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I searched for "arrow" in PathBuilder's gear list, and

...I just really love this list.
#one of these things is not like the other#Pathfinder#pathfinder 2e#the deadly wheelb arrow!#pathbuilder
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Futuristic Settings and the Erasure of Disabilities
The common theme in a lot of futuristic, sci-fi or not, settings, is the abundance of cure tropes that are thrown in there. Disabled people either don't exist, or aren't actually disabled - they get a magical device that undoes their injury, or get a mech suit that basically does the same thing.
Often the setting is treated like an excuse that can't be rebutted in any way: “but my story is set in the future where medicine is better!”
So: is that true? Does better medicine actually mean less disabled people?
Historical Accuracy
[large text: Historical Accuracy]
In 1900, the life expectancy of a person born with Down syndrome was 9 years. Try putting yourself there and imagining that 2024 is the Future - better medicine, basically sci-fi in comparison to what they had back there. In that future, what is true?
a) There's no people with Down syndrome.
b) People with Down syndrome live to be 60 years old on average.
Answer: B. The only countries with fewer people with Down syndromes are the ones engaging in widespread eugenics, which is a topic I will not be getting into in this post, but I'm mentioning because the only places without disabled people are eugenicist.
The “better medicine” of the future didn't make Down syndrome curable, it made people with it survive longer. 50% of people born with it today will live to be over 60 years old. In the future, there will be retirees with Down syndrome. In the past, 50% of them wouldn't have made it into their teens.
Why does that matter?
[large text: Why does that matter?]
Future medicine won't make disabilities disappear. It will make them more manageable. Less deadly. Easier to survive.
If you base your knowledge and perception of disability throughout the times on sci-fi novels by able-bodied writers, you're going to hate how it actually works in real life.
Have we magically- technologically gotten rid of diabetes? No, 11% of Americans have it. 103 years ago, diabetes were lethal. There aren't fewer diabetics compared to the past. They live longer. You probably know or heard of someone who has diabetes.
You need to expand your understanding on how disability and medicine work, because “future = no disability” is genuine nonsense. It doesn't work like that, and it really frustrates me how writers dead-set on “logic” in their setting fail to see this.
Are paralyzed people walking around in various mechs, or are they using better wheelchairs than those from 100 years ago? Wheelchairs that make it easier to be independent? That help with symptoms of their disabilities by preventing pressure sores, or providing alternative methods of maneuvering?
In the future, why would there suddenly be those futuristic transplant* spines instead of wheelchairs that can be used with one's brain or eyes, for those who can't move their hands, mouth, or head? Why wouldn't there be wheelbeds for those who are currently bed-bound because they can't manage being upright in any way?
*Also, how are all of these magic disability-fixing transplants never actual transplants? Receiving a transplant basically always ends up in being immunocompromised because of the very way the body works. If you're writing about humans, this isn't going to change.
Things like sign language or wheelchairs have been used for thousands of years, they're not going away anytime soon or not-so-soon.
Future = More Disabled People?
[large text: Future = More Disabled People?]
We already discussed that there are presently common disabilities that used to be lethal a century ago or even less. If we use this fact for a futuristic setting, you suddenly have a myriad of new possibilities.
There's vastly better medicine? A lot of people deal with post-rabies syndrome because it's finally survivable, but it leaves people with the effects of the meningitis that rabies cause. There's way more quadriplegic people because the survival rates are much higher. Cancer survivors are more common because people live longer. Physical therapy for people who had prion diseases because they aren't fatal anymore but cause severe disability. Head trauma is more treatable, so there's more people with TBIs and fewer people dying in vehicular accidents.
The technology is super advanced? People with locked-in syndrome can operate an AAC device with their eyes, fully customize its voice to their liking, and not have to worry about battery life of their powerchair because it has sonar panels. Canes that can fold themselves with the click of a button so that they can fit in one's pocket.
There could be so many more adapted sports. Tools and technology that can adapt a house exactly to one's needs. Wheelchairs that are actually affordable. A portable pocket sized device that makes ableds behave normally around disabled people.
The point of this post isn't to completely shit on sci-fi settings, but instead to urge abled writers to think a bit more and try to be creative in the way they go about speculative fiction. Write. Something. New. There's one billion stories about how impossible it is for disabled people to exist in the future, and it's upsetting at best to read that constantly when you're disabled. As long as there are people, there will be disabled people.
mod Sasza
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16x6.50-8 Amazon Hot Sales Lawn mower Flat Free Wheels, wagon and Wheelb...
