#when it fits takasugi so well in the first half
soppymilkgin · 3 months
made an amv with some clips from the final movie! (eng subs in the closed captions)
the song is sakura nagashi by utada hikaru
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sugisyakult · 1 year
A Date With Shinsuke
A/N: this is my very first fic, so please go easy on me! thank you to @lilac-5ky for helping me with some ideas and for giving me your honest opinion! i don't really have anything else to say except the lack of shinsuke fics is criminal!!
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The warm air floating in through the window let you know it was a spring morning and you woke up to the lapping of the waves against the Kiheitai ship. You knew you were in Edo, for one reason or another. Probably so the infamous Takasugi Shinsuke could have a meeting with some high ranking official about supporting your cause. The Takasugi Shinsuke just so also happened to be your boyfriend. Although, what he meant to you could never fit that word. 
You wish the man would take a break from his hellbent ideas on revenge and just take a relaxing day to do something fun. 
When you awoke you already knew Shinsuke would be gone. He was always gone in the mornings because he was such an early riser, instilled in him from his Shoka Sonjuku days. You were the only one who he entrusted his past to and how he felt about his late mentor, Yoshida Shouyou.
You slowly made your way out of bed to get ready and find Shinsuke. He was probably still in a meeting with the other Kiheitai members, so there was no rush. You put on your favorite kimono that he bought you for your first birthday spent together. It was red with golden cherry blossoms cascading down it. Shinsuke always told you that you looked good in red and he would never admit it to anyone else, but when you wore the color it drove him wild. You pinned half of your hair back with a hairpin that he also bought for you and put your black boots on.
Making your way out into the main hall of the ship, you ran into Bansai leaving the meeting.
“Hey Bansai, where’s Shinsuke?” 
“Looking over some papers, I daresay.” 
“Of course he is. Thanks!”
Bansai waved you off as you made your way to Shinsuke’s room. 
You opened the door and immediately made your way over to where he was sitting at his desk. Wrapping your arms around him from behind, you whispered in his ear, “There’s my hard worker.” 
Shinsuke was used to your little antics so he just rolled his eyes, a little smile creeping onto his face. 
“There’s my lovely, yet bothersome Y/N.”
“Hey! I’m not bothersome, you just work too much.” You retorted back at him. 
He just hummed in return, not once looking up from his papers. Although, maybe it was better that way because then he wouldn’t see the look on your face currently. Shinsuke always told you, you had this certain look on your face when you were getting ready to ask a question, but were ultimately scared to. 
You needed a little bit of time to steel yourself before asking him if he wanted to attend Hanami that night — celebrating the beginning of the cherry tree season below a sky of vivid pink; who wouldn’t want that? But looking at the man in front of you, you already had your answer. You very well couldn’t ask Shinsuke if he was looking right at you, so it was better this way. 
“Soooo.. I was thinking…” 
“Lets see, you’re wearing your favorite kimono that I bought you for your birthday and it has cherry blossoms on it. It also happens to be the start of spring, which also happens to be the time when the cherry blossom trees are in bloom. I’m assuming this is your way of asking me if we can attend Hanami?” 
Damn, Shinsuke knew you way too well for your liking sometimes. 
Before he could start spouting off the many reasons as to why he couldn’t go or shouldn’t go, you cut him off.
“I know, I know. What if the people see you? What if the Shinsengumi find you? I get it, I do. But, I want you to have fun and take a break! We never go out anymore and I miss that. We’ll be careful. Please.” 
Shinsuke heaves out a sigh and turns around in his chair to face you, your puppy dog eyes and pouted lip at the ready. As soon as he took you in, he let out a little laugh. 
“I hate how you think giving me that look will work every time, but..” He drags his hands down his face in exhaustion.
“But it does.”
“So.. we’re going then?” Hope sparkles in your eyes as you sit down beside him on the floor, head resting comfortably on his lap.��
With a smirk on his face and his green eye boring into you from above, “I guess I don’t have a choice.”
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The cool night air of the spring season bats against your bare legs as you walk along the streets of Edo, with Shinsuke following close beside you. He donned a sedge hat and a plain haori over his otherwise noticeable yukata. The streets are aligned with multiple vendors selling their wares, string lights hung, and of course the cherry blossoms in full bloom. Groups of people shuffle by the two of you as you make your way smoothly through the bustle. Each vendor pulls you in with something that you find interesting. The many smells of different foods floods your senses as you go from vendor to vendor. 
Shinsuke stops beside you at a vendor, his breath fanning against your neck as he whispers, “You had to pick the most popular Hanami spot, didn’t you?” 
“It was close by, and that way, if we need to make a run for it, we’re not far from the ship.” 
He sighs in agitation as someone accidentally bumps into him. You can clearly see his annoyance and let out a little giggle. 
“Shinsuke… its fine, I promise. Just take a deep breath and try to enjoy yourself.”
“Enjoy myself? I am a wanted terrorist, you know?” 
You turn away from him with a small smile on your face to receive the food and drinks that you ordered for the two of you. Struggling to hold both of your items, he gives in and helps you carry them. Walking side by side again you make your way through the crowd to find a spot to sit underneath the cherry blossoms. You find a secluded spot away from most of the other people and sit down underneath the shade. 
Shinsuke stops a few feet away from you, “I’ll be right back.” 
You look up at him with worry and curiousness in your eyes. 
“Is everything okay?”
“I just remembered something that I forgot about.” 
You side eye him as he starts to make the trek back to the vendors. What could he possibly be doing? He wouldn’t just leave you here by yourself to enjoy the cherry blossoms because he is afraid of getting caught, would he? Of course he wouldn’t and you knew better than that! Shinsuke is not the type to do that and he always longs to be by your side, the way you always long to be beside his. So what exactly was he doing? All you could do was wait for him to come back. 
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The food you bought for yourself is nothing but trash now. Fireflies lazily flit around your vision as you stare aimlessly into the distance still waiting for Shinsuke to make his return. Its only been fifteen minutes at most, but it feels like an eternity. Your hazy vision slips over couples sharing loving whispers and soft smiles. Being alone makes your mind start to wander and you start to think about what it would be like if Shinsuke wasn’t a wanted terrorist. What it would be like if you two were just another normal couple able to bask in the daylight without potentially getting thrown in jail. Without having to hide in back alleys and making runs for it. 
Your ears perk up at one of the sickeningly loving couples making their loud laughter known. You start to think about the very first time you’ve ever heard Shinsuke genuinely laugh like that and softly smile. The way his right eye squeezed shut, crinkles forming in the crease, his pure white teeth showing, cheeks flushed with a bright shade of pink. Your earlier thought of being a normal couple fades when you realize that you don’t want or need anyone but Shinsuke. That’s enough for you. He’s enough for you. You wouldn’t trade all of the close calls that you’ve faced together for anything in the world. 
Light footsteps are picked up by your hearing and you know its Shinsuke. A warm, loving smile stretches your lips wide as you know his every move, every sound. 
“Welcome back.” 
A faint blush is detectable and he grows somewhat shy. 
“Sorry I took so long, I didn’t anticipate it.” 
Sitting down gently beside you, its obvious that he is hiding something behind his back. He takes a quick sip of the sake thats sitting precariously on the ground. Face still flushed he pushes a small black box towards you, “Here.”
“W-what’s this?” Eyes widening in semi shock, you poise your fingers to take the top off. 
The lid being fully removed, you find whatever is in the box is carefully protected inside of pretty pink tissue paper. Cherry blossom pink. Fingers move nimbly to reach the contents hidden inside. Out of the corner of your eye, Shinsuke eyes you albeit anxiously. The soft pads of your fingers reach a beautifully crafted kanzashi and you let out a soft gasp. The color is a light red, bordering on pink. Gently removing it from the box and holding it delicately in your hands, you realize there is a string of cherry blossoms hanging from a golden pin. There are golden accents throughout the kanzashi, from the pin down to the string that holds the cherry blossom flowers together. You can’t stop staring at the absolutely exquisite gift in your hands. Looking over at Shinsuke in awe and wonder, you try to speak a coherent sentence.
“Sh-Shinsuke… this is so beautiful! What.. why…?” 
You’re so flustered and touched by the gift that droplets of water form in the corners of your eyes. 
Shinsuke scoots closer and gently leans into you, a loving smile on his soft lips.
