’s gotten more than a few bruises from her. Johnny tries to hold up the facade that nothing bothers him and he is super confident, but that’s not entirely true. The negative comments and constant berating really does wear him down and he believes what they all say about him. He makes sure not to show his weakness to any of them, but it just cuts open his insides and leaves invisible scars that hurt just as much as his real scars.
Johnny has a huge love for his knives. He loves the action of cutting people or animals open and seeing the damage it, and he, can do. It gives him this crazy power trip and gets him really excited. Sometimes Johnny takes his knife and cuts himself. It’s nothing crazy and it doesn’t happen too often, he likes the pain of it and how it makes him look. He thinks the battle scars make him look stronger and tougher. He would never admit it to anybody that a fair number of the many scars littering his body are self inflicted. It helps his facade that he naturally gets a ton of cuts and wounds from fighting victims and his general blue collar working.
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Maxima meeting Team Bee
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronian reader
RiD 2015
Maxima was not having a good time.
She had been searching for Bumblebee non-stop after he went radio silent for the past couple of weeks.
Maxima had been looking all around, asking for favors, and taking long hours to find him.
Until she got a vision from her late father.
Optimus Prime.
She thought she had finally joined him in the Well because she felt her spark pulsing out of her chassis.
He looked just how he had when… when…
His booming voice reached her audials like a nostalgic song.
Her own voice constricted in her throat.
Optimus tells her to go to Earth to help Bumblebee and his team.
A portal opened in front of her.
Without a second thought, Maxima ran in.
She lands straight into a scrapyard.
Maxima carefully looks around the place for any sign of hostilities.
She finds her first one in the form of a giant green Dinobot.
Grimlock had just come over to this corner of the scrapyard to find something Sideswipe mentioned.
Which now thinking about, sounded made up.
He did notice the mysterious bot in the corner though.
Grimlock and Maxima stared at each other for a bit.
“Ummm… can I help you?”--Grimlock
Maxima shakes her helm a bit and points at her Autobot badge.
Grimlock relaxes a bit seeing that it was a friendlier bot.
“And actually I could use some help.”--Maxima
“Oh okay! What do you need help with?”--Grimlock
“I’m looking for a friend of mine. I was told I could find him here.”--Maxima
Grimlock scratches his helm a bit.
“I don’t know too much about finding bots. BUT Fix-it might know! C’mon! I’ll even introduce you to the team!”--Grimlock
Maxima smiles at the infectious grin on the Dinobot.
“Lead the way… what’s your name?”--Maxima
“Grimlock! And yours?”--Grimlock
“That’s a nice name.”--Grimlock
“So is yours.”--Maxima
The two talk and walk to what looked like the main area.
There were three bots and an orange minibot on a ship console that was partially buried in the mountain.
The three bots immediately pulled out their weapons seeing Maxima with Grimlock.
“Hey! Hey! She’s a bot like us!”--Grimlock
“And how do you know she isn’t just lying?”--Strongarm
Maxima squints her optics a bit at Strongarm.
“Now why do you look familiar…”--Maxima
Drift steps forward.
“What is your reason for being here?”--Drift
“Grimlock was taking me to see a ‘Fix-it’.”--Maxima
“That’s me!”—Fix-it
Maxima looks over at the orange minibot.
“And why would you need to see Fix-it?”--Sideswipe
“She’s looking for a friend, right?”--Grimlock
“Yeah—Wait! Your Strongarm aren’t you?”--Maxima
“How do you know my name?”--Strongarm
“Team, we have a situation—”--Bumblebee
Everyone looks at Bumblebee.
Bee looks optics with Maxima.
Maxima gives a smile while walking over to him.
“So, this is where you’ve been?”--Maxima
Maxima slaps the back of his helm.
“That’s for leaving without letting me know.”--Maxima
Maxima pulls him in a denting hug.
“Thank the Primes you’re okay…”--Maxima
Bee, feeling a bit guilty, hugs back.
“…When did we get a new bot?”--Russel
“Sweet Solus Prime Bee! You already got found by humans again?!”—Maxima
Maxima makes a quick first impression with everyone on the team.
She makes it clear to Bee that she isn’t going to leave him high and dry.
Bumblebee is glad to have an extra pair of servos helping around.
She becomes his unofficial, official second in Command of the Team.
If he is being honest, he was a bit afraid of Maxima taking the reigns of the team and leading.
Maybe she would have a better chance at leading like her father.
“All I’m saying is that you could definitely lead the team.”--Bumblebee
“Yeah, if I must. I wouldn’t want your job, Bee.”--Maxima
“But you’re a natural leader, just like Optimus was.”—Bumblebee
Maxima pauses for a split second before turning back to her work.
“A natural leader? Yeah, that’s just called ‘Survive long enough for the original leader to come back.’ Bee, do you not think your team would riot if you gave me the command?”--Maxima
Maxima gives him a stern look.
“You’re a good leader Bee—”--Maxima
“But I’m not Optimus!”--Bumblebee
Both look at each other in silence.
“Maxima… I didn’t mean--”--Bumblebee
“Bumblebee. No one wants you to be Optimus. Not Strongarm, not Sideswipe, not Drift, not Grimlock, and defiantly not me. We want you. You and all of your flaws, terrible jokes and racing stripes.”--Maxima
Bee looks down a bit.
Maxima pats his shoulders in reassurance.
“…I miss him too; I miss him so much Bee. But right now, I think he’d want me to talk some sense into you. So here it is. The leader who you are now, that’s what this team needs. I’ll step in when its needed and give advice, but I’m not going to lead your team, got that Bee?”--Maxima
“Yeah… Thanks for talking sense into my processor.”—Bumblebee
Maxima flicks his door wings a bit.
“Someone has to. Consider it my job to look after your bumbling behind.”—Maxima
Bumblebee swats one of Maxima’s tires.
It was quick work to get along with most of Team Bee.
Maxima, Strongarm and Sideswipe made regular sparing partners.
Who knew that a monster truck could have agility?
Not them apparently.
Sideswipe is a bit let down that he can’t patrol with Maxima due to her alt mode drawing too much attention.
But off-road patrols are the best ones yet.
Maxima lets him do stuff on patrol that Bumblebee doesn’t let him.
Strongarm respects Maxima for being a former team member of the legendary Team Prime.
Though there was a time where her respect was more on a ‘tolerance level’ than genuine respect.
Strongarm did think that Maxima was a little bit like Sideswipe but didn’t really vocalize it too much.
That was until Sideswipe tried to take advantage of Maxima’s lax and got in trouble.
Maxima was the first on the scene.
Maxima and the team looking at Grimlock stuck in a rock arch.
Bumblebee and Maxima turn back to Sideswipe with, both with arms crossed.
“Sideswipe. What you did was reckless and endangered not only yourself, but also Grimlock.”--Bumblebee
“It was not my fault that Grimlock fell in the rock! If he’d—”--Sideswipe
“Grimlock was your partner for patrol today, Sideswipe. You both are supposed to have each other’s backs, not just one. If we wanted solo patrols, we would have authorized that. You put yourself and Grimlock in danger when you started blaring the music too loud and got ambushed. Which brings us here.”--Maxima
Grimlock was stuck in his Dinobot mode and stuck on a rock arch.
“It could be worse. Anyways Grims fine, aren’t ya!”--Sideswipe
Grimlock groans a bit.
“Yeah I’m fine… when did we get another Drift… and Strongarm…”--Grimlock
Maxima looks at him unamused and turns to Strongarm.
“Strongarm, take Sideswipe back to the scrapyard, I got Grimlock. We’ll be taking the scenic route to get back before the sun comes up.”--Maxima
“You heard Maxima.”--Bumblebee
“Maxima, with all due respect, how are you going to get Grimlock out by yourself? Let alone get him back home in one piece?”--Strongarm
Maxima walks over to the arch and punches the rock at an angle.
The rock crumbles releasing Grimlock with a small thud.
Everyone was stunned by this.
Maxima throws Grimlock over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and starts the opposite path.
She stops momentarily and turns back slightly.
“You better have a good apology when you get back to the scrapyard Sideswipe because I can get pretty creative with enforcement when I want to.”
Maxima and Grimlock disappear from view.
“…”—Team Bee
Sideswipe looks at Bumblebee.
“Did you know she was that strong?”—Sideswipe
Bumblebee shrugs almost looking smug.
“She’s wrestled with Predacons bigger than Grimlock, Sideswipe. And she isn’t kidding about the ‘creative enforcements. Either.”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee transforms and drives out.
“That didn’t answer the question!”—Sideswipe
“Did he mention Predacons?”—Drift
“… Lets just get back home.”--Strongarm
 Strongarm defiantly looks at Maxima in a different light after that night.
She sees her as another mentor figure alongside Bumblebee.
Drift was a bit on edge with Maxima joining the team.
He did give the benefit of the doubt considering that Maxima was on Team Prime with Bumblebee during the war.
