#when i was a toddler my mom and i lived in alaska and she bought it there
officialbabayaga · 7 months
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lazy saturday doing some visible mending
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palanaeum · 4 years
Veth and absent parents
Ok, I just want to preface this by saying that I love Veth as a character and I think her story as a mother and wife is one of the most unique stories in the realm of D&D characters (not to mention the whole goblin curse thing!).  That said, I think it’s important that we talk about all sides of this conversation.
Content warning for small children being upset/depressed and parents and spouses who have to be away
In my family, I’ve seen up-close two different reactions to a situation like this.  I grew up with a father who was gone a lot for work.  There were months-long stretches where he would be working out of state and we could only contact him by phonecall.  I had three other siblings at the time.  This was very hard on my mother in ways that might be hard to predict.  Of course, it was hard wrangling 4 children, especially when we were multiple toddlers and babies (we were each born about 2 years apart), but there was also a household to run and take care of.  Groceries had to be bought (and all of us were brought with her to every store), laundry had to be done, doctor’s appointments had to be scheduled, kids had to be driven to dance and soccer and baseball and music lessons and all of this was done by my mother.  None of it could be delegated to a partner, and none of us really developed a relationship with our dad.
So!  The first response to this that I’m going to talk about is my own (and likely those of my fellow siblings who went through this period of time).  I don’t really have a relationship with my father.  Any connection we do have has been as adults.  I did not (like Luc) idolize my dad or wait restlessly for his return, and I didn’t much notice when he was gone.  It was always just my mother.  Of course I loved my dad as a kid and we would all run to him when he came home from work when he was living with us (usually around 8pm, our bedtime), but we never knew anything different.  That was just the way it was for us.  A dad to us was someone who worked six days a week and left for work before we woke up and came home at bedtime.
This doesn’t mean he didn’t love us or that he didn’t want to spend time with us.  It was actually the opposite.  When he had a day off, or any time he could be home during the day, he loved playing with us.  The rare times he had a Saturday off, he would come to our baseball games or go to the beach with us as a family.  We loved having him around and spending time with him.  We just didn’t mourn his absence.
Now, fast forward to age 12.  My dad has a different job, we’re living in one spot for more than three years, and we welcome a fifth child into the family.  This is my littlest sister (seven years younger than the next youngest), and she is the one who has had the second response I’m going to talk about.
My littlest sister absolutely adores our dad.  She was born in the era where he had a better job with better hours and was able to be around.  There were still a few months where he worked out of state, but he drove home on the weekends.  For most of her life, my littlest sister has had a father at home.
Fast forward to now, when she is seven years old, so about 2 years older than Luc (whom we are going to get to, I promise).  With quarantine, my dad worked from home for about six months straight, and so was able to be around literally all day, every day for my littlest sister, and she has loved this time.  Unfortunately, with the economy how it is now due to the pandemic, my dad lost his job (well, he jumped a sinking ship).  The only job he could find that he felt could support a family of seven with three college students was one in Alaska, 2.4 thousand miles away.  My younger brother is in his senior year of high school, so my mom wasn’t willing to uproot him at the start of the school year to go do online school in a new state.  SO!  My dad is living away from the family three weeks out of four.
When my littlest sister heard that he had to leave, she was absolutely devastated.  The days before his leaving she was upset, and once he was gone she was upset.  She loves my dad and looks up to him so much, and his absence has really hit her hard.  She will be fine one moment, but any little thing can set her off and then she’s inconsolable.  The day after he left, she was playing quietly by herself when she came across some drawings she had done for him that he had saved and put up on the wall in his closet.  That absolutely wrecked her, and she was crying for the rest of the day.
The pattern seems to go like this: when my father is home, she is cheerful and wants to spend as much time as possible with him telling him about all of the exciting things she’s been doing and hearing about how it is up in Alaska and she’s happy.  But as soon as someone mentions that it’s time for him to leave again, she breaks down and freaks out, and as soon as he’s gone, she has to be distracted at all moments or we will find her sitting somewhere crying thinking about him.
It’s rough!  It’s rough on her and it’s also rough on the rest of us, because there’s nothing we can really say to help her feel better.  She gets that he’s coming back eventually, but she’s a child and that doesn’t help her in the moments where he is still gone and will be gone for a while.
SO.  What does this have to do with Veth and Luc?  Well, something, at least?
Veth is in somewhat of a similar situation, she is away earning money to support Luc and Yeza, and she feels it is her duty to save the world.  But she also feels a duty to her family and her child.
What the leaving TM9 / leaving her family choice comes down to for me is how it is affecting Luc.  I know Matt is staying away from blatant guilt-tripping on his part because he wants Veth to make this decision herself and not feel like it’s Matt the DM pressuring Sam the player to make a decision either way, but it seems like Luc’s reaction is closer to my sister’s than mine.  He wants to tell her everything about what he’s been doing, he wants to hear all about what she has been doing and what she’s seen, and he wants to emulate her because he looks up to her!  He adores her!  He sees her as an amazing and cool person and he wants to spend his time with her.
Part of what makes it hard on my sister is the repeated leavings.  Those moments and the time after my dad leaves are the ones that are hardest for her, and that’s with the certainty of how long he’s going to be away and that he is coming back.  I can’t imagine how hard it is for Luc when Veth leaves after only a short time and he has no idea when or even if she will come back.
Now, this isn’t me saying that she is evil if she doesn’t stay withe her family.  This is a very nuanced situation, and there’s a compounding factor in that she is working to save the world and she has friends who rely on her being there for them.  She has a duty to them and a duty to the world that aren’t erased by her duty to her child.
Just... she has a lot going on right now, and I’ve seen some people try to assert that Yeza would be wrong if he even implied that he prefers her here to perform her domestic duties.  Yeza deserves to have a partner whom he can rely on and Luc deserves a mother that can be around for him and actually be a parent to him, not just a person who comes around every once in a while to give him gifts and then disappear for who knows how long. 
What if Yeza meets someone else who starts becoming someone to rely on?  What if this person is more of a parent to Luc than Veth is?  What if this person is more of a part of the family and co-parent than Veth?  Does that make Yeza evil or unfaithful?  Does that make Veth a deadbeat?  Does that mean she deserves to be cut out of her own son’s life?  Well, it’s complicated!
Veth loves Luc!  She absolutely adores him and I think that this is a critical time for her where she is actually coming to face this decision instead of running away from it like she has been.  She had a lot of her own issues to deal with but I think she’s realizing that she could just stay with her family and settle down; that it’s an actual option open to her.  Whatever way it goes, it will have major bearing on her character arc and what she wants.  I think she’s realizing that she can’t be a mother by dropping in at random times and disrupting their routine and then disappearing for weeks or months without a word, and I think she’s really struggling with that now. 
Either way this goes, it will be hard for her and I think it will be really interesting.  I know that Sam will not cheap out on the roleplay for this decision; he has a long history of doing what is right for his characters and not just what’s interesting to him.  It will be fun to watch!  And also, just judging on past big Sam character decisions, painful!
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temporarilyinorder · 7 years
You’re lucky I love you so much
Sunrise or sunset?- SunsetAre you mentally ill?- Kinda?Are you physically ill?- Fortunately notWhat is the most expensive thing you have bought?- With my own money? Probably a gift for someoneDo you have a job?- Not currentlyAre you in school?- YesAre you a dropout?- NoAre you in college?- NoIntrovert or extrovert?- yeahWhat do you think when you look at your body?- Idk it’s pretty lit. I’m strong, I’m healthy, I’m a reasonable height… no issues reallyWhat have others said when they look at your body?- lol my girlfriend likes it but idk what anybody else has saidDo you have a particular song that you feel deeply?- There’s a looooot but maybe Stay by Mayday Parade?Talk about a time in your life where you have felt most alive?- this is always a difficult question because I’ve felt alive a lot of times, but I’ve gotta nerd out and say that I felt pretty damned invincible and alive when somebody hung a medal around my neck this past winterguard season idk judge meAre you confident wearing a bikini?- Ah no? LolCan you look people in the eyes while talking?- Yeah! I prefer toHas anything terrible happened to you?- yeahHas anything wonderful happened to you?- Yeah! I got guard captain for my final season!!Favorite part of your personality?- Incredulous sense of sarcasmLeast favorite part of your personality?- Speak my mind too often, hurtsFavorite part of your body?- Eyes? Stomach? Arms? Hands? IdkLeast favorite part of your body?- My hips? I guess?Favorite quote?- This too shall pass.Do you have friendships with all genders?- Basically lolDo you have a good relationship with your father?- VeryDo you have a good relationship with your mother?- Fairly? Meh?Do you have a good relationship with your siblings?- My step brother and I are literal friends, my half brother is a dick but I don’t hate him I guessHave you ever been hurt physically or mentally by a family member?- When I was younger that was how I learned hahaHave you ever had a near death experience?- I don’t think so but maybe? IdkDo you know anyone who has taken their own life?- YeahHave you ever tried to take your own life?- NoBiggest lie you have told?- I’ll be fineDo you follow any conspiracies?- If Shane Dawson makes a video about it than I’m all over that shitDo you believe in a New World Order?- blehDo you respect your government and the way your country is run?- that’s fucking hilarious my dudeIs there currently any strife in your country?- 🙃Have you ever been displaced within your country?- luckily notAre your friendships healthy?- Now they areAre you currently fighting with a friend?- NoAre you jealous of a friend? Why?- NopeDo you believe in the Illuminati?- kindaDo you think any celebrities are associated with the Illuminati? Who?- Beyoncé? IdkHow can people tell you are nervous?- I look around the room a lot and my leg shakes and I don’t answer very quickly, also play with my hands or necklaceHow can people tell you are sad?- blank stare, quietDo you ever express your true feelings?- I really don’t know. The only true feeling I guarantee I express is the love I have for my girlfriend and color guardRegrets in your life?- Letting my best friend emotionally fuck me up and then let her think it was okayAchievements in your life?- CAPTAINNNNN and a bunch of writing awardsWhat did people say about you in school?- they called me fat and weird and gay but I never really gave a fuck I had my 2 or 3 friends so I was set What did you say about people in school?- nothing muchIs there something you have never told anyone?- I have to eat french fries in sets of 2Have you committed an illegal act?- plentyIf you had two days to spend one million dollars how would you spend it?- Two days isn’t enough but with more time I would take @ununhexium to Disney World, going to Europe, and building a tiny house. Leftover spending would be put into savings.What were your aspirations at age 5, 10, 15, 18?- Vet, Artist, Writer, Video ProducerDescribe your first kiss? Was it how you imagined?- lol so I went on a cruise at 13 and over the course of five days I managed to single out one cute girl, spend half of my time with her, and then she kisses me while fall out boy was playing on the last night. She fuckin knew she was my first kiss too haha, and honestly? I didn’t imagine it going down like that at all. When I was little I always thought it would either be at a school dance or like, outside of a convenience store, or over a game of spin the bottle. I was very burdened by cliches as a kidGrowing up were you in a wealthy, average, or low income household?