#when I just an't get enough of it
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deoidesign · 8 months ago
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And my girlfriends?
they smoke weed.
(original post) (sometimes a copypasta fits your character so well...)
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macking-cheese · 1 month ago
Transformers: Earthspark brainworms rn
What if Bee got put under Mandroid's control? GAH ITS EATING ME UP THINKING ABOUT IT
inspired by asimp4bee's (I think I spelled that right) art I saw with the same theory, and the song Control by Halsey
This also includes Breakbee! Ig it's like a situationship but actually they're terrible at feelings and Bee is like “am I not enough for him” and when shit goes down later Breakdown is like “damn I gotta step up fr” (this is probably a terrible explanation and for that I am sorry)
Also this accidentally became an exploration of Jawbreaker and Bee's relationship (AS SIBLINGS!!! I just think that in a way they complement each other and I wanna explore it) (It's probably me just projecting my neurodiversity onto them tbh)
This is like really bee-centric, more than I originally intended for it to be. I wanted it to gauge the terrans’ reactions to losing their brother/mom#2 (this is an inside joke pls don't flame me for it), then it became me wanting that twink mentally obliterated (and studying the journey of healing through family support after the inevitable crash out)
So here's a little drabble? Of me fleshing out the introduction of my ideas a bit more so I have a basic outline of where to go with the fic I'm planning! This has some dark themes (TW: suicidal ideation, kidnapping, torture, violence, harming of children, crazy how most of this is canon typical)
Basically this is set right after the kids break Bee and co out of the G.H.O.S.T cells, he tries one last time to get Breakdown to join them, and is rejected. So Bee goes home with the kids, and after a bit, making sure they're okay and under supervision of their family, he goes back alone to try and get Breakdown to join him again, the first place he looks being back at the facility, hoping he might still be there, but he knew he wouldn't, it was his dumb optimism saying there might have still been a chance.
Of course heading back there first was a bad idea. Probably the shittiest call he could make. He immediately gets recaptured and those G.H.O.S.T fuckers torture him and demonstrate their new mind control technology, trying to break the bot mentally and turn him into a weapon for their own personal/military use. When the big battle happens, he's sent out and,,,,
The terrans are so happy to see him, they missed their brother figure (jokingly their mom#2) and could really use his help and possibly Breakdown's, if he succeeded in his mission, in the fight. He told them he was going back to try and get more recruits, he'd be gone for no longer than a day, but if it takes longer, not to worry. It's been two weeks. (Or however it happened canonically, idk. I haven't actually watched the show in a month so this original setup probably doesn't make sense, really just writing to write here)
But when they get a closer look, he seems so worn down and tired and small. Trying to appear angry and bitter and intimidating, but it looked so fake and they didn't know why he wasn't easing up upon seeing the terrans again, until they see that cold, emotionless white in his optics.
They can't believe it. He’s not wearing a G.H.O.S.T badge. Maybe he's playing an ill-timed prank.
“That's not funny, Bee”
“We need your help”
“You're scaring me”
“Please stop”
They notice the flicker of blue and the horrid screech-click of a failing vocalizer. The way his body trembles and his arm plating shakes with the effort to keep it from transforming into his stinger.
A last-ditch effort on his end, he turns on his radio with a slurry of static.
“C-an't help thi-sssssssss- should be sk- scared -f me-!”
The terrans are a mix of horrified and worried. They know they should move, run away, some catch up fast enough and do that, having to drag others. Jawbreaker just can't. That's his favorite person, his confidant, his older brother.
“Back-back-ba-ckhss… up!” It was the only semblance of himself that he seemed to have somewhat control of, and he clung to it. The terrans needed to know he didn't mean anything he was going to do.
Jawbreaker did move, a few disbelieving steps away, not fast enough to dodge the hand landing on his chest to move him away, too harshly for anyone's comfort.
Bumblebee was tearing himself up to try and fight for control. It hurt, it hurt so much, he almost wanted to sink into that awful bliss the chip in his back offered. But he couldn't, those were his mentees, his kids. He'd kill himself if he ever brought harm to them.
He wondered if the chip would stop him if he tried now. Maybe he could fry his circuits if he kept pushing against the breaching walls of code. Maybe he could shoot himself or something.
With that thought his arm finally transformed and the kids booked it. He couldn't stop himself from aiming at them and landed a few painful shots. He begged for forgiveness as he lost himself, giving up and letting the parasite fully enter him.
All this for Breakdown, and he didn't even know if it was worth it to have gone back in the first place.
There's so much more I have running around in my head and my notes for this! You're welcome to share any thoughts, and please disregard if this was structured oddly. I'm jumping in my seat right now with excitement and my thoughts are a bit scattered trying to get this out.
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octuscle · 2 years ago
CHAVTF - Smart casual
Michael and Charles were sent shopping. The dress code for the dinner was explicitly "sporty-casual". Just like for the boat tour yesterday evening. Their understanding of casual was a summery three-piece suit with an open shirt. The colleagues with whom they were teambuilding understood it to mean jeans and a T-shirt.
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If their boss hadn't insisted that the two of them wear something else, they would have come in a suit again tonight. So after the last group meeting, the two had to run off and find something to wear. Both agreed that jeans and a T-shirt were not their style and that they would only need the clothes for this one evening. So spending too much money seemed unnecessary. Google showed a store near their hotel called CHAVTF with good reviews. That's where the two headed. The first impression was immediately repulsive. The store attendant was wearing army pants with combat boots and a worn-out tank top. But the two didn't have time to look for anything else. They now had to buy something for tonight in fifteen minutes.
Oi mates, the clerk greeted them. Are ya lookin' for somethin' in particular? Michael said they were going on a pub tour today and needed something suitable.
"Sure, mates! Me fuckin' name is like jack. Trust me, us'll find just the reel thin'. Dee ya also go to normal pubs? Or are ya strictly gay on the road?"
Michael said he wasn't sure. But probably mostly gay.
"Cool, that'll get ya undressed, i'll brin' ya somethin'."
Michael gave Charles a kiss and a slap on his butt and the two stripped in the open locker room.
Jack asked if they preferred jockstraps or boxers. "Jockstrap," Michael replied. "Fuckin' nothin'" replied Charles. Jack laughed, tossed them both some soccer socks and handed Michael a jockstrap.
"Cool haircuts ya got ther, mates. Is like the rest of ya 'ody anarl shorn as ya neck?" Michael laughed, holding his arms behind his head and showing off the bush under his armpits. "Nit canny, mate" Jack laughed again and came up with a pair of leather jeans for Charles and a pair of bleached jeans for Michael.
"Ya guys train hard for ya 'odies, or is like workin' on the docks enough to get a 'ody like that?"
"Nah, mate! just haulin' loads ain't enough. It takes regular 'oxin' trainin' to get an arse n' a six pack like that"
"Sure, i get it! all that 'eer in the evenin' needs to be worked off too, after all."
Mike and Chuck stroked each other's board-hard washboard bellies and French-kissed deeply.
"Hey, the place isn't closed yet. Ne way sex while i still havta work!"
Chuck grabbed Jack's crotch and told him to lock the door quickly then. He wouldn't be able to hold back much longer.
Jack tossed them both T-shirts, locked the door, and returned with a pair of DocMartens for Mike and a pair of combat boots for Chuck. And while the two of them got down on their knees to lace up the shoes, Jack got his dick out of his pants. Mike and Chuck promptly responded and began sucking Jack's balls.
"Hehehe, this like isn't the first time ya two hav done this like, huh? Dee ya guys always work together as hustlers? Or 'an ya be 'ooked separately?"
"Sure ya 'an get us separately" replied chuck. "But the other one watches n' jerks off" Mike added n' started suckin' jack's cock.
"Fuck, ya guys are mint! Why are ya still workin' on the docks anyway. As hustlers ya must be earnin' yourselves silly."
"Mate, us're just gay too. Just 'an't handle money. What us earn, us drink or gamble away."
And Mike added that cigarettes are not free. Whether he would get at least one for the blowjob.
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Mike and Chuck were satisfied. Jack was always generous when they needed new clothes. And as a rule, he also found them good customers. In the hotel diagonally across the street there was such a nerd event. Some of the snobby guys would surely spend dough for a night with the two of them.