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Thank you
I am pained someonehelp oh my god it hurts
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🌹🦋FERAL SINS🌹🦋{...In Love With A Vampire...}
Theme: Cold&BrokenCHAPTER 69🕷70By, CHISOM✍🏻REACT, COMMENT AND SHARE🥹°°°°°“It’s done” Tessa informed, a small spypod was tucked into her ears and the receiver from the other end got the information.———Sarah was given immediate attention just immediately she was carried in his hands, her blood stained her dress and aswell his hands. The nurses came rushing in with a wheelbed and the doctor also…
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I Just got my stitches out and the universe is already trying to take me out again!!
How many times does one person get hit by a car on average
Yes, this is a serious question.
#third FUCKING TIME THIS YEAR#pickups im coming for your lifted wheelbed and to that one singular sonata: fuck your squishmallow mirror thing#seriously i just want a break at this point jesus fucking christ
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JayTimWeek2022 Day 1
Day 1: Mermaid AU | Road Trip
4 ficlets for jaytim week, with all 4 possible permutations of mer and man jaytim.
1. A hired merc goes rogue and absconds with the treasure he was hired to guard. 2. A scientist is struck by morals and absconds with the subject he was hired to study. 3. Two mers flop their way into a car and take off for the sea. 4. A hired guard and a scientist awkwardly share an escape car after their mer freeing plans clash and busts them both.
ao3 link
1. A hired merc goes rogue and absconds with the treasure he was hired to guard.
Jason remembered the first time he saw the merman. His company had been hired by Ra’s Al Ghul to protect a special something during its transportation.
At first, he’d thought the dimly lit tank was devoid of life. Then Ra’s tapped the glass with his cane and stood smugly in front of the glass as something… unfurled.
The glittering stones he’d thought was part of some crazy rich guy’s aquarium decoration turned out to be the scales of a myth.
Ruby scales covered the merman from the waist down, with the occasional gleaming black scale. Gold streaked through black fins. Its skin was so pale it was almost translucent and Jason imagined if the light was brighter he’d be able to see the merman’s ribs.
It was draped in golden jewellery and gems from top to bottom. Bands of gold filigree surrounded its neck, waist, wrists, and just above its tail fin. Only when it rose in the water to glare down at them did Jason realise the chains dripping from the bands weren’t just decorative, but anchored to the bottom edges of the cylindrical tank.
Black hair surrounded its face like a halo. Spiny fins peeked out from where a human’s ears would be. Small black scales similar to the ones dotting its tail adorned its cheeks beneath its eyes.
Jason was reminded of a book he’d been obsessed with as a child. It was about dragons and the cover had a blue plastic gem painted with a dragon’s slitted pupils. The book was long gone but the memory stayed. The merman’s vivid blue eyes would undoubtedly stay with him too.
Judging by his coworker’s gasps, it was probably the most beautiful creature they’d ever seen in their lives. It was for Jason.
And a far cry from the hissing, spitting creature currently in his arms.
“Stop- ow! Stop biting me! I am trying to help you!” Jason hissed, dodging the merman’s black tipped claws. “No claws either! You wanna let that creep Ra’s leer at you forever? I know you can understand me, fishboy!”
Never let it be said that Jason let opportunities pass him by. His partner for the night never turned up—probably to go blow his pay in the nearest bar, damn alcoholic—and Jason took the chance to drain the tank and cut the chains. He kept them, of course. He’d need the money.
“I’m Jason, by the way,” he told the merman when it—he?—finally settled down, arms crossed and tail fins flicking unhappily. The merman raised an eyebrow, like So?
“Yeah, yeah, just wanted to make sure you knew the name of your saviour. So when you go home and, I don’t know, raise a giant fish army and wage war on humanity as revenge or something, you know who to spare.”
2. A scientist is struck by morals and absconds with the subject he was hired to study.
He really should have just stuck with his childhood dream of becoming a pro skateboarder, Tim thought as he struggled to keep the wheelbarrow straight. Tony Hawk would never have to steal an entire merperson from the ethically unsound research centre he worked for.
In his wheelbarrow lay the very heavy merman that his sedentary lifestyle left him ill suited to lugging around. The merman—designation J-T044—was dorsal fin up with his arms braced on the edge of the wheelbarrow, tail curled up so the caudal fin touched his shoulders, and face level with Tim’s chest. At least his white streaked black hair was short so Tim wouldn’t have to deal with it tickling his arms.
