#when I saw those CDs i literally went 'oh my god' at loud
killjoy-prince · 1 year
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This is the most prsk merch I've seen at my kinokuniya
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laurenairay · 4 years
1 with Matthew Tkachuk possibly if you want to?
Thanks for requesting this one, anon! I had a lot of fun writing this one – maybe I should write more for him in the future? 
Tagging @danglesnipecelly for getting me on the Matthew Tkachuk train the first place! 😘
“You owe me.” “Fine, whatever you want.”
Summer. The start of warmer weather, longer nights, ice-cream dripping down your fingers, the happiness that only true sunshine could bring. It also meant gatherings of friends from far and wide, those still living at home in St Louis like you, or those who ventured out of state and further afield. Friends whose lives had taken then far away from home, but the lure of summer always brought them back. Friends, like your neighbour Matthew Tkachuk.
You’d already seen him a couple of times since he arrived home a few days ago, a wave from your house next door and a pizza night when Taryn had come back home too yesterday, but you couldn’t wait for summer to sink into his bones, to give him that freedom he’d been missing too.
That’s when summer would really start.
Growing up, he’d always had that big brother vibe, despite you only being a couple of months younger than him, and you were glad for his steady friendship. But for the past few summers, things had changed slightly. Those friendly brotherly vibes had shifted, the airs of childhood having long faded away, and a teasing playful vibe had turned up in its place. Summer had never lasted long enough for you to figure out how you felt about this change, to be honest. But you were hoping that this was the year, this was when you finally figured out what it all meant.
You were sitting in your room, putting away some laundry when your phone buzzed with a call. The Best Tkachuk. Huh.
“Hey, Matty, what’s up?” you said, smiling.
“Hey, I need your help,”
“What’s wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?” you frowned, dropping the last of your clean socks onto the floor.
“Oh, no, no I’m fine. Well, I’m stressed out because I’m trying to do this dinner thing and…damn it, can you drive me to the grocery store?”
“Why don’t you take your mom’s car? Or the car that you and Brady are sharing?” you asked, confused.
“Mom and Dad took Taryn out to the mall to get some new sneakers. And Brady took off in the car to see that girl he’s sneaking around with that he thinks we don’t know about,”
Oh yeah, Brady was super obvious.
“There’s a grocery store you can walk to in 15 minutes, Matty,” you mused, rolling your eyes.
“I went to that one yesterday and I thought I picked up everything on my list but I missed an ingredient because they didn’t have it,”
His voice was getting a little petulant, a whining tone, making you grin. You were going to help him, obviously, but it didn’t hurt to make him work for it.
“And I should help you…why?” you said simply.
“Because if I screw this up when I said I didn’t need any help then Brady and Taryn will never let me hear the end of it!”
“Again, why should I help you?” you teased.
Matthew groaned down the phone, making you smile.
“Because Brady chopped off your favourite Barbie’s hair when we were kids and Taryn scratched up your 13th birthday CD?”
He had a point…
“Try again,” you grinned.
“Because you’ll have my everlasting gratitude?”
You trailed off, pretending to think, earning another groan, although you were pretty sure he’d figured out your game by this point.
The softness of his voice made butterflies fizzle in your stomach at the vulnerability. How could you say not to him?
“Yeah, I’ll take you to the grocery store, Matty. Let me put on some shoes,” you said, smiling.
“Thank you, so much,”
You just laughed, shaking your head. “You owe me,”
“Fine, whatever you want,”
“Ooh that could be dangerous,” you teased.
“I can handle it,”
You grinned at what you knew was a smirk in his voice. This was much more like it. “I’ll see you in just a minute,”
And with that, you ended the call. It didn’t take long for you to get some shoes on, and by the time you were downstairs, Matthew was waiting by the car. You bit your lip to hide your smile at how good he looked, sleeveless shirt exposing those sculpted arms, beautiful eyes dangerously focused, hair mussed and wild. Damn. You wiggled your fingers at him in a wave, smile coming through properly at the look of relief on his face.
“You’re a lifesaver,” he groaned, getting in the passenger seat of your car.
“I know,” you mused, “What went wrong?”
Matthew huffed out a laugh, running a hand over his messy hair as you pulled out of your driveway. “You know how mom always throws the big neighbourhood get-together when me, Brady and Taryn are all home for the summer?”
You nodded, knowing it well. “Yeah it’s this weekend, right?”
“Right! Well, I said that I would cook for the family tonight, give her a night off before the big party,”
“She does deserve the rest,” you nodded.
God knows that poor woman put up with enough thanks to all those big personalities.
“Exactly! She deserves it. I got the recipes for her favourite foods, and I planned it all out properly because I want to make it special for her, but I literally forgot the key ingredient for the spices in the main dish and it won’t be the same without it,” he grumbled.
“That’s really sweet of you, Matty. You’re a good son,” you said softly.
“I try,” he mumbled, blushing lightly at your compliment, “But if I don’t get it right then Brady and Taryn will make fun of me for ages,”
“I don’t know how your mom puts up with all of you, really,” you snorted.
Matthew blushed a little more, but laughed. “Yeah, I know we’re a bit much. You love me anyway, right?”
“Don’t push your luck, Tkachuk,” you said dryly.
When Matthew pouted, you just laughed, shaking your head. Having grown up next door to the Tkachuk family had always been a loud intense ride, but your friendship with Matthew, especially now that he’d settled more into himself, was something you cherished. And it was times like this, when he went out of his way to make his mom happy, that reminded you of just how sweet he was. You may only really see him in the summer now, your lives having taken you in different directions, but you missed him like this.
“You know she’ll love it, whatever you make, because you made it, right?” you pointed out.
Matthew smiled, a little shyly, but shrugged. “I’d hope so…but I still want to do it well,”
“There’s the Tkachuk fighting spirit talking,” you laughed, pulling into the parking lot of the grocery store.
Matthew laughed as well, a bit more of his usual sparkle coming into his eyes as you parked the car.
“I’ll be really quick, I promise,” he grinned, unbuckling his seatbelt.
“Yeah no worries, take as long as you need. Just remember that you owe me, Matty,” you grinned back.
You saw a flash of fire in Matthew’s eyes, making those butterflies flare up again, but you managed to keep your face calm and collected.
“Oh I haven’t forgotten, trust me,” he murmured.
He winked as he walked towards the store, that little smirk on his face that you loved, leaving you a little stunned before you shook your head with a laugh. Looks like you had a lot of thinking to do before the big party this weekend.
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basicbatboys · 3 years
Could you do Jason Todd with 5. "What the hell did I just walk into?"-honestly had such a hard time because all those are mwah 🌱
Hi!! Thank you so much for the message! Here is Jason Todd and number 5, I really hope you enjoy it! 
1099 words, you and Jason Todd “bake” a cake. 
You and your best friend, Jason Todd, sat on the floor of his bedroom laughing so hard you genuinely thought your lungs would collapse. The two of you hadn’t been able to see each other in such a long time between his busy life and your new full time job. He’d texted you out of the blue that afternoon and said, “I miss you. Drinks on me tonight?” 
How were you supposed to turn down free drinks?
One thing led to another. You were entirely obliterated, Jason was barely hanging on to his sobriety, and you genuinely could not recall a time when you had felt happier. 
Jason was sitting up against his bed frame and you were currently performing One Direction’s hit, ‘She’s Not Afraid’ like your life depended on it. He was watching you with tears in his eyes, laughing so hard and so loud you could barely hear the music. “JASON.” You finally snapped, kicking at the CD player to stop the music. 
“What could possibly be so funny about my show?” 
It took him a minute to be able to answer. Although you were shitfaced, you were sober enough to recognize the warm feeling in your chest as you listened to Jason’s laughter. He hardly laughed anymore, everything was so serious to him. You were lucky to get so much of it tonight and, honestly, his laughter fueled your antics. 
“You’re taking yourself so seriously. I can’t handle your face right now.” He snorted, grabbing his chest and tilting his head back to let out another deep-chested laugh. 
“Okay, whatever. It’s literally not even funny but whatever.” You said angrily, a hint of teasing weaving its way into what you were saying. “I wouldn’t have to entertain you like this if we had something cool to do, but instead here we are and so I am working my ass off to provide for you.” 
“You’re right.” He sighed, standing up and poking you in the ribs, smiling as your body caved in and you gripped your side. “What should we do?” 
You slowly looked up at him, your eyes full of pure evil. “I thought you’d never ask. I want to bake a cake.”
“You what?” He said with furrowed eyebrows, a small smile teasing the corner of his lips. 
“A cake. Please. I know you have cake mix, I saw it.” You started to back up and grab for the door handle, not waiting for permission but acceptance. 
“Did you take inventory or something? Jesus.” Jason laughed, running a hand through his hair. “Sure, whatever. Let’s make a cake.” 
“Yes!” You grinned, throwing open the door and sliding on the linoleum floors directly into the kitchen island. You rammed against it with a quiet thud, then were immediately off grabbing all the ingredients from Jason’s various cabinets. Some of it was hard to find, but you figured it out before he even got into the kitchen. When he did, he shook his head and smiled. “Something tells me this is going to be a huge mess.”
“No way.” You said, picking up the box of cake mix and waving your hand dismissively. “Check this out.” You said with a wink, ripping the box open and pouring it into the bowl. “I am so smart right now.” Jason joined you behind the island and cocked an eyebrow. He pointed to the pile of mix on the counter. “This part of the recipe or-?”
You gasped and swiped it into your hand. Then, you pointed a finger in his face. “You did NOT see that.” 
He took his hand and pushed your finger out of his face. “Noted.” He cracked the eggs and poured the oil and water into the measuring cup but let you pour it into the bowl. “Oh, I thought you were supposed to drop half of it on the counter.” He teased. You shot him a death glare and stuck out your tongue. “Thin. Ice.” You grumbled.
When it was ready, you stirred and stirred until your arm was sore and when it was finished, you pulled out the spoon in triumph. You, unfortunately, didn’t notice that you also sprayed chocolate cake batter across Jason’s face. 
“Ta-da!” You sang, beaming. “Jason wasn’t that f-” Now you noticed. ‘Oh god, he is so mad. Oh god, that is so funny.’ You started to absolutely split your sides laughing, doubling over, and grabbing onto the island to steady yourself. “Noooo! Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, please forgive me. Oh my gosh, I am going to pee my pants.” You snickered, your breath catching on every giggle you let out. 
“Oh it’s hilarious, isn’t it?” Jason asked, walking toward you. He grabbed the bowl of batter and held it tight. He stuck a finger in and wiped it on your cheek. He let out a little laugh. “Okay, maybe it is kinda funny.” 
You gasped and your hand shot to the mark on your face. “Oh no, you did not. It is so on.” You said with a laugh. You plunged your whole hand into the bowl and flung the handful at Jason who tried to sidestep it and just barely missed. The batter landed all over his shirt, arm, and the wall behind him. “This ends now.” He said, dumping the whole bowl over your head. 
You screamed as the cold batter covered your head and your face, sliding down onto your shirt. “NO!” You yelled. “No, no, NO!” You were laughing hard as you wiped the batter out of your eyes. 
“Truce?” You asked, hugging Jason before he could stop you. You rubbed your head all over him until both of you were a batter-covered pile of giggles. The laughter only stopped when you heard a knock at the door. Both of you stared at each other, wide-eyed, and walked to the door. 
Jason pulled it open and an elderly woman stood in his doorway. “Mr. Todd,” She said, politely. “What the hell did I just walk into?” 
You let out a small laugh and Jason quickly went into polite neighbor mode. “I am so sorry Mrs. Albie. I really am. My friend and I, we were baking a cake and-”
“-and it got out of hand.” She finished with a knowing smile. “I got worried when I heard a girl screaming, but now that I know everything is okay I’ll ignore any more... screaming I might hear.” Mrs. Albie sent you a very deliberate wink and your cheeks lit up scarlet. 
“Have fun, you two.”
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artlessictoan · 5 years
Hi. Could I request some butch!yodo/fem!chou (i know you had that one before but I can't imagine anything else for those two)? Maybe in that rivaling music shops AU from that other time you did requests? Thank you very much!
nonski.. i literally screeched when i saw this tHANK YOU (here’sthe other req referenced in the ask!)
(requests open)
(ao3 mirror)
She carefully examined her reflection in the shop window,brushing some stray hairs back into place, adjusting her miniskirt to show offa little more leg, before pushing open the poster-laden door and steppingthrough it with the practised confidence of a supermodel.
As embarrassing as it was to practice her strut in themirror at home, she had to admit, the effect was well worth it.
The door creaked slightly as it closed behind her andChouchou was immediately hit with the increasingly familiar scent of sweat,leather and – weirdly, for a store dedicated to all things grungy and hardcore –sandalwood. She had been told by Sarada, that Yodo always lit incense as soonas she got in, while they were getting ready to open the shop.
It was discovering little things like that that kept hercoming back, time after time, in the hopes that maybe she’ll find yet anotherexcuse to fall just a little more in love with the tiny ball of chaos,verve and idiocy that was Yodo.
As usual, the shop was empty. She glanced around, idlywondering how the hell they were still in business when, in all the times she’dvisited, she’d never seen more than three people browsing the aisles at once. Yodoinsisted that metalheads, while not overly abundant in the general population,were extremely dedicated to their genre, however Sarada had explained that Yodocame from a wealthy family and had a doting adoptive father who was very generouswith his money and would do anything for his children.
Just another surprising discovery and another butterfly inher stomach.
When a thorough search of the shop floor revealed no Yodo, shecasually hopped over the counter and poked her head in the storeroom.
A smirk immediately spread across her face. The short blondehad her back to her and apparently hadn’t even realised that anyone was there,judging by the bright wires trailing down from her ears; Chouchou could hearthe muffled drumming the earbuds were emitting from across the room.
She stepped closer. “You know, it would be really easy forsomeone to rob you right now,” Chouchou said.
Yodo didn’t respond, just kept sorting through CDs andnodding her head along to whatever she was listening to. Raising an eyebrow,Chouchou snapped her fingers experimentally. Yodo mumble-sang a fewincomprehensible words and started tapping her foot.
Oh, she’s just asking for it!
Hovering just behind her target – who was still utterlyengrossed in the bass thudding through her earphones – and before she couldthink better of it, she lightly pressed a finger to the middle of her spine andran it all the way up to her neck.
“HAH!” Chouchou barely registered the surprisingly gruffshout, before Yodo spun on her heel, fist already swinging.
Incredibly, she managed to land her hard, bony knucklesright on Chouchou’s elbow.
“AGHHH FUCK! WHAT THE-” Yodo ripped out her earphones “-Chouchou?What the fuck are ya doing? I nearly beat the shit outta you! Fuck, my fist.”
Gripping her arm like it was about to fall off, she had tofight through the shudders racking her entire body before she could reply, “Howdid you hit me right on the funny bone? Fuck.” They were both still swearingand groaning, clutching their respective aching body parts tightly.
Chouchou sucked in a sharp breath as the last of the shakes fadedto nothing. Elbow still hurt though. “Ok, learned my lesson, never doing thatagain,” she said, laughing through the pain.