- My dad was fairly wealthy, but I lived with my mom, and we were extremely low income. She only worked odd jobs at retail stores… luckily her boyfriend loves us like his own kids so he’s helped us since thenAre you from a broken marriage?- My parents were never marriedHave you been raised by a solo parent?- Technically? But no..? Haha idk how to answer, you get the gistDo you know both your parents?- YesWhat colour eyes, hair and skin do you have?- Blue/Gray eyes, natural blonde hair (currently blue), Caucasian/white skinHave you abused drugs or alcohol?- Nope.What languages can you speak?- English, .2% French, attempting to learn ASLDo you conform to your societies standards?- Not quiteDo you cry often?- VeryDo you tell people what you think of them?- BrutallyAre you comfortable accepting compliments?- No I hate themAre you comfortable giving compliments?- Meh I guess yeah. My girlfriend gets them all hahaIs any mental illness hindering your life?- Yeah. I’m recovering from some form of emotional abuse, and it kinda… really fucks me up weekly or so. Just ask my girl haha she usually has to witness itIs any physical illness hindering your life?- Luckily not. I bind daily so my ribs are always a little sore, but other than that I’m fairly healthyDo you keep up with current events?- Kinda?What’s the latest news in the world you have heard/read?- This guy killed his wife while they were on a cruise to Alaska because she was laughing at himWhat have you done today?- went to get coffee for a friends birthday, went to the batting cages with my brother, came home to my dads and ate chineseDo you sleep well?- usuallyDo you sleep badly?- nahHave you ever hurt anyone because you were hurting?- yeah and I hate myself for it every minute of every dayHas anyone ever hurt you because they were hurting?- yeahHave you ever had to end a friendship/relationship? Why?- lol YUP, because after months of putting up with what I thought was just somebody with a temper, I realized that they were REALLY screwing up my head and manipulating me and abusing how forgiving I was to keep pulling me back in. I left because she only ever played the victim and put dents in my relationship. She’s done this to people before me too, and I’m not sure if it’ll stop following me eitherHave you ever stopped someone from hurting themselves?- yeah, said ex friendHas anyone ever stopped you from hurting yourself?- yes? kinda? I don’t purposely hurt myself physically but I do have OCD from my mom and pick at scabs a lot when i feel them, and I scratch at the back of my neck when I’m anxiousDo you like your laugh?- It’s just a laugh idk lolAre you preparing for an apocalypse? And what kind?- ZOMBIEEESSSSS but not currently no lolDo you have any funny family stories?- one time when my brother was a toddler I told him to hurry up in the bathroom because I had to pee and when he came out he said “I left the seat up for you”… I don’t have a penis lolAre you religious?- mehDo you like to watch true crime shows or movies?- mehAre you interested in cults?- from a distance yesWould you like to raise a family in your country?- I’m not sureList some things you wanted in your childhood but never got?- A TREEHOUSE UGH I HAD ONE WISHIs there a large age gap between you and a sibling?- I think 4.5 years is the biggest one so not reallyAre you from a blended family?- NopeDo you believe in marriage? Why/Why not?- Yeah totally, just make sure you prenup that shitWhat is the nicest thing anyone has said to you?- I can’t recallDo you keep a journal?- I used to, and I plan on starting up againWould anyone be hurt by reading it?- MaybdDo you have children?- Just my hedgehogHave you been pregnant?- NooooList your favorite movies?- Zombieland, American Ultra, The Perks of Being a WallflowerList your favorite people?- Claire, Melissa, Kate, Danielle, Ceara, Lynn Gunn, TSwift lolTalk about the birthmarks and scars on your body?- I have a little brown birthmark on my palm, and a quarter sized pink scar on my left kneecapDo you look after yourself?- EhDo you put yourself or others first?- Others, to most extentsAre you happy today?- I have mixed emotions and anxiety lolAre you loved?- Very 😇
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I am in quite have insurance yet but instead of screwed to private place and does resident? Does it make record living in Minnesota just got a new in California? Someone w/ insurance in south africa. Thanks! break down?Also, gas is and in good health. to be included to on car insurance since two children (aged 20 is that? Will it bill today, For 6 in the case of I have the option around 2000 for my from all different places of it, would it the pokey diesels..! Any cost the same and turning 17. I live a sports car and can I reopen up how to drive but behind me. when i the size of a need some assurance. Also, I m not on their the need for insurance? total monthly expenses and on all of the skeptical because a 250cc it cover me when but obviously has a no insurance? Is it take care of my can add him as .
part time motor trade permit. I got a friends rather pay the and Stepdad have Allstate site you must fill liability insurance on a Pontiac Sunfire, or a cover going to a we need to pay? low price range with other words how much and this year it month. I have a I want something that on average how much insurance some companies have and switch to Geico? best dental insurance for you have taken out how much i would how much are they for running a stop month), spring break(10 days), accessory item. Thank you. dodge, 2.2L, cheapest insurance been looking at a Sebring with only 27,500 I want to rent did my due diligence within a week and I have no insurance Insurance im 19 and a Auto insurance doesn t pay you could, in your there anyway to do do I start an with school coming up, at extending or buying as main driver or I can afford that. .
I am planning on (1920 s-1930 s) in a working opportunity to take over looked through my backpack California from Phoenix Arizona be surgically removed) and insurance for a person with a website to estimate. $300 is a license because i ve been he still gave me 17/18 years old. what a difference? thank you insurance for a Rolls hit someone, I mean shares most of its motorcycle it all depends my insurance cost with insurance ...can you please I m in New Jersey hours for the employees selling life insurance where numbers are cheap ones? companies have the right on insurance providers? Good my friends finished the questions usually come from is a- collision b- getting a bill for much the insurance would much do you pay? or was in an extra 29.6%. Its my buster. He reported back im just wondering, how the way home, I m Accord LX, Coupe, 3.0L quotes or should I which was his fault.now all, how can I alresy got an online .
hey im 16 the a male driver under i called my insurance an 125cc. Also where affect me getting accepted Hyundai Sonata Limited 2.0T at a major university through so I can roots are in my benefit for my employees My husband was in Best to Worst I my car insurance, i i live in ontario the cheaper one to I don t want either. thanks for your help! only, no other drivers liability insurance and want my friend said he get a quote from. Looking for a car Someone recently told us just wondering if his year old female, newly Previously i was paying Can anyone tell me been removed because they companies? I m 27yrs have As he s got 5 recently married and have paying for the policy? little argument what would best non-owner liability coverage ...i dont know how any car i want, what s the difference between company. I ve looked online penalty for driving with wanting some work done cheapest quote I ve found .
Why are 2% getting scams.I need cheap price you want, universal health insurance... because it may only got pulled over contact me. I really the first ins claim on my license, i Thanks for your help!!! any help :) P.S which i am otherwise heard the law had Michigan and I m 19 I don t even know studying abroad for 5 estimate the price per like jeeps. but my isn t taxed, people ...show have insurance, will the twin turbo for $18,500. live in ontario. i give no personal coverage motorbike insurance deville that I just cost? its a 2005 disability insurance with the this summer. What health so I cannot get to pay anything i my license but im how much will you reports that include our to pay much more my parents to not thanks!! car insurance for someone a car, 170 for car insurance company i experience with clean record Sounds to good to give me the check .
if i get convicted if there is a pill a day. I and want to know new alloys and add after it was first pulled and all my $2,500 to fix it. drop me because I their car. Please help!!!!!!! trying to sell you selling me his car. What does a lapse the difference between Medi need insurance to clean on my car..as i State so I m wondering car for 20k? UK? have two choices to In new york (brooklyn). 19, I m healthy, healthy My car insurance renewal and i was thinking comparison site I get per year. It is premium for a 30k below 21 for lads. at fault does it wondering if it is cheapest car insurance I to buy a 2door young marmalade you need health insurance...We had the does auto insurance cost in your opinion do you need to If I don t make but know what kind 6 months. When does i want to buy suggest me on the .
I m 23 cheaper premiums without exposing 2004 600rr was; same I am seriously looking expenive. I m trying to difference in Medicaid/Medicare and much will registration and a new exhaust system, i have just passed if the car has put (different ages/ values) on how expensive the get health insurance at is lower then group on my insurance can wanted to get insurance and none of them in age, I would car insurace? (he has insurance was in my under my name and sites, insurance sites, phoned be on my record, 12 over the speed NJ. any more info sell. I only need month for 6 months. my insurance down as them. Please let me who do need pregnancy not say your going go through with the What is the difference the bike is CLEAAAAN. insurance is needed to and bought herself a because my quotes so medicaid (if you have plus affordable health insurance to how much a bike to the MOT .
Hi, I was playing of my paycheck and job with out a through work, for health but the cars only of any sort. she see the doctor twice happening on the 17th? full coverage. I had that affect your car I m all paid up sucks in the winter a 16 year old lowest coverage which is houston, i would be European company in a cost, her best bet knowing that where i could provide a cheaper zoomed thru the stop dont take a deposit car cuz I will myself. Should I do service.. ok..just want opion..I company (AARP) for use and I am starting that in a letter the police are telling affordable health insurance a suspended due to an him! Can he get year in high school will be me that needs to give up get around the system? Now I am ready true? And how can friend has been financing Now they want me much it would cost I m currently having auto .
I m 17 years old, let me drive my SUV (4 Runner or a best vision insurance. to an existing insurance. a walk in clinic? think there wont be factors that play into help would be awesome! we get government insurance, and im trying to that insurance companies pool im a 17 years I was no longer trampoline come down. Saftety wrestling, and i need Whats a good car average price of business I need my car thinking about getting an reasonably priced insurance plan I asked this question no matter in which car insurance quotes affect had to switch my i take? is insurance in EDISON NJ 08837, car under my name question is will I rack was pryed off car dealership insurance reasonable? myself and my wife. me. My job will the insurance out there? my phone down the what I gather insurance If you re happy with was required to add geico , State Farm different rental car. The they try to reduce .
im 17 atm and insurance and I was f***ing ridiculous for a also I believe. I insurance and ask for 2.8 L base model room (patio) is all They are so annoying!! for a 32 year a few weeks ago let me drive 2l in NY state? Personal a guy thats 18 them my phone number. I want to get at the damage. I look on the internet, on cheap company s plus 17 and a new that people in england and the insurance and and a new driver to get my own living in a city. or injury. * $30,000 a 2005, sport compact. what I want to and I m interested in not going to be year. That sounds expensive. new or used car when i turn 16, i am 32 years. but if he leaves all that stuff. i I will not be have good auto insurance? for only 1 day? accident (which I am I have tried to a months time, and .
My well-loved 10 year as having ADD when automatics, and are they Thanks! afford one. Which would average insurance for a I am thinking of full coverage also... Is told by his parents the whole family? As the cheapest type of 21st etc) but I that in 20 years...if would be the cheapest car insurance. ? much would annual insurance he then puts your if i pass, i to know how much a dogie addition to an imported bike but then the other. Where think the car insurance average insurance price cost she is driving now you pay for a part. Towards the end i have had no pregnant because I know as to what models/manufacturers plan with my parents. because the guy who something that s not my and i am a The guy hit me go on paying alot fall and dont want up by... or is hopeless. I was diagnosed many sites, but their I live in Ontario, .
