#when shows give us these sort of relationships i am over the moon
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aceofsages · 2 years ago
susie & midge are the embodiment of not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing (so devoted the lines blur)
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f-t-e · 1 year ago
I started watching SUPERNATURAL in November 2020. I know, I know. My partner and I had been isolating alone since March. The timing felt right. I went though a wild amount of upheaval and trauma over the next year and SPN was there for me through it all. It was THE show at THE time and it kept me afloat when I needed it the most. Since November 2021 I've written just about 110,000 words of SPN fanfic, a number that seems unbelievable to me, and that too has been a real blessing to my creative life, no matter what haters say. (why didn't I write my own novels in that time? Because I have a hobby, Karen, and I love it.) And I've read about 500000x that much fanfic, which has been the biggest blessing of all. (ETA: oh right, if you want to read my fic, you can find my stuff here, I wrote a fic where Dean reads books. Lots of books.)
I know I'm a nobody in this fandom but I thought on this, our #DestielDay, I would submit my own humble rec list. I've curated this very deliberately: every fic here has just about 4000 hits or less (most under 3000) and all were published in 2020 or after. So, sort of a rec list for some lesser known and newer fics, something you maybe haven't stumbled on yet. Especially thank you to @jewishcharliebradbury, her rec lists gave me a place to start back in the day and I have tried to model the depth and quality they brought to their lists. I tried to link to everyone's tumblr, but if I missed one, let me know.
Most of all, thank you to everyone who has EVER created something for this fandom, from 2005 to 2023. I am so thankful and, honestly, honored to be among your number. You're not supposed to be cringe and say a show saved your life...but SUPERNATURAL saved me, it really did. See y'all when the movie/reboot drops, to quote Ryan Gosling in The Notebook: IT WASN'T OVER, IT STILL ISN'T OVER. And I'm glad.
Finale Fix-It & S15 and Beyond
What The Moon Was Saying by Amiril (@runawaymarbles)
This is hands-down one of the coolest “Dean Rescues Cas from the Empty” fics I have ever read and the concept is brilliantly structured to mirror the literal and metaphorical things Dean needs to give up and let go to get free. Every scenario is very satisfying and they make sense, is there any better feeling? Dean is very open in this, but in a believable way that still has edges. And, oh, the reunion is so good. Plus all the family stuff. Just excellent, exactly what you want in a fic like this: lovely, well-written, smart, fulfilling, all the pieces clicking, the show but better.
Awake and Annoying by skycruise
I love the use and passage of time in this one, it has some real impact, and I love the way Dean gets into the Empty (so smart, fits just right) and what I REALLY love in this one is the way it lets Dean be really clear-eyed and honest about his relationship with Sam, both the strengths and the weaknesses. And the last line, very clever and moving inverse of one of fandom’s favorite things. 
Living the life you chose by allthismusic
THEEEEE post finale Sam Winchester-Outsider-POV this fandom needs. Sam is absolutely awesome in this, the most believable, loving, realistic mix of “I knew all along” and “I had no idea” versions of Sam, landing somewhere I think that’s really true and in character. It fills in and develops so many gaps and silences in what the show let Sam know in the absolute best way. Best Brother Sam is a weakness of mine and he really shines here, there for Dean in the best ways but also coming into his own, I love it so very much. (this author also has a very great 2022 Big Bang fic, hugely recommend that one too.)
your ear to the wound that whispers by EmandFandems (@lazarusemma)
Who doesn’t love a HANDPRINT FIC?!? And boy this is such a good one. It follows Dean and his thoughts on the handprint from the first touch all the way to fixing the finale and it simply buzzes with longing and desire, tenderness and rawness. It’s great insight in lot of ways into Dean’s journey. It’s short but fulfilling and oh that very perfect last line. (this author also has a lot of great Jupernatural content.)  
Somewhere Off in the Dark by magickastiel 
Another awesome fic that traces Dean’s shifting/growing feelings for Cas from when he shows up in his hotel rooms to a HEA fix it after canon. Dean, again, is handled so deftly in this one, his confusion and sorrow at all the times Cas is slipping away from him all the way through the things he won’t let himself know. He feels really true in this one, sharp and tender in the best Dean ways. Also it has an agonizingly romantic end, you love to end up there.
Pins and Feathers by theskywasblue (@buttherewasnogod)
This author has so many freaking good SPN fics, omg it was almost impossible to pick just one to include on this list. Go treat yourself with their entire list because there’s so much good stuff there! But this one, oh I am a sucker for a finale fix-it that lets Dean be this tender. While I LOVE fics where he just jumps right into Cas’s arms (and write them lol) I also feel like this is so true to Dean too: that “maybe I misunderstood, maybe I shouldn’t say anything, maybe he doesn’t still –” And on top of all that, it’s a “they go the beach” fic and it gets the details of it so right, sand in your toes and all. Tender, amazing slow-burn, real, hot, full of heart and longing and everything unspoken and just waiting. Very satisfying!
i loved you first by kalmialatifolia
A set of four short fics that create an entire world of feeling and emotion. These feel like little whispered stories told under the covers, very atmospheric. There’s one very sexy one, a haircutting one (so good) and they’re just intimate. All together a great set and did I mention they’re in the “Cas saves himself” genre which is mmmm an underrated treasure.
no other faith is light enough for this place by anonymous 
A fix-it fic that has a particularly unique and beautiful visual of both how and why Cas comes back. The mechanics behind it are fairly standard but the way this author creates the visual of it, the sheer emotion and force behind it and how it happens, it really stood out to me and stuck with me. It’s Dean being brave enough to really feel and the way that just blossoms – lovely, aching, full-tilt wonderful.
 no proof, one touch by TakeThisWaltz (@watchinghimrakeleaves)
One thing I absolutely cannot get enough of is fic where Cas is hiding out from Dean in heaven. It just hits. And the only thing better is Dean chasing him down and the WAY he does it in this fic, methodically and – well the method (sobs) it is so endearing and OBVIOUS and gives Dean a chance to shout in all the best ways. This one is just real sweet and kind of goofy and if they have to be in heaven, I want them to still be these same two dorks.
Stay by redbrickrose
This is a post S15x18 from Cas’s POV and I think it’s very true to where he would be in the moment of getting yanked out of the Empty: resigned, hesitant about what he has in front of him, still a little in shock. And then. And then. Sweet and simple and Dean gets a chance to say, say, say it. This author has a good post series AU and a lovely little spate of S15 codas, all good. And then wrote this in real-time in the week after 15x18 Despair and right before 15x19 Inherit the Earth aired (could you just sob over the possibilities?!) and then hasn’t wrote anything since and that’s a shame but, like, yeah I get it.
like a one-two punch by Muir_Wolf (@muirmarie)
Don’t you love a short fic that feels like it’s a whole novel? This goes AU after 14x20 Moriah but it is a truly delightful twist on how Chuck could’ve reacted there and it makes Dean sharp as a knife, which is one really resonant image woven through this fic. Great imagery here and so many clever solutions for the lazy plotting of S15, including simply one of my all-time favorites in any fic ever solutions to Cas’s deal (genius) and getting rid of Chuck. Brilliant like a puzzle box yet still full of so much fucking joy.
maybe i like pleasure pain by tothewillofthepeople (@kvothes)
The fact that this was written in October 2023 and is so agonizingly good fills my heart with joy and tells me Destiel will never die lol. Cas, in particular, is great in this – he’s having a hard time adjusting to being in a body and with all the fuzz of the world. I love fics where Cas struggles with coming back from the Empty and this uses a really unique approach to it: Cas facing sensory overload and not knowing how to feel but wanting it all. Lovely, hot, Dean is just right in this too.
Earlier Canon (pre S15)
Proverbs 13:12 by starlingcas (@angelcasendgame)
Many might say I am biased because Renu has beta’ed everything I have written in the SPN fandom and they can read my brain and make everything I write better. But it’s not just that. Renu has done something beautiful and delicate in this fic, which is about Dean and Cas getting trapped in a net together (forced proximity trope, yes please) and weaves a web of its own; pulling you in just as they are pulled together. This is set mostly in early S14 (before fixing the finale in the most heart-healing way) and captures that feeling so well. There’s so much that’s unsaid between them yet still conveyed and Renu absolutely nails that, along with the tender longing that was always there. This is a fic to relish.
you may tire of me (as our december sun is setting) by deludedfantasy
You know how the show just sometimes is like “uh so anyway uh then Cas…uh…left.” and it just doesn’t make one lick of sense? FINALLY FINALLY a fic where Dean says “I’ll go with you,” and then goes because he actually would do that. This is a post Tombstone fic so it is exactly where/when he WOULD go and it is tender and hesitant and aching in just all the ways it would be between the two of them at this time. It’s about needing to keep someone in sight, it’s about having another chance to say something so important, it’s slow and soft and just right for the characters in this place. I could read this one about 100 times.
the anatomy of flightless birds by cowlovely (@dollhousemary)
This fic is basically the way you feel when you get all cozy and snug underneath your favorite blanket. This is a domestic-life-in-the Bunker S9 fic where everyone behaves like they are in character and not just like they have to get Cas off screen because the writers panicked. You’ll just want to curl up in this fic and savor it the way you wrap your fingers around a hot beverage on a very cold day, there’s no better way to describe it.
virtue by JenTheSweetie
I think I’ve read this about 100 times and it still gets me everytime? It’s a five things fic about Dean and Cas hooking up and it’s all you’ve ever wished for. This is set in an amorphous S8 and it is not just agonizingly hot but also romantic and very funny. It feels really in character! Sam is hilarious, Dean is clueless but bowled over and letting himself be swept up, Cas is delighting in every second and smarter than he lets on and it ALL feels fated and lovely and sexy and just splendid. (this author only has 3 SPN fics but they are all so good and if you try sometimes, well you just might find is an absolutely brilliant deconstruction of Dean learning the differences between “needing” and “wanting.”)
Romance at the Motel 6 by shelia_amour 
This fic makes me feel like Stefon from SNL. This fic has everything: Cas and Sam pretending to be married, just the right amount of jealous Dean, Dean randomly pretending to be married to Cas, Dean realizing maybe this isn’t so fake after all, motel vibes, Cas in Dean’s clothes, Cas getting bee slippers. If you are not sold on this already, we are very different people. So good, aches just right. (set in a kind of “whenever” of canon, but I like to put it somewhere in S8.)
que sera sera by Purple_Starflower (@hauntedpearl)
The epitome of how fanfic unfolds for us all the things that COULD happen. You can’t PROVE to me Dean and Cas never snuck off to snuggle and feed Dean’s touch-starvation early in S13. I had to check when I finished because I just couldn’t believe this fic was under 4000 words because it feels so full of touch, longing, the things unspoken, and all the ways Dean was reaching, reaching, reaching. The best kind of ache, and everything by this author is lovely. 
the hard edge that you’re settling for by lesspopped (@trekkiedean)
This is some S10 Demon!Dean that made my stomach hurt and my heart ache and I absolutely loved it and I absolutely hated it and it all felt so REAL with who Demon!Dean was and could have been. There’s a TW for mildly dubious consent in this, but to me, Cas was so agonizingly true to who he was/where he was at this point in canon too. This fic is gloriously, claustrophobically intimate. I say unbearable because as a reader you know that this closeness, this intimacy, is what Dean wants/craves/deserves but can only give himself as a demon and the author does an exquisite job at getting all that across. Hurts so good! 
four of swords by sundryvillians (eurythmix) (@perenial)
Can the world ever have enough post 12x12 fic? The answer is, of course, no. Dean and Cas bake bread and in the soft space of creating something with their own hands, get so close to the words Cas said. It’s about healing and anger and making something just because you are so tired of everything breaking. If that alone isn’t enough to convince you, let me also throw in this is another one of those “possible off-screen moments in canon” that gives them something honest and tender and raw and it feels so very possible. 
Fifteen Prayers From the Faithless by koyas_cat
Short, achy, that sweet sting. A set of prayers for Cas from the beginning to the end, full of all the things Dean doesn’t let himself say outloud and just reflecting the changes in their connection over alllll the years. So good.
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stevesbestgirl · 2 years ago
Phases of the Moon - Part 6
Steven Grant x f!Reader, eventual Marc Spector x f!Reader
5684 words
Warnings: chances of swears, FLUFF, lots of silly flirting, my shitty interpretation of French poetry, AND a lot of shitty jokes, so you’re in luck, allusions to a toxic past relationship but nothing specific, like 1.2 seconds of protective Steven
A/N: This will likely be something of a midseason finale, as I still need to finish fleshing out the arc of the second half because I start therapy next week and anticipate being kind of a mess Marc complicates things. I respectfully request that y’all not send asks about when the next update will be (although I’m eternally grateful for your enthusiasm ❤)
As always, keep in mind that I am not a system and am not an expert. All of my information about their relationship comes from the Moon Knight show and I use that as my reference point.
*Bold type is spoken by Marc when Steven is fronting.*
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You walked back to the bus stop both a bit quieter than you’d been the rest of the day. Steven wished he���d cleaned up his flat a bit; he really hadn’t planned to invite you back. It certainly wasn’t the temptation he needed. But he wanted to give you your gifts- he wanted to give you anything you wanted. If he was being honest, he didn’t want you to go yet either. He hadn’t had enough of the way you held his arm, your fingers trailing down until they slipped in between his. 
When you boarded the bus, Steven sat down beside you and you slid just a bit closer. He wasn’t sure if you’d done it consciously or not, but the fact that you wanted to be closer to him made his pulse quicken. The quick burst of confidence urged him to wrap his arm around your shoulders.
As he did, he couldn’t help but ask, “Is that alright?” He just couldn’t seem to picture himself not being nervous around you.
You smiled, “It’s nice.” 
“Are you alright?” Your responses had been a bit short since leaving the restaurant.
You nodded, “Might be a little tired. I think the cake did me in.” You chuckled softly and then Steven noted the slight delay in your speech now. He supposed he had sort of dragged you all over the place today.
He couldn’t help but glance at your shoes, “Are your feet alright? We did a bit of walking today, didn’t we?”
You leaned into him, “I’m alright, Steven.”
“You could invite her to stay,” Marc suggested.
“I bloody well can not!” 
“Yes, you can. I bet she’d say yes.” 
“Tomorrow is your day to front- or have you forgotten?”
“If you invite her, you can have it.”
Steven glanced at you, tucked under his arm, looking content, before meeting Marc’s stare in the bus window, “Do not do this to me, Marc. I mean it.” He didn’t want Marc’s day to front and he certainly hadn’t thought Marc would call his bluff.
“Stop being so dramatic-”
“Alright, for the sake of honesty, my feet do hurt a little, but not more than your average day out and it was definitely worth it, so no feeling bad, alright?”
