#when someone DOES pronounce it right though YEEHAW
fisherrprince · 1 year
ch’ari’s name is supposed to be pronounced with the ch kind of like a kh or a hiss, like how they pronounce khagan but hit a bit harder on the guttural click, but he honestly doesn’t mind everyone pronouncing it with a hard ch or soft h just because it’s kinda hard for eorzeans to make that noise
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oikawas-bae · 4 years
Can I get some hcs for kuroo with an s/o from karasuno? Like what it would be like maybe how they met and how the team reacts? Thanks bb 💞
You were a secondary manager so it wasn’t mandatory for you to come to training camps but Daichi insisted since Kiyoko couldn’t make it to this one and Yachi would likely be a mess without someone to guide her.
You weren’t all that excited for the camp since the beds weren’t the highest quality and to have to devote your whole day to tending to such needy boys? Not exactly how you wanted to spend your weekend but then you saw him.
Kuroo Tetsuro, the tall hunk you damned Daichi for not telling you about.
He made the practices worth it by not only just standing there and looking outright gorgeous with those toned biceps but also by occasionally straying your way as he walked off his exhaustion and he would joke with you. He wasn’t funny for shit but he was a dork and the attempt at humor had you doubling over in laughter. He felt good about himself.
He had to ask for your number, well aware that you’d be leaving in a few days. He tried to be subtle about it, “I need it just in case we want to plan one of these training camps with Karasuno again, ya know?”
You thought Pffft, yeah right! Like he’s in charge of that stuff! But you gave it to him anyway because he was attractive and you couldn’t lie that you weren’t the teensy bit interested in seeing where this goes.
Fast forward to two months later and you’re dating!
He clears up his weekend for you and drives all the way to Miyagi, picks you up, only to drive even farther out to have your date in some yeehaw place where you’re sure you wouldn’t see anyone from Miyagi or Tokyo. But car rides with him are everything!!! You’re singing off-key and showing him your music taste. And he’s such a good driver too, don’t even get me started-
You’re always texting him during class and he’ll check up on you daily, you go to bed on call with him and he lulls you to sleep with that intoxicatingly deep voice
But no one knows of your relationship because god forbid your Karasuno boys find out and lecture you for 40 hours on why it is absolutely, positively wrong to date someone from Nekoma.
It slips out on Kuroo’s end first, he’s texting you his daily ‘I love you, good luck today with your baby crows <3’ message just when Lev was planning a surprise attack from behind on him and he saw it all.
Lev being Lev, he cannot keep his mouth shut and within minutes, the whole team knows. Kenma guessed as much because he would go MIA during the weekends. Yaku is in disbelief, “you are dating (y/n)? (Y/n)? You’re kidding me. You? You, Kuroo?”
“What’s so hard to believe about that? Actually don’t answer that.”
Taketora is hyping up his captain, claiming he saw the sparks from the beginning, he’s gloating. “In fact, I’m probably the reason you two are together!” Fukunaga and Shibayama have to drag him off because he won’t stop talking but they’re also very proud of their captain for taking initiative and dating someone. These two will really look up to just about anything Kuroo does but you’re so beautiful and they think it’s just a match made from heaven. Oh the power you and Kuroo Tetsuro exude as a couple…
It’s tragic that no one told Lev shut up about it because he spread his knowledge of your relationship with Kuroo to Hinata the next day.
You got to the gym blissfully unaware of why the third years were shooting you dirty looks. You joked, “listen, I know you’re jealous of my stunning looks but can you make it a little less obvious? Wrinkles won’t look good on you.”
They’re not phased by your words when they’d usually have a snarky retort prepared. And just as you’re about to ask what’s wrong, Hinata and Nishinoya spearhead you straight onto the freshly waxed floor.
“You’re commiserating with the enemy!” You cannot take them serious when they can barely pronounce ‘commiserating’.
You look to Suga who laughs nervously, “yes, I told them to say that but the emotion is genuine.”
Tsukki and Yamaguchi are watching from the other side of the court. Yamaguchi isn’t particularly concerned, he’s just happy if you’re happy and you’d been glowing lately.