“What were you even expecting to happen?” Yodo asked, ajustifiably annoyed look on her face.
“I dunno, was kinda hoping I might get a cute little squealout of you or something-” which she still desperately wanted to hear, but waswilling to accept that she would have to find a different tactic in the future;maybe she was ticklish? “-I’m sorry, I promise I won’t sneak up on you anymore,but you do realise that your shop is open, right? Maybe you should turn downthe volume enough that you can hear when the door opens.”
Cheeks puffing up like a hamster, Yodo replaced the earbuds,picked up the box of CDs she had been sorting and pushed past her, shoutingbehind her as she disappeared through the door, “Y’know I don’t come into yourshop and criticise your work habits.”
Trailing behind her, Chouchou leaned against the counter andwatched her friend return to her task, occasionally glancing at the empty store.
“You should at least turn down the volume a little, my earsare hurting in sympathy.”
“God, you’re worse than my dad,” she mumbled, thoughher hand did drift down to her phone and the loud, heavy beat faded to a faint,tinny noise. It was mostly drowned out by the clacking of plastic cases as Yodomoved albums into incomprehensible piles. Chouchou stared at the band names tryingto find some link – or even a single familiar name at all – but came up blank.
She picked up the top CD in the pile closest to her and casuallybegan reading through the track list. “So, what’re you listening to?” she asked.
“Oi, don’t be messin’ up my system.” She didn’t try to take itback though. “And none of your business.”
“C’mon, tell me!”
“You wouldn’t know them anyways.” For someone who wasgenerally down-to-earth, Yodo had an amazingly pretentious streak in her.
She raised a brow, but Chouchou was still grinning uncontrollablywhen she said, “Wow, music snob much?” Dropping the CD back on the appropriatestack, Chouchou turned all her attention to her new game. “Gimme a hint, rock?Metal? Punk?”
“You’re not gonna get it-”
“Just because I’m not hugely into this stuff, doesn’t mean I’mcompletely ignorant.” In fact, she had quite a good knowledge of classic rockand metal; her dad played it all the time when she was a kid and she still hada nostalgic soft spot for the genre, even if she had mostly gravitated towardpop, funk and soul as she’d gotten older. “I’m not going to stop bugging youuntil you tell me.”
Yodo gave her an unplaceable look and silently picked up apile and quickly stomped toward the ‘grindcore’ aisle.
She wasn’t about to give up that easy. Chouchou followedher, playing a very one-sided game of twenty questions as she went, pushing thelimits of her knowledge of Yodo’s favourite music. Outside of the occasionalgrunt and assertions that she was never going to find out who it was, Yodoremained unresponsive.
Well, she couldn’t be having that, the whole point ofher teasing was to get a reaction, to get her attention, with the nebulousend goal of eventually kissing her and hopefully things would just carry onfrom there.
Disaster gay she might be, but she was at least self-awareabout it.
But, until she found the courage to confess, she had anurgent mystery to solve and she’d just thought of a brilliant plan.
Asking what decade the song was from in her whiniest voice,she pulled her phone out and tapped out a quick message. Just a few secondslater, Yodo jumped and frowned down at the pocket of her tight jeans, the onesthat were ripped to the point of being non-existent. Chouchou was veryfond of those jeans.
Leaning over her shoulder, Chouchou snickered at the textYodo had just received – a simple ‘hey girl’ – and, before she could ask whatthe hell she was messaging her for when she was literally right next to her,she reached over and snatched the phone out of her hand, tugging the wire ofthe earbuds with it.
“Hey!” Yodo spun around, glaring up at her with thosebeautiful eyes, that could look anything from green, to blue, to grey,depending on the light. But, right now, they just looked… apprehensive?
That gave her pause, just for a moment, but when her friendgave no sign that she was truly angry, which she knew from experiencewas a valid concern, she decided to push her luck and grin. “Hey, you weren’ttelling me, so I’m just gonna listen for myself to find out.”
She held the phone high above Yodo’s head – not exactly adifficult feat, she barely reached her elbows, even when she wasn’twearing six-inch heels – and stuck her tongue out at her, before catching oneof the dangling earbuds and sticking it in her own ear, all the while, nudgingYodo’s grasping hands away.
The tone was an immediate shock, much softer and lighterthan what she’d been expecting, as was the perfectly clear, lilting voice ofthe female vocalist.
It was also very familiar and she found herself singingalong for half a second before slowly saying, “Wait… I know this song, this is…”Suddenly, it all clicked together and she was biting her lip trying not tolaugh. “Awwww, the scary punk rocker likes sugary bubble-gum pop!”
Yodo slapped a hand against her mouth and glanced around the– still empty – shop. “Not so loud!”
She raised her brows and gently peeled the hand from herlips, maybe revelling in the skin contact a little longer than appropriate. “Seriously?You’re that embarrassed?” she asked, watching in mild amusement as her friendkept looking over her shoulder, as though a horde of metalheads was going to materialisebehind them any second to mock her taste in music.
It was a little cute, in all honesty. Or maybe it was justthat Yodo was so cute that everything she did gained an air ofadorability.
“No, I just…” She bit her lip and, god, thatwas just unfair, because Chouchou really wanted to lean down and try it forherself. “You were raving ‘bout her new album the other day, figured I’d checkit out, see what the fuss was about.”
Literally clapping her hands in joy, she released the mostgirlish squeal she’d probably ever made in her life. “Oh, that’s so sweet ofyou! So, what do you think?”
Chouchou unconsciously leaned forwards, eyes almost poppingout of her head as she waited in terrified anticipation for the verdict. Shedidn’t know when Yodo’s opinion had become so important to her, but she was silentlypraying that her taste in music had impressed her crush; or at the very leastthat it hadn’t made her decide that she was absolutely not cool enough to behanging out with her and could she please leave the shop before her glitterypop songs scared off any customers.
“-really good. The middle’s a bit weak, but that guitar workis surprisingly solid for a pop artist and that song Paradise Sunsets probablyhas some of the best lyrics I’ve heard all year.”
She didn’t release a sigh of relief, mostly because she wasalready spewing out a rush of words that even she herself only half understood,so rushed and tripping over her words was she. “Right? I dunno that she’llever make another song that good, but it’s definitely one of my all-time faves.”
“Yeah, I’d never really paid much attention to her before,but I did skim through some of her older stuff too, there’s some really greatstuff in there!” Those ever-changing eyes were shining with the same kind ofexcitement she always got when she spoke about discovering a new band, or whenshe sang on stage in front of a crowd of dozens, as though it were a crowd ofthousands.
Music was such a huge part of her life – Chouchou’s tooreally – and seeing how much she loved and cared about a singer she hadintroduced her too…
“You know, I can think of a few similar artists I couldrecommend you, if you’re interested.”
Yodo gave her a blank look for a second, before her cheeksdarkened and she gave a wide grin. “Sounds fun, but if you’re subjecting me to themainstream, then I’m gonna be giving you a crash course in the history of metalin return.”
Even more time spent in the company of the cutest, coolestwoman in the world, bonding over their shared passion for music? Yeah, shecould live with that.
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
The End
Yes, we have 5.04, the episode titled The End, with the whole end!verse, but every time this phrase pops up in the show since then, I think this is the first thought a lot of people have. And I think it’s... wildly misleading. I mean, since we haven’t actually had a return to this specific “end.” And I don’t think we ever will. As everyone will recall, the show did not actually end after 5.04.
So to that end (pffft), I wanted to cobble together a history of the phrase as it’s been used throughout canon. Just for my own reference purposes. Here’s the big ones, though:
5.22 Swan Song:
CHUCK types "THE END" and takes a drink.  CHUCK: No doubt – endings are hard. But then again... nothing ever really ends, does it? 
(spoiler alert: fuck you, Chuck)
11.22: We Happy Few:
AMARA: My brother will dim and fade away into nothing. (Outside, ROWENA staggers to her feet. The sunlight is no longer just rosy, tinting the sky purple.) AMARA: But not until he sees what comes next. Not until he watches this world, everything he created, everything he loves turn to ash. (Outside, ROWENA turns, lifting a hand to shield her eyes.) AMARA: Welcome to the end. (She disappears.)
(lol, bzzzt, wrong, try again)
13.23 Let The Good Times Roll:
CASTIEL (to Michael): How do we stop him? MICHAEL: You don't. After consuming the Nephilim's grace, Lucifer's juiced up. He's super-charged. He'll kill the boy, your brother. Hell, he could end the whole universe if he put his mind to it. And you thought I was bad. DEAN: No. No, you beat him. I saw you. MICHAEL: When he was weaker, and I was stronger. Believe me, I'd love to rip my brother apart. But now in this banged up meatsuit... not happening. This is the end, of everything.
(way to horrifically manipulate the situation!)
14.20 Moriah:
CHUCK: (angrily): Fine! That's the way you want it? Story's over. Welcome to  The End.
(cue things happening for another 20 episodes... he’s 20 episodes too soon)
and since there were *a LOT* of results:
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yes each one of those open tabs is a reference page I’m pulling quotes from, and yes there are so many open tabs they’ve blurred together. one big drawback about watching a show that has apocalypses every now and again. i’m omitting references that aren’t directly about narrative ends, too (like casual “at the end of the day” references and the like). this is gonna be long so it’s going under a cut:
2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two:
YED Oh, Jake. It's got to be you. I've been waiting for you for a very long time. You're my leader. You open that crypt, and you will have your army. JAKE You're talking about the end of the world. YED No, not the end— the beginning... a better world, where your family will be protected. More than that. They'll be royalty. Buddy boy, you have the chance to get in on the ground floor of a thrilling opportunity. Whaddya say? It's your call.
(spoiler alert: pffft... the whole “Demon Army” thing was always a sham, I think pulled ON Azazel by Lilith, even if that was only retconned in later in canon. but also, endings are beginnings, the spiral loops ever onward, and it’s laughable now eleventynine loops of the spiral down the way from this moment, isn’t it? Jake who? Azazel the fanatic who wasn’t even trustworthy enough to be let in on Lilith’s real plans? Incredible)
4.05 Monster Movie:
DEAN: You think "elegance" is really the word for what you did to Marissa, or Rick Deacon, or any of the others?! DRACULA: But of course. It is a monster movie, after all. DEAN: You do realize what happens at the end of every monster movie? DRACULA: Ah, but this movie is mine. And in it, the monster wins. The monster gets the girl. And the hero, he’s... electrocuted. And tonight, Jonathan Harker, you will be my hero.
(spoiler alert: the monster does not win)
4.06 Yellow Fever:
Sam: So uh...so, what did you see? Near the end, I mean. Dean: Oh, besides a cop beating my ass? Sam: Seriously. Dean: Howler monkeys. Whole roomful of them. Those things creep the hell out of me. Sam: Right. Dean: No, just the usual stuff, Sammy. Nothing I can’t handle.
(spoiler alert: it was definitely not anything Dean could handle)
4.09 I Know What You Did Last Summer:
ANNA: Look... I get it. You think I'm nuts. If I were you, I'd think I was nuts. But it's all true. PSYCHOLOGIST: It's okay. You can tell me. I'm here to listen. ANNA: The end... is coming. The apocalypse. PSYCHOLOGIST: The apocalypse. Like in the Bible? ANNA: Kind of. I mean, same bottom line. This demon, Lilith, is trying to break the 66 seals to free Lucifer from Hell. Lucifer... Will bring the apocalypse. So... Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
(spoiler alert:... we know how this turned out)
4.15 Death Takes a Holiday:
DEAN: You know what I mean. We're talking the end of the world here, okay? No more tasseled leather pants, no more Ramones CDs, no more nothing.
(spoiler alert: Pamela’s cool with that since she’ll get an endless show at the Meadowlands in her personal heaven)
4.22 Lucifer Rising:
DEAN: But me and Sam, we can stop... (he cuts off, having an epiphany) You don't want to stop it, do you? ZACHARIAH: Nope. Never did. The end is nigh. The apocalypse is coming, kiddo, to a theater near you.
(spoiler alert... it bombed at the box office)
5.02: Good God, Y’all:
Dean: Listen, Chuckles, even if there is a God, he is either dead—and that's the generous theory— Castiel: He is out there, Dean. Dean: Or he's up and kicking and doesn't give a rat's ass about any of us. I mean, look around you, man. The world is in the toilet. We are literally at the end of days here, and he's off somewhere drinking booze out of a coconut. All right?
(spoiler alert: i mean he really wasn’t far off the mark was he...)
5.03 Free To Be You And Me:
REPORTER: —the town of Tully? tonight, John. Locals say that what started as a torrential hailstorm late this afternoon suddenly turned to massive lightning strikes that triggered the fires now consuming more than twenty acres here along the Route 17 corridor. County officials are advising all Tully residents to prepare for what could become mandatory evacuations. The BARTENDER shuts the TV off. BARTENDER: Damn. Is it me or does it seem like it's the end of the world? SAM looks away.
(spoiler alert: that was an observant bartender)
5.07 The Curious Case of Dean Winchester:
A WOMAN, MRS. XAVIER, is reading the Weekly World News, headline: "LEADING PSYCHICS AGREE: THE APOCALYPSE IS HERE! Experts confirm the end is upon us!" She chuckles. The door opens.
(spoiler alert: that time the Weekly World News was actually right)
5.08 Changing Channels:
Dean: Hey there, Sam. What's happening? Sam: Oh, nothing. Um. Just the end of the world.
(spoiler alert: lol)
5.09 The Real Ghostbusters:
CHUCK: Ok, Ok, just..okay, it's okay. so, next question. (hands shoot up) Yeah, you. FAN: Yeah, at the end of the last book, Dean goes to hell. So, what happens next?
(spoiler alert:  how do you feel about angels? Yeah, because let me tell you, they're not nearly as lame as you think.)
5.11 Sam Interrupted:
Dean: It's the end of the world, okay? I mean, it's a damn Biblical Apocalypse, and if I don't stop it and save everyone, then no one will, and we all die. Dr. Cartwright: That's horrible. Dean: Yeah, tell me about it. Dr. Cartwright: I mean, Apocalypse or no Apocalypse... monsters or no monsters, that's a crushing weight to have on your shoulders. To feel like six billion lives depend on you...God...how do you get up in the morning? Dean: That's a good question.
(spoiler alert: this is actually Dean talking to himself)
5.17 99 Problems:
SAM : Busy night? PAUL: I’m telling you, since The End started, it’s been like one long last call. That round’s on me. 
(spoiler alert: welcome to the apocalypse, pull up a bar stool)
DEAN: We’re all gonna die, Sam. In like a month—maybe two. I mean it. This is the end of the world, but these people aren’t freaking out. In fact they’re running to the exit in an orderly fashion. I don’t know that that’s such a bad thing. SAM: Who says they’re all gonna die? What ever happened to us saving them?