“Hm?” It took Steven a moment to catch up.
“Are you alright, Steven?”
You smiled weakly, “I think I might be a bit tired myself.”
“Guess we better get you home then. Which stop is it again?”
He glanced up at the display at the head of the bus, reading off the next stop before cursing softly, “The last one.” He hastily grabbed the rope to request a stop and you followed him to the front of the bus as it squeaked to a halt. You said a quick thank you to the bus driver, climbing down after Steven onto the curb.
“Well, we’ve only overshot by about a block, but I’m so-”
You leaned into him, “It’s alright, no big deal. I wanted more time with you anyway, right?” You stepped back, “So which way is it then?”
Steven’s apology fizzled, a faint smile taking its place on his lips, “That way.”
“Must be something interesting in that head of yours,” you prompted. Maybe a little more teasing was alright.
He chuckled, “You’ve no idea, love.”
“Maybe someday you can share with me.” He knew you were teasing him again; it was getting easier for him to tell. But he wanted to tell you.
Marc’s stony face appeared in the glass of a passing storefront, “Do not tell her.”
“Now who’s being dramatic?”
“Steven, I’m not joking. You will scare her away.” If Steven didn’t know better, he’d say Marc sounded a little afraid.
“Alright, alright, don’t have a fit- I wasn’t going to.” 
“Which number are you? We haven’t passed it, have we?”
“Actually, it was back there,” Steven gestured over his shoulder.
“Wait, really?”
“No, I’m only joking,” he laughed. “It’s this one here.” He gestured to a large, rather old-looking building, indistinguishable from the others surrounding it. Inside was a bit dingy, but it wasn’t far off from the apartment Dalton lived in. It was sort of industrial, with exposed supports and lots of tarnished brassy colors that looked like they could use some dusting and a bit of oil.
Steven appeared to be getting more and more nervous as you rode the lift, which was sketchy in its own rite. While it rattled and whirred, he glanced at you, “Sorry it’s not much to look at.”
“Steven, you don’t need to apologize for your apartment building.” You squeezed his hand.
“Well, I’m apologizing for my apartment too, I suppose, aren’t I? I’d have tidied up, but I wasn’t expecting to have you visit so soon-”
“It’s not too late for me to go home,” you suggested. “I don’t know if I want to see your place if it isn’t clean.”
He froze, a long second preceding a nervous smile, “You’re teasing me again.”
You grinned, “You’re catching on.” You stood on tiptoe and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, “Your apartment isn’t going to scare me away, so stop worrying.”
Steven cursed the way your lips on his cheek made him want to kiss you again; he was getting a bit greedy about that. And despite your insistence that he not worry, he almost dropped his keys before he could unlock the door, fumbling at getting the key in the lock. 
Throwing the door open, he gestured for you to go ahead of him, still nervous to see your reaction. You stepped inside, eyes wide with curiosity. It appeared to be all one room, although a sprawling one. You caught a glimpse of a bed on the far end of the room, obscured by some of the many bookshelves. The kitchen was to your right, the counters and kitchen table one of the clear spaces. The door to the bathroom stood ajar to your left. Directly ahead was a large fish tank, with two goldfish drifting around inside.
The floors were wood, the furniture appeared to be very worn or maybe second hand, but cozy. The defining feature was the books stacked up on about eighty-five percent of the room’s surfaces. The air was thick with the scent of old books and Steven, which was a dangerous cocktail for someone who’d had two glasses of wine with dinner. 
“As I said, it’s a bit of a mess,” Steven explained as he closed the door. “I’ve been working on getting organized and cleaning up a bit, but it’s-”
“It’s lovely, Steven.” You smiled at him and moved over to a stack of books on an end table, perusing the titles on the spines. “I wasn’t sure what to expect from the rest of the building, but this is quite nice. The wood floors, the big windows, the open floor plan- it’s all kind of elegant, I think. And I love all of the books, although I feel a bit bad for the ones not on shelves- I’d hate to knock them down.”
“That’s what’s been taking so long is getting cleaned up, actually,” he moved up behind you, plucking a book from a pile. “I’ve got to sort through them all and decide which ones to keep and which to donate, which takes me a while, to be honest because I’m quite attached to them. But as it is, I can’t really get the ones on the bottom of the piles, so it’s-”
“An ineffective system,” you finished for him, making him blush. “You know, I can be pretty organized. I wouldn’t mind helping you get cleaned up, if you ever need an extra hand.” 
He gave a weak chuckle, “Can’t have you cleaning up my mess for me, can I?”
“Why’s that?” You moved in close, gazing up at him, “I want to treat you the way you deserve too, remember? I really don’t mind.”
Steven was having a hard time thinking. You were in his apartment and you were so close to him; he hadn’t imagined he would end up in this situation today, or maybe ever. So when you batted your eyelashes at him, he crumpled, “Right- sure, that would be nice.” 
You smiled, glancing back at the stack of books, “So, are all of these books about Egypt?”
“Most of them,” he smiled sheepishly. “There’s some others sprinkled in; Greek and Norse mythology mostly.” You flitted off to examine some of the shelves and Steven took a steadying breath.
“I’m more of a fiction reader myself, but mythology was one of my favorites topics in school. So I guess it’s no wonder I liked your tour so much.”
“What are you interested in then?” He suddenly felt like you knew so much about him and he hadn’t asked you nearly enough about yourself.
“Nerd stuff, mostly. Fantasy, sci-fi, adventure- that kind of thing. Some romance too, but don’t tell anyone.” At that, you glanced over your shoulder to smile at him, like you were confiding a secret. 
“Your secret is safe with me.” And at the mention of romance, he remembered why he’d brought you back here in the first place. “Speaking of-” he headed for the kitchen, taking an arrangement of lovely, red flowers and a box of chocolates from the counter before he shuffled up to you, looking a bit sheepish, “This might’ve been more effective if I hadn’t been such a coward about it.”
“Steven, you didn’t have to get me anything. And honestly, I think it was pretty effective this way. I mean, I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Well, yes, but that wasn’t part of the plan, you know,” he admitted.
You cupped his chin, “Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. You’re doing wonderfully. This is, with no contest, the best date I’ve ever been on.” Steven flushed under your touch, but you weren’t finished, “In fact, I would really like to kiss you again, if that’s alright.”
He nodded, though the way his eyes lit up was all the confirmation you needed. You tugged his chin down to meet his lips with yours, the flower paper crinkling between you. You kept it light, breaking away after a few seconds to murmur, “Are you remembering to breathe?”
He chuckled, “Yes, so far. But I think you only need to worry if I start turning blue.”
Your lips quirked up in a slight smile, “What should I do then?" Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?” He grinned, battling the laugh before his forehead touched yours as he pulled his head down, like he was trying to hide it. Your smile grew, “Is that what does it for you? Cheesy jokes?”
Steven grinned guiltily, “Sorry if that’s a dealbreaker.” He set the gifts on the table, clasping his hands behind his back, “Have I ruined the mood then?”
“I think your laugh is very cute, actually.”
His gaze flicked to your lips, “That’s good news then because I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news, love.”
You picked up on his tone, playing along, “What is it?”
“I think I’ve forgotten how to breathe.”
You were already tipping your chin up, your lips seeking his while your arms snaked around his neck. Steven wrapped his arms around your waist, slowly and deliberately, the heat of your skin warming his palms. His hands wanted to stray, but he wasn’t about to grope you on your first date- or second date- whatever it was. 
But then his grip tightened just a little bit, making a soft moan slip out from between your lips. Steven’s eyes snapped open, his lips parting from yours in a hurry, “Are you alright? Have I hurt you?”
Heat flooded your already warm face, “No- definitely not.” You broke eye contact, “I liked it.” It had been a while since you’d been touched like that; longer still since it was by someone you wanted to touch you.
“Oh,” Steven breathed a sigh of relief. Then he registered your body language, “Oh. Oh, I get it.” Now it was his turn to blush; he hadn’t imagined he’d have that kind of an effect on you. “I’ll be sure to make a note of that.” 
You offered a shy half-smile. You knew you shouldn’t be embarrassed- certainly not with Steven, but you’d forgotten how vulnerable it could be to get this close to someone. You were at least sure that Steven didn’t realize the power he had over you, not yet anyway. 
“I suppose I should probably get home; don’t want to keep you too late,” you offered. You had monopolized quite a bit of Steven’s day now that you thought about it; this date was only supposed to be lunch. 
So you were a little surprised when he managed to look disappointed, glancing out the windows at the dark sky, “You aren’t keeping me- well, a bit- but in a good way, you know. You can keep me as long as you like.” 
You raised an eyebrow, “Yeah?”
He chuckled, looking surprisingly unflustered, “Not what I meant to say, but I do stand by that.” 
You moved just a bit closer, “As long as I like?” 
He smiled, eyes going soft. There was a long pause, he seemed to be gathering courage until he spoke, 
“Douze fois l'heure a frappé l'air. Et près de toi je suis encore assise; Et, loin de pressentir le moment du sommeil. Je croyais voir encore un rayon de soleil.”
His eyes never left yours while he recited the poem; when he finished, you realized you had forgotten to breathe.
You spoke softly, “What does that mean?”
He took one of your hands in his again, brushing his thumb over your skin, “It means that I’ve spent a great deal of time with you today and I know the day is ending, but it doesn’t quite feel that way.”
“What does it feel like then?” You hoped your voice didn’t sound hoarse; it made you unexpectedly emotional to have French poetry recited to you. There had to be people more deserving of something so special, but here you were with Steven and somehow he felt that way about you.
“It feels like we’re just starting. And even when today ends, I hope my time with you doesn’t end with it.”
“Steven-” But words didn’t seem to capture what you wanted to say and you didn’t have any French poetry handy, so you hugged him again, burying your face in the crook of his neck to hide the way your eyes were glossing over. 
And by now, Steven no longer felt strange holding someone in his arms. It was beginning to feel like you belonged there. 
Neither of you said anything for a long several seconds. When you finally broke the silence, your voice was thick, “Steven, I really quite adore you, I hope you realize that.” You chuckled into his shoulder, “Sorry I don’t have any poems memorized.”
He gripped your shoulders, leaning back so he could see your face, “Are you crying?” Worry etched itself into his expression, his lips pulling down into a frown.
You blinked, trying to keep the tears back, “No.”
“Have I said something wrong?” he asked, gaze locked on yours.
“No,” you shook your head, the motion making your eyes spill over. You hastily reached for your face, but Steven gently caught your wrist, eyes pleading with you to confide in him. “You’ve said everything right, actually."
"Then what's the matter?” He wanted to wipe your face dry himself, but  he was worried you’d push him away; it was unlike you to be withholding. 
You wrestled with your answer and Steven caught a glimpse of an expression he knew well. He’d seen it many times on his own face, even when he wasn’t the one feeling it; self-doubt. 
Steven cupped your face, brushing the stray tears away with his thumbs, “Love, you deserve the whole world. I’d wager some absolute twit did something stupid to make you believe otherwise?” 
Steven watched the faint flicker of pain cross your expression at whatever memory had been conjured up, “Whoever he was, he was a right prat for letting you go.” His expression darkened in a way you hadn’t seen before, “He best hope I never cross his path if he made you feel this way.” 
You would never have expected Steven to be the type to make threats, but as he said it, you believed him. Steven acted like a softy- and he was, mostly. But he was also full of passion, far beyond just enthusiasm for Egypt.
“Yes, darling?” The shadow in his eyes dissipated and the soft Steven you knew was back, brushing his thumb over your cheek.
“Kiss me again?”
He leaned in slightly, pausing, “You’ll talk to me about this someday, yeah?”
You nodded, blinking at the tears still clinging to your lashes, “Yes.”
Then his lips were on yours; still a bit hesitant, but already improving. You knew you were maybe going a bit fast for him, your lips frantic on his, but you couldn’t get enough. There might never be enough of this sweet, wonderful man to satiate your need for him. 
You slid your hands up his chest until they skimmed over his collarbones, brushing up the sides of his neck. Dragging your nails over the back of his neck, you nipped his lower lip, surprised when Steven moaned, a sharp sound he quickly tried to tamp down, but it was too late.
You broke your lips from his, pressing your forehead to his, “Sorry.”
Steven was a bit short of breath, but he shook his head, “Don’t be.” 
You offered him a small smile, “Makes me feel a bit better, to be honest.”
“Happy to help any way that I can,” he half-joked.
“You have.”
He dropped his hands to hold yours, “Can I confess something?”
You smiled, hoping to lighten things up again, “Like a murder?”
“Less dramatic and more embarrassing, I’m afraid.” Steven was just glad to see your smile; he didn’t ever want to see you cry again.
“Spill the tea,” you chuckled.
He gave his head a half shake, “Why would I spill tea?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, “It’s just slang; it just means to tell me the gossip. The better the gossip, the hotter the tea.” 
“Bit silly, isn’t it? Why would anyone purposely spill hot tea?”
You bit your lip to stifle the smile at Steven’s indignation, “Sorry to upset your British sensitivities.”
“It’s dangerous, if you think about it-”
“Steven?” He paused his dissection of the expression, “You were confessing to murder, I believe.”
He gave an embarrassed smile, “Right.” Cheeks going rosy, he added, “Although if my girlfriend is going to intentionally spill tea-”
You blurted it out before you could think better of it, “Am I your girlfriend?” 
“Oh-” His expression fell, “-bugger. I was going to do something special to ask you, but I’ve kept thinking about it today and I suppose I got a bit excited. And that’s if you even wanted to be-”
“I do want to be,” you offered, trying to head off the insecurity he was working himself up to. “But, I will politely decline your request to be your girlfriend today.” You hoped he understood what you were trying to do.
“You will?” You’d never heard someone so excited to be turned down before. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at his tone, “I will. We’re just sort of seeing each other, isn’t that right?”
He nodded seriously, “Very casual.”
“No big deal.”
“Not even a deal, really. Sort of an agreement.”
“An understanding,” you offered with a stoic nod.
You stared at each other for a moment before you burst out into laughter. You were tearing up again, but this time your sides were starting to hurt from laughing so much. The sound of Steven’s laughter made your chest feel warm, that long forgotten feeling of butterflies suddenly returning. 
As your laughter faded, you couldn’t rid yourself of the smile on your face. Now that you thought about it, you couldn’t remember a day when you’d smiled this much. 
“So, what was that confession?” you finally asked, once you were both relatively composed.
Steven’s already pink cheeks darkened at the reminder, “Yes- that. I, ah- I don’t think I want you to leave.” He rushed to follow up, “I mean, it’s late. I’d feel awful if I didn’t make sure you got home safely and I’m sure your feet could use a bit of a break-”
“Are you inviting me to stay?” You definitely weren’t expecting that.