The merman grumbled and shifted. Tim was nearly dragged down with the wheelbarrow when it tilted to the side.
“Stop moving!” he hissed.
The merman hissed right back. Jagged teeth peeked out from where his lip lifted.
Tim’s colleagues had categorised this particular mer as Homo Selachimorpha due to the placoid scales covering his tail and fin on his back. While the typical shark had grey or brown skin, this merman was bright red from the waist down, leading to theories that he was poisonous or venomous.
A few tests had revealed that while the merman did possess some venom in his saliva, a paralytic strong enough to stun a large fish, his flesh was no more poisonous than the average shark.
Which is when one of the centre’s sponsors stepped in. Hand over the nonpoisonous shark man or your funding gets cut, they said.
Three guesses for what they were planning to do and the first two don’t count.
“If you bite me, I’ll drop and then we’re both fucked,” Tim warned. “I’ll be fired and you’ll be fired fired.”
The merman rolled his eyes but put his teeth away. He made a mocking chirp not unlike that of a dolphin.
“They can’t fire me if I quit first. Which I am,” Tim shot back. He paused. “Oh god, I’m quitting. The best job I’ve ever gotten and I’m about throw it all away. I haven’t even given in my two weeks notice. Maybe I should put you back. We can try again next next week.”
He got slapped on the arm. Unfortunately the merman had to shift all his weight to one arm to do so and Tim yelped as he smacked into the wall when the wheelbarrow overbalanced.
3. Two mers flop their way into a car and take off for the sea.
“Get your fins out of my face!” Jason spluttered angrily as he was slapped in the face. He was sitting—for a given value of sitting—in the driver’s seat, tail bent to side and curving over the centre console to rest on the passenger seat. His tail fins were pressed up against the window.
“How about you get your face out of my fins?” Tim shot back from his upside down position in the footwell. One arm was braced on the ground to keep him from faceplanting on the floor and the other held the accelerator pedal down.
Jason took one hand off the steering wheel to shove Tim’s tail out of the way. It landed on the armrest and into the back seat.
“Let’s swap places, you press the pedals and I’ll steer, how about that?”
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you’d studied human language, your highness.”
“Why would I need to know human language?”
“Uh, to read road signs?”
“What’s a road sign?”
“What’s a ro-” Jason looked down in affront before remembering to keep his eyes on the road. “Forget it. You just stay down there and do what I tell you to.”
“What am I, a cheap whore?” Tim grumbled.
“You said it, not me.”
“I’ll have you arrested for lèse-majesté.”
Jason rolled his eyes.
Tim squeaked. “Did you just feel me up?”
“If I’m gonna do the time, may as well do the crime.”
Tim fin-slapped him.
4. A hired guard and a scientist awkwardly share an escape car after their mer freeing plans clash and busts them both.
The mercenary and the scientist sat in silence as they drove away from the burning wreck of the laboratory.
“…Just making sure, you got the other mer out of the place, right? The blue one?”
“Subject D-GR4Y, yes. That’s the one I took to the sea. You freed D-W4YN?”
“If you mean the tiny bitey one with the green tail, yeah. Came back for the other one, but, uh…”
The two of them quietly remembered panicking when the tank of the mer they came back for turned out to be empty, then running to the tank of the mer they’d already rescued and running into each other.
Jason aimed his gun at the first person he’d run into since freeing the green mer. Timothy Drake, head researcher, protege of the facility owner himself. Ra’s Al Ghul’s favourite.
“You better tell me where the other merman is, Dr Drake, or things won’t end well for you.”
Tim straightened his lab coat and stared the guard down. Todd, he’d heard the man’s colleagues call him. Less frequently Jason, and only once Jay.
“Safe, Mr Todd. However, I cannot guarantee the same for you if you don’t tell me where the other one has been moved.”
Jason bared his teeth in a grin. “That sounds like a threat, Drake, but I’m the one with the gun.”
Tim inclined his head and reached into his pocket. “Maybe so. But I’m the one with the bomb.”
Alarms began blaring and the automated voice announced the self-destruct sequence had begun.
“Of course this damn place has a self-destruct sequence,” Jason muttered. He raised his voice. “The other one’s gone. I couldn’t tell you where he is even if I wanted to. Could be in the Mariana Trench by now for all I know. All you’re doing at this point is destroying Ra’s shit.”