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spin-birdie · 5 months ago
kinktober day 9: spanking
prompt list
word count: ~680
pairing: tav/astarion
rating: explicit
additional tags: generic/unnamed tav, cam streamer au, premature ejaculation, a bit of humiliation kink peppered in there
"How many was that? I need a number, Astarion."
Tav's voice is firm and uncompromising, but it's hard to conjure a number when their palm is caressing his battered, oversensitive ass. The stinging pain coupled with the soothing pattern of Tav's fingers is a sensory cocktail that'll be his undoing sooner rather than later.
"How many?" Tav repeats impatiently. "Don't keep the viewers waiting."
Astarion stutters and squirms, trying to get his brain to reboot. "T-T-Twenty…four?"
He knows he got it right when Tav spanks him again. The slap itself is drowned out by Astarion's scream of pain, and he can't contain the whimper that slips out afterward.
Another slap, harder than the last. "Very good," Tav purrs.
"Twenty-six!" Astarion gasps.
His erection, trapped between his stomach and Tav's thigh, is starting to get painfully hard, now. Every slap jolts him forward, which causes his cock to rub against Tav's trousers. The friction is painful, but he's drooling precum regardless. His body shakes from the strain of staying still.
Tav reads a message from the live chat, but it goes in one ear and out the other. He's too strung out to chance a look at chat for himself. With their audience, it would either be a lust-destroying bad joke or a lascivious comment that would make him come too soon.
"Almost there, are you ready?" Tav asks, kneading Astarion's buttocks with their nails until he chokes on a sob. They don't get any kinder; one, two, three, four heavy smacks. Too fast to even try to count aloud. The second makes him gasp, the third makes him scream, the fourth comes this close to buckling his elbows.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck-- Gods, nhhuugh…"
Tav chuckles wickedly. "Those aren't numbers, darling. How many are we up to?"
"T-Twenty… Uhh… Twenty…twenty-- no-- Thirty…o-one?"
He feels a hot flash of shame as the words leave his lips. He's completely lost count, and the way Tav tuts with disappointment is the only answer he needs.
"So close, my love," they tease. Their nails dig into his bruised flesh hard enough to make him shriek, hips bucking involuntarily. "You know what that means…"
Astarion's resolve cracks, and he releases a broken sob. "No, please, I can't… I ca-an't last that long," he begs. Tears finally fall from his eyes when he blinks, which only fuel his humiliation.
"Colour?" Tav whispers.
"Uh…g-g… Green," Astarion replies, almost too quiet, even to his own ear. Tav has to repeat him, but his nod of confirmation assuages their concerns.
Their dominant mask slips back on effortlessly. "Then it's a shame it's not up to you, darling. Let's get a poll rolling; chat, what punishment does he deserve? Reset the count? Maybe…cage him?"
His cock throbs hard enough to force a grunt of pain from his lips. Tav's fingers toy with Astarion's ass, caressing, kneading, parting it to run a delicate finger over his entrance…
"Maybe slip a toy inside this time around?"
Tav's suggestion is enough to make him writhe uncontrollably, embarrassingly wanton noises tearing themselves from his throat.
"Oh?" Tav grins. "Maybe not. Our dear pet seems to like that idea far too much," they giggle.
With a frantic "Fucknonononnnnuuughhh!" Astarion loses all control. Humiliated tears pour down his face as he comes, grinding helplessly against Tav's thigh. He sobs openly, muffling himself in the bedsheets, and sounds as ruined as he feels.
Tav, the smug prick, just laughs when they realise what's happened. When they speak, even without looking up, Astarion can hear the sharklike grin on their lips.
"Okay, okay-- new poll. Cancel the other one. New poll: how do we punish our dear pet for coming without permission?"
When Astarion risks a glance at the livestream, chat's moving too fast for his eyes to catch any one message. The viewers who aren't just meming on him are shocked and delighted at his pathetic display, and each suggested punishment is crueler than the last.
"I don't know about you guys," Tav continues, "but I'm thinking a new count, the cage, and a prostate toy would be a delight to watch…"
Astarion can only weep.
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submitforher · 1 year ago
I might be at the wrong blog for this thought but what if I was your pretty pretty princess? I'd be dressed in all lacy pinks and whites, and you'd be on your knees, collared (always), like a good, *obedient* subject... I'd use you however I want, whenever I want. Sometimes I'd use your dick as a dildo- my dildo. I'd look so soft and plush on the outside, but you'd soon learn how sadistic I am. You'd be my loyal dog, always so ready to please and maybe a little whiny. Sometimes I'll be a little rough, maybe pull your collar a little too hard, choke you, but I know my puppy's strong enough to take all of it. I'd live to hear all your little sounds and whines. Sometimes I'll get busy and neglect you a little, but only so I could relish the way you get so needy and come to me begging for attention. I'd work hard to seduce you, make you clingy, make it so I'm the only thing you want, need.
You'd be my boy-toy, and I'd enjoy playing with your physical limits, training you to edge longer, getting you to cum one last time.
My soft voice would order you around a lot and you'd obey to the best of your abilities, because you are, of course, *my* loyal, loyal, servant. I'll tell you often that you belong only to me, no one else gets to use you. I'd take you around, maybe even on a leash, and show everyone you belong to me, because a princess is always possessive of her things. Maybe when we're out I'll slowly, rhythmically rub your thighs, inching towards your cock - I'll appreciate the way you get all shy and embarrassed because I got you hard in public.
Sometimes I'll demand the unreasonable, only to get whimpers from you because you're trying so hard, because you're such a good, loyal, boy, and because I'm a little spoiled.
It's okay if my puppy's a little stupid, I'll just have to punish them a little. Can you count for me each time I spank you? That's 'yes, princess', little boy.
And although I'd be strict, I'd shower you with praises and comfort, even if I reduce you to a crying, edged, mess first. I'll always let you cum in the end, but it always has to be inside me, because princess wants her pathetic little puppy to fill her up. And I'll take you to bathe with me afterward, have you lick the leaking cum off my thighs. I'd keep you in a soft world of luxury, safe and isolated from the cruel outside world. But don't be surprised if I come back one day and spend the entire evening sitting on my throne (your lap) marking you up and grinding on you until you're all hot and bothered. And yes, the hickeys will be in places that can still be seen with clothes on (and in places that can't).
And if you're good enough, you'll get to be my little prince <3
this whole message got my mind running through a maze of unfiltered, filthy thoughts. of me collared and on my knees in front of my princess where i belong. no one else gets to use me but you. using me like a toy for your own sick pleasure but it’s for my own too because o get so much pleasure out of pleasing you. like how there’s no one else for me? there’s no one else that would ever take care of you like me. spoiling you endlessly with my undying affection and never-ending obedience. for such an innocent looking princess, your sadistic tendencies get me fearing for what you’d do to me but me being me, i’d abide by your orders no matter what. even if that means you edging me to no end, making sure that the last time i cum, you get every last drop out of me. you’re in full control of me and when i get to cum, if i get denied, if i get to even feel how wet my princess is. what a pitiful, whining mess i’d be for you. following you with leash in hand, obeying you and your every word.
that soft voice of yours puts me in such a submissive state of mind that i think of nothing else but serving you like it’s my life’s purpose. like i was made for you.
to be punished by you and be put back in my place after misbehaving or disobeying? you’d hear nothing but “thank you, princess” after. my pretty princess gets whatever she wants and i mean, whatever. if that’s me on a tight leash whenever we go out so that others know that i belong to you, then that’s what my pretty princess gets. if that’s me filling you up because you have to have my cum deep inside of you, then that’s what my pretty princess gets. you’d never go without when you’re with me. i think after being edged ‘til i’m in tears, i’d be mindlessly thrusting inside of you over and over again. even after i fill you up with so much cum, i still need you so badly. that’s how much of a depraved yet loyal servant i am for you, princess. mark me up, all over my body, even in places that’d be seen because no one else gets to have me but you.
there’s nothing i’d rather be in this one life i get to live than to be your little prince.
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anonymousj3ster · 1 year ago
Glitched: Chapter 3- The Calm
"So, we're no closer to finding Caine..." The jester says, sitting on my bed, tugging on the ends of her hat. It had been about 4 days since...since...since whatever-had-happened. Since Caine had gone missing. Since I had started glitching. Since I had become useless. Each day, Pomni would come in and tell me what had happened that day. And each day, it was the same.
