#when he had the infection. but tbh even now he usually has his eyes semi shut so when he opens them in suprise (like here)
feluka · 7 months
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noor struck an interesting pose today
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weafurry · 2 years
For the fanfic ask game, I ask: 💖🏅 and 🖊 :>
Oooo! Ok!
For what I like most about my writing, in general I'd say I feel like I have a really tight grasp on how to convey emotion. Characters emotions and thoughts are undoubtedly my favorite thing to write. I just love worming my way inside a characters head and going to town. But that's as a general statement.
The thing I REALLY like about my writing is, when I actually get focused I feel like I really can get a certain tone/rythm/flow whatever you wanna call it down on paper and those usually end up being my favorite scenes. I absolutely adore when your reading something and you naturally just slip into reading it dramatically with a lot of emotion and a really nice rythm to it. And for me sometimes I'll just end up blacking out (/hj that is what it feels like at times tbh) and the next thing I know I have something like that in front of me.
For something recent that I'm proud of, besides just the snippet I'm gonna share, I feel like I have gotten a lot better about catching grammar and syntax errors.(semi-colons still fucking terrify me though) It's always really annoying because I'll know something is an error but I just won't notice it, that has been happening less lately though so that's nice.
Ok! Now, for the snippet, I feel like I should explain the fic a little, basically it's the first (and longest) installment in an extremely self indulgent au. I have two au's one I have barely any info on but I know I want to have an actual plot, and this one (which I've dubbed From Cinders and Ash)
Basically the fic is going through the events after the infection starts spilling out of the black egg. There's a lot of scenes in this I'm proud of, specifically a scene with the infection as well as a conversation between PK and Seer, but those are waaaaaay too long to put here. Besides I just. Adore this little part so fucking much. I still wanna reword some of it but. Just. I'm so proud of it.
"He stood before The Soul Sanctum's entrance. Head angled upward, gaze fixed on the ornate arch. Ogrim just behind him.
"Your majesty, do you wish for me to follow you inside?"
The king turned around to meet his knight's eyes.
He knew he probably looked horrible; he didn't have any robes without void staining the sleeves anymore, the glow that he usually had to consciously dim was just a soft and slow flicker at its brightest, the constant chills, shakes, and empty feeling in his gut were distracting at best. Even without the heavy feeling in his eyes he'd be able to tell just how exhausted he was from the occasional figures in the corners of his vision. He'd still chosen to do this today though. And yet..
He felt his heart twist.
The look on Ogrim's face.
He hadn't noticed it till now, but, The deep, visceral, concern etching itself onto every feature and into every crevice. The practically pleading look in his eyes. Even for a bug who wears his heart on his sleeve, the sheer intensity of his expression…
It was almost enough to get the wyrm to turn tail, to go home and rest. To actually get some sleep and fill his stomach, agreeing to do this another day.
"No, I will be alright. You can go home if you wish." "
There's more I really like after that but I'm still editing around the wording
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A/N: Am reposting two of my shelved discontinued fem!Hinata fics from my old blog here (for exposure ig? Also I didn't delete them completely there, they're just posted privately lol); for those who've read the original post before and wondering why this blog repost another blog's work, supplies~!! OP here, filling this blog with some Haikyuu content from last October. Enjoy ^^;; ALSO DO NOT SEND HATE ORZ smh
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My Masterlist
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Prologue | 01 | Omake 01
tho it doesn't looked like an extra chapter at all smh ahaha
Omake 01
wc: 1.9k words
warning: mentions of thigh touching (and probs kidnapping but not implied), a bit of OOC-ness, a few ‘damn’ mentions.
note: indented paragraphs -> flashbacks
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*NOTE: since purple/violet is unavailable via PC (using desktop beta lol), I'll use yellow for Ushijima instead.
A female’s voice continued calling her from her deep slumber.
The faint smell of ammonia wafted in the air.
Eyelids slowly opened as she regained consciousness.
“Ah, thank goodness you’re awake now, Hina-chan!”
“Yachi-san?” She groggily glanced at her friend.
“I’ll tell the others she’s awake!” Suddenly, the owner of that voice earlier, Date Tech’s manager, Nametsu Mai, stood up and headed outside the door. Yachi nodded her thanks.
