#when love and hate collide chapter 8
joes-sha-la-la-la-girl · 10 months
When Love and Hate Collide: Chapter 8
Series Masterlist
Their next show a few days later went phenomenally, like always. The band and crew were now making their way over to Asia. They had to spend a week on the bus before they went to the airport. Y/N found it to be an odd experience. She found it difficult to sleep the first night as she discovered that more than one of the band members snored. She wasn’t sure who but she knew it wasn’t Sav. They would all be spending a lot more time on the bus in Asia as they would be there for a longer period of time, so she needed to get used to it. She inwardly groaned at that. 
The flight over there wasn’t too bad as she slept for most of it, Vivian standing guard yet again to make sure no one tried to draw on her face. When they landed, they got straight on the buses that were waiting for them, taking to the same beds as before. As she sat down on her bunk, she noticed Joe pull the curtain across straight away, not even giving her a glance. 
Y/N was still wondering what was going on with Joe. She didn’t want to pry and she knew it was nothing to do with her but she was worried that she had done something to him still. She knew that the rest of the band knew what was going on. They weren’t maliciously keeping it from her but rather, she assumed, to respect Joe and his privacy. 
Despite how Joe was still ignoring her after being on tour with them for just over a week, there was a funny feeling come over her when he looked at her. A feeling that Y/N hadn’t felt since she met her ex-boyfriend. She knew it would be best to stay away from Joe for a while, as much as her job made it possible, until she figured out what she was feeling. The last thing she needed was to develop a school-girl crush on a man who wouldn’t even give her the time of day.
They still had a week before their first show and they would be spending that time on the bus as well. The downside to staying on the tour bus was that there was no shower. They had to wash down with a flannel everyday, which was less than ideal. There were eight adults living together on the bus including Y/N and their bus driver so everyone was trying the best they could to prevent any unpleasantness for the people living with them. 
Tension seemed to be rising between Joe and Y/N. Sav thought that Joe was starting to turn a corner and at least be polite towards the young woman, but apparently not. Sav himself couldn’t pinpoint what was causing Joe’s bad mood this time, but he and the rest of the band were trying their best to be extra nice to their tour assistant.
Their first week in Asia went quickly and soon enough, they found themselves in the hotel the night before their first show in Thailand. As they were checking in, Mal gave Y/N another updated itinerary telling her where the boys had to be and when. Y/N made sure she studied it well, not wanting to be late anywhere or to show up at the wrong venue accidently.
Sav collected her for dinner after she lost track of time and Y/N could feel the awkwardness that had surrounded them for the previous two weeks, continue. Trying not to seem bothered by it all, Y/N started questioning everyone, making sure they were settled in alright and ready for the show. 
“As long as you don’t walk into anyone else then I think we’ll all be fine. We have done this before.” Joe almost spat at her, shocking everyone around the table. 
Y/N didn’t even bother to react. She didn’t let it show that his words affected her. Sav gave Joe a sharp look and kicked him under the table but Joe didn’t seem bothered by this. 
The table remained fairly quite after that, Y/N looking down the entire time to avoid eye contact with anyone else, she was left slightly embarrassed after Joe’s outburst, she knew that they had done this many times before, but it was her job to make sure they had everything and if they forgot something it would fall onto her.
When they had finished, Y/N quickly excused herself and headed back to her room for the evening. As she left, the rest glared at their lead singer. 
“Well, you’ve really outdone yourself this time.” Sav scoffed. Joe just looked up at him refusing to say anything. “You know you have to apologise to her.” He continued when Joe didn’t respond.
“Yeah I’ll pass.”
“No you won’t,” Phil spoke up, “You said you would be civil with her.” 
Rolling his eyes, Joe realised he was on his own. With a huff, he got up from his seat and followed in the direction their assistant went. It registered in him that he wasn’t listening when she had told him her room number earlier. Turning round he looked at Sav who rolled his eyes.
Joe gave another nod and made his way towards the lift. The truth was he wasn’t sure what prompted him to make that comment to her. He didn’t know where this anger was building up from again. Maybe it was because he started to let his guard down slightly when he promised to be nice, which was the last thing he wanted to do. Or maybe it was the comment that Mal had made a few weeks ago about her replacing him. Joe knew Malvin was joking but the idea of her being in charge of their tours when he barely wanted to be around her irritated him.
Once he got to the sixth floor, he slowed down his pace, wanting to delay this as much as possible. He hated apologising at the best of times. Counting the rooms as he went, he finally got to Y/N’s room. It was quiet there and for a moment he thought that she wasn’t in there. However, then he heard her moving about inside and decided to knock, knowing that the others wouldn’t let him be until he apologised.
It wasn’t long before she came to the door and Joe felt his heartbeat quicken at the sight of her. She was a short but modest nightdress, with her hair plaited so it didn’t get tangled overnight. She had taken the little make-up that she wore throughout the day off and the main light in the room was switched out, leaving the bedside lamp on. It was obvious to Joe that she was about to go to bed.
Joe didn’t realise that he was staring until Y/N softly cleared her throat. For some reason Joe couldn’t find any words. He moved his eyes from her legs, up to her face but he just stood there like an idiot.
“Why are you here Joe?” Y/N asked in a tired tone.
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"What do you want?" - A Series of Fics and Ficlets
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
"What do you want?" A Series of Fics and Ficlets - This is a FANON series of “Fics and Ficlets” that focuses solely on Buddie. Unlike CANON, they'll actually talk so they can discuss the things they've left unsaid over the last 6 years. Hopefully, season 8 will include a narrative for them instead of IT BEING FILLED WITH TM'S (SHOWRUNNER) REWRITTEN AND MADE-UP STORYLINES FROM OLD MOVIES 🙄.
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"What do you want?" - A Series of Ficlets
Currently 6 works completed; 41.4K Words: Rated; Teen and Up Audiences
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"You don't know math!" - 3.3K Words; Rated Teen and Up Audiences: Buck is forced to choose while Eddie might be presented with another option.
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"Math is a universal language." - 5K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: Eddie reconnects with an old acquaintance and they spend a lot of time together. However, now that Buck’s single, he finally tries to understand math is a universal language but when he sees Eddie talking to another guy, he wonders if it took him too long to figure it out.
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“You know, it’s like that thing when you meet somebody and you just… click.” - 5.1K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: When Buck comes face to face with Eddie’s new friend; he hates it but since he’s only told Maddie about his breakup with Tommy, Eddie’s still under the impression he’s taken. Therefore, Eddie makes plans to spend even more time with his new acquaintance.
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"I can't stop thinking about him." - 8.1K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: Buck and Eddie are trying to move on but they can’t stop thinking about each other.
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“How I hide my true feelings from others.” - 9.6K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: Buck and Eddie return to therapy but they’re both not telling each other about recent events that happened. Will they finally have an open and honest conversation before it’s too late?
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"We need to talk." - 11.4K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences:  After Eddie and Buck decide to take a weekend road trip to El Paso, TX to visit Chris, during the 12-hour drive, they talk about a lot of things they’ve left unsaid.
This is a series of “Fics and Ficlets” that I’ll be writing over the course of the next few weeks and my goal is to keep them under a certain number of words. I’m challenging myself to do it this way for multiple reasons but mainly because I want to see if I can write a full Buddie story by including smaller fics in a series in comparison to the multi-chapter fic I’m still in the process of writing titled, “I’m still in love with you but… I needed to learn how to love myself too!” I only have 9 chapters left before I finish it but once I’m done, I’d like to continue writing Buddie fanfics. However, this time I’ll start with my dislike for the way season 7 ended instead of the way season 6 did. Finally, I have a lot of WIPs that I want to finish and I figured I can turn them all into one shot fics or ficlets to build the full story for Buck and Eddie.
Since these ficlets will be posted in order, it’s imperative to read them one after the other. Each part ends at a specific point with a cliffhanger and the next part will begin with the ending of the previous part. Therefore, parts 1 - 5 should be read prior to reading part 6 and the series will continue in that manner until it’s complete.
Parts 1 - 6 are available on AO3.
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mother-above · 7 months
The Golden Warrior | Chapter 8
Azriel x Reader
Summary: To you, love was a poison that slowly killed. It was something that could make the strongest of warriors and leaders weak and vulnerable. You had successfully evaded romance and relationships for a century until the day you realized it had been plaguing you from within.
Chapters: 8/?
Word Count: 6.7k
Warnings: violence, death, swearing
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You kissed Azriel.
You kissed Azriel. Fucking. Shadowsinger.
And you have zero regrets.
The plan was to do anything to forget and prevent the bond from snapping with Tarquin. You hated making split decisions, but this worked perfectly in your favor. All thoughts of Tarquin and your nights together were smashed down into the depths of your memories. It’s been a day since the kiss, and you found yourself thinking about Azriel and how surprisingly soft his lips were for a hardened warrior.
You hadn’t seen him since that night, but you can imagine he was somewhere in the Night Court camps brooding in some dark tent. When you gave him the healer’s order not to fight in battle or fly until he was completely healed, he barely gave you resistance. Now that he’s had time to process the information, you were sure he was giving his High Lord a tough time about this. It must be torture knowing his friends and family were going into battle without him.
Thinking about Azriel’s well-being wholly consumed your mind because you ended up colliding with a tall figure. The apologetic smile slowly disappeared from your lips when you realized you had bumped into a grinning High Lord of Summer.
“What thoughts are occupying your brain, my lady,” said Tarquin teasingly. “It’s unlike you not to watch where you’re going.”
Even if he was poking fun at you, he still swept down to take your hand and kissed it in formal Dawn Court fashion. Your eyes almost popped out of your head as you watched his lips press against your skin.
“Tarquin! I- uh was just thinking about some preparations I must do for the battle,” you stammered. “What are you doing here?”
Tarquin gave you a lopsided grin. “I was on my way to speak to Thesan; would you like to accompany me?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m afraid I was on my way to check on the distribution of the anti-faebane compound. I’ll catch up with you later!”
Without waiting for him to respond, you spun around and sped walked toward the other side of camp. You were actually on your way to speak to your cousin, the warriors Wyla and Bersk were tasked to oversee the distribution of the compound to the camps, but Tarquin didn’t need to know that. You looked down at the hand he kissed and squeezed your eyes shut in frustration. Tarquin was a good friend, why did the mate bond have to come and ruin everything?
The hot sun beat down as you took a sip of water, you were looking off onto the blue ocean while ignoring the humans' gazes boring holes into your wings. You and other fae who could winnow were winnowing humans from the villages beyond the Wall all day long. Some humans went willingly, and some were violent and had to be subdued with magic. You frowned as you watched a family in the corner looking a little green, their eldest son still throwing up. They threw an iron spear at you, and you flicked it off like it was nothing. It wasn’t long until they were feeling too sick to pathetically attempt to end your life.
