#whelp time to hit the dusty trail
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giffypudding · 3 months ago
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classyartgamingpeanut · 3 years ago
Whelp time to hit the old dusty trail so....
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Night everyone. ~
Ever you @angel-the-blocker .
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gothvegas · 6 years ago
Someone on this site: reblogs some bigass 5 paragraph post with the word “anti” used multiple times in earnest
Me, a gay cowboy: whelp... it’s about time I hit that old dusty trail
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sagecomics · 7 years ago
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Yosh! Saga has updated! http://bit.ly/2Busadh
#2026 – Aggravated Nullification
Whelp… Phil should be hitting the ol’ dusty trail.(It’s not exactly over but- yeeeeeeah)I’ll be streaming tonight at 9pm est! Check it out on Picarto here! By here i mean this is a link. All this text takes you to Picarto.tv/SageSaga which is where I stream, usually with some cool friends… at 9pm… Eastern Standard Time… Yup.
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lillaxtrigger · 7 years ago
The ghostly maid: Shady secrets
Both boys were relaxing in the pool, with Trevor climbing up the diving board. “Hey Pike, check this out. Imma do a flip.” he said. “Uh, have you ever done a flip before?”. “Oh sure, plenty of times. I’m a real pro. Watch this.”. Trevor took several jumps before he flipped across the pool. However, he misjudged the speed of his flip and land in the pool his back. As soon as he surfaced, Trevor let out a painful scream as he feebly swam to the side. “Ahh! Why does water sting so much!?”. “You gonna be okay?” Pike asked. “Yeah...Yeah, I think I’ll be fine.”. Trevor looked up from the poolside and saw Jeff, who sounded like he was out of breath. “Oh, hey Jeff. We haven’t seen you in a while. What’s up?”. Pike asked as both of them got out in the pool. “I...I got done reading through the journal you lent to me. And I may have discovered something that might truly be shocking.”. “Journal?...Journal...Oh! You mean Rafortion’s dairy. I kinda forgot about that.” Trevor admitted. “Okay, okay. Trevor, you said that Jewely died through some unknown sickness right? Well, I was doing research in try to find out what deadly disease might have done her in.”. “So what did you find?”. “That’s the thing. I couldn’t find any known illness with the symptoms listed in this book. So I ventured out a little bit and found out that they were not from any kind of disease. But instead they showed the symptoms of...of poison. Trevor, I think that Jewely might have been murdered.”. With shock laid across his face, Trevor looked around, got out of the pool, then closely approached Jeff and said quietly: “Jeff, are you absolutely certain about this?”. “...9...90%.”. Trevor thought to himself for a moment before saying: “Come with me.”. He lead both boys to the giant library, where they walked through bookcase after bookcase. “Hey, where are we going?” Pike said. “Somewhere where we may find answers”. All of them kept walking until the found upon a big fancy golden bookcase, swirls traveling down from the top down to the legs. Inside were a bunch of variously colored books, each one a half foot thick. They were arranged like a rainbow, each color mildly different then the one next to it. “Is that a golden bookcase?” Jeff asked. “Guys. What you’re looking at here is the entire Juda family history. First recorded all the way back in the early modern period. Every single Juda is categorized in this bookshelf down to yours truly. If were gonna find out whoever killed Jewely, this would be a good place to start.”. “Well, why not just ask Jewely about-”. “Absolutely not! We don’t have all of our facts straight yet. Coming out with such a big accusation without a suspect or proof would be stupid. Once we have a solid lead, then we can break the news to her.”. Trevor walked in between the boys and said: “I want you two to read up on my family history and figure out who murdered my maid.” then started to walk off. “And where are you going?” Pike asked. “I’m going ask Jewely a couple question.”. “But you said-”. “I know what I said. I’m just going to dance around the situation and try to not clue her in what’s going on.”. The boy then rushed out of the library, leaving the Pike and Jeff alone in front of the large bookcase. “Whelp, let’s just get this started already.” Pike unenthusiastic. Trevor peeked behind a corner to see Jewely cleaning the carpet. He took a big breath and slowly approached. Jewely saw her master behind her and said: “Bonjour, jeune maître. How are you today?”. “I’m fine Jewely...Listen, I was just wondering if I could ask you something. Can you tell me more about Rafortion and back in the day. I want to know more about my family.”. “If you want to find out more about your family, then why not seek the family archive.”