“W-what happened… Where am I? Is this not our—the managers’—room?” she asked.
Hinata started to sit up from where she was laying but wobbled.
Luckily, Yachi and their second-year senpai Kinoshita Hisashi helped her out and gently positioned their fellow member on one corner of the classroom-slash-makeshift sleeping area.
Her senpai sheepishly replied to Hinata, “This is Date Tech’s sleeping quarters. We were having our first practice match of the day, against them, when Sugawara-san called to inform that they’ve found you together with Shiratorizawa, and their captain carried you on—“
The decoy shivered, thinking about the restroom incident hours ago.
“—and fainted on Ushijima’s shoulder. Ma~n, Suga-san’s so furious back then Kageyama had to stop him from killing them.” Kinoshita chuckled.
“Your room’s kinda far away from where they found you, so the managers decided to drop you off here since it’s the nearest one.”
Hinata sweatdropped, a bit embarrassed.
“Ah… thank you, and sorry for whatever inconvenience I have caused earlier…”
Yachi shook her head. “No, no, it’s fine! You’ve done nothing wrong, Hina-chan~,” she grinned at the orange-haired girl.
Smiled back also.
Then she suddenly facepalmed. “I forgot about the practice match! Is it still going yet?”
“It finished an hour ago, we lost—2-1,” a scowling Kageyama answered, trudging towards the three.
“K-k-kageyama…!!!” the female middle blocker blanched with fear, hands gripping the blanket draped on her lap, while the raven-haired setter shot a menacing glare at her, which she averted. “I’m… I’m sorry for—“
“Are you alright?” he quietly asked Hinata, his hand perched on her head.
His deep blue eyes swimming with concern and worry.
She felt a slight flush on her cheeks while meeting his gaze.
“H-hai, I’m fine!” the chibi assured Kageyama. “Nothing to worry about, Bakayama-kun~!”
And she smiled at him.
The boy suddenly became hot and turned to look away from her, hiding his flustered face with the back of his hand.
“H-hinata boke… idiot,” Kageyama stuttered, his heart thumping louder than normal.
Ahh… he sure is whipped for Hinata, that Kageyama boy, Kinoshita thought, shaking his head.
While their blonde manager only giggled.
Recovering from his blushing mess a while ago, the raven-haired setter took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes at Hinata and quipped.
“But I guess you do know that we lost in the match earlier because of your carelessness around your surroundings, right, dumbass?”
He smirked.
This pissed the female decoy and threw in some punches at Kageyama, which he constantly dodged. “Shut up, you!! I said I’m sorry, alright?!”
“No, you did not!”
“Yes, I did, Bakayama!”
There goes their ‘lovers’ quarrel’ again… hahaha…
“Hinata!” Sugawara’s sweet voice boomed inside the room as he entered together with their team’s captain Sawamura Daichi. Beside them tagged along Hinata’s friend from Date Tech, fellow middle blocker Aone Takanobu.
“Ah, Sugawara-san!” The first-year idiot duo stopped their bickering when the gray-haired setter all of a sudden hugged her.
Hc’d Suga and Hinata are chummy-chummy but in a mother/daughter sort of way.
He is, after all, Karasuno’s Sugamama.
“Honey, are you alright now? Did those Shiratorizawa bastards hurt you? Don’t lie to me!” She blinked in reply, baffled.
He might cry in an instant now—
“Oi, Suga, calm down,” Daichi said, drawing circles at the fellow third-year’s back to calm him down.
Aone then stepped closer besides Hinata and sat with his legs crossed, his eyes gazing at hers like Kageyama’s.
“Are you okay?” he asked her, his deep voice nearly startled both Hinata, Yachi and Kinoshita.
Date Tech’s one-third of the famous Iron Wall is a man of few words, and his replies were mostly grunts, hand gestures, and nods.
So it’s rare for him to speak, or ask a question, especially to a member of the opposite sex—or, in this case, at Karasuno’s Number 10. At Hinata Shouyou.
She held both hands at Aone’s now flustered cheeks, and grinned.
“I’m okay now, Aone-san! Don’t worry too much~ nn?” She tilted her head while looking at him.