He flinched, almost like he’d hoped the words would fade before you heard them, “Only if you want to, of course. You would take my bed, obviously, I can take the sofa-”
“Steven, I’m not taking your bed,” you gave him an exasperated look.
“I can’t let you take the sofa.” The disdain in his tone was enough for you to bury that idea.
“Then stay with me. In your bed.”
“I can’t- that would be- I just-” he had so many protests, he couldn’t seem to land on which one to use first.
“Steven, I’m not suggesting we have sex, just to be clear.”
The red tinge was creeping down his neck now, “Well, that’s a relief at least, but still-”
Normally you would be offended if someone looked so relieved not to sleep with you, but you knew Steven’s heart was in the right place. You rubbed his arm reassuringly, conceding, “I can take a cab home.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” Steven explained, looking pained. “You’re entirely gorgeous and I-” 
"Steven, it’s alright. We’ve had a great day, or at least I have, and I really don’t want to push you into doing something you don’t want to, but I also don’t want to put you out.” You lifted your shoulders in an easy shrug, “I should’ve left already, actually, but it turns out I’m awful at saying goodbye to you.”
“Because she wants to stay,” Marc offered from his reflection in the window. “Don’t let her leave, Steven.”
“I can’t exactly force her to stay, can I?”
“You wouldn’t have to if you’d stop being-”
“Would you mind walking me out then?” You unknowingly interrupted Marc, grabbing Steven’s hand and giving it a soft tug toward the front door.
Steven didn’t move, the internal battle transparently raging behind his eyes. You felt a bit bad; you were being kind of difficult. But you knew you wouldn’t get any sleep knowing Steven was in the next room over when he could be with you.
You released his hand, pulling your phone out instead, “Actually, I’m going to call the cab now, I’ll be right back.” Steven watched you move off into the living room, feeling a bit frustrated. 
“Are you really just gonna let her go?”
“I can’t do it, Marc. I can’t share a bed with her.”
"Cab will be about ten minutes or so," you reported, coming back over. Seeing Steven still looking stressed, you put your hand on his shoulder, "Steven, it's really alright."
Guilt washed over his face, “I hope I haven’t hurt your feelings because I really do want to- I want to be close to you that way- quite badly, actually, but I’m a bit nervous-”
You stopped him before he could spiral too much, offering a reassuring smile, “My feelings are just fine. I understand.”
“You do?”
“I do. I don’t want to rush things between us; we can go at whatever pace you’re comfortable with.” He visibly relaxed at that, shoulders slackening as he lowered his hands from their holding place at his ribcage. “That said, I can admit that I’m very excited to get close like that.” 
You stepped closer, sliding your hands around his waist, “I’ll be looking forward to sleeping in and cuddling up in bed and holding each other and stealing little kisses and-”
“Is it too late to change my answer?” he gave a weak chuckle, hoping you wouldn’t be able to hear how dry his throat had gone. 
You stole a quick kiss, his lips chasing yours a bit as you moved back, “Next time.”
His hands found your hips, “Next time could be right now, couldn’t it?” 
You tilted your head, “I’m not sure that’s how it works.”
“We’ve been on two dates today, haven’t we? What’s one more?”
You laughed, “Alright, I respect that you’ve used my logic against me, but I already called the cab. I’ll see you again soon.” 
“How about tomorrow evening?” He knew he sounded clingy, but he couldn’t bring himself to mind. “I’m off at seven.” 
And you knew you should probably take some time to cool off; you were feeling a bit infatuated right now. But you nodded, “I’d like that.”
“I could make you dinner,” he offered. 
You raised an eyebrow, “I thought you said you didn’t like to cook.”
“I don't mind it, but I’m probably a bit rusty,” he admitted. 
“I could help you.”
He chuckled, “As much as I want to refuse, that’s probably for the best.”
"Meet you here at eight then?"
Beaming, he nodded, "It's a date."
You returned his smile, but before you could reply, there was a ping from your phone, "Looks like my ride is here."
"I'll walk you down then. Oh, and don't forget your things." He hastily grabbed the flowers and chocolates from the table, keeping them clutched in one hand while the other went to the small of your back. He seemed to just want to have a hand on you the whole way out of his apartment, holding your hand in the elevator too. The only time he broke contact was when he rushed ahead to get the front door, following you out to the curb where your taxi was waiting. 
He opened the car door and gently put your gifts on the backseat, asking the driver for a quick moment. He buried his hands in his pockets, rocking on his heels, “Suppose I’ll see you tomorrow then, yeah?”
You nodded, surprised by the sudden bit of awkwardness between the two of you; things had come so easily up until now, “Tomorrow.” You realized you were still wearing his jacket and you moved to take it off, “Here, I should give this back-”
“No- you might need it on the way home. You can keep it,” he quickly unburied his hands to still yours.
“Steven, you’ve worn this almost every time I’ve seen you. I don’t want to take your favorite jacket.”
He shrugged his shoulders, “Looks better on you anyway, don’t it? Besides, makes sense my favorite jacket and my favorite-” He seemed to catch himself, his face going pink even under the faint light of the streetlamps.
You didn’t tease him; you were feeling a bit flushed as well. Not wanting to keep the cabbie waiting, you leaned in, kissing Steven’s cheek, “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“Right, tomorrow. Let me know once you’ve gotten home then?”
You smiled, “I will.” You climbed into the cab, “Good night, Steven.”
He offered a wry smile, “Good night, dearest.” He somewhat reluctantly closed the door, remaining on the curb until the car pulled away. He was sad to see you go, almost wishing he’d listened to Marc, but he couldn’t help a smile as you turned back, waving out the cab’s rear window.
Marc’s voice echoing in his head surprised him, “You are so screwed.”
Steven watched the cab round a corner, finally disappearing, his voice a bit dreamy, “Yeah, I suppose I am, aren’t I?”
True to your word, you sent Steven a text when you arrived safely at home. You did have to endure a bit of teasing from Dalton when you asked for a vase for your flowers, but they looked nice on your bedside table. And they made you think of Steven, though not so much as the jacket, which you were embarrassingly tempted to sleep in. You stubbornly put the jacket on a hanger, mounting it on the closet door instead of inside.
You couldn’t believe you’d almost slept over on the first date- thank god Dalton didn’t know that part. The bit of distance between the two of you didn’t make your head much clearer either; you still wished Steven had just agreed- then you’d probably be cuddled up with him right now. But then he wouldn’t be the Steven you liked so much- your Steven, as you were coming to think of him. 
Every reason you’d come here seemed to fade into the background in comparison to the way you’d felt today. None of those things seemed to matter. They were all just background, the build-up to the part of your life that could be starting right now. You knew you were lovestruck, that much was obvious. But aside from that, this felt like something. 
Your phone buzzed on the nightstand while you brushed your teeth and your heart leapt. You’d sent a simple, “Made it home safe. Thank you for today.”
Steven had replied, “Glad to hear it. I should be thanking you- sorry it had to end.”
You smiled, “You’d best not be beating yourself up. This was the right call. It was perfect.” You finished brushing your teeth and climbed into bed, phone still in your hand.
Steven hesitated before sending his next reply, “Still, think I’ll be up missing you tonight.”
“Don’t lose too much sleep- can’t have the museum’s newest tour guide showing up late, can we?” You sent a quick follow up, “Feel free to think about me tomorrow though.” You set your phone on the bedside table, gaze flicking up to Steven’s jacket. Was this really all the willpower you were capable of?
When Steven’s reply came through, you were just climbing back into bed, his jacket wrapped around you. “You say that like I’ve got a choice.” Well, at least it seemed like you were both equally as spineless when it came to the other.
“Do your best to get some sleep, for me.” You bit your lip, considering before snapping a quick picture of yourself. You wondered if he’d notice the collar of his jacket poking out from under the blanket.
“Oh my days, she’s wearin’ my jacket to bed.” Steven was dumbstruck, staring at the photo you’d sent to him.
“Nicely done,” Marc nodded approvingly. 
Steven gave a dreamy sigh, “Would you look at her? She’s so stunning.” He couldn’t help but add again, “And wearing my clothes.”
Marc wanted to point out that you could be here, right now, if Steven hadn’t chickened out. But that would also mean that Marc would've had to remain in the background. He wouldn’t admit it to Steven, but today had been difficult. It had been a while since Marc had to be so quiet in the back of Steven’s mind.
If Steven noticed Marc’s long silence, he didn’t draw attention to it. “Is it alright if I make this the background on our phone?”
Marc wouldn’t miss the photo of the fish tank that currently graced their phone screen, but he felt strange about using a phone with your face on it. You weren’t his, you were Steven’s. It felt like an invasion of privacy- like he was trespassing in your relationship.
“Marc? That alright with you?”
“It’s fine- sorry,” he offered hastily.
Satisfied, Steven confirmed his changes, grinning as he returned to his home screen to find your face there. Marc thought he was off the hook, but Steven looked for Marc’s face in the fish tank, “You alright then? Sorry it was such a long day, but I’ll make it up to you- and tomorrow night too-”
“I’m fine, Steven,” Marc reassured him. “I’m happy for you.”
Steven paused, “You could be happy for you too.” He rushed to say the rest, “I think if we told her the truth, she would-”
“No. No, no, no,” Marc shook his head. “That is not happening.”
Steven’s face fell, “It’s got to eventually, don’t it? We don’t want to repeat the same mistakes.” Steven didn’t have to specify which mistakes; he meant Layla. 
“Eventually nothing. We can cross whatever bridges when we come to them.” He didn’t want to ruin Steven’s good day, but he was not ready for this conversation.
“I don’t want to build a relationship on a lie, Marc. And I think she’d love you too.”
“Love me too? You don’t even know if she loves you yet- it’s been one day, Steven.”
“Well I know that,” Steven huffed. “But don’t you feel it?”
Marc unhappily played along, “Feel what?”
“That bit of…rightness in your chest,” Steven fumbled for the right words. “Like she fits perfectly, right here.” He clasped his hand into a fist over his heart, holding it in place with the other. 
“Steven, she’s your girlfriend. I don’t feel anything.”
“Well, she’s not my girlfriend yet- I’m going to ask her proper.”
“Well if you never text her back, she might say no.”
“Bloody hell, you’re right- I’ve forgotten to reply- I hope she hasn’t already fallen asleep, although she does need the rest-”
Marc stopped listening, grateful to have Steven distracted, at least for now. But he kind of missed the way things were before- just him and Steven. Everything was changing again and just once, he’d halfway hoped they could stay the same for a while. But you were here now and it was clear there was no going back.
Phone still in your hand, the faint buzz of Steven’s reply wasn’t enough to wake you. You would see his “Good night, love. Sleep well and see you tomorrow,” in the morning. 
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voidcat · 12 days ago
Do u think they’ll permanently kill off the heirs + anaxa? :(
HI ANON!!!! to put it shortly i think it's a yes and no: not the best example but similar to the case of Misha/Mikhail Char Legwork (and maybe tingyun;/fugue in the case of some others)
considering the aeons that look over amphoreus (remembrance with its lightcones and memories, destruction with its pathsiders who have a tricky relationship with "death" and erudition with the simulated universe and its inorganic origins) & the similarities the world and its various elements seems to be having to genshin's tevyat, i am suspecting the world to be stuck in a cycle--
like how tevyat is stuck in a cycle of samsara and relives events over and over again (the abyss twin telling us to reach the end of our journey, our various encounters proving/showing us that we are following in the steps of the abyssal twin: ie: aranaras talking about this "golden nara")
my suspicions come from dreams tribbie and mydeimos had of their own mothers-- how the mother figures' voices were not mere memories but lead them forward- and how we accompanied tribbie's past self before she was divided into three- a space time anomaly. the place tribbie says that they reach at the end of their journey / or in the afterlife- a field of flowers, how she crafts a ship that carries them all over etc... from tribbie side of descriptions and visuals, simulanka from 2024's summer event in genshin (the ship, how its used to go to and from another world, the train tracks etc) resembles the ship she crafts to travel across amphoreus to spread the prophecy and see who else will join the cause.
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considering summer events are always a big foreshadowing before the new nation in genshin (and i didnt say it here but one thing i'll always hand it over to genshin impact is how their foreshadowing is always a hit), simulanka coming before natlan, the reveal of the broken moon and broken simulation like sky that gives visual proof to the fake sky-- while all hoyo games are going forward with the "hoyoversing" as of late; i do find the coincidences/similarities between tevyat (esp simulanka visuals as of most recent) and amphoreus to be more than just a mere coincidence.
sure, they've been getting lazy and reusing same models for new characters but when it comes to the storytelling part of things esp with visuals, it's never just a mere coincidence. (i couldnt find the images i had in mind as of now but if youve played both games i hope you somewhat think of what i had in mind^^)
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these as well as that field we see trinnon and tribbie's mother to stand over looking a bit too much like that field of intevyat flowers (native to khaenriah) that was the destination goal of the twins (the sea of flowers at the end)-- and how tribbie describes that afterlife-like place to be "the end of a journey", i do think, while for the sake of the story the characters will die- but in essence they wont.
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sadly i didn't play enough hi3 to support my case with the flame chasers and elysian realm but, i believe amphoreus to be in a simulation-like state of sorts- not fully artificial like tevyat, but both equally isolated from the rest of the universe. so deaths there are not true deaths so long as their "simcards" / "souls" / whatever energy source they each have at their cores with their written "data" remains. to summarize hi3's elysian realm and flame chasers, the members of MANTIS' memories and feelings were all stored there, technically as simulations for a better lack of a word and it the end their data chips were erased/destroyed. (ig su can be an exception bc iirc he has entered a void/space that hasn't been found by anyone in aeons-- to quote the wiki:
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as of now, though he can observe the entire galaxy he has lost his material body and only exists spiritually. hence, me calling him an exception.
enough of genshin and hi3 side of things but another hsr thing. spoiler alert in case you haven't done that world quest in the grove where you're basically asked to retrace the footsteps of flame reaver but when you do and finish it, this is the name of the achievement you get. the whole point of the quest is that it implies flame reaver knows the layout of the grove- that he was possibly there before. it also knows about mydei's weak spot (something he told only to phainon)
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spoiler alert in terms of leaks ahead: but it is said that flame reaver is phainon. with these so far, it is most likely that the flame reaver is a past/different version of phainon and the one as we know is the current one of the timeline/cycle.
i know i did ramble a lot but considering fuli/remembrance being one of the residing paths/aeons over amphoreus, it does remind me of misha/mikhail char legwork (how misha is basically a memetic entity of his memories/dreams. a reflection of his youth and his ambitions to explore/to sail. in some ways, black swan's actions wouldn't fully fit into penacony quest but with amphoreus coming right after and it being accessible through the garden of recollection's mirror, i think part of her role was to serve as a preview for amphoreus as a whole) and that's why i think they are in a simulation-like state / trapped in a memory/mirror that rewinds/replays over and over--
(there are some say the reason TB hadn't died when castorice toucher them was because while arriving amphoreus, they also entered a memory chyrsalis like state by fuli's hands too / in a between life and death state of stagnance) we have more quests to go with but perhaps one phainon/kevin broke free or gained sentinence and is trying to destroy/break free of the cycle right now. the ongoing cycle state of the world might be a stellaron too- or maybe the world has entered a state of repetition as to protect it from the destruction/harm of stellaron's instability. i believe it's still too early to speculate further or reach a certain conclusion but what remains are the parallels between the "multiverse" and the undeniable connection of flame reaver and kevin which i think hints at an ongoing cycle / a stimulated world.
so yes, they will die, but not in the literal sense. and not unless their cores/souls are destroyed / their flames are put out in the process (as was the case with mikhail).