. “I want hear it from you. You were alive during that time, right. I feel like I could get more light on it from you rather then some dusty books sitting on a shelf.”. “Très bien. Let’s go somewhere where we can talk.”. Jeff and Pike looked through the stacks of books they got of the shelf, trying to find Rafortion’s entry. “Did you find him yet?” Pike asked. “No. What era did Jewely say he came from again?”. “I don’t know. 18th century?”. “Oh...Then we should probably look further down. These books seem to take place in the 1400’s.”. Pike let out a frustrated sigh as he threw his book on hand aside. As Trevor sat down in a comfy chair in front of a fireplace, Jewely poured him a cup of tea. After which, she floated up in front of him and said: “Now, we’re should I start. I suppose I should begin at where I came from. I was raised on the streets of France. I had lost my family in a house fire at a very young age, leaving me to fend for my self. It wasn’t until I turned 16 that I was approached by your young at the time ancestor, Rafortion Juda while I was trying to find shelter on a stormy night. He took me back to his manor, where he offered me food and shelter from the rain. I asked him why he let me in. He told me: “Because I couldn’t let such a lovely face get swept up in the storm.”. Rafortion told me that he could offer me a home at his luxurious manor. All I would have to do was become one of his maids.”. Jeff trailed his finger across the row of books until he picked a random one off the shelf and opened it up. “1701. He might be in this one.”. “Great. Which page is he on?” Pike asked. “Umm...I don’t know. It doesn’t have a table of contents. Did Jewely ever give a certain date? A year maybe?”. Pike let out a sigh and said “No.”. “I had little to no experience with cleaning at all back when I first started out work as a maid for Rafortion. Luckily the other servants at the manor were able to teach me the ropes of the job. Even teaching me a few tricks that I still use to this day. They we like a second family to me to be honest. Whenever I’d been given a load of work to do, the master would sometimes help me with his own two hands. When I asked him why he lent me his aid, he simply replied: “Because I like spending time with you.”. Both boys kept looking through the book, there eyes growing weary from skimming through page after page. Pike was on the verge of falling asleep, but snapped out of his daze when he hit his head on the table. “I’m gonna...I’m gonna go get myself a drink.” Pike said as he got up. “Wait! Wait. I think I might have found it.”. “Really!?”. “Yeah. Uh...Here it is. Rafortion Parcless Juda. Born in 1728.”. Pike sat next to Jeff as he read aloud. Raised in Europe France, Rafortion’s life was known as quite an unusual person. Unbeknownst to everyone but his closest friends and family, whenever he was not discovering new advances in political studies, Rafortion was partaking in supernatural misadventures.”. “Well, doesn’t that sound familiar.”. “He would often come back from his quests with newly discovered legends that he would be passed along from his work staff, all the way down to the streets of France and beyond. Including when he was lead by a dragon to a mystic cave full of moonlight drip, Driving off a beast with a thousand teeth from a village in the east. And saving a hidden city whose citizens were...were living foul mouthed pastries?” “Wow, Raff sure got around. Does it say anything about his family, any relationships?”. “Hmm...It says that he had an arranged marriage but that’s about it. Maybe if I cross reference the people he worked with.”. “After a couple years at the manor, I manage to find out about Rafortion’s other hobby. Studying and recording legends from around the world. When he learned that I was aware of this, he made me swear to never tell anybody outside the manor. That the people on the outside would react in fear and trail not only him, but his linage as well. After that, he said I could help him on his adventure whenever I wanted. Oh, you should have seen him back in the day. He was always so brave and kind, never to back down from anything. He was the first to jump in a perilous situations and the last to come out. I saw so many wondrous sites while by his side. The edge of China where we went to try and find the feather of a giant silver sea bird. The Egyptian deserts to foil the curse of the an evil sand snake. And to the North Pole to find the mystic snow elves.”. Jewely sighs and says: “That night I spent with him under the rainbow night sky was truly magical.”. “You really liked him a lot, didn’t you?” Trevor asked. “More than anything.”. “Right...So, I know this might be a touchy subject, but...how did you become a ghost?”. “Well. As you know, I was conflicted with a nasty illness that left me in a horrid state. Rafortion didn’t want me to die so young. He took me to a witch called Hazel to see if she could treat my sickness. She said there was no cure for my aliment, but instead she knew of a way I could exist past my death. You’ll never guess how.”. “Uh huh.”