"Jax was kind of an asshole today..."
"Gangle actually seems a bit happier today!"
"One of the blocks near the wall almost fell on me..."
"We're still looking for Caine."
"We can't find Caine."
"Caine's still missing."
And each day, it was the same. I manage a weak smile at the jester. "I-it'll b-e-e ok!" I stammer, hating how the glitching impacted my speech, my movements, my sight, my hearing, even my thoughts-
"You say that every day." Pomni says quietly, pulling harder on her hat, pinwheel pupils shrinking.
"W-well,n-nothing really ba-a-ad has h-h-happ-ened yet, r-right?" I point out with fake cheer. Pomni hesitates before slowly nodding. "I...guess."
As ! look at her, her colors suddenly introvert and pulse, her voice becoming distorted. My smile turns into a grimace as I struggle to regain control of my senses. The glitch affected my sight and hearing too, though I found that if I focused enough, I could make it go away. But it was exhausting and...I just didn't have the energy. But I tried anyways. I always do. I breath slowly and deeply until my vision and hearing clear. "...gatha?" I hear Pomni ask. I wince inwardly at the small jesters face, embarrassed at her catching me off guard. Her adorable colorful eyes stared into my black one, as though she were trying to read my mind to figure out what was wrong with me.
"So-orry, w-what was t-that?" I say, tearing my gaze from hers. This wasn't the first time she had caught me deep in my thoughts. It was just...after hearing how Queenie's room was gone, I hadn't been able to think straight. Queenie had always been the mother figure, the one anyone went to for problems. She was always kind and understanding. Until she wasn't. Until one day she just...snapped. But not in the way Kaufmo did. Queenie seemed happy when she abstracted. We had just been talking, laughing and joking around. It had been a good couple of days, ever since Queenie had convinced Caine to stop forcing us into adventures. We were all getting along-even Jax. But then, she just...lost it. One second she had been normal, the next, darkness creeping up her, coating her body, her eyes widening in horror as it quickly overtook her-
And just like that, the glue that held everyone together had just dissolved. Everything started falling back apart, and Caine started making 'adventures' again. And I had to take her place, because nobody else would, the replacement part in the machine. Except this part was broken, a crack in it that grew and grew the longer it had to bear the weight of the rest of the machine. No matter how hard I tried, Jax would always pick fights, Zooble would always stay on the sidelines, Gangle would always cry, Kinger would always stay insane, Kaufmo would always be ignored, and now Pomni would always look for an exit. No matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, I could never fix everyone the way Queenie had.
"Ragatha." I hear Pomni say again, sounding more concerned.
"S-sorry...I-i-it's the gli-i-itching. C-an't focus-s." I lie, not wanting to worry the poor girl. She eyes me warily for a moment before glancing away. I could tell she knew I was lying, and silently thanked her for not trying to drag the truth out of me. "We'll keep trying to find a way to fix you." Pomni promises after a moment, as she always does before she leaves. And as always, I feel a pang in my chest at that word. Fix. I nod absentmindedly as she gets up. "See you later." The jester murmurs, walking out and leaving me all alone.
I walk out of Ragatha's room, worry hitting me like a wave. Ragatha acted like she was fine, but...I could tell she wasn't. The glitch must be bothering her more than she was letting on. I glare at my glitched hand, watching it flicker through different colors every second. It bothered me sometimes too, but only when I was angry, like when Jax was...being Jax. I sigh and walk slowly down the hall, letting my feet drag behind me. A purple rabbit suddenly appears in front of me.
"Hey Giggles, Crazy's having another breakdown." He drawls boredly. I sigh again, longer this time.
"Where is he?" I ask tiredly. Jax just smirks and points. I walk past him, pushing back one of the too many curtains in this damn place and see Kinger shaking violently on the stage. I eye him up for a moment before slowly approaching him.
"Hey Kinger." I say cautiously. "How's it going?" Kinger turns to my, eyes wide as he screams. "GAHH!" He pauses, looking closer at me. "Oh, Pomni. I'm doing acceptable." I feel my lips twitch into a grin at his words.
"'Acceptable'?" I repeat, mildly amused. The chesspiece nods. "Yes. I was just pondering...hmm. I can't quite remember." He says slowly.
"Well, I'm sure that if it's important you'll remember it eventually." I say in a rush, not wanting him to get too upset again. "Kinger, do you uh...know why ladybugs have spots?" I ask to distract him. His huge blue eyes light up.
"Yes, of course!" He then proceeds to launch into a lecture on why they do. I half listen, genuinely interested in his response. In a way, he reminded me of a senile old man: always rambling, forgetful...I wince and close my eyes as an ache sparks in my head, just like it always did when I had thoughts like these. When I knew things, but didn't know why I knew things. After all, I didn't remember my real life, so how could I remember how an old man acted? I try to push the confusing thought out of my head.
"Thats interesting Kinger." I say absently, noticing he had gone silent. He stares at me for a moment before screaming. "Oh-Pomni! You startled me!" I sigh. "Sorry Kinger." I mumble. "I'm...going to grab something to eat." I mutter, walking away from him. I hear him mumble something behind me but choose to ignore it.
I wander around for a few minutes past the sickeningly colorful walls and objects until I reach the kitchen. I always felt disoriented when I came in here, where colors dulled a bit so that it was actually bearable. I sigh and wander over to the fridge. Someone-probably Jax- had arranged the magnetic letters to read "Here I sit, broken hearted, tried to shit but only farted." I grit my teeth and pull the letters off, putting them in random places, before having a better idea and spelling "Jax stop being an asshole." Satisfied I open the fridge. Ever since Caine had vanished, random food had started appearing in it that shouldn't have been in there. Today there was a loaf of bread, strawberry milk. toaster pastry's, a brick, an unpeeled banana and a brown milkshake that I assumed- hoped- was chocolate.
"You gonna have the milkshake?" I hear a bored voice behind me ask. I jump and whirl around in surprise. Zooble stood behind me, the mismatched assortment of objects peering over my shoulder.
"Uh- You can have it." I mumble, handing it to them. "Thanks." They mutter, grabbing it from me and holding it up to their head. I watch in mild fascination as the milkshake in the cup slowly started to disappear, like it was being drank by a ghost. No matter how many times I saw Zooble or Gangle eat or drink, it always made me feel weird, like I was seeing something I shouldn't be witnessing. Zooble's eyes screw up in disgust and confusion as they make a gagging noise.
"Why does my milkshake taste like bacon." Their words come out as more of a statement than a question as they glare at the offending liquid. I sigh for the 20th time today. "The flavor of everything has been fucked up since Caines been gone." I remind them, taking a cold toaster pastry out of the fridge and ripping the foil off. I scowl as I look at the pink frosting that signified it was supposedly cherry flavored. I hated that taste. I take a bite, hoping that it's flavor would be different, but of course it actually tastes normal. Just my luck. I eye it up, but decide it's better than a bacon flavored milkshake and continue eating it. I was too hungry to just throw it away. I suddenly choke on the pastry as I process that thought. Zooble hits me on the back, eyes wide.
"Geez Pomni, you ok?" They ask, concerned. "I'm hungry." I say out loud. Zooble looks at me like I'm crazy. "And...?" They say slowly. I grip their arm. "Zooble, when was the last time you were actually hungry?" I ask urgently, an edge creeping into my voice. Their eyes widen as the realization dawns on them.
"Never. Not since I got stuck in here." They answer slowly. I release my deathgrip on their arm and stare at them. We didn't need to eat, drink, or @leep here, so we never got hungry, thirsty, or tired. But now..
"Shit. This place is falling apart, isn't it?" Zooble steals the words right out of my brain. "Not with us still in it." I mutter. "We have got to get out of here."
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songmingisthighs · 4 years ago
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. liii - sugar daddy
<< previous | masterlist | next >>
??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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Dinner couldn't have gone better. Sure, Seonghwa's dad mostly ignored you, only throwing questions here and there to avoid Seonghwa's mom nagging at him. But he was mostly preoccupied with his phone. At one point, while his dad was so focused on his phone, Seonghwa leaned close to you and whisper 'one of the mistresses' to you, making you giggle.
"You know, (Y/N), I don't think I've ever seen Seonghwa smiled this wide when he's around us, you must be a pretty special lady," his mom said to you with a gentle smile.