She couldn’t be bad if Bee tolerated her.
Drift truly began to open when his former master came back taunting him for his Decepticon past.
Maxima did not judge him or give him pity sympathy.
She earned some respect points from him that day.
The minis like to hang out with Maxima whenever they have a break.
She will come to the mini’s defense at any moment, something that he is grateful for.
Maxima shielding the mini’s with her frame from the Decepticon.
“Wrong move Con. Wrong move.”--Maxima
Maxima judo flips the Con and drop kicks him to Drift’s pedes knocked out.
“Where did you learn that kick?”--Drift
Maxima shrugged.
“What’s Mulan.”--Drift
“…Russel! I have the perfect movie for tonight!”—Maxima
Grimlock liked Maxima from day 1.
She already seemed like a nice bot and boy was he right!
Of all the team, his favorite sparring partner was Maxima.
She could take in more hits and more time than most of the members of the team.
And did he mention how strong she was?
Sometimes Grimlock would start arm wrestling matches between the two of them on slower days in the scrapyard.
It was always fun to see how long each other would struggle to bring the other one down.
Bets have been made those days.
Bumblebee currently has the best luck in the betting pool for Maxima, which many don’t think its fair considering that he has known Maxima for longer, therefore, knows more about her than they do.
Drift and Sideswipe are tied at the bottom of the betting pool.
Grimlock also likes how Maxima refuses to hear the team treat him less.
That being said…
The team has learned that the duo sometimes cannot be left alone for too long.
“Hey, has anyone seen Maxima?”--Bumblebee
“Now that you’ve said it, I haven’t seen Grimlock either.”--Russel
“I’m sure they’re fine.”--Denny
Grimlock comes in running fast in.
“Coming through!”--Grimlock
Bumblebee quickly grabbed Denny and Russel and moved out of the Dinobot’s way.
“Sorry! Gotta catch this time!”--Grimlock
“Catch wh—”--Denny
Maxima comes descending from the sky.
Grimlock dives and manages to catch her in his arms.
“You finally caught me Grimmy!”--Maxima
Grimlock has a huge smile on his faceplate.
“Now its my turn!”--Grimlock
“Grimlock no!”—Bumblebee and Denny
“Grimlock yes!”—Maxima and Grimlock
Grimlock, with Maxima still in his arms, runs back the same way they came in.
Bumblebee sighs tiredly but lets out a soft smile.
“I’d just like to think what Optimus would say right now if he say her like this.”—Bumblebee
“Why Optimus exactly?”—Denny
“Oh yeah you two don’t know. Maxima is Optimus’s daughter.”—Bumblebee
“SHE’S WHAT!?”—Denny and Russel
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thelovelyruin · 11 months
𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝖆 𝖜𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓.
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 : toji x fem reader
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓 : you just got back from college and your dad’s old friend is looking extra hot.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 : smut, porn with plot, vaginal sex, praise, teasing, fingering, edging.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙 : 5.6K
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 : inspired by lyrics from more than a woman by aaliyah.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 : hello lovelies, thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoy it, if so, follow me for more. au revoir!
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Passion, instant…
“Man, when was the last time you changed the oil on this thing?”
“The last time I had a good whiskey.”
Now, when your dad hyped Toji up, you weren’t amused at all, considering your dad’s other friends are, well, not very attractive. But, this stranger was hot as hell, currently standing shirtless in your garage. His attention was on fixing up the vintage Chevy your dad had sitting for years. Something about it’ll be a new hobby of mine, something to distract me from my little girl going off to school, but despite the ambition, that damn Chevy was taking up space and collecting dust.
Sweat beads fill me; Cupid's shot me…
He and Toji both began laughing a bit, still tending to their work. It wasn’t until you sat your suitcase down that they noticed you. Your dad was the first to see you, immediately rolling out on the dolly that was supporting his back. He came up to suffocate embrace you with the tightest hug you think he’s ever given you. He pulled back to get a good look at you, smiling real wide and kissing you on the forehead.
“You’re home! I thought you weren’t gonna be back until next week!”
“Well, Jordan may or may not have had an accident with the van while we were at a rest stop. The rest of us thought it would be safer to fly home, so here I am!”
“I told you that knucklehead was bad news, getting into an accident with my daughter in the car. I outta give him a piece of my mind.”
“Dad, I’m fine, no scratches or dents, at least on me. Plus, I think you’ve already given Jordan “a piece of your mind”, or must I remind you of when I brought him back home for Thanksgiving last year?”
“Damn it, I hate it when you're right.”
Toji, hearing the conversation play out, finally looked up from the car's hood.
My heartbeat's racing…tempt me, drive me.
Now, Toji had been around and seen a lot of women, but you, you were an angel in disguise. Your hair was curled, a pretty pink gloss, and a pair of little diamond earrings. Your crop top and cut-off shorts left little to the imagination, tits almost falling out the front and the bottom of your ass peeking out. Those shorts led down to your legs, smooth and glowing, finishing with a pair of bubblegum pink sneakers. You were fucking hot.
When your dad noticed Toji walk around the car, his face lit up a bit, bringing you over. He looked damn good, sweat dripping off his chest, down to his abs, and into the waistline of his jeans. And, boy, he was cut. You assume that all those years in the service were to thank for his physique, but you can tell he still frequents the gym, although you wish he would frequent you. He walked to the bench to grab a shirt, presumably to be appropriate, but your thoughts were nothing close to appropriate.
Feels so exciting, thought of highly. It's yours entirely, I’ll be…
“Toji, this is my daughter. Baby girl, this is Toji.”
“Well, hi there. Your dad’s told me a lot about you. How was college?”
“Hey! Hopefully, all good things! School was good, way stressful, though, especially junior year. I’m just happy to finally be home.”
“Well, little lady, it was nice to meet you. I gotta finish up on the car before this evening.”
Toji gives you a warm smile, walking back with your father to the car. At this point, you dismissed yourself, needing to dial down all of the horny thoughts you had. You figured you could unpack your bags and watch TV, but much to your dismay, Toji was still on your mind. It was getting late; you could tell from the sunset coming through your curtains. Your phone read 6:32, and almost on cue, your stomach started rumbling. You leave your room and head to the living room, figuring your dad would’ve sat down for his beer and movie routine. But he wasn’t. Nervously, you open the door to the garage, your dad and his friend still working.
They both averted their attention to you. Toji closed the hood as your dad checked his watch and looked up at you nervously.
“Well, would you look at that? It’s time for dinner!”
“Uh, yeah! What are we eating?”
“That’s fine with me.”
Toji had walked around grabbing his things as the conversation between you and your dad played out. Until your dad laid a hand on Toji’s shoulder.
“We’ll get this car moving before the end of the week, that is if you’re not too busy.”
“Fortunately, I’m not. Just doing some renovations on the house I bought.”
“Sounds great!”
“Well, I’ll leave you guys to it.”
Now, you weren’t about to let this opportunity pass you by, not when you had such a good excuse to see Toji some more.
I'll be more than a lover…
“Well, Dad, Toji should join us for dinner! Gotta screen the guy who’s hanging around you, ya know.”
“Hm, that’s a great idea. Toji, wanna join us?”
You were practically bursting with anticipation, praying he’d catch on to your advance. A simple dinner can’t hurt, right? Toji looked a little confused at first, but then he saw your face and gave you a smirk.
“Well, who am I to deny your request? Let me shower and get all this oil off, then I’ll drive back over in time for us to eat.”
Your heart was doing backflips; you couldn’t believe that actually worked.
“Yeah, I should wash up too. Baby girl, order the food, and it should be here by the time we’re done.”
“Sure can do!”
It’s like the food couldn’t come fast enough. You were so excited that you were half tempted to get the order yourself, but you came to terms with the fact you needed some self-control. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and you jumped like a fish to water. You could still hear the shower running in your dad’s room as you walked by, and you couldn’t be happier. As you approach the door, you stop at the mirror in the entryway. You fix your shirt a bit, making your boobs pop, and check your lipgloss and hair to make sure you look not just good, but hot. You opened the door with a smile that dropped almost instantly. The ring was from the food delivery guy. While you were happy to eat, you hoped it would be the man you wanted to eat at the door. You grabbed the cash your dad left on the console table, and when you turned around to hand the delivery guy the money, you nearly jumped at the sight of Toji walking up the driveway. You quickly handed the delivery guy the cash, heart pounding like crazy.
“I’ll go ahead and take these, thanks.”
More than a woman…
Toji grabbed the bags, smiled at the guy, and closed the door behind him. You led him to the kitchen table, where he sat down the food. You got a good look at him now. His hair was still damp from his shower, and he wore a white t-shirt and a pair of…grey sweatpants. You tried to be coy about it, but damn, did he have a bulge. It was like it was calling out to you, pressed into the leg of his pants. When you looked back up at his face, his eyes were checking you out before making eye contact. Deciding to be a little playful, you adjusted your shirt a bit, acting like you were fixing the fabric, but in reality, you were showing a little more skin. And Toji was getting an eyeful.