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helluvahazbinfan76 · 4 months ago
Helluva boss season two episode eleven "MASTERMIND"
So here are my thoughts on the episode. These are all my opinions they are not facts!
Personally, I loved it but I felt bad for a stolas in the end because well even though he saved blitz’s life, he lost his daughter in his eyes in the process and you could see how munch that hurt him. Also, I think that Stella and her brother are the main protagonists in this episode plus the way that stellas brother reacted to the news that stolas was banished was over the top. Some people say that Octavia hesitated to hug her mother because she is afraid of her mother, but personally, I don’t see it like that there isn’t any proof of this.
The song that the blitz and stolas had sung together before stolas got banished was sweet especially when stolas said “ your my light” and blitz’s said “ your my heart” and then they both said “ only death can rend our love apart”
The reason why I am not calling Stella's brother by his name is because I really don't like him. Also I think he is purely in it for himself. I also think that he hates stolas more than Stella.
As for blitz he clearly was willing to die to save the ones he loved the most (millie, moxxie, loona). I also think the fact that he admitted the fact that he "realised to late" was him opening up to his feelings about stolas for all of hell to see. I also think that the fact that blitz took care of stolas after he got banished was very kind hearted and loving. Also the fact that blitz told the people throwing things at stolas to stop was him clearly defending stolas.
Octavia and stella. So clearly Octavia wanted to rush to her dad to see if it was actully true. But conveniently stella appeared and made it seem like she was delivering bad news to Octavia however that smile was not in my opinion because she was manipulating Octavia I believe that she knew that stolas life was over. Also stella knows when Octavia knows that stolas is alive she will be probably go and talk to stolas and confront him about what she thinks about him and stella also him and blitz.
Now for stolas. He was surprised when he saw what they were going to do to blitz that he said. "Oh my lucifer what are they doing". I thought it was brave of him to risk and loose pretty much everything to save blitz. Also that he didn't stop till blitz was clear of the crime he committed. I also think that he wasn't afraid to show how much he loves blitz especially in front of all of hell was extremely brave of him to do. He lost his happiness however when he got told that Octavia was going to stay with her mother. The end just before he fell asleep and blitz kissed him on the cheek stolas said "always" proves to me that he will always be there for blitz even if he and blitz fight.
In conclusion I personally really loved this episode I think it's very emotional and very much needed especially after seeing how much blitz and stolas were hurt after the full moon episode. I loved how they sort of patched things up. I know they probably will mend things to get them back to were they were before the fight. Even if the relationship is more than what blitz was giving stolas to use the book. So I can't wait for the next episode
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rockinlibrarian · 7 months ago
Post-Umbrella Academy S4 Reaction Part Five, appropriately: On Love Triangles (spoilers under cut)
Man, that makes me feel compelled to add a Reaction Part to my projected six Reaction Parts, and then reorder them so Viktor's is seventh. Anyway.
So in this series of posts so far, we've had the Good, the Bad, and now we have the Incredibly Controversial. (We also had the Fandom and the Fix-it, but those didn't fit as nicely into that sentence).
I have a pretty nicely curated Tumblr dashboard. I only follow people I like, who have sensible things to say, and I try to avoid diving into tags and For Yous (which a remarkable amount of the time make no sense— when I do look at that feed, I see topics people I follow love that I have NEVER INTERACTED with. I tolerate these topics for the people I follow, why would I want to see more of those from strangers?).
Yet I have seen no middle ground on this next topic. Half my TUA mutuals are over the moon, half are positively livid.
And here am I in the middle feeling ACK.
I'm allowed to be in the middle, right?
Let’s dive into my opinions on (is this really a spoiler anymore here on Tumblr?) Five/Lila/Diego under the cut.
Yeah, it’s not my ship, and I would never have made the choice. I make no secret about my non-canon OTP, and Lila/Diego was the only CANON ship I ever found interesting enough to root for. I found Five and Lila’s best-frenemies relationship utterly delightful and I’ll miss getting to accept it as that and not the early stages of enemies-to-lovers. But from an in-story standpoint it does make perfect sense, even if it’s not a direction many viewers wanted it to go in.
Linking back to the Venn diagram I reblogged at the start of the Season 4 Discourse: “I liked it,” “It made in-universe sense,” “it made narrative sense.” Although, just to be annoying, the topic refuses to be sorted into even those categories nicely. Certainly most of us seem to disagree on which— if any of them— even apply.
Let’s take it one topic at a time. Viktor got a whole post to himself, so I need to give some attention to the other half of my favorite characters/OTP/most-commonly-POV’d babies, Five. You see, the most common complaint I hear about this plot development is that it’s totally out of character for Five. Five would never hurt Diego that way! Five is aroace! Five spent his life trying to get home to his siblings, he’d never give up and decide to stay in the subway! Since when would Five put romantic love over familial love?
I disagree. Maybe I’m wrong— many of the people I’ve seen making this claim have consistently written takes on Five that I very strongly adore. How could we disagree on whether or not the dude is in character here? But let me plead my case.
It’s true that Five is different this season, and not in a fun way. His feral-ness is one of the most delightful things about him in general, and it just…wasn’t there. But I think that’s a question for the “I liked it” portion of the Venn diagram (feral Five is so much more fun to watch than sad and tired Five) and possibly for the “narrative sense” portion (do you really want to abandon the the most popular qualities of a character just for the sake of realistic character progression?). It DOES make in-universe sense, because Five is depressed in season 4.
Think about where he is at the start of the season— and for the whole show before that. He spent his whole long, traumatic life obsessed with getting back to, with saving, these people, and all they have done in return is ignore him, yell at him, and blame him for things that weren’t his fault. Viktor my love not even you are an innocent here— sure you spent 17 years mourning him, but then when you finally get him back, you brush off or outright deny everything he ever confides in you, and then you abandon HIM for six years, and he was in the body of a minor at the time, he really could have used you by his side there! (My shipper heart insists his betrayal was the worst of all of them, and even platonically it very well could be).
These people he dedicated his life to turned out to not just be idiots (in his estimation), but they’ve gone and pushed each other— and him— away for six years. His whole life purpose had been to save them, and for what? For them to take it for granted, to squander their second (third, fourth…) chances at life complaining how life sucks and it’s probably Five’s fault? What did he do all this FOR, in the end? And what should he be doing with his life NOW? He’s lost his goals, his meaning. IT’S DEPRESSING DANGIT but it makes sense!
And then he ends up stranded in time. Again. But this time he’s with somebody else— an actual real-life friend instead of a figment of his imagination. He fell in love with Delores because they were partners alone in time— why wouldn’t it happen with a flesh-and-blood person, who can actually act in loving ways toward him? Okay, it’s his sister-in-law, but they’ve been lost for six years with no guarantee of ever getting back, she and Diego had already been on the rocks (I’ll get into her side of the thing farther down), and what does Five care about conventions like How to and not to act with one’s brother’s wife, anyway? He’s feral, remember? He’s not going to stop and say, “No, we can’t do this, it’ll hurt Diego’s feelings,” in this situation! They’re lost in time and all they have is each other!
And let’s examine the whole concept of Five in a romantic relationship to begin with. Obviously I’m not against the concept, because I ship him. It’s ridiculous on my part, because when I started reading TUA fanfic I honestly said, “Wow, it’s refreshing to have a character so impossible to ship as Five is— how many interesting GEN fics can this guy spawn?” and before I knew it I was shipping him with his adoptive brother. BUT. I have also fully embraced the popular headcanon that he’s ace (note: show-Five is not comics-Five in many ways, and this is one of them). Aspec, at least. (NOT aro: I don’t know how anyone can see the way he’s always talked about/treated Delores and not understand that he is absolutely a total romantic). Even in my shipping fics, he’s aspec— “Viktor-sexual,” I have called it even. He falls for his best friend, and his best friend only. And— if I can shamelessly quote one of my own fics here—
“Look, I was married to half a mannequin for thirty-some years, I may have a slightly different understanding of marriage than the average person….Yes, I said what I said. Delores is complicated, okay? There are facts, and there are truths. Facts are I created her out of the rubble of a department store and my own desperation. I know this, I do! But the truth is she loved me. She kept me alive, she lifted me when I would have given up, she fixed my mistakes but forgave me for them, she made me laugh and even laughed back at me. That's what marriage is to me. A partner through the twists and turns of life! It has nothing to do with desire and passion and sex.”
And that’s exactly what happened with Lila! They had become partners through the infinite twists and turns of a seemingly-impossible-to-escape life! I keep seeing “since when does Five think with his dick?” comments, but he WASN’T! It took nearly seven years of close proximity, you-and-me-against-the-multiverse partnership, and shared traumas to happen, and significantly, she made the first move. It absolutely holds up to my own personal headcanons of how Five interacts with romantic love.
And I feel like Five doesn’t really segregate different kinds of love. Romantic or familial, it’s all LOVE, right? We actually had this conversation in the comments of the above fic, “New World Symphony,” just days before S4 dropped: there’s a scene where Five completely confuses the others by explaining that he doesn’t think finding himself married to Viktor is weird because “you’re my brothers— that’s family; he’s my husband— that’s family too,” and JBD— who, I must point out, is not a Fiktor shipper— commented, “Aww, for Five, family is another word for people he loves.” And I thought that was a brilliant way to sum it up (funnily enough, I responded by referring to Five calling Lila “family” at the beginning of S3!). So when he finds the answer to getting home— is it really so hard to believe he doesn’t want to go back? Lila is family just as much as the others are, and LILA ACTUALLY SHOWS HIM LOVE, which is more than any of his adoptive sibs did for him for those first six years back. He was DEPRESSED in the real world, and now he’s HAPPY! Things change! Of course he dedicated his life to getting back home BEFORE, but like the first episode says, it was the Unbearable Tragedy of Getting What You Want! Now he knows better!
From an “In-show sense” standpoint. Maybe not from a “Narrative Sense” standpoint.
Let’s now try to discuss the state of Dilila, but more briefly. (This post is already 1800 words long). It made me sad to see what a mess their relationship had become in the past six years, and I thought it was kind of mean of the storyline to threaten to break them up, but after awhile, as we saw more of it, I had hope for them! I just rediscovered the “Into the Woods” soundtrack recently and suddenly they were reminding me of the Baker And His Wife— they needed to go Into the Woods--symbolically and literally—to be separated from each other, to learn new things about themselves, to yes even have an affair on her part— to appreciate what they had together, to rekindle their True Love. They needed to reevaluate themselves, each other, and their lives, and a separation would only help them to do so. (Now, when we talk about the in-characterness of it all, I DO question whether Lila was completely in character this season— but I mean, that’s part of it, IS she being herself? What does she NEED to be herself? She has to figure that out!)
And here’s where we get to the “Narrative Sense” problem, because that never had the chance to RESOLVE. Going back to what I said yesterday about the problem with The End— EVERYBODY HAD UNRESOLVED ISSUES, and SOME of them were too FRESH to be resolved! Who makes that narrative choice?!
I think narratively, it would work best if Lila and Diego reunited, appreciating each other all the more, and Five would let it happen because he’s primed to believe that being happy is too much to ask for, which is very sad but it works.
Except Lila never does make a choice, and Diego and Five die mad at each other.
Stupid ending.
But to be honest, maybe the writers didn’t want to make the choice because they couldn’t decide either. Narratively we’re rooting for Dilila, but from an in-show character standpoint, Lila and Five really are better for each other than Lila and Diego are. They’re on the same level. They understand each other in ways no one else can, being Commission Agents/murderers and having both been manipulated and betrayed by the Handler. They are matches for each other.
You know, I’m kind of annoyed by this fact. Five IS actually the better choice for Lila. I really want her to be happy with Diego but the facts are facts, she’d be happier with Five.
DANGIT I don’t even KNOW how to ultimately deal with them in the Summerland fix-it! I WANT Lila and Diego to reunite and also want Five to settle into a happy queerplatonic partnership with Viktor (I will DO MY BEST not to ship them in this fic, for the sake of everyone else who might want to read it, but that may be the extent of my best), but now I’m like is that really fair to Lila? UGH, RELATIONSHIPS!
I may settle for everybody taking a break from everybody while they work out their individual issues. (I did start writing a Diego and Kerry scene to immediately follow up the Five and Viktor scene I posted the other day, in which Kerry uses the Power of Autism to compel Diego to be introspective. Who knew.
“My brother stole my wife.” “Did she get free again?” “What?” “You said he stole her. Where did he put her?” “No, I meant he— they had an affair, he didn’t kidnap her.” “You said he stole her, but it sounds like she went with him because she wanted to, so that’s not stealing.” “It’s— why do you care?” “Because you’re not being accurate! He didn’t steal her if it was her choice to go!” “That—.” That made him very uncomfortable, was what that did. “Okay. My wife left me for my brother. That make sense to you?” She peered wide-eyed at him and started to open her mouth, so he added, “and yes she came back. Physically. But physically’s not the point.”
--snippet edited 12:46 ET 8/18/24 just because I actually wrote that final line and it gives the snippet more of a finished feeling so I had to add it. Anyway, so Diego ends up focusing on his issues with Always Being Second-Best at Summerland. If he learns to deal with his own insecurities, he could possibly even truly earn Lila’s love back! But first he has to deal with HIMSELF!)
Long story short, I did not hate this development, and the thing I liked least about it is tied to the thing I liked least about the whole season: if they'd only had time to resolve their issues before getting annihilated from existence, it wouldn't have been terrible! If THAT had been, then I'd be all for it!
I mean, mostly so. I'm still going to be a shameless Fiktor shipper, of course.
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thechaseofspades · 2 years ago
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Kiff is a fun show that takes relatively grounded concepts like drama class or going to the movies or the grocery store and turns up the absurdity. A lot of the stories come from Kiff just being super determined to do what she wants to do that day and going to ridiculous lengths to do it. Also Kiff's friendship with Barry is sort of an early-season Spongebob and Patrick dynamic which is always fun.
