#when i first started i joined a journalling facebook group and that really discouraged me bc those ppl had been doing it for a while and
violentdevotion · 1 year
your journal pics have inspired me to create my own :) so excited to start
that's wonderful to hear !!!! im so happy i could inspire anyone to do anything !!!! let alone aomething i felt was really beneficial to me and my memory.
a lot of my entries are Really rough looking and the reason im so behind on them is because I wasn't happy with how they were looking but in the long run Alhamdulillah it worked out bc I was freshly inspired.
idk if you'd want or need any advice but I'd say have a strictly informative journal just like in your phone notes app so you can have a pretty physical one. when I want to recall something i read in June 2021 the first place is check is my phone not this book but that's just how I use it, you could be different. I have another physical notebook I take everywhere with me that had my cinema tickets, to do lists, thoughts, appointments, passwords, doodles etc in it and the inside of that is UGLY !!!! but I value greatly and the second its all used up I'll get another one.
other than that the way you want to do it and the things you want to keep record of is entirely up to your preferences and if you ever wish to share it online or personally i would love to see it ❣️best of luck and thank you so much for letting me know this really made my day :))))
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
8 Ideas To Inspire Your Magic
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Avery Hart
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I know everyone loves the idea of witches who are super structured and committed to their practice. In our minds, the ideal witch is doing magic all the time, casting spells every few days, working with gods, doing magic every day, meditating like a boss, this witch supposedly has it all together. The problem is, I’ve never met one of these witches!
I’m sure they exist, somewhere, but as far as I can tell, the majority of witches fall into a very different camp. We do magic when we need it and are sometimes good and sometimes not about our daily magical practice. We might not meditate every day (or let's be honest, ever) and that’s IF our lives aren’t insanely busy at the moment. If things do get crazy busy? You can kiss the vast majority of that goodbye.
To a lot of people, in their minds, this makes them a bad witch. They don’t have that ideal practice so obviously, they’re just not giving it enough attention and being lazy. More often than not though, this isn’t the case! Our modern lives are busy and full of distraction. We’ve got jobs, and school, and partners, and kids, and hobbies, and friends, and, and, and… There’s hardly any time to breathe in between all of the other stuff we do, much less sit down for a half hour ritual!
I'm here to tell you that this is ok. Your life is important and unless you are planning to devote your entire life to witchcraft then nobody expects you to be pursuing it like it’s your Ph.D.
If you’ve been struggling with general life burnout and a lack of magical time, this is the blog post for you. Below you’ll find 8 ideas to inspire you to make your life a little more magical.
1. Do something simple
I know, this isn’t exactly groundbreaking but hear me out. A lot of the time when we’re discouraged about doing magic, we feel like we don’t have enough time to do magic that “counts”. This idea that magic has to take a lot of time or be drawn out to count as magic is unfortunately widespread. Have you ever wanted to do a spell and then when you realised you only had 10 minutes just decided to do it later and forgot all about it? Yeah? Quit that. Instead of putting off the spell until you have enough time, do an abbreviated version of it right now. 10 minutes of witchcraft may not be as potent as an hour-long ritual, but it’s still a hell of a lot more potent than not doing anything at all!
I don’t care how small your window of time is if you have ten minutes you can squeeze in a quick candle spell. In five minutes, you can charge a sigil or brew a cup of magical tea. In one minute you can grab a crystal to charge in your palm while you’re rushing out the door and if you only have 30 seconds you can pause, breathe in an intention that you want for your day and breathe out whatever is blocking you from getting it. Stop putting off magic because you don’t have enough time to do something big, the little stuff counts and it adds up to a life that is absolutely filled with magic!
2. Learn something brand new
Sometimes, our separation from magic is due to getting bored with our normal practice. I know, it’s practically sacrilege to say that magic can be boring but if you’re stuck doing the same routine over and over and over, trust me, it can lose that magical spark real quick. If boredom is what’s stopping you from practicing witchcraft, shake things up a bit! Go out and learn something totally new, whether that’s sigils magic, a new form of divination, or a technique you’ve never tried before, get out of your comfort zone and find something that makes you feel excited about your practice again!