(spoiler alert: hey remember that other time Dean went all nihilistic about the end of the world? yeah good times)
DEAN: So the demons smoking out—that’s just a con? Why? What’s the endgame? CASTIEL: What you just saw—innocent blood spilled in God’s name. SAM: You heard all that heaven talk. She manipulates people. DEAN: To slaughter and kill and sing preppy little hymns. Awesome. CASTIEL: Her goal is to condemn as many souls to hell as possible. And it’s…just beginning. She’s well on her way to dragging this whole town into the pit. 
(remember the whore of babylon’s MO? manipulating people into doing stuff they never would’ve out of fear? yeah)
LEAH: This is why my team’s gonna win. You’re the great vessel? You’re pathetic, self-hating, and faithless. It’s the end of the world. And you’re just gonna sit back and watch it happen. DEAN grabs the stake, punches LEAH, and stakes her. DEAN : Don’t be so sure, whore.
(remember that time the whore of babylon taunted Dean about rejecting his destiny as the vessel of Michael, basically trying to manipulate him into doing the thing? And then he tried to go out and do the thing in the next episode but Cas stopped him? yeah good times)
5.18 Point Of No Return:
PREACHER : The end is nigh! The apocalypse is upon us! The angels talk to me, and they asked me to talk to you! The apocalypse— DEAN: Hey! I’m Dean Winchester. Do you know who I am? PREACHER: Dear God. DEAN: I’ll take that as a yes. Listen, I need you to pray to your angel buddies and let them know that I’m here. 
(spoiler alert: good thing that guy prayed too loud)
5.20 The Devil You Know:
CROWLEY Now...For the record, I'm against this. Negotiating a high-level defection -- It's very delicate business. SAM What are you talking about? CROWLEY I begged Dean not to come back. We should be miles away...from you. He replied with a colorful rejoinder about my "corn chute." SAM (scoffs) CROWLEY So, go ahead. Go --ruin our last best hope. It's only the end of the world.
(spoiler alert: considering this entire thing was a demonstration of Crowley’s ability to manipulate things to his favor... nice tug on the ol’ apocalypse card to get your way)
5.21 Two Minutes To Midnight:
Pestilence: Hmm. You boys don't look well. It might be the, uh, Scarlet fever. Or, uh, the meningitis. Oh! Or the syphilis. That's no fun. However you feel right now? It's gonna get so very, very much worse. Questions? Disease gets a bad rap, don't you think? For being filthy. Chaotic. Uh, but, really, t-that just describes people who get sick. Disease itself... very... pure... single-minded. Bacteria have one purpose -- divide and conquer. That's why, in the end... it always wins. So, you've got to wonder why God pours all his love into something so messy! And weak! It's ridiculous. All I can do is show him he's wrong, one epidemic at a time. Now... On a scale of 1 to 10, how's your pain?
(spoiler alert: blowing up the bacteria actually kills them)
Death: As old as God. Maybe older. Neither of us can remember anymore. Life, death, chicken, egg. Regardless -- at the end, I'll reap him, too. Dean: God? You'll reap God? Death: Oh, yes. God will die, too, Dean. Dean: Well, this is way above my pay grade. Death: Just a bit.
(spoiler alert: *taps watch and raises eyebrow at Billie*)
5.22 Swan Song:
CHUCK (VOICEOVER): Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass.
(spoiler alert: with the context that this is God speaking, RUDE)
6.15 The French Mistake:
BALTHAZAR Hello, boys. You've seen "the Godfather," right? DEAN Balthazar... BALTHAZAR You know, the end, where Michael Corleone sends his men to kill his enemies in one big, bloody swoop? (Balthazar finds a container of salt and pours it into a bowl on Bobby's desk) DEAN Hey! BALTHAZAR  "Dead Sea brine." Good, good, good. You know, Moe Greene gets it in the eye, and Don Cuneo gets it in the revolving door? DEAN I said "hey." BALTHAZAR You did. Twice. Good for you. Blood of lamb. Blood of lamb. (looking through Bobby's fridge contents) Beer, cold pizza. Blood of lamb. Yes! Blood of lamb! SAM Why are you talking about "the Godfather"? BALTHAZAR Because we're in it – right now, tonight. And in the role of Michael Corleone – The archangel Raphael.
(spoiler alert: Raphael was playing at being a Michael wasn’t he...)
6.20 The Man Who Would Be King:
CASTIEL You want to make a deal? With me? I'm an Angel, you ass. I don't have a soul to sell. CROWLEY But that's it, isn't it? It's all of it. It's the souls. It all comes down to the souls in the end, doesn't it? CASTIEL What in the hell are you talking about? CROWLEY I'm talking about Raphael's head on a pike. I'm talking about happy endings for all of us, with all possible entendres intended. Come on. Just a chat.
(spoiler alert... it all comes down to the souls in the end, happy endings for all of us, or we can hope)
Bonus, for the sake of hilarity, because of the implication that Hell is a spiral narrative that begins at the ending, All Along The Watchtower style:
CROWLEY Yeah. See, problem with the old place was most of the inmates were masochists already. A lot of "thank you, sir. Can I have another hot spike up the jacksie?" But just look at them. No one likes waiting in line. CASTIEL And what happens when they reach the front? CROWLEY Nothing. They go right back to the end again. That's efficiency.
(spoiler alert: THAT’S EFFICIENCY!)
Double bonus, because I said so:
CASTIEL If you touch the Winchesters... CROWLEY Please. I heard you the first time. I promise -- nary a hair on their artfully tousled heads. Besides, I think they've proven my point for me. It's always your friends, isn't it, in the end? We try to change. We try to improve ourselves. It's always our friends who got to claw into our sides and hold us back. But you know what I see here? The new God (pointing at Castiel) and the new Devil, working together.
(no spoilers, this is just Cas giving everything, selling himself out, for his loved ones again)
6.21 Let It Bleed:
March 15, 1937 Providence, Rhode Island
(A man, H.P. Lovecraft, is typing on a typewriter. He drinks and continues typing. He types "THE END" then places the final paper on top of the others. His door creaks open, seemingly by itself. At the same time, there is a crack of thunder and the lights flicker. He looks up, afraid
(spoiler alert: guess what happened next? *screams and blood splatter* *title card*)
CASTIEL: It's a means to an end. Balthazar, you understand that. BALTHAZAR: Oh, absolutely. But what's the end here exactly? You know, raid Purgatory, snatch up all the souls? CASTIEL: Win the war.
(spoiler alert: or option B, exploding and taking half the planet with him... always an option, apparently, and the one that kinda happened...)
7.20 The Girl With The Dungeons And Dragons Tattoo:
CHARLIE: So what's the end game – steal our resources, make us some slaves? DEAN: Planet-wide value meal. We're the meat.
(spoiler alert: sorry they weren’t kidding, Charlie. the Leviathan’s end game was pretty miserable)
7.21 Reading Is Fundamental:
DEAN picks up a “Sorry!” card. CASTIEL: You know, we weren't sure at first which monkeys were gonna make it. No offense, but I [DEAN moves a marker on the board] was backing the Neanderthals because their poetry was... just amazing. It's in perfect tune [CASTIEL picks up a card] with the spheres. But in the end, it was you – the [CASTIEL moves a marker] homo sapiens sapiens. You guys ate the apple, invented pants. DEAN: Cas, where can we find this, uh, Metatron? Is he still alive? CASTIEL: I'm sorry. I – I think you have to go back to start. DEAN moves a marker. DEAN: This is important. CASTIEL motions for DEAN to pick up another card. DEAN does and moves another marker. DEAN: I think Metatron could stop a lot of bad. You understand that? CASTIEL picks up another card. CASTIEL: We live in a "sorry" universe. It's engineered to create conflict. I mean, why should I prosper from... your misfortune? [CASTIEL puts down a marker and moves DEAN’s marker back to the start.] But these are the rules. I didn't make them. DEAN: You made some of them. When you tried to become God, when you cut that hole into that wall. CASTIEL: Dean... it's your move. DEAN pounds a fist on the table and swipes the board to the floor. DEAN: Forget the damn game! Forget the game, Cas.
(spoiler alert: In the end, it was you... I mean humanity won the evolutionary lottery and ended up being able to make the rules for ourselves. All through this, Dean’s looking for other potential avenues toward saving the world from being devoured by Leviathan. Remember when Metatron might be able to do a lot of good? while Cas dodges the actual subject and plays a game that literally continually sends Dean “back to the start” to make the same moves again, maybe slightly differently this time, different strategy, as he repeatedly tries to get Cas to answer HIS question about the actual world-ending game they’re playing against the Leviathan? THIS IS THE SPIRAL NARRATIVE IN ACTION IN ONE SCENE. “WE LIVE IN A SORRY UNIVERSE ENGINEERED TO CREATE CONFLICT” “BUT THESE ARE THE RULES” And when Dean is tired of trying to work within the rules? *game goes flying* *smashes God’s guitar* heck this is a perfect scene... have I mentioned that I love Ben Edlund lately?)
8.01 We Need To Talk About Kevin:
DEAN: Yeah, Cas didn't make it. SAM: What exactly does that mean? DEAN: Something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end, and he... just let go.
(spoiler alert: Dean’s already rewriting this ending in his head because he can’t accept the truth of it. Endings suck, and this one would not stand.)
8.12 As Time Goes By:
HENRY : John was a legacy. I was supposed to teach him the ways of the Letters. DEAN : Well, he learned things a little differently. HENRY : How? DEAN : The hard way. Surviving a lonely childhood, a stinking war... only to get married and have his wife taken by a demon... and later killed by one himself. That man got a bum rap around every turn. But you know what? He kept going. And in the end, he did a hell of a lot more good than he did bad.
(spoiler alert: see, Dean’s already made a hell of a lot of peace with John even way back then)
8.14 Trial and Error:
DEAN: I'm a grunt, Sam. You're not. You've always been the brains of this operation. SAM: Dean— DEAN: And you told me yourself that you see a way out. You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don't. But I tell you what I do know – it's that I'm gonna die with a gun in my hand. 'Cause that's what I have waiting for me – that's all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life – become a man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and – and – and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra – that is my perfect ending, and it's the only one that I'm gonna get. So I'm gonna do these trials. I'm gonna do them alone – end of story. You're staying here. I'm going out there. If landshark comes knocking, you call me. If you try to follow me, I'm gonna put a bullet in your damn leg.
(spoiler alert: just look at the title of this episode to see how this all turned out. It ain’t called “Trial and Major Win”)
SAM: I want to slam hell shut, too, okay? But I want to survive it. I want to live, and so should you. You have friends up here, family. I mean, hell, you even got your own room now. You were right, okay? I see light at the end of this tunnel. And I'm sorry you don't – I am. But it's there. And if you come with me, I can take you to it. DEAN: Sam, be smart. SAM: I AM smart, and so are you. You're not a grunt, Dean. You're a genius – when it comes to lore, to – you're the best damn hunter I have ever seen – better than me, better than dad. I believe in you, Dean. So, please – please believe in me, too.
(spoiler alert: hell if this doesn’t sound like the speech Sam gave Dean in 14.12, but like way less frustrated, angry, and afraid)
8.17 Goodbye Stranger:
Meg: You ever miss the Apocalypse? Castiel: No. Why would I miss the end of times? Meg: I miss the simplicity. I was bad. You were good. Life was easier. Now it's all so messy. I'm kind of good, which sucks. And you're kind of bad -- which is actually all manner of hot. We survive this... I'm gonna order some pizza and we're gonna move some furniture around. You understand?
(spoiler alert: Cas doesn’t miss the end of times. And the only reason he was “kind of bad” here was because he was being mind-controlled by Naomi so... Meg will be dead by the end of the episode, and Cas will be freed from Heaven’s control. Good times. Better than the apocalypse anyway)
8.19 Taxi Driver:
BOBBY: Yeah. Yeah, well... You know, I always figured that'd be the end of it... You know, just a Hunter's funeral. Zip. Nothing. And I was okay with that. Imagine my surprise. SAM: Well, I guess if there has to be an eternity, I'd pick Heaven over Hell. BOBBY: Yeah. 'Cause there's nothing screwy going on up there. SAM: I wish I made the rules. BOBBY: Well... I'll, uh, do my part, get to the end of this, but... I ain't exactly the retiring type, so, you idjits figure out a way to spring me...
(spoiler alert: apparently what’s burned doesn’t stay dead, s8 version? Also Sam wishes he made the rules... I love all these mentions of “the rules”)
8.21 The Great Escapist:
DEAN: We got the other half of the tablet. KEVIN: What? DEAN: It's the light at the end of your tunnel, kid. Don't say we never got you nothing.
(tfw the light at the end of the tunnel is actually a locomotive)
Dean: Cure a demon. Okay, ignoring the fact that I have no idea what that actually means, if we — if we do this, you get better, right? I mean, you stop trying to cough up a lung, and, and, and bumping into furniture? Sam: I feel better, yeah, um, just having a direction to move in. Dean: Well, good, cause where we're headed doesn't sound like a picnic. Sam: But we're heading somewhere. The end.
(spoiler alert: LOLOLOL thing again bub.)
9.20 Bloodlines:
ENNIS: Look, I don't need no apology from you. DAVID: I lost someone, too, okay?! But I'm trying here. ENNIS: I'm sorry about your brother. He spoke about you at the end. He said, "David, I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice."
(I wasn’t gonna include this, because it’s purely conversational on top of being from this episode which doesn’t really count but... when they’ve both lost people in a sacrifice play, and one is mistaken for the other and his dying words for his brother are “I didn’t have a choice?” um... that just felt relevant)
9.23 Do You Believe in Miracles?
Gadreel: I sat in this hole for thousands of years thinking of nothing but redemption, of reclaiming my good name. I thought of nobody, no cause other than my own. Castiel: You've been redeemed my friend. Gadreel: The only thing that matters in the end is the mission: protecting those who would not and cannot protect themselves. The humans. None of us is bigger than that, we will not let our fears, our self absorption prevent us from seeing it through. Not anymore. Castiel: No, no of course not. Gadreel: Move to the other side of your cell Castiel, and keep your head down. When they say my name, perhaps I won't just be the one who let the Serpent in, perhaps I will be known as one of the many that gave Heaven a second chance. Run sister.
(spoiler alert: redemption, selfless sacrifice, Gadreel meets his end to prove Metatron’s manipulative duplicity and reveal his real motive... that was just another game in a different loop of the spiral. In the end, it’s the only thing that matters)
10.20 Angel Heart:
CASTIEL: So do you think she's better off on her own? SAM: Cas, she just turned 18. CASTIEL: You were alone when you left for college at that age, weren't you? SAM: Yeah, but that's different. CASTIEL: How, Sam? SAM: Here's all I know ... going it alone, that's no way to live. You being there for her, even if she thinks she doesn't want you to be there for her, that's good for both of you. CASTIEL: Maybe, in the end. SAM: In the end.
(spoiler alert: things don’t just get better right away, and they’re hard but family sticks together, loved ones stick together, even when they say they don’t want to... it might not be easy now, but in the end...)