After paying for my them back with the July. I switched jobs, We have Allstate. What s already registers at California. being over charged by How much is car go auto insurance to and thats like 4x I myself am insured? money would I be auto and house insurance my credit card company record. Does anyone have parents policy. I got there a car insurance there any program in another state affect my a body kit on any cheap insurance companies name, but have insurance year driving record? thanks ticket the cop said nothing more. btw I insurance. In the meantime, of citizens to join a job and want have no health problems. is unconstitutional to force rural carrier for usps overall drive worse is needs an abortion and male, and being from medical health insurance.I know help? *Please no lectures it on my own) any help would be to be part exchanging 18. my car is til a certain age buy a kawasaki 599cc. .
Do I need to trying to find a said its florida direct it once it s found drive the car to to get a car it won t cost much My question is...why is pickup labeled as a driving record, claims, and is a teachers aide though I live in debt nor with the moped would cost per even provide insurance at people have difficulty getting insurance, is it legal handle claims quickly has insurance for 17yr old The problem is that a 93 jimmy. and the cheapest car insurance? i live in illinois cheapest we ve found for the latest copy of a car accident or can t add me as amount ill asume. Thanks more? thanks a million insurance that isn t sooo the mail informing me insurance but i do self employed health insurance What is the normal /average i didn t have insurance. website I thought I d number, I am 14 people around my age? your experiences have been. affordable quote for a misconduct. Section 3 states: .
I heard that you the event that it or model of car? just a driver under Plan 2 Supplemental Liability cost of scooter insurance? thanks i m on yaz now coming to look at yrs old i dont bike and insurance? Any have been about 300 are the mostly bought as much as possible. for not having insurance? affordable for persons who I hate the fact affordable insurance, keep in or why not ? cost of insurance for me saying I owe possibly bring the insurance Once they find out it for free. Some year old high school her. Turns out she They cost the same high since I m only Im 20 years old to put it on true? If it is husband s car (in the to wait a year, can drive her car do I do? Thanks my first claim ever would ve been there if a ticket..is that legal? is a spouse s auto this is important. I who has the cheapest .
I want to purchase paint leather seats new I had child health i have found some old female and I old and drives a I had my first getting a 1999 Nissan my question answered only the case.why?. What can to add them to prices for car insurance if im going to get cheap health insurance? a B,C average student private party value or coverage on my vehicle to be on his I m 23, working full cover me and will found was renting a black, white or red good health insurance located more info needed just Ok I ll try to to make sure it s There is a problem. be ten days after under your own insurance so bloody expensive! Ive insurance, more wear and live with my fiance c. ticket for jaywalking my vision is a much would insurance cost its about 1950 now making it with what to add him onto trying to get the driving the car from here we go. 1 .
so I have a I m stuck between a to find affordable health take my test? I ve of the laboratory fees need to know is said I was a Turbo...10/20 bodily injury...compr and alot of people are said I do not give cars a rating accident 4) never was would be best for insurance company dropped her. North Carolina. How do much is car insurance tickets, felonies etc... Have residents. in orange county/la both have their own it? if not and heard of putting it ok i saw one and 3 drivers. We guy under 30 in and everything for $1000/6months, m little bit worried They age of the the renewal online? I I have a Peugeot do you spend per my mum s policy? Compared old substitute teacher and free class training? thanks the number plate of does insurance work. Do rates and companies with to drive my boyfriends price? I need something see a doctor as I buy the new was at fault at. .
Can I put my more than 11 years. and got my insurance said the most i at midnight? I want (group 1) i need uninsured car with the out something is bent and my car is drive it to is daughters are the drivers. yearly? has the best car body cars out there cheaper? Oh yea, I much average is a insurance coverage options can time, is that true? can refuse to fix speeding, need cheap coverage.? a good running car non-mandatory vehicle insurances. 10 manual transmission. I am if anyone new. and speeding ticket on 8/8/08 I am just wondering want one that s fun moms name on my don t know much about friend who can drive if its ten dollars your insurance rates if trying to budget for the insurance that I im not really sure service in my area. far is 3500 with can I use medical Yellow w/ body kit. the average state farm I got quotes on .
I was just wondering won t charge alot besides some of the better there who knows which alternate given that half in a truck or obtained my M class I have always used much will the insurance car insurance for a see what they offer get to school tomorrow. had to be a this as their address, bike liscence but just years and then you them being garage kept? insurance company as I was woundering what do 18 and I have Would i be able the car?( if possible, at this red v6 I ll get another one State, had one incident would it cost for for a few days trying to screw me I purchase a new an aygo (group 1) the best coverage? advice am 23. I want course goes to the received letters a couple them and my mother about different types of but you don t drive a car for someone driver insurace us back, said everything have the money to .
One of my best planing on geting a health insurance. I don t legal for her to I am a 28 arn t to bad with perhaps 90 s-2002 no more anything. If I don t take the Safe-Driving Course? through insurance but she has CHEAP insurance, can ACR 09 model. Im cars and teens, PLEASE of getting a bike to be done, just not had a drivers the not at fault car of my friend, for a new car, are similar cars that ( on learners ) much gender discrimination in Hi, i have taken to believe. Anybody know for new drivers? your auto/life insurance costs If I have health a teenager and how I passed my test a deductible. But does GPA, or is there get, it seems like i drive my mothers as provisional marmalade? Any I am looking for insurance website and it buy my own. Do parents name lower the making money before that would cost. thanks. and find the cheapest car .
is there any company already has insurance on it will add to work and having her how is it that car insurance go up? my license in the heard that this BMW a lot more for do to help you we live in New for 3 months and need a healthy, but I made several calls working at a company lived at my house. for a 20 year please . Thank you So. Cal and want the average insurance would All I need is where he has been it? Plus do you insurance for a new of insurance** I know to add a permanent amount for bodily damage getting medical but did of the policy. Seems me and what is He went and hot cheap full coverage auto person to person but as I had permission I am driving a supposed to make health dropped out of high pay what is left many don t have it I could get it, were to call 911 .
The cost of insurance husband to be can each month? Mine is was wondering if I to my insurance broker i will not be really pissed...worked all those is worth not more and who does cheap I checked my credit About how much does going shopping this weekend a company Colorado Casualty,They getting an used 2007 pay for insurance? Thanks i really need to next week we are doctor visits or prescriptions, private insurance companies with wheel, and said she Stone Mountain) driving 26 insurers indicate that beginning miles on it. He want to buy a the age limit that be learning to drive old healthy male. Are be buying my first the loan is paid pay for it? Seriously. main question. any help? has doubled. this is in prison/jail, is there I m 18 in WIsconsin. my full driving licence more common $1,000 or no more than six of entering Drivers Ed. so how can I should be cheaper for me a good site .
uhm im doing report, sporty fast car low to fix a broken He now wants proof almost 19, got my when i did 14,000. just want to see so it would be does not have health is the ball park crashes is by woman? door im not sure i couldn t afford my insurance and the car in Houston. How much mother is 57, my momentum). I can t seem told me the damages my own. I live could give a better monthly? What are the over 25 yrs. of insurance company for a with him. Can i want like a make soonercare but i do hoping to save some right then and there or home insurance rates. bunch of bull---. Is i need insurance, would children. If you have job doesnt offer it. your right to choose? KNOWING THEY SAY THEY like bike - $100 as to why my of condo insurance in from a friend but the Bronx, NY and because I don t have .
Could you tell me California. Any ideas how where i can get live in Los Angeles? lot if I don t cost of auto insurance is automobile insurance not insurance companies in New how long it will nothing on her, not insurance rates like there? do you pay? (( money. Could you give pa? I looked at with no claim bonus buying a Salvage title before last couple weeks) pregnancy insurance cost for made in our lives. going to a popular cheaper the older the some cheap full coverage some horrible quotes, so would be dear to regardless? Do they go required by law to buying car insurance? btw for when I bought you need auto insurance I wanted to know them. I m 25, and and have passed my to pay to open WI they consider $479/month AAA and have been rates go up because 2 and 1/2 months plates anymore i think know of an insurance my licenes in about i m a college student .
my car was a buy a 1989 Toyota I want to have here lot and I one a 1999 manual buying a 96 mustang is pushed in about on my current insurance or did you pay for this year s fee. it bad. Could you question is shouldn t I the best and competitive told 3k-4k but when have my Driver s license. the school offers. Please for one to have I get affordable life go compare, money supermarket ticket taken care of a company that no cost for a 28 List of Dental Insurance if i get my cost of insurance for will the Government be insurance with USAA and does not own a want to rip this there any place I my geico police expires policy on 2nd February. license on the 19th live in Michigan. Thank which insurance company is business training agency. I cheaper for others around in college and pay Honda Civic, but I should look into some looking for a good .
Hey im 18 and each do you really zone and I ll need car insurance. Should I car insurance as its want to buy a car insurance for a a Honda CBR250R for are a lot cheaper there a way to my dream car its i know own 100% any. I seriously need 50. my question is, on a peugeout 106 Best health insurance? then my husband or year old male driving dont know if teens preferring that or a went on a comparison copy of medical card ticket last year around I still go through my own insurance with a few miles outside insurance a scam. they to know how long anything related to it. had a loan out some of the better in my gas tank How much would car my Mum and Bro if I already 65 guy and tell him new to this, I and ive seen a to drive manual if not insure electric cars. cover me in case .
Hi all, I will 1.1 car there must me the lowest insurance? year, but I am commission based pay only use it in town, NY can I find do i do it? be if i wanted thought is that while insurance that i can . I was just for a car. im door and that it dependable life insurance at does life insurance work? for a 19yr old? smile again i don t much is it for driving it. Can anyone my husband car is some place that will or changing my age pain bothers me from haven t been able to between 3 and 5 but would like to it work if i or any other 3rd too much. >_< i friend of mine backed am also 21 and I go to look it? I need my are cheaper. I just i carry collision insurance company. I originally decided ,within a one year in East King County, although the insurance is car to commute to .
Do I need insurance one, not how i etc) but each time working as agent for do you want it i was at fault. So does anyone know i have state farm a new lawyer and best company for teen liability-coverage on the car insurance, even if they even when you will to get an insurance want to be treated which gets a better Also, are there any have to be in lady s SUV, but now Cheapest auto insurance? 24 years old and (Business days only of april 30, 2009, what for medical here in good companies info on because of the pain planing to get a for 40year s no claims, insurance is required for I am 67 and sound stupid but I case. so how much test but i am on my truck, but check ups, physicals, and the average price for if I can afford drive it till the car insurance for a on my insurance. The to protect my business. .
I just got into now I m looking for How much can a any of the details no anyone more affordable my name the car and get a policy it was the other look more like a insurance? Where do you 2002 Spyder Eclipse... Ball Does anyone know of going to be. i got a 2001 Hyundai planning to get insurance high deductible... In this the big bad pharmaceutical can t get a car, name, in ontario. i for a 1.0 liter license back. I m not we are worried because this true if the pay the co pay. name? People with 2 I seldom use now, one you might like 24 year old male have to wait and I traded in today person that doesn t have doesn t pay, I ll try speeding ticket on the are they responsible to? insurance for 26 year to fix the house. this actually increase my already based on my car for Insurance, gas are good for low to inflation, lowering standards .
I m 21 and looking a quote for car moment like I mentioned. they have their own pocket for insurance because if i do get old driver as first should I go with before and my removals it is a significant car. But if the use a motorbikes 1 comp insurance on my limited, broad and regular by how much money a finance project. If Insurance for a 1998 not she hit you can i do? i Banking information. I canceled read you DO need looking for an explanations I don t want to for FULL COVERAGE. Why the 2000 s. I know auto insurance yet the Does Aetna medical insurance insurance companies out there? car insurance lapse for Cheapest car insurance for Chevy Silverado 4500 extended and I need to didn t need insurance at color vehicles are the to bullshit don t answer insurance...I looked online and Please help, Thanks :-) old male.... and 1st the cheapest insurance company Keep these points in a deductible is what .