The humor shines most with sight gags and blink-and-you-miss-it. You'll also get plenty of Kimiko Glenn one-liners that are nothing like Lena but still funny to think that it's her voice. It has what I call "Brooklyn 99 syndrome" where it'll have one moment in every episode that's the funniest thing I've ever seen but I wouldn't call the whole show that if that makes sense.
Also they do the classic song in every episode formula so if you're into that then it's there. Gives us the Lena songs we were robbed of.
Hailey's On It is also fun, and also a lot less focused on the romance element than the trailers and theme song suggest. Sure, Hailey and Scott's *friendship* is all over the show, but it's more about Hailey overcoming her fears of commitment and trying new things.
Hailey and Scott are absolutely adorable together in a best friends type of way. W for us folks who want fun platonic cross-gender relationships, Dewey and Webby style.
This show also does the song in every episode thing, and the lead is the voice of Moana and she canonically sings pretty well and keeps getting pushed to sing more which I love actually. As funny as the "irl actor can't act" trope is to me, I think it plays a lot into Hailey's self-confidence which like I said is a theme in the show.
Tell ya what Scott is dumb as a rock sometimes but I love him. That's all I have to say.
One issue I have with the show is they do vomit/sickness jokes in every episode. Not kidding it's pretty much every single one so far. I can handle one or two if they're good jokes but Hailey's On It goes to the well way too many times in my opinion.
Another thing about the premise is that it requires Hailey to be successful to finish her list. Like when her goal in the episode is to win a contest then you know she's gonna win and it's just a matter of how. I feel like they're gonna have to mess with that formula sometimes to keep it fresh. They've had one or two like the strawberry owl episode where she stumbled into it but most of the time she just wins because she has to for the show to work.
People were upset because Amphibia and the Owl House ending meant that DTVA was dead or whatever. And sure these might not be the epic "story-driven" shows that those two were (although there is definitely story in Hailey's On It so idk what y'all want), but the TVA is in good hands.
Go watch Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur I am begging you.
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glowyjellyfish · 5 months ago
So a couple weeks ago, I got distracted from my assorted historic sims 2 hoods projects in favor of my Just Play the Game downloads folder, a collection of stuff I accumulated over time without fancy aging systems and traits and the like. Just classic mode with lots of CC. I got excited and downloaded a good handful of new sets and installed them.
Now my game keeps crashing utterly at random—sometimes shortly after starting to play a lot (as in a few game hours), sometimes a few (game) days in. One time it ALWAYS crashed when I took Morty Roth to a community lot to fish. So now I’m forced to do a lot of the clean-up work this downloads folder is supposed to avoid requiring.
-I keep running various scanners (DDO, SimPe GUID check, Clean Installer, Hood Checker, HCDU+), and nothing leaps out as a problem, particularly not anything newly added. I am constantly removing duplicate items, but it doesn’t seem to make much difference.
-I’m hesitant to run a 50/50 check because the crashing is very random. Sometimes I play a household for a full season and it’s fine, other times it crashes for no discernible reason. I have deleted a lot of objects so I doubt it’s my object mesh limit. It happens during gameplay, not in the catalog so it’s probably not a GUID conflict of some sort, although I could be wrong. I don’t THINK it’s all the new modern sets I downloaded, because that’s all furniture and a couple outfits—nothing mod or hack-y. I did download the LS bundle and some patches for it.
-My gut insists it’s a townie with bad CC trying to walk by, but I don’t have the faintest idea how to test for that or fix it. Maybe I could do a test lot and teleport in each townie looking for a crash, but if that works how do I find what item on them caused the crash?
-I did just discover and remove an unwanted default replacement amongst some X-Men characters I installed in this game—the last batch of CC I installed before this batch. So it might just be that, whatever it was? I don’t know yet. The only test is to try playing again, and I have to wait until after work tomorrow for that.
-the log always just gives me “access violation”. I did double check that the 4gb patch is still applied, and I believe it is, and I checked that the texture memory looked okay in GRM. It seems more like a CC problem than a game/hardware problem, although it COULD be the game running out of memory. Seems unlikely as I am not getting pink flashing, just the crash, but it could be.
-one thing I did in the cleaning process that could have been problematic was delete my Sun&Moon collection, deeming it Not Right for this particular setup. I don’t think I had touched it in this game.
-Now I am having the urge to start a new, clean Uberhood with all my nice new CC, except the one I started setting up has the same old copy of my main modern downloads folder, so it’s likely to be experiencing the same problems. Unless it truly is the X-Men content that’s the problem lol.
(I want to have Simlogical schools in districts, limit careers based on local buildings, use supernatural lifestates and 1 day = 1 year aging, follow most of the premade relationships instead of wasting time hunting for the perfect match for everybody, include the downtownie Tricou teens, and mix up the method for choosing a college—base it on expense rather than location as I have been doing).
But I would also very much like for my Just Play downloads folder to be ready to just play again and complete a round. I’ve had bad luck with Uber/megahoods even though I love them, I would like to get one off the ground. My last new one used Proportionate Aging and also featured a bugged taxi driver showing up as a walkby and forcing the game to speed 1 until I teleported him away, something that is probably fixable but not with my limited abilities. I just want to play the game.
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ikjun · 11 months ago
omg al darling pls give me your queen of tears thoughts i’m really behind and need to know if it’s worth finishing <3
tbh i am also behind but i keep up with spoilers and episode recaps for everything i am watching bc i don't really care about getting spoiled. with that being said, where do i even begin? i would have loved if the show ended on a melodrama note in the second half, with the hong family having lost queens group but recouping that through baekhong's work as a lawyer and ceo respectively and with them rekindling their relationship (without marriage or another kid) while hae-in would, well, die due to some bout of medical realism that has to remain here, but with the two of them choosing each other in their lifetime, roll credits, fin. i am putting a read more from here on in bc this is sort of my thoughts on the show in general but also the second half, since describing the second half doesn't really work without talking about the set-up of the plot. plots? whatever is happening here. (also! spoilers ahead!)
of course we did not get a well-polished plot, something as sensible as this couldn't fly with the deranged fans this drama spawned like you wouldn't believe. so in a way this fanbase deserved exactly what they got lmao. this show has been crazy from the beginning bc as much as i love hae-in, people kept acting like she didn't treat hyun-woo like shit for most of their marriage when she did. he was only marginally better off, but my one big issue was that hyun-woo has to apolgize for everything he ever did, for wanting to divorce in the first place, while the show depicted right away how awful his marriage was. so now in the second half we, of course, get hyun-woo doing everything for hae-in to make up for all his audacity, like the good kdrama male lead he is (where is moon gang-tae when we need him? kim soo-hyun can act with some fire in there, so why does he not?) hae-in keeps getting worse and he is by her side, so whoo for tha ti guess and she does apologize for how she treated him after 10 eps of grovelling lmao. anyways.
they grow closer again while hae-in stays in the hospital for her treatment, but in comes mister i-still-want-to-be-cooked-over-an-open-fire-like-a-rotissiere-chicken eun-sung. i do have to say i love park sung-hoon in this drama? not as good as the psychotic bully-slash-killer-slash-second-woman he plays in the glory, but really good. it's giving kendall roy in sucession s2! it's giving this is why rich people tax middle class families until tax evasion or murder become lifestyle choices for those families! it's giving the rite of passage creepy high school boyfriend straight women go through amped up to the max! he is so good at being evil and he shines here, somehow, in all his creepy despondency and obsession with hae-in. at one point he swipes in and tells hae-in, who is losing her memory, that he saved her life and then he does it again, using the times hyun-woo's saved her as his cover story. he keeps rocking brown three-piece suits and a crazy-good blowout and side swoop while he does that, which might be the worst thing. hyun-woo punches him in the face, which is the saving grace of this entire second half of the show. he runs over hyun-woo with a car in the PENULTIMATE episode for the hell of it, because he can't see hyun-woo and hae-in be together again. the man is batshit insane and he stands by it.
as for the plot:
the head of the hong family (hae-in's grandfather) has a slush fund, because that is the second most realistic part of the show. eun-sung and his mother scrounge around to find it to take the rest of queens group, but well, i honestly don't care much about this plot. yang-gi (hyun-woo's best friend and divorce lawyer, who is apparently barred twice over in korea and can also hold up with business law and attorney work in court lol) helps lower hyun-woo's crazy ass charges, so he lives to see another day while everyone is looking for the goddamn slush fund. eun-sung and his mother found it first btw. hae-in keeps mistaking eun-sung for hyun-woo, her memory loss gets worse, we get it. several people working for eun-sung keep trying to kill hyun-woo over the span of the last five episodes. we get another reborn rich cameo from kim shin-rok, which at this point is the only thing keeping me from tuning out of this whacky ass drama. the hong family grandfather kills himself and all of kdrama twt and mdl are mad that the raised rating wasn't an explicit scene between baekhong but seeing an old man die (i kid you not). they keep trying to convince me kim soo-hyun was in the marine corps and i keep not believing it. german hospitals apparently can do life-saving surgeries on non-german citizens, which is unheard off in this neck of the woods but alas. hae-in has to trade in her memories to have that surgery, so that is our 11 o clock moment. or something. hyun-woo gets arrested by interpol right after, so there goes that dream. soo-cheol ends up with his wife again, which i care about as much as a tree cares about a leaf falling in a forest. big yawn. hyun-woo employs yang-gi again to beat the interpol charges and they do (yippie!). eun-sung keep acting like he's hae-in's husband after her memories disappeared and all of us know it's so deeply joever but the death bell has yet to strike. in comes the car crash bc we go two for two on car crashes in this show. eun-sung is now, after 15 episodes of washed up nonsense, pursued by the police bc nothing screams real crime like vehicular manslaughter in a kdrama. tried and true to the very end he goes!
haven't checked into ep 16 yet, but i know it ends with a montage of hae-in and hyun-woo together for more years, marrying again and having a child, and then hae-in dies. hyun-woo as an old man visits her grave in germany (potsdam doesn't allow graves on the grounds of sansoucie so i wonder where they supposedly put it?) and then we get a fade in of young hae-in leading now-deceased and young again hyun-woo to heaven in a field of lavender, goblin style minus the good writing. hyun-woo kept apologising for things until the end but don't ask me what it was about, i stopped caring. i assume that eun-sung lands in jail or something for his five billion crimes and all the times he wore light blue ties in this show. fin.
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angelosearch · 9 months ago
A New Beginning – All Star Wars references
I just finished writing my Star Wars-coded FFVIII fic, A New Beginning. Here is the list of most of the references/easter eggs, though I gotta be honest there were a couple more smaller ones that I decided were too subtle to flag. I tried to sort them in order of mention.
Major spoilers to the fic ahead if you haven't finished it!
The title, “A New Beginning,” follows the naming structure of Star Wars movie titles. Like Star Wars movie titles, the title’s relationship to the story is unclear until the end.
Each chapter also has a Star Wars movie-like title. Each chapter is also called an “Episode,” like each movie is in Star Wars.
Overall, the story is about a Father-Son relationship. Throughout Star Wars media, legacy, especially as it pertains to fathers and sons, is a huge theme.
Most Star Wars media has an inescapable campiness and humor that runs alongside all the drama and suspense. This is something FFVIII has tonally as well, so it was easy to bring a little of this in.
Episode I: The Forces of Destiny
"Truth enlightens the mind but won't always bring happiness to your heart” is a quote of the opening text of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Season One, Episode 16, “The Hidden Enemy.”
The ship Squall gets on is based on the Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunship that was used by the Republic during The Clone Wars. While the LAAT/infantry gunship makes appearances throughout Star Wars media, its first appearance is in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Laguna’s armor is vaguely Mandalorian, but his helmet is supposed to be very Darth Vader-esque.
Squall thinks, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” which is a standby phrase throughout Star Wars media.
“He knew what he had to do, but he wasn��t sure if he had the strength to do it” is a reference to Kylo Ren’s line in The Last Jedi, “I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it.”
Laguna and Squall’s in-battle banter is supposed to be reminiscent of Anakin and Obi Wan.
Laguna is leading him and Squall to the “high ground”—This is a reference to the famous Obi Wan and Anakin exchange in Episode III when Obi Wan says, “It’s over Anakin! I have the high ground!”
Squall helping Laguna cross a canyon is a common Star Wars show of trust—A Jedi using the force to help their teammate over a wide gap. Particularly, I was thinking of Sabine giving Ezra a super jump in the Ashoka season one finale.
The entire scene at the end of the chapter was meant to evoke the “Luke, I am your father” scene from Episode V.
Episode II: Return of the Knight
“Choose what is right, not what is easy” is a quote of the opening text of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Season Two, Episode 18, “The Zillow Beast.”
Rinoa and Squall’s Sorceress/Knight connection is doubling with “a disturbance in the force.”
The vacuuming robot in the beginning of the chapter and the maintenance droid toward the end are MSE-6 series repair droids—also known as mouse droids. They are often seen on Imperial Star Destroyers.
“A droid that was human-like in stature, but bright blue and glaringly shiny, clunked over with another teacup” – this is a more C-3PO-like protocol droid.
The re-painted Estharian military uniforms are supposed to be like Storm Trooper armor.
Falcon is based on the Millennium Falcon – gray, small, female, fast, with dice hanging from her. “She didn’t look like much, but she had it where it counted” is similar to what Han said about his ship. I bet she made the Kestrel Run in less than 12 parsecs. (I’ll see myself out.)
Squall thinks, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Yes, it has to come up every chapter.
Laguna’s mask has a hole like Vader’s does in various points of Star Wars. Specifically, I was thinking of Ashoka in her battle with Vader in Star Wars: Rebels.
“That was no mountain” = “That’s no moon. It’s a space station.” – Obi Wan Kenobi, Episode IV, upon seeing the Death Star.
All the soldier’s names are the names of Clones throughout Star Wars media.
Everything that Squall does to get into the facility and to Laguna is classic Star Wars—using an animal as a distraction, sneaking in on an enemy vehicle, disappearing the second someone looks for him, following droids, messing with touchscreens, climbing through vents, and especially dressing as a storm trooper.
The incompetence (especially the terrible aim) of the troopers is based on quintessential Storm Trooper behavior. The mundane conversations Squall overhears was inspired by the dialogue Cal Kestis can overhear from enemy conversations in Star Wars: Fallen Order.
Green-gray Trousers Guy is supposed to be an Imperial Officer. Personality-wise, I was going from Hux from Episodes VII, VIII, and IX.
Squall calls “upon the Force.”