Tsukki doesn’t care, he’s known for a while since Kuroo let it slip through text one day and he can’t help but tease you about it every time he crosses paths with you around school. “Can’t believe you fell for that wannabe geezer’s charm.”
Tanaka is surprisingly calm about it, his attitude is just, “I knew it would happen sometime. Though I think you made a mistake in the guy you chose. Tora is way more manly than Kuroo.”
Kageyama has no idea what’s going on and Hinata and Nishinoya are trying to make him aware of the situation but he doesn’t see what’s so serious about it.
The third years are the most hurt. Their precious (y/n) has fallen victim to Nekoma’s spell and it’s not even just your average joe, this is the captain and greatest rival team for Karasuno.
Daichi and Suga sit you down for an interrogation, Suga much more interested in how romantic Kuroo is with you (which you go into great detail and Suga is sitting there engrossed while Daichi wants to pull his hair out) and Daichi wants to warn you about how arrogant Tokyo guys can be. He’s obviously trying to get you to reevaluate Kuroo as a boyfriend so you can find all his flaws and run into the arms of some safe Karasuno boy.
But after the 3 hour lecture that Asahi was just staring daggers at you for while Suga and Daichi spoke delusions, it was all good.
You were able to finally bring up Kuroo in casual conversation, though the team never grew fond of it.
The opposite would be said at Nekoma though. They loved listening to Kuroo talk about you and the fun things you did on the weekend or what you talked about on the phone. The way he talked about you made you seem like a goddess and to him, that’s what you were.
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solohqrry · 5 years
get to know me uncomfortably well
@eatmyshiftsticky tagged me, this was a long one mama i ain’t gonna lie but ily
What is your middle name?
selene (pronounced like seh-leh-neh).
How old are you?
When is your birthday?
January 31st
What is your zodiac sign?
aquarius sun :-)
What is your favourite colour?
yellow!!!! and pink
What’s your lucky number?
i don’t think i have one to be honest
Do you have any pets?
i have two cats, sesame and sage, and two dogs, thor and ginger
Where are you from?
texas yeehaw
How tall are you?
5′7″ (i’m the shortest in m family but apparently i’m tall to other people)
What shoe size are you?
US 7 1/2 or 8
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
i wanna say like 20 pairs, but i haven’t worn like half of them in ages
What was your last dream about?
i have wild, inexplicable dreams i couldn’t even begin to explain what i dream about but last night i vaguely remember there was something about the holocaust involved which is pretty dark, who dreams about that
What talents do you have?
absolutely none, i am talentless my only talent is being a whore, and i’m not even good at that sometimes 
Are you psychic in any way?
i definitely feel like i am, it’s a little mexican thing where we think we have this gut feeling that lets us know when something bad is about to happen, 8 times out of 10 the gut feeling is right
Favourite song?
ugh so many some of my all time favorites are robbers by the 1975, yes i’m changing by tame impala, sign of the times by harry styles, don’t cry by guns n roses, and kashmir by led zepplin 
Favourite movie?
Napoleon Dynamite or Moana
Who would be your ideal partner?
god, i really wouldn’t tell you without sounding like a shallow bitvh. i just want a guy that looks like he hasn’t slept in 6 years, is tall, skinny, has long hair, makes me laugh and loves to kiss and cuddle, maybe a dreamy boy that will write poems about my loving stare and soft kisses who will take me on roadtrips that go anywhere, or maybe a jerk that’s rude and rides a motorcycle and never smiles unless he’s around me, i don’t know though 
Do you want children?
god no
Do you want a church wedding?
no, i want an outdoor wedding during the fall time, in a nice forest with family and friends
Are you religious?
i was raised catholic and go to church but i don’t know if i believe in everything i have been taught. 
Have you ever been to the hospital?
yes i want to say like twice in the past four years
Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
yes :/
Have you ever met any celebrities?
no :(
Baths or showers?
What color socks are you wearing?
Have you ever been famous?
i wish
Would you like to be a big celebrity?
only for the money and to have a bigger platform
What type of music do you like?
indie, rock, punk, rap, spanish music pretty much anything except country, i loathe country music no one can change my mind
Have you ever been skinny dipping?