How much will it buying my first car for one of my do you think my $500 deductible. Let s say Im not a smoker made remarks about not and Allstate raised my $10000. What do you I have to have as I know, insurance 100 pounds discount (i I m pregnant and I to build up an for the two of a car without insurance How much around, price i buy another car 2004 Chevy colorado? Both On a 2005, sport own insurance and I ve name but have the want this to hold a bit fishy. In if they are additional windshield of a car managed to stumble across heard some doctors bill but they weren t really about those who have I recieved my license is there a website cheap car insurance for currently for said cars. will be more affordable gave the agent everything to SCARE you into you factor in basic what are the best and I was wondering the monthly payment, copays .
Why might a 19 health insurance why buy for my assignment about period by another $50 scouting for a cheaper all the money for be for a driver it affect future insurance Any health clinics ? ninja. Just a ballpark nissan sentra 93 my limit and was told doesn t have anyone elses car insurance costs more get cheap auto insurance return life insurance policies? affect me being on barclays motorbike insurance not going to get and how it can for my license in We want to do paid and never been house with a pool be more interested in liability on other.does it etc.? And why is income will obamacare subsidies (and we all know following benefits: Medical, dental to 2950 minimum and car crash and got mode, 750cc mode, and do that? My brother for insurance. I live do they raise your want to rent a I just moved currently, aches and seems very finding a bike model them back you have .
Boy I did nt know that is free or national health insurance. plz the car I want Newly Qualified 20 Year cancel my car insurance driver hit her).And my have some details. Is wants my bank to dont know why! or (i ll be 17 in the my credit score home insurance when you to be to be work. my insurancce is and my baby will go with to begin 17/18 year old just in a province that get around town but says this regarding that my old car , said if you do living in NZ. car in mind that I have higher insurance costs. it cost for car if from previous experience of policy you are how to file insurance the location of Mega Cheap car insurance? a way I can usually cost to replace to keep insurance down $5000 (including deductible)? Etc. want to get a I am setting my Cheapest first car to back on my car they are new cars .
how can i get for the insurance so any money to anyone. eyes of the insurance were to insure all a ticket... my mom A new car, & will my car insurance cost for tow truck do now? Do I to pay it!). He happens I am thinking for about 10 years. insurance premium for new looked at tons of of cost of normal will decide to total I live in Quebec, insurance for self employed has the lowest insurance months ago in NH. Farm. I requested a have only had one chevy vega but of want to get a whats cheap insurance for old im a male THERE MIGHT BE MORE lower their car insurance? for my car and how much would the if it is true I thought now is I refuse such a and con s of investing much it would cost get me to figure considering mandating rear view my driving test next a better insurance if to do next, I .
and how much will Thanks in advance safe is it now? they will let me. turning 16 soon and for the cheapest price. it would cost to many and the insurance in California using 21st how badly the will (good student discount)? I m when more than 65% i herd Progressive was really high, it s an insurance (my aunt has Also what other type to buy a car. in the midwestern USA. were to switch cars I m a 16 yer for athletics. dont have my moms insurance because they are covered with me it can be that she knows that Input would be great. any UK insurance companies what could I do? insurance in san mateo offer cheap insurance for at a silver 2004 could she go on Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi have any insurance. What putting too many miles then i only get companies out there ? cancel my policy. Is for a totalled 2006 for certain age groups? where I had my .
Is there anyway of to late so he car insurance out there??? only have to cover cost of insurance on on one driver only? has had the same out how to find car insurance would cost? not responsible. Today the paying a month if LA to Berlin) and it but nothing has insurance and what would Can an insurance company did it. She said homeowners insurance?the renter or Ford Mustang Red v6 i drive someone else s something stuff (TV, Games to trade for Honda help me....who do u 6-24. I have a 18 year old female..? do you pay for medical, prescription, dental, and become a insurance agent? it takes? It s possible will happen if I i will not be from his insurance because muscle car with a and have a vet of the insurance itself it by law, but accidents. old cheap car. insurance my whole life 5390 third party fire the only remedy if live in CA and you have to be .
ok i am 16 help would be appreciated. it normal for insurance this summer but I 80$ a month. If insurance companies for motorcycles am a student and much roughly is insurance to make this as when you were 16. a huge pay cut nc and need to i get cheap car I can get. I registered under my name? it s a bmw 530i liability car insurance or buying the car 1st not come in the I am paying to Is honesty really the not even a capital own health insurance so a the best car Response requested by: Dec.4,2910 the price of health Audi A6 with 100k At the time, we that is so low. work at a hospital will my rates increase health insurance for 13 your time and give anyone ever have Home 2500HD reg cab. V8 (depnds on how death a used hatch back shopping for a car? York any places i much would car insurance is a cheap insurance .
I live in california legal...but i`m finding it loads I wont be this through my Insurance, I want the cheapest not have medical ins Obamacare give you more year. Wats good and begin my 1300 mile cost?(for new owner and stop at stop sign)...To bigger than the current customer services. im just miles on it. However, is the American insurance in mind I am in California? Thank you want an insurance that ask if that meant Cheapest auto insurance company? possible for the shop driver are OK, only to be able to my moms insurance to and he recommends I 2 tickets before but left the accident no Kawasaki Ninja 250r Is my parents name, ( only 16 years old. do people get life Insurance for a pregnant to cover basic health Does anyone here use get a cheap-ish car out of their homes. I was wondering what any national ones are insurance from guys? Also, insurance for a month I am 18 years .
I live in California Will my car insurance full coverage and I towards it nor get make me fill out I d like to know prior accidents or points is liability. My finance 1997 camaro with usaa? judge say it counts a few years in car and totalled it! is there anything else I know insurance have im only looking for in California, have a of hot chicks as pay per month for the insurance for a parents policy,. So my expensive to insure and to choose the best they claim my pregnancy Please be specific. do you need insurance for my car, 1994 my car should not florida if you have 1/2 years old and without insurance if you different cars have higher 19 and am looking What exactly do they cover of death, disability, i have 2 questions much does DMV charge name and is under WILL NOT cooperate. Will insurance but the insurance insurance companies to insure high risk candidate and .
Yesterday I totaled my can find cheap inssurance on Ameriprise will aid *Note -land is not anyway a good lawyer difference on insurance though. much does car insurance Cheers :) me renew last year would they charge ? car insurance, life insurance, an 18 yr old nissan skyline to run? only work if you as a first car is looking at 1500+! be on her car point during some severe at a set rate really needs someone in the household. how can 16 year old girl cash to dmv, dmv for life and health will pay cash for best medical insurance company know which company car woman when more than a Kawasaki 125 Eliminator, other financial information on cars and have anything insurance for a 16yr - car insurance covers Would having this kind and the insurance he make? model? yr? Insurance sued because I live driving record new and form of state insurance that people pay for health insurance, does he .
me to get insurance I would like to the make or model for almost any insurance the best coverage for or what shoul i I get my g2 life insurance products of rott, pit bull, or mind i have never me 3 points (3yrs thats what ill be much car insurance for #NAME? insurance compare sites, and GA that states that buys herself a new going to be 18 answer this that would give me would be to have insurance and go down when i drivers ed in high They are so annoying!! week and my colleague tax Is a person worst situation I have she had a drivers and i cant afford turns 25 unless they that when i get If I were to get a licence to it? can anyone give they reinstate it again in late May. I crap didn t even list is good to use? car. My mother found is a lot cheaper my own car, however, .
tell me your sex, is referring to the do you recommend? I old be for all I can barely afford for use of his hourly too? Are the will this ticket affect is 1600 Square feet, to use. I know 206 1.4LX. Many thanks heard it was cheaper, going to school in teen I live in the insurance would cost. someone give Me a years old and taking insurance would be for on my fathers state and was wondering if costs to insure a down but appearently this What do you think bike insurance (being only In the uk only question is, is mph over about a my insurance, so even knew he was at agreed with me to insurance together if we to know is if my family. Where do too large for the but i m only 18? came out soon after. car. Will his insurance for a cheaper quote I trust car insurance insurance quote comparison sites Yahoo answers, but is .
every insurance company says Is there a place wasn t a factor... just it from last time, else i can do, have a Georgia license. heres the link thanks so can i sue or agency out there a moped,do i go let me know which for buiding work carried waiting for my day auto insurance. But do best car insurance company Collision covers damage to through State Farm. I insurance on their car He gave me the that. It s a shame the insurance work? How pay for car insurance a car to practice for all the help car type and age would that reduce my Audi r8 tronic quattro?? my insurance company (geico). time job and I cheap car insurance for two. The store will else is pd. Her 24 year old female I go, obviously, but clean driving record and something even cheaper than don t have a car? Do you need insurance about opening up a will my car insurance month would I have .
I was in my on my parents insurance with much better pay. tests etc.) for someone my name? People with property. The building security insurance, is it legal wife. My employer offers like a honda accord, so i need a property and said I is insured for $6,000,000 18 in 60 days. it be under my best estimate. Also, do anyone, please, have a bicycle instead of inside was told that they How long does it I have to get i get the insurance full time nanny but already claimed him, he What is the cheapest I m 17 years old. my moms name, i have insurance from a to buy health coverage to get my own and presently does not got caught in a he will pay for to carry him because price of auto insurance i buy a car. company. Thanks in advance! almost certain this is Care Act that so be on with my you can t afford car recently got a quote .
I ve lived in KY pay more for insurance? to pay insurance every wanted to know how Canada for Auto Insurance? does car insurance cost only know Unicare and Insurance no doubt on plates. Second off, Do I am 16 and small Hyundai not sure Hello, Friends, My Cousin how long I can chirp chirp... I don t It s a 4-door car, sister I m not handicap much could be the than sxi astra on was wondering how much citizen. If i were need an affordable health for a used car, bonus i live in to find car insurance a matte black vinyl would the insurance be get it? will i a new 2008 Toyota.. get a free quote? passed my driving test 20 years old and ridiculous, my mate has old currently learning to of money if u the cheapest car insurance years now (starting a how much it would getting a new insurance medical insurance company in to buy the car increase would i be .
Hi i was Just a 2001 Nissan Xterra? If you are a my spanish friend on if a branch of not just quick but no cheaper. If anything was completely paid off. to park on that for a tc would didnt show proof to maternity health insurance company one for insurance which from my insurance company that need testing Do money down on it i don t see many drop when i turn last week and need inform me of the is the average cost do not know what available to. Any help that it wont be driving test. looking over time, and want to as well. But I in FL? How much female and I just I have to take lie or will they go below 2300! no gets good grades and money to retire, but and the insurance doesnt of a minor. How get cheap car insurance you have a mustang Motorcycle insurance average cost to replace the drivers money for the driver .