The passcode is three references: 5-0-1 (the 501st shows up in various ways, but it was first introduced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars as General Anakin Skywalker’s Clone Battalion under the Grand Army of the Republic); 6-6 (“Execute Order 66!” – The Jedi killing order from Palpatine in Episode III); 1-1-3-8 (a common number throughout Star Wars media and George Lucas projects, honoring Lucas’s first feature film, THX 1138).
Squall uses spells against the soldiers that are reminiscent of throwing someone with the force and force choke, as seen frequently throughout battles in the Star Wars universe.
Dr. Enido is somewhat based on the villain of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, Doctor Royce Hemlock. She is focusing on helping a larger, more mysterious power achieve perfect cloning, just like Hemlock. Cloning is also a very common Star Wars villain goal.
Ellone’s dream is doubling as a “force vision.”
“Now, there are two of them!” is a much-memed quote from Episode I. The full quote is, “This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them!”
Episode III: Legacy of Light
"No gift is more precious than trust” is a quote of the opening text from Star Wars: Clone Wars, Season 2, Episode 6, “Weapons Factory.”
“This is where the fun begins” is a quote from Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Anakin says it while piloting his x-wing.
“Hello there” is  a CLASSIC Obi Wan quote. I know it comes up in Episode III when he drops into battlebut he probably says it at other times.
“Datapad” and “stim” are both terms/objects from the Star Wars universe.
Cloning is a huge thing in Star Wars, especially in the more recent installments.
“Tapping on screens” – I was kind of thinking percussive maintenance.
Squall and Laguna’s prisoner uniforms are intended to be Jedi robes.
“I mean, have you ever thought about getting Rinoa’s DNA tested?” – This is meant to be a reference to Luke and Leia. But also I saw a post once where someone was trying to say Squall and Rinoa were related and I thought it was so funny I always headcanon that being a concern in this situation.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this…” – Rinoa gets to say it this time!
The Estharian flight suit/hairstyle that Rinoa is sporting is supposed to give Leia vibes.
Red Leader/Gold Leader are rebel pilot call signs throughout the Galactic Civil War.
Blastersaber! A lightsaber and a blaster combined! Not only a perfect weapon for Squall, but also an actual weapon wielded by Ezra Bridger in Star Wars: Rebels (probably my overall favorite Star Wars property). It is his first lightsaber and the joke is that it is stupid, dangerous, and impractical.
Using the force to move enemies and sending them off of platforms is standard Star Wars stuff.
Laguna’s “impossible shot” is sort of like Luke’s shot to destroy the Deathstar.
It isn’t Star Wars until someone loses an arm or hand.
Platforms! Railings! Catwalks! That’s always how the Star Wars big battles go down.
When it was storming on the platform, I was thinking of the fight between Obi Wan and Jengo Fett on Kamino in Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
The trust exercise on the pier involving a hard shot is a reference to the finale of Star Wars: The Bad Batch.
Medaling Ceremony, just like in Episode IV.
I named the Estharian turn-coat Cody, as Cody is one of the most trusted generals in the Clone Wars, but, like many clones, he succumbs to Order 66 and tries to kill Obi Wan.
That's 53 total! The moral of the story is, I am not very creative 😅 But I do love Star Wars!
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fightingwithtruelove · 1 year ago
Top Lucy and top Tim moments of any kind, aaaand GO!!
Okay but how many???? You gotta give me a number or I'll list every moment on the show 🤭
Top Tim moments:
Acknowledging his own problematic past behaviour - we all hate the gardeners scene, but bringing this back later on, leading to him owning up to it, and promising to do better, is such a great example of how much Tim has grown as a character, and I think that was such an important moment.
Tim visiting his father and sort of trying to make peace with the situation. His dad is a scumbag and he deserves nothing, but watching Tim get some sort of closure, knowing that he came out of it on the other side despite of his trauma is kind of priceless. And I love how in doing so, it enables him to fix his relationship with his sister, and be there for her more as well. "I am who I am in spite of you!" And allowing himself to be vulnerable with Lucy here was also so great to watch. I love this man so much, please let him be happy.
This following one I really love because it shows us the type of man Tim is. "Some things matter more." He can carry this very cynical facade, but deep down he cares so deeply for the people he loves. And I think this was such great timing too, because in 2x11 we saw Tim literally break all sorts of laws to find Lucy. Tim Bradford, the most by the book guy ever literally threatened a guy to find Lucy. Because rules matter. But some things matter more.
Holding off his promotion for Lucy. This is pretty self explanatory, but I just wanna say how amazing it was to see their mentorship really flourish here. He could've passed Lucy on to a different T.O. but he knew they went through something together, and he wanted to see it all the way through.
Tim being the best and the most overworked man of honor. Just that whole... thing. Going to bat for his friend, helping her try on dresses... I love him.
I actually loved the scene he has with Isabel at the rehab facility. With how long he pined for her, you'd think he'd be over the moon to get her back, but he makes the better choice for himself in that moment, and I'm so proud of him for that.
Speaking of proud.... you know what I'm gonna say. THE FIGHT SCENE. I was so proud of Tim for knowing when to step back from a stressful situation and regroup before talking it out. With how hurt he was, some angry words would come out and that's never good. I know most people love the idea of him going to her that same night or vice versa, but I love the idea of them taking a one night breather and coming back to this conversation when they're in the head space to have it.
Top Lucy moments:
Watching the barrel video and deciding not to testify. As much as I hate that Tim wasn't there with her, and that Chris is an insensitive jerk, the truth is this episode is so badass for Lucy. Reliving her trauma, getting through that alone, and then deciding that she doesn't need to prove anything to anyone, because she already did that, by surviving and moving on. That was sort of the closure I've been hoping for her, and am really happy she managed to get it.
I'm such a sucker for a badass Lucy moment, so I really love the UC op she did in 3x14, especially the moment where they come in and are like "I thought you said she needed rescuing" because she truly did so well.
Lucy recording the book for Tim. I love scenes that show us who the character is, and and we know from the beginning she's sweet and kind and that empathy is her superpower, but this is such a great example that Lucy will go to extreme lengths to help out the people in her life (hello she cleaned Smitty's RV). Like it not only took a lot of time to record, and she had to call Isabel to ask her about it, but it also shows how much faith she has in Tim's eventual promotion.
Not really a moment, but Lucy letting Tamara in is pretty at the top for me. Because this woman just refuses to get cynical, despite being put through so much up until that point. You can see how badly she wants to help people and make the world better - and she does. She completely changes the world for Tamara, giving her a home and a family.
Lucy acting as watch commander for a day. Honestly that was just so priceless, and you get to see how much respect her fellow officers have for her. Grey giving her praise at the end because she did such a good job was amazing, and I was rooting for her the entire episode.
I love the moment where she calls Tim out for acting doublefaced after she lied on the report to protect him. I just love love that as hard as he is on her she never ever backs down.
I realize that most of these are involving Tim but she has no friends apparently so.... I love the moment where she shows up for Tim way back in s1. He was such a jerk to her, and yet it took her all of five minutes to realize how much he's hurting. She read him like an open book. So when she showed up there and prevented him from making a mistake that was such a beautiful beginning of what would later evolve in an amazing friendship.
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taystarotoverload · 3 years ago
A Letter From Your FS
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please don’t mind the cat hair, cat problems yk.
choose between these three piles, you can meditate on the envelopes, the crystals, or the cards. whatever helps you to choose a pile.
the first crystal is fluorite, the second is fuchsite and the last is amazonite.
your letter;
‘ When i look at you, I am met with beauty, with grace. Your faithfulness and true vulnerable self is enough to keep me going. When I am lost, I look to you as my light, as my guide. Your true honest nature allows me the strength and power fullness to become and believe anything I wish to be. I love you forever and always. ‘
ace of cups - the fool - four of cups - five of wands - nine of swords
so what im seeing with these cards is, your person is very free spirited or likes to have fun. but i see they can have a shift in their emotions that causes them to sort of exclude themselves or have this fear. they want to tell you that you’re the one person in their life that’s able to keep them going and stay true to themselves. i’m seeing that your love to them to you doesn’t seem like much, but they use that as a way to keep going and to get stronger and to help themselves stay brave. you’re sort of that uplifting part of them.
the door mouse
so like i’ve said before and what they’ve said is, you give them strength. you give them this courage and this energy to just move forward. you’re that part of them they have been missing for so long, and once you’ve stepped into their life they’re grateful for you. they’re thankful for you and how helpful you are.
‘ Hey, how’s it going? I’ve been wondering what my life with you would be like. How we would resolve conflicts, how we will hold each other. Im thinking - maybe overthinking the future. You keep me going. You keep me in my feet and I applaud you. Working alone my entire life I never got or understood the true meaning behind what love really is. I get so many emotions when I think of you, gosh I can’t wait to meet you. ‘
three of wands - two of swords - the devil - six of pentacles - ten of wands - king of cups
so what im seeing here is your person has sort of dealt with this destruction and conflict in their life, and now they’re dealing with the aftermath. think of natural disasters, they cause so much destruction and damage, and then after it passes you’re met with the aftermath of what happened. you either have to start over completely or work with what you’ve got. your person is choosing to start over and change themselves for the greater good.
moon dragon
your persons emotions can be very difficult to understand at times, they want you to know theyre grateful for how understanding and caring you are towards them even during hard times. i see you giving them time to relax or maybe try something else to really fix their mood.
‘ How do I began this? Well, waking up every morning using to feel like a chore. My own body, mind and spirit became so weak… so sick. I never understood or really cared for relationships. That was… until you showed up. When I laid my eyes on you, I felt my heart quicken. I didn’t know how to feel seeing something so… amazing? I was too insecure to say something in person, which is why I’m saying this to you. Please wait for me. ‘
nine of wands - king of swords - ace of swords - the sun - seven of wands - page of wands - page of pentacles
so what i’m seeing with these cards is, you seem to be someone with brighter and more energy than this person. they’ve dealt with many instances in their life that’s made them feel very left out and confused. they sort of chose to ignore any signs of something new because of fear that they would embarrass themselves. i see they want you to know that you ease that part of them. they feel as if you really understand them better than the rest. it’s sort of a thank you i guess lol you make them so much stronger and happier by just your presence alone
now your person may have a bit of an issue with relying on you too much. communication is key in this relationship as boundaries are needed to be set (obviously for every relationship as well). try not to ‘rescue’ others all the time and take time for yourself, your FS never wants to make you feel like you’re their ‘therapist’ or make you think they’re just using you. they care about you deeply and if anything is needed to be said they will fix it immediately!
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head-empty-only-sunshine · 3 years ago
Low Battery
Sun X Reader
A/N: this is not beta read i am baked as hell please forgive me.
Inspired by a tiktok from TheBeanQueen
Description: Sunny is a silly little bot and refuses to charge hims damn battery.
Tags: fluff, gn!reader, daycare!reader, established relationship, haha funnee joke
Word Count: 989
You never thought that robots could be overworked. Not until today. Today had disproven that thought. How? Sunny was the hard evidence. 
Your poor, not-so-little robot boyfriend had been hard at work since the early hours of the morning. He and Moon never got a chance to take a moment’s rest and recharge between interactions, leading to the current situation before you now. The low battery light flashed on the back of Sun’s head, and he outwardly showed it too. He was at ten percent battery at best, but there was an even higher chance he was lower than that, with rapidly depleting life too. It wouldn’t be long before he powered down. 
Once you had cleaned up any stray toys in the way, you made your way over to Sun with a concerned expression and stood before him. He currently sat on the floor against the wall with his pupils nearly taking up the entire space on the LED screens he had for eyes. He definitely needed to go and charge. Exhaustion had never looked so real on a robot. 
“Sunny, sweetie, you’re low battery. You should really go and recharge.” You spoke gently.
Sun snapped out of his spacey state of mind when he heard your voice and focused his gaze on you. He truly hadn’t noticed you were there until you spoke. A grin widely spread on his face now that he was aware of your presence, giggling like a fool before he dragged you close to his body.
“_____~! You’re here~!” He hummed, voice glitching a little. 
“Sunny, I’ve always been here. We work together.” You giggled. 
“Oh! You’re right.” He snorted. “What’d you say to me before? I can’t ‘member.” 
“You need to charge.”
“NoOoOoO! I don’t wanna! Charging means I need to leave you!” He then whined, hugging you even tighter  like a vice.
“Sun! P-please, I’m still human! Need air!” You choked.
This caused the animatronic to groan, moan, and whine all in one go before he threw open his arms to let you free. While you gasped for air, Sun tipped over onto the floor and began to push himself across it with his feet, very much like a toddler throwing a tantrum. He pushed his way through blocks, bins, and toys of all sorts, remaking the mess you just cleaned up with his fit. It was almost like he was intoxicated by his fatigue, mumbling and grumbling while he went all around the daycare. 
“My god… He’s gone loopy.” 
You watched him go for a little while longer before he came back to you. He tried to give you a sweet look to sucker up to you, but you simply crossed your arms and looked down at him with a firm expression. 
“Sunny. You need to charge.” You stated once more. 
The giant bot then grabbed you again, forcing you down onto the soft padded flooring with him where he trapped you with his head in your lap. He was beyond stubborn today.
“Sunny! You’re gonna shut down. I can’t carry you up to your charging station!” You argued once more.
“TooOOoO bad. I will perish here.” 
With a little glitch in his voice, Sun did exactly as he said. Using the last of his power to smirk at you, he powered down on your lap, eyes going white and effectively trapping you there while he got his way. You groaned now that he was down, having to accept your fate. You had no choice but to call parts and services now. A cable would be needed to charge your stubborn ray of sunshine from one of the nearby generators.
“Hey, P&S, bring up one of those charging cables that work with the daycare generators. I’m in a bit of a situation here. Yeah, thanks. That’d be great. See ya in a sec.” You called over your fazwatch. 
The team was quick to get on it. Your good coworker Chad was the one to do the delivery and save you from your fate. He came up with a giant smirk on his face as usual, waltzing on over to where you sat with Sun.
“Lovely to see you again _____. Your boyfriend still being as stubborn as ever?” He asked.
“Indeed he is. Quite dumb too, might I add.” You sighed, gesturing to the weight on your lap. 
“Heh. At least you’re aware.” He snorted. “Alright, I’ll get him a charge boost so you can get outta here.”
Chad connected the cord he brought to Sun’s charging port and ran the rest of it over to the generator. After a quick startup Sun started to receive power again. It wouldn’t be long before he finally had enough power to boot up again and let you up. When Chad walked back over to you, you shot a grateful glance up at him and sighed. 
“Thank you again. He was real adamant that he stay with me instead of charging.” You chuckled. “I’ll stay here until he boots up. He’ll definitely be disoriented when he comes to.”
“Hah, you really are the perfect match for him.” Chad remarked. “Anyway, glad to be of service. You can just coil up the cord and put it behind the security desk when you’re done.”