How many pillows do you sleep with?
four, two under my head, one under my legs, and one to hold onto at night (i’m v lonely)
What position do you usually sleep in?
on my side with one leg hike up and the other stretched out one arm under my pillow under my head the other holding another pillow, or in fetal position
How big is your house?
one story, 3 bedroom 2 bath house, i have a huge front and back yard, i love my house
What do you typically have for breakfast?
a granola bar
Have you ever fired a gun?
Have you ever tried archery?
in middle school, i was pretty shit at it
Favourite clean word?
i say heck a lot
Favorite swear word?
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
2 and a half days
Do you have any scars?
i have a lot i was a clumsy kid that got into places i shouldn’t have. my most gnarly scars are on my elbows, knees, and one on my hip where a shard of glass stabbed me.
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
i think maybe as a joke 
Are you a good liar?
i am a great liar, i think i could be an actress because i lie so well
Are you a good judge of character?
i am a bit naive if im being honest, it clouds my judgement
Can you do any other accents other than your own?
my british accent is top notch, i can do a super exaggerated cockney accent, and a somewhat good australian accent (don’t quote me on that @eatmyshiftsticky)
Do you have a strong accent?
i don’t think i do, i grew up in a predominantly mexican city so compared to most people here i don’t have an accent but when people from out of town meet me (white people) they say i have an accent, i hear it sometimes in some words but idk 
What is your favourite accent?
i love a french, australian, and spanish accents 
What is your personality type?
neutral chaotic edgy thot, typical aquarius, peace and love, treat people with kindness type bitch
What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
my platform doc martens which cost me a whopping $180, i am very frugal with everything basically so this was a big spend to me
Can you curl your tongue?
if you mean can i make a taco with my tongue, yes!
Are you an innie or an outie?
Left or right-handed?
Are you scared of spiders?
yes i absolutely hate spiders, if i see a spider i am either swatting that thing or running away
Favourite food?
mexican food specifically nachos and enchiladas, and chinese food
Favourite foreign food?
i like italian food 
Are you a clean or messy person?
i’m a tidy person, like i’m messy but not to an extreme my room looks clean at first glance but then you notice little things that make it look messy
Most used phrase?
“on god?” or “no mames” or “mamadas”
Most used word?
i don’t know, i think i say sis and dude a lot.
How long does it take for you to get ready?
ugh makeup and hair and outfit is like a good hour and half, i need time or else i get crabby the rest of the day.
Do you have much of an ego?
not at all
Do you suck or bite lollipops?
suck??? if you bite into your lollipop without sucking it you’re a psychopath
Do you talk to yourself?
all the time, literally i talk more to myself than i do to my family, i’m thinking i should just start a youtube channel so i could talk to myself but with a purpose
Do you sing to yourself?
very badly but yes.
Are you a good singer?
not at all, and i was in choir for two years where did my talent go i wish i knew.
Biggest Fear?
losing my parents 
Are you a gossip?
not really unless it’s like good gossip in spanish it’s called chisme and if someone is a gossip they’re a chismosa, sometimes i’m a chismosa i like drama.
Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Gone Girl
Do you like long or short hair?
on boys long hair is my absolute weakness, on myself i prefer my long hair
Can you name all 50 states of America?
i think i can name a solid 30
Favourite school subject?
english or history
Extrovert or Introvert?
i’m very introverted 
Have you ever been scuba diving?
no way being in the open ocean terrifies me
What makes you nervous?
driving, talking to people, ordering my food at a restaurant, school, big crowds, literally everything because i have a generalized anxiety disorder.
Are you scared of the dark?
mmm when it’s outside yes, but not inside my house or room or whatever
Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
idk if it’s my business or affects me than yes
Are you ticklish?
YES the sides of my tummy are my tickle spot and i HATE when people tickle me there
Have you ever started a rumour?
no i would never
Have you ever been in a position of authority?
no, too much pressure is not good for me
Have you ever drank underage?
i was given tequila as a toddler by my grandpa so yes i have had my fair share  of alcohol in my 18 years
Have you ever done drugs?
i have had edibles, i have smoked weed, and i have taken molly (please don’t do that it’s only fun while you’re on it).
Who was your first real crush?
i was in love with this boy named alejandro from like 7th grade to 10th i kissed him once, he was a complete ass and broke my heart.