11.02 Form and Void:
SAM: I was infected last night. You? RABID MAN: This morning. SAM: Wait a second. Then why -- RABID MAN: . . . am I further along? Don't know. This thing, it ain't math. I seen some people change fast, some change slow. But in the end . . . We all end up the same. We go psycho. And then we go boom. SAM: Well, that's not -- I'm gonna fix this. RABID MAN: LIAR! You and me, we're dead. We're just taking our sweet time about it. So if you were smart, you'd put a bullet in me . . . and then eat one yourself.
(Sam wasn’t lying, Rabid Man. You just didn’t make it. And Sam was smart not to put a bullet in either of you.)
Bonus, for extra manipulation:
HANNAH: Where is it? CASTIEL: I don't know. HANNAH: Then who would? The Winchesters? Castiel, if this is true, it's the end for all of us. Sam and Dean -- where are they? CASTIEL: I don't know. HANNAH: Then think harder! CASTIEL: How did you find me?
(because that’s the thing, Cas realized Hannah wasn’t there to help, not there to heal him, and that she’d been in charge of all of this all along. She could’ve helped Cas like he’d asked and earned his trust and he probably would’ve shared what he knew of the Darkness with her, but she resorted to the old Heaven Way Of Doing Things instead... and he saw through the manipulation)
11.09 O Brother Where Art Thou?
Man: Repress your sins. Beg for his divine mercy. When the end comes – and come it will – only the forgiven will ascend to holy grace.
Amara raises both her arms skyward, compelling lightning bolts. One by one the members of the crowd are struck down; with the final lightning bolt hitting the man who had been preaching. They are all dead, completely scorched. The blood on the fountain turns back to water. The thunderstorm ends. Amara surveys her work, her gaze resting on one body, still holding a sign that says: THE END IS NEAR!
(gotta love those wackadoo religious nuts in this universe, right?)
Dean: What is it exactly that you want? When you make the world of bliss and peace, what’s in it for you? Amara: What I deserve. Dean: Which is? Amara: Everything. Dean: Everything? Amara: I was the beginning and I will be the end. I will be all that there is. Dean: So, you’re it. [Dean turns away from Amara]. That would make you God. Amara: No, God was the Light. I’m the Dark.
(So Amara was the beginning and will be the ending, all that there is... kinda... sounds a bit like... the empty?)
11.10 The Devil In The Details:
Lucifer: Okay, you don't like me. I get it... I get it; sometimes I don't like me either. But Gabriel and Raphael are dead. God went out for a pack of smokes and never came back... and Michael... well, let's just say prison life hasn't really agreed with Michael. These days he's usually sitting in a corner singing show tunes and touching himself. Sam: So you're it. Lucifer [laughing]: I'm it! And hey, I'm not the good guy, we both know I'm not, but the Darkness, she's the end of everything. Lucifer crouches down so he is face to face with Sam, imploring with him. Lucifer: But I can beat her. We can beat her. You and me, together. So come on, Sam. Make the right choice, the big sacrifice one more time, man. Sam, it's time to save the world, man.
(hooooly shit there’s a lot of lying and manipulating happening here... and the Darkness? even she wasn’t the end of everything)
11.16 Safe House:
(mostly included for flashback-to-the-apocalypse lolz)
BOBBY: The apocalypse is on the horizon, and you wanna hunt a damn ghost! RUFUS: Well unless you found a way to stop the end of the world during your little siesta, we got jack all on any of that business. Now I knew you were in the area, heard about this possible little gig, I thought a win would be nice.
(because it’s the end of the world and weird random “wins” help. Plus things that exist outside of time and space in convenient pocket dimensions for easy storage outside of God’s lil creation)
11.17 Red Meat:
Michelle: I... I just wanted to see how you were doing. And to tell you th... [Her voice shakes with emotion and she pauses.] I'm sorry. You saved our lives and... [another pause] well, my mom used to say, um... I didn't believe her then, but I... I think I do now. She used to say... death... it's not the end.
Dean’s spirit: You know, the Darkness is out there... and the world is gonna burn. And once she gets started, that's the end of everything, including you. Now, Sam's the only one who can stop it. Billie: Hmm. How's that? Dean is lost for words. Billie: That's what I thought. It's cute, though. You pretending you're trying to save Sam for the greater good, when we both know you're doing it for you. You can't lose him. But even if Sammy could win the title bout... the answer would still be “no.” The answer will always be “no.” Game's over, Dean. No more second chances. No more extra lives. Time to say bye-bye to Luigi, Mario. Dean’s spirit [sadness and desperation in his eyes]: I'm asking you... I'm begging you, please. Bring him back. Bring him back and take me instead. Billie: I'm not here to bargain with you, kid. I'm here to reap you. And the kicker is... Sam's not dead. [Dean looks stunned] But you are. Or will be, soon enough.
11.21 All in The Family:
Dean: You're right. I am drawn to you. And it bothers the hell out of me, 'cause I can't control it. Amara: Then why fight it? What you're feeling is that I am the end of your struggle. Something stops you. Keeps you from having it all.
(lol Amara REALLY wants to be the end doesn’t she... poor thing gonna get stuck with Mr. Infinite Loop Chuck... no wonder that’s like her worst nightmare. Heck, being locked up in nothingness sounds better, since that IS her deal... she’s not just the “end” though... she’s also the beginning...Alpha and Omega... Chuck is all the middle bits)
11.22 We Happy Few:
CHUCK: I can’t say I’m sorry if I’m not. (He places plates of pancakes in front of SAM and DEAN.) What he wants an apology for, I did it for humanity. For the world. Look, Lucifer wants what everybody wants: Amara gone. ‘kay? Let’s just give him a little time to cool off. (CHUCK sips from a mug labeled WORLD’S GREATEST DAD.) DEAN: Okay, well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but a little time is not something that we have. The end is frickin’ nigh.
(omfg it’s all the Dabb era themes... god Chuck has always been a dick)
CLEA: End times shouldn’t bother you though, Ro, you a rat. Find your way off any sinkin’ ship. ROWENA: Damn right. The spell I’m working on is Book of the Damned magic, and it can get us back. We can buy ourselves a few more centuries of life. Turn back the clock for us before the world inevitably goes (sing-song) ‘bye-bye.’ CLEA: You scared. ROWENA: Aye. I came face-to-face with the Darkness. The Apocalypse bell’s been rung a few times in our day, but when I looked inside her, I saw it. Not just the end of the world, Heaven and Hell. The end of magic. 
11.23 Alpha And Omega:
CAS: The angels are—Heaven won't help. DEAN: They know that this is the end, right? Of everything. CAS: Yes. SAM: And they don't care? CAS: No, it's not that. It's... They know—They know God is dying and they don't think we can win this. Souls or no souls. They're sealing Heaven, and they're "dying with dignity".
(spoiler alert: it’s like they keep trying to do this all through Dabb era... even after the Shadow throws open every gate. They’re still dying. Kinda makes me think it’s Chuck’s doing... literally... all of it, since it was Humanity’s Plan in this episode that CHANGED things from Chuck’s plan to just... wait for the inevitable blast wave ending)
[Sam, Cas, Crowley and Rowena, and Chuck pull up in the Impala to ‘The The Lazy Shag’ bar/restaurant which has a ‘Closed’ sign on the door. A man walks by with a sign that says ‘The End Is Near’.]
(and a bit later Cas comments that Chuck looks terrible >.>)
12.12 Stuck In The Middle (With You):
[organ music plays, Castiel is sitting in his truck listening to the radio] RADIO: Each of us has a time the physical body dies. We all face God’s judgment in the end. There’s not one of us alive walking on this earthly plane that will not pay the consequence for their actions. [the Impala pulls into the parking lot, distracting Cas from the radio] RADIO: The Lord will hold us in the palm of his hand, and he’ll weigh our souls. Brothers and sisters, are you worthy? [Cas turns off the radio]
RAMIEL: Allies. Is that what you call three humans with one good liver between them and a busted up angel? CROWLEY: I admit they don’t sound like much. But every Armageddon, every bloody, “this is the end of all things,” a Winchester stopped it. Like it or not, they’re an asset we can’t afford to lose.
(Crowley being sensible, there’s something much bigger than Ramiel’s surface-level read at stake here)
12.20 Twigs And Twine And Tasha Banes:
KETCH: It's the end for the American Hunters. Their time has passed.
WOMAN: I'm reaching the end of my very long life, and it's a problem. Max and Dean are also in pain. Another image of Tasha in the cellar bleeding profusely from her stomach area flashes. WOMAN: 'cause I sold my soul for power. So when I pass, my soul goes to Hell. Unless I can find someone to take the burden, to take my magic.
(spoiler alert: that’s YOUR problem, lady)
12.22 Who We Are:
SAM: Is this how you pictured it? The end? DEAN: Oh, you know it's not. I always thought we'd go out like... Butch and Sundance style. (Sam chuckles) SAM: Yeah. Blaze of glory. DEAN: Blaze of glory. (Dean smirks) Son of a bitch.
(spoiler alert: the grenadebaiting payoff. Gonna die anyway? May as well get the big boom.)
13.02 The Rising Son:
SAM: These yellow-eyed things just keep on comin’, huh? DEAN: Mm—hmm. And hopefully this fourth Prince of Hell is the last Kardashian in the family. SAM: According to this, if that was Asmodeus, it’s the end of the line.
(hey, for once, reaching the end of the line is a relief)
13.16 Scoobynatural:
SAM: Dude, what's wrong with you? DEAN: They don't know that they're in a...a C-word. And we're not gonna tell 'em about anything. Not where we're from, not about monsters. Nothing. Capiche? (Dean looks over to the Scooby Gang, standing across the room) DEAN: They are pure and innocent and good, and we're gonna keep it that way. SAM: Look, if you've seen this episode, why-why can't we just skip to the end? DEAN: Well, 'cause sometimes it's about the journey and not the destination.
(we can’t “skip to the end” because it’s about the JOURNEY, which is still ONGOING, and therefore NOT THE END)
Sam: Ha! Velma was right. It was a shady real estate developer after all. Jay: It's not fair. I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids. Dean: He said it! He said the line! Scooby Dooby Do! Sam: What are you doing? Dean: Well, I mean at the end of every mystery, Scooby looks at the camera and he says-- Castiel: Dean, you're not a talking dog. Dean: I know that. I... Sam: Yeah. Dean: No, but come on, I-I do look cool with the ascot, right? No? Guys? Come on, guys. Look, red is my color!
13.20 Unfinished Business:
KEVIN: I didn't have a choice! I… Y-you don't understand. I… I… I never used to believe in anything. Well, ex-except science-- quantum mechanical unpredictably. But then the end of the world happened, and everyone around me-- my friends, and my… my mom-- they all started to die. But God chose me? What… What does that even mean?! Michael said he wanted to save the world, not kill it. But he… he hurt so many people. When I couldn't perfect the spell, Michael, he got mad and threw me in the dungeon. And I was so scared, but I fixed it. B-but I… I couldn't do it anymore.
(aah, the poor Worst Version of Kevin, no choice, thought he was doing the right thing, manipulated by circumstance and empty promises...)
GABRIEL: I had it made-- all the booze I could drink, all the, uh, entertainment I could handle. [Sam interrupts and Dean looks disappointed, but the action returns to the motel room] SAM: Okay! Why don't we just skip to the end? [Gabriel sighs and skips to the end of the story, asleep in bed with the two women, when Sleipnir, Narfi, and Fenrir bound him with a sigil and kidnapped him from his bed] GABRIEL: So this is how it ended. By the time I came to, they had sold me to Asmodeus. SAM: Why would they do that? GABRIEL: Hello? Lucifer? In case you don't remember, there was an apocalypse brewing at the time.
(LOL Sam asked Gabriel to skip to the end of the story, and unlike Dean in 13.16, Gabriel did... no wonder Dean was disappointed, he was enjoying the journey even if most of Gabriel’s story was embellished beyond recognition)
LOKI: You think you're some… poor, innocent victim? [he strolls over and punches Gabriel again] Gabriel, with his deadbeat daddy and his mean older brothers. [he stomps on Gabriel] “Who will help me?” “Who will save me?” [he picks Gabriel up and pins him to the wall by his neck] I did! But you… you couldn't keep one promise. And then you had the audacity to ask me to help you again?! [he throws Gabriel down the hall, where Sam and Dean have arrived in a doorway behind him] You think I deserve to die for your spinelessness?! That my sons deserved to die?! [the fight continues, as Dean slides Loki’s sword to Gabriel and Gabriel finally gets Loki pinned to the wall at the tip of the blade] LOKI: Of course, of course you would need someone to swoop in and save your pitiful ass. GABRIEL: Shut up! LOKI: Face it, old friend, you're a joke. You're a failure. You live for pleasure. You stand for nothing. And in the end, that's exactly what you'll die for.
(heck... I mean, Loki dies here, because that “promise?” Gabriel didn’t break it. Loki just wouldn’t listen to facts or accept the reality of what happened. Gabriel had been trying to SAVE his father in 5.19, but THEY also wouldn’t listen... so... poor Gabriel was just stuck in the middle again, and he was imprisoned and tortured for it. Heck he better still be alive and that was another projection that died in 13.22)
14.03 The Scar:
Dean: You were right. I just didn’t want to look at it, what Michael used me for. I just wanted to race ahead. You know, skip to the end of the story the part where I get the weapon and I take out the bad guy. The part where I kill Michael. Sam: Yeah, I know. Dean: You know I said yes to him because I thought: it was stupid. I was stupid. Sam: Dean, you did what you had to do.
(ugh there’s that awful “you did what you had to do.” there was NO CHOICE. NONE. and Dean just wanted revenge at any cost for having been used like that... not even just by Michael, but in the Grander Scheme he has context for after 14.20)
14.07 Unhuman Nature:
Rowena: It's as I suspected. A Nephilim, for all its power, is an unnatural presence. Part human, part angel… It -- It doesn't quite fit. It's delicate. Its grace is what holds it in balance, and when Jack's grace was taken from him, his being fell into chaos. The -- The cells are gobbling each other up. Castiel: Well, if it's grace he needs, he can have mine. Rowena: No, dear, it won't do. Jack is part archangel. He needs a much stronger force and probably some kind of magic, and he needs it quick. Dean: How quick? Rowena: I don't...I don't exactly know, but he's enterin' a critical phase. Sometimes he'll look just fine, but then his body will give way and...it'll be the end of him.
(interesting phrasing...)
14.10 Nihilism:
Mainly, I wanted to make note of the song choice that plays in Rocky’s Bar, “Searchin’ for a Rainbow” by the Marshall Tucker Band. Because the lyrics repeat on a loop about looking for the end of the rainbow
14.11 Damaged Goods:
SAM: Mom, we don’t hug. I mean, w-we do, but only if it’s literally the end of the world, you know?