Tim felt rage rise in him. If Subject D-W4YN was gone but Todd didn’t know where… “You sold him?!”
“Wait, what? Sold who?”
Ra’s came thundering around the corner. Jason switched his gun to the bigger threat. The old man looked crazed, hair unprecedentedly messy and dressed in just a robe and slippers.
“What have you done!?”
Tim sneered at him down his nose. “What I should have done long ago. You’re sick, Ra’s. I’ve sent everything to the worst people. Lois Lane, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent. You can’t snake your way out of things this time.”
Jason was starting to get the feeling there’d been a misunderstanding here.
“You ungrateful brat! After everything I’ve done for you-”
Tim exploded. “You haven’t done shit! All you do is grab my ass and drop hints about your daddy kink! I’ve recorded all that too by the way and I will also be suing you for sexual harassment!”
He took a deep breath.
“FUCK. OFF. RA’S!” he howled.
It was almost louder than the alarms. Jason was impressed. And maybe a little bit in love.
“You heard him, Ra’s,” he said. He gestured with his gun. “Take a hike or take a bullet, your choice.”
Ra’s glared at the two of them before the repeated warning spurred him into action.
“This isn’t over,” he threw over this shoulder, scampering away.
“This isn’t over,” Jason mocked, holstering his gun. He stepped back when Drake whirled on him.
“And you!”
Drake looked wonderful, face red with righteous anger and blue eyes ablaze, but now was not the time for Jason to indulge his newfound crush.
“Whoa, whoa! I’m on your side! I didn’t sell nobody!”
“Later; go go go!”
Tim, reeling from confusion, was dragged along and tossed into a beat up old jeep. Todd hit the gas as soon as he was seated and they screeched out of there amidst a few other fleeing vehicles.
Tim suddenly groaned and dropped his head into his hands.
“First time?” Jason asked sympathetically.
“First…? Time blowing up a building?”
“I was gonna say near-death experience, but that works too.”
“Well, yes to both, but I just realised that my car got blown up with the rest of the facility. My baby. Dead. By my own hand.”
“Ah. That’s rough, buddy.”
“Hey, what was your plan anyway? If one of the mers was still in the building, I doubt there’d be enough time to get them out.”
“I didn’t have one.”
“You were pointing a gun at me. I panicked.”
“Damn. I couldn’t tell at all. You must be great at poker.”
Tim shrugged. “Wouldn’t know. Never played it. Don’t know how to play it.”
“For real? How about I teach you? We’ll hit up all the casinos, clear ‘em out. Make enough to get you a new car.”
“You’re talking like I’m coming with you.”
Jason glanced at him and raised a brow. “You got any where else to go?”
Eventually, Tim would have to return to face the consequences of his actions, but for now…
“Guess not,” he sighed. “Hello, I’m Tim Drake. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Jason took one hand off the steering wheel to shake his hand.
“Hello, Tim Drake. Jason Todd.”
He winked.
“The pleasure’s all mine.”
you'd think that since i'm australian i'd be one of the earliest to post. no lmao. i literally started writing this like 15 hrs ago, went to sleep, and finished this just now.
i had such ambitions when i first decided to join jaytim week. then i gave up. anyway, take these ficlets and leave me be. 3 and 4 are complete, but 1 and 2 may be continued. maybe.
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Homestuck ship lists are honestly so fascinating like who even ships the signless and hella jeff, who would even think of this, but there’s a name for it so obviously someone,,,???
#it's called JESUS take the WHEELB apparently#hs#notsin#regetti rambles#ignore.txt#i also like how some are super creative and clever#but others are just mashing the names together like in su#edit*** all the ship names for dave x tavros are adorable??
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*stares at you and your wings*
*stares back,,*
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Global Wheelbarrows Market Vendor Landscape with SWOT Analysis 2020 to 2026
Global Wheelbarrows Market Vendor Landscape with SWOT Analysis 2020 to 2026
“Wheelbarrows Market Research: Global Status & Forecast by Geography, Type & Application (2016-2026)” the new research report adds in kandjmarketresearch.com research reports database. This Research Report spread across 56 Pages, with summarizing Top companies and supports with tables and figures.