You blushed in slight embarrassment at the compliment, "I sure hope so, ma'am, because I gotta say that he's very special to me too," you said as you look up to Seonghwa.
Hearing you said that made Seonghwa bit his bottom lip to prevent him from giggling out loud. So he opted to place a hand on your thigh and squeezed it gently, letting you know how he appreciated your words. Seeing this, his mom squealed and gushed about how adorable you both are and how glad she is that he found you.
Even after the topic was changed, Seonghwa didn't seem to lift his hand off of your thigh. He had actually moved to caress it gently with his fingers. You assumed it helped him be at ease so you didn't think much about it and let him be.
As dinner progressed to dessert, you found yourself having fun bonding with his mom and sometimes his dad when he wasn't glaring at his phone or when his mom directly addressed him. You realized that his parents are actually unlike most rich parents which then would explain why Seonghwa is who he is. Maybe minus the cheating father.
One other thing you realized is that Seonghwa's hand that was on your thigh had moved significantly higher, it was resting inside your skirt, just a bit past the hem, and that he was sitting closer than before. You felt your heartbeat quicken as his fingers drew shapes on your inner thigh, exhilarated yet worried and slightly embarrassed as his parents are directly across from you two.
"Honey, there's the Kims, we should go and say hi," his mom said, tapping his dad's arm and they immediately went over to the other table after excusing themselves for one second.
As quickly as they left, Seonghwa snapped his head to you in a panicked state, "quick, take off your panties!" he said in a hurried tone. You widened your eyes at him and stared at him as if he was crazy. But he kept urging you with a panicked voice, ultimately rendering you panicked as well. Nevertheless, you did as told and slyly slip your panties off and lift them with your legs to capture them but Seonghwa beat you to the punch as he took the panties and stashed them in his pockets. Just in time as his parents return to the table. Seonghwa sent you an inconspicuous wink and that was when you realized that he has a plan.
The first time he made a move was when you were taking a sip of your water. He let his finger roamed up and slip easily to your folds, almost making you choke.
"Oh gosh, dear, are you alright?" his mom asked you. You wanted to answer but you were still coughing slightly. Seonghwa took this as an opportunity. He used his perfect-boyfriend act when he pulled your hair out of your face and dab his napkin around your mouth, perfectly covering his other hand that managed to slip deep into your hole, almost making you choke again.
First strike.
His next move was when he was seemingly very much absorbed in a conversation about business with his parents, leaving you out of the conversation but still paying attention to you. Though his hand was still under your skirt, it remained stagnant and still.
But out of nowhere, as he talked about acquisition and mergers, his fingers pinched your clit rather harshly. You jolted up in surprise as your legs clamped shut, trapping Seonghwa's hand inside.
Again, his mom asked whether or not you were okay, and you tried your best to convinced her that you are despite Seonghwa's fingers' constant teasing. When Seonghwa turned around to look at you, you saw the smug smirk on his face and by God you never wanted to smack someone more.
Second strike.
The last strike was when you all were having dessert and Seonghwa pretended to have dropped his fork. You were on edge since he had taken his hand out for a while and the slick in your pussy had started to bother you.
He ducked down under the table just as you shifted the position of your legs. He saw his, literal, opening and slotted his face between your legs and licked a stripe up your pussy. Thank God for the table cloth or else you both would've been kicked out of the restaurant for sure.
You let out a sharp squeak which was thankfully held back a little because you had your mouth close.
Just as quickly as you reacted to him, Seonghwa also quickly returned to his position, playing the act of a perfect, doting boyfriend. "Baby, you okay? You don't look well," he made a fuss by pressing the back of his hand to your forehead and cheeks which were red because you've been blushing out of embarrassment and arousal.
"You know what, Seonghwa, sweetie, you should really take (Y/N) here home, take care of her, alright?" his mom said.
You smiled sheepishly at her and also to Seonghwa's dad, "I'm so sorry I had to cut things short," you told them. Seonghwa's mom laughed wholeheartedly at you as she waved her hands around, "it's no problem at all, darling. Besides, we're going to meet each other again soon, I'm going to make sure Seonghwa bring you to family dinner, okay?" she smiled warmly at you. Even his dad managed to look up at you and smiled genuinely.
After bidding your goodbyes to both of them, Seonghwa took your hand in his and immediately ran out to get his car from the valet. As you both waited, you grip on the lapel of his blazer and tugged him close to you, "how fucking dare you," you muttered lowly.
Seonghwa smirked and brushed his lips against the skin of your cheek, "can't help it baby, you looked so damn good and knowing I prettied you up made me... hungry," he growled. His lips moved to your ear to inconspicuously nibble on your earlobe, "who's your daddy?"
Your legs almost wobbled at that. If Seonghwa hadn't had his arm around you, you sure would've dropped to the ground and let him take you then and there.
But thankfully the car came right at that moment and to say you bolted yourself into the car.
Once Seonghwa got onto the driver's seat, he gripped onto your arm and stared at you intently, "you are not to touch yourself, you got me?" he stated. You stammered, you wanted to protest but he only stared at you, unmoving.
You jutted your lips and crossed your arms in protest, staring forward in disappointment. Much to your surprise, Seonghwa smacked your thigh hard enough to make it red, "I said, you got me?" he stressed each word, indicating that he needed verbal confirmation from you. "y-yes, I understand, I won't touch myself," you whimpered.
Satisfied, Seonghwa rubbed the reddened spot on your thigh and began driving.
Whilst Seonghwa was focused on driving, an idea popped into your head. A quite dangerous one at that. But you really wanted to get back at him for playing with you in front of his parents. You didn't know what made you decide on going forth, but you were sure your horniness had a large play.
Quickly getting yourself to work, you had somehow managed to unzip Seonghwa's pants and whip his hardening dick out. You licked your lips at the sight, your hand began stroking him as the other settled on his thigh in order to stabilize yourself.
Quickly getting yourself to work, you had somehow managed to unzip Seonghwa's pants and whip his hardening dick out. You licked your lips at the sight, your hand began stroking him as the other settled on his thigh in order to stabilize yourself.
"What are you-" Seonghwa's words were cut off with his own moan as you delved down to take his dick deep in your mouth. Hearing him moaned out only egged you to go on further.
You deepthroated Seonghwa as best as you could, sucking him whilst letting your hand play with his balls.
"B-baby, you ca-an't do this," he said through gritted teeth. You peered up only to see his eyes glued to the road, but his hands were gripping onto the steering wheel so tightly, his knuckles turned white. You took him out of your mouth to pump him in with your hand instead, you rested your head on his thighs and looked up to him with a pout on your face, "you said I couldn't play with myself, well I'm not! I'm playing with you, you and your pretty cock," you proceeded to lick along the vein of his dick.
Seonghwa groaned as his resolve started to wither away. Even whilst preoccupied with Seonghwa's dick, you could feel that he was speeding to go back.
With every suck or pump, Seonghwa's dick hardened and along with that, his need to cum. It was a gamble, sure, but you couldn't help yourself. It was a sudden automatic urge to tease Seonghwa. Maybe you could blame it on hanging out with Wooyoung too much.
You continued bobbing your head on Seonghwa's cock as quickly as you can. You started something and you wanted to make sure that you're going to finish. And by finish you meant him cumming down your throat.
Due to being so focused on Seonghwa's dick, you hadn't realized that you both had arrived at the frat. The car came to a full stop in front of the frat and was put in park.
Just as you were about to release Seonghwa from your mouth, Seonghwa held your neck and groaned, "you best keep your head there until I cum so deep down your throat that you'd choke," he ordered.
You happily obliged and returned to work him. Seonghwa's demand to make him cum only encourage you. You'd bob your head on him, fondle his balls, graze your teeth against his tip, and squeeze his dick. It proved to be very effective as Seonghwa threw his head back and began to thrust his own hips up to your mouth, wanting more.
His lips began calling out your name in moans. You could imagine his eyes screwed shut as he desperately chased his release.
It wasn't until two, three more deepthroating that he came in your mouth. You could feel his dick twitched in your mouth as his warm cum trickle down your throat. The feeling made you moan and the vibration of your voice shot up from his dick to his spine, making him shudder.
You managed to swallow all of him clean, not leaving a single drop out. After you detached yourself from his dick, you could feel that he was about to pull you in for a kiss. But you expertly evaded him and dart out of his car into the frat instead.