C-cute… she’s cute, No-Eyebrows thought to himself. Even the other boys thought so, too.
Then he nodded.
Hinata patted his shoulders. “Good!”
Ahhh the power of friendship, feat. AoHina—
“Say, Hina-chan,” Yachi looked at the orange-haired girl. “Care to say to us why you fainted on Ushijima-san’s shoulder?”
The chibi stilled herself, cheeks starting to get a bit red. Kageyama noticed it.
“A-a-ano!! H-hinata-chan, it’s o-okay if you d-don’t have to tell us! S-sorry for asking such a foolish q-question—“
“Yachi-san, calm yourself down, too—,” the captain sweatdropped.
Looking at the people around her, Hinata slowly opened her mouth to speak.
“My thighs are kind of ticklish when being touched,” she muttered, face in an embarrassed state.
“Ha?” “Ticklish?”
“He—Ushijima-san touched the back of my thighs, but just to keep myself from falling down his shoulder!” the female middle blocker said aloud, pouting. “That’s why I… f-fainted earlier.”
Her partner remembered the face she made while being carried on Ushijima Wakatoshi’s shoulder.
“USHIJIMA-SA—hyaah! …P-please… stop—“
A vein pop ticked on the raven-haired setter’s face, his jawline twitching slightly.
Kageyama’s fists gripped hard, his face a big scowling mess.
Damn that Ushiwaka guy—
Another dark aura emitted on another corner as vein pops ticked on both Dadchi and Sugamama.
Wearing their scary faces.
Both Hinata, Yachi and Kinoshita panicked, while Aone furrowed his brows.
“Did you bring some shovels, Daichi?”
“They’re inside the bus compartment, Suga.”
“Good. We’re digging some graves for some perverted volleyball dorks to bury down later—wanna help us, Kageyama?”
Meanwhile, at Shiratorizawa’s side of the training camp, the members were at the sidelines, taking a break from practice when—
“ACHOO!!!” Tendou sniffled for the nth time already ever since coming back to the gym with Ushijima after the incident with Karasuno’s Number 10. “Uh, yizz…”
“Tendou-san, are you really alright?” their team’s first-year ace-in-the-making Goshiki Tsutomu asked, his face scrunched with worry. “You’re sneezing constantly.”
The redhead shook it off with a wave of his hand in reply, and smiled grimly.
“Yeah, I’m a-OK, thanks for your concern, Tsutomu-kun!”
“Oi, are you sick?” Shiratorizawa’s team mom third-year setter Semi Eita stared at his fellow third-year teammate with disgust. “If you are, please stay away from us! We don’t wanna get infected by your cold… Goshiki, don’t go near him!” “Eh? But, senpai—“
Tendou narrowed his eyes on him. “Semi-Semi, if I do have a cold, I will first go straight at ya and share my germs, duh!”
“DON’T CALL ME BY THAT STUPID NICKNAME, YOU IDIOT!” the team mom seethed, throwing a pack of tissues at the middle blocker in reply, hitting his arm.
A quarrel ensued at Shiratorizawa—
“Okay, guys, that’s enough! Save your bickering later at lunch period,” another third-year, Oohira Reon, chided and managed to stop both Tendou and Semi from tearing off their heads.
While the rest of the team just sighed and/or watched at a distance.
“Ano sa…”
Some of them turned their heads at the semi-deep voice of second-year starting setter Shirabu Kenjiro.
Idk how to describe voice ranges ‘cept high-pitch, deep blah blah sorry—
“Tendou-san, you mentioned earlier that you and Ushijima-san met Karasuno’s Number 10, right?”
“Aye~ we have!” the redhead then nudged Ushijima, who was sitting near him, on the side. “Right, Wakatoshi-kun?”
He nodded. “Un. We met Hinata Shouyou early this morning, outside the gym.”
“EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! You two met that cute sunshine already upon arrival!?!!” Both their libero, Yamagata Hayato, and middle blocker, Kawanishi Taichi, squawked at their captain.
Their faces looked like (‘◉⌓◉’), with Kawanishi gripping the collar of Shirabu’s shirt, shaking wildly.
“T-taichi, stop shaking me, goddammit—!” Whack!