How many piercings do you have?
my ears, my septum and two secret ones.
Can you roll your R’s?
of course i can.
How fast can you type?
on my phone i type pretty fast on a computer i am very slow
How fast can you run?
not fast at all, i can’t run for shit i have baby lungs
What colour is your hair?
dark brown
What color is your eyes?
dark drown
What are you allergic to?
cats :( and grass :( and pollen :(
Do you keep a journal?
no, my therapist always says i should start one but i just get bored or forget about it.
What do your parents do?
my mom is an elementary teacher and my dad is disabled.
Do you like your age?
i’d say 18 is a pretty solid age
What makes you angry?
the world, america mostly.
Do you like your own name?
mmm yeah, i forget i have a name because no one really says it, is that weird? 
Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
i know i said i didn’t want kids but i know if i do have them i am going to name them after planets.
Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
a girl
What are you strengths?
i’m free-spirited and intellectual and loving
What are your weaknesses?
i can be mean, i can take out my anger on people who don’t deserve it, i want comfort but push people away
How did you get your name?
my mom named me after the movie with audrey hepburn
Were your ancestors royalty?
no lol
Do you have any scars?
battle scars dude
Colour of your bedspread?
a nice cream color
Colour of your room?
pastel yellow!
i tag @malibubarbievince @kountessbathory @guns-n-crue and whoever wants to do this, this was fun because y’all get to know more about me so thanks for the tag addy baby!!
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mojavejourneys · 6 years
OC Interview!
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
Tagged by: Stolen from @nuka-nuke
Tagging: @redrocketwarrior, @charomiami, @leporidaefluff, @life-is-no-sugarlicking, @chibikinesis and anyone else who wants to do this.
Tumblr media
1. What is your name?
"Colonel Maximilian Ji-yeong Tanaka, Commonwealth Minutemen. But you can just call me Maxie.”
2. Do you know why are you named that?
"I... um, think I remember. Dad insisted on me having at least one Korean name, and he went with another name for my first name. ‘Cause he said that trying to pronounce a Korean name with an American accent don’t work.”
3. Are you single or taken?
"I am taken by the most wonderful man by the name of Matsu. But if you’re ever in the mood for some fun, come find us~”
4. Have any abilities or powers?
"I see things in the wasteland that nobody else does. Trails and shit. I see the other side of the wastes, see things that nobody else wouldn’t notice. Like whenever you bleed, Jasper comes calling. Or if you were to see Dugal flying overhead, bad shit is bound to happen.
“Don’t give me that look. Just ‘cause you can’t see it don’t mean that it ain’t there. But some chems do make the sights clearer for me. No, Mama Murphy ain’t some dumbass junkie. She’s got the sights on the other side of the wastes too. Just a bit different to mine.”
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
"Don’t know her. But she’d probably deck you for that.”
6. What’s your eye color?
“Yellow on the right, green on the left.”
7. How about your hair color?
"Red, but like... real red. It’s one of my better features.”
8. Have any family members?
"I got Matsu as my other half.
As for the rest of my family? Well... my Dad’s dead. Thought he mighta made it out but he didn’t... anyone else, I got no clue.”
9. Oh? How about pets?
"About 30 or so cats. But I like to think of ‘em as family.”
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
"Raiders. Gunners. People who hurt animals for fun.”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
"Modding weapons is my main hobby. And reading comics. Gimme an issue of Grognak and I’ll be happy.”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
"I’ve... done some things I regret, yeah. But I know never to do ‘em again.”
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
"I have. Sometimes you gotta, especially when they’re beyond reason. But raiders? Well, shooting them is kinda like sport.”
14. What kind of animal are you?
"Deathclaw. Um. Half. Apparently.”
15. Name your worst habits?
"Overthinking shit.”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
"Preston is one man I hold a lotta respect for.”
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
"Bisexual, but I do have a preference for men. Hey, I know what I like! But there are some lovely women out there who catch my eye~”
18. Do you go to school?
"No... I got other things to do.”
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
"Marry, already done. As for kids... do fur kids count?”
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
"Oh I’m sure. They love it when I tease ‘em~”
21. What are you most afraid of?
"Dying all alone...”
22. What do you usually wear?
“Leather. And a cowboy hat. Yeehaw.”