Thankfully, Tarquin was too busy dealing with the refugees in his court so there was little chance of running into him. Looking around, you see the familiar form of Morrigan who was leaning against the stone ledge and admiring the view. The last time you saw her, she was a blubbering mess who kept thanking you for saving Cassian’s life. You stood next to her and Morrigan turned to smile, she reached over and gave you a quick hug.
“My favorite healer!” she said enthusiastically. “Isn’t it beautiful here? I wish the world was at peace so I could lounge on the beach.”
You laughed as you both wistfully looked at the picturesque scene before you. There were beaches all over Prythian, but nothing could beat Summer.
Morrigan examined the soft glow that emitted from you. She felt indebted to the Golden Warrior that stood next to her, without you, her family's world would have fallen apart. Mor also saw the work you’d done to Azriel’s wings, the thought of the Shadowsinger made her smile fade.
“You should know that Illyrian patient of yours is being incredibly stubborn,” said Mor. “He keeps bothering Rhysand and Madja to give him a pass to fight tomorrow.”
Shaking your head, you gave Mor a timid smile. “I was afraid that was going to happen. I had a feeling that even if I told Azriel he can’t fight, he’d try to negotiate.”
“We can all beg him not to fight but nothing is going to stop him from doing what he wants. It has come to the point where Rhysand started threatening Az that he would chain him onto a tree.”
Laughter bubbled from your lips at the image. “Do you think he’ll disobey Rhysand? Azriel doesn’t seem like the type to disobey his High Lord.”
“I don’t know,” shrugged Mor. “I tried talking to him… sometimes he listens to me so I’m hoping he will.”
“I didn’t think he’d be this stubborn!” you exclaimed. You knew how bad his wings were, if he tried to fly too early, one wrong move could permanently damage the nerves in his wings.
“You’d be surprised,” snorted Mor.
The sound of distinct whispers makes you straighten up and whip your head around. Your sudden movement caused Morrigan to finally notice the shadowsinger.
The spymaster approached with a smirk on his lips. “If you’re going to talk about me behind my back, at least try to do it discreetly.”
Azriel found it bizarre to see the two of you standing together and laughing. The female he had loved for five hundred years and the mate he knew would be easy to love. It was his two worlds colliding and his chest constricted with emotion. Two beautiful females who didn’t seem to want him. Azriel was sure the bond would snap the moment your lips touched but it didn’t, his little dove was still so scared and resistant.
 “Hi Azriel,” you said softly. Feeling a little shy from the kiss, you turned around and kept your eyes on the crashing waves.
He stood next to you and leaned against the stone. “It’s frustrating that I can never spy on you again. My shadows gave me away, right?”
You nodded. “Yes, it was your shadows and good! I told you there would be repercussions if you tried to do it again. You can always come talk to me, I thought we established that already.”
“I didn’t forget, my lady, it’s just fun to tease you. Your forehead scrunches up and you start threatening people,” said Azriel as he peered at your furrowed brows.
 “Then don’t say or do things to make me threaten you in the first place!” You scowled while you smoothed your skin upwards with your fingers.
Morrigan watched Azriel and you banter, and her eyes lit up as she studied the two of you. She felt like she was intruding so she excused herself to get back to winnowing the humans from the villages.
“How are you feeling?” asked Azriel. “You ready for tomorrow?”
For the first time since the kiss, you looked deeply into his hazel eyes. “I’m fucking terrified. I was told to stop winnowing the humans because the High Lords wanted me to be well-rested for the battle,” you paused and took a breath. “Thesan wants me to unleash every drop of magic I can to poison Hybern. I still don’t know if I can do it at that magnitude.
Azriel took in your words and leaned closer. “Do you want to know one of the first thoughts I had when I met you? I thought you were incredible and the more I learned about you, the more impressed I was. For 49 years, you held your entire court together without the support of a High Lord. That’s pretty fucking powerful.”
You sighed, “I don’t know, Azriel. I’m scared I won’t be strong enough. What I have to do tomorrow may decide which side the scale will tip.”
Azriel watched your furrowed brow slowly return. He wished you didn’t have to take on this much responsibility and wished he could be fighting by your side. His shadows must have been thinking the same thing because they drifted to you. The wisps danced around your wings or intertwined themselves in your hair.
“You are one of the best warriors I have ever seen. I have a feeling that you’re going to be amazing tomorrow, I know it.”
You smiled at his confidence in you. It was nice to hear it after days of self-deprecating thoughts about your power. “Speaking about warriors—are you going to be stubborn and fight tomorrow?”
Azriel’s jaw set as he shook his head. “I’m furious that I won’t be there to help my brothers, Feyre, Amren, Mor, and… you. Morrigan begged me not to fight and frankly, I’m scared how badly you’ll both kick my ass if I do.”
You laughed and Azriel smiled. He wanted to listen to your laughter forever.
Nudging his arm, you tell him not to worry even though you know tomorrow is going to be a bloodbath. Comfortable silence fell between you, the only thing you could hear was the rhythmic crashing of water. The salty air smelled heavenly against the scent of cedarwood, the scent reminding you of that night.
“Are we going to talk about the kiss?” you blurted.
He felt his heartbeat quicken. “You said it was to distract from your potential mate… did it work?”
Azriel refrained from asking more questions about who the male was. He was afraid that if he knew the answer, he might do something he would regret.
“I think so… but I kind of feel bad about it. I hope it wasn't confusing for you. I’ve been considering you a friend, and I don’t want the kiss to make it awkward for the both of us.”
His heart sunk at the word. Azriel peered down at your hopeful gaze. You seemed genuine about wanting to keep the friendship and Azriel would never want to lose that. He would rather be your friend forever and keep you in his life than never having you at all. He still had hope that one day you’d grow to love him but for now, this was enough.
“Don’t feel bad. I’ll always be happy to help you out with whatever you need,” said Azriel.
You beamed up at him. “Likewise.”
The two of you had a rocky start but that’s how you knew this friendship was going to be a great one. He earned your trust, and you earned his.
The cold crisp air was welcoming as you glid through the sky. Today was the big day. Potentially your last day. Instead of getting that extra hour of sleep, you wanted to make sure you watched today’s sunrise. It was beautiful, it was like the Mother knew that for hundreds of thousands, it would be their last, so she blessed the dawn sky. Pastel pink, blue, and orange were all you could see. You closed your eyes and basked as you savored the soft warmth of the sun.
One last look at the sky and then you dove down to go meet Thesan and Callon for breakfast. Meals with your cousin and his lover were usually joyful and filled with laughter but today, everyone was trying not to cry. Thesan and Callon were the ones you trusted most in the world. They were your family and the thought of either of them dying today was unimaginable. If something were to happen, you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself. You lost your parents, and you couldn’t lose someone again, Thesan and Callon were all you had.
You looked at Callon who held Thesan’s hand so tightly, his knuckles were white. Blinking back tears, you looked down and stirred your anti-faebane-laced coffee for the hundredth time. Callon would die to protect his High Lord, he would die to protect you. His loyalty to your family and the Court ran deep but even if he wasn’t, Callon loved you both so dearly. You were beginning to think all forms of love weren’t worth it. This hurt too much.
“My cousin, my second-in-command,” said Thesan gently. “If something happens to me in battle- “
You try to cut him off, but he gives you a look that silences you.
“You are the only living immediate relative of mine and the most powerful faerie in Dawn Court after me. Thanks to Rhysand and his knack for breaking the rules, if I die, you will be High Lady and I couldn’t be happier that the role will be passed to you.”
Feeling like a child again, your lips trembled. “That’s not going to happen because you’ll survive this. All of us will.”
Thesan glowed brighter, his familial love for you was overwhelming. He couldn’t stand the idea of leaving you alone again or the fact that you may leave him. “I don’t plan on dying today. I just want you to be prepared, that’s all.”
Tears finally escape and you don’t stop to wipe them. You nodded and looked at Thesan, “My power… I don’t know if I can do that much damage. I want to save as many Prythian lives as possible, but I don’t know if I can do this,” you said truthfully.
“When the shields are down and it’s time to unleash your poison, I want you to think about everything you care about. Think about me, Callon, and your friends. Think of all the humans and faeries you will protect. Think about the Dawn Court and all its beauty. That’s what you’re protecting and trust me, you’ll find that power.” His voice was deep and soothing, and every word hit you in your chest. Maybe you can do this. If High Lord Thesan believed in you, there should be no reason to doubt.
The battleground was a sight to see, the five courts and their legions were marching or winnowing in. Hybern was in the distance, their large numbers slowly gathering but you paid them no attention.
The golden armor felt cool against your skin, the helmet snug on your head, and the flat of your sheathed sword tapping your thigh as you walked amongst the Peregryn Battalion. Callon and Thesan had just finished their speeches to the soldiers, and they wanted to reserve the last one for the Golden Warrior. In the almost 50 years of Thesan’s absence from the throne, you were their leader, their Lady. They respected you and were honored to wear the same armor as you did.
They stood in attention as you made your way to the front, you gazed at the rows of soldiers with an aura of confidence and viciousness. The weeping lady from breakfast was long gone and was replaced with the fierce protector.
“May you all fly high and strike swiftly. May our blades and strength slay our enemies. May the Mother above protect us.” Your voice reverberated through the air. Everyone within a mile radius had their skin riddled with goosebumps as they felt your power radiate from you. “Hybern wants to take away the balance of our country and bring chaos. Let’s show them it’s not so easy to do so. Some of us may fall today, some of us may not. Fight hard and watch each other’s back, I will see you all on the other side.”
Last-minute preparations were being made while the rest of the court's armies were arriving. Callon handed you a scroll and told you to deliver it to the Illyrian General, your fae eyes tell you that winnowing would be faster. Honing on the image of Cassian, you winnowed next to him, but he didn’t immediately look at you, he was looking at the sight of Azriel handing the Truth Teller to Elain. You followed his eyes and realized that everyone was staring at Azriel and Elain.
Raising a brow, you tapped the scroll against Cassian’s chest to get his attention. “Callon wanted you to have this, I think it’s about flight formations.”
Shaking his head, he apologized and took the scroll from you.
“Why is everyone staring at them?” you asked peering at the Archeron sister you have yet to meet. She was looking at Azriel with big doe eyes and annoyance momentarily flared in your chest.
Cassian looked down at you and then back at Azriel. “Um—Azriel never lets anyone touch the Truth Teller. It’s just a strange sight, maybe he feels like his dagger would help her feel safer.”
You examined the doe-eyed fae, she looked like she had never held anything that sharp in her life.
It was then that Azriel’s shadows noticed your presence, they darted towards you, and you laughed when you heard their squeals of excitement. They floated around and whispered; they were admiring the golden armor that covered you. Azriel looked up and smiled when he saw you standing next to Cassian. He immediately limped his way to you, leaving the Archeron sister to curiously look at the newcomer with the white and gold wings.