“So, ready for dinner?”
You didn’t even hear your dad come down the stairs, jolting a bit at his presence. He walked up to you, wrapping a hand around your shoulder and smiling.
“Didn’t mean to scare ya!”
More than enough for you...
This dinner started pretty simply, you and Toji glancing at each other now and then; acting like he wasn’t just ogling your body in the kitchen. Your dad, deep in his plate, hadn’t even noticed, every now and then taking a swig of his beer. That was until your dad got talkative.
“So, Toji, how ya likin’ things? Know it’s been forever since you’ve been home.”
“It’s nice, real quiet, the way I like it. Feels nice to be around people I know a little better, ya know?”
“Oh yeah, for sure. Same old folks, but we’ve had some new people come into town, wantin’ a break from the city.”
“Well, this is certainly the place to do it.”
“Lots of new women too; find any lookers?
You bit your inner lip at his question. It’s not like you expected Toji to be single, but you were back. So, he was as of now. You and Toji made eye contact before he answered his question, you looking up at Toji in curiosity and him giving you a smirk.
“I met someone, yeah. Not too sure about it, though.”
You chuckled at Toji’s answer, the table averting their eyes on you. Toji smiled smugly, your dad confused. Shit, you had to play it off fast.
“What’s with the question, Dad? Not like you’ve found any lookers. Well, except that lady that was definitely looking for you.”
Your dad was none the wiser, instantly went red and laughed.
“Toji gotta tell you about this one about a year ago; real hottie, real crazy too!”
I'll be more than a lover, more than a woman, even more under covers.
The rest of dinner went on smoothly; they caught up on old memories from high school, talked about Toji’s time in the service, and, of course, you. You’d long since gone to your room, leaving them to talk in the living room, but when you got out of the shower, you’d heard them talking about you. Now, you weren’t usually one to snoop, but it was a conversation about you. With Toji involved. You’d walked to the end of the hallway, behind the wall, as they sat in the living room drinking a couple of beers.
“I was real nervous about her out there by herself, especially when she met that boy. Know she likes him, but he’s bad news, can’t stay out of trouble.”
“Well, maybe now that she’s home, they’ll fall off. It’s different when they’re seeing each other every day.”
Toji was right. You hadn’t spoken to Jordan since you got home (which, to clarify, had nothing to do with Toji). After the whole van incident, you pretty much broke up with him. You guys had been fighting the whole trip, him insisting you should move with him to the city since school was over, but you weren’t interested in leaving your dad behind. The topic created distance between you; that flight back home signified the end of an era. But oh well, there’s a new one.
“I guess you’re right; there’s no pickins’ ‘round here, though. All of ‘em left for college or moved away. Don’t want her hanging out with me forever, but I wouldn’t mind that at all.”
“Trust me, she’ll find someone. Who knows? She’s a catch, for sure, but I think any guy would be intimidated meeting a dad like you!”
“Nonsense, if she found a real man, I’d be no problem.”
I'll be more than a lover, more than a woman, more than enough for you.
You stumbled at his statement, tripping into the living room a bit, their attention now on you. Now, when you were getting ready, you hadn’t originally intended on seeing Toji again for the night. So, that’s why you were wearing the shortest pajama shorts you had, paired with a tank top that, for all intents and purposes, was almost see-through.
“Babygirl! How are ya?”
“Oh! I’m, uh, good!”
You had to think fast. Why would you have been coming to the living room?
“I was just checking on you to make sure you go to sleep at a good time! Don’t forget you have to, um, take me to Leanne’s for breakfast! You said you’d take me as soon as I got back!”
“You’re right, honey, I completely forgot! I should probably head to bed now; that way, I’ll have enough time to get over this hangover.”
He looked over at Toji, who was standing up from the couch.
“Hey man, you should probably crash here. Don’t feel too comfortable with you driving after how many beers we threw back. Take the spare bedroom, farthest down the hall.”
“Yeah, Toji! Just want you to stay safe!”
You interjected the conversation, giving your dad one of those saccharine smiles that he was completely naive to, Toji smug across the room.
“Well, if you guys insist.”
Midnight grindin', heartrate's climbin'.
You waved your dad good night as you and Toji took your respective rooms. You originally intended to just go to bed, listen to some music, and drift off. Your anticipation made that last about ten minutes. With a master plan, you grabbed some blankets out of the hallway closet, knocking on the door to Toji’s room. He’d answered the door, shirtless, presumably about to go to sleep. Giving you a little smile, he stood to the side to let you in, closing the door behind him.
“What’s up, hun?”
“Oh, I, um, just wanted to see if you wanted more blankets; gets drafty in here.”
“Sure, thanks.”
You sat the blankets on the bed, Toji sitting next to them. Smiling at him, you began to lay the blankets out, his hand stopping you before you could finish.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll take care of it, wouldn’t wanna be too warm.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
His hand on you made your body shiver, wishing that hand would’ve just thrown you on the bed and fucked you. But let’s not forget self-control.
“Well, if that’s all, I’ll leave you to it!”
You walked to the door, blushing as you tried to calm yourself down. Just open it and walk out-
“Is that all you wanted?”
Toji had walked over to you and laid his hand above you on the door, inches away from you.
You go, I go, 'cause we share pillows.
This could go one of two ways. You could very easily say “yes” and walk back to your room. But your pussy started talking for you.
“Depends. Did you need something else?”
Toji looked you down, licking his lips on the way up. When he met your eyes again, you were smirking, catching him in the act. Not that he really cared. He brought a hand up to your thin top, playing with the hem, not breaking eye contact as he saw your nipples perk up, shirt barely covering them.
“A little inappropriate, huh? Probably be best to cover up.”
“Not if anyone’s looking.”
He gave you a little snort, getting a good look at how flustered you were.
“What if someone is looking?”
“Then, they should do something about it. Hate to walk around inappropriately, right?”
His hand stopped playing with the hem, instead pulling your top down slowly, stopping right before your nipple was exposed.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, unless they’re enjoying it, looking that is.”
He pulled it down a bit more, nipple fully exposed, his eyes watching it intently.
“Dontcha gotta be up early?”
“That would be right. Thought about staying up a little later, though.”
“Why’s that?”
“Thought it’d be nice to have a little fun.”
He brought his hand up, finger lightly grazing your nipple, making your heart skip a beat.
“I might be able to help with that.”
Toji rubbed your nipple with one finger, teasing you.
“Yeah, I can…”
Chase me, leave me…
You brought your lips up to his before he stopped you, pulling your shirt back up and walking away from you. What. The. Fuck.
“But I probably shouldn’t. Wouldn’t want you to miss out on rest.”
You gave him an annoyed look, rolling your eyes, turning to leave the room. As you opened the door, you were met with your dad giving a surprised look to you and Toji. You started to panic, fuck, did he hear any of that? Surely not, he would instantly-
“Hey there! Wanted to let you know there were extra blankets and stuff in the hall closet.”
He looked past you and at the bed, smiling in contentment. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, giving one of those wide smiles he always does.
“Look, seems like my baby girl here was already on it! Great hospitality; thought you might’ve lost that when you left outta here.”
Yeah, great hospitality, alright. You were ready to give Toji the best damn stay of his life. You gave your dad a playful jab, walking past him as you two waved goodnight to Toji. When you went back to your room, your head kept spinning. Had he heard your dad coming? Is that why he stopped? Fuck, he’d played with your nipple and everything, if you could even call it that. 
Shit, at least you knew one thing: it was time to put your vibrator to good use.
I don't think you're ready for this thing…
Constant pleasures, no scale can measure. 
That whole thing was two days ago. Since then, you’d tried to avoid Toji altogether, too embarrassed to face him, always having something to do when he came to work on the car. That was until your dad intervened.
“Hey, sweetie. Can we talk about something?”
Fuck, this was it. He’d known this whole time and just waited to say something. You sat on your bed as he stood in the doorway, a look of concern on his face. You were too bugged out to say something, just nodded and waited for his response.
“Well, remember when I told you I’d have the pool in the back cleaned out and ready by the time you got home this summer?”
“Well, time got the best of me, so it’s not done, probably not til next month. But, Toji’s pool is in top shape! That is if you still wanna swim. I asked, and he said that’s perfectly fine.”
“That would be great, thanks, Dad!”
You just hit the fucking gold mine. Firstly, of course, you wanted to go the pool, but a reason to go over to Toji’s, half-naked? Oh, this was just what you needed. Once your dad left, you rummaged the room for materials for your scheme: cute swimsuit, sunscreen, towel, all the good stuff. Except your swimsuit was more of a bikini well, actually, it looked more like a thong and tiny bra. So, pretty damn hot.
Secret treasures, keeps on getting better.
“I’m gonna take the car, okay?”
“Okay, honey, drive safe!”