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“Gimme Matsu’s homemade sushi any day. I’m fucking addicted to it.”
24. Am I annoying to you?
“Not so far, I suppose?”
25. Well, it’s still not over!
"... Carry on.”
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
"Classy as fuck. The highest class.”
27. How many friends do you have?
"I got a few close ones.”
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
"In the claw machines? I wanna know what they put in ‘em to make those pies look as good as they did before the war.”
29. Favorite drink?
“Nuka-Cherry. Or maybe Bobrov’s moonshine. Only small doses of booze though.”
30. What’s your favorite place?
"Goodneighbor. Especially the Third Rail. Magnolia’s voice is beautiful.”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
32. That was a stupid question…
"Maybe. But sometimes you hafta ask ‘em.”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
"Ocean. Lakes are stagnant as fuck usually.”
34. What’s your type?
"I don’t really have one? Usually someone I get along with. Personality’s a big one. But there was something about Matsu’s Japanese accent that was just... Mmmmm~”
35. Any fetishes?
"Come find out then~”
36. Camping or outdoors?
"Outdoors. Camping is an ass sometimes.”
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Summary of the HoC Endgame
Here we go, the awaited summary of House of Cards! Let’s start off with a few basics.
Ideally, after Tsubomi is executed and the third round finishes, there would have been one or two more murders/rounds before the final trial.
It’s possible that a mistrial could have occurred at some point, and if that happened, in addition to the Ace dying and the Joker being taken to an unknown place until the game is over, there would have been a much, much worse motive for the round afterward as the penalty, possibly two at the same time or a combined twice as bad one.
Because the motives are normally pretty lenient each round, as you all realize. They could have pushed you much harder, like making the forbidden actions only have 1 or 2 chances instead of 3 to kill, or like getting rid of ALL the food and not allowing you all to get by unharmed.
The fourth or fifth motive could have easily been loved ones or such for example too, but none of them would have been explicitly killed, even if there was the threat of it. A mistrial the previous chapter could perhaps cause the next motive to be a loved one of someone being pronounced dead every day though.
So now, let’s get into what would happen in the endgame. (Readmore’d for length)
As the chapters wore on you would also start getting more clues to what is going on and where you are. The Library and observatory opening up would have a way for telling the fact that you are definitely somewhere in Europe, and this does seem to be the summer home of some sort of Hope’s Peak official, according to some documents you find. Holly likely only knew this from looking through these very papers while cleaning.
Various other little tidbits that are around in the areas of the 4th and 5th chapter would imply that this game is being run by Hope’s Peak itself. It’s a little odd that these things were just left out. In Ch 5, one or two documents also mention something about the “Ultimate Hope” from some project needs to be placated with this game somehow, or that this “Ultimate Hope” person requested it.
A few inconsistencies in King also lead you to the conclusion that he’s actually CONTROLLED by multiple people, and not always the same person. This is a group behind this, clearly.
Later in the game, there’s more forest unlocked and you can see a cabin guarded by those robot dogs. Even the servants seem to lack access to it! One of you gets a testimony though about how you see Hui-Yin able to walk in without being attacked at the very least and mentioning this to Toki makes him pretty worried about what it means.
A mastermind trial is eventually called for ch 6, and the last investigation occurs, as Hui Yin seems to egg on a bit. The investigation begins!
What you find basically boils down to a LOT of stuff implying that this “Ultimate Hope” is running this, or that HPA is running it to please them. There are some precariously left out documents showing the project the SHSL Hope was ‘created’ from was a huge success, and that the person in question is a girl named Anzu Amano, who’s meant to have been enhanced somehow to be good at everything. AND WHOOP, what do you know, a photo of her shows a girl looking like Queen! Wowowow.
You also note that apparently, the world thinks you’ve all been kidnapped and have a fake hostage situation elsewhere in the world, away from your real current location. Ah.
There was also meant to be a small subplot by interacting with Nils where it’s revealed that he is writing letters to someone still, and has access to a hidden room to do so. Apparently, he doesn’t recall why he started writing them or at what point he did and just knows that he’s supposed to know to impersonate someone. He would talk about how it’s really off-putting to him that he has a lot of missing memories when his memory is meant to be perfect, but he never lets up his smile, despite looking just slightly worried. He hides it well.