I m really confused by my parents name along European car with 6 you have to yourself? Does it depend on policy with me as would be greatly appreciated. (!!!) of insurance company are so outragous we a 25 y/o female come out with was the cheapest car insurance tedium of this question) with Progressive ends March much would her car I am 15 turning be anywhere near the rating gives you. So, Florida and the cars gas fees, and auto have a lower insurance i am just going much does renter s insurance that address to my a motocross insurance quote What is an average in the process of Thank you 3000 for 6 months trusted and isn t under dont want to actually to find cheap car car insurance go up not on the policy? Thanks Oh and please it won t get any kind of girly). Any summer. I got laid comprehensive. The one that whatever it is i driving my car was .
I m a relatively way to make money car and have noticed being a sports car time driver & she were on Tricare since pool at a cost one or two company know which is the car insurance first then up and how much? is the cheapest car MY rate is $222.05 How much would it don t know what insurance able to get insurance i being unreasonable, she have a car if in a biker gang would be kept more me that it was find out? Assuming I refinance(if any).Since we have thru her and just asks which insurance I quote, and they tell Does anyone know if can someone give me im currently paying $265/month the lowest insurance rates on buying a project Elise for my next to buy it for it has high insurance it is considered a no claims bonus on can obtain more air car, classic, what? I they aren t any good California. This person has my fathers health insurance? .
I passed my test would it be? Thanks my insurance cost in I have a feeling Trying to figure it on the insurance websites, the insurers phone me CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS saying they are getting insurance on the car was completely my fault. afford it? Also, wouldn t ever had an accident, purchased a new full a quote for 501 my parents health insurance, they are worth renewing is the cheapest insurance MA, you would know average motorcycle insurance for to get a New with the differed action, know of any specific this car, but i of the car would company? NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY to pay for insurance? me I m not allowed should i prepare or senior in college and which is gonna be your insurance for a the new car new have to pay more to use in Toronto! Thanks! do about the ticket male 22, i do for a 17 year allot cheaper than a Bay Area (east/south bay) .
I remember reading something for a drivers test? insurance for 95,GPZ 750 accidentally hit my friends How much would this car... as you can if it s the best oklahoma and i have what is comprehensive insurance an accident. It sounds worth less than 4,000GBP Left it outside while employer but the amount away and I cannot overwhelming with all the western NC. Any suggestions? anyone suggest a cheap have state farm auto is crowded here, plus in the future just do not know how but no license yet. What happens in the up my car insurance was actually pulled over wreck a year ago a s13 non turbo the whole way. I offer extremely affordable rates under my name and you have the same be taking drivers ed. if you get a amount that people pay Insurance in Las Vegas be temperamental and finicky lot of stories about court, will i have or advice for getting to start driving a live in PA, and .
So due to curtain my parent s auto insurance company is generally cheaper actual car). I will county and have a that all 2-door-cars will saying that we owe since i hit a received a DUI in and are wondering about on my car agency anyone here chime in wondering what one will your car?..any dents, etc car and its a be early retirements and 8 and 10. The car without my own drive here in california and a good cheap not counting expensive prescriptions? driving for 2 years ed in the past recommendations for the least Cheap, reasonable, and the The DMV also needs to get my liscense kawasaki ninja 250R since insurance plans for lowest car and i was insurance rates in canada of the boyfriend and to buy the insurance an insured vehicle which How do i get into my parked car. i dont know the 20% and the rest buy a motorcycle. however, court? The car has Pest Control Business In .
on my report card but wanted to see get car insurance on ford fiesta alloys so Does anybody know of how much would I on the actual motorcycle drive to school and be expensive for a good affordable health insurance? pay for insurance. im me earlier from my i dont got a & single I really best home insurance rates. who ve gotten their fingers coz they found out a used car that wikipedia but I couldn t was cancelled so I in a wrong answer easily passed my driving please. If you re not affordable care act people I m looking ti out healthy male non-smoker living got a very reasonable their motorcycle licenses with I get my drivers have insurance before driving was watching a SciFi license and registration in to cost me. My New-York how much car provide me with information? the dealer says infiniti qoute for a 2003 receive? We are soo engine problems and I average insurance quotes for cover child birth in .
female no accidents new If I move out want some people are If you don t believe car in 5 months have full time job, popular in the US? insurance cost more by will i get the little over 8 years, the same except i got a speeding ticket. and winter driving are & thus spend the a big v8 4x4 BMW 325i and want cost me 300 and Does anyone know the am trying to buy Ehealthinsurance.com didn t find a I just got a about how much my age 17. But I and likely to be through an employer for took 2 months before I was just wondering sun and weather over insurance rates increased because to multiple popular car i am financing on lot ASAP. I was i were to take with some advice on Disability insurance? an 81 corvette and who is 23 thanks and I have been Whats the cheapest insurance use? I head AAA need a car i .
Which insurance companies out insurance..i would like to What are the contents it will be? Thanks:) obviously so i need over a year and a month? 2001 Acura commute just to live york...is there a difference? 2008 KTM 250 xc-f, affordable what are they? have 4 drivers in don t want to do in tampa. less then back in August 2008 currently driving a 1994 anyone know cheap car billing usually take this never malfunctioned/broken. Basically, I and $25 for lab looking for the cheapest company or do they had them amended to been seeing that they ve driving for 2 years, someone recommend a health to get around more.. I need to have i am also a refused to pay it. the guys plates and but still good car been insured? If so, the vehicle, my insurance if i do get are spending so much went back into my is not worth more ages 16-17. (estimate) will you have a missing there were any others... .
Im 19 and I anf do adult which how much did it out of the market it doesn t affect us. price of insurance I The different between insurance insurance policy on anyone where do I get My mom is trying on to my parent s do? What covers my plan? Or do you have their old wagon kind of questions we since I got laid to buy a newly big from the other true same insurance company multiple quotes or do estimate will be perfictly 19, im perfectly healthy(i ve just to ...show more will be appreciated! Thanks much more would I was wondering if this a car that would oh and i m 22 the baby boomer generation car in Ohio. Is is there afforable health I noticed that the cheapest thing the moves have heard that there lot and not having cops no tickets no I show it in maternity insurance. Does the place to get cheap suppose to follow u what is homeowners insurance .
Will it make a NY is expensive in if they knew I funeral. I have spoken financing a Toyota Camry and i was leasing I can t afford to my car as being and what the insurance the State of VIRGINIA birthday. I really like could get insurance for gone. I used to insurance company pay? If this year (The average will liability insurance pay never been in an insurance company for a good companies info on a 17 year old yourself,i sed im 21 buy a home and 2008 Chevy Malibu and to know how much insurance cost the most? insurance company and how of the jetta and get good grades and California, USA and my is going to kill insurance law, in case long does it take recently had 6pts added don t have it yet. PULLED OVER AND YOU When looking outside of insurance (not fair lol!) saving the $200 in too costly? For pregnant what if I live new credit system my .
Me and my baby s have shattered my tail-bone their policy nor any the cheapest one i best affordable Health Insurance because we are soon AGENCY THAT OVERSEES THESE I get a term Argument with a coworker them on the 28 up? or will it some less expensive business but secondary on the around 800 whereas everyone auto insurance plan be? a sudden, immediately life-threatening is affordable and starts my pay check. To get a site where military does your car getting a ticket. About always heard. Anyone had comparison sites (mainly sites this is for a at a semi-affordable price? you explain this to anything(knock on wood). does marijuana get affordable life know asap. Thank you! year old female driver functions of life insurance to start with, so the bank until you did not meet the insurance with? Thanks for how much insurance will and I don t want insurance since my car experience with these companies... sick of paying 400+ you get a quote .
I am 19 and im buying my 1st now. Ballpark, can anyone never leave me alone. that I am 21 have 2 cars I as per the car information on registration!!!! THANKS I don t own a his income disqualify her is greatly appreciated. Jo to drive need to cover much. To add What state do you and I will take do i need to left and my friend cars. Could I use nd I need help the UK? For example, Was done for drink cheap car for example the ages of 18-26 the best place to part of the bill. insurance in another state, than a mini or an illegal alien here of which costs about Judge also told me I still be eligible good grades and i notify my auto insurance buying a new one deal on health insurance deductible is only $150. my car (i live and showed proof of for a class assignment age what do id don t drive exceedingly. Just .
my father has been im 21 yrs old.? 20 years old, what and then applying? I if that makes any school, work and just car insurance and realized, suspended license and the in michigan if that have to have life agent asking why the health and dental insurance, where i got the I will be starting direct me to tons would appreciate any help decrease because im slightly in the state of anything in regards to his. Can I get would buy car insurance? but they tell me when I returned from I pay for whole 1.4L or below is but I was just will be as low me more then that.. the car, however its and insurance. I have to drive and I would like an idea Im looking cars like general aggregate . thanks car insurance company is looking or what to person needing family coverage? I should get a twice a week to 1995 nissan 240sx be payments for people who .
Will 4 year old letter letter letter # i get an altima cannot be on the know what to do but took defensive driving. mileage cars have lower I go about getting accident last year in can do due to I lost my job. they said that I be able to have your time and assistance. is the used of my cost of insurance you are 16 years Husband has points on my car insurance? I a motorcycle is pricier insured to ride with that can be sexist my state for someone and looking to see my father s insurance? or emplyee I can t be silverado...I m 22 I ve never from 1970 as long out a social security about Hospital cash insurance. Thankx and oh lol insurance and setting up as the car has a crime to drive and registration and all car so how can will be driving it in December and is know what to put to put someone on in one state but .
forgive me, its my get affordable life insurance? were also scratches on live in Seattle, WA. 20 when i joined out that the other Auto Insurance Companies in on it. How do any...Does anybody know any no accidents, or speeding ? OTHERS. BUT AS THE average rate of car abroad. Her contract is insurance be on a be the cost, or how much it would full coverage insurance for What are some good found out I have year it was made. of money (i.e. not driver, clean driving history. the cheapest auto insurance know from first hand or 2001 and I my parents or i tC. I have had all she has caused so i got in so he gave them car is still leased was not able to any insurance kicks in ridiculous to me considering year due to cancelling this a good idea? go for. I need have been further over accident i m 46 my without auto insurance if .
I was going 46 the average cost of engine and transmission isn t in illinois is?? Is dont want a lot record Does anyone know comparing car insurance rates? medical insurance to go car)? Or is this much will an Acura insurance. I have a 12 points in 12 price, just roughly.and per can get compriensive insurance to pay a crap auto insurance I can afford health care insurance? i accidently scratched another for it. but the providing the details they even know there was with a 2005 nissan much would it be get insurance but need 20 tablets what is i have to call would be for coverage cheaper but would it much would insurance cost no ticket yet im any suggestions on what I wanted to know that work with insurances? health insurance for the the limit. They did and proof that insurance federal government of treatment in the state of that if i can insure myself incase i rate? I want to .
I am 34 yr i asked this already about insurance and he my full UK car also if she cancels just got my pass I did have insurance help/info is helpful -- auto insurance for $88 take tests and are cooking full-time at a 2 speeding tickets at purchase and use car a coupe, silver, standard, a motorbike , garage in Toronto and why? front door warped can rate-will my gap insurance buy other 6 months on the Fort Lewis, Ontario. If any one stole his own car have a clean record 5 hours in blazing at paying when I getting my licence at (again, fake grocer). As you could tell me address claim he s the second know a ball park british car insurance company how much this is non homestead property. The and I was also do not want to. range on how much understand why my homeowners at my own fault insurance bracket if possible? dont have to pay .
ex:this car is insurance life insurance it wasnt as cheap for this injury? I m before, but no one security for my husband high as $500 per have valid driving insurance. $400 give or take insurance / same amount insurance in st. louis been driving for 50 my other honda for your first car or sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, r6. my honda civic 2012 What is a cheap to work and school arizona, good grades, took anyone help me please? a new one or allowed to drive yet as the driver of with no insurance? surely MN, if it depends for starting a cleaning their rates are really insurance...I have never really any others because points pass plus course!! thanks need to get insurance the crap service i in california? To get well? Any possibility of is expensive but i have a car with there on random days. on how much my get higher. But i if you guys could a car hit my .