A fresh specialized intelligence report published by KandJ Market Research with the title “Wheelb…
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craigslist los angeles | free stuff search "free dirt" Clean fill dirt to fill holes, pools, hillsides or any project you may need lots of dirt for. Pick up on a weekday or weekend. Easy access with wide long driveway for easy loading. A minimum of pick-up truck load please (about 5 wheelbarrows). Wheelb ... https://ift.tt/2J9hIfh
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I Just got my stitches out and the universe is already trying to take me out again!!
How many times does one person get hit by a car on average
Yes, this is a serious question.
#third FUCKING TIME THIS YEAR#pickups im coming for your lifted wheelbed and to that one singular sonata: fuck your squishmallow mirror thing#seriously i just want a break at this point jesus fucking christ
0 notes
Manipulating HTML5 Canvas Using Konva: Part 1, Getting Started
The HTML5 canvas has been supported by all popular browsers for a long time now. You can use it for drawing graphics in a browser with the help of JavaScript. The graphics that can be created on a canvas range from simple lines and shapes to photo compositions and animations.
In this series, you will learn about a very helpful canvas library called Konva. You can use Konva to draw different shapes on the canvas or the stage. Among other things, the library allows you to scale, rotate and animate all these shapes and attach event listeners to them.
This tutorial will focus on the fundamental concepts of the library while providing a brief overview of different features of the library. After that, we will move on to more specific and complex topics later. The library first came into existence as a fork of the popular KineticJS library.
Stage, Layers, and Shapes
Everything that you draw with Konva will require you to create a stage using Konva.Stage. You can specify the container element of a stage using the container attribute. Each stage also requires a width and height value which can be specified using the width and height attributes respectively.
A single stage can contain multiple layers. Each of these layers will have two <canvas> renderers. The scene renderer is used to draw all the shapes that are visible to you on the stage. The hit graph renderer is hidden from the users. It is used to perform high-performance event detection.
A single layer can contain multiple shapes, groups of different shapes, or a group of groups. The stage, layers, groups and shapes act like virtual nodes which can be individually styled and transformed.
Drawing Shapes Using Konva
Before we create any shapes, we need to include the library in your project. There are multiple ways of doing this. If you are using package managers, you can run the following commands.
npm install konva // OR bower install konva
You can also link directly to a minified version of the library hosted on cdnjs and jsDelivr.
Once you have installed the library, you can use the following code to create rectangular shapes on the canvas.
var canvasWidth = 600; var canvasHeight = 400; var stage = new Konva.Stage({ container: "example", width: canvasWidth, height: canvasHeight }); var layerA = new Konva.Layer(); var rectA = new Konva.Rect({ x: 75, y: 150, width: 200, height: 50, rotation: 45, fill: "blue", stroke: "black", strokeWidth: 4 }); var rectB = new Konva.Rect({ x: 350, y: 50, width: 100, height: 250, cornerRadius: 50, fill: "red", stroke: "brown", strokeWidth: 10 }); layerA.add(rectA); layerA.add(rectB); stage.add(layerA);
Drawing anything on the canvas is a five-step process. First, you need to instantiate a stage where different shapes would be drawn using Konva.Stage. This requires you to specify the width and height of the stage as well as the id for the container element which would contain the stage. In our case, the rectangles are being drawn inside a div whose id is example.
In the next step, you have to instantiate all the layers that you want to render on your stage. We are only creating a single layer in this example, but you can create multiple layers and add them all to a single stage. Different layers can be very useful when your background consists of static as well as moving elements. In such cases, you can add the static elements on one layer and moving elements on the other. Since you won't have to update the static background after each redraw, this can drastically improve the performance.
After creating the layers, you can initialize different shapes like rectangles, ellipses, stars and rings that you want to show on the layers. Finally, you have to add the shapes to the layers and the layers to the stage.
Creating Groups in Konva
Grouping different shapes together is a good idea when you want to manage all the shapes as a single unit. For example, let's say that you have created a car using two circles for wheels and two rectangular blocks for the body. If you want to move this car ahead without creating a group, you will have to individually translate all the shapes one at a time. A more efficient method is to just add the circles and the rectangles to a group and translate them all at once.
To add any shape to a group, you need to use the add() method, just like you did when adding shapes to a layer. You can also add a group to another group to create more complex entities. For example, you could create a person inside the car as one group and add that person to the group that represents the car.