(yet... Dean awkwardly hugged him... sign of the apocalypse)
14.12 Prophet and Loss:
DEAN: Hey. Man, I-I just want to make sure that you’re still with me on this thing. You’re gonna see it through to the end. SAM: Well, I gave you my word, didn’t I? DEAN: Okay, alright. Just, you know, after what you said last night, I-I-I don’t need you and Mom coming up with some way to stop me. SAM: You know, Mom hates this. I hate this. DEAN: I know. SAM: And Cas and Jack, you haven’t even told them. DEAN: Okay, well, yeah, that’s because I’m not good with the whole big goodbyes, alright? I-I-I don’t need to get shaky on this thing. SAM: Wouldn’t be the worst thing. DEAN: You know what Michael wants to do, you know that this will stop it, and you know that there’s no other way. So, just put the end of this trip outta your head, okay?
(spoiler alert: oh look it’s nihilistic Dean from back in 5.18 come for a brief visit. good thing he got clocked on the noggin instead of doing this dumb thing)
Bonus that’s not really a bonus, because boy’s obsessed and it’s just not healthy:
DEAN: I believe in all of us. And I’ll keep believing until I can’t. Until there’s absolutely no other way. But when that day comes – if that day comes… Sam, you have to take it for what it is – the end. And you have to promise me that you’ll do then what you can’t do now, and that’s let me go. And put me in that box.
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Happy Birthday Clyde!
My kids and the show crew threw Clyde a party =3
It was going to be his best birthday ever if Jade had any say in it, Clyde Donovan was turning 10-years-old on Tuesday April 10th which was only a week away. Jade Pines had talked to Roger Donovan about letting she and her friends handle planning and preparing for Clyde's birthday party this year and was ecstatic when he gave her full rein, Jade gathered all of her friends and all of Clyde's informing them of the massive surprise party they were going to throw the boy. Marion decided he was going to make Clyde an amazing cake he'd seen on Pintrest while Jade would make the Lemon Bars that Clyde was nuts for.
On Monday night once everyone had gifts ready for wrapping and the cake was frosted perfectly Maria was sent to Token's where she pleaded with the Black's to use their backyard for the party since their property was the largest in town and the party was massive, with their go-ahead after giving her word the yard would be spotless when the party was done everyone got to work moving the decorations to the Black's home while Token kept Clyde distracted by helping the Brunette with his homework at the Donovan house, the kids spent all of last week and the weekend pretending that they didn't know they were closing in on Clyde's birthday and Jade regretted it because the boy always donned a puppy-dog pout.
Tuesday morning after school Token took Clyde to his favorite bakery for something sweet giving their friends time to decorate the backyard while Maria and Lafayette sat upstairs in Token's bedroom wrapping and labeling birthday presents minus one, "why've you been so pouty lately?" Token asked Clyde as he checked the clock on the wall noticing it was about time to sneak the boy to the party.
"You can't tell me you don't even remember" Clyde huffed pulling his hand free from Token's to cross his arms and pout, "I turn 10 today, and literally nobody but my dad and sister remembered" he crowed as Token laid a hand on his back escorting him to the manor.
"C'mere" Token wrapped his arm around the Brunette hugging him until the boy calmed down a little giving him time to glance out back where he saw the table of presents, the table of sweets and even the Coon pinata that Maria made as a joke. "I wanna show you something" Token made Clyde shut his eyes then covered them escorting the emotionally upset boy outside, "okay, open them" he smiled once he could tell Clay's camcorder was recording them.
"SURPRISE!" the second Clyde's Milk Chocolate Brown eyes opened all of his friends popped up all over Token's yard thoroughly startling the birthday boy, the kids pulled small confetti poppers before Jade carefully made her way to the birthday boy where he laughed throwing himself into her arms.
"Did you really think any of us could forget YOUR birthday Clyde?" Jade asked the birthday boy as he cried into her neck, "Never! Never ever never" she twirled the boy until his laughter replaced his tears and it rang out over the yard.
"Happy birthday Clyde" Marion smiled at the birthday boy messing up his hair after Jade sat him down, "so pouty pants, lunch and cake or presents first?" he asked the Brunette who was drying his face trying to stop laughing.
"Ummm" Clyde bit his lower lip before hearing his stomach snarl angrily under his shirt, "what's for lunch?" he asked making everyone laugh.
"I made burgers and hotdogs" Clay announced, he got the plates from the island in Token's kitchen and set them up on the counter by the outdoor grill. "Let's dig in then pig out" Clay smiled rubbing Clyde's head before he grabbed the 'birthday' party hat putting it on the brthday boys head then hunted down the bags of buns he'd brought setting up a table with Kenny's help where they put out the buns, refreshments and condiments using the bottles to weigh down the paper plates.
Clyde beamed getting two hotdogs and a hamburger putting ketchup on all 3 before plopping down on his bottom between Jade and Token where he sank his teeth into the burger, "I appreciate this but you guys are jerks" he told them after swallowing the large bite.
"Jerks are we?" Jade asked watching him set his plate down to accept and drink from a can of soda from Stan, "you hear that?" she looked at Token who smirked nodding.
"Oh I did" Token sat his plate aside cracking his knuckles watching Clyde cower towards Jade, "we'll show you jerks" and quite quickly Clyde's loud hysteric giggling disturbed the party as the two ganged up on him. "Are we still jerks?" Token laughed carefully deflecting Clyde's right arm when the Brunette swung his arm at him, "well that wasn't very nice" he tried to pout but just grinned.
"Let him breathe" Marion laughed, "I think he's learned not insult his two best friends" he smiled watching them stop and pass Clyde his soda which he chugged.
Clyde lit up finishing his lunch with a renewed vigor after a fit of hysterics like that, "more like never insult them on an empty stomach" he said before eating a hotdog in roughly 2 bites emptying his plate.
"Cake?" Jade offered Clyde, "Marion worked hard on it just for you, cause we're jerks like that" she smiled messing up his hair before putting the birthday hat back on.
"I can't wait" Clyde grinned standing with Marion's help where everyone surrounded the cake making sure Clyde was front and center and the camera could see his as Marion uncovered the large Football shaped cake and lit the 10 candles on it, "this looks insane" the Brunette beamed.
"Happy Birthday Clyde" the guests cheered, they knew how much he loathed the Birthday song so they always just wished him happy birthday and he blew out the candles before the cake was cut and dished out.
"Boom" Jade giggled uncovering the tray a Lemon Bars smiling when Clyde grabbed a Strawberry topped one and started eating that before the slice of cake, she claimed a slice of cake then sat down so Clyde was once again between her and Token then took a bite. "This is great Marion" she praised her twin, "looks like he's enjoying it too" she laughed seeing Clyde roughly half way through the slice of cake he'd been given.
"What it's good?" Clyde pouted softly accepting the napkins from Jade under the threat that she'd mother him in front of the others (meaning she wasn't above licking a corner of the napkin and cleaning his face) so he did it himself using his cell camera to avoid missing anything, "you're the best you guys, I couldn't ask for a better party" he smiled at Jade and Token then the other kids all of whom smiled at him before running off and returning with two coolers and a small cardboard box which Jade claimed and settled into his lap as the camera was brought closer to them.
"Craig get yours out so he can open it next" Jade told the boy in the Chullo as Clyde looked at the hole riddled box in his lap, "go on Clyde" she smiled at the boy rubbing the back of his head.
Clyde's yes sparkled a little at the familiar sound coming from the box, "No. You did not" he opened it his eyes sparkling when the little Black and White Guinea Pig peeked out of the box making those cute little chirpy noises that their kind make. "Oh my god Jaaaade" he was torn between hugging his best friend and hugging his new Piggy, he hugged Jade first then picked up his new furry friend who licked his cheek softly making the boy laugh.
"Since Jade beat me to the punch I got you everything you'd need" he passed Clyde the biggest cooler where all of the gifts said they were from him, "a cage, a ball, a wheel, wood chips for the crate, food dish, water bottle, tubes to put around your room, a special coupon for the vet Tweek and I take Stripe #4 to that gets your first visit free and another for a free Micro-chipping" Craig told him helping him open and set up the cage where they put the Guinea Pig so it was out of the way.
"Okay mine next" Stan smiled rifling around the smaller cooler for a medium sized box shaped present, "happy birthday Clyde" he said watching Clyde unwrap the box and open it to reveal a football signed by his favorite player.
"Dude!" Clyde cheered setting the ball in its box where he embraced his friend, "how'd you score this?" he asked him.
"Secret" Stan smiled, "Kyle's next" he told him.
"Okay okay" Clyde giggled accepting the present, it was flat and squared if he had to guess it was a CD. He wasn't wrong, Kyle had bought him an autographed CD of his favorite band. "Dude are you guys trying to one up each other?" Clyde asked them through soft chuckles as he marveled at the CD, "these are awesome you guys" he smiled at them.
"It probably looks like it but only Maria, Lafayette and those that purchased the gifts knows what you got" Marion smiled grabbing a thick large box which he passed to the birthday boy, "this is from me and Alfred" he told him watching the excited 10-year-old tear through the wrapping paper to reveal two decent length boxes taped together most likely to hide the present.
"You...You did not" Clyde had opened the box and unearthed a Red and White Gibson Les Paul with his name on it, "Jesus Christ you two" he said softly strumming a few chords before putting it away and looking to the others curiously.
"I made this myself" Tweek passed Clyde a boxed present watching anxiously as the boy shredded his way through the wrapping paper eagerly making sure it went in the trashcan Token had brought out for him, "Happy Birthday" the blonde permitted a smile as Clyde unearthed the plushtoy of Mosquito and hugged it cracking up when it immitated the annoying buzzing the Brunette made as Mosquito.
"I love it!" Clyde cheered nuzzling the toy softly, "does that make me a narcissist?" he asked laughing when Tweek relaxed laughing as well.
"Nah, Craig has a Super Craig plush" Tweek told him cringing when the boy playfully hit his shoulder, "I had a bunch of fabric" he rubbed his neck.
"Here ese" Maria smiled sweetly grabbing a square but flimsy plush present out of the cooler and passed it to him, "happy birthday" she ruffled his bangs when he smiled accepting the present.
"Maria this is so pretty" Clyde said softly looking at the large quilt in his arms, the patches were littered in things he liked. Footballs, Guitars, Tacos, Cows, Mosquito's and dead center was his name. "I love it" He tucked it into the box from his Guinea Pigs cage and hugged Maria who rubbed his back a little, he smiled and sat down just in time for Sammy to put a slightly heavy looking package down in front of him.
Clyde tore through the wrapping paper curiously peaking at his Guinea Pig from time to time, that was by far his favorite present and he had trouble looking away from it. "Guys....this is the entire series" he gaped looking at the boxset of his favorite book series as it sat before him, he'd begged his dad for this set but was always told it was too much and felt like this may've been why.
Alexis and Clay A Hamilton CD so he can get sucked into the fandom
"We figured you're old enough to be dragged into Hamilton hell" Alexis smiled watching Clyde open the CD, "we got that when we went to see it, I still feel bad that your dad wouldn't let you come because of your wrist" she said sadly.
"I'll have to give this a listen later" Clyde smiled at her, "from how often Jade sings from it, it must be great" he laughed.
"Mine's best" Kenny grinned passing Clyde a thick envelope, he bobbed his eyebrows watching the boy open it a little and see the small collection of porn magezines which he quickly tucked in with the Les Paul for later.
Token and Butters colaborated to make Clyde a A lettermans jacket with 'Donovan' on the back then nothing but meme patches? Pepe, Kermit, the 'I ain't get no sleep cause of y'all' person, dat boi and more that had Clyde in stitches, Timmy was sweet enough to get him his favorite season of Supernatural on DVD the only season he didn't have. And then Jimmy the beautiful bastard, bought him 1001 jokes: the book with Scott Maklinson who sadly couldn't make it and everyone carefully beaned their beloved comedian with mini marshmallows.
"Okay okay how about instead of trying to make Jimmy diabetic, I got get the Coonyata and we beat it to a pulp?" Maria chimed in after she and Timmy helped Jimmy get mini marshmallows out of his hair, "then we have to clean stuff up if we're done, I promised Token's folks the place would be spotless" she got up ruffling Jimmy's hair to run to Token's shed where she'd hidden the 'Coonyata' and listened to Clyde ask their laughing friends.
"What the fuck is a Coonyata?" Clyde asked doubling their laughter, he looked up hearing 'for he's a jolly good fellow' from Maria as she strung up something that had him howling with laughter.
This monstrosity definitely looked like 'The Coon' but it was lumpy and poorly made (on purpose) and over all he just looked ridiculous but that was what made it perfect, "seeing as you are the birthday boy, you get first three swings" Jade told Clyde grabbing her scarf and blinding him with it before everyone formed a sort of human chain that spun him all the way to Maria who handed the blind dizzy boy the bat and angled him perfectly.
"Swing!" Token cheered with the others, he watched Clyde spin around once before he cracked the Coonyata in the side hard enough to dent it but not break it.
"Jesus" Alfred whispered, he watched Clyde swing two more times managing to clip a foot and knock a hand off.
"Next?" A very dizzy Clyde called out removing the scarf and leaning on the bat, he wretched a little but caught his breath and hobbled his way over to Jade after Token took the bat.
"It's not as fun as the real deal" Jade joked kneading her friends stomach to soothe his nausia, "happy birthday" she smiled at him watching Token seem to work on aiming his swing from the ground up only for an untimely sneeze to throw his aim off causing him to knock the tail off.
"Kenny?" Token waved the bat at the second in command of the 'Freedom Pals' flipping it from handle to front skillfully, "y'know you wanna" he tempted grinning when Kenny took the bat and scarf letting Maria blindfold him while the bat sat on the ground. He was spun 3 times before he did something that kind of confused the gang, he tapped areas of the ground with the bat muttering to himself.
"It's a bat not a golf club Ken" Butters giggled, "swing, I wanna hit him" he told his boyfriend.
"Sorry Leo" Kenny chuckled swinging hard and up knocking the left arm off, "here Buttercup" the blonde slid off the scarf then tied it around Butters' head before kissing the blonde. He laughed hearing 'no grab ass at my birthday' come from Clyde before he twirled Butters three times and handed him the bat, "what's life without a little Chaos" he purred in his blondes ear pinching his ass laughing when Clyde threw a mini marshmallow at him.
Butters yelped slightly startled by the sudden pinch and brought the bat straight up listening to the cheers that followed the satisfying 'Crack' after the bat hit, he uncovered his eyes and laughed seeing that he'd split the Coonyata right between the legs and it now lay in two peices on either side of the sea of candy. He gathered up some of what he knew to be Clyde's favorites and ran a little zigzag path to the boy dumping the tiny 'shirtful' into his lap, "happy birthday" he grinned.
By the time the party was over Clyde was passed out pinning Jade and Token to their spots against the wall, he'd turned Jade into a pillow and as usual Token had become a footrest. Once everyone that could move had helped clean Clay came over to get the birthday boy into the house since it looked like it was gonna rain, everyone filled their arms with gifts and food rushing them inside while Clay took Clyde and his Guinea Pig to the living room sofa. The backyard and the house was spotless when Token's parents arrived, his folks were nice enough to take the children home in groups since even for a wealthier family they didn't have enough car space for roughly 18 kids.
Jade definitely felt like she'd out done herself with this party, she'd never seen Clyde smile that much or heard him laugh that hard in all her knowing him. She left the Lemon Bars with his father and thanked him for letting her host the party, since Clyde had been asleep she, Marion and Clay helped get him and his gifts inside they'd call their parents from here.