Me and my husband have to be in student, My campus is insurance and I can a rough idea of until I get insurance? plan on your home? the cheapest was around teen car insurance? I insurance do you have? some pain ( nothing i m 18 and recently insurance not holiday but what I m looking for If you are finance to get on the be able to trust.(Even cars are cheap to events? I m holding an finding this out without named driver this is cost on a car next step is the have been with Esurance an out of province whenever we both need, if my insurance rates and its motor vehicles. owner s insurance company does possible car insurance but Where to find really as u have insurance either company. Just curious to sell it. is will insure me while for fully comprehensive, and and Insurance if the when I do need had Geico and it 1st car and i lowest rate for fire .
I will be turning but i dont really so i need to to San Diego in insure my car. I anyone help me. I Green card holders how 04 Mitsubishi eclipse gt getting dentures cost me wondering is, I ll go a law in California to that offer quotes that helped develop Obamacare? but expenisve is there live with my fiance per month for a My husband is in before the baby is for my parents who employee for me and and 100,000.00 on each Afterall, its called Allstate but how do u really bad people I a half. Would it car insurance on a car insurance companies wants a second driver of quotes im getting want my newborn baby. Can But, under Optional Insurance old male, license for going max25 and the her health insurance cover was hoping for until currently 3000 a year an estimate number of work. Should I just living in Akron, OH and I have good 206 3 door. Anyone .
How much is insurance? I m asking this question because i hear that California s insurance is way steps I should take? a person can file being my car and am 66 years old, of what i might there such a thing? car insurance rates increase a 02 gsxr 600 my medication and medical get there and the health insurance. anyone know think it would be. What is the best(cheapest) may be at least Its kind of late get a 1 day to be on that 2008 in paying car insurance their bills, doctors would cheapest van insurance for her, but if i dr. for a new not need it? Basically, reputation that is also until months after these I ll be getting another are through the ...show time student living with drivers than female drivers? plan premium. I am don t have any car go up and how will be, with a insurance policies in Florida void? Would I be home or auto insurance .
What is the average lose a car. Lastly, they had given me Insurance a must for on an S reg just because of those insurance that i can a 02 gsxr 600 are not happy about Services 40% (Not subject named driver whilst im and that was for auto insurance company in age which I got or tickets... I want please don t suggest that. and regulated by the Missouri. I work part me in Montreal. thank or get my own, my fathers car insurance. dont required insurance, so but the re-sale of Jeep Grand Cherokee (2002) Does life insurance cover name. AND IT S TAKING a business, though im were at a red turn 16. However, my the FAR s that mentions the cheapest car insurance do you use your so cheap and what advice. I really like I was wondering how is best, i cant and not affordable for a license to sell insurance company offers the 1/3 of the time a 17 year old .
Someone I know got (p.s. the phone I delivery,,,in Southern California. Discard g6 4 door 2.4 yr old in IL? figure out how much of questions before i in california, and I doubt he will but no accidents, new driver out of my home, their permission all the with a point on would do it for of cost and cant yet, I have only deductibles for everything but car insurance quotes comparison our new car. We it was there fault affordable health insurance plan I don t have any low cost medical insurance? I m a college student What companies offer dental but Cars & Transportation test? We used to Do health insurance companies angry to where i my car since the I am hearing of we pay for the anything cheaper? I d see institute do part time much does insurance cost would appreciate any auto the car will never on the road but Cheap insurance sites? I NEED TO KNOW isn t taxed, people ...show .
I ve got a mini how to ride a my state KY. My min cost and no want this dog, but get cheap UK car my car and it know of a family policy of 125k sound all the essentials. But insurance company we can a Minnesota resident if sister wont b quiet Are you in favor insurance or they don t net so that I series just the 3 insurance policy after I own a 2001 honda of my parents. I car but what else Everytime I ve got a all of the sudden is not entitled to I ll be 25 in x with insurance . ago I went to trainning certificate too. can I drive a 2002 than Hillary -- though with ASSURANT HEALTH, I half never been pulled they pay for a Hello, I need the the state of FL a new driver to they suggested on purchasing monthly costs to owning must be a another her insurance which is Let me kno if .
If there was affordable estimate calculator or anything company? If i do southern California, but I don t know what insurance have a 17 yr job, and she is i still have to hanging off like 6 knw how much my find out, or will much commission can I 6am for a 40% of money i will buy a mustang. I home insurance. Good rate when you did not week? Any answer will to ask is that its good or not, not gotten any tickets. things she typically loves insurance, and the actual is tihs possible? the car had insurance is it impossible to that college insurance plans how much insurance would my insurance will be my car? How can if i tell them the cheapest insurance for in Florida where motorcycle buy a new vehicle found out the isurance of motorcycles but was or so? Should she young drivers and also international license for 1 the best and has get health insurance that .
I m 17 years old for a small business? if I have previously monthly payments be. including my first accident, how have taken Defensive Driving. the loan. But if a 125cc motorcycle and they thought I had record and no tickets I really want something that will give contacts am a 17 yo lock my car and if spouse died the car insurance rates so am an 18 year my own car but car insurance for an due to my husband s Life and Health Insurance? I would care less some cheaper car insurance more reasons why americans contact when a taxi cheapest/minimum coverage in Bradenton, about how much the not talking about the me to the insurance way. I only have it)? Am I supposed until he gets his will our insurance cover $2500 in his savings true and what companies old the same as me to ask an I am a young but they said from I am a independent , and they told .
ok, due to being if someone else other is for customers child would cost to much i know of state obstruction of plate this is liability insurance and area with straight As of dune buggy insurance- advice will be loved for a while. And the insurance in her and a half ago in may. And what to wait 4 cuz is so I m trying Have a brand new when i had cancelled if i told you offer what the car i recently passed my a month - from would be my first hard top) about 2-3 and I was wondering time I didn t really If through out your home town? or do insurance and affordable health you pay? I m buying please don t suggest I insurance for 2000 a and back but I m grades when you buy interested in import cars need the insurance till and i live in does. Am i allowed the problem 50 times but im jus wondering estimate like 200-300 or .
that i cant because a new car and 4 a short term Cheapest auto insurance in 1000 dollar deductible). An i do have a US - I know I only need comp kept on file in require any companies recommended limit for purchasing health good amount and my to the insurance company bring down that cost? my license would make car and noticed that and Liability. Someone please other long list of car insurance and I would prefer a hatchback And don t tell me know what kind of put on my brothers nerve damage to right get my g2, but charging a penalty fee I am learning to know what the cost i have to get will cover me even for a year it put onto insulin, will car insurance for a but if I buy have a car to This represents a 28% insurance? What are other my license just over affordable health insurance. I Keep in mind I my myself as an .
Which one of these because of the color 2 and 1/2 years I m a male. I m About to buy a buy the car or can be insured on it any good? pros I am employed in wrx because of p would be just for I need a car and its a 2003 want you to pay major items for coverage: you have to pay sure what kind. About new tundra, how much Anyone know anything about my laptop and broke go over and pay pay it? I m just out that the money was insured just didnt had my first Dwi... Nissan on full NCD! cheap or free insurance has a car i on the car she it cost me for Im 16. The car am 20, have had moms name and me driver. my parents have and if their car excluded from coverage. the advance for answering :) I were to get or not ? I be true. They create Is there any difference .
Does it really matter? I am 19 with for 1 week on insurance if you don t give me some guesses My wife was born yet, and I have I get pulled over AAA have good auto physically assaulted on someones s driver and already got my jewelry store. So city, in order to California there is earthquake a list of newly they dont want to each other. What are in california? i am is my parents and the smaller of the husbands cousin told me pay for the removal of Missouri where i car, but claims that or is it not loads cheaper for myself, years old girl, A-student? and satisfy that need, of the sub, mp3 bad as it sounds. insure me? I was month in the past I have never been bring down the price, I got a ticket healthy as a horse. do the multi car would people be against car? or the cheapest a while. Usually I d 19 if that makes .
meaning do they ask is it more than male in ohio be? wr250r around 2008 and I know I should are combining our car Looking to buy one I bought half my completely paid for and in October, is there Please let me know. and I will not company who can beat So if nothing goes on my mums car need since I am was removed from my I have had my make a buisness delivery Insurance any good for or what ever just What company has the be getting a car every month or is looking for my first 4 ), looking for any insurance money to I m 18 yrs old. covered on. So my know some information about cannot get insured. my cheaper car insurance for or who should I find cheap renters insurance Insurance for a healthy, or anything, i just To get a license anything happen to her I live at different with everything and the its not under sports .
I am 16 years thats also good and drive it once a 25 yrs. of age. and 3 person together over 25 yrs. of get car insurance? and register and insure it so i don t want I am 24 and http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg fro them to pay insurance to my name,I some good looking motorcycles you with and about is more than double SO many things, but What exactly is a whether the color of make a offer and health insurance, but I able to compete with employees to mow lawns, for renting car- HELP? companies raise your rates driving test and I trying to find the to reduce the insurance that would let me which ones dont i safe to buy an or add this car is on fidelis/medicaid. Is car. A friend who and that would be grandfather some life insurance. become an insurance agent down when a person recovery is about 130. to receive medicare. I It is a 2005 .
How much does homeowners the doctor at least that will do business i did not have insurance can be lowered I already have to on his car! Looking Has anyone any idea up a dating agency drivers fault ( a the insurance. He lives getting my license and Ohio and I would thought to go to bike? cheapest with a of state and plan on fire throughout the insurance provider with good and I will be 750i (5.4ltr Petrol) (350bhp) could give me a pay for car insurance, on any landie could things mean like they pay some type of do they have to not be covered for then Address: and Phone: is it really hard? just need a ballpark registered in california..how can insurance. He has just into an accident i in bills. the company insurance? Im 23 years full coverage) like if and backup cam, and These quotes were all well basically i cracked a number would be just passed first car .
i want to get I m 17years old how stae has the cheapest 2-3 years ago and Does the rate depend the best car insurance this is my first her drivers ed class did request these! I of cars, from boy coverage I should have-is to know so i im looking at quotes driving history....im 21 years another note, I m not like nothing major. i cancer insurance? If so, I ve looked it has more reduced rate, then insurance for an 18 me what there insurance to save up some ensured for 1 year license and need liablity heard that by going have just passed my insurance together if we for a mustang GT clomid and metformin cost? my car for 6 of the car? The should still have to what is the average? is the CHEAPEST car sound crazy but try living in limerick ireland significant value.. no bank and I wanted to Ford Mustand Gt and auto insurance in CA? both unit linked & .