“I wanted you to remember this night. I wanted to get you something that you’d have to cherish from this night forever.” 
Your eyes shoot up to look into his green orb, “Oh…you didn’t.. you didn’t have to, really.” 
He shrugs in amusement, “I wanted to.” He tries to hide the soft shade of pink that starts to grace his cheeks as he looks away from you, taking the kanzashi out of your hands and whispers, “turn around.” You do as you’re told, turning around with a smile as you feel Shinsuke’s fingers nimbly fix the kanzashi in your hair. Taking your face gently in his hands and putting a finger under your chin to tilt your head up to look at him, he smiles.
The chill spring air of the night helps cool your heated cheeks down. Hands fumbling for his own, you move closer to him and he places a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
You gather yourself and take a deep sigh, “I truly don’t know what to say.. I love it!” 
Shinsuke continues to gently play with your hair while staring into your eyes.
“You don’t have to say anything.” 
Shinsuke has almost never been one for public displays of affection, so you’re a bit taken aback when he passionately kisses you in front of the people gathered near you. You doubt they’re paying much attention, but your cheeks flame up just the same; the way his soft lips caress yours, your tongues dancing together. You can hear his breathing get heavier as he places his hand on your cheek to pull you in closer.
Breaking away, having a goofy smile on your face, “You kissed me..”
Shinsuke rolls his eyes and scoffs, “Yes.”
“In public!”
“Don’t go making a big deal out of it because its not going to be an all the time thing.” 
You fling your arms around his neck as you give him a warm embrace. Placing your lips beside his ear you whisper softly, “Its okay, I like keeping our intimate moments between the two of us, anyway… it makes them more special.” You place a quick peck on his cheek before leaning back to look at him. 
“I love you.”
Shinsuke doesn’t return it but you don’t need to hear him say it to know he feels the same about you. His actions make that clear enough as he smiles at you and pulls you into his side. His arms snake around your waist as he rests his chin gently atop your head.
“Happy Hanami..” Shinsuke whispers just loud enough for you to hear him as you both watch the cherry blossoms fall and welcome in spring and it’s new beginnings. 
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A/N: i hope you guys liked it! let me know what you think! okay, i’m a little embarrassed now so i’m dipping, bye!
credit for dividers: @benkeibear
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vannahfanfics · 5 years
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Category: General Fluff
Fandom: Gintama
Characters: Toshiro Hijikata, Shinsuke Takasugi
Requested By: Gintama Fangurl (FanFiction)
Alternatum to Ghosts
Toshiro frowned and angrily kicked the cigarette dispensing machine in an attempt to dislodge the pack of cigarettes that had jammed itself in the rotating dispensary springs. It wobbled as if it were going to dislodge, but then fell still in a clear effort to try his nerves. After several kicks gradually increasing in severity, all he had earned for himself was an aching foot. He cursed the defective machine under his breath as he shoved his hands in his pockets and began stalking down the street. He supposed it was as good a reason as any to follow up on the notion that he was going to try to quit smoking- the notion that he had been perpetuating for quite a while but just couldn’t seem to actually accomplish.
“Well… At least it’s quiet,” he sighed to himself as he walked alone through the night. The stores were still open catering to customers, but the atmosphere was light; he didn’t have to go chasing down shoplifters or beating up alleyway muggers. Ever since the conclusion to the Utsuro incident a year ago, the crime rate had dramatically decreased. Of course, it wasn’t zero, and so Toshiro and the rest of the Shinsengumi still had their hands full on a daily basis. Still, he didn’t have to go around chasing Joui patriots or fending off doomsday, so his stress levels had adjusted accordingly. Sometimes, probably for nostalgia’s sake, he still got that urge to smoke, though. The world just seemed to take him too seriously on his noble commitment and somehow managed to bungle his efforts to acquire a cigarette. If that was the most of his problems, though, Toshiro supposed that he should be grateful.
His craving for a smoke morphed into a craving for a drink, so he stopped into a quaint little joint and ordered himself a hot black tea. At this time of night, most patrons were partaking in alcoholic beverages, but Toshiro didn’t care to trade his chain-smoking habit for an alcohol-chugging one. Eyes lidded as he watched a couple of drunks raucously playing poker in the corner, he didn’t take much notice of the man who slid into the barstool beside him until he heard him order a black tea as well. Wait a second… I know that voice, he thought with a slight scowl and whirled around on the seat to be greeted with the smirking visage of one Shinsuke Takasugi.
Toshiro wondered for a moment if his drink was alcoholic after all because he was pretty certain that the man sitting beside him had been dead for about a year.
“Don’t look so surprised,” Shinsuke purred in amusement. “My specialty happens to be crawling my way out of Hell.” There was an air of light-heartedness about him, undermined by the subtle pang of guardedness, as he casually swirled the dark liquid around in the clay cup and eyed Toshiro out of the corner of his one good eye. The police officer deliberated for a moment on his course of action; even if a majority of the crimes of Gintoki and his compatriots had been pardoned, Shinsuke Takasugi had a pretty impressive rap sheet of crimes against the state. He had no reason to return to Edo aside from causing trouble. Yet… He didn’t seem to be up to much good and it wasn’t very like him to turn up at public venues, let alone plop right down beside one of the leading members of the Shinsengumi. Honestly, Toshiro wasn’t much in the mood to scrap with him, either. It was pretty good tea he was holding in his hand at the moment and he’d hate for it to spill and be wasted. He pursed his lips as he eyed Shinsuke critically.
“So what the hell are you here for?”
“Such hostility. You haven’t changed much,” he snorted with obvious distaste. The smirk fell from his lips to be replaced with a stony, blank, thin-lipped stare. “What became of Gintoki?”
“Spent the year living in a hole, didja?” Toshiro sighed and leaned his cheek in his fist with a return of his narrow-eyed expression. “That rent-dodging, apathetic asshole is still running his Yorozuya with the brats. Most often when I actually do have to answer calls about disturbances in town, it's him and his cronies.” Try as he may, he could not keep the faint hint of affection from staining his voice. Gintoki was an absolute bastard and a stain on society in many respects, but there was just something so likable about him that even the tough, gritty Toshiro couldn’t help but look upon him in mild fondness. Perhaps it was simply the rose-colored glasses of the former samurai saving the world a few times over that tainted his impression of him. “Why do you ask?”
“Believe it or not, even I referred to people as ‘friends’ once,” he remarked smoothly with a sordid look down into his half-drunk glass of hot tea. “On some level, I wish for him to be doing well.”
“Look at that. Shinsuke Takasugi, turning over a new leaf. I must be drunk,” he countered with a suspicious glance into what appeared to be tea but could very well be tea-like sake that remained sloshing around in his cup. He bristled a little when the patriot released what sounded like some bastardization of a chuckle, but was darker and more edged with iron, fitting his edgy personality and look.
“A new leaf? Maybe,” he said quietly with a faraway look. What was it about this bastard that made Toshiro unable to get a read on him? “I was dead, and yet I live. I’m just a specter wandering around looking for a reason, I suppose,” he said after a few seconds of silence.
“Didn’t you have followers?”
“They’re either dead or gone,” he responded levelly. Toshiro wouldn’t have thought it possible, but his expression softened slightly as he continued, “There’s one who still follows me around, but… She has nothing going for her otherwise, so I suppose it is a matter of necessity rather than choice.” He exhaled slightly and leaned back, rolling his shoulders lazily as he closed his eye. “Regardless, it is apparent that my endeavors and wishes in my ‘past life,’ as it were, are no longer sufficient to sustain my existence.”
“Pity.” There was not an iota of pity in his voice, nor in his body. Yet, he wasn’t triumphant about it, either. Toshiro didn’t pity him, but he understood being lost. Two years after the first clash with Utsuro, after he had been dismissed from the Shinsengumi, he had been trapped in that very limbo. He had occupied himself by forming a local police gang with other discredited members, but… It wasn’t fulfilling. It was just meaningless fluff that tried to fill the void but ultimately fell short. “So… You think Gintoki has the answers you’re looking for?” he continued slowly, eyeing him out of the corners of his eyes. The smirk returned to the patriot’s mouth, albeit faintly.