Said second-year middle blocker started to wail in a dramatic way.
Dunno how to grasp Kawanishi’s personality here tbh so stfu dejk—
“We were about to bring her here back though…” Then Ushijima’s usual stoic face darkened a bit.
“…if only those Karasuno setters didn’t show up.”
“Ah, that Kageyama guy and their vice-captain, isn’t it? Number 2?” Shirabu pointed out. “That guy’s really scary even though he has the face of an angel; their captain also.”
Oohira asked, “Wait… so you two attempted to kidnap the girl?”
“No, no, ‘kidnapping’ will only cause us trouble,” Tendou said, waving his hand in a disapproving way.
“Let’s call it ‘luring her with some sweets then put her inside a potato sack’—“
“ARE YOU A DOWNRIGHT LOLICON!?!!” Semi screamed straight at the Guess Monster’s face, pissed at his earlier statement.
Tendou vs Semi, Round 2–
“I-I heard from Date Tech’s Koganegawa-san that Hinata-chan fainted on you, Ushijima-san,” Goshiki stammered, red tinge on both his cheeks due to embarrassment, maybe? “Is that true?”
Ushiwaka nodded curtly. “Ye—“
“EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SHE DID WHAAAAAAAAAAT!?!!” Both Yamagata and Kawanishi squawked again, interrupting his response.
Their faces now looked like (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾, with Kawanishi again gripping the collar of Shirabu’s shirt, shaking wildly.
“KAWANISHIIIIII!” An uppercut.
Chaos ensued inside the Shiratorizawa Academy (High School Division) Men’s Volleyball Club.
Their captain declared to himself, his olive-colored eyes shone with determination:
We will take Hinata Shouyou here, in Shiratorizawa. She should have (come here). Whatever the consequences be.
How did the supposed-to-be ‘rumor’ begin? It all started when…
“Aaaarrrggghhh!! This is not right, Ryuu!”
“Huh? What d’you mean ‘not right’, Noya?”
“I want to sit next to our cute kouhai Shouyou on the bus earlier, but it’s always that bastard Kageyama who gets to sit beside her!! Hnnnnnngh—!!! He gets to touch Shouyou’s hair whenever she dozes off, or place her head on his shoulder to sleep on! Or-or maybe even take a candid shot of her sleeping cutely—dammit!!! This is frustrating!!!!!”
“Ahhh~ I know how you feel, bro! I, too, want to sit next to our precious Hinata-chan on the bus! B-but… Noya, what about Kiyoko-san?”
“Ryuu bro, our loyalty is always on our beautiful goddess Kiyoko-san—BUT SHE’S DIFFERENT FROM SHOUYOU! Our kouhai is literally the epitome of a living sunshine~! She cures our blues away! Remember that time during our match with Wakunan, when you were kind of down about Daichi-san’s injury then Shouyou suddenly hugged and peppered you with words of encouragement?”
“Oh, yeah! It calmed my senses down… and also! Remember when you came back from your suspension, and me and Hinata noticed bruises—“
idk I really need to refresh my HQ knowledge by rereading the whole manga orz—
“—on your arms? Ma~n, she freaked out and began applying those with some ointment she had in her bag. And you told me later that time Hinata’s hands were very soft even though she spiked and blocked so many balls in her lifetime? Also that expression on your face! So priceless!”
“Ahhhh~ I wanna touch Shouyou’s soft hands again longer! Not just a high five—but holding hands!”
“Me too~ Damn, I wish there’d be some kind of (rotational?) seating arrangement whenever we’re on the bus, traveling to matches and stuff…”
“Ryuu! Noya! Heya!”
“Tora! Our shitty (city) boy from Tokyo—wassup!”
“We can’t wait to play another game against you guys later! ww”
“Same here!”
“Ah, what are you guys talking about?”
“Eh? Shrimpy-chan? What about her?”
“It’s like this….—“
The two crows and mohawked cat walked their way inside the camp premises, talking.
Unbeknownst to them, two eagles accidentally eavesdropped on the earlier conversation.
