#when edgelord blm dislikes edgelord drk LOL
biff-adventurer · 17 days
FFXIVWrite2024 Prompt: Reticent
It didn’t seem to bother Biff that the dark knight did not name himself. Ever mistrusted it. While she was not intimidated by him, finding it hard to be intimidated by a Lalafell shut up in black armor, she did not trust him. Miss Pudada, for her part, easily followed him in the darkness. Perhaps her encounters with Eyrisunn and H’zula had emboldened her, but Ever could not be sure. With a cool-headed healer and an adventurer eager to pierce through the mystery of the manor, she need not completely vilify the knight. Ever had her spells at the ready for any foes that would come their way. And any so-called friends that might turn their coat.
“It’s quiet,” said Pudada. “I expected the house to sigh a little more, I’ll admit. It’s so large, and…”
“I bet me whole family could fit in here,” said Biff, waving his arms. “Me own, me da’s sister’s, me da’s aulder brother’s. That’s, like, fifteen grown children with families of their own!”
“A veritable dynasty!” Pudada laughed. “I’m not sure it could fit quite that many people, but it could certainly house half of them.”
“Not that anyone would want to live here,” spat Ever. “Anyone who tries will end up choking on cobwebs before they meet any of the beasts that have made this place their home.”
“It’s curious we haven’t seen any,” agreed Pudada.
“Oh, they’ll come out!” Biff did a cartwheel down the hall. “They always do! They could be stalking us right now and we wouldn’t know it!”
The conjurer gasped. “You don’t think we’re being stalked by a void-sent, do you?”
The dark knight, who had been walking at the head of the party, only glanced over his shoulder at this. He’d not spoken a word since they’d entered, and barely mustered a syllable when their party had come together. Was he not afraid, or was he being a plain, old jerk?
“We’d be dead by now,” said the knight.
“Here, here!” cried Biff, performing yet another cartwheel. “Cheers tae not bein’ dead!”
Ever grumbled to herself. What was it her mother always said? Ah, yes. “If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn’t say it at all.”
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