“I wouldn’t go that far… I suppose it’s more that I’m wondering how he did it. Moved on so easily, after the hell that we all went through,” he murmured thoughtfully. It did seem that way on the surface, the white-haired man had himself all put together and was totally unbothered. It seemed that way, but Toshiro didn’t doubt that the man had his nightmares, just like every war-scarred veteran, that the scent of iron and the screams of pain hovered just beyond his waking reality ready to pounce in moments of weakness. Toshiro knew exactly what Gintoki would tell him, too.
“There is no moving on,” he said and drained the last dregs of his tea, “there’s just living, or dying. That’s all.” Shinsuke’s eyebrow quirked as Toshiro stood up and dropped a few coins on the counter for the shopkeeper.
“Interesting. You sound just like him.”
“Don’t insult me.” Toshiro frowned at him as he laughed dryly, then began fishing around in the folds of his kimono. His eyebrows raised as he produced a pack of cigarettes and held it out to him. It was the brand he had been wrestling with earlier. He wondered if the pack had fallen down after a time thanks to gravity, or if Shinsuke had sliced apart the machine to claim Toshiro’s forgone purchase. He didn’t fancy returning to the vending machine to find out. The patriot shook the carton emphatically in offering. Toshiro’s teeth nibbled at the edge of his bottom lip as he considered it. “No thanks.”
“Yeah. I’ve moved on,” he remarked with a small smirk before dipping his head in farewell, not glancing back to see what Shinsuke actually did with the cigarettes. He slipped his hands into the pockets of his pants as he whistled a light tune, head tilting back to behold the brilliant full moon shining amongst the glittering stars above, in a space so vast it was beyond comprehension. So small were they, in the expanse of the universe, yet everything in their lives seemed too big and important.
Crawled your way outta Hell, huh? He thought wryly. Hope you make the best of purgatory... 
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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emilyplaysotome · 6 years
Chapter 14 - Goodbye and Hello
Catch up on all Chapters here:  http://emilyplaysotome.tumblr.com/post/173554646607/down-the-voltage-rabbit-hole-the-sequel-master
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“There’s no way it’s him!” Soryu exclaimed, holding the icepack to his cheek.
He was sitting on my couch and had hit the side of his face on the sidewalk when he’d collapsed as his old memories flooded back. Not wanting to make more of a scene than I already had in front of my building I dragged him upstairs and patched him up.
Similarly as I’d done with Hiroshi, I explained everything that had happened, including the fact that he’d tried to mug me on the train. 
He apologized profusely, cursing the king and what had happened as well as reiterating once more that he was, “not the man he once was” despite the fact that it seemed his true nature was destined to be that of a criminal. When I explained that things would be complicated from here on out seeing as how he was now involved with the New York City mafia scene, his eyes drifted down and I saw actual tears start to well up in the gangster’s eyes.
“Seriously? I…I…”
“I know you worked hard to change. I have an idea that’ll fix this but I don’t know how you’ll feel about it.”
“I’ll do anything to avoid sliding back into the man I once was!”
“Then we’ll ask the king to send you home. Back to the Tres Spades and we’ll say goodbye right now.”
“Goodbye? But…Naomi.”
I could feel myself getting choked up too but I nodded, “I want you to be happy Soryu and I know that’s not going to be here…with me.”
What Soryu didn’t know was that the king had already decided that he would be going back. Like me, he knew that Soryu would never be the man I’d choose and that this “second chance” was only a byproduct of the game I was currently playing. Of course Soryu was hot, and of course I was fond of him and proud of him for turning his life around. It was especially because of that last fact that I knew the king was right when I read the message, “2/6 - time to send this one back to my realm for his own good.”
The mob here was not some otome fairy tale that ended with Inui being sweet and clumsy. The mob here was ruthless and if we weren’t careful the reformed Soryu would quickly get snuffed out for fear that he might rat on his previously illicit activities.
“I want you to know that I still love you,” he said. “I’ve always loved you. And I’ve worked to become the man that you deserve - one who will never make you scared…ever again.”
“Thank you,” I said, gently taking the ice pack from him before I wiped the dirt from his scraped face with a warm cloth. “But I hope that you realize that as you are now you’re a better man than you once were. I might have been the catalyst for you to change, but I sincerely hope that you continue to live this way...for your own happiness. And for a future you can be proud of.”
It was then that my ex-boyfriend, ex-mobster, cold-as-ice Soryu cried like a baby, and I held him in my arms for a good fifteen minutes until he regained his composure. 
When he did, we agreed to spend our last few hours together in good spirits and seeing as how he was Eisuke’s best friend, I figured that I might as well get his take on whether or not he thought it possible that the other king from his realm might be part of my game.
“There’s no way it’s him!”
“You’re positive?”
“I just…Eisuke knows how I feel about you. He’s my best friend and despite what people say about him, he really is a good person.”
I understood what Soryu was saying and I didn’t want to push the idea any further with him. I agreed that it would certainly be surprising if Eisuke was in fact the sixth man, but the way Soryu was dismissing the idea had far more to do with his feelings about me and Eisuke than it did as an objective third party to the situation.
“Just like his best friend,” I replied with a smile as I returned the ice pack to the freezer.
“How does it look?”
“You’ll probably have a bit of a bruise but you always look handsome when you’re a bit roughed up. I’m sure once you’re home the women of the Tres Spades will be falling all over themselves to try and land a date with you.”
A disgusted expression passed over Soryu’s features and I laughed, “You could stand to give more women a try you know…”
“No. You were different.”
“The only thing that was different about me was that you got to know me...as a person.”
He started to reply, then pursed his lips with a slightly confused expression and said, “Explain.”
“You had to get to know me because I was living with you. You initially saw me as a woman and then started to see me as Naomi as time went on…you have to do that with women.”
“But they all like perfume, and dresses, and they only want me for my money and connections!”
“Maybe some, but not all. And you won’t know until you actually have a real conversation with them. Just talk to them like you talk to your friends.”
“But they’re women!” He insisted.
I laughed, “I got news for you Sor, women are people - even in your realm. I know that because I’ve played a teacher, a baker, a police officer…you name it. They had hopes and dreams and opinions and you’d be happy with any of them. Maybe even a maid at the Tres Spades...someone you never noticed before but who is capable of loving you more than I ever could. And you deserve that. This man who worked so hard to better himself…he deserves it.”
His dark eyes looked back at me with a melancholy expression, but he forced a smile and quietly said, “I understand.”
“I’m glad. Be happy Soryu.”
It felt like a natural goodbye and I was unsurprised when a flash of light filled my apartment, revealing the king who nodded at Soryu with a polite smile. It was obvious that since he’d sent that message, the king had been watching me and he looked pleased at how entertaining our goodbye scene had been.
Neither of us fought was about to happen, and Soryu gave me a hug before stoically walking over to the king.
“Are you ready?” The king asked.
Soryu glanced back and I smiled despite the fact that I was crying. When he turned to face the king I caught one last glimpse of those broad shoulders and large back before he was gone.
“I have to say Naomi,” the king said with a smile, “you’re starting to make me sweat a little. Good luck this week.”
The king didn’t wait for a reply from me - he was someone who thrived on the dramatic and that last remark was enough to make me question if he was about to throw a massive curveball my way. Regardless, the day had taken its toll and I was ready for bed.
Seeing as how I had to work out with Hijikata tomorrow before I went into the office, I figured I might as well call it a night despite the fact that it was only 10 pm.
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I woke the next day refreshed after a solid eight and a half hours of sleep. I had closed a chapter with not one, but two of the men in this realm and it was time to see how I felt about a third who was a bit of a mystery.
I threw on some workout clothes and ate half of a protein cookie at home and the other half during my walk to the gym, in the hopes of not passing out during what was about to be a strenuous hour. When I entered Edge Fitness, I saw Hijikata waiting for me with a smirk and he nodded in approval seeing as how I’d arrived 5 minutes early to my 8 A.M. workout.
“We’ll warm up with a light 2 mile run today,” he said, leading me to the treadmills after I’d dropped my bags into a locker.
“Someone’s energetic this morning,” he said with a sneer, “I guess that means I can really go hard on you today.”
“Do your worst!” I said with a smile, though not meaning a word of it.
Hijikata let out a laugh and the second he did I saw this world’s iteration of Shinsaku Takasugi antagonistically drape his arm around Hijikata.
His light brown hair clung to his skin, which was covered in a even sheen of sweat. Standing side by side the two were built very similarly, and their tight attire made that all the more obvious. They both wore shorts that hugged their muscular backsides with Edge Fitness tank tops that left little to the imagination when it came to their impressive chest and arms.