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thethrillof · 4 years
For the ask meme, I'm curious on your own interpretations of Sephiroth! If you'd prefer perhaps a less cliché suggestion, maybe The Hollow Knight? Or both!
all good \o/
under a cut b/c a bit long!
the hollow knight:
First impression
tbh, i looked up the entire plot to hollow knight on tvtropes before looking at any part of the game itself, never expecting to give a damn. so i thought oh, they’re sad and a little scary-looking...and that’s about it.
Impression now
baby. they were doing their best. they were loyal and trying so fucking hard. the shit they went through is so terribly upsetting and i love them so much.
Favorite moment
when their shade shows up to help the little knight to finally end the radiance.
Idea for a story
HMM. hollow meeting everybody in dirtmouth, ending up basically being adopted by iselda and cornifer and accidentally terrorizing the hell out of poor elderbug for the first few months.
Unpopular opinion
while it’s not unpopular, it is divisive: the idea that they wouldn’t blame the pale king for his fucked up plan and being angry at him, instead turning it into self-hatred and a sense of failure unless someone else steps in. 
Favorite relationship
i like their familial relationship--or the potential for one--with their siblings. (ship-wise, i’m pretty apathetic.)
Favorite headcanon
the World Sense the pale king left ‘em and the infection wiring everybody with the radiance and so the hollow knight too...has given them a lot of weird habits and knowledge. a lot. they absolutely know what mushrooms are good to eat, even though they’ve never been to that part of hallownest. if someone lead ‘em through greenpath and they were stressed out, they’d immediately dunk their body in leaves like a moss knight, etc etc. 
First impression
my genuine first impressions were from collecting information over paying a tiny bit of attention to gaming stuff in general over the past couple decades, and was skewed a bit by thinking final fantasy was for a younger crowd than it actually is. i thought Sephiroth worked for a company called Jenova, was a solider alongside Cloud as an equal, and ended up going off after being experimented on and given wings, and that he lost one of ‘em by probably getting ripped off by Cloud. also i knew he had the one-winged angel theme iconic and a lot of people think he’s a very badass and scary boss villain. 
my more solidly recent “first” impression that i feel counts was the smash bros. trailer, where i was impressed and like “oh, he’s cool! neat, i’m going to actually pay attention to this guy.”
Impression now
okay yeah he is impressively powerful, but oh my god. oh my god. i had no clue the dude was such a fucking wreck, man. his life was such a pile of trauma. he is such a desperate, lonely person who was puppeted and used his entire life. holy fuck. i love him. i want him to have a friend
Favorite moment
the expanded reactor scene in crisis core. watching his life fully fall apart and him fall apart too. very painful and fascinating to watch.
also, his entire smash reveal trailer tbh, seeing as i probs wouldn’t have given him another glance otherwise.
Idea for a story
hmm. i’m not actually familiar enough with all of the FF7 canon to not just parrot a million fics i’de read, so sticking to smash: being forced into semi-sane and weaker state by the Hands for a chance to actually participate in the tournament aspect (and not kill everyone), slowly falling apart again internally as he has a chance to be himself while acting like his usual unsettling calamity’s son on the outside, and accidentally forming bonds with other smashers when they see through the act. bowser in particular, since he’s a very hammy villain, but also has big Dad Instinct and he deserves a good dad figure. can’t do fuckin worse than hojo amirite
Unpopular opinion
i don’t actually think it matters whether or not jenova was a sentient being responsible for manipulating sephiroth, or if jenova was fully taken over by sephiroth’s will--either way, he was goddamn sick. it doesn’t matter. diseases, viruses, parasites in general will fuck up peoples’ senses and reasonability even if they’re not goddamn space magic and i think arguing it’s all sephiroth’s fault is ignoring this.
also, as much as i enjoy angsty fic about it, i don’t think he actually grew up in the labs. i feel like it would’ve twigged that he was more than “a special existence” if he was blatantly used as a lab rat for most of his life.
Favorite relationship
sephiroth and cloud, absolutely. 
Favorite headcanon
man i love the one where his eyes expand like a cat’s when spotting something intensely interesting.
in more seriousness, really do not imagine the guy with any fragment of life outside of shinra. no experience with things past missions for the company, to the point of not really having casual clothes.