"Hey- wait!" Seonghwa called out, cursing and immediately shoving his dick back into the pants and lock the car to follow after you.
When you walked into the frat, you ran past San and Jongho who were on the couch, watching something on the tv. You ran straight to the staircase and aim for Seonghwa and Hongjoong's bedroom.
Maybe it was because you weren't exactly running away from him, or maybe he was really just that fast, but he caught up to you mid-step and heave you up onto his shoulder wordlessly. He sent a spank onto your ass, making you yelp loudly. The sound of your voice didn't break his focus as he immediately entered your room.
As soon as he put you down on the floor, he gripped onto your chin and kissed you roughly.
"Strip naked for me," he said against your lips before letting you go. The serious tone in his voice made you hurriedly tug all of your clothes off and simply shove them to the side somewhere.
When you finally looked up, you saw Seonghwa on your bed, naked with his cock in his hand. He motioned for you to come to him with one hand while his other one was sliding up and down his slick shaft. The sight was so arousing, you could've sworn your juice leaked out of you.
"Ride me," he ordered as soon as you arrived next to the bed. You immediately obliged, throwing a leg over him and immediately slip his dick inside your pussy. Both of you moaned loudly when you felt how he filled you up and he felt how warm you are.
"Fucking move baby, I need you so bad," Seonghwa moaned out. His hips rolled up against yours and immediately you took the hint. You anchored yourself on his chest and began thrusting yourself up and down his dick. You threw your head back at the feeling and let out a long moan.
Not wanting you to work by yourself, Seonghwa gripped your hips and began meeting your thrusts. The sudden powerful hit from his hips made your arms weak and you almost toppled over onto his body.
"H-Hwa, you feel so good," you moaned out, moving your hips faster on him. Seonghwa reached a hand up to your breast and began squeezing and playing with your nipple, adding to the pleasure even more. "You feel even better, baby," he said, tongue licking his bottom lip.
The sight of his tongue was enough to drove you almost mad. You leaned forward and crash your lips to his, locking you both in a desperate kiss all the while your hips move as quickly as it could, not minding the fact that you might be sore tomorrow. Tonight, you only thought about Seonghwa fucking you.
Both of you moved in tandem with each other. Seonghwa held you as close as he could, a hand wrapped around your waist and another grabbing onto your ass, squeezing the flesh hard. Meanwhile, you were busy exploring Seonghwa's mouth with your tongue, his own tongue would even fight you for dominance.
Maybe it was because Seonghwa had been teasing you all through dinner, but you felt yourself so close to the edge. Your pussy clenched on his dick, signalling him of your impending climax.
As if to tell you to cum, Seonghwa planted his feet on your bed and began thrusting at a pace much quicker than yours. Because you were on top of him, you could feel him thrusting deep in you, rubbing onto your sweet spot continuously until you froze and came on top of him. His lips prevented you from moaning too loud which was a shame but you couldn't really protest.
It took Seonghwa a couple more thrust into your clenching pussy before he completely emptied himself in you. Both of your cum mixing and trailing down your thighs onto his and even dropping onto the bed.
The once ferocious kiss changed to a romantic one as Seonghwa nibbled onto your bottom lip sweetly. You could feel him smile against your own lips.
"You did great, baby," he said, letting your body drop down fully on top of him. When he was about to slip out of you, you whined in protest and hugged him tightly like a koala. Seonghwa chuckled at your adorableness, he carded a hand through your hair sweetly and peck your forehead, "we gotta clean up, baby, you've got cum in you and everywhere else," he said.
You whined and buried your face onto the crook of his neck in protest, "do that tomorrow, I like having you inside me," you pouted. Though his instinct told him to remove you and clean up, he couldn't say no to you. He knew he has no power if it comes to anything concerning you.
So he defeatedly sighed and somehow covered both of your bodies with your blanket. He made sure that you were in a comfortable position before closing his own eyes to get some rest.
The last thing you heard was him telling you goodnight and then a soft peck landed on your forehead before you drifted off to dreamland.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @sanraes @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic @yunhorights @exfolitae @simplewonderland @verycooldog2 @perfectlysane24 @hannahdinse8 @tannie13 @aka-minhyuk-kun @phebeedee @em0yunho @marsophilia @donghyuckanti27 @se-onghwa @malewife-supremacy @hyunsukream @elijahbabyb @taejichafe @alliecoady98 @rdiamondbts2727 @hakuna-matata-ya @ohmy-fandoms @spacebikerateez @stray-bi-kids @imaaroy @fashi0nablee @rindomo @violetwinters
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concubuck · 3 years ago
contract ayyy
Because several people have offered to help Alastor look over his contract, I'm gonna make a separate post describing the terms of the contract so I can link it to anyone instead of making them read the whole chat log between Alastor & Asmodeus. None of us are real-life lawyers here we are all bullshitting this lmfao
List of terms in the contract between Asmodeus & Alastor, for Alastor to work under Ozzie's specific "boon" system of offering mortal realm missions to succubi. Primarily these are the terms for how he'd earn a promotion from the "minimum boon" tier to the "small boon" tier:
(This is just a vague outline, not Official Contract Wording, I an't gonna write that out.)
- Alastor received a promotion after completing a minimum of fifty missions and after a minimum of two years have elapsed from the signing of the contract.
- Only Asmodeus can offer missions that qualify; jobs that Alastor takes from other sources don't count toward fulfilling this contract
- Two-thirds of the amount of time Alastor spends in Lust is subtracted from the amount of time needed to complete the contract (i.e., three days in Lust moves the deadline two days closer, six hours in Lust moves the deadline four hours closer, etc.)
- At his discretion, Asmodeus can offer Alastor a higher-tier mission for funsies. There's no consequences if Alastor declines or fails that mission.
- At his discretion, Asmodeus can offer Alastor a merit-based promotion if he wants him to move up a tier sooner.
- Regular Hell-wide industry standards for judging whether a freelance assignment on Earth has been "successfully completed" apply to this contract.
- They'll have the option to renegotiate a new contract when Alastor moves up a tier.
- Once he gets promoted to the top "unlimited boon" tier, completing a certain number of "large" missions can equal completing one "unlimited" mission. They can agree on what that number is when they negotiate that tier.
- Under the terms of this contract, the only consequences to Asmodeus for not offering Alastor jobs is that he doesn't have Alastor doing work for him, and the only consequences to Alastor for not accepting jobs is that he doesn't make progress toward a promotion.
Background info on boons, from Asmodeus:
"And you can only get the boon contracts from me specifically. That's the catch."
"Sure. Incentives and all that. It helps keep the ones I want coming back-- they tell me of their exploits, spin me a yarn, and they get something. Helps them feel productive and needed, and I get what I want in the end. Not that this stuff can just be brushed aside though-- they're all real jobs that have to go out anyway, they're necessary work to keep Hell's big wheel turning. But Lucifer doesn't care about the how as long as it gets done-- so I'm allowed to have my fun with it. And I think I give pretty generous terms, especially when compared to Mammon or Levi."
"Yeah, there are tiers. Those jobs there are worth the smallest-- I call 'em 'minimal boons'. Then there are small boons, medium boons, large boons, and the top tier is what I like to call 'unlimited boons'. Those are the 'ask anything of me and if it is within my power, it will be yours' kind."
"What does it take to climb the tiers?" "Show me that you can do things quickly and effectively, within the time frames allotted and without arousing undue suspicion. The basics really. Performing with competence and flair. If you make it entertaining for me to hear about, or see, then that helps, too."
Full negotiations between Alastor & Asmodeus, minus some chatter & flavor text:
Alastor: "And how many times do I have to successfully finish a job to get up to the next tier? Just one time? Ten? Is there a precise number? I'd appreciate hearing one. I *don't know* whether you're the kind of demon who would go 'maybe after the next job, I'll be satisfied enough to move you up' on every job for a century straight—and I *hope* not!—but, you see, I don't want any demon to have the opportunity to try it on me."
Ozzie: "I like time limits more than set numbers of missions. If we can haggle a set amount of time for you to do the minimal boon missions, would that satisfy?"
Alastor: "And how does that work? After such-and-such amount of time, I automatically gain the option to take jobs on the next tier, regardless of how many minimal ones I've done?"