If no one brought it up to get this important interaction, I might have written it as a plot post of him talking to some of the students. Talking to him during an invest for stuff would have also worked though, perhaps the last one even.
Finally, you find evidence of technology that can erase memories, apparently tested on the servants first, which is why they’re in a separate position than you. They had apparently all been working for ‘some anti-hpa’ group and that was why, but it’s unclear what this means.
So anyway, in the last trial, it’s looking a lot like HPA and Queen/Anzu did it, but it also seems… sort of planted. It’s TOO easy. Why? Only one lone document/email seems to have been legitimately out of place that mentions something about ‘Pandora’ and a plan of some sort, but the rest of the correspondence was deleted so you don’t know the context.
At least a little less planted seeming is the information you get by investigating that cabin now that someone among you might have helped, possibly two people, it looks like. You aren’t immediately sure who, but as the trial progresses… things point to Estelle Devoroux / Sylvia Tyler, who basically shrugs and admits to being a ‘traitor’ pretty easily, working for the MM, Queen/Anzu as an interpreter, having no more involvement than that, or so she claims.
At this point, things shift, and Estelle takes over talking ‘for’ Queen, acting as her voice by using her impression skills to do it with messages Queen is somehow sending her. You can see only slight twitches from Queen.
She’s talking about how she (Anzu) came up with all of this, how she’s the mastermind and the brains of the operation and just wanted this to amuse herself, etc. But Sylvia begins to start blatantly lying about what Anzu is messaging her. after all, Anzu doesn't actually have a recognizable voice to copy off of, so Sylvia is able to make up whatever she wants without her impression falling apart.
The truth is that Sylvia genuinely wanted the lives of the other HPA students to get destroyed, and it comes out a little, especially when Hui-Yin calls her out on what she’s doing, saying that she’s not following the plan.
Whoops! The truth soon comes out with that and with the remaining students catching on and piecing things together.
Sylvia Tyler is the Mastermind. Hui Yin Bu is the traitor. And Anzu is really a failed experiment to achieve the ‘Ultimate Hope’ goal, left almost unresponsive except for her mind still working, and having no such status in the academy despite the rumors to the public. All of them (including the people controlling King) work for the organization ‘Pandora’, who are working to tear down HPA and pin this game on them.
Sylvia came up with the plan, and talks about how she despises talent being put on a pedestal. Hui Yin talks about how bad Hope’s Peak is as an institution. How awful it is for that, and for the experiments for the ‘Hope Project’ and what it did to Anzu and others like her. Pandora has been working for years to take it down, and this final drastic action proposed by Sylvia might just be what finally does it, since they’ll spread it like wildfire.
The original Pandora plan was to fake all the executions, but it seems like Sylvia overrode that and they were all real. Holly wasn’t meant to die either, and yet Sylvia made sure that she did. Oops.
In the end, the choice of what happens to the students/the mm and the mascots is probably up to them, but it MAY involve Sylvia wanting to blow the place up when they catch word (by a cheerful announcement from Maid-bot) that somehow the authorities were alerted to their location! Oh no!
Turns out that Toki and Nils managed to do that in a last act of betrayal, finally understanding the situation and what they could do in it just recently, and so a last quick decision needs to be had. Join Pandora, or have your memories wiped? A usual decision, but there’s also the option of FUCK THAT, we’re getting OUT, in which you all manage to escape together (assuming no one wanted to stay for the other options)! Yeehaw.
If you took this path, the international officials that pick you up will help you out to get you back to your lives, but… what will happen to HPA? What of Pandora? What do you now TELL the people investigating, what do you cause to happen in the world?
The choice is yours!
-- THE END --
(( Mod afterword: )) We really hope you enjoyed what there was and what was planned! Did you guess right for what the plot was, or who was behind it? Hopefully at least getting to read what was going on is cool. We had a lot of fun designing the game, and while I would have liked playing it to completion, sometimes roadblocks happen, as said in the last OOC post. 
I (Erin) would love to run another game eventually (of my own idea perhaps) and hope for better luck, but for now...
Thanks for playing and watching everyone! 
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