You’d got over to Toji’s somewhat fast, only about a ten-minute drive, but that ten minutes felt like forever. Especially to the one screaming at you through your bottoms. You’d knocked on the door, breathing in and out to prepare for him to come. Except he didn’t. You didn’t wanna be a weirdo or anything, but your dad did tell him you’d be coming and his car was in the driveway, so where the hell was he? Only one way to find out. You’d open the gate door on the side of the house, walking the pathway to the pool. There was no sign of him so you went ahead and put your stuff down, putting on your sunscreen and-
“Hey, sweetheart.”
“Uh, hey!”
You nearly jumped out of your damn skin. Toji had crept up on you, presumably from the house, as the back door was open and he was holding a water bottle. He gave it to you, chuckling a bit at your surprised look.
“Didn’t mean to scare ya. Well, you have the pool. Feel free to stay as long as you’d like.”
Was he acting completely normal? Maybe you had overanalyzed the other night; maybe it wasn’t nearly as horny as it felt. Then again, he had made somewhat of a move on you; maybe you’d test to see if that feeling was still there.
“Hey, Toji, before you go, I can’t get the sunscreen on my back. Can you help with that?”
“Sure, no problem.”
Do you wanna roll with me?
Toji gave you a smirk, taking the sunscreen from you and turning around so he could apply it. His hands were a bit calloused and cold, but they were warming up your skin like fire. Every stroke of his hand got you wetter and wetter, almost melting into his touch as he rubbed the sunscreen into your skin. He’d been careful, stopping right before applying it to your ass, almost waiting for your clearance.
“Touch me.”
He chuckled a bit, bringing his hands down to your ass, massaging the skin there. Your body was working for you, slightly moving as he applied it, moan about to escape from your lips.
“All done, princess.”
With that, he slapped your ass and walked back into the house, leaving you sexually frustrated again. You sighed in exhaustion, you were more than hoping to get your rocks off, but that’d have to wait. Again. That wasn’t gonna stop you from teasing him; you’d play into this coy little game of his. You got into the pool now, swimming for a bit while you thought of what to do next. Part of you wanted to just go in there naked and tell him to fuck you, but that was a little too brave. Instead, you had a better idea.
“Hey, Toji?”
He walked out of the house, walking over to you at the pool. It hadn’t gone unnoticed that you were giving him those fuck me eyes.
“Yes, ma’am?”
“I need some help, my swimsuit top broke!”
You brought your body out of the water a bit, straps floating as you held the fabric to your chest. Toji wiped his face down, smirking at your dedication to this bit.
“Accidents happen. Let’s go inside; I got a shirt you can wear.
We can go to foreign lands, your hand in my hand.
Before you entered Toji’s house, another idea hatched.
“I’d hate to get water all over your floor! I can wait here til you get it.”
With a confused look, he shrugged and walked in. After a couple of minutes, he returned with a shirt, definitely a bit bigger than your figure, along with a towel. You began drying yourself off, taking extra care to dry the places he was actively staring at.
“That should fit you. I can make you something to eat; I’m sure you’re hungry after all that swimming.”
“Thanks, here, hold this so I can put it on.”
You handed him your swim top, chest fully exposed, nipples hard from the change of temperature. His face went flustered as he held it, eyes glued to your tits. With a smile, you brought the shirt over your head, putting it on as he watched you.
“These are wet; should probably take these too.”
With that you brought your fingers to the hem of your bottoms, pulling them down and handing them to Toji, fully naked now except for his shirt. He was chuckling, almost red from the boldness you had. You walked past him into the house, waiting for him on the kitchen island as he closed the back door. You pretty much knew you had him, but you needed that thing to take him right over the edge. So, you did. Toji walked up to you now, leaning against the counter opposite of you, giving you an expectant look.
“So, what are we eating…hopefully me.”
That was enough. Toji cleared the distance between you, hand wrapping behind your neck as he brought you in to kiss you. The kiss was hungry and needy; all that pent-up sexual frustration finally getting handled. You let him lead, hand coming down to rub your pussy before slipping his fingers inside you, eliciting a moan from you.
“You know we shouldn’t be doing this, but you’re quite the naughty one.”
“I am and obviously so are you; if not you wouldn’t be fingering me.”
“Got a point there.”
He smiled a bit, tilting your head so he can suck the skin of your neck, kissing you in all the right places.
“If you want me so bad, why’d you stop? Hear my dad coming?”
“Coincidence, sweetheart. Didn’t hear him at all.”
“So, why not continue?”
He brought your legs up, sitting you on the counter as he brought his hand down to grip your ass.
“Cause I’d feel bad about fucking my friend's daughter in his house.”
“So, fuck me here.”
Do you wanna ride with me?
Toji picked you straight up, throwing you over his shoulder as he walked to his room, you laughed as he brought you up the stairs. Once in his bedroom, he closed the door and sat you on the bed, undressing before taking you out of his shirt. In a swift motion, he laid you down, body coming over yours to kiss you again, pulling back slightly to get a good look at you.
“So, what about your little boyfriend?”
“What boyfriend?”
He laughed as he brought his fingers to you again, this time, rubbing your clit as you moaned underneath him. Moving down slowly, he caught one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking and pulling at it with his tongue. It had you moaning, arching your back slightly as he brought his other hand up to play with your other nipple. The one that started it all. He’d found his way to your stomach licking a line straight down as he made eye contact with you, finally stopping when his tongue met your bud. Quickly, he flipped you two over, laying on his back as he sat you on his face. He didn’t give you time to prepare at all, arm pinning your legs down as his tongue worked wonders on your clit. Fuck, it was fantastic. Every lick had you gripping his headboard tighter, grinding against his face as you lost yourself in his mouth. He had you moaning near screaming, eyes on you as he worked his tongue underneath you. You couldn’t even look at him, too involved with your impending orgasm. You truly didn’t give a fuck, taking his mouth for yourself as you felt yourself about to cum. You’d thrown your head back now, Toji seeing you about to unfold and licked your clit even faster, arms bringing you so close he could suffocate. Then, it was bliss.
Your orgasm hit you hard, hand clenching on the headboard so hard you could swear you broke it. You rode it all the way out, moving your hips against his mouth as he lapped up your cum. He’d started loosening his grip on your thighs, holding you to prevent you from tipping over, and laid you on your back. You were on cloud nine, eyes still fluttering as you came down. Toji brought his face down to yours, kissing your cheek and then moving his lips to your ear.
“You did so good, taste fucking great too. You okay?”
“Fuck me.”
We can be like Bonnie and Clyde, me by your side.
Toji laughed at your bluntness as he opened your legs and sat them on either side of his hips.
“Whatever you say, princess.”
You were in fucking need. Cumming on his mouth was amazing, but you knew you didn’t wanna stop there, and neither did he. You opened your legs even wider for him, pulling him down by his neck to kiss him, bucking your hips into his waist as your sensitive bud brushed against his boxers. You could feel your wetness soaking into the fabric, making his dick harder than a brick. Swiftly, he fell back, making quick work to take off his boxers and climb back on top of you. Fuck, he had a big dick. His lips hovered over yours as you groaned in anticipation, feeling him rub against your lips, toying with you.
“Ready for me? Don’t wanna hurt ya.”
“Yes, sir.”
That lit a fire in him, hungrily bringing your hips towards him and then kissing your cheek. And just like that, he slipped in. He took his time, moving what felt like inch by inch to let you adjust to him. It did hurt a bit, but all that ended when he was all the way in, kissing you as he started moving his hips. It felt so fucking good. Toji stroked you slowly, being real careful with you as he exhaled on your shoulder, making you shudder under him. He’d pulled up and sat on his hands now, looking for that green light in your eyes for him to go faster, and once you gave it, he gave it to you exactly how you needed it.
I'll be more than a lover…
Toji had a steady pace, hands gripping your hips to steady you as he fucked into you. Your eyes had rolled back, whimpering as you gave your body to him. He knew exactly what to do with it, satisfying any craving you’d had up to that point. He fell in love with the way you moaned his name, fueling his thrusts to faster, making you moan it even louder.
“Looks like those college boys haven’t been fucking you right, huh?”
“No, sir…”
“Don’t worry, ima take real good care of you.”
And that he did. He had you scratching his back, trying to get a grip as he fucked you. His hand had long since found your leg, pulling it up to your stomach to fuck you deeper. He was hitting everything inside you, felt like his dick was made for you. He was definitely right; the boys at school were shit in bed, either only fucking til they came in 3 minutes or not eating you out at all. None of them were ever as big as Toji either, especially not Jordan, he hadn’t fucked you nearly as good as this. Probably because of age, learned how to really please a woman after all these years, and fuck, you wanted it all to yourself.
More than a woman…
“Hold on tight, baby.”
Toji flipped you over so you were on top, hands gripping your ass as he slammed you on his dick. It was hard not to just scream his name over and over, wanting to be a little tame as he fucked you. But that was all over when he picked up his pace again. You could barely hold yourself up, hands gripping his shoulders as he guided you, giving it to you in that special spot that had you dying inside. Shamelessly, you threw your hips back on him as you screamed his name, him smiling below you.