Ozzie: "Well, it's not going to be a short time limit-- we're immortal, Alastor. But yes, when I call, you would come, pick a job, and then do it. You'd get your boon after and the process would repeat until the time frame was up-- and then you'd get to the next tier and we'd haggle that timeframe. Usually, it gets longer and longer the bigger the boons."
Alastor: "... And in that arrangement, I'd *have* to come and accept a job any time you call, I take it? And if I don't like any of the jobs currently on offer, either I *have* to take one anyway, or... what, or the timeframe extends? Something else? Or do I just have to pick one and do it anyway?"
Ozzie: "Nah, let's make it more fun than just simply extending time. If you refuse a job, you gotta spend a week in Lust. You could hang out here or at your place, or wander the streets, but you'd have to stay in Lust, and I'd know if you left."
Alastor: "I don't much like the sound of a week's imprisonment as punishment for not being offered acceptable jobs."
Ozzie: "How about a night then? Twelve hours, but you'd have to stay in Ozzie's and keep me entertained."
Alastor: "And what stops you from 'offering me a job' once every twelve hours, and each time presenting me with a single folder that says 'shoot yourself in the head'? I'm not saying you *would*, but I'm not agreeing to a bargain where you *could.*"
Ozzie: "We could put those stipulations in an official contract if you want-- I'm easy, baby."
Alastor: "A minimum time limit to move up tiers—but, time spent in the Lust ring reduces the time limit. A day in Lust moves the deadline a day closer—or whatever ratio we agree to. An *incentive* to while away more time here—whether or not I choose to take it, I'll know I'll receive a material benefit if I do. Does that get us both something we want?"
Ozzie: "How about for every three days in Lust, you get one off the limit."
Alastor: "What about *two* days for every three in Lust?"
Ozzie: "I _suppose_ I can do two days for every three in Lust." "Oh, and just so you're aware-- once you get up to the unlimited boon, that job would take time to materialize. Something big enough to earn that doesn't come around often. So there wouldn't be a time limit on that one, it would just be whenever the job came up, whatever it was. Those I also can't curate, of course."
Alastor: "But while I wait, if I get bored, I assume there's nothing stopping me from taking lower-tier jobs, either from you or the normal freelance system."
Ozzie: "Yes, of course. And if you wanted to take say a minimal job, while you're in the low tier, that would be alright too, of course." "For the minimal, lets say two years. Human Gregorian calendar."
Alastor: "Two years. ... *With* the option to promoted me early—if, of course, *you* decide that I'm doing a spectacular job, and you'd just love to see me doing something more interesting a little sooner."
Ozzie: "Two years, or merits. There may be a time or two I decide to throw you a higher level contract while you're still on the lower tiers, too, just to see how you do-- but receiving one of those doesn't mean you've been bumped up to the next tier. For that, you'd need my official decree and stamp, after we confirm the time frame."
Alastor: "And I hope it won't be held against me if it turns out I'm in over my head with a job above my current tier."
Ozzie: "Of course, of course! Those would be just to test the waters-- no negative repercussions. But. If you fail a mission of your tier _without_ a solid reason or explanation why, then I get to add a day onto your time."
Alastor: "... Counterproposal. I know you've said you don't want the threshold for the next tier to be a simple number of missions—but. *You* need a way to guarantee that I won't just wait out my time turning down all missions, and *I* need a way to guarantee that you can't use job offers to entrap me—whether it's in Lust or in terrible jobs I have no choice but to take. What about a combination of a time limit *and* a minimum number of jobs: merit-based promotion aside, I'll only move up tiers once I've passed two years, minus time in Lust, AND *successfully* completed however-many jobs. If I don't have that number within two years, then I'm still on this tier. I hope it's still complicated enough to be interesting? And this way if you decide you want to trip me up, the worst you can do—within this arrangement, I mean—is simply stop offering me jobs; and the worst *I* can do is simply stop accepting them; and progress stagnates. Which is boring, sure; *but,* it means there's no good incentive to undermine each other. If we want to entertain ourselves, *we have to keep entertaining each other.*"
Ozzie: "And you're right, that is a better way to make sure we're both gettin' what we want."
doing a final review over the contract draft, Alastor: "I'd appreciate if it says 'two-thirds of the time spent in Lust' instead of 'two days for every three days in Lust,' since I'd *hate* if I didn't get my two day discount because I could only stay 71 hours—as I'm sure *you'd* hate if I elected not to stay over a fourth day if I knew it wouldn't count if I couldn't stay six... unless you've got your own in-house standards for me to review, there should be a mention that the regular industry standards for judging 'successfully completed' freelance jobs apply here... the contract should go up for renegotiation once it's completed and I move up a tier... and we still need to agree on the minimum number of jobs, of course..." "Now, an idea—this won't be relevant for a *long* time, I'm sure—but *if* you're amenable to the idea, it wouldn't hurt to put it in the contract now for when it becomes relevant down the line... but, given the infrequency of single jobs worthy of an unlimited boon, perhaps a clause stating that one could also be earned by completing a certain number of large jobs? Naturally, it could be a *very* large number of jobs, and we can agree on *what* that number is later—but, well, if it's been ten thousand years, no worthy job's come up, and I've been doing jobs all that time, I'd like to think I'd have at least earned a boon for long and loyal service by then!"
Ozzie: "You're right in that it would have to be a very, very LARGE amount of large boon jobs for it. We'll put it in to be negotiated once you rise to the tier for large boon jobs. I'm sure things'll change enough between now and then that we'll need to hash it out at the time even if we DID put a number in now anyway."
Alastor: "We'll be renegotiating this multiple times before then, anyway. As for the number of minimal boons for *this* contract... how does fifty sound? If I *do* try to complete them all within the minimum two year timeline, that's about one job every two weeks—and if the payout is typically things like cell phones and music albums, I'll need to keep taking regular jobs in between to maintain my income."
Ozzie: "You can ask for cash for the minimal boon, babe. A couple thousand is generally the amount if someone wants cash." "Fifty sounds good, I think that works."
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blueberryrock · 5 years ago
Here is the Prologue to my newest story! It's not a fanfic, it is an original story im writing! I hope y'all like it!
(Also I might change the name in the future)
"Momma" a small five-year-old girl with long brown hair tugs on the bottom of her tired mom's pants "when will daddy come home?" Her big bright brown eyes meet her mom's dull brown eyes.
The tired mom glances at her watch, which reads nine pm. She pulls a curtain back from the window in front of her and sighs "any minute".
She turns her head to look at the little girl "Why don't you go put your jammies on, grab your sister, and we'll play a little game" she warmly smiles. The little girl squeals and runs to her room.
The mom smiles as she runs down the long hallway, she glances back outside to the empty street. "C'mon Rick, where are you" she mutters. She fiddles with her gold wedding ring that has a single, gorgeous, red jewel on it. A "blood-red diamond" as her gemologist cousin calls it.
"Mom, please tell Karlene that I don't want to play some stupid game" The five-year-old, Karlene's, older sister complains. She tucks a strand of her long dirty blonde hair behind her ear.
"Now Sierra, you promised to play a game with her earlier, and as soon as your dad returns from work. You can go back to your room" Sierra's mom finally turns away from the window.
"Ugh, fine, but just one round" Sierra huffs "what game are we playing anyway."
"Cops and robbers!" Shrieks Karlene.
"No. No way am I going to play that stupid game" Sierra angrily crosses her arms.
"How bout a card game?" Their mom suggests.
"Ooh let's play gold fish!" Karlene happily said.
"Sounds good to me" Sierra finally agrees "and it's Go Fish."
"I'll grab a deck of cards, you two clear off the coffee table" their mom dashes out of the room to look for a deck.
"Where do you think dad's at," Sierra asked her little sister as she moves a stack of paper to the ground.
"Maybe he's fighting super villains!" Karlene enthusiastically hits a remote on the ground "oops" she mutters to herself.
Sierra can't help but giggle at her little sister's sheer happiness. "He could be" Sierra puts the last object onto the lower level of the coffee table.
"Really?" Karlene squeals.
Sierra smiles and messes with Karlene's crazy brown hair, she looks around and gets ear level with her sister. "You know dad does have superpowers" Sierra whispers and smirks.
Karlene's blue eyes go wide and her jaw drops "No. Way." Sierra only grins "umm, yes way, he told me"
And as soon as Sierra said that, the girl's mom walks into the large living room, hold a bowl of pretzels, and a deck of black cards.