The image felt as if it were something out of a Boy Love manga - a smooth looking, well built man covered in sweat as a slightly grumpier one wore an expression of protest beside him.
“The demon trainer laughs? Who knew.”
Hijikata immediately shook Shin’s arm off of him and snapped, “Get outta here Taka, I’m working.”
Shin didn’t seem to care, and instead he chuckled and used the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead purposely giving me a peek at his perfectly defined abdominal muscles. I was feeling painfully thirsty that morning and though he and I didn’t have the best history together (not that he seemed to remember anything from Otento), seeing his abs first thing in the morning left me with a little grin on my face.
“Hey, we haven’t met before - everyone calls me Taka. I’m going to be training you after I retire Tosh,” he said to me with a confident grin.
“Don’t call me that!”
“Naomi,” I quickly said, which only seemed to make Shin smile wider and Hijikata look angrier.
“I’m jealous that Tosh is allowed to train such lovely clients. A demon like him should never be allowed near someone as delicate as yourself.”
“Oh but that’s where you’re wrong,” I said with my head held high, “I’m quite strong and you’d be quite foolish to underestimate me based on my appearance.”
The comment caught both men off guard in the best possible way, and I watched as their attention stayed on me and their eyes filled with something in between lust and admiration.
“With that said, it’s already been five minutes into my warm up and I haven’t started so…it was nice meeting you.”
Hijikata smiled triumphantly and stepped up onto the treadmill beside me, away from Shin. 
He hit a few buttons and before I knew it I was running 2 miles at a ten minute pace, which doesn’t sound too difficult but proved to have me panting after a minute or so. Shin left us to it after I started running, though he did say something about looking forward to seeing me around the gym.
I could tell that his comments irked Hijikata and I hoped it was because I was making progress in getting him to see me as more than just a client. That day however, his workout kept me moving at a pace that had me out of breath and barely able to think, let alone seduce.
By the end of our hour, sweat was pouring off of me and I felt incredibly smelly and unsexy as Hijikata used our last few minutes together to help me stretch. I didn’t particularly want him touching me in such a state, but I tried to keep my cool as his hands ran over my calf as he extended my leg.
“Have you been meditating?” he asked.
“Yes,” I lied, “I’m really trying to make it part of my routine.”
Hijikata smiled triumphantly, “Checking in with your body only leads to having a healthier one.”
I gave a little nod and Hijikata pushed my leg a bit further, causing me to let out a little yelp.
He chuckled and when I asked why he was laughing he cooly lowered my leg back to the ground and said, “That was cute. Good job today. I’ll see you tomorrow at 7.”
I smiled and nodded, happy that he had remembered that Mondays the company lets us roll in closer to 10/10:30 whereas the rest of the week I try to get in by 9/9:30. It was a small detail that showed he was thinking of me enough to remember something like that, and I made my way to the showers.
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Seeing as how I lived a few blocks away, I could have easily gotten ready at home. However, that wouldn’t have let me show Hijikata how cute I looked in my work clothes and so I made the plan to get ready and dressed and say goodbye looking my best if only to put in his head what it was that he might be missing.
The past few workouts he’d seen me looking like a total scrub, and in order to undo that image, I gave myself a sleek blowout and donned a tight black dress that was still office appropriate. 
I was feeling pretty good about myself as I applied a bit of tinted moisturizer to my face and a light coat of mascara on my lashes. Once I felt completely confident that this was going to be the best I was look, I jammed my belongings into their appropriate bag and attempted to walk in the wedges that would soon be exchanged with a pair of flats once I was back home. I planned to drop off my belongings and make the quick swap before heading into work, but I wanted Hijikata to think that I was the kind of confident woman who could rock some wedges that made her legs look amazing.
The second I exited the locker room, I saw Shin and Hijikata arguing about something at the front desk. They were so focused on each other that I worried my hard work would be in vain, so I tried to be as breezy as possible in my approach.
“Thanks for today - I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said to Hijikata with a smile, hoping that he would be so awed by my beauty that he’d feel compelled to ask me out then and there.
As if my mind had been read I heard a voice call out and say, “Hey - we should go out sometime.” 
I froze at the stairwell hoping that it belonged to the right otome man in the game I was playing but when I turned back, and saw Shin smiling at me as Hijikata stared daggers at him.
“You’re not my client, so I don’t see a problem with it. We can talk about it tomorrow,” Shin said and before I could shoot him down, he walked away.
I stood frozen on the spot, my plan having backfired slightly and to make matters worse I had no idea if Shin was asking me out because he was indeed the sixth man or if it was merely to get a rise out of his rival.
Posting this guy early because I’m prepping for a busy work week! Hope you guys like it :)
If you’ve enjoyed the story, please show your support by sharing it with a friend or buying me a coffee!  
Thanks for reading :)
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fizzingwizard · 7 years
I finally got to watch the Gintama live action movie - on the airplane from Tokyo, of all places xD
It was much better than expected, although I thought the beginning was significantly better than the end. Here be my thoughts
Things I loved:
The entire first half. It was very true to Gintama spirit. Laughed so much each time they ran into the Shinsengumi in the woods and that dramatic movie played.
Shinpachi was perfect af. “Kondo-san, you’re beautiful.” “You just told us everything.” Deadpan perfection. I adore him.
Most everyone was really well cast tbh. My one and only reservation was Kagura, who I think they cast for looks over comedic ability. But overall A+ job.
Nausicaa!!!!!! that was amazing.
Tae didn’t have a lot of scenes but the few she was in she dominated. I love the Shimura family.
Kondo was hilarious. I had felt he was just too small to be Kondo in the promo photos, but his acting was stupendous. So funny.
Shinpachi infiltrating the Kiheitai ship XD
I read some complaints about Oguri Shun’s Gintoki but I really thought he was fantastic. Funny and ridiculous and sympathetic. I think he probably came across over the top in the beginning, but it fits the movie in its entirety and I def felt a lot better about the beginning by the time I was halfway through.
Okada Masaki’s Katsura was friggin hilarious and Katsura to a T. I wonder if we’ll see any of him in the sequel. He’s not in any other plot-centric arcs before the prison break. And that’d be quite a time jump. I’ll miss him if he’s not ;_; so funny
Things I didn’t love:
Takechi - Let’s just get this out of the way. The pedo jokes went too far for me. I know it’s a running gag in the manga but I had always felt it was just Matako egging him on - the movie def gave me the impression that there’s at least some truth to it. Come on, Japan. Takechi was funny otherwise, it’s too bad they had to totally ruin him with this stupidity.
Too much monologuing during fights. But that... is Gintama, so I can hardly complain. There’s too much of it in the manga so no wonder there’s too much of it in the movie.
I know they had to let Hijikata fight, because he’s Hijikata. (Even though there was an entire mini-series to be released focusing on the Shinsengumi where he’d get to fight plenty...) And I understand even better when Takasugi got to fight. Can’t exactly say it was a fulfilling battle, or that someone who wasn’t already in the know about Gintama would’ve been impressed with it. But I get why they did it. HOWEVER. They totally didn’t let Katsura fight at all. They changed the entire ending, and I honest to goodness feel it was better and more dramatic in the original. Not to mention it hardly makes sense how the Harusame were apparently just like “peace out bro”!
Idk things:
Kagura - she’s one of my absolute favs in the manga/anime but I had trouble getting used to Hashimoto Kanna. She just seemed too lady-like and I didn’t always believe her Kagura-style humor. Her battle scene on the ship was excellent though.
The weird way Elizabeth seemed like he’s somehow “always with” Katsura at the end... amusing but also wtf...
Katsura: “What would Gintoki say if I left you two behind!” Kagura & Shinpachi: “Just go!” Katsura: “ok”
Gintoki: “I’ll fight Nizo - you go arrest Takasugi.” Hijikata: “OK, after all it’s not as if all the Shinsengumi are after him already and Nizo is so super-powered that a single person can’t take him out alone and I’d be way more useful double-teaming with you. My battle scene was totally irrelevant. Good luck see you.” *later* “Hey, Gintoki. Lol obviously I didn’t even manage to do the thing I deserted you to do.” xD This is what comes of trying to insert characters into stories where they’re not supposed to be.