“Looks like I found your sweet spot. Let me hear you baby, wanna know just how good I’m making you feel.”
“So fucking good, Toji…So good…”
He’d slapped your ass to say good girl, making you whimper every few thrusts when he did it. You finally reached a point where you could actually look at him; his face was sweating, hair sticking to it as he looked at you smugly like he was waiting to see your reaction to him taking you. He was fucking hot, something about the hungry look in his eyes had your pussy clenching around him, making him groan and bite that scar on his lip. You knew you weren’t gonna last very much longer, that fire rising inside you as he synced your bodies together.
“I see it, princess. Let me have it.”
You tried your best to hold in, wanting to hold off so you could get fucked longer, but it was just too good to hold back. Your fingers gripped his shoulders so hard you’d swear they’d bruise, screaming his name. He brought a hand up to your face, moving it so he could look at you as you came. You had been closing your eyes so hard your mascara smeared, lips plump from all the kissing, and face warm and flustered from how hard it was hitting you. He’d fucked you deep, wanting to feel your pussy spasm on every inch of him, sending him into overdrive. As you rode out your orgasm, he was chasing his, body turning to putty as he claimed your pussy as his. Toji was sexy as hell, groaning and moaning your name as he fucked his cum inside you.
Even more under covers.
You couldn’t keep it together anymore, so fucked out that you tipped over, Toji catching you as you fell. He laid you down gently, resting your head on the pillow as he pulled out of you. You were fucking done. You’d almost fallen asleep, head falling to the side as your body came to terms with just how much pleasure it had experienced.
“Hold on baby, let me take care of you first.”
Toji walked to his bathroom, wetting a washcloth and cleaning you up. You squirmed a bit at the overstimulation, too tired to even let out a moan. He’d pulled the covers over you, brushing your hair as you drifted to sleep. He’d gotten in bed next to you, lying down. Then the damn doorbell rang. Irritated, he got up and threw on some clothes, trying to be presentable enough to open the door. Fuck, whatever it was, it better be-
“Hey, Toji! Have ya seen her ‘round? She forgot her phone back at the house.”
I'll be more than a lover, more than a woman, more than enough for you.
♱ the song used in this story is more than a woman by aaliyah. 🖤
♱ masterlist.
♱ all fics playlist.
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𝖆𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓.
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darin-nidk · 6 months
Prev. | Interlude |
「 Radiosilence (QPR Reader and Alastor) 」
Content: Mostly angst; t.w.: panic attack, anxiety attack, swearing, fear of abandonement, Charlie doesn't get paid to be a therapist.
"God fucking damn it", they turned on their heels as they kept walking, grunting and cussing. Their eyes focused on a chair as they kicked it across the room, effectively breaking it. Hands gripping their hair and lightly tugging at it. "How could he do this to me?!".
"I, ah, what if we take deep breaths..?", Charlie stuttered, the princess of Hell looking anxious at how this particular room was an absolute wreck, even the windows were broken — maybe she needed a hotel manager or someone with more experience than her and uhh, maybe let Vaggie pick who gets to stay in through an interview process..? The demon before her simply stared at her with a sharp glare that made her feel small.
"You have to excuse me, Charlie but, I can't take a deep breath when I feel like suffocating", such words were accompanied by them scratching the skin from their neck all the way down to their collarbone with their claws that were poking out, slightly tearing the skin and bleeding. Somehow that helped to ground them and not spiral out of control. "I can expect betrayal from everyone but him, we are waaay past that stage, we grew up together, aged together, and he disappears?! What the Hell am I supposed to expect? To feel? It's like my metaphorical heart has been ripped apart and torn into pieces, my ribcage hurts when I breath, fucking Hell!", grabbing a book from the small bookshelf, the demon named (Y/N) growled and tossed it against the wall, denting it. They were breathing heavily as they tried to calm down, usually Alastor would know how to calm them down but he was the cause.
"Charlie, you don't understand, he and I... I can feel he made a poor choice because he was cornered and not knowing what he did is driving me insane, I have a deep connection with him. Hell, if he breathes the wrong way I know what the fuck is up—". Explaining their relationship was complex, usually they got misunderstood because apparently someone couldn't care about another without having romantic feelings or whatever.
This feeling was far more complex, they were more than family and friends, soulmates was a bit of a stretch... perhaps a mirror of one another in some fancy manner of speech? And ocasionally engaged in exchanges that could be interpreted in a different light, but romance wasn't it. They had a mutual connection but no carnal desires, their company was an anchor to ground them, it was a comforting bond.
Whatever social need they required, they could satisfy with each other without any misunderstanding or, at least, if there was one then it could be easily fixed with a conversation over a hot beverage with jazz playing on the background.
But Alastor broke their bond without any fucking explanation.
"Fuck, fuck!", (Y/N) cried as they held their face, falling onto their knees. Their vision blurry due to tears rolling down their cheeks, they were having trouble breathing.
79 notes · View notes
heavyhitterheaux · 10 months
Sentence concept (dad Jack):
“Don’t make me tell Dad”
"Oh, fuck.” Axel muttered as he assessed the damage on your newly upgraded G Wagon that you had originally gotten for a push gift for Nova from Jack.
“Dad is going to be so pissed. He literally picked it up for mommy this afternoon.” Autumn replied as she noticed the huge scratch and dent on it.
“I just tapped the barrier! How is it dented!?” Axel exclaimed while throwing his hands up in disbelief.
“Maybe they won't notice?”
“Autumn, please tell me you didn't just say that.”
“Well, you have to come clean because you were the one driving.”
“Don't make me tell dad.”
“You play the role of the annoying ass little sister a little too well sometimes.”
“I take that as a compliment.”
The two of them made their way back home and Axel parked your car back in the garage and prayed that you didn't drive it until he was able to talk to Anthony's dad to fix it since he was a mechanic.
When 8 AM hit, Axel heard his father's booming voice and knew he was in trouble.
Axel made his way to the living room to see Jack red in the face and Autumn looking guilty.
‘Sorry big brother.’ She mouthed towards him and all he did was sigh.
“Bye Autumn.” Jack said and she immediately started to protest until he gave her a look.
“Um, I'll be going now.”
“So, you want to explain to me why there is a big dent and a scratch the size of Texas on your mom's G Wagon that I just got upgraded and picked up from the dealer yesterday to surprise her?”
“It's no time for that. And you took your sister and neither of you actually have a license and only a permit? Do you know how dangerous that was?”
“We were coming right back!”
“You can stop with the excuses. You know better than that.”
“I'm sorry.”
“The two of you seriously could have gotten hurt. And then what?”
“Are you going to tell mom?” Axel asked and right on cue, you came in the door.
“Tell me what babes?” You asked and his eyes went wide. You kissed Jack before coming over and hugging Axel as you kissed his cheek. You were back a day early from Atlanta and Axel knew he would be grounded for the rest of his life.
“Axel and Autumn took your car that I just upgraded for a joy ride last night and dented and scratched it.”
“With no license. So, Ax along with Autumn is going to use their allowance money every month to get it fixed and I'm not budging. No video games. No going out with your friends and I have to decide if I'll let you play soccer or not.”
“Axel, babe. You understand why we're upset, right?” You asked and all he did was nod.
“You and your sister could have gotten hurt and that is the last thing we want. You not only put yourself in harm's way, but her too.”
“You're her big brother so I expected more from you.” Jack added as Axel was looking down at his feet.
“I know.”
“Ax, we almost lost you when you were a baby so this gave me flashbacks. You cannot do reckless things likw this." Jack quietly said and you simply nodded agreeing with him.
Now, he immediately felt guilty.
“Anytime you want to go out driving, we will take you but this cannot happen again. Cars can be replaced, the two of you can't.”
“Yes, sir.”
“You can go back upstairs.”
That now left the two of you and Jack could tell you were visibly getting upset.
“Baby, I know where your mind is going but they're both okay.” He said as he brought you into a hug.
“I cannot take the thought of something happening to them.”
“I know. But we aren't focusing on that. We’re focusing on the fact that they’re both okay.”