You nodded, and Chad took his leave. Thinking about how he said you were perfect for Sun, you agreed, happy that others could even notice how happy the two of you were. The silly Sun was still a mess to deal with though, so you leaned back and rested a hand atop his head, waiting for him to gain enough of a charge to wake up again. He seemed to rest easy in your lap, even though he wasn’t booted up. Any time he was with you he looked like that though. He really loved you. That was the only explanation. 
“You silly, silly fool. Charge next time.” 
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paperstorm · 2 years ago
_The more I read about the break up and how heart broken carlos was the more I get pissed at tk...yes I understand that what carlos did was wrong but damn tk's reaction was so OVER THE TOP, he acted like carlos and their relationship is worth less then nothing to the point where he made carlos doubt his love...not gonna lie I'm still angry that they made carlos forgive him so easily..it gives the impression that tk can hurt carlos as much as he wants with no consequence because carlos will forgive him every time._
I've seen so many people say this and that tk doesn't deserve carlos and I want to know your take on this because I really love to read your thoughts on tarlos🧡
So I just wanna preface everything by saying that I am deeply, unbearably in love with Carlos Reyes. I just. Adore him. I love him so much. I love his heart and his kindness and his caretaker nature and he’s just so so so good. He is my favourite he is my angel I love him absolutely to pieces.
But I understand TK. Maybe because we’re alike, maybe because we’ve had similar lives in a lot of ways and we have similar scars and types of damage that we carry with us. And I just don’t get anyone who feels the way the person you quoted does. He makes mistakes and he hurts people like literally every human but then he learns and he tries to be better and really what more can we ask for than that? And how boring would a character be if they were perfect, if they had no flaws, if there was nothing we could point to and say “oof he shouldn’t have done that but I get why he did”, because isn’t that what’s interesting about a well written character? That they’re so unbearably human? That they’re complex and you can see bits of yourself in them, both good parts and bad parts? Idk I will never understand this need some people have for their characters to be perfect and ethical and the absolute model of mental health at all times. That sounds dreadfully boring to me. Even children’s media isn’t that reductive so why would you want your adult media to be?
I’ve never gotten the impression that the writers intended us to think TK can hurt carlos as much as he wants and always be instantly forgiven. I think it’s very much implied that they had a lot of long, difficult, but ultimately healthy conversations while TK was in the hospital, sorting out all their issues that had gone unaddressed. I wish we’d gotten to see it on screen! But I understand this is an ensemble show and there isn’t always time for everything. But I think it’s crazy to assume they didn’t and Carlos just instantly forgave him. That requires someone to completely have blinders on about all the times the show HAS shown them having healthy communication, which tbh is more than any show I’ve ever seen. That isn’t a good faith reading of the intentions of the writers.
And I just. I don’t ever want to gloss over the fact that what makes their breakup so interesting from a character standpoint is that it’s both of them who were wrong. Carlos is my beloved and I don’t like what he did. Owning real estate is a financial burden, even if you have a good job. It’s something that you have to put money into on basically a daily basis, with mortgage payments, with renovations, with repairs when shit breaks. Putting that onto someone else without asking them first is not being respectful of that other persons agency. I too would have bristled if I were TK.
Because the thing is, TK might have been fully on board with this, if Carlos had asked first. If Carlos had said “I love you, and I know how much you love this place, and I want us to have a home together. I know you can’t afford it but I can, and I want to take care of you and provide for you.” Maybe TK would have said yes. Maybe TK would have found that a beautiful gesture and sweet and loving and maybe he would have been over the moon about it.
Or, maybe he would have said “you know what, I love you too, but that makes me uncomfortable because it makes me feel like we aren’t equals. Why don’t we get an apartment together and save some money for a while and then we can buy a place together when we’re both able to contribute to it.”
The point is, tk didn’t get to make a decision that felt right to him, because Carlos took the choice away from him. And I love Carlos with all my heart, and I know he was trying to be romantic and trying to give TK a home and trying to do this big, beautiful declaration of love, but I personally don’t find that particular gesture to be one I would be comfortable with so I understand why TK didn’t either.
Now, the way that TK reacted to it is a different story, and that’s definitely where he was wrong. TK had a learned habit/coping mechanism of running away, often because he gets upset and then he can’t get the right words out to explain himself and he gets frustrated when he’s being misunderstood and he leaves. That’s his issues causing unhealthy communication and that’s something that he needed to work on, and it’s evident in canon that he did work on it because by 3x13 he wasn’t running away anymore. He was communicating firmly but kindly to Carlos what his needs were, he wasn’t being a doormat, but he didn’t run away when they disagreed. And I adore that growth. It’s so good satisfying to watch them grow. That’s what a good person does. Not never make a mistake, but learn from it and recognize when you’ve acted badly and work to correct that behaviour. They both do that in this show and honestly if these mostly angelic fictional characters don’t deserve love then I guess none of us do because real humans are far more imperfect. And idk, isn’t that what makes us beautiful?
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luimagines · 4 years ago
Maybe first kiss?? Definitely romantic-
You got it hun!
Part 1 will include Warrior, Twilight and Wild.
Content under the cut!
You walked along the road with no true destination in mind as the sun began to set.
You were alone for a change but didn’t mind the lack of company.
The air was sweet and fragrant, the night life beginning to stir around the town as you continued walking.
As you traveled and watched as the houses lit up their candles and the shops closed down as the day winded down to an end.
It was a peaceful moment that you didn’t think you’d have again for a while, not as long as you traveled with Link.
Any of them.
The worst of them was The Captain, you thought to yourself.
And just as you thought it, he appears in front of you.
Surprised just as much as you when you nearly collided with each other. Nothing happened thankfully but you were stunned in your footstep.
“Evenin’ Captin’.” You wink.
Warrior snorts and rolled his eyes. “And here I thought you dropped that name.”
“Would you rather I call you Link?” You grin and begin to walk again.
Warrior doesn’t take the lead like you were expecting him too but that’s just as well. It’s not like you were going anywhere.
“Of course I’d rather you call me by my name. Shame there’s just so many of us.”
“Too many.”
“You love us.”
“If I didn’t, I don’t think there’s any way I would have survived as long as I have with all your shenanigans.” You laugh. 
Warrior hums but doesn’t match your energy.
You look at him and raise an eyebrow. “Were you drinking?”
“Hm?” Warrior startles. “No. Not while I’m working.”
“Warrior, you’re always working.” You deadpan. 
“Am not.”
“Are too!” You snap back. “And well, whatever. Never mind. I was going to see if you wanted to go get a drink or something but if you’re technically still on the clock then it’s fine.”
“You want to get a drink?” Warrior throws him thumb behind him and tilts his head in tandem. “There’s a place that way where you could get one, cheap, mediocre, but it gets the job done.”
“I was curious if you wanted to drink. I’m actually fine.” You shrug and keep walking.
Warrior gets confused and has to step a little faster to keep up with you before you leave him behind. “I appreciate the offer but I’m fine as well.”
“Fair enough.”
Warrior waits for you to continue but when he sees that you aren’t going to, he speaks up again. “Why only me?”
“Legend says that you’re always thirsty around me, so I figured I’d offer-”
Warrior trips over himself and lands on his knees.
It looked rough.
“Hey, are you ok?” You drop next to him and he pulls himself off of the cobble stone road.
There’s a tear by his knee, right where he landed on it, and it you shifted it just a millimeter higher, then you’d see the very thin cut that’s already begun to bleed.
You hiss and try to gently pull the cloth away to get a better look at it but Warrior’s stillness is more unnerving than you want to admit.
“I’m going to kill him.” Warrior growled.
It was so out of left field that you blinked, sat back and began to laugh.
And laugh.
And laugh.
“And here I thought you were actually hurt.” You gasp. “You scared me for a second. Also, don’t kill Legend- he’s just trying to get under your skin, it’s not so bad.”
“Not so-” Warrior furrows his eyebrow and places a hand over his mouth. “Do you not know what that means?”
You raise an eyebrow with a teasing grin on your lips. “If I said no, would you show me?”
Oh you knew what you were doing.
You and him were playing this game for a while now and this is where you wanted to see what he was made of. If all the back and forth actually meant something to him like it did to you or if he was just having fun with it.
You would have been fine with it either way but you didn’t want to put time and effort into someone who didn’t consider you for more than a second glance. Legend’s comment was honest- if an honest jab- but it was the only clue you had to see where you soldier boy stood with you.
You lick your lips subtly but you don’t miss the way his eyes are drawn to the motion like a moth to candle light.
It emboldens you.
Warrior, while still on the ground, straightens up and you can see the movement of his Adam’s apple just beyond his scarf. “Are... Are implying what I think you’re implying?”
“I never implied anything Link.” You go stand and send him a wink. “I only wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help with apparent problem. But if it’s not serious-”
Warrior jumps to his feet and reaches for your elbow before you can turn away from him fully. “Serious? You want me to be serious?” 
“I want you to be honest with me, not some part time lover.” You admit. “Don’t go breaking my heart.”
Warrior has what you can only describe as a face journey.
At first he continues to look confused, before you see the light dawn on his face, before he looks like he could jump over the moon with joy alone and then his face drops again to what you can only describe as mild despair.
Warrior says your name like a prayer and his hands come up to cradle your face.
Your hands find themselves on top of his. 
They’re warm. 
“Is Legend right then?”
Warrior gulps audibly this time as his swipes his thumb across your cheek. “...Yes.”
His voice is breathless and low and it’s a whisper, a confession and a vow all in a single word.
The air is charged with an intensity you weren’t expecting when he speaks and you’re drawn into his gaze. “If you’re thirsty, what does that me?”
“A tall glass-” He leans down and brushes his nose with yours. Your eyes flutter close, letting him do whatever he’d want to do in the moment, you trust being fully placed in the hands of this man who’s completely captivated you, your heart and soul. You feel his breath move marginally down and you like your lips again from the anticipation of what you hope would happen. “-of water.”
Warrior lets his lips rest on yours and you don’t hesitate to kiss back.
Emboldened by the reaction, Warrior lets his hands travel downward and settle on your waist, pulling you closer to him.
You for your part, rest one hand by his collar bone and the other rests on his jaw, gently pushing and caressing where you want him to move to.
He follows without question and trails off of your lip to kiss your cheek, your jaw and he leaves a trail all the way down to your neck.
You gasp at the cold sensation when he leaves the spots behind and grip his tunic with your hand. “Link.”
He stops. A breath leaves him and he gulps right by your ear. “Sorry. Got carried away.”
“It’s ok.” You say in a small voice.
Warrior grins through his subtle panting and he pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you entirely and resting his head beside yours. “We can be serious.”
“The group would kill us.” You laugh and tilts your head further into the crook of his neck.
“Probably.” Warrior shrugs. “For either taking to long or making one of the lose a bet, but only for that.”
“Not for being intolerable?” You ask and tilt your head ever so slightly to return the kiss Warrior left on your neck.
He stills and hugs you tighter as result. “I’m going to need a drink.”
“And here I thought I could fix that.” You laugh and try to pull away. “You said.”
“Different.” He growls and keeps you from going through your plan of escape. “Something strong.”
“May I join you in your attempt to quench your thirst?” You snort and give up, letting him hold you as he wants.
Warrior pauses and looks down at you from where he holds you, a dumb smile on his face. “I’d love nothing more.”
Learning that Twilight was Wolfie was something you thought would be easy to move on from.
You used to shower Woflie with all sorts of pets, kisses and cuddles and part of you yearns to continue doing so.
But you didn’t want to make it awkward with Twilight.
You figured he only put up with it because he was a wolf and didn’t want to break up the illusion of his secret. Not the mention that the thought of kissing Twilight does something funny to you on the inside and the butterflies don’t leave you alone for hours after you’ve thought about it. 
But you missed it. 
You missed Wolfie. 
Your relationship with Twilight had taken on a new strain and you think the others are starting to notice it much to your chagrin.
He corners you one day, while you’re a little ways away from the group. You’re out of the ear shot and you’re frustrated and awkward.
Twilight lets a big breath out and notices how you can’t meet his eyes. “Are you ok? You’ve been weird this whole time since you found out. Did I do something-”
“No, no. You’re fine.” You’re quick to reassure him. “I couldn’t care less if this is a secret you want for yourself-”
“Ok, but with you being weird to both Twilight and Wolfie, the others are going to notice something sooner or later.”
“I won’t tell them anything.” You say.
“I trust you. I’m just saying.” Twilight crosses his arms and looks at you a little painfully. “But why the change? I thought we were fine.”
“We are fine.”
“Clearly not.” Twilight nearly growls. “You won’t even look at me anymore. You refuse to look at me even now.”
You snap your head to face him head on and chew on your lip as you try to think of the words to defend yourself. 
“Why did you let me give you all those kisses?” You say instead. “You knew I wasn’t aware of who you were.”
Twilight stills and his frustration melts from his face. He stares at you with a blank expression only bordering on confusion and realization at the same time.
It’s a weird look.
He doesn’t say anything in response though and the lack of reaction to your very legitimate questions spurs you on.
“What? Are my kisses are special or something? Do you know how weird it is for me to know that you’re Wolfie and still want to kiss the wolf?”
Twilight blushes something fierce, but he nods somewhat. He had a suspicion that was it, but he didn’t think you’d actually say it out loud. “Yes.”
You groan and throw your head back. “Yes to what?”
“Yes to both.” Twilight gulps and shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant. “Of course are kisses are special. And yeah- I get it. It can be weird but I let you... because I like it. It was selfish, I know, but I didn’t care because it was you. Look, if you want to keep kissing Woflie, I’m not going to stop you.”
“But it’s you!” You cry.
Can’t Twilight see what makes this weird? You can’t kiss Wolfie. It’s kissing Twilight! And kissing Twilight is a whole other level of honesty you’re not ready to have with yourself at the moment.
Twilight for his part- looks offended and maybe a little disappointed. “I didn’t think kissing me would be such a terrible idea.”
You panic. “That’s not what I meant. You’re very kissable. It’s just that I-”
“Prove it.”
You look up and Twilight’s in front of you, in your personal space, and he’s leaning down close enough where you can feel his breath fan across your cheeks.
“Uh, um...” You gulp and chance a look at his lips.
Twilight notices.
You don’t see that though. You instead focus on the implication of his words, how he’s placed him in front of you, how he’s not moving any closer to you.
He waiting for you to make the first move.
Do you want to? 
You shift yourself closer. 
Prove it, he said. 
Prove to him that he’s kissable. 
Prove to him that it matters if he’s Wolfie or not.
Prove it.
You take a breath and place your hands on his chest, reaching upwards to press your lips against him.