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All About Alice
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of hospitals, nose-bleeds, death, bullying, and homophobia. (More in depth mention of psychological disorders and treatment considered to be torture, such as electroshock therapy.)
Basic Information
Full Name: Alice Liddel
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 23
Date of Birth: March 30th
Hometown: London, England (Alternate Universe)
Current Location: Swynlake, England
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: British
Culture: UK
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She / Her
Orientation: Pan/Polysexual/romantic
Occupation: Creative Expert at Edelweiss Estate
Magick: Portal Manipulation
Living Arrangements: Lives at Edelweiss Estate
Language(s) Spoken: English, French
Accent: “Proper/Posh” British
Religion and Beliefs: Alice is a bit agnostic. She was raised Presbyterian, but never bought into it. It all sounded like a story to her, as do most other religions. Who is she to say who got the story of the literal universe correct?
Political Affiliation: Liberal
Social Issues: Alice believes in equality for all, and will fight for it when any opportunity arises.
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Freya Mavor
Complexion: Lots of freckles, with the occasional spot of acne once a month or so
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5′7
Weight: 121 lbs
Build: Slim
Tattoos: None (But wants one- or two- no need to count!)
Piercings: Basic ear piercings
Scars: Alice has some scars on her hands, elbows, and knees from accidents when she was younger and would try to explore. They’re fairly minor and mostly healed. She also has a scar near her right eyebrow from where she hit the pavement after passing out upon coming to Swynlake, and some tiny scars around her wrists from fighting restraints in the hospital. 
Common Hairstyle: Mostly Alice just let’s her hair do what it’s going to do. She runs a brush through it and just leaves it however it is, which isn’t exactly crazy, but it’s definitely a natural wavy, full head of hair. Occasionally she’ll straighten or curl it, and might even wear a braid or some ribbons in her hair, but that’s mostly if she’s getting dressed up for an event or something similar. 
Clothing Style: Quirky. Alice likes clothes that speak. (I could say that’s metaphorical, but Alice really does feel like she hears things speaking to her sometimes, so.) Anything that’s considered alternative or different or out-of-date calls to Alice. Basically, she has a unique sense of fashion made up from random finds in thrift shops and the like. 
Mannerisms: Alice tucks her hair behind her ears a lot. It’s just sort of a quirk, she’s always trying to get her hair out of her face. She’s also restless, so her leg will bounce if she’s sitting still for too long. 
Usual Expression: Curious and tentatively optimistic!
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Overall (do they get sick easily?): Alice is actually pretty healthy. She only gets really sick maybe once a year. Other than that, she just has pretty bad seasonal allergies that can sometimes develop into colds or sinus infections.
Physical Ailments: Nose-bleeds and loss of consciousness upon excessive use of her abilities
Neurological Conditions: She’s been misdiagnosed with a slew of different mental illnesses due to her claiming she had magic in a world where it didn’t exist. In reality, Alice has Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, and it is likely she has NOS (Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) as well.
Allergies: Seasonal weather allergies
Sleeping Habits: Alice can fall asleep literally any time, anywhere. It’s been a problem in the past - falling asleep during lessons or in the car - and can still sometimes cause trouble to this day. Alice loves her sleep, and so she loves to nap. She just has such a hard time waking up. She never feels fully rested. (This is due to nightmares that reek havoc on her when she’s been asleep for more than a few hours, though she can never recall them when she finally wakes.)
Grooming Habits: She takes good care of herself. She loves sleep, she loves bathing, and she enjoys painting her nails when she has the time and patience for it. Alice doesn’t go out of her way to participate in skin-care or go beyond what is necessary to stay clean, though.
Eating Habits: Not only is Alice a picky eater, but she also eats like a bird. She has never had a particularly large appetite, and her mother always yelled at her for “playing with her food.” (Okay, so half of the time in her mother’s defense, Alice was literally playing with her food.) 
Exercise Habits: Alice likes to bike! It’s her most frequent form of exercise, since she doesn’t go out of her way to use a gym or anything.
Emotional Stability: Ask, and Alice will tell you very sternly that she is perfectly normal and emotionally stable, thank you very much. The truth is, however, she is anything but. Below any positive emotion, there is always a layer of brimming anxiety, threatening to push her into a polar opposite emotion. She tries to keep level-headed because she hates being labeled as “crazy,” but when she snaps, she snaps big.