3. Hang out with a witchy friend
If you’re just feeling uninspired about your craft, sometimes it can take a little bit of an outside nudge to get back into gear. One thing that nobody likes to admit about the craft is that sometimes it can feel really isolating. Chances are, the majority of your friends and family are not witches (if they are I need you to spill the secret to making that happen). This may not seem like such a bad thing at first but eventually, it can really wear on you. The people closest to you don’t share your worldview, your spiritual leanings, and many of them probably don’t even believe magic is real! Having to keep those things to yourself all the time can be incredibly draining and demoralising.
The solution is to make time to get out and be with like-minded people, grab your witchy friends and go grab coffee, loiter in your local metaphysical shop together, or hang out in a plant nursery and gush about how many of those adorable little herb plants you want.
4. No witchy friends? Go make some!
For those of you who are lacking witchy friends of any kind, figuring out where to find witches can be a struggle. Here are a few ways to get out there and start meeting like minded people.
Use meetup.com, search for local groups using terms such as witch, pagan, metaphysical, meditation, shaman, energy, goddess, and magic.
Check out your local metaphysical shop, crystal shop, or boutique herb shop. If they offer classes or social gatherings of any kind, consider attending.
Check out online groups. Facebook is full of pagan groups and if you’re in a very small town, online may be the most accessible way for you to go. Also check out what kinds of groups are present for your area though, many local temples and pagan groups host their meeting info on facebook.
Ask around. Again, hit up those metaphysical shops and ask the people who work there if they know of any groups you could join. The people working in these places are often really plugged into the local community and can help you get a foot in the door.
If it’s safe, talk to your friends and family about it as well. While they may not share your beliefs, they might know someone who does!
5. Pick up one new witchcraft habit
Humans are creatures of habit. The vast majority of our lives are dictated by a complex series of habits that we hardly ever even think about! If you really want to make witchcraft a daily thing, you have to make it a habit.
Habit forming can seem complex if you’re new to it but with a little bit of knowledge about how habits form, it becomes incredibly simple. Habits are made up of 3 key pieces. If you want to establish a new habit, you have to have all 3 pieces in place or the habit won't stick.
#1: The Cue - The cue is what tells your brain it’s time to initiate your new habit. This cue needs to be something you are already doing every day, maybe it’s right after breakfast or your morning shower, maybe you use the moment you get back to your desk after lunch, or maybe you work it into your nightly routine. Whatever you choose as your cue, make sure it’s something you already do every day and make sure that you use the same cue every time.
#2: The Habit - This is the actual habit that you want to create. Whether it’s writing in your journal, meditating for 3 minutes, lighting a candle for your gods, or stirring an intention into your coffee, this is when you want to perform whatever action you’re trying to incorporate into your daily routine.
#3: The Reward - The reward is a crucial step in habit formation! Lack of reward is the primary reason why new habits fail to persist. You absolutely must follow your new habit with something that makes you feel good. Now, for many of you, this reward will be built in. Maybe your reward is the caffeine you get from your now magical coffee, maybe it’s the sense of peace and calm you get from meditating, maybe it’s just the chance to get a moment of quiet in your workday but whatever it is it needs to be consistent. If you’re the kind of person who sometimes feels great after meditation and sometimes doesn’t, then that feeling cannot be your reward! You’ll have to pick something else to reward yourself with. Even if the reward is smiling to yourself and giving yourself a quick “Awesome job!” after completing your new habit, you must find some way to end the habit on a positive note. The last thing to keep in mind, this reward needs to be instantaneous! Don’t reward your habit with the promise of chocolate later in the day, if you want the habit to stick have the chocolate as soon as you’re done.
6. Get out in nature
Sometimes the bustle of life just kind of drowns out the magic. If you’ve ever gotten to the point where you’re so worn thin that you couldn’t have felt the energies necessary to work magic even if you wanted to, you know what I’m talking about. There are times when it feels like that world of magic that we all love so deeply is about a million miles away. When this happens, one of the best ways to reconnect is to get outside. You don’t have to carve out a ton of time to go out and be by yourself in nature, even just 10-15 minutes of walking with a friend in the park can really help to reconnect you to your witchy roots. Get out, experience the raw natural world around you and don’t try to force anything. If all you can do is take a few minutes to appreciate some pretty trees and get moving, that’s plenty. You don’t have to reach a state of ultra-connectedness on this walk, just get out and experience it without needing to rush off somewhere or battling distractions!