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The Danvers Sisters (the youngest sibling)
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Request: could you write some headcannons on being alex and kara's little sister? 
a/n: HECK YEAH I CAN. These are always so fun to do lol, bring it on!! These are more dumb than emotional, I think... I live for the trash and the crack, y’all LOL
Also a little sidenote, headcanon requests (for now, anyway, in my absence) are something I’d be more likely to do since they’re much quicker than coming up with actual prose - those are the ones I really want the most time to focus on. These are just quicker as little flashes of inspiration, and they even help in creating some backstory for the other requests. So that’s just the reason why I’m getting to them before the other prompts, in case anyone was wondering. Have an awesome day y’all :D
- - - - -
it wasn’t always that you were close to your sister, Alex. Life seems to have a different way of handling things than you expect, and you’ve come to learn that things fall into place exactly as they’re meant to; when they’re meant to
you were much younger than Alex, and you figured you had a relationship as ordinary as any other siblings would have. She wouldn’t annoy or pester you, but she would tease you quite often whenever she had the chance - for the most part, you took it in stride, never having seen your sister get close to anything that could be described as malicious
she was always so cool and even at a young age, she just seemed to know what she was about
you, on the other hand, were both parts rambunctious as you were delightful. You spent as much time feeding your untamed imagination as you did swimming the depths of the deep ocean or chartering the vast distances of outer space
Alex never failed to mention how lame you were, but nonetheless joined in whenever the two of you were outside and parkouring on nearly every single thing you could find in your wild savannah adventure
your parents eventually put you into sports to expend your impressive abundance of energy - needless to say you thrived at it, albeit a little too eagerly, if the bruises you got and the fiery competition in your eyes were any indication
you never thought Alex’s loud music was scary or perplexing, you just wouldn’t come to appreciate it until years later on your own; your parents, however, often had to remind her to turn it down several decibels to a humanly acceptable level
when freakin’ Superman himself brought a girl maybe about Alex’s age, maybe a little bit younger to your house and your parents told you she was going to be your new sister, you were ecstatic
now that you saw him, you didn’t really think he was as impressive as you thought he would be, and you said as much. Your mom chastised you and your dad laughed, and Superman winked at you as he took off
Alex, however, was wary about her - she had a better understanding of the implications of having an alien sister; you just thought about how awesome it’d be
your new sister, Kara, shared your room. You were more amenable to the arrangement than Alex would have been (if they’d even asked her, which they didn’t)
you let her pick which bunk she wanted to sleep in, and she merely stared wide-eyed and alarmed at your excitement. Your parents had to remind you that Earth was an entirely new world to her, and it was only then you really considered just how much your new sister needed you
she didn’t talk much, and you were fine with that. You’d get her talking eventually. You spent so many nights speaking seemingly to yourself, but Kara always looked at you with rapt attention, and you always knew she was listening
“What do you mean you don’t have Harry Potter in space? No- wait, you don’t even have to say anything for me to know that look on your face. I have to fix this. I’ll read you every single book, okay?”
much credit should be given to you, because you did, and Kara would start asking you questions about the story or the characters, her mouth still trying to form around new words of an entirely different language
“So magic is just human technology but more advanced?” “Well, not exactly, it’s just... it’s magic.” “Is alien technology considered magic to Earth?” “I mean, I guess it could be.” “Does Hermione love Harry?”
you’d seen less and less of Alex, she was a teenager in high school after all, but sometimes you’d all get together on some nights and watch the stars, all of you intimately aware of Kara’s place in them
rather frequently, you’d hear Kara sniffling from her top bunk, and you’d never fall asleep until you heard her crying cease - you never said anything to her when she did and you never made mention of it in the morning
in your young mind, you thought the best course of action was simply to just distract, and damn were you good at that
you taught Kara how to play soccer, and you think you nearly peed your pants from laughing so hard when you watched her kick an old car tire just a little too hard, and Alex stood watching on the porch like she’d just seen a ghost
you dragged Kara to the park with you constantly, and you’d spend a good majority of your afternoons on the swings - it was a nice feeling to know this was as close you’d experience of the powers of flight that Kara was bestowed with. You suspected it humanized her in some way, and if the content smile she had whenever she swung back was any indication, you think she appreciated the normalcy it gave her
when Kara eventually learned to have much more control of her new powers on Earth, your family spent a day at an amusement park, and you loved the way Kara laughed when she was on the roller coasters
you let Kara go through all your Backstreet Boys and N’Sync CD collections, and you adored her for being the only person you think you ever knew who loved both as undivided and fiercely
Alex absolutely loathed when you two started singing in your bedroom, but you think you’d seen a hint of a smile on her face whenever she stood scolding at your door, but you might have imagined it
she spends less and less time at home and more time being out, and you thus spent even more time around Kara. Alex, in her frequent socializing, simultaneously became more closed off, and you wondered about it - Kara did too
“Does Alex hate me?” “What? No, Alex is just... Alex. She’s always been like that.” “Really?” “Yeah, really, she still loves us though.” “I didn’t have any siblings on Krypton.” “Well, now you have two.”
when Alex was to go off to med school, it wasn’t without proper farewell, and when she spoke to you personally you began to realize just how much you’d miss your oldest sister
“Hey, take care of Kara alright?” “I have, and I will” “Yeah, I know you have. You’re doing a great job... you’ve always been better at it than me.” “We’ll miss you.” “I know.”
Kara went off to college and when it was your turn just a short time after her, you’d shared an apartment, neither of you seeming to not be able to let go of your childhood memories entirely. You got a full-ride scholarship on the basis of playing varsity basketball
throughout the entirety of your experience away from home, she still maintained her normal human persona, and you were set to believe the remainder of your life would continue on that path
Alex, for her part, had gotten into trouble, and after her stint in jail, she’s fixed herself up and found a job as a scientist, you’ve been informed. Admittedly, you were beyond relieved - finally, the sister you always thought was the smartest person you ever knew was putting her brilliance to work
you weren’t jealous when Kara came out to the world and used her powers to save Alex’s flight to Geneva from crashing into the city, but you did ponder how this new development rocked the boat entirely
nobody told you that Alex was a secret government agent working in the extra-terrestrial branch, you figured that out on your own. What was a surprise to you, however, was the fact that it took years to put together that Kara was related to Superman
“Holy shit... how did I not... wow.” “Really, (Y/N)? You’re a Danvers, I can’t believe you.” “Yep, he’s definitely my cousin.” “Clark? Honestly? Did you know I told him he wasn’t as good-looking as I imagined he’d be when I first saw him?” “Oh my god-” “For someone so brainy you’re also a huge idiot.”
you still fight with Kara over the last Ben and Jerry’s pint, but only because you’re far too lazy to have to replenish your stock literally every day
when you came home with a new tattoo, she wouldn’t stop gawking at your arm, and you thought about how adorably fascinated Kara was with human physiology - even with the more you got, Kara would never stop examining them in great length, and you always indulged her
Alex always comes over whenever she can (nearly every night, in fact) and you all have pizza and watch TV
Kara is particularly intrigued by Orphan Black and all the implications of cloning and autonomy
you’ve become more comfortable around Alex now that she’s allowed herself to be softer, and you’ve taken the mantle of being the annoying sister when she brings Maggie to the apartment one night
you live for the scowl on Alex’s face whenever you share embarrassing stories about her, and it’s only made so much better when Kara eagerly joins in and substantiates everything you say
when you take Kara to her first Comic-Con, you never loved yourself more than you did at the very moment you captured Kara’s reaction at seeing all the Supergirl cosplays, and you relished in how dumbstruck but mystified she looked
you still get texts from Kara asking you what certain words mean, or asks for your opinion on which words are better to use in different contexts when she becomes a CatCo journalist
you never would have suspected it, but Kara is as surprisingly intimidating as Alex is whenever you bring someone new home as a date
you always worry about Alex and Kara whenever the security of the city is at stake again (this happens far too often than you care to acknowledge) but the way they come crashing into your apartment and topple onto the couch every single time after a successful battle is enough to remind you that you have two superheroes for sisters
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impala-dreamer · 7 years
NJCon Through A Dreamer's Eyes...
My Memories of the weekend. It’s long, so it’s under the cut.
I know I’m going to forget things, but here’s what I remember most: (in no logical order)
Jason Manns is a really cool dude. We had a few moments that made me think some thoughts. My selfie with him is one of my fave pics from the weekend. We’re totally in love. Lol.
Emily Swallow is a beautiful bird who has been magicked to us from the 1970s and I want to have a sleepover girly party with her and I told her as much. She’s beautiful.
I’m fairly certain that Kim Rhodes and I are the same person.
I want to bed Brianna. And I have no shame in saying that.
Ruth Connell is the most adorable being to ever walk the Earth AND she can fucking sing like an angel and I want to put her in my pocket to keep her forever.
Shoshanna is an absolutely beautiful soul. Her panel was incredible and I cried through most of it. Immediately bought an auto with her afterwards and I’m so happy that I got to meet her. She’s just… an exceptional human being.
Louden Swain!!! So… this is funny. I have always loved Mike. He’s adorable. I said as much when they took the stage on Friday, and April (who just met my husband) says, “Yeah, because he’s an Asian version of Bill (my husband)” to which i was like “Naw…. OH MY LORD you’re right!” lol. I even sent Bill and picture and he goes “Yeah, that’s me!” lol. So… I go to get my CD signed, and I was going down the line and I said “Hi” to Billy, bc … whatever. He gets enough attention. I told Steven about my 10 year old being a drummer and he was like “Awe, cool!” And then.. I get to Mike. I put my hands on the table and leaned over and said: “You wanna hear the most awkward thing you’ll hear all weekend?” He looks up and says “YES!”. “I love you and you’re adorable and I just realized it’s because you look just like my husband.” And he turned pink and giggled. I walked away very proud of myself! Lol.
Jake Abel. Jake… Abel…. He grew up, dude. Wow. That man… is gorgeous. His panel was awesome and we all walked away with a twinkle in our eyes. Well, then we get to his autograph, and April is all cute and nice to him. I get up and lean down on the table (this apparently is my “you listen here, sonny” move of the weekend) and I said, “You sir, are incredibly charming. You panel was great.” And he said “I love compliments! Keep them coming!” April chimes in with “You converted her! She hated Adam!” And I was like “Hold up, I don’t HATE Adam… OK, I did… “ Turn back to Jake and wag my finger at him and go, “You are charming as fuck. Keep it up” And he laughed. He’s fucking charming, and he needs to know that. Lol
JDM: That man OOZES testosterone. I don’t even like him, but he walked passed me and April and my knees actually buckled. He is SEX on legs. I’m not even exaggerating. And he’s so sweet and kind and just amazing.
Rachel Minor was beautiful and so sweet and just a lovely person. Her panel was great and she was truly excited to see everyone. For her autograph, I don’t know what happened, but I just about started to cry, so I turned my face away and she said “No, No, it’s OK” And she grabbed my hand and squeezed me a bit. She was so … she’s just a kind unicorn and that’s the end of that. I will love her for the rest of my days.
Karaoke was LOUD and hilarious. Emily was my favorite thing ever and she wore a Tiger costume and did the running man. She is literally adorable.
SNS- AMAZING. Like, I could probably do 3K just on that, but I won’t. Just know it was very emotional for me and I cried hard. HARD.
MARK SHEPPARD: He was my first photo op. I was a little nervous, but I pushed through. I walked up and said “I have always loved you, Mark.” He smiled and I went to hug him, but he turned me and pressed his cheek to mine for the photo. He was solid and real and I was like “Holy crap”. After the photo, he’s still got his hands on me and I said, “We’re all going to miss you.” And he squeezed my shoulder. I walked away, hit the door and started crying. I don’t know what it was, or why, but I cried. He has been in every single show I’ve ever loved, and … he’s just… MARK. So cool. His panel was FUCKING HILARIOUS AND I LOVE HIM. My auto with him: I have my box ready to sign, but I have a specific place I need J2M2 to sign it, because I’m insane. So… It went something like this:
Me: Hi Mark!Mark: Hi. (kinda smile. He goes to sign the top and I waved my hand over it)
Me: No! Could you please sign on this side?
Mark: No.
Me: Please?Mark: Where?
Me: Here (shows spot)
Mark: No.
Me: Please?Mark: Why?Me: Because I need you to sign in here.
Mark: Why?Me: Because I love you.
Mark: No.
Me: Fucking Sign It!Mark: Well, tip it up!Me: THANK YOU!
Mark: *Smirk*
It was magical and I love him so much.
MISHA COLLINS: I woke up Saturday morning and my first thought was MISHA!!! So… I go in for the auto, and amazingly I’m not too nervous. I see him standing there and I think “fuck, he’s skinny” lol. I watch him do his thing, some girl jumps on his back, another does a silly pose. Then these girls are asking him to do something and he’s saying ‘no’, he doesn’t want to, but they insist, and so they pose with him “smacking” their asses. It kinda seemed like he wasn’t happy with it. So, anyway, I get up and I’m like “Hi Mr. Collins!” And he says Hi, and then I was like “Um… dealer’s choice.” So we smushed together and he gave like a finger gun. It was cute, but I walked away kinda disappointed. Like, he wasn’t MISHA. It was weird. Later at his panel he explained how he’d been traveling for like 17 hours to get there and had taken a sleeping pill and then not slept on the plane, so apparently not-Misha was just exhausted-Misha, so I gave him a pass. We’re cool again. He’s still Misha. BTW- we got TWO Misha panels because of a JDM time issue on Sunday and it was awesome. He is … well… Misha. He’s funny and filthy and I love him. Sigh.
His auto: I had him sign “Sam’s side” of the box. Because I know Crowley and Sam hate each other, so I split up my Destiel for Sam’s sake (did I mention I’m insane? OK, cool)
He goes to sign THE TOP! So I said “i’m so sorry, I gotta direct you to sign over here” and he kinda was like “Fuck you, I do what I want” But he did. IN GOLD. Everyone else signed in silver, but Misha used GOLD because… it’s fuckin’ Misha. Anyway… I said “I know you must be exhausted, but thank you so much for being here. You are fucking amazing.” And he looked up… and Winked that big-ass, Misha wink. And I was like “fuck yeah” Misha.
JENSEN ACKLES: What do I say about Jensen? Do I describe how I could barely look him in the face? I guess I’ll be honest and tell the truth as it happened to me….
I shared an op with my Stephie (bless her for snatching that up for us). I was fine on line, we get in the room and I start freaking out. Halfway up the line I turn to her and say, “I don’t feel good” And she goes “You’re fine” and I’m like, “I am. I got this.”