118 notes · View notes
s-4pphics · 1 year
i NEED to see a street racer ellie x grid girl reader fic IM ON MY KNEES FOR THIS🙏🏾🙏🏾
wc;cw: 800 or sum, streetracer!ellie, gridgirl!oc, ellie being a car nerd and hot, mentions of sex MDNI, mentions of ciggies and illegal shit
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streetracer!ellie…… passes out 
she always loved cars :3 her dad owned a mechanic shop and used to watch him repair all the damaged cars that showed up
when she was thirteen he finally let her help him replace the tires 
and then change the oil
and then fix the ignition 
eventually taught her how to drive stick😝😝
and 2 years later she knew the anatomy of vehicles like the back of her hand 
she was on her dads payroll 💯💯 shout out to mechanic!ellie😞
when she found out ab street racing she got obsessed with it. 2 fast 2 furious is her favorite movie of all time
her youtube history was wild😞😞 30 hours of devon aoki edits saved 
so when she got invited to a race by one of her friends when she was a junior for her birthday she almost passed out 
the screech of the tires on the pavement and smell of gas gave her heart eyes
she swore she was going to participate in a race after they both left that night
SIKE she thought everyone laughed at her when she showed up the next day in her dads beaten up family van LMFAO 
the bullying was devious fr😞 she cried a little when she got home
but ofc her friend helped her ass out and high jacked his brothers old nissan
the overseers allowed her to participate but nobody bet on her except her 2 friends. that $20 pitch didn’t help her confidence much but she loved them😞
she was nervous and filled with adrenaline and tried so hard not to gawk at the hot girls that waved their grids around 
when they waved their flags and signaled for the racers to go….
ellie was out that bitch fr😞😞 SKKRTED ON THEY ASS BIG PURRR
she hit every sharp turn every curve every bump like it wasn’t shit 
she made everybody eat they words that night. HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUEENIE😝😝
some overseers gave her $300 outta pocket that night and she wasn’t even on the list to race 
her and her friends went every weekend. would leave campus and go straight to the tracks fr
she started getting a little fan base after a month of racing😞😞 girlies from school would come just to see her 
but she didn’t pay them any mind💯💯 she payed them a little mind 
n 5 years later…. most betted on racer in the city YUHHHH 
she makes racks every weekend… and she brings it all home to her dad so she can take care of him 🥺🥺
he doesn’t question where she gets the cash from but he always feels nervous when she leaves the house🥺🥺 poor old man he just wants his baby to go to college
she owns one mclaren senna but never takes it anywhere😞😞 it just sits in her garage lol she paid for that shit in cash tho big bags big stacks
drives a fucked up supra when she races😂😂 she tries to cover up the scratches and large dents with cute little spray paint jobs of fire and sparkles and shit😂😂
she named it renee and slaps the trunk like she slaps ass every time she gets behind the wheel :3 thinks it’s good luck
smokes cigarettes mmmm fuuuck
such an aggressive racer like omgg she gets so competitive and pissed she's so hot
tatted to hell. full sleeve
TERRIBLE RECORD!!!!! arrested twice and was on parole :/
but at least all the grid girls got a little crush on her 😳😳 titties out ass out bc they want her attention 
all the male racers hate her bc of it… she don’t care tho suck her dick💯💯
she’ll never say it but…
she definitely stares too long at one grid girl whenever she shows up in her little croppies and booty shorts😞 she’s fine as hell ITS NOT HER FAULT💯💯
too bad gridgirl!oc doesn’t pay ellie any mind anymore :((she had the prettiest smile and such good pussy 
that ooey-gooey. that sloppy. THE WORLD'S BEST CREAMER💯
did i mention they're ex's? YEAAAH CLOCK THAT TEA
every time ellie fills up her tank she can’t stop thinking about the time she bent her ex over the trunk and railed her from the back 
she may never feel that pussy again 😞😞 it makes her wanna cry 
when she met gridgirl!oc for the first time two years ago her world changed for the better
her zits disappeared, her hair got softer, her crops were watered
they fell in love immediately…. like instantly 
they were inseparable. up each other's ass. in each other's cars. in each other's guts. so so happy 
until they weren’t 
their breakup was soooo fucking messy. 
cheating accusations. screaming contests. EVEN A PREGNANCY SCARE???😳😳😳
a hot mess. and their relationship ended in flames :(
but that doesn’t mean ellie can’t peep every once in a while😛😛 that ass is still fat as fuck regardless of the beef >:)
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havethetouch · 16 days
Back on my bullshit because now that I have a longer vacation going on I can tackle this again, this time with feeling. Also I had a break in between bc I remembered and forgot to mention that I was out and about for almost a week living in a flat to babysit animals while their owners were out of the country but I had been yearning for the ceiling. After Time got away from me a bit got brainfogged suddenly realized it is September already wtf. If I hadn't liveblogged the ceiling shenanigans I might've misremembered when that started too. Anyway.
Previously on Touch's ceiling shenanigans
And right now we are here:
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Ceiling skeleton. The support beams are all askew as fuck and jammed into the the walls on both sides. I have thermal plastering ready for it's call to action as one of the walls with the holes is an outer wall and the cold will crawl through and try to get me without proper insulation. I am also currently busy with removing everything that has been lying about in this room (before it was the storage room for when I freshly moved in so a lot of stuff just.. floating about) because the crossbars do not inspire confidence in me that they will not drop weirdly when I loosen them up lol I also bribed my auntie to take me a few villages over (I do not have a car) to get some more supplies for the removal of the distemper paint and shit to seal of cracks were the ceiling and walls meet. Also... there is a cable duct in the corner right over the space were the oven will go and I figured it might be for the best to pry open the wall to sink it and for that I needed a different kind of quick-drying plaster which was also acquired. And then I thought yeah well, get some of those parquet mini fix thingies.. you know the idk how it is called but basically there are some scratches and dents in the floor in need of some TLC and I know how sanding down parquet and resealing it properly works but I also know how much time and shit that takes and I might at some point say "it is time" but it ain't this year or the next for sure. So mini fixes it is for now. I also have a different endboss now in this entire thing because see... I have a second door in this room to the outside of my driveway. I just have this second entry point to my abode which will be very handy once I work with some of my materials that need a lot of ventilation and shit. But anyway so... Somewhen in the past there was flooding I know this there is plenty of visible evidence of it all over my home that there went water were it was not supposed to go. But nowhere is it more apparent than this door.
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There used to be parquet in between (it's a double door) and just look how fucking thick my outside walls are fucks sake and my dad removed that because it looked like one step away from having you meet the underside of the building and filled that all up with concrete but nothing more than that. I think he wanted to seal the doorway up permanently at some point and I am glad he didn't because I adore the second entry point. But yeahhh this is a bit of damage. I misremembered how much bc I had to temp seal this off for a bit because mice kept sneaking through these two doors into the house last winter along with the cold. So it kinda slipped my mind how rotten the wooden frames are and how even the concrete on the sides is all fucked up. Got some work ahead on that one. There is also a massive black spider somewhere in the woodbeams that I only caught a glimpse of before she scuttled in there and at some point we will probably make eye contact when I remove the rotten wood :')
And yeh this is no longer just the ceiling but like I said, am on vacation now so I try to get everything wrapped up soon and that includes this entry door along with the floor. Cross fingers the spider does not jump me she looked like she could beat my ass.
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bullet-prooflove · 8 months
Prey!Series Part Three: One in Five - OA Zidan x Reader
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Tagging: @trublu2u @mrspeacem1nusone @greenies-green @rosaliedepp @whateversomethingbruh @anime-weeb-4-life @daydreaming-belle @burningpeachpuppy @scarlettsakura @divergent146 @upsteadlogic @malindacath @skyesthebomb @ @kilikonakapamana @yezzyyae @redpool @stxrryswvrld @district447 @soultrysworld @reneejett4
Part One: Trafficking - It's during a human trafficking case that Omar meets you.
Part Two: Mentality - Omar learns more about human trafficking.
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You’re used to being underestimated. The men you hunt see women as prey, objects that yield to their strength, that bend and break under the violence that’s cast upon them. When they look at you, you know what they see. You’re an older version of their target demographic.
What they don’t see is the years of training.
The boxing, the krav maga, the improvised weapons.
They don’t know about the countless sparring sessions you’ve had with men who outweigh you, because you got caught out once and you won’t let it happen again.
Snake doesn’t know any of this when he literally runs into you in the stairwell. He just sees a woman, weak, pathetic, alone. When his muscular form slams into yours, you hit the wall with enough force that it dents the plaster upon impact. The dust erupts in a plume, showering the both of you with the gritty residue.
You ball up your fist driving it directly into his kidney. His knees buckle, his hand grasping your vest as he goes down, yanking you with him. He draws his arm back, smashing his fist up into your stomach and the air rushes out of your lungs. You end up on your hands and knees, gasping for breath as he scrambles to his feet.
You barely get your own underneath you when he lashes out with his boot, kicking you right in the face. Agony erupts in the left side of your face, the skin splitting as blood leaks into your eyes. His fingers thread through your hair, gripping it tightly at the roots before he slams your head against the wall. You black out for a second, the world shifting as you hit the tiles.
You’ve learned from experience that a second is all it takes.
You find yourself underneath him. His massive hands locked around your throat, his fingers dig into your flesh as he flexes them, squeezing as hard as he can. The oxygen leaves your lungs, and you scratch at his arms as he stares down at you with that look in his eyes. You’ve seen it before, the thrill of the violence, the excitement that comes with holding another person’s life in your hands. Darkness twinges at the edges of your vision as you clench your hand into a fist before striking the inside of his elbow joint with as much force as you can muster.