7. Spend some time curating witchy music
Music can be an amazing mood modulator. Creating a playlist of nothing but music that makes you feel really witchy can be a great way to jumpstart your witchy mood anytime you want to. It doesn’t have to be stereotypical pagan music, you can skip the Celtic music if it doesn’t make you feel like a witch, and Stevie Nicks does not have to have a place on your playlist unless it makes you feel magical. Personally, I love listening to instrumental guitar music like Chon or putting on some Florence + The Machine. The only thing that you need to take into consideration here is whether or not it makes you feel witchy! Whether it’s rap, top 40’s, or Gregorian chanting, it just needs to get you into a magical mood.
8. Re-read your favourite witchcraft book, or pick up a new one!
When I’m really feeling stuck in my craft this is my go-to. I’m a big reader and find that my moods and interests are often very responsive to what I’m reading at the moment. If you have a favourite witchcraft book that you love, pick it up and re-read it! If you’re not big on re-reading, find something new. It doesn’t have to be a “how to” manual about the craft, choosing fiction, memoirs, or even historical accounts can be so inspiring! Below I’ve listed some of my most recent favourites in case you need a recommendation to get you started.
The Physick Book Of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe - This book is a fictional account of a modern day witch discovering her magical heritage. It pulls heavily from pre-modern American witchcraft and is a very fun read for those of you who like witchy fiction.
Witches Of America by Alex Mar - Witches of America is a memoir of the authors exploration of American witchcraft. She explores a myriad of subcultures including Feri, the origins of Wicca, and Thelema all while weaving a compelling narrative of personal growth.
A Great And Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray - The first in a trilogy of novels, this time set in 1895 England. This is a far less traditional approach to fictional magic but the magic, intruige, and danger that underpin the story make it a gripping tale and no less inspiring for the modern day with.
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The advice shared here will teach you how to get more fit and how to do it right. It's crucial that you learn about fitness prior to exercising so that you can avoid injuries or doing something improperly due to not knowing beforehand. Spend some time researching fitness before starting your workouts. Lifting weights is the most common way people use to try to achieve their fitness goals. However, if the thought of weights is not appealing to you you can maintain an excellent fitness level by practicing six simple exercises. These include leg raises, squats, pull ups, push ups, bridges, and handstand push ups. A good tip to keeping in good shape is joining a health club and when you do, pay for a few months upfront. Not using your membership could make you feel guilty, and more likely to attend. This is a good way make yourself exercise more often. If you are lacking in motivation regarding your fitness, set some goals! This encourages you to stay focused on defeating obstacles rather than becoming overwhelmed by their difficulty. Having a goal will discourage you from giving up on your fitness program and help you to think of it as an ongoing project which you have not completed yet. Seek a variety of workouts so that you stay interested and committed. If you keep it fresh you will find something you want to focus on and inspire you to go to the gym. Try dancing or take a yoga class. Endure a kickboxing or boot camp session. If you don't like a class, you don't have to go back, and you will have burned some calories. Document every step. This includes all of your exercises, food, and beverages. You may even find including the day's weather to be helpful. You will later begin to pick out certain patterns. If you couldn't work out for a couple days, write down why. It's a great idea to jot down a few notes about your day's exercise in a fitness journal. Be inclusive; you should note down not just your scheduled workouts but also any extra opportunities you had to be physically active. Purchase a pedometer and record your steps into your diary as well. Having a written record will help you track your progress as you work towards your goal. Wear whatever you feel most comfortable in during workouts. If you go to a gym, you may feel tempted to wear certain things but ignore that. The clothing you wear should permit you to move freely without embarrassment. Proper clothing is essential to help you concentrate on exercise and not on ancillary matters. Running is a great exercise but can also damage your body if practiced for a long time. To help prevent the negative effects, you should reduce your mileage to half of the normal miles during one week, every six weeks. Reducing the distance to only half of what you are used to gives your body the opportunity to recover and helps you avoid any permanent damage that could occur. Some mistakenly believe they can work their abs every day. Doing so for this particular group of muscles is not recommended. Like other muscles, you should rest your abs periodically. Wait two or three days between each ab workout. Look around for different exercises that you can regularly do, there is a lot to do out there. Find what works for you. It is so easy to find a workout regimen that you will like doing. Fitness is one of those great topics which piques your interest and makes you eager to keep learning more.