You asked Cassian how his healing was, and Azriel rolled his eyes when Cassian pulled up his leathers showing you his toned abdomen with a giant scar running down the middle. You cast a hand over and smiled as you sensed that all his healing was done.
“You’re all good, but the scar might stay, it was too deep of a wound and--.”
“Don’t worry about it,” interrupted Cassian. “It’ll be a good reminder to follow orders. You know, I will never be able to thank you enough for saving my life. I wouldn’t be here without you, consider me indebted to you.”
You smiled at the General. “Make sure you survive; I’d like to take you up on that offer one day.”
Rhysand called Cassian over which left you and Azriel alone. You noticed he was still wearing Illyrian leathers and his siphons but no helmet in sight. He watched you notice the absence of his protective gear and he rolled his eyes at your approving nods.
“Have you come here to gloat and show off your armor?” joked Azriel.
“Ha. I’m not that cruel, Azriel. I can’t imagine how hard it is to stand back and do nothing,” you said sincerely. “I think it’ll make everyone feel better knowing you’re safe so in a way, you’re still helping.”
You looked at Elain who was holding Azriel’s dagger delicately, wary of the sharp parts.
“Cassian told me you have a name for that dagger, what was it again? Truth-something?”
“It’s Truth-Teller,” replied Azriel.
Blinking up at him, a small mischievous smile formed on your lips. “That’s dramatic. Do people get intimidated by that?” He looked so dumbfounded, and you couldn’t help but laugh at his expression.
“Actually,” he said with feigned defensiveness. “They do get intimidated by the dagger and my reputation. I guess you wouldn’t know about it because you’ve been living under a rock and can poison anyone and anything.”
Your head tipped back, and a hearty laugh comes out making Azriel grin. The entire morning had been filled with tears and stoicism, it felt good to laugh, it almost made you forget the battle was minutes away.
Azriel pointed to the ornate sword attached to your waist. “You can’t tell me something like that doesn’t have a name!”
You unsheathed the sword and brought it between you and Azriel. “You got me there,” you said as you tapped the three pearls near the hilt. “Her name is Deception, it used to be my father’s. He told me he called her Deception because she seems delicate and pretty but…when in the right hands, she’s also a killer and destroyer of armies.”
Azriel ran a scarred finger across the gold engravings on the blade. It was clean now but, in a few hours, it would be stained red.
“Just like her owner,” he said with a smirk.
A snort comes out and you quickly sheath the sword to distract from the reddening of your ears.
“I have to get back to the Peregryns, make sure we’re ready for the skies,” you said grimly.
Azriel swallowed a lump in his throat, his eyes scanning and committing every inch of your face to memory. He refused to believe this might be the last time he would see you. He wished you had more time, maybe...just maybe you might fall in love with him. Pushing away his useless dreams, Azriel looked at his beautiful mate.
“Please be careful,” said Azriel, his voice wavering slightly.
You were surprised by the emotion packed in his words; you swear his eyes were glistening. “I’ll be okay,” you reassured. “Just know that if I see you on the battlefield, I’ll fly down and kick your ass.”
Azriel’s lips twitched into a smile and then you winnowed, leaving a faint scent of lilacs.
Not too far away were the figures of Cassian, Rhysand, and Feyre huddled by a supply caravan pretending to be in a conversation. Feyre had learned you were Azriel’s mate a couple of days after the males found out. Cassian was giddy at all hours of the day, Rhysand kept pestering Azriel, and whenever Feyre saw the shadowsinger, he would be engulfed in shadows with his eyes staring off into the distance. It didn’t take long before Feyre could coax the answers out of her mate.
Because Azriel was Azriel, they had no solid idea how your relationship was progressing. So when they heard your banter, they all bit back smiles, they’ve never heard him talk this much. It gave them even more reasons to fight for their future, and their family's happiness.
             The sheer size of Hybern’s army was staggering. There was no point trying to skew your perception to make you feel better. It was just a fact that Hybern had the larger army, but it didn’t mean Prythian didn’t have a few tricks up her sleeves.
The High Lords had ordered you to go to the front lines for the magic portion of the battle. Thesan didn’t like the idea of you standing too close to the Bone Carver, so he wanted you in the air. Your cousin was scared for you, but you were more concerned about how much power you could unleash.
You hovered close to the Bone Carver, curiosity making you look at the creature as he stared back at you with black eyes. Legends say he appeared differently to everyone and what you saw was a female. You weren’t sure if she was fae, she seemed otherworldly, beautiful, and ancient. She looked like death, not in the sense she looked ill and weak, she was death personified. You found that the longer you looked at her, the sense of dread rose like bile in your throat.
The Bone Carver could feel the sharp darkness from you and cocked its head. “Peculiar,” murmured the Bone Carver.
Before you could ask what he meant, something next to you materialized, with a hand on the hilt of your sword, you turned to see an even more terrifying creature.
You’ve heard scary stories about him in your youth, it was a creature that parents used to make their children behave. You remember only feeling safe from the creature once you learned it had been imprisoned in Night Court for centuries. Its dark shadowy figure loomed over you despite hovering a couple of feet from the ground. You heard shocked murmurs coming from both sides, no one was expecting this.
Steeling yourself, you looked at Bryaxis and dipped your head, even if you wanted to run for the hills. While glamoured, Bryaxis had the time to examine you, it felt that overwhelming power the Bone Carver talked about. There was something else, there was something familiar about you, but it couldn’t place it. You seemed too young to have met it before it was imprisoned.
You guess there was more excitement because next to the Bone Carver, appeared the Weaver. She was young and pretty unlike the stories you’ve heard of an old hag, meaning she must have feasted recently. She paid no attention to you; she was more occupied with the seemingly stunned Bone Carver.
“Golden warrior,” hissed Bryaxis.
The whisper of Bryaxis felt like insects crawling up your neck. You narrowed your eyes and looked at its terrifying face. You tried not to stare at its huge claws as it blinked and studied your figure.
“Yes?” You thanked the mother your voice didn’t tremble.
“If you are what I think you are, I have met you before,” hissed the creature. You weren’t even sure if its mouth was moving, you think it responded to you like a daemati.
“That’s impossible, I would have remembered.”
“No!” growled Bryaxis. “Not you, your predecessor.”
Your eyes widened at his admission. What did he mean? Has he met your parents? You asked but it ignored your questions. It started to whisper something nonsensical about war and killing as it looked toward the terrified Hybern soldiers.
Atop a grassy knoll, Azriel gawked as he watched you interact with the immortal creatures. Everyone around him sucked in a breath when he saw you speaking to Bryaxis. Rhysand could tell Azriel was itching to intervene, drag you away from danger so Rhys stood next to his brother.
What the hell is she doing? thought Azriel. Is she not scared?
He could tell both armies were watching you, some Prythians knew who you were but this set of Hybern soldiers were bewildered. Their soldiers probably couldn’t tell what was so special about this winged female, their shields preventing them from feeling your power. They wondered about your place amongst these dark immortal creatures. The soldiers in the front began to feel uneasy about the seemingly normal faerie.
The earth started to shake as the High Lords and Hybern started using their magic to take down the shields. Giving up on getting answers from Bryaxis, you took this as your cue to get ready. You flew high enough to the point where you could see most of Hybern’s army. Your wings flapped steadily as you looked forward and emptied your mind, ridding any feelings of uncertainty.
With your palms facing Hybern, you think of all the faeries you were protecting behind you. Gold and bronze light slowly leached from your skin and turned to wisps, each thought of your family, friends, and court made you glow brighter. The swirling wisps extended from your body and the enemy gulped at your display of power. Thesan, who was concentrating on using his magic to take down the shields grinned maniacally as he saw what his cousin was capable of.
Breathing deeply and slowly, you extended your arms out to the sides as more power gathered in your core. You think of the innocent children; faeries and humans who deserved a peaceful life ahead of them. The power that surged in and around you felt insane, you don’t think you’ve conjured this much energy in your entire life. You felt vicious and you were counting down the seconds you could get your hands on the Hybern bastards.
The moment you felt Hybern’s shield fall, you roared as power erupted from your body. The light you emitted was strong enough to blind a faerie if they didn’t close their eyes fast enough. Gold and bronze flung out as you slashed your arm in the air and then the screaming started. Your magic was faster than the dark creatures below you, so Hybern tasted your death first. Soldiers gurgled on their own blood as they bled from every orifice, some screamed in agony as their insides liquified, and others just dropped dead.
There was so much energy thrumming inside you and this time, something felt different, like you had unlocked a new ability. Out of instinct, you raised a hand, and a pulse of gold wisps hurtled towards the target. Moments before the blast hit Hybern, the wisps turned into a thick bronze mist that hung heavily in the air. You could barely see through the fog but when it cleared, a gasp escaped your lips. Piles of bodies lay unmoving on the ground; the mist had killed everything in its path forcing Hybern’s armies to split into two.
Hundreds of bodies turned into thousands, and the Court’s armies roared their war cries. Now that Bryaxis, Bone Carver and the Weaver had crossed enemy lines, the sounds of screams became louder. Prythian soldiers marched forward and began to fight. You stayed in the air sending blasts of your poison hoping it would reach and weaken those in the back. Once you felt your magic sputter, you fell back and flew to the Peregryn and Illyrian legions.
The Peregryn commander grasped your arm and brought you close. “Holy shit, y/n! I knew you could do it!” grinned Callon.
You panted and rested your head on Callon's shoulder for a moment. “I didn’t know I could do that!”
“I hope you have more fight in you, my lady. We start aerial attacks in 60 seconds.”
The wicked smile on your face was enough of an answer for Callon. You unsheathed Deception and poised your arm ready for anything.
The booming orders of Callon and Cassian first sent the archers and then the rest of the legions charging toward the Attors who were making their way toward you. Everything felt like a blur as the winged squadrons plummeted to the earth and took the fight to the ground. Magical shields were useless against ash arrows, forcing everyone to switch to physical shields. You were immediately splattered with blood, but you didn’t care as long as it wasn’t yours.
You moved in a deadly dance with anything that came close to you whether it was a soldier, Attor, or hound. It was rhythmic and sometimes you didn’t even have to think, it was all instinct. You spotted a squad of Peregryn warriors having trouble with Attors about a hundred feet into the air. With a twitch of your wings, you shot up to the sky and showed no mercy to the clawed creatures.
You were catching your breath and preparing to dive down into the fray when you swear you heard someone calling your name. Brows furrowed, you looked toward the Prythian side. You heard it again, it sounded desperate and guttural, and your wings and body felt compelled to follow the direction of the voice. A second later, you see Cassian with his flaring siphons shoot up near you and start flying as fast as he can toward Rhysand.