Before she can set anything down, Karlene leaps to her feet and runs at her mom. "Does daddy really have powers?" She asks excitedly, bouncing up and down.
"Ah, well, I wanted to wait till you were older" their mom sends an upset glare at Sierra, which she ducks behind the glass coffee table.
Their mom walks around the bouncing Karlene and sets the bowl and deck on the table. "But yes, your father has...er..powers"
And at that Karlene lets out the loudest squeal on the planet. "Do you think he can show me his?" Karlene runs up to Sierra.
Sierra only shrugs "don't ask me," she says
Karlene then turns to her tired mom "do you think I'll have powers?" She jumps up and down on the carpet.
"Well, there is about a fifty-fifty chance of you two to get them, but let's play our card game" she pulls Karlene by the hand to sit "please? And once your father comes home, you can berate him with any and all questions"
Karlene grins again. "So six cards?" Their mom asks as she deals out five cards to everyone.
"I'm pretty sure it's seven" Sierra corrects her. They continue to play round after round until the big, old, grandfather clock strikes twelve.
Karlene is passed out in her room while Sierra is reading and her mom is currently pacing back and forth in front of the door.
"Mom" Sierra puts her large book down, "I'm sure dad's fine, he's probably just held up somewhere" her mom stops pacing and shoots her a worried glance.
"Oh, umm, I meant in...like...traffic or something" Sierra quickly corrects herself. But her mom continues to pace.
"But he's never been this late" Sierra's mom throws herself on the nearest piece of furniture, which was a very comfortable armchair.
"I'm sure he's fi–" Sierra cuts herself off with a big yawn "ine" she rubs her eyes.
"You should go to bed, he'll (hopefully) be back here tomorrow" Sierra's mom gets up to plant a kiss on her daughter's forehead.
"R-right" Sierra picks up her book and walks down the hallway to her room. As soon as her door closes, Sierra's mom pulls out her phone to dial her husband's phone.
But on the second to last ring, a sobbing woman picks up. "R-Rose," she sobbing woman says "h-he's go-o-one"
"What! Tina calm down, who's gone?" Rose calmly asks. "R-ri-ick" Tina barely finishes.
The phone nearly slips out of her hand, Rose slides into one of the chairs and readjusts the phone. "M-my Rick?" Is all that she can muster.
Rose slides from the chair to the hardwood floor. "N-no!" She sobs "i-it ca-a-an't be t-r-r-rue." Rose drops her phone and continues to sob hysterically.
After maybe a few minutes or a few hours, Rose's sobs turn into loud whimpers. She shakily picks up her phone, Tina has hung up ages ago.
She tiredly wipes her eyes and looks at the time, one and a half hours have passed. That means she spent one and a half hours sobbing when she wanted to be with her husband.
She shakily pushes herself to her feet. Waves of nausea washes over her as she sits back into the armchair. She decides that she is too tired to walk down the same hallway her girls went.
She instead pulls her knees as close as she can into her chest and wraps her arms around them. She lays her head on them and looks around them empty room.
Memories of her family come flooding in, she glances at the coffee table she and the girls were at, and a memory of them with their dad play a board game makes her smile as more tears form.
She continues to softly cry as she remembers the last time she spoke to her husband. It was before he had to leave for his job.
They were talking about his they were planning on taking their girls out of the country for a vacation. But that idea is now long gone.
Rose continues to softly cry until she falls asleep. She dreams about talking to her husband in a little cafe.
She is rudely awakened by her youngest daughter. "Mommy" she happily says. Rose's bloodshot eyes meet her daughter's beautiful brown eyes.
"Yes, sweetheart?" She croaks, her throat begging for any water.
"Where is daddy?" Karlene asks with a small grin. Tears form in Rose's eyes as the thoughts of last night come flooding back. Perhaps it was a dream?
No. Rose couldn't remember a dream to save her life. "Y-your d-dad's g" she stops herself as her oldest daughter tiredly walks into the room.
She yawns "Karlene, let mom wake up first" Sierra rubs her tired eyes and unceremoniously throws herself onto the couch next to them.
Rose wipes her eyes and sits up straight. "G-girls" she announces "I have something very important to tell you about your father." Both girls sit down and pay attention.
"Your father...he's..." Rose sighs, she takes a deep breath in "he's gone"
"W-what do you mean gone?" Sierra asks.
"I mean your dad is gone, dead, he was...I believe that he was murdered" tears form in her and Sierra's eyes.
Rose looks down at Karlene, half expecting her to be full-on crying and half expecting her to be confused.
But she is the later one. "Daddy isn't coming here?" She furrows her brows as she tries to think "did he leave us?" She looks up at her now crying mom.
"Yes, he left us" she tries to explain, but Karlene starts sobbing "d-di-d he n-not l-o-ove u-s" she cries.
"Oh no baby" her mom says, she gently scoops her up and sits onto the couch next to the sobbing Sierra. "He love-ed us w-with all h-h-is heart" Rose tries not to cry, but she's failing miserably.
"W-will I-I get t-to see h-hi-m aga-ain?" Karlene wails. "Of c-course" Rose reassures her wailing daughter " y-you'll s-see hi-m aga-ain" Rose chokes on a sob.
BANG. BANG. BANG. Rose unwraps her arms that are around Karlene and sets her gently where she was sitting. She quickly walks towards the large dark oak front door. Rose takes a deep breath in, wipes her tears away, and opens the door.
"Hello, Ms. Winster." A tall police officer says in his deep voice. He nervously shifts on his feet. "My name is Dean Sanchez" he holds up his police badge, "and this" he points to his partner. His partner is slightly smaller, with blonde hair and brown eyes. "Is my partner."
"James Riddle" he introduces himself. He politely holds out his hand and shakes Rose's cold hand.
"We've umm...come here to inform you that your husband has be-" Sanchez tries to say but Riddle jabs him in the side.
Rose raises one of her eyebrows "has been what?" She asks, already knowing the answer.
"He's dead," Riddle says bluntly. "James! Be sensitive" Sanchez says. After hours of crying, more tears stream down Rose's face.
"H-how d-id it hap-pen" she sobs.
"We don't really know, it could've been an accident or a murder. We're still looking into it" Riddle explains "but we'll update you on any new information we get."
"O-okay" she sputters out. Sanchez pulls out a tissue from his vest and hands it to Rose. She says a quiet thank you and blows her nose.
The policemen bow their heads and start to walk away. Rose slowly closes the door, leaving a crack to watch them, making sure they left.
Something was off about them, but Rose didn't care enough to question them. She crumbles up the used tissue and places it on the coffee table.
She looks at her two still crying daughters. "How 'bout we get some ice cream?" She offers.
Sierra sneezes and weakly says "okay". Karlene only nods, she does her red and wet face on her soft PJ shirt.
"Go get dressed then we'll leave" Rose calmly says. Both girls get up and head for their bedrooms "and brush your hair Karlene" she calls after the youngest.
Rose looks down at her owns clothes. Pj pants and a hoodie. She sighs and rubs her tired face, she heads for her own room to change.
After five minutes of staring at her husband's clothes, she finally meets the girls in the living room.
"You ready?" She sadly smiles at the girls. Sierra lets out a hiccup and puts her flip flops on. Rose looks at her youngest daughter "did you brush your hair?"
Karlene only nods. Rose sighs and grabs her black leather purse "alright lets go."
Well thanks for reading, I hope y'all like what I do with it annnnd yeah...Oh! Also, I won't be updating this every week as I did with my other fic, the updates will be random
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theramseyloft · 6 years ago
To be clear...
Absolutely 0 practical or beneficial application for the pigeons.
This is VERY different from ear tagging a cow.
Pigeons do not have ear lobes made of cartilage.
No bird does.
There is, in fact, no external structure to a pigeon's ears. It's just a hole into the side of their skull.
Those earings, which are beaded hoops almost as big around as the birds skull, are just punched through the thin skin of their neck.
If they actually go through the ear hole, they puncture jaw muscle, because the skin there is too thin to support them without tearing.
Pigeons cannot reach to preen their ears and upper neck with their beak. They use their claws for that, which are likely to catch and pull.
Aaaaand hey, guess what pigeons like to do with shiny, dangly, jingly things!
If you guessed grab and snatch on them like a dog with a pully rope, you are correct!