. “But, there was a price. I could no longer be with Rafortion again. I declined at first. But my master insisted, saying that it would mean so much if I served his family. He wanted me to see his family flourish all they way to the end. And for that, I took the deal.”. “...Do you ever regret it?”. “No...Because I got to watch his linage grow from Rafortion onward. I have seen the Juda family accomplish many great feats. Some high, others low.”. Each of them a living legacy in their own right, even if some of those legacies remained lost to the rest of the world. I have always been there to see their high points. Your ancestor would be quite proud of what his small family grew into.” Jewely said with a smile. Trevor gave a grin after hearing what Jewely had to say. “Now will that be all?” she asks. “Oh! Uh, yes that’s it. Thank you Jewely” he said as he got up from his seat and started to leave. Vous êtes les bienvenus, maître Trevor.”. Trevor met back with the others and told them what Jewely said to him, while Pike and Jeff told him with they found out. “Huh, maybe it’s likely that Jewely just got poisoned during one of her adventures.” Pike said. “It can’t be that simple. If it were, then why did those dreams that I had lead me to that journal? What else do they say?” Trevor asked. “The journal or the biography?”. “I don’t know. Both?”. “Um...Well, from my analyzes. I think that the most likely suspect would be...Rafortion’s wife.”. “What!? You mean to tell me that my great grandma murdered my maid? How!? Why!?”. “Well a couple of things really. “First is the fact that Jewely hasn’t really expressed any sort of displeasure towards anyone but her. Second, it’s pretty clear that Rafortion and Jewely had something going on between them.” I’m not entirely certain that it was happening before or after the arranged marriage, but considering the situation, the latter is more likely.”. “Ooh, juicy.” Pike asked. “I can’t believe it.”. “Trevor, don’t feel so bad. Affairs like this were rampant around that time. Everybody was having an affair with everybody. It was more common than people dying of smallpox.”. “I just don’t know how were gonna break the news to Jewely.”. Pike looked behind Trevor and said: “Uh, Trevor.”. The boy looked behind him and saw his ghostly maid floating at the end of the hall. “Jewely! Uh...I...”. “I...I don’t really know what to say. I...I need to time to process all of this.”. Jewely flew off out of the library, Trevor sprints after her. “Jewely! Wait!”. When he made it out, he looked around the hallway, but could not find her. “Jewely!” Trevor shouts. His voice echoes throughout the entire manor, but his call reaches deaf ears. Pike and Jeff walked out seconds later to find their friend hanging his head down. As they approach, Trevor says: “I didn’t want her to find out like this. I wanted the news to be easy to take in. Now she’s gone.”. “Cheer up, man. I’m sure that Jewely will be back before you know it.”. A couple days later, Trevor stairs out the window as rain pours down, his phone next to his head as Pikes voice comes out saying: “And how long has she been gone?”. “About three days now. I’m getting kinda worried.”. “Alright, alright alright. Listen, if she hasn’t come back yet. I think that I might know where she is.”. At Tracy’s house, the lanky ghost hunter was in the family car. He stuck his head out the window and said: “Come on, mom. That sale for the prime ecto filter’s is hot right now, and there’s only so much of them. We need to get there now!”. His mother came out the front door, saying: “Alright, honey. I’m coming.”. She got in the car and drove off. Trevor, Pike, and Jeff peeked from around the corner. “Okay, I think he’s gone.”. All three of them snuck into the backyard and found a window leading to the basement. Trevor smashed it open with his foot, glass shards shattering inward. “Guys, aren’t we breaking the law here?” Jeff asked. “Screw that! If he has my maid, then I don’t care what the law says.”. “Beside, the dude’s a prick. Who cares.” Pike said as both he and Trevor climbed down, with Jeff following suit. As Jeff climbed down into the basement, he saw his two friends stare at an underground lab. The glowing beakers filled with green ectoplasm strewed across the metallic table made the dark basement light up. Along side those were several pieces of metal with nuts and bolts. All of them looked around the room, going through piles of ghost hunting equipment laid across the floor. As they dig through the piles, Jeff asks: “Uh, what are we supposed to be looking for?”. “Something that can be used to trap a ghost, like...” Trevor says as he’s digging. He pulls out a metal cylinder and says: “Like this. This cylinder...thing must be what that scumbag uses to hold his ghostly prisoners.”