Sociability: Alice is naturally curious, so she’s very sociable. She thinks that everyone is interesting in their own light, and everyone has a story to tell. And she wants to hear them all!
Body Temperature: She gets cold easily, and loves to bundle up. 
Addictions: Easily addicted to alcohol and other substances once exposed, though she currently has no specific addictions.
Drug Use: Marijuana, the occasional opioid 
Alcohol Use: She drinks to excess whenever she has the excuse to. 
Archetype: The Explorer
Positive Traits: Creative, curious, sensitive, unique
Negative Traits: Guarded, stubborn, flighty, distracted
Good Habits: Taking care of things around the house; going to sleep at the same time every night
Bad Habits: Sleeping too much, not eating enough, not cleaning her room or things often enough
Goals/Desires: Alice honestly just wants to live life and see where she ends up, she doesn’t really strive for anything in particular other than to make friends and be happy.
Weakness: Her magic, particularly the fact that it gives her nose-bleeds and can cause her to lose consciousness
Fears/Phobias: People thinking she’s crazy, being thrown into an asylum or mental institution, being experimented on, etc
Secrets: That she has magic, and she is from another world. That she spent time locked up in a mental institution. 
Regrets: Alice regrets being so stubborn about the fact that she has magic. She feels like if she had just tried to ignore it or listened when they told her it wasn’t real, or something, she might not have had to endure all of the things that she did. 
Proud Of: Her strength to keep trudging on after all she’s been through
Embarrassed By: Her toothy grin and sometimes her freckles, too, though she’s learning to love them
Attitude: Curious and realistic. She hopes for the best, but expects the worst in most situations.
Pet Peeves: Arrogance, mistreatment of others, lying
Inner Conflicts: For her entire life, Alice has been told that her magic is not real, and has had to hide it. Now that she’s in a world where magic exists and is sometimes even celebrated, Alice is very at war with how to feel about her own abilities.
Motivation: To be happy and normal, but an interesting enough person.
Hobbies: Reading, painting, writing, baking, partying, adventure, etc.
Talents/Skills: Alice doesn’t really think she’s a good painter because she just kind of let’s her hands take over, but she is actually pretty good in an alternative sort of way. She is a very skilled and knowledgeable lock-picker.
Intelligence: Alice is book-smart, having grown up with knowledge at her fingertips and a need to learn things beyond school curriculum. 
Driving Style: Awful. Don’t let her on the roads, she’ll get you killed.
Favorites, Likes, and Dislikes
Weather: Alice honestly tries to make the most out of any weather, but she does love herself a beautiful, semi-cloudy afternoon.
Color: Yellow
Music: Indie, electropop, edm
Movies: She can’t sit still long enough to watch them, honestly
TV Shows: She really likes cartoons?? Adult and children shows alike; she likes shows like American Dad but also Adventure Time, for example
Books: Action/adventure or fantasy books are her go-tos!
Magazines: She finds magazines cliche and ridiculous, tbh
Sport: She doesn’t play any, though she’ll watch things like Rugby or Roller Derby for entertainment
Beverage: Tea, tea, and more tea
Food: She’s a big fan of sandwiches and pastries
Animals: Cats and rodents (i.e: hamsters, mice, gerbils, etc)
Quote: “One of the biggest lies we are told is that art has to be pretty and that it has to mean something. Sometimes art’s purpose is just being. It is alright if that is your purpose too.”
School Subject: History
Possession: Her father’s pocket-watch, which she was so relieved to find in and pull through a glimmer one day in Edelweiss Manor 
Websites: She’s just getting used to instagram
Favorite Toy or Game: Growing up she used to always love to play hide and seek. It was her absolute favorite - especially when no one knew she was playing. She liked it when people found her and seemed worried, even if it was only temporary and they got angry afterwards. Alice has also always been very good at chess as well as card games.
Father: Thomas Liddel (FC: Dennis Quaid)  [DECEASED]
Mother: Samantha Liddel (FC: Michelle Pfeiffer) 
Father’s Occupation: Owner and CEO of Ascot Trading Industries
Mother’s Occupation: Homemaker
Siblings: None (That she knows of.)