“What is he doing?” you murmured.
Then, something in the air shifted, something powerful and ominous from over the hill on the Hybern side. You looked back at Cassian’s frantic figure getting smaller in the distance.
Something was wrong and you didn’t like it.
“FALLBACK!” you roared. “FALLBACK!”
The Peregryns and Illyrians who heard immediately withdrew and followed you in the skies. You felt searing heat behind and just before a white light reached you, you thrusted your magic outwards creating a bubble of protection around the Peregryns and Illyrians closest to you. Those with siphons locked their magic into your shield at the same time. The siphon shields and your magic held on just long enough to hurtle you and those under your protection backward into the sky. Once your wings stabilized, you cried out in horror as you saw the ashes of thousands of Illyrians and Peregryns drift to the ground.
You wildly looked around for Callon, your eyes wide with fear as you scanned the disoriented Peregryns and Illyrians. It was Callon who found you, his hands reaching for your shoulders needing to see for himself you hadn’t been killed.
“Find Thesan,” ordered Callon, his voice desperate. “Dawn needs a future, and you are its future. Find Thesan and stick with him… I’ll feel better knowing you’re together.”
Your eyes widened in shock. Callon has never, ever spoken to you in that tone before. He respected your rank and title in the court and Dawn’s royal family. This was the voice of a commander who knew that whatever that blast was, was something you could not beat.
“But what about- “
“We’ll be okay, we’ll integrate with the Illyrians, and Wyla and Bersk can help me manage what's left of our legion,” said Callon. He paused; his eyes begging you to listen to him. “Please.”
With a nod goodbye, you turned around and sent out two sharp whistles. A second later, you heard Thesan’s response toward your left. You winnowed next to him, and he breathed out a sigh of relief. In a similar fashion to Callon, he cradled your face and looked you over for injuries.
“I thought you were gone. The blast-- I thought I lost you,” said Thesan. He was panting from magical exhaustion and his eyes were glistening at the thought of your death.
Your lip trembled before you forced a smile onto your face. “I would be if you didn’t call my name.”
Thesan shook his head. “That wasn’t me… I mean I heard someone scream your name, but I was too busy holding the shields over the foot soldiers.”
“Then who was it?”
Thesan’s eyes flickered toward the shadow that discreetly held onto the shoulder of your armor. It was expertly placed, somewhere you wouldn’t notice if you weren’t looking for it.
“I don’t know,” replied Thesan. “It doesn’t matter now, what’s important is you’re here.”
Thesan filled you in on what was happening, he explained that Spring, Autumn, and human armies had joined in. Hybern was using the Cauldron to target the death gods which was one of the reasons why Thesan wanted you near him. It was strange to be on this side of the battle, the part where the High Lords and their second in command stayed back to delegate and fight only when needed.
Everywhere you looked was filled with chaos and death. Prythian armies were slowly getting overwhelmed and just when things couldn’t get worse, Rhysand sent out a magical warning that Hybern ships were approaching your side. Flying over to where Rhysand and his court were standing on the cliffside, you gathered your power and sent out bursts of poison toward their armada. You could hear the screams of agony and bodies dropping on the decks, but it wasn’t enough. Your power couldn’t reach that far out, and more ships were coming your way. Your magic reserves were always quick to restore but this was a battle, you were never going to have enough. Tapping into everything, you managed to conjure the bronze mist, but it was only enough to cover one ship.
You staggered forward, panting from exertion. Cassian placed a hand on your elbow and pulled you down to sit. “Rest,” he insisted. “You’re going to do more bad than good if you completely deplete yourself.”
You looked at him and saw the same guilt that you felt. You had both survived the blast and there was nothing you could do to change that.
Your gasps for breath were slowly turning into hyperventilating sobs. Until now, the shadow on your shoulder had stayed quiet to avoid detection. It chittered reassuring words but you were too occupied to notice.
“If I don’t do something we’re all going to die sooner or later,” you said bluntly.
Rhysand, Feyre, Cassian, and Nesta looked at each other solemnly, they knew you were right. Rhys almost called for Azriel to come back and be here with you, but he couldn’t, he needed Azriel to be within the northern flanks.
Concentrating on refilling your energy, you tried to block out the voices of Night Court and stared at the daunting sea. You had managed to take down fifteen ships, all of them crashing together now that there was no one to steer them. Your poison slowed Hybern but in thirty minutes, you were sure the rest would make their way to shore.
You were feeling completely hopeless until the sounds of horns announced the arrival of thousands of white-feathered Seraphim and countless warships from different nations. Their presence had tipped the scale, and it gave Prythian a fighting chance. With a renewed sense of energy and spirit, you and Thesan fought hard as the battle reached you.
It was interesting to fight amongst white-feathered fae, the Peregryns grinning whenever a Seraphim jumped in to help them. You fought wherever the battle would take you, sometimes next to Thesan or several feet above.
The smell of blood and screams of mercy overtook your senses and it began to get overwhelming again, the chaos never ending. You knew you were going to see Peregryns die, you thought you were prepared but you weren’t. Screaming in horror, you watched Wyla’s limp bloodied body dive toward the earth. She was one of the best warriors you had ever seen and now she was gone.
You don’t think you’ve stopped moving, one hand holding your sword and the other hand shooting magic. You would see a Prythian soldier faltering and either you or Thesan would send your magic to heal whatever it could.
Heal, stab, poison, slash, and heal again. It was a never-ending cycle, and you were beginning to think Hybern may be winning again. As long as Hybern had the Cauldron, you were afraid Prythian would fall. You overheard Feyre and Amren talking about going to the Caudron and you prayed to the Mother they had a plan.
You had just killed an Attor, its head was still in your hand as you watched its body plummet to the ground. A cry came out of your lips when you saw all High Lords had transformed into their monstrous beast forms. You saw an obsidian-winged beast, a golden-winged creature with razor-sharp talons but what made you stagger in the air was Thesan in his gold and white phoenix form. The beast form was the High Lords’ last case scenario, and this only meant one thing.
Prythian was losing.
Even if you were exhausted and bloody, you kept going. You refused to die today. You had dived into the Attor legion, killing swiftly and quickly. A glimmer of blue cobalt shined in the corner of your eye and when you turned to look, a gasp escaped your lips. Fighting alongside the obsidian beast and the white and gold phoenix was Azriel.
What the hel is he doing? Anger boiled within you at the sight of the blue-siphoned Illyrian. He’s not healed yet, he’s going to get hurt.
You noticed he was getting surrounded by Hybern creatures and before you could dive down, you felt claws grab onto your wings. Your eyes went wide as you tried to turn but it was too late, claws had dug into your back and left wing as if it were trying to rip your wing off. A blood-curdling scream erupted, and you flailed trying to get the creature with your sword. An Attor popped up in front of you and just as you tried to hit it with poison, something pierced into your stomach. Before it could fully drive in its dagger, something bright, scorching, and fiery flew close to you.
Then you were falling.
You couldn’t move, you had no control over the only thing that could stop you from falling to your death. Your hands reached out and clawed the air as if there was an invisible rope you could latch onto. Terrified panic was the only thing you felt, like many times before, you were alone and left to your own devices. No one was going to catch you.
All you could see was the blur of your arms and blood-stained wings as you hurtled to the ground.
It won’t be too long now, you thought. The impact will kill me.
There was nothing you could do so you closed your eyes.
a/n: Hello! Don't forget to comment and reblog, I love love love reading your thoughts and reactions! Thank you for reading :)
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somethingvicked · 7 months
One shots:
Eddie Munson:
When Love and Hate collide (angst to fluff)
Number one (smut)
Keep me warm (smut)
Take it back (angst, hurt/no comfort)
Forget me (not) 2
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True love of mine (Eddie Munson x FemReader) (on hold)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
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X-rated Education (Tom Grant x FemReader)
First lesson
Second lesson
Third lesson
Fourth lesson
Fifth lesson
Sixth lesson
Seventh lesson
Eighth lesson
Ninth lesson
Tenth lesson
I do not consent for my writing to be copied, translated or republished in any form!
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cressthebest · 4 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 30
chapter 49:
1. jegulus jumpscare (it’s a dream i wasn’t expecting)
2. shit. the dream is about their wedding plans. i- i can’t do this shit while reg is in the arena
3. shit it’s raining and i know reg can’t handle it because of the last crimson river/arena
4. god, sirius wakes up to the rain and his first thought it to go save regulus
5. “"Lily, have you been using sex for favors?"
"No." Lily pauses, then snorts. "Well, alright, so this is how it works, yeah? I'm already having sex, and then I'm like, say, look at you all laid out and desperate to give me what I want; don't you want to do this very small, very simple thing for me? And then they mostly always say yes, and they get what they want, all while I'm having a grand time and also getting what I want. See? Win-win.””
😭😭😭 i love her your honor
6. “”I cannot believe that this revolution is partially running on your competency in sex."
"Oh, if only it could fully run on that. Everything would go so smoothly. Shit, we'd win the war in, like, a week.""
😭😭😭💍♥️ marry me please
7. “”I keep telling [Effie] I know exactly how to make her feel better, but she insists she's a married woman, and also far too old for me. Disappointing, really.”” 😭😭😭
8. james confronting lucius has me scared for remus. like, i know they can’t trace it back to remus, but i’m so scared
9. james is pissed at the world and it’s honestly scary
10. i know james is trying to use donations, but i’m also aware that riddle wants to make sure no donations make it to reg, sirius, or marlene
11. “"Aw, your boyfriend sent you a present," Rabastan teases, his tone lighthearted and good-natured.
"Fiancé," Regulus corrects sharply”
GAGGED. he took james’ words and fucking ran with it like nobody’s business
12. not narcissa welcoming james to the family 😭😭😭😭
13. james sent him a bagel and all the death eaters are making fun of him for being gay over it 😭😭
14. all james sent on the card was “???” 😭😭 pls that’s so funny
15. poor eli
16. the sad bonding over marlene and sirius having recovered from drinking problems
17. don’t tell me that the fucking crimson river hands are coming out the hedges. i- god i hope reg gets to personally witness riddle’s downfall
19. “You never truly do feel as alive as when death is breathing down your neck.”
oh he’s insane as hell. a black for sure
20. shit. sirius’ mind just went blank in the maze
21. the hallow is cruel beyond belief for this
22. “He has had dreams of Regulus, ah, using his dagger during…intimate moments, but is that something he'd actually do? Well… Okay, bad example.” 😭😭😭😭
23. james was so close to an epiphany about mcgonnagal making everyone hate the games. he was so close
24. “Thorfinn said he'd have to be killed to be stopped from going after Sirius, even though Regulus explicitly told him what he'd do about that, and so Regulus killed him. Newton's third law: for every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
bitch do not pull physics into this 😭😭
also that means that sir isaac newton existed in this universe, which if we see this as a future for our universe, it means that homophobia was prevalent at one point and the world straight up just eradicated it. 🤷🏽‍♀️ pro for this universe ig
25. “When he lifts his head, the first thing Regulus sees is his brother.