Takasugi was pretty Takasugi-like, I mean he was fine. Maybe it’s because I’m pretty whatever about Takasugi in general (except for his battle with Gintoki in Shogun Assassination, which I love), especially post Rakuyou-Takasugi who is just so uninteresting to me now that he’s lost most of his antagonist qualities. But I would be curious to see him highlighted more. It only makes sense that a sequel would focus on Takasugi to a degree. I wonder if they’ll do Shogun Assassination.
Random other thought: There was unexpected shipping fodder for GintokixOkita of all things hahahahahha.
It was good - up until just past the Nausicaa bit, I was thinking I’d like to buy it. But then the battle and aftermath just weren’t very interesting for me and I kind of lost interest. I’ll happily rewatch it if I get the chance though.
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oh-my-otome · 8 years
Otome Sitch: Pregnancy Scare
Prompt brought to you by this Precious Anon. Here we go!
Rank: You’re sorry you even bothered
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What you said: “...a little late, I think.” What they heard: "Baby on the way!”
Before you can explain that you’re not sure yet, they’re already cartwheeling around the room in ecstasy. You exchange an exasperated side-eye with Nanny (Kanetsugu/Giles/Kirisato/Tadatsugu) and throw your hands into the air. They’ll figure it out eventually. 
Kenshin has thrown himself head-first into his room of requirement storage room, and started digging around, looking for the most beautiful of his treasures. To set aside as heirlooms, of course. He’s even sorting things properly so that he can accomplish his task. You start to say something, but find that Kanetsugu has snuck up behind you and clasped his hand firmly over your mouth. “Don’t you dare!” he breathes. “I’ve been trying to get him to clean this junk out forever!”
When you told him that you had something to talk about, Nico held you in his arms and told you not to worry-- you’ll figure this out. As you left to go to your lessons, he walked back to his room. He looked over his shoulder as he went, the better to make sure the coast was clear. Closing the door behind him, he settled his slender frame against it, and waited a beat-- just to make certain that it was absolutely silent --before shouting “Yeeeeeeees!” You can hear him from the ball room. 
Yuki is already threading a needle and is surrounded by various baby-sized patterns. The two of you are happily chatting away about fabrics before you realize that you’ve been swept up in his enthusiasm. “Dammit, Yuki! Now is not the time!”
“You’re right,” he replies, “we should knit booties first!”
Ieyasu’s half-eaten daifuku rolls out of his hand as he stares at you in amazement. The next thing you know, you’re flat on your back, inexplicably tucked into his bedding. He sits by your side happily grinding away with his mortar and pestle, dipping into his medicine chest occasionally. Curious, you start to sit up, but he nudges you back down, eventually thrusting a bowl of...something...right under your nose. 
’ugh...swamp water? That’s definitely swap water...’ you try not to grimace.
“You need your vitamins at a time like this!” he says, looking quite proud of himself.
Kyo was finding it hard to keep the corners of his mouth from curving up. He never even thought that he would be in a position that might result in your pregnancy to begin with. You can tell that he’s trying to remain calm and be supportive, but his excitement is leaking out into his voice, and he’s practically bouncing on his toes with glee. You remind him that he has patrol and should get going. You lied.
You feel a little dizzy as Kondo places you back on the ground, after having spun you around. You remind him again that you’re still not sure yet, but his happy expression doesn’t change as he takes you into his arms once more. You thought he was bad at making sure all of his swords had names. Now, you’re trying to talk him out of suggesting them for a potential bun.
Rank: To the book shelf! And Beyond!
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They’re covered in dust from reading. You don’t even try to clean around them anymore; you just start drawing shapes in it, as it collects on the floor. While they admit that their pull-out game wasn’t exactly top-notch the last time, they vow to read every last bit of information available from predicting luteal phases to choosing a midwife.
“Hideyoshi, of course!” says Mitsunari, right before you calmly set aside the manju and whack him on the back of the head with the tray. 
Albert now knows your cycle like the back of his Byron obsession and appears at your bedside every morning with a basal thermometer. 
Okubo is still quiet as a mouse. You get the feeling that he is silently filing away every detail, as he glances at you now and then. On occasion, though, he will ask you things that reveal his true intentions, his voice unusually halting. “Which one of us do you suppose a baby might look like?”
Rank: Craaaaap!
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Flipping tf out, pacing the floor, berating themselves. They were careful. Meticulous, even. They look calm enough on the outside, but inside, they’re a mess.
Each of them has a job that affords them little free time, and little control over their own schedule. Also, they all have enemies...which means you and your potential bun have enemies. They’re cautiously supportive while they tear their remaining hair out.
Saizo and Katsura are beside themselves. There’s just no way they can accept the missions that they were just given at this point. If there was a time to disobey orders, it was right now.
You had come to them near tears. Without hesitation, you were pulled down into their lap, their hand smoothing your hair rhythmically until you fell asleep. You hadn’t even realized how exhausted you were. 
They look down at you, their hand pausing on its path. Instead of bringing it back across the silken trail of your hair, they stroke your cheek instead. Leaning their head back against the wall, a broken sigh cuts through the dark. “We’ll get through this.”
Robert and Giles each listen calmly. As you make your way back to your room, they turn resolutely toward their bathroom door. It’s time for “that.”
This is definitely a three-capful problem, they decide, as they push aside their fluffy towels, reaching all the way to the back to retrieve a thick glass bottle marked “For emergencies.”
Adding the scented bubble bath to the water, they slip under the bubbly surface and consider how to have their cake and eat it too. They’ve already conquered their career path of choice. The only thing left was figuring out how to meld it with the family life of their dreams.
Hijikata is lying face down in the pile of papers on his desk. He bolts up abruptly, looking around in bewilderment, a piece of parchment sticking to the side of his face. He stayed up all night trying to figure out what to do. How would he tell Kondo? Scratching the back of his head, he turns toward the door. “Together,” he decides. “We’d tell Kondo together.”
Remembering that you’ve often talked about how cooking relaxes you, Kojuro finds himself in the kitchen, trying to ease both of your worries in one fell swoop. The “soup” was...not entirely inedible interesting. And he certainly kept you on your toes, wondering just how many bones he forgot to pick out of the fish.
Kirisato was pulled to the side again by one of the guards. The complaints of unsatisfied customers seemed to have increased and she found it hard to focus. Throwing off his disguise at the end of his shift, Haru slips into his regular clothes and makes his way to your place. He is surprised to hear you say that he looks flustered. He thought he was handling it pretty well. 
“But you came here with a face full of makeup,” you reply with a laugh. 
Masamune and Keiki straight up pass right tf out. As clan heads, both face the reality that there is someone trying to poison them daily, so now they have to really be on high alert. They follow you everywhere and hire extra security. 
Byron has been on autopilot since you told him. He continues on like normal, or so he thinks. He’s taken to chanting every show-tune that he’s come across that even remotely resembles a soothing mantra. The servants have caught him singing “just keep swimming, just keep swimming” under his breath. They don’t dare say a word.
Typically brazen Sid sneaks a copy of What to Expect When You’re Expecting out of the palace library and reads it diligently each night. When he sees you during the week, the two of you compare notes like you’re on a secret mission. You’ve both found an entertaining way to pass the time while you wait.
Rank: True Pacifist Route
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They can sense that you’re nervous before you even open your mouth. Rather than worry about all of the what-ifs while you wait, they launch into spoiling you rotten to keep your mind busy. No use making yourself sick with worry.
Random foot rubs and massages? Hideyoshi’s on it. He’s got the right touch to keep you relaxed and happy. 
“It’s not exactly the fanciest thing, but...” Alyn trails off as he sheepishly dusts off his violin. You’re amazed at how quickly he lulls you to sleep with his playing. 
Your back fits snugly into Saito’s chest as you recline in his lap on the engawa. He leans back against a pillar, as the two of you take in the starry night sky, pointing out constellations here and there, feeling like the only two people in the world.
Louis and Takasugi both have the same idea. Each would clear their schedule and come to pick you up early the next morning. They were surprised, but undaunted, when you told them you might be “late.” Deciding that this was not the time to show you their flustered side, they stayed up well into the night, planning a day trip to ease your worries.