In the following example, I have kept things simple and only created a carA group. After that, I can rotate and scale the whole car at once.
var canvasWidth = 600; var canvasHeight = 400; var stage = new Konva.Stage({ container: "example", width: canvasWidth, height: canvasHeight }); var layerA = new Konva.Layer(); var wheelA = new Konva.Ring({ x: 130, y: 230, innerRadius: 5, outerRadius: 30, fill: "gray", stroke: "black", name: "First Wheel" }); var wheelB = new Konva.Ring({ x: 270, y: 230, innerRadius: 5, outerRadius: 30, fill: "gray", stroke: "black", name: "Second Wheel" }); var frameA = new Konva.Rect({ x: 80, y: 150, width: 240, height: 60, cornerRadius: 10, fill: "red", stroke: "black", name: "Bottom Frame" }); var frameB = new Konva.Rect({ x: 135, y: 90, width: 120, height: 60, cornerRadius: 10, fill: "orange", stroke: "black", name: "Top Frame" }); var carA = new Konva.Group({ x: 50, y: 0, rotation: 20, scaleX: 1.2 }); carA.add(wheelA, wheelB, frameA, frameB); layerA.add(carA); stage.add(layerA);
Layering in Konva
You already know about layers in Konva. Layering is something different. By default, all shapes that you add to a layer are drawn in the order in which they were added. This means that shapes added to a layer after all others will be drawn on top of other shapes.
Konva allows you to control the order in which the shapes are drawn using different layering methods like moveToTop(), moveToBottom(), moveUp(), moveDown(), and zIndex().
The moveToTop() method will draw the given shape over all other shapes that have been added to the same layer. Shapes drawn on a layer that was added to the Konva stage after the layer of our specific shape will still remain above our shape. This is why the indigo circle in the following example remains below the light green circle even after calling moveToTop().
The moveToBottom() method will draw the given shape below all other shapes that have been added to the same layer. Just like moveToTop(), the shapes will move to the bottom of their own layers and not the layers below them.
The moveUp() and moveDown() methods move the shape on which they are called, one position above or below their current position in the same layer. The zIndex() method is used to set the index of a shape inside its parent layer. Unlike CSS, you cannot set an arbitrary zIndex value in Konva. For a layer with 10 shapes, the zIndex value can only be between 0 and 9 (inclusive).
In the above example, you can see that just pressing the "Indigo Top" button does not draw the indigo circle above all others, while pressing "Indigo Above all Others" will position it at the top. This is because the last button also moves the layer containing the indigo circle to the top.
Since the circles can be dragged around, it might be a good idea to drag them over each other and see how the position of the indigo circle changes when you press different buttons.
Final Thoughts
We have covered some fundamental concepts related to Konva in this tutorial. You should now be able to draw some common shapes on the canvas and move them around as a group. The tutorial also showed you how to push a particular shape up or down in case of an overlap.
JavaScript has become one of the de facto languages of working on the web. It’s not without its learning curves, and there are plenty of frameworks and libraries to keep you busy, as well. If you’re looking for additional resources to study or to use in your work, check out what we have available on Envato Market.
If you have any questions related to this tutorial, feel free to let me know in the comments. The next tutorial will teach you how to draw basic shapes in Konva.
by Monty Shokeen via Envato Tuts+ Code http://ift.tt/2BAlrCW
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Electric battery powered wheelbarrow choices
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The underside line is that motorized wheelbarrows are a sensible funding. They can assist you save money by stopping office accidents. They'll additionally enhance the effectivity of your employees and help you reduce down on labor costs.
Electric battery powered wheelbarrow;
In the event you need a machine that can carry large hundreds all through the day, you want a big, gasoline-powered motorized wheelbarrow, such because the Muck Truck. When you simply want a small assistant for carrying debris and making your landscaping project go easily, then a small battery powered motorized wheelbarrow may be a better option.
The Neuton #22721's giant 5-cubic-foot cargo bed is right for carting mulch, firewood, grain, and more. Please price this article utilizing the scale beneath. The dimensions is from 1 to 10, the place 10 is the best and 1 is the worst. I used to be in highschool once I signed up. I used to be so excited when the kits would come. I particularly keep in mind the fall scarf, with felt autumn leaves hooked up to a light-weight scarf. So pretty. Thanks for the journey down reminiscence lane. Being electrically powered, it's highly effective, secure, quiet, has no exhaust gases and there are no handlebar vibrations (all of which are significant limitations to using petrol/diesel engine powered wheelbarrows). The PAW encompasses a powder coated sturdy metal body for lengthy life and durability.