Obtaining Help On Core Aspects In Canada
Photo by Courtesy, NARA. Beginning in the 1870s, federal officials in Canada and the U.S. removed Native children into off-reservation boarding schools, where they were forced to give up their languages, clothing and long hair. Even today, some public school systems , prisons and some workplaces still require Native Americans to cut their hair. Conrad Eagle Feather, a Sicangu Lakota living on South Dakota’s Rosebud Reservation, recalls taking a job for an organization in California. “I wanted to grow my hair out, but long hair was a violation of the company’s grooming standards,” he said. “I even had a spiritual leader go explain to them why it was important for me to wear long hair. But they said ‘No.’” After the company altered policy to allow a non-Native man to wear a beard, Eagle Feather enlisted the help of a legal organization and ultimately won the right to grow his hair. Michael Linklater, a Nehiyaw (Cree) from Thunderchild First Nation in Saskatchewan, Canada, and a 3-on-3 pro basketball world champion, says he was harassed as a child for wearing his hair in braids. “A lot of people who see indigenous men or boys with long hair see strength, and they see power. And it makes them uncomfortable. So, they feel the need to bring those people down,” he said. Two years ago, after his own boys confessed to being bullied, Linklater decided to take action. In early 2016, he created a Facebook page that has since become a social movement — Boys With Braids . “There needed to be a platform to foster pride in these young men, give them a voice and create some awareness on the issue,” he said, expressing hopes that the movement can put an end to bullying.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.voanews.com/a/native-americans-canadas-first-peoples-fight-to-keep-hair-long/4199671.html
Follow These Tips To Make Yourself A Better Basketball Player
Are you interested in basketball, but wish you knew more about the sport? It's not just you! Few people know what it takes to shoot, pass, and block like professional players. This article is going to teach you some of the things that the pros know. If you want to excel, you have to play to your strengths. Your best talent may not make you the star of every game, but learning to play your best angle will help you contribute more to the team. Ask others to help you identify your strengths and practice until you fully master these skills. Watching the pros play is a great way to see how great basketball players use their skills in the game. You can follow the pros in online videos, on TV and you can also attend a basketball game if there is a pro team in your area. You'll see that every great player has specific skills that cause them to be great and you have the opportunity to practice what you're watching them do. Perform skills, practice your ball handling and shoot free throws when you are practicing alone. You may not always be able to find someone to play with you. That is okay. There are many ways that you can improve your game alone. You can practice many different techniques, such as your free throw routine. There's always some work to do. It is best to take a break if you sustain an injury while playing. You can easily tear a muscle or even break a finger while playing. Trying to play while injured will just make your situation worse. Be sure to seek medical care if you have a serious injury. Ask fellow team members what they like about your skills on the court. Is there something that you excel at? Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will allow you to develop your skills to become an all around better player. Determine what others like about your game and fine tune those skills. Always be aware of where you have your feet and what you are going to do with them next. Just touching the baseline is going to get you called out of bounds. The ball will be turned over on a walking call if too many steps are taken with no dribble action. Also, moving either foot when trying to set a screen, pick or take a charge results in a foul call. In order to become better at dribbling the ball you should learn how to practice using your weak hand. You will be able to get past your opponent more easily if you can use either hand to dribble the ball. Force yourself to not use your stronger hand. Your weak hand won't be that for long! A good basketball drill to perform is to see if you can get the ball down the entire court in 5 or less dribbles. This may be difficult in the beginning, but if you manage it, you'll be a force to be reckoned with. This is a vital skill to give you points on fast break opportunities. Use your hand to create a barrier between the ball and your opponent. Don't push your opponent because that is a foul; however, you may use your free arm to create a barrier that keeps your opponent away from the ball. Keep this hand up as you're dribbling the ball with the other. In the final analysis, perhaps you enjoyed basketball before, but now you really understand it. However, after you've gathered additional knowledge about the game through this article, maybe you feel like getting out on the court and being a pro yourself. Now, use these tips and get on the court!
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