A scream tears from his throat, his grip loosening before you hit him again, this time smashing the heel of your palm right up into his nose. The crunch of bone and cartilage resounds through the corridor as blood explodes onto your shirt. You drive your fist into his nose again sending his head reeling back. Oxygen floods your lungs, and you leverage your weight, shifting out from underneath him.
You don’t give him the chance to recover. You grab his arm, your fingers digging into the hollow of his wrist and twisting it back into a lock. The agonised sound that erupts from his throat is beyond satisfying.
“Not so much fun when they fight back is it?” You snarl as you snap your handcuffs onto his wrist wrenching the other arm back before securing it at the base of his spine.
You hear Omar’s shout go up behind you, his footsteps resounding across the tile as he approaches.  There’s a relief in his arrival because the adrenaline is starting to leave your body and you can feel that tremble starting in your muscles.
He hauls Snake to his feet, crimson running down the other man’s features as he fixes you that vengeful gaze of his. You can feel the weight of Omar’s eyes on you, and you know how you must look to him. Beaten, bloody, broken.
You don’t even know why it matters.
“I need a minute.” You tell him and he nods his head in understanding before he shoves Snake towards the stairs.
You’re sitting on the floor when he returns after handing Snake over to Scola and Tiffany. Your elbows are resting on your knees, you head bowed low as you focus on your breathing. He says nothing as he comes to sit in the space beside you. His shoulder nudges lightly against yours and you find yourself nudging him back. There’s no judgement in his presence, no pressure, just a simple reassurance.
“It’s me.” You say finally. “I’m your one in five.”
“I know.” He says softly. “The way you talked about their experiences…”
He’d laid in bed last night thinking about this case, thinking about you. The way he felt whenever you touched him, like he’d known you for a thousand lifetimes. He’d stared at the ceiling replaying your interactions and your words, the ones from the hospital coming back to him.
“With rape, the person you are is completely obliterated, you can pick up the fragments, but they don’t fit the same way they used to.”
He remembered thinking how insightful they were at the time, how personal they seemed. A friend or relative he’d assumed. It’s as he listened to the rain pattering against his window that he realised there was sense of conviction in your voice, one that comes with experience. He can’t imagine the immense personal strength that it takes to survive something like that, to have part of your soul ripped away and then come back to this job, facing that violence day after day.
“You’re a badass you know that?” He says into the silence between the two of you.
You laugh, it’s a surprised sound, one that resonates through your entire body as he tilts his head towards you and smiles.
“I mean it.” He tells you resolutely. “Everything about you…”
He trails off because he’s slipping into dangerous territory. He knows how he feels about you, the depth of it. You’re dedicated, compassionate, everything he could ever want in a woman but your also guarded and that means can’t get a read on you.
“I like you, Omar.” You tell him, your fingertips playing with the woven bracelet on your wrist. It’s talisman of sorts, a reminder to live your life no matter how scared you might be because you can’t let the man who hurt you win, you can’t let him keep taking from you. “The way you make me feel…”
Alive, you want to say because there are parts of you that died after what happened and now, they’re flourishing again. When you look at Omar, you see his kindness, his compassion. You imagine nights wrapped up in his sheets, his skin brushing over yours as he makes love to you, his eyes on yours as the climax builds to a crescendo. You’ve been so closed off over the years, your life so devoid of love, of physical affection. You want to give yourself to him, to share that part of yourself again.
“After this case is over, let’s agree to go for coffee.” He says softly as he clambers to his feet. “Low key, no pressure, just you and me in a place of your choosing.”
He holds his hand out to help you. He smiles as you take it and you can’t help but fall in love with him just a little, because Omar, he’s beautiful inside and out.
“I’d like that.” You tell him as he pulls you to your feet. “Really Omar I would.”
Love Omar? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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kidney9-9 · 9 months
A Busy Christmas Season - Tom Holland
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Hi hope you enjoy reading this :) thank you! Requests are open and I hope to start writing more soon. Happy holidays!
Tom Holland x Reader [Angst with Happy ending/Fluff] Warnings: Cursing, crying, breakdown Word Count: 2.7k
Your eyes widened at the list of preparations for the Christmas party at your work and the other list of Christmas gifts you had to find and buy for your family and friends. And then there was the fact, that your boss decided that you could handle a bit more work with this new assignment that had you researching about celebrities and their favorite restaurants.
Fuck, this was a lot of work for this week. You shouldn’t have waited this long to buy the gifts for your family and friends, but you were waiting for your paycheck that came earlier today, since you didn’t want to dip into your savings account.
You sighed as you put your keys into your car, making sure you had everything with you – your purse, your work laptop, wallet, and phone. You glanced down to your phone as you put your seatbelt on, seeing the screensaver with you and Tom, the picture making you smile briefly. Tom was over at his friend’s place at the moment, so he had no idea that you were going to run some errands for Christmas and work.
You had sung along to the music on your playlist as you drove to a shopping center to buy the supplies for the Christmas party at work and hopefully find some gifts for your friends and family. You groaned as you realized there was traffic on the way there.
By the time you got there, you wasted an extra hour sitting in traffic! It seemed that other people were also Christmas shopping this week, but it still was annoying to deal with, especially when you were on schedule today.
You rushed into the store, grabbing the supplies for the work party, throwing in some extra snacks and drinks. You bought it with the company credit card, sighing in relief when it went through without any trouble.
You ran into another store, buying one of your friends a pair of shoes they said they wanted before. Then found some funny gag gifts for Tom, laughing slightly as you put it in the cart. Then you found a sweet bracelet for another friend, gift cards for a few family members to their favorite places. You got Tom’s family some cozy blankets for the chilly season and a family friendly board game, since you knew they loved playing those.
Finally, the only person you had left to buy a gift for was Tom himself. Sure, you got a few gag gifts for him, but you wanted to get something to show how much you loved him and appreciated him this Christmas.
Checking the time on your phone, you groaned loudly as a surge of panicked stress came up. You only had two hours to bring the supplies to your work and you had to finish that assignment that you hadn’t had time to work on! You quickly bought everything and rushed to your car, accidentally running your cart into the back of someone else’s car as they were backing up.
You gasped as you pulled the cart back, looking at the big scratch and small dent it made on the car. The person honked at you, and you squeezed your eyes shut for a moment, cursing your luck as the person came out of his car, screaming at you.
“How could you not look where you were going, you freak?! Do you know you’re not supposed to be running in a parking lot?!” He yelled, waving his hands to you.
You sighed, “I’m so sorry, what’s your name and phone number? And your insurance? I’ll try my best to fix this as fast as I can, but I need to leave right now.”
He shook his head, “You’re not leaving here until I get video evidence that this happened. We’re going into the store over there to get the evidence. I’m not about to be scammed by a stupid girl like you.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not going to scam you? What made you think I was?” Your attitude slipped, and the man’s eyes widened at you.
“There it is, right there, your generation’s behavior is disgusting to its elders. How horrible. I bet you enjoy disrespecting everyone and being a degenerate.” He scoffed at you.
You breathed in deeply, holding back your fuming anger and stress. “You can go into the store. I’m going to let you take a picture of my ID and phone number, because I’m leaving now. And you’re not dragging me into a mess right now, because I already have so much else to do, understand?”
He coughed in shock at your response, “So horrifying to see this behavior in today’s society. I worked so hard for your generation to enjoy its freedom. Now pull out your ID, young lady.”
You rolled your eyes at him and pulled out everything, practically shoving it his way so he could take pictures of it. He even took a picture of your face, close up, saying he needed the evidence in case he wanted to take you to court.
As you finally left the parking lot, you almost sped to your workplace. Once you got there, you took a seat in your office with the supplies in your hands. You looked around in confusion, wondering where your notepad was with all the extra details you needed for your assignment.
“Anyone see my notepad?” You called out, ignoring the fact that you could hear your stress in your voice.
“Patricia threw it out, said it wasn’t festive enough and that you don’t use it.” Your coworker came up to you, glancing into your office.
“What? She did what?” You groaned out, “It had everything I needed! It was a new notepad!”
“Go ask Patricia where she threw it out.” He shrugged back to you. You breathed in deeply, trying to calm your anger and stress.
“Fine. I will.” You spoke softly but anger filled your tone. Patricia was in the break room, sipping some coffee as you walked in. You asked where your notepad was, and she said the janitor already threw the trash out for today and it was out in the back of the building probably. She apologized to you shortly before adding, “You never used it, how was I supposed to know?”
“Maybe don’t go into my office when I’m not there?” You sarcastically shot back. She gasped at your tone, and you ignored it and paced to the garbage cans to the back of the building.
By the time you got back, you were trying to stop yourself from crying and had trash sticking to parts of your outfit. You smelled disgusting, and you felt even worse. Your boss walked up to you and cleared her throat, “You’re needed in my office as soon as possible.”
You nodded shakily, putting your notebook on your desk, and walked with her to her office. “Is this about the office party? I have the supplies at my desk.” You asked her, feeling anxious at the look she sent you.