Unlike the previous two, Inuchiyo and Yamazaki sat in quiet thought after you finished speaking. Each stared down at your hands, clasped tightly in their own, their mouths a taut line of contemplation. You call their name, unsure of their response, and they look up, leveling you with a gaze of such love and devotion that you go still. Neither says anything, drawing you into a firm embrace, instead. Their hands, gently stroking your back, say everything: “Rely on me. I’m here for whatever you need.”
Every evening when you’re both free, you and Leo settle on the couch for a game of “Guess the foreign phrase.” You’re not entirely sure he’s not making some of them up, but his sense of humor keeps you laughing all the same. 
You go for relaxing morning strolls along the shore with Sakamoto. Your sandals clink against each other as you hold them in your hand. Sakamoto looks over at you as you drag your feet through the sand. Suddenly, you find yourself hoisted into the air in a princess carry as he makes his way to the breakers. Splashing as he goes, you can’t help but giggle along with him. Without any words at all, you know everything is going to be all right.
Rank: Foot-in-Mouth Disease
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These derps.
Nobunaga found himself on the other end of his iron war fan when he flippantly asked why you didn’t just get here sooner, then. If he weren’t absentmindedly munching away on konpeito, he would have been able to pay attention to context.
“Nobuyuki told that joke last time. Remember? With the poison needles and the...oh.” Yukimura’s voice trails off as he realizes that this is definitely not like the last time. In fact, Nobuyuki is nowhere to be found. Leading you to a secluded place, Yukimura stammers out an apology, having long since gone from rosy pink to beet red. 
In retrospect, wondering aloud if pregnancy sex is as good as the rumors say, was not the brightest of Mitsuhide’s ideas, he concedes. You can hardly hear him, as he has bent himself into a bow so low that he is almost laying on the floor.
“That was the plan all along,” was definitely not what you expected to hear from Shingen, after you gathered up the courage to talk to him. He even had the nerve to look smug about it, his hearty laugh booming through the grassy field. However, you could almost map the course of his changing emotions as he gazed at your incredulous face.
Pride, uncertainty, regret. 
You turn away from him in a huff, continuing to brush his mare. Gently, he stops your hand and takes it in his. “That was unnecessary. I’m really sorry.”
At Okita’s feet lie the unfortunate soldiers who have sparred with him. Against the wall, a fresh group of “sparring partners” try desperately to not make eye contact with their captain. He’s been in the training hall since you took him aside earlier and told him that you were “late.”
“Why? Did you have an appointment?” he asked with a grin, as his head tilted automatically to the side. He could tell by the way you gaped at him that there must be some other meaning to what you said, but he couldn’t figure it out on his own.
“You,” he grumbles out, brandishing his wooden sword at one of the soldiers still trying to slink away. “If someone is late, what does it mean?”
“Late, captain?”
“But not...to a place. At least, I don’t think.”
“Is this ‘someone’ a woman, sir?” When Okita nods, the soldier explains, his eyes on the floor as the tips of his ears turn red.
The practice sword he had been holding clatters to the ground as Okita bolts out of the training hall, calling your name.
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shenanigumi · 7 years
So I finished Kyoto Winds…
Here’s the comprehensive review I promised!! Keep in mind that I haven’t always paid the closest attention (as my first priority eventually shifted to managing the walkthroughs, since I can replay them anytime), but I’ll do my best to be accurate.
As usual, I’m biased as hell so you’ll want to take a lot of this with a grain of salt, but here we go, with the longest post ever…
On the gameplay – having been expecting to get to choose the route at the beginning, the fact that I had to navigate all the options and pick accordingly was a surprise, but not an unwelcome one. I’ve always been a fan of choice-based gameplay, so really, the only sticking point I hit was Souma’s route. As you may have noticed, I had a bit of trouble figuring out which system of choices was required for me to get to his second appearance. Other than that, everything turned out fine, although the sheer number of options was a little bit overwhelming at first. | 4/5
On the art – fantastic, as always, although there are a couple CGs that look a little funny to me (for instance, I don’t think Kazama’s Ikeda CG looks much like him). I am admittedly also not a fan of the costume recolors in most cases, but it’s not like it gets in the way of my enjoying the game. Additionally, Demons’ Bond also seems to have influenced the Yase backgrounds. We all know how I feel about Demons’ Bond as it relates to Hakuōki, so I’m not too enthusiastic about the parallels, but that’s an entirely different story. | 5/5 – odd-looking CGs and a palette swap I don’t particularly like aren’t enough to knock a point off
On the translation – …ouch. Noticed a huge amount more typos, clumsily written phrases (like using ‘gruff’ to describe someone’s hands), faulty formatting, incorrect dialogue tags, out-of-place swearing (particularly concerning the word ‘bitch’), and plain OOC dialogue (especially from Amagiri) compared to the original. I also hear that Iba’s dialogue wasn’t well-handled either, and it makes me wonder about the accuracy of the ‘new’ lines as well. I don’t have a lot of faith in this one, so I’m going to say the original translation was definitely, and markedly, better. In part because it distinguished between “the Demon” (Hijikata) and “the demon” (Kazama) instead of inexplicably capitalizing the common noun ‘demon’ so it’s possible to confuse the two. Or ‘fury’, for that matter. Yeah, that just makes no sense to me. | 2/5
On the soundtrack – a few tracks are good, and most unremarkable, but on the whole I’d rank it roughly equivalent with the original. I am also a fan of the soundfont; electric acoustic is my jam. I’m also getting a distinctly Demons’ Bond vibe from a lot of them, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it does tend to melt into the background so that I can’t really tell the difference between several tracks at first listen. Not that it’s a big deal, but the original stood out a little more to me, I guess. | 3/5
Now, onto the routes! Please note that though the ratings I give the new routes are based exclusively on this game, the ratings I give the six old routes are in comparison to the same routes in the original game, with 1/5 being much worse; 3/5 being about the same; and 5/5 being much better.
Hijikata’s Route
Hijikata’s the same Demon Commander we all know and love, only his relationship and dynamic with Chizuru are fleshed out a little more. Chizuru’s role as his page is given a little more of a spotlight, as is her exact role as his page, and her place in the Shinsengumi as a whole feels a little more solid because of that development. Since the game ends before they reach Edo, they’re not exactly a couple, but since his Memories of Love are included, we see Hijikata’s feelings as well. Overall, this route strikes a good balance, and a believable platform for eventual romance. Which, of course, is ideal on any Implied Canon route. (I was Not Ok with Yamazaki’s death and burial at sea, though. Like… my heart.) | 4/5
Okita’s Route
Okita hasn’t changed a bit, but the reasoning behind his actions is made a little clearer, and his brotherly adoration for Kondou is also stressed a little more. As a character, he feels a little more complete, and I was able to understand his actions a little better without having to guess at his motives (for instance, he repeatedly asserts that he doesn’t like it when other people make inferences about how he or Kondou feels). Because of that, his dynamic with Chizuru also got a little more development, and although the game ends before they’re involved, I can already see the basis for their relationship in the sequel. While OkiChi admittedly felt a little bit sudden in the original, this half-route did a good job of slowing down and zooming in so we can see the shift a little more. Or at least, I could. Maybe it was because I was looking for it. | 4/5
Saito’s Route
THIS IS WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT. This? Right here? Perfect improvement over the original route, adding to all the right places without taking anything away. It includes just enough extra background on Saito and Chizuru and how the two of them interact to make the ship believable. Their relationship is made softer without pulling either of them out of character, and the extent of their compatibility explored. Saito offers just enough reassurance, and Chizuru is just conscious enough of her place in the relationship and in the Shinsengumi, that their development reads as very natural. Excellent. Not much else to say, just like Saito. | 5/5
Heisuke’s Route
Hoo boy. Not a lot of new content and no new CGs, but it’s not like you can do much to improve on Heisuke’s route, anyway, since it was hands down the best in the original. The few things they did add fit in well with the original flow, nothing felt out-of-place, and I was actually enjoying myself quite a bit thanks to all that wonderful HeiChi… until Sen intervened in the conflict between Kazama and Heisuke. Rather than offer herself as the mother of Kazama’s children to spare Chizuru, like in the original, she instead threatens to banish him and his entire clan for interfering with the affairs of humans. However, quite generously, she offers him amnesty if he agrees to leave Heisuke and Chizuru alone. I was… angry. Still am, in fact.