Then I feel it. I know I’m going to cry. It’s so tight in my gut and it’s working it’s way up. Now, my fear before hand was being taken out of line in my Jared op, so for this to be happening for Jensen kinda shocked me. So, I finally see him, and I grabbed Steph’s arm and I remember saying “THIGHS” lol. But then all hell breaks loose inside of me. I start shaking and the tears are coming. We get two away, and I spin around away from Jensen and say aloud, “I AM NO OK!” So the I’m Alive lady steps towards me, but Steph calls her off and just spins me back around, has her hand on my back and she’s like “It’s OK, bring it down. You got this.” And SOMEHOW I managed to suck it all up and walk over to Jensen.
Now, here’s where it gets blurry. I look up at his face and I go, “Oh My God!” And I run to him. He opens his arms, and I duck under one, and Steph the other. I have my arm around his back and I didn’t know what to do with my hand, so I shoved it up under his arm. Lol. So I’m… in Jensen’s pits. And … I took a deep breath. (did not like his smell. Don’t hate me. It did not agree with my nose. lol) Anyway… then I said thanks and walked out. NOW- STEPH Says That I also said “I WANT TO SQUISH YOU!” But I clearly blacked out, because I do not remember that. Anyway, next thing I know, we are standing outside (edited for adult content) and I am full on panic attack. My entire body is shaking. My stomach is quaking, I can’t breath. I’m just clinging to the balcony bricks like “HOLY FUCKING SHIT” and I takes me about thirty mins to calm down. I go back to the room and kick April out and I just cried. Like, full on, sobbing tears. Then, dried off, took a shot of whiskey and moved on with my life.
I met Jensen twice more that day, but I’ll save those for later.
JARED PADALECKI: I was not nervous. I was not emotional. I got online, and I was fine. I saw his shoes first. And then as we got closer, his legs, then his hands, and then finally his face. I started to get a little choked up, but the girl behind me was full on crying, so I turned and said to her “You listen to me, Jared is a ray of sunshine and he’s about to make everything ok” And she calmed down. I think telling her to stop crying actually kept me from crying. OK. So…
The song playing when we walked in was Bad Company “Shooting Star” And I was air guitaring to keep my hands from shaking. Then it changed to Tiffany “I think we’re alone now”, and Jared did the BOOTY DANCE!!! And I died a little.
Then he gets a phone call. He says “i’m so sorry, it’s the wifey” So he steps back a bit and answers, then he’s talking to his kids and his face is just… he’s so smiley and happy and peaceful. He kept coming back to the line like “i’m so sorry, just a sec” and we were all like “do what you gotta do dude” I could watch him talk on the phone forever.
Then… right next to me Rachel shows up from the back door to say hi. And he drops to his knees and is talking to her, and he’s so focused and loving and they chat and I’m just like “Is this man for real?” He is.
He comes back to line finally and walks towards the giant light and says “I’m Burning up!” And lifts his shirt to fan himself and there it is: Padabelly. I saw his light brown leather belt and a tiny tiny line of his Saxx and I … yeah. Anyway…
So I get up to him and he turns to me and smiles so beautifully and I said “Hi!” And he says “How are ya?” And I said “I’m aldhflUKeglKShg”. A weird squeak comes out and I just lunge at him and bury my face in his chest. So he kinda shrugs and we take a hug picture.
I walked away… I swear to god I have never felt so happy in my whole life. It was like my body was floating on a cloud. My heart was full of cotton candy and unicorns. Jared was so genuine, and enjoying being there and so so happy. And if Jared Padalecki is happy, there is nothing wrong in the world.
We made it back to the hotel room and I burst out singing and dancing “I’ve got everything that I need, right in front of me” And I think I scared April, but it was appropriate. I was so so happy.
More on Jared coming up.  
J2 Panel was awesomesauce. I’m sure you’ve all watched it.
J2 Photo Op: I was cool as a fucking cucumber. I walked up to them like “sup, bitches?”. Lol
Jared was closest. He turns and smiles and says “hi!” And I go “Hi again!” And I go over to Jensen and I said, “Could I do the selfie pose, please?” And he seemed kinda annoyed, maybe because I was all smiley with Jared and not him, but whatever. So he signals to Chris and they set up. I pull Jared’s sleeve and he leans his ear down to me and I said, “I got your Bedazzeled reference right away. I was the person laughing.” And he went “Nice!” And laughed that ‘tossing head back’ laugh and I died a little more. I MADE JARED LAUGH!. OK… so we take the picture and then I thank them and I’m out. I LOVE THIS PICTURE SO MUCH! And I got Jensen smoulder!! Yesssss.
OK, so… lots of panels, lots of stuff. Awesome time.
But the end of the evening Sunday, I was totally exhausted and we hadn’t eaten like, all weekend. So I’m delirious. Apparently… tired + hungry = Beka goes Nuts. And in that insanity, I apparently decided that I hate Jensen. He took the brunt of all of my exhaustion. Irrational anger flowed towards that man well into the midnight hour. Just “God, I wanna… grrrrrr…. Fuckin’ Ackles!!” No reason, no explanation, just irrational annoyance with that poor poor man. LOL.
JARED AUTO: In line, there’s like three people crying hysterically and telling him their sob stories and I’m like “OH For Fuck’s Sake” So I turned to Bronwyn and I’m like “I gotta make him laugh” Because I’m just like that. I gotta lighten the mood. So I go up and show him the box. I opened it up and he looks and smiles “oh cool!”. I’m like “could you please sign on Sam’s side?” And there was a little confusion, because the box is the front of Impala, so it’s kind of backwards. So he’s like “here?” and i’m like “no, here” so I reached around it and pointed and he put his hand over mine and was like “Ok, cool” And JARED TOUCHED MY HAND!!
So he signs and I said “Thank you so much for Sam and for all you do.” And he smiled and looked me in the eyes and I go, “I just love you!” And… kissie faced him. As in, I smushed up my lips and blew him three quick kisses. He laughs and smiles and I quickly move away. APPARENTLY as I’m not looking, he kissie faces me back and goes “Love ya!” Of course I missed that. Stupid Beka. lol.
JENSEN AUTO: As I mentioned, I hate him by now. Just… “Goddamn it Jensen” for no reason.
So we get up to him and I hand him the box and I said “Good Evening, sir.” And he says “Hi.” he signs and I go “Thank you.” And walk away. Because… I have nothing to say to him. Lol. Poor Jensen. I kinda want to send him an email like “sorry I hated you for 6 hours for no reason” lol. I can’t even believe myself. I couldn’t look him in the face because he’s so beautiful but damn it, if I didn’t wanna pop him in the nose. Future Reference: EAT AT CON you stupid Beka. EAT. lol
So… That’s that. I will say, now that I’ve eaten and rested a bit, I no longer hate Mr. Ackles. Which is good.
I’m sure I forgot loads of stuff, but that’s what I need to get out right now.
In summary: Jared is exactly what you think he is. He’s light and love and hope and beauty and I will never not be totally in love with him.
And Jensen is Tired!Beka’s arch enemy. Who knew?
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momentsinsong · 7 years
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Moments In Song No. 016 - Christen
“Moments In Song” asks people one simple question, “What are you listening to?” We believe that you can learn a lot about an individual and their experiences based off of the music they love. For every installment we ask someone to make a playlist of 10 songs they’re listening to, whether it be something new they stumbled upon, or a song they’ve always loved, and explain the story behind their choices. The person’s playlist is then uploaded, giving them the chance to share it with others. Each post aims to profile someone from a different walk of life, whether they be an artist, a student, the mailman, a school teacher, an athlete, a nurse, your next-door neighbor, anyone with a love for music; showing that no matter where we come from, what we do, or what we look like, music has the ability to bring us together.
With a playlist centered on relaxed beats and soothing vocals, Christen tells us the stories behind some of her favorite songs. Keep reading below to see our interview with the personal stylist and fashion blogger as she tells us about the first thing she listens to when playing music, 106 & Park, and how her taste in music has matured over the years.
Listen to Christen’s playlist on Apple Music and Spotify.
Words by Julian. 
Photos by Tayo.
What was the thought process that went behind making your playlist?
I was thinking about all the songs I’m currently listening to at the moment. I literally download new music everyday, and these are some of the newest songs I’ve downloaded, along with ones I already had. I love music so it was hard for me to fit all of my favorite songs into my playlist. I really like songs with smooth vocals, so a lot of these songs are very relaxing and put me in a mood where I want to feel stress free and care free.  
What song did you instantly know had to be on your playlist?
It’s between “Cranes in the Sky” or “Blessed.” It’s funny because I never listen to the lyrics of a song. I always listen to the beat first.  Those are the only songs that I really listen to the lyrics and am like, “Ok, let me figure out what they’re talking about.” “Blessed” is definitely one of my favorites because it talks about my life a little bit, and how I’m a crazy person sometimes but still blessed to have the people in my life who know how to deal with me and my craziness. And with “Cranes in the Sky,” I didn’t really know what it meant at first, and I guess it mean’s different things to different people, but to me, it makes me feel safe. Even with everything going on in the world, it lets me know everything is going to be ok.
How would you describe your taste in music?
It’s a mix of everything. Like I said earlier I like really mellow music, but I also really like house music, techno. Hip-Hop is cool. I like it but only certain songs and artists. But I’ll listen to certain music when I’m feeling relaxed, happy. I’m a weirdo, because when I’m sad I like to listen to sad music, to make me even sadder. [Laughs.]
I think everyone does that.
I don’t know why, but I really have to be in a specific mood to listen to certain songs. Like depending on how I’m feeling in the morning, I’ll listen to some turn up songs to get me hype, or days when I’m feeling tired I’ll listen to some more mellow stuff. But I feel like music in general sounds better when it’s loud, so I like to blast my music too when I’m in the car. The only type of music I don’t like though is country.
You mentioned earlier that when you first listen to songs the thing that sticks out to you the most is the beat. Is that the case 99% of the time?
Yeah definitely. Because if a song doesn’t catch my attention within like the first ten seconds, I’m turning it off. I know sometimes when I’m in the car I don’t have time to change the song, I’ll let the song play and I’m like, “Oh ok. This isn’t really that bad. Maybe I should’ve listened to the whole thing.” But for the most part the beat is what draws me in and keeps me wanting to listen more.
You said earlier “Cranes in the Sky” and “Blessed” were songs that had you focusing in on the lyrics. What songs on your playlist were the opposite and had a beat that really drew you in?
“Middle of Things, Beautiful Wife” by Sango featuring Xavier Omar and “Harem” by Miguel. I have no idea what the hell Miguel is talking about, but the beat along with his voice makes me like the song a lot. There are a lot of songs where I don’t know what they’re talking about, and sometimes I do want to research what they’re saying, but then I’ll think, “Hmmm, I just like the song.” Vocals also stick out a lot to me too. Some artists when they sing, it gives me chills. Like certain Daniel Caeser songs, and Beyoncé sometimes. Some of the notes she hits, I’m just like, “How can she do that?”
Most of your playlist is slow, mellow music but one song that stuck out to me was the Gucci Mane song. Is there a reason you threw that on there?
I just really like what he was talking about. First of all, his last album was good as hell.
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Mr. Davis?
Yeah I’m surprised they don’t play a lot more of his music on the radio. That’s a really good album, and I liked what he was talking about on the song as afar as being black owned, which is funny because I want to come out with t-shirts that say that, because I’ve never seen that. That really stuck out to me, and him rapping about how he got out of jail, came back on, and was popping again.
When you first start listening to music you listen to what’s on the radio, and what kids in school are listening to, but then as you grow older you start to develop your own preferences and taste. How would you say those have evolved over time, and if there was one particular song, artist, or album that started that for you?
I’ve always loved music. I remember when my mom bought me my first CD, it was either Lil Bow Wow or Lil Romeo. And I listened to that CD every single day!
Which one?
The first one. With him on the front with the army bandana
Bow Wow?
No this was Lil Romeo. Bow Wow was the one where he had the dog on the front.
Which I found out was photoshopped later. He’s not really holding a dog on.
For real? Wow. But yeah I was always watching 106 & Park when I wasn’t supposed to be. Watching all the videos. Downloading music off of mp3 Rocket. I was getting really into music.
When was that? 106 & Park and mp3 Rocket?
106 & Park started that off. That was elementary school into middle school, and mp3 Rocket was around high school. Like all through high school, Limewire, all that stuff. That’s when I started downloading songs that I’d never really heard of. I really got into Drake towards that moment. That was like 2010. What grade was I in?
I think that was 10th?
I think it was junior year. Yeah I really got into Drake. I was a fan and listened to all of his songs. Its funny because I really used to hate slow songs, I really only liked fast songs as a child. But then when I got older, I started to like slower songs, and then from there it went crazy. I was downloading N.E.R.D., all different types of artists I was interested in. And when I stared listening to Soundcloud I started getting into different types and feels of music. Iman Omari was the first person I ever listened to that wasn’t really Hip-Hop or R&B, but somewhere in the middle. He really introduced me to different types of artist like Kelela and others. It was crazy. It just happened so fast. Music, I guess I just matured with it. What I was attracted to started to mature with my age.
What role would you say music plays in your creativity fashion wise?
It definitely inspires me. I know sometimes when I listen to songs I create a music video for them in my head, and I’ll use that as inspiration for a photoshoot, or what I want to write a blog post about, small things like that. Music is definitely a big inspiration in my life because it keeps me going. It sets the mood for everything that I do.
Can you pick one song on your playlist and give us the story behind why it’s on there?
“Blind Man” by Xavier Omar. I heard that song forever ago on Soundcloud, and you know Soundcloud doesn’t credit people all the time, so I had no idea who this man was. And after then I think I was on Pandora, you know Pandora will play random ass songs sometimes, I’ll be real shocked. I was listening and all of a sudden the song [“Blind Man”] came on. I’m like, “Oh my God, I haven’t heard this song in forever,” and I looked and saw that it was Xavier Omar. I had never heard of him so I downloaded his album and came to found out that he was on a lot of other songs that I actually liked and never knew who he was. So from there I grew to really really like that song. I like his vocals, and the way he sings. There’s a lot of artists out here that people sleep on, and they’re talented artists who people just don’t listen to, and it’s crazy because that’s a beautiful song.
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Connect with Moments In Song.
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inacciaio-archive · 7 years
@killersoflycans​ Emily drabble
It was the second half of her senior year, going back from break. Today was gonna be great, the eighteen-year-old Emily told herself. It was springtime and she would be glad to go back to track, back to softball, back to swimming. She was close with her teams, but not many other people. The popular kids thought she was a nerd and a lesbian, which she supposed was true on both accounts. Though she didn't need to confirm them; Emily didn't want to be labeled a stereotype. She was somewhat girly in what she wore, she just really liked sports, and liked the friends and the adrenaline rush they gave her. As for being a nerd, she couldn’t help that either. She loved Star Wars, her Nintendo and her GameBoy too much to ever give it up. 
Though she was relatively happy, she felt like she didn’t quite belong. She didn’t want to be a walking 80′s underdog cliche, but sometimes it felt like she just wanted to be somewhere else. Somewhere more exciting, grander, more of a purpose and welcoming. Emily craved more in life but wasn’t exactly sure of what that was. 