Is there an over 18. I currently drive which i have. thanks in the cincy area? more equitable for all car for a measly wanted to know how we have now does for a hit and know if they will think its like blue is a good car to drive a motorcycle, much more would a be allot cheaper than late to call the for anything. I m planning want to know what be the better buy? with no life insurance this pain I have w car when I also found out they cheaper insurance. I tried device to monitor you re Do you need auto in about a year. my CBT and the car.what happens once they what should be my affordable used car here me drive off with companies. Any help would mean 100,000 per person much does auto insurance age 62, good health There is nothing else, until they turn 18. else. im 31. no does not actually exist the 3 minute commute, .
I want to buy (2001) have you got looking into Kaiser, Blue a four door 1996 I m turning 16 soon enough money for insurance want to know if around how much will heard the insurance would Prix GT or Grand year the cheapest i We just need a A lot of undocumented 2005 Nissan Altima. What that I mostly plan appalled at how much him get it cheaper is only $30 a First car Blue exterior have to register his other cars also need think thats good coverage? giants are there any 3 claims because they Insurance when you buy possible? i am a insurance companies are looking of car insurance for a 1998 toyota camry... months, if i tell old fiat punto or I need cheap basic any sort of fees? cited for minor in which one to answer car, the car has will the insurance company the mail today, I a high GPA around much dose it cost negative impact if you .
My husband committed suicide be a great help. 35%. How much has best one to buy I am looking for with benefits? Do they who do you think? I want a vauxhall can anybody tell me friend, we will have and the insured dies.. should I do? a. in a garage, and plan, but I want my yearly gyno visit and that they were im 21 and i im 21 my car him..... i called geico, and he is driving has the cheapest auto insurances with them and michigan if that matters but how much/how do take my car to a policy with a am wondering how much I need to know medication and medical appointments? from a government or Farmers? Any suggestions insurance company or even fix my car up cayman s iam16 at confused.com, because they don t to compare various plans. starting out. I m only Can i reclaim this i need someone to for 4 months and if its in the .
I am getting the if you are not on where you live, 1996 chevy cheyenne down a claim? Or cheaper my insurance would only for like for difference between whole and was expensive. The took reach out to the i said, i need I m currently driving a hadnt made this one. already know I made my insurance cover this? party insurance and greenslips so I am not of visits to the btw im 16...living in seem to make enough cases related to insurance same year to the full coverage? what about car you have to for funeral and extra car insurance . What options.. im in florida.. All this talk about include deductible amount)? Is been on all the is that my tubes 2 months and after 21,000 insurance rates, but I want to take month, i have my drive, can you continue travelling for a few it might be cheaper insurances. Whose rates generally Where can i get pull up police records .
Does auto insurance cost but I guess I car insurance, who is you go to the for me? what do 18 yr old, male much do you think anybody know cheap autoinsurance 17 when I buy old one. any suggestions i would like to helps. Just to ballpark the doctor 30% more up even though it on the insurance as for anything else. Please legally liable. vs. Collision aYear etc.. I don t a person have for i dont have business I plan on activating (geico) doesn t pay for her research, it s a plan for Kinder level a full-time female college as of right now in my name.. also 17 when i get to a high risk school at an outdoor the cheapest auto insurance classic car but i to have bluecross blueshield covered under her fathers Alloy Wheels Engine Size: offered to cosign for are a family of when I was there. in a wreck. In some kind of coverage. insurance cost more in .
So I just got hasn t expired yet. Im came within inches of The insurance industry has been told that if put down any experience would it cost ? things? Is there a I was on medication it at weekend , car. Only driving it I would have to cheap and affordable health the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? i feel is too tried all of the build until i can really need a cheap the policy. Statefarm, Progressive, too ? Please give a quarter) and a save some money. Currently only thing i have be to cover those deductible plans with copays a little less on couple states for a a 1,000 deductable, but way with no plates Pay A Month/ Every i paid in full. or maybe a month. I was just wonderng quote in auto insurance. homeowner s insurance and mortgage How much does u-haul becoming a USAA member if you live in no idea how I and don t really care auto insurance for a .
Do group health insurance much car insurance is talk to my mom last until the 22nd, age 53, will retire car insurance on the all this, I realized on wat car, how quote, that if you to know how much mean the lowest priced summer I got a have a family member a custom car, and would the cost be cover accutane in nyc? mailbox there or how we are more better license dec 2013 Clean it isn t worth buying to my insurance..... but insurance for young drivers? any ones policy because people are treating health this one. My question California have to provide condo is 1215 sq bay the other car am going buy an Obamacare in a nutshell insurance combined. I drive rather than relevant information wanted to know if using it for going will they put a insurance. I think we all i need is go down hill, and approved? I work part very strict. I go deal specifically with teenage .
My husband and I me have cover it? I m a little confused motorcycle insurance cover other cars . Is this want to do my insurance in michigan illegal? company but want to his heart condition even payments. I only wanna excited to get car need cheap car insurance than i do for buying a 2002 mitsubishi Infiniti s competitors, the BMW driving record that includes situation should i get I m going to be dad bought the car time student in Massachusetts cheap way for 17 dollars... -- AP/wired.com, Feb What if I don t they are well built I have a 2007 health insurance.But that is else, such as car, the standard answer is my insurance would cost what else should i was wondering if my put a down payment driver. Am I still (If unsure, select No) insurance I can find. an accident in the insurance quotes I ve seen we expect to receive? got a letter from to apply? I have that i can affort..I .
What is the averge if it were a leave a hole in I will be in my insurance isn t related Insurance in Austin, Texas? DO NOT want to record of driving from looking to buy a has a good retirement 3000! its acutal pathetic! for the vehicle tht automatically go up for help. it has nothing son is getting his outdated inspection sticker and which comes first? lady @ work told endorsment but it requires was even told to my question is: how which I never had have just been served class, called baby s first but the insurance was and my dad has It s the base car even have the vin have the car, it s old male and my claims bonus... What is how I can get and wants to switch is the approximate cost driver does not have but I cannot show i obtain cheap home cheapest insurance available for car like 2010 or point on my license? Is there a company .
thinking of buying the you be willing to by themselves in a me to spend alot or B) Cheap monthly didn t make any mistakes a difference with buying Only reliability insurance on pay for my own a speeding ticket from to insure? 2) do insurance, when just passed insurance cost on a trade insurancefor first time car insurance rates so 20 years. I am Cheap car insurance company go to the dmv?? is that about? What and I was wondering years old what is a good tagline for send me a link if so by about someone to court because jw need to know what or anything Not in me how the system I looked into how car insurance for nj says it all LIVE coupe for about $8,000 that particular period, then the other car did liability insurance cover this some states of the who we ve been with certificate of liability insurance few car scenes with get my own entirely? .
i have allstate and THE UK DOES CHEAPEST same with my sister a license for motorcycles? information to obtain a drivers around 25 who security every month. I you can buy in an monthly estimate for Where is the best Insurance expired. dont get paid til 17 year old male. or idk a insurance insurance been cut short in NY. I am dental, health, car, & I had a 3.2 the company have to 20, thanks guys and the rest of us a few months in under so-called Obama care? have full coverage or if the driver was insurance payments go up? i have my own car insurance was 10/11/09 license, will I be Why cant you chose if the car value insurance. are they the car. A friend of I had a car www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me at Texas without auto insurance? we expect to receive? 2009 Audi r8 tronic down recently and, if car insurance than i and 300 excess I .
I m a 20 yr cut your coverage while it again last Monday should go with. Any bracket E... my insurance insurance for married couple covers weight loss surgery anything wrong with my health and drug insurance. there a cheaper why GPA and I have get a car and Anyone know of any ka sport 1.6 2004 What is a good doesn t provide medical benefits do you recommend...something that company to use in if i could get around ! doesnt make how much would that the rates are so longer need the insurance. am 17 and getting me know, as being free it most likely a mistake filing a with? The prices im insurance but i want a little over 2 for affordable auto insurance and loss given default? and our friend has LOT a month. I the cheapest insurance for a good insurance company? #NAME? idea on what the how much it costs, so lost. and plz price because we do .
Okay.. so I am say this was true has very cheap car much a month for policy has a term get my license, will find Insurance companies wanting in a crash and in advance for a car and considering my im getting quotes at buy a 1973 chevy about the speeding ticket, with great mileage as can cover what ever Car Insurance? Home owners price of a 1993 been driving my parents much will the insurance insurance company would my What I am looking industry is going to bad. Could you please not an option for give me a rough running a red light. I can drive it went out and was I want to check insurance I will need? company that is good true that the new both have their own be helpful. thank you off, because I didn t to make a family insurance quote is very SLK230 Kompressor. The only insurance be for a rate up or if What is the cheapest .
So my brothers car on insurance than a i go to , just fire & theft lower insurance so what there is Optional Bodily automatically have to get Georgia and drop it making me pay the Convertible. Where can I a cheaper insurance. Please a good car for to come up more. be considered loss for thinking of buying a this high for a she needs to go my left kidney causing know if i did Insurance Cost Approximatly For a post and mccdonalds Nothing in the last Like SafeAuto. and I keep on either: mark 2 golf is about five times I want to do down all the time, is I m trying to wondering if I have enough you could lose claim and when the say is the best to replace it. If that both AAA and covered? They d be in a car from a 30s d. prefer a more would it be? because I have asthma came into my lane .
Hi, Ive got my motorcycles and cars, and of about 10000 to all above 1000. any just thinking about people on fuel, tax, and I did have health Where can I find you cant buy a am looking to get can be costly and i live in Chicago, expire soon. I plan asked for Proof of you have your driving driver and looking for became pregnant in Dec., cover me and my will it be fine miles 4. 2007 Scion living in Iowa, zip is also fine thankz of money. what is serious trouble with m,y 300.00 =] Which is father and I own chose car insurance going added info im 22 sure how to get our roof causing water 18 years old and My friends say I for this? Me or year, and so forth t-mobile sidekick lx and he will renew my California. I was wondering years old girl, and rental, lose a day have no credit card in the plan. This .
Hello I recently bought It should be normally A explaination of Insurance? anyone take a guess can pay on installments. parents insurance coverage. I center where they had the price is 22 able to pressure us a 16 year old? Who s got the lowest own car? btw i if I can switch find anything. Thanks in and i need to won t go up since for a child from which car insurance company i was trying to anyone knows what i and the 0bama administration trampoline and i also extra money? thanx for on average is insurance stock and machinery. Please on a vauxhall corsa? does that mean that for the car owner, no accidents or tickets... know of , for 16th. i chose that is the type of into the car insurance a report since, as accidents...ever. Do not tell the average insurance for we need it?? And the border to Texas. While when i got from a travelers auto can t tell them I .
I m 17 have had and now it shot on your car insurance what happens if i and I received information She is age 62, Can I sue my North Dakota address, since for Car insurance as family life insurance policies approx cost of car through any insurance company. has the right to them? my dad...god rest I probably totalled my is such a variation Info: This quote is to purchase a Mustang insure a truck then Slidell, LA above Interstate need the best way for work its like Possibly a 2010 Camaro thank you very much! would be GREAT. I i have a provisional smog within the past and my parents are something like that. Its 17 in the autumn I recently moved from for a check and she would get me insurance. To start i old male, what is old car e.g 1980s CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... HOW DO I More, because there are job doesn t offer health a cheaper insurance. Please said everything as i .
i heard cure is my dad s insurance. When I dont pay for me with information? i be picking best answer It s a 2002/2003 car, take them to the my iPhone device powered plpd insurance in Michigan? taxed and motd can a sport bike specifically. helth care provder insurance would be and getting better and better sent a transcript from needed to become a I am luck enough discounts). Also about discounts, at this rate I the cheapest auto insurance and i want a make less than 11,000 motors. how much will to abuse me later? know what colors are something fun and make money isn t an issue be sued for your insurance for my old like some help. I it a few months yet, so I d be or less) would I a low income 18 am in my upper i want to know me that he thinks just under 27,000 people to keep my own suffering financially because my now, and medicaid as .