But it’s not just because I ship KazaSen; really, it’s not. It’s because altering that scene threatens the integrity of the entire plot, when you consider that Kazama will eventually join Heisuke and Chizuru in rescuing Sen. Furthermore, her authority to banish an entire clan of demons is never explained, and her threat makes no sense anyway, considering that Yase has literally worked directly for the imperial court for centuries, so she has no business telling Kazama to stand down for allying with the Satsuma. Basically, retconning that scene makes no sense, and plotholes of that magnitude have never sat well with me. I had a bitter taste in my mouth for the rest of the route, which thankfully didn’t last much longer. | 3/5 – the adorableness of HeiChi barely manages to even out the fact that my faith in the plot has been materially damaged
Harada’s Route
Yes. Good. Wonderful development between the two of them, and although there aren’t too many additions until the route split, their relationship is more firmly established—and earlier on—which makes me a little bit more okay with the more mature direction their relationship is headed. Moreover, Harada’s reassurance that Chizuru is just a normal girl and not a monster was sorely needed in the original, and I’m relieved to see that kind of closure here. Otherwise, it was largely unremarkable (in a good way), other than the fact that Shiranui talks a bit more about Takasugi. Which, by the way, was awesome; I still consider TakaShira canon until proven otherwise. | 4/5
Nagakura’s Route
Definitely sweet and enjoyable! I played this one first, so I didn’t actually get all his scenes till I focused on the walkthrough, but there were so many d’aww moments, I lost count. Honestly, they really amped up the sweetness between the two of them (including modifying some of his In Days Past to be a little more romantic), and that kind of mutual innocence is really refreshing since Nagakura’s so… ya know… suggestive. But something feels like it’s missing, and I can’t quite put my finger on it. I think it might be Toba-Fushimi, honestly; I was fine up till then, but the last couple chapters feel kind of rushed in a way I can’t explain. Still a good route, though! | 4/5
Sanan’s Route
I… really don’t have a lot of feelings about this one. I wasn’t really expecting to, considering Sanan is my least favorite, but I expected my lack of feelings to be related more to that than the fact that there’s really not much to say about it. Like, there are still a lot of inconsistencies in his personality since so many of the scenes early on are accessible on all routes, and I can’t really get a solid grasp on who he is or what his relationship is to Chizuru. The best thing I can say about his route—other than that Kaoru makes an appearance—is that Chizuru’s feelings are at least clear. | 3/5
Yamazaki’s Route
He may not appear much in the beginning, but once he starts showing up a little more often, it’s priceless. Although the relationship doesn’t have a lot of time to develop, for some reason, it doesn’t feel rushed or incomplete. Somehow, they managed to devise a pairing that doesn’t need a lot of development to be believable; they’re simply naturally suited to one another from the beginning. The dialogue and narrative can get a little saccharine at times, but I was honestly eating it up. Especially when he was holding her hand. Who’d have thought that Yamazaki, of all people, gets the closest to becoming half of a legit couple with Chizuru within the span of the first game alone? | 5/5
Iba’s Route
I… ugh… just please get him away from me. As I’ve said, you’d have to work really hard to find someone with whom I’m less personally compatible, and because I already find it difficult to put myself in Chizuru’s tabi, I could not for the life of me get into his route at all. The man’s as Mary a Sue as you’ll find anywhere. The Long-Lost, Somehow-Forgotten Childhood Friend of Chizuru, whom she miraculously remembers throughout his route, Iba is Gallant and Pacifistic and Really Nice All the Time. In fact, he Can Do No Wrong, is Inhumanly Selfless, and wants nothing more than Chizuru’s safety and happiness at any given time. He’s also On Really Good/Personal Terms with All the Captains because he also used to frequent Shiei Hall for undisclosed reasons (other than being the son of a dojo master himself—oh yeah, and he’s a master at his style of swordplay, by the way, although he’s never killed anyone because of his Incorruptible Pure Pureness).
So basically, the dude’s already wormed his way into everyone’s hearts long before the route even starts, and that just strikes me as unfair. Basically, the route relies on their pasts to create chemistry and the foundation for a ‘believable’ relationship, instead of showing how they’re suited to one another in the present. Honestly, he creeps me out more than a little. Of course, independently of his character, the plot itself is fine—if a little bland at times. I don’t exactly appreciate the reused/paralleled backgrounds from Demons’ Bond, or the random demons’ arms that just kinda come out of nowhere and don’t seem to have an apparent purpose beyond being attached to Takeda and Iba (why are they even in Yase? how come they weren’t destroyed? what the fuck?), but those are personal grudges. Anyway, yeah, definitely not my favorite. | 2/5
Souma’s Route
After the amount of heartache I had trying to get his route, I remember swearing that he’d better be the best ever. I wasn’t particularly disappointed. Souma’s like… Heisuke’s mirror image, in a way. Both are awkward oblivious sweethearts, but Heisuke’s more fun-loving, while Souma is serious to a fault. In the same way I love Heisuke and HeiChi’s dynamic, Souma and SouChi strike me as very similar. They support one another, learning and growing together, throughout the route. It’s really refreshing to see Chizuru in a different ‘kind’ of relationship, too, considering that she’s Souma’s ‘senpai’ (well, his mentor in being a page) as opposed to being one of the captains’ inferiors. There are also quite a few backstory moments in this route, which I appreciated, although a few of them read as a little bit contrived; I’d have preferred they spread it out a bit. Also, Fuck-and-Run Miki makes a great antagonist, and I’m pleased to see more of him—although I was a bit disappointed to find Kazama once again assuming the same basic role as he does in Saito’s route. Like, can we have more Heisuke’s-route-esque ‘reluctant rivalrous allies’ banter? | 4/5
Sakamoto’s Route
Okay, so… I kinda love this guy, and it’s not all because he resembles Shiranui. He’s an interesting character, and it’s nice to have a route with someone who isn’t affiliated with the Shinsengumi but isn’t also trying to kidnap Chizuru. The thing is, although I wouldn’t say the ship feels forced, Sakamoto moves really fast, like probably faster than Harada fast, considering he’s technically got the first chronological kiss CG—just not on the lips. It’s also a little less clear how, when, and why Chizuru becomes interested in him. It might just be the fact that I like the character enough to let it slide, but I didn’t have any trouble suspending disbelief long enough to squeal at their cute moments. Even though I wouldn’t say it was an incredible route, it was honestly really interesting, because it follows a completely different path than I was used to, departing from the usual set of choices. (Also, any route with more Shiranui is fine by me. I’m a shallow girl with obvious motives; so sue me.) | 4/5
Kazama’s Route
Better than the original for sure, but that’s not exactly saying much. I do like that there are actual options for raising Kazama’s affection prior to the split, because it makes the entire concept of him having a route make much more sense. I can’t say that Chizuru’s reasoning in choosing to follow him specifically makes any more sense than it did before, especially considering that she could easily have chosen to accompany someone else (I’d have chosen Shiranui, to no one’s surprise). Speaking of which, I’m also not entirely sure how I feel about Sen taking them both to Yase without the slightest suspicion about Kazama’s prior intention to abduct her, or the fact that she doesn’t instruct Amagiri to chaperone, but I can live with it because it looks like there’ll be some semblance of an actual plot this time. Meaning that Kaoru and Kodo are in league to resurrect the Yukimura clan through furies, and Kazama and Chizuru are out to stop them. Considering that Kodo’s death felt like an afterthought in Kazama’s original route, I’m all for this change. I still don’t ship KazaChi in the slightest, though. I just… can’t. | 3/5
Final Assessment
Average Meta Score (art, OST, etc.): 3.5 / 5 Average Route Score: 3.75 / 5 Verdict: Pretty Damn Good Overall [Shenanigumi Approved – Except KazaSen’s De-Canonization]
From disappointment to elation, I’ve felt it all across the board, and shed more than a few tears at varying points (and this is before I even explore the bad endings). If you don’t have this game and you’re waiting to see whether you feel like getting it or not, I don’t have any advice for you. Whether or not it’s worth it to get the game or even the system is up to you, but I hope that was enlightening!
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sparda3g · 7 years
Gintama Chapter 639 Review
The war just couldn’t get any worse…is what I thought in the last chapter. This chapter has proven me wrong and boy, I wish I wasn’t wrong. The war is beginning to show more and more of dangerous territory when a leader becomes desperate to the point everyone is a sacrifice. While it shifts away from Earth, mainly Sadaharu, it brings in more carnage, more deaths, and more suspense.