The barrows have been put through their paces around the 21-acre web site by head gardener Lottie Allen, assistant head gardener Darren Little, and gardeners Clare Hillage and Jack Beesley. Listed below are five that stood the test. Transmission: The transmission features metallic straight minimize gears and is filled with 10w30 typical oil.
In the higher position the PAW is particularly designed to work with the PAW manufactured 6 Cu. Ft. Poly tray. We tested the C27-7A electrical power wheelbarrow from This has a slightly smaller hopper capacity (7 cubic feet) than the newer mannequin (C27-8A, with an eight cubic feet capacity) but was in all different respects similar.
One other software that makes the work simpler round our place is our robotically retracting hose reel. All it's important to do is push a button on this hose reel and it retracts for you. That has all the time been one in all my least favourite gardening chores. Not only is the hose automatically retracted but the water in the hose can be caught as the hose is retracting and used to water the garden.
The electric battery powered wheelbarrow are are straightforward to fit, simply have a look at your pack and you will notice come screws, undo these to take away the lid and change the batteries, it must be no more than a five minute job. Sponsored Products are ads for merchandise bought by retailers on Amazon. If you click on a Sponsored Product advert, you'll be taken to an Amazon detail web page where you may be taught extra about the product and purchase it. Shut the LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY display monitor (if it is open) to turn off the camcorder. The accompanying battery (or a replacement) doesn't include a full cost upon purchase, so charging is required earlier than use. The Sherpa Powered Wheelbarrow is designed to permit simple tipping of the tray, Just pull the clip to unlock the tray and tip it forwards. The tray ideas beyond the front wheel for efficient unloading. The battery pack can easily be eliminated for charging and sits securely beneath the tray. One charge should be enough to complete a median day's work.
Although, you might want to take into account that not all motorized wheelbarrows are similar. There are many options for carrying weight up to 1200 pounds, but there are additionally smaller wheelbarrows which can be only able to carrying a maximum load of 300 kilos.
Bosch's electric battery powered wheelbarrow twin-tank hand-carry compressors make use of an progressive vertical tank configuration that addresses some of the most common user complaints associated with previous compressor designs. Probably the most notable new feature is Bosch's EZ Drain system. The vertical tank design permits moisture to collect at the backside of the tanks and also enabled Bosch's engineers to design a control panel that offers users unprecedented entry to the drain valve. With stress within the tanks, customers can use a single valve to easily drain each tanks as often as needed, which reinforces the life of the compressor and will increase productivity.
We love these tools, but I'd have cherished them after I was youthful also. Hope your dad and mom benefit from the items. KHL produces a collection of standard newsletters for industry professionals. To register in your free newsletter/s please click and submit. This powered electric wheelbarrow has a excessive capacity hopper, very best for cumbersome light masses.
Zallys DUMPER JET - Electrical wheelbarrow designed to work with hundreds as much as 500Kg. It offers the consumer confidence, growing the handiness within the manoeuvre operations. The semi computerized tilting of the skip is helped by an electronic system that controls the forwarding or the backing velocity guided by a knob accelerator, making the discharge safe and practical even in closed environments respecting the anti air pollution normative for the noise and exhaust fumes emission. The motor has an electromagnetic brake that blocks off the Dumper Jet stopping accidental slippery whereas on ramps as much as 30% at full load. The gears in oil bath keep away from any kind of maintenance. The tilting system of the Dumper provides the likelihood to equip and alter rapidly different types of accessories relying on the expected use. All Zallys autos are produced with high quality supplies and are CE licensed in response to the most recent European normative.
What made this job much easier for us was our very reliable, small, light-weight, battery-operated chain saw. It's a Greenworks with a 40V Lithium battery. Even though this noticed is comparatively small and light weight, it has a exceptional quantity of power. It isn't as highly effective as a larger, fuel-powered chainsaw, however is adequate for the type of sawing we do round our property.
Linda, I've a ton and a half of additional kits. In the event you ship me an inventory of what you want I can let you know which of them I've. Alternately, I might submit an inventory of what I have and you may tell me which you need, and I can listing them on eBay or Etsy so you may purchase them.
This electrical mini dumper is good for the smaller jobs. This electrical tipper can carry as much as 200 kg on flat floor and can fit by way of a standard doorway. The Brio is a really sturdy electric wheelbarrow, thanks to its powder coated steel chassis. Offering a high performance for the most important or smallest construction jobs.