A hen would have these snatched out by a driving or even playful cock, which is probably why only cocks wear them.
And those cocks would end up extremely aggressive and severely paranoid.
Pigeons like jingly sounds, but right in his ears, sounding every time he moves, transmitted through the metal directly to his ear drums, they would functionally deafen him with what would amount to ringing in his ears with every movement.
Birds primarily communicate with their voices, accentuated or nuanced by gesture.
Soft grunts, hoots, whines, and grumbles are the bulk of what amounts to conversational communication between pigeons.
The equivalents of "Hello", "let me pass", you're too close", "whatcha doin'?", "what's that?", and "can I eat with you?" are all softly 'spoken' with these quiet vocalizations
A pigeon whose hearing is severely impaired cannot correctly respond to these attempts to vocally communicate, and some of those, when ignored, can be taken and reacted to as aggression.
"You're too close.", "Let me pass.", and "May I join you?" for example, have a correct response, which is to make space.
Ignoring the first two will result in a bite (definitely to pull his earring because that's the part of his neck a disciplinary bite would be aimed, and hey there is an eye catching shiny metal thing right there, perfectly shaped for pulling), wing box, or shoulder shove.
And from the functionally deaf cock's perspective, the other bird just snatched on his earring or boxed or shoved him out of nowhere.
So, we've got is a functionally deaf bird who can only read gesture communications and has learned that any bird that gets close enough will pull on his earrings with no warning.
Pigeon cocks guage each others status by where their nest is located and how big a bubble of personal space is respected by his flock mates.
Ignoring that space will immediately start a fight.
So we end up with a bird who has learned that other birds will bite him and his earrings without warning.
Because he an't hear softer "conversation" (including warnings that a hearing bird would immediately know to respond to to deescalate)
He can only hear louder, more insistant/aggressive communication.
Which makes him dependent on what ammounts to yelling and exaggerated gestures to communicate back (which causes a vicious cycle of more ringing in his ears)
So he ends up compelled to maintain a much wider bubble of personal space to keep as much space as possible between himself and other birds
Which he has to be strong and mean enough to defend so ferociously that no one else has the stones to approach.
This makes an aggressive, anxious mess of a pigeon that is just stuck in that state because every one that sees it thinks he's just happily dancing to the cute jingly noise of his pretty earings like a baby playing with keys.
Have you heard of earrings for pigeons? I just joined a group on Facebook and someone's German beauty homer has what he calls and "earring", it's like a hoop with little pendants or something on it sticking out of his head/neck area
Yes, and they are literally ear piercings.
I do not know what they are supposed to be for…
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declinetospecify · 5 years ago
This An't A Scene. It's a Goddamn Arms Race!
Dear Missing America,
This Ain’t A Scene, It’s a Goddamn Arms Race!
I take that line from a Fall Out Boy song that I am rather fond of; and I am rather fond of that song and line because it resonates a strong and vital truth in modern America:  The political parties are fucking us,...every one. It is a sad and hard truth, that they don’t want you and me to see, but they are lost, and they are desperate, and they are dying. And in their vain efforts to remain relevant and appear vital, they are failing to listen to any voice from outside their castle walls; lest they risk it being one of treacherous nature. So, as a result, every voice from beyond the wall must be a dangerous one. So, why then, are any self confident Americans actually listening to a damn thing the Republicans or the Democrats say anymore? Well, ...we’re not. So if you do fancy yourself to be a self confident American, and you are still listening to their shit, without questioning it, all of it, then you’re a fucking moron. And you’re still drinking the kool aid.
Now, as for the rest of us, we still listen, we just hear it more clearly than you do. Now that’s not to say that you can’t too; only that you are prevented from doing so by the illegitimate influence of one of the two ruling political parties. This is easy for them to do. They have the power, the money, the machinery, and control of the government. So, what is there to do, but choose coke or pepsi and get on with life, right? Well, that used to be the idea, but not anymore. Ever since Coke and Pepsi both started using arsenic in their water, it’s becoming more and more dangerous to pick either one. When I say coke and pepsi, I mean Republicans and Democrats. I don’t say that because I think you are stupid, I say that so they won’t sue my ass.
Anyway, in my youth, a wise T Shirt once said to me on a Super Bowl Sunday: “Who Cares?”, Let’s Have A Party! And I am inclined once again, to see the wisdom in that thought. “Who Cares?” I mean seriously, who? Do you? Do you care which party is in control of the government anymore?  Really, truly care? As in, you genuinely believe that they can and will make good on their promises, and that their way is the best way for all Americans to move forward together? Because if you do...SAY IT WITH ME NOW...You’re a fucking moron! But, that doesn’t mean you can’t be saved. After all, stupid is a choice, and not a condition. Leave the parties behind. Join the Missing Americans. We are here, and we outnumber the left and the right, 2 to 1.
Look, 2020 is screwed. Legit, screwed. There is only one choice coming out of the right, and that is DJT, the worst living example of what can happen when two, not just one, but two ruling political parties go off the rails, together. From the left, you are going to get “Anyone But Trump!”...whoever that may end up looking like. The problem here, is that regardless of which party wins the next Presidential Election, and the 2022 Mid Terms, it’s going to be four more years of the same old shit, on a different day, politics as usual. American life is going to continue this one step forward, two steps back dance that gets us nowhere. But,...we can change that forever by 2024! Seriously! We just need to take away our overt and visible support for both the Republicans and the Democrats! Instead of trying to elevate a third party to be able to challenge the two ruling parties, we should simply shrink the two ruling parties down to size. Make them have to fight harder for our support, and they will do just that, fight harder. Then we will see who is more important in this country, us, or them.
The Missing Americans in this country constitute a growing majority of pissed off people. Sure, a lot of us left all together and don’t even bother to vote, or even register, but there are an awful lot of Missing Americans who do vote, and we vote for both parties, and even other parties, but we don’t look at other voters and wonder if they are friend or foe while we’re doing it. I know you know what I am talking about. It happens every time we have an election, and these past three years, it seems like it just kept on burning, like a continental tire fire...stank-nasty, and toxic!
So no, the modern Republican and Democrat Political Parties ain’t a scene! But they are most definitely a Goddamn Arms Race! Just look at the U.S.’ Senate over the course of Obama and Trump’s combined eleven years in office. First, when the Republicans were strong enough to halt any forward movement by the Democratic majority, the Democrats famously enacted the “Nuclear Option” and changed their own rules to make it easier to get around the Republicans. Then, when the Republicans held the majority, guess what they did...the exact same fucking thing, but worse. All through Barack Obama’s presidency, the Republican party as a whole, concentrated all its force on blocking him and the Democrats, and thus deactivating our government. They did it through politics, money, and power.  All through Donald Trump’s presidency, the Democratic party as a whole, concentrated all its force on blocking and thus deactivating our government. They did it through politics, money, and power. They are still doing it, and neither party has given any indication that they will consider trying any other tactic, like... ever again. So, then why should any one who calls them-self an American, ever expect anything new or productive to come out of these two parties, until one is utterly destroyed by the other one; which of course is due to happen sometime between blow me, and go fuck yourself? Come the fuck on, America! Leave those worthless fuckers behind, and join the Missing! We are everywhere! We are where America is heading, despite the best efforts of both the Republican and Democrat Parties to try and keep us reigned in! Don’t you want to at least try and be free one last time, before a giant space rock hits planet earth and fucks us all? (Thanks for that by the way, NASA. You bunch of cosmic Karens!)
You can! You don’t even have to keep reading this blog to do it! But seriously, keep reading this blog! I need friends! About 165,000,000 of them to be exact. So stay with me, stay Missing, America! They are not as powerful as they appear to be; we just take away their fuel supply, and we can cut them off. We can choke them out, and they will be forced to deflate themselves to a proper size and scope for their roles in modern America.  The Republican and Democrat parties are just glorified talent agencies, hocking glorified janitors, to do a simple job: run our government right. They are not the actual government, they are not the real majority of Americans, and they are not the all powerful politi-gods that they pretend to be. See the menagerie of snake oil salesmen, hiding behind the curtain America! For fuck’s sake! They’re all trying to slip roofies in our drinks and date rape us in their limo’s! Get a grip...and then rip off their shit and throw it out the window!  Leave the Parties, Join the MIssing, and save America!
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