Sorachi decides to shift focus to Kihetai after a series of major conflicts back at Earth and the game changer that Utsuro brought upon. The war is drawing near to the climax, so it would only mean that major moments will begin to occur frequently. As if the war wasn’t intense enough already, even with its comedy segment. True, that I am really intrigued by it, but I am afraid for what’s coming next.
The beginning is like a recap to what happened in the last chapter, only it’s narrated by Takechi and others are the audience. It’s pretty much a reaction moment, though it segues to something unusual of the team. It has been so long from their introduction that despite their harsh and dark tone words, they are friendlier than before. They were thinking if Earth has any chance to survive with exploding Altana. Out of all people, once again, Takasugi fills in that they will be fine.
It’s still amazing to hear him to speak in more sincere and in a way hopeful tone. It’s like someone has kidnap the real Takasugi. The point he’s stating is that everyone in there aren’t easy to be taken down, and nothing will change that. It’s a proper fit for him to fill in that thought since he compare himself to the day when he was fighting alongside with Gintoki. It’s his way of saying that he can clearly understand that Earth isn’t going to lose that easy as they always get back up and fight, even if one falls. It’s a nice comparison and convincing argument on why his stance makes sense.
Takechi has also plenty of good moments in this arc so far. He doesn’t need to take action to be impressive; it’s him being the mouthpiece that shows how far he has learned from his experience. I guess it pays off to be feminist. He’s like the hype man for the team that is fighting currently, so all of them work well together. I’m glad that we get to see them to shine one last time.
Speaking of team, Shoukaku and Batou are still in combat, kicking asses and stuff. One person that was missing from this group is Hankai, though I remember his body or his main core was destroyed by Sakamato, so it’s understandable that he wouldn’t appear with the group. Well, I spoke too soon, because he surprisingly makes his return, though more like computer programming software. It’s actually logical to have him remain as a data, so this makes sense.
What also makes sense is the use of bringing him back to the War. Takechi brought him along because he is capable to break the system and prevent the weapon from firing at Earth. What’s crazy is that the one talking to Takechi isn’t the only one. They made 12 copies of him and all of them failed to break in the code. It’s the ongoing sacrifice to retrieve a small data in order to get one step closer. Takechi persuades Hankai to succeed in what they all failed like an act of revenge. That’s a clever way to detour his hatred to elsewhere.
The Ominous Star is back and it’s a neat way to have them working together on the same side. Then the crazy turn happens. When everything was going smoothly or at least more favor to them, that’s when all hell was breaking loose. Some kind of ray of light lightened the entire area where Batou was at. My fear escalated when I see the bodies’ dismemberment flying across the screen; I remember shouting, “Oh shit!” out loud. In fact, it happened right when Batou was cut in half, presumably dead with his eerie and possibly last word.
Then Shoukaku takes the fall, only this one is vague, but it still gives a really bad feeling that he has died. Everyone starts dying left and right; it’s as if it becomes the first era of Gundam, where it was freelance to go crazy on killing spree. I remember Sorachi is a fan of it, so maybe that’s the point. I was getting more worried that I just remind myself on what happened with Kondo. This turnaround and vague outcome of their contact to explosion is killing me. Enshou pretty much got all peer pressured to drain out all of the energy from the ship, so it can fire the weapon quicker. The guy is insane enough to kill everyone, just he can shoot first. By that point, the tension is running high.
The chapter has plenty of action scenes and a lot of limbs flying out. It got more intense when Enshou decides to kill every power and leave everyone to suffer and die. The scene with Batou looks pretty bad in terms of condition because it seems like he really took the fall. Now we could think that maybe his vision is playing trick again, so let’s hope that’s the case; otherwise, what a brutal way to end. The tension increases tenfold when they all realized that they are surrounded with explosions.
The ending scene gives me a really bad feeling. As everyone is running, Matako got caught by a random explosion that causes her to fall. Takasugi takes notice and looks incredibly worried that she will die. The fact it ended right there is asking for the next chapter to have a dark turn like someone will lose a limb or life. If it’s Takasugi, I think he will lose something while saving her. I don’t know what to expect, but it’s a haunting end that I hope it’s just a cruel joke.
The chapter starts in a good heartfelt moment with everyone working together and has a purpose in this war; only it gradually goes dark by the time Batou takes the fall and the rest is in danger. It’s the running tension that got me impatience to see what’s next and it could be another major death for all we know. I don’t want to think the possibility, but we will know soon enough.
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unidentifiedpie · 8 years
For the fanfic trope thingy: When there is only one bed and also a High School AU (for the bed one I don't mean in a shippy sort of way, since i eat your works for the platonic feels)
you are a Blessing thank you. i would’ve done romance but seeing platonic made me so so happy ehehe ;)
I suspect you’re looking for Gintama, but I’m not 100% sure. Just in case, this should work for a decent number of fandoms I’m in if you just substitute names so.
Bed:- the characters go on a trip but they’re low on both cash and energy, and they’re in a bad part of town looking for a place to stay. Eventually they find a place cheap enough to afford, but it’s a sad, shitty little place, thin plaster walls with zero heating and what the hell, you idiot, why is there only one bed? - Needless to say, everyone is Not Pleased by the one who pointed out this inn, but it’s getting cold and it’s very dark outside. Anyway, they’ve paid. They’re staying here, and “nope, I get the bed-” “No! Me!” “Ladies first!” “I’m the youngest here I get the bed!” “Ever heard of respecting your elders, brats?!”- Pillowfights/fistfights ensue. Something probably gets broken - the fight ends when a pillow explodes and everyone is too tired to keep going. They all end up crashed on the bed, panting, limbs tangled together, staring at the cracks on the ceiling. Someone (let’s call them A for ease of conversation. A, the oldest, the parent/older sibling figure,) makes a halfhearted attempt to assert dominance and claim the bed, but somebody else (the littlest one, probably) has already fallen asleep, and A is too tired (and too soft) to kick the kid out. Plus, it’s been a long day, they’re all worn out; their feet ache, and their bodies are lead. Someone else yawns and curls up against A, warm against their side. A sighs and reaches out a hand (slowly, part because they ache from the day’s activities and part because someone has fallen asleep such that A’s arm is wedged between their bodies) to draw the blanket up around all of them, and it’s an awkward fit, there are too many of them to properly fit on the bed, but it’s warm. Outside it’s very cold, and there is no heating, but with all of them tucked into the bed, they are warm. - they are warm, and safe, and they fall asleep with limbs tangled together, someone’s hair falling across someone else’s chest and somebody’s head pillowed on A’s arm. - and somebody rolls off the bed in the middle of the night, falling to the floor with a thud and a shift of mattress weight that wakes A, so they sigh and climb out of bed, picking up the still-sleeping idiot and tucking them back into bed. A, despite their earlier arguments, scowls and grabs a pillow, and curls up on the floor. (Despite the look on their face their eyes are so soft and so warm, and they fall asleep looking up at the stupid, sleeping, precious lumps on the bed.) - A’s more tired than they think, or more trusting, because they fall deep deep deep asleep. They only half wake up in the middle of the night, feeling oddly warm, and then they drift back into comfortable darkness. - The next morning, they wake up, eyes sandy, sunlight streaming through a dirty window, with a blanket over them and a bunch of idiots curled on the floor by their sides. The bed is empty and all of them are warm.
Chance of me writing this: now that you’ve given me the idea? probably about 70%
High school: - I’m just gonna use Gintama for this because talking about unnamed characters is a pain to write (and probably to read, too).  - shouyou’s students are from the same orphanage (run by shouyou obviously) - shouyou dies at the end of high school but well for now they are happy - gintoki and takasugi never do their homework. they sneak away and drag katsura with them. shouyou always gets annoyed though - katsura, by the way, is like the top of the class.  - takasugi is really brilliant too. second to katsura. once in a blue moon he tops the class if he works real hard. - gintoki grew up in a bad part of town, so he still has issues with reading and work in general. katsura helps him, though mostly gintoki just tries to copy his homework. - sakamoto is a transfer student. he has a scar on his forearm because he got in a car accident trying to save a kid. - the kid still died, though. oops. - this sakamutsu fic contains more details about things. maybe. - this list of headcanons is consistent with that au. except it’s when the kiddos are in college
probability of writing this: 30-40%
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