She got dressed in her usual style; two butterfly clips on either side of her short red hair, her choker necklace, some jeans, a t-shirt, her pair of Heelys and her denim jacket. She packed her swimsuit, her track uniform, and her softball uniform. She wasn’t sure of her schedule yet, but she wanted to be prepared. In her clear backpack, she also packed her GameBoy, and her Tamagatchi that she was way too attached to. As for the more necessary things, she packed her running shoes, her pencil case, some CD’s so she could listen to her music at lunch, her lunch packed in her Tron lunchbox, her folder and notebook, and her Blockbuster dvds of Galaxy Quest and Austin Powers that she had to return after school. She lifted her heavy backpack and put her portable CD player in her large jeans pocket, along with her Nokia and wallet in another pocket. 
Emily went out that morning, smiling and greeting her parents as she grabbed her bagged breakfast before saying goodbye and leaving. As she went outside, she saw a few friends from her softball team outside, all carpooling in their one friend who drove. “Hey guys!” Emily beamed, happy to see her friends again. 
“Yo Ems!” one of her friends greeted and moved over so she could sit next to her in the back of the Jeep. 
Emily pulled out her headset and plugged it into her CD player, placing the headset around her neck. She then ramped up the volume to as loud as it went, so she could hear it blast from the speakers without having to put them to her ears. 
School was average that day, the typical ‘welcome back’ stuff and assignments. P.E was where it was at for Emily. They were practicing baseball that day, well baseball for guys and softball for girls. P.E split up the two genders when it came to this. 
“Lame-o here likes this game way too much.” one of the other girls said as she walked past Emily. “You and your dyke friends should be playing so we don’t have to. I mean, you’re on the team.”
“Yeah, I am on the team.” Emily responded. “One you’d never make. You couldn’t pitch a softball if your life depended on it.” 
“Duh, only boys and dykes like you do that. I’m a cheerleader, which is far more than you’ll ever be.”
“Hey, cheerleaders cheer at our games. You’re nothing without us.” Emily scoffed.
“Yeah right. We should be cheering the guys, and mocking you girls.”
“Why, because we actually have skills beyond flipping our hair and doing cartwheels?” 
“No because you weirdos either wanna be a boys or wanna go all lesbo on each other. Either way, you’re all freaks.”
“Yeah whatever, get over it, Cindy.” Emily huffed and walked off, leaving that conversation that was going nowhere. Her mom insisted if she didn’t want to deal with the harassment, then she should wear more feminine clothing. Blouses, tight jeans instead of the ones for guys, maybe some skirts once in a while. It just wasn’t her style, and she knew what it looked like to other people but frankly, Emily didn’t care. 
The P.E coach split them up in two teams, thankfully Cindy wasn’t on her team and thankfully some of her friends from softball were. They had a pretty good chance of winning. The game went on for most of class time, Emily’s team winning with a bit of ease due to Rachel’s killer pitch and Emily’s speedy base running. 
Overall, despite the bad Emily tried focusing on the good. She liked her teams, she liked her friends and her teachers were alright. Her favorite thing about school though was definitely track. After school hours, she would always run a lap on the track field. It was technically not allowed, but she never got caught. 
Tonight was one of those nights. She set aside her bag, it was 7pm, and knew Blockbuster was open until 11 that night. She’d have time to return the dvds. 
Emily jumped the fence of the track field, which was always lit up. It was a small town, so it was relatively safe to be here and keep the lights on. Knowing no one was around, she changed into her track uniform, a red and white tank top that had her school name on the front, her jersey number 5 on the back, with matching red and white running shorts. Her running shoes were red and white to match. She pulled her short hair back into a ponytail with a scrunchie, taking out the four butterfly clips and putting them in her bag with the rest of her clothes. She began her run, sprinting off as soon as her feet touched the field. Feeling the wind whip past her was amazing. She smiled to herself, feeling free as she ran. Everything always felt perfect when she was just running. 
Her perfection was halted that night. She heard a crash through the fence, along with growling. Sudden yelling, screaming out in pain and Emily stopped running and whipped around to face what was going on. What she saw barely seemed real. A giant wolf, one that looked vaguely human... attacking it was a woman in all black with a sword. She had kicked him into the fence so hard that he ripped through it like nothing. With him laying on the grass of the field, the woman had been swift to slit his throat with the silver blade. Emily watched, eyes widened.
The woman then turned to her, seemingly expecting a horrified reaction. She was about to speak when Emily interrupted her. 
“Oh my god, that was so flipping awesome! Wow, you’re totally rad! Oh wow...” Emily exclaimed with a huge smile. “You just like, slayed a werewolf! Was that a werewolf? Who knew, werewolves are real. Oooh, or maybe is it a wolf from like, an evil laboratory? One that like, had some genetic mutation?”
The woman looked at the excited girl in amazement. The woman’s name was Semira, and she was an officer in the vampire army. She knew that this human girl couldn’t have seen this, especially with how excited she was. She would tell people, she would tell other humans. She quickly approached Emily then, looking at her sharply.
“You have two options here.” Semira snarled softly. “I can kill you, or I can turn you.”
Emily was wary, but not scared. Obviously this was a crazy woman who was really into LARPing, right? 
“Um... okay, yeah, turn me!” Emily spoke with a grin. “I mean afterall, that wolf or werewolf looked dangerous, so you basically saved my life like a mofo!”
Semira looked at her with confusion. “Do you know what I’m turning you into?” she asked.
“Um... I’m guessing either like... a vampire or a witch or something.” 
The dark haired woman raised a brow. “No, not a witch. A vampire. You’re... perfectly alright with that?” she asked. “Leaving behind your entire life, never returning to it?”
So that’s what the woman was offering, Emily thought. To be honest, it sounded like a cool adventure. And she knew it was crazy, even this crazy woman thought it was crazy that she’d be so willing. But when she really thought about it, her friends were great but they’d be fine without her. Everyone else at school would definitely be fine without her. As for her parents, she loved them but they were judgmental, and she knew they would never accept her as Christians once they found out she was gay. 
“Sure.” Emily spoke, grinning again. “I’d like that.” 
“Alright then.” Semira spoke. “Are you ready?”
“Go for it!” Emily responded cheerfully and was less cheerful as soon as Semira bit into her neck. “Aa! Ow ow ow, okay you meant literally...” her words were cut off soon though by pain and seeing blackness. Could she be a literal vampire? Maybe. It was certainly exciting to know that vampires and werewolves existed. 
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prettysei-remade · 7 years
Love, Leo
Written for @leojiweek 2017: Day 5
Prompt: Soulmates/College
read on ao3
The question is: does he really need to take his authentic vinyl 1986 edition of The Smiths’ The Queen is Dead with him to college?
Leo surveys the container in front of him, filled with the albums he’s been unfairly made to pick as his favorites, and reluctantly comes to the decision that no, he probably doesn’t need to take his authentic vinyl 1986 edition of The Smiths’ The Queen is Dead with him to college. It’s not like he’d be able to listen to it, anyway. He has to leave his record player at home.
It’s too bad. It would have been an interesting conversation starter. The Smiths sound better on vinyl, too.
A dull thud startles Leo out of his thoughts as Guang Hong drops a large cardboard box beside him.
Leo looks up from his task of sorting out which CDs he wants to take with him, coughing at the cloud of dust forming by his face.
He frowns at the box.
It’s obviously old. The corners are dented and smashed in places, the tape holding the flaps closed is peeling back, the whole thing is falling apart.
“What’s this?” he asks.
Guang Hong shrugs.
“I found it in your closet,” he says. “Look, on the side it says this is stuff from middle school.”
Leo bends over to see. Sure enough, in faded handwriting that he recognizes as mamá’s: “Leo, Middle School.”
He must have accidentally brought it with him when he had moved out of his parents’ house. He can’t believe he never stumbled upon it, this whole time.
He wonders what’s in it.
“Can we look?” Guang Hong asks eagerly.
Leo tries desperately to remember which year it was that he was obsessed with Hannah Montana school supplies.
He was, like, ten, right? That’s before middle school. He’s safe.
“Sure,” he says. “I don’t remember what it all is, though.”
Guang Hong grabs the scissors lying on the bed behind them, and delicately slices through what’s left of the tape.
Leo folds open the flaps, and they look inside.
There’s a lot of notebooks.
Spiral bound notebooks, tape bound notebooks, composition notebooks, those ones made with pictures on the covers, of things like puppies or horses.
The box seems to be filled with just notebooks, actually.
Leo grabs one from the top. It’s labeled, 7th Grade Eng.
Guang Hong takes another one. 6th Grd. Math.
“These are all pretty boring,” he says disappointedly. “I was hoping there would be something a little more incriminating in here.”
“What? I’m your boyfriend, I need all the blackmail material I can get.”
Leo drops his head into his hand.
“You've known me for four years, and we've been dating for, like, half that time,” he groans. “I'm pretty sure you've got everything you need, by now.”
“Hey, what’s this one?”
Leo looks up to see Guang Hong holding a small hardcover notebook, about a quarter of the size of all the others, with a surprisingly tasteful watercolor ocean cover.
He squints, trying to remember.
Wait. Is that the...
Oh no.
He quickly snatches the book from a surprised Guang Hong, holding it tightly to his chest in a defensive position.
“What?” Guang Hong asks, tilting his head. “Is there something embarrassing in there?”
Leo gulps.
He didn’t know mamá had kept this. Had she read it? Oh, god, please don’t let her have read it...
He exhales slowly.
“It depends,” he says. “I think it’s embarrassing. You… probably wouldn’t.”
“Can I see it?”
Leo takes a deep breath, then sets the book on Guang Hong’s lap.
He watches him open it to the first page.
“‘February 19th, 2010,’” Guang Hong begins. “‘Dear… soulmate.’”
He falters, looking up at Leo.
Leo gestures at him to go on with another sigh, silently resigned to his fate.
“‘Dear soulmate,’” Guang Hong resumes. “‘I hope you are happy. In a book for english class, I read that your soulmate is someone you’re bound to, and that you’re meant to be with them your entire life. I don’t know who you are, but I hope you’re doing good right now. I’m not. Jamie told the entire class that I like Jack Morgan.’”
Guang Hong stops at that, concerned, but Leo just smiles down at the floor. Guang Hong swallows and continues.
“‘I used to have a crush on Jack Morgan way back in elementary school. I don’t know how Jamie found out. But he and everyone else got weird once we got to middle school, and you’re not him, so I’m glad about that.
I thought you were Maggie for a while, but she’s with Andy now, so you’re not. I’m glad about that too.
Whoever you are, I hope I find you. Love, Leo.’”
Leo shifts.
“You can read more, if you want,” he says.
“What is this, Leo?”
Leo looks at him and smiles softly.
“When I was, like, thirteen, I loved the idea of having a soulmate,” he says. “I thought it was amazing. One person, who was perfect for you, and who you were perfect for.”
He laughs. “I wrote a book full of these letters to my soulmate. But I didn’t know where to send them, so I kept them. I was such a hopeless romantic.”
Guang Hong leans over to kiss his cheek.
“I think it’s sweet,” he says quietly.
Leo huffs amusedly.
“Go, on read the rest,” he says. “I know you’re dying to.”
Guang Hong settles back against the side of the bed, and Leo drapes an arm around his shoulders.
“Should I read it out loud?”
“If you want to.”
He turns the page and clears his throat gently.
“‘February 24,’” he starts. “‘Dear soulmate. All of my friends are dating people, and I feel kind of left out. It feels like no one wants to date me.’”
Leo can’t hold back another laugh when he hears that.
“I’d forgotten how insecure I was,” he says. “This is probably what half the letters are about…”
“Wait, listen to this,” Guang Hong interrupts. “‘It feels like no one wants to date me. But that’s not really important. It’s hard to be left out, but none of them matter if they’re not you. You’re the only one I really want to date. I'll find you eventually. And until I find you, skating is what I love. That’s enough for now. Love, Leo.’”
Leo blinks.
“I was really deep as a kid,” he says, impressed.
Guang Hong laughs as he flips through the book, stopping randomly at a page about a third of the way through.
Leo looks over Guang Hong's shoulder on this one, so he doesn't read aloud. Instead, they both read in silence.
Dear soulmate,
Yesterday we went to a 4th of July party at Tia Magdalena’s. It was really fun. Our cousin Carmen’s friend Julia was there, and we talked a lot. She likes figure skating too, but she just takes lessons for fun. She doesn’t enter competitions like I do. She’s nice though, and funny. She said she lives in Minnesota, but her dad lives here, so she’s staying with him this summer. We k She kissed me when the fireworks went off.
Guang Hong pauses in his reading, then looks up.
Leo smirks.
“Read the rest,” he says.
Guang Hong raises his eyebrows and looks back down.
After she kissed me, she said she was really sorry and that she likes girls, not boys. I asked her why she kissed me. She said because she thought I wanted her to. I don’t know why she would think that. I just wanted to talk to someone interesting, and she was interesting.
She asked me why I wasn’t wier weirded out that she likes girls, and I told her that I like both girls and boys. She thought that was cool.
I’m sorry you weren’t my first kiss. I would have liked you to be. But it wasn’t so bad with Julia. I think you would like her. I think you wouldn’t be mad she was my first kiss. I think you’d understand.
Love, Leo.
Leo looks over at Guang Hong, who’s smiling down at the pages below him.
“That was kind of cute, actually,” he says. “Do you still know her?”
“Nah, she went back to Minnesota that school year,” Leo replies. “I never saw her again.”
Guang Hong slowly flips through the pages, pausing a couple times to laugh at something Leo had written, until he gets all the way to the end of the notebook. He runs a hand over the final page and takes a breath.
“‘January 2nd, 2011. Dear soulmate. This is the last page in this notebook, so it’ll be my last letter to you. This is probably selfish or something, but I thought I’d tell you what I hope you’ll be like when I finally meet you.
I hope you like music. I hope you like figure skating. I hope you’re funny. I hope you like video games. I hope I think you’re beautiful. I hope you have a nice laugh. I hope you’re smart. I hope you like my sister even when I don’t. I hope you really love me.
That’s what I hope you’ll be like I guess. I bet you’ll be even better than that. All my love, Leo.’”
Guang Hong’s voice has lowered to a whisper by the time he’s finished. He gently closes the book and stares at it.
Leo tightens his arm around him, and Guang Hong leans his head onto Leo’s shoulder.
“You know,” Leo says after a while. “I never knew I could predict the future.”
Guang Hong pulls back to look at him, slightly confused. Then his eyes widen.
“You,” he hesitates. “You think I’m your… your soulmate?”
Leo smiles a little.
“I don’t know if I actually believe in soulmates,” he admits. “I mean, in a literal sense. But I… I think you’re the one I was trying to write those letters for.”
Guang Hong breathes a laugh. He quickly leans up to peck Leo’s lips, then settles back down, pressed against Leo’s side.
“Can I keep it? I want to read the whole thing,” he says.
“That’s why I wrote it,” Leo answers.
He pulls Guang Hong closer and presses a lingering kiss to the side of his head, watching as he opens the book again to the first place they’d left off.
“‘March 8th,’” Guang Hong begins, a smile in his voice. “‘Dear soulmate.’”
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