. “More like his soup. Trevor, that’s a thermos.” Pike points out. “...What?” the boy says as he stops looking down the can. “I use one whenever my family goes on holiday to the Canadian rockies. Chicken doodle soup does wonders to combat frostbite.” Jeff mentions. After looking back down in the can and back to his friends, Trevor throws the thermos to the side. Pike reaches down under the bed and feels something slimy underneath. He pulls his hand out and finds green ectoplasm all over his palm. “Ew.” he says as he shakes of the green slime. Jeff pulls out a PDA from the junk pile and says: “Hey guys. I think that I might have found something that can help.”. Both Trevor and Pike look over, with Trevor saying: “What ya find.”. “This thing says it’s a ghost tracking device. Maybe we could use this to find Jewely.”. “Does it even work?” Pike asks. Jeff flips the switch on the side and a radar comes up on screen. From there, the radar shows several signs detecting ghostly energy. The radar pointed to the beakers on the table. As Pike inspects the beaker, he says: “Aren’t ghosts made from this kind of stuff?”. “Then the answer is yes. Does that thing say Jewely is in here?”. “I don’t think so. Maybe we should try looking somewhere. You know, before we get busted.”. The trio moved over to the city. As they walked through the streets, Pike says: “Find anything yet, Jeff?”. “Nothing yet. Maybe there’s a way to adjust the range on this thing.”. Trevor looks up and sees that the rains starts coming down harder then before. “Oh man. We better find her soon. The rain is really starting to come down.”. After fiddling with the radars controls, Jeff said: “Oh, that’s how you adjust the range.”. Tuning the radar to the farthest frequency, Jeff saw a small blip out on the far left. “Hey I found something.”. Both Trevor and Pike looked at the radar, Pike commenting: “Isn’t that where the slums are at?”. “Slums?” Trevor questioned. They walked into the a neighborhood that looked like it was on the verge of collapsing. Cracks could be seen on the sides of the stone buildings trailing down to the roads below. The smaller buildings were clustered together, almost looking like they were stuck to each other. Rotting fauna covered some of the buildings and streets, not a single hint of green among them. “My god! This place is a hole. People actually live like this?”. “Yep. Not the most homey place, but ya gotta work with what you have.” Pike added. “Geez. This looks like a place where hopes and dreams go to die.”. “You know Trevor, maybe you can donate some of your money to help out.” Jeff said. “Well, I would. But I don’t actually own any money. My company does.”. “What? Isn’t the company in your name?”. “Technically, half of it. Nearly all of my families money is used in shares they use. I don’t own a cent.”. “Uh...Anyway, the radar says that Jewely is just at the end of this block.”. The three found themselves in front of a giant, broken down house that looked like it could collapse any moment. “Are you sure she’s in there?” Pike asks. “That’s what the radar says.”. Trevor took a deep breath, then said: “Whelp, let’s go.”. They walked through the broken doorway, seeing moldy furniture on a cracked wooden floor. All off them looked around the house, but couldn’t find any sign of the ghostly maid. “Jeff, I thought you said she was here.” Trevor said. “I…I don’t know. The radar say that theres a huge spike of ghostly energy here.”. “Well, clearly she isn’t. Ga, I knew I should have just kept that journal for myself. it’s been nothing but trouble.”. “Why are you yelling at me for? You’re the one who wanted me to study it.”. “Guys. I found something.” Pike shouted in the distance. Both of them walked over and saw that Pike had found a trap door, leading to the basement. Going down, the first thing they saw were prison cells. Wasn’t this place a manor at one point? Why does it have a dungeon?” Jeff questioned. “Come on, let’s go.”. All of them headed down into the dark depths. They traveled down the brickwork tunnel, passing down several empty cells on the way. Pike saw something in one of them. The darkness made it hard to see what it was. It looked like someone in chains. He pulled out his phone and lit up the cell to find a body with long hair staring down on the floor, which was mostly decomposed. The head then fell off and rolled its way up to the front of the bars, revealing its hollowed face. Pike backed up after seeing this and jumped up when Trevor said: “Hey Pike, check this out.”. The boy quickly ran back to his friends. Catching up to his friends, he found a red pentagram painted on the floor surrounded by fancy metal torch stands. “Wow, this went from a 1 to a 10 real quick.” Trevor said. “Um...Maybe we should be getting out of here...Like right now!” Jeff says. “No way. Not until we find Jewely. What’s the radar say?”. Jeff looked at the device and said: “She’s close. Very close.”. Pike grabbed one of the torch stands and said: “I’m bringing this home. It’ll look great in the living room.”