The second thing he sees is Sirius' fist, just the flash of it, just seconds before it collides with the side of his face.”
he had it coming fr
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nani-nonny · 2 years
I thought I’d update my pinned so here goes:
Hello! I’m LoneAnon aka Nonny aka LoneAnonon on AO3! My current fixation is Rottmnt, more specifically Future Leonardo (peepaw brainrot) hehe, so a lot of my works as of recent are Future Leo related! Check them out when you can!
Important: my response to ai with my works
Current Work(s):
•WDS or Whispers of Distant Souls aka another F!Leo returns to the past with Casey fic but F!Leo is haunted by his dead brothers. WDS TEASER
•I’m Blue… da ba dee da… aka Reunion, DMD, LCD, and WDS F!Leos collide in one dimension due to a multiverse oopsey (aka aka a silly “what-if” story where my peepaws meet :).)
•(Accidentally) Played American Football With My Newborn aka a silly F!Leo story where he takes a small baby turtle to the past to stop the krang. Never did he think being a single parent would be harder than defeating the krang. (No turtle tots were harmed in the making of the title.) father-daughter fluff snippet
Completed Works:
•DMD AU or Dead Man’s Deal AU a series with an 8-chapter main story and ongoing side stories centered around F!Leo, who returns to the present carrying his heavy guilt that lands him in the Battled Nexus as the Barbarian. DMD Fanart
•Reunion aka a oneshot where F!Leo returns to the past in order to pick up Casey Jones (takes place after the movie).
•LCD or Leonardo Come Down aka a prologue+9-chapter fic where F!Leo returns to the past with Casey (separately) and is hellbent on getting his revenge. Casey is given the task by Michelangelo to stop the Krang and save Leonardo while F!Leo faces the consequences of his actions. LCD fanart aka my pfp
•Setting Sun aka a 5 part short, interactive story where the readers’ decisions can end the story, or discover the details of Mikey’s situation. (Unedited, no beta, silly little dumpster fire aka something bad that you might not want to look away despite how bad it is) AO3 link
•Distorted Mirror aka a 4 chapter rottmnt Leo-centric fic focusing on his role as the leader in silly time travel oopsies. (The oopsies being the future timeline with the krang apocalypse hehe)
•BYMH or Between You and Me and Him aka an ongoing series where you can ask any of my peepaws anything, or tell them you hate love them. [Peepaw multiverse interview] (please state your request as for bymh) or visit their blog @/im-leo-your-leo-were-all-leo
More to see:
Upcoming Works:
•Lost Ronin aka F!Raph returns to the past under “circumstances” and it’s up to the present turtles to solve these “circumstances”.
•Estranged aka an AU where the Hamatos reunite with their long-lost sisters, Jennika and Venus. (Based on the two turtles meant to be introduced in rottmnt future seasons—we were robbed tsk tsk.) Teaser: Two Birds Jennika and Venus appearance
•(possible?) The M-Word aka a 5?-chapter post-Rise-movie angst fic that deals with Raphael’s trauma regarding what he endured in the midst of the invasion.
•(possible?) Inimitable/Spiderweb aka Big Mama imprisons F!Leo to force him to train her upcoming Battle Nexus Champions in exchange for his freedom.
•(possible?) Reunion F!Leo returns to the past once again to provide ultimate peepaw advice and give the kids the reassurance they need.
•I’m In The Wrong AU aka a joke idea where F!Leo goes through the portal to find the key and stop the krang, but he finds himself in a New York unlike the one he knows. Rottmnt x ‘12tmnt crossover
•Mystic Mirror on the wall, who the fuck are those turtles?/A Genius’s Curiosity/Mirror Realm Activities (name still undecided) aka a separated au where Donnie is raised by Draxum, Mikey raised by Big Mama, Raph raised by the Krang and Leo raised by the streets. The turtles are reunited by Donnie aka Subject 03’s newest creation, a mirror that goes beyond its purpose and creates a realm inside its reflection that the turtles use as their escape from reality.
•Attached aka an rottmnt au set during the apocalypse where Leo is too late in providing backup for the ambush attack on Casey. Upon finding her body, he finds an infant protected in her embrace. An infant with the unforgettable gleam in its eye signifying the Krang.
[Tcest DNI]
[Story tags and asks tag below]
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, June 1st
Ethan: I'm subcontracting. It's Trick you want. I'm just helping him collect a tribute... for a demon. Giles: He's lying. Hit him! Buffy: I don't think he is, and shut up. Giles: (excitedly) You're *my* Slayer, (points at Ethan) go knock his teeth down his thr... Buffy: (interrupts) Giles!
~~Band Candy~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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In the Night by Kittenwritings (Fred/Spike, E)
Stitches by MadeInGold (Buffy/Riley, T)
Petty by Enigmatist (Angel/Spike/Wesley, not rated)
Recruitment by JadeWine (Xander, Stargate crossover, T)
in the d-a-r-k, do it my way by evesock (Buffy/Giles, E)
head cheerleader by softestbutch (Buffy/Faith, T)
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Domestic by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Gemini, Chapter 8 by BuildMeUpButtercup_x (Buffy/Angel, M)
When the Past Meets the Present, Chapter 2 by Bitter_Rabbit (Giles/Spike, E)
Rise Of The Sineyans, Chapter 5 by BlueZeroZe (Buffy/Faith, M)
Keep You Ghosted, Chapter 9 by hydranjenna (Buffy/Spike, M)
We're in this together, Chapter 6 by AnkiKind (Spike & Scoobies, M)
Greatest Love Story - Postlude, Chapter 17 by FalseGinger (Angel/Spike, M)
Ever After After The Fall, Chapter 15 by aboutafox (Buffy/Angel, M)
In the Company of Witches and Slayers: Chapter 53 by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) (Willow/Tara, ensemble, E)
I hate the way, Chapter 17 by DancingAngel0013 (Buffy/Giles, E)
Greatest Love Story - Prelude, Chapter 5 by FalseGinger (Angel/Spike, M)
lost in this, but it feels like home, Chapter 3 by evesock (Buffy/Angel, E)
When Worlds Collide, Chapter 2 by CorsetedPrincess (Willow/Tara, Harry Potter crossover, T)
Happiest Place, Chapter 8 (complete!) by julianblackthornspancakes (Angel/Cordelia, M)
Scrambled, Chapter 5 by mabus101 (Xander/Anya, Spike/Dawn, Willow/Buffy, M)
Fated, Chapter 1 by GothicHex (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
The Hand That Wields The Scalpel, Chapters 1-12 (complete!) by MedeaBtVS (Willow/Spike, T)
Masters & Minions 3: Feeding Habits, Chapters 1-7 (complete!) by MedeaBtVS (Angel/Willow/Spike, E)
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Incarnate, Chapter 5 by Sigyn (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Bites But So Do I, Chapter 6 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
School of Hard Knocks, Chapter 1 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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The Yellowstone: A Safe Harbor, Chapter 6 by Buffyworldbuilder (Ensemble, Yellowstone crossover, FR7)
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What Happens On Saturday, Chapter 2 by HappyWhenItRains (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip: Domestic by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Artwork: golden trio (buffy, willow, & xander) by gendergeezer (worksafe)
Collage: Buffy frame by soponge-meringue (worksafe)
Diagram: the Buffy-Angel-Spike-Faith dynamic by esperanzacboronial (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Buffy & Spike | Bad Idea Right? by Little Tree Productions
Fanvid: Buffy & Spike I fell in Love with the Devil (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) by Moon Child
Video: Spuffy/Bangel (part 5.1) + comic dub teaser! by Love Bites (comic dub teaser starts 9:22)
Fanvid: Bad to the Bone/No Scrub (Lucifer Cover)- Buffy, Faith, Elena, and Katherine by Boblehead89 (The Vampire Diaries crossover)
Fanvid: Buffy, Angel and Spike to the song "You Fell in Love with a Bastard!" by MCW Movies
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike to the song ''Drama'' by MCW Movies
Music: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Theme cover by Green Comma
Music: "What You Feel" - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Cast (CD-R Vaporwave Edit) by Neon Nights Lo-Fi
Music: "What You Feel" - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Cast (No Vocals Vaporwave Edit) by Neon Lights Lo-Fi
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Four, Episode Eighteen: Where the Wild Things Are by Slayed! The Buffyverse Revisited Podcast
Video: Buffy 2.3 School Hard by Jen Katz and Ryan Something
Video: Entropy-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Podcast: Conversations With Dead People S7 E7 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
Video: Buffy Review - 5x16 The Body by Reverse Angle
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Seasons Ranking! by SundayScariesReview
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Podcast: Episode 121: Once More, With Feeling by Myth Taken: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast
[Community Announcements]
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June 2024 Event: F/F Ficathon at btvscrackships
[Fandom Discussions]
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Thinking about how Eve sings part of “L.A. Song” in “A Hole in the World” by lindseymcdonaldseyelashes
Bangel and Spuffy parallels by oveliagirlhaditright
Watching Buffy in your mid-30s in 2024 is brutal by ravelqueen
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Unpopular Opinions continued by multiple posters
Rewatch thoughts and questions continued by multiple posters
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Seers and part-demon humans by willingyoungster
Favourite Giles line? by sKullsHavezzz
Best food in Buffy? by MonsterTournament
What's your favorite monologue on the show? by jonaskoelker
Awful character saying my favourite line in the series by MistyNarwhal
Have your opinions on any of the characters changed from your first watch? by sophie_4187
Name three characters from the Buffyverse that you think really struggled to communicate their feelings at times. Who do you have the most empathy for? by PristineSituation498
Spike’s face!!!🤣😂🤣 [at the dinner table in Pangs] by Slayerette444
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Video: Buffy and Faith: How Buffy the vampire slayer FAILED Faith!!! by Ryan B Talks TV
Podcast: Fan Culture: Shaping the Legacy of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by A Girl, A Guy and A Buffy Podcast
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toodleoorblx · 5 months
Natural Order
Agatha Harkness x Rio Vidal
Word count: 1,142
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۫   ּ  ֗  ִ  ִֶָ ׄ . ִ  ۫   ּ  ֗ ִֶָ   ִ  ⠀ ִ  ۫   ִֶָ ּ  ֗  ִ  ִֶָ ׄ . ִ ۫   ּ  ֗  ִ  ִֶָ ׄ . ִ  ۫   ּ  ֗
Summary: They were doomed from the very beginning. She was a bright star, a glittering jewel, and she was the darkness that would inevitably swallow her whole. The true tragedy was that they both knew this. They knew, and allowed themselves to collide regardless.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - /?