Birth Order: Only
Children: None
Other Close Family: None
Pet: None 
Family’s Financial Status: Extremely Wealthy
Relationship With Family: Alice loved her father, and was very much a “Daddy’s Girl.” She missed him when he was away on long trips and always ran into his arms when he returned, sucking up as much time with him as she could before he had to leave again. Her relationship with her mother was far more strained, as her mother was always nit-picking everything about her and coming down on her too harshly. Once her mother sold off her father’s company following his death and started forcing her to seek mental help for what was in actuality Alice’s magical abilities, their relationship was effectively ruined forever.
Home Life During Childhood: As a child, Alice got picked on a lot by her peers. She remembers her parents loving her and finding her stories of another world amusing until she started to get older. Mostly, Alice remembers being alone quite a lot though, and feeling awfully lonely.
Bedroom Through The Years: Alice’s bedroom in her family home has always been the same. Very pristine with elegant furnishings and little personal decor. When she turned ten, however, she got to pick out new bedding, and chose a fluffy white duvet with blue and yellow flowers sprawled all over it, and matching pillows.  Her bedroom in Edelweiss Estate is much more personal. Plants and artwork everywhere, lots of books and journals, little trinkets, etc. It’s very light and cozy.
Best Memory: She has a vivid memory of her family taking her on a picnic when she was very, very little. They were in a field of flowers, and her mother read to Alice and her father while they ate and made commentary here and there.
Worst Memory: The death of her father, her mother selling her father’s company, various “treatments” by doctors and psychiatrists. However, by far the worst memory is what she can remember of receiving electroshock therapy. 
Type of Student: Alice is extremely easily distracted, but with the right teacher (or the most strict) she was very focused and did well. 
Extra Curricular Activities: N/A
Best Subject: History
Worst Subject: Math
Popular or Loner: Loner. Even before Alice begun getting home-schooled, she was bullied and harassed a lot by her peers for her looks and her weird stories and claims to have “magic.”
Schooling: She never finished her schooling, really, since her father died during the last year of schooling and everything begun to spiral out of control after that.
Current Details and Relationships:
Town: Swynlake, England
Home: Edelweiss Estate. As an employee, she gets free room and board. Her room is cozy and full of little plants and personal items - much more like Alice than her room back “home.”
Neighborhood: The Woods (Gated Community)
Car: None, but she has a bike!
Love Life: Pining after her exs Kiara and Callie
Best Friends: Eva Grimhelde, Callie, Kiara
Other Friends: Belle, Toulouse, Pascal
Enemies: Zella Tremaine
Past Lovers: Ronald: A boy Alice was foolish enough to snog at a party when she was sixteen and very drunk, and continued to fool around with for about a year and a half. He took her virginity and Alice was very certain she might have loved him. However, he broke up with her when a rumor started circulating that she was a “lesbo,” which grossed him out, and he verbally attacked her. They got into a fight, which ended with her having to be pulled off of him because she was scratching at his face.  Elizabeth: Not really a past lover, but Elizabeth is a girl that Alice found herself growing close to at the same parties during which she met Ronald. They would get drunk, dance together, and always found themselves collapsed somewhere laughing by the end of the night if Alice wasn’t with Ron. She could swear she felt sparks with Elizabeth, and that their chemistry was almost tangible. But one night when she was drunk, Alice tried to kiss her, and Elizabeth promptly flipped her lid. She slapped Alice in the face and called her a “freak” and a “lesbo” before running off to tell everyone Alice had tried to force herself on her. 
Zodiac Sign: Aires
Enneagram: 4w3, The Individualist/Aristocrat
Temperament: Sanguine
Hogwarts House: Slytherdor
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Primary Vice: Lust
Primary Virtue: Humility
Element: Air
Dream Career: Undecided
Dream Life: Happy and healthy, and loved, somewhere cozy and safe.
Important Events: -Alice attempted to free the prisoners in the Underworld’s jail and had to face some unsettling things in Hell. -Kiara breaking her little heart oof -Being a Stylist for The Hunger Games gave her a moral dilemma 
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