. Trevor looked around the chamber until he came across a chained up door. The boy tugged on the chains and felt that they were on the door tightly. He looked at the chains and locks decorating the door and saw that they were covered in rust. “Hey Pike, hand me one of those stands. Pike handed over his stand so that Trevor could put it in between the chains and the door. He started pulling as hard as he can. “Guys, help me out with this.” Trevor said as he pulled. Pike and Jeff grabbed parts of the stand and started pulling. All three of them fell down as they broke the rusty locks of the walls. With nothing holding them, the chains fell straight to the ground. Trevor quickly got up and opened the door. On the other side, he saw absolutely nothing. It was nothing but an empty room. “Wha...what the...Jeff I thought you said she was in here.”. “It did. I don’t get it. The radar said that something was on the other side of that door.”. After climbing back up to the abandoned manor, Trevor tried to open the front door, but it was stuck. No matter how hard he pulled, the boy couldn’t get it opened. “Wasn’t this door unlocked when we came in.” he said. Jeff heard the radar acting up and was shocked at what he saw. “Guys, look at this.”. Both of them looked at the radar and saw a bunch of reading surrounding them. Suddenly, loud growling could be heard through the home. “Okay, I think it’s time for us to leave!” Jeff said. “Stand back, I’ll break one of the windows down.” Pike said as he picked up a nearby chair. Trevor looked up at the chair and said: “Uh, Pike...”. “What?”. Pike looked at the chair he was holding and saw that it had a fleshy mouth with sharp teeth. Pike threw the chair aside before it could bit him. “Just tackle through the window!” Jeff shouted. Trevor backed up and dashed at the window, but it was as solid as a brick wall. “I cant break it!”. They looked around and saw that the other furniture were soon coming to life, slurping as saliva dripped from their gaping maws. “Run!”. All of them scurried away before any of the furniture could take a bite of them. As they ran through the manor, they tried to dodge living furniture bent on chewing them to pieces. “Where are we even supposed to go? We have no way out.” Trevor said. A couch lunged straight at them, missing and instead ramming into a support beam. “The attic! I saw a broken window in the attic! We can get out from there!” Pike said. All of them booked it while a herd of living furniture rushed behind them. They made to a lone room and locked the door behind them. After catching their breath, Pike said: “Shh...Do you hear that?”. All of them listened in, but heard nothing. “Hear what?” Trevor asked. “Exactly. Did the furniture stop chasing us.”. Pike looked under the door, but couldn’t see any sign of the chairs and tables. “Uh, Guys.” Jeff said as he look behind him. Trevor and Pike looked in the room they were in and saw in the dark room a giant black piano with a single light above it, shining on the onyx finish like a spotlight. With the exception of a door on the right, nothing else seemed to be in the room. There wasn’t even anything decorating the walls. No pictures, ornaments, nothing. “I don’t like this.” Trevor said. “Let’s just get to the other side.” Pike said. All three of them walked over to the door, being very careful not to wake the piano. When they reached the door, they tried to open it only to find it locked. “Locked.” Pike whispered. Jeff looked over and said: “Um, I think I might have found the key.”. “Really? Where?” Trevor said. He pointed to a rusty key, which was under the slumbering piano. “Oh...”. Trevor took a deep breath and slowly approached. He ducked down and crawled under, being careful not to hit the under belly. When he grabbed the key, the entire house started to shift, making loud squeaking noises. The piano started to move. Trevor rushed out of the underside and ran back to his friends. He quickly put the key in the hole and tired turning the lock. The piano started waking up, opening it’s case to reveal a gaping maw with jagged teeth. “Come on, Hurry!” Jeff shouted. The piano lunged at them. Trevor managed to get the door open. All three of them rushed out of the room right as the piano was on top of them. They slam the door shut, hearing banging and scratching on the other side. “I think I might need therapy after this.” Jeff mentions. In his fatigue, Pike looked to his right and saw a set of stairs leading to the next floor. “Ha ha! Finally, the stairs! We just gotta get through the second floor and were home free.”. After catching their breath, they climbed up the staircase to see a dusty old attic. The room lined up with boxes upon boxes stacked against the wall. As they walked through, Trevor asked: “Where this broken window you said was here.”. He then looked down to see that he kicked something over to a light shining on the floor. Picking it up, he saw that it was a wooden doll with an open mouth. He then looked up and found a broken window on the ceiling. “There it is.” Pike said. “Of course it is.”. Trevor then felt a sharp pain on his finger. Looking at his hand, he saw that the doll head was biting his pinkie. The boy pried the head off and threw it to the other side of the room. It landed behind a pile of boxes. The head then looked from behind the boxes, all three boys looking above the window with their backs turned. “So how are we gonna get up here?” Jeff asked. “Easy. We build a tower.” Pike answered. “I don’t think all three of us could reach.” Trevor retorted. “Not of us.”