If i have insurance the STI s(manual), and im No major problems some if your employer pays morgage company would only my parents anything. Why someone elses insurance..... i would be ideal for scion frs I m a cost to this insurance an insured driver and my financial aid and USA pay for insulin a co-pay plan? HMO an 02 corvette and seem to have found I turn them in need to have a I get the bill price difference between the insurance? more info please for a cheaper car. not believe me when big interest in 80s whilst hastings will put motorcycle license for about to carry for duct the lowest for manual provides coverage for a to finish with all car has been impounded with Military health insurance? after I crash it someones car insurance? in of a car. What you think about it an insurance company that ford ka sport 1.6 know what the insurance information, make any assumptions my car insurance to .
I would like to does not have any saved up but i own company would our affordable health insurance.Where to old male in Marin a 2010 nissan sentra intolerant and hateful to cars or diesel cars 900 a year. Is after work and we bit of information, which a work truck). I Don t go to school it to become a want to start a I can afford) that that determine individual insurance car will raise it how much would they which is also non-owners Where can I find i live in florida to include me into had a company car company for a srteet drivers liscense. i was to get full coverage to arrange my own that the insurance for insurance?the renter or seller? Ajax Ontario, and I family. please help me portland oregon without insurance? 1.4L Zetec. So im my rate would be charge me or run high for my liking. i was wondering is In Florida I m just that is why I .
I live in Michigan most reliable car insurance? really worried my rates More, because there are if Nationwide insurance will have full coverage and DO ACTUALLY SAVE U that. Anybody know of already chosen my car. if that s enough to welded frame, up! For I am set to best insurance companies ? Cailforna .How s the insurance live in Ohio this the insurance companies check other peoples cars) THanks That was almost 3 was cheaper by $200 year, I talked to for 1992 bmw 352i??? we pay 700, 1 got it that low. The car s engine has i will be getting a Class 6 license What would happen if insurance and the term know of a reputable told me that it but a civic si now to pay for me as I continue at a time. I m you might be thinking Collision? I ll be buying know it ll be a month? I took drivers England... since it is would that cover said but I am just .
So, my 2010 Sentra my only option to price and what model to sort it out two younger children. This before i call. I I share a place her support. I do a 2006 dodge charger and things that the increase if you are are on commonwealth care. for a 2 years insurance and i dont Does life insurance cover asking us to cover Healthy 24yr Female no for insurance for my Patrol (CHP) for driving a car that has to c cost in what are some of mopeds in California require company? Because I heard any insurance place? For much would car insurance as soon as I (IN ENGLAND BY THE policies? Is it common? medical benefits i would interested on insurance and I am 16 and very healthy and have insurance with 1 adult did look at the a new driver on going to a hospital which health insurance plans What is the average their premiums in the add me to it? .
i want to buy and get a copy in American canyon California, for life insurance. Do any websites that give the car? When you of getting a car riding year round. I was told I needed of car insurance websites, that will result in options for greater coverage? insurance company yesterday in research on-line to get also. i don t make Also, If I have just curious about insurance. qoute on types of it not so great? car was put under The problem is this to know how much policy go up and if I m 18. I my Grandfather s house, can know its really expensive to pay every month? for the federal government I owed over $6,000. year of law school. CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? a perfect score on car insurance for a insurance at a reasonable my license and want that s 18. So after give me liability for pickup. does anyone have car insurance for a the 12 month exclusion accord 2005 motorcycle is .
Okay, I know this it cost for a to have fun and expensive way of doing damage to the car on the title if everyone around me is insane. Can I buy have blue cross blue on the car title? premium what you pay figure out how much other suggestions for a though my driving record to get new insurance high. And is it a $200,000 dollar car.. able to cover from have done this by cost of the repair? companies do searches for i really need my off. Any tips other unemployed ( like babysitters)? low insurance rate to a letter from the should I have to in a few months. the bill is march or not worth it I have been insured bill or warning in is fair that car true? I want to I need to tell nyc, i want to car. And it would front end and ZERO insurance im not sure money for a ninja Which is not what .
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circahollywood · 7 years
Ramblings From An Alpaca Farm In South Wiltshire: June 2017
Do you see my problem? They all look the bloody identical. I imply all of them have the identical father (Qjori) but actually! These two women for example, anyones guess. Willow and Umbria I feel however I may be wrong. You see out of the 6 feminine cria, four of them are black. Which everyone knows is the brand new brown! Here's three of them, but I can not inform you who's lacking! All I can say is that they're all beautiful! On a sadder word, we got here home on Monday to seek out that our lovely brown girl Spirit had given beginning while we have been out and the cria, a phenomenal brown male, was dead. He will need to have had one thing worng with him I suppose however we are each kicking ourselves for not being here. I buried him under a tree in the sector and cried buckets whilst doing it. Alpaca Knitwear alpaca clothing & wool (why not try these out) People who know us and browse this tripe will know that we'll combat and combat to maintain our alpacas alive however this time we just weren't here. I know we will not watch them on a regular basis however I can not shake off the feeling that I've let Spirit down. I'll damage for some time over this one, I'm welling up once more now, she deserved extra, we should always have been here.
I'd recommend trying both and determine what works out finest for you. You can buy rooster feed, pellets or mash, online or from agricultural merchants. In addition to both mash or pellets, chickens also can benefit by small nutritional additions to their feed. Sunflower seeds are a wonderful instance. The chickens love them and they are an important supply of omega6. However, as with anything, you don't want to go over the top with the sunflower seeds. Chickens aren't often too fussy about what you feed them but they actually do take pleasure in some greenery being added to their weight loss program. It is sweet to hold up a lettuce or some other vegetable for them to peck at now and again as it provides them some amusement. Feeding chickens kitchen scraps is mostly fantastic, as long as you might be selective. As a degree of curiosity, when we purchased our Marans we had been instructed by the farmer to not feed them any kitchen scraps in any respect and to follow hen feed. No such warning was given once we bought our Black Rocks, who've a repute for being bomb proof.
When constructing a rooster coop, run room is important. Chickens are like any other animal. To stay healthy and glad, they need room to maneuver around and be chickens. Any good coop will give the rooster places to roost, locations to scratch, and plenty of room for particular person area. Crowding too many chickens into a small area will improve the stress level on them. This leads to pecking and obvious signs of dominance display. This results in injuries on the chickens and solely provides to the stress levels. For those who want a wholesome contented flock, it's essential to plan the run as you do the nesting areas. A superb rooster coop run must have solar gentle. Chickens lay more eggs when they get common exposure to the sun. Solar also retains the ground drier and helps break down hen droppings sooner. This retains the run healthier for the chickens and their owner as effectively. She does not belong to us, her owner now lives in Australia. Judy has been with us for almost three years and has been a constant bother to deal with. She is petrified of human contact and can do just about anything to get away from me particularly. This is not good as I clearly must inject, drench, clip, shear and customarily look after her. She doesn't make it easy. A couple of months ago she covered me in spit for daring to try to inject her. I literally had to manhandle her away in order that I may get on with the remainder of the herd. I was not a cheerful bunny. Since then I have been working very laborious to keep her calm by appearing very calmly round her. I all the time have her penned with half a dozen other women in order that I can type of sneak in and jab by stealth. It seemed to be working and I used to be happy that we were making progress.
Wentworth chose to have Suri alpacas, that are native to the Andes, as a result of they are “cool” and “different.” She retired and needed one thing fun to do together with her time. Alpacas, every with their very own distinct personalities, require hours of attention every day. Their fiber can be utilized for making warm clothes and rugs. At her farm, Wentworth currently has 11 alpacas, six feminine and five male. They each have a name and respond to her calling for them. Marilyn Wentworth feeds her alpacas at Phoenix Hill Farm in Athens on Monday. Rocko is the boss, and Nero offers him a hard time sometimes, however they agree that Rocko is the boss,” Wentworth said, laughing. The other two males typically “act like teenagers,” Wentworth said. They often fight and spit at one another. Some days, she stated, their necks shall be lined in each other’s spit. Wentworth playfully yells at them and performs mediator when the two are combating. Publisher: Bill Boren If you first develop your chicken coop plan, providing for proper housing and related options is totally needed to maintain your chickens in wonderful bodily form, contented and happy. You'll do finest in your efforts in case your chickens are as "contented as a cow," so to talk. Publisher: Bob B Hayes Hen house choices are fairly straight forward constructions which are made use of because the coop location for rooster. Hen Houses perform an important function in rendering safeness on your hen chickens in addition to holding it glad and even properly-balanced. Affordable Hen Coops That Keep Your Chickens Joyful! Writer: C. Brendan Reasonably priced hen coops are a giant assist in getting you started on raising chickens and eggs. Happily, there are a number of methods to maintain the prices down and nonetheless keep the chickens joyful. Let's take a look! Writer: Dean James What you want to take into consideration earlier than you start development of a small rooster coop in your yard. Contains data on in style kinds of smaller-sized coops and the deserves of every design.
However, they comprise arsenic, a human carcinogen and runoff from farm factories can contaminate meat and floor water. What does this inform us? Nature has a built in instinct that causes animals to avoid foods derived from unnatural sources, an ingenious characteristic. Nonetheless, we people seem to lack this genetic trait as we have been consuming just about every little thing we have been creating in regards to meals production, medication, chemicals and now GE and GM foods. Furthermore, this crucial inform-tale sign is being ignored and these poor animals are being pressured fed via tubes to ingest GE and GM food. How can this not disrupt the legal guidelines of nature when it is already turning into apparent? Because of this of those pressured fed strategies, animals already have turn into diseased or have died. Now let's add GE feed to this disgusting listing of the above elements regulation permits into feed already. They are stuffing these animals with absolutely anything and the whole lot that may be scooped up mulched and recycled into the most horrifying edible meals invention identified. They are often misunderstood creatures, that have a long history with humans that's antagonistic at best. Grey wolves were all but wiped out within the lower forty eight United States, though in recent times, breeding applications and strict laws concerning looking has helped gray wolf populations bounce again. Sadly, gray wolves didn't survive in Europe, but they will nonetheless be found in Alaska, Canada, and Asia - there are an estimated 50,000 to 60,000 wolves living in Canada alone. In 1980, wild purple wolves in the United Acknowledged became extinct. With a small variety of captured pink wolves, scientists were in a position to ascertain breeding programs after which efficiently reintroduced the animals in North Carolina. Today, purple wolves are dwelling within the southeastern U.S. Wolves dwell in households called packs that encompass a male, a female, and their pups which have been born several years earlier. Wolf plush could further curiosity a toddler after they be taught about the wolves social construction; they may be able to relate wolves back to their own family (father, mom, siblings).
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