“No. This is about your attitude to your coworkers. One of them – anonymously, came into my office and begged me to reprimand you for your behavior. They said something about the way you were angry about what they did and that you were mean to them. I have never heard of something like this from you, I’m disappointed. I’m handing your assignment off to William since he has a kinder approach to his coworkers, compared to you at the moment. Check yourself before you come to work again. This will not be acceptable again, this is your official warning.” She lectured you.
You did your best to hold in your gasp and your cries, and nodded silently and left the room. You quickly rushed to your office, and unceremoniously dumped the supplies for the office party in the break room. You stared at Patricia’s coffee mug in the sink, grabbed it and took it with you as you left the office.
You drove home with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand gripping tightly on Patricia’s ugly coffee mug.
Once you got home, you slammed the door shut and fell to the floor sobbing hard.
“Stupid Patricia, you weirdo. I hope you trip on a fucking Lego.” You sobbed out, clutching the mug in your hands. You didn’t hear Tom approaching you from the kitchen. He gazed at you with full concern and worry.
“Baby?” He called out.
“And – and – old mean man, what the fuck? I hope your license gets taken away.” You sobbed out, hitting your head back against the door repeatedly, not hearing Tom.
“This is all my fault, fuck.” You cried out, dropping the mug to the floor, thankfully not cracking it. Your eyes were squeezed shut and sobs huffed out of your throat.
“Darling! What’s going on?” Tom spoke up louder, dropping on the floor next to you and curling his arms around you, pulling you into his embrace.
“Tom?” you sobbed out, digging your head into neck, trying to breath in without crying again but you couldn’t stop your sobbing.
He rubbed your back with one of his hands and brought the other to the back of your head. He stroked it softly, whispering sweet things to you, “It’s going to be okay, baby. Shh, listen to my voice. You’ve got it, honey.”
You continued to sob for a while until you felt exhausted. The cries slowly turned into sniffles as you slowly blinked into his neck, “I got snot on you…” You whimpered quietly.
“Oh baby, it’s okay. Do you wanna talk about it?” He mumbled back to you, kissing your forehead as he brought you close to him.
“No, not now.” You felt another tear slip and you rolled your eyes, “It’s stupid. Fuck, I still got to get the gifts out of the car.”
“No, it’s not stupid and no, you’re not getting stuff out of the car right now baby. You’re going to go take a bath right now.” He responded to you. He picked you up and you sleepily cuddled into his arms, not refusing him.
“I’m tired.” You yawned as he set you on the bed softly. He hummed back to you with soft eyes looking down at your body. He noticed some of the trash on your outfit, and picked it off, a bit confused, but he didn’t bring it up.
He helped you take your shirt off first, and then your pants, and then the rest of your clothing. You shivered softly and he pulled a blanket on top of you, then rushed to the bathroom and started a warm bath. He lit some of your favorite calming candles and put some lavender bubble bath into the water.
When he walked back into the bedroom, you were slipping to sleep and he smiled down at you, sitting next to you on the bed. He pressed kisses on your face, waking you up just slightly.
“Baby, I’m going to take you to the bath now, is that okay?” He whispered to you, watching as you nodded back to him a yes. He picked you up, holding you close as the blanket fell to the floor from your body. You breathed in deeply, close to his neck again, just enjoying the fact that he was here with you and that he was holding you close.
“Mm, you smell good.” You murmured, and Tom smiled down at you. He slowly placed you into the full bathtub, with a fluffy towel on the edge where he put your neck and head.
“Yeah? I’m wearing the cologne you got me for my birthday.” He whispered back to you, smiling as you blinked slowly at him, waking up a bit.
You looked around, slipping back into awareness, “Oh, Tom…” Your eyes started to tear up and Tom quickly slipped his hand underwater, squeezing yours.
“Aw baby, don’t cry, it’s okay now.” He mumbled to you, kissing your cheek softly.
You pouted at him, eyes still watering, “You’re so sweet, I love you so much.” You sniffled, and he grinned at you, pressing a kiss to your pout.
“Mm, I love you too, honey. You deserve the best in the world.” He whispered back, before helping you wash yourself. He scrubbed your arms with washcloth, dragging soap up and down your body as you rested in the bath.
“Tom?” You hummed out, gazing at him softly. He nodded back for you to continue.
“Thank you. Do you wanna get in?” You asked gently, holding onto one of his hands and squeezing.
He smiled back to you and nodded, “Sure thing, sweetheart. One second.” He pulled back and undressed himself. You scooted to the center of the bath to give him space to get in behind you. Once he settled in, his legs were on either side of your body and you were resting up against his chest. The warmth from his body and the bath made you sleepy again, and you pressed a slow kiss to his arm when you turned to cuddle close to him.
“Love you baby.” He whispered, brushing his hand through your hair. You mumbled it back before you drifted off to sleep, the stress from today washing off of you.
Tom stayed in the tub with you for another thirty minutes, making sure he washed you up good. Once he was ready to get out, he picked you up bridal style and pulled a towel over your body so you wouldn’t get cold.
He placed you on the bed and dried you off with soft and caring hands and then went back into the bathroom to tidy up. When he came back, you were cuddling with one of your favorite blankets on the bed. He smiled at the sight and went to go wash your clothes in the laundry room. Once he tossed them into the washing machine, he went into the kitchen and started making your favorite meal.
It took a little bit of time, thankfully he had the supplies beforehand, and then set it up on the night stand next to you. Before he woke you up, he set up the TV in the room and found one of your comfort shows. He pressed play and put the volume low.
He woke you up with a kiss to your forehead. You blinked up in surprise as the smell of the food hit your nose and you gazed over the room. He set everything up perfectly.
“This is amazing, Tom.” You spoke up softly, gazing to him with love in your eyes. He settled into the bed next to you and kissed your cheek.
“For my perfect girl.” He whispered back, smiling at you as you cuddled close to him again.
“Not that perfect! I can’t find a gift for you for Christmas.” You laughed softly and shook your head.
He raised his eyebrows and then shrugged, “I already got my gift for Christmas. It’s okay.”
“What?” You laughed, a bit confused at his answer.
“Yeah, it’s perfect. My Christmas gift is you, here in my arms, smiling so sweet like that, my love. Thank you.” He murmured to you, kissing your cheek again. You put the dish down on the nightstand before you fully turned to him and put your hands around his body, pulling him into a hug.
“Baby, you’re so kind. I love you so much.” You whispered back.
“I love you too, darling.” He hummed into your embrace.
Bonus Scene:
“Wait, that annoying girl threw out your work? And she didn’t get in trouble? I can’t believe that shit…but I’m glad you stole her mug. We could smash it.” Tom suggested to you, tossing the mug in the air, and catching it.
You rolled your eyes but laughed, “I was thinking about doing that, but she’ll probably complain and say that I did it. It’s okay, I’ll just return it to work tomorrow.”
“Also, about that old guy, I’m pretty sure he’s the one that would get in trouble legally for almost hitting you! But don’t worry about it, I’ll deal with him today while you take a break.” Tom brought up and your eyes widened.
“Uh, wait really? I thought I’d get into trouble for running in a parking lot. And what are you going to do about it?” You asked, laughing when he made a funny face.
“I’ll be like James Bond, agent 007 and I’ll do spy things to him, so he doesn’t bother you again.” Tom chuckled back, punching the air.
“You’re so dumb, I love you.” You laughed back and he pulled you into a hug, laughing with you.
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bruisedbluberries · 1 month
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no bumper.
mini drabble with uzui and tomioka. more to come soon. wanted to get my writing brain back together.
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“Holy shit, dude! What the hell happened to your car?” Tengen yelled to Giyuu through his window, the loud bass of his music nearly drowning him out. Seeing his friend pull up to the red light with a missing bumper was not what he expected. 
Just ten minutes ago they were weaving through traffic before Giyuu got cut off by a random driver, leaving the Porsche driver to himself. And last Tengen remembered; Giyuu’s Ferrari wasn't missing its rear end. Giyuu glared at his friend, holding up a very shaky middle finger. “Some twat swiped me and then ran off into the backroads. I don't care, I’ll get it fixed.” He rolled his eyes and sighed. 
Tengen was caught slightly off guard by how careless Tomioka was to his problem. He really didn't seem to care. The light turned green and the two of them roared their vehicles and began racing again. Open roads ahead of them making it a smooth drive, the cool night air blowing through their windows as they flew past buildings. 
It was only a short amount of time before they arrived back at Uzui’s place. They both got out of their cars and immediately went to take a look at Tomioka’s car. “Do you really think you can afford to get that fixed?” Uzui questioned, cringing violently at the damage done to his friend's car. Not only was the bumper goe, part of the body was dented and scratched to eternity. 
“Don't know. If not, I’ll just get a new one. No biggie.” Tomioka glared at the damage, pulling out his phone and snapping a picture. 
Akaza, when I catch you and your shit prius-c. 
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