Your eyes close and you feel the contact as an electrifying spark. Your hesitance is clear. It’s a new and foreign sensation for you but it never had to be more than a peck. 
Your eyes flutter open again as you pull away but Twilight wraps his arm around your waist, trapping you against him as his other hand cradles your cheek, angling your face back to him gently as he chases after your lips.
They’re softer than you would have thought they would be and the way Twilight moves them against you has you struck stupid.
Your hands snake their way up his chest and wrap themselves around his neck. One of your hands tangles itself in his hair and begins to play with the strands you can reach.
Twilight responds with his own hand traveling past your cheek to your neck and eventually behind your head to entangle his fingers there.
You whines and Twilight pulls away, breathless, with half lidded eyes that have a look that makes you feel weak in your knees.
You gulp and attempt once again to pull away from him. “There.”
“What?” Twilight speaks and it does something funny to you. His voice is low, husky, dangerous.
“Very kissable.” You say with a slight nod to your head, unsure of what to do or say next. The phantom touch of his lips on your is still very much there, but you don’t want to place your fingertips there to mimic it while Twilight is still very much in front of you.
A new hunger darkens his gaze and he smirks with a wicked gleam. “I’m not convinced.”
He pulls you completely flush against him body and you squeak from the intensity behind it. You can feel his chuckle across your whole body and the sound encompasses you completely.
You feel a grin begin to bloom and you almost want to laugh. “What do you want me to do about it?”
Twilight leans down again and brushes his nose against yours. “I think you know.”
“Do I?” You challenge and brush him back. “I could be wrong. I’m not a mind reader.”
“I’ve wanted it for so long, how could you not know?” Twilight’s voice dips even lower and you shiver.
Twilight notices.
Your voice however, goes higher.  “Oh.”
Twilight smirks. 
“I suppose I can’t leave you unconvinced then, huh?” You maneuver yourself to get comfortable against him and ever so slightly push his head down to meet yours more fully.
“It would be rather rude of you to do so.” Twilight whispers against your lips.
So, you prove it.
You and Wild had snuck off from the group and were simply chilling by one the many grassy open spaces his Hyrule has to over.
Wild had taken you to a high point that oversaw the whole village any one who tried to make their way up to you.
So you had privacy for the time being.
Not that you guys were doing much, just laying on your back alternating between watching the clouds and taking quick cats naps in the warmth of the sun.
You take a deep breath and let it go, a wide smile on your face. “We should do this more often.”
You heard Wild shift from your side as he rolled over, his head cradled in his hands, his elbows firmly planted into the dirt beneath you. “You think so?”
“Your home is beautiful.” You say. “I want more time to appreciate it.”
“And yet it’s incomparable to you.” Wild whispers.
You still and roll over yourself to face him.
He ends up being closer to you than you thought he’d be and the close proximity takes you off guard. You feel yourself flush a little and shrink down, unable to meet his gaze but it’s not unwelcomed. 
“You’re making fun of me.” You mutter.
Wild takes his free hand uses it to tilt your head back up to meet his eyes. “Never.”
You gulp a bit as you glance into the windows to his soul. Sometimes when you catch yourself staring, you can see a sadness there with out end. Sometimes you can see his pain and confusion and you know that there’s not enough magic in the world to fix it.
But now?
You think you see hearts and thought of it being because of you does something funny to your own heart and breath.
You feel his gentle touch on your skin, how his thumb caresses ever so slightly against your cheekbone and chin.
The air is delicately charged with an electricity you wouldn’t have been able to place before.
You both lay there, staring into the other and you see his eyes, dip ever so slightly down.
You gulp.
You want him closer.
You need him closer.
You need him to kiss you.
Right now.
Wild shifts closer and brushes his nose with yours, his lips barely brushing over your own. His breath is hot and moist and you almost whine when he doesn’t close the distance between you.
“Is this ok?” He says after his second of hesitation.
“Please.” You whisper and angle yourself up to brush your lips with his again, the temptation to much for you to bare without any results.
He pulls back just before the distance closes again and you feel your heart drop.
“Please what?” He gulps. It’s loud and nervous and if you didn’t know any better you’d think he was being coy, a tease and a nuisance.
But no, he sounds genuinely concerned about your wording.
Just as quickly as your heart drops it soars again and you could cry with the amount of love you feel in your veins.
You reach up and cradle his face in a similar fashion to how he holds you and pull him closer. “Please.”
Wild takes the answer for what it is, pushing himself all the way in your direction and placing his lips on yours.
There’s a restrained hunger there, you can feel it. 
He wastes no time with tangling his hand into your hair, pushing you back so that your back is once again on the ground. Wild traps you beneath you and settles for keeping most of his weight on his opposite hand, leaving just enough room for you to bring your other arm and wrap it around him.
He’s gentle though, like he doesn’t want to frighten you with his desires but you mimic his movements, wanting nothing more than for him to let you love him.
At some point where your lips dance around each others, you move and you place different kisses on his jaw, his cheeks and his scars. You’re pinned underneath him entirely and he holds himself up from crushing you with a single arm on the ground by your head, his hair falling beside your face when he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours.
His breathing comes out in little pants and his eyes close. “I love you.”
You hum and tilts your head up to place a little kiss on his nose. “I love you too.”
Wild let a giddy smile fall across his face before he looks into your eyes and kisses you again.
Part 2
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lavendermin · 4 years ago
from sea of flowers, garden of eternity | xiao
pairing | xiao/reader
word count | 2k
genre | pwp, fluff, light angst, brief smut
note | glaze lily spirit reader, you are also in perpetual pain I’m sorry
“Xiao…” he hears your voice meekly call.
The adeptus is already on his feet before you can fully enter the room, his eyes quickly focused on you. He scans your body language diligently, looking for signs of pain or discomfort. It’s become a routine by now.
“Are you…?” His voice trails off when you shake your head apologetically. The slight strain in your smile doesn’t go unnoticed by him.
“I’m alright for now. The pains haven’t started yet. I think I’m set for another few hours, a day if I’m lucky,” you reassure him. “I just— wanted to check on you.”
Xiao gives you a blank look, one you recognize as confusion. “Check… on me…?”
“Just to see how you’re doing,” you clarify with a shy smile. As you make your way to sit on the bed, you gently pat the space next to you.
There’s a slight red upon his cheeks as he chooses to take up your invitation. The bed dips under his weight, and words do not need to be spoken to know both your minds drift briefly to past trysts that took place where you sit.
“I’m heading out to patrol the area in an hour. If you need anything at all, speak my name,” Xiao announces quietly. It’s a brief awkward silence as he rigidly sits next to you—tense almost. You answer him with a simple nod, hands absentmindedly rubbing little circles on your legs to ease the tingles of pain that slowly resurfaced.
Conversation was scarce the past few months you were placed into his watchful guard. The relationship you both harbored was a blurred line you tried not to think about too much for fear of over-complicating it.
And with your entire being, you could say you came to the unfortunate doom of falling in love with him. The emotional distance he kept oftentimes only confused you as much as your own emotions left him puzzled and a little flustered.
He kept you alive. That was the simplicity of the details Xiao was given. Perhaps it was a favor he was doing you, but he diligently carried it out with all the steadfastness of a contract bestowed onto him by the former Lord of Geo.
“I’m sure you are aware of the situation near Qingce Village,” Zhongli had brought up upon summoning Xiao several moons after the stirrings of a slumbering god.
Though the situation was previously dire, all was settled—Xiao knew this as a fact, for he was the one that swiftly took care of the aftermath of a dormant god’s power seeping through the earth. So, the battle hadn’t ended then…
“I was careless—“
Zhongli cut him off, carefully setting down his cup in its saucer. “On the contrary, this was in no way able to be foreseen by you. The world has a way of ending and raising new questions, just as easily as it provides answers to those who seek them.”
On the small garden table, Zhongli’s eyes trail to the glaze lily that sits in a small decorative vase. Unlike most, this lone flower is fully bloomed despite the time of day. It glows ever so slightly—weakly almost.
“You are aware that glaze lilies grow in the Qingce area, and there are a few wild outcroppings that shy away from prying eyes,” Zhongli starts.
His gloved finger reaches out to tenderly graze the petals, and at once the flower closes up. The petals take on a dullness, and visibly they start to wilt in small patches.
“The reasons are uncertain, but rumor spread around the village of a wandering ghost that followed the moon aimlessly. A spirit born of glaze lilies appeared after the battle that took place near there. It seems the power seeped deep into cracked earth among the flowerbeds.”
The young adeptus remained quiet, taking in the information. What exactly did this have to do with him, he wondered?
With a hint of apprehension, Xiao asks, “This spirit—has it taken on a malevolent nature?”
Instead of answering straight away, Zhongli wordlessly stands and makes his way back indoors. Xiao obediently follows, curious of the nature of this spirit.
“Nothing of the sort. However, these glaze lilies fell victim to the corruption of your karmic debt and at the same time were nurtured by immense adeptal power. There is a wavering balance that must be kept, for her body is as fragile as a flower’s and cannot withstand the depletion and shifts of adeptal energy.” With graceful steps, Zhongli stops before a door. “No other adeptus has successfully remained compatible with the energy she needs. So far it has only brought excruciating pain for her, and I fear she may die at this rate.”
With a silent nod, Xiao processes this information. His gloved hand is unmoving on the door handle.
“What are the terms of this contract,” Xiao silently asks, amber eyes trained on the door in front of him.
“My time has long passed to give you a new contract, Adeptus Xiao.” Zhongli chuckles fondly at the serious habits of the adeptus before him. “This is a choice I am giving you. It may take centuries for her body to adjust to the adeptal power she now harbors. If she is compatible with you, it is up to you to decide whether you supply her with your adeptal energy, otherwise she may not make it past next week.”
Xiao remains quiet for a brief moment before speaking softly, “Her body is tearing itself apart…”
There’s something in that fact that stirs feelings Xiao isn’t used to in his chest. He accepts, and the first memory of you that adorns his mind is one that clenches his heart in a way he rarely experiences. The pain that twists and contorts your face as you desperately heave, body seemingly tearing itself apart in a way the naked eye cannot see.
You’re a beautiful tragedy born of moonlight and sweet soil. And in that moment when your eyes meet his, a single tear rolls down your cheek. He cannot fathom the thought of letting your life end as quickly as it began.
The door behind him clicks shut, and he takes your fragile life into his hands.
The lights of the house are dim—a subtle golden glow against a comforting darkness in the blanket of night. A meadow of glaze lilies surrounds the little cottage in a sea of fragrance. A prominent mark of your abode.
The little house defended by mountains is secluded, one which Zhongli sent to be made for you while your body stabilizes.
And though the exterior is tranquil, within its walls come soft pants and gasps. Xiao’s brows are knit together in concentration as he ruts against you.
“Please—Ah…nnh a–again,” you beg against your trembling body’s protests.
And he wordlessly complies, folding your legs until your knees are practically at the sides of your head. His hips pick up the pace and his thrusts become desperate, bodies covered in a sheen of sweat. The moans you let out are loud—obscene as he fills you up until you’re overflowing. The pains have long subsided, and you choose to let him overcompensate in giving you the energy that will get you by another few days.
In the serene calm of night, the tranquility is drowned out by the squelching sounds of your bodies meeting each other through desperate thrusts as both of you are sent over the edge. His name falls from your lips in a melody Xiao has grown addicted to. For the nth time that night you come undone beneath him, your essence stabilized.
There’s a swelling warmth in your chest that blooms like spring meadows as Xiao buries his face in the crook of your neck. The tips of his ears are a bright scarlet and though he tries to control it, he is still left a breathless mess as he rides out his orgasm.
“Is it…enough?” Xiao asks between pants, his cock still buried deep within you.
He’s still twitching within you and your entire body shudders with delight at the feeling.
“You… haah—can keep… going if you want,” you offer weakly. There’s a dazed look in your half-lidded eyes that makes Xiao’s chest squeeze. “‘M full but you’re still…”
You glance down to where you two are still joined together, the view of his come leaking out of you shamelessly sending heat between your legs again. The tips of Xiao’s ears turn bright red though he tries to remain composed.
“I’ll be fine. You should get some rest to preserve the energy longer.”
He pulls out and ignores the way your eyes look away dejectedly. Before he can stand to go, your hand gently tugs him back down. Xiao allows himself to be pulled against you, his head resting in the valley of your naked chest.
“Stay with me for a bit?”
Xiao doesn’t answer right away, and your heart leaps when he lets out a little sigh and agrees.
The minutes tick by in tranquil silence. Both tired bodies ignore the sticky feeling of sweat and sex. It’s a feeling you’re both quite used to by now.
“Xiao?” you start quietly after a while. He hums in response, your fingers running through his dark hair soothingly. “Can I kiss you?”
The question is soft, self-conscious almost with the fear of rejection. But you were beyond a breaking point. The feelings were welling up in your chest like a high tide as you felt him tense up at your question.
Sex was common—quite often as a means of easily transferring adeptal energy to you. And because it was a painful process to take in, you found that this method dulled the pain through the twisted pleasures and mixed sensations.
But that’s all it was— a means to keep you alive. You could never say there was a time Xiao kissed you and he always showed restraint in touching your body more than necessary. His bodily needs were never foremost on his mind and he would never tell you how his hands ached to roam your body, how this arrangement became an illusion of a different reality he couldn’t have. And so he locked away his emotions for his own sake.
Xiao lifted his face from your chest, his golden eyes wide with momentary confusion—perhaps even shock. And your face… those wonderful sparkling eyes that glistened with glossy tears on the brink of rolling down your face. He wished he wasn’t the reason you were crying.
In an instant he propped himself up on his forearms, feeling you lightly tremble beneath him from holding back the urge to cry. A quiet hiccup left you as you were overwhelmed by bottled up feelings all at once, his thumb gently brushing your tears away.
“Why?” was all he asked.
Though it was a genuine question, his actions remained tender and calmed the anxiety that gripped your naive heart.
“Because I love you—because I think I love you.”
Quietly you hiccuped beneath him and Xiao gently rested his forehead against yours, eyes closed.
“Then love me if it makes you happy,” he responds softly. The tears that twinkle down your face like falling stars are gently kissed away by his soft lips. “I’m with you until the day I die, and if loving me makes living less painful for you then use me as an anchor to reality.”
Your soft crying is hushed as Xiao presses a tender kiss to your lips. It’s short and just enough to bloom your heart with newfound emotions you had yet to experience. Perhaps you reminded the adeptus of himself in a simpler time—naive, innocent. For that, he took pity on you, and also fell deeply in love with you though he would not know it for a long time.
Simply put, he wouldn’t allow himself to know it.
The flowers that surround the small house glow and dance in the night breeze. They bloom with your newfound knowledge—heartache.
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