. Pike walked over to a pile of boxes and pushed them under the window. Oh, right.”. All of them started to stack the boxes atop one another. As Trevor was moving one of the boxes, he saw a lone doll arm crawling along the floor. He flicked it out of his site, continuing to move the box. After a minute, the stack of boxes looked like it could almost reach the window. “Almost there. Looks like one more box should do it.”. Jeff was about to pick up a box from a different pile, when he saw a doll leg squirming on the side. He saw that the leg extended past the pile, following it to a giant ligning cluster of doll parts. The doll head that Trevor threw on top, staring at Jeff with its red glowing eyes. Jeff let out a scream, which drew the others attention. “Jeff, what are you- Whoa!” Pike shouted. Before their eyes, the boys saw the giant cluster slither towards them, knocking over whatever was in it’s way. All of them ran to the other side of the attic. The cluster knocked over their stack of boxes as it pursued. “Come on! I just finished stacking those!” Trevor said. As the cluster of plastic moved in closer, backing each of them against the wall. The boys split up, Jeff and Trevor going left, while Pike went right. “What are we gonna do!? What are we gonna do!? What are we gonna do!?” Trevor panicked. Jeff looked over to the ceiling, then to the cluster of dolls. “We need to distract that monster so we can climb it.”. “What!? Are you nuts!?” Trevor said. “That thing is just tall enough to reach the window. If we climb up it, we can get out of here in no time.”. Trevor thought for a moment before saying: “Give me a second.”. He then dashed over to Pike and says to him: “Hey, Jeff’s got a plan.”. “Really, what is it?”. Trevor and Pike lead the plastic beast to the window. Jeff started climbing up the beasts back. As he started to reach the window, the doll head turns its head and stares at him. Some of the plastic doll parts on it start pulling the boy in. “Ahh! Ahh! Help!” he scream. Pike runs to a nearby box and throws it at the monsters head. The head turns back and lets out a demonic scream. The doll parts loose their grip on Jeff, the boy hurries up the back and jumps to the window. After taking a quick breath, he reaches down to his friends and shout: “Come on! Hurry!”. Trevor and Pike split off again in hopes of drawing the monsters attention. It turns it’s gaze to Pike, who leads it down the attic. Trevor leaps on his back and starts climbing upward. Halfway to the top, he stops climbing and reaches out his hand to Pike. Pike looks around and sees a stack of nearby boxes. He dashes to the stack and jumps off, leaping towards his friend. Trevor manages to grab onto Pike, and they start climbing up. The plastic beast starts thrashing all about the room, trying to shake the boys off its back. Trevor lost his grip and nearly fell off, but Pike grabbed onto his hand. The monster was swinging itself all around, Pike was about to loose his grip. He thought fast and with the added force of the beasts thrashing, threw Trevor near the window. Jeff caught his friend by the leg and starts to pull him up. “Pike.” Trevor shouts as he watched the monster throw the boy across the room. The beast starts backing the boy against the wall, his eyes start shrinking as looks at the beasts. In the corner, he sees some loose wires leading up to the window. He makes a break for it, dashing into the corner, nearly avoiding the clusters grasp. Pike grabs onto the wires and starts climbing up. The support of the house starts to give, shaking the wires loose. The wires loosened up to the window, Pike started climbing for his life. He manage to reach the top and grabbed both of his friends hands. The beast takes grip on the boys, starting to consume his legs. Both Trevor and Jeff pull with all their strength. They manage to jerk Pike out of the monsters pull and reach the roof. After recovering, Pike said: “The house is about to fall! We need to jump, now!”. All of them run to the edge and jump off the 2 story house just as it was collapsing. They managed to land in the mud as the house behind them collapsed. All of them look back to the rubble, with Trevor commenting: “I don’t think Jewely was in there.”. As they get up, Jeff says: “Ok-okay. I’m...I’m gonna go home and go to bed...forever.”. Trevor was on his balcony back at his mansion, on the phone with Pike. “So, you think there’s anywhere else Jewely might have gone to?” Trevor asks. “Don’t know. We’ve looked everywhere in the city and haven’t found another sign of her.”. “...What about Jeff? How’s he doing? I haven’t heard about him since we escaped that broken down manor.”. “He’s fine. But I think it might be awhile before he tags along with us again.”. “Okay, tell me if you find anything.”. Trevor hangs up and looks off into the distance. “Where are you Jewely?”.
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