Warnings: No warnings apply.
A/N: Hii this my first post that can be read on tumblr and I’m super excited!
Enjoy toodles!
Chapter 1
Salem, Massachusetts 1693
Agatha's adoration for nature runs deep, each caress of the elements against her skin a cherished sensation. She marvels at its gentle beauty, the seamless transition it orchestrates through the passing seasons. Yet, beneath her appreciation lies a lingering sense of unworthiness—nature's benevolence feels like a gift too precious for her to deserve.
Contrary to nature's embrace stands her mother, Evanora, a discordant force in Agatha's world. Evanora is like a bane to nature. She hates it yet she follows and upholds it. The nature of magic that is. From Agatha's earliest memories, Evanora's contempt for all manner of things—be they people, places, or even Agatha herself—has been palpable. Evanora's aversion to the forest near their manor was palpable, especially after nightfall when its dense shadows seemed to take on a sinister edge, as if harboring secrets that could consume unwary souls without remorse.
Yet, for Agatha, the forest held an irresistible allure. Its darkness enveloped her like a comforting cloak woven from the very essence of the trees and leaves. In contrast to her mother's apprehension, Agatha found solace in the embrace of the night, guided by the gentle glow of the moon. And in that darkness, nature was always there, watching.
Agatha doesn't know why her mother hates nature but she doesn't try to understand her mother anymore. She knows not to question her.
Seeking refuge from the complexities of her magical training, Agatha retreats to an open field a mile from her home. Bathed in the brilliant light of the sun, the lush green grass sways gently in the breeze, offering a serene backdrop for Agatha's thoughts. This tranquil spot has become her sanctuary, a place where she can escape the rigors of her studies and find clarity amidst the chaos.
While the challenges of mastering magic weigh heavily on her mind, it is the relentless scrutiny of her mother and aunt, Evangeline, that proves most taxing. Their strict tutelage pushes Agatha to her limits, leaving her physically and mentally drained after each grueling session. Today, however, she opts for a respite from spellcasting, choosing instead to lose herself in the pages of alchemy books gifted to her by Evanora.
As Agatha hums a melody from the day before, she peacefully flips through the pages of her book, absorbing knowledge with a voracious appetite. Suddenly, a voice, soft and angelic, interrupts her thoughts.
"Orchids will work better," the voice suggests.
Startled, Agatha flinches and hastily closes the book, her gaze shooting up to meet the source of the interruption. Standing before her is a girl, no older than 18, clad in an emerald green dress adorned with a matching pendant. The stranger's beauty is mesmerizing—her brown eyes ablaze like the midday sun, and her smile radiant as the flicker of flames. Agatha finds herself momentarily breathless, her heart racing at the unexpected encounter.
With a playful shrug, the girl continues, "Hydrangeas will of course work too, but Orchids will work wonders on health potions."
Agatha blinks several times, her mind racing to catch up with her emotions.
"I... please don't tell anyone what you saw, please?" Agatha stammers, her voice trembling as she struggles to regain her composure. With a nervous hand, she runs her fingers through her long raven hair, her heart racing in her chest.
The girl chuckles softly, a sound that sends a cascade of butterflies fluttering in Agatha's stomach. She shakes her head, her eyes twinkling with reassurance as she places a comforting hand on Agatha's shoulder. The touch sends a shiver down Agatha's spine, but it also soothes her frayed nerves.
"No need to be afraid, you can trust me," the girl reassures her, her gaze shifting to a brilliant green then back a warm brown. With a smirk, she lowers her hand and settles onto the soft grass, patting the ground invitingly. Agatha hesitates for only a moment before joining her, drawn in by the girl's magnetic presence. A grin spreads across the girl's lips, melting Agatha's heart in its warmth.
"H-how come I've never seen you before?" Agatha inquires, her curiosity piqued.
The girl gazes out across the expanse of the field before meeting Agatha's eyes once more. "I've always been around, here and there, but here I am," she replies cryptically, her head tilted inquisitively. "And who are you?"
Agatha weighs her options, torn between saying ‘everything you want me to be’ or revealing her name, but she settles. "I'm Agatha," she finally decides, a glimmer of hope in her voice. "And you are?"
The girl smirks knowingly, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "Everything you want me to be," she teases, winking playfully at Agatha. A blush creeps across Agatha's cheeks, only serving to widen the girl's smirk. With a graceful movement, the beautiful stranger rises to her feet and disappears into the forest behind them, leaving Agatha with a whirlwind of emotions and unanswered questions swirling in her mind.
"So you're telling me she's also a witch?" Alice asks, her brows furrowed in confusion as she stirs the bubbling stew on the stove.
"Yes!" Agatha replies eagerly, her eyes alight with excitement. "She has to be, but I've never heard of a green witch..." Her voice trails off, a note of uncertainty creeping in.
Turning away from the stove, Alice faces Agatha, who is seated at the small dining table, surrounded by books. Despite the distance from the field to Alice's cottage, Agatha always finds time to visit her friend when she can, especially when she needs advice or perspective. "Maybe she's not from around here? I thought your coven was the only one in Salem."
Agatha nods thoughtfully, her fingers tracing absentmindedly over the pages of her books. "I thought so too," she admits, "but I won't ask Mother about it. She won't take it lightly that I got caught with my alchemy book, especially if it was by a potential witch."
"Did she say what her name is?" Alice inquires, her arms crossed protectively over her chest. Agatha can't help but smile at Alice's unwavering support. Alice has always been there for her, a pillar of strength in times of turmoil. Whenever Agatha needed refuge from her mother's wrath or simply a sympathetic ear, Alice was the one she turned to. Despite being considered a rogue witch by Evanora and the coven, Alice's rebellious spirit had always resonated with Agatha, earning her admiration and respect.
"No, sadly," Agatha confesses, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the memory of the stranger's teasing smirk. She quickly moves her hair to hide her blush from Alice's scrutinizing gaze. "She didn't mention it. She... she ran off before I could say anything."
"Well, I'm sure she'll show up eventually," Alice offers reassurance, her voice laced with optimism."I really hope so," Agatha agrees, a flicker of uncertainty clouding her features.
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skibasyndrome · 6 months
Hey Simon 💜,
I was wondering about 8, 9, 14, 24, 31, 33, 38 and 40 for the fanfic asks.
Please just pick the ones you want to answer :)
Hiiii, thank you so much for the ask, dear Sophia 🥰💜
8. How slow is a slow burn?
God do I love a slow burn. But at the same time! With Wilmon slow burn just feels near impossible. I feel like there's always already this spark of intense interest with them, at least when I write them.
But tbh, my definition of a slow burn is very wide. Do they long and pine for two chapters? Slow burn. Do they long and pine for 20 chapters? Slow burn. Whatever feels like it's right for the story.
But yeah, idk if I could ever do the more general definition of a slow burn justice, lol, I mean I had Wilmon hooking up in a club and Wille is already plotting their future together 😭😅
9. Thoughts on cliffhangers.
LOVE. They PAIN me, but fuck, do I love cliffhangers. I haven't really had a chance to use them because I haven't posted any longer fics but let me tell youuuu cliffhangers are coming!
14. Write and share the first sentence of a new fic. Just that.
Simon hurries along the path towards the lecture hall, backpack slung over one shoulder and camera in his hand.
(iykyk 👀)
24. Thoughts on flashbacks/flashforwards.
Hmmm, I've personally never used them a lot because I can never quite manage to weave them in organically imo. If I so have to refer to something in the past I generally try to keep it short and as vague as possible.
31. What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)?
Hmmm... I mean I gotta say that back in the day I simply never finished fics that seemed too difficult 💀 But for my new writing "era" or whatever you wanna call it I reeeeaaaally struggled with Never Letting You Go because I somehow had all these doubts and all these fears and was convinced that everybody would hate it 🙃 But you know that best, Sophia, thanks for helping me get through that low 💜
33. Give your writing a compliment.
I like to think that my explicit scenes are realistic 👀
38. "This never happened" fix-it fics or "this happened but" fix-it fics?
Ohhhh, I love when people find a way to fix things while keeping the problem in there. That's just super impressive. Idk if I could do that though, I like to just ignore inconvenient parts of canon with no reason other than "because I said so".
40. Write a 9-word fic.
this is so fun but so difficult every time
They collided, setting fire to the air around them.
Please send me writing asks <3
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stargaterevival · 11 months
20 questions for writers! Thanks @sga-owns-my-soul @frostysfrenzy
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
5 works
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
116,241, mostly between the two novels.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, MCU Avengers Steve Rogers, (unpublished: Saving Hope, Daredevil, Supernatural).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The there are only 5 on Ao3 so far 😅
You and Me (Stargate SG-1, Daniel Jackson x gn reader, 🔞)
What was Lost (Marvel, Steve Rogers x OFC 🔞)
Fetish (Captain America, Steve x Peggy)
Worlds Colliding (Stargate SG-1, Sam x Martouf)
Capturing Samantha (Stargate SG-1, Sam x Martouf)
5. Do you respond to comments?
YESSS!! I live for comments, and reblogs, all the interactions!!!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
You and me is the angstiest in general. It gets very emotionally dark.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
What was Lost has the happiest ending so far... but it may be overtaken by You and Me, we'll have to wait and see 😉
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I was once told my mystery was too mysterious 🤣
9. Do you write smut?
Sort of, I write romance 😘 so it's bound to happen 😏
Okay, yes. Yes, I do.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
Not yet, never say never.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
We all have, everyone who's been on Ao3 for a while. Don't steal my shit 🤬 I'm pretty mad about chatGPT scraping everyone's works. Disgusting bunch of thieves!!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! I think most writing loses its essence in translation.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! It was so much fun!!!
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
Probably Daniel/Sha're, or Daniel/Vala (Stargate) but also partial to Steve/Nat (MCU), and Matt/Elektra (Daredevil). But X reader fics are the most fun you can have 💘
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a dirty Daredevil X reader languishing in my wips. Might get around to it when I watch the new season.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character voices and attentions to detail. People usually comment on those things. I'm also good at bringing the Drama™️. There may be some screaming, crying and throwing up 😂
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Keeping it short and sweet, my slow burns really are slow burns. I have to pay specific attention to pacing and linking scenes well. I do way too much Research™️ .
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I would if I had a native language speaker to proof read it for me.
As a reader I find it annoying if I have to keep moving back to the chapter notes to check translations. It interrupts the flow.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The X-files but I was a kid, does that count? Supernatural is probably more relevant.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Honestly, I love my two novels, I'm pretty attached to them 🥰 they've been such a journey, personally and in terms of developing my writing skills.
tagging @i-am-morrigans-apprentice @jgem87 @darsynia @figsandfandoms @rightbrainboredom @riverageleis @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter @cuillere @courtforshort15 and anyone else who's interested!