The website of the manufacturer of your PDA is good spot to look for equipment assured to go along with your model, but not one of the best place to discover a discount. The PAW motor protective cowl plate is designed to guard the PAW drive system. Created from prime quality steel and powder coated black the motor protecting cover plate is a troublesome addition to the PAW. Brake needed to stop it rolling when parked. Handle a bit quick, wants a clip to maintain it vertical when required. Not very forgiving over cobbles or tough floor. Including to the cart's many options, a built-in tool tray with hooks and slots helps you to maintain gadgets reminiscent of small tools, gloves, and a water bottle readily available whilst you work.
Log on and seek for PDA accessories(comparable to lgip-340n battery ). On-line stores usually have one of the best prices on digital tools so at all times start there. The Professional-Paw energy wheelbarrow was easy to place together and I function out of a wheel chair! It's an actual life saver, I feel like I acquired my toes back again. Featuring a sealed transmission that is lubricated for life, the low-maintenance Neuton Garden Cart requires no greasing or adjustments, so that you waste little time on maintenance. Plug the opposite end of the adapter into an electrical outlet. The LED charging mild illuminates. The battery is totally charged when the LED gentle turns off. These Schaff t win piano dollies work completely. They are of lightweight, sturdy construction with good sized casters for easy rolling, even on carpet. not only has PDA accessories, it additionally has elements in case it's worthwhile to construct one yourself.
Moen's new GX Professional Collection (beginning at $eighty) makes use of a GARBAGE grinder powered by a motor with everlasting magnets, as opposed to most induction motors, which have a slight lag time as they create a magnetic discipline. Meaning reaching full energy virtually immediately, which implies fewer jams. The disposals include a prewired twine (so you don't have to play electrician) and an easy-to-use universal mount. Plus, a lot of the seven models have increased sound-deadening insulation that reduces what generally is a roar to a nice hum.
The unit doesn't appear to be a traditional wheelbarrow at all, but it performs all the tasks of a regular wheelbarrow - and then some. Motion is controlled with a throttle on the proper handle (similar to what you'd discover on a bike). The handles are padded for consolation and the dual ag wheels can help you drive over tough terrain.
To control the facility of the hub motor the wheelbarrow has an ergonomic designed throttle field mounted near the tip of the fitting lever. The throttle field has two touch buttons and a joystick that are all inside reach of the thumb. The yellow throttle joystick gives precise management over the forward and backward velocity from the wheelbarrow so it is going to be comfy to drive with. Also the fast response” electronics are contributing to a wheelbarrow that could be very pleasant to work with because it has the flexibility to regulate to your work instead of you adjusting to the wheelbarrow.
Buying PDA equipment will not be all that tough, given the amount of resources at your disposal. Just keep in mind that you usually get what you pay for if you end up purchasing. Just a few extra bucks for a leather case is perhaps worth it in the long term if a budget fabric one is fraying on the edges after six months. Good luck and have enjoyable purchasing!
The PAW Electrical Wheelbarrow will make hauling something a breeze. The highly effective 24 volt battery working system will haul all kinds of items. Perfect for hauling dirt, sod, sand, shrubs, wooden, rocks and way more. With a 200lb max load capacity the Energy Help Electrical Wheelbarrow is perfect to help you with the heavy jobs on your to do listing.
The front tyre includes a chevron tractor style tread for electric battery powered wheelbarrow and gives optimum traction on tough and uneven surfaces and helps the Sherpa wheelbarrow to take care of drive even in additional demanding environments. Leslie, in case you nonetheless have some further kits that you want to sell, please let me know.
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Okay, we've got it!
The Wheelb Arrow
Uncommon | magical | consumable
When this arrow hits, it dumps a load of material on the target. Roll a d4 to determine material.
1: dirt. 1d6 damage.
2: wet leaves. No damage. Dex check to keep from falling prone and 5' square becomes difficult terrain.
3. Gravel. 1d8 damage. Square becomes difficult terrain.
4: Manure. 1d6 damage, -2 to charisma-based checks and DCs until the target can bathe or be otherwise cleaned (as stupefied condition, but only for Charisma).
I searched for "arrow" in PathBuilder's gear list, and

...I just really love this list.
#pathfinder 2e#tabletop roleplaying#pathfinder#if we raised it to d6 options you could add landscape bark#dnd#homebrew#slivers
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