-- Ellie 💗 (@ellie--eille)
questions under the cut
20 questions for writers!
Thanks @
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you wrote crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
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koskela-knights · 3 months
Ao3 Ask Game
Thanks @autisticwriterblog for the tag :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
542 but that's going to change to 543 soon I hope ;)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,498,254 words 😳😱
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment I'm still obsessed with Alan Wake 2. Gonna hit 111 works for it soon 😏 Which is why I'll try to focus on those works and becos this is my Koskela blog after all :D
4. Top five fics by kudos
Lmao, it's all DBH xD Used to be very active in that fandomD but my Top 5 AW fics would be:
Jacket (Ilmo/Alan)
Minds Collide (Zaneling, my only Zaneling fic lol)
Curious Case(y) (Scratch/Casey)
Off trail (Ilmo/reader)
Bleeding Hearts (Ilmo/Alan)
Honestly, I'm mainly proud of the first and last piece here.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to reply to every comment! Honestly, it's cool when a little convo ensues from that ;) I also save all comments in my jar (a word file) to reread whenever I'm suffering from imposter syndrome/feel down about my writing 😅
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Pheew... That's a tough question. I've written a whole bunch of angsty Hanahaki fics and general angsty shit in multiple fandoms.
Many early AW2 fics center on the aftermath of Jaakko's death ;_; Maybe Kaleidoscope is one of the angstiest endings but certainly not the only one
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
In the romance category that might gonna be the Slow Roasting Love ending. But the Koskelas at Pride was very happy too. Again, it's not easy to choose becos of how many different situations I've written about :P
For a Koskela or Huotari/Reader fic, I'd like to say the historical Ilmari x transmasc Reader where they're in an arranged marriage but Ilmari's a closeted gay man and reader is a closeted gay transmasc person so in the end it works out perfectly for them 🥺😏 It has a smut tag but smut only happens in the last chapter. It's a slowburn fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I think only once. I'm surprised and glad it hasn't happened much :P
9. Do you write smut?
Lol, my very first fic on there was smut. Once a smut writer, always a smut writer 😏
10. Craziest crossover?
I have a few post-apocalyptic series with a big mashup of seemingly unrelated fandoms together.
One being about Libraries where characters from Resident Evil meet PoTF characters, OCs and even Rose from Alan Wake so 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Two of which one is published on ao3 too and the other on a Russian fan site :D Love when that happened 🙌🥰
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. However, the Echoverse has come to life thanks to many discussions and conversations with @zephyrone01 and @copiasmic who have helped flesh out that world and given me prompt fuels for some of the fics
14. All time favourite ship?
Tough one, for the AW world it would be CultCase.
Be it in the echo-verse or extended from there in other AUs 😏 And its 'variations' in Ilmari x Kesä. I love their tragedy across several AUs. Same reason I also love Jaakoppi x Kesä
And the third OTP would now be Tim/Jaakko which, again, was born from the Echoverse
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I once started writing a fic about the Koskelas and the Huotaris and the importance of stars and them trying to escape their tragic fate by astral projection.
16. What are your writing strengths?
🤔Maybe that I write multiple oneshots and make it a series. So you have this idea of a bigger world, without having to write one big overarching story or plot :P
Also, if i'm rly into a fandom and am hyperfixated, that creativity just flows abundant lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fight scenes. And believe it or not, sometimes I feel the smut isn't always as spicy as I want it to be xD especially if it's more than 2 people, that shit is tough to write. U don't want anybody neglected unless it's something a character is into 😂
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I love it, but it's definitely a challenge! I usually resort to/limit myself to some translated words.
So far I've written stuff with Spanish, Finnish or Dutch in it.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
It all started with The Evil Within back in 2014. I think you could see an improvement in my English as the years go on in fic writing :P
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Sticking to AW works.... I like multiple works lmao 😂 All for different reasons. I'd say the two series: YY but Different and the CultCase series. (I can't choose 1 fic 😭)
Some of those stories contained, are standalone oneshots, but all combined give you a vast look into these worlds.
One being about bisexual Kesä and his complicated relation with closeted Ilmari. And the relationships between him and Ahti and between the Huotari brothers and Ahti (WIP)
And then you have CultCase which also explores many interesting dynamics between characters 🥺
And both series have a lot of angst, but also some tenderness and softness in them. And smut 😏 Something for everyone can be found there
I tag @copiasmic @entropicquilibriumofchaos @changethecircumstances @juhospemmifer & others who might wanna join but no one's obliged to do these ofc
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joes-sha-la-la-la-girl · 10 months
When Love and Hate Collide: Masterlist
Joe Elliott x Reader
Tumblr media
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Middle Chapter (NSFW), Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Epilogue
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In Progress Chaptered Fics (8) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: January 23rd, 2024
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven
In progress as of 09/10/2023
A Modern-Day Meet Cute (ao3) - auroraphilealis (peachrayne), peachrayne
Summary: Finding someone to date in the 21st century was hard. You’d think the internet would have helped things along, but Phil wasn’t completely sold on the idea of a dating app. Until he downloaded one and met Dan.
anywhere but here (ao3) - irrationalqueer
Summary: Dan’s a first year; he just appeared, one day, loud in one of Phil’s discussion groups. He has interesting things to say, talks like he has every right to be there. He’s also stupidly hot and funny and confident in a way that Phil definitely wasn’t at 19; how was Phil supposed to stop himself from instantly crushing on him?
Broke, Gay and New in Town (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan Howell was in dire need for a change - he hated his job and his life and he just felt stuck. His grandfather's letter was a blessing that came with an incredible gift: A farm. Dan had no idea how to run a farm but he was willing to give it a try.
He arrived in Stardew Valley with few expectations but even so, he could never have imagined he would encounter magic, otherworldly creatures, corporate conspiracies, so many queer villagers, a secret destiny and right at the centre of it all the love of his life.
Capeacetic (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: Just a man, his lighthouse, and the ridiculous tourist he told not to come.
cleo (ao3) - bloodyscarab
Summary: i'm the ruler of the world,
better catch it all on camera.
phil wants to start drag, and dan wants a break from it.
cleo by shygirl
Et in Arcadia Ego (ao3) - fallentales
Summary: A man whose life is consumed by its own ending, and another desperately trying to escape the same descent. When haunted pasts collide with inevitable futures, what do they have left of themselves? And just how different really are the roles these two play?
Home for Christmas 2 (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Dan's leaving his newfound home away from home with the Lesters (and Phil) for the rude awakening of Christmas with his actual family.
i'm losing myself in you (and you, and you) (ao3) - sunflowerwitches (orphan_account)
Summary: the fic where dan is aspec and is scared of relationships because he isnt sure where he fits and phil doesn't understand why dan thinks anyone would be upset by that if it means they get to call dan their boyfriend.
Of wedding venues and cliffside views (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Phil brings a plus one to a family wedding - his fiancé
Poker Face (ao3) - americanphancakes
Summary: Dan and Phil meet in Vegas and have an incredibly intimate night together. Two years later, they're professional poker players who discover that they're both entered in the same major tournament. Dan, out of fear, has closed himself off to other people -- and refuses to let Phil into his mind or heart again.
Unfortunately for him, there's a very fine line between a poker face and a sexually-charged gaze, and he may not be able to resist.
"she's so in love with all the things i hate most about myself" (ao3) - pressedflowerspressedkisses
Summary: Daniel Howell falls in love with his best friend and tries to fix everything about himself.
Phil Lester falls in love with his best friend and wants him to see how beautiful he already is.
Sweeter Than Lollipops (ao3) - sweetheartphan
Summary: Dan’s father is tired of him always behaving like a child. He wants him to finally grow up. He wants Dan to get a job before heading to university in the fall to get a sense of the real world. Phil, a friend of his father’s, offers Dan to work for him as his assistant. As time goes on, Dan can’t help but cling to Phil. He provides him gentleness and comfort, while still holding authority. Like a daddy should.
take me to church (ao3) - phantasticworks
Summary: Dan dresses up as a sexy nun for Halloween on the American leg of his tour. Phil is at home. But don’t worry, Dan tells him all about his evening.
The Clock Keeps Ticking (ao3) - tellsfromhale
Summary: Dan has spent over a decade growing comfortable with himself. Finally, he can live his truth, and he can do it with Phil at his side. For the first time, he's excited about what the future holds.
Then, one day, he finds himself suddenly back inside his childhood bedroom a decade in the past, and getting to that future with Phil becomes a lot more difficult.
tonight these emails will deliver you the words that i can't say (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: You've Got Mail!
Tops Only (ao3) - blissedoutphil
Summary: Dan’s favourite actor just opened a new bar right by the street near his apartment, and he couldn’t wait to check it out. One problem though, it was for Tops only, and Dan wasn’t one.
twin flames (ao3) - lovelylcster
Summary: A twin flame is an intense soul connection, sometimes called a "mirror soul," thought to be a person's other half. It's based on the idea that sometimes one soul gets split into two bodies. One of the main characteristics of a twin flame relationship is that it will be both challenging and healing.
Opposites Dan Howell and Phil Lester get paired up at random to complete a thorough English report about each other.
uncertain smile (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: He pats both hands around his head, fixing his overgrown quiff possessively. “It’s where I store my… my…”
“Flamboyance?” Farah deadpans, looking up at Phil with her cheek squished against Jackie’s knee.
“Secrets!” Phil shouts a little too loud, his voice carrying over the rooftops and rolling into high laughter as the girls absolutely lose it and Phil clamps his hands over his mouth.
What Dan and Phil Text Each Other (2022) (ao3) - BLUEGREYKIM
Summary: Dan's made a life here, in the house, with Phil. It's good, he reckons. They're good together, have formed a psychic connection over 13 years. He thinks it's pretty nice to have someone he can stare off into the sunset with and think, "Yeah, we're pretty weird."
(alternatively, the context behind dan and phil's 2022 texts)
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reiverreturns · 10 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
Tagged by my darling @milfeivor. I may not have written consistently in months but BOY do I like talking about it.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Well I'm not writing much at all at the moment (bad menty health innit) but over the last year it's been pretty much entirely Top Gun Maverick, with some Assassin's Creed in the background just for funsies
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Quiet Promises (TGM) - 418
For Those We Left Behind  (ACV) - 383
Calefaction (TGM) - 292
Attrition (ACV) - 225
When We Collide (We Come Together) (TGM) - 184
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to every comment I get because I think it's common courtesy when someone's taken the time and effort to leave one. I'm a little bit out of practice though (kiss kiss kiss grovel grovel grovel @ those left on read in my inbox)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Blessed Are The Meek (FC5) maybe? A canon-compliant character study of Jacob Seed and his fucked up cult family has no iteration where things turn out well in the end.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't know actually - maybe Quiet Promises because I just really enjoy that ending and it's one of the only bits of published fic I've written I can reread and not want to edit more. If I ever finished writing the last chapter of Swim Until You Can't See Land it would probably be that but I'm just so very very lazy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I had a tumblr anon one give me shit for not putting icemav in a fic but it was so fuckin weird to get I just deleted the ask. My brother/sister/comrade in christ I am the most niche rarepair stay-in-my-lane kind of fic writer. I am not a popular author in any fandom I write in. Why on earth would you think I care.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I try to write smut once a year when Eurovision sends me into my annual bisexual frenzy. It's not very good (my smut, not Eurovision)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Short answer is no. Long answer is no with the exception of a Pacific Rim/Assassin's Creed crossover which I keep as a never-to-publish deliriously self-indulgent writing exercise to dip into when I don't feel like being perceived through words. I've got a whole Hytham/Jacob thing going that I'm fucking feral for which is soooooooo big brained of me imo.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. I've read fics before where I can pick up a clear influence from my work on theirs but nothing like a straight up copy + paste.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nah. I've considered translating my own fics into Scots but it feels like a lot of effort for the sprinkle of folks who might read it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I wouldn't be against it. I did a lot of rp writing back in the day with OCs and I really liked the collaborative aspect of it.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't pick favourites I love all my insane children equally. I will say most ships I gravitate towards have a doomed by the narrative / love doesn't conquer all but it's enough in the moment kind of dynamic and I can trace that back to some of my early favourites (Ten/Rose, Merthur) to now (Kassidas, Eivor/Vili, RebelCaptain, so on)
15. What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will?
For Those We Left Behind. I have a lot of love for that fic but it is very reflective of the time in my life when I started writing it (bouncing off the walls bored out my tits under lockdown.) Lots of enthusiasm and energy to pour into it but little patience or planning. I look back on it as an unwieldy, rambly thing. I still do pick at it (and want to keep updating) but if we're honest I don't think I'll ever quite reach the finish line beyond the pieces that are already firmed up in my head.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I can turn a tasty metaphor on occasion. I tend to think I have a strong handle on the characters I write the perspective of and put a lot of effort into making them feel true and honest to the source material.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot - there's a reason why I tend to write canon compliant/canon adjacent and it's because it gives me the bones of the canon to work from. Pacing is a perpetual struggle. My attempts at smut are laughable.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If it's done to serve a narrative purpose and/or show something about a character, sure why not. Absolutely abhor written out accents though (unless, again, for a very specific narrative/character purpose.)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter and Stargate. There's probably still some 12/13 year-old Reiver fic floating around in the internet ether that I hope no one is ever subjected to again.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I honestly don't have one - everything I've published I've loved at one point or another for a variety of reasons. Gun to my head I'll say Quiet Promises because I think it's one of the highest quality fics in my catalogue from an editing, pacing, and character perspective. Writing isn't about the technical skill to me though, it's about how it makes me feel and the audience feel, so no favourites here.
Tagging is still dogshit on desktop so consider this an open tag to anyone who wants to do it (but @ me I'm so nosy and want to read the responses)
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sebstanaddict · 2 years
Love Song - Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader Story
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Happily ever after. At least that's what reader thought when she hit the jackpot and married his best friend who happened to be one of the most sought after actors in Hollywood. Having been in love with each other for twenty years, reader and Sebastian Stan finally tied the knot and soon after went to Europe for their.. well.. somewhat babymoon.
Yup! They decided to bring their baby daughter along for their honeymoon. And like most trips with babies on board, we could expect the unexpected. As if that wasn't enough, surprising events happened one after the other, turning their heavenly honeymoon into a honeymoon from hell.
Will they survive it and return home unscathed? Or will it change their lives forever and make them question if happily ever after is real or just something out of romantic movies.
This story is a sequel to my first Sebastian fic, Always You. Check it out here.
Chapter List
Prologue - Always Look on The Bright Side of Life
Chapter 1 - Rainbow
Chapter 2 - Never Stop
Chapter 3 - Come Fly With Me
Chapter 4 - Passenger Seat
Chapter 5 - These Walls
Chapter 6 - Some Days Everything Goes Wrong
Chapter 7 - Old MacDonald Had A Farm
Chapter 8 - Here Without You
Chapter 9 - Isn’t She Lovely
Chapter 10 - Trouble
Chapter 11 - Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of
Chapter 12 - You Should Probably Leave
Chapter 13 - Home
Chapter 14 - Little Lies
Chapter 15 - Paris
Chapter 16 - When Love and Hate Collide
Chapter 17 - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough
Chapter 18 - Go
Chapter 19 - Officially Missing You
Chapter 20 - Back At One
Chapter 21 - Always Be My Baby
Chapter 22 - Just Give Me A Reason
Chapter 23 - Just A Little Misunderstanding
Chapter 24 - Back For Good
Epilogue - Love Song
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pesiko · 3 years
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⇨ ongoing | ✔ completed
Balance of Us (sns AU) {19} ✔
Jung Jaehyun is the beloved captain of your university’s basketball team. You’re a freshman in the school ballet company and somehow get roped into giving him dance lessons. The issue is that your brother is Lee Taeyong aka Jaehyun’s on-court rival, who broke his little sister’s heart. That’s where you, revenge, and a little bet come into play. @solecize
Beyond the Palace Walls {10} ✔
Your father, the King, had always been highly protective of you. @prettywordsyouleft
Breathless (sns AU) {25} ✔
Jaehyun walks Johnny’s dogs for some extra cash, y/n is an unemployed psycho who likes to break into his house and eat all of his cheerios. When Jaehyun meets y/n, his life is turned into a series of very unfortunate events. @peachyuns
Broken {9} ✔
He punched hard, fought with all he had. He fought until he got you and fought until he lost you. @sugarjaee
Chlorine Dreams (sns AU) {15} ✔
There’s been a long standing rivalry at your school between the basketball team and the swim team. The swim team has been undefeated for 4 years, whereas the basketball team hasn’t won a game in 3. Every year the basketball team ends up with all of the funding for the athletics department whereas half of the school doesn’t even know the swim team exists. With a bet that Jaehyun wouldn’t even be able to finish a swim practice, y/n threatens the existence of both of their teams. @dahyunmingyu
Close as Strangers (sns AU) {17} ✔
Where Jung Jaehyun can’t decide whether he enjoyed spoiling your day or he just couldn’t show you how much he actually enjoyed being around you. @hyuckflirts
Dangerously {5} ⇨
You were polar opposites. He was royalty, you were a criminal. You hated him, he hated you. This mission was the last thing any of you wanted, but you had to make it work. @yesnanasbaby
Dusk Till Dawn {14} ⇨
After finding out that her entire family syndicate has been practically eradicated by a new, rising enemy, and that she is one of the only two survivors, Y/N is left with the responsibility and the legacy of the company hanging heavy on her shoulders. With the persuasions of an old friend, the charm of a new ally and a captivation with an enigmatic assassin, she joins the notorious group ‘U’ in a hope to restore her family’s dignity, and to squash the new opposition before they can bring the same fate to any other organisation in South Korea. @iridesuhnce
End to Start (sns AU) {13} ⇨
You work part-time at a small karaoke cafe during the night shift. Every month on the 18th, a brown haired boy wearing a suit, carrying flowers in his hands, always came in at exactly 10PM. He stays for two hours, playing the same song repeatedly before leaving. On a warm July night of the 18th, you told yourself that tonight you will talk to the boy. Can you free the shackles on the boy from the ghost that haunts him or is he long past saving? @bunny-doyounq
Fly Away with Me (sns AU) {24} ✔
When Johnny’s little sister flies all the way from chicago to live with his brother and college friends, their once peaceful apartment gets disrupted by an extremely annoyed Jaehyun who can’t seem to stop being mean to Johnny’s sister. @cupofjae
Healing {9} ⇨
You adored your mother, but sometimes, well sometimes she should have minded her own freaking business. Or, when paying your apartment bills becomes almost impossible, you manage to find a job in the infamous 127 Tower, which the Jung Family owns. Not as a secretary or as the cleaning lady, but as Jung Jaehyun’s daughter babysitter. @nctream
Let Me Know ✔
A recollection of all the times you’ve fallen in love with your best friend Jung Jaehyun, the times where you hopelessly pine after him, and the times where he starts to fall in love with you too. @ppangjae
Minor Inconvenience {4} ⇨
Spilling coffee all over a stranger only to find out that said stranger is your lab professor is your worst nightmare brought to life. You wish you were joking. @ppangjae
On the Rebound (sns AU) {12} ⇨
In an attempt to finally move on from his ex-girlfriend, basketball star Jeong Jaehyun reaches out to Y/N, who he knows has a crush on him. @whispersatdawn
Pact (sns AU) {15} ✔
What would happen if these two childhood best friends started to secretly ruin each other’s relationships in order to stay together because of a pact written on a failed math test 8 years ago ? @127-mile
Rollerskates (sns AU) {13} ✔
Who knew yn, who works at the local hangout spot, the roller rink, would end up falling for the campus fuck boy, Jung Jaehyun, and will he return the same feelings or keep going back to his ex girlfriend? @hhjwrld
Star Crossed (sns AU) {32} ✔
Y/n’s life story is written by her parents, but she wants to end the story before the final chapter: arranged marriage. @nakajeno
The Beauty Within (sns AU) {21} ⇨
You never passed up the chance to get in the good books of all your teachers. So when the opportunity arised to possibly make your chemistry teacher actually like you, seeing as he was the only one that seemed to have it in for you, you couldn’t say no. Only problem? You had to tutor the bad boy. @justwinwin
The Breakfast Club (sns AU) {32} ✔
In which you have to write a short film for one of your classes and somehow end up falling in love. @jaehyunhour
The Cowboy {15} ✔
Leaving the city for a rural area called Blayne seemed simple enough. Your task was to convince the people to agree with selling their land for a resort redevelopment. But once there, you soon realise that your city ways are entirely different to theirs. Winning their trust was going to take some effort, and when you start to fall for a local cowboy, you wonder if you really needed Blayne more than the city life after all. @prettywordsyouleft
The One with the Roommates {5} ✔
In which jaehyun and y/n are roommates and pretending to be his fiancé seems like a really good idea. @mistymark
To You {4} ✔
“If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t, they never were” ~ Kahlil Gibran @sugarjaee
Welcome to my Playground (sns AU) {16} ✔
All he wanted was a peaceful last year in university and all she wanted was to finally live in peace without her past haunting her. So what happens when their paths collide, will this be a start of a blossoming relationship or the beginning of a tragic story? @cupofjae
[main masterlist] [